#bernardo vasquez
tonymarias · 10 months
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bernardo girls this one’s for you
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nothingbutpoison · 11 months
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iloveplayrehersal · 7 months
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Y"ALL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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scottyzoomz · 1 month
Scotty rambles about Anita and Bernardo
Im sorry but like this interaction with bernardo and anita is so funny Bernardo : ' Last night i dreamed we were back at Puerto Rico. In my dream we had six kids. '
anita looks back at him in shock Anita : ' Six kids? Marry a cat. ' LMFAO. But the two would be good parents, honestly, would love to see an AU with them being parents.. bad writing about the two down below | v " Bernardo! Can you be the one in care now? " Anita says as she hands him over the baby, Bernardo cradling the Baby in his arms, shushing it as he looks at Anita " You don't have to do all of this laundry you know mi cariño, Me and Maria can handle all of this while you rest, you just came from the hospital after all " Bernardo said to Anita as he continued to cradle the baby in his arms, humming a lullaby as he moved his body left to right, as he looked back at Anita in the bed he noticed she quickly fell asleep. His eyes softened and continued cradling the baby until it fell asleep.. A few minutes later, as the baby was fast asleep he removed his shoes and got into bed with Anita, putting the baby in the middle as he hugged the two of them in his arms. im really bad at writing, specially with actions so like yeahh small stuff ayughdjksal i love this thought though, of Anita and Bernardo being parents
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the-invisible-queer · 10 months
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come-see-our-show · 2 years
having one-sided unrequited love chinardo thoughts
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Good film. I only really liked Tony, Maria and Valentina. But still. Good film
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ircnwrought · 2 years
@heygutlcss​​  (bernardo)  sent  a    🎵   for  a  randomized  music  starter
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__________❀      HER      GAZE      CLOUDS      OVER      AS      SHE      IS      TRANSPORTED      BY      THE      MEMORY      HE      ASKS      ABOUT.      a  different  time,      a  different  island.      her  recollection  is  hazy  around  the  edges,      a  side  effect  of  the  years  that  weather  it,      but  a  listful  smile  is  soon  crossing  her  lips  at  the  thought.      ❛    flowers        ...      i  remember  fields  of  flowers  soft  beneath  my  heels    -      walking  in  the  sun,      i  remember  someone  my  side.    ❜
flowers  by  eva  noblezada
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whenjet · 4 months
tag dump!
your beauty never ever scared me — rel: riff lorton / graziella
one of your own kind, stick to your own kind — rel: riff lorton / maria vasquez
you are west side legendary — rel : riff lorton / tony wyzek
i’ve held my breath since i saw her — rel: riff lorton / johanna barker
held hostage by my feelings — rel: riff lorton / rosalia ortega mesa
womb to tomb — dyn: riff lorton / tony wyzek
little man, you’re a king! — dyn: riff lorton / the jets
we can powwow friendly like — dyn: riff lorton / bernardo vasquez
i’m a paying customer — dyn: riff lorton / valentina
there’s dust on everything — musings
hand to heart — headcanon
who cares who i am? — visage
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skylarynns-silverado · 4 months
Character Source List
Sources [usually films or television shows - anything else will have notation] will be in bold. Characters will be formatted with their in-universe name, followed by the original character in italics. Name formatting will be [First Name] [Middle Name] ["Nick Name"] [Maiden Name/Original Surname] [Married Name/Taken Surname] as applicable. I will probably also be adding links to everything, but later.
Wanted: Dead or Alive 1958-1961 Joshua Everett "Josh" Randall - Josh Randall
Rawhide 1959-1965 Randolph Jacob "Rowdy" Yates - Rowdy Yates
The Magnificent Seven 1960 Franklin Vaughn "Frank" Randall - Vin Giovanni Vittorio "Gio" Auditore - Bernardo O'Reilly Brittony "Britt" Calvin - Britt Byron Allen Lee III - Lee Carlos "Chico" Hernandez - Chico
The Dollars Trilogy 1964-1966 Jonas Blake "Joey" Yates - The Man With No Name / Joe/Manco/Blondie
Hang 'Em High 1968 Jeremy Cooper "Jed" Yates - Jed Cooper Rachel Warren - Rachel Warren
Once Upon a Time in the West 1969 Emilio "Harmonica" Arman - Harmonica Jorge Gutierrez - Cheyenne
Rustlers' Rhapsody 1985 Revelin "Rex" O'Houlihan - Rex O'Herlihan Peter Twist - Peter
Silverado 1985 [to be honest I'm taking almost all the characters, but main characters/love interests:] Emmett Martell - Emmett Paden Cassidy - Paden Tyree Ransom Ekker - Tyree Hannah Kincaid Weslan [Cobb] - Hannah Weslan Malachi "Mal" Johnson - Malachi "Mal" Johnson Jacob "Rattlesnake Jake" Martell - Jake Stella Bonneville - Stella Rae Johnson - Rae Johnson Phoebe Hartshorne - Phoebe
Quigley Down Under 1990 Matthew Quigley - Matthew Quigley
Maverick 1994 Bret Maverick [Jr.] - Bret Maverick Annabelle Bransford - Annabelle Bransford
The Marshal 1995 Veronica "Ronnie" Davis - Veronica Cole
The Quick and the Dead 1995 Jessamy "Jessie" MacIntyre - The Lady / Ellen Cameron "Cam" McPhee - The Kid / Fee Herod Cortney "Cort" Cobb - Cort
The Magnificent Seven 1998-2000 [much like Silverado I'm taking almost all the characters, but main characters/love interests:] Christian "Chris" Larabee - Chris Larabee Vincent Ulysses "Vin" Tanner - Vin Tanner Nathan Jackson - Nathan Jackson John Daniel "J.D." Dunne - J.D. Dunne Buck Wilmington - Buck Wilmington Ezra Phineas Standish - Ezra Standish Mary Travis - Mary Travis Casey Welles - Casey Welles Inez Recillos - Inez Recillos
Firefly 2002 Robert Malcolm "Bobby" Reynolds - Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds Zoe Martinez - Zoe Alleyne Washbourne Jayne Cobb - Jayne Cobb Eleena Vasquez - Inara Serra Simon Morgan - Simon Tam River Morgan - River Tam Kaylee Frye - Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye Sheppard Book - Derrial Book
Supernatural 2005-2020 John Winchester - John Winchester Dean Winchester - Dean Winchester Samuel "Sam" Winchester - Samuel "Sam" Winchester
3:10 to Yuma 2007 Daniel "Dan" Evans - Daniel "Dan" Evans William "Will" Evans - William Evans Benjamin "Ben" Wade - Ben Wade Charles "Charlie" Prince - Charlie Prince
Six of Crows 2015 Caspian/Casimir "Caz" Zima Winters - Kaz Brekker Haruko - Inej Ghafa Christophe "Kit Benny" Benoit - Jesper Fahey Wyatt Vanderbilt - Wylan Van Eck Hannah "Nan" Gallagher - Nina Zenik
The Magnificent Seven 2016 Samuel "Sam" Chisolm - Sam Chisolm Joshua "Josh" Faraday - Josh Faraday Manuel Vasquez - Vasquez Goodnight "Goody" Robicheaux - Goodnight "Goody" Robicheaux Billy Rocks - Billy Rocks Red Harvest - Red Harvest Emma Cullen - Emma Cullen
The Hunters 2020 [a series I am currently working on writing] Elias Hawkins - Elias Walker Hawkins Lucas "Luke" Hearne - Faolan Lucas "Luke" MacTiernan Auryon "Aury" Hearne - Auryon "Aury" Hearne-MacTiernan Hawkins Sebastian "Owl Eyes" St. James Cheyenne - Sylvain Alistair Abigale "Abby" McKenzie - Kindra Arden
Jessta James Music Videos 2021-2022 [specifically Hell's Coming With Me, Loaded Gun, and War Cry] Josiah "Josey" James - Jessta James
Original Characters 2023+ [that I've made for the project] Melissa "Missy" Ekker - Tyree's mother Bethany "Beth" Skinner - a love interest
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scottyzoomz · 2 months
more yappin about my headcanons Bernardo Vasquez(i think that's his last name as far as i remember) He's the type of person to be a good dad. If he has a daughter, he would be a girl dad, kinda strict but loving yknow. If he had a son he WILL teach him how to be respectful to women and others:D He would also teach both of his kids self-defense, cause yeah. And if Anita was pregnant HE WILL HELP HER. You cannot change my mind 100%. Even if its his first time having his own kid he will try this best. ( THE TONY WYZEK HEADCANON IS INSPIRED BY THE ONE AND ONLY HOPS!! ) Tony Wyzek He's the type of guy to daydream about his girlfriend(..or boyfriend *WINK WINK*), he doesn't know how to express his negative emotions, but he probably does it by yelling, punching something, or just take a nap. He looks like the type of guy to just like ice cream, specifically chocolate mint ice cream.
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desassosegos · 2 years
Livro dos Desassossegos
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«Se eu tivesse o mundo na mão, trocava-o, estou certo, por um bilhete para a Rua dos Douradores»
Rua dos Douradores. Do ouro, de quem trabalha o ouro, de quem doura. Doura inclusive a capa dos livros. Rua do ouro. Mas também das dores. De quem doura dores. Bernardo Soares vive visceralmente a Rua dos Douradores, todo seu mundo se desvela nesse microespaço lisboeta. Será que ele existe? Uma biografia sem fatos? É a plena literatura moderna em que o personagem contesta o próprio sentido do escrever e do que é literatura. Não é a representação objetiva da paisagem social, mas da subjetividade, da recepção no mundo nos sentimentos de um homem comum. A modernidade burocrática estabiliza e entedia o guarda-livros, cujo escape dessa vida repetitiva e solitária não são as revoluções ou as drogas que animaram o século XX, mas o mergulho melancólico no self através da literatura. É uma escrita poética sobre o absurdo da existência, uma escrita fragmentada que não segue um roteiro ou enredo. Um conjunto fragmentado de pensamentos como um diário meu. Como meus Contos do Desassossego.
Há o contínuo desejo de fuga, “os mares do sul”, mas a consciência da inutilidade dela. Bernardo Soares é a negação do herói, do self made man, daquele que almeja construir sua própria vida. O conformismo irônico com a própria existência é a forma de enriquecê-la, de torná-las menos estúpida e miserável. Bernardo Soares é um homem que não almeja, que não deseja realizar algo grande. Não quer correr a Maratona de Nova York ou atravessar a nado a Baía de Todos os Santos. Sua única maratona se passa na Rua dos Douradores, na relação com o patrão Vasquez, com o menino de fretes, no restaurante barato onde faz suas refeições. E eu, agora enquanto embalo meus bebês para soneca matinal, reflito sobre esse personagem. Serei eu Bernardo Soares. Não sou e sou. Meus mares do sul ficam no norte. Pra lá eu fui em livros e viagens. Londres, Paris, Bologna, Bilbao, Madrid. Fui até ao Rio de Janeiro e à Bahia. Não em pensamento, como Bernardo Soares, mas com a materialidade da presença. Mas como ele, nada disso me fez escapar de mim. E se hoje vou à terapia é pra falar sobre aquela rua, aquela cidade, a Rua Juiz de Fora, onde cresci, aprendi a andar de bicicleta, onde havia uma praça cheia de concreto, e uma havia uma oca de índio feita de concreto, pensada por algum arquiteto modernista e progressista, mas que apenas servia para alguém defecar. E agora enquanto embalo meus bebês para dormir penso que jamais sairei da Rua Juiz de Fora, que sempre viverei no Brasilândia, irei ao Nubes com minha mãe, jogarei futebol na rua com os garotos filhos da classe operária, os sapateiros francanos. Sempre serei um filho de sapateiro e isso ninguém poderá tirar de mim. Nem eu mesmo. Sou um filho de sapateiro, nascido na Rua Juiz de Fora, no Jardim Brasilândia. E se um dia sai de lá, foi para voltar. Lembro-me diálogo de Raduan Nassar, em Lavoura Arcaica: “para onde estás indo? sempre para casa”. Sempre para casa. Lembro de Manoel de Barros que dizia que o quintal de sua infância era maior que o mundo. E de nada adiantará planejar atravessar a Baía de Todos os Santos, nem correr a Maratona de Nova York. Estás preso em ti, na Rua Plinio Moscoso, no caminho que fazes para a faculdade para dar suas aulas, sempre as mesmas aulas, Hobbes, Rousseau, Tocqueville. De nada adiantará sonhares com os livros que publicará e os louros que receberá; e mesmo se concretizar esses sonhos de que adiantará? Continuarás preso à Rua Plínio Moscoso, a embalar seus filhos. Continuará preso ao sonho de que vives, ao sonho de que és escritor.
«Se eu tivesse o mundo na mão, trocava-o, estou certo, por um bilhete para a Rua dos Douradores»
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Tony. Buddy. You can’t reason with those who’re beyond reason
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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✦ MANNY JACINTO, CISMALE, HE/HIM ✦ EMMANUEL VASQUEZ the THIRTY-ONE year old has been in Hidehill for ONE WEEK (HE GREW UP IN HIDEHILL) and was a STRANGER to Carter Thompson, one of the shadows. Whispers on the streets are that the BUSINESSMAN who lives in HOVE LAKE are said to be IMPULSIVE and RESOURCEFUL but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
FULL NAME: emmanuel luis vasquez NICKNAMES: emman AGE: 31 / June 13th, 1992 GENDER & PRONOUNS: cismale, he/him FACECLAIM: manny jacinto HEIGHT: 5’11” SEXUALITY: pansexual OCCUPATION: businessman
tw: abandonment, death
emmanuel vasquez is an illegitimate son of bernardo vasquez and his sole heir to his holdings company. his mother was a sex worker and met his father during those times when he found out that his wife cannot bear a child. the man obviously did not take the situation well. you can guess what happened next and the mess he and his mother got into. his mother decided not to involve him with such things anymore so she decided to settle down in hidehill and hide there with her son.
he grew up knowing a lot about cars because of his stepfather, they would spend their weekends together fixing that one car he has in the garage. everything was as simple as typical families in movies, with a growing conflict on the side. his dad made a deal with the mob, because he only wanted a better future for his family, especially his stepson whom he treated as his own. his stepfather started getting involved in illicit deals, smuggling cars, and using some of his cars to transport dead bodies of people who betrayed them. but then things went sideways, when the mob discovered that emmanuel is bernardo vasquez’s son, they attempted to manipulate his stepfather into using him as a way to steal their money. he didn’t comply, resulting in them killing him that one night.
everything went spiral since that, emmanuel became distant from his mother when they were the only ones left, but he never failed to step in and provide the way his stepfather would, meaning not in such a clean way. he would lie to his mother that he’s waiting tables, or as a convenience store crew, but his job wasn’t anything close to that. he went along the path his stepfather would not want him to go, but for him it was the only thing that could help. emmanuel started small with the petty theft, robbing a store, those small jobs you could think of when you’re in a mob.
years later, his mother died, because of the heartbreak she kept for so long since his stepfather left them. he felt like he didn’t have purpose anymore, which led him only focus on being part of the mob as their fighter, also working as a mechanic on the side, since he didn’t want to forget the things that his stepfather taught him when he was still alive. he still never stopped fixing that car, that remaining thing which makes him feel closer to his stepfather. never once he thought of his real father, but when it’s being brought up, he always dodges the topic. so never mention him, or ever call emmanuel by his last name, because you might regret that.
the need to survive came to play not so long after and he was forced to reconnect with his father and be part of his company, and was forced to leave hidehill to come with him to new york and start working under his wing.
it has been years now until the young emman who is now a businessman heard about the murders going on in town, in which instead of deciding to stay where he was, he did everything he could and begged his father to let him come back, return to the place where he felt himself the most.
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heygutlcss · 2 years
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NAME: Bernardo Vasquez
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
GENDER: male
BIRTH DATE: August 1st, 1931
Dark sad eyes, a mountain of a man. His hands are clenched and formed to fists. Formed to fight. His eyes are deep, his eyes are sad. He has seen too much.
face claim:  David Alvarez
FAMILY: Hector (father/deceased) ; Sofia ( mother/deceased) Maria (sister)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   Anita  Núñez  ( girlfriend)
CHILDREN:  Verse dependent
He is a juxtaposition. He can be gentle and kind but quickly snap and become authoritative and abrasive. He’s always scared, but hides it behind a bravado of confidence. His fear makes him try to seek control in any fashion, this is a strength as much as it is a weakness.
His mother died of Tuberculosis when Bernardo was twelve, leaving Bernardo to be an immediate provider for his family and leaving Maria to care for their father, who suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease. She was his primary caretaker with noted progression of the disease following a UTI and fracture hip from a fall in the night when Maria was 17. He died in the hospital from infection. Bernardo was not in Puerto Rico when this happened and learned about his death from a telegram.
Bernardo moved his family from the country to San Juan when he was sixteen and Maria was eight since he could not take care of their home and work farm life without proper help. The extended family had already begun to move and the opportunity San Juan offered in the form of industrial work was still high despite the recent end of the war. The only problem was that everyone was moving in order to find defense or industrial work. 
Bernardo's got some schooling, though he dropped out when they moved to San Juan. He found school very difficult considering that during the 1930s and 1940s Puerto Rican public schools were mandatorily taught in English per government regulations. Maria stayed home and did not attend any kind of schooling. Bernardo does not find out that she is a functional illiterate until they live together in San Juan Hill. He's very upset that she can't read any Spanish at all.
 while Maria buried their father, sold the house, and took care of his will all by herself, Bernardo was mailed the documents he needed to sign.  She asked for 50$ to get to St. Croix where she had applied for a job upon her father’s passing. Bernardo instead bought her a plane ticket to America to come live with him. He was very terrified that she would not be able to support herself, and was in denial that she had been functioning and living on her own all that time.
Bernardo's relationship with his sister is questionable at best. While they have a great love and care for one another, they don't really function well together. Maria was in charge of the home and Bernardo the finances, she was essentially his life partner while in Puerto Rico. They both became adults way too quickly. Their own father basically became their dependent child because of his Alzheimer's. Bernardo did put most of that onto Maria and in turn she kind of took care of him as well. He found America all the harder because he didn't have her with him. Because of this many of his worse habits resurface once they are reunited because they don't know how to function as normal siblings. He's very defensive and territorial about his sister.
Bernardo has always wanted to be a boxer. He wants to get good enough to fight internationally and maybe go to the Olympics since that's one of not the only place Puerto Rico is seen as a sovereign autonomous nation.
He loves the Wizard of Oz. He saw the movie in theaters with both of his parents and remembers it as the most special day because going into the city for a theater was a day trip. He has the book and has had Anita restitch it back together more times than he can count. She's offered to get him a new copy but he refuses to part with the one that he has. Dorothy dressed in red white and blue on a noble quest to go home is a very personal story to him.
Speaking of Anita, Bernardo did love her at first sight and one of the first things he said to her was asking her to marry him. This was after months of just awkwardly staring and pining after her. She laughed in his face, but made him promise to take her out on a date the next day. The rest is history. They do clash on the marriage front and this is most because of the lack of women’s rights during the time and Anita’s want to be in control of her own self as well as continue to work. While Bernardo is supportive of her dream,he also has it in his head that once they are married she can stop doing all that work and will settle down further once they have kids. He thinks this with the best intentions as he wants things easy for her, he doesn’t think beyond the projected image of women in the era: to be in the home. She was the one to convince him to move in together  and to be somewhat satisfied with cohabitation. He’s not satisfied, he’s not happy about it, but he loves her and wants her in his life as his wife.
He also neglected to tell Maria about Anita entirely. He told Anita about Maria of course, but since she was out of sight, out of mind, he didn’t really say much beyond that she was his family. So meeting Anita was a shock. Finding out they were ‘living in sin’ was a shock and it triggered a huge fight between them. He certainly doesn’t have her Catholic Conscious.  He’s definitely spiritual, but not religious like she is. Maria being in New York changed the environment between him and Anita  as Maria did not like her in the slightest. He worked very hard to get them to like each other, which made it worse. He got mad, and left them alone in the apartment for a weekend. When he came back, they were good friends. Both had been very worried about him.
On Chino (x)
On the Sharks (x)
MUN’S NOTE: The mun does not speak Spanish as a first language and may need to rely on a translation app from time to time as their knowledge of how to write/speak it is limited. correction is encouraged but please be kind.
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bulacanwantedsuspects · 4 months
People of the Philippines vs. Carlet et. al. (Criminals)
People of the Philippines v. Ana Carla Bernardo Cortes, Georgina Leaño Francisco, Flordeliza Torres Pasia, Samson Sambilay Yap Wong Bustamante Ramil Raul Ramirez, Miyuki Estabillo Fernandez Ramirez Tan Fernando Dela Cruz Martin Hernandez Cayanan Garcia Gonzales Del Rosario Vilma Muñoz Cruz Ocampo Bernabe Morales Donato Reyes Maricel Santiago Baluyot Sison Robes Sayoto Pineda Padilla De Leon Valencia Cristobal Carandang Hilario Pangan Bravo Cueva Borlongan Marcelino Gatdula Bayrante Bayonito Esquilona Valdes Sevilla Poblete Zamora Sadang Dawana Fino Marquez Lopez Gonowon Moll Japan France Isogawa Malabanan Dazo Tanghal Catanghal Manuel Cayetano Estinos Barro Amarillo Pichay Juco Gaza Edusada Rios Rimando Yu Pacelo Aquino Jose Bilasano Zafra Bote Paguio Alonday Alday Bernal Etrata Hontiveros Domingo Pascual Bercero Barcelo Bernabe Cunanan Vicente Peña Lagazon Diolata Evaristo Espeleta Salonga Bartolome Crisostomo Jardiolin Ruallo David Hipolito Mallari Catacutan Calalang Tejada Rivera Terrado Juat Candelaria Castro Toledo Lajara Baltazar Leoncio Villanueva Trias Roberto Ballila Ortega Sacdalan Celiz Herrera Quetua Acuña Saur Isidoro Velasquez Bagtas Gozon Pamiloza Miranda Quillamor Natividad Ayaay Bacani Manahan Manalaysay Manalastas Concepcion Canlas Escalante Ilagan Lansang Misiona Veloso Valbuena Capule Sobrepeña Sadsad Vasquez Mata Arceo Alejo Unite Javier valenzuela Hiwatig Madrigal Casimiro Teodoro Mateo Yco Faustino Faustinos Faundo Lim Yabut Yakit Uy Abe Sobrepeña Miramar John Carlo Caladiao Enrico Soco Siocon Vivar Pasia Fontanilla Tiongson Famorca Fajardo Guttierez Calmerin Lozano Lorenzo Lorenzana Senense Pondang Robles Molina Acain Haw Quitalig Manaloto Eustaquio Halili Principe Centino Delos Reyes Magnaye Crespo Serrano Sunga Espiritu Manalili Nicodemus Tautho Caluag Cantor Ignacio Buenaventura Ventura Jusayan Calma Panganiban Sierra Musni Navarro Yambao Mangalindan Nacpil Esperancilla Beltran Sarmiento Lacap Chua Buan David Tolentino Mananquil Guevarra Cabalquinto Pinto Amigo Valmonte Hibo Punzal Piscacio Daclison Viray Flores Doctolero Cortes Torres Felipe Francisco Ferdinand Abon Guanzon Antonio Reyes GMA ABS-CBN TV5 TAPE VIVA employees
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