#bertoldt hoover/reader
jjkeremika · 10 months
AoT men confess their love for you
i.e., how i think they’d tell you they love you
reader x Eren, Jean, Armin, Reiner, Porco, Erwin, Levi, Zeke, Bertoldt
*unspecified gender reader*
Eren - blurts it out during sex and you can’t convince me otherwise
You and Eren weren’t really dating, per se… more like… hooking up behind your best friend’s back. The fact that Mikasa was his sister and your best friend was enough to keep both your urges at bay for a few months, but when she left for summer camp and he stayed behind, leaving just you two to keep each other company… well… things took on a life of their own.
So for the whole summer you and Eren gallivanted around the districts over, going on unlabelled dates and hiding from those (Armin, Jean) who just might tell Mikasa about the tryst, because maybe telling her was just too fast or too complicated for the easy and noncommittal situationship.
Which felt like exactly that… until you were bouncing on his cock in the back of his car, his mouth attached to your neck and your fingers curled in his hair. He thrusted upwards, evoking a loud moan from you, when Eren suddenly blurted out, “I think I love you,” with a hearty breath, his hips never stuttering as he kept the motion, his mouth compensating for the words by pressing to your neck.
Maybe it was time to call your best friend.
Jean - it slips out and he tries to deflect it but you already knew
You met Jean during volunteer community service, where you and the awkwardly-tall brunette would leisurely walk around the districts and collect litter. The first day everyone was set off in pairs, you two randomly assigned to wander the same district, and you both actively decided to group together every time after that.
Your conversations were rarely of any importance, mostly letting it serve as either a way to pass time or to express feelings and opinions about people the other doesn't know. At first, he talked an awfully lot about some woman who you weren't sure from his stories if she even knew he existed. Over the months of service together, he stopped bringing her up and started talking about this other person of interest instead.
His cheeks and ears turned bright pink whenever you'd ask about how he met this person, usually providing some vague and nondeterministic answer that honestly left you more confused than before. Some stuttered-out answers and a few too-similar-to-your-own interests later, you had a deep suspicion and debated how to delve it out of him.
It wasn't very hard. One week before the holiday break you two were wandering around, discussing future plans with friends and family for the upcoming holiday. "Are you excited for the break?" you asked, nudging his side with your elbow. "Huh?" he responded curiously, "Oh, I... Yeah, I guess." You snorted in response, "Sounds like it. C'mon, the holiday is a time for being with your love ones! Isn't that exciting?"
"But I only see them not on break, during volunteerin--" It was almost like he'd forgotten who he was speaking to, and his entire face erupted in various shades of pinks and reds, maybe even a light purple from the lack of breathing. He was internally kicking himself, berating himself for being so loose and stupid around you, for always struggling to think around you. He was oblivious to the smile on your face. "I, uh, because, I... love volunteering... so much."
Armin - tells you he's in love with you because you've changed his life (he’s poetic without meaning to be)
Armin was unusual from other men you’ve dated. Height aside, he was very in touch with his emotions, intelligent, and capable; but he tormented himself with baseless insecurities and unfounded truths until all of his perks were equally weighed down by his shortcomings. He’d bring himself down until he was impossibly low, until his opinion of himself couldn’t get lower.
He was depressed when you first met, his friends warning you that maybe it was beyond you, that it wasn’t your responsibility anyway. You knew that, of course, but it was Armin, and it’s difficult to watch sunshine be forced behind endless seas of clouds. So you’d remind him as much as possible to be kinder to himself, to speak to himself positively since he’s the only one who he will spend forever with.
It wasn’t a surprise when your relationship advanced; the effort and care you put in him nurtured feelings beyond friendship. The warmth spread inside him like a wildfire from a lit match in dry brush, and he found himself favoring you over any form of logic or reason.
It was a random weekday when he pulled you aside, trying to make time for a brief 5 minute date between lessons. He seemed nervous, which wasn’t necessarily odd, but he’d become significantly more comfortable around you over the years. “I, uh,” he started unsurely, hesitantly, “You mean so much to me. I can't imagine this life without you. I..." He crossed his forearm over his stomach as he anchored his shaky hand on the inside of his other arm's elbow, holding it tightly to stop his body from shaking as he angelically stared into your eyes. "I’m in love with you. And I don’t mean that poetically or sexually or theoretically or logically or figuratively or ideologically or any of that. I mean it literally. I am in love with you.”
Reiner - tried to act like he didn’t care but he was really invested in your response
You had been casually dating around when you first met Reiner, the tall bulky blond with the bordering-arrogant demeanor having approached you at the bar while your date was in the bathroom. He had a confident smirk plastered across his cheeks as he said, “You know, my wallet has been itching to buy the most stunning person in this room a drink, and, well, I think I’ve found them.”
It shouldn’t have worked but you’d had a few drinks already and a new heat burned in your abdomen and he was significantly more attractive than your current date, so you accepted his invitation to buy you a new drink and take the seat. A second first date of the night, completed with a quick fuck in the bathroom and at home.
Your relationship progressed smoothly from then on, with a heavy positive emphasis in the bedroom. And while neither of you ever clarified the relationship and asked if it was official, your eyes and lips and privates were so glued to each other there was no peripheral for any one else. Which was why, while Reiner never explicitly stated how he felt for you aside from daily comments--"My god, baby, you are so sexy,"; "Mmf, you make me feel too fucking good, darlin', fuck,"; "Sexiest person alive, yeah. you already know I'm speaking about you and your smart sexy ass,"--you were never really that worried anyway.
So when you two were laying on your backs in the bed, side-by-side, chest heaving to catch your breaths, and the words slipped from his mouth post-coitus, "Fuck, darlin', I love you," you were shocked, and a, "What did you say?" slipped from your mouth before you could process. He bit the inside of his lip and felt a nervous weightlessness erupt in his stomach. Reiner shrugged and sat upright, blocking his face from your view with his back. "Huh? Didn't hear me?" Reiner asked, forcing his voice to remain confident and steady, and turned to look at you briefly before stirring to stand up. He shrugged, the inside of his cheek rough and chewed up like a dog-toy. "I just said I love you. It's not a... big deal."
Porco - says it like a joke so you aren’t totally sure if he means it
Galliard was your best guy friend, joining you anywhere you didn’t want to go alone and cracking jokes to lighten the mood. He was really good at that, making you laugh, and he couldn’t deny that the sound was like music to his ears, magical notes strung together to create the most beautiful song he’d ever heard.
It was exactly because of how close you two were that both of you feared doing exactly what you wanted the other to do—make the first move. And because it was the other one, every flirty touch or suggestive comments were stripped of all intention, because there’s just no way the best friend would ever be into them too. Instead, it was personally replaced with sarcastic or playful undertones and purposeful reminders of feelings that didn’t exist.
You had convinced him to go to the lake with you, which your friends conveniently bailed on so that it really was just you two. Porco had hopped into your kayak from the dock, taking you by surprise and fearing a capsize. “Porco!” you screamed, giggling, holding onto the edge of the kayak, “What’s wrong with your own kayak? Desperately trying to get close to me?”
You watched the adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed intently, like he was carefully choosing when to breathe and what to say. “Haha, yeah,” he settled on, forcing himself to chuckle lightly, his voice littered with nuanced feelings he couldn’t bring himself to say confidently, “because I’m definitely in love with you…” You noticed Porco’s lack of eye contact, that he was now looking far off into the distance. “Or something like that,” he joked nervously, wiping his sweaty palms against his thighs as he sat down behind you, hoping you couldn’t see through his charade.
Erwin (age gap) - planned it out but everything didn’t go to plan
After six months together, Erwin already knew how strongly he felt towards you. You were everything he could’ve hoped for and everything he’d waited for. He already knew he wanted you as his future spouse (eventually, he knew you weren’t ready to marry). And so he wanted the moment he told you how he felt to be special to you, to be as special as you were to him.
Erwin had your six-month anniversary date planned out to the T: first, a leisurely walk around the park; second, a quick stop at a couple of your favorite shops nearby to browse and buy you a gift (or gifts, really, he’d buy whatever you wanted); third, stop in at the new bistro you’ve been dying to try—“Ooh, Winnie, look, look! We have to go there!”; fourth, walk around and watch the stars until your feet were sore and he could carry you home.
A sudden rainstorm ruined the walk, forcing both of you to run for cover under some trees for quite some time until it passed. Once the rain finally stopped, it was too close to the dinner reservation time to stop in at the shops, and he shuttled you to the bistro. You were both sat next to a loud family with screaming children, barely able to hear the other speak the entire time, staring at each other with morose smiles while munching on mediocre food. The stars hid behind thick dark clouds as you both walked home, and Erwin felt too defeated to ask to carry you because you were finally enjoying that brisk walk.
At your doorstep, when he profusely apologized for ruining your anniversary date—“Ernie, seriously? Stop apologizing! You can’t control the weather! And the restaurant was my idea anyway.” The frown lines on his face deepened and twisted in morose. “No, that’s not…” he sighed, upset that nothing had gone to plan, “I wanted everything to be the perfect night for my perfect person, a wonderful night solely for the one I love…” he added in a whisper, “…and I messed it all up.”
Inviting him felt like the only way to reverse his thoughts, to make him realize that, despite everything he considered so wrong, it was all so correctly wrong to you it may as well have been perfect.
Levi - thinks it should be obvious since he’s still with you
It was about subtlety when dating Levi. At least, that’s what you’d figured out in the year you’ve been together. His face was relatively expressionless, so you’d learned to read his body language, but you honestly worried you’d never be fluent, because you still questioned the presence or validity of his feelings for you on some days.
He said it once, that he felt deeply for you on the day he asked you out. He repeated it on your six-month anniversary, when you asked if he still felt that way and he answered with a monotoned, “Well, yeah. Obviously. I thought it was implied since we’re together and all.”
Your favorite version of him was when he was sleepy, when he was too tired to keep his protective walls up, because he was cuddly and cozy and craved nothing but your presence and warmth and actively showered you with soft kisses.
It was when his guard was down like this that you asked him, on your one-year, if he still felt the same—shielding the fear of his answer by joking that you’ll ask him every six months—and he rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled, wrapping his arm tighter around you, kissing your cheek, and muttering, “Yes, love, and I’ll give you the same answer six months, six years, and six centuries from now.”
Zeke - writes you a love letter (unlike armin he tries to be poetic)
Zeke was into you well before you even started to reciprocate those feelings. There was something so enigmatic about you, a light airy aura that made him feel buoyant, that unchained him from the burden of his father’s wants and wishes. In his eyes, you saved him.
For a debt he felt he could never repay, he always brought you flowers and sweets and gifts; he wrote long poems detailing that your beauty was beyond all beholders, that you put the sun to shame, that you were the spark to start his supernova; he sent you good morning beautiful and sweet dreams baby texts, hoping you started and ended your day with a smile.
After a couple months of exclusive dating, he wrote you a love letter, expressing the extent of what you meant to him—the burning shape of you etched permanently in his heart—, handing it to you with a deep red stretched across his face and asking you to read it privately, to share it with no one.
My dearest beloved, I write as I know my tongue will fail me, reminiscent of all previous attempts where my lips part and only whimsy air escapes. Remember those moments, my dear? How you'd don a concerned expression and question me in my flustered state. Oh, how futile the intention feels when my spiritual body abandons me, rendering my physical body utterly useless in translation as my stoic invulnerability precedes me. Oh, how I yearn for you the way broken skin stitches itself back together, the way fibers of a wire stretch to hold on, to come together and remain as one. Oh, how you complete me the manner punctuation consummates these phrases, embedding the lines with a flourish no words could elicit. All your self-proclaimed flaws are null to the universe, your soul culminating as the true embodiment of pure perfection with flavorful cracks in the profile, cracks that you've offered to my pitiful soul, pristine ledges to hold on to as humanity crumbles from your grace. Oh, how if what you provide me with is god-like pity, how I want nothing more than for that bliss to fuel my burning heart, to further engulf my being with this feverish love, to only be quenched by your will.
Bertoldt - he’s shy, so his friends tell you for him
Look, really, no offense to Bertoldt, but, well, he never said a word. Which, like, what the hell? You could tell—or rather, you were pretty sure—he was into you by the way he tensed up when you were around, by the longing glances he’d cast your direction when you were nearby.
Holding conversations was difficult in an endearing way, because he was shy—painfully shy—around you, making small comments with a smile and pink cheeks, stuttering out small compliments and avoiding eye contact like he’d crossed a line (honestly you wished he’d crossed more).
You were starting to lose hope after months of talking led to little improvements, him still awkward around you, still not telling you how he really feels, if he likes you in that way. And like, how could you really be sure that he did if his hints were shit?
One day you receive a video message from Reiner, in it depicting Bertoldt and Porco sitting on a leather couch and talking—well, Porco wasn’t. Bertoldt was talking. A lot. About you. Talking about how you make him so nervous he freezes, how he finds you so attractive his body doesn’t know how to react, how he gets goosebumps on his neck at just the sound of your voice, how the secret love he had for you took up so much volume in his throat he couldn’t even speak or breathe near you.
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kachll · 5 months
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Fanart by me! Please check out the fanfiction I’ve been working on. (:
Audio book (WIP)
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luvbugs-blog · 2 years
one bed? - featuring the aot boys
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today, we have: jean, bertholdt, and reiner
in which: there's only one bed? lmao have fun! note that in reiner's part, you are a warrior that escaped back to marley with reiner after the shiganshina arc.
warnings: none. i have extreme paranoia when it comes to me writing smut, so you will not see some from me until i get better (i am literally touch-starved, so i feel like anything i write will be cringe)!
author's note: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what to write next. i'm literally out of ideas. either in the comments, or in my messages. i will appreciate ANYTHING.
"alright everyone," hange says, "go to your respective rooms. we'll meet back up in the morning and explore some more!" she turns to leave with onyankopon and levi who were staying in a nearby hotel as to not draw too much attention.
you look around for jean, sasha, and connie who were also staying in this hotel with you. as soon as you went to grab sasha to room with, connie swooped in, and the two were so excited that they were going to have a "sleepover". you heave a small sigh.
"don't sound too disappointed." jean says, giving you a small smile. "sad you're stuck with me tonight?"
"never." you say, bumping your shoulder with his. "it will just be much harder to keep an eye on those two." jean's smile slowly slides off his face.
"oh yeah." not much you can do about it now. you grab jean's hand and pull him to go find your room.
"this is actually so interesting, being in marley. i can't believe they have actual cars!" you say excitedly, smiling while looking out the window. you couldn't believe how advanced this place is.
"you sound like hange now! keep it down before your dumbass gets us caught." you give jean a little smack.
"oh shut up." the two of you finally reach the room, and as jean opens the door, he stops halfway into the room.
"hey! get out of my way, horse-face!" jean turns to look at you, his face a little red.
"i think they gave us the wrong room." confused, you look around jean to see there is only one bed in the entire room.
"oh." the thought of spending the night with your best friend in the same bed also made you a little pink. much to your relief, jean didn't see because he was too busy hurrying to use the bathroom. in reality, he was trying to calm himself down, but you didn't know that.
your stomach was swirling as jean finally came out of the bathroom, his face wet, like he had washed it. you had to look away. of course you were nervous. you've had a crush on the man for quite a while now. but you'd rather die than admit that.
an awkward, uncomfortable silence blanketed the room. until jean spoke up. "I honestly think we should just share it. it's pretty big. and we've grown up together. it won't be awkward."
that's a relief. "yeah. as long as your big horse feet won't kick me in the middle of the night."
"hey! my feet are normal shaped!" you giggle, the previous tension gone. "yeah yeah."
the two of you chat a little bit before calling it a night. you tuck yourself under the covers, turning your back to jean. "i hope you don't snore."
"guess you'll find out tonight." the two of you try sleeping, and for a few hours, it was successful. until the room got incredibly cold. you shuffle closer to jean, but it wasn't helping all that much. you turn around, facing jean, who looked fast asleep.
"hey." silence. "hey!" nothing. so you start poking his face, and he flinches. "what?" now you're embarrassed.
"oh no. you didn’t wake me up for nothing." he pokes your face. "what do you want?"
"can you hold me?"
"i'm cold!"
"oh. alright then, come here."
"yes, y/n. now hurry up." so you weasel your way into his arms, sinking into his chest. he is so warm.
and in the morning, when he wakes up before you, he'll let you sleep, with your leg around his waist and his arms around you. maybe he will finally work up the courage to ask you out.
you were shaken. of course you were, you were kidnapped. the last thing you remember is walking away with armin on the wall, and you could faintly hear hange talking to moblit about titans that could dig. but you wake up on a tree, in the forest which was surrounded by titans. you see ymir awake, scowling at two men up on higher trees. is that eren over there? you have to blink because it's so bright, but when it finally comes into focus, you realize it's reiner and bertholdt. oh yeah. the traitors. you start breathing heavily, thinking about how it's your lover up there. ymir tries to calm you down, her eyes wide, but it doesn't work. how could he do this to you. was everything fake? were your friends still alive. why were you here? you start feeling faint, and feel hot tears pooling at your eyes. you faintly hear the screeching of odm gear coming closer, and you hear bertholdt talking to ymir, but it's too late, and you pass out once again.
when you awaken a second time, it's night. you have to adjust your eyes to try to figure out where you are. but all you see are stars. you're on the wall. you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"y/n?" you turn your head without moving your body and see him. bertholdt, who's eyes are red and swollen. you reach your hand up to hold his face but then think better of it. you let your hand fall.
"i'm so sorry. y/n, i'm so sor-"
"bertholdt!" you recognize reiner's voice and lift your body up, with his hand on your back. you shove his hand away, ignoring the hurt look on his face. you see reiner and ymir coming your way. while bertholdt and reiner whisper to each other, ymir comes to check on you.
"are you alright?" you shrug. which earns a sad smirk from ymir. shortly after, bertholdt returns to kneeling next to you, but not saying anything. after a while, you find your voice.
you turn your head to bertholdt and ask, "how did i get here?" he flinches at your strained tone, but softly explains what happened while reiner and ymir set up sleeping bags they found in the district below. you also find out the truth about bertholdt's background. about him being from marley, his mission, why he decided to become a warrior. he explained about his sick father and the oppression he received just because he was eldian.
and suddenly, your heart was conflicted. there was life outside of the walls. but they weren't free. they had the same blood you did, and they were being tortured for it. but they killed so many innocent people from inside the walls. those people didn't know what they were dying for. they didn't deserve to die. you wanted to yell and scream at him, but you also wanted to comfort him. so you cried. you cried and cried and fell into him because you were weak, and despite hating him for all he had done, you loved him. and he held you as you cried, and eventually he started crying with you. so the two of you cried until there were no tears left. in the silence left behind, you whispered to him, "take me with you. take me home with you." too weak to argue, he agreed. he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and wiped away your tears.
what felt like hours later, reiner came to drop off the sleeping bag.
"i'm sorry, but we could only find three." while bertholdt starting insisting you take it, you just stand up and take the sleeping back from reiner, giving the man a hug, which surprised him.
"thank you. one is enough. we can share." and so you did.
you held onto his long ass body and just held each other, oozing comfort the both of you needed.
while porco and pieck were mocking him from behind, you were at his side, giggling at his little pout. you intertwined your arm with his and put your head on his shoulder, causing the two goons to laugh and mock even more. but the two of you didn't care. you guys were considered pretty close before, but after returning from paradise, the two of you were inseparable. the two of you walked along the festival, reiner occasionally having to stop to pay for gabi and the others, but never separating from you.
"oh, reiner!" pieck says, "don't forget about the meeting we have tomorrow." the both of you sigh.
"we haven't forgotten pieck," he replies. you detach yourself from reiner when you see porco beckoning to you. while reiner and pieck chatted, you were able to talk a bit with porco. the two of you wandered for a bit before reiner came to pull you away, looking a bit jealous, which porco wouldn't let him live down.
the two of you follow the children around until they get too tired and full from all the festival food. while reiner is dragging gabi around, the two of you talk about the trek you will have to make for the meeting.
"we should rent a hotel room. that way we won't have to get up too early tomorrow to travel."
"good idea!" so after dropping off the children at their respective homes, the two of you hitch a ride to the hotel nearest to HQ where the meeting was taking place. when the two of you check in, you only ask for one room, but two separate beds.
however, when the two of you went to go to sleep, there was only one bed. although, it didn't bother you two that much, as the two of you often slept over together.
so when it was time for bed, the two of you crawled in together, immediately cuddling together. you lay your head on his chest and he holds you. this was how you often found comfort when the two of you first got back from the island, often crying about bertholdt, annie, and the comrades you considered friends. and the two of you haven't stopped this little routine, even years later.
but this time felt a little different. reiner was holding you more tightly than usual. but you couldn't bring yourself to ask why because you were too tired. as you were falling asleep, you hear him whisper, "I love you." not that you would know this, but he had been telling you this for a long time when you were sleeping. so it quite surprise to him when you opened your eyes and smiled.
"I love you too." you slowly press a kiss to his lips and he graciously returns it.
author's note (again): will there be a part two? idk yet. let me know if y'all want one in the comments section. (and i know you saw my author's note up top. *suspicious side eye* you better tell me what to write next)
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aotnumber1fan · 9 months
Confessions at sunset
Bertholdt x fem!reader
a/n: Almost cried while making this, bertholdt has such a special place in my heart ilhsm
warnings: slight angst-fluff-heavier angst, (safe for angst dislikers like me), sfw, sort of ooc? Things go from 0 to 100 fast and like rereading this he's a bit ooc so sorry if it bothers you! 😭
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"And this one means longevity..." I traced the small line that crossed the top of his palm, ending as quick as it started. "Looks like you won't be living a long life." I playfully smiled, but when I turned around to look up at him, my smile faltered.
We were seated by the ledge of the cabin, my legs hanging off and his, firmly set on the ground. He was leaning back, hand supporting him. I say hand because his other was firmly grasped by mine, my fingers taking the chance to trace every plunge and curve of his palm.
"Bertholdt?" His face was stuck in place, brows un-furrowing at my call of his name. I blinked a few times, trying to erase the uneasiness by focusing my gaze on his palm, which started to curl inwards.
"Oh would you look at that..." He shuffled his head above my shoulder, as I showed him my right hand. "Mine is long." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes, I coughed.
"And.. Uhm.." I took his left hand, placing my right on his pinky side, "The gaps.. we have the same gaps." his short line connected and continued onto mine, that stretched farther and darker than his.
"About the longevity thing.. I made it up.." I pursed my lips in an akward smile that he luckily, couldn't see. "My mom didn't teach me nearly as much as I told you she did." I noted how much warmer his palm was, and brought my other hand to hold his with.
"She didn't excatly.. live long enough for that. You know, with the whole collosal breaching the wall stuff.." I murmured out, looking at the spaces between our three defining lines. Furrowing my brows in thought.
What I didn't know, is that he did the same. What I didn't feel, was him tensing up, the way his teeth clenched. His right hand was placed by his knee, balled up, as his left one was held, trembling ever so slightly more than seconds ago.
"I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories.. I tend to talk without thinking and–"
"It's okay."
Bertholdt wasn't the type to start things. He wasn't one to meddle in them, wasn't the type to end them either. He was an important piece that only had ears, it seemed like. Maybe that's what made him stand out to me.
I felt him nudge me softly as I sprung back to reality, a small smile and string of 'sorrys' leaving me with a turn to his attentive face.
"The space.. Between the lines." He muttered, eyes skimming over me. "You talked about them, what did you want to say?"
I looked at our hands. "Oh! It means heartbreak. The farther the lines are from eachother.. Signifies heartbreak." My tone died out as I finished the sentence, ending flatly, a silence ensuing.
Bertholdt's hand interlocked with mine, a small, breathy, shaky sigh leaving his lips. "Then I hope your mom's readings are wrong." My head turned to right, and I was met with his pink face averting mine. "Sorry."
Though.. I didn't get a good look. I turned away quickly too. "Don't be... I don't really believe in her readings. They've been proven false... Many times."
I kissed my teeth, remembering how she'd talk about what her life had in store for her. She was right. Life had one hell of a surprise for her. I wasn't sure she liked it though.
Bertholdt hummed, watching me as I let go of his hand, deciding bring myself in and hold on my legs.
"Only a fool would break your heart anyways." He murmured, but I heard him.
"I don't care about mine." I murmured back, but he heard me. He paused, and he stared at me. Well I didn't see him but god did I feel it.
"I.." I closed my eyes with a sigh, hoping he didn't notice the goosebumps on my arms. "How are you and Annie going? You manage to finally woo her?"
Silence ensued. I didn't want to turn around.. to look at him, though that pink face was nice to look at... It was a fluke. Only one person can make him blush like that.
It was still quiet. Did he not hear me? "H-"
My words got lodged in my throat as I felt his hand slither around my waist, pulling me back, next to him.. Also a bit closer. "I can't see your face if I'm behind you." My heart pumped, thundering against my ears.
"Did.. D-Did you hear my question?" I cringed at my stutter but he didn't make much of deal about it. I looked at him from the corners of my eye, but his face was pretty blurry. It faced down, away from me... It was hard to decipher his expression.
He was hard to decipher.
"I did."
I looked down. "Then why didn't you answer?"
"What were you going to say? Before you mentioned Annie." His tone was firm, unusual, but still overwhelmingly him.
"I'm not sure.. Forget about that just–"
His plea shut me up. And I only realised how frustrated I was when I felt a tear land on my thigh, another on my hand, that I fisted harder than what was considered to be normal.
His thumb wiped the tear off my knuckles, shuffled to face me.
He placed his hands on my cheeks and lifted my head, averting my eyes as he wiped the tears off my face, sliding his worn, thumbs under my eyes.
"I'm sorry." It was a tender, a barely heard apology. He didn't do anything wrong. Loving someone else wasn't a crime. I wanted to tell him. But the look on his face made me doubt that's what he was talking about.
It's not like I knew, anyway.
"You shouldn't be... I'm being dumb." I smiled and took his hands, placing them down infront of us. "I don't want your heart to get broken, because I know how it feels like, and it feels like shit." I paused. "That's what I was going to say."
"The present."
"You spoke in the present."
He was an important piece that only had ears.
"Yeah. I guess I did." It was tiring, keeping secrets from him. I didn't want him to know the hold he had on me but what was I to do when he noticed how I bended at his every word.
I let go of his hand and looked back infront of us, to the field where we stood in line and first met eachother. Well, first met Shadis. I still remember the beat down he gave me. Verbal of course, but it still felt very physical.
"Who's the guy?"
"You don't want to know." It was a sign for him to drop the subject. But it seemed like he just didn't want to.
"Why is that?"
I froze and turned my head, he stared down at the ground, not even lifting his head up for a second. I needed to find an excuse.
"You won't like him."
"Who is he?"
I didn't want to lash out, or raise my voice, but it was getting hard to stay patient with his constant prodding. He knew he was prying, but maybe he just didn't care. Maybe the answer was just that important.
"I'm not telling you."
"For fucks sake Hoover—Why won't you just drop it?" I didn't yell, my voice stayed the same, but my tone was a bit harsher than I meant it to be. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Because I like you."
My words jumbled up together and flew out my mouth without being pronouced, giving place to my gaping jaw. I closed it quickly, and it opened it again, coughing up a small fit.
"What." It didn't sound like a question. It wasn't. Didn't stop him from responding.
"I like you."
"Say it again." I was the one to move from my spot, and turn to look at him this time. He was the one to avoid my gaze, clenching his fists while staring at the ground, face oddly blank.
"I like you." He was a bit louder with each reiteration of the short sentence, like he was confirming it for himself as much as me.
"I like you."
"Just one m—"
"Are you toying with me, Y/n?"
His glare transfered over to me, and I flinched, but in seeing that, he didn't hold it long. "Please don't. Please don't do that." A crack in his voice struck something within me.
"I'm not!" I rushed out, choosing my next words carefully.
"I like you. I'm in love with you. I like you romantically and I thought you liked Annie so that's why I lashed out earlier–and by the way, sorry about tha—"
"What." I focused on his face, and for once I could discern something. Confusion, mixed with shock, and... Something else.
"I thought you like Annie, so I lashe–"
He shook his head. "No.. The liking me part. Can you say it again?" His face was yet again, neutral, but his eyes held hope.
"No." His lips twitched to say something, but I cut him off with mine. On his.
I felt a push and I backed away, eyes wide. "Shit I'm sorry. I'm sorry Bertholdt I thought–I should've—"
He placed his hand on my waist and the other on my cheek, leaning in again to kiss me. It was a juvenile, quick, short, and confused kiss. A test, an introduction, the first kiss.
But then we kissed again, and it was longer, softer, deeper. And then again; we got warmer, and we took our time, breaking apart every few seconds to breathe and reconnect. We stopped, eventually. My lips tingled, like the butterflies that inhabited my stomach flew and landed on my lips,
as weird as that sounds.
His lips were swollen. Red, warm to the touch–I assumed. His cheeks were in the same boat. The tips of his ears as well. A couple seconds passed and I realized that his eyes were aswell. Tears starting to spill out, they were becoming red and puffy.
My hands stuttered and I brought his head to my shoulder, propping myself on my knees so that his back wouldn't ache.
Soft, almost soundless sobs left him, my shoulder getting damp. His hands clutched my white button down as he continued to cry, and I started to smile.
"Are you that happy?" It was presumptious of me to assume that he was crying of joy, but I pressed my lips shut and cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears like he did me.
"I'm... sorry." His voice whispered, and it wavered, and it might've been the weakest I've ever heard him. I leaned in and left a kiss on his forehead, nervously smiling.
"It's okay."
This didn't seem to satisfy him, as he looked to the ground. His soulders slumping forward, and hands clenching and opening up repetedly.
"I'm... Really, sorry. I'm sorry—I'm so, sorry.." It was like a chant that he repeated, each one quieter than the last. His body leaned into me, facing the floor. He was tired. Like he was bearing the whole world on his shoulders.
Something felt off with his apologies. Like they weren't for me. But if they weren't, who would they be for?
No, that wasn't the right question. I rested my chin on his head, and thread my hands through his hair, gently patting the unruly parts down.
The question, was what were they for. He hadn't done anything wrong. Yet he continued apologizing, under his breath. He paused.
You were right earlier, that he didn't want to know. He shouldn't have pushed it.
"Please... Don't hate me."
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astraeusasta · 9 months
Never Meant To Be
Reiner Braun x Reader
You are a member of the scout regiment along with the rest of the main cast. Both Ymir and Annie have been confirmed Titans. Now Reiner and Bertholdt have become suspects of Titans too. You were with them all around the table to discuss this. However, you weren't having any of it. You are in love with Reiner and believes he feels the same.
CW: Mentions of delusion, Mentions of violence, Rejection. Tags: Mega angst, Unrequited love. Word Count: 1.9k words
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Listening to the words of Armin Arlert made you quiver in a fear you’ve never known before. Denial filling your veins as you listened to his delusions. Reiner and Bertholdt could be the Colossal and Armored Titan? He was lying he had to be, based on such little evidence. Heck, we had more evidence for the female titan being Annie. You glared daggers into Armin, you’d always been skeptical of his remarkable deduction methods. Though, a certain captain seemed to pick up on the heat of your gaze and gave you a puzzled look.
“You seem to be unimpressed with Arlerts assumptions, do you have anything to say?” Though it came off as a question, you knew he wasn’t just asking you. He was demanding you to say what was on your mind. To be honest, there was a lot. You were rather close with Reiner, Bertholdt not so much. He was someone dear to you. You’d always be able to laugh with him, be yourself and he never judged. Though he looked tough, to you he was a large teddy bear who just put up a stoic front. You had grown to be extremely fond of the man who brought comfort and happiness to your days. You confided your life story to him, he knew everything about you. To the rest of the squad he played an older brother role, protective and kind while also being able to tease and joke. You couldn’t help but be skeptical of Armin’s skeptics of the two.
“I believe Arlerts assumptions are too far-fetched to do an investigation like we had done with Annie. We don’t have any definitive proof other than the titans look like them. Just because they came from the same place as Annie doesn’t mean they are associated with her, they barely even talked to her. By this logic, Armin and Mikasa could be titans too.” You spoke with confidence though after a moment, covering your mouth as you processed your final statement. Realizing how harsh you had come across, your emotions being thrown wild. Captain Levi took your statement wholeheartedly, awaiting for Armins response. All eyes fell on him, and yours were saying something different to the rest. Armin began to formulate his response, a little staggered at first. “I understand my logic here could be far-fetched and overall a little insane. But it had to be someone who saw Eren transform the first time. I just suggest we be cautious around them, and if it’s not too much to ask. ___, you’re close with Reiner. Right?” Hearing the final words of Armin’s response to you, your face softened before returning to its original angry state. You had an idea of what he was about to ask you, and honestly. You weren’t impressed. “I am yes.” You played along anyways, letting him say it out right. “He seems to trust you more than the rest of us and it’d be helpful if you could gather some extra information. Perhaps you don’t even have to ask questions, just be on the lookout for suspicious behaviors.” Your face angered more and everyone in the room seemed to be aware of the growing rage. You took a deep breath before responding to him, standing up from your seat.
“If anything suspicious happens, I’d be happy to inform you. But until you have solid evidence that it’s Reiner or Bertholdt. I want nothing to do with whatever you’re planning, if anything at all. I will not betray the trust of my friends over a hunch.” Then you proceeded to leave the room, you wanted no part in their dumb plans. If they had anything planned at all. You weren’t going to watch your friends be falsely accused and possibly imprisoned over Armin’s hunch. Even if his hunches were usually correct, there was no possibility that Reiner would lie to you like that. You had no doubt. You didn’t plan to tell Reiner or Bertholdt of the scouts suspicions of them - you understood that you would also be betraying Armin and the rest of the scouts trusts if you were to do that. So instead you went to let off some steam. Walking towards a tree around the scout headquarters. Reiner and the others were bound to be heading home soon from their adventures beyond Wall Rose. You planned to meet them.
Though that plan was cut short when you were sent on a rescue mission for them, worry filled your mind as you raced towards the area. Upon arrival, you noticed the saddened look on Reiners face - a face of loss and betrayal. One you recognized very well after being in the scouts for so long. You rushed towards the tall duo, noticing the look on Reiners face softened. “Are you both alright?” You scanned over their bodies before noticing Reiner’s arm, you looked straight up at him. Worry plastering your expression. His face turned to the side, shame and embarrassment clouding his eyes. “Your arm…” You reached out to touch it, gently laying your hand over the cloth that held it up and kept it secure. “I’m fine…____. I promise.” He spoke lightly, his face softened more as he looked at you. Before Bertholdt nudged him a little harshly, Reiner's soft expressions crackled into a bit of anger. He changed his line of sight to someone behind you, you followed his gaze as it landed on Ymir. Confusion clouded you, why were they angry at Ymir? Well it didn’t take you long to figure out after taking your horses back to the walls. The two boys explained everything to you. Ymir was a titan. Not the colossal or armored, but a titan. Another betrayal to add to the roster that seemed to be following the one hundred and fourth cadets.
You rubbed your temples after finally getting on top of the wall. Closing your eyes to process the recent times. The recent betrayals and discussions of it. Your eyes turned to look down from the wall, at the tall blonde who was being pulled up. Once he reached the top, you wanted to talk to him privately. So you tapped him and nodded your head in the direction of a space far enough away from everyone so that they couldn’t hear. After everything that had happened recently, you realized how much you liked Reiner, how much joy he truly brought you. The fear of losing him to someone else or to something else was weighing on your conscience. You had to tell him how you felt. “What’s wrong?” He asked you, looking directly at you with a light worry. You shook your head at him, looking directly into his eyes. “Nothing bad, don’t worry. It’s a bit difficult to say so give me a minute to wrap my head around it.” He nodded, giving you your time to gather your words and formulate what you wanted to say - He was always patient with you.
“Reiner, we’ve known each other for almost three years now. Even from the beginning you were always kind to me. You understood me and were patient. You still are and still do, or at least I believe so. I know right now emotions and adrenaline are high and you are probably still recovering mentally. But I couldn’t wait any longer and you don’t have to give me an answer now.” His face saddened at your proclamation, at your confession. However, you continued to speak. “Reiner Braun, what I am trying to say is that I like you. In a romantic sense. Again I don’t expect an answer now or ever if you don’t feel the same.” Then you looked up at him, fear struck his expression. Fear, shock and sadness. You were confused, utterly and dearly. You couldn’t say anything as you watched him. His eyes looked far away from you and towards his friend, Bertholdt. Then slowly, back towards you.
“I’m sorry..____. I can’t like you in that way. I appreciate you and you’re a dear friend. However, I do not wish to harm our friendship like that.” His words sounded insincere, his words sounded distant and cold. He averted his gaze once more before simply walking away. He didn’t look back at you. You stared blankly, feeling the trickle of something warm falling down your cheek. Heart sinking in your chest. You felt ill, sick to the stomach. You sat down on a nearby crate. Head in your hands trying desperately to hold back the tears that threatened to leak from your eyes. Suddenly, there was a call to head back to the headquarters. You headed and wiped your eyes. Pulling your hood over your head and beginning the walk back. You didn’t want to be near anyone so you walked alone. Lost in your own thoughts.
Until you heard commotion from behind you. Bertholdt shouted to Reiner about going home to their hometown. Finishing their mission and returning home. “I’ve been here too long, for my own good..” You could hear him say, scratching at his words as his voice became hoarse. Like he was in pain and longing for help. “It’s been three long years. We were just kids…we didn’t know anything. If only I never knew there were people like this.” His gaze fell upon you, before he looked away and began to remove the sling on his arm. “I…I wouldn’t have become such a half-arsed piece of shit! It’s too late now, I don’t know what’s right anymore. But the only choice for me now is to face the consequences of my actions.” His arm began to heal itself. At that moment, your entire body froze. Watching as the man you just poured your heart out revealed his true identity to you. The monster he truly was. “And as a warrior. Fulfill my duty to the very end!” He looked around at the audience that now watched his every move. Bertholdt looked at him with an almost fiery passion in his eyes. “We’re doing this? Right here, right now?!” He shouted. Reiner nodded and looked back at him. “Yeah. We’re ending this. NOW!” He screamed. As you all stared in utmost fear and betrayal as the scene poured out. Reiner begins to walk away. Mikasa sprung into action; cutting off Reiner’s hand and impaling his other with the blade. While also slicing Bertholdt’s neck, almost slitting his throat.
“EREN GET OUT OF THERE!!” You heard Armin shout as the yellow sparks and lightning came tumbling down onto the two of them, smoke filled the area. The colossal and armored Titan were now in view, Eren and Ymir within their grasp. You stood with your hands over your mouth, stomach churning and legs growing weak. Before long, you felt the cold wall hit your legs. Everyone else had begun to react yet you stayed put. Unable to process all that had just happened. That’s why he couldn’t love you right? All this time you’d fallen for a traitor. Someone who simply wanted to wipe you out. You felt your body jerk forward, sharply you swallowed to keep yourself from upchucking your breakfast. A sudden weight on your shoulder joined you back in with reality. Away from the venom your mind seemed to be implanting. As you looked over, you saw the kind face of Armin. You doubted him, why did you do that? Why did you doubt him? You looked up at him, tears clouding your eyes. What were you thinking?
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brainmaniaman · 3 years
WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT LATER (Bertolt Hoover/Reader)
TITLE: WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT LATER PAIRING: bertolt hoover/reader, light choking(?) TAGS: semi-public sex, female-bodied reader TRIGGER WARNINGS?: kind of mean and unhealthy y/n interactions (very light) w baby bertolt but on god it's part of the plot, very slight dubcon? idk if it can be interpreted that way but it's tagged for safety AU: idk modern au b/c i fuck hard with those DECSRIPTION: yes i believe in bottom bertolt supremacy but one of my friends gave me this idea like okay hear me out, y/n has been straight up blue-balling her boyfriend for quite some time, and it's getting frustrating, so he swallows his nervousness and, per suggestion of his good friend eren, decides to make even in the middle of the movie theater. by the way i am TIRED of everyone having eren hating on bertolt they would be GOOD FRIENDS in a modern au. WORD COUNT: 2,233
"Hey, Eren . . . I have a question" Bertolt looked like he was going to crawl out of his skin as he sat on the opposite end of the couch in the basement, his hands resting on his knees as he fiddled with his fingers.
"Shoot" Said Eren Yeager, pulling his hair back into a messy bun - his fingers expertly tying a small scrunchie into his hair. Jean had teased him about using scrunchies relentlessly - but Eren would die on the hill that using them was better for your hair; the last thing he wanted was for his hair to fall out.
"I, uh . . ." Bertolt's face was turning red, his nose scrunched as he stared at his knees, trying to figure out how to breach the subject. "So you know that y/n and I have been . . . you know, dating for quite some time . . ."
"Yeah . . .?" Eren drawled lazily, leaning his elbows on his knees as he played lazily on his phone, his thumbs typing away. For the most part, he seemed uninterested. "Where are you going with this?"
"Well, you know with dating comes . . . s-" Bertolt paused, now pressing his knuckles together tightly.
"Yeah, that"
"Well, we've been having it a lot lately . . ."
"Are you just sitting me down to brag about your sex life . . .?" Eren inquired, raising an eyebrow - not that Eren was one to judge as he was often guilty of spilling his guts about his sexual escapades. But with Bertolt? . . . Well, it felt weird and out of place.
"N-No!" was Bertolt's immediately response. "It's not that. It's just lately, well . . ."
"Lately what? Spit it out. I don't have all day." Eren responded, looking down at his phone that was currently blowing up. He had a date coming up soon and he was relatively excited for it.
"Well . . . usually, y/n is, you know, on top . . . you know, more assertive -"
"I mean you didn't have to tell me that" Eren interrupted, "We all knew that -"
"- anyways" Bertolt's face was turning hot at the comment. He didn't have the time to really address Eren's comment. "I like it! I do! But lately, I've been thinking well, I'd like to take control . . ."
"Oh?" Eren's ears perked up and he was wriggling his way closer to Bertolt. "So you took control and they didn't like it, and now you're asking me for help?"
"No . . . not exactly."
"Then what happened?"
"Well, I asked them if they'd be willing to you know . . . switch it up and -"
"Jesus fuck, Bert. You can't just ask you have to just do -"
". . . and well, they laughed in my face, pat my cheek, and said no. I asked Reiner what to do and Reiner said to tell them I wasn't going to have sex until they gave me what I want. I thought it was a bad idea, but I went with it anyways and . . . well, they told me that two could play at that game and it's been . . ."
"How long has it been?"
"Uh . . ." Bertolt squirmed a bit in his place, "Two weeks. . ."
"Two weeks!" Eren exclaimed incredulously, in sheer disbelief. "That's insane! And you've just let them get away with it for this long?"
"Uh . . ." Bertolt scratched the back of his neck nervously, "What do you mean by get away with it? I mean . . . yeah . . .? What else am I supposed to do?"
"Well firstly," Eren said, picking up his phone, "Never ask Reiner for advice again. That was your first mistake. Secondly, let me cancel my date tonight -"
"Oh, no - you don't have to do that!" Bertolt responded quickly, "Just a few pieces of advice would be sufficient . . ."
Eren tapped away tirelessly at his phone before turning it face-down on the coffee table, now turning towards Bertolt - a rather determined look in his eyes.
"No -" Eren held up a hand, "I want to help. Besides, I'm going to tell you exactly what to do and we're going to run over it a few times, then - I'm going to make sure you don't pussy out. Knowing you, this is going to take a while. Consider it my early birthday present to you"
"My birthday was a month ago . . ."
"That's not the point. Anyways," Eren placed a very serious hand on his friend's shoulder, pulling Bertolt closer, "You're going to want to take her to the most popular movie in theaters on a Saturday night -"
"Where are you going with this?"
Seeing how packed the movie theater was, Bertolt was definitely thinking about backing out of it. While his partner was in the restroom, presumably washing their hands, he fiddled with his phone in his hands.
To: Eren Yeager
From: Bertolt Hoover
- I don't know if this is a good idea . . .
Read: 9:45 pm
From: Eren Yeager
To: Bertolt Hoover
- If you don't go through with this I'll never forgive you. I canceled a date to prep you on this. Don't make me have canceled my date in vain. I dedicated my heart to this cause.
Read: 9:47 pm
To: Eren Yeager
From: Bertolt Hoover
- I guess . . .
Read: 9:48 pm
To: Bertolt Hoover
From: Eren Yeager
- I'm putting my upmost faith and trust in you. Don't fuck this up.
"Here -" Bertolt extended his arms out to you as you came back from the restroom and concessions, a bag of candy in your hands, "I brought this for you."
His smile was innocent enough and the gesture was kind.
"Thank you." Was your tart response as you leaned over to pat the side of his face and press a kiss to his forehead before sitting down. "So have you changed your mind about what you asked for?" You inquired, taking his hand in your own as you opened your bag of candy and set it between the two of you as you linked your fingers in his own. Perhaps you shouldn't have brought up that topic of conversation here, on a movie date, but you couldn't help it - the way his big eyes looked up at you when he handed you the blanket drove you crazy. It made you want to lower yourself on him right then and there. It was just a damn shame that he had to be so persistent. The first week was easy enough but as you rounded out the second week of this no-sex stalemate . . . well, it was getting more difficult.
He openly frowned.
"Is that a no?"
"Do we have to have this conversation here? Let's just try to have a good night . . ."
You felt a bit guilty but were never the type who was keen on saying sorry.
"We'll talk about it later, then . . ." You responded dryly, clearly unhappy with the response.
To be honest, when Bertolt had suggested watching one of the like, seven hundred Quentin Tarentino movies produced, you were slightly surprised. He was never one for big action movies - especially loud ones; loud noises were often too intense for him. As well as that, neither of you were into mindless action movies. However, this - whatever the hell this was - was actually quite enjoyable.
Halfway through the movie, you found yourself sucked into a particularly loud action scene.
You hadn't really noticed, or particularly cared, when Bertolt had slipped his hand underneath the blanket - resting his palm on your knee. It was kind of comforting.
You hadn't really noticed when he slipped his hand from the top of your knee to the inside of your knee, either.
Or when he inched it up halfway up your thigh.
However, you had noticed when his hand was slipping up your skirt, resting on the upmost part of your thigh where the muscle met the pelvis. For a second, you wondered if he was really trying to pull moves right here, in a movie theater, underneath this blanket - but when you looked over, noticing how tense and uncomfortable he was, you figured if he was, he wasn't going to go through with it - but settled on the notion that he probably wasn't even thinking about it.
A few moments passed by before you felt the tip of his finger press against your panties. There was a moment of tense surprise as your head snapped to look at your boyfriend, your expression narrowing - almost as though you were daring him to push further. You couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or not, but by the way he looked directly at the screen - you could tell he was at the very least a bit flustered.
If that was this case, this pathetic excuse for a mutiny would be over soon.
He drug the pad of his finger around your clothed clitoris gently, teasing it. You felt your abdomen jerk and dropped your hands onto his over the blanket, trying to hold them in place.
Bertolt's thin finger continued to tease around your clit before sliding downwards, continuing to rub over the fabric of your panties before pushing them slightly to the side. His face was hot with nervousness but the adrenaline of the entire situation was rushing to his head.
He continued to train his eyes on the screen in front of him, pretending to be invested in seeing the seventh car crash of the night. While his eyes were on the screen, his finger was sliding up and down your slit, slick from how wet you were. Bertolt wondered - what expression were you making right now? Was your face twisting up in confusion and frustration? Was your mouth forming into a little O?
You pressed your thighs together, your hands now squeezing at the armrests of the chair, squirming. Your heart raced and you pressed your head back into the chair, biting down on your lip as his finger slid its way back up to your clit, gently rubbing at it. Bertolt couldn't hear anything over the sound of cars crashing into each other, but he could certainly imagine how lewd you sounded - it only made sense, considering the fact that you were simply dripping.
Without much warning, Bertolt slipped his finger into you.
Head swimming, you let out a very small moan.
Finally, he turned his head to you.
"Are you okay?" He whispered. The question seemed innocent enough, but given that he was currently one knuckle deep into your cunt, his finger sliding in and out of you and curling, thumb pressing against your clit, you couldn't help but feel irritated with the question.
"Ber-" You let your head loll over to face him, face flushed red and and mouth slightly agape, though found yourself incapable of finishing the sentence as he slipped in a second finger.
The sight of your eyes half-lidded and your tongue poking out between your lips, which were parted gently, and the overall look of pathetic helplessness you gave him was almost too much. If the two of you weren't in a packed theater, he would have rolled you underneath him, torn off your panties, and fucked you underneath your skirt then and there. But for now, he'd have to settle for sliding his fingers back and forth against the inside of your gummy walls, which were tightening against him.
"Shh." He placed a finger to your lips. "The movie is still going. Try to keep quiet." His finger muffled the small gasps and groans you were breathing out. "Here - try this" He slipped a piece of candy in your mouth. "Good, no?"
He refrained from sliding his fingers into your mouth then and there.
As his fingers rocked in and out of you, you bit down on the candy to stifle the moans and gasps. For a second, you thought you were going to choke - but managed to swallow just fine.
Bertolt looked away, once more training his eyes on the movie. Pleasure pooled at the bottom of your stomach and very gently and discreetly, you began to grind your hips into his fingers.
"That's different." He mumbled to himself.
The second time he turned to look over at you, he could see tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you struggled to discreetly grind your hips against his fingers, seeking out an orgasm, but couldn't quite find the pace your body needed without being blatantly obvious.
The only thing you could do was close your eyes and tilted your head back as Bertolt curled his fingers in you - the pace quickening.
Your heartrate grew faster and you could feel his lips press at the shell of your ear.
What was it that Eren said to add? he thought, that's right -
Breath hot on your ear, he rasped out a simple question.
"Tell me, do you deserve it?" Truthfully, he felt awkward saying it - as though the words didn't quite come out of his mouth. You must have disagreed though, because the only thing you could mutter out in response was -
You were starting to reach the edge of your orgasm, your head pressed against his own, back arching gently, as he pressed his face into your neck. Legs shaking, you sucked in a deep breath and -
His fingers slipped out of you and he took a moment to wipe them off on the insides of the blanket before linking his fingers in your own, leaving you a rattled, shaking, frustrated mess - completely unraveled before him as you tried to catch your breath.
"I don't think you do. We'll talk about it later."
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
can i get some relationship w college au bertholdt headcanons both sfw and nsfw 🥺🥺 i make these little scenarios in my head where i’m dating him and he calls me baby and everything it’s kinda crazy but he’s fine as hell so <33
sure! hope you like it! 💖 nsfw under the read more line hehe
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he doesn't care if you live on the other corner of the city, he'll be at your door to accompany you to college.
once he's in front of your door, he'll take air a couple times and check his hair on his phone screen while waiting.
he's used to do it but he still gets nervous cause it's you and he just loves you so much.
once you're in the street, expect the most sweet kiss ever, followed by his blush and his hand caging yours, walking towards the building.
he'll listen to you talk about everything: tje new anime you're watching, the professor that left you hundreds of exercises as homework and how your roommate didn't let you sleep.
shy as always, he won't talk a lot about him, prefers to listen.
once you arrive to your class, he'll promise to pick you up when both of you end your classes and take you to have lunch.
sealing that with a kiss that leaves you on the clouds, you face the morning classes.
he's in your class door at the accorded hour, holding your hand as soon as you're outside,
if it's sunny, he's probably getting food for a picnic. if not, he'll share his umbrella, walking to the little appartment he shares with his best friend, Reiner.
Reiner is rarely home due to the training schedule, so Bertholdt knows exactly when to bring you home.
he likes to spend the afternoons together, studying, talking, playing videogames or watching a film.
he doesn't mind as long as the plan is with you.
he even likes to just receive your little kisses on him until he's blushed to the max.
"baby, i-i think it is my turn."
takes you on tons of dates.
his favorite ones are to take the car and drive away, to a forest or a beach, and spend the day together and alone, in a peaceful place.
he likes to see you on his clothes, and get them again full of your perfume.
he's super considerate, and he always has a new toothbrush and shampoo for you on his bathroom.
you like his bed a lot because of how big and comfortable it is. it's easy for you to end sleeping with him.
he likes to analyze every single mark on your skin.
"baby, how did you get this scar?"
fantasize together about the future is his favorite activity.
even when he's usually shy and sweet, getting him in the mood is pretty easy.
specially if you play your little game of not showing more than the surface, a way he has to imagine and imagine and imagine.
specially if you play your little game of not showing more than the surface, a way he has to imagine and imagine and imagine.
specially if you play your little game of not showing more than the surface, a way he has to imagine and imagine and imagine.
he would be lying if he said he didn't touch himself to some of your pics when he was alone at home.
but, if he can touch you instead, what is he waiting for?
his room is always quieter than yours, and also a private room, not a shared one like yours.
he needs to kiss you while his fingers trace the outside of your panties.
and he needs to kiss you more when his long fingers take the fabric to a side.
his shy personality makes hard for him to tell you what he wants to do, what he wants ypu to do and what he feels. not as hard as you make him tho
he always prepares you first, long fingers sliding in and out as he catches every single moan in his mouth.
he knows he's big, and hurting you is never on his plans.
even when he doesn't notice, the lewdest sentences come out of his mouth.
"come on, baby, i need more.... i need you more wet, yeah?"
that's definitely a way to get you more wet.
he thinks you belong to his lap as his hands belong to your butt, guiding the rhythm and helping you to move.
there's no joke about the size.
king of safe sex, yes he is.
get on your knees for him and you'll be able to see the most blushed version of bertholdt.
and also the "roughest", sliding his cock into your mouth, throat more than ready to take him.
likes to buy flavored condoms. you don't know why but you find it pretty cute.
he thinks that sleeping naked next to you after having an intense session is the nearest feeling to total happiness.
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falling-pages · 3 years
Sick AoT Boys headcanons
(Gender-neutral reader)
How the AoT boys deal with being sick and needing you 🥺
Eren: An absolute baby about it. He needs you to take his temperature, make him soup, warm his tea, stoke the fire, and cuddle him. Like an octopus, he’ll just crush you into his arms and sleep the day away. Gets pouty when you refuse to kiss him, whines that if he gets you sick, it’s just an even better excuse to cuddle all day.
Armin: Better at self-sustainment than Eren, although not much better. He’s not the type to sleep the sickness away; he’d rather stay awake reading, or talking, or playing games with you. Also wants to see his friends but makes you and them stay at a distance so he won’t get y’all sick.
Jean (Read full headcanon list here): Spends the entire time passed out on your chest. He doesn’t want to get you sick, but he also can’t stand being apart from you for more than a few minutes (even though he acts cool about it). The few hours he’s conscious is spent worrying over you, listening as you read or chat softly with him, but as soon as you run your fingers through his hair, he’s out like a light. Makes Connie and Sasha do all the chores for both of you.
Connie: Has the best attitude about it. As much as he’d love to hold you until he feels better, he would hate himself if he got you sick, so you just have to be content with air hugs and blowing kisses until he’s well. You bring him soup and tea and sit in a chair by his bed as you talk. Despie how worried you are for him, he always makes you laugh, even when his voice is gone.
Reiner: Would jump off a bridge before he ever hurt you, so at first he makes you stay away from him. However, the first few hours, knowing you’re just out of reach yet still so far, are killing him. The distance is affecting you, too, so when you so sweetly ask if you can stay with him until he feels better, he can’t resist your soft kitten voice and puppy eyes. He moves the blankets so you can lie down on his burning hot chest, stroking your forehead with his thumb. He doesn’t sleep much and applies most of the first aid himself, careful not to wake you nor get you infected.
Bertoldt: Spends the entire time in a fever coma. He comes to every few hours or so, just enough to drink some water or have a little bit of soup, shocked and surprised that you’re by his side each time he does. His vision is so blurry and mind so fuzzy that he always thinks you’re an angel sent to check on him. When you put a towel against his forehead or hand-feed him soup, he sleepily wonders aloud how he got so lucky to have you in his life.
Levi: This mofo knows nothing about self care and will fight you on whether or not he’s sick. Good luck wrestling him into a bed because he’s not known as the human beyblade for nothing. Even when he physically cannot walk, he will insist on doing paperwork in bed--it’s only when he passes out in the middle of dinner one night and Erwin gives him a direct order to go to bed does he comply. He’s mad that you’re taking over his duties for him--”I’ll just have to clean everything over again, dumb brat”--but his body cries out for rest and he falls asleep at the drop of a hat.
Erwin: Ever the workaholic, he thankfully does have a little more intuition than Levi; however, he can’t show weakness, so he acts strong about it until he’s in private. He nurses his own wounds but also won’t resist if you want to take care of him. There’s just something about the way you smell, how your hair hangs in the firelight, as you push him down to the bed and cover him up that makes him feel safe and secure. As you wet a towel and lay it across his forehead, he knows that for this moment, in your presence, he doesn’t have to worry about the fate of humanity. He can just worry about himself.
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faerienextdoor · 3 years
(some) AOT characters' types and sexuality hcs:
Sorry I didn't want to do anymore but my inbox is open to requests if u want a specific character I didn't do!
Armin (straight):
Book lover! someone he can share his stories with
he really likes quiet girls but also loves girls that are assertive and headstrong!!! anyone in between is his ideal gf,,,,,,,
loves girls who like red or soft colours idk. it's a trait of his type!!
erwin (straight):
wife. he wants a wife.
he wants a woman that's in it for the long run and is fine with the fact he's away a lot. he's never thought about dating someone in the same field of work as him, and always imagined having a wife that would stay at home.
he never got married though and strays from the idea, because he doesn't want to leave her a widow.
the idea just hurts.
but he really wants a family. he really does. he wants to put a ring on a lady's finger and have a kid with her one day.
It's his ideal life. It seems so peaceful to him. It would be rewarding to come home to a loving wife and happy child/children.
Doesn't have much preference but hopes he lands a cuddler.
eren (straight/bicurious):
he'd shrug and say he doesn't have a type if asked
he kinda really likes girls with fuller figures tho tbh
he likes having more to hold and squeeze and kiss
he is really bad with affection though, so daydreams and it rather than showing it. He needs a lot of assurance here and there so he probably needs a lady who can just
deal with him in general
he wants a girl that brings out the best in him, y'know?
Jean (straight):
he's never put thought into the idea but when asked he'd probably just want a girl with nice hair he can run his hands through. and then again, that isn't a selling point completely. he likes confident girls but also is willing to settle down with a lady who's confidence he can work on with her. He likes giving compliments and doesn't mind some emotional baggage
he loves to spoil his girlfriend so expect a lot of that
Bertoldt (bi):
Short. S/o. like they're all short next to him, but he'd LOVE to date one that's under 5'5. also tall s/o iscool too though!!! he just loves height difference omg
wants a partner that'll kiss his nose pls, he needs that
also hold his hand
likes those that are more steadfast and assertive because he is,,, not that.
he's stubborn and quiet, and also has a bit of tunnel vision on his goals. so needs someone that'll ground him.
pls take care of him
he works so hard and does so much for other people
show him that kindness in return and he's all yours.
Zeke (bi):
smart girls. he likes girls that are book smart with street smart and knows what they're doing
he likes men that are like.... rough around the edges but have hearts of gold. he also likes soft boys tho don't get him wrong
thighs thighs thighs THIGHS
pls chubby women or chubby men 🥺
he doesn't have a set preference of body type though, chub is just a bonus for him!!!
he would love a partner that kind of
reels him in to reality and pulls him away from work
a partner that will nurture his inner child and be his twin flame, y'know?
also ik twin flame isn't soul mate or anything but is someone with equal energy and drive
I like the word
Sasha (bi, also bonus hc: transgirl):
she needs someone who listens and understands. pls, she really wants someone she can spend time with
doesn't matter the gender or the body shape or anything else.
just someone that cares about her and never stops even when she makes a mistake
she's scared of losing her partner, so needs to be kissed and reassured from time to time
also pls joke around with her it's a fun time
Reiner (straight):
starts sobbing
he's very marriage oriented so also wants a lady he can settle down with in the future!!!
He loves showering the gf in affection
also body worship that's wholesome
he does NOT tolerate saying negative words and herself
and when she tried a new outfit on? SHOW HIM IMMEDIATELY
Connie (straight???):
I feel like he also likes chubbier figures? Chubby cheeks doe...... like squishing his gfs face.......
brings him joy
likes holding hands so: smaller hands??? bigger hands??? he doesn't mind either just HOLD HIS HANDS
a jokester at heart so hed love a lady that will make sarcastic remarks with him and loves girls that have "ugly" laughs 😭 snorty and honking laughs
Pieck (lesbian):
Needs a gf that has a cold demeanor but will cuddle and shower her in kisses
a gf that's ok with pda because she shows a lot of affection!!!
also really likes having her hair played with........
she just likes tender moments where she can lay in bed with her girlfriend and just
feel them stroke her face
so: a girlfriend she can spend time with!!!!! and a gf that will appreciate her chubby figure!!!!
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beepityboopbeep · 3 years
Attack on Titan: How to Comfort Them Part 3
Ohhhh we all know he needs some comforting
First off, he's EXTREMELY touch starved, so uh...cuddles and physical affection are always appreciated
Also being there when he has a mental breakdown, like my god, this man needs to be held
Another thing, don't hold it against him when he cries
He always struggles with feeling like a burden when he comes to other for help so please reassure him
It also helps if you tell him he's a good person
Yes, he's in a terrible situation and he's messed up, but deep down, he eants to know he's a good person and nit some monster or weapon
Look after this man
Okay this may sound kind of weird but like...sleep with him
But like, often Bert doesn't exactly get decent sleep and being tired really doesn't help his stress levels
Often the best thing to do is to let him fall asleep on your shoulder
Bc snuggling is great
Gentle words of encouragement as he deifts off to sleep are also appreciated
If he can't just fall asleep right now then hold his hand
It helps him know you're there
Get this bitch something to punch
A table to flip or a windiw to smash, RAGE. TIME.
Annie, most of the time channels her pain into anger
She'll just take it out on random bits of furniture, she'll scream and cry
If that's not working, she needs to be held
Like Reiner, you need to tell her that she's not a bad person
That it's all going to work in the end
And the you've got her back through all of it
Pieck usually doesn't show her Pain around others, often you can tell when she gets serious
Her stress often mainfests physically so taking care of her physical pain is a good place to start
Make sure she's hydrated, give her a massage, treat her to some nice food ect.
After that she'll usually fall asleep whilst venting to you
Often she falls asleep on your lap
She also likes it when people play with her hair, so just gently stroke her hair and her body just reflexively relaxes
Also finds the sound of your voice incredibly soothing
She gets all touchy and clingy when she needs comforting
Often she can appear cold of distant but when she's a wreck she often let's her guard down
She needs touch, doesn't matter how far you go with it, but she needs to feel someone else touch her gently, tenderly
Like she'll also full on grab you away from whatever you're doing and steal you for a few hours so you both can cuddle
Tries not to let anyone else know she feels emotions lmao
Also really enjoys having a relaxing cup of tea
Will usually go somewhere secluded when he's upset
The hardest part will be finding him
After you have, he'll often want to talk with you
This can range from something as trivial as the weather to the reason why you keep fighting
He doesn't like opening up about what he's going through, he's pretty closed off
But having you to get his mind off it is something he values
After he's feeling better he might take you to play some baseball or have some wine or something of that nature
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oneoftheextras · 3 years
training | levi ackerman | one
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masterlist | request?
parings: levi ackerman x reader
you are an outstanding member of the scout regiment, rightfully earning your place among the elite in the levi squad.
throughout your time as a soldier, you’ve always found that flirting and teasing your squad members was the best way to pass the time - even venturing as far as to flirt with your captain, levi ackerman.
after years of suggestive comments and playful looks, the captain decides enough is enough.
words: 4.7k
warnings: no spoilers for any season, flirting and teasing, power dynamic, this is basically setting up the tone for the next chapter
a/n: i’ve only seen up to the start of season 2 so i’m sorry if this is out of character for later on - update: i am midway through and now regret choosing reiner and bertoldt lol but i’m 3k words in and i’m not changing now 
part 1 | part 2
want a handwritten letter from levi?
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If there was one thing that you were proud of, it was your ability as a soldier. Finishing first in cadet training propelled you ahead in your career, the Military Police had begged you to join their ranks, but you had no interest, you had your heart set on killing Titans.
Within the first 6 months of you joining the Scout Regiment, you proved yourself to be worth 10 average soldiers combined and Commander Erwin promoted you to be a part of the Levi squad, much to the Captain’s dismay.
The second most thing you were proud of was your reputation as a flirt. This was the sole reason Levi had protested against you joining his squad, “I don’t need a troublemaker distracting the rest of my team” he’d stated to Erwin, but your abilities outweighed his concerns.
At first you’d bitten your tongue and stayed professional, it wasn’t a secret how ruthless Levi was. Once you’d settled into the team and gotten to know the men who were your squad mates, you let your playful personality free - but never in earshot of your Captain.
That was until you slipped up one night after a successful mission. The whole squad was gathered around a table enjoying one too many alcoholic beverages while Levi was sipping his tea.
To be fair to you, Jean had set you up too well by leaning across the table as he mocked the fact he had returned back to base before you, “Jean, finishing first isn’t something you should be bragging about” you had quipped back to him, causing the rest of the squad to laugh at Jean’s expense.
Levi eyed the two of you but didn’t say anything.
The conversation drifted onto how you held the record for the fastest quadruple Titan kill - not counting Levi of course - you’d had a bit too much to drink to be filtering yourself, so when Bertolt commented on how skilled you were with the ODM gear, “That’s not the only thing I’m skilled at” slipped out of your mouth.
It was hard to mistake it for anything other than a lewd suggestion, and everyone at the table noticed. 
Levi choked on his tea as soon as the sentence had hit his ears, the noise of the liquid getting momentarily stuck in his throat was enough to snap you back to reality, making you realise what you had said and who you’d said it in front of.
You waited for the shout to reach your ears, to be ordered to clean the castle for the rest of the night, but when he simply stood from his chair and left the room, and his tea, you were all dumbfounded.
The next time you thought you’d see the bottom of your Captain’s boot was during a briefing for a rather tedious and pointless mission. 
You’d made the mistake of asking Levi something he deemed stupid, “Will we be needing our ODM gear for this, Sir?” you thought it was a fair inquiry given the simplicity of the plan, but when he replied sarcastically, “Would you want to ask another pointless question and feel the back of my hand across your face?”.
When it came to his squad, Levi was all bark and no bite, you knew he would never harm any of you intentionally, but that didn’t stop you from saying “I don’t know Sir, depends if you’d hold back or not” you smirked at him.
Your team mates held their breath as the Captain stared down at you with his grey unmoving eyes, he had witnessed you flirting with the rest of the squad but nothing was ever directed to him, until now.
The feeling of pure adrenaline rocketed through you, the last time you felt this much dread was the first time you’d seen a Titan. Every hair on your head stood on end as he bore his eyes into your face. 
He seemed completely unaffected by what you had said, but he was always like this, always hard to read. You wished for the ability to read minds just so you could know what he was thinking, there wasn’t a single sign as to what his next move would be.
It felt as though he was staring at you for a good few minutes. Every person in the room simultaneously holding their breath, waiting to hear the crack of knuckles connecting with bone. 
But it never came.
“You know I wouldn’t hold back” he’d grumbled before returning to talk about the plan for the mission. 
The entire room collectively let out their held breath and you turned around to meet the shocked eyes of your team, they were just as surprised as you were that you were still alive.
The plans went completely over your head as you tried to subtly calm yourself. You were sure you’d pushed it too far that time. 
You were unsure of whether it was the fact that you’d left the encounter unscathed or the danger that came with teasing a man like Levi Ackerman that had quickened your heartbeat. The reality was, if he ever decided to go through with his words, you would probably be unconscious for a few days.
And that thrilled you.
What you couldn’t get your head around, was why he’d let you get away with it. He’d punished other soldiers over much less than speaking out of turn to their Captain, you put it down to him being a witness to your tone with the rest of the squad.
That was a year ago now, and you’d only gotten worse with your flirting.
He’d made a fatal mistake that day, only setting himself up for more suggestive comments, sometimes he would indulge you and others he would ignore your advances.
At some point along the way, you realised that it wasn’t just playful banter to pass the time anymore. The moments when he would acknowledge what you said were engraved in your brain, and you were embarrassed to say they gave you such a headrush that you couldn’t think straight for the rest of the day.
It was different from the others; whenever Jean would flirt back you knew it was just friendly. So, why did your stomach do a backflip when Levi would acknowledge your comments? He was yet to actually flirt back, but the look he gave you was enough for you.
Of course, you knew when to shut up and do your job, and that’s what kept you in the elite squad. You had 12 solo kills and 56 assists to your name, you were a valuable asset that couldn’t be replaced, regardless of how much Levi wished he could.
Today was one of those particular days where all plans go completely wrong in every way they could.
As the Titan’s limp body hit the ground, you nobly stood on its head and brushed the blood covered strand of hair out of your eyes, “13 solo’s” you beamed proudly, “Eat my ass, Reiner” you yelled to your blonde haired companion who was still on horseback in front of the fallen giant.
“With pleasure” he quipped back at you as he brought his horse closer to you. He watched your figure jump from the back of the Titan’s skull and land graciously on your feet.
The unexpected appearance of a few Titans threw you all from what was supposed to be a simple supply run, you’d sprung into action the moment you spotted one of them lumbering your way, consequently leaving your horse behind.
Reiner extended his hand to you gesturing for you to get on the back of his horse, “Come on, I’ll give you a ride” he awaited your answer, the small twinge at the corner of his mouth suggested that he was holding back a smirk, “Oh will you now?” you raised an eyebrow at his comment, and his smile broke through.
“There’s a time and a place!” was yelled from your left but quickly swooped around to your right. Both you and Reiner snapped your attention towards the sound; Levi was on horseback holding the reigns of your own transport.
As he passed you he threw the leather straps your way, which subsequently whipped you in the face. The momentum of the horse’s gallop as well as Levi’s throw sent you off balance, you squeaked at the sudden pain in your cheek as you felt your butt hit the muddy floor below.
“Pay more attention to your horse, stupid brat” he spat at you before cantering off in the direction of your base, his horse’s hooves kicking mud up into your face.
When you glanced up at Reiner you noticed a panicked look in his eye, as well as a pink blush across his cheeks, “Go, before you get in trouble too” you told him as you got up off the floor.
It was good to see that he did as you had instructed and galloped after the Captain. All that was left was to call your horse back and catch up to the rest of them.
You weren’t the best rider but you managed to get back to the base as everyone else was saying goodbye to their horses. The pace at which you rode had you out of breath and you know your horse would act up because of it, you couldn’t really blame her.
Dismounting and stroking the side of her, you cooed and told her how well she did today in hopes that would settle her for the night.
“Everyone gather around for debriefing” Levi shouted across the courtyard, and you knew you had to hurry before you annoyed him even more. You managed to get the equipment off your horse pretty quick, locking her away and joining the other’s with the saddle still tucked under your arm.
Once you were all stood in a line in front of your Captain he began the debrief, it was short and concise, but you could feel something was off and by the look on everyone else’s face, they could feel it too.
Levi stopped his pacing and turned to you all, “Now, what I saw today was shocking” he said bluntly, causing you all to be taken back for a moment, “You’re sloppy and slow, I certainly wouldn’t call you Elite” he scoffed, “I’m honestly surprised none of you died today” he finished his verbal assault.
In some ways, he was right. You’d all become complacent due to the lack of challenges you’d faced the last couple of months, if a full scale attack happened it would definitely be a shock to the system.
“I’ll see you all here 4 hours after dawn for training” he told you all, “Y/L/N!” he addressed you, making you jump slightly at the sudden sound of your last name being shouted “Captain!” you addressed him back, stamping one of your boots on the ground and straightening your back out of respect.
That was another thing you’d become lax with. At the beginning you showed the Captain as much respect as you could muster, but over time it had started to slip, only being reminded of his authority at times like these.
He took a few steps over to where you were and raised his hand, your eye twitched as the thought of him hitting you rushed through your mind - but his arm swung downwards and knocked the saddle out from your grip causing it to hit the dirty floor.
“Tidy up your horse properly then report to my office immediately” he commanded you before dismissing the rest of the squad, of course they didn’t move until Levi was out of sight.
The moment he entered the building you scrambled to pick up the saddle, “Woah, intense” Bertoldt commented, “Yeah, he seemed pissed” Reiner agreed with him, and you felt your back click as you stood up again, “He’s always like that, why are you acting paranoid?” Jean crossed his arms over his chest and dismissed everyone’s worry.
“Hey, if anyone needs to be paranoid, it’s me” you tried to make light of the fear that was building inside you, “What did you do?” Bertoldt questioned you.
All three of them now following you back to the stables as you put your gear away, Reiner seemed uneasy at the question, “Nothing that I’m aware of” you laughed to yourself, but deep down you knew you were in trouble for distracting Reiner, and you were sure he would be in just as much shit.
“I told you your mouth would get you in trouble one of these days” Jean scorned you as you hung the saddle on the wall and brushed your hands clean, “Nothing my mouth can’t get me out of” you winked back but apparently they didn’t find it as funny as you did.
“You’re not seriously going to try that with the Captain are you?” Jean was basically yelling now, “Christ, no! I’m not an idiot” you dropped the façade and answered him seriously, “I definitely better not keep him waiting though. See you all in the morning” you waved them goodbye as you made your way towards the building. 
The walk along the empty corridors did nothing for your building nerves, and when you eventually reached Levi’s office you were hesitant to knock at first. There was a part of you that didn’t want to know why he’d called you here, but the other part was screaming at you to get it over with. 
Before you knew it, your knuckles knocked against the wood, “Name and business!” you heard his voice on the other side, “Y/L/N, you asked to see me” you confidently said back, “Enter” he permitted you, even through the door you could here the grumble at your admittance.
The sun had started to go down a while ago, and the orange tint of the sunset through the darkened windows did very little to illuminate the large room. You spotted the back of the dark haired man as he stared out of the glass.
“Close the door” he ordered, you jutted your tongue out between your lips to wet them as you swallowed a jump in your throat and did as he asked. Levi wasn’t a very emotive person, but there was something specifically cold about his tone.
As though he was waiting to hear the sound of the latch click, he stood in silence until the door was firmly shut.
“Do you know why I’ve called you here?” he asked without moving, surely transfixed by whatever had caught his attention outside. “No, Sir” you tried to say as confidently as you could, so far your voice came out pretty strong.
When you heard a rough “Tch” from his throat, you regret not attempting to come up with an answer for him. To some extent, you had a small idea as to what this was about. 
“I’ve been patient with you because you boost morale within the squad-” he started, his back still turned to you, “-But I’ve had enough” he moved his head slightly to the right so you could see his side profile.
His eyes were trained downwards to the floor and his jaw was clenched tightly. The air in the room was starting to chill, even with the summer humidity, but the shiver of dread that went down your spine was from anything but the temperature in the room.
“Levi, what have I-” you began to ask him what your transgression was and started taking a few steps towards him, but he cut you off as he turned his body around to face you, “Captain, don’t forget your place, brat”.
His words cut through the air and took you off guard, perhaps you had gotten too comfortable within your squad and misread everyone’s friendliness. 
If it wasn’t for his irritated tone, you would’ve thought he was bored with this conversation. His eyes were set in their normal disinterested stare.
“My apologies, Captain” you cleared your throat and tried to take as many steps towards fixing whatever issue you’d caused before it got worse. “Captain, what have I done and how can I resolve it?” you put emphasis on his title this time.
You didn’t dare to take another glance at his face, even though you hadn’t uttered the words, you were basically professionally grovelling for his forgiveness - completely unsure of what you were asking for forgiveness for.
Hearing him sigh from the other side of the room, and seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you could tell he was rubbing his tired face with the tips of his fingers.
“This act of innocence is pissing me off” he said bluntly, and you tried to force some saliva down your dry throat, it seemed that whatever you did, you just made it worse.
You weren’t prepared for what you heard next, “I have filed for your official transfer out of my squad” he stated callously, moving around some papers on his desk, “I’ll be sending it to Commander Erwin at first light tomorrow”.
“What?!” you squawked, it wasn’t exactly the tone or volume that you were expecting to come out of you, but you were in disbelief.
Being on the Levi squad was your dream since becoming a cadet, and it was your proudest achievement to be so young and giving “Humanities Strongest Soldier” a run for his money. 
“Under what grounds? I haven’t done anything wrong!” you spoke through gritted teeth at him. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to be so vocal about this, his eyes shot up from the paper he was holding to glare at you.
You waited for him to say something else as your chest rose and fell as you aggressively sucked oxygen in and out of your nose, trying desperately to try and calm yourself down, but you were too angry.
When he didn’t answer your question it only ignited more of your rage, “You’re an idiot if you dismiss me” you snapped at him, “Hold your tongue” he warned you, not raising his voice but if you weren’t so blinded by your fury, you would have heard how his tone lowered.
“I am by far the best Scout in this squad, I hold records that no one but you have beaten” you were starting to sound egotistical, but the only thought that went through your mind was that you needed to prove that you deserved to be where you were.
You were hurting at the thought of being tossed aside after all the work you’d done to be called an Elite Soldier, all you wanted to do was hurt him back.
“And remind me, Captain-” this time when you said his title it was dripping with sarcasm, “-When was the last time you killed a Titan?” you dared to ask him such a mocking question.
Within the blink of your eyelids, Levi had marched around his desk and taken a few lunges until he was stood in front of you. You were sure he was going to strike you so you tried to match his speed by striding backwards, you would have fallen over on your ass if your back hadn’t collided with the door.
The worst part was, he never touched you and didn’t even seem mad.
The only indication to any change in his temperament was the twitching muscle of his jaw and the white shade that decorated the knuckles of his clenched fist, but his stoic gaze was the thing to make you stop talking.
From this proximity you could finally see the glint in his eye, you’d never seen anything like it from him before but it sent a chill up your spine.
“Is that really what you think of me?” he asked you, his voice dangerously quiet, it was almost overshadowed by the thumping of your heart in your ears. “N-No Captain, I don’t know why I said that” you spoke so quickly that you could barely understand yourself.
You waved your hands in front of you as though you could wave way the words that came from your mouth like they’d never been vocalised.
“You normally speak so freely, why are you hesitating now?” he returned your sarcastic tone from earlier, “You have no problem distracting everyone around you with that mouth, what if one of them died because of your selfishness?” he continued.
The dots started to connect in your head and you realised that Jean was right, it was your comments that lead you here.
His words resonated in your head, what would you do if one of the boys died because of you? You’d never forgive yourself.
Your eyes trailed from Levi’s face to the floor, unable to give him an answer.
“Look at me when I’m speaking to you” he wasn’t going to let you off that easily, one of his hands shot up to firmly clamp it over your lower jaw, the space between his index finger and his thumb tightly pressed against your bottom lip.
You were sure you’d have bruises on your cheekbones in the morning from how tense the tips of his thumb and index finger were.
You wanted to answer him, but your lips were so dry from how heavily you were breathing, so you instinctively pushed your tongue between your lips to wet them, your tongue connecting with Levi’s hand as you did.
His eyebrow twitched slightly as you made contact with the rough texture of his hand, but the faint taste of soap lingered on the tip of your tongue.
Levi’s grip on you never faltered, “You’re a tease, Y/L/N” he scolded after a brief moment of silence as he leaned into you. Your face was so close to his that you could almost feel the exhale that left him as he prepared the rest of his lecture.
You should have been terrified, and you were but other emotions tainted your fear. If anything the close proximity made you want to make a teasing comment and not because it would pass the time, but because you wanted to get a reaction out of him.
“You’re the only woman in a squad of hormonal men, if you’re that desperate, just fuck one of them and stop annoying me” he growled at you before suddenly letting go of your face. Somehow you managed to stabilize yourself and keep your balance.
He took a step back from you and brushed down his shirt sleeves as though being close to you had dirtied him in some way, “Get out of my office” was the last thing he grumbled to you before you ripped open the door and rushed down the corridor.
You need to get your head straight, your thoughts were foggy and your body was trembling but not out of fear.
There wasn’t much point in trying to sleep tonight, and it wasn’t that late, you were sure that the rest of the Squad would be in the dining area and you needed the distraction.
If tonight was the last night you were going to be a Levi Squad member then you didn’t want to spend it huddled in your room, you wanted to spend it with your friends.
Just as you had suspected, they were all sat around the table with some sort of alcoholic beverage in their hand.
“Hey, there they are!” Jean semi-stood from his seat when he saw you enter the room, he had clearly drank more than he should’ve considering you needed to be up early for whatever training Levi had in mind.
“How’d it go?” Reiner asked you in a calmer voice, you could see he still had that worried look in his eye from earlier.
You debated whether or not to tell them about your dismissal and that this would be the last time you’d be able to share a beverage with your friends - you decided to keep it to yourself and opt for grabbing Jean’s drink out of his hand and downing the rest of the contents yourself.
Wiping your mouth on the sleeve of your brown jacket, you listened to him whine, “That was mine” he pouted, “I’ll pay you back” you replied as you resisted the urge to burp.
“Oh yeah, how’re you gunna do that?” Jean wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, everyone went silent when you just shrugged and didn’t respond in your normal playful way.
“Oh shit” Jean and Reiner whispered at the same time, “Everything okay?” Reiner asked you, moving to the chair next to yours and putting his hand gently on top of your arm.
Honestly, you didn’t know. To some extent, no you weren’t, leaving would break your heart - but on the other hand, you couldn’t shake the tremble that went up your spine.
“What happened?” Bertolt asked from across the table, sliding you another drink which you greedily took and started gulping down. You let out a weak laugh, not wanting to bring down the evening, “Captain said I should just fuck one of you so I can stop pestering him” it was the easiest way to explain what had happened.
You watched as a pink tint dusted their faces, they clearly weren’t expecting you to say that.
“Well, I volunteer” Jean slumped back into his seat with a try-hard cocky look, you couldn’t help but laugh at his drunken boldness. It was a nice relief of tension.
If you knew Jean, you knew that he was all talk. You guessed you’d just hit ‘fuck it’ at this point and decided to call his bluff. Standing from your seat, you mustered up as much courage as you could and made your way to Jean’s chair.
Placing your hands on either side of the backrest, you swung your leg over him and sat on his lap facing him.
His stunned face was exactly what you had expected, his hands were in the air and his eyes were wide as he glanced up at your features - Reiner and Bertoldt didn’t make a sound behind you.
You waited for a moment to see what he would do, if you were being truthful with yourself, you weren’t sure what you were doing but fucking Jean was the last thing on your list.
When he made no attempt to move, you shot your hands down to under his armpits and started to tickle him. The boyish laugher that rocketed from him was enough to shatter any sexual tension there may have been in the room.
“What’s all the noise?” you heard from behind you and you shot off of Jeans lap, the unmistakable voice of the Captain sending electricity rocketing through your bones.
On your ascension, you made the mistake of not lifting your leg high enough to fully clear Jean’s thigh and ended up stumbling backwards a bit, but you managed to find your footing.
You begrudged lifted your head up, ready to meet the gaze of a very angry Levi, but he wasn’t glaring at you, he was glaring at Jean.
“We, uh...” Reiner started to say, noticing that you were too shocked to defend yourself, “Turns out Jean is ticklish” Bertoldt finished his friend’s sentence. 
Levi’s scowl left Jean for a moment and drifted over to you, then back to Jean again. “I wont go easy on any of you if you have a hangover in the morning” he warned you all before stepping out of the room and, you presumed, continued off to his bedchamber.
None of you knew when it was safe to speak, but you decided to break the ice first, “He’s right, I’m going to hit the hay before I get myself in any more trouble” you dryly laughed. 
You didn’t wait for a goodnight from them before you left. The moment you were in the hallway you heard a shuffle behind you, whipping your head around you saw Levi’s short frame hurriedly making his way towards his room.
So he was waiting by the doorway and listening in? You thought to yourself. 
Trying to pay him no notice, you continued your journey towards your own sleeping quarters. Before you knew it, the sun was coming up.
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luvbugs-blog · 2 years
getting saved by the aot boys
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including: eren, jean, marco, bertoldt, and reiner
warnings: none!!
author's note: struggling a little bit with school and figuring out when I will set aside writing time. but please please please send me your thoughts!
is this how you were going to die? in the arms of a filthy titan? well in this world, how else were you supposed to die? of old age? you weren't that lucky…you were overwhelmed with the stench of impending death, the titan's giant hand squeezing you so hard you thought you were going to break in half.
how could you allow yourself to be grabbed? oh, yeah, you were trying to save another cadet. selfishly, you thought that if you knew this was the outcome to begin with, you would have never tried to save him. you didn't want to die. you were going to leave behind your friends, your family… eren.
the two of you had just started going out, despite liking each other since you were children. but eren was too stubborn to admit he fully liked you until the night he was admitted as a soldier. he was so happy he passed the balance test, he just blurted out his feelings, much to your delight.
how was eren going to respond to your death? not that it matters, as you won't be alive to see it. black started to crowd around the corner of your eyes, but you swear you saw lighting out in the distance.
then you heard an animalistic cry. eren. was he coming to save you? just as the titan was lowering you into his mouth, you were thrown into the sky, before being snatched up by armin. as you hold onto armin with desperation, you look behind you to see eren's titan stomping on the titan's neck. you weren't going to die. tears sprung to your eyes as you held tight onto your other childhood friend. you were alive. you are alive.
armin found a space on the ground far from any other titans, but you refused to let go.
"armin. i always knew i was going to die by a titan. but it was so scary." he sighed, a started petting your head.
"i know. you're ok."
armin loaded you onto the cart to be towed back inside the walls, as you can hardly stand by yourself. the day passes, but you can hardly remember it. nurses come and go, replacing bandages and ice packs on your stomach, feeding you, and tending to your bruises.
eventually, eren runs in, looking around for you. when he spots you, a relieved look passes over his face. he quickly makes his way over, ignoring the nurses' attempts to get him to stop. kneeling beside you, he fusses over all of the gauze, apologizing profusely for not intervening faster. you jut grabbed his hand.
"thank you." he smiled and placed a small kiss on your forehead.
"YEAGER!" he definitely was going to be lectured for turning into a titan without permission, but this time, he couldn't care less.
this wasn't how the plan was supposed to go. they were supposed to take jean and armin. but somehow, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and taken with armin. you were only in the cart for three seconds to help secure armin's wig, and jean was standing near while mikasa, levi, and connie were helping him look like eren, much to his dismay. But before jean and you could switch places, the cart lurched forward, almost sending you and armin tumbling out. panicked, you look at armin, who urged you to stay with him. maybe the plan could still be salvaged. unfortunately, you didn't have any ODM gear on, no guns, or knives. nothing you could use to defend yourself.
"armin. the plan is going to fail! i don't look anything like eren!"
"it's fine. i'll think of something. don't worry." how can I not worry? after a few minutes, the cart seemed to slow, and two men came around the back with rope. they take a while to tie the two of you up, but after a while, they leave the two of you tied to chairs.
you don’t know where the men went, so you look at armin and try to speak with your eyes. what's going to happen? armin just gives you a reassuring glance, knowing that the others should be coming soon. it wasn't long before the men returned, one caressing armin's (fake) hair, the other advancing toward you.
"you don't fit the description of eren yeager," he said gripping your shoulder. "but you're too pretty to let go. Maybe little eren will come for you, and we can get our reward." his nasty hand begun to make its way down your body, which you tried to ignore. thankfully, before anything could happen, the windows break open, and mikasa throws the first man down. armin and you burst out of the restraints, looking around on where to help. the second man draws a gun at you, but is also quickly stopped when your boyfriend lands on him, after jumping in from the window.
with all of the kidnappers down, jean quickly runs up to you, as mikasa goes to check on armin. he draws you into a hug, which you gratefully return.
"had to take all my fun, huh?" you giggle at his little comment.
"glad a big strong man came to rescue me. thank you eren." jean's mouth gapes open. "HUH? i don’t look anything like that ugly guy!"
you just laugh and press a kiss on his lips. "thanks jean."
panting, you slid between houses, trying to lose this titan on your tail, but it was fruitless. it seemed to sense you, no matter how many times you ran away. this might be it for you. you lost your remaining gas trying to save your squad, but that was unsuccessful too, and now your ODM gear is useless. you tried looking around for any other squads that might be around. nothing.
this isn't how you wanted to go. you at least wanted to be seen, to be remembered in some way. but it looks like you were going to die alone, for a random cadet to find your body when they were doing cleanup. a small tear trickled down your cheek at the thought of leaving your family behind. your friends. marco.
the two of you had gotten together shortly after training. you wonder if he'll know you are dead, or if he'll hold onto hope that you are still alive, just lost. you lean up against the wall of one house you were hiding out in, and try to catch your breath. peering out the window, you see the titan chasing you get held up by another cadet. eyes roaming around for any way out of this predicament, you see a fallen soldier, with their ODM gear in tact. maybe you could make it. holding your breath, you sprint out and quickly try to remove the gas tanks. you start to sweat, knowing you shouldn't be out in the open for so long.
it wasn’t long before you heard stomping heading in your direction. how stuck were these damn tanks? you quickly decide to abandon the tanks, and just run, hoping you can figure out another plan in a quick amount of time. you sprint between houses before you start slowing. the adrenaline was gone, and you were winded. the titan rounds the corner, eyeing you. you start sprinting again, but not before tripping on rubble left by the surrounding buildings. this is it. your legs were so heavy, and your arms too weak. you were tired of running. you hoped marco would forgive you for giving up. just as the titan, starts reaching for you, you hear feet. human feet.
"y/n!" connie jumps from on roof and distracts the titan from the front, when marco jumps from behind, slicing the neck.
you scramble out of the way to avoid the already disintegrating corpse. marco comes and scoops you up, while connie follows behind. once the three of you are safely atop of the walls. marco sets you down, but you don't let go of him. you’re shaking badly, and marco just sits with you until you calm down.
"i thought i was going to lose you," marco whispers. you turn to look at him, and there are tears in his eyes. "but you didn't," you say as you pull him closer. "thank you." you press a sweet kiss on his lips, happy the two of you are together and safe. "you saved my life." marco smiles and you two sit close together before you refill your gas.
too bad you couldn't return the favor in the future.
you glance behind you on your way to breakfast before training. another trainee is following you. the same cadet that has been bothering you for the last few weeks. he's been trying to drag you away from friends to hang out with you, trying to sit down at the table next to you, trying to help you put on the straps for your ODM gear. it was nice at first, to feel like somebody liked you. but now it's just creepy, and you have no idea what to do about it. you're afraid that if you go to a commander, they will think you are wasting their time. it's not like they’ve tried to hurt you.
your friends have noticed it too, and are slightly worried. eren won't let you go to the stables by yourself. mikasa always walks with you. reiner and bertholdt always sit beside you during meals. jean is always by your side at training. you feel a bit like a burden, because your friends have better, more important things to worry about.
today, you are walking by yourself, as mikasa is busy helping eren after he hurt himself. and this stalker seems to have noticed that you don't have your normal bodyguard with you.
the thought makes you a bit angry. does he not think you can take care of yourself? you are one of the top trainees. you can definitely kick his scrawny ass. despite that, you still got a chill up your spine, feeling uncomfortable, so you pick up your pace a little bit. you make it into the dining hall, and see reiner and bertholdt already seated. you take a seat next to berty, and exhale a little bit, trying to maintain your breathing. bertholdt leans over and asks, "are you ok?"
you crane your head to look up at him. "i'm fine. just my little buddy over there decided to follow me here." the two of you quickly glance behind you, and see that your follower had begrudgingly had sat by his friends. reiner leans over, listening to your conversation, "why didn’t mikasa come here with you?"
you scoff. "i can take care of myself, reiner."
"oh no doubt. but, I just don't trust that guy."
"me neither," bertholdt frowns. you smile. you've had a crush on him for a while, and suspect that he likes you back.
"you jealous, berty?" you say, while smirking. he blushes and turns away. "don't be a brat." you just laugh and lean your head against him, which makes him turn an even darker shade. after a hot second, you jump out of your seat.
"where are you going?"
"don't you worry your head off, bertholdt. i'm just going to the bathroom." he pouts a little bit, which you think is cute.
"you shouldn't go by yourself."
"i'll be just fine." you were not just fine. apparently, the cadet was watching you leave, and grabs you, pinning you against the wall.
"is he your little boyfriend now?"
"why does it matter to you?" you say, shoving him away. "you don't mean anything to me, you fucking creep." you try to walk away, but he grabs onto your arm.
"i am her boyfriend," a voice says behind you. "so please, let go of her." the cadet turns, looking at bertholdt, who looked so intimidating, towering over him. "now."
he immediately let go of your arm, and sprinted away.
"oh! are you ok?" you smile at him. "my hero," you say, hugging the literal tree trunk of his body. he places a small kiss to your head. "oh yeah?"
you tilt your head to make eye contact and smile. "yeah. boyfriend."
this was the first expedition with the scouts, so it was understandable to say you were a bit nervous. of course, you have fought titans before, but you had never been so exposed in terms of no trees and no surrounding buildings. you were riding for a while with a senior member of the scouts, and the two of you rode alongside each other quietly, occasionally breaking the silence for small questions about the mission. the two of you were pretty uneasy, after seeing multiple red flares, but no evidence that there was going to be a retreat.
"squad Leader?" you waited until you heard a small grunt that she had heard you before you continued. "why are we continuing? do you think erwin somehow didn't see our flares?"
"no, I think he saw them. But erwin has a bigger plan in mind."
"oh." That wasn't the answer you were hoping for. but you couldn't express your worries as another member joined you explaining that a flank had been completely wiped out. your partner jumped into action.
"I'll spread the word! y/n! stay here!" she quickly rode off to inform the other parts of the formation. after 5 minutes, you felt a chill down your spine.
you turn towards the member who joined you when you started hearing loud footsteps headed your way. that's impossible! there would have been warning flares if a titan breached the formation. oh wait. the flank has been wiped out.
the footsteps got closer, and soon, your partner is kicked into the air, blood spraying everywhere. time seemed to slow, and you know you have to do something if you want to live. you veer your horse to the right, nearly missing the titan's foot, but in doing that, you fall off, causing your horse to scatter. this is it.
you lay on the ground, not sure what to do next. you can't outrun a titan. there are no trees around for you to use your ODM gear. the titan turns to you, and you lift your head to see where the next attack will come from.
blond hair moves in the wind, and you realize, the titan has a striking resemblance to -
"y/n!" reiner scoops you up, the ends of his ODM gear on the titan's back. While reiner is saving you, jean tries to target the female titan's nape.
"jean!" armin yells. you miss what happens next, because you are tossed to the ground, reiner flying to rescue jean.
your eyes widen when you realize the titan grabbed your boyfriend. you scream his name, but your ODM gear busted when you hit the ground. you don't have time to fix it. you're going to watch him die. seconds seemed like hours as you screamed his name, tears pouring from your eyes. You try to run towards him, but jean was holding you back.
you close your eyes, trying to block out what is happening, when you hear jean gasp. you immediately open your eyes to see that reiner had broken free.
he lands on the ground, grabbing you and armin. you exhale, letting him carry you from the titan.
he's alive. you're alive.
reiner is such a rock in your life. you are so glad you can count on him, knowing he will be there to save you, that he will never betray you.
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Texting them and hinting that you're in the mood part II 🔥
Bert - Pieck - Annie - Sasha - Zeke - Erwin - Hange
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
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erinisdarling · 3 years
hi!! do you, by any means write for attack on titan? if so can i get headcanons for mikasa with a civilian fem!reader?
༄ :: –·— 🛹 anon
grand masterlist.
shingeki no kyojin masterlist.
Pairing: Mikasa Ackerman x reader.
Genre: Headcanons; fluff.
Prompt(s): Mikasa with a civilian s/o + female reader.
Warnings: Overuse of the word 'just', the concern of being dead but overall fluff. Season 3 spoilers.
Word count: 583
Notes: Sorry if it came out in a drabble style rather than the original headcanon way. Hope you don't mind. Also thank you for the ask! It made my entire day!! 😚
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You were a girl from Trost, working at your a local bar when you met her, on the fateful day of the Battle of Trost, during the evacuation.
You had rushed in front of Louise to protect her, just in case no-one from the military was there in time.
But Mikasa was fast enough to reach the Titan and save a great amount of citizens from being eaten, yet you were in too much shock to even thank her.
"Was that the Ackerman kid?" "Yeah, Mikasa. Pretty intimidating, isn't she?"
That's how you found yourself sending a letter to the Scout ten days later, the gratitude seeping through the paper and warming Mikasa's heart that very night.
That very night, her dreams recalled the fire in your [e/c] eyes and she unconsciously smiled, maybe hoping to encounter you again one day.
So you two started exchanging letters and dreams and passions, till one day you made the daring move; asking Mikasa to meet you in the nearby village. She had to admit, she wasn't expecting that from you, but you have been mailing each other for almost a month and she was eager to see you again.
So, the last day before the expedition, you two met at a tea shop in the town. You hugged her so tightly, you knocked all of the air out her lungs – perhaps it wasn't the hug.
To think you gave her a new purpose in life would be an understatement – saving Eren's ass becoming a chore despite still caring about him. She just wanted to get back to you alive.
She seriously severed Titans to your name, and I'm pretty sure that's how she confessed.
After the Scouts became illegal inside the Walls, you did your best to provide them supplies. One day that she came by the bar to retrieve them, she just straight up, out of completely nowhere spoke.
"Just so you know, I won't let any of these bastards near you, just like i don't plan on letting any Titan in here again. I'll slay them all in your name! I don't CARE about humanity anymore, as long as you are alive and beside me nothing else matters!"
You were all blushy and flustered while her face looked so determined and serious. Damn, she really is a soldier.
You temporally forgot about the existence of the glass you where wiping as you jumped in her arms.
That was the end for her – from there and on, that was the only thing that mattered to Mikasa; you.
When Queen Historia came around the corner to rule the walls, Mikasa took you to every festival and celebration she had heard of, just to make up for the time you two couldn't be together. The dates where cute, just the two of you, inside the walls where your girlfriend could not be harmed – that thought consoling you just a bit.
Once time came around you met her friends and they all loved you, especially Sasha for some reason. They accepted you as part of their little family and you even got Levi to nod at you approvingly.
Now it was time for her to go, retake her home to your name and bring you back to connect with her old memories, while making new. That's what you two wished for.
The only thing she had to do correctly, was to stay alive for you, and Wall Maria could crumble again for all you care – as long as she came back to her beloved girlfriend none of you were bothered.
— tags ::.::.::.::
@simpingforpjo @probably-peeves @qollzzz
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brainmaniaman · 3 years
I usually hate opening up asks/requests but I’m simultaneously empty brained on requests and down bad for AOT characters. I will now be taking NSFW requests for Attack on Titan in the form of headcannons or fics. I will entertain almost anything except anything concerning the actual titans. No kink shaming just . . . Not for me. I’ll close requests when they’re too full or I have one-shot ideas. Until then my requests/ask box is open!
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