#y/n x bertolt hoover
hanjisungslag · 7 months
Headcanons for when aot men get jealous? Maybe seeing reader and someone else spending time together and getting agitated and then dragging them away - ‘Pay attention to me not them.’ sort of vibe.
💢 aot men & jealously
characters included: eren, armin, connie, jean, reiner, bertolt, erwin and levi.
notes: this ask had me floored.
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☆ eren jaeger
he caught you and reiner talking to each other AGAIN.
this has happened one too many times and eren finally loses it.
he’d definitely say something like “what about spending time with your boyfriend instead of him, hm?”
very temperamental about the whole thing..
one second he’ll be furious, next he’ll be sad, next he’ll be happy you’re back to spending time with each other
but mostly angry over it.
he storms over and pushes reiner away from you as he comes between the both of you, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing with MY partner?” eren asked threateningly “woah eren we were just—” but before reiner could say anything, eren grabbed your arm and stormed off with you.
☆ armin arlert
you and jean are very close friends
too close, your boyfriend may say.
armin usually lets things slide at first, he doesn’t want to come off as overbearing or jealous
also you and jean are just friends at the end of the day, right?
but one day, you and jean are laughing away as usual and armin asks what’s so funny and you say..
“oh, it’s an inside joke. you wouldn’t get it.”
after you said this, you continued to laugh. but armin had reached his breaking point, he slammed his hands on the dinner table and rose from his seat turning to face you, “y/n. get up.” your smile drops as you also get up from your chair. you two walk out the dinner hall. armin quickly speaks up “pay attention to me, not him.”
☆ connie springer
you and berty boy were spending wayyy too much quality time together.
making you spend less time with your own boyfriend!
connie obviously took this to heart and had to do what a man’s gotta do
aka pull a prank on bert.
every single day for like 2 weeks, connie would do something just to cause him inconvenience.
just like hiding his things right before practice, stealing food off his plate, replacing his sugar with salt, messing up his laundry etc.
but now what was connie going to do with you? after he pulled one of his pranks on bert he saw you HELPING him so not only do you spend all your time with him but now you’re ruining connie’s revenge plan? nope, not happening. he slams bert’s door open not taking any notice that the both of you are trying to talk to him, he just grabs you and pulls you into the hall. “last time i checked, i was your boyfriend. so, stop acting like bert is.”
☆ jean kirstein
there was someone in the survey corps who clearly had a thing for you
but you didn’t seem to notice. supposedly.
anyways, you guys would spend quite a bit of time together especially during expeditions.
jean obviously took offence to this and what does he do?
while on an expedition, you and this guy were chatting away, killing titans, all the usual stuff. but little did you know, from the back, jean was watching all of this happening and he was getting pissed off. his anger built up so much that when it came to killing the titans be whipped out half of them on his own. everyone was super impressed and the girls started complimenting you for having such a strong, brave boyfriend.
he pulls you aside afterwards and says “that was because of you and him, you know? so, you better start paying more attention to me now.”
☆ reiner braun
there was this one guy from garrisons who adored you!
and you thought he was sweet and you’d always try and catch up with him when you could.
which reiner would say was too often.
reiner would definitely intimidate this guy with how huge he is.
it’d be intimidating even reiner wasnt massive because he was just a garrison.
he’d pump his chest out more and wrap his big arms around you in front of him to prove how much bigger and better he was.
and when it came to you, he was so mad. as you stepped away from the garrison guy, he took his arm off of you and grabbed you by the shoulders turning you to face him. “hey. you better stop talking to that fucking whimp. i’m your boyfriend.”
☆ bertolt hoover
you and connie were super close.
you both trained together, love pulling pranks and just bounce off each other so well.
some people sometimes even think you’re a couple..!
but you already have a boyfriend.
bert doesn’t like to speak up about how he feels for a while until something really tips him over the edge.
bert always used to ignore how close you and connie were, he was too shy to say anything in the first place but he also didn’t want to ruin your guys’ relationship by being jealous. that was until someone asked if you and connie were a couple. that was his final straw. he calmly walked over to you but grabbed you with a grip you wouldn’t expect from bertolt. you found yourself outside with him where he looks you dead in the eyes “unless you actually want connie to be your boyfriend, you better start paying more attention to me, y/n.”
☆ levi ackerman
you mostly worked in the offices after a bad injury.
and there was this one librarian who really took a liking to you.
but, you’re already coupled up with mr. ackerman.
levi sees you guys talking all the time. sees that you’re in the library quite a lot even when you don’t need to be.
because of this he delegated menial work to him and even you, when he’s feel mean.
but when he catches you STILL talking while doing the tasks he set for you, he loses it.
you got distracted from your task when your little librarian friend starts discussing this ancient book he discovered the other day and as you were chatting away, you heard the door creak.. you jump out of your skin, trying to return to your task but it was too late. levi had already seen you. he calmly marched towards you and pulls you away to the other end of the library “is that what i said your task was, y/n? come here, i got a better task for you like helping your boyfriend. not this cretin.”
( however at the end of the week when things were all cleared up and you ask him about it he just says “me? jealous? no, i wasn’t.” )
☆ erwin smith
you and mike were working a little too closely lately.
erwin saw the way mike looked at you longingly
at first he thought it was nothing, he wasn’t even jealous!
until mike starts getting more physical
a shoulder brush here, a slight hand touch there
after this, he fully loses it.
erwin side eyes you and mine when he sees his hand gently brush up against yours, it could be pure accident but erwin couldn’t care less. he had gone too far. he marched over tall and mighty and swiftly stole you from mike “i’m the only man who gets to do that to you, you hear me?”
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levithestripper · 1 month
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part two of how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you
warnings: gender-neutral reader, marco lives! au, marcel lives! au, suggestive in some areas.
included characters: eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirstein, marco bodt, connie springer, bertolt hoover, and porco galliard.
length: 3.6k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
part one || part two [you're here!]
request: [anon] Would you be willing to do another part of "how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you" but with gn!reader winning this time. Maybe it's luck, maybe they cheated (tickles ? Unfair move?), or one time vicrory only ? If you're up for it of course ! Loved it :>
a/n: i loved writing a part two of this for you, nonnie! i hope it's everything you wanted :) if you guys have any other requests for hcs, please send them my way! i find the guys easier to write, so i just did them! and if i didn't include one, it's probably bc the reader already won in p1 or i couldn't think of a scenario for them. if you want me to write for the ones i left out just lemme know :) sorry it took almost a year for me to get to this lmao.
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— Eren Yeager
As much as Eren likes to show off and impress you, he still takes training seriously. If he doesn’t take it seriously, how will he get strong enough to achieve his goals? He has gotten rather good at the basics of it, but he still has a lot to polish and work on, just like you, so it makes you two a good pairing. Eren has the wooden prop knife this round, and he’s winning so far. Every time you lunged at him, he’d dodge out of the way, leaving you out of breath and frustrated. You’re all for winning fair and square, but in this instance, you’re not afraid to play dirty to get what you’re after.
“Hey, Eren!” you call out to him, a conniving look spreading across your face. 
He raises an eyebrow at you with suspicion. “What is it?” He stalks you, circling you slowly, watching your every move.
You circle him as well, walking sideways, legs crossing each other. “I heard about your most recent spat with Jean the other day.” Eren doesn’t respond, so you continue with your little scheme. “Connie told me Jean decked you right in the face, giving you a black eye.” You watch as Eren touches his black and blue cheekbone with his free hand. “‘Parently you lost,” you snark. 
“I did not lose to that horse face!” Eren yells at you, gritting his teeth. “Mikasa pulled me off of him before I could defend myself! You know she always does that!”
You smirk at him. He had fallen into your trap, hook, line, and sinker. “Oh yeah? That’s not how Connie told it. He told me—well, told everyone, really—that you laid there and let him win.” You know your boyfriend well, saying the exact things guaranteed to make him snap. “Maybe Jean is better than you at sparring, too.”
That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. Eren charges at you with all his strength, yelling as he does, giving you precisely what you want. Sidestepping him and sticking out your foot, Eren unceremoniously trips and faceplants in the dirt with a groan. Smugly, you crouch down to pluck the knife from Eren’s grasp. “I win, Ren.”
“Fuck you,” he groans, still facefirst in the dirt. 
You sit crisscross beside him, your expression a mix of a smile and a smirk. “Maybe later.”
Eren looks up at you out of the corner of his eye. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” you tease, giggling. 
“You’re so fucking annoying.” Eren’s voice has no malice behind it as he sits up., rubbing the dirt and blood off his face. A rock must’ve scraped him when he fell. You’ll never admit it, but he looks hot with blood trickling down his forehead.
You kiss his dirtied cheek with a soft giggle. “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A faint dusting of blush reddened Eren’s already ruddy face. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Regardless, he returns the gesture, kissing the tip of your nose. 
— Armin Arlert
The more often you ask Armin to train with you, the more comfortable he gets. He’s less worried about hurting you, as you’ve proved to him that you’re more than capable of holding your own. It’s not that he views you as weak; he just views your safety as his top priority. He pulls his punches but comes at you in full force without you having to insist upon it this time.
Armin isn’t the best fighter, but he still puts up a good fight. You have the prop knife this round, and you’re winning. He may not have the brute strength of Reiner or Eren, but instead, he uses his brain to fight, aiming primarily for your legs and remaining defensive. All his efforts are for naught, as you’ve pinned him in the blink of an eye. Armin yields to you, just like he had in the past rounds.
“You win again,” Armin says with a smile, accepting your outstretched hand, and you pull him to his feet once more. “I lasted longer this time, though!”
You return his smile with a squeeze of your hand. “We’re both improving, aren’t we?” Armin nods. The sun has started its descent below the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful orange color. You tilt your head up to look at it. “It’s getting late. We better get going to catch a shower before suppertime.”
Armin nods again with a hum. “You know, it’ll be quicker if we shower together.”
“Oh, yeah?” you tease, turning to walk with him towards the showers. 
“Mhmm,” he smirks. To imaginary onlookers, Armin looks like he’s innocently messing with you, but the glimmer in his eyes tells you his perceived innocence is merely a facade.
— Jean Kirstein
Winning against Jean is a challenge. You’re both evenly matched in talent, so it comes down to technicalities and skill to beat him. And when that doesn’t work, you resort to playing dirty. Today’s exercise is to wrestle the other to the ground and keep them there until they tap out. Something Jean is excellent at, unfortunately. So you have your work cut out for you.
The two of you were the only ones left in the training yard, the sun setting beyond the trees. Everyone else had gone to shower and change for supper, but you were determined to beat him, even if it meant you’d both sit down for supper in sweaty uniforms. Jean has pinned you twice now, and his victories made him cocky. Perfect. 
It’s the beginning of the round, so you’re circling each other from a small distance away. Jean’s hair is ruffled, giving him an almost disheveled appearance that suits him well. You hate how he still looks good after hours of training. “Say, Jean-bo,” you say with a smirk. 
Your expression tells Jean you’re up to no good, and he isn’t even slightly surprised. “No, no, no, you’re not gonna trick me! Not this time!” 
“Awwww, do you not trust me, Jean-bo? Since when have you so little confidence in me?” you tease.
“You know when!” Jean inches closer to you. 
You shake your head no, feigning innocence. “No, I don’t think I do, Jean-y. Enlighten me, hm?”
Jean waves his hands as he speaks. “Last week, when you got me so worked up, you somehow managed to get me all tied up in my ODM gear!” You giggle at the memory. “Heyy, no laughing at me!”
“I can’t help it! You were hanging upside down!” 
“Only because you spun me around and twisted my lines!” Jean exclaims, eyes fiery. “Captain Levi made me run laps ‘till I dropped!”
Your grin is filled with attitude, knowing exactly how to effectively press Jean’s buttons and irritate him. You watch as he stalks closer and closer to you. He watches you closely, eyeing you up and down. You imagine he’s trying to piece together whatever you’re planning. Having fallen to your schemes more than he’d care to admit, Jean’s learned not to underestimate you. But you still have a few tricks left up your sleeve that Jean hasn’t cracked just yet.
“I bet it was hard coming back and finding out our superiors surprised us with meat for dinner, too,” you snark. Unbeknownst to Jean, the squad captains promptly changed their minds when Sasha practically launched herself into the ceiling. There are nail marks left over to prove it. 
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “You didn’t even save me any, either!” 
You answer by sticking your tongue out at him, playing innocent. You let him get within grappling range, his actions playing right into your evil plans. He quickly knocks you on your ass, giving Jean an easy win if he can keep you there. But his frustration made him sloppy, leaving holes in his attack for you to latch onto and exploit. 
Turning the tables, you slide out from below him and kick Jean’s legs out from underneath him. You straddle his waist before he has the chance to retaliate, pinning his arms behind his back, rendering him immobile. “I win, Jean-bo,” you grin with a laugh, reveling in the glory of your success.
“You only won because I let you!” he argues, face flushing red.
You chuckle at his reaction. “I won because you got sloppy, Jean-y.”
He rolls his eyes, scoffing, but he holds no resentment against you. “Not my fault I got sloppy; you were goading me!”
“Not my fault you fell for it!”
Jean huffs. “Will you let me up now?”
“Maybe. I think I deserve something for winning, don’t you agree, Jean-bo?” you tease.
He does his best to look at you from the corner of his eye. “If you don’t let me up, you won’t get any kisses. How’s that for your prize, idiot?” You hurry off him, not eager to discover if Jean would hold true to his threat of withholding kisses from you. Jean stands and dusts off his stained pants, pouting at you cutely with a huff. “If anything, I’m the one who deserves kisses after that.”
You roll your eyes affectionately, but you kiss him anyway. “You’re so dramatic.”
— Marco Bodt 
Marco watches as you approach him, his signature smile plastered across his features. He’s sitting in the mess hall with Jean, helping the slightly shorter man with what appears to be paperwork. Jean looks up from his work when he notices your presence, kicking Marco’s leg with a knowing smirk.
You sit down across from them, mirroring Marco’s smile with a sweet one of your own. “Hey, Marco, Jean.” Jean gives a halfhearted wave. “Whatcha up to?” you ask, leaning over the table to look at the paperwork between them.
“Not much; Jean needed help writing his debrief report, so I offered to help him with it.” Marco looks at you with a stupid amount of affection, so much you can practically see it radiating off him. Since joining the Survey Corps, Marco has let his hair grow out, his bangs falling in his eyes, giving him even more of the boyish cuteness he already possesses. He claims he’ll cut it short again, but you like to believe Marco keeps it long because he knows how much you like it this way. 
“How soon until you guys finish?” 
Jean groans at your question. “Not fucking soon enough. It’s making me wanna rip my hair out.” Marco giggles quietly at his reaction.
“Not long.” He smiles at you, nudging your foot with his. “Something you need?” 
“I was hoping you’d have some free time to spar with me, Marco,” you hum, nudging him back. 
Jean, being the dick he loves to be, makes a gagging sound at the both of you. “C’mon, guys, cut it with the sappy romantic eye fucking, already. Go and spar with them, man; I’ll be fine to finish up on my own.” He sticks his tongue out in fake disgust, hurriedly shooing Marco off the bench.
You roll your eyes with a soft chuckle, taking Marco’s soft hand within your own. He waves goodbye to his friend as he leaves and holds the door open for you as you exit. “What exactly do you want to practice? Anything in particular?” he asks, swinging your arm cutely. 
“Hand to hand, mostly. I practically got my ass handed to me by Reiner the other day, and I don’t want a repeat of it.” As you walk towards the edge of the training yard, the sun is high in the sky, surrounded by a pretty shade of light blue, not a cloud to be seen. “What about you?”
Marco shrugs, happy to go along with whatever you prefer. “Nothing comes to mind. I’m happy with whatever you want to do.”
“Okay,” you smile at him, reaching your destination quickly.
By the time you have Marco on his back and yielding to you, the sun has started to set. You help him up and dust off the dirt from his shirt. “So, you finally have enough?”
Marco nods, exhaustion written all over his face. “I don’t think you’ll have a problem holding your own against Reiner, that’s for sure,” he says tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
— Connie Springer 
Connie loves hanging out with you, even if that means he gets his shit rocked while doing it. He thinks it’s hot when you show off how strong you are, so he’s more than happy to seriously train with you instead of just goofing off.
Today’s training is melee fighting with a rifle. Something Connie hates. He’s never been good with rifles; they’re large and clunky, and he can never get an accurate shot with them during target practice. Sasha’s excellence at it drives him up the wall, so he’s adamant about improving his skills, no matter how much he hates doing it. 
“You gonna keep losin’, or should I start putting in some effort?” you tease, standing upright, holding your rifle diagonally across your chest.
Connie drags himself off the ground, white pants stained brown with dirt and mud. “You’re not gonna be winning for much longer, babe,” he says with an evil-looking grin, not giving you any time to prepare before he lunges at you, thrusting the training bayonet towards your chest. 
“Oh, yeah?” You easily dodge his attack, striking the backs of his thighs in retaliation, earning yourself a yelp of surprise and pain. “Doesn’t seem like it, babe,” Connie growls in frustration, darting behind you to land a blow on the weak points of your knees, making your legs buckle, falling to your knees. 
“You wanna take that back?” He stands over you, pointing the fake bayonet between your shoulder blades.
You turn your head to look at him, returning his smirk. You shift your rifle to your other hand and sweep it in an arch behind you, just barely knocking Connie unstable enough for you to escape the compromising position. With Connie off balance, you return the favor, kicking him in the back of his knees, and he lands flat on his face. “No, I don’t think I will,” you chuckle triumphantly, pinning him there with the heel of your rifle. “Maybe next time, love.”
Connie responds with a groan. “I swear, you and Sasha are conspiring against me.”
“Why, I have no idea what you mean! I’d never do something like that!” It’s clear that you’re lying; you and Sasha get along like a house on fire, so that’s something you both would one hundred percent do just to annoy him. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just let me up, idiot,” Connie grumbles, shifting to lay on his back so his face isn’t in the dirt anymore. 
You hum to yourself, tapping your chin with a finger. “Hmmm, I don’t know, should I? I kinda like seeing you underneath me like this.”
Connie’s face flushes a deep shade of red. You notice his pants have tightened slightly, and you move the heel of the rifle to sit just below his belt. “Shut up.”
“What if I don’t want to? What then?” 
“Then I won’t share my dessert with you,” he goads.
You sigh defeatedly and help Connie up. “Dessert tonight better be good.”
Connie kisses the corner of your mouth, holding your free hand in his. “Maybe you’ll get two desserts.”
“Oh? I do like the sound of that,” you smirk, properly kissing him back this time. You hear Jean yell in disgust, and you both flip him the bird.
— Bertolt Hoover
“Are you sure you want to keep going? It’s dark out!” Bertolt whines, looking utterly exhausted. 
“I just wanna get this trick right!” you reply, sweat dripping down your forehead. 
He sighs. “You know I love you, but wouldn’t you fare better if you weren’t this tired?”
You ball your hands into fists and position them like Annie does. “Just one more time, Bertl, please?” you plead, and he caves quicker than you expected him to.
“Just one more, then we’re headed inside, okay?” 
You nod in agreement, and Bertolt rushes toward you. You angle your body so your side faces him. You lift your arm and fold it so your wrist touches your shoulder. When Bertolt reaches you, you grab his sleeve and pull his arm longways across your folded one, and you turn your body again so your back is flush against his chest. In the blink of an eye, you’ve got Bertolt off the ground and over your shoulder, quickly throwing the taller man to the ground. It knocks the breath out of him, but you both have a smile on your face despite it.
Between heaving breaths, Bertolt congratulates you. “You did it! Finally!”
“Finally!” You collapse beside him in a fit of giggles, ecstatic that you’ve finally gotten the hang of the move you’ve been trying to learn all day. “I’m so tired, Bertl.”
“I tried to tell you that, love.” He smiles at you sweetly. “But you had to do it one more time,” Bertolt says with a chuckle, kissing your sweaty forehead. 
“Oh, shush,” you giggle again and kiss his nose in return. “You like training with me.”
Bertolt’s tan skin darkens with a flush of red across his cheekbones. “Never said I didn’t, honey.” He kisses your forehead again. “Let’s go take a shower, yeah?” 
You nod, groaning as you sit up. As the adrenaline fades away, you begin to feel the toll the training had on your poor muscles. Everything is sore and vaguely hurts, making you even more eager for the boiling hot shower in your near future. “The baths should be empty by now, so we can take one together if you like.” Your words cause Bertolt’s blush to worsen, only serving to make you giggle again. “You’re so cute, y’know.”
“Shut up,” he whines, hiding his face from your watchful eyes. “Let’s just go take a shower, okay?”
“Okay, okay,” you grin, kissing the backs of his hands before standing up. You offer him a hand, which he accepts, even though he most likely doesn’t need assistance. “I hope there’s extra food left over from supper.” 
Bertolt keeps his hand within yours as you walk back to the bathhouse. “Probably not. You know how Sasha gets.”
“I can always try to bribe one of the cooks. They love me,” you say as your grin widens with a cute smugness.
He chuckles and shakes his head. “They’re gonna stop loving you if you keep pestering them for extra food like this, love.”
“Impossible.” You open the door to the bathhouse, but like the gentleman he is, Bertolt holds it so you can walk inside first.
— Porco Galliard
When he’s training with you, Porco’s cockiness is oftentimes the reason for his downfall as well. He knows you’re also an excellent soldier and fighter, but that doesn’t matter to him when he’s determined to beat your ass into the dirt. But that also gives you a slight advantage as well. He doesn’t underestimate you per se, but he does think he’s hot shit, which opens up plenty of opportunities for you to get him angry, then beat him at his own game once he’s let his guard down. 
“Hey, Pock,” you grin at him while he cocks a suspicious eyebrow at you. 
“What?” he questions between panting breaths. “You trying to talk your way outta this ‘cause you’re afraid of losin’ again?” Sweat drips off his chin and down his neck, making him look stupidly attractive, at least more than should be allowed for this situation.
You smirk at him. “No, dummy. I was just gonna say you look hot, but I guess you don’t wanna hear it,” you say with a shrug, watching to see if your plan works, which it does. 
Porco’s brain lags for a few seconds, giving you all the time you need to dart behind him and wrap him in a headlock. Porco yells and claws at your forearm, but you only tighten your grip on him, forcing him to either struggle or surrender. “You cheated, asshole!” he curses you out, gritting his teeth as he fruitlessly tries to break free of your hold.
“Not my fault you fell for it,” you snark back, teasingly tightening your arm around his throat. “You should’ve kept up a stronger guard, Pocky.”
“God, don’t call me Pocky. Pock is bad enough,” he groans, his short-cropped nails leaving little crescent marks in the meat of your forearm. His words say he’s angry, but the way he’s pressing against your front tells you otherwise. 
You rest your chin on his free shoulder, digging your chin into it just to fuck with him more than you already were. “Oh? You don’t like it? But it’s so cute, Pocky.” 
Porco growls at you with frustration, but he stops trying to escape your grip. “If I yield, will you stop calling me that?”
“Maybe,” you giggle, drawing out the ‘A’ sound. “Only if I get to brag to Marcel about beating you.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, ensuring you know of his despair. “You and your demands are gonna kill me one day, and I’ll enjoy the silence I get from being free of your nagging.”
You pout cutely, but unfortunately, Porco couldn’t see it. “That’s such a long way to tell me you love me, Pocky.”
“Mmm, I wonder why,” he snarks, swallowing thickly. “Will you let me go now?”
“Can I brag to Marcel about your crushing defeat?”
Porco groans dramatically. “Fine, you can brag to him, I guess.” You pepper his cheek with kisses before you free him. “I’m never hearing the end of this from either of you, am I?” 
“Nope!” you giggle, kissing his cheek again before backing away.
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taglist: @myglitteringstardust, @alicchis-badonkadonks (sorry if this isn’t you, it’s the only blog that popped up when i typed in the user from my taglist form), @nxuvillette, @killeva, @aestosia, @aangze, and @fantasy-and-love.
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 2 months
Can I request yandere bertholdt x kidnapped reader if your comfortable with it?
Fake Comrade
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Yandere! Bertolt Hoover x Female Reader
Y/N awoke to darkness, a thick blindfold tightly wrapped around her eyes. Her wrists ached from the restraints biting into her skin, and the cold, hard surface beneath her sent shivers down her spine. She struggled to remember how she ended up here, panic slowly rising in her chest.
Footsteps echoed in the distance, slow and deliberate. She froze, heart pounding, as they drew nearer. The blindfold was yanked off, and she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the dim light. A tall, shadowy figure loomed above her, and as her vision cleared, she recognized him.
"Bertolt?" she whispered, disbelief coloring her tone. His usually gentle face was etched with an unsettling intensity, a fervent glow in his eyes that she'd never seen before.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, crouching down to her level. "I didn't want to do this, but you left me no choice."
She stared at him, trying to reconcile this version of Bertolt with the quiet, kind boy she had known. "Why? Why are you doing this?"
He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "You don't understand how much I care about you. Every time I saw you with someone else, every time you smiled at them instead of me, it tore me apart. I couldn't stand it anymore."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled against the ropes. "Bertolt, this isn't right. You can't just... take me like this."
His expression softened, and for a moment, she caught a glimpse of the Bertolt she once knew. He reached out, gently brushing a tear from her cheek. "I know it's hard to understand now, but I'm doing this for us. For our future."
"You can't force someone to love you," she whispered, voice trembling. "This isn't love, Bertolt. This is obsession."
He flinched at her words, but the determined look in his eyes didn't waver. "Maybe it is. But I don't care. As long as you're with me, I can protect you. I can make you see how much you mean to me."
The door creaked open, and Bertolt stood, casting one last, lingering glance at her. "Just give it time, Y/N. You'll see. You'll understand."
As he walked away, she felt a sinking dread settle in her stomach. She was trapped, alone with a boy whose love had twisted into something dangerous and suffocating. And as the door closed behind him, she was left with nothing but the chilling echo of his footsteps and the oppressive weight of his obsession.
Hours passed in the dim room, the silence broken only by Y/N's ragged breathing and the occasional creak of the building settling. She tugged at the ropes again, but they held firm, chafing her wrists and sending spikes of pain shooting up her arms. Desperation clawed at her insides as she tried to devise a plan. There had to be a way out.
The sound of a key turning in the lock jolted her from her thoughts. The door opened, and Bertolt stepped in, carrying a tray. He set it down on a small table and approached her, his expression softening when he saw the fear in her eyes.
"I brought you some food," he said quietly. "You must be hungry."
Y/N glared at him, defiance warring with her hunger. "I don't want anything from you," she spat.
Bertolt's shoulders sagged, but he didn't retaliate. Instead, he simply sat down beside her, his large frame making the room feel even smaller. "I know you're angry," he murmured. "I understand. But I'm doing this for us, Y/N. You have to believe that."
She turned her head away, tears of frustration blurring her vision. "You can't keep me here forever," she said, her voice breaking. "Someone will come looking for me."
He sighed, a pained look crossing his face. "I know. But by the time they find us, you'll understand. You'll see that we belong together."
Days turned into weeks, and despite her initial resistance, Y/N found herself growing weaker. Bertolt was always there, a constant presence, watching over her with a mix of tenderness and possessiveness that made her skin crawl. He took care of her needs, bringing her food and water, but he never loosened her restraints.
One evening, as the sun set and bathed the room in a soft, golden light, Bertolt sat down beside her again. He looked different this time, more vulnerable, as if the weight of his actions was finally starting to wear on him.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" he asked quietly.
Y/N didn't respond, but her silence encouraged him to continue.
"It was at the training camp. You were struggling with your gear, and I offered to help you. You smiled at me, and in that moment, I knew I wanted to protect you. To keep you safe from everything."
She closed her eyes, the memory bittersweet. "I remember," she whispered. "But this isn't protection, Bertolt. This is imprisonment."
He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "I know it seems that way now. But one day, you'll see that everything I've done was for you. For us."
As the days continued to pass, Y/N's hope began to wane. The reality of her situation settled over her like a suffocating blanket, and she realized that escape might be impossible. Bertolt's love had twisted into something dark and unrecognizable, and she was trapped in his web, with no way out.
One night, as she lay awake in the darkness, she heard Bertolt's soft, steady breathing beside her. For the first time, she allowed herself to really look at him. The boy she had once considered a friend was now a stranger, his face marked by the weight of his obsession.
In that moment, she made a silent vow. If there was any chance of escape, she would take it. She would find a way to break free from Bertolt's twisted love, no matter the cost.
But for now, she had to bide her time, waiting for the right moment. Because no matter how deep Bertolt's obsession ran, Y/N knew that her will to survive was stronger. And she would not let him control her fate
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Cock Canons ~
Reiner - Porco - Bertolt - Levi - Hange
Detailed descriptions of their junk, including pictures and links to buy one if you so wish... Lovehoney is NOT a sponsor. Although they should. I'd be happy to endorse sex toys.
Warnings: Well, Peni. 18+ only
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Reiner Braun 💥
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Reiner has a monster cock. It’s at least 9" and its girthy too. It slightly curves at the top, rendering it impossible to not have an orgasm while he’s inside of you, as his fat head prods at your G-Spot over and over.
Reiner’s cock has that clean salty taste. He showers often with all of the training he does so it’s never unpleasant to have in your mouth.
When it’s errect the veins are pretty protruding; having to keep such a large muscle supplied with plenty of blood as he fucks you into the other world.
His balls a large but not overly so. The skin around them is pretty tight and he likes to shave them because he doesn’t like the feeling of being over-grown. And he loves it when you sensually suck on them.
[ This ] is the closest pic I could find of what Reiner’s cock would look like. It would be a slighter darker shade but the heads shade of pink is pretty spot on.
His pre cum is super sweet, like corn syrup or something delightful.
His cum is more salty but still not bad. It’s extremely thick and ropey. This cock, with all of his testosterone, breeding kinks and his natural pheromones, is just designed to impregnate.
Porco Galliard 🥵
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Porco’s precious penis is shorter than Reiner’s but just as - if not more - girthy.
It’s more rounded at the top and oh so deliciously fat. Like his neck.
Porco also showers as often as he can, as he’s always pushing himself during training so his dick is usually nice and clean.
It’s still a fucking weapon so his also has a strong appearance of veins as it requires a lot of blood flow.
Porco has a hard time dealing with intense feelings of lust, often losing control and letting himself getting too fired up, so you’d better make sure the safety is on for this gun, pal.
The closest pic to Porco’s junk is [ this ]. But longer and more girthy. His balls are also larger than that.
Porco Galliard is an absolute animal in bed once he’s within his comfort zone with you, and this dick can deal a lot of damage.
His cum is sweeter than Reiner’s but is just as thick.
Bertoldt Hover 🌭
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Bertoldt’s banging baton his like him; long, slender and timid. But awaken it and… My god you’ll be sorry. Once this man gets fired up and slips into the mists of madness, there’s is no stopping him.
Bertoldt’s cock loves attention; start stroking it or touching it in any way, it won’t be long until every shy fiber in this boys being turns to cinders and ashes.
There’s a few pictures I found that’s pretty accurate. Let me know which one you like the best for this beast boy.
[ here ] , [ here ] and [ here ] .
Bert’s cum tastes the best out of anyone in this list. It’s almost like salt water taffy or sweet and salted popcorn.
His balls are tight, slightly smaller than his fellow warriors but that really doesn’t mean a thing. He will still absolutely ruin you with ease. Once he sees the red curtain he’s sure to perform well.
His cock is the twitchiest of the bunch. When it’s errect it can not stop still, almost like it’s trying to hurl itself into your hand or any part of you, really.
Levi Ackerman
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Oh boy.
O—h boy.
Levi Ackerman is one with his cock. It’s like it has its own consciousness and they meld into one. He knows just how to use it, what to do next to push you to the next level of ecstasy.
Levi’s dick is big and thick. Deliciously thick. He’s definitely packing down there. It’s got a nice shape to it to, and the closest pic i could find to do it any justice is [ this one here ] (except bigger)
If he’s not on an expedition, Levi’s hygiene practices are second to none. It’s always a pleasure to have him in your mouth.
His jet black pubic hairs are trimmed nice and neatly into a cosy little landing strip, beckoning you to descend onto the rolled out welcome mat.
Levi is short because of his malnutrition as a child. But that did not effect the growth of his manhood. It’s a nice clue to how well built he would have been, had circumstances been different.
He can go again and again and again with short intervals. He truly is one of the king’s of sex in this universe.
Hange Zoë
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Hange has a wide range of strap-ons and dildos she likes to use on her partner whether she’s being Dom or Sub.
When she’s feeling particularly dominating she likes to unleash [ this ] onto your poor, unsuspecting booty.
It vibrates and her womanhood is very sensitive, so when she’s unleashing this on you, she’s pretty much constantly cuming.
It helps that she has the sight of you being absolutely destroyed by her device .
Hange is loud during sex so with her repeating orgasms, you’d better prepare yourself for Levi to complain about the noise when she’s using it.
She’s a squirter so sex gets very fuckin messy when she’s using this.
She has a name for it too; “Titania”
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butteerfly · 2 years
taylor swift’s sad songs but it’s attack on titan.
just something that I have going around in my mind, hope you like, quite angst.
the lyrics belong to taylor 🫶
Levi Ackerman: "Peace"
"I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near, and it's just around the corner, darling, 'Cause it lives in me"
"All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret"
"Your integrity makes me seem small"
"Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other"
"I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm"
"But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me"
"Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"
Eren Jeager: "my tears ricochet"
" I loved you, I swear I loved you, 'till my diying day"
"And you're the hero flying around, saving face"
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace"
"if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? cursing my name, whishing i stayed"
"when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave"
"And I can go anywhere I want, anywhere i want just not home"
"You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same"
Reiner Braun: "Hoax"
"My sleepless night, my win-less fight, this has frozen my ground"
"Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in"
"You know I left a part of me back in New York, you knew the hero died, so what's the movie for? you knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart"
"My only one, my kingdom come undone, my broken drum, you have beaten my heart"
Ymir: "Sad Beautiful Tragic"
"Long handwritten note deep in your pocket"
"Words, how little they mean, when you're a little too late"
"In dreams i meet you in warm conversation, we both wake, in lonely beds, in different cities"
"you've got your demons and darlin' they all look like me"
"Hang up, give up, for the life of us we can't get back"
"We had a beautiful magic love there, what a sad beautiful tragic love affair"
Mikasa Ackerman: "This is me trying"
"I've been having a hard time adjusting, I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting"
"I didn't know if you'd care if I came back, I have a lot of regrets about that"
"Could've followed my fears all the way down and maybe I don't quite know what to say, but I'm here in your doorway"
"They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential"
"I ended up here pouring out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't pour the whiskey"
"I just wanted you to know that this is me trying, at least I'm trying"
Erwin Smith: "Coney Island"
"If I can't relate to you anymore then who am i related to?"
"Did i shatter you?"
"Lost again with no surprises, disappointments, close your eyes and it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down"'
"The question pounds my head 'What's a lifetime of achievement?'"
"will you forgive my soul when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?"
"Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?"
"And when I got into the accident the sight that flashed before me was your face"
"The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go, sorry for not making you my centerfold"
when i hear "my tears ricochet" eren jumps in my mind 😭 i have cried a lot
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
10 things I hate about you | 10
Hitch was always there for me now that I realize it.
I would tell her everything about my home life and she would always tell me that one day we were going to run away from our toxic families and live happy lives together.
I loved Hitch; she was my everything. She would always be there for me through everything.
She’s the one that made life possible.
I remember how I met Hitch.
It was my first day of kindergarten and I sat next to Eren of course.
I waved at him only to be met by a frown.
“Is something wrong?” I asked him with a curious face.
“Leave me alone.” He said and continued back to waiting for the teacher.
I just frowned and did the same.
The teacher finally walked in 2 minutes later. “Hello everyone I’m Mrs. Reiss” she said.
“Mommy,” the girl sitting next to Eren called.
The woman flashed the girl a smile before shushing her and finishing her sentence. “I’m going to be your teacher this year!”
Everyone said hello and the teacher talked about our activities for the day. “Today we are going to be doing a color by number activity”
The class cheered and got out their crayons. While the teacher passed out the coloring papers.
In the middle of coloring I noticed Eren get mad and then when I fully looked over to him and seen his crayon had broken.
I quickly got the same color crayon out of my crayon box and handed it to him.
This made him even madder so he threw my crayon on the floor. “I don’t need your stupid help” he whispered yelled at me.
I began to get teary eyed because I was very sensitive. But still I went to pick up my crayon so I wouldn’t get in trouble.
I crawled under the desk to get the crayon.
When I got the crayon I went back to my seat but then the scene in front of me broke my heart.
“Oh you can use my crayon Eren” a girl with long blonde hair said to him.
“Thanks Historia” He smiled at the girl and took the crayon.
I don’t know why but it hurt so bad. Was I not pretty enough for him to use my crayon?
I went back to doing my work and when I was finished I raised my hand for the teacher to pick up my work and then put my head down.
I stayed like that until lunch.
“Line up everyone, it's lunch time!” The teacher called and we did just that grabbing our lunchboxes in the process.
Since it was the first day of school the teacher let us eat outside on the benches so that when we were done eating we could just go play.
I sat at an empty bench because I didn’t want to get picked on.
As I was eating, a girl sat next to me. “Hi!” She basically screamed in my ear, making me jump.
“Hello” I said, kinda low compared to her.
“My name is Hitch, what's yours?”
“That’s a cool name I’ve never met anyone with it.” she gave me a smile and I noticed she had some missing teeth which made me giggle.
“Maybe because we just started school”
“Huh? Oh yeah that’s true I guess the only people I know are my ma and pa”
I just giggle more. Her face was so full of energy and mines was still sad from the scene I saw earlier.
“So y/n how about me and you become besties now” Hitch said with an even bigger smile making me see just how many teeth she lost.
“Sure!” I said, matching her grin. It was her turn to laugh at me because she saw how many teeth I was missing.
“Hey y/n! Do you wanna see who can go higher on the swings when we’re done?”
“Heck yeah!”
After that me and Hitch finished our food and headed to the swings.
That whole day at recess was a blast. I forgot all about my encounter with Eren.
But little did I know that day would cause so much heartbreak in the future.
That day is the day I let Hitch become my new obsession. I let her become something I couldn’t live without because as soon as she popped up the clouds that darken the sky seemed to fade. But I would later find out that I was just getting prepared for the storm as soon as I let her in my life
A/n ~ back to the short chapters🥲 sorry but I just thought this was necessary for some reason.
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screpa · 1 year
Bertolt's Insecurity (Chp 2)
You spent time with Levi after training, oblivious of Bertolt's insecurity.
Tags: SFW, jealous boyfriend, oblivious girlfriend, Levi's unrequited love, comfy friendship with Levi, small fight then make up.
Read chp 1, read chp 2 here or on AO3 up to you ^^
The talk with Bertolt
After screaming out your frustration, you saw Levi approached and offered his hand to help you up. You firmly took his hand and pushed yourself up. You were still annoyed at yourself for failing to kick him, so you brushed dirt from your clothes to avoid meeting his eye.
You were startled when you felt him ruffling your hair and said, ‘you did well. You deserve a cup of tea’.
You looked at him and laughed. You were relieved that the dreadful training was over and the eel had turned into the dear friend that you had missed.
You left with him, oblivious of the wrath of your insecure boyfriend.
You directly went to the dorm to take a shower and change. Then you went to Levi’s office to have the tea he promised.
You found him there sitting by his desk doing some paperwork. He looked up toward you and gestured you to take a seat on one of the sofas opposite his desk. ‘Let me just finish this one and I’ll make the tea,’ he told you.
You took a seat on the sofa, immediately enticed by its plushiness. You yawned. You thought you could close your eyes for a bit–
You jerked awake and saw that you were covered by a blanket. You wondered how long you had slept. You gasped as you saw that it was dark outside.
You abruptly turned to him and asked, ‘Why didn’t you wake me?’.
‘Welcome back,’ he replied flatly. ‘You know that nothing, not even an earthquake, could wake you when you sleep out of exhaustion’.
He was right, but you were annoyed, nonetheless.
You felt extremely hungry so you asked him wistfully, ‘Has dinner time passed as well?’
‘Hmh, a while ago. But there must be some leftovers in the kitchen. Let’s go check and catch up while eating’. He stood up and walked toward the door.
You prayed that there’d be something left as you knew you couldn’t survive the night being this hungry.
Thankfully there were plenty of leftovers. Turned out that the cook always kept something warm on the stove, knowing that the hardworking soldiers may get hungry during the night. You greedily took a large serving of the thick stew and two loaves of bread. You saw Levi’s judgmental expression but you were too famished to give two hoots about it.
The two of you took seats opposite each other in one of the long tables. You directly attacked the food while Levi lazily picked at his food.
‘I saw Sasha’s influence rubbing off on you’.
‘Hmh’ you just grunted in reply.
You were too focused on your food that you didn’t see him leaning on one elbow, staring at you with affection. His food left untouched.
His eyes drifted to one of the entrance as he saw someone coming into the mess hall.
‘It’s your boyfriend,’ he told you flatly.
You sat up straighter, quickly wiping your mouth with a napkin then turned your head toward the entrance.
You saw Bertolt by the door, watching. You waved at him cheerfully, but he just nodded and went into the kitchen. You followed him with your eyes, puzzled. You saw him going out of the kitchen and you sat up with an expectant smile. But he just nodded and walked out of the mess hall.
You puffed your cheeks and turned your face back toward Levi.
He was still leaning on one elbow, intently looking at you but with a grim expression.
You shrugged your shoulder and went back to your food. You relationship with Bertolt wasn’t something that you’d want to share with Levi. And you didn’t want the limited time you had with him being ruined by a lover’s quarrel – which you didn’t know the reason for.
Levi broke the silence, ‘I’m leaving tomorrow, so I’ll see you again next week’.
You mimicked his position, leaning on your elbow, but your cheek was squished by your fist. You lost your appetite as you heard about him leaving again. You knew he was leaving, but it didn’t lessen the sadness you felt. You started to play with your food and sighed.
‘What?’ he asked.
‘Nothing. It sucks when you and Hange aren’t here’.
‘You have the recruits –,’ then added with a scornful tone, ‘and the pine tree. To amuse yourself with’.
‘It’s not the same’.
Your vision started to blur as tears started to form in your eyes.
He sighed and ruffled your hair.
‘Suck it up. We’d be back in no time,’ he told you gruffly.
You looked up to him expectantly and asked, ‘great progress with Eren?’
He looked at you without expression. You realised that you may be asking about a classified information, so you weren’t offended by his silence.
Then you remembered that you promised Mikasa and Armin to ask him about Eren. ‘Oh, yea, tell me something about Eren to appease Mikasa and Armin’.
‘His cleaning competence had improved admirably’.
He saw your face darken and added, ‘he’s fine. Hange hadn’t killed him. Yet’.
You grunted in exasperation.
‘Shall we call it a night?’ He asked you kindly.
‘Ah, yes’.
You started tidying up the bowl and cutleries. Then you realised that he didn’t invite you for tea as he usually did. You became conscious of the change in your friendship. He knew that you wanted to be with Bertolt right now.
You felt a twinge in your heart, but quickly pushed it away. You had let Levi go, and you were sure of your feelings for Bertolt.
‘I’ll handle it. You can go,’ he told you.
You clapped and smiled at him.
‘Thank you! And thank you for the training today. Too bad I couldn’t smash that gorgeous face of yours, but maybe next time!’ you told him cheerily as you went out of the bench.
He snorted. ‘Looking forward to it’.
You jogged toward the door, stopped by the door and waved cheerily at him before going out.
You saw his expressionless face staring back at you.
You directly went to look for Bertolt. You guessed that he’d be in his dorm room already, but you were not allowed to enter the men’s dorm. So you grabbed one of the cadets and commanded him to get Bertolt to meet you by the entrance.
In less than five minutes, you saw your smoking hot lover walked out of the door. His tall, lean, and muscular body always make your heart flutter and your body burning with desire.
‘Bertolt,’ you called him.
He saw you and slowly walked toward you. You were puzzled as your sweet giant usually greet you with bashful excitement.
‘Hi’ he said in a whisper.
‘Want to go to my place?’ You asked him, hopeful.
He folded his arms and avoided your gaze, ‘I’d rather not’.
‘Oh’. You were unable to contain your surprise. ‘Have a walk with me?’
He nodded and followed you.
He walked beside you until you both reached the castle’s backyard. His hand still folding on his chest.
You guided him toward the large tree on the edge of the yard, welcoming the privacy it offered. Once sure that no one was nearby, you faced him and asked him sweetly, ‘what’s wrong, baby?’
He averted your gaze and refused to answer.
You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. You felt his body tensed, but he didn’t do anything to push you away. You tightened your embrace. You pressed yourself against his folded arms as you rested your chin on the hollow between his collarbones. You looked up to him, waiting.
You felt his body relaxing. His eyes glanced down to you.
‘Please tell me if I made you angry. I’ll do my best to make amends, okay?’ you begged him, expressing your true intention to reconcile with him.
Still not looking at you, he sighed and said, ‘I wasn’t angry with you. I was just– I witnessed something today that made me,’ he sighed again. You could see frustration on his face.
He continued, ‘made me unsure of us’.
You felt blood rushing in your body as you started to get anxious. You felt you knee weaken and you grabbed him tighter for support.
‘You– you no longer have feelings for me?’ you asked with quavering voice.
‘What? No!’ He snapped and looked down toward you. He saw the tears that started to spill out of your eyes. He panicked and started to stammer, ‘No, no, no. That’s not what I meant’.
You started to let out crying sound, your body shook with every sob.
He unfolded his arms to cup your cheeks on his palm, his thumbs rubbing off the tears from the edge of your eyes and cheeks.
You felt foolish for crying like this, but you felt that everyone precious to you was going away, leaving you behind in this wretched place. You couldn’t help exposing your vulnerability to him.
‘No, please, listen, Y/N. I’m not losing feelings, on the contrary it’s growing stronger by the day. Believe me, please’. He desperately tried to assure you.
‘Then why are you unsure about us?’ you asked him, still crying.
‘I saw you and captain Levi, and thought maybe you still love him and would rather be with him,’ he told you gently.
Still sobbing, you looked at him in surprise.
His furrowed brow indicated deep sadness.
His sad face made your heart ache. You started crying again and scolded him, ‘That’s so stupid! I want to be with you! I’m so angry at you now!’
You didn’t mean your last statement. You were far from angry. You were so relieved that he still wanted you.
‘I- I- I’m ssso, soooo very sorry. My love, please. You’re right. So stupid of me. Such an idiot. Sorry, my love,’ he begged. He started to shower you forehead with kisses, then your cheeks.
You seek his lips. You kiss each other with passion, greedily taking in each other, wanting the assurance that you still belong to each other.
Your fingers digging in his back, pulling him closer. He too, held the back of your head, caressing you hair, his other hand planted firmly at the small of your back.
You kissed until you were left breathless.
The kiss slowed down and became more tender. He rested his forehead on yours when you stopped.
‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered to you.
You nodded.
He wiped your tears with his warm fingers.
He guided you to sit with him. He put his back on the tree trunk and placed you on his crossed legs. You circled your arm around his shoulder. One of his arms supporting your back, while his other hand interlock with yours.
You look into each others’ eyes. You rested your elbow on his shoulder and started to caress the top of his head, twirling his fringe with your fingers.
‘Tell me what was on your mind,’ you asked him gently.
He rubbed his cheek on to your hand and said without taking his eyes off yours, ‘I watched the dreadful training. Worried of your safety. When I saw you fell, erghhh. If Mikasa wasn’t there to stop me, I would’ve lunged at the puny captain’.
You heard his frustration. You knew you would’ve felt the same if you were in his position.
He continued, ‘Then I saw him approaching you, helping you up. I thought you were going to rebuff him in anger. Instead I saw you giving him the sweetest smile. As if his cruelty had never happened. I could see the bond between you, the emotional bond that didn’t need any physical intimacy to forge. Unlike ours. Then I saw both of you in the mess hall. Him gazing at you with love and longing. I wanted to gouge his eyeballs out with the spoon he was holding. I was boiling mad!’
You felt his body shook with emotion. You thought he must be imagining things. Levi would never!
He sighed and looked down to avert you eyes. Clearly embarrassed of his brooding. ’That’s when I came in to break his gaze. I ignored your friendly greeting. So sorry for that. I was sulking, annoyed that you’ve been spending so many hours with him. I couldn’t find you after the training. Turned out you’ve been with him’.
You hated your weird habit of falling into deep sleep when exhausted.
You cup his adorable face in your palms. Showering him with kisses all over his face.
‘My sweet, beloved, Bertolt. I’m sorry for making you feel this way’. You paused. He nodded and gave you a sweet smile.
You continued, ‘although I’m truly sorry for causing the misunderstanding, I can’t stop being friends with Levi. I understand that you knew very well of my feelings toward him, but I had let that feelings go. I would not, I can’t stress this more, I would NOT have opened my heart to you and give myself to you, if I wasn’t sure of my feelings for you. He, also Hange, are two very important persons for me. They are my home, and so are you. I truly hope you could accept this selfish part of me. I know that I’m greedy for not wanting to let go of any of you’.
He still looked at you with his sweet smile.
‘We’re both greedy. I for wanting you all for myself, you for wanting all of us on your side’.
You laughed, ‘if you put it that way, yes, we’re both greedy’.
‘I’m grateful that you told me that you were sure of me before being with me. That’s what I needed to hear. I can’t promise that I won’t be blinded with jealousy in the future. When that happens, promise me to kiss me like you did just now’.
You rolled your eyes, ‘I’d most likely be furious with you. But, I don’t think I could resist you. Your adorable face and,’ you paused to run your hands all over his upper body. You let out a lusty roar and said, ‘steamy, smokin’ HOT body, that’s too impossible to resist!’
You then attacked his neck with fluttery kisses that tickled him until he let out a cute squeal. You both giggled.
‘Are we good now?’ you asked him sweetly.
‘Yes’. He took your hand and kiss it.
‘What do you say we continue this in our love nest?’ you gleefully proposed.
He answered with a passionate kiss as a prelude to the impending love making.
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This story is part the "Detours to Your Heart" series, comprises of stories of YOUR friendship and slow burn romance with Levi Ackerman. You build many interesting relationships with other AOT characters, such as ambiguous friendship/ romance with Hange Zoe, a whirlwind romance with Bertolt Hoover, sibling-like relationship with Jean Kirstein, and many more!
My Masterlist Archive of Our Own
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Bertolt Hoover x Reader: KNB & AOT crossover
A/N: I recently saw this post about Bertolt as a basketball player in a modern human AU, and as a KNB writer and as someone that everyone knows at this point has been stuck with an AOT brainrot for a month or two now- I needed to write this.
Bertolt Hoover was a foreigner born and raised in Japan. Throughout his life, it had drawn him some curiosity. People asking him about his ancestry, family abroad and what kind of languages he spoke. It had also, drawn the attention of the volleyball team and basketball team alike at middle school, because of his height. With the encouragement of his senior by a year, Ogiwara Shigehiro, he had joined the Meiko basketball team and he quickly turnt out to be have great talent. Though it wasn't enough to stop the force of Teiko middle school. Not that Bertolt had lost hope or the will to play basketball, no. As the team manager, you had been trying to keep as many players to keep their spark burning. Honestly, he kept playing in his final year just to see you smile and praise him. It was safe to say Bertolt had a colossal crush on you. It wasn't anything he had ever felt before, nothing to compare to hid old crushes like Annie, the girl next door at his uncle's home in the Netherlands. Just hearing your voice on the court had his heart pumping twice as much as adrenaline into his veins as possible. When middle school ended, Bertolt decided to attend Seirin high school. The reason he gave everyone was how he admired the way Kuroko had humbled the Generation of Miracles and that with Seirin's team being so new, Bertolt wanted to help them fill their ranks with talent. The actual reason, was because you planned on going there. High school was just like middle school when he was on the court, you were still there with your stern but warm voice keeping him steady. He watched you again during practise today, exchanging some notes with Riko. Your soft, shiny h/c locks drifting around you as you moved. You treated the players like you always have; bossing them around with an amused lilt to your voice that to him, had always reminded him of a tiger playing with their prey. Which was no match for how you were during matches, your eyes shining with bloodlust as you uttered words like, "Don't go easy on them, a competition of wild instincts is about who tears the other ones throat out first!" The way you could switch from charismatic and warm to downright terrifying always left him breathless. Whilst the other players liked you well enough they did found you intimidating. Bertolt had only ever found you hot. When practise was over, he could feel Kagami smacking him on the shoulder. "When are you going to ask her out? Even Midorima has noticed your crush on her, and he's almost as dense about social relations as our manager is." Bertolt swallowed and looked at Kuroko for advice, at least he was good with the ladies unlike both Bertolt and Kagami. "I think Kagami-kun is right. It is painfully obvious to anyone, at this point she will never notice if you don't straight up tell her. However," Kuroko observed, "I don't think she will say no. Trust me on that." Bertolt had trusted the blue haired teen many times on the court and knew his observational skills were phenomenal. So he decided to trust him once more. He walked towards you with shaking knees and you looked at him. "Please don't tell me you got injured," your concerned eyes were glued on his knees so much you didn't saw his red face. "Y-y-y-/n…" Bertolt stuttered and that caused you to look up as he rarely did. You frowned and Koganei intervened with a sigh, if there is one thing this catboy was good at, it was lending a voice to those who needed it. He wrapped his arm around Bertolt's shoulder and casually declared, "He's trying to ask you out!" Bertolt's face grew even more red as everyone around you stared at Koganei for daring to intercept the love confession. However as Bertolt saw the hopeful look in your eyes, he was absolutely grateful for his teammate. "Is that true Bertolt?" He nodded and you shrieked yes as you pulled him (and Koganei by extent) into a hug. Seirin's basketball team cheered around the two of you as you entered a new chapter together.
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brainmaniaman · 3 years
WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT LATER (Bertolt Hoover/Reader)
TITLE: WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT LATER PAIRING: bertolt hoover/reader, light choking(?) TAGS: semi-public sex, female-bodied reader TRIGGER WARNINGS?: kind of mean and unhealthy y/n interactions (very light) w baby bertolt but on god it's part of the plot, very slight dubcon? idk if it can be interpreted that way but it's tagged for safety AU: idk modern au b/c i fuck hard with those DECSRIPTION: yes i believe in bottom bertolt supremacy but one of my friends gave me this idea like okay hear me out, y/n has been straight up blue-balling her boyfriend for quite some time, and it's getting frustrating, so he swallows his nervousness and, per suggestion of his good friend eren, decides to make even in the middle of the movie theater. by the way i am TIRED of everyone having eren hating on bertolt they would be GOOD FRIENDS in a modern au. WORD COUNT: 2,233
"Hey, Eren . . . I have a question" Bertolt looked like he was going to crawl out of his skin as he sat on the opposite end of the couch in the basement, his hands resting on his knees as he fiddled with his fingers.
"Shoot" Said Eren Yeager, pulling his hair back into a messy bun - his fingers expertly tying a small scrunchie into his hair. Jean had teased him about using scrunchies relentlessly - but Eren would die on the hill that using them was better for your hair; the last thing he wanted was for his hair to fall out.
"I, uh . . ." Bertolt's face was turning red, his nose scrunched as he stared at his knees, trying to figure out how to breach the subject. "So you know that y/n and I have been . . . you know, dating for quite some time . . ."
"Yeah . . .?" Eren drawled lazily, leaning his elbows on his knees as he played lazily on his phone, his thumbs typing away. For the most part, he seemed uninterested. "Where are you going with this?"
"Well, you know with dating comes . . . s-" Bertolt paused, now pressing his knuckles together tightly.
"Yeah, that"
"Well, we've been having it a lot lately . . ."
"Are you just sitting me down to brag about your sex life . . .?" Eren inquired, raising an eyebrow - not that Eren was one to judge as he was often guilty of spilling his guts about his sexual escapades. But with Bertolt? . . . Well, it felt weird and out of place.
"N-No!" was Bertolt's immediately response. "It's not that. It's just lately, well . . ."
"Lately what? Spit it out. I don't have all day." Eren responded, looking down at his phone that was currently blowing up. He had a date coming up soon and he was relatively excited for it.
"Well . . . usually, y/n is, you know, on top . . . you know, more assertive -"
"I mean you didn't have to tell me that" Eren interrupted, "We all knew that -"
"- anyways" Bertolt's face was turning hot at the comment. He didn't have the time to really address Eren's comment. "I like it! I do! But lately, I've been thinking well, I'd like to take control . . ."
"Oh?" Eren's ears perked up and he was wriggling his way closer to Bertolt. "So you took control and they didn't like it, and now you're asking me for help?"
"No . . . not exactly."
"Then what happened?"
"Well, I asked them if they'd be willing to you know . . . switch it up and -"
"Jesus fuck, Bert. You can't just ask you have to just do -"
". . . and well, they laughed in my face, pat my cheek, and said no. I asked Reiner what to do and Reiner said to tell them I wasn't going to have sex until they gave me what I want. I thought it was a bad idea, but I went with it anyways and . . . well, they told me that two could play at that game and it's been . . ."
"How long has it been?"
"Uh . . ." Bertolt squirmed a bit in his place, "Two weeks. . ."
"Two weeks!" Eren exclaimed incredulously, in sheer disbelief. "That's insane! And you've just let them get away with it for this long?"
"Uh . . ." Bertolt scratched the back of his neck nervously, "What do you mean by get away with it? I mean . . . yeah . . .? What else am I supposed to do?"
"Well firstly," Eren said, picking up his phone, "Never ask Reiner for advice again. That was your first mistake. Secondly, let me cancel my date tonight -"
"Oh, no - you don't have to do that!" Bertolt responded quickly, "Just a few pieces of advice would be sufficient . . ."
Eren tapped away tirelessly at his phone before turning it face-down on the coffee table, now turning towards Bertolt - a rather determined look in his eyes.
"No -" Eren held up a hand, "I want to help. Besides, I'm going to tell you exactly what to do and we're going to run over it a few times, then - I'm going to make sure you don't pussy out. Knowing you, this is going to take a while. Consider it my early birthday present to you"
"My birthday was a month ago . . ."
"That's not the point. Anyways," Eren placed a very serious hand on his friend's shoulder, pulling Bertolt closer, "You're going to want to take her to the most popular movie in theaters on a Saturday night -"
"Where are you going with this?"
Seeing how packed the movie theater was, Bertolt was definitely thinking about backing out of it. While his partner was in the restroom, presumably washing their hands, he fiddled with his phone in his hands.
To: Eren Yeager
From: Bertolt Hoover
- I don't know if this is a good idea . . .
Read: 9:45 pm
From: Eren Yeager
To: Bertolt Hoover
- If you don't go through with this I'll never forgive you. I canceled a date to prep you on this. Don't make me have canceled my date in vain. I dedicated my heart to this cause.
Read: 9:47 pm
To: Eren Yeager
From: Bertolt Hoover
- I guess . . .
Read: 9:48 pm
To: Bertolt Hoover
From: Eren Yeager
- I'm putting my upmost faith and trust in you. Don't fuck this up.
"Here -" Bertolt extended his arms out to you as you came back from the restroom and concessions, a bag of candy in your hands, "I brought this for you."
His smile was innocent enough and the gesture was kind.
"Thank you." Was your tart response as you leaned over to pat the side of his face and press a kiss to his forehead before sitting down. "So have you changed your mind about what you asked for?" You inquired, taking his hand in your own as you opened your bag of candy and set it between the two of you as you linked your fingers in his own. Perhaps you shouldn't have brought up that topic of conversation here, on a movie date, but you couldn't help it - the way his big eyes looked up at you when he handed you the blanket drove you crazy. It made you want to lower yourself on him right then and there. It was just a damn shame that he had to be so persistent. The first week was easy enough but as you rounded out the second week of this no-sex stalemate . . . well, it was getting more difficult.
He openly frowned.
"Is that a no?"
"Do we have to have this conversation here? Let's just try to have a good night . . ."
You felt a bit guilty but were never the type who was keen on saying sorry.
"We'll talk about it later, then . . ." You responded dryly, clearly unhappy with the response.
To be honest, when Bertolt had suggested watching one of the like, seven hundred Quentin Tarentino movies produced, you were slightly surprised. He was never one for big action movies - especially loud ones; loud noises were often too intense for him. As well as that, neither of you were into mindless action movies. However, this - whatever the hell this was - was actually quite enjoyable.
Halfway through the movie, you found yourself sucked into a particularly loud action scene.
You hadn't really noticed, or particularly cared, when Bertolt had slipped his hand underneath the blanket - resting his palm on your knee. It was kind of comforting.
You hadn't really noticed when he slipped his hand from the top of your knee to the inside of your knee, either.
Or when he inched it up halfway up your thigh.
However, you had noticed when his hand was slipping up your skirt, resting on the upmost part of your thigh where the muscle met the pelvis. For a second, you wondered if he was really trying to pull moves right here, in a movie theater, underneath this blanket - but when you looked over, noticing how tense and uncomfortable he was, you figured if he was, he wasn't going to go through with it - but settled on the notion that he probably wasn't even thinking about it.
A few moments passed by before you felt the tip of his finger press against your panties. There was a moment of tense surprise as your head snapped to look at your boyfriend, your expression narrowing - almost as though you were daring him to push further. You couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or not, but by the way he looked directly at the screen - you could tell he was at the very least a bit flustered.
If that was this case, this pathetic excuse for a mutiny would be over soon.
He drug the pad of his finger around your clothed clitoris gently, teasing it. You felt your abdomen jerk and dropped your hands onto his over the blanket, trying to hold them in place.
Bertolt's thin finger continued to tease around your clit before sliding downwards, continuing to rub over the fabric of your panties before pushing them slightly to the side. His face was hot with nervousness but the adrenaline of the entire situation was rushing to his head.
He continued to train his eyes on the screen in front of him, pretending to be invested in seeing the seventh car crash of the night. While his eyes were on the screen, his finger was sliding up and down your slit, slick from how wet you were. Bertolt wondered - what expression were you making right now? Was your face twisting up in confusion and frustration? Was your mouth forming into a little O?
You pressed your thighs together, your hands now squeezing at the armrests of the chair, squirming. Your heart raced and you pressed your head back into the chair, biting down on your lip as his finger slid its way back up to your clit, gently rubbing at it. Bertolt couldn't hear anything over the sound of cars crashing into each other, but he could certainly imagine how lewd you sounded - it only made sense, considering the fact that you were simply dripping.
Without much warning, Bertolt slipped his finger into you.
Head swimming, you let out a very small moan.
Finally, he turned his head to you.
"Are you okay?" He whispered. The question seemed innocent enough, but given that he was currently one knuckle deep into your cunt, his finger sliding in and out of you and curling, thumb pressing against your clit, you couldn't help but feel irritated with the question.
"Ber-" You let your head loll over to face him, face flushed red and and mouth slightly agape, though found yourself incapable of finishing the sentence as he slipped in a second finger.
The sight of your eyes half-lidded and your tongue poking out between your lips, which were parted gently, and the overall look of pathetic helplessness you gave him was almost too much. If the two of you weren't in a packed theater, he would have rolled you underneath him, torn off your panties, and fucked you underneath your skirt then and there. But for now, he'd have to settle for sliding his fingers back and forth against the inside of your gummy walls, which were tightening against him.
"Shh." He placed a finger to your lips. "The movie is still going. Try to keep quiet." His finger muffled the small gasps and groans you were breathing out. "Here - try this" He slipped a piece of candy in your mouth. "Good, no?"
He refrained from sliding his fingers into your mouth then and there.
As his fingers rocked in and out of you, you bit down on the candy to stifle the moans and gasps. For a second, you thought you were going to choke - but managed to swallow just fine.
Bertolt looked away, once more training his eyes on the movie. Pleasure pooled at the bottom of your stomach and very gently and discreetly, you began to grind your hips into his fingers.
"That's different." He mumbled to himself.
The second time he turned to look over at you, he could see tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you struggled to discreetly grind your hips against his fingers, seeking out an orgasm, but couldn't quite find the pace your body needed without being blatantly obvious.
The only thing you could do was close your eyes and tilted your head back as Bertolt curled his fingers in you - the pace quickening.
Your heartrate grew faster and you could feel his lips press at the shell of your ear.
What was it that Eren said to add? he thought, that's right -
Breath hot on your ear, he rasped out a simple question.
"Tell me, do you deserve it?" Truthfully, he felt awkward saying it - as though the words didn't quite come out of his mouth. You must have disagreed though, because the only thing you could mutter out in response was -
You were starting to reach the edge of your orgasm, your head pressed against his own, back arching gently, as he pressed his face into your neck. Legs shaking, you sucked in a deep breath and -
His fingers slipped out of you and he took a moment to wipe them off on the insides of the blanket before linking his fingers in your own, leaving you a rattled, shaking, frustrated mess - completely unraveled before him as you tried to catch your breath.
"I don't think you do. We'll talk about it later."
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moonbeamoclock · 2 years
sleeping in the same bed for the first time: Bertolt Hoover
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bert! (get it^^^)
okay folks so we all know that bertolt's got some weird sleeping habits but that's not even half of it
he's really particular about his habits and he doesn't feel too good about having someone disrupt his rituals so give him a second to adjust
even when he is comfortable enough with you to let you in his space during bedtime it's gonna take him some time to be able to include you in those rituals
so the first time you stay the night he tries his best to explain his habits in a way that won't make you feel like he just doesn't want to sleep with you
please be nice he's trying his best
he needs to do all of his pre-bedtime things by himself in the bathroom so you'll have to do all of your stuff somewhere else because he won't wait for you to be done with yours the light needs to go immediately off once he's in that bed
he firmly believes that having a phone in the bed is bad for you
he does a little counting exercise so he can go to sleep properly
the first couple of nights he won't even acknowledge you in his bed
(at least that's what it seems like on the outside but on the inside he's just trying to figure out what to do with the person he loves in his bed)
he has to take some time to get comfortable touching someone before and while he sleeps but you'll have to be gentle and patient in easing him into cuddling if that's what you want.
(he truly does love to touch you and he's a huge cuddler but just not during his very important bedtime)
eventually, he figures out how to get ready for bed in the bathroom at the same time as you and do his sleep counting while holding you
in conclusion he might jostle you around in the night but it's actually not that bad it's almost like his body knows that it has to be gentle because your there.
he's sensitive but he loves you so just be gentle and patient with him
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sofiafushiguro · 2 years
all the good boys go to hell
Where your favorite good boys do the nastiest and dirtiest things while thinking about you <3
└➤ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: armin arlet, takemichi hanagaki, hinata shoyo, bertolt hover, izuku midoriya, chifuyu matsuno x afab reader 
└➤𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 0.5k
└➤⚠️𝖙𝖜: they are all pervs lol. tons of dirty thoughts, panty stealing, masturbation (m) non-con pictures. All characters are 18+ here.
↳𝖆/𝖓: I might do a part two so lmk who do you wanna see next!
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𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓: He is addicted to the sound of your voice. I'm not lying when I say that Armin could nut to the sound of your voice, because he has done it! The late-night calls you two do are the perfect moment for him. Hearing you rambling about your days has his mind going dizzy, imagining how pretty you would look babbling, and talking nonsense when his cock hits that spongy spot inside you. The little "Yes," and "Hmm," he lets out from time to time are his moans because he sure is masturbating while you talk
𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖎: Poor baby, he's too shy to ask you on a date. He is a pathetic loser while you're a superior human being to him, so he never makes the move. The only thing he has left is his imagination while he fucks himself with your used panties that he steals from time to time when you invite him to chill in your house. But he feels so bad afterward, so after covering them when his cum, he throws them into the washing machine to give them back to you.
𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖆: You know that he loves to play volleyball with you and that as he has more experience, it's not his fault that he pushes you, and you fall on the court. What you don't know it's that pretty boy Shoyo makes you fall on the court so he can hear those cute "Ah!" falling from your lips as your ass hits the ground. And while you try to get up from the floor, he has a perfect view of your ass on display, just for him to touch himself later that night.
𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖙: He is a gentleman, he truly is... Or at least, that's what he wants to believe. I mean, he always offers you to go upstairs first because that's what he's supposed to do, right? In reality, he just wants to see your ass.My tall boy is so discrete and measured with his moves that he will tell you that you have fluff on your pants, to make an excuse and touch you. He wishes to squeeze your thighs and ass so bad, that when he is minding his business late at night, he imagines you bouncing a top of him.
𝖎𝖟𝖚𝖐𝖚:  This boy must be the most perv boy on the list. He makes everyone think that he is this type of shy boy that doesn't know how to talk to a girl when in real life, his mind is thinking of lustful things he wants to do to you. So he tricks you into thinking that he's just a good friend, giving you hugs here and there, to feel how you press your tits on his chest. But he can't help it! It feels so good that he has spent a thousand nights fucking his cock thinking about shoving his face on your tits because he doesn't care about the size- Izuku loves them so much.
𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖋𝖚𝖞𝖚: He likes pictures, he thinks that pictures help him keep beautiful memories. His favorite pictures are from you, of course. He has tons of pictures of you- sitting on the ground while talking with Baji and Kazutora, eating lollipops, you kissing him on the cheek... But the one he adores the most at the pictures of your pussy <3 Cautiously, Chifuyu lifts your skirt and takes several pictures that he uses later to jerk off. He always imagines his dick covered in your slit, and the lew noises your wet pussy makes while he fucks you merciless.
– all rights reserved © sofiafushiguro 2022.  please do not repost, plagiarize, distribute or translate my work on any platform
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hanjisungslag · 9 months
attack on titan headcanons #8
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## - when they get jealous
genre - angst & fluff
pairing - aot x reader
word count -
warnings - none!
notes - i might start uploading more than once a month.. christmas specials coming soon😈
lil’ bro gets soooo mad. jean was chit chatting to you about something you guys had in common and there was too much laughing, giggling and jean was FAR too close. like he doesn’t need to be making you laugh first of all, but then being all up in your business?!? nahhh, eren was NOT having it.
“‘that’s it. i’m going up to him, how DARE HE—” then he feels a tug on his shirt and gets yanked back right into his seat.
“you need to learn how to chill out, eren.” reiner says, lecturing him “i know it looks bad, but it’s gonna be embarrassing for you and y/n if you go up there and cause an argument.”
god, he’s right. eren knew he was. but, he was SO angry, he needed to let out his anger somehow! the only option was to go to the dorm and just start punching shit.
silence suddenly took over in mikasa and sasha’s conversation. sasha slowly turned to her left to see what had mikasa in such shock and there you were with none other than ymir. ymir had her arm right above you, looking down on you. what the fuck did she think she was doing?! mikasa was furious and you could tell she was just by her energy. it was pure silence but those looks could kill.
sasha decided it was probably best for her to step back a bit.. she was also terrified that mikasa would kill her with one glance although she wasn’t doing anything bad..
as armin was strolling around town, he sees you! he starts walking over, shouting your name through the busy crowds of the town centre when he sees you and bertholdt.. laughing, bumping shoulders, looking through what seemed to be like some sort of gift shop. armins never really the jealous type, he doesn’t like to get worked up over things like that but something about this made his stomach turn.
he decided to head back to the dorms.
eventually, when you and bertholdt came back from your little shopping trip - you obviously, go to go see armin! you knock on his door and gently start pushing it open,
“hey babe~ whatcha doing?”
“oh nothing, just uh, sharpening my blades ready for tomorrow” he tried to put on a smile because he really doesn’t want to start anything. he just wants to act like nothings happened.
“oh.. well then. i- erm, i got you something today..”
“w-what?” he swung his head around to face you
“yeah! i know you’ve been wanting those maps of the outside world but i didn’t know where to find them but bertholdt did, so he took me to the shops!”
armins jaw dropped. first of all, maps of the outside world?!? that’s incredible! but also.. that whole situation that made him so jealous, was about buying something for him? god. he feels SO silly.
honestly, this queen isn’t the jealous type. i feel like she doesn’t care over little things like touching, laughing, spending time with others - it’s the BIG things like if someone’s trying to flirt with you. but even then, she doesn’t feel jealous. she loves you and you love her and that’s enough for her.
there was a celebratory party with the military after you guys finally caught the female titan. this include the whole military obviously the survey corps but even garrisons and military police.
a girl from the garrisons, whom you’ve never met before, makes her way over to you and strikes up a conversation. you think nothing of it until she starts laughing, shoving you away by your shoulder and then.. she started flirting. as you were about to calm the situation down before she got any ideas, your girlfriend walks over.
“hey babe” sasha exclaims
“oh, sasha!” you say in shock, you really hope she isn’t upset.
“hey i’m sasha, i don’t think we’ve met before!” she puts her hand out to the girl, “by the way, this is my s/o. i don’t mind you guys talking but boundaries! thanks.” she giggles slightly.
“oh god— this is so embarrassing. i’m so sorry, i have to go.” the girl says before she runs off.
“sasha, i’m so sorry. i was just about to tell her” you quickly explain yourself
“it’s fine! honestly, i know that you love me and i love you. i trust you” she says, giving you a tender smile.
he tries to act soo nonchalant. but omg he’s so jealous because, he sees armin as this insanely intelligent, witty, incredible leader and you, also being crazy smart, tend to help armin out with plans for the survey corps.
“i already sent some soldiers to do some scouting around that area, they’ll be back in a couple of hours”
“god armin!”
“it’s like you read my mind! i was literally gonna ask to go do that.” you giggle slightly at the coincidence. armin lets out a sigh of relief and says ‘y/n!! don’t scare me like that, i thought i did something wrong!” you both giggle at armins fright but as you two were laughing away, little did you know, a mr. connie springer was watching from the crack in the door.
connie quickly walked off after he realised he was literally eavesdropping on you and armin. ‘why am i feeling so jealous? god, get a grip connie.’ he thought to himself and he stomps down the corridor, getting far away from you two in that room.
eventually, you find connie chilling outside, “connie!!” you run towards him in excitement. “i’m so sorry, i’ve been stuck in that room planning with armin all day. but i missed you so much” you say before wrapping your arms around him.
“ugh, babe. it’s fine, seriously!” he says hugging you back, slightly too tight.. “connie. cant. breathe.” he quickly lets you go, “shit, sorry.”
you raise an eyebrow and ask “are you sure you’re okay..?” “what?! what a preposterous accusation!” he says defensively “okay now i know somethings wrong. since when do you say ‘preposterous’?”
he sighs in defeat, he cant lie any longer “okay fine. i just got a bit.. jealous.. when you were with armin today, okay? armins super smart and so are you, so maybe you two should just marry each other and have super smart babies” he says, as he slides down a post, hitting the ground with a thud.
“connie…” you slide down to sit next to him, “connie, i know you think me and armin are super smart but, i think YOU’RE super smart. you’re so emotionally and socially intelligent. i love that about you and not even just that, i love everything about you! and if i’m gonna get married and have super smart babies with anyone, it’s gonna be you.” you say as you give me a sweet, genuine smile.
thank god you know him so well or else he would’ve never had said anything.
is that what jean think he just saw? y/n, HIS partner with eren jaeger?? oh wow. greatttt, no it’s fine.
IT IS NOT FINE. why were you talking with him and why did you both seem so happy? this jealous anger that was building up inside of jean quickly switched so sadness. this man was so heartbroken.
his ego just felt it got crushed by a 100 buses. his first instinct was to fight eren as usual but, it had been a while since their last fight honestly and if anything.. jean looked up to eren. sort of. he really appreciated his boldness, his strength and his willingness to keep going no matter what. although, he was still a suicidal maniac.
jean already felt like second place to eren in most things but now his partner? really?! jean couldn’t take it anymore so he decided to go on a walk in trost, maybe even pop by his house and have his mum make him an omelette.
after you were done talking to eren, you go to find jean but.. he’s no where to be seen? and after EXTENSIVE searching for the whole place - you knew where he had gone. you get to trost as fasttt as possible and end up at his house, talking to his mother. she lets you inside, of course, offers you tea and omelette, which you politely decline and head straight for jeans childhood room.
you slowly open the door, the old creaking letting jean know of your presence before you even said a word. “hi babe..” you say slightly awkwardly, “so, how come you ended up here?” you ask and you slowly make your way towards the bed. jean stares at you as he chews his omelette, which he eventually swallows and continues to stare at you. “why were you with eren?” he eventually asks after some silence “oh jean! really? that’s what this is about?” you ask, slightly annoyed.
“yes it is!” he exclaimed and jumped off his bed in anger “do you know how—” he begins to choke up “how much i hate yet respect eren? he’s so much better than me in so many aspects and he has some god awful traits but also some incredible ones that people could only DREAM of having.” tears begin to stream down his face and before he says another word, you jump up and wrap your arms around him.
you guys stand there momentarily. while still hugging, you say to him “i’m sorry, jean. i didn’t know you felt like that. i just- i hope you know how much i admire you more than anyone else. it’s not just because we’re together, it’s because you’re an amazing person.“ you slowly pull away from him “you may look up and respect eren, but i look up to YOU.” you wipe his tears gently “and so do so many other people.” you smile tenderly at him.
he’s such a lucky guy to have someone like you.
big bro does not get jealous. sorry but, this man is too perfect. he doesn’t get jealous because why would he? he knows you love him and that’s more than enough for him. he genuinely trusts you with every fibre of his being however, he doesn’t trust other people.
it’s less of a jealously thing and more of a protective one. he doesn’t get jealous if someone’s flirting with you, he gets protective over you. like get the fuck away from my s/o, bro!!
hot take: annie gets so jealous and so insecure when someone she believes you could like gets too close with you.
the ONLY REASON she would ever get so jealous or insecure is because you guys are in a relationship. this cold demeanour that she keeps up with around everyone else is not a thing when she’s around you, she just feels so herself and so authentic around you and the thought of that getting taken away scares the ever living shit out of her.
so, when she sees you chatting it up with sasha, she shits herself. now usually, sasha wouldn’t faze her but sashas bright, outgoing personality seems like something that you would like and that’s terrifying.
however, annie doesn’t say a WORD about how jealous she’s feeling. she’s already scared enough but she’s more scared to piss you off by saying something. but, that’s your mfing girlfriend!! you know when there’s something wrong with her, so obviously you asked,
“annie, are you okay? you’ve been really off lately.”
she looks at you confusingly “what? i’m fine.”
no she’s not.
“i know when somethings wrong, so just tell me!”
she doesn’t even look at you. she cant bare to face you right now. while she’s ignoring you, you think long and hard about what could be wrong and you finally come to a conclusion..
“omg. you’re not jealous i’m spending them with sasha, are you?”
annie’s eyes widen in shock, how did you know?! well, now you’ve said something, i suppose there’s no point in lying.
“yes, i am. you caught me.” annie puts her hands up in defeat.
“annie~ you silly bugger! there’s no need to be jealous, it’s just sasha, she’s just my friend. as great as she is, i could never date her..” you say reassuringly.
annie smiles slightly, “i appreciate that, y/n..”
connie springer. most people wouldn’t be jealous of a 5’2 teenage boy but this 6’3 teenage boy is. connie is just so outgoing, bright and funny and bertolt is scared that you may just find him better than him.
so when he sees you two acting really close, he starts freaking THE FUCK OUT. he’s soooo flipping scared, he’s genuinely scared to face you again.
when you you over to him after being with connie, he just freezes and you’re so confused, “bertolt, what’s up with you?” you ask “o-oh, um, it’s nothing. i just couldn’t sleep last night.” he says, sounding very unconvincing. for the next week, he does EVERYTHING for you, just hoping that that’ll be enough to override connie’s impeccable humour.
“hey y/n, you can have the rest of my food! i don’t want it.” he says as he holds out his plate to you.
“bert.. why do you keep giving me your food? and making my bed? and washing my clothes? and just doing everything..?”
oh my god, he’s fucked it. HES DONE TOO MUCH, WHAT DOES HE DO NOW??
“i- umm. well—” he freezes.
you pat the seat next to you “come here, what’s wrong?”
he sighs “well.. you’ve been hanging out with connie a lot and i don’t know, he’s just a great guy..”
“bert..” you say sorrowfully, “connie may be a good guy, but you’re the greatest guy i know! there’s no need to ignore me or try to impress me. i love you just the way you are.”
bertolt puts his head in his hands “god, you’re right. i was being silly wasnt i?” he said sheepishly
you giggle at his embarrassment “yes, very silly.”
brother, this man has been through enough shit. honestly, he doesn’t get jealous - the worst that could happen to you is you dying. which happens to everyone he loves. if for someone reason you were to cheat or break up with him and move on to someone else, at least he knows you’re happy and loved.
“hey levi, i’m going to help erwin with something, will you be okay on your own?” you ask
“yes, i’ll be fine, y/n.”
“i’m sorry if i’ve been with erwin more often lately, it’s just that-”
he cuts you off, “y/n, it’s fine. i seriously don’t mind you spending time with him for whatever reason.”
you look at him sweetly “okay.. sorry. i’m gonna go now, i love you!”
“yeah, yeah.”
“I SAIDDD.. i love you” you say as you give him a wide smile
he sighs “i love you too.”
nile dok. always going around trying to take erwin’s partners man😭.
you’ve been in wall sina with the military police a lot lately, dealing with all the shit they’ve got going on and therefore, you’ve come in contact with their former commander, nile dok, A LOT.
although erwin had chosen the secrets of the titans over marie, doesn’t mean he wasn’t lightly suspicious and jealous when you kept mentioning nile. however, this is erwin smith, he’s a grown and mature man and what do grown and mature men do? talk about their problems!!
he chuckles slightly before speaking “gosh, this is going to sound so silly now i’m thinking about it. but, is anything happening between you and nile?”
you burst out laughing “what?! me and nile? erwin, come on now!”
he rubs his forehead “i knew it was silly.. i was just feeling a bit jealous, that’s all.”
you sympathise with him very quickly “aww erwin” you go into hug him “i’m sorry, i know i’ve been there a lot but i promise, there’s nothing happen, just pure innocent work.” you say as you rub his back.
you both pull away “i do know that, i think i just wanted some reassurance that’s all.” he says.
what is y/n doing.. talking to mr. levi ackerman? aha.
now.. hange wouldn’t think much of this, but they could see what people would like and appreciate levi, especially after seeing how petra was with him - for someone reason, they can’t shake this feeling of jealously! what does one do when they’re jealous? get angry? cry? talk to their partner?
nope. hange is going to distract themselves until they simply forget. they begin to get super indulged in their work like i’m talking, you’ll leave the lab and they’ll say they’ll be another 5 minutes then you go back in the morning and they’re STILL there. researching titans over and over, taking any mission they possibly can, yapping about random stuff over and over, and eventually, you reach a breaking point.
“and then i said YOU CANT DO THA—”
“OKAY HANGE. hange..” you yelled
hange looked shocked at the sudden outburst and quickly shut their mouth.
“hange, what on earth is going on here?! why’ve you been indulging yourself in your work more than usual? you’re spending hours and hours on work and random stuff and i feel like i haven’t been able to get a word into our conversations lately!”
hange stops and reflects, oh my god. has it really been that bad? hange just wanted to do a little more work than usual, to distract themselves but clearly it’s been much more.
“i-i-” hange is speechless for once. “i-i’m sorry. i’m sorry y/n, oh my god!! what have i been doooiiinnngg..?” they slam their head on the table in front of them
“i don’t know, what have you been doing? i wanna know!” you ask, feeling slightly frustrated.
“god, y/n!! i’ve been so stupid, i was JEALOUS over you and LEVI, OUT OF PEOPLE?!” it’s like it all hit them at once, how crazy and silly they’ve been.
“i am soooo sorryyyy, snuchems” they say, pouting. “please, tell me a really long story so i’ll finally shut up for a few hours, i’m begging you. im sick of hearing myself at this rate!” they say with their hands clasped together, pleading with you.
“first of all, forgiven. second of all, LEVI ACKERMAN REALLY? third of all..” you look mischievous.
“okay so it started when i was 13 right and i was still living—”
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1252291 · 3 years
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summary: you've always appreciated your step-brother's nose. word count: 1.3k reader description: cis woman. she/her pronouns. college student. content warnings: smut, so minors dni. stepcest, cunnilingus/nose riding. use of calling themselves, ﹠ each other big brother ﹠ little sister. notes: bertholdt is eighteen + in all of my fics. he is in college in this one (20-21 years old). reader is also eighteen +
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His nose is perfect.
It's prominent on his face, sitting proudly in the way that it has a slight hook to it. Curving down from the crooked ridge near the top.
He hates his nose, but really, it's perfect.
When thighs settle on either side of his face, Bertholdt’s arms wrap around them, easing your body further down to his parted lips. His tongue slips out, eager to have a taste; slips between folds, dipping into your drooling entrance. Your fingers immediately find purchase in his hair, while you gasp out his name, “Bertie - fuck. Warning.”
He smiles sheepishly, tongue retreating before he lifts up and noses at your sensitive clit. “Sorry.”
You don’t respond. Not with your brows furrowed slightly, and your hand carefully gripping his hair while the other rests against the bed frame to keep your balance. Not when you’re rocking your hips in experiment, dragging your clit against his nose again and letting out a soft moan.
Bertholdt hummed, his eyes barely open now that you were moving above him. His mouth opened again, and he tilted his head back to get another taste. Tongue licking eagerly between wet folds.
Anything forbidden, he guessed, probably always tasted the sweetest.
He was hard in his sweats – had been since you’d found him doing a class in the kitchen, beckoning him away from what he should be doing instead of this. But he doesn’t care. Had gone silently, following you past your father’s office, and the bedroom his mom–your step-mom–was in most of the day doing her own work, until you were closing the door to your bedroom, and praying you wouldn’t get caught.
All he cares about now is the way you drag your clit across his nose and rock your body down to meet his tongue. How your moan’s are muffled underneath your hand, alongside the sounds of his lapping tongue. Bertholdt moans against your cunt, unsatisfied with the sounds he effortlessly pulled out of you being muffled with the awareness that you could get caught.
It had been a few months now. Surely if you got caught with your step-brother, one of you would be forced to move out. You, probably, would be sent to live with your mom instead. Fingers tighten in his hair a little, warning him to stifle his own moans.
A reminder that you’d climbed off of him before, and left him to jerk off on his own. Granted, you’d also been grinding against him in the living room with your skirt flipped up, and your parents seated in their respective work spaces upstairs. This was your bedroom, and you were being quiet enough.
Still, you grabbed for your phone discarded on the bed, and turned the music playing up a little more.
All your movement did was trigger Bertholdt into pulling you back down, his tongue more aggressive as it explored inside of your warm cunt, pulsating on his tongue as he nosed at your clit. The sudden aggressiveness only added to the warmth slowly spreading across your abdomen.
“F-fuck, Bertie. Slow down, or I’m gonna cum. God,” you laughed softly, like you couldn’t believe what you were mumbling next, “your nose feels so good on my clit.”
Bertholdt purred softly, his pointed tongue flicking over your swollen clit before he was pulling back to speak, “yeah? you like your big brother’s mouth, don’t you? love riding my nose, too? dirty girl.”
“Please,” you whispered, praying that the speaker playing music near the door would be enough. But you couldn’t hear anything in the hallway either; anxiety riddled in your stomach, mixing in with your growing pleasure. Your walls fluttered around nothing for a moment, before Bertholdt’s tongue was slipping back inside, moving shallowly as he lapped into your cunt.
His nose pressed against your clit, making your legs tremble. Bertholdt groaned, tightening his grip around your thighs as he pulled you further down.
Your eyes slipped shut as you gasped for air in little pants, chasing after the flickers of an orgasm that felt inevitable. Bertholdt’s cock twitched in his sweats. Precum leaking in a heady pool where the tip laid against his hip.
“Ah - ah, God.”
Your step brother trapped between your thighs knew you better than anybody before you had. Eyes slip shut, a needy moan stuck in the base of your throat as you imagined how his cock would feel buried inside of you - pulling your orgasm out the way that his tongue and nose steadily were.
Bertholdt refused to. Said that he would teach you, and make you feel good, but he would draw the line at fucking his new baby sister.
The memory of his hot breath against your ear flashed across your lids; the way that you had shivered as his fingers pumped inside of your heat, bringing you closer to your orgasm then. Your fingers tightened in his hair as he fucked you with his tongue, and his nose dragged across your clit. Bertholdt was drooling; spit running down his face, along with your juices.
Bertholdt’s tongue retreated from pulsating walls, retreating to catch what would drip out before he was purposefully moving his face; messy, making sure his nose pressed against your clit as he savoured your taste, and the little moans that he could hear escaping you.
You always came a lot for him. For your new big brother. Only been brought into the family three months before, and the perfect epitome of: I’m equally as fucked up as you.
“F-fuck, I’m so close” you warned, your hand gripping at the bed frame as your other pulled his hair. “Please, please.”
“Come on, baby. Cum on my nose,” he encouraged, keeping up ministrations until you were covering your mouth, muffling his name as you cried out softly. You shuddered above him, welcoming the orgasm ripping through your frame.
Head tilted back, as your pussy clenched around nothing, body dropping in attempt to follow his retreating tongue. Bertholdt’s mouth open, barely licking inside again before he was tilting up properly again, burying his tongue inside and scooping fresh slick from your pussy. Creamy, and a little thick on his tongue.
You gasped, thighs tightening around his face for a moment, “B-Bertie, please. Sensitive.”
"You taste so good," he answered honestly and went back for another taste. “Thank you. Always taste so good for your big brother, don’t you?” Another lick. “My sweet, giving little sister.”
Your fingers loosened, “let me take care of you.”
Bertholdt only smiled sheepishly, nosing against your sensitive clit and enjoying the way you whined and jerked away from him before moving back. “Don’t have to. Already–” His cheeks burned, not wanting to admit that you cumming had been enough to make him too, even without being touched.
You glanced over your shoulder, huffing slightly at the sight.
He guided you off gently, holding you until you were collapsing into your soft blankets. “Later,” he promised, leaning over tentatively to kiss you. His lips were soft against yours, and his hand came up to run his thumb across your bottom lip.
“I miss your mouth,” he confessed. You nodded, lips parting so that he could slip the digit inside. His eyes hooded as he watched your lips close around his thumb. Tongue lapping at the pad of his finger, before letting go with a soft pop. “Tonight, I’ll let you ride me.”
When you perked up, he smiled a little. “Not inside, though. It’s not wrong if I don’t really put my cock in you. It’s just practice..” He watched you nod a little, clearly deflated, but he still smiled gently at you. “Good girl. I’ll start the shower for you, alright?”
You nodded again.
You were disappointed, but understanding. After all, your step-brother had you wrapped around his finger, and him, wrapped around yours.
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thank you for reading!! sorry there's no beta reader, so if u see any mistakes please lmk and i'll fix them asap! i appreciate all likes and reblogs, cos that's the type of stuff that keeps me writing i swear. i also love hearing reactions, if u wanna share!! okay! have a good day, and take care of urself!
tag list 4 my berty boi fuckers lovers: @seraphdreams , @toratv , @monirei , @tetsunormous , @sweet-pea-bby , @friendly-kaiju , @histarean , @bertlsbeloved , @glittrkink .
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 7 months
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader ~| Bertolt Ending |~
“B-Bertolt.!” Y/N exclaimed nervously.
”Y/N! We have to get o-out of h-here.” Bertolt said as be carefully grabbed her hand and began to drag her out.
“Hold on!” Y/N said as she pulled her hand out of his grip. “H-how can I trust you..?”
”What do you mean? It’s me.” Bertolt muttered. “Don’t you trust me?”
”Y-your lamp..” Y/N whispered before taking a step back. “It was empty.. there was no lightbulb in there to begin with. So why was it so stuffed?”
”Y-Y/N I don’t k-know w-“ Bertolt began to say.
“Don’t lie to me!” Y/N exclaimed. “What is you want to do to me Bertolt?! Do you want to kill me? Is that it?!” Y/N asked.
”N-No! I’d never k-kill you! I p-promise you I’ll never d-do that!” Bertolt stuttered as he took a few steps forward.
”D-don’t come near me! I trusted you Bertolt! Tell me what you were planning on doing if I went with you.” Y/N demanded.
”I was g-going to take you to an emergency e-exit! Reiner h-has Annie and our other friends in t-the Cafeteria.. I w-was hoping on t-taking you to a s-safer exit.” Bertolt explained.
”Y-You promise.?” Y/N asked cautiously. “You don’t have any d-drugs on you? Or guns?”
”I’ll never try to hurt you Y/N! I promise on my life.” Bertolt said as he rose both his hands up.
“L-let’s go then.” Y/N muttered.
The two walked away slowly before reaching an emergency exit. Before exiting, the two heard heavy footsteps from behind them. Turning around they saw Marco.
”Marco!” Y/N exclaimed happily before embracing him. “Are you okay?”
”I’m alright Y/N, thanks. I couldn’t find Jean anywhere.. I’m really concerned for him.” Marco said. “Krista was able to escape. The two of us got crushed under a pillar but she was able to crawl out and get help.”
“I’m glad you guys are okay. All of the other emergency exits are blocked besides this one and the Cafeteria one.” Y/N explained. “The one in the Cafeteria however is being used by Patients who are trying to escape.”
”Y/N. Who is that?” Bertolt asked as he stood towering over the two.
“Bertolt, this is Marco. He’s a friend.” Y/N said.
”A-Are you her coworker?” Marco asked awkwardly.
”No he’s-“ Y/N began to say.
”Y-Yes! I’m her coworker, unfortunately I don’t get to go for break like most workers and just relax in my office heh..” Bertolt exclaimed nervously.
”You look really familiar though..” Marco muttered as he stared at the tall brunette. “I used to work in Ward 1, I don’t remember seeing you.”
”I’m an assistant. Yeah.” Bertolt said as he opened the emergency exit and dragged Y/N out with him, Marco following after.
”Bertolt, why did you say that.?” Y/N whispered.
”I need to escape this stupid place. I know I’ve hurt lots of people and helped bad people but I want to see something else other than white walls for the rest of my life. I want to see it with you.” Bertolt confessed.
”B-Bertolt.” Y/N muttered before walking off with him and away from the group of Doctors and Nurses.
“Bertolt. I’m hungry!!” Y/N complained as she rubbed her stomach.
”Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could you get (D/N)’s diaper changed..?” Bertolt asked.
”Okay.” Y/N simply said before grabbing her little girl and lifting her up in the air and tossing her up gently.
”C-careful!” Bertolt exclaimed.
”Relax honey! I’ve got her in my arms.” Y/N said as she held the giggling baby girl.
“I’m glad. Could you get the plates out when you’re done?” Bertolt requested.
”Sure.” Y/N said as she changed the baby’s nappy. “Hey uh I was thinking that we could go visit some friends.”
”Friends? What friends?” Bertolt asked.
”Y’know, my old friends..” Y/N said before turning towards him. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen them.”
”I guess we could go visit them. I never thought about that, sorry you had to wait so long just to ask me dear.” Bertolt muttered as he walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her.
”I’m just glad you said yes. Love you Bertie-Boy.” Y/N teased.
”Love you too honey.” Bertolt said before kissing her cheek.
(A/N: I’m so sorry for not posting, I’ve had Writers Block for so long but now I’m back! Hopefully I can get Erwin’s ending done soon and eventually the book will come to an end. Sincerely Author-Chan)
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Bertoldt Hover relationship
Aesthetic, vibe & Various
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Although Bertolt is timid and reserved, when he falls for you, oh my lord is he obsessed. (Not in a creepy way)
He will steal glances at you whenever he can, his stomach fluttering if you make eye contact and a heavy blush when you smile.
With Bertoldt, every single day, no matter how long you’ve been together is like you’re his crush and acts like you have no idea how much he cares for you.
Good luck sleeping with him in bed. He snores. He tossed and turns and we all know about the weird sleeping positions he finds himself in. If you’re territorial over your bed space, maybe sleeping together isn’t the best idea.
Also is an extreme blanket hogger.
But Bertoldt gives the best hugs and cuddles. Will wrap around you like a warm blanket and hold you close until you’ve had enough. Seriously, if it were up to him, you’d be glued together.
Ideal dates
Bert is a sucker for ice cream on warm days. Would adore it if you went to an amusement park or beach during the hot weather.
He’ll hold your hand most of the time and if you got lost in a crowd, would absolutely panic.
With him being so tall, he he once tried to persuade you to get a flag to stick up and wave next time you’re swarmed.
Wether you did or not is up to you.
Gives the best piggy back rides and loves to give you them too. Feels like you’re a little back pack as he carries you around.
Picnics. Anything outdoors, really. Loves going on walks and hikes wit your around beautiful scenery. It just relaxes him and is a good setting to just get to know each other and chat.
Gifts. Will greet you at every date with flowers or chocolate or some small token of appreciation. He just feels so lucky to have you.
Modern AU
Sweatshirts and jumpers during fall - spring. He likes the feel of them and the smell of fresh cotton and wool.
Wears vests in the summer, the back of his shoulders gleaming with sweat under the scorching sun. Will ask you to put on his suncream which he has to squat down so you can reach.
Has a ridiculously small car for his size. God help whoever is sitting behind him while he drives. Hopefully it’s not a long road trip.
Is a backpack guy. Takes one to the gym, on one outings etc. Would be a perfect dad. He’d always have the baby bag ready packed with spare diapers, bottles, clothes etc.
Takes extra long showers and moisturising after, his skin is always super soft, clean and smells devine.
Bertoldt. Oh dear sweet Bertoldt.
The first time you two do it, you think he’s going to pass out from excitement and nerves. He’s a flustered, blushing mess and at one point begins to hyperventilate.
As time goes on, his shyness with sex doesn’t really get any better - except now, when he reaches a certain point of arousal he’ll just morph into a totally different man.
Like, you’ll wonder if he’s been possessed as he slams you against a wall, picking you up and eating you out, your legs over his shoulders.
His cock is so sensitive, it’s very twitchy and receptive to your touch.
Loves it when you give him head. Like the whimpers and moans he emits are just… 👌
This beautiful man is up for anything. Anything you suggest to try and he’s down to clown with you. Anything. If he doesn’t like it, he won’t know unless you both try it.
Naturally a very tender and caring lover. But if you entice it, had no qualms about getting a little rough with you. Nothing too crazy though - hurting you would totally shut him down and turn him off
His favourite, is cockwarming you that leads to gentle, tender sex. Really gets him going having you safe in his strong arms while being as close to you as physically possible.
Loves shower sex. The feel of your body lathered and slippery sets him on fire, even thinking about it gets him hard.
After love making Bertoldt is up there with the best when it comes to aftercare.
Will make you food if you’re hungry, get you a drink and ask if you’re okay.
Tells you how amazing you are and how much he cares for you.
Will change the sheets for you too.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 10/10
Affection 10/10
Sex 9/10
Aftercare 10/10
Obviously the final scores are my opinion you can make up your own mind ☺️ but all in all, Bertoldt would make an amazing partner and will always cherish you dearly.
Sweet boy ❤️
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seraphdreams · 3 years
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✯ pairing - bertholdt hoover x bimbo!fem reader
contains - library sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, college au
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what’s not to love about you? you’re completely dumb, in perfect contrast to bertholdt, your boyfriend who just so happened to be in the same library with you.
the day seemed perfectly normal when he first spotted you, giving you a hug and kiss before questioning why you were even at a library in the first place. you had explained that you needed a book for class because you couldn’t quite grasp what the teacher was trying to instruct.
it started with “i could always help you out” and is now currently you trying to conceal your cute little moans while bertholdt pounds into you from behind. “you feel so good” he grunts, as quietly as he could. if he wasn’t careful enough, the passerbys could hear the lewd slapping of skin.
you held onto the bookshelf, trying your hardest not to topple over as his thrusts were hard and accurate inside you, the quick drag of his cock making you feel complete bliss. he held your waist with a tight grip, the miniskirt you were wearing previously, hiked up the curve of your ass.
he just couldn’t control himself when you made those cute groans of frustration and confusion when he was helping you study. you’re just too dumb, of course someone like bertholdt is going to be there to help you. but as he reaches deeper and deeper inside your little cunt, all he could think was how he wanted to fill you with his cum.
you could feel your legs tremble with the pressure of him and your approaching orgasm. “bertl, i’m gonna—!” he was quick to slap his hand over your mouth, if you were any louder, you both were for sure going to get caught.
“shh baby, we gotta keep it down, remember?” he coos as his thrusts begin to grow a bit sloppier. you hum into his hand as your body becomes lax from your orgasm. you coated his thick, long cock in the milky white of your arousal and just the mere sight of that has bertholdt following suit, shooting his load deep inside your cunt with a pitchy whine.
he pulls his softening cock out with a groan, and you readjust your outfit. he turns to you, a bright blush dancing across his cheeks and nose.
“you ready to study again?”
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tags - @colossalnova @fiaficsxo @r-raiinah @snkfade @glittrkink @kirsteiiins @peachy-momos
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