#beru and owen loved that boy so much
weregonnabecoolbeans · 4 months
Thinking about Beru Whitesun Lars this fine Wednesday afternoon.
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omgahgase · 11 months
just finished the kenobi show and i don't care what anyone says. OWEN AND BERU LARS ARE LUKE'S PARENTS!!
yes it would've been great to have the organa's take luke too, but owen and beru are what luke needed, they're the only ones who could've protected him. they love him, so, so much. owen even said it, luke is his own. luke is theirs. their child.
they knew someone or something would come and they'd need to protect their nephew—beru was ready since day fucking one. they fought an inquisitor with nothing but a couple of blasters and pipes they found on their farm. they took a breath of relief once they saw that luke was alive—the way owen held onto him? hugged him close? that's his boy and no one can deny that
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foggysirens · 1 year
i don’t care what anyone else says luke skywalker is a mamas boy through and through.
like someone at tosche station makes a shitty remark about beru never having her own kids? decked right in the face no hesitation. something inside the homestead breaks down? lukes got it fixed in an instant. beru hasn’t had enough to drink one day? he’s topping up her glass from his if he has to. a fight with biggs? he’s talking to beru about it the second he’s home. they spend hours together in the evenings reading or discussing droid upgrades together and luke always brings her back little trinkets for the kitchen and living room whenever he goes to town. holding her arm whenever they go into town together, strolling through the stalls aimlessly, pointing out things and chatting. beru teaches him about different star patterns, sitting out together, laying on the domed roof of the homestead, a tradition they carry on even after luke has far surpassed her in knowledge of the stars.
and later, luke taking every spare second he can to read books about the history of naboo and it’s young queen. tracing his fingers over the pages of her painted face and trying his hardest to pick out features similar to his own. how he’ll sit and reach into the force and try to find another scrap of memory about her, reaching for a flash of a feeling, a fleeting imagine, anything but the nothing he remembers. how luke will travel to naboo once a year to visit the tomb of the mother he never got to meet, but loved him enough to give her life, and lay flowers at the feet of the statue there in her honour. how he slowly works small pieces of naboo culture into his everyday practices, taking silent moments to sketch and compose poetry once he learns how important art is to its people.
because dont get me wrong, i love talking about the various father figures he’s had in his life and how owen, obi wan and anakin have all played their part in his development as a character, but i think it is a great tragedy to overlook how important beru and padme are to what makes luke luke as well and damn it if it doesn’t just make so much sense for his character because of how he interacted with all the paternal figures in his life that luke is just much more of a mamas boy at heart than anything else.
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myfairkatiecat · 4 months
since you like Star Wars- Aunt Beru??
Seriously, you watch the first movie (a New Hope) and she talks about Anakin with this.... familiarity.
"He has too much of his father in him." She says it endearingly- she really is talking about an old friend, who she misses dearly. Owen is concerned that Luke will be like Anakin, but Beru talks about him, again, endearingly.
In the context of the first movie there's nothing iffy, right? Anakin is dead, and these are the ways Owen and Beru respond to the loss.
Then Empire Strikes Back comes along. The context shifts- Owen's response still makes sense
"That's what worries me." But Aunt Beru's is.... different now. She still cares about him after all these years----
All this to say Aunt Beru should have been Anakin's sister, as opposed to Uncle Owen being his step-brother
Can and will elaborate if prompted, the brainrot is SEVERE
Beru likely formed a bond with Shmi while she was alive, so she heard all the stories about what it was like raising Anakin as a child, and then Luke came along and Beru was like “ah, yes—the raising-a-Skywalker” experience. Yes, she knows how Anakin turned out, but she also knows about the young boy Shmi loved and raised, and that’s what she sees in Luke.
Owen probably spend more of his time with his own father, and while he loved his stepmother I’m sure, he probably didn’t hear as many stories. He knew about Anakin Skywalker and he knew that once upon a time he was a young boy from Tatooine raised by his mother Shmi, but when he learns that Anakin turned to the dark side, that defines the lens through which he sees his stepbrother forever. And when Luke begins to show a bright and cheerful but unsatisfied personality very similar to Anakin’s, it isn’t endearing to him, it’s frightening.
Agdjdhjssjs Owen and Beru Lars and their relationships with the Skywalkers >>>>>>
Also yes please elaborate if you have more thoughts 👀
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thewriterowl · 4 months
hiiii, it's my birthday today, and I would love to read your (dark) din spoils Luke on his birthday, or it could be Vader.
Thank you so so much (for taking your time), and I love your fics, you're incredible!
GASP!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have an incredible and amazing birthday! All the wishes and happiness to you!
Honestly, I was tempted to write a sorta 5+1 fic with angsty Luke birthdays and then one he celebrates with soft Din XD so this is up my alley too.
I'm thinking Luke didn't really tell Din--maybe because he was kidnapped by him or maybe he doesn't yet realize Din is dark and yandere over him...but regardless, he just doesn't mention the birthday.
When he was younger he only had small celebrations for his birthday. Owen and Beru really did try for him but they weren't well off and there were a lot of harsh years with the moisture-farming and the Hutt's greedy grip was suffocating. It would take most out of them to just ensure they survived for another harvest. But they gave him what they could (and there was always a mysterious special toy given to him from someone else...Luke didn't know who) but he was the only child for miles upon miles and save for a rather kind, but older boy, from the Darklighter family, there was no one else to celebrate birthdays with. Not like any of the other children would come anyway...he wasn't very popular. Then he was busy in the Rebellion. Then he found out about his past. Then how things clicked that he was born on Empire Day. Then how most wanted to celebrate Leia's birthday, the princess of the fallen world and grand general of the war, and how they were keeping their relation a secret (more or less). Then how he just started to become more and more uncomfortable with attention and crowds and...
In the end, he just put it to the side. It didn't matter.
Sadly, it matters to Din.
It matters a lot to Din.
Din could splice into most anything with a bit of work and with his bounty-hunter penchant for research and obtaining information, he would find it on his own without much issue. But he wanted to hear it from Luke. So he pushes a bit. Even providing his own, though he wasn't big on his own either, as a trade. It still takes a bit but finally, finally, Din gets his victory.
"It falls on what was Empire Day." Luke sighed, mildly amused and mostly perplexed that this man was so invested in this information. "Of course, timing could be a little askew. Empire day started on Coruscant time and we all know the systems have their own different calendars and I was actually born on some place called Polis Massa and--"
"You're rambling."
"Well, I don't like talking about it." He grumbled.
"Why not?"
"Because it's...just not...comfortable for me." His mother and how he has no memories of her but somehow, unfairly--though he tells himself to not think like that, his sister did. How he lost so much the moment he took his first breath. How his existences sometimes felt like such a burden. It really gave him a sort of existential crisis he didn't think befitting a Jedi Master. "But, there, now you know."
And now Din indeed does know.
If Din is the (dark) Mand'alor, he will make this out to be some sort of holiday for his people. He'd gaslight Luke in saying they need something to replace the blight this day once was. Having it be a celebration of the consort, the one who was genuinely a reason why they could celebrate, would mean wonders to them. Just a little sprinkle of guilt to make it happen and the promise that Luke wouldn't have to mingle about with a lot of people like some dignitary.
He is given so much love from the people. Din shows him how everyone is celebrating. There are decorations made from his favorite colors, vendors are selling foods from Tatooine and other things he's enjoyed during his years of travel, his story of meeting Din is shared about along with all of his good deeds when he was the traveling Jedi trying to heal a broken galaxy, good is done in honor of his name, and the people are interviewed to give him well wishes and love on his birthday for him to watch in comfort and privacy.
It's so overwhelming the first year that Luke probably breaks down sobbing. He can't tell if it is a good or bad cry but Din seems to have expected this (perhaps even wanted it) and just stays close and intimately rubs his back as he murmurs, "There you go, let it all out. You had so much...too much." Which Luke, in his state, doesn't understand but still does as told.
When he wakes the next day, he feels foolish and shameful that he hid out crying like a loon when people were being so kind to him.
Din just gives him a gentle hush, "It's your day, my heart. And that is what you wanted and needed. It was a good event for them and a healing one for you. That is a success. And next year will be the same."
Of course, Din isn't done.
This man, dark or not, is a caretaker. He is going to give Luke anything and everything. Remember, he studies and hunts and always gets his answers.
He gives Luke things the blond didn't even realize he wanted. Things Luke never thought about. Things he hadn't even laid eyes upon.
It's hundreds of gifts, ranging from small, free rocks that shimmered Luke's favorite colors, to the best oil bath in the system for Artoo, to robes to match Din's, and his own private hanger so he can design, build, and take apart all the mechanical things his heart desires.
It's too much for Luke. He can't even begin to properly thank Din, unsure how to even accept any of it.
Din just smiles, his eyes glinting with some sort of ploy, as he purrs out something so tender and very much a threat, "Oh love...I haven't even begun. You, my consort, will have so much more."
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mydarllinglover · 7 months
Stars Collided || Eleven
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They had spent the journey in quiet, knowing that Anakin's mind wasn't focused on making small talk, and Lovisa, nor Ahsoka had any idea what to say, that wouldn't anger or irritate the boy, as he focused on his solo mission.
But eventually, they had made it to the location Watto had given Anakin.
It was a farm, in the middle of the desert place, secluded.
Two people had emerged from the hut, their home.
A man and a woman.
Anakin had pulled the carriage to a halt, and was quick to jump out, walking towards the two people.
"Hello." The man greeted him, warily, as the woman held his arm.
"My name's Anakin Skywalker, I was told that my mother would be here." He shared.
"Ah, you're Shmi's boy, we've heard so much about you, we figured you’d show up at some point in the future. I'm Owen, your mother married my father, so that makes us brothers, I guess. This is my girlfriend, Beru."
"Uhm, this is Ahsoka Tano, and this is...." Anakin hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should reveal who Lovisa was, or lie, to his new family.
"I'm Lovisa Amidala, it's a pleasure to meet you both."
"Lovisa Amidala, as in the Princess?" Beru gasped.
"Yes, but I fear, that is no where near as important, right now, we're here to find Anakin's mother." She tried steering the attention away from her.
"Right, uhm, you all will want to come in, this isn't going to be an easy conversation." Owen said, his tone sounded sorrowful, and Lovisa felt as Anakin grabbed her hand, squeezing it, and she could tell his own heart was lurching, for his mother.
"I'll make tea." Beru said, as she moved around her boyfriend, to enter their home.
"I'll grab the pups, and our bags." Ahsoka told the two, knowing Anakin needed Lovisa's comfort, right now, and that he wouldn't be letting go of her anytime soon.
"Thank you." The princess smiled kindly.
"Your highness, I must apologise for the state of the place, we've never had someone of your royal status come here, before, or anyone of importance, really."
"It's quite alright, your home looks lovely, Owen." Lovisa told him, as she led Anakin towards the hut, both her hands holding his own, as well as his arm, as he seemed to be in some panicked daze.
"May I ask what it is, that you are doing here?"
"Well, Anakin is my Jedi, for the moment, I've been under his protection, and so when he told me that he was coming here, I tagged along."
"So... the two of you, you're not?" He looked at their joined hands.
"I think we should really put all our attention on to the matter at hand, I'm only here for Anakin, as a friend." As a lover, his partner, she found herself wanting to say, instead.
"Dad. We have guests." Owen called into the home.
"So Beru has told me." Owen walked into what looked like their kitchen, as the two stood behind.
A old looking man, was sat at the table, as Beru filled his cup with steaming tea.
"My Step-son, and the princess, I must say, an odd pair, on this day."
Lovisa felt Anakin flinch, at the title, the man had given him, never in his life has he had a father, and never has he had a man call him "son".
"I'm Cliegg, Cliegg Lars, your mothers husband." He spoke to Anakin. "I would stand, your highness, but as you can see, I am not really able to." He gestured to his bandaged leg, that stopped at the knee.
"That is quite alright." Lovisa smiled kindly, as she pulled Anakin, to sit next to her, at the table, and then she let go of him, so that she could take off her cloak, before quickly sitting down, and holding his hands, once again.
It slightly frightened her, how much he was depending on her, so quickly, especially during an emotional moment, like right now, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.
"My mother, where is she?" Anakin spoke, staring at the man, with urgency.
"Son, I'm afraid she was taken, by the tuskan raiders, a vile group of monster like men, they're brutal, vicious, and show no mercy, and they take what they want." He had said, bluntly. "Your mother had gone out early, like she did every day, to pick fruit, I should've never let her go alone, but she always insisted, but when she never came back, a whole group of us had gone out to look for her. But there was no luck, I'd still be out there now, if it wasn't for my leg." He sounded remorseful, but angry, at himself, and it was clear to see that he had been struggling to grieve the loss of his wife. "Not like it would even matter anymore. I don't wanna give up on her, but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long. "
Anakin stood up, quickly, nearly knocking the chair back, and all eyes turned on him.
"Where are you going?" Owen asked.
"To find my mother." He answered.
"Your mothers dead, son. Accept it." Cliegg told him.
But he couldn't.
Anakin had been offered an horse, by Owen, and had gladly accepted it.
Lovisa left the hut, spotting the boy, as he stood, staring at the horizon, preparing himself to leave, as the stars started to come out.
"You can't come with me." He said, when she walked close enough for him to sense her presence. "It won't be safe, and I can't stand the thought of something happening to you, too." His voice wobbled, as he spoke so openly. "These are good people, you'll be safe here."
Lovisa stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he was quick to wrap his around her body, dropping his head on her shoulder.
She said nothing as she held him, tightly, but then, she eventually pulled away, but not too far.
"I'll be here, waiting for you." She whispered to him, then she leaned closer, giving him a sweet, gentle kiss.
"Vis." He mumbled, barely audible.
"Bring her home, Ani." She stopped him, not wanting to know what he was going to say.
She then stepped back, and turned, to return to the hut.
Ahsoka, who had watched their whole encounter, pushed herself off the wall, she had been leaning on.
"Let's go, Skyguy." She told him.
"Soka, you're not coming, either." Anakin snapped, his gaze turning steely, as he looked at her, suddenly angry at her appearance, and what he knew she had just seen.
"You can't go by yourself."
"Yes, I can."
"Fine, but you're not."
She walked away from him, and towards the horses, where he had noticed there were now two.
"Where'd you get them from?" Anakin asked, staring at the twin swords, strapped to her back.
"Ask Lovey. She's taking it all seriously."
"About you being force sensitive?"
"Uh huh." She hopped onto her horse, as Anakin climbed onto his own.
"Ahsoka, go back. I don't want you tagging along."
"I can't, I promised Lovey I'd look out for you, and I know what you're going through right now, you shouldn't be alone, when you find her." She empathised on the word "When" because there were no ifs about it, but it was the state they'd find her, is what had the girl concerned for the boy.
"What would you even know or understand about what I'm going through?" He glared at her, as he snapped.
"My mother was Lovey's handmaiden, she practically raised us both together, until she died, a few years ago, and I took over her role." Ahsoka replied, bitterly, at the boy, for being so bluntly ignorant. "Time's ticking. We should go." She then clicked her teeth, and encouraged her horse to go.
Anakin felt bad, about what he had said, he let out a heavy sigh, before following after the girl.
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somethingsteff · 9 months
Is there, perhaps, a snippet of It Takes a Village you could share?
Absolutely! The snippet is under the cut, but here's a quick summary-
When Obi-Wan's best friend is killed in a car accident he suddenly finds himself tasked with raising her baby and has no idea how he's supposed to manage. Thankfully he's got his father and sister to help, and unexpected - but not unwelcome - support from his sisters best friend, Anakin. He eventually figures out this whole parenting thing, and along the way finds the kind of love that makes everything worthwhile.
The snippet takes place in the first chapter when everything is still very rocky and unstable. Also, Liam is the name I went with for Owen and Beru's son.
Thank you so much for the ask! 💖💖💖💖 I'm still really nervous about this being Enough (will the chapters be long enough, will the writing be good enough, etc etc.) but I'm also excited to start sharing this! My current plan is to wait until I have the whole thing written before I start posting chapters because I'm so inconsistent with when I write and it would only give me anxiety. This way it's all fun and I'll be able to update it weekly when I do post it to ao3.
Settling baby Liam with Anakin and Korkie, Shmi swept over to Obi-Wan to give him a fierce hug and comforting kiss on the cheek. “I thought little Korkie might like making a new friend, and Cliegg and I have Liam for the day,” she settled down next to Obi-Wan on the couch and opened the container of cookies in a silent command before placing them on his lap.
“I think that’s an excellent idea, Shmi,” Obi-Wan smiled and leaned into her the slightest bit. Anakin marveled at how she could comfort seemingly anyone.
Anakin scooted closer to the couch to give the two young boys more space to play with their blocks and sat leaning against the arm with his thigh brushing Obi-Wan’s feet. He watched Shmi’s eyes zero in on the contact and her face lift in a small smile.
“So, Ani, Qui-Gon tells us you’ve been very helpful with Korkie.” Despite any teasing in her voice, Shmi was extremely proud of her son for his kind gestures.
“Oh yes, Anakin has been a great support. He’s connected so well with Korkie, I truly don’t know what I would do without him,” Obi-Wan lifted his hand and settled it on Anakin’s head for a moment, tousiling his bronze curls.
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nonhumanhottie · 1 year
Obi-Wan Kenobi rewatch
Part VI
Beru is so slay in this
I will say, this show really makes Leia naming her only child after Obi-Wan so much more heartwrenching
I love the Grand Inquisitor annoyed look in the unfocused background
'Then you will die' ugh the Ahsoka parallels
This fight is good but just like ep 3 it's too long
Vader has hella emotion in his voice though and I dig it
I love Beru and Owen throwing absolute hands for their boy
When they do the half-Anakin/half-Vader voice ugh that's good shit
Like Rebels did it better.. but this still tugs at the heartstrings
That evil little smirk though!
Villains really do love screaming out Obi-Wan's name
Palpatine you scheming little slut
Little Luke and Leia absolutely melt my heart though
this could have been a movie though
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redrikki · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Masterpost
May the Fourth Be With You!
Prequels/Clone Wars Era
May the Force Get With You- You’d think Anakin Skywalker’s conception would be pretty epic, mythic even, but you’d be wrong. Turns out, the Force is a lousy lay and a worse father. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, The Force, Salty Narrator)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit of the the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance at saving her master. (Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker)
Pain Management - Anger can get a slave killed. Shmi teaches her son some coping strategies. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Watto)
The Force Is In the Details - The chance cube lands on red and now Shmi must learn to manage with a freedom she never asked for. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of The Force is in the Details. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, Jedi Council)
The Anchor That You Can’t Leave Behind - On the queen’s yacht headed back to Naboo, Anakin and Padmé miss their mothers but Obi-Wan can’t get why. (Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose - When Obi-Wan told him he was free at Qui-Gon’s funeral, Anakin took him at his word. There may, however, have been something of misunderstanding. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
For Amidala - Her handmaidens had all poured so much of themselves into Amidala, it was like they were part of her now. Padmé didn’t know if she had the strength to let one go. (Padme Amidala, Sabe, handmaidens)
Wordspring - Anakin’s words dry up in the middle of his fourth month at the Temple. If Obi-Wan can’t get them flowing again, maybe someone else will. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine, various Jedi)
Nothing to Write Home About - A month after losing his wife, Cliegg Lars decides to write to her son. Anakin Skywalker gets the pen pal he never knew he needed. WIP. (Anakin Skywalker, Cliegg Lars, Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala)
For the Greater Good - Count Dooku has never seen the appeal of Anakin Skywalker, but, when the Chosen One breaks with the Council over the treatment of the clones, he decides acquiring the boy’s allegiances might be worthwhile after all. WIP co-written with @grand-duc and @thendstartsnow (Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine, Clone Troopers)
Once More With Feeling - A redeemed Anakin travels back in time post-RotJ and decides to unfuck the timeline with mixed results. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Sheev Palpatine, Jedi Council, bunch of other people)
Bridal Carry - On Naboo, it’s tradition for the groom to carry the bride to their marriage bed. With Anakin’s new prosthetic, it’s more difficult than it sounds. (Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker)
Secret Tunnel - War in the Outer Rim! While fighting on the mining world of Mumblety, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano is tasked with mapping the tunnels along with a team of clones. When trouble strikes, will she have what it takes to save the day and complete the mission? (Ahsoka Tano, Echo, Fives, Anakin Skywalker)
No Place Like Home - Ahsoka’s return to the temple after her first deployment was strange, made even stranger by the fact that it should’t be strange at all. (Ahsoka Tano, Rex)
Eat, Snip, Love - Ahsoka can’t remember the last time she had a home cooked meal. Anakin and Padmé are determined to change that. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala)
Love and Support - After Padmé is shot at a conference, her mother insists she come home. Padmé, of course, is going no where. Episode tag to 3.07 “Assassin.” (Padmé, Ahsoka)
Across a Crowded Room - It’s a party in his honor, but it turns out the Hero With No Fear isn’t good with crowds. Padmé to the rescue. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Lightening Rod - Anakin gets electrocuted…again. It probably says something bad about his life that he’s getting used to it. (Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Coming Out of My Cage, Doing Just Fine - On the way back from Kadavo, it finally hits her. In this war, Ahsoka had been outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outgunned, but she’d never felt powerless. Not like she did in that cage on Zygerria. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker)
In Our Bed After the War - After the mission to Zygerria, Padmé and Anakin have a difficult conversation. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style - Despite her best efforts, Padmé is pregnant. Now she has a difficult decision to make. (Padme Amidala, C-3P0)
You Call That Family? - In an AU where Anakin has left the order to be Padme, Obi-Wan encounters unexpected resistance when he goes to collect the twins. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala)
Birthright - The Force called him to his family and Anakin is not prepared to give them up. Not even to the Jedi Council. (Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, baby Skywalkers)
If Not For These Bad Dreams - Fives has dreamed about killing every Jedi he’s ever met except General Skywalker. Turns out he’s not the only one. (Fives, Kix, Tup, Jesse)
Dateline Felucia - Embedded with the troops on Felucia, a reporter from HoloNet News paints an intimate portrait of the men of the 212th Attack Battalion. (Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Waxer, Boil, clone troopers)
Ahsoka the Vampire Slayer - Ahsoka is the Chosen One, the Slayer, or at least she was until she died. She got better, but now there’s a new Slayer in town and things with her Watcher are strained at best. Add in a bunch of zombie mind control bugs and Ahsoka’s week could be going better. BtVS fusion. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Barriss Offee, Luminara Undili)
Bursts of Stardust - Collection of short tumblr prompts. (Everyone ever)
Rebels Era
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four ‘easy’ steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them.  (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren, Ketsu Onyo)
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Depa stumbled free of the maze, back into the atrium for the Lothal Temple. There was just one problem. The man kneeling between the desiccated bodies of the ancient Jedi was not her master. (Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus)
Swordsmith - Ezra makes his lightsaber. It’s not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Chopper, Hera Syndulla,Kanan Jarrus)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan cooked for his crew and one he made for himself.  (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Ain’t No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain’t no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn’t always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of “The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn,” Hera decides it’s high time Ezra learn how to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios)
A Distraction - Kanan’s been blinded. There’s nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of A Distraction. (Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
Then My Hair’s Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 “Trails of the Darksaber.” (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short tumblr prompts (Ghost Crew)
Rogue One
The Lord’s Estate - Every lord must have an estate. Lord Vader’s is Mustafar. (Vader, Palpatine)
Peace is a Lie - Sometimes Vader wakes up and can’t remember what war he’s fighting. (Darth Vader)
A Cog In Something Turning - Cassian hadn’t meant to give K-2SO free will. Good thing for both of them he’s a terrible slicer. (K-2SO, Cassian Andor)
Original Trilogy
Sea of Sorrow and Sand - Ben Kenobi is an island in a sea of sorrow and sand. Beru Lars has come to drag him back to shore. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beru Lars)
What Remains - What remains of a relationship built on lies? Nothing, as Darth Sidious will soon find out. (Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Padmé Amidala’s preserved corpse)
On This Strange and Mournful Day - The events of Vader Down go very differently. The father and child reunion is only a motion away. (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Dr. Aphra)
Now Leaving Bespin - The rebel princess’s expression promised murder when Vader came to collect her from his shuttle’s brig. He had, after all, taken her prisoner, encased her lover in carbonite, and sold him to Jabba’s bounty hunter. It was going to make securing her assistance in rescuing Luke somewhat difficult. (Darth Vader, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker)
After the Funeral - Han offers Luke some unexpected support after the funeral of the guy who tortured him. (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo)
A Cynic’s Guide to the New Golden Age - The second Death Star goes kabloowie and takes the galaxy with it. It’s a new golden age of piracy and Aphra’s got some looting to do. (Dr. Aphra, Luke, 0-0-0, BT-1, Black Krrsantan)
The Last Truce We Ever Came To - Darth Vader is dead but he won’t leave Leia alone. (Leia Organa, Force Ghost Anakin Skywalker)
Lego Star Wars - The Freemaker Adventures
Disembodied - Roger loses his head and, frankly, it’s getting old. (R0-GR, Rowan Freemaker, Kordi Freemaker, Zander Freemaker)
Sequel Era
Red Fish, Blue Fish - Leia bought an aquarium for her child like her father before her. In a perfect world she could raise Ben to fill his grandfather’s legacy. Too bad he had more than one. (Leia Organa, Ben Solo, Angst)
A Matter of Precedence - FN-2187 wasn’t the first, except for the time he was. Others have defied the First Order before, but none quite as spectacularly. (Finn, First Order)
So You Want to be a (Space) Wizard - Finn finds a mysterious book, takes an Oath, and starts one hell of an Ordeal. Crossover with Young Wizards. (Finn, Poe Dameron, Rey)
Old Haunts (All We’ve Ever Known) - Anakin and Obi-Wan as snarky Force ghosts during The Force Awakens. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, TFA cast)
Lady in Waiting - Rey’s spent so much of her life waiting it’s hard to know when to stop. Luckily, Poe’s there to give her the push she needs. (Rey, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Finn)
Not a Drop to Drink - On Luke’s island, Rey couldn’t quite get her mind around the sheer amount of water stretching out towards the horizon. (Rey, Luke Skywalker)
Essays on a Galaxy Far Far Away
Chapter 1 - Are the Jedi a Cult? Chapter 2 - First Order & Jedi Order training. How similar is it? Chapter 3 - Jedi & First Order Recruitment and the Effects of Child Separation Chapter 4 - Mechanics and Ethics of the Jedi Mind Trick Chapter 5 - Force Sensitive Jar Jar Binks Chapter 6 - Obi-Wan is a Terrible Mentor Chapter 7 - Skywalkers Ruin Everything? Chapter 8 - How democratic was the PT-era GFFA? Chapter 9 - The Dictator's Playbook Chapter 10 - Vice-Admiral Holdo and the Importance of Costuming Chapter 11 - What's on the HoloNet?
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elijahmiles · 2 years
owen may seem like the stern uncle, but when he was ruffling luke's hair in that brief flashback obi wan had, when he quickly picked up luke and held him close and protectively after reva returned and his expression briefly becoming more relaxed when he was choosing speeder parts with luke? i love the part when he said "he is my own" but even before that, he didn't need to talk about how much he loved his nephew because it was very clear from his actions and expressions that he did.
side note: i know he likely can't become a force ghost but it would have been hilarious if owen popped in to taunt vader in transparent blue form. or waited for anakin to show up in the afterlife to fight him for hurting luke. same goes for beru because she loves her boy dearly.
YEAHHH i loved owen in kenobi so much absolutely perfect. it's so fascinating how so much of his affection is shown when luke can't really see it. it makes me think about how much of the larses love had to go unsaid because of their connection to anakin and luke as their nephew. i.e. telling reva luke is his son and cradling luke while he's unconcious that second one ESPECIALLY gets me because owen is injured and he still picks luke up and holds him just to have him close and safe WAHHHH I LOVE THAT SCENEEEE
and YEAH force sensitive owen is so so good!! ive seen some aus of that and with him being shmi's other biological son and the owen and anakin brother dynamic is something that could be wayyyy more explored, esp in congurence with obi wan. ive also seen aus with force sensitive beru/beru as anakin's sister which is so fascinating too OUGH i love the larses characters of all time
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solesnati · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how Luke went 23(+?) years not knowing his mother, likely all that he knew was that she was beautiful and kind, from far away and met his father off planet, and that she very much loved his father. He wondered about her just as much if not more than he wondered about his father — he had a “story” of him to go off of, fake for the most part as it was, and was likely told everything Shmi would’ve told Cliegg and Owen but Owen and Beru didn’t know much from their brief encounter with her. If they knew she was part of the Senate / prominent in the Galactic Republic I could see them not telling him / telling him she was just some sweet girl his father met that they only met briefly to protect him. He was so desperate for so long to know about the woman who gave him life and loved his father so dearly.
Luke didn’t know just how important she was to the galaxy and to the Alliance or about all the incredible things she’d did as a young queen and Senator and woman until after the war ended and he found out her true identity. Luke would’ve wanted to go to Naboo immediately to see where his mother came from and learn more about her from her people. He would’ve stared at her holo for hours memorizing her face and seeing if there’s anything from her he inherited. Luke is Padme in spirit and temperament, he has her smile, and he would’ve absolutely adored her and would’ve been a real Mama’s boy had he been raised by her. Over twenty years after her passing, Luke finds out who his mother truly was, and he is so proud to be Padme Amidala’s son.
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vivalavili · 1 year
Shmi beams and quickly takes the comm, hurrying to the window as if she can see him way out there while she talks. "An-Ani? My love?"
"Mom," he breathes, tearing up, "Hi."
"Oh my sweet Ani... you sound so much older now," she says softly, blinking her tears back, "Such a grown man."
"I am, ma," Vader agrees. "'m really strong now. Um- physically and with the Force too. I wish I could be there. See you."
"Anything you can give me is more than enough," she assures him. "I love you so much- and I've missed you even more. I am sorry I sent you to- to the bad man," she bursts into tears, "I did not know- he was kind and he lied to me, Ani."
Vader closes his eyes. "Mom, it's not your fault, okay?" he murmurs. "It's not your fault. You didn't know- just like you said. You're not a bad person."
"Your friend says you are a killer now," Shmi shakes her head, "But you- you are so compassionate, Ani, how could you kill people?"
"I've only killed one or two people," he sighs, "One was self defense."
"You will be okay with these people," she nods, "Your friend seems very kind. And I know it to be true this time. Please be kind to her back- she seems to want to help you, Ani."
"I will, mom." Vader nods a little. "I will. I promise. Love you so much, mom. Don't... don't leave the house alone very much okay? I have nightmares, I worry about you. Find Kit or someone- they'll walk with you."
"Oh I will take Cliegg," she nods quickly.
Vader frowns at the wall. Cliegg? "Who, mom?"
"My husband," she says softer, "My husband Cliegg Lars. I live with him now, he- he freed me, Ani! He freed me! And he has a very kind son named Owen and- and Owen has a fiance, her name is Beru. You would love them!"
Vader's face crumples and he looks down at the floor, the tears finally spilling, "That's great, ma," his voice shakes, "That's great- 'm happy for you. Hope t'meet them someday. Hey look, I gotta go okay? They want- they want me to start lessons now. To be good."
"Oh... okay," Shmi glances up at the sky, "Every ship that passes, I think maybe it is you, my little pilot. Please be safe and enjoy your time there. I love you."
"Love you too," Vader gulps, "bye."
"Bye my sweet." She slowly lowers the comm as he hangs up, turning to hold it out. "Thank you... he is a busy boy," she smiles softly. "I am just glad to speak to him."
“Of course,” I take the comm back, “I’m glad I was able to deliver his warning. Thank you for speaking with me- I’ll be on my way now.”
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forcestruck · 2 years
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#If you don’t cry over how much Owen and Beru love Luke, idk how to help you
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lesbiansinthetower · 2 years
"You really love the boy. Like he's your own."
"He is my own."
No one TOUCH me I am NOT OKAY
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thewriterowl · 1 year
The Force making Beru and Owen force ghosts for no reason than to punish his son ("Child, i love you with all my heart but Daddy is upset with you. You did a big No and now you owe these kind people an apology") and of course they're happy Anakin is back and well. . . . but they're SUPER passive aggressive. Anakin: So how did Luke do in school growing up? Owen: Oh, he did magnificent! I went to every school play, every after school game, and we hung all of his good marks on the walls. Anakin: Well that's wonder- Owen: Why you should have seen the boy! I mean, you could have, ya'know? But I guess it's hard to get time off work when you're the lap dog of an imperialistic maniac, but we all have our choices in what we do in life. I chose Luke, you chose work. Anakin: . . .
Oh, and Beru would be RELENTLESS.
Anakin: Hey, Beru, what are some things Luke likes? Beru: He likes lots of things. Told me himself. Anakin: Beru: Anakin: . . . Gonna tell me? Beru: Why would it matter? Not like you were around to see him enjoy his childhood.
Guilt tripped for the rest of eternity. It's okay tho, it just means Anakin strives to do better within the force.
Oh they would guilt trip him so hard. They would make sure he knows he fucked up SO much. If he wants information or a memory about Luke, he needs to do something good. Oh, he wants to see the holo-pictures of Luke's first day of space kindergarten? Use his god-like power to make it rain on a village going through a drought. Want to hear about Luke's first steps? Go help Luke with fifteen missions secretly so Anakin can't get any thing to gloat about.
Of course they wouldn't hold everything to them...that seems wrong on some level since Luke is an angel and this is his changed father that Luke worked so hard to save...but Anakin gets NOTHING for free.
And Beru may try to take his ghost head and shove it back into the lava. Dead or not, it does trigger some PTSD.
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ofyoursilentreverie · 2 years
okay let's talk about how owen and beru designed a defense attack against an inquisitor using old blasters and potted plants and it worked
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