#best and safest weight loss
gladiatorcunt · 6 months
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summary: (dark lite) heir!jacaerys x afab servant!reader
cw: sweat/jace being a weirdo about it, dubcon, frottage, implied virginity loss, intentional use of minimal valyrian & i used a translator so don’t come for me, implications of jace intending to marry reader with or without their consent/reader thinking this is just sex but 💀, he didn’t say it but he would kill his family to make you queen, power imbalance (sorry y’all i just like it), wrote this at a vibrator’s pace (/j) so there are zero thoughts behind it
wc: 888 (✨🕯️)
block & move on if uncomfortable !!
do not translate, repost, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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“I am not certain about this, Jace…” You mumble, tugging at his sleeve so he’ll stop running towards his chambers. “I have to perform my duties in the kitchen, there is hardly time for this.”
Jacaerys Velaryon disarms you with a charming smile, too genuine and heartfelt to not return.
“No one will notice if I arrive at dinner a tad later than usual, there is no need to worry.”
The door is swiftly opened and shut in the blink of an eye. You find yourself gathered up in the prince’s arms and the swat to your bottom urges you to wrap your legs around his waist.
King’s Landing’s sweltering sun beats down on you from the window. Minuscule beads of sweat have already accumulated at your brow. Jacaerys hunches over you to lap them up as if he were a thirsty mutt, you can only wrinkle your nose in aversion.
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“Perhaps we should allow ourselves time to get to know each other before we do this, my prince.” You attempt to convince him, upholding your mother’s belief that intimacy is to be between married folks only. It does not mean you shudder in repulsion at the thought of Jacaerys making love to you. Only that your shame will always best your lust in battle.
“Yet I feel as if I have already known you for a lifetime, issa rūklon (my flower).” He whispers, brushing a hand against the blossom he had tucked behind your ear. The pronunciation is not as confident as someone like his mother’s.
Innocent walks in the gardens with a prince were only a gateway to depravity, you suppose.
You breath hitches when his lips ghost along your collarbone. You would do well to remember that Jaceaery has the potential to be as much of a dragon as the rest of his strange kin.
Your trembling hands clutch at the prince’s bare shoulders. His clothes tossed aside with little care, all of his attention on you. To push him away or bring him closer… you are wracked with indecision.
“Shh, be calm. You are the safest you have ever been, in my arms and in my bed.” The constant repetition of possessiveness is heightened by the glint of gold in Jacaerys’s irises.
“Lift your hips for me, ābrazyrys (wife).” Your brow furrows at the unfamiliar pet name, but you pay it no mind.
Your flimsy dress glides down your body, the cheap strings tying it together are in tatters.
Jacaerys offers you no respite and instead brings both of your wrists together in one hand, pinning them to the bed over your head.
“I am still a maiden, my prince, I have never even kissed a man before.” You nervously say.
His adoring smile widens, “I know, it is the same reason I decline offers to visit the brothels. Our firsts were meant to be shared with each other.”
The soft glow of candlelight illuminates Jacaerys hovering over you, allowing the sexual tension to build. Your grip on his shoulders slackens and you weave your calloused fingers into his brown hair.
If only you knew how much it reminded Jacaerys of his mother’s wedding to Daemon, the looks they exchanged as they tied their souls together.
“We have all the time in the world.” He reassures you, despite the fact that it was obviously not true. “I’ll be gentle”.
You gasp as he cups your cheek with his free hand and gently drops his body weight onto you.
He seizes your lips in a bruising kiss that you would have previously thought him incapable of. The roughness of his tongue entangling with yours drives you to tighten your hold on his hair and pull it. Jacaerys moans at the infliction of pain and rubs his naked flesh against you. The friction of the slow movements are suddenly frustrating, you feel the oddest desire for him to move faster.
You whine in unison with him when you separate from the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips. He licks it away with a flick of his tongue as he eyes bore into yours.
“Does that feel good, ābrazyrys (wife)? Your cunt is becoming wetter by the second.” He laughs, not cruelly, and continues grinding against your body.
“Yes…. my prince…. it feels …. so, mmm- amazing.” You struggle to reply, he was not even inside you and yet here you were bearing a striking resemblance to an animal in heat.
The sweat that your bodies produce makes the rutting sloppy, you have to frequently regain your hold on Jacaerys. His cock glides over your cunt and you throw your head back on the pillows. Something wet and sticky is smearing all over your belly every time he ruts against you.
This goes on until your body tenses up, your eyes widen and it is as if your gut clenches. Foolishly, you tug at his hair again but he just mouths ‘Yes!’ with his eyes screwed shut tightly as he keeps grinding. Your cunt pulses and a mix of white and clear fluid erupts from it and drips down to greet Jacaerys’s balls. His pace stutters then he glances down at the sight.
“Gods…. you served me a great deal. It is surely delicious, but I do hope that you are ready for me to return the favor.”
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old-daemon-farts · 7 months
Is daemonism safe?
Daemonism, when broken down to the bare minimum, is a mental and imaginative exercise. It's not meant to push yourself into anything potentially unhealthy. You are not forcing hallucinations and there shouldn't be any dissociation of identity or losing control of yourself.
Let's Start With Projection
Projection is applying mental images overlaid on your surroundings. It is using your imagination and relying on your ability to visualize outward what is being produced by your mind's eye. With practice, you can make your projections quite vivid, and after a while you may not even register that you are still seeing right through them. The apple exercise is a good example. Lets say you picture an apple on a plate in front of you, but the apple is fleeting and inconsistent. Its shape, colors, and size flickers rapidly or fizzles out entirely. You *know* it's not there. There's little presence or weight to it. If this was glass, it would be described as crystal clear. But, with practice, it becomes more consistent. You can now see one shade of red and the size remains the same. Perhaps you have even added details like a shadow. Now, if this was to be compared to glass it would be glass with a light tint added. You can still see right through it, but you also know something is there. You don't have to be a daemian to be able to project. Concept designers, artists, architects, althetes... projection is a type of visualization. It's a creative tool. It's not a hallucination, nor is it intended to be one.
Extreme vividness can be from hyperphantasia, but if you worry projecting may trigger or influence hallucinations then you are welcome to avoid it! Projection is fun, but not a requirement, and you should do what is most comfortable, healthy, and safest for you. Daemians who experience projection as hallucinations already have a history of them from what I have seen within the community.
Fronting and Dissociation
These are experiences usually seen within DID and other plural spaces. Daemonism doesn't focus on switching with your daemon, and you likely won't find resources specifically about it. Of course, you can switch who's in front, and some plural daemians may have advice for how to accomplish that, but again, that's not the point or focus of daemonism at large. They are usually hands off within our lives. We are the ones in the driver's seat while they are the backseat drivers giving us direction. They aren't expected to take the wheel from us. There isn't anything wrong with wanting to or being able to switch with your daemon, just to be clear. I'm only pointing out that getting daemons to front is not a priority like it is in other plural spaces. This is another reason daemonism is very easy to get into and something I consider much safer and easier to manage for the average Joe.
Dissociation isn't something that is associated with the daemon experience either. Dissociation *can* occur, but there are likely other reasons you would be experiencing these things and not just because you have a daemon. Dissociation from ADHD, stress, illness, or DID are just a few examples. Switching with your daemon could just be masking, or perhaps your mind is already comfortable sliding your daemon into front because you have DID. Again, if you are worried having a daemon could trigger dissociation or a loss of control then please do what is in the best interest for you. You know your health and history best. But, there a *many* daemians who are systems and quite happy and comfortable having daemons. Daemons have even been known to help with dissociation and sense of identity!
Talking to Yourself
Is 100% a normal, human experience. There's been a surge of exploration in self-talk and how it affects us, and talking to yourself in 2nd person even has proven benefits. You also don't *have* to talk out loud to your daemon; you can keep it all internal. Just know that splitting your own mental monologue into a dialogue isn't unhealthy and it's something many of you already do even without a daemon.
You do only what you are comfortable with here. If something sounds risky, then don't do it. Daemonism is meant to be a healthy and fun activity.
You want to form find but not separate your daemon from yourself? Awesome.
You want to only talk to your daemon and avoid projection? Neato.
You want to project but not talk to your daemon? Perfect.
You want to learn how to switch with your daemon? We ain't really the community for that but you are free to if you are comfortable!
You do what's best for you. It's meant to fill whatever you need. Healthy mindset, growth, or just straight-up something fun to do.
Topic spawned from a question on Discord over the difference of imposition and projection as well as some differences between us and other techniques out there for headmate creation. Cleaned up and formatted better for Tumblr.
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scarybabe · 5 months
You've always been a huge inspiration to my own gaining journey, but I had a question and forgive me if I'm wrong. I noticed your face and jawline look a little more defined even though you don't seem to have lost any weight. So my questions are: Did you have a procedure to reduce your double chin, and if you did, what did you have done and how much was it? My chin is a big source of insecurity around my gain, and I've considered a procedure, but I just thought I'd ask! Thanks for all the lovely content and keep it up! You're gorgeous!
I did actually lose a bit of weight I think- I talked about it in OF but at the beginning of April I had to temporarily drastically change my diet to help a blood pressure issue for a whole month. low sodium/low sugar/compression everything to help my blood flow and daily walks had the biggest effect because I wasn’t retaining as much fluids anymore in places that I would get swollen. All my clothes from when I was 300 still fit so I don’t think I lost a lot of weight from below my waist! You can’t really control where you lose weight from, I haven’t weighed myself to see how much since that wouldn’t be great for my mental health but it’s been about 3 weeks since I had to start the new regime and I can eat normally again now! Still gonna go light on the salty stuff when I can to ease back into it but I had some delicious food last night 🥰
If you did want to slim only your chin with losing no weight at all, I know there are some lymphatic drainage massages you can do and I know many plus size fashion models have had neck liposuction, there are also head wrap things that claim they can use light pressure to reduce your double chin as you sleep. I would suggest lowering your sodium too, but that will likely cause water weight loss. If I WAS weighing myself this month, that would probably have made me feel bad to see. Do whatever feels best and safest for you 🥰
Plus double chins are cute and hot! if I eat too much salty stuff by accident and the swelling in my lymphatic area comes back my chin will probably my look a lot bigger and I wouldn’t care either way 🌸
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techs-goggles9902 · 7 months
Two Souls Entwined
part 3 eventual Captain Rex x oc
A/N: sorry for the wait! life's been... life. Open to criticism, as always! LMK if you wanna join/be taken off the tag list. And sorry if it feels rushed 😭
The second to last paragraph of italics is directly from Triple Zero by Karen Traviss and I don’t take credit for it I just thought it would be a cool addition and help set the mood
word count: 812 (apparently? I thought I wrote more)
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The Mandalorian Medics helped Niva the best they could, physically. Nothing could help her recover from what happened; watching her father, her buir, die right in front of her, and she could do nothing. 
Kal shifted his weight from his right foot onto his left, his shattered ankle screaming at him. His sand colored beskar’gam reflects the sun just right that there appears to be a halo encircling his body, the light at the end of the tunnel for Niva. He waited outside the medical tent for a while with his arms crossed, pacing back and forth every once in a while. 
Poor girl…
The medic - Gale? - pushes aside the tent flap and walks out onto the firm ground of Central Mandalore’s terrain. Gale looks at Kal, giving him a small reassuring smile and nod. “Did my best, Skirata. She’ll make it.” 
“That…That’s great. Any permanent damage?” Kal asks, his brow furrowing. 
“None that I can see… You know, she has a lot of Cabur in her. Just like her buir, eh?” Gale grins, patting Kal’s shoulder, and walks over to the center of the camp, talking with his vode.  
Kal’s footfalls are nearly silent as he slips through the tent flaps. The tent is dim, a small lantern illuminates a small area by Niva’s bedside. A thin, portable, wooden floor is all that separates Niva’s little sleeping bag from the dense clay soil. 
Thick gauze is wrapped around her sternum, cords and wires hang from tabs on her wrists and chest. The heavy, cloying scent of bacta fills the tent. Kal glances at Niva’s half open duffel bag, which she insisted Kal take with them. 
“Why is it so cold?” Niva’s quiet voice fills the tent. Kal laughs, coming over to sit on the floor beside her. 
“We’re in Central Mandalore. Up north, ad’ika,” Kal says, the nickname flowing off his tongue so naturally. He fixes the blanket lazily draped over Niva. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Of course.”
“How did Buir die? He always gets into fights… Why did this one kill him?”
Kal sighs, “Gale, the medic, told me that his rib punctured his heart. You know, ad’ika, even if you’re in the safest, toughest box in the entire galaxy and you’re hit tons of times, that doesn’t mean being rattled up in that box can’t hurt you.” 
Niva looks away, blinking back tears; her long lashes clumping together from the wetness. 
“And why am I alive?” She asks. 
“That little necklace, made of pure beskar. The blast hit you between the collarbones, but that little scrap of iron saved your life, ad’ika.” That does it for Niva. Her eyes brim with tears, her throat begins to tighten. The heavy feeling of grief, loneliness, survivors guilt, all coming back to her. 
“Buir g-gave me that…” 
“I… I’m sorry, ad’ika. You know… I lost my dad, too. Before becoming a mando, that is,” Kal whispers, carefully adjusting one of Niva’s many curls. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” The two quietly talk together, Kal telling Niva about the origin of his three sided knife in exchange for Niva telling him about her necklace, the metal tree now bent at an awkward angle. 
“Do you have any other family?” Kal asks after a while. 
Niva doesn’t respond right away, only looking to a corner of the tent instead. She says softly, “No.” That’s the biggest lie she’s ever told, but she can’t go back to that village. An already unstable woman, now grieving the loss of her husband… Not a good mix. 
“Alright… You can stay with me, if you-”
“Please, can I, Kal?” Niva cuts him off, her wide green eyes staring intensely into Kal’s.
“‘Course, ad’ika. Anything,” 
Two years later. 
Kamino was damp. No, it was more than damp: it was nothing but storm-whipped sea from pole to pole. The air smelled more like a hospital than a military base. 
Niva, now 16, steps close to the window separating the corridor she and Kal’buir are currently waiting in and the vast chamber of what looked to be large toroids stacked on wide pillars. 
In the past two years, Kal became Niva’s surrogate father, showing his love by telling her to call him Kal’buir - Papa Kal. He could never replace Cabur as her father, they both knew that. Yet the empty, painful hole left in Niva’s heart was slowly filled in by the presence of her Papa Kal. 
This was a mistake. Taking Niva, of all people, here. We might not leave for… For years! Jango’s gonna owe me s-
“Kal’buir… Look at the towers,” Niva says, interrupting Kal’s thoughts. 
“I don’t see anything, ad’ika.”  
“No, k’olar. Closer.” 
Kal sighs and steps beside Niva, who’s nearly as tall as him, although that isn’t saying much since he’s shorter than the average man. 
“There’s… There’s babies in those tubes, Kal…” 
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Glossary & Pronunciation
Beskar'gam - Mandalorian armor [bes-car-gum] (I think). Buir - dad/mom [boo-ear] Vode - brothers/sisters/comrades [vod-ay]. (I think) Ad'ika - little one, son, daughter of any age [ah-dee-kah] Beskar - Mandalorian iron [bes-car] Kal'buir - Papa Kal [Kal-boo-ear] K'olar - come here [ko-lar]
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @will-is-silly @hellhound5925 @skellymom @dangraccoon @the-rain-on-kamino(<- maybe you're interested?)
dividers by @saradika
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auwuli · 2 years
What happened, is that they switched teams and it had consequences.
Steve teamed up with Dustin to distract the demobats and Eddie went with Robin and Nancy to fry Vecna for good.
My inspiration : Don't go by BMTH ft. Lights
Steve asked to switch position last minute with Eddie because of a strange feeling in his guts. It wasn't fear. He knew what fear felt like. It's something he got to come across a lot in the last four years of fighting monsters and babysitting so many problem magnets. It was more of an intuition than anything, something that told him Eddie shouldn't be here. Over those years Steve learned to trust his guts to keep them alive, alongside swinging nailed baseball bats and throwing (mostly taking) punches. So, since this almost stranger that made him feel all sorts of confusing things was one of his people now, he got him to go elsewhere. Steve would do anything to protect his own. And awkwardly squeezed between Robin and Nancy, armed to the teeth, was the safest place he could think of for Eddie. He felt immediately more at ease. Yes, it was the right thing to do, undoubtedly.
“Don't try to be cute- be a hero or something.”
If Steve hadn't insisted they switched teams, if he could have listened to his own damned words... Eddie should have stayed strong against his worried puppy eyes and sweet tone, “look after the girls for me. Eds, Please.” He should have said “no Big Boy, we stick to the plan.” It was as simple as that. Eddie would have run. He would have. He knew he would have because that's what he did best. But no. “I'll make him pay” is what he boldly said in response before following the girls in the woods.
And then, Steve died in Dustin's arms.
Dustin refused to leave his body, asking him to wake up between strangled sobs.
Robin froze in place, silent, her eyes locked on the blood slowly soaking the ground.
Eddie chocked on a scream, his shaky legs giving out under the crushing weight of guilt.
And Nancy did what she knew Steve would have done. She swallowed down her own tears and screams to drag them out of there, to keep everyone alive.
Unfortunately, Vecna was a roach. Almost impossible to kill and disgusting. He survived. And they had to fight him again.
They erased him from the surface of every dimension eventually. Doesn't matter how. They made sure he paid double for what he did. However, it didn't bring back Steve. This, this is what mattered in the end.
Max woke up a few days after the final battle, blind and filled with so much rage after losing a second brother. A rage they all shared and fiercely kept close to their hearts even after Vecna's death.
The grey of the Upside Down still bled from wounds that may never fully close.
At least, they finally had the time and space to grieve and to attempt to heal those wounds. Mourning this death wasn't like anything they had suffered together until now, but they did their best.
Steve was their protector, a big brother, a hell of a babysitter, a bestfriend, a platonic soulmate, a first love, a something that will never have the chance to grow.
Loss and grief may drive people away from each other. Not them, or at least not forever.
The party split up for a while. Now that the world didn't end and they had a future to look forward to, everyone tried to get their life back. They all did great things and tried to not let the past slow them down too much. Steve would have been proud of his kids, his family.
He would have also understood their struggles.
Eddie and Robin were the ones that had the most troubles dealing with his death. Years have passed, yet, a part of them, and they couldn't really grasp how big it was, was still locked on slow spreading red and kneeling in grey dust.
They couldn't bear to be separated from one another since that day. They clung to each other with everything they had left of strength and love, trying to fight together the storm they were trapped in. Eddie was like the other half of her missing soulmate. And for Eddie, living with Robin was sometimes like experiencing a distorted echo of what could have been. They were platonic with a capital P, but they did everything together. Their bond was beautiful and thrived naturally outside their shared sorrow.
As for Nancy, she did what she knew Steve would have done. She stuck around the ones that needed her the most. She gave Eddie and Robin food when they forgot to eat. She reminded them to take their medications when they were being stubborn. She took everyone to his empty grave as much as they wanted. She tried her best to be there for them because they were her people. And if Steve taught her anything, it's that we take care of our own, no question asked.
Time passed again, Eddie and Robin craved to speak, to be heard. So they poured their fears, their pain, their happiness, and everything in between, in songs that seemed to resonate loudly around them. And when making music together started to become too serious for the duo to handle, Nancy became their manager.
The three of them had really fun days, as much as they had really bad days.
It was life. And it was more than Steve had.
So they made the most of it.
The kids and grown-ups always tried to show up at their shows as often as they could. Slowly, the band grew bigger and bigger, reaching more and more people everyday. People heard them. They listened. They cared. And it helped them heal, gave them a purpose.
Tonight, Eddie stands in front of a black sea of screams and hands thrown in the air. Older, longer hair, more piercings, even more tattoos. He didn't change that much. He lets himself take in this moment, his favorite, when they are blinded by spotlights, covered in sweat and quietly smiling at each other. Robin next to him is older too, hair buzzed, blue, bold make-up, a few piercings, tattoos Eddie himself put under her skin. She changed a lot more compared to him. She had always been beautiful, but she only glowed like that on stage.
The entire family is somewhere in the audience. It has been a year since they were all in the same place together. Even if it was hard to achieve, they always tried to meet once a year for this special day. It meant a lot for them.
It was extra special for Eddie because he was the only one that never got to celebrate Steve's birthday with him.
He is shaking from nervousness about the last song of the night, while Robin is crushing his hand in hers.
They never released it nor played it live until now. It's the song they wrote in spite of every progress they made against their torments and their intent to stay strong for their family. Their music is always deeply personal, but this one is different. This one is an unsung secret. It's something dark, disgraceful, raw and hungry that kept trashing relentlessly inside them.
Eddie was always shameful of the things he felt for a man he would only get to know through the memories of someone else, for a man that wasn't there to witness his love for him blossomed, for a man he would never be able to confess to. Those selfish feelings that he knew he didn't deserve to hoard were not something he was willing to let anyone hear about. Not even Nancy. Only Robin knew about the true colors of his shame and his guilt. But, well, Robin doesn't really count. She's not anyone. She is him. She is him.
Eddie takes a deep breath. They talked about it. He could be selfish and ugly and messy tonight, for the sake of both of them. Robin deserved as much as him to be truly heard.
All of them bare on the strings of his guitar and her violin. All of them bare for those who cared to listen.
“Hi again, we are Sacrificial Hero and we'll close the night with a special song. It's called Don't Go.
Sometimes we can't let go of things we never had.
Can you hear us?”
They hope their love can still reach him.
Until next time, until a second chance in another life.
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halfyearsqueen · 6 days
@jacaeryse : send me 🕯️ to hear my character’s inner thoughts about your character
I remember the day he was born, how frantic i had been in those few precious seconds before he had begun to wail. I had reached for him blindly then, desperate to hold him. to have proof that he was alive, and healthy, and real. I did not know what it would mean to have a child, to be a mother. to raise a boy into a man, much less a man into a king. he had been so small then… so fragile. and I was walking him into a viper’s nest to be presented before all as their future king. my little baby, a king. it had seemed so impossible then as i had stood there, watching as his grandsire climbed those stone steps, and sat with him. cradling him in his arms surrounded by so many sharp, jagged points. I remember standing at the base of it and feeling as if my heart had been drawn and stretched, an odd and painful feeling. and cold. he had been born for it. he had been born because I needed an heir and yet for the first time I wanted him nowhere near it. he has known such pain, since. the shadow of it.. his uncertain legitimacy has followed him his entire life long. I do not know when he has grown so. or if it was his own sorrow that has left him so aged and weighed down far more than his near five and ten years. I should have known better than to send them. I should have insisted upon the ravens. i should have done more to protect them - he should not need to bear the weight and responsibility in leading and yet he has done wonderfully, all the same. I need to do more then linger, to do more then offer council to them when it is my throne that men have fought and died for. I need to take command again in full. yet everytime I think of it feels as if I am drowning anew, lost on what to do. on how, if at all I could save them. I need to save them. yet no matter where I turn it feels as if the danger against them mounts and all I can do is watch helplessly. man though they had both claimed to be, he is still a boy for a year more yet, with no business in fighting a man’s war. I do not know what course to take to keep them the safest, which might provide them with the security they need —
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he is the very best of me. he will be a fine king one day, should we win this war. he is a sweet boy, and brave, and good. I know he means well in his desire to fight for his claim, and to fight for mine, and yet. what if something were to happen to him, too ? what if he should fall as his brother did ? what would I become then ? his life is too grievous a price to be paid for my ascension. he is far too precious to me. it is he who claims that should I die all would be lost yet what of him ? how should I cope with the loss of yet another child ? it is his future, it is their future that I fight for. that I might leave the throne and crown to him, that he might be able to be the king I know he can be, the king he deserves to be. that he would’ve been without question, in time, had mine own grip on the throne not been torn away. had it not been ripped from my grasp before I had thought to hold onto it. he has proven himself, more then enough. he and his brothers are my greatest strength, and my only true consolation that remains to me in such uncertain times.
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livlifehospitals · 1 year
Bariatric Surgery Procedure
Avail Female surgeons for weight loss surgery like Bariatric, Gastric Banding, etc. We are considered as the best center for Bariatric surgery providing the best treatment for Obesity in Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Bangalore. The best female surgeons are brought under one roof to provide safest and confidential treatment for female patients
For more information, Visit: https://livlifehospitals.com/bariatric-surgery-india-what-is-bariatric-surgery/
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Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss
This is hands down the best, healthiest, safest, most satisfying diet ever to help you blast through fat and reach your goal weight. The plan is simple. For 21 days, you swap out two of your three meals with delicious, hearty, nutrient-dense smoothies. That’s it!
Click here for more!
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No. 1 Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight Loss in India
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India has particularly gained its reputation in the ancient medical practice commonly referred to as Ayurveda, which incorporates natural herbs and procedures to maintain health.
Regarding the natural methods of losing weight, Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most efficient and safest.
Today I will introduce the No. 1 Ayurvedic medicine of losing weight in India and how you can lose those extra pounds without any side effects.
What Makes Ayurvedic Medicine Effective for Weight Loss?
Ayurveda approaches the problem of obesity from fundamental points such as hormonal imbalance, slow metabolism, and impaired digestion. The use of natural herbs in the formulation of Ayurvedic remedies promotes metabolism, strengthens digestion processes and restores the doshas (body energies) required in cases of weight loss.
No. 1 Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight Loss in India
There are so many Ayurvedic products available in the market for weight loss, but EraSlim Weight Loss Capsule from iVate Ayurveda is the first-best Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss in the Indian market. It is a natural supplement that works specifically on those hard-to-shift areas of fat while at the same time offering additional health benefits.
Key Benefits of EraSlim
Boosts Metabolism: When taken, EraSlim speeds up your metabolism, and this catalyzes the burning of fats in the body.
Reduces Excess Fat: All natural herbs in EraSlim are designed to reduce fat accumulation on areas such as the belly, thighs and arms.
Suppresses Appetite: It suppresses hunger, which aids in avoiding consumption of foods that are unhealthy and also overconsumption of food in general.
Improves Digestion: Bad digestion leads to the problem of obesity, and EraSlim does focus on enhancing the digestive system while promoting better assimilation of nutrients.
Detoxifies the Body: The formulation also assists in flushing out some toxins, which are likely to cause an addition of size, which implies the formulation makes our body cleaner and healthier.
How to Use EraSlim for Best Results
To get the most of EraSlim, it is advisable to take the capsule twice daily, 30 minutes before a meal, accompanied by a proper diet and exercise. Adherence to this regimen allows you to see massive weight loss in a very healthy manner.
Success Stories of EraSlim Users
It is true that many individuals in India have really benefited from EraSlim Fat Cutter in as much as they have been able to lose body weight. From losing inches around the belly to adopting a healthier lifestyle with outstanding Ayurvedic natural medicine, EraSlim Fat Cutter remains the solution.
Where to Buy EraSlim
EraSlim Fat Cutter is available in India, and it is the trusted authorized Ayurvedic medicine for losing weight that is accessible to buy online from the official site of iVate Ayurveda or purchase through the right Ayurvedic medicine store in the country.
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ourhealthcare7 · 12 days
Expert Care for Obesity: A Guide to Delhi's Leading Obesity Surgeon
Obesity has become a significant health concern, not just globally but especially in urban centers like Delhi, where lifestyle choices often contribute to this growing epidemic. As people strive for better health and quality of life, the role of an expert obesity surgeon becomes crucial in guiding them through the safest and most effective weight loss treatments.
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What is Obesity Surgery?
Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is designed to help individuals with severe obesity lose weight by making changes to their digestive system. This can include procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric banding. These surgeries are not just about aesthetics but aim to significantly reduce the risks associated with obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint issues.
Why Choose a Specialist?
Choosing the right surgeon is paramount when it comes to obesity surgery. The complexity of the procedures, along with the need for personalized patient care, demands an experienced and skilled surgeon. A leading obesity surgeon in Delhi will have the necessary expertise, qualifications, and a track record of successful outcomes to offer the best care for patients.
The Best Obesity Surgeons in Delhi
Delhi is home to some of the best obesity surgeons, many of whom are affiliated with top hospitals and medical institutions. These surgeons use state-of-the-art technology and the latest techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients. With personalized pre- and post-operative care, they guide patients through their weight loss journey with professionalism and compassion.If you're looking for the best obesity surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal, who practices at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, is a notable expert in the field. His extensive experience, along with a patient-centered approach, ensures optimal results and long-term health improvements.
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susantaylor01 · 13 days
How to Lose Fat Quickly
Understanding Body Fat
Maintaining a healthy level of body fat is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Fat also plays a crucial role in regulating hormones, body temperature, immune function, reproduction, insulin signaling, and nutrient absorption. There are different types of body fat, including white, brown, and beige cells, that can be stored as essential, subcutaneous, or visceral fat. Each type serves a different role and can contribute to health benefits or diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.
Subcutaneous fat is the fat stored under the skin and can be measured with calipers to estimate the total body fat percentage. High levels can lead to imbalanced hormone levels and sensitivity. Visceral fat is white fat stored in the abdomen and around major organs and can increase the risk of various diseases. Having a healthy amount of fat in your body has many advantages, including keeping your temperature stable, balancing hormones, improving reproductive health, and supporting good brain function.
Strategies to Lose Fat Quickly
Getting rid of excess fat swiftly can be difficult and might not always be the safest method. Nonetheless, if you're aiming to lose fat effectively, here are a few tactics that might assist:
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training): This is a high-energy fat-burning workout that combines high-intensity bursts of exercise with short periods of rest. Studies show it can burn up to 30% more calories than other cardio.
Strength Training: Strength training is the best way to burn fat, not just for cardio. It improves strength and endurance through resistance movements and is more effective than aerobic exercise alone. Activities such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work out several muscle groups at once, resulting in greater efficiency in losing fat.
High Protein Diet: Eating more protein-rich foods can reduce appetite, burn more calories, and reduce the risk of belly fat. It can also help maintain muscle mass and metabolism during calorie-burning weight loss. Include meat, seafood, eggs, legumes, and dairy products in your diet.
Hydrate: Drinking more water can aid weight loss by increasing satiety and combating sugar cravings. Following the eight by eight rule and drinking two cups of water before each meal can also help. Steer clear of juices, sodas, and other calorically dense drinks.
Cut Down On Refined Carbohydrates: Reducing refined carbohydrates can help reduce excess fat. Studies show that a diet high in refined carbs may be associated with increased belly fat. To best results, reduce refined carbs from cakes, processed foods, pasta, white bread, and breakfast cereals. 
Consume More Protein: To maintain muscle mass during weight loss, choose lean protein options like fish and plant-based proteins, use heart-healthy oils, limit saturated fats, and avoid deep-fried foods. Cut out added sugar and consider supplementing with extra protein like Impact Whey Protein. Higher protein levels protect muscle mass and aid in fat loss.
Get Enough Fibre: Soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can aid in weight loss by improving digestion and satisfaction. Supplements can also be used if needed. A healthy balanced diet with satisfying whole foods and supplements can help meet fat loss goals.
Balancing Gut Bacteria: The role of gut bacteria in weight management is being studied. Different types of bacteria may increase fat deposition and weight gain. Foods that can increase good bacteria in the gut include a variety of plants, fermented foods, and prebiotic foods.
Adequate Sleep: Getting fewer than 5-6 hours of sleep per night is linked to obesity. Inadequate sleep slows down metabolism, promotes insulin resistance, and promotes fat storage. Sleep also influences the regulation of appetite-regulating hormones.
Avoid Alcohol: Reduce alcohol intake by swapping high-calorie beer, alcopops, and wine for clear spirits like gin or vodka with a diet mixer. Try to have alcohol-free days to save calories.
Drink Coffee: Caffeine is a key ingredient in fat burning supplements, found in coffee, which acts as a stimulant, increases metabolism, and promotes fatty acid breakdown. Studies show that increased caffeine consumption leads to less weight gain and a higher weight loss maintenance success rate. Black coffee with milk is recommended for maximum health benefits.
Reduce Your Portion Sizes: Eating from a smaller plate can help reduce the amount of food consumed and consume fewer calories.
Eat More Slowly: To avoid overeating, eat mindfully by chewing each mouthful and wait 20 minutes before grabbing more food if still hungry.
Eat More Good Fat: Eating more unsaturated fat may be necessary to lose body fat. Good fats come in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated forms, which can improve cholesterol levels and promote brain and heart health. Examples of good fats include olive oil, almonds, cashews, peanuts, and salmon.
Try A Spoonful Of Vinegar: Vinegar has weight loss properties, according to a 2009 study in Japan. People who consumed higher doses of vinegar showed decreased weight, body fat percentage, and BMI compared to the placebo group. Vinegar breaks down visceral fat, which affects metabolism and hormone function.
Try Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting involves regular, short-term fasts during which you eat little to nothing. It can reduce body weight by 3-8% and waist circumference by 4-7% over 3-24 weeks. Moreover, it lowers the chance of cardiovascular disease.
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Alpine Tea burns 57lbs of thick flab?
Wrapping Up
Losing fat quickly requires a combination of disciplined lifestyle changes, including regular exercise, mindful eating, and adequate rest. While the tips provided can help accelerate fat loss, it's important to approach this goal with a focus on overall health and sustainability. Quick fixes and extreme measures can lead to short-term results, but long-term success comes from consistent, healthy habits. By understanding your body’s needs and implementing these strategies, you can achieve your fat loss goals in a way that supports both your physical and mental well-being. Remember, the journey to a healthier body is not just about losing fat—it's about embracing a balanced lifestyle that will keep you feeling strong and energized for the long run.
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myo-clinix · 24 days
Get Effective Weight Loss Treatments in Delhi at an Affordable Price: Myo Clinix
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  Achieving your weight loss goals can be challenging, but with the right support and treatments, it becomes much more manageable. At Myo Clinix, the Best Weight Loss Treatments in Delhi, you can access a range of effective and affordable weight loss treatments designed to help you shed those extra pounds and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Myo Clinix stands out for its holistic approach to weight loss. The clinic offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs and body type. Whether you're struggling with stubborn fat, obesity, or simply want to tone your body, This Clinix has a solution for you. The treatments are scientifically backed and are administered by highly trained professionals, ensuring that you receive the safest and most effective care.
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One of the key advantages of choosing Myo Clinix is the affordability of its treatments. Weight loss programs can often be expensive, deterring many from seeking the help they need. However, Myo Clinix is committed to making these treatments accessible to everyone by offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality. This means you can embark on your weight loss journey with confidence, knowing that you're receiving top-notch care at a price that fits your budget.
In addition to the affordability and effectiveness of its treatments, Myo Clinix also provides on-going support and guidance throughout your weight loss journey. The clinic's dedicated team is with you every step of the way, offering advice, monitoring your progress, and making necessary adjustments to your treatment plan to ensure optimal results.
If you're looking for a reliable and affordable weight loss solution in Delhi, Myo Clinix Best Weight Loss Treatments in Delhi. Start your journey to a healthier, happier you today!
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qmis1 · 25 days
How Does Guidance and Counselling in Schools Boost Students Morale?
Just as academic excellence marks one of the performance milestones in a student’s learning journey, as important is maintaining their emotional well-being as well. Some of the well-known CBSE schools in Tamilnadu promote guidance and counselling in schools. The counselling team works alongside the teachers & parents to understand and balance the personal and psychological well-being of the students.
The role of ideal school counselling is not only to help students make informed decisions related to their careers or academics but also to work together with educators and the school management to develop workshops and programs to support students with different/special capabilities.
Queen Mira which is one of the top 10 schools in Madurai city has been successful in rendering this service to its student community. Read on to learn more about the school’s initiatives and the positive influence of guidance and counselling in schools.
Undeniable rewards of guidance and counselling in schools.
Lifts self-confidence: For students to identify their full potential, self-confidence is important. Past traumatic events, loss or failures might deplete their self-esteem. With proper guidance and counselling in schools can develop strong personalities.
Problem-solving skills: The weight of academics and teenage transitions can take a toll on the students’ minds. QMIS which is one of the best CBSE schools in Tamilnadu with a CIS accreditation has formed an exclusive counselling team to help special needs students and those with learning difficulties.
Related: How does the best school in Madurai groom the leaders of tomorrow?
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Builds stress and time management: Many times, students are caught up with issues at home and pressure at school, and are on the verge of giving up. School counselling helps build resilience and time management skills.
Building a positive mindset: The top 10 schools in Madurai city to encourage positivity and confidence extend effective guidance and counselling in schools to recognise and address negative thoughts.
Better socialising skills: In the counselling sessions, students learn to identify areas of improvement and learn necessary social and life skills, and active listening.
Provide a secure environment: Students at QMIS feel safe to express, and accept diversity, embrace flaws, handling criticisms/rudeness by regularly attending the counselling sessions.
Incredible counselling support by QMIS, the CIS-accredited school.
QMIS is celebrated as one of the top CBSE schools in Tamilnadu for introducing the finest school counselling practices. With the acclaimed CIS accreditation, the school is meticulously committed to inclusivity, transparency, and diversity. By providing a safe and supportive learning environment, it has been successful in recognising and respecting the differing capabilities and needs of the student community. The inclusion team staff extend incessant support through remedial programs, counselling to boost emotional literacy among students, and career guidance by partnering with ‘Univariety’.
To place your child in the safest and most nourishing environment, head to the school website to get more details.
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Prescription Weight Loss Drugs: Assessing If They’re Right for You
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Carrying extra pounds poses life-shortening health hazards from diabetes to stroke. But shedding weight through food and fitness alone proves profoundly tough for some. In eligible candidates, prescription meds assist - but smart guidelines apply.
Below we detail realistic expectations, critical warnings, and key indicators around appropriateness to inform decisions about weight loss solutions and medications as last resort options after exhausting natural tactics first.
The Promise and Pitfalls of Pharmaceuticals
While potentially supporting nutrition and exercise efforts that ultimately strengthen lifelong health, weight loss medications carry caveats:
Potential Upsides
Boost adherence sustaining healthy changes
Overcome biological roadblocks stalling natural loss
Fast initial drops reinforce patient motivation
Risk Factors to Consider
High cost of uninsured (often $100-200+ monthly)
Uncomfortable side effects like GI issues or headaches
Safety unknowns with long-term utilization
Weight rebounds when stopping meds
No substitute for lifestyle and mindset shifts
Now let’s dive deeper into realistic outcomes...
Typical Prescription Weight Loss Medication Results
Beyond the hype, true averages help set goals properly. Per research across approved options:
Weekly loss initially ranges ~1-2 lbs monthly
Patients losing 5-10% baseline weight meet success thresholds
Discontinuing meds correlates to partial regain
Using meds short-term shows the best safety and sustainability
So while helpful boosters, pills won’t magically solve transcendent lifestyle challenges alone. Sustained motivation matters most.
Safety Considerations and Contraindications
All medications carry side effects and interaction risks requiring careful evaluation, especially:
As obesity already strains circulation, the following may preclude use:
High blood pressure
Irregular heart rhythms
History of stroke or heart disease
Conditions include:
Type 2 diabetes
Thyroid dysfunction
Liver or kidney disorders
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Mental Health
Potential conflicts with:
Eating disorders
Substance abuse history
Thorough medical reviews help steer the safest courses accounting for individual nuance.
Ideal Candidates for Prescription Therapy
Guidelines suggest patients meeting the following criteria stand to benefit most:
BMI over 30 (or 27+ with comorbidities)
Making both diet and exercise efforts without continued success
Passed comprehensive health screening
Ready to adopt sustainably improved nutrition and fitness habits
Committed to consistent lifestyle counseling and oversight
Simply taking pills without holistic foundations wastes time, money and health. Meds magnify diligence. They don’t replace it.
Exploring Prescription Medication Protocol
If cleared by physicians after careful historical reflection, patients begin regimens including:
Single medication titration - Slowly increasing doses while monitoring progress and side effects
Combination therapy - Adding additional medications sequentially
Lifestyle reinforcement - Monthly provider counseling focusing on nutrition and fitness
Metrics tracking – Following weight, biometrics, and motivation score trends to fine-tune the approach
Patience and grit sculpt long-term results more than instant gratification. Commit to a thoughtful journey, not a quick fix.
Key Takeaways on Weight Loss Medications
Before considering supplementation, double down on proven foundations first through strict nutrition planning and regular cardio activity.
After hitting plateaus despite earnest dedication, discuss pharmaceutical support options with your doctor while staying aware of risks.
Rather than purchasing patient motivation, prescriptions aid commitment once established. Meds magnify diligence; they don't replace it.
And once beginning protocols after careful vetting, temper expectations around gradual progress tied closely to lifestyle evolutions, not just pills alone.
Here’s to healthy trajectories in balanced harmony aligned closely with experienced medical guidance!
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LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss: Why Our Program is the Best for Effective Weight Loss
Are you on a quest to find the best weight loss program that delivers real, sustainable results? Look no further than LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss. Our comprehensive approach is designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals efficiently and effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore why LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss stands out as the best weight loss program for those seeking lasting change.
What Sets LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss Apart?
1. Personalized Plans Tailored to Your Needs
At LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss, we understand that no two bodies are the same. Our expert team crafts personalized weight loss plans based on your unique health profile, lifestyle, and goals. By using advanced medical assessments and personalized consultations, we ensure that your weight loss journey is tailored specifically to your needs, making our program the best weight loss program for you.
2. Evidence-Based Medical Approach
Unlike generic weight loss programs, our approach is grounded in medical science. We employ evidence-based techniques and state-of-the-art technology to monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed. This rigorous, scientific approach guarantees that you receive the most effective and safest weight loss solutions available, distinguishing us as the best weight loss program on the market.
3. Comprehensive Support System
Weight loss is not just about following a diet; it’s about changing habits and behaviors. At LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss, we provide a comprehensive support system that includes nutritional counseling, fitness guidance, and ongoing medical supervision. Our dedicated team of health professionals is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you stay motivated and on track.
4. Sustainable Results
Our goal is to help you achieve long-term success, not just short-term weight loss. By focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, our program helps you build healthy habits that last a lifetime. This commitment to long-term health makes LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss the best weight loss program for those who are serious about making permanent changes.
5. Proven Success Stories
Nothing speaks louder than results. LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss has helped countless individuals transform their lives through our program. Our success stories and testimonials highlight the effectiveness of our approach and the positive impact it has had on our clients’ lives. These real-life examples showcase why our program is recognized as the best weight loss program for achieving genuine results.
Why Choosing the Best Weight Loss Program Matters
Selecting the best weight loss program is crucial for achieving your goals efficiently and safely. A well-designed program not only helps you lose weight but also supports your overall health and well-being. With LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss, you can trust that you are investing in a program that prioritizes your health, offers personalized care, and delivers proven results.
Get Started with LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss
Are you ready to experience the best weight loss program designed just for you? Contact LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Our expert team is here to guide you through every stage of your weight loss journey, ensuring that you achieve the results you’ve always wanted.
Don’t settle for less when it comes to your health and weight loss goals. Choose LIFEFORCE Medical Weight Loss – where science, personalization, and support come together to create the best weight loss program tailored for your success.
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cardmmjonline · 2 months
Outstanding Advantages of Consuming Marijuana
Marijuana has been used for centuries to reduce pain and stress in patients. When cannabis is consumed, whether through smoking, vaporizing, or ingesting, marijuana interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for controlling a number of physiological processes like pain sensation, appetite, mood, and sleep. While interacting with the ECS, the marijuana helps to promote balance along with homeostasis in the body. With marijuana cards, it becomes easier to handle extreme pain by taking this natural substance regularly.
Here is a list of the health benefits of marijuana.
Reduces Inflammation
Marijuana is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that make it an effective substance to reduce inflammation in the body. People suffering from chronic pain and inflammation can consume marijuana to reduce the pain to many extent. Therefore, instead of consuming harmful drugs, it is best to consume this natural substance that provides relief from pain and inflammation.
No Fear From the Chronic Pain
Chronic pain sometimes becomes unbearable, and patients take painkiller pills to reduce it. Needless to say, painkillers are loaded with side effects that can affect vital internal organs of the body. However, consuming marijuana is the safest way to reduce chronic pain. The medicines infused with marijuana interact with CB1 receptors in the brain, which helps to reduce chronic pain. Plus, there are no harmful side effects like conventional medicines.
No Chance of Anxiety and Depression
Marijuana has a significant impact on mental health. Marijuana-infused medicines containing CBD have the effect of reducing anxiety and depression, which helps to improve sleep quality. With consuming medical-grade marijuana, the requirement of taking sleeping pills gets reduced. In this way, the patients get quality sleep with minimal or zero side effects. Plus, CBD protects neurons in the hippocampus, which aids in reducing depression to an extent.
Helps to Improve Quality of Sleeping
Most people today are suffering from poor sleeping patterns. When they consume marijuana-infused medicines, it impacts the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a significant role in regulating circadian rhythm. By taking marijuana, you can experience a better sleep-wake cycle while improving your insomnia condition.
Helps Weight Loss
Although marijuana is responsible for increasing appetite acc, according to a recent study, it also helps to reduce weight. Regularly using marijuana can cause lower levels of obesity, lower Body Mass Index (BMI), smaller waist circumference, and better insulin resistance. It also helps to reduce the chance of diabetes in the body.
Strengthening Immunity
When one takes marijuana infused medicines, he experience strengthened immune system which happens just by promoting immune cells that mainly fight infections and viruses. Plus, CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system helps to maintain physical stability.
Consuming marijuana helps to achieve these health parameters, which is not possible by taking conventional medicines. Card MMJ Online offers marijuana cardsthat can let you get medical-grade marijuana regularly. So, contact it today to avail this offer!
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