#best career coach melbourne
graduatecoach · 2 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne
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wileys-russo · 10 months
like a dumb rom com II k.cooney-cross x catley!reader
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like a dumb rom com II k.cooney-cross x catley!reader
you bopped your head along to the music which was blasting from the speaker on your bedside table, for once home alone and able to have it up as loud as you wanted.
your textbooks lay open and spread around you on your bed as you scrolled through a gruelingly long article on your laptop, sticky notes plastered all over your legs as you tried your hardest to retain what you were attempting to study.
you sighed looking at your calendar on the wall, another flurry of color coded sticky notes mapping our your schedule for the rest of the month. people could call you a lot of things but you were anything but disorganized, you simply couldn't be in order to juggle your studies and have a full time professional football career.
you'd loved football from the moment you were old enough to kick a ball, following quickly in your siblings footsteps as your poor parents lives quickly became encapsulated by all three of your routines.
different teams and matches to watch every weekend, travelling back and forward to games and tournaments, weeks full of multiple training's and commitments, food crumbs in cars where dinners and snacks were smashed in the back seat from destination a to b.
you almost felt like they deserved the peace and quiet of an empty house once you'd all moved out, your brother no longer playing having viewed it as more of a hobby than a career once he got older.
but no matter the driving and the games and the fees they were always your proudest supporters. especially when both you and your sister had made your national team debuts, first as junior matildas and then into the senior teams, you always following a few steps behind steph.
when she'd moved over to london to sign with arsenal and you'd stayed at melbourne victory you'd missed her, but you were confident that a little bit of distance in your football careers would be a good thing for the both of you to grow as players.
then a couple of years later after your olympic debut had come your own offers from overseas, european and super league teams alike all reaching out to your agent eager to offer you your first international professional contract.
it was overwhelming to look at sums and salaries and contracts you could have only ever dreamed of in your youth, your deadline to make a decision coming in hard and fast you weren't any closer to making the final call.
thats when your national team mates had stepped in and suddenly you were getting calls of encouragement and gentle attempts at persuading to join them at their various clubs once it started to leak out just who had made you offers.
the least gentle of all though was of course from your older sister, who all but chewed your ear off that you were even thinking about accepting any clubs beside the one she'd called her home for a couple of years now, caitlin and lydia both quick to back her up.
you'd been the most hesitant at arsenals offer and once you were honest with steph about your reasons why her approach softened significantly. she was fast to assure you that she'd had nothing to do with it at all and had only overheard the coaching staff discussing potential new signings that afternoon.
then came the assurance that she wanted you there with her, and that despite your own insecurities she'd never ever seen it as you copying her or riding her coat tails. her heart broke a little that you could be so dismissive of your own skills and talent that had lead to all of the multitude of offers in the first place.
knowing this was a decision that ultimately you needed to make, and with a quiet reminder from dean that the tighter she held on the further you'd pull away, she left you to make the call of your own accord, doing her very best to ignore the temptation to call you and check in daily about if you were any closer to pulling the trigger.
then a few days later came the video from melbourne victory, the signing post from arsenal and your own bitter sweet goodbye to your home country and the team you'd called family for the last three seasons.
at both your mum and sisters insistence you'd moved in with steph and dean so your sister could first hand make sure you were settling in, and so your mum could sleep at night knowing you had family looking out for you in a foreign country.
you'd settled in quickly and comfortably of course. just like steph you'd always been outgoing and bubbly, never shying away from making a new friend or striking up a conversation, and suddenly you were adopted right into the team as if you'd been there for years, your football family expanding.
back to present day and you were reveling in a rare night in to yourself, steph and dean having gone out for a nice meal together as you dedicated your evening to your studies.
it was peak exam season and mid wsl season which meant you were battling your way through, mostly on top of everything thanks to your calendar and onslaught of sticky notes.
but given your loud music what you failed to hear were the taps at your window over and over, too engrossed in your studies and mumbling along the lyrics to the 1975 song in your ear, a band both you and your sister harbored quite a shared love for.
steph had gotten you tickets for your twenty first birthday earlier this year and the next day at training both of you had been teased relentlessly for your distinct lack of voice from spending the evening screaming along to all of your favourite songs.
failing to hear the gentle taps at your window, you also missed the creak of it being thrown all the way open and the gentle thump of feet falling to your carpet.
"jesus christ babe are you deaf?" you certainly heard that.
you let out a strangled scream at the sudden unexpected voice, spinning around and falling backwards off your bed, hitting the floor with a loud groan as your girlfriends eyes widened and she hurried to help you up.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? why the fuck would you do that?" you shouted angrily after she helped you up, pushing harshly at her chest and sending her stumbling as she just caught her footing.
"i was tossing rocks at your window and you ignored me, i thought you might have been asleep!" kyra defended holding her hands up as you went at her again but thought better of it, your heart beat starting to gently slow down as you recovered from your shock.
"so your reaction to me being asleep was to..break in?" you scoffed, smacking her leg as she whined and pulled a face, mumbling how she was just trying to be romantic.
"why didn't you just message me or come to the front door? i'm home alone you idiot i thought you were a murderer or something!" you shot her an unimpressed glare as the girl gave you a sheepish smile.
"i thought it would be more romantic this way! like those dumb rom coms we love." she pouted and from that moment you could no longer be properly mad at her.
"just lucky you live a few feet off the ground, bit worried i'd fall and break my neck if i had to scale a drain pipe to get to your window." the midfielder grinned as you couldn't help but bite back a small smile at her adorable dimples.
"next time warn me ky instead of giving me a heart attack. i could have hurt you!" you warned, making the girl send you an amused smile, taking a seat on the corner of your bed as you started to tidy up your mess of study materials on the bed.
"and how exactly would you have done that babe? hit me with a book? stabbed me with a pencil? assaulted me with your tiny little baby hands." the girl grinned teasingly, poking at you as you smacked her away with a huff.
"they are not tiny! they're normal sized and they're barely smaller than yours." you glared at her, standing to move your books and laptop over to the desk you should have been studying at in the first place.
"helloo!" the girl sung out, suddenly stood in front of you as you turned, arms now free she wasted no time pulling you into a hug, your chins resting on one anothers shoulders as you relished in the feel of your skin finally in contact with hers.
"i missed you today." you sighed having had to take the day off training to complete an exam, though you were studying online you still needed to go into the distance education office to take your exams which was located in camden.
"missed you more book worm." you might have rolled your eyes but really it was the cheeky comments and consistent flirty banter between the two of you that had caused you to fall for her alluringly mischievous charm in the first place.
having kissed on a night out when you both played for melbourne victory you'd danced around your feelings for far too long, mutually chalking it up to a drunk mistake.
but it seemed you just couldn't keep away from one another and with each moment apart the two of you either on the phone or texting, a few more sober kisses shared now, you'd made it official during prep camp for the world cup, over the moon to both be selected in the final squad.
a few of your close friends knew not long after you'd made it official, having been by both of your sides during the in denial but hopelessly pining over one another stage.
you were quick to tell ellie who was always your roommate on national duties, the blonde practically tackling you to the floor with a sigh of relief she no longer needed to watch the 'slow lovesick burn'.
then kyra of course told her own little football family, charlie first and then katrina who'd given you both a shovel talk about the importance of treating one another with respect and how she wouldn't hesitate to smack either of you into line.
but beyond that you kept it mostly to yourselves, the two of you had always been close so no one thought much of how touchy and affectionate you were, having been that way long before you were anything more than friends no one thought differently.
then when kyra had joined arsenal after the world cup everything seemed to fall into place, the two of you finally able to give your relationship a proper go without hours of time difference and thousands of kilometers of distance between you to be a barrier anymore.
there was just one glaringly unspoken issue and that was that both of you were far too terrified to make your relationship common knowledge, which really was only because you were even more terrified of what your older sisters reaction might be.
a few of the arsenal girls like teyah and gio who you'd been close with since your signing had caught on quite quickly, but promised to keep it hushed.
being on the younger side of the squad had meant you'd gained a whole handful of older sisters alongside steph and again it hadn't taken long before again they'd picked up on your change in mood now kyra was around, but most had kept their observations to themselves.
unlike leah who cornered you after training, your vice captain getting the truth out of you in record time with a stern look and a few well worded questions, and of course she couldn't keep the information away from lia or beth.
so as the list of your team mates who knew the truth about you and kyra grew, so did your plaguing anxieties that someone would slip up and alert steph.
despite knowing you easily the best out of everyone it amazed you that somehow she herself hadn't caught on, you and kyra having made a few clumsy mistakes where she could have easily put the pieces together.
after your first major argument with kyra over something so stupid you could hardly remember what it was even about, you'd turned up on caitlins front door step with tear stained cheeks both for comfort and some advice knowing there wasn't a chance you could speak with steph who was always your go to person.
you knew you needed to come clean and the longer you put it off the more strain it put on your relationship with kyra and the worse you worried for steph's reaction given how long you'd kept her in the dark for.
"i really should study for another hour ky." you hummed, reaching out for your laptop as kyra tutted, moving you away from your desk with her body still wrapped around yours. "lets go look at your schedule babe." she ordered as you moved toward your calendar.
"kyra!" you exclaimed in surprise, seeing a few new sticky notes replace your old ones. "oh look, give kyra a cuddle? check." she wiggled her body against yours where it clung to the back of you making you smile.
"give kyra a kiss." she craned her head around and pressed her lips sweetly to yours as you shook your head but gave in, indulging her for a moment. "what's next? study? mmm don't see that on here for tonight." kyra hummed, finger reaching out to trail down your new list as you sighed.
"when did you even change this? you've been here for like five seconds." you laughed in disbelief at how fast she could be. "i didn't change anything!" she gasped in mock offence.
"oh look! watch movies and make kyra her favourite snack. guess we have to do that then babe, you do live by your schedule!" kyra grinned cheekily, letting go of you and making a beeline for your door, holding out her hand expectantly.
"you are unbelievably sneaky sometimes cooney cross." you smiled, crossing your arms and staring her down. "who, me? never!" she beamed, wiggling her fingers for you to take her hand as you did so with a dramatic sigh as if it was a chore, causing her to attack your face with kisses and pull you out of your room.
having followed through with your 'schedule' you'd made both of your favourite snacks and settled into the living room to watch a movie, kyra's choice of course given you knew if she wasn't into the movie there wasn't a chance she'd sit still through it.
"hey where's calvy?" your girlfriend realised suddenly, pulling her head out of your lap and looking around with a frown. "its taken you this long to realise he isn't here? he's normally jumping on you in seconds ky!" you laughed as kyra rolled her eyes.
"he's with steph and dean they found some dog friendly outdoor bistro they could take him with them for dinner, you know what steph's like with her son." you smiled in amusement, the four legged canine loved and looked at more like your nephew than a dog.
"aw and they left you here all alone." kyra cooed, reaching up to squish your cheeks as her head settled back in its previous place in your lap. "please! its a rare blessing." you mumbled as well as you could given the way your face was being poked and pulled at by the brunette.
"shut up and watch your silly kids movie." you wrenched her hands away from your face and placed them by her sides before tangling yours in her hair again, massaging her scalp gently as she sighed contentedly, tucking one of her hands up your top to rest dormant on your abs, determined to have at least some of her skin on yours at all times.
"it is not a kids movie. it's a comedy film!" kyra defended, eyes glued to the screen as you only hummed with an amused smile, melting into the sofa cushions wrapped up in your little bubble of comfort.
it wasn't long until both your attention spans wavered and you found your lips locked with kyra's, both your hands roaming one anothers bodies. the air was filled with your giggles and sweet nothings as you once again fell head over heels for the girls effortless charm, throwing your head back with a laugh at a particularly cheesy pick up line mumbled into your neck.
that giddy little love bubble burst the moment you heard the jingle of keys and australian accents which didn't belong to you or kyra invading the space, and the pitter patter of paws hurtling toward you as you both quickly broke apart.
you'd just settled with a decent gap between you as calvin arrived, launching himself on top of you with a few licks hello, jumping across to greet kyra before dean called him away.
"oh hi ky!" steph greeted with a warm smile as she appeared next, kyra quick to her feet to hug her hello. "see kyra hugs me hello. she's got manners!" your sister teased as you blew her a sarcastic kiss, unmoving from your position on the couch.
"i see you every day stephanie i hardly feel the need to hug you hello when you've been gone a few hours!" you laughed with a roll of your eyes. "i've technically not seen you all day." she countered, taking a seat in between you and kyra.
"how did your exam go peanut?" the defender questioned with a concerned look, not having spoke with you since you'd left for camden this morning a nervous wreck.
"steph what have i said about calling me that!" you ignored her question with an annoyed groan, throwing your head back and shooting kyra a glare over your sisters shoulder as she laughed at your expense.
"that you hate it and not to call you it but i will always call you it because you're my little peanut!" the blonde cooed, pinching your cheeks and shaking your head side to side, with almost eight years between you she'd always babied you in a sense and though sometimes it was welcomed most of the times you despised it.
"i wish i was adopted." you grimaced, smacking her hands away with a roll of your eyes. "not too late. i'm sure we can find a nice family willing to take in a moody twenty one year old who can't cook, can't clean, whinges and moans about everything, doesn't do her own laundry, eats her salary in groceries-" steph started to list things off on her fingers as your eyes widened and you kicked her.
"none of that is true!" you scoffed with a scowl, once again sending your girlfriend an unimpressed glare as she clutched at her stomach with laughter. "see even your best mate agrees, you're a grub!" steph ruffled your hair and stood to her feet.
"i'm a grub? have you met the six foot three toddler we live with?" you pointed toward the kitchen, referencing your sisters fiance and soon to be brother in law.
"oi! don't throw me under the bus to cover your own ass." dean yelled back, the two of you always having gotten on like a house on fire which was one of the many reasons steph was so in love with him.
"did you drive here ky?" the older catley questioned with an amused smile, kyra getting the unsung hint it was time to head home as you sent her a look to assure she could stay, but there wasn't a use.
"yeah, i'll head off now." the midfielder smiled warmly, again hugging your sister as you were quick to your feet now to walk her out, kyra yelling goodbye to dean before you both stepped out the front door.
"do you want a lift tomorrow? we could get brekky and a coffee?" you offered hopefully, the two of you lingering just out of sight, kyra eagerly agreeing already looking forward to getting you alone for even just a half an hour.
"coast?" the brunette questioned as you peered subtly around the corner, not seeing either steph or dean in the kitchen through the window. "clear." you grinned, barely able to get the word out before her lips were on yours and your back was pressed against the cool brick of the side of the house.
"okay okay, easy tiger!" you laughed quietly, pulling away as her tongue slipped into your mouth, well aware that the two of you could be caught at any moment. "few more." kyra smiled cheekily, pecking your lips repeatedly as her hands gripped your hips.
"i'll get you round nine?" your hands settled on her cheeks, thumbs stroking her jawline, training not starting until eleven thirty given tomorrow was a double session. "make it eight and we can smooch for an hour? teyah has early rehab." kyra countered with a charming grin as you nodded your agreement.
"i hate when you say smooch." you laughed against her lips, kissing her one final time before pushing her off, knowing the longer you hung about outside the larger the chance grew steph would come to check what was going on.
"which is exactly why i say it. goodnight lover!" the girl bowed to you making you gag. "i hate that more! goodnight you dickhead. text me when you get home yeah?" you frowned, kyra quick to promise you she would before she dissapeared into the night.
returning inside you weren't surprised to find your sister and her fiance curled up together on the sofa, not dissimilarly to how you and kyra had been prior to their arrival, calvin asleep in his bed on the floor.
"you gonna watch with us?" steph craned her head back to look at you, i'm a celebrity loaded on the television. "are the two of you going to make out like horny teenagers?" you questioned, knowing exactly how they could be after their little date nights.
"probably." dean grinned in response as you gagged and steph hit him lightly with a smile. "hey you never answered me before! how did your exam go chicken?" steph called out before you could leave, again an eye roll greeting her choice of nickname.
"good i think? i finished before the timer and i remembered most of my arguments. one more and i'm done! then a five week fucking break." you moaned happily, stretching your hands behind your head.
"excuse me are those mine?" your sisters eyes narrowed, pointing to the peter alexander pyjama shorts you currently had on. "noo." you smiled guiltily, grateful she couldn't see you also had on the matching shirt beneath your hoodie.
"you are such a menace." steph sighed with a shake of her head, normally she'd be on top of you in seconds demanding you give back whatever you'd stolen, but knowing she'd actually worn one of your favourite pair of trainers out to dinner and you hadn't yet noticed she decided against that course of action.
"love you steffy!" you grinned, dipping off to the kitchen to fill your water bottle, pulling a face of horror as you returned to find the two of them attempting to eat one anothers face.
"god can you at least wait until i've left the room?" you gagged in disgust as they pulled apart. "can you hurry?" steph smirked making you pull another face and whistle for calvin to follow you.
"no leave him!" your sister attempted but the fluff ball was already padding happily after you toward your room. "i'm saving him years of therapy from having to watch his parents go at it. goodnight sickos!" you saluted sarcastically, your door closing with a thud as calvin made himself comfortable on the end of your bed.
doing your nightly routine you returned to bed with your skin soft and your teeth brushed, smiling at the text from kyra that she was home safe, clicking the facetime icon beside her contact, the two of you normally falling asleep together.
you smiled happily as she accepted, propping her phone up as she brushed her teeth and the two of you chattered away, blissfully unaware of what was to greet you in the week to come.
part two
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aussie-wbb · 1 year
On the 25th of September, 2022, Bec Allen had her best game of the 2022 World Cup. In 26.5 minutes, she had 16 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals, and 2 blocks in a 69-54 win over Serbia.
She ended up leaving the game in a wheelchair with just 1:49 left. Once home in Melbourne, she would be eventually diagnosed with two fractured ribs and a partially collapsed lung. It's unknown whether that all occurred during that Serbia game, or if some of it occurred because she proceeded to play another two games later in the tournament.
Exactly a year later, on the 25th of September, 2023 (Australia time, 3-5am AEST), playing against her national team coach, she had her best playoff game of her WNBA career.
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What a year, Bec Allen, what a year.
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female-malice · 2 years
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Isaac Humphries
One of the best feelings in the world is playing a game of professional basketball while on peak form.
You get to perform in front of nearly 10,000 people a night; they’re cheering your name, they’re wearing your jersey. And all while you throw down a powerful dunk and flex to the crowd.
Well, it should be the best feeling in the world, right? And for a brief moment, I guess it was.
That was in 2020. I was 22 and playing with the Adelaide 36ers, two years before signing with my current team, Melbourne United.
Now imagine what happens when all of that adrenalin comes to an end after a game. For me, the euphoria was gone the moment I drove out of the arena. I’d get home to my apartment in Adelaide’s coastal suburb of Henley Beach, and be all alone.
I felt I had no choice but to be by myself. That’s when my wave of depression would hit the hardest.
Over my entire career, there was no reality that existed where I could be an openly gay man while playing basketball. Until now.
I’ve played everywhere – Kentucky, the NBA, Europe, the Australian national team – and it’s all the same: for the most part, being an athlete at that level is about making money, dating girls and being the best basketball player you can be.
So I fell in line, no matter how awkward and weird I felt doing it. I just wanted to fit in and not draw any attention to myself. There were almost no examples of a male pro basketball player doing anything other than that, so I was resigned to the fact that my true life would start after I retired.
My depression got so bad that the idea of not making it to retirement became a very real possibility.
There was a night toward the end of 2020 where my loneliness, self-hate and shame finally took its toll, and I decided it would hurt less to take my own life. I had unfortunately decided it was the end. It was only when I woke up the next morning when I realized what I hadn’t done.
I ended up starting that season like nothing was wrong. But midway through it, some previous leg injuries caught up with me. I was shut down for the remainder of the season and most of the following one too.
Simple things like standing up from a chair or walking up a flight of stairs – let alone any explosive movement while playing – became almost impossible.
Part of the fix was following my strength and conditioning coach, Nik Popovic, to Los Angeles to continue my rehab. We had originally set up shop in Sydney to get through my rehab but he had just gotten a new gig at the University of Southern California; he’s the best in the business so the only way for me to continue making progress in fixing my knee was to join him over there.
LA has always been my favorite place in the world. On top of my basketball career, I’m also a musician, so I’ve been really fortunate to have spent a lot of time there and develop a network of friends and peers.
Being in LA over the years also gave me my first ever experiences seeing members of the LGBTQ+ community in a positive light.
Growing up in Australia, I went to an all-male private school from about the age of 13, where there was an unspoken expectation that everyone was straight – and that was the end of the conversation. Throw in the competitive sports world I was part of, and there were really no avenues for me to see members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Things didn’t change when I became a pro basketball player; LGBTQ+ representation had rarely ever been there in top-tier male-dominated sports, where it’s generally seen as a negative point of difference. Anyone who’s ever been in a locker room understands the sentiments that float around. There’s the unintentional derogatory slang, and ridiculing anything with a gay connotation.
In LA, it was completely different. I was around some of the most successful people in the world – everyone from musicians, television and film producers, media personalities, A-list celebrities – and got to see that being openly gay can come with joy.
For the first time in my life, I saw that people at the top of their game can be open and honest about who they are, and that came with a visceral and contagious happiness.
So while in LA in 2021 to fix my injuries, I also got to experience more of being around the LGBTQ+ community. It was mostly through making friends who were openly gay and unequivocally themselves – shame wasn’t even a consideration.
I learned so much about the experiences people in our community go through, and was shocked at the number of stories that were eerily similar to mine.
I saw that being open about who you are can be the most freeing thing a person can ever do. Being gay didn’t come with shame anymore; it came with liberation.
No one was hiding who they were. And it made for the happiest, most positive environment I didn’t realize existed.
That’s what I hope sports can become. I want it to be a place where anyone can strive to be amazing, without fearing backlash just for who you are.
You can be a gay man and an elite basketball player in one of the best leagues in the world. I’m living proof of that.
My journey to get to this point in my life was harder than it should’ve been, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Without those dark points, I wouldn’t have been thrust into situations where I had to explore, discover and learn to accept who I really am.
If there are negative aspects that come with my decision to come out, I’ll take those barbs so others don’t have to; as long as it means we make progress along the way and kids in particular feel they can be whoever they want.
I’m so fortunate to be able to do this with this Melbourne United team. It says a lot about the club that I really do feel so comfortable doing this with them. To other sports teams out there, create environments that are welcoming to people of different sexualities, faiths, races. Not only is it the right thing to do, but I promise you’ll get the most out of every person in your organization for it.
I’d also encourage a bit more empathy across the board. A comment here or there might seem funny in the moment, and a sentiment that could be considered anti-gay might appear harmless in the grand scheme of things – but you never know who might be in the room with you and how it might affect that person.
I know what it feels like to grow up in an environment that doesn’t feel welcoming, and I want to do my part to make sure basketball is no longer one of them.
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He IS The Voice
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On Monday night, the new music documentary ‘John Farnham: Finding the Voice’ aired on Australian free-to-air television.
Now, I’ve been a fan of his since I was a kid, so not much was new to me. I knew he started young and fresh faced (gorgeous, in fact. Still is really) and that there was an awful lull in his career when radio stations and record companies wouldn’t give him a chance. Nuts. Anyway.
He came back, bigger and better than ever, and the rest (as they say) is history. He’s been legend / GOAT status for decades here, but revisiting all of his music again, in more detail, has been such a joy. He’s not played on the radio as frequently as you’d think these days.
Since Monday, I’ve been re-downloading and playing all of his greatest hits again. As you can imagine, the playlist is long. ‘You’re The Voice’, ‘Age of Reason’, ‘Pressure Down’, ‘That’s Freedom’, ‘Burn for You’, ‘Playing to Win’, ‘A Touch of Paradise’, ‘Every Time You Cry’, ‘Reasons’ etc etc.
However, it’s his incredible live cover of The Beatles’ ‘Help’ with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra that I’ve had mostly on repeat (the video of it on YouTube is simply joyful). I truly think it’s one of the best covers / arrangements of a popular song that I’ve ever heard, and one of the greatest examples of John’s INSANE vocal abilities.
(It’s also worth bearing in mind to that this was his encore after a 2+ HOUR SHOW. The fact he could still sing well at that point, and like this, still blows my mind).
I’ve seen a bunch of vocal coaches watching it recently too and losing their minds over how effortlessly and enthusiastically he tears this song up. The amount of soul and grit and power he puts into these words gets me every time.
He also exhibits that typical Farnham energy, fun, passion and charisma that he has in spades. Whether you’re watching him perform live or interviewed on the TV, the man honestly feels like a friend.
Every part of the rendition is epic, but at the 4 min 35 sec spot in particular, he does a playful run which makes me grin like an idiot!
I still feel so lucky that my dad & I were invited to his The Age Music Victoria Hall Of Fame induction in 2015. He was meant to do a song or two but ended up playing for about an hour and a half, and he was so pitch perfect and so funny!
When we all heard that he had to have emergency mouth surgery late last year, we all held our breath and prayed (no, I’m not religious, but it Farnsy!). There’s such cruel irony in a singer getting throat cancer. It’s been a long recovery, but the recent news from his sons that he is cancer-free and up and about (literally singing and dancing around the house) is the best news.
Being an Aussie, we obviously know John Farnham inside and out and we’re beyond proud of him, but it always saddens me a bit that he never got the international recognition he deserved in his heyday. It seems like a lot of Brits and Americans are only just discovering him now and honestly, he runs rings around most of their “legends”.
John Farnham is Australia’s best kept secret, even though we’re more than happy to share him with the rest of the world!
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effortless23 · 12 hours
Top 10 Legendary Players in Australian Rules Football History
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Australian Rules Football (AFL) is a sport rich in history, passion, and remarkable talent. Over the years, numerous players have left an indelible mark on the game, showcasing exceptional skill, leadership, and sportsmanship. Here’s a look at the top 10 legendary players in Australian Rules Football history, who have not only excelled on the field but have also helped shape the sport as we know it today while adhering to the Australian football rules.
1. Gary Ablett Sr.
Often regarded as one of the greatest players in AFL history, Gary Ablett Sr. was known for his incredible athleticism and goal-scoring ability. His unique combination of speed, skill, and strength made him a nightmare for defenders. Ablett's career spanned over a decade with the Geelong Cats, where he achieved multiple awards, including the Brownlow Medal.
2. Leigh Matthews
Leigh Matthews is a name synonymous with Australian Rules Football. Renowned for his toughness and determination, Matthews played for the Hawthorn Hawks and later transitioned into a successful coaching career. He won numerous premierships as both a player and coach, and his impact on the game is still felt today.
3. Dustin Martin
A modern-day legend, Dustin Martin has redefined the game with his explosive playing style. The Richmond Tigers star has won multiple Norm Smith Medals and played a key role in Richmond's recent premiership success. His ability to dominate matches makes him one of the best players in the current era.
4. Tony Shaw
As the captain of the Collingwood Magpies, Tony Shaw led his team to a premiership in 1990. Known for his fierce competitiveness and exceptional leadership skills, Shaw remains a respected figure in the AFL community. His commitment to the game exemplifies the spirit of Australian Rules Football.
5. Ron Barassi
Ron Barassi is a true icon of the game, known for his influential playing and coaching career. He played for the Melbourne Demons and later for the Carlton Blues, where he won multiple premierships. Barassi is credited with revolutionizing the way the game is played, particularly with his emphasis on teamwork and strategy.
6. Simon Black
A three-time premiership player with the Brisbane Lions, Simon Black was renowned for his exceptional skills and ability to read the game. He won the Brownlow Medal in 2002 and is remembered for his consistency and leadership on the field, contributing significantly to the Lions' success during the early 2000s.
7. Gary Ablett Jr.
Following in the footsteps of his father, Gary Ablett Jr. has established himself as one of the greatest players of his generation. Known for his remarkable ball skills and goal-scoring ability, he has achieved numerous accolades, including multiple Brownlow Medals and All-Australian selections during his time with the Geelong Cats and Gold Coast Suns.
8. James Hird
James Hird is celebrated for his outstanding career with the Essendon Bombers. A dynamic midfielder known for his incredible skills and football intelligence, Hird won the Brownlow Medal in 1996 and led Essendon to a premiership in 2000. His legacy in the sport continues through his involvement in coaching and mentorship.
9. Peter Hudson
A prolific goal-scorer, Peter Hudson is considered one of the best forwards in AFL history. Playing primarily for the Hawthorn Hawks, he set a record for the most goals in a season (or "goal-kicking") that still stands today. Hudson's accuracy and poise in front of goal made him a fan favorite and a true legend of the game.
10. Chris Judd
Chris Judd is widely regarded as one of the most complete players in Australian Rules Football history. He won the Brownlow Medal twice while playing for the West Coast Eagles and Carlton Blues. His ability to dominate matches and influence the game, combined with his professionalism, has left a lasting legacy in the AFL.
These legendary players have not only excelled individually but have also contributed to the growth and popularity of Australian Rules Football. Their exceptional skills, dedication, and adherence to the Australian football rules have inspired countless fans and aspiring athletes. As the game continues to evolve, the legacies of these players will forever be etched in the history of the sport, reminding us of the incredible talent and passion that define Australian Rules Football.
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modelsmelbourne · 3 months
Unveiling the Magic of Talent Agencies: Key to Unlocking Success
In the bustling world of entertainment, fashion, and sports, talent agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the careers of individuals striving to make their mark. These agencies are not just gatekeepers but architects of success, offering a bridge between raw talent and the opportunities that can turn dreams into reality. 
This blog delves into the essence of Melbourne talent agency, exploring their functions, benefits, and the transformative impact they have on aspiring professionals.
What is a Talent Agency?
A talent agency is a company or organisation that represents individuals in the entertainment, fashion, sports, or other industries. These agencies act as intermediaries between talented individuals (actors, models, musicians, athletes, etc.) and potential employers (production companies, fashion houses, sports teams, etc.). They negotiate contracts, secure gigs, and provide the support necessary for talent to thrive in their respective fields.
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The Functions of a Talent Agency
Scouting and Recruitment Talent agencies are constantly on the lookout for fresh faces and unique skills. They have scouts who attend events, review portfolios, and keep an eye on emerging trends to discover potential talent. Once identified, individuals are signed to the agency and start receiving the benefits of professional representation.
Career Management and Development Agencies offer career guidance, helping talents navigate the complex landscape of their industry. They provide training, coaching, and advice on improving skills and marketability. This includes everything from acting workshops for aspiring actors to media training for athletes.
Negotiation and Contract Management One of the most crucial roles of a talent agency is negotiating contracts. Agencies have experienced agents who ensure that their clients get the best possible terms and are protected legally. They handle the fine print so that talents can focus on their craft.
Marketing and Promotion Agencies also play a significant role in promoting their clients. They leverage their industry connections and marketing expertise to secure press coverage, interviews, and other promotional opportunities. This exposure is invaluable in building a talent's public profile.
Access to Opportunities With extensive networks across various industries, talent agencies provide access to opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach for individuals. Whether it's a coveted role in a blockbuster movie, a spot in a high-profile fashion show, or a lucrative endorsement deal, agencies open doors to career-defining opportunities.
Benefits of Working with a Talent Agency
Professional Representation Having an agent provides a level of professionalism that is hard to achieve independently. Agents are well-versed in industry standards and can present talent in the best light possible, making it easier to secure high-quality jobs.
Industry Knowledge and Connections Talent agencies have deep-rooted connections within the industries they operate in. This Melbourne talent agency network is crucial for navigating the competitive landscape and finding the right opportunities for their clients.
Time and Resource Management Managing a career, especially in the entertainment industry, is time-consuming and complex. Agencies handle the logistics, allowing talent to focus on honing their craft and performing at their best.
Financial Management Agencies often assist with financial planning and management, helping talents make informed decisions about their careers. They can also ensure timely payment and fair compensation for their clients.
Legal Protection Navigating contracts and legal agreements can be daunting. Talent agencies provide the necessary legal expertise to protect their clients' rights and ensure that they are not exploited.
How to Choose the Right Talent Agency
Choosing the right talent agency is a critical step in any aspiring professional's career. Here are some factors to consider:
Reputation and Track Record Research the agency’s history and reputation in the industry. Look at the success stories of their clients and the types of opportunities they have secured for them.
Specialisation Some agencies specialise in certain fields, such as acting, modelling, or sports. Choose an agency that has a focus aligned with your career goals and aspirations.
Agent’s Expertise The expertise and experience of the agents themselves are crucial. Look for agents who have a strong understanding of the industry and a proven track record of success.
Client Roster Examine the agency’s current client roster. A diverse roster can indicate a strong network and the ability to manage various types of talent.
Agency’s Resources Assess the resources and support the agency offers. This includes training, marketing, and legal services, which are essential for career development and protection.
The Transformative Impact of Talent Agencies
Talent agencies have been the backbone of many success stories in various industries. From discovering the next big star to securing landmark deals, they play a crucial role in shaping careers and transforming lives. They offer more than just representation; they provide the guidance, support, and opportunities necessary for talent to flourish.
Final Words
The Melbourne talent agency is an indispensable part of the entertainment, fashion, and sports ecosystems. They are the catalysts that turn potential into performance, dreams into reality, and raw talent into refined success. For anyone aspiring to make a significant mark in their chosen field, partnering with the right talent agency, such as is not just an option but a vital step towards a successful and fulfilling career.
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macproject · 4 months
Best Voice Coaching for Beginners in Melbourne
Explore the best voice coaching for Beginners in Melbourne with The Mac Project. The team helps artists and creatives elevate their careers. We help you to break the technical load. For more information visit our website. 
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resumeheros · 4 months
Unleash Your Potential with Sydney and Melbourne’s Premier Resume Writers | Resume Hero
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In today’s competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is more crucial than ever. Your resume is often the first impression you make on a potential employer, and having a professionally crafted resume can make all the difference. For job seekers in Sydney and Melbourne, Resume Hero offers top-tier resume writing services designed to highlight your strengths and land you the job you deserve. This article delves into the benefits of using professional resume writers, with a particular focus on Sydney and Melbourne, to help you understand why Resume Hero should be your go-to choice.
The Power of a Sydney Resume Writers AU
A well-crafted resume is more than just a list of your qualifications and experience. It is a strategic document that showcases your skills, achievements, and potential in the best possible light. Sydney resume writers au have the expertise to create resumes that are not only visually appealing but also tailored to the specific requirements of your industry and target job. They know how to use keywords effectively, format the document for maximum impact, and highlight the achievements that will grab the attention of hiring managers.
Sydney Resume Writers: Elevate Your Career Prospects
Sydney is a vibrant city with a dynamic job market that offers a wealth of opportunities across various industries. However, this also means that competition is fierce. Job seekers need every advantage they can get to stand out from the crowd. This is where Sydney resume writers come in. At Resume Hero, our team of professional resume writers in Sydney understands the local job market and the specific requirements of employers in the region. They are skilled at crafting resumes that highlight your strengths and make you a standout candidate. Whether you are looking for a job in finance, technology, healthcare, or any other industry, our Sydney resume writers will work with you to create a resume that reflects your unique skills and experience.
Melbourne Resume Writers: Your Path to Success
Melbourne, known for its diverse economy and strong job market, is another city where a professional resume can make a significant difference. Job seekers in Melbourne face the same challenges as those in Sydney, with a highly competitive environment that demands a standout resume. Resume Hero’s Melbourne resume writers au are experts at creating resumes that cater to the unique demands of the Melbourne job market. They understand the importance of tailoring each resume to the specific job and industry, ensuring that your resume speaks directly to the needs of potential employers. By working with our Melbourne resume writers, you can be confident that your resume will not only meet but exceed the expectations of hiring managers, giving you the best possible chance of landing your dream job.
Why Choose Resume Hero?
Choosing Resume Hero means choosing excellence, dedication, and a personalized approach to resume writing. Our team of professional resume writers is committed to helping you succeed. We take the time to understand your career goals, your strengths, and your unique experiences. This allows us to create a resume that truly represents you and your potential. Our resume writers are skilled in the latest trends and best practices in resume writing, ensuring that your resume is both modern and effective. We also offer additional services such as cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and interview coaching, giving you a comprehensive package to support your job search efforts.
The Resume Hero Process
At Resume Hero, we believe in a collaborative approach to resume writing. Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your career objectives and gather all the necessary information about your skills, experience, and achievements. This allows us to tailor your resume to your specific needs and the requirements of your target job. Our resume writers then craft a first draft, which you will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on. We work closely with you to refine the document until you are completely satisfied with the final product. Our goal is to ensure that your resume not only looks great but also effectively communicates your value to potential employers.
Success Stories from Resume Hero Clients
Our clients’ success is our success. We have helped countless job seekers in Sydney and Melbourne secure their dream jobs with professionally crafted resumes. One of our clients, Sarah, a marketing professional in Sydney, credits Resume Hero with helping her land a senior marketing role at a leading firm. She found that the resume we created for her highlighted her achievements and skills in a way that resonated with hiring managers. Similarly, John, an IT specialist in Melbourne, found that his Resume Hero-crafted resume opened doors to opportunities that he previously thought were out of reach. These success stories are a testament to the impact that a professionally written resume can have on your career prospects.
Invest in Your Future with Resume Hero
Your resume is an investment in your future. In a competitive job market, it is essential to have a resume that not only showcases your skills and experience but also makes you stand out from the crowd. Resume Hero’s professional resume writers in Sydney and Melbourne are here to help you achieve that. With our expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence, we can help you create a resume that opens doors to new opportunities and sets you on the path to career success. Don’t leave your career to chance. Contact Resume Hero today and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.
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thebettingman · 5 months
Thank You, Fages
Eight years at Melbourne, eight years at Hawthorn and Chris Fagen’s AFL career will end at his eighth year as head coach of the Brisbane Lions.
The blame shouldn’t all be on Fagan, the blame that is they are premiership-less, but the Brisbane Lions have missed out on an AFL premiership. Sure, not all teams can win, even if they do have ‘the team to win a premiership,’ which can be said about the Lions’ list. Two key forwards, two key backs. The best small forward in the completion, a Brownlow medalist, do I need to continue?
I blame the drive of key ‘should be’ players. Hipwood to name one, but you know the others. But the drive comes for the coach, and although he may not be able to create miracles for the players that seem to have their mind on the beach, unfortunately the captain must go down with the ship, and in this case, the captain is the coach.
Fagan originally a Tasmania man, should set his sights on home, and look forward to supporting the Devils.
Meanwhile, for Brisbane. Good luck…
Originally posted as Failure Fages
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graduatecoach · 3 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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standforddiploma · 6 months
Leadership Skills with Stanford Institute Leadership Courses in Melbourne
Looking to refine your leadership abilities and propel your career forward? Stanford Institute delivers exceptional leadership courses right here in Melbourne! Our programs are designed to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to become a more confident, effective, and inspiring leader.
Why Choose Stanford Institute Leadership Courses?
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World-Class Curriculum: Developed by Stanford University affiliates and industry experts, our courses leverage the latest leadership theories and practical frameworks.
Experienced Instructors: Gain insights from accomplished instructors with extensive leadership experience and a passion for empowering others.
Interactive Learning Environment: Engage in a dynamic and collaborative learning experience designed to foster knowledge sharing and skill development.
Network with Peers: Connect with a diverse group of aspiring and experienced leaders, expanding your professional network and gaining valuable perspectives.
Our Leadership Course Offerings in Melbourne:
Leadership Essentials: Master the core principles of effective leadership, communication, and team management.
Strategic Leadership: Develop your ability to think critically, make sound decisions, and navigate complex business challenges.
Coaching and Mentoring Skills: Learn how to empower and guide others to achieve their full potential.
Leading High-Performance Teams: Foster collaboration, innovation, and accountability within your team to achieve exceptional results.
Invest in Your Future with Stanford Institute
A leadership course from Stanford Institute is an investment in your professional growth and development. Our Melbourne programs are designed to help you:
Increase your influence and impact within your organization.
Motivate and inspire your team members to achieve their best.
Navigate complex challenges with confidence and strategic thinking.
Advance your career to leadership positions.
Take the next step towards becoming a transformational leader. Browse our leadership course offerings in Melbourne today!
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jyothsnarajan · 6 months
Unlock Your Potential with Top-Quality PTE Coaching in Melbourne
Looking to excel in the PTE exam? Your search for the best PTE coaching in Melbourne ends here!
With the advent of online education, preparing for the PTE exam has never been more convenient.
Whether you're a student aiming for higher education abroad or a professional seeking to enhance
your career prospects, PTE online training in Melbourne offers the flexibility and expertise you need
to succeed.
PTE coaching in Melbourne is tailored to meet the diverse needs of learners. From comprehensive
courses covering all sections of the exam to targeted classes focusing on specific skills, there's
something for everyone. These classes are designed and delivered by experienced instructors who
understand the nuances of the PTE exam and employ proven strategies to help you achieve your
desired score.
One of the key advantages of opting for PTE online coaching in Melbourne is the flexibility it offers.
You can access high-quality instruction from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need for
lengthy commutes to physical coaching centers. This flexibility is especially beneficial for busy
professionals and students juggling multiple commitments.
Moreover, the best PTE coaching in Melbourne provides access to a wealth of resources and
materials to support your preparation. From practice tests and mock exams to interactive exercises
and study guides, these resources are designed to reinforce your learning and build your confidence.
Additionally, online PTE coaching platforms often offer personalized feedback and progress tracking,
allowing you to identify areas for improvement and tailor your study plan accordingly.
Enrolling in PTE classes in Melbourne also gives you the opportunity to learn from peers and engage
in collaborative learning experiences. Many online coaching programs facilitate group discussions,
peer review sessions, and virtual study groups, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie
among learners. This collaborative approach not only enhances your understanding of the material
but also provides valuable networking opportunities.
When choosing a PTE coaching center in Melbourne, it's important to select one that offers a proven
track record of success. Look for institutions with experienced instructors, comprehensive
curriculum, and a high student satisfaction rate. Additionally, consider factors such as class size,
teaching methodology, and support services to ensure that you receive the best possible learning
Whether you're aiming for a high score in the PTE exam or simply looking to improve your English
proficiency, PTE coaching in Melbourne can help you achieve your goals. With convenient online
access, flexible scheduling, and expert instruction, there's no better way to prepare for the PTE exam
than with top-quality coaching tailored to your needs. So why wait? Take the first step towards
success today with PTE coaching in Melbourne!
At our best pte coaching center, the classes are delivered using the high definition class-platform,
the audio and video of our pte online classes makes you feel, that you are attending a classroom
session, provided the candidate is taking certain precautions like closing the doors, keeping the
mobile in silent mode.
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thebehindpost · 7 months
Season previews: Adelaide Crows (5th)
Last season: 10th (11 wins, 12 losses, 116.8%) Notable ins: Daniel Curtin (no. 8 draft pick) Notable outs: Tom Doedee (Brisbane), Shane McAdam (Melbourne)
Melbourne in 2021. Collingwood in 2022. Port Adelaide in 2023 (plus, after finals, Carlton and GWS). Each year there is usually at least one side that rockets from outside the eight and into the top four. Have stopped just short of that for Adelaide in 2024 but expect them to take another step forward after finishing 14th two seasons ago to then being cruelly denied a finals spot last season. Many will point to the goal umpiring debacle in round 23 against Sydney as costing them (the AFL should be grateful their score review system doesn't also get a pre-season write up). That view wouldn't be wrong but including that game, the Crows played in six matches decided by a goal or less and went 1-5. If they go 3-3, they're in September. Flip it to 5-1 and they're looking at a potential double chance.
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Adelaide are not quite yet the complete package - their midfield can lack unpredictability, they are leaky defensively and there is a question mark on the coach. But they have more going for them than not, playing an exciting brand of footy that moves the ball up the ground with risk and dare, and they can kick a winning score. Look for that to continue to be an indicator of success in 2024. The AFL want the game to open up and they tend to get what they want. Adelaide don't play boring football and were no. 1 in the competition for scoring last season.
The downside of playing electric football on offence is that the defence can suffer. Under Matthew Nicks' four seasons in charge, Adelaide have gone 18th, 16th, 15th and 10th for points against. Steady improvement, yes, and they were a very ordinary side when he arrived but the evidence says he is yet to instill an all-of-team defensive mindset. Sides in the premiership window tend to be as good at stopping goals as they are kicking them and Adelaide have have only unlocked one piece of the puzzle. That side of their game will be something to watch for, particularly as the board make a decision on Nicks' contract which expires at the end of the year. They should wait and at least see how a majority of the season plays out and not buy in to the myth of re-signing the coach early to avoid distraction. It may be harsh on Nicks but it is difficult to imagine a rival club falling over themselves to sign him if Adelaide dither a little.
The positive is that as opposed to their cross-town rivals, Port Adelaide, the Crows' veterans look a little fresher and better placed to complement their young guns. Rory Laird, Brad Crouch, Taylor Walker and even Rory Sloane are still playing good football. Walker especially has defied the odds to, at age 33, be playing close to the best football of his career. And they will need him to keep it going a little longer as the next generation of key forward at Adelaide is not so well advanced - neither Riley Thilthorpe nor Darcy Fogarty have yet proven capable of being the main man. There has been some commentary that it is time for Walker to play a reduced role and allow that to happen but you would rather see Thilthorpe and/or Fogarty go and take the mantle from him themselves. There is no such concern over the Crows' small forward stocks with Izak Rankine and Josh Rachele nipping at the heels of Walker and co.
Nicks has been afforded a considerable grace period up to this point given where the club was at when he arrived in 2020. He has done a commendable job to lift them out of the mess left behind by their infamous pre-season camp but that was six years ago now and it's time for them to return to playing in September. The Crows will be a headache for many clubs to contend with in 2024 if they can tighten up across the ground defensively (particularly coming out of the middle), shave a goal or two from the opposition each week and maintain their own high scoring output.
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powerfulstepsto · 9 months
The Role of a Business Leadership Coach You Didn't Know!
Talking about the complexities of leadership in modern business can be just as tricky as optimizing network performance. If you’re at a career crossroads and wondering, “What does a coach do in a business leadership coach program?” you’ve come to the correct spot.
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· Strategic Vision Enhancement
An experienced coach serves as a guide, assisting you in polishing your work vision and coordinating your tactics with your objectives. A Business Leadership Coach Program makes sure that your career direction is clear and intentional. It is just like a network monitor that keeps your systems operating.
· Sharpening of Skills
A leadership coach helps you identify and improve your most important skills, much like they do when they adjust configurations for best network performance. They enhance your leadership skills, from decision-making ability to effective communication.
· Individualized Advice
Leaders are distinct in a world where all networks are distinct. A coach provides individualized tactics that align with your goals and style. This customizes their instruction to meet your specific needs.
The Impact on Your Professional Network
Attending a business coach program is an excellent way to strengthen your professional network in addition to personal development.
· Enhanced collaboration: A coach teaches you to take advantage of your team’s capabilities. They similarly promote collaborative leadership, similar to how a network monitor facilitates smooth cooperation.
· Effective Communication: A coach builds trust and comprehension by making sure your leadership communications are as transparent as a closely watched network signal.
In conclusion
If optimizing your career is on your agenda, consider a business coach program as your personal network performance monitor. This will ultimately guide you toward success with precision and purpose.
For more details about Power of Connection Dinner, Melbourne please visit our website: powerful-steps.com
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Discover Best PTE Training at Vision Language Experts
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In today's globalized world, language proficiency is a crucial skill that opens doors to numerous opportunities. Among the various language proficiency tests, the Pearson Test of English (PTE) has gained immense popularity for assessing the English language skills of non-native English speakers. Whether it is for study abroad, immigration purposes, or career advancement, achieving a high score in the PTE exam can significantly impact one's future prospects.
If you are seeking the best PTE training to prepare for the test and achieve your desired scores, look no further than Vision Language Experts. With its exceptional coaching, comprehensive study materials, and innovative online mock tests, Vision Language Experts is the go-to institute for PTE preparation in Sydney and Melbourne.
1. Why Choose Vision Language Experts?
1.1 Expert Faculty
At Vision Language Experts, we understand the significance of quality education. Therefore, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors who are experts in the English language and well-versed in the PTE exam pattern. Our faculty members are committed to providing personalized attention to each student and offer valuable insights and feedback to help them improve their language skills.
1.2 Interactive Learning Environment
We believe that learning should be an engaging and enjoyable process. That's why our PTE coaching classes are designed to be interactive, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment. Students are encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions, and practice their language skills in real-life scenarios.
1.3 Customized Study Plans
No two students have the same learning needs. Understanding this, we offer customized study plans tailored to individual strengths and weaknesses. Whether you need intensive coaching or a refresher course, our flexible study plans cater to all levels of proficiency.
1.4 State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Our well-equipped learning centers in Sydney and Melbourne are designed to facilitate a seamless learning experience. We provide access to modern classrooms, audio-visual aids, and a vast collection of study materials to enhance the learning process.
2. PTE Training in Sydney
2.1 Comprehensive Course Curriculum
Our PTE training in Sydney covers all aspects of the exam, including speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Our structured curriculum focuses on key areas that are frequently tested in the PTE exam, enabling students to build their language skills systematically.
2.2 Online PTE Mock Tests
To prepare our students for the actual PTE exam environment, we offer online PTE mock tests. These mock tests simulate the exam conditions, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the test format, time constraints, and question types. Additionally, detailed feedback on their performance helps students identify areas for improvement.
2.3 Flexibility of Learning Options
At Vision Language Experts, we understand the importance of flexibility for busy individuals. Apart from regular classroom coaching, we also offer online PTE coaching to accommodate students who cannot attend in-person classes. This flexibility ensures that no student is left behind in their pursuit of success.
3. PTE Coaching in Melbourne
3.1 Dedicated Writing and Speaking Sessions
In the PTE exam, the writing and speaking sections are crucial for scoring high. Our PTE coaching in Melbourne includes dedicated sessions to hone students' writing and speaking skills. From essay writing techniques to pronunciation practice, we provide comprehensive guidance for these sections.
3.2 Small Batch Sizes
To maintain the quality of instruction, we keep our batch sizes small. This enables our faculty to give personalized attention to each student, understand their individual challenges, and address them effectively.
3.3 Regular Progress Assessments
To track the progress of our students, we conduct regular assessments and mock tests. These evaluations help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus on specific areas that need improvement.
4. Online PTE Coaching
4.1 Learn from Anywhere
Our online PTE coaching offers the flexibility to learn from the comfort of your home or any location of your choice. This option is especially beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those living in remote areas.
4.2 Personalized Coaching Sessions
Despite being online, we maintain a personalized touch in our coaching sessions. Students can interact with their instructors, ask questions, and receive valuable feedback just like in a physical classroom.
4.3 Access to Online Study Materials
Students enrolled in our online PTE coaching program gain access to a vast repository of study materials, practice exercises, and sample tests. This extensive online resource empowers students to practice and refine their language skills at their own pace.
With the increasing demand for language proficiency in today's world, acing the PTE exam has become paramount. Vision Language Experts stands as a reliable and exceptional choice for PTE training, whether in Sydney, Melbourne or through our online coaching platform. Our expert faculty, interactive learning environment, customized study plans, and state-of-the-art infrastructure make us the best PTE training institute for students aspiring to succeed in the PTE exam. We take pride in our student's success and look forward to helping you achieve your language goals too. Enrol with Vision Language Experts today and unlock a world of opportunities through language proficiency.
Source: https://ptecoachingblacktown.blogspot.com/2023/08/discover-best-pte-training-at-vision.html
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