#career counsellor
graduatecoach · 3 days
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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shreekant-patil · 27 days
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careercounsellors · 1 month
Who are Career Counsellors, and what is their role?
In today's dynamic and competitive professional landscape, making informed career decisions is crucial. This is where career counsellors come into play. They are skilled professionals dedicated to guiding individuals through the intricate maze of career choices, aspirations, and opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of career counsellors, exploring who they are, what they do, and the invaluable role they play in shaping successful careers.
Defining Career Counsellors
What is Career Counselling?
Career counselling is a collaborative process between a trained counsellor and an individual seeking guidance in making informed career decisions. It involves self-assessment, exploration of career options, goal setting, and action planning.
Who are Career Counsellors?
Career counsellors are qualified professionals with expertise in career development, counselling, psychology, and education. They possess the skills and knowledge to assist individuals in identifying their strengths, interests, values, and career aspirations.
The Role of Career Counsellors
Conducting Assessments
Career counsellors utilise various assessment tools to evaluate an individual's interests, personality traits, aptitudes, and skills. These assessments provide valuable insights into career suitability and direction.
Career Exploration and Research
One of the primary roles of career counsellors is to facilitate career exploration and research. They help individuals explore diverse career options, research industries and job roles, and gather information on educational requirements, job outlook, and salary prospects.
Goal Setting and Action Planning
Career counsellors assist individuals in setting clear career goals aligned with their interests, values, and skills. They develop actionable plans, timelines, and strategies to achieve these goals, fostering a sense of direction and purpose.
Providing Guidance and Support
Career counsellors offer guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the career decision-making process. They address challenges, provide insights, and empower individuals to overcome obstacles and make informed choices.
Specialised Areas of Career Counselling
Career Change Counselling
For individuals considering a career change, career counsellors provide guidance on assessing transferable skills, exploring new industries, and navigating career transitions effectively.
Student Career Counselling
Career counsellors assist students in making informed decisions about their educational and career paths. They provide guidance on choosing college majors, exploring internships, and planning for future careers.
Executive Career Coaching
In the realm of executive career coaching, career counsellors work with senior-level professionals to enhance leadership skills, strategies career advancement, and navigate complex career challenges.
Benefits of Career Counselling
Informed Decision-Making
Career counselling enables individuals to make informed decisions about their careers based on self-awareness, exploration, and goal setting. It empowers them to choose paths that align with their strengths and aspirations.
Personal Development
Through career counselling, individuals experience personal growth, increased self-confidence, and enhanced interpersonal skills. They gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their potential.
Career Satisfaction and Fulfilment
By aligning career choices with personal values and interests, career counselling leads to greater career satisfaction, fulfilment, and long-term success.
How to Work with a Career Counsellor
Finding a Qualified Career Counsellor
To work effectively with a career counsellor, it's essential to find a qualified and experienced professional. Conduct research, check credentials, read reviews, and seek recommendations from trusted sources.
Initial Consultation
During the initial consultation, discuss your goals, expectations, and concerns with the career counsellor. Collaboratively assess your needs and outline a plan of action for the counselling process.
Active Participation and Collaboration
Actively participate in the counselling process and collaborate with the career counsellor. Be open to self-reflection, feedback, and exploration of new possibilities.
Career counsellors play a vital role in guiding individuals towards fulfilling and successful career paths. Their expertise, guidance, and support empower individuals to make informed decisions, navigate career challenges, and achieve their professional aspirations. Whether you're a student exploring career options, a professional considering a career change, or an executive seeking strategic career guidance, career counselling offers invaluable insights and opportunities for growth. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and career exploration with the support of a skilled career counsellor, and unlock your full potential in the professional world.
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brainpower12 · 2 months
Get the right career guidance with best career counseling in Pune
Finding the right career guidance with the best career counseling in Pune involves identifying reputable counseling services that align with your needs and preferences. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Research Counseling Services: Begin by researching counseling services in Pune that specialize in top career guidance in Pune. Look for providers with experienced counselors, positive reviews from clients, and a track record of success in helping individuals achieve their career goals.
Check Credentials: Verify the credentials and qualifications of the career counselors in Pune associated with each service. Look for counselors with relevant education, training, certifications, and memberships in professional counseling associations.
Explore Services Offered: Explore the range of services offered by each counseling provider. Look for comprehensive career assessment tools, personalized counseling sessions, and additional resources such as workshops, seminars, or online platforms.
Consider Specializations: Consider whether the counseling service specializes in specific industries, career stages, or demographic groups that are relevant to your needs. Some counselors may focus on particular fields such as technology, healthcare, or creative industries.
Schedule Consultations: Schedule initial consultation sessions with a few counseling providers to discuss your career goals, concerns, and expectations. Use this opportunity to assess the counselor’s approach, communication style, and compatibility with your needs.
Ask Questions: During the consultation, ask questions about the counselor’s experience, counseling process, assessment tools used, and success stories from previous clients. Clarify any doubts or concerns you may have about the counseling process.
Consider Cost and Accessibility: Consider the cost of counseling services and whether they fit within your budget. Additionally, evaluate factors such as the location of the counseling center, session duration, and availability of online or remote counseling options.
Seek Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have previously used career counseling services in Pune. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights and help you find trusted counseling providers.
By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can find the right career guidance with the best career counseling in Pune to support you in achieving your professional aspirations.
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theelegenceadvisor · 7 months
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careerbeacon1 · 11 months
Discover Your Path with Delhi’s Best Career Counsellor – Unlocking Clarity
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Unlocking clarity and success with Delhi's best career counsellor. Find your path and make informed decisions for a fulfilling future.
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tbmpl · 1 year
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Personalized Career Counselling
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champbuddysworld · 1 year
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Why Career Counselling Lucknow Is Important
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We all know the importance of instructions. Imagine someone telling you to leave home and drive without instructions. With this set of information, it is most likely that you will not be able to navigate yourself or manage time and speed. Now imagine the same person telling you to get out of the house and drive to a destination that tells you to arrive on time. In the first case where no definite direction or time is given, you will probably take a route that you are interested in and have less traffic (more scope) but it will be useless to travel regardless of the destination finally this Turned out that the path taken was not conducive.
The point is that it is always advisable to get a clear understanding of the direction based on your strengths and weaknesses.
Here are some benefits that emphasize the importance of career counselling
Career direction
Starting at the school level, students may be encouraged to take the right subjects, extracurricular activities, and credentials that complement the individual's skills and talents. This direction not only helps you to discover your great strengths but also guides you to work on them and most importantly to use them to your advantage. Choosing the right topics or disciplines to guide your career is the first step and choosing the right and wise one is the first advantage of the career counselling Lucknow process.
Strengths and weaknesses
A human being is born with different skills and talents. Although this means that the same person can sing and count numbers while enjoying the game with friends, it is important to know which of these activities your strong point in comparison is. A very common mistake many students make is to work on the weakest aspects of their talent and intelligence. This may lead to a temporary gain or an acquired skill set, but it may not match the superiority of a referendum power with another person's same skill set. By categorizing all human abilities into skills and intelligence, free career counsellor can help you rank them from strong to weak.
Job satisfaction
We have all heard of people who have completed a certain degree and started working in the corporate world, who are earning well but are not happy with the profile and job responsibilities. You may have heard of words like poor work-life balance, inadequate pay, favorable work environment, and bad company policies. Has Sachin Tendulkar or Amitabh Bachchan complained about this despite working awkward hours and being away from family? The only reason is that they love their job and are passionate and talented to advance in the profession. A well-planned career can help you find something like this.
Entrance Examination and Eligibility
With eligibility criteria, entrance exams, and country deadlines in careers, colleges, universities, courses, and every combination, it's a difficult and arduous task for you to know everything. A career counselor can not only help you with the above but also make a list of the thousands of available options to suit your needs. This means you can create a ready-made plan and focus energy on your performance.
Get a deeper understanding of career
When choosing a career you also need to understand the roles and responsibilities after starting professional life. Sometimes, education, fame, or money creates interest in a student's career and it can be disastrous if pursued. Another aspect to cover during a career counselling Lucknow session is to know in advance.
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Career Counsellor - Mindler
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graduatecoach · 10 days
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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careeanomicsd · 2 years
Considering the world’s dynamic scearios, interdisciplinary education has become a pre-requisite. Liberal Arts includes a diverse mix of subjects from various disciplines including humanities, sciences, commerce, and technology. Being a course of vast diversity, Liberal Arts has the potential to provide an arsenal of transferable skills that prove useful across a range of industries. These include verbal and written communication skills, critical thinking skills, creativity, problem solving, and more. Liberal Arts as a degree has also proven essential in unlocking the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
With the limitless scope that the degree carries, it precisely focuses on interdisciplinary learning that connects math to literature, language to science.
A career in Liberal arts is a lucrative one, mainly because it trains an individual with the technical as well as the academic knowledge base to excel in whatever field they pick and simultaneously elevate their knowledge base and skill set. Liberal Arts gives the flexibility to design your own degree according to your area of interest.
Some prominent job titles after pursuing this degree –
CopyWriter, Journalist,
Professor, Lecturer, Teacher,
Communications Executive,
Public Relations Officer,
Marketing Professional
PATHWAY to Liberal Arts
The Liberal Arts Pathway is designed for students wishing to gain general education to apply towards an associate of arts or bachelor's degree in one of the Liberal Arts disciplines. A liberal arts degree prepare an individual for hundreds of careers!
Some big names recruiting after the attainment of the Liberal Arts Degree include -
Deloitte, BCG, McKinsey & Company, EY, Bloomberg Quint, Max Healthcare, HDFC AMC, TCS Consulting, ITC Hotels, Federal Bank and many more.
Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination in any discipline are eligible to pursue this course.
Candidates who have passed Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts can pursue master's degree in Liberal Arts in Indian and foreign universities.
SAT/ACT Scores are optional however, beneficial.
Ashoka University, Haryana is a pioneer in its focus on providing a liberal education at par with the best in the world. Students enrolled at Ashoka University can choose their Major from a total of 20 pure or interdisciplinary options.
Flame University, Pune owns an educational philosophy which is rooted in the concept of liberal education, a system of instruction that transcends the artificial divisions that exist between disciplines and unmasks the underlying unity of all knowledge.
Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Christ University, Bengaluru
Hansraj College, New Delhi
Madras Christian College, Chennai
Azim Premji University, Bengaluru
St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai
Symbiosis College Of Arts and Commerce, Pune
Apeejay Stya University
A successful career requires the right career guidance and to continually develop skills and understanding often in areas that aren’t one’s specialty and Liberal Arts is the only go-to-strategy.
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icscareergps · 2 years
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im in a dilemma like idk what i wanna be when im older
i wanna be a detective/some law related job but i also wanna be an architecture but i also wanna be a fashion designer but i also wanna be a graphic designer but i also wanna be an author???
detective cos i like the thrill of the entire job
architecture cos i like designing + wanna design my dream englidh cottage house (with a whole seperate room for my books 🤩)
fashion designer cos i like designing and id like to have my own clothing brand n make some ballgowns for fun (i have a thing for historical gowns 😞)
graphic designer cos i like designing (yall i think i like designing idk if its obvious but 😋)
idek why i wanna be an author i js do
spot the odd one out: job edition (SUPER HARD 😰😰😰😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯)
you just like me when i was younger i wanted to be all of these minus the fashion designer but just sth to do with arts bc i was good at it😭
LMAO since you like designing so much, you should def pick sth that's got to do with designing but only if you can handle your hobby becoming your profession (its why i ditched arts) (im lying my parents made me pick science but i dont regret that decision im pretty sure i would have hated my field if i went into arts)
if you can handle your hobby becoming what you do for a job for the rest of your life, all well and good! architecture is a good option, pays well, graphic designer is also a very good option if you're very original with your ideas plus graphic designers are always in demand you just gotta ✨stand out✨ and make your name in both of these
fashion designing is gonna be tough bc it's hard to get into the industry and i haven't seen many people who didn't switch their job bc they couldn't settle down but if you think you got the guts and the ambition?? and you like it?? go for it
detective/law really depends where you live and your society/environment. it's not a bad option at all but i think you gotta consider these factors. detective was my dream job but i gave up bc there's not much to do where i live so yeah that's all the advice i can give, hope it was helpful!
who knows? you might end up somewhere else entirely and love it. just floww with the goo 😌
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careerbeacon1 · 1 year
Best Career Counsellor in Delhi - Expert Guidance for Success
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Unlock your potential with the best career counsellor in Delhi. Receive expert guidance and personalized strategies for a successful and fulfilling career journey.
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