#career change advice melbourne
graduatecoach · 3 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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everythingbap · 6 months
Bang Yongguk Reddit AMA Part 1
A/N: translations may have inaccuracies. Part 2 here!
Hey guys! This is BANG YONGGUK, back again for another round of AMA with you 💪
I’m off to my world tour, BANG YONGGUK ‘III’ THE US TOUR 2024 very soon.
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Ask me anything, and I’ll try my best to answer all of your questions!
Don’t forget to grab your tickets for our tour if you're in the US!
04/05 BROOKLYN🎟️ https://livemu.sc/4a0bdrG
04/07 LOUISVILLE🎟️ https://bit.ly/49TB9VU
04/09 CHICAGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/432IrV6
04/12 ORLANDO🎟️ https://bit.ly/48Di5Kx
04/14 DALLAS🎟️ https://livemu.sc/3wxC5AT
04/17 HOUSTON🎟️ https://bit.ly/3T6x2yS
04/19 PHOENIX🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TlTNQL
04/21 LAS VEGAS🎟️ https://bit.ly/4c2SmhG
04/23 SACRAMENTO🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TmZYnM
04/26 SAN DIEGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/431DPyE
04/28 LOS ANGELES🎟️ https://bit.ly/3V9LCZr
Meet & Greet🎟️ https://mmt.fans/bwkW
Also, stay tuned for my latest album, [3], releasing March 31st!
I’m always active on socials. Follow me to stay tuned for cool performances and more music!
Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/bangstergram/]
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/BAP_Bangyongguk]
Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@bangyg]
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I've been a fan of you since you've been in B.A.P, and I have been supporting you ever since! Congratulations on having another world tour, I wish I could see you perform live one day though. I have a few questions though.
1- How fun was it to produce and create your upcoming album? 2- Do you have any advice for getting through the day when things are stressful? 3- Are there any songs from your career that you wish you could've went back and remade?
Thank you so much for being a part of my life and thank you for your hard work. I hope your upcoming world tour goes well!
BYG: 크레에이티브 디렉터로 다시 복귀할 수 있어서 이번 앨범은 과정은 힘들었지만 즐거웠던 것 같아요. 스트레스는 내가 무시하는 것 중 하나야. 가만히 명상해보자. 리메이크 가능하다면 내 첫 정규앨범 BANGYONGGUK을 리믹스해서 LP로 만들고 싶네. I think it was hard but fun to be back as creative director for this album. Stress is among the things I ignore. Let's try and meditate. If a remake were possible, I'd like to remix my first album BANGYONGGUK and make it into an LP.
BABY: Hiiiii! Could you please sing Going Crazy or 4:AM at your tour? I know it’s difficult the second one, but how do you feel about it now?
BYG: 아마 감정적으로는 힘들겠지만 4:44를 부를수 있을 것 같아요. It's probably hard emotionally, but I think I could sing AM 4:44.
BABY: 오빠 행복하세요? ❤️ Oppa, are you happy? ❤️
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BABY: Hello Yongguk!! Who are your favorite artists at the moment? Do you have any recommendations?
And do you plan on doing a Latam tour?
BYG: 몇 년째 계획만 되고 있네. 나 언제 시작할 수 있을까? I've only been planning for years. When can I start?
BABY: 꼭 해보고 싶었고 지금까지 해볼 수 없었던 일이 있을까용? Is there something you really wanted to do until now but couldn't?
BYG: 언제까지 가능할지 모르지만 아직까진 나는 항상 100% 노력했어요. I don't know how long something is possible, but so far I've always tried 100%.
BABY: And you have great fingernails, how do you take care of them??? My nails are terrible 😭
BYG: 손톱을 사랑해주세요. Please love your fingernails.
BABY: Hi! I've been a BABY since 2012 and I've loved listening to your solo music, I'm so excited for the new album!
What's your favorite part of touring? Is there anything that's hard about it?
BYG: 도시마다 색 다른 분위기를 느끼는 걸 좋아해요. 몸은 힘들지만 무대 위에서 여러분을 만날때 그걸 잊어버리는 것 같네요. I like feeling the different atmospheres of each city. It's tiring, but when I meet you all on stage, it seems I forget about that.
BABY: hi yongguk!! i've been a fan of B.A.P since debut and i honestly think B.A.P in Melbourne (2016) was the best concert i've ever been to!! it was my first as well :)
i'd like to ask, are there any scents that u're attached to? i.e. hold sentimental value or something that just improves your mood 😊
good luck w ur tour !!
BYG: 응 나는 바디로션과 향수 냄새를 오랫동안 바꾸지 않았는데 이건 집착에 일부인가 봐. Yeah, I haven't changed the scent of my body lotion and perfume in a long time, but it must be part of an obsession.
BABY: Hello Yongguk!
What song of yours do you find most difficult to perform? (Physically and/or emotionally).
I hope you have a great tour ♥️
BYG: AM 4:44
BABY: Hi Yongguk, your music has helped me a lot through tough times. Thank you for being you and for sharing your lovely self with the world through your music! 💫❤️‍🔥
I just want to ask, what advice would you give to other aspiring artists and musicians?
BYG: 스스로에게 계속 도전하세요. 누군가의 조언 보다 스스로의 목소리에 귀 기울이세요. 예술은 A.I가 대체할 수 없을 거라고 생각해. 널 알아봐 줄 1명의 팬만 있다면 성공한 거야. 힘내고 사랑하자. Keep challening yourself. Listen to your own voice instead of someone else's advice. I don't think AI can replace art. If you have even just one fan who recognizes you, you're a success. Let's cheer up and love each other.
BABY: What is your favourite Emoji you like best?
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BABY: 미국에 가기전에 한국에서 마지막 식사로 뭐 먹을까여?ㅋㅋㅋ What should I eat for my last meal in Korea before I go to the U.S.? Hehe
BYG: 라면? Ramyeon?
BABY: If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you choose?
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BABY: Yongguk! What’s your comfort tv show? <3
BYG: 날 위한 쇼는 내가 직접 만들어야할것 같아. 나 잘 알잖아요? I think I have to make a show for myself. You know me well, right?
BABY: hello Yongguk!! i wish you the best for your tour! i was wondering if you had any future collabs planned 👀 ty!
BYG: 여름에 새로운 프로젝트를 기획하고 있네? I have plans for a new project in summer?
BABY: Hi! Thank you for doing an AMA! Do you do anything special to take care of your voice while you tour?
BYG: 아마 투어가 시작되면 열심히 뜨거운 차를 마셔야 할꺼야. I should probably drink a lot of hot tea when my tour starts.
BABY: What is something on your bucket list?
BYG: 여름에 알게 될 거예요. You'll find out in summer.
BABY: What superpower would you love to have?
BYG: 시공간을 조종하고 싶네요. I want to manipulate time and space.
BABY: yongguk, you’ve been my biggest inspiration for the longest time who is your inspiration in music or do you just go with your own vibe these days?
BYG: 최근에는 월드투어가 큰 영감을 줬던 것 같네요? I think the world tour has been a big inspiration lately?
BABY: 안녕 방용국 오빠 ! Hello Bang Yongguk-oppa !
Do you have any plans in the future to film another documentary like "Something to Talk About?"
It would be interesting to see your progression as a person and as an artist since 2019!
감사합니다! 💚 Thank you! 💚
BYG: 새로운 다큐멘터리를 보게 된다면 아마 3-4년은 걸릴 거예요. I think it will probably take around 3-4 years to see a new documentary.
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Excited for your tour. What's one song you always look forward to performing on stage?
BYG: 5번트랙 Track number 5
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Are there any new genres of music you would like to try or have tried and really liked?
BYG: 이번 앨범 재미있었어. 나오면 꼭 들어봐요. This album was fun. Take listen right when it comes out.
BABY: Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm excited for your new album. You're an amazing artist who deserves the world. Also, I can't wait to see you in Sacramento <3. Thank you for touring.
Question: Which song is your favorite out of all the songs you've released?
I miss you 💚
BYG: 2 이후라면 이번 앨범이 될 것 같아요. If it's after 2, I think it'll be this album.
BABY: Hi!!! What song are you excited to perform on your tour?
BYG: 새 앨범 모든 노래를 부를 예정이야. I'm going to sing all the songs from my new album.
BABY: Hello greetings from Mexico. There is a small possibility of having a concert of yours this year in Latin America.
BYG: Movimiento는 라틴 아메리카 투어를 위해 작업한 곡 입니다. Movimiento is a song I worked on for Latin America.
BABY: hiii, i'm really curious about what's your favorite moment while you're producing a new song or overall a new ep/album? i love you and i'm really excited bc '3' :)
BYG: 발매 직전! Right before the release!
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BABY: Hi Yongguk! Love you loads! How has making music and composing melodies changed since writing and composing for a group to being solo? Would you say it's harder?
BYG: 그룹보다 혼자 부르는 곡을 만드는 게 더 쉽네요. 생각보다 그룹 음악은 오랜 시간 그 노래를 부를 친구들을 위해 고민해야 할 시간이 필요하니까. It's easier to make songs I sing alone than with a group. I need to worry about the songs that my friends will sing for a long time.
BABY: Can you recommend a “new ramen“ to try? (Not shin) 😄
BYG: 진 Jin
BABY: There is EP 2, and now EP 3. Where is EP 1?
Is there anything to keep you motivated to work & be productive? 
BYG: 1은 제 자신을 의미합니다 1 means myself
BABY: Hello Yongguk! I hope you are having a good day! Since you are Starting a new tour soon! I had some questions that i would love to ask you from last tour if its possible!
1- When you were in Lisbon, what did you liked the most? Would you go back if it was possible? 2- What is the most memorable memory of the "Colors of Bang" Tour?
BYG: 포르투갈 와인은 특별하다. 그리고 너희들 정말 열정적이었어. 다시 만나고 싶네요. Portuguese wine is special. And you all were very passionate. I want to meet you again.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! Thank you for doing this AMA! My question for you is:
Do you have any regrets in your career? What would you change if you could start all over again?
I've been a fan of you and B.A.P since debut! Stay healthy and happy! Love you lots! 💚
BYG: 지금까지 해온 모든일들은 내 자신을 위한 특별한 순간들이였어요. 절대 후회하지 않아요. Everything I've done has been a special moment for myself. I never regret it.
BABY: Will come to Canada? Please, please come to Toronto!!!!!
BYG: 내 계획 중에 캐나다도 다시 방문해야 할 곳이에요. Canada is one of the places I need to plan to visit again.
BABY: i have such a strong memory of the day “no mercy” came out & watching the MV at university. i also went straight from my college graduation to go see B.A.P in concert😂 thank you for bringing me so many great memories over the years! i hope you’re doing well🙂
is there any song that when you listen, reminds you of a specific time in your life - good or bad?
BYG: 요즘 봄이 오니까 Carnival 앨범 생각 많이 나네요 These days with spring coming, I think about our album Carnival a lot
BABY: 이번 앨범이 내 최애앨범 될 것 같음…😍 I think this album will be my favorite...😍
BYG: 음악적으로 나도 그런 것 같아. Musically speaking, I would agree.
BABY: Hi king💚👑~~ As a Tunisian🇹🇳 Baby, I want to ask if you consider adding "North Africa" to your world tour list in the future! And yes love you and good luck for "3" I can't wait for it 🥹💚🔥
BYG: 모로코는 내 촬영지 후보 중 하나였어. 공연으로 북아프리카는 꼭 방문해보고 싶네요. Morocco was one of the candidates for a shooting site. I really want to visit North Africa for a performance.
BABY: I remember you once asked us if we prefer "The old BANG YONGGUK" or "Today's BANG YONGGUK". Does this have something to do with your comeback? Maybe a change of your music style ? What was your inspiration this time?
BYG: 내가 싫어하던 것들을 이번 앨범에 다 해본 것 같아. I think for this album I tried out everything I used to dislike.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I’ve been a fan for quite a few years now, I hope everything is well with you and I wish you luck on your tour 🫶🏻
My question is, what is one song that is on repeat for you right now?
BYG: 새 앨범 노래들인데 가사가 잘 안 외워지네. 가사를 내가 쓰더라도 그건 다른 문제네요. When it's songs from a new album, the lyrics won't get in [my head] well. If I write the lyrics myself, it's a different matter.
BABY: How do you decide who to feature in your songs?
BYG: 그들의 음악을 오랫동안 듣고 어울리는 새 곡을 만들기 위해 노력하는 것 같아요. I think I listen to their music for a long time and try to make a song that fits them.
BABY: How did you feel when you were filming for NUMB? I'm afraid of heights. Seeing you near the edge of the cliff scared me 😅 I think NUMB will be my favorite ❤️
BYG: 그곳은 numb라는 노래를 위한 최적의 장소였어. That place was the best location for the song numb.
BABY: How many songs from BYG III album will you be singing for the tour?
BYG: 모두 All of them
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wool-f · 8 months
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Hello friends,
I’m back for 2024, for the thirtieth year of my life, to continue sharing my thoughts, imaginings, hopes, dreams, goals and advice with you all (you all being whoever comes across this blog and reads it).
As always, I began the year making my list of 100 things I want to do/achieve/create in the next 12 months, and this year I’m feeling particularly positive about the list.
I know culturally, turning 30 is a scary moment, particularly for women. It symbolizes this weird juncture between adulthood and the checklist of things we should have achieved by this age – marriage, children, a career, home ownership and more. All the things we pressure women into doing perfectly and all at once, with very little grace granted when we don’t have at least two of these things.
I’m here to confess, I’m in the first job of my potential future career, I don’t have a boyfriend, let alone a husband or a child and I am definitely nowhere near home ownership as a solo buyer (in this economy? Please). Does any of this scare or bother me? No – not even a little bit.
While on paper, it looks as though I have been faffing around in my 20s having a great old time, behaving in a way that some people would consider “wasting my time”, I have enjoyed the past decade so much and I wouldn’t change it for anything.  
I have two degrees, I’ve studied abroad twice, completed an internship in Indonesia with an amazing organization out of Melbourne, I’ve travelled A LOT, I’ve been in love (silly by me but here we are), I’ve danced with my friends, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried and I’ve had one too many drinks on a number of occasions. I’ve lived with friends, I’ve moved back into my parent’s house. I’ve made life-long friends and lost friends who I thought would be with me forever. I’ve read hundreds of books, watched movies and heard so many songs for the first time. Most importantly, I’ve made memories with my loved ones and enjoyed my life.
I don’t regret any of my mistakes, I’ve had fun.
This life has so far been a privilege to live in more ways than one. I’m luckier than most people living and I am extremely cognisant of this fact, particularly at a time when the world is in such a dire state of affairs, to say the least.
I do however, think it’s important to say that I’ve loved it here. There are many things that make me wonder how the world can possibly keep turning but then I look at my grandparents, my friends, the moments we have spent together and laughed, and I know why.
A friend of mine posted a video recently, saying she was freaking out about turning 30 this year, and I can relate to the looming feeling of dread that often comes with a “big birthday” like this and truly up until recently I felt the same way.
All of the things I’ve already written about enjoying life and having gratitude for the beautiful moments in it are true, but I am not immune to feeling pressure or like I’ve somehow fallen behind because I haven’t achieved the things that I am expected to have done.
Over the last six months many things have happened that have given me pause to really reevaluate the importance of being present to enjoy the moment and focus on what kind of life I want to lead and the people I want around me.
I have come to the conclusion that I’m not scared of turning 30, or as media and beauty industry conglomerates would want me to be, of aging or getting older. These occurrences are privileges that many people are denied. I’m lucky to be here and have decided to fully commit to treating every single day in that fashion.  
Here’s to getting old and enjoying it (however I will still be colouring the greys out of my hair forever more xx)
May 2024 be the most free, successful and joyous that I have ever been, and if you’ve gotten to the end of this post, may yours be too.
As always, love you all and have a great week.
G xx
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Moving Interstate in Australia: What You Need to Know
If you’re considering relocating interstate in Australia, you’re not alone. With its diverse landscapes and vibrant cities, Australia is a country where moving from one state to another can be both an exciting and challenging experience. Moving Interstate Australia Whether you’re moving for work, family, or a change of scenery, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.
Why Consider an Interstate Move?
Australia’s vast size and varying climates offer unique opportunities and lifestyles in different states. Moving interstate can provide:
Career Opportunities: Different states offer various job markets and career opportunities. For example, Sydney and Melbourne are known for finance and creative industries, while Perth offers prospects in mining and energy sectors.
Lifestyle Changes: From the bustling urban life of Brisbane to the relaxed coastal lifestyle of Adelaide, each state offers distinct living experiences.
Educational and Health Services: Access to different educational institutions and healthcare services can also be a driving factor in relocating.
Planning Your Interstate Move
1. Research and Preparation
Choose Your Destination: Research your new city or state to understand the local job market, housing options, schools, and amenities.
Budgeting: Calculate moving costs, including packing, transport, and any potential additional fees. A detailed budget will help you avoid unexpected expenses.
2. Hire a Professional Removalist
When moving interstate, hiring a professional removalist can make the process much easier. Look for a company that specializes in interstate moves and offers services such as:
Packing and Unpacking: Professional removalists can handle the packing and unpacking of your belongings, ensuring everything is securely transported.
Insurance: Ensure the removalist provides insurance options to protect your goods during transit.
Storage Solutions: Some companies offer temporary storage if there’s a gap between moving out and moving in.
For reliable interstate removal services, check out Australian Express Removals, a leading provider known for their efficient and comprehensive moving solutions.
3. Update Your Address
Notify Relevant Parties: Inform utility providers, banks, and other essential services of your change of address.
Redirect Mail: Arrange for mail redirection with Australia Post to ensure you don’t miss any important correspondence.
4. Settling Into Your New Home
Explore Your New Area: Take some time to get familiar with your new neighborhood, including local shops, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Register for Local Services: Update your details with local councils and register for any new services you might need.
Tips for a Smooth Interstate Move
Start Early: Begin planning and packing well in advance to reduce stress as your moving date approaches.
Label Boxes: Clearly label your boxes by room and content to make unpacking easier.
Keep Essentials Accessible: Pack a separate box with essential items you’ll need immediately, such as toiletries, important documents, and a change of clothes.
Final Thoughts
Moving interstate in Australia can be a seamless experience with the right preparation and professional help. Moving Interstate Australia By researching your new location, budgeting carefully, and hiring a reliable removalist like Australian Express Removals, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new home.
For more tips and expert advice on moving, visit Australian Express Removals, where you’ll find comprehensive resources to assist you every step of the way.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
AI-powered NLP enhances legal aid at Justice Connect
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-powered-nlp-enhances-legal-aid-at-justice-connect/
AI-powered NLP enhances legal aid at Justice Connect
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Australian non-profit Justice Connect, dedicated to providing legal assistance to disadvantaged individuals and advocating for social justice, has integrated natural language processing (NLP) technology to enhance its operations and extend its reach.
NLP, a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on enabling computers to understand human language, has been pivotal in increasing the organization’s efficiency and helping more people access crucial legal support.
Extensive network and mission
Justice Connect collaborates with over 10,000 pro bono lawyers, aiding thousands of individuals annually with issues ranging from housing and employment disputes to elder abuse and family violence. The organization also offers practical legal resources online and advocates for systemic changes to unjust laws.
However, categorizing and assessing each unique case to provide the most effective assistance was historically a time-consuming manual task. This changed with the involvement of Professor Timothy Baldwin, an expert in large language models (LLMs) and a Melbourne Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne, who saw the potential for an NLP-based solution to streamline these efforts.
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Recognizing inefficiencies
Tom O’Doherty, Head of Innovation at Justice Connect, recognized inefficiencies in the organization’s digital intake tool, leading to unnecessary resource expenditure and delays in service delivery. “Our mission is to provide essential legal advice to Australia’s most vulnerable populations,” he explained, emphasizing the importance of maintaining efficient and effective systems.
Professor Baldwin, also a Professor of NLP at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), contributed his expertise in high-impact LLM products to this initiative. They developed and integrated NLP models with Justice Connect, yielding significant positive outcomes.
Training the model
Justice Connect collected anonymized data from their intake tool to train the NLP-based solution. They created a ‘tagging game’ where legal partners tagged and categorized legal requests, refining the data to teach the model to triage casework. This supervised learning process resulted in the tool effectively understanding various legal queries and directing them to appropriate solutions.
The impact of this integration over the past year has been substantial, with a 50% reduction in incomplete entries and a 10% increase in service delivery efficiency. This improvement has allowed Justice Connect to assist people more quickly and accurately, with positive feedback from paralegals noting the ease of dealing with cases referred by the AI tool.
Future expansion
Encouraged by these results, Justice Connect is expanding and enhancing the system’s functionality to further refine user segmentation and self-help legal advice available on its website.
It also envisions developing an open API for other non-profits in Australia to adopt similar technologies, fostering broader social justice advancements.
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brodydalle-archive · 3 months
The newly-solo artist talks Cyndi Lauper, Swedish pancakes and coffee
The newly-solo artist talks Cyndi Lauper, Swedish pancakes and coffee
First record you ever bought Cyndi Lauper’s She’s So Unusual.
Last extravagant purchase you made My ‘Stand and Deliver’ studded leather jacket.
First film you saw that really moved you Betty Blue changed my life. I saw the uncut three-hour director’s cut when I was 17. It blew my mind. I saw The Exorcist at my babysitter’s when I was five and then every horror movie in the video store by the time I was eight, which led to seances with Scrabble pieces and a glass upside down.
Last lie you told I told my son Ryder that the Easter bunny hops around and hides chocolate eggs for kids to find and maybe a toy firetruck too.
First movie you ever went on a date to Bowling for Columbine with Joshua [Homme, her husband and lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age]. The whole experience was extremely intense.
Last time you cried On tour in Australia a couple of times – I was overwhelmed and exhausted.
First thing you do when you’ve got time off work Spend time with my kids and my husband, or if I’m on tour, go for a run.
Last great meal you cooked I made my kids Swedish pancakes this morning. It’s my momma-in-law’s recipe but I got ’em down pretty good. They’re freaking delicious. Served with strawberries, bacon and maple syrup.
First crush Bill Murray in Ghostbusters.
Last book you read Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer.
First great piece of advice you were given My grandmother told me she doesn’t believe the saying ‘You make your bed, you lie in it’. She told me you get out and make it again. I loved that.
Last time you were star struck I don’t.
First thing you’d do if you ran the country Delete Monsanto.
Last meal on earth – what would it be? My dad’s spaghetti bolognese. My mum’s salad, chicken wings and sticky date cake. My nanna’s custard.
First song you’ll sing at karaoke Madonna – ‘Holiday’.
Last time you exploited your position to get something I’m not that famous.
First time you realised you were famous When paparazzi took photos of me in London when The Distillers were at the peak of our career.
Last time someone criticised your work Who cares?
First three words your friends would use to describe you My husband said ‘Sexy, badass and stubborn’.
Last time you made an impulse buy and regretted it Yesterday, Ralph Lauren wedges for Coachella, toe crushers.
First concert you ever attended Cyndi Lauper at the Melbourne tennis center. My dad took me – it was incredible.
Last time you bought someone flowers My girlfriend Amaryllis – she had had a bad day and I wanted to cheer her up.
First object you’d save from your burning home Photos.
Last funny thing you saw online Mark Gormley – ‘Without You’.
First job McDonald’s – you can’t wash that smell off your skin.
Last person you fantasised about My husband.
First word you spoke Mum.
Last crime you committed I stole a bunch of chocolate bars from a milk bar in Melbourne years ago.
First song at your (potential) wedding ‘Let’s Dance’ – David Bowie.
Last song at your funeral ‘Sleepwalk’ by Santo and Johnny.
First person you’d thank in an award acceptance speech Brandy Blake.
Last thing you recommended to someone Psychiatric evaluation.
First thing you think of when you wake up in the morning My French press coffee maker.
Last thing you think of before you go to sleep My French press coffee maker.
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modelsmelbourne · 6 months
Why Joining a Talent Agency Can Boost Your Career in the Model Industry
In the vast world of fashion and modelling, every aspiring model dreams of making it big, strutting down runways, gracing the covers of magazines, and becoming a household name. Yet, in such a competitive landscape, navigating the industry can be daunting. This is where the importance of Talent Agency in Melbourne comes into play. These agencies serve as the gateway to success, offering a plethora of opportunities and resources to help models thrive in an ever-evolving industry.
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1. Guidance and Representation:
One of the most significant advantages of joining a Talent Agency is the expert guidance and representation they provide. These agencies have seasoned professionals who understand the ins and outs of the industry, offering invaluable advice on everything from portfolio development to brand partnerships. With their expertise, they can help you navigate the complex world of modelling with confidence, ensuring that you make informed decisions that propel your career forward.
2. Access to Exclusive Opportunities:
In the fiercely competitive world of modelling, access is everything. Talent Agencies have extensive networks and connections within the industry, giving their models access to exclusive opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. Whether it's landing a coveted spot in a high-profile fashion show or securing a lucrative endorsement deal, being represented by an agency opens doors that may have seemed impossible to unlock on your own.
3. Professional Development:
Success in the modelling industry isn't just about having the right look; it's also about honing your craft and continuously improving your skills. Talent Agencies understand the importance of professional development and offer resources to help their models grow and evolve. From workshops and training sessions to personalised coaching, these agencies invest in the development of their talent, ensuring that they remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape.
4. Negotiation Power:
When it comes to securing contracts and negotiating deals, having a Talent Agency Melbourne in your corner can make all the difference. These agencies have experienced negotiators who understand the value of your talent and can advocate on your behalf to ensure that you get the compensation and treatment you deserve. Whether it's negotiating rates for a photoshoot or reviewing the terms of a contract, having a skilled negotiator on your side can protect your interests and maximise your earning potential.
5. Exposure and Visibility:
In the age of social media and digital marketing, visibility is key to success in the modelling industry. Talent Agencies have the resources and expertise to elevate your profile and increase your exposure to potential clients and opportunities. From strategic marketing campaigns to networking events and industry parties, these agencies work tirelessly to ensure that their models are seen and recognised by the right people, helping them build a strong personal brand and expand their reach.
6. Industry Insights and Trends:
Staying ahead of the curve is essential in the fast-paced world of fashion and modelling. Talent Agencies keep a pulse on the latest industry trends and insights, providing their models with valuable information that can inform their career decisions. Whether it's identifying emerging designers to collaborate with or anticipating shifts in consumer preferences, staying informed allows models to position themselves strategically and capitalise on new opportunities as they arise.
7. Emotional Support and Mentorship
Navigating the highs and lows of a modelling career can be emotionally taxing, but with the right support system in place, models can weather any storm. Talent Agencies not only provide professional guidance but also offer emotional support and mentorship to their talent. Whether it's dealing with rejection, managing stress, or maintaining a healthy work-life balance, having someone in your corner who understands the unique challenges of the industry can make all the difference in your success and well-being.
In conclusion, joining a Talent Agency Melbourne is a strategic move for any aspiring model looking to break into the industry or advance their career. From expert guidance and representation to access to exclusive opportunities and professional development resources, these agencies offer a wide range of benefits that can significantly boost your chances of success. So, if you're serious about making it big in the world of modelling, consider partnering with a Talent Agency like Brooklyn Management and unlock your full potential.
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odixcare · 8 months
Disability Jobs Victoria
Disability support workers provide personal care and help people to build their confidence, skills, and social connections. They also assist them with daily activities, such as going shopping or to the movies. They also take them on excursions or to community events.
Applicants must show that they are professionally competent. This includes having tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline. They also need to provide proof of insurance.
Public sector
The Andrews Labor Government is committed to making the public sector an employer of choice for people with disability jobs Victoria, and to ensuring the right job matches the skills of each person. Public service departments and managers have an important role to play, through policies and positive leadership.
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing offers a range of employment opportunities, including traineeships and the graduate recruitment and development scheme. We also offer work experience and internship programs for secondary and tertiary students. We provide disability-specific training and support for employees, and information about reasonable workplace adjustments.
Child protection practitioners investigate reports of harm to children, and there are a variety of entry level roles available. Housing services officers help people with disability access affordable and safe housing. And forensic disability services work to support people who are involved in the criminal justice system. These roles provide a diverse range of challenges and opportunities, and can be highly rewarding.
Private sector
There are a number of barriers to people with disability entering the workforce. These include prejudice, lack of awareness, and the difficulty of navigating workplace adjustment processes. These are issues that can be addressed through training and the development of policy. The policies should be linked with anti-discrimination legislation on the grounds of disability.
The public sector has a strong role to play in driving change and implementing Getting to Work. Government departments are required to prepare and implement EEO management plans, lodge them annually and report on their progress to the Public Service Commission.
It’s important to have policies in place that encourage the private sector to engage with disability employment programs. These policies should be based on the principles of inclusion, equality, and flexibility. They should also focus on fostering a culture of inclusion. This will help to create a diverse and inclusive workplace that benefits all employees. In addition, it will increase productivity and profitability by attracting the most skilled workers.
NDS CareCareers
The NDS CareCareers Victorian Workforce Promotion Project aims to promote the opportunities for employment within the disability sector in Melbourne and its surrounding areas. This includes developing and disseminating information, networking and advocacy on operational and wider policy issues concerning disability workforce, including the NDIS.
The project also supports NDS members to recruit and retain quality staff. It provides resources for disability workers in a variety of sectors, including community care and residential settings. It offers advice on the NDIS remuneration model, the portable long service benefits scheme and the new Disability Worker Commission check process. It also outlines support worker requirements and provides tips for working with people with disability.
NDS is a member of the Ticket to Work network, which is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The network focuses on improving transition outcomes for young people with disability. It uses Kohler’s key principles of best practice transition and a strong emphasis on career development and employment first.
Explore disability careers
A job in disability support can be rewarding for people with a variety of skill sets and experience. The job focuses on helping people with disabilities live life to the fullest. The role offers a range of opportunities for advancement and provides many benefits, including excellent salary packaging and flexible working arrangements.
There are a number of ways to work in the disability sector, including traineeships, graduate recruitment and development schemes, and advertised roles. The government is also investing in programs that help people with disability prepare for work, develop job skills, and build confidence.
Many organisations provide training for people with disabilities, which is an excellent way to start a new career or change your existing one. This includes the Job Access Centre, which offers free advice and assistance for jobseekers with disabilities or health conditions. This service also has a network of local job coaches. The government also supports self-employment for people with disability through the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program.
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educationedge0123 · 9 months
Ludhiana’s Best Immigration Consultants
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In the vibrant city of Ludhiana, where dreams meet determination, the need for reliable immigration services has never been more crucial. As individuals aspire to explore new horizons and seek better opportunities abroad, the role of best immigration consultants in Ludhiana becomes paramount. Ludhiana proudly boasts a cadre of seasoned professionals dedicated to simplifying the complex journey of immigration for its residents.
Navigating the Global Landscape
In a world where borders are both physical and bureaucratic, Ludhiana’s immigration consultants serve as navigators, helping individuals traverse the intricate paths of immigration. These experts understand that the desire to move to a new country is often fueled by dreams of a better life, enhanced education, or promising career prospects.
The Pillars of Ludhiana’s Immigration Consultancy Services
1. Expertise and Experience
Ludhiana’s best immigration consultants are distinguished by their wealth of experience and comprehensive expertise. With years of successfully assisting clients, they have a deep understanding of the ever-evolving immigration landscape. Whether it’s changes in visa regulations or updates in immigration policies, these consultants stay ahead of the curve to provide accurate and timely advice.
2. Personalized Guidance
Every individual’s immigration journey is unique, and Ludhiana’s consultants recognize this fact. They offer personalized guidance, taking into account the specific needs and aspirations of their clients. From choosing the right visa category to preparing documentation, these experts ensure that each step is tailored to the client’s circumstances.
3. Transparent Processes
Transparency is a cornerstone of Ludhiana’s best immigration consultancy services. Clients are kept informed at every stage of the process, from the initial consultation to the final visa approval. Clear communication helps build trust, making the immigration journey a collaborative effort between the consultants and their clients.
4. Ethical Practices
Integrity is non-negotiable for Ludhiana’s immigration consultants. They adhere to ethical practices, ensuring that clients receive honest advice and realistic expectations. The goal is not just to facilitate immigration but to do so with integrity, upholding the reputation of both the consultants and their clients.
5. Continuous Support
The journey doesn’t end with the issuance of a visa. Ludhiana’s immigration consultants provide ongoing support to their clients, helping them settle into their new lives seamlessly. Whether it’s information about local culture, tips for job hunting, or assistance with further documentation, these consultants are committed to their clients’ long-term success.
Success Stories from Ludhiana
Real success lies in the stories of individuals whose lives have been positively transformed through Ludhiana’s best immigration consultancy services. Meet Raj and Simran, a young couple from Ludhiana who dreamt of pursuing higher education in Canada. With the guidance of expert consultants, they navigated the complex application process, secured student visas, and are now thriving in their chosen Canadian universities.
Another success story is that of Harpreet, an IT professional seeking opportunities in Australia. Ludhiana’s immigration consultants not only guided him through the skilled migration process but also provided valuable insights into the Australian job market. Today, Harpreet is excelling in his career in Melbourne, thanks to the comprehensive support he received.
Make sure check this: australia vs canada immigration for indians
Why Ludhiana Chooses the Best
Ludhiana’s residents choose the best immigration consultants for several reasons. Firstly, these consultants are deeply rooted in the local community, understanding the unique challenges and aspirations of Ludhiana’s people. Secondly, their success stories and positive client testimonials speak volumes about their commitment to excellence. Lastly, the simplicity and clarity with which Ludhiana’s consultants communicate complex immigration processes make them stand out in a crowded field.
In the heart of Ludhiana, where the pulse of ambition beats strong, the best immigration consultants in Ludhiana play a pivotal role in opening doors to new beginnings. Their expertise, personalized guidance, transparent processes, ethical practices, and continuous support create a framework that empowers individuals to turn their dreams of living and working abroad into reality.
In Ludhiana, the journey towards a brighter future begins with the unwavering support of immigration experts who understand that each success story is a testament to the city’s resilience and the indomitable spirit of its people. The best consultancy services in Ludhiana are not just consultants; they are architects of dreams, helping individuals build the foundation for a better and more promising tomorrow.
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pasgprojects · 10 months
Everything You Need to Know About Project Management Consultants
Project manager consultants are responsible for the management and development of project plans and meeting the business objectives of an organisation. Positions as project management consultants typically pay well and provide great opportunities for professional advancement. Determining whether being a project management consultant is a good career decision can be aided by knowing the fundamental abilities and duties of this role. Consultants for project managers also ensure that the project deliverables align with the organisation's goals. Usually, they hold many pre-planning meetings to allocate resources for the project.
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Lead Project Teams in Strategising
Putting together and managing the project team is mostly the responsibility of project management consultants. They often assist in assembling a group of knowledgeable and experienced workers according to the demands of the project. They could also be in charge of creating internal procedures and workflow suggestions. Project management consultants in Melbourne could suggest and find team members pertinent tools and resources.
Monitor Project Progress
As a supervisor, project management consultants can keep an eye on the progress of the work and suggest any necessary changes to the plan. They gather project data from their team and determine if the project is moving along satisfactorily. A project management company in Melbourne could also be in charge of filing reports, maintaining project documentation and alerting top management on their progress.
Assess Project Risks
Project implementation issues are frequently handled by project management professionals. They assess the issues and provide recommendations for potential fixes to address them swiftly and maintain project momentum. They are often in charge of determining the degrees of risk associated with various activities and procedures. Project management consultants in Melbourne often have a major responsibility to manage risk at every level of the project development process.
A project management consultant examines business-critical data to spot patterns and inefficiencies in projects. By doing this, problems are avoided and smooth project execution is made possible. Developing and executing backup plans, outlining strategies and offering regular advice are typical duties associated with the project management consultant position.
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graduatecoach · 3 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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mastersanjayji · 10 months
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Indians in Australia and native Australians often face career-related challenges. To make a positive change, consult with Master Sanjay Ji, the most trusted Astrologer in Melbourne. His astrological guidance can transform your professional life, leading you towards success. Whether through astrological remedies or personalized career advice, he can guide you to a brighter future. #PalmReader #HoroscopeReading #HoroscopeReader #KundaliReader #KundaliReading #NegativeEnergyRemoval #EvilSpiritRemoval #BadLuckRemoval #LoveProblemSolution
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doctoru-au · 1 year
From residency to success: Navigating the Competitive Landscape of GP Jobs in Melbourne.
Are you a newly qualified General Practitioner (GP) looking for job opportunities in the competitive landscape of Melbourne? Navigating the job market can be challenging, especially with the high demand for GP jobs in the vibrant city. However, with the right strategies and insights, you can increase your chances of landing a successful GP role.
In this article, we will guide you through the journey from residency to success, providing valuable tips and advice on finding the best GP jobs in Melbourne. Whether you are a recent graduate or a experienced practitioner looking for a change, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the competitive job market.
We will explore the key factors that make Melbourne a desirable destination for GP jobs and discuss the various channels available to discover job opportunities. From online job portals to connecting with recruitment agencies, we will uncover the most effective methods to secure a GP position that aligns with your career goals.
Join us as we delve into the world of GP jobs in Melbourne and help you take that crucial step towards career success as a General Practitioner.
Understanding the competitive landscape
Melbourne is widely regarded as one of the most desirable destinations for General Practitioners in Australia. The city offers a diverse and multicultural population, a thriving healthcare system, and numerous opportunities for career growth. However, it's important to understand the competitive landscape and the factors that contribute to the high demand for GP jobs in Melbourne.
The first step in navigating the competitive landscape is to research and analyze the current market trends. Stay updated with the latest healthcare policies, population demographics, and healthcare needs in Melbourne. This knowledge will help you identify the areas of high demand and tailor your job search accordingly.
Furthermore, it's crucial to assess your own qualifications and skills in comparison to the job market requirements. Understand the specific qualifications, certifications, and experience that employers are looking for in a General Practitioner. This will enable you to position yourself as a strong candidate and stand out from the competition.
Building a network of professional connections within the healthcare industry can also give you a competitive edge. Attend conferences, seminars, and networking events to meet fellow professionals and potential employers. Engage in conversations, exchange ideas, and showcase your expertise. These connections can lead to valuable job opportunities and insights into the job market.
Qualifications and requirements for GP jobs
To successfully secure a GP job in Melbourne, it's essential to meet the qualifications and requirements set by the healthcare industry. The specific qualifications may vary depending on the employer and the type of GP role you are seeking. However, there are some common requirements that you should be aware of.
Firstly, you must be a fully qualified medical practitioner with general registration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This ensures that you meet the necessary standards of education, training, and professional conduct.
In addition to registration, most employers prefer candidates with a Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) or an equivalent qualification. This fellowship signifies advanced training and expertise in general practice, making you more competitive in the job market.
Other desirable qualifications may include additional certifications in specialized areas such as women's health, mental health, or chronic disease management. These certifications demonstrate your commitment to continuous professional development and your ability to provide comprehensive care to patients.
Navigating the residency process
Before diving into the job search, it's important to understand the residency process for General Practitioners in Melbourne. The residency process involves completing a period of supervised practice in a healthcare setting to gain hands-on experience and further develop your skills.
To begin the residency process, you will need to secure a place in a GP training program accredited by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). These training programs provide a structured learning environment and access to experienced mentors.
During the residency, you will work under the supervision of experienced General Practitioners, gaining exposure to a wide range of clinical scenarios and developing your clinical skills. The duration of the residency may vary depending on the program and your prior experience. It's important to check the specific requirements of the training program you are interested in.
While in residency, it's crucial to make the most of your learning opportunities and seek feedback from your supervisors. This will not only enhance your clinical skills but also build your professional reputation within the healthcare community.
Building a strong resume and cover letter
A strong resume and cover letter are essential tools to showcase your qualifications, skills, and experience to potential employers. These documents serve as your first impression and can significantly impact your chances of securing an interview for a GP job in Melbourne.
When crafting your resume, highlight your qualifications, certifications, and relevant experience in an organized and concise manner. Emphasize your key achievements, such as any research projects, publications, or leadership roles you have undertaken. Tailor your resume to each specific job application, highlighting the skills and experience that align with the requirements of the role.
In your cover letter, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position and your understanding of the healthcare landscape in Melbourne. Explain why you are interested in the specific job and how your skills and experience make you a strong fit. Use this opportunity to showcase your communication skills and convey your passion for providing quality healthcare to patients.
Remember to proofread your resume and cover letter thoroughly, paying attention to grammar, spelling, and formatting. A well-presented and error-free application will leave a positive impression on potential employers and increase your chances of success.
Interview preparation and tips
Congratulations! You have secured an interview for a GP job in Melbourne. Now it's time to prepare and make a lasting impression on the interview panel.
Research the organization and the healthcare facility where the interview will take place. Familiarize yourself with their values, mission, and the services they provide. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your responses and demonstrate your alignment with their goals.
Prepare answers to common interview questions, such as questions about your experience, your approach to patient care, and how you handle challenging situations. Practice these answers with a friend or mentor to ensure you are confident and articulate during the interview.
During the interview, maintain eye contact, listen actively, and engage with the interview panel. Demonstrate your passion for patient care, your ability to work in a team, and your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
Don't forget to prepare your own questions to ask the interview panel. This shows your interest in the role and provides an opportunity to gather more information about the organization and the GP job.
Networking and building professional relationships
Networking plays a crucial role in finding the best GP jobs in Melbourne. Building professional relationships with fellow General Practitioners, healthcare administrators, and recruiters can open doors to job opportunities and valuable insights.
Attend professional conferences, seminars, and workshops related to general practice. Engage in conversations, exchange ideas, and share your experiences with fellow professionals. These interactions can lead to mentorship opportunities, job referrals, and collaborations that enhance your professional growth.
Join professional organizations and associations such as the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) or the Australian Medical Association (AMA). These organizations provide networking events, educational resources, and career support for General Practitioners.
Leverage online platforms and job portals to connect with potential employers and recruiters. LinkedIn, for example, is a powerful tool for building professional connections and staying updated with job opportunities in Melbourne. Create a compelling profile that showcases your expertise, experience, and achievements. Engage with industry-related content and contribute to discussions to expand your network.
Leveraging online platforms and job portals
In the digital age, online platforms and job portals have become essential tools in the job search process. These platforms provide a convenient way to explore job opportunities, connect with employers, and submit applications.
Start by creating a profile on popular job portals such as Seek, Indeed, and HealthBuzz. These portals feature a wide range of GP job listings in Melbourne, allowing you to filter and search based on your preferences. Save your search criteria and set up job alerts to stay updated with the latest job opportunities.
In addition to job portals, consider leveraging social media platforms to expand your reach and visibility. Create a professional presence on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Join relevant groups and communities, share informative content, and engage with potential employers and recruiters.
Leverage the power of your network by reaching out to colleagues, mentors, and former classmates. Inform them of your job search and ask if they have any leads or recommendations. Referrals from trusted connections can significantly increase your chances of securing a GP job in Melbourne.
Continuous professional development and staying updated
The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and it's crucial for General Practitioners to stay updated with the latest research, guidelines, and technological advancements. Continuous professional development not only enhances your clinical skills but also demonstrates your commitment to providing quality care to patients.
Attend conferences, workshops, and webinars related to general practice. These events provide opportunities to learn from industry experts, gain insights into emerging trends, and network with fellow professionals.
Engage in self-directed learning by reading medical journals, research articles, and textbooks. Stay updated with the latest guidelines and recommendations from reputable sources such as the RACGP and the Australian Medical Association (AMA).
Consider pursuing further qualifications or certifications in specialized areas that align with your interests and career goals. These additional qualifications can broaden your knowledge base and make you more competitive in the job market.
Conclusion and final thoughts
Navigating the competitive landscape of GP jobs in Melbourne requires a combination of strategic planning, networking, and continuous learning. By understanding the market trends, meeting the qualifications and requirements, and leveraging various channels, you can increase your chances of securing a successful GP role.
Remember to tailor your applications, build professional relationships, and stay updated with the latest industry developments. With determination, perseverance, and the right tools, you can navigate the competitive job market and embark on a fulfilling career as a General Practitioner in Melbourne. Good luck!
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Beauty Therapist in Berwick
A beauty therapist performs a variety of treatments on clients. This includes facials, manicures and pedicures, waxing, and massage. They also provide advice on skincare and makeup. This career offers a flexible schedule and good pay.
Olier Spa is a beauty salon in London with a team of experienced beauticians. They offer a range of classic treatments, including eyelash extensions and brow lamination.
Brazilian Butterfly Berwick
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Brazilian Butterfly Berwick offers the ultimate in beauty therapist in Berwick treatments right here in the heart of Berwick. Their experienced professionals provide super smooth, soft skin and you can book your appointment online any time you like. Whether you're looking for waxing, IPL hair removal and skin treatments or spray tanning, they've got you covered. Visit them today at 5/4-6 Wheeler St, Berwick.
Looking bronzed, hairless and fabulous for the beach? Look no further than Brazilian Butterfly Epping, offering a wide range of services including waxing and spray tans. Visit them today to get the bronzed body you've always wanted! Prices are subject to change.
Studio Soleil Beauty Salon
Whether you’re looking for a quick touch-up or a full makeup transformation, Studio Soleil Beauty Salon is the place to go. Their professional makeup artists have an unmatched eye for beauty and aesthetics and can help you achieve any look you want. They also know how to bring out your best features and enhance your natural beauty therapist.
Studio Soleil is a gender-inclusive salon for all peoples and does not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism or xenophobia in any form. The salon is located on the one-way street Forth Street in North Berwick, just opposite the Auld Hoose. It’s only a short walk from the beach, harbour and Seabird Centre.
The salon’s prices are slightly higher than other local salons, but the quality of work and service make it worth the extra cost.
Wellness Oasis
The self-described one-stop shop for a decidedly vast array of offerings, Wellness Oasis offers everything from CBD facials and body massages to venik platza (an ancient Russian bathing ritual that involves getting whacked with leafy bundles of aromatic tree branches). In addition to the typical services, it also houses an ancient Egyptian-themed spa with pillars etched with hieroglyphics and a hammam that envelopes patrons in rejuvenating eucalyptus inhalation steam.
This enchanting oasis is where New York City goes to spa. Located on Governors Island, the spa features over 20 wellness spa experiences that are sure to leave you refreshed and renewed. To make the most of your visit, arrive 60 minutes prior to your treatment. This gives you time to enjoy the exclusive spa pools and relax before your appointment begins. The spa also has a tea lounge and private relaxation rooms that you can use while enjoying your treatment. Guests are encouraged to bring their own swimsuits and towels.
Helen Mulloy Reid
Helen Mulloy Reid is a beauty & holistic body therapist, aromatherapist, make up artist & yoga teacher who offers a personalised well-being service for women, men & teens at her beautiful beauty studio in the seaside town of North Berwick. Her tempting range of beautifully devised beauty treatments include facials, brow & lash services, manicures, pedicures, waxing, massage & pregnancy treatments using carefully chosen organic, natural & vegan product ranges specially designed to enhance your natural beauty therapist Melbourne.
You can book your treatment online at her website and choose from a menu of services that includes manicures, pedicures, nail extensions, waxing, massages, and facials. Prices start at £50 and vary according to the type of service you need. All treatments are performed by Helen in her own beautiful and inviting spa. Her natural calming aura and grounding energy will help you to relax and feel soothed in mind, body and soul. She wants you to be your own kind of beautiful and will help you look and feel fabulous from the inside out.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
News icon reminisces on 57-year career
By Matthew Sims Channel 9 newsreader Peter Hitchener has shared the lessons of his 57 years within the journalism industry with a group of Fraser Rise residents on Thursday, October 6. As part of the 2022 Seniors Festival, he spoke with the audience about the changes in television and the Australian lifestyle since the 1950s. “There was a lot of reminiscing and a lot of sharing of other people’s stories,” Mr Hitchener said. “It was good fun.” Starting his career as a radio journalist in 1965 in Queensland, he then moved to the ABC before arriving at Channel 9 in 1973 and then moving to Melbourne in 1974. Mr Hitchener said the introduction of television was revolutionary. “Television…was huge at the time,” he said. “People just couldn’t get enough of it. “Anyone who was the first adopter of a television set would have all the neighbours and everyone in for days looking at the programs in black and white.” Mr Hitchener said other changes have transformed the face of television news and the media landscape to what Australians know today. “In the 1970s, colour television came along and since then, there have been many developments with screens, multi-screens and subscription services,” he said. “It’s evolving, but there’s always a need for content. “People will get it somehow, whether it’s online or a subscription or a physical paper.” When Melbourne’s chief weeknight news presenter Brian Naylor retired in 1998, Hitchener took over as presenter of Nine News Melbourne on weeknights. Mr Hitchener said he aimed to do something new each day. “I think the older you get, the more you realise how much you don’t know and how many things there are still to do,” he said. Mr Hitchener said his main advice to those wanting to enter the world of television news or presenting would be to “be resilient and follow your dreams”. Details: www.melton.vic.gov.au/Services/People/Seniors-people-with-a-disability-and-carers/In-the-community/Seniors-Festival Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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hummingzone · 3 years
These are the best cities globally for remote working
These are the best cities globally for remote working
Melbourne, Australia Olga Kashubin | EyeEm | Getty Images The Australian city of Melbourne has been found to be the best city globally for remote working, according to a ranking by on-demand housing platform Nestpick.  Melbourne scored highly on livability factors such as safety, health care, culture and leisure activities, as well as its remote working infrastructure.  It was also just one of…
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