#career advisor sydney
graduatecoach · 3 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Our Strange Duet
Chapter 1: Getting Out of Bed
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Sequel to Not Romeo, Not Juliet - Jason Todd is off to Gotham U to make sure he has a life outside of being a vigilante. He wasn't expecting someone from his past to show up, but there she is on the first day and things have changed
Notes: Well, I was going to wait until tomorrow but I can't, I like this too much, I hope you guys enjoy!
Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch
It's the bitch of living, just getting out of bed - Spring Awakening
               “Jason, get up, you have class in half an hour,” Dick called up to the loft as he finished setting out the terrible eggs he made whenever Jason slept late.  He sat up in bed, looking at his phone, sighing as it had no notifications, well it had one text but not from the person he wanted one from.  Sydney wished him a happy first day of classes and he answered before getting dressed.  He skipped the eggs, grabbing an apple and throwing out a quick bye to his brother as he headed down to the garage for his bike. 
               He had finished high school and after a long and drawn argument with Dick about not just living as a vigilante his whole life and maybe having some kind of day job for when his knees finally buckled under the weight of trying to save an entire city.  So here he was driving his bike towards Gotham University, taking all general education courses because he had no idea what he wanted to try and do for a career.  He did know that he was going to be in theater, his director from Bludhaven Prep had written him a great recommendation letter, but only if he continued to act, and honestly, he wanted to act.  It was nice to become someone else, take a break from his brain.  His therapist liked it also, said it helped Jason get out of his head.  What he didn’t expect was walking into his first class, Modern Literature 101 and sitting by the window in the front corner, was YN. 
               She wasn’t looking at him, reading one of the books for the class, doing notations.  After a second Jason realized he was blocking the door so he slid around to the back corner of the class, sitting before she could look up.  He watched her, concentrating on her book and every single emotion he felt last year came flooding back.  She had left, they kept in touch until around May and then she had vanished.  He didn’t know why but he had a bad feeling about it.  He wouldn’t confront her now, but he hoped he could snag her after class, speak with her, just see how she was.  He stared at her until he heard his name, looking up to the professor.
               “Mr. Todd?” she repeated.  He smiled awkwardly, clearly having missed the first time she said his name.
               “Ya that’s me,” he said.  He looked down and then looked at YN who was staring back at him, eyes wide.  He waved a little and she turned, facing forward again, leg starting to bounce like it did when she was anxious.  The syllabus was handed out and he proceeded to ignore his teacher, instead categorizing how YN had changed in the last eight months.  Hair was longer, she leaned on her hand, eyes looking tired, she had car keys sitting on her desk, so she drove now.  She glanced back at him, and he tore his eyes away from her, trying to focus on class.  As soon as they were dismissed he tried to bounce up and catch her but two people in front of him started talking and he couldn’t get around them fast enough.  By the time he got into the hallways she was gone. 
               He had two other classes that day, but YN wasn’t in either of them.  The only hope he had was the theater meeting that night for the Gotham U Players.  They were doing a sign up and talking about their productions that year, so Jason got there early, signed up quickly and then looked around the room.  He was first beside the upper classmen advisors, so he took a seat near the door.  She would be here, and she wasn’t going to sneak by him again.  He waited, the place filling up with other university students.  They started and about three minutes into the meeting YN came in, signing up quick and sitting down two rows in front of Jason, once again preventing him from talking to her. 
               This was pathetic, was he going to just chase her around all year until she talked to him?  He wasn’t a stalker, but he was considering seeing if Dick could get her address before he got home so that he could go knock on her door.  But that would be bad.  He shook himself, coming back to the meeting where they announced that the first production this year was going to be a musical.  Jason’s eyebrows rose so high they probably disappeared into his hair.  He had not considered a musical, ever.  He looked down at YN, catching her turning to look back at him, whipping her head forward when she saw him watching.
               “Auditions for Phantom of the Opera are next week, come with a song prepared and remember, if you are not cast you are part of the stage crew and we will be having you learn to be directors, sound techs, light techs, and set design so don’t be discouraged.  And in the spring we will do a play so those who can’t sing will still get time on stage,” the club president announced before dismissing them.  Jason once again jumped up, ready to grab her but this time she swerved him by taking a side door.  He jumped a couple rows, racing out the door after her, probably looking insane, but he didn’t care.
               “YN!” he called, chasing after her as she walked towards the parking lot.  She took a couple steps before stopping.  He ran around in front of her, panting a little from running to catch her.  Why did cardio only work when he was chasing criminals?
               “Hi Jason,” she said, and he could have sworn he heard angels singing in her voice.  He missed it so much.  “Didn’t know you were coming here.”
               “Ya, well, here I am, why you trying to get away from me?” he asked.  She chuckled a little, always right to the point, no small talk for him.
               “I wasn’t trying to get away from you, I was surprised and was trying to figure out if you hated me.  The way you were staring in class I was freaked out, you used to give that look to Chelsea and them when they annoyed you, its so intense,” she said.  Jason blushed some, shrugging.
               “I didn’t mean to look like that, I just…well you did kind of ghost me and it is a bit annoying,” he said.  She looked down and he could have kicked himself.  “But I mean, I know you probably had a reason…”
               “My mom died,” she said.  He froze.  “The treatment in Singapore, it didn’t take.  We stayed there because it would have been too destabilizing for her to travel home so the donor made sure she was comfortable there until the end and then I came back in May.”
               “Why didn’t you call me?” he asked.  She bit her lip, wiping her eyes quick.
               “I wasn’t in a good headspace at the time.  I came back and I thought about calling you, but then I found Sydney’s social media and saw you guys together and figured you didn’t need me coming in and ruining that with my grief.  I figured you had moved on I should too,” she explained.  O no.  He hung his head a little.
               “I was never dating Sydney,” he said.  “She um, is not exactly into guys.”  Her eyes looked up at him.  “She mostly posted pictures with me to make Jackson leave her alone until graduation.”  YN blushed.
               “Well don’t I feel petty, jealous, and stupid,” she said.  Jason laughed.  “Well, either way I still wasn’t in a good headspace, I needed counseling and to figure myself out before school started.  I promised my mom I would go to school no matter what, so here I am.”
               “Where are you staying?” he asked. 
               “I have an apartment off campus in Old Gotham, the grant money from the Leading Lady award should pay for it and my school for a year and then I’ll figure something else out,” she explained.  “What about you?  Still living with Dick?”
               “Ya, still living with Dick,” he said.  “Um, would you maybe want to hang out sometime?”  She looked worried, biting her lip.  He was tempted to kiss her but had to pull himself back.  She was different now, he was different now, who knows how much that changed how they felt about each other. 
               “Sure, I’m free this weekend, still trying to get a new job since the pool I worked at in the summer is closed now,” she said.  He nodded.  “Let me give you my new number, I had to change it because Maroni kept calling.”
               “So, you’re not next in line in the family yet?” he asked as she put her number into his phone.
               “God no, he contacted me, tried to convince me to join him but had no leverage since my mom was being taken care of,” she said.  Jason motioned for her to walk to the lot, walking with her to her car.  It looked a bit like a death trap.  “Its not much but it runs.  You still on the bikes?”  He pointed to his bike a few spaces down.  “Thought that was yours when I got here.  Do you still do the other stuff you did?”  She tapped her head and he assumed she meant being Red Hood.
               “Ya, nightly,” he answered.  She smirked a little.  “But now I have to have Dick stitch me up, so much less cool scars.” 
               “You needed someone better than me for that,” she said.  He shrugged.  “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.  Text me, ok?” He nodded and watched her drive away.  His heart sped up a little when he thought about the fact that he was going to be able to see her at least a few times a week, maybe every day.  He hadn’t thought college would be that exciting, but things were about to change, he could feel it. 
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On September 19th 1778, Henry, Lord Brougham, the Scottish Whig statesman and jurist was born in Edinburgh.
Henry Brougham, the eldest son of Henry Brougham and Eleanora Syme Brougham, was born at the top of the West Bow, aged 14 he was enrolled at the University of Edinburgh, Henry Brougham displayed a remarkable talent for learning in a city steeped in the cosmopolitanism of the Scottish Enlightenment
He made his way to London, where he began a long career as a Whig politician and reformer. Trained as a lawyer and called to both the Scottish and English bars, Brougham made a name, as well as a substantial income, in this profession. The legal victory for which he acquired the most recognition was his 1820 defense of Queen Caroline in the House of Lords. Brougham had served as her legal advisor since 1812 and became her attorney general when George IV insisted on a divorce soon after inheriting the throne. After Brougham delivered a speech that lasted for two days, the bill to dissolve the royal marriage passed the Lords with only a handful of votes, which convinced the government to drop the matter and avoid what promised to be a crushing defeat in the Commons. As the public demonstrations celebrating the queen's victory demonstrated, popular opinion was firmly with the queen, and thus also with Brougham.
Commentators at the time recognized that Brougham's rhetorical skills far surpassed his understanding of complex legal issues. His particular talents were perfectly suited for politics. He began his political career in journalism, when in 1802 he helped Sydney Smith, Francis Horner, and Francis Jeffrey establish The Edinburgh Review, a quarterly periodical with a strong Whig bias that soon became a leading platform for political debate. I have posted about The Review and it's founders inprevious posts. Brougham frequently contributed articles, which in the first eight years of the Review's run numbered over one hundred. Brougham entered Parliament for the first time in 1810 as MP for Camelford. Though he lost and regained seats in Parliament over the years, he nevertheless managed to attain high political office by serving as lord chancellor from 1830 to 1834 in the administrations of the prime ministers Charles Grey and Lord Melbourne.
Brougham was routinely associated with the radical wing of the Whig Party, since his positions reflected those of many nineteenth-century reform movements. He was an early supporter of the abolitionists and promoted their efforts to end the slave trade.
Brougham encouraged one of the most significant political shifts of the century by making parliamentary reform a main tenet of his election campaign in Yorkshire in 1830 and then by helping to secure passage of the 1832 Reform Act.
is interest in educational policy took him in several directions. First, in 1820 he proposed a bill promoting publicly funded education; the bill failed, but Brougham remained committed to the cause. Second, in 1826 he founded the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, which published cheaply priced works aimed at the working classes. And third, he was among the active supporters of England's first nonsectarian university, the Unversity of London.
Brougham became Parliament's most consistent champion of law reform, in part because in 1828 he delivered a brilliant six-hour speech that turned law reform into a popular cause. He established the judicial committee of the Privy Council, a central criminal court, and bankruptcy courts, and he also laid the foundation for a county court system.
Brougham had an interest in science as well as politics. He was a fellow of the Royal Society and was credited with designing the brougham, a four-wheeled carriage. He died and was buried at Cannes, where his frequent residence during the last three decades of his life helped make the French Mediterreanean town a destination for British tourists.
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Why Choose a Family Lawyer?
Family law is a complex area of legal practice that involves issues like divorce, property settlements, and child custody. It is a career that requires dedication to specialised education and understanding of the complexities of family relationships.
It is also important to be aware of the costs involved in a family law case. An affordable family lawyer will help you to understand the legal jargon and the related costs in the case.
Child custody and support
When choosing a Family Lawyer Sydney, look for someone with good communication skills and empathy. This is especially important if your case involves child custody. Also, make sure that the lawyer specialises in family law and has a comprehensive understanding of its nuances.
If one parent has a history of domestic violence, for example, the court may take that into account when determining custody. The court might doubt their ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children.
CM Law is a family law firm in Sydney that provides legal advice on a variety of concerns. Its lawyers can handle matters related to property law, business law, divorce mediation proceedings, and estate planning. They can also defend traffic offences and criminal law cases at the Local, District, and Supreme courts.
The breakdown of a marriage is emotionally devastating for both parties. You need to work with a family lawyer who is compassionate and understands your needs. They will listen to your concerns and explain the law to you in a way that you can understand it.
In Australia, you can dissolve your marriage legally by getting a divorce. However, you need to prove that your relationship has ceased permanently and that you have been living separately for at least 12 months. You must also demonstrate that there is no chance of reconciliation.
Although court involvement is necessary in some cases, Australian family law encourages alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and negotiation. These can help you resolve a variety of issues, including child custody and property settlement.
Adoption is a legal process through which individuals or couples become the legal parents of children who are not biologically theirs. Family lawyers can help with this process by ensuring that birth parents are informed and that the adoption is in their best interests. They can also assist with intercountry adoptions and intrafamily adoptions.
Before choosing a family lawyer, it is important to know their background and credentials. You can check with your local law society or disciplinary body to find out more about their status and ethics.
Sexton Family Law is a boutique firm on the North Shore that specialises in family law. Their team includes Accredited Family Law Specialists and is highly regarded in the industry. They offer advice in simple language and keep the client’s best interest in mind at all times.
Prenuptial agreements
A prenuptial agreement is an option for anyone who wishes to keep their assets separate and avoid potentially costly litigation in the event of divorce. They also help individuals determine and clarify their expectations about spousal support.
A family lawyer can help couples discuss finances in a productive manner and develop a shared philosophy about wealth. This can be difficult, but it is essential to ensure a positive outcome in a divorce. It is important to find an attorney who can provide clear explanations and realistic expectations.
Located in Sydney, Australia, the firm offers affordable and flexible services. Its team of professionals is experienced in handling legal issues like domestic violence, urgent applications, child custody, property settlements and financial disputes, and spousal maintenance. They are available 24/7 and offer a free consultation.
Property settlement
When a relationship ends, a Legal advisor Hurstville settlement is needed to work out what each party will receive. The process can be complex and requires the expertise of a skilled family lawyer. We can help you reach an agreement with your partner through mediation and negotiations and draft a legally binding Financial Agreement.
The Family Court has a broad discretion to determine what is ‘fair’ in your circumstances when dividing property and assets. The first step is to identify all the assets, liabilities and financial resources you and your partner have. This includes everything from real estate and cars to bank accounts and shares.
This is referred to as the “asset pool.” We also take into account superannuation. It can be very complicated and time consuming to separate superannuation from other property, but it is important that this is done correctly.
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jameshayesfp · 4 days
Certified Financial Planner Australia | James Hayes
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Certified Financial Planner Australia: James Hayes
In an increasingly complex financial landscape, individuals and families in Australia often find themselves overwhelmed with choices. Whether it's saving for retirement, investing wisely, or navigating tax implications, the importance of professional financial guidance cannot be overstated. This is where a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) like James Hayes comes into play. With expertise tailored to the Australian financial system, James Hayes stands out as a reliable ally in achieving financial goals.
What is a Certified Financial Planner?
A Certified Financial Planner is a professional who has met specific education, training, and ethical standards set by the Financial Planning Association (FPA) in Australia. CFPs have a comprehensive understanding of personal finance, investment strategies, tax laws, estate planning, and risk management. They provide personalized advice tailored to the individual needs and goals of their clients.
Why Choose a Certified Financial Planner?
Expertise and Qualifications: Certified Financial Planners undergo rigorous training and testing to earn their certification. This ensures they possess the knowledge necessary to guide clients through various financial decisions.
Comprehensive Planning: Unlike general financial advisors, CFPs take a holistic approach to financial planning. They assess every aspect of a client’s financial situation to create a well-rounded strategy.
Regulatory Compliance: CFPs are bound by a strict code of ethics and must adhere to the guidelines established by regulatory bodies. This commitment ensures that clients receive trustworthy and reliable advice.
Ongoing Support: Financial planning is not a one-time service. A certified planner like James Hayes provides ongoing support, ensuring that your financial strategy adapts to life changes and market fluctuations.
About James Hayes
Background and Experience
James Hayes is a highly respected Certified Financial Planner based in Sydney, Australia. With years of experience in the financial services industry, he has built a reputation for delivering personalized financial solutions. His approach is centered on understanding each client’s unique circumstances and crafting strategies that align with their financial aspirations.
Client-Centric Approach
What sets James apart is his commitment to his clients. He believes in building long-term relationships based on trust, transparency, and understanding. James takes the time to listen to his clients’ needs, goals, and concerns, ensuring that the financial strategies he proposes are not only effective but also meaningful.
Tailored Financial Solutions
Every individual’s financial situation is unique. James recognizes this and tailors his services to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you’re a young professional just starting your career or a retiree looking to maximize your retirement income, James has the expertise to help you navigate your financial journey.
Is It Worth Paying for a Financial Advisor in Australia?
Understanding the Costs
One of the most common questions people have when considering hiring a financial advisor is whether the expense is justified. Financial advisors in Australia typically charge fees in several ways:
Hourly Rate: Clients pay for the time the advisor spends on financial planning.
Flat Fee: A predetermined fee for specific services or a comprehensive financial plan.
Percentage of Assets Under Management (AUM): Advisors charge a percentage of the assets they manage for the client.
The Value of Professional Financial Advice
Expertise and Knowledge: Financial advisors bring specialized knowledge that can help clients make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. With a professional's guidance, clients can navigate complex financial situations more effectively.
Customized Strategies: A financial advisor develops personalized strategies based on a client's unique financial situation and goals. This tailored approach can lead to better outcomes compared to generic advice.
Time Savings: Managing finances can be time-consuming and stressful. Hiring a financial advisor allows clients to focus on other aspects of their lives while knowing their financial matters are being handled by an expert.
Long-Term Financial Health: A good financial planner can help clients develop a sustainable plan for long-term wealth accumulation and preservation, ensuring that their financial future is secure.
Accountability: A financial advisor holds clients accountable for their financial decisions, helping them stick to their plans and make adjustments as necessary.
While hiring a financial advisor represents a financial commitment, the potential benefits often outweigh the costs. Many individuals find that the expertise, customized strategies, and ongoing support provided by professionals like James Hayes lead to enhanced financial security and peace of mind.
The Importance of Financial Planning in Australia
Economic Landscape
Australia's economic landscape is continuously evolving. With fluctuations in the market, changes in government policies, and increasing living costs, having a solid financial plan is more important than ever. A Certified Financial Planner can provide invaluable insights into market trends and economic conditions, allowing clients to make informed decisions.
Achieving Financial Goals
Many Australians have specific financial goals, whether it's purchasing a home, funding education, or planning for retirement. A financial planner can help break these goals down into actionable steps, creating a clear pathway to success.
Reducing Financial Stress
Managing finances can be overwhelming, particularly for those with complex financial situations. A Certified Financial Planner like James Hayes can alleviate this stress by providing structured plans and ongoing support. Knowing you have a professional looking out for your financial well-being can provide peace of mind.
The Value of Professional Financial Advice
Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Without professional guidance, individuals may make financial decisions that could lead to significant losses. A Certified Financial Planner has the knowledge to help clients avoid common pitfalls, ensuring that their investments and financial choices align with their goals.
Maximizing Returns
A well-structured financial plan can lead to better investment returns. James Hayes uses his expertise to help clients make informed investment choices, ensuring their money is working as effectively as possible.
Tax Efficiency
Taxation can significantly impact your financial situation. James provides strategies to ensure that clients minimize their tax liabilities while remaining compliant with Australian laws. This can result in substantial savings over time.
FAQs about Certified Financial Planners in Australia
1. What qualifications should I look for in a financial planner?
Look for a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, which ensures they have met rigorous education and ethical standards.
2. How can a financial planner help me achieve my goals?
A financial planner assesses your financial situation and creates a personalized strategy to help you reach your specific goals, whether that's saving for retirement, buying a home, or funding education.
3. Are financial planners expensive?
While there is a cost associated with hiring a financial planner, the potential benefits and savings often outweigh the fees, making it a worthwhile investment.
4. How often should I meet with my financial planner?
Regular meetings are recommended, typically at least annually, to review your financial plan and make necessary adjustments.
5. Can I manage my finances without a financial planner?
While it’s possible to manage finances independently, a Certified Financial Planner can provide expertise and guidance that may lead to better financial outcomes.
6. What services do financial planners typically offer?
Services can include investment advice, retirement planning, tax strategies, estate planning, and debt management.
7. What is the difference between a financial planner and an accountant?
While both offer financial advice, financial planners focus on long-term strategies, whereas accountants primarily handle tax preparation and compliance.
8. Can financial planners help with debt management?
Yes, many financial planners, including James Hayes, offer strategies to help clients manage and reduce their debt effectively.
9. Is it possible to switch financial planners?
Yes, clients can change financial planners if their current one does not meet their needs.
10. How do I choose the right financial planner for me?
Consider your specific financial needs, check their qualifications, read reviews, and schedule a consultation to gauge their fit for your situation.
In a world filled with financial uncertainties, having a Certified Financial Planner like James Hayes in your corner can make all the difference. His commitment to personalized service, comprehensive knowledge of the Australian financial landscape, and dedication to client success set him apart as a trusted advisor. Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or are looking to refine your existing strategies, James Hayes offers the expertise and support needed to achieve your financial goals. Investing in professional financial advice is not just a choice; it’s a crucial step toward a secure financial future.
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imeadvisor · 9 days
ACT Nomination for Canberra and Sydney from India: Expert Advice
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ACT Nomination for Canberra and Sydney from India: Expert Advice
Are you considering a move to Canberra or Sydney under the ACT nomination program? Choosing the right migration advisor is crucial for a smooth transition. In India, International Migration and Educational Advisors (IME) stands out as the premier consultancy for navigating the complexities of international migration and education.
Why Choose IME ?
1. Expertise in ACT Nomination:  IME boasts unparalleled expertise in securing ACT nominations for skilled professionals and students alike. Whether you're eyeing Canberra's thriving job market or Sydney's vibrant cultural scene, IME ensures your application meets the stringent criteria set by the Australian Capital Territory.
2. Tailored Guidance:  Each client receives personalized guidance tailored to their unique circumstances.IME understands the nuances of the Australian visa process and offers strategic advice to optimize your chances of success.
3.Comprehensive Support: From initial consultation to visa application and settlement, IME provides comprehensive support at every step. Their dedicated team alleviates the stress of migration, allowing you to focus on your career and future in Australia.
4.Proven Track Record: With proven track record successful placements and satisfied clients, IME has earned a reputation as the go-to consultancy for international migration and education services in India.
Partner with IME Today :- 
Embark on your journey to Canberra or Sydney with confidence. Contact IME, the best international migration and education advisor company in India, and take the first step towards realizing your Australian dreams. For reliable guidance and unparalleled service, trust IME to navigate your path to a brighter future abroad. 
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vinayakaastrologer · 2 months
Premier Astrologer in Perth, Pandit Raju, is a well-known astrologer at Vinayaka Astrology Centre, Australia
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At Vinayaka Astrology Centre, learn about the extraordinary insights of Pandit Raju, the leading astrologer in Perth. Pandit Raju is well-known for his precise and perceptive readings, which have led innumerable people to better clarity and fulfillment in their life. His reputation is based on decades of experience and profound knowledge in Vedic astrology.
Astrologer in Perth
Pandit Raju of Vinayaka Astrologer in Perth Australia, offers individualized astrological counselling based on age-old Vedic customs. Pandit Raju assists customers in navigating life's obstacles and making wise decisions regarding their careers, relationships, and health. He specializes in providing thorough readings and practical solutions.
Best Astrologer in Perth
Pandit Raju is Best Astrologers in Perth Australia. His specialties include Vedic astrology, numerology, palmistry, and spiritual healing. Renowned for his accurate predictions and useful solutions, astrologer Pandit Raju Vinayaka astrology centre helps people with issues related to their health, relationships, finances, and vocation. He provides birth chart analysis, horoscope readings, and individual consultations, giving those seeking astrological guidance and support important direction and support.
Top Astrologer in Perth Australia
Astrologer Pandit Raju is Top Astrologer in Perth Australia. His astrological services include numerology, palmistry, horoscope predictions, and psychic readings. Astrologer Pandit Raju in Vinayaka Astrology Centre renowned for his accurate predictions and tailored guidance. He has helped many people with issues related to their finances, relationships, careers, and health. Because of his experience and compassionate nature, he is renowned for providing insightful and useful advice.
Astrologer in Sydney
Pandit Raju is Astrologer in Sydney, Australia Vinayaka Astrology Centre also offers her services to customers. His proficiency in various astrological domains, such as numerology, palmistry, horoscope interpretation, and psychic readings, is widely recognized. His accurate predictions and tailored advice have helped a great deal of people who are struggling with issues related to their jobs, relationships, health, and finances. Astrologer Vinayaka's insightful and caring attitude makes him a well-respected advisor for individuals seeking purpose and direction in their lives.
Top Astrologer in Sydney
One of the Top Astrologers in Sydney, Australia, is thought to be Vinayaka. He provides professional readings for horoscopes, palmistries, numerologies, and psychics. Many people have conquered obstacles in their professions, relationships, health, and finances with his precise forecasts and tailored advice. Astrologer Vinayaka has made a solid name for himself as one of Sydney's top astrologers, thanks to his perceptive and caring methods.
Astrologer in Australia
Renowned Astrologer in Australia Vinayaka provides his services in several Australian cities, such as Sydney and Perth. He is an expert in numerology, palmistry, horoscopes, and psychic readings. Astrologer Vinayaka, who is well-known for her precise forecasts and individualized guidance, has helped numerous customers overcome obstacles pertaining to their careers, relationships, health, and finances. Throughout Australia, he is regarded as a reliable astrologer due to his perceptive and caring approach
Visit our website: http://vinayakaastrologer.com/
#Astrologer in Australia
# Top Astrologer in Sydney
# Astrologer in Sydney
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heathersmithau · 3 months
🌍 A Global Journey in Accounting Technology Marketing | Damien Greathead
Today I’m speaking with Damien Greathead Head of Marketing - Accountant & Advisor Group, Intuit Australia
Our guest is a dynamic sales and marketing leader who excels in helping venture-funded software companies build robust sales and marketing functions. With a specialised focus on the accounting and fintech verticals, he has a proven track record of establishing brands and expanding customer bases across North America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific regions. He has successfully collaborated with both small and large teams across various time zones, driving impressive growth in scale-up companies, achieving over 70% growth year-on-year. He is the co-host of the Podcast: Strategy and the Virtual Controller with Penny Breslin. He worked at Ignition when it was called Practice Ignition and Dext when it was called Receipt Bank and now he is Head of Marketing - Accountant & Advisor Group, Intuit Australia.  
Damien discusses his career in accounting technology marketing across the globe. He shares updates to QuickBooks features and upcoming events in Australia. He emphasised the importance of customer empathy and stories in SaaS marketing. We discuss how the Apps do have insightful data, and can truly partner with businesses, to help them grow.
In this episode, we also talk about . . .
- Damien Greathead's background in the accounting industry across multiple global roles
- Early experiences recognising technology potential in accounting firms  
- Embracing change management processes with clients at Receipt Bank
- Navigating the complex US tax system and state compliance
- Iterating Receipt Bank's value proposition without a GST/VAT system
- Opening and growing Receipt Bank's US office
- Returning to Sydney after 15+ years abroad
- Leading Intuit Australia's adviser marketing team
- Educating on QuickBooks features to boost confidence and adoption
- QuickBooks Tax powered by Logic for seamless tax integration
- Highlighting QuickBooks Online Advanced capabilities
- Launching the QuickBooks Go community platform
- Getting customer feedback through workplace observations
- Marketing advice for Apps who want to connect with Intuit Australia, and their customer base.
- Understanding problems through deep customer empathy
- Sharing customer stories to fast-track app development  
- The podcast, "Strategy and the Virtual Controller," Damien co-hosts with Penny Breslin, the CEO of MoneyPenny, which focuses on intentional planning through small goals inspired by Strategy and the Fat Smoker: Doing What's Obvious But Not Easy by David H. Maister
  Contact details:
Damien Greathead : https://www.linkedin.com/in/damiengreathead/
Intuit Australia : https://quickbooks.intuit.com/au/ 
Accounting Apps newsletter: http://HeatherSmithAU.COM
Accounting Apps Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XeroMasterMind 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HeatherSmithAU/ 
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ANISEConsulting 
X: https://twitter.com/HeatherSmithAU
Cloud Stories w. @HeatherSmithAU
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mwm2150 · 4 months
Navigating Retirement in Sydney: Tips and Traps for Financial Planning
Retirement is a significant milestone, marking the transition from years of work to the golden years of relaxation and enjoyment. However, navigating retirement in Sydney requires careful financial planning to ensure you can live comfortably and achieve your post-career dreams. Here, we delve into essential tips and common traps to avoid, ensuring your retirement in Sydney is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. For comprehensive financial planning advice, you can explore Macarthur Wealth Management, their superannuation services, and their investment strategies.
The Importance of Early Planning
One of the most crucial aspects of retirement planning is starting early. The earlier you begin, the more time you have to build a substantial nest egg. Investing in a solid superannuation fund is an effective way to save for retirement. Superannuation, as highlighted by Macarthur Wealth Management, is the cornerstone of retirement savings in Australia. They offer comprehensive guidance on superannuation, helping you understand the various options available and how to maximise your returns.
Diversify Your Investments
Relying solely on superannuation might not be enough. Diversifying your investments is essential to mitigate risks and enhance potential returns. Consider a mix of assets, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. Macarthur Wealth Management provides expert advice on various investment strategies tailored to your retirement goals. By diversifying, you can protect your savings from market volatility and inflation, ensuring a stable income stream during retirement.
Understand Your Expenses
Many retirees underestimate their post-retirement expenses, leading to financial shortfalls. It's vital to create a detailed budget that accounts for all potential costs, including healthcare, travel, and leisure activities. Living in Sydney can be expensive, so it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your financial needs. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your budget can help you stay on track and avoid overspending.
Avoid Common Traps
While planning for retirement, there are several traps to watch out for:
Underestimating Longevity: With advancements in healthcare, people are living longer. It's essential to plan for a longer retirement period to ensure you don't outlive your savings.
Ignoring Inflation: Inflation can erode your purchasing power over time. Ensure your investments can keep pace with inflation to maintain your lifestyle in retirement.
Over-Reliance on Government Pensions: While government pensions can provide a safety net, they might not be sufficient to cover all your expenses. It's crucial to have additional savings and investments to support your retirement lifestyle.
Seek Professional Advice
Navigating the complexities of retirement planning can be challenging. Seeking professional advice can make a significant difference. Financial planners, like those at Macarthur Wealth Management, offer personalised advice tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. They can help you create a comprehensive retirement plan, ensuring you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
Embrace Flexibility
Retirement plans should not be static. Life circumstances and financial markets can change, requiring you to adapt your strategies. Regularly reviewing your retirement plan with a financial advisor can help you stay on track and adjust your investments and savings as needed.
Retirement in Sydney can be a dream come true if planned properly. By starting early, diversifying your investments, understanding your expenses, avoiding common traps, and seeking professional advice, you can ensure a financially secure and fulfilling retirement. For more detailed guidance on superannuation and investments, visit Macarthur Wealth Management's website. Their expertise can provide the peace of mind you need to enjoy your golden years in one of the world's most beautiful cities.
For more detailed guidance, you can explore their superannuation and investment services, and get started on a path to a secure and prosperous retirement.
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astrologerramguruji · 5 months
Uncover the Best Psychic Near Me in Sydney With Astrologer Ram Guru Ji's Exceptional Abilities
Are you searching for the Best psychic near me in Sydney? Look no further than Astrologer Ram Guru Ji, whose exceptional abilities have garnered a reputation for accuracy and insight. With a keen understanding of astrology and psychic phenomena, Ram Guru Ji is dedicated to helping individuals uncover the answers they seek. Whether you're facing challenges in your personal life, relationships, career, or health, Ram Guru Ji's intuitive guidance can provide clarity and direction. His compassionate approach and profound wisdom make him a trusted advisor for those seeking spiritual guidance and enlightenment. Visit This Page: https://spiritualhealer-ram.com/psychic-near-me-sydney.php Contact Mail: [email protected] Contact No: 61419936499
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graduatecoach · 4 months
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Bridging the gap between university and the workplace Graduate Coach program provides coaching, support and career advice to young students graduating from the engineering disciplines in Melbourne.
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rich-info · 11 months
Facilitating Fresh Beginnings: The Positive Impact of Divorce Lawyers in North Sydney
In the vibrant heart of North Sydney, where the city's rhythm meets the complexities of personal relationships, divorce lawyers play a vital role in guiding individuals through the transformative process of ending a marriage. Far from the stereotype of adversarial legal battles, divorce lawyers in North Sydney are dedicated professionals who bring compassion, expertise, and a commitment to positive outcomes to their practice. Let's explore the positive impact of divorce lawyers North Sydney and the valuable support they provide in facilitating fresh beginnings.
Compassionate Guidance Through Transition:
Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging life transition, and in North Sydney, divorce lawyers approach their work with a deep understanding of the emotional complexities involved. They serve not only as legal advisors but also as compassionate guides, providing a supportive environment where individuals can navigate the emotional and legal aspects of divorce with resilience and strength. This empathetic approach helps clients feel heard and supported as they embark on a new chapter of their lives.
Tailored Solutions for Individual Circumstances:
Each divorce case is as unique as the individuals involved, and divorce lawyers in North Sydney recognize the importance of tailoring their approach to suit the specific needs of their clients. Whether it's addressing property division, child custody arrangements, or spousal support, these legal professionals work diligently to create personalized solutions that align with the individual circumstances of each case. This emphasis on tailored solutions ensures that the divorce process is not only legally sound but also aligned with the goals and values of the individuals involved.
Promoting Amicable Resolutions:
Contrary to common misconceptions, divorce lawyers in North Sydney often prioritize amicable resolutions over contentious legal battles. Recognizing that acrimonious proceedings can exacerbate emotional stress, these professionals explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and collaborative law. By encouraging open communication and compromise, North Sydney's divorce lawyers strive to foster positive relationships post-divorce, particularly when children are involved.
Protecting Rights and Ensuring Fairness:
While promoting amicable resolutions, divorce lawyers in North Sydney are steadfast advocates for protecting the rights and interests of their clients. They work diligently to ensure that each party is treated fairly in the division of assets, spousal maintenance, and child custody arrangements. By upholding a commitment to fairness and equity, these legal professionals contribute to the creation of stable and secure post-divorce environments.
Empowering Clients for a Brighter Future:
Beyond the legal proceedings, divorce lawyers in North Sydney empower their clients to envision and embrace a brighter future. Whether it's navigating a new career, rediscovering personal passions, or building stronger relationships with family and friends, these professionals play a pivotal role in supporting clients as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Through their expertise and positive guidance, divorce lawyers contribute to the transformation of divorce from an ending to a new and empowering beginning.
In North Sydney, divorce lawyers are not just legal practitioners; they are partners in the process of facilitating fresh beginnings. Their compassionate guidance, commitment to tailored solutions, and emphasis on amicable resolutions contribute to a positive and supportive environment for individuals going through divorce. In North Sydney, divorce lawyers are instrumental in helping individuals navigate the complexities of divorce with grace, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future.
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maranofamilylawyers · 1 month
What Does a Legal Advisor Do?
A legal adviser is an attorney who provides legal counsel and services to organisations. The job requires a bachelor’s degree, training and examinations like CLAT.
Our Sydney contested estate lawyers help clients fight for their share of an estate. They can also defend a client against criminal charges. Their work is often conducted pro bono.
A solicitor is a legal professional who Legal advisor Sydney in certain areas of law. They can help you with a range of legal matters, including criminal, commercial, and family law. They can also assist with property and employment law issues.
A qualified solicitor will have undergone undergraduate or postgraduate tertiary study and practical training to qualify for the legal profession. They must be admitted to the Australian Lawyers Roll before they can legally practice in Australia.
Zulekha has a strong interest in commercial, property and migration law. She has handled a variety of matters and has appeared in the Supreme Court of NSW on behalf of clients. She understands the importance of providing cost effective advice and resolving disputes in the quickest way possible. She also has a thorough understanding of the Australian legislative and regulatory regimes.
Barristers are independent, specialist advocates trained to appear in a courtroom. They provide objective advice on particular legal problems for lawyers, solicitors, businesses and governments and also act as mediators or in alternative dispute resolution processes.
Most people seeking legal assistance will engage a solicitor who will determine whether or not the services of a barrister are needed. Solicitors have good working relationships with many barristers and are able to recommend the most suitable one for a case.
The firm Lyons Law has highly experienced criminal and civil lawyers that are able to deal with any type of legal case. Contact them for a free consultation. They are expert in building disputes and construction contracts. Their principal lawyer, John Dela Cruz has over a decade of experience as a legal practitioner and handles construction disputes for clients day in and out.
Corporate Lawyer
A corporate lawyer is an indispensable legal architect for businesses, navigating them through the legal complexities and safeguarding their interests. They handle a wide range of legal issues including contracts, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance. They also help companies structure their operations in a tax-efficient way.
A Sydney corporate lawyer from Open Legal will work with you to understand your business and determine the best course of action to protect your interests. They will also ensure that your company is in compliance with all applicable laws.
The typical career path for a corporate lawyer in Australia involves completing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Juris Doctor (JD). Following this, they must undertake practical legal training before being admitted to practice law. They may specialise in a particular area of law or practice general commercial and corporate law.
Break and Enter Lawyer
The crime of break and enter is a serious one that can result in imprisonment. Having an experienced Sydney criminal defence lawyer is vital for defending yourself against this charge.
You may have a legal defence of duress if you were forced to commit the break and enter offence by someone else. You can also use a defence of necessity where you entered the property to protect yourself or someone else from harm or to prevent a crime being committed.
Our expert aggravated break and enter lawyers regularly attend court on these matters and will provide you with immediate, accurate and realistic advice in relation to any possible or likely defences available to you. We have a strong focus on getting your charges dropped or downgraded early and have a proven record of success.
Criminal Lawyer
If you or someone you know is facing criminal Family Lawyer Hurstville, the right lawyer can make all the difference between liberty and incarceration. A top Sydney criminal defence lawyer will have the experience, dedication and commitment to protect your rights and ensure that you get a fair outcome.
Kent specialises in defending serious and complex matters including indecent assault, acts of indecency, drug offences, proceeds of crime, burglary and fraud. He also regularly appears in Local Court matters, District and Supreme Court jury and judge-alone trials as well as appeals to the Court of Criminal Appeal.
He is a fierce advocate for his clients, always giving honest and realistic advice. He ensures that each client receives his undivided commitment and attention to their case, as well as a high standard of professional representation in Court.
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longlivebatart · 1 year
Episode 4- Hieronymus Bosch's St. John in the Wilderness
Welcome to Long Live Bat Art, the podcast for art lovers who don’t see art as much as they want to. My name is Sydney and thank you for taking this slow tour through an art gallery with a casual art lover. Today, I’ll be talking about St. John in the Wilderness by Hieronymus Bosch. I hope you enjoy. 
Hieronymus Bosch is actually a pseudonym for Jheronimus van Aeken, but I’ll continue to call him Bosch. He was born around 1450 in the town of ‘s Hertogenbosch- which was probably where he got his pseudonym- in Brabant, now part of the Netherlands. His grandfather Johannes Thomaszoon van Aeken, or maybe Jan van Aeken, was also a painter who had five sons, four of which became painters as well. Because of Johannes’ career, his children and grandchildren had lives that were fairly comfortable.
Bosch’s father, Anthonius, was a painter who acted as an artistic advisor for the Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Blessed Lady, which was a volunteer group that promoted the veneration of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. In 1486 or 1487, Bosch himself joined the brotherhood where he did some of his earliest commissions, but sadly none survive. It’s logical that either Bosch’s father or uncles taught him to paint, but unfortunately it’s unclear because none of his family’s works lasted to the present. 
Bosch was a pessimist and strict moralist. Most of his paintings reflect both that and his general misanthropy and distrust of the nature of humanity. Most of his works also had a moral attached to them, but most of the precise messages have been lost because of time and the changing of morals and images throughout time. Nowadays, he’s been lauded as having deep insight into humanity’s desires and fears that were shown in his work. While that may be true, negativity isn’t the only reason to make art or the lens through which to see it. Positivity can have depth too, sometimes more than negative. 
Between 1479 and 1481, Bosch married his wife Aleyt Goyaerts van den Meerveen. Bosch gained social status and more wealth because of the marriage. It was after this that Bosch had enough capital to start a workshop. 
Critics of his time thought he must have been involved with the occult, but researchers now just think he was one of the first to use abstraction to represent ideas. In fact, researchers have tended to disagree vehemently about the thought process behind Bosch’s work over the centuries. Some say that his work is typical of the conservatism of the time, some say that the work was created only to amuse the audience, some say he created monstrous forms just for the Hell of it. Whatever camp of interpretation you fall under, there’s one thing that’s clear- Bosch has survived in the art world for a reason. And that reason is debate. 
In addition to his other works, Bosch also did altarpieces and designed stained glass. But art historians have been able to track his evolution as an artist fairly successfully- as one might expect, his works when he was a beginner show a hesitancy and awkwardness that gets less and less pronounced as he worked. His style also cemented itself as he developed. His work has been split into three categories- early, middle, and late period. 
It was apparently popular at the time to imitate his style and/or subject matter, as I detailed last episode with Pieter Bruegel the Elder who was one of his most loyal and well-known followers. But because his style was so unique, few were successful in reproducing it exactly. Unlike most Flemish painters at the time, Bosch sometimes didn’t hide his brushstrokes- instead, he showcased them with his sketchy style. 
Unusual during most artists’ lifetimes, Bosch was fairly renowned- his work was collected in the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain. His depictions of Hell were especially popular. 
While around 40 artworks have been attributed to Bosch, he signed only seven and dated none of them. Most of his works are on wood panels in oil paint and most of his more famous ones are triptychs, which are pieces of work on wood that have been joined together with hinges and can be folded up as needed. 
Bosch died in 1516. After his death, in the late 1500s, Phillip the Second of Spain actually got his hands on most of Bosch’s paintings. And as one might expect from looking at the imagery in his work, the Surrealists in the 1920s- including Dalí- drew inspiration from and otherwise admired his work. 
Now, for those of you not well-versed in the Bible, you might be confused as to why a man would choose to live in the wilderness. St. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness for the same reason monks live in monasteries and nuns in convents away from everyone else. St. John believed that civilization is where sin is plentiful, and the wilderness is where you should go to connect with God. St. John believed, as people have throughout history, that to commune with God you should be alone. Now, onto the painting.
The painting is realistic with surrealist or abstracted elements. St. John is lying on the ground behind a surrealist plant. The lower half of his body is lying on the grassy ground with his torso, arms, and head resting on a raised area. It looks like a mini grassy cliff, or maybe a natural altar.
St. John is wearing a loose faded red clothing item, the cloth pooled around him with a single foot exposed. The folds are geometric but shaded. St. John himself has a long, scraggly brown beard and hair of the same texture and color. His left elbow is against that natural altar and he’s supporting his head on that hand. He looks morose. He’s trailing the forefinger of his right hand along the natural altar like he’s drawing something. 
The surrealist plant that I mentioned that’s in front of St. John- it’s green, with a wide stem at the bottom that tapers as it goes upwards. The single fruit is large and round, and white in color. It looks like marble- it has blue-toned veins running through it. There’s a small bird that’s perched on part of the plant and eating the seeds. The plant’s leaves are large and flat. The stem that leads to the fruit or flower is curved and thorny, with the exception of the part the bird is perched on. Quite convenient. There’s a fallen fruit that’s on the altar, its pod facing away from St. John with its seeds spilling out. The top of the plant above the round fruit is thinner, with a flat disk growing around it. Imagine a straw sticking out of the hole of a cup's top. At the top, the stem splits into two. The right fork has a smaller gray fruit with white speckles and a black bird perched on it. Not a crow or raven, it’s very small. The left fork ends in a sharp bend that tapers into a soft curve. What looks like pink leaves or maybe a large upside down butterfly is hanging from the curve. The front of the altar has exposed dirt with white roots coming out. There’s a lamb laying in front of it, its legs folded underneath itself. The trees to the right of the image- they have straight and skinny trunks with the leaves suggested by dark green highlighted at the tips with a lighter shade. As they recede into the distance, they get more yellow and less green. There are several animals in the yellowing grass in the distance. A few antelope, a boar, and a couple of bears, one scratching its back against a tree.
The mountains in the background are blue-toned and rounded. The mountain slightly closer is again, surreal. It’s pale, and I can see what looks like a rabbit on its hind legs in the face, hugging another figure. But I can’t quite figure out what I think the second one is.
More trees in the same style at the top of Rabbit Mountain. To the right, just behind the dark green trees, is a large dead tree. It has a large bulb on the right side of it, like a massive wasp’s nest. Birds are flying behind the tree in a line, not a ‘v.’
Now for my thoughts. 
I never really ‘got’ surrealism or abstract art. Mixed with realism, it’s even odder. But I like it in this case- mixes the mundane with the strange. And the trees are a mix of realistic and a touch of abstraction because leaves don’t look like that. As I mentioned, St. John looks morose. Or maybe he’s just bored, who knows. I know I would be if I lived alone with no one around to talk to or connect with. 
As far as the religious aspect of the painting, I feel a strong connection with it. I don’t live in the wilderness- as you might expect because I run a podcast- and I don’t eat locusts or wear animal fur, but I do believe faith should be private. That’s not saying you shouldn’t tell people what you believe, but I mean that you shouldn’t try to shove religion down anyone’s throat. I don’t believe in missionary trips, I don’t believe in going door to door and telling people about your God, or TV preaching where you ask for donations. 
I remember seeing some TV show or movie or other thing and a character saying to another that he ‘prays too loud.’ And I really do believe that one can do that. There are people that only believe in their God in theory and don’t fully understand the teachings. I can only speak for Roman Catholics because that’s the religion I know the best, but even Catholics can learn a few things from the person they claim to know so well. There are Catholics who say that God hates this group or that group. But that’s the opposite of what God stands for. You can go and look through the entire Bible, but you won’t find any instance of God or Jesus saying ‘I don’t like these people, and they should be damned.’ And if you go and quote Leviticus at me, don’t bother. The Bible has been translated and changed through the thousands of years, by people who had their own agenda. Books have been added, books have been left out. Words that used to mean so much have been translated beyond understanding. There are whole concepts that don’t apply any more. And just to add, Leviticus also forbids wearing more than one kind of fabric and I don’t see any Catholic advocating for the damnation of anyone wearing a nice cotton blend. The main point of Jesus is that he loved. And not just anyone, but everyone. The man hung out with lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors- the people on the fringes of society, the ones that were hated in their time. 
Now, I’m not extremely religious, but I do believe in God. I don’t go to any particular place of worship regularly, though I might stop in from time to time. My faith is quiet and private, and I don’t pray the way people tend to, with flowery or carefully-recited words. But I do pray. And that act, that distinctly human act, brings me comfort. 
And me saying that isn’t to bash atheists or people who don’t believe in much of anything. Quite the opposite. My thinking is that those people might be the best kind because there’s no belief in any reward for their doing good. There’s no grand prize of an afterlife of happiness. They’re just humans helping humans. Because they can. Because they want to. And that’s a pretty good way to live. 
I’m going to challenge you. Help one other person today. You don’t have to solve world hunger or bring about world peace. One person. It could be your neighbor you don’t talk to besides to exchange hellos. Offer to set out their garbage cans for them next time. It could be your elderly family member. Ask to get together soon and just talk over a cup of coffee. Get at least one of their stories. It could be a complete stranger. It could be as simple as holding the door open for someone with a stroller or a lot of bags. It could be just paying someone a compliment- someone that there’s one feature that you know gets most of the attention in a negative way, like crooked eyes or buck teeth. Compliment something else about them. Help just one person. Because if everyone just forgets that they believe in a Higher Power, and instead takes it upon themselves to help at least one other person, then maybe we will solve world hunger or get world peace. Because little kindnesses are never little to the person who’s having it done for them. Maybe it’s been a really bad week for them and you gave them a nice surprise. Maybe they’ll then turn around and help someone else to share that fortune. Because that’s what kindness is- a fortune. It costs almost nothing and means everything. 
If you liked this episode of Long Live Bat Art, please consider telling a friend and reviewing to help the podcast grow. A link to the transcript of this episode is available in the show notes below. And you can follow me on Twitter at Long Live Bat Art and tumblr at tumblr.com/Long Live Bat Art. That’s Long Live B-A-T Art. Thank you for listening to this episode, and I will see you in two weeks.
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heathersmithau · 4 months
Industry Disrupting CFO Advisor Kicking Goals ⚽ | Sarah Lawrance
Today I’m speaking with Sarah Lawrance, Founder & CEO of Hot Toast. In this episode, we talk about . . .
- Sarah Lawrance shares her journey from childhood fascination with business to becoming a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) and founding her firm Hot Toast - Lawrance discusses her formative career experiences in Australia, London and fast-growth startups, and the inspiration for starting her own business - Sarah describes her role as a CFO for rapidly growing businesses, helping clients scale through advisory services, reporting, and finance team development - Sarah integrates technologies like G-Accon and SYFT to deliver data insights, and sees opportunities in AI and machine learning
"I'm a big fan of G-Accon. I really love that tool. It's such a beautiful little connector that we pull lots of data out. We use it with Google Sheets. The creatives love Google Sheets, and they love zeros. So to be able to just link those two up and then kind of manipulate those into our own kind of models is a massive win for us."
- When she could not find an age appropriate soccer club, she started her own women's soccer team. The team has since expanded to over 100 members in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.- Frustrated by a lack of female board opportunities she co-founded the Global Women's Accounting Influencers community - The conversation covers mentoring the next generation, leveraging networks, and the power of community in the accounting industry
  Contact details:
Sarah Lawrance https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-lawrance-fcpa-83894516/
Hot Toast : https://hottoast.com.au/ 
Accounting Apps newsletter: http://HeatherSmithAU.COM
Accounting Apps Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XeroMasterMind 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HeatherSmithAU/ 
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ANISEConsulting 
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Cloud Stories w. @HeatherSmithAU
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Top 12 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia
With wages failing to keep up with inflation and cost of living pressures intensifying, many Australians are on the hunt for higher paid work. While record numbers are turning to side hustles, others are jumping ship to new organisations or even industries for more lucrative remuneration.
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Unlike in the United States, the ‘Great Resignation’ did not eventuate in Australia, however one in three workers aged between 25 and 55 are currently considering quitting their jobs. This is not necessarily due to the desire for higher pay—it could also include burnout, lack of career progression or dissatisfaction with management. However, pay and wellbeing are consistently ranked as the two most important things to employees. With that in mind, here are some of the most lucrative professions in Australia. The below data is provided by Hays Recruitment, and is based on their annual pay guide, which was released on June 1.
Forbes Advisor has created a separate list for medical professionals, as these are highly specialised careers and offer a range of roles that pay well above average salaries. Please note that salaries may vary according to a number of factors, such as the state you live in or if you live in an urban or rural area, your specific qualifications and the length of time you’ve been employed with a particular company or in a specific role.
The Highest Paying Jobs in Australia in 2023
Legal: Equity Partner (up to $850,000)It takes considerable time and dedication to become an equity partner in a law firm but the pay, once you get there, is considerable. Equity partners in top private practices in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney report average salaries of more than $500,000, with Sydney topping the list at $850,000 plus.
Meanwhile, a general counsel typically earns between $250,000 and $400,000.
Executive: CEO and MD ($700,000) If you’re a CEO or managing director at a company with a turnover between $50 million and $500 million, the typical income is $600,000 but can reach up to $700,000.
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Similarly, for chief operating officers and executive general managers, incomes are typically around $500,000 but can also hit $600,000. Chief financial officers and finance directors in the same organisations typically earn around $450,000 but can also reach $600,000.
Hays notes that CEOs need to be top performers across a range of areas, including organisational strategy, organisational alignment, external stakeholder relations and board engagement.
Retail: General Manager (up to $510,000) Salaries in retail run the gamut, ranging from $153,000 to $408,000 for head office retail directors to $408,000 for merchandise managers and between $204,000 and $510,000 for general managers.
Other high-paying retail jobs include group planning managers or directors ($160,000 to $300,000), national operations managers ($153,000 to $306,000), heads of design or creative directors ($140,000 to $255,000), and buying managers ($150,000 to $204,000). E-Commerce managers have also risen in prominence in recent years, with the highest reported salaries reaching above $200,000.
Accountancy & Finance: Head of Treasury ($410,000) Heads of treasury have some of the top paying jobs in Australia in the realm of accounting and finance, with the average pay for a head of treasury in Sydney coming in at $410,000.
Meanwhile, head of tax, head of risk and head of internal audit can earn up to $400,000, while group financial controllers typically earn around $280,000 in organisations with turnover exceeding $300 million.
Various heads of internal audit can command $300,000, senior commercial managers or directors are typically on $270,000, while the heads of risk can attract $300,000. In professional practice, corporate finance principals or directors are on $220,00, insolvency principals or directors take home $200,000 a year and tax consulting principals or directors are paid $180,000.
Property: Development Director (up to $388,000) As Hays notes, jobs with the highest salary in Australia’s property sector today include development directors, who can earn an average salary of between $224,000 and $388,000 in Sydney—although Brisbane development directors have the highest typical salary at a healthy $306,000. Meanwhile, development managers can expect an average salary of between $133,000 and $255,000, and $179,000 and $245,000 for client-side project directors.
Energy: Project Delivery Director (up to $357,000) Project development directors in renewable energy are among the highest paid in the sector, with the top earners in Sydney ($224,000 to $350,000) and Melbourne ($260,000 to $357,000). Development directors need to draw on their ‘soft skills’ in order to succeed, taking a collaborative approach to stakeholder relations and a strategic approach to big projects, Hays notes.
Construction managers in renewables can earn between $153,000 and $230,000, while grid connections managers are paid between $173,000 and $250,000.
Construction: Construction Manager (up to $320,000) The construction sector has been facing some supply challenges of late, but there remain many in-demand and high paying roles. Construction managers are the highest paid at between $250,000 and $320,000, while project managers take home $160,000 to $250,000. Senior estimators earn $120,000 to $200,000, while site managers and design managers are on between $150,000 and $220,000 and $180,000 and $240,000 respectively.
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In civil construction, construction managers can receive a typical salary of between $180,000 and $280,000 while project managers earn between $160,000 and $210,000. In residential construction, a construction manager can earn a typical salary of between $160,000 and $220,000.
Sustainability: Head of sustainability (up to $310,000) Demand for experienced sustainability professionals continues to rise, with heads of sustainability or ESG earning up $310,000 in Western Australia. Meanwhile, sustainability managers are on roughly $230,00.
Technology: CIO and CTO ($306,000) Hays notes that tech salaries traditionally run on two tracks: pay brackets that increase steadily over time and those that spike exponentially. While there are many roles in tech that command average salaries between $150,000 to $200,000, managers earn considerably more than this. The typical salary earners in leadership positions are based in Sydney and include chief information security officers ($255,000), chief information officers and chief technology officers (both on $306,000).
Meanwhile, project directors earn $260,000, program managers are on $210,000 and enterprise architects command $230,000 in projects and change management.
Marketing & Digital: Executive Director of Communications ($300,000) Executive directors of communications in PR and communications have huge earning potential, and in Sydney can expect a typical salary of $300,000. Similarly, Sydney-based marketing directors can expect to earn an average salary of $220,000, while directors of communications earn $215,000. Bid managers are on $180,000, PR directors command $180,000 and sponsorship/fundraising directors pull in $175,000.
Human Resources: Head of HR/HR Director ($300K) Demand for skilled and experienced HR professionals has grown in recent years, with heads of HR or HR directors in organisations with more than 1,000 employees typically earning around $300,000 in Sydney, $280,000 in Melbourne and $250,000 in Perth.
Average annual typical salaries are also high for heads of learning and development, coming in at $224,000.
Banking: State Manager ($300,000) The banking sectors continues to offer competitive salaries, with state managers typically earn $300,000. Meanwhile, in business and commercial lending and corporate and institutional lending, executive managers and heads of departments (think financial planning, credit, market and operational risk, compliance, anti-money laundering and regulatory risk), can attract salaries above $200,000.
The Highest Paying Jobs in Medicine
The incomes below are a guide only, but offer some insight into what top medical professionals can command.
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Surgeon – $406,068 Surgeons make an average of $406,068 a year and report high levels of job satisfaction as well, according to Hays. Anaesthetist – $388,814 Anaesthetists, like surgeons, have a hugely important role and make an average of $388,814 a year and there are only approximately 3500 of them in Australia, according to the ATO. Internal medicine specialist – $310,848 Internal medicine specialists comprise specialist physicians, cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists and paediatricians. They earn an average of $310,848 per year. Psychiatrist – $252,691 Psychiatrists earn an average of $252,691 per year. The current shortage of psychiatrists has been flagged by the federal government as a concern by 2030 unless an intervention is made – and in the meantime it will only drive salaries higher.
What Are The Highest Paying Jobs In Australia That Don’t Require A Degree?
Of course, the top professions we have just listed all require extensive university training and qualifications.
The three highest paying jobs that do not require a university degree are ICT managers; chemical, gas, petroleum and power generation
plant operators; and ICT sales professionals, according to the Monarch Institute.
Information and communications technology: $170,955Chemical, gas, petroleum and power generation plant operators: $168,376
ICT sales professionals: $157,123. This includes specialist roles such as account manager and sales representative.
Average Australian Salaries in 2023 The median full-time worker in Australia earned $78,800 in 2022, while the median part-timer took home $32,400 last year, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). When both types of employees are combined, the median salary is $65,000. That is to say, half of all employees in Australia earned more than this, and half earned less.
A taxable income that was $131,501 or higher was within the top 10% of earners in Australia last year. About 5% of taxpayers had incomes above $180,000. Someone who earned more than $253,066 was in the top 1%.
When discussing the ‘typical’ wage, averages are less representative than medians, because there are a handful of very high earners who skew the results by earning millions or even billions of dollars.
A middle-income household typically comprises a couple with children living off one full time job of around $85,000 and a part-time job of around $30,000 per year. This middle 20% has a combined weekly income of $1,884 ($97,986 annually), according to a report by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS).
Are you looking for a higher paying job? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people are facing day-to-day financial stress as living expenses remain at record highs. It is therefore unsurprising that one in three employees is considering quitting their jobs, according to a PwC report. Pay and wellbeing were ranked as the top two most important factors in a job, according to the report.
Source: Forbes
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