#best friend angel dust
sincerelylea · 29 days
2:17 am. angel dust. when you wipe your tears do you wipe them just for me?
bff angel series.
mdni i block.
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you hadn’t really been keeping up with what time it might be, it sort of felt like hours, sort of felt like minutes. you couldn’t really determine the way time felt, but it never really mattered here. here was timeless, and you’d forget about it too. until the next time you could do this. 
it was always pink in his room. pink and purpley. and music was always going - soft music. the kind he really only liked to listen to with his closest of friends- “sad girl pop!” you smiled to him, eyes softly wrinkled as you looked up. “sad girl pop? what the fuck are you talkin’ about?” he crosses his second set of arms, the ones closest to his waist, and the other are set firmly at his hips. “this genre… it’s kinda… sad? nostalgic? but it has a sweet beat. it just… reminds me of being a girl.” you shrug. to you it was easy. his brow softly furrows, but he has nothing else to say. you were just you. he wouldn’t understand it but he’d always like you. 
“-wipe them just for me.” you sing softly, back pressed to his plushy mattress and blankets. gently your eyes close. the scent of nail polish has been in the air for about 15 minutes as he coats his nails for the second time. when you roll to your side, eyes opening and focusing on his hunched frame, his gaze focused keenly on his task at hand, you smile gingerly. “need some help? you have a lot of ground to cover.” you motion with your head to his second set of hands, his thumb swipes into his cuticle where he’s overpainted. 
he doesn’t lift his gaze, and takes a second to respond. “i can do them on my own just fine, babes! don’t you worry.” he says matter of factly, always so determined - brow furrowed and corners of his mouth set with pride. 
you chuckle, pushing your weight up to scoot closer to him. “silly, let me help you.” you grab the red shade from his bag of polishes, shaking and tapping it against your palms to ensure it’s thoroughly mixed before starting. he rolls his eyes and smacks his lips quietly before dramatically shoving his hand to you, wrists bent and fingers splayed. you guide his palm to rest on your knee before unscrewing the cap and hunching over to focus deeply on your work. 
“val wanted red right?” you ask once more, head snapping up to meet his gaze before truly starting. angel nods, gently dabbing his cuticle with his opposite ring finger to ensure his linework was nice, “yeah, he wanted black and red. has a thing for that whole dominatrix thing right now?” he rolls his eyes and shrugs, defeated. “isn’t this your like…” you swipe your first streak of blood red only his thumb, a soft uncomfort already growing in your back from your position. “third dominatrix phase with him? or something?” the song changes and you softly hum to it’s intro. 
“try more like twenty-third, sugar. it’s old but-” he sighs, lifting both hands out wide to admire his handy work, his nails a glossy rich black. “it is kinda fun!” his voice has a oscillating playfulness to it - swinging and dancing tone, as angel’s typical. “i gotta say, i get the appeal of being a sexy powerful woman.” he smirks, leaning back into his palms as his other stays diligently on your knee. you chuckle quietly, moving onto his middle finger. 
“speaking of val, how’s it been with him lately?” you ponder, your fingers pushing a stray hair past your ear to keep it out of the polish painted daintily on your friend’s fingertips. 
angel’s head lulls back, face to the ceiling as he sighs in thought. “you know how it typically is. he’s a pain in my fuckin’ ass. something new every day, he’s never pleased, and he won’t leave me the fuck alone when i’m here.” he softly blows on his nails, checking to make sure no errors have disrupted his pant job. “needy fuckin bastard.” he scowls, eyes rolling. 
“let’s just kill him.” it was hard not to fight the smile daring to stretch across your face. when you finish with his hand he lifts his palm from your knee and sets the other on your other knee, lifting his eyes to look over the new wash of red. his eyes don’t change, his gaze doesn’t falter. he just looks over them like… they’re there. 
“oh yeah, sure. let’s just waltz in and kill my boss. perfect. easy.” he grins, leaning back into his palms. you gently flick his wrist with your forefinger before continuing your task at hand. 
it’s quiet now. just the soft sound of similar soft pop tunes playing from his stereo across the room, a few open cd cases open on the floor, the next cd resting on the top of his pink speaker. when the silence truly takes over, he’ll waltz over and pop it in. a few snacks lay open on his bed, you eye the gummy worms and make an executive decision to take a few when you’re done. a purple ashtray sits on the ledge of the cracked window. it’s a chilly night, his curtains sway a bit with every breeze. fat nuggets snuggled on one of your cardigans you pulled from your overnight bag, little hooves sprawled as he dozes. 
for a moment, in your focus, you almost forget he’s there. the silence isn’t awkward - it feels really good. safe. 
your lips part before you speak, thinking for a second about what you’re about to say but you decide to say it without thinking a moment more. 
“you make me feel happy to be a girl.” you finish his pinky, raising your posture to stretch your back before turning to his first hand that has returned to your knee. “like… safe.” you explain further. 
and of course, you’re full of these sappy sentimental phrases he never knows what to say back to. you’ve been this way your entire friendship. you always keep him on his toes, saying this type of shit. and you know he’ll never know what to say but you also know he understands.
“there you go saying that sentimental shit- you know i never know what to say back!” he points an accusatory finger at you, all worked up because he can’t think of anything to say back, he never does. and you’re the one person that can keep him on his toes. the last person that deserved to be here, and full of so much genuinity he doesn’t know what to do with it. 
you chuckle, all wrinkly smiled and cute crescent eyes as you begin with his second coat on his first hand. sometimes you wondered if he felt the same way with you, safe. you assumed so, and for a second you think it silly to doubt your friendship like that. but you can’t help but wonder. you always tried to be a good friend, a safe space, for nights like these and drunken nights at bars and gossip-filled text messages and phonecalls spent crying in the shower while the phone rested on the sink. if it just meant to have someone there. 
“you don’t have to say anything, silly. i just like to keep you on edge.” it’s followed by a short maniacal chuckle, you’re now on his middle finger again. 
“well,” he sounds frustrated. like he’s trying to work out his own emotions in his head but can’t quite get them out to match how fast he wanted to speak and vomit them out. you deserved something genuine, but he couldn’t quite decide if that’s who he was anymore. “i’m glad you feel safe with me.” he finishes, kind of prissy and stunted. his first set of arms crossed over his chest. 
you smile gently. of course he sees it. 
when you’re finished with his nails, leaving him to be patient as they dry, the cd ends and he rises from the bed, adjusting his cropped tank top with newly painted nails. the new album is from the same artist, your head bops along to her soft voice. you steal the gummy worms. 
when you both grow tired, and not many more words are being shared between you. you lay across from him in his bed and bring your knees closer up to you, face buried in your phone until you yawn. fat nuggets has settled on the pillows above your heads, softly breathing. music still played quietly from the speakers, you’d both wake up to the silence of the end of the album. 
“what color would you paint them if you had the choice?” you asked softly, plugging in your phone and leaving it under your pillow. 
he looks to you from the side, laying on his back. he rolls over, his phone plopped in his arms as he curls them under his head, eyes focused and brow pointed in thought. 
“pink.” his tired voice rings. tired eyes getting droopy. 
“i’d paint them pink.” 
he felt safe. you weren’t sure why you doubted that before.
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ratskinsuit · 2 months
idk if your fine with this but Angel dust x a bestie reader (obve plotonic) where the reader expriciend SA before and Angel comforting them
i just need some comfort on that please
if you do not want to write this please make me arware
TW: mentions of SA, if anyone is uncomfortable with this topic PLEASE click off for your comfort :)
To start off, as stated in my Angel Best Friend Headcanons, he would be very understanding
Angel is probubly one of the best and most understanding people you could ever open up to
He would sympathize with you so much, providing comfort and letting you vent about it
Would listen intently if you chose to tell him about it
He would give you advice, as someone who had experienced SA fro Valentino
If you started breaking down infront of him, he would hold you and comfort you
If you have guilt, or belive that ANY of it is your fault, he will repeatedly reassure you that NONE of it is your fault
He himself (my headcanon), at one point thought that it was his fault
And he never wants you to think that any of what happened was because of you
If you are still in contact with that person, he would urge you, not pushing or making you, but would try to convince you it’s best if you got them out of your life
Or he would do it himself (not tryna but kinda yandere vibes ig?)
If you felt uncomfortable going out alone, or going places by yourself
He would go with you anywere you asked, and make sure you feel safe and protected
Makes sure nothing like that ever happens to you again
If he knows the person who did it, and they try to convince him that they didn’t?
He would, no matter what they or anyone else says, go to your side
He always sides with the victim, because so many people are not taken seriously, man and women, so they get brushed off, or all called liars
He would never do that to you, and would always stick by you
If I’m the time period you tell him, it is/was currently happening to you, he would get you help immediately
He would offer you support and resources to get you out of that predicament
Would probably go find the man/woman/person who did it and beat the absolute shit out of them for you if you asked
He would stick by you the entire time
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A/N: I hope I did well, I am not very well versed with SA and the things people go through during these times and what happened, but I researched and tried to get myself informed. If anyone is offended by this or not comfortable with it, or if I did something wrong, please let me know so I can do whatever I can to fix it :)
If you or anyone you know is currently experiencing SA please, please go tell someone and find resources to get them out of that situation, or call the national SA hotline: 1-800-656-4673
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notherpuppet · 1 month
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Sloppy comic based on me and my friends conversation on my bday last week 😝🥳 this is pretty much verbatim hahaha
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 3 months
huskerdust and nonverbal communication is my LIFELINE
angel being in a mood and being all pouty and huffy and husk having a one sided conversation to find out what’s wrong
angel and husk looking at each other when someone says something stupid and collectively saying ‘wtf is up with this idiot?’ with just their eyes
husk getting too drunk and incomprehensible and NOBODY can figure out what he’s asking for, until angel comes along and sees husk mumbling nonsense and occasionally looking to the elevator and easily goes ‘oh, he just wants to go back upstairs. c’mon babe’
angel and husk looking and quietly giggling to each other when one of charlie’s ideas already sounds like it’s not gonna work, and quickly saying ‘nothing’ when anyone asks what’s so funny
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remthegremlin · 3 months
HUSK LASER POINTER!!!!!!! <3333 please <33333333 i love ur art btw ;]] in case u didnt know
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anything for you sbc, love you sm <3 thanks for requesting the sillies they mean so much to me :)
close ups under the cut
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spookky-aint-spooky · 11 hours
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robbie556 · 5 months
Angel dust fanart
Diamonds are a girl's best friend ;]
Ik husks thirsting over this
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No diamonds :'(
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uselessalexis165 · 5 months
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iarrelm · 3 months
An early morning conversation about tea got a little out of hand
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wazzi2ya · 2 months
Valentino and Angel both having a "kitty" that makes them drinks but on completely opposite ends of the spectrum on what kind of relationship they have with them is something I think about a lot.
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moreofafeeling · 5 months
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I think these guys are going to be best friends😊😆
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ratskinsuit · 4 months
OMG your velvety eye friendship headcanons were so cute!!! Can you also do some with angel dust?? Like him and the reader are besties and the reader has a contract with Vox. I think it’d be so cute if Angel stood up to Vox for her since she’s a total pushover compared to him and is super protective of his bestie 😤😤
Angle Dust And Bestfriend!Reader
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A/N: I’m so glad you liked the Velvette headcanons! I also love the idea of reader being in a similar situation as Angel but with Vox. I have been so exited to do this assskkkk! Ahhh I just love this idea!
You and Angel had first met (before he went to Hazbin Hotel) when you found him high and passed out in an alley way.
You took pity on him and were worried that something would happen to him, so you took him back to your apartment.
When he woke up he was so confused until you explained.
He was so suprised you didn’t do anything and just took care of him, and my boy is SO THANKFUL.
Like you gave him food and water and let him take a shower, and you two just talked talked and you eventually became friends.
Your probably the person that convinced him to try the hotel out in the first place.
He goes to you for advice, or just to talk about struggles and lets you do the same. (VENTINGG BUDDIES)
Your one of the only people he lets babysit Fat Nuggets while he’s out for like a shoot or something because he doesn’t have many people he trusts :)
You better not be insecure or you will get a 3 hour lecture on how amazing you are, he knows what its like to be insecure and so he never wants you feel that way.
You two will regularly go hang out together.
Gets so happy if you join the Hazbin Hotel with him.
You honestly give him some more faith in humanity.
If you ever express romantic interest in someone expect him to be on you in a SECOND because he will be asking alll the questions (unless you don’t experience that then that’s okay too)
If you end up dating someone expect him to force you to let him meet them
Will be like a judgmental brother towards them.
He has to make sure they are good enough for you lol.
The most supportive person of you and your goals (surprisingly more than Charlie)
Like you boots eachother up so mucchhhh
(So wholesome)
You two would be best friends, with a hint of sibling relationship vibes
If your in a similar relationship with Vox like he was with Valentino, expect him to go crazy
While with Valentino he took a while to stand up to him, but with you he will not HESITATE
He will be so pissed. Will go confront Vox.
Will literally put his life in danger for you 😭
It will be the angriest angriest anybody would have ever seen him, anybody
Screaming, yelling, my guy is so protective of you holy moly.
Does not care about his own safety when it comes to you, because he knows you would do the exact same thing for him.
You helped him get away from Valentino now it’s his turn to fuck someone up.
Angel dust was chilling on the couch of your apartment. You and him had planned to hang out after you came home from work. He’s listening to music with one earbud in, bopping his head up and down to the tunes, his leg kicked over the couch.
He hears the lock turning and smiles, leaning over the couch as you walk in.
“Heyyyyy! Your finally home! How was…” He begins to say, happy to see you, yet he trails off short as soon as he sees the bruise and the dejected look on your face.
“Oh my god are you okay!?” He asks, immediately getting off the couch to go to you, fat nuggets trailing behind him.
You goes up to you, and you flinch a bit as he takes a hand and moves your hair to see the large bruise over your eye, concern written all over your face. Fat nuggets oinking below you, rubbing against your legs. “Yeah uhm… I’m.. fine..” You say quietly.
He frowns, obviously seeing your not, and he drags you over to the couch, sitting you down. “Okay what the fuck happened?!” He demands, as you sit there quietly, your hands in your lap.
“Vox just got a bit mad today that’s all, it’s nothing I haven’t handled before” You say, not wanting to worry him. Yet Angels face scrunches up in worry.
“Excuse me!? What do you mean; “nothing you haven’t handled before” is he hitting you?” He asks, sitting next to you.
“Just… s..sometimes… b-but only when he’s really pissed!” You say, trying to save yourself at the end, but it obviously not working.
Angel just stares at you silently for a second, before grabbing your hand. “……how long…..? How long has he been doing this to you..” He asks quietly.
You hesitate, “Since I started…” you murmer.
Angel looks at you sadly, glancing down. And he notices your arm. Before you can say anything he pulls up your sleeve to see dark bruises on your wrists, and his face twists in anger.
“I’m gonna fucking kill that stuck up asshole.” He says, standing up, beginning to walk. You stand up after him, grabbing his wrist. “Angel don’t! He’s is much much more powerful than us, and I don’t want him to hurt you!” You beg.
He turns around, and places his hands on your shoulders. “I will not let anyone, not even a stuck up prick like Vox, hurt my best friend.” He says, hugging you.
You try to speak, tears welling up in your eyes, and tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you bury your face into his shoulder. “P-lease don’t… I- can’t see you get hurt..” you sob.
He rubs your back soothingly, before he says. “You helped me before. Now it’s my turn.”
A/N: Would anyone be interested in my continuing this where we get to see Angel Dust confronting Vox? I’ve never written a confrontation/fight scene before, but I could try! But anyways, hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
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vehrabells · 4 months
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Very helpful, you two. What do you do when your best friend / girlfriend is having a crisis?
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Angel's type is pan men who are mean to him and use his need for validation and affection to manipulate him into doing what they think is "right"
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hh-and-hb-fan · 4 months
Some doodles I made with my friends in roblox free draw !!!!
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2/7, 5/7 (that small angel saying siema) and the 4/7 black square with 2 red dots and 2 green lines are my friends drawings I drew the rest :)
Me made some silly head cannons!! 👇
Charlie would be (rarely) really serious and edgy when she is in a VERY Very bad mood!
Vox would sometimes do some ugly/funny/disturbing/cute faces to annoy his friends lol
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arichi002-blog · 8 months
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¡¡Angel dust and Cherri Bomb!!
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