#best kiss award goes to
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cr: abbott elementary insta
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scalpelsister · 1 year
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the little wolf of luskan
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aimeedaisies · 2 years
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Tim Laurence examining his mothers shopping which she bought in Gatcombe Park souvenir shop which is run and promoted by his wife, the Princess Royal.
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ptx2022 · 1 year
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Scomark in Belgium (x)
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born-to-lose · 1 year
which ones were the horrorpunk bands 👀
It was Superhorror!! Short story, I got their set list, got my CDs signed by 4/5 of the band and kissed the singer (who turned out to be 16 years older than me and possibly taken after I did some stalking today 💀💔), long story under the cut
So one of their songs is called Satan Loves You and to introduce that the singer said "you know what the devil whispers in your ear? Drink one more beer, kiss that singer of the band that's on stage because Satan wants you to live your life, Satan loves you". I was front row all night and that was pretty early on in their set and I was considering just kissing him whenever he gets close enough. Their music was really good and I had so much fun! Necrophilia and cannibalism references in their songs ❤
At some point he walked through the audience and just grabbed some girls and danced with each of them goofy partner dance style spinning around etc and he said he wants to practice his German so he complimented random people in German. Before he got off the stage he gave me the set list with a wink and stuck his tongue out 😫
After the concert when I was going outside, he was standing there with the guitarist and I got out the CDs I had bought and asked if they could sign them (that's how the hangout with another band last year started so it's my go-to method)
They were like sure and asked if I have a pen because if not they'd have to go back inside and look for one. The guitarist offered me a cigarette but I declined (I already had beef with my mom for accepting a musician's cig before and my sister was sick waiting in the car with my parents and they were all mad at me for taking so long so I couldn't stay for the afterparty which really pisses me off, next time I'm definitely going alone) ANYWAYS I found a pen in my bag and the singer was like "grazie" and after fighting together to get the booklets out of the CD cases, they signed them and the guitarist went to look for the rest of the band
When I was alone with the singer, I asked "so saying Satan whispered it in my ear would be a good reason to kiss you?" and he grinned and went "oh yeah absolutely, but I smell like shit now, like really" and I was like "I don't mind" and he said I can kiss him on the cheek, which I did and left a lipstick stain on his white face paint (should have taken a photo of that) and then he was like "actually you know what" and I kissed him and we both had a bit of each other's lipstick on lmao
We chatted a bit and he asked if I enjoyed the show and if I'm from near here and I said I'm from the next town about 20 minutes away and he was like "lucky, this bar is great but it's not your first gig here, is it? We played here in 2016, was this your first time seeing us?" and he apologized for his bad English and not being super talkative because he woke up at 6am to travel up here from Italy and it was so hot in there and he lost everything including his ability to think. He asked me for my name and was like "ooh Melissa *thick Italian accent* such a beautiful name I like it" 🥹🥹🥹
He went to get my CDs back and apologized for not being able to find the other guitarist so he suggested I get the missing autographs next time they come to Germany. He asked if he can hug me and we hugged and we said our goodbyes and see you next time etc
And when I turned around my father was standing a few meters away from me 💀💀💀 he said he only got there when I got my CDs back which I SURE FUCKING HOPE
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woman1922 · 2 years
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I thought with Justice...this part of me was over. I can't give you a normal life. If you're with me, we'll be hunted, hated. The whole world will be against us.
If your door is open tonight, I will come to you. If not, I'll know you took my warning at last.
And the next scene is just Hawke dismantling his bedroom door from its hinges.
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hairmetal666 · 6 months
Eddie stands at the bar, sipping at the whisky in his glass, eyes flickering over the crush of bodies and dark mahogany. He's at a premier party at TIFF, doesn't remember what movie it's for, is supposed to "mingle" according to his agent. And sure, he's charismatic, got a big personality and a loud mouth, but he's not good at networking; resents having to perform when he's not playing a role. Resents it more that he's an Oscar nominated actor, that his work doesn't stand for itself.
And then there's the Steve Harrington of it all. Heartthrob. America's Sweetheart. The boy next door. He's across the room, deep in conversation, but his eyes--they keep finding Eddie, scanning him with unmistakable heat.
They starred in a movie called Dying on the Pass. Played life-long best friends who became elite chefs and opened a restaurant together. The movie follows the dissolution of their friendship as the stresses of pursuing a Michelin Star drive them apart. It was a critical and commercial hit, cue awards noms, and offers pouring in, and--
Steve Harrington is his bed.
They promised, when filming wrapped. They swore it was the last time. They promised--
They basically shared a hotel room during awards season, woke up tangled together every morning.
They spent a torrid weekend in Atlanta after Steve wrapped on a Netflix action movie.
Six months after, they had a quick, furious fuck in the bathroom at a club in London.
Dangerous, stupid, but no one caught them. And here Steve is in Toronto, surrounded by press, staring at Eddie like he wants to eat him.
Eddie tries to ignore it. But every time their eyes meet, warmth pools low in his abdomen, and he wants.
They meet up eventually, pose for a couple of pictures, Eddie trying to ignore the way his skin tingles everywhere that Steve touches. Steve slings an arm around his waist, lets it linger.
After, Eddie goes out for a smoke, the patio blissfully deserted. He's half way through his cigarette when Steve steps out the sliding door, wrapping his hands in Eddie's hair, pulling him into a kiss. The cigarette drops as he grips onto the other man, a whimper slipping from his lips.
He should stop this, they're outside, anyone could see, and Steve isn't out--isn't--he's straight to the entire world, the straightest man alive. And Eddie, he's open about his preferences, identifies as queer, though lately he's been more interested in men--in one man, specifically-- and Steve isn't out, isn't ready to be and--
"Come back to my room?" Steve asks. Their mouths are still pressed together.
"Uh-huh," Eddie answers.
Steve whispers his room number before disappearing back inside. They're in the same hotel, on the same floor, like the universe wants them to keep hooking up. But Steve is being reckless.
Eddie goes to Steve that night with every intention of telling him they need to stop, to slow down, that they're going to get caught and he knows Steve isn't ready, but he doesn't. He doesn't that night and he doesn't two months later when they bump into each other in Venice, or four months after that in New York, or--or --or
It's dangerous, impulsive, too many close calls for them to keep it up and then--and then he's at a house party in the hills, an industry thing, the host is a wannabe big shot producer trying to get in good with the Hollywood elite. Steve is out of town. In Europe filming or maybe Australia for some event or--
Striding through the party, eyes locked on Eddie, and they're in a hallway, in a hallway where anyone could see them, but Steve is kissing him. They're kissing and it's rough and possessive and it stings.
Steve pushes him through double-doors, to the room at their backs, and Eddie wants to protest, to remind him they don't know if it's empty. But Steve is tugging the tie out of Eddie's hair, digging this hands into the now loose curls, and Eddie whines, lets himself be lead.
He's pushed against a table, and in the weak light from the windows, he realizes they're in the dining room. Steve grinds against him, muttering, "missed you so much, baby. God, it's been too long. Need you so bad."
Eddie moans, shifting to press more against Steve. "Missed you too, sweetheart, fuck."
They're kissing and Eddie's high on it, on Steve, can't get enough.
There's a loud burst of laughter outside the door, and reality smashes back into focus.
"Stop," he whispers to Steve.
Steve does in an instant, stepping back. Even in the darkness, Eddie sees the confusion and hurt mingling in the squint of his eyes, his light frown.
"Steve we--this is dangerous. There are people everywhere. Anyone could come in. There's a TMZ guy here, and we--need to be careful."
"Fuck," Steve breathes. "Eddie I--fuck." He presses his hand over his mouth, eyes squeezed shut. "I can't get enough of you, man. Whenever I see you I just--I don't think--I see you and I want you so bad it hurts. Once every few months isn't enough. Hookups aren't enough. And I know that's not what we agreed to, and--"
"Steve," Eddie gently cuts him off. "I'm crazy about you. It hasn't been hookups for me for--" ever, it had never been, but he shakes his head instead of saying that. "But we've been reckless, sweetheart, and I don't want to see you hurt."
"It's not fair to you, though, right? Hiding and sneaking around with me."
"You need time, Steve. You deserve to come out on your terms, when you're ready. And if that means we're not public for a while, then we're not."
"What if I'm never ready?" He whispers. It breaks Eddie's heart, but it's a fair question for a man who got famous as an angelic child star in a series of fantasy-adventure movies before playing a quarterback with a heart-of-gold on the CW for seven seasons. He's always kept up a squeaky clean image, never in trouble, name rarely in the tabloids.
"Then we'll deal with it together."
"Okay," Steve whispers. A smile spreads slow across his face. "I'd like that."
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson are seen around town together often. Getting lunch, at parties, shopping. In an interview Steve says that Eddie's his best friend, they do everything together. There's speculation online, of course, but it's pretty quiet. So, they go to premiers and award shows and events together.
A year goes by and it's easy, light, fun. They're in love.
Eddie's messing around on his guitar, not with any intent just for the joy of it. He's on the loveseat in the office of their apartment--their apartment. Steve is in the kitchen, he thinks, or puttering in the garden.
They haven't talked about Steve coming out; haven't needed to.
"Hey," Steve says from the doorway. Eddie jumps.
"Hey yourself."
"It's Bi Visibility day."
"Is it now?" He's not sure where this is going
"I want to come out."
He puts the guitar down. "You sure?"
Steve nods. He doesn't seem nervous, just calm and steady.
"How do you want to do it?"
He crosses the room, climbing onto Eddie's lap, making Eddie laugh. "Works for me." Eddie gives Steve's ass a playful squeeze.
They start kissing then, Steve snapping pics on his phone randomly as they make out.
Steve won't let Eddie peak as he crafts his Insta post, not until it's done and live for his 15 million followers.
The picture he picked, it's a soft kiss, mouths open but lips only just brushing, noses pressed together in a sweet little bump. But the thing about, the thing that makes Eddie's stomach swoop, is the way they're both smiling, the way it's obvious just how in love they are.
Steve's captioned it with the words "Witness Me" and the bi flag.
He pulls his boy into another kiss, says, "Hey,"
"Hmm?" Steve doesn't pull away.
"Wanna go be visibly bisexual with me in the bedroom?"
Steve hops off his lap, strides across the room, turning to flash Eddie a devious smile. "Thought you'd never ask."
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megvmins · 2 months
the best kisser awards (wind breaker edition)
warnings: spicy, mention of boobs but it's not specified, making out, hickeys
a/n: i'm probably going to write kissing/intimacy headcanons for all wind breaker characters but this is a little something that's been bouncing around in my head for days now. enjoy and lemme know what you think about it! 
notable mentions: 
KAJI: aggressive kisser. kisses like he won't see you for months as if you aren't joined at the hip. usually he crowds you against a wall and the few times your teeth knock together but kaji doesn't even register it as he licks into your mouth and bites your lover lip. somewhere in the middle of this intense make-out session the realization hits him and to hide his embarrassment his lips move down to your jaw and then neck where he sucks love bites with his ears burning bright red but he can't stop because the satisfaction of stepping away to see your absolutely dazed expression and purple-red marks down your neck to your collarbone is so worth it. 
UMEMIYA: he gives the most over-the-top big smack smooches ever and you can't change my mind. like hiragi can be minding his own business on top of the rooftop and you and ume are on the other side and he can hear when ume gives into his inner demons to just smother you with kisses. he's a big silly goof and he attempted few times to pull a cool move on you like holding your head up with two fingers because he read it in a book and he couldn't hold in his giggles at all. on the other side of the spectrum – eskimo kisses when he hugs you and hoists you higher so you're forced to look down at him and he ends up nuzzling his nose into yours. 
the big three under the cut!
#3 KIRYU: look me in the eyes and tell me this guys isn't the wolf in sheep's clothing. pulls you in for some cute and sweet kisses and suddenly his hand is on your chest just squeezing a boob. his only response to your surprise is a shrug of his shoulders and teasing smirk playing on his lips before he reconnects them with yours. just a big tease disguised as a cute little angel. just like kaji he ends up giving you hickeys – in the most conspicuous places and he has the audacity to smile at you innocently when you glare at him through a mirror while you attempt to cover them up.
#2 SUO: gentleman in the streets but a beast in the sheets. i believe he can be really intense once he gets more comfortable so he doesn't have to be so in control of his feelings but can let loose a bit. i can see a scenario of him being worn out from solving a lot of issues around the town and just coming to you with “can i kiss you?” like the gentleman he is but when you would naively think sure lemme give you a peck, instead he just puts his hands either side of your face and pulls you in for a deep and messy kiss that has you holding on to his shoulders for a dear life. afterwards he leaves you with a smile and kiss on the cheek like he didn't just make your legs feel like jello from a simple kiss.
#1 TOGAME: i am biased but hear me out. togame is such a teddy bear on the inside, truly a softie and when he's whipped he gets even more so. he'll just be staring at your face and constantly be thinking about giving you a smooch on your cheeks, nose, lips and forehead honestly anywhere. a lot of the times he doesn't mean for the innocent kisses to go into a heavy breathing make-out session but your lips are tempting him to keep coming for more and his mind goes blank and you have to literally pull on his hair for him to break away so you can breath as if your lips aren't sore from the onslaught. he only looks at you with half-lidded eyes and pulls you closer with a hand on the back of your neck.
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harrysonlylover · 2 months
Patience Is A Virtue*
Summary: In which he finds a road between punishment and pleasure.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: usage of sex pills, edging, usage of toys, anal, mastubration.
A/n: Just a reminder that this is an old writing and I tried to edit as much as I could.
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Harry sat in his home office, his fingers tapping on the keyboard and body relaxed in sweatpants and a white cotton shirt rather than a suffocating but of course stylish suit. That is what he considers the perks of working from home.
Every two weeks he grants his entire company a vacation of two days, whether they work in the company building itself, the factory, or in shipments and delivery services, every single employee is awarded a break. Not even security guards work, instead the building gets activated with advanced security methods: a laser security system, sensors, and Pleasing robots designed specifically for protection.
He is supposed to be resting, but he is far too enthusiastic to do that. Harry understands the importance of breaks very well if he was overtiring himself, he wouldn’t be doing this right now.
He is preparing a report concerning the plug he experimented with Y/n earlier last month during their little role-play incident. It is by far one of the best products he ever invented and he smirks knowing she is the muse behind it.
Each time they had sex, she’d whine and pout when he pulls out, even when he comes inside her or tucks himself in all night, she’d wake up irritated because he slipped out due to her wetness and his cum as lubricants.
That boosted his ego, it really did. He thought of Y/n as his amazing girl who was obsessed with his cock just as much as he is in love with her sweet cunt. And well, for her he’d do anything.
He is almost done with the report, he only needs to send it to the lab and then plan a meeting with the board for advertising purposes. He glances at the clock which indicates it’s half past two.
He moves around the room, stretching his muscles to release the knots from the uncomfortable seating then heads to see where Y/n is. She’s been quiet this whole time. Too quiet.
His feet guide him to the kitchen where an empty cereal bowl lays unwashed. Odd, he thinks. She hates messy areas.
She can’t be working out since they have a gym routine together that most of the time ends with sweaty sex. Perhaps she was doing some yoga, and God he worships the body it gave her.
He makes his way up the stairs, to their shared bedroom and finds the door half open with low unusual sounds sounding from inside.
He peaks his head in slowly and supports his hand on the wall to find Y/n laid back against the sheets, one hand holding a Pleasing vibrator to her cunt and the other roaming between her breasts, as she touches her body reaching her clit.
He is already hardening inside his pants, his cock straining against the fabric of his sweatpants, it’s like her arousal and need for pleasure calls for his.
He loves that she enjoys discovering her body and experiencing the bliss of orgasms, her soft skin shuddering when she cums and her puffy cunt spasming around nothing.
Harry backs away from the door feeling himself go through many emotions, he loves the way she pleasures herself; he can’t be upset about that yet he aches to be the one to provide it.
At least he’d want to be there while she does it, guide her through it, and tease her. Perhaps she assumed he was too indulged in that report and he really was, but his mind is always with her.
He cooks up something inside his head, not a punishment but both a patience and pleasure test.
He slowly goes down the stairs, into his office, and closes the door behind him.
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Y/n stared at the messy kitchen that was left after their breakfast, Harry had locked up in his office since the morning but she couldn’t complain. He said it would take a few hours only then he’d spend the entire day with her doing whatever her heart desires.
The kisses he left on her collarbone still linger as her necklace (his initials) grazes against her bare neck.
“When did I ever lie to you? I promise it’s only a couple of hours, do what you like, and when I’m done whatever your heart desires will happen.” Harry mumbled quickly leaning in to leave wet kisses starting from the curve of her breasts, softly pecking her nipple as he moved up to her collarbone, groaning at the sight of his initial.
“I know but I’ll just miss you.” She swiped her fingers through his curls, feeling her heart shudder from his kisses.
“If it gets too much, come to me and sit in my lap, I’m never busy for you.”
He is everything she could ever ask for.
After he left, she did some yoga and listened to songs but soon enough she found herself needing him in other ways.
She rarely resorted to her fingers and vibrator but desperate times call for desperate measures, if she teased her fiancée now, he’d fuck her all day long till they pass out and wake up tomorrow with a sex hangover.
She returned to her bed where the sheets were still messy and tangled, and fetched her vibrator from the secret room attached to the bedroom that’s designed for extreme pleasure. But that’s for other times.
She managed to get two mind-blowing orgasms, the aftermath was weird though. She felt more achy than before, it’s like her cunt knew nothing will suit it except her fiancée’s cock.
She clenched her thighs together and realized that a third orgasm would be pointless unless given to her by Harry. She put everything back in place and distracted her mind with cleaning up and an episode of a documentary. He must be done by now.
She decided to wait for him as she could feel herself experiencing symptoms of sex deprivation or should she call it withdrawals from not having his cock?
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Harry shut down his laptop with an audible sigh, the excitement of playing with Y/n added to that of the initial one revolving around finishing the report.
He can hear the faint sound of the TV as he steps inside their living room, Y/n’s head is pushed back against the cushions, and her legs are across the table.
“So what are you up to?” He stood behind her and began massaging her shoulders, making her choke on popcorn.
“Just a random documentary.” She managed to mutter trying to ignore the way his hands felt against her skin.
“Really? I’m not sure that’s what you were doing a while ago, using the very same product I designed to get off.” He whispered in her ear as his hands shifted to her neck, slowly rubbing at her skin.
Her breath got caught in her throat—he saw her? Not that she was trying to hide it, but she wasn’t sure how he’d feel about it.
“I asked you something dove.” He pressed at her neck tilting her head backwards as she met up with his face.
“Hmm, you were busy, if I told you, you wouldn’t have finished that report.”
“Fair point, but here’s what love, I cooked up something for us.” He trailed his finger down to her chest, removing the straps of her top before touching her bare breasts.
“Not a punishment, can’t say I’m a fan of these.” Her skin was covered in goosebumps as he pressed his lips to her temple.
“It’s a game of patience and pleasure, you couldn’t handle waiting for me, but you’re still wet, I can smell it. So let’s add intolerance?” His finger was circling her perky nipples, giving them a slow pinch and a tender massage.
Harry is big on pleasure and testing out each other’s limits, he loves exploring his sexual life, but the plot twist is that she does too. Like a match made in hell.
“Did you eat after breakfast?” He asked caressing her cheek.
“Hmm I did, had a bowl of fruits.”
“Atta girl, I’m going to get something that we’ve done before but in a different way, if you don’t want to tell me immediately.” She nodded as he gave her a last kiss before heading off to their bedroom.
“And strip down, I want nothing on your body.” He ordered before disappearing inside.
She smirked knowing this was what she wanted, to play all day, he already promised to do what she desired and he was doing it despite not telling him. What a man she had.
He was right, she was still wet. Nothing can beat being fully naked as the breeze along with the sunlight from the window wraps her body in an embrace.
Harry returned with a grin planted on his face. He was also fully naked, walking around with his cock swinging, and tattoos on display.
“Nice ass.” She teased him as he filled up two cups of water.
“Thanks love, it loves your tongue.” He approached her and gave her the cup of water, revealing a pill in his hand.
Cheeky motherfucker.
It was a Pleasing sex pill.
“You’re in a mood today.” She took the pill, swallowing it down with a big gulp of water.
He did the same and placed both cups in the sink. He also brought a box with him, she assumed the sex hangover might last longer than a day.
She tried these pills once or twice before; they’re designed for both men and women by his scientists’ team. She never faced any problem with them, they helped her experience an immense amount of pleasure.
Harry helped her relax against the sofa in a nice position and proceeded in one of his routines.
Kissing her body.
His lips puckered against her right leg gently, up to her thigh where he kept prepping kisses, his mouth hovered over her wet cunt breathing it in and allowing his nose to graze the wetness before letting out a loud groan.
He placed a delicate kiss on her clit continuing to leave love bites on her inner thighs, up to her pelvis. Soft wet pecks to every inch of her skin, giving extra love to her pelvis and tummy because ‘his child will be there one day’.
He pushed her on her stomach to give her love from behind, he also managed to bite her ass cheek while at it and traced her back whilst loving on it, then hoisted you up again to resume his work on your chest.
He went at it slowly to not forget or ignore any inch, from left to right with his cupid-shaped mouth, and hand roaming between her thighs rubbing at them up and down.
“My woman’s perfect body, so divine.”
“I love this— a goddess is what you are.”
“You’re my person, and this body is what I worship.”
“I can’t believe you’re mine, I’m so blessed, aren’t I?”
“The great gods sculpted your body, and I get to love on it.”
“My woman, my lady, my fiancée, my lover, let me kiss your body every day please.”
He mumbled against her skin, sentence after sentence nonstop till he reached her breasts and fondled them giving them extra love. He littered her neck with love bites, till they looked like big bruises.
Eventually, he hid his face in the crook of her neck allowing his hand to rest on her hip. She kissed his face exchanging ‘I love you’ as she waited for the pill to kick in or so she thought.
“I have a feeling that the pill is for something else.”
“You’re a minx, you know that?” He lifted himself off the sofa and left her lying down as he glanced at the clock to see that it had been 20 minutes since they took the pill.
He propped himself down on the sofa facing her and the grin on his face told her that her sentimental man was gone, and his devilish side was out
“Here’s what darling, before we begin, you’re not allowed to touch yourself. The pill will kick in now and I want to watch you squirm around, helpless and wet. Just a tolerance test yeah?”
His arms were stretched widely showing his biceps, his cock was erect reaching his stomach and his plump thighs were a sight.
“You’re going to watch me touch myself because I have to compensate for the orgasm you had without me.”
Her face flushed red upon hearing him. He wants to edge her till she’s shaking, she’s done that before but not with a pill that makes her horny in ungodly ways.
“Hey H, that’s not fair.” She whined feeling the effect of the pill begin.
“Open your legs facing me, I want to see your cunt.” She did as told, groaning at the neediness that was rising out of her pussy.
Harry’s cock was not only erect and red thanks to the pill but leaking precum too and engorged with veins. It looked painful.
He wrapped a hand around his shaft, moaning loudly at the feeling before spitting on the head and moving slowly from the base to the tip.
“How does it feel to see me touching myself? It feels so good with the pill, I’m edging myself too you know? I could be buried inside your warm pussy now.” He spoke as he panted, his curls covering his face and his abs contracted as his whole body tensed at the teasing.
“Harry this isn’t funny, just fuck me.” She squirmed around, digging her nails into the cushions as the subtle breeze blowing at her cunt felt like torture.
He didn’t listen to her, only smirked and kept going, gritting his teeth at the feeling of his precum sliding all over his cock. He picked up some on his finger bringing it to his mouth sucking them off as he held eye contact with her.
“You honestly look like a cat in heat and I love it.” He thrusted faster and spread his legs wider to give her a clear view of his cock.
“Poor baby, about to pass out because she needs her man’s cock. Is that what you want me to do? To stick it in and relieve you?” He teased even more with a grin, she was drooling at his cock that was so erect and she could feel her wetness dripping.
All the blood was rushing to her clit that’s now engorged and swollen, it hurts. He was right, she felt like she was in heat, aching and urging to hump on something, anything for some friction.
Her breath was unsteady and her whole body was heating up as she whined on and on, swaying her legs from side to side and getting shouted at if she closed them together.
“What a pretty puffy pussy, so sensitive and all for me, it’s waiting for my cock. That’s all it needs all day, for me to keep fucking and using it.” He whimpered as he gripped his cock harshly before arching his back and cumming all over his hand and thighs.
He released a big load, covering his whole shaft in white glistening cum as he pushed his head back in ecstasy and breathed heavily.
She almost drooled at the amount of cum, she wanted to suck it all off him and swallow it down her throat. The pain was getting unbearable—her cunt was clenching and pulsating.
“Look at your tight pussy, opening up and clenching inviting my cock in. No wonder you’re a cockslut.” He walked over to her with his hand still wrapped around his leaking shaft.
He gathered some of the cum on his hand then smeared them all over her cunt and slapped her clit before spitting on it.
He watched her pussy pulsate and his cum drip all over it reaching her asshole. He proudly strolled around to the box pulling out her plug.
“Harry just fuck me come on.” She begged as the pill’s effect was getting more and more painful.
He went down on his knees in front of her, stretching his tongue out and lowering it down as he kept eye contact with her. He barely let the tip of his tongue graze her cunt then smirked and shifted to her asshole.
Teasing and edging was all he did.
His tongue massaged her second hole before pouring a generous amount of lube on it, the cold gel made her jolt since her whole body was warm, he then gently inserted her plug inside as she whimpered at the stretch.
Harry lifted Y/n off the couch with his hand around her throat and pulled her mouth into a heated kiss. “Get on your knees and suck your fiancée’s cum, only lick it off nothing more.”
She immediately did as she was told, feeling the burn of the rug on her knees as she wrapped a hand around his shaft initiating a broad lick from the base to the tip. His cum slid on her tongue as she gathered all of it, leaving his cock shining with its remnants.
“Swallow all of it but share some with me.” She stood up on her feet as he helped her to balance herself wrapping an arm around her waist before joining her lips in a kiss filled with tongue clash and an exchange of his cum.
“Such a good girl.” He pressed a peck to her cheek, then her temple, and checked with her safe word.
He led her to the sofa where he ordered her on all fours, her eyes were welling with tears from the amount of neediness.
He removed the plug resulting in her whining loudly at the emptiness and grabbed the bottle of lube again to squirt some on his hand, making sure to give her hole a good massage and fingering before thrusting his cock inside.
When it came to anal, he pushed in one swift motion because he knew she loved the initial burn of it, he also knew deep down that she was a slut for anal.
He brought her body up to his chest securing it with an arm around her waist, she held on to his pumped bicep as she moaned feeling his other hand cup she cunt with the cold metal of the rings riling her up even more.
“I want you to stay still, a whore like you will hump my hand which is why I won’t let you move. Just take my cock inside your ass like a good slut.”
She tilted her head backward against his shoulder as he began plunging in vigorously, the stretch of his cock in her ass made her see stars, she reached the highest level of pleasure especially with his large veined hand cupping her pussy not allowing the poor thing to breathe.
A deep tight feeling in her lower abdomen settled in the more he plunged. She brought his hand to her throat and guided him to manhandle her.
“Dumb whore can’t even speak, do you want me to choke you?”
She squeezed at his biceps earning a growl from him. “Ah I see, you want me to choke you with my muscles, you get off the fact that I can manhandle you the way I want and that I’m bulky yeah?”
He brought his bicep near her throat and choked her just enough to turn her on, the position she was in made it seem as if he was strangling her, but it was quite the opposite. It felt even better than his hand, despite how much she loved his rings leaving bruises around her skin.
“All of this and you’re still dripping over my hand, made it soaking wet. What do I do with you hmm?” She smiled at him as a form of defiance since no matter what—even she can’t control her cunt around him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I bet you’re ready to take my cock in your ass and pussy all day.”
“That’s the plan.”
He slapped her clit, hitting it with his rings making her jolt against him as her bundle of nerves was so swollen. Her eyes rolled backward while he kept itching that one spot in her hole.
“That’s it yes please fuck my ass.”
He moved his hand to her hip forcing her to keep still with a grip so tight it’ll leave bruises around her skin. He thrusted in a primal way and he was breathing against her ear igniting goosebumps in your body.
Their naked bodies were flushed against each other, skin to skin, and she could feel the room fill up with the scent of sweat and sex.
“Fuck I’m cumming, where do you want it?” He asked breathing heavily as she felt his cock twitch inside her.
“Inside please.”
“Knew you’d say that. It’s what good sluts want, besides the way your little hole is pulling me inside tells me what I need to know.” He bit into her shoulder growling audibly while his hips stilled as he emptied his cum inside her ass.
“H—harry ohh” She closed her eyes as his cum filled her up, rope after rope while her ass swallowed it all up taking it in. Her pussy pulsated harder around his hand, he can even feel it beating loudly and sense how warm and snug it was.
The bite mark he left made her whine since she loved a little pain and branding during sex. He prepped kisses against her skin while they both came down from a mind-blowing orgasm.
He slowly helped Y/n to lay on her stomach before pulling out, allowing a load of cum to drip down her thighs and cover his entire shaft.
He rubbed at her ass diving in to lick what leaked as she gripped the cushions tightly feeling so overstimulated. His tongue meeting her rim made her scream so he pulled away licking his mouth to savor the taste.
Harry inserted the plug again and she felt it go deep inside as his cock stood proudly against his stomach at the sight of a plug designed according to his initial ‘H’.
He was foaming at the mouth.
His initial plug in her ass, a bite mark on her shoulder, bruises over her hips and waist, his release deep inside her, shaky legs, and tears on her face.
He loved some branding too.
“No cum gone to waste in this household.” He lay beneath her on the sofa wrapping her around him as he kissed her head and wiped her tears. He rubbed her back soothingly and intertwined their legs together, with soft pecks to her lips.
“Yes, my dove.”
“Will you fuck my pussy pretty please?” She earned a deep chuckle from him as he lifted himself and smiled at her.
“You still want me to use your cunt?” She nodded at him while he gave her puppy eyes.
He hoisted himself up on his elbows and strolled to the kitchen, she enjoyed the view of his naked body, saving it to herself. Maybe they should have a nude photoshoot on their film camera.
He returned with a cup of water and a protein bar urging her to have them or ‘no fucking’. She took both of them as she slowly restored her energy trying not to think about the unbearable ache in her lower abdomen.
She walked around a bit to stretch yourself while Harry relaxed on the sofa with his legs spread and cock miraculously still erect. She noticed the box he got still laying on the table, she skimmed it for anything fun laying her hands on a cock ring.
She brought it with her and showed it to Harry whose face shined at its sight. “You want to control my cock inside your pussy.”
“Hmm I do, wanna feel it vibrate against my walls.”
She helped him put it on and snatched its remote from the box trying not to get down on her knees again at the sight of your fiancée all spread out on the couch, waiting for her to ride him.
“Plug check.” He ordered her, making her turn around, as he hummed an approval before spanking her and dropping her on his lap.
“Now let my cock choke with that warm cunt of yours, will ya?”
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hemmingsleclerc · 8 months
Golden Globes ┃CL16
summary : where you go to the golden globes with your mystery bf and end up being an f1 driver
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The day had arrived, after weeks of anxiety, you were already dressed in ypur beautiful dress, with your makeup and hair done just waiting to leave. Your boyfriend was there with you, but you had both decided not to pose together on the red carpet, so it would just you. After you received the news that you had been nominated in the category of ''best supporting actress'' for your film ''Oppenheimer'' released that same year, you hadn't been able to sleep, you longed for that award after having given your all to that role.
The Golden Globes would be important, that day your boyfriend would accompany you and you couldn't ask for more. In fact, both had tried to keep your relationship as private as possible for the last two years, but at that moment it almost didn't matter to hide it from the public eye.
Arriving at the event, Y/N, adorned in a stunning floor-length dress, gracefully walked the red carpet, flashing smiles and waving to the adoring crowd.
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liked by 182,572 others
ynupdates Y/N has arrived to the golden globes looking stunning!
Inside the venue, the atmosphere was equally charged with emotion. You and your partner had already met and were both walking hand in hand.
The glitz and glamor of Hollywood's elite filled the room, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves as she took her seat among the nominees.
As the night progressed, the tension in the room reached its peak when the "Best Supporting Actress" category was announced.
The presenter was reading the names of the nominees while a camera pointed at each one when the room fell silent. Y/N was gripping her boyfriend's hand tightly when the presenter said "And the golden globe goes to" and her heart raced when her name echoed through the auditorium. Her eyes widened in disbelief and she stood up from her seat, she gave her boyfriend a kiss and hugged several of her friends before heading to the stage.
While on stage, holding her award, Y/N began her acceptance speech with her voice shaking. She thanked the incredible team she had worked with on the film, acknowledging the director, her co-stars and her team. The audience burst into applause upon hearing her words.
Then, in a moment that was sure to garner attention on social media, Y/N took a deep breath and dropped a bombshell. "I also want to thank the love of my life, my rock and my biggest supporter ever," she said, drawing shocked faces from the crowd.
The camera panned to capture the surprised expressions on the faces of the audience. Speculation in the room intensified when Y/N continued: "Charles, my charlie, you have been my pillar of strength throughout this incredible journey. Thank you for being there for me through the good and difficult times."
Attention was focused on an elegant Charles Leclerc, sitting in the audience, with a proud smile adorning his face watching her. The revelation caused astonishment in the room and the crowd erupted in a mixture of applause, cheers and murmurs of surprise.
The cameras captured the genuine emotion on Y/N's face as she continued her heartfelt speech, expressing her love for Charles and how he had been the unwavering support she needed all those years. The audience, initially taken by surprise, eventually broke out into a standing ovation, celebrating the couple.
When Y/N left the stage, Charles greeted her with a big hug and a kiss telling her how proud he was of her.
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Liked by charles_leclerc,taylorswift,robertdowneyjr and 1,543,859 others
ynln What a night!!! thank u @goldenglobes !!!
and also thank u to my boy @charles_leclerc for holding me before I passed out from excitement.
username GIRL WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!??!?!?!?!
username SINCE WHEN????????????
charles_leclerc beyond proud of you❤️
liked by ynln
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headkiss · 1 year
you’ll always know me
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part 1, part 2
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: even as the crowds at his shows get bigger and bigger, eddie munson still has you, his very best friend. or, (for my swifties) eddie munson is your dorothea.
word count: 8.6k
warnings: fluff, a little angst, childhood best friends to lovers (sort of), weed and smoking, librarian!reader, first kiss, so many uses of the words “i miss you,” and some idiots in love !!!
a/n: hiiiii!!! this one took so long but i really love rockstar!eddie and i hope you do too!!! this is inspired by tis the damn season and especially dorothea by taylor swift <3 thank you to my love @inkluvs for encouraging me on this one ily!!!
It’s surreal to watch someone close to you grow so much bigger than the town you live in.
To know that the person you see on the news, at award shows on your TV screen, is the same one who used to push you on the swings at the playground, who used to walk with you to and from school, who grew up beside you, closer than anyone else ever could have.
Closer than anyone ever would, still.
To most people, he’s Eddie Munson, lead singer and guitarist of Corroded Coffin. To you, he’s Eddie, the best friend you’ve ever had.
You can go back years and years, and Eddie’s woven into your life for so much of it. So is his music. You can pick out the points: watching Corroded Coffin play for the first time in middle school, watching their first gig at the Hideout, being in the front row for it all wearing the widest smile, having the loudest cheers.
Even the late night phone calls you’d get when he’d be stuck on lyrics, when he wanted someone’s opinion and chose to dial your number instead of his bandmates’.
“I can’t get this line to sound right.”
“Let’s hear it, Munson.”)
You’re often in disbelief of where he is now. Not because you ever doubted him, but because even after so long, it’s strange not to see him every day. You’re insanely proud of him, but that doesn’t mean you don’t miss him.
Because you do. You miss him so much.
A box sits on the top shelf of your closet, one filled with newspaper and magazine clippings, articles about the band’s success, positive reviews about their shows and their albums. Things to show that Eddie’s dream came true, and that’s a rare thing.
There’s only one kind of tabloid you choose not to keep: the ones booming with rumors you selfishly hope aren’t true.
‘Lead singer of Corroded Coffin has a new spark? Read more to find out who’s caught famous bad boy Eddie Munson’s eye.’
You see him constantly in pictures, through a screen, but you only really ever see him on holidays, when he’s able to come home. When he comes bursting back into your life in vibrant fireworks with his stupid, pretty smile and stupid, shining brown eyes. When he comes back only to leave all over again.
You only have yourself to blame, really, for letting it tear you up. Because more than anything, you’re happy for him, so happy you could never express it properly, but still, there’s an ache in you when he crosses your mind, when the feelings linger.
Life in Hawkins for you consists of working at the library, reading your days and thoughts away, hanging out with the gang when you’re up to it, and that’s about it.
Eddie always knows where to find you when he does come home, usually barging into the library with his arms open for a hug, one you rush into easily. You always spend the couple days he has in Hawkins together, being the you and him you’ve been since you were kids. But the lingering reminder doesn’t fade, the reminder of him having to leave looming over you like a storm cloud.
Eddie Munson comes home sporadically, unknowingly taking your heart with him wherever he goes. And when his inevitable departure takes place, you’re forced to regrow what’s missing from your chest. Every single time.
Besides his uncle Wayne, who could only ever see him as a troublemaking kid, you’re the only person who’s never treated Eddie any differently.
Not in high school when he was labeled a freak, not even when the fame rose so suddenly it felt like a tidal wave. You kept him afloat. You keep him afloat.
He knows he should call more often, he knows that even if the phone works both ways, you really don’t have a way of keeping track of which hotel he’s in, which state, which country, even. He knows that falls on him.
Your phone number’s burned into Eddie’s memory. He could never forget it, and still, he can’t seem to find the time to dial it. He’ll get called away, or he’ll just be getting back from a show and barely have the energy to shower before getting in bed. Worse, he’ll get the panicked sense that you won’t pick up anymore.
At least he’s never missed your birthday. That, he’ll always make time for, usually phoning you at the same time that a bouquet of flowers arrives at your door. And somehow, even when he’s away, you don’t miss his birthday, either.
Eddie’s sitting on the small couch in his dressing room, waiting to go on stage, thinking of you the way he often does.
He wonders if you think of him, too. If you miss him or if you’re angry that he’s gone so often, that he can barely even manage a fucking phone call. Though, you were never the type to be angry. Never with him, at least.
He wants to hear your voice, wants to hear you tell him ‘good luck’ before going on stage like you used to. He peeks at the table next to the couch. Eddie’s not sure how much time he has before he needs to go, but he figures it’s worth a try.
Just as he’s about to pick up the phone in his dressing room, there’s a knock on the door.
“Munson! You’re on in five!”
He’ll call you later, then.
“Beginning descent to the Indianapolis International Airport.”
The muffled sound through the airplane’s speakers is followed by the ding of the seatbelt signs being turned on. Eddie shifts in his seat to look out the window. He’s got his own little cubicle in first class, and though this is how he always flies now (other than when he finds himself on a private jet, which is even more unbelievable), he’s still not used to it.
He’s itching to get out of this seat, then he remembers that he’s still got the trek through the airport and the drive back to Hawkins. It’ll be worth it to see Wayne, who he doesn’t see nearly as often as he should, and get his classic hug with a slap on his shoulder.
It’ll be worth it to see you, who makes Hawkins feel more like home. You, who reminds him of the person he’s always been, the parts that get lost on the road. You, who hugs him tighter than anyone else ever has.
His hands clench into fits in his lap.
As soon as Eddie steps off the plane, his security team finds him. He’d assured them that he’d be fine, really, but this is how it is for him now. Through baggage claim and all the way to the car that’s waiting for him outside, security takes a step whenever he does.
Shutting the car door as he slides into the backseat, Eddie tips his head back and sighs.
The car ride feels shorter than usual, the city fading into trees and fields until the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign comes into view. The gravel crunches under the car’s tires as it pulls into the trailer park. Wayne’s got enough to get a better place now, Eddie made sure of it, but he never did. He’d never admit it but Wayne’s sentimental, and the trailer houses too many memories to let go of it.
After all, it was home.
Stepping through the front door there’s the smell that he’d never noticed until he’d been gone for weeks at a time. The settled dust, the faint smoke of cigarettes, coffee, and the room spray Wayne inevitably uses to try and cover it all up.
Eddie drags his bags inside, waves to his driver, and shuts the door behind him.
Then, Wayne’s warm rasp, “my boy. Get in okay?”
He’s wrapped in his uncle’s classic hug quickly, the pats on his shoulder and all. Eddie closes his eyes and soaks it in, just for a second, “yeah. It was fine.”
“Good, good,” Wayne says, pulling back and grasping Eddie’s shoulders, getting a good look at him. “Take a shower.”
“Is that your way of telling me I look like shit?”
“Nah, that’s me telling you that you smell like airport, boy.”
“It’s great to see you, too,” Eddie says, smiling.
He and Wayne have the kind of relationship that time doesn’t really affect all that much. Whether Eddie’s away for a week or a month, or two, or three, they fall back into things like he’d never even left.
He knows Wayne’s probably lonely, probably hiding more than he could imagine, but he also knows that he loves him, and that’s always a good thing to know, to feel. Loved.
“Shut up, you know I missed you,” Wayne shakes Eddie’s shoulders and lets go, “now go wash up and you can tell me about your last show over some coffee, sound good?”
“Sounds good. I missed you too, Wayne.”
Eddie carries his bags into his room, leaving them open on the ground rather than unpacking. He’ll just have to pack them all over again, anyways.
Before long, the trailer’s small bathroom is filling with steam as Eddie steps into the shower, dropping his neck back and letting the water run over his shoulders, his back. He stands like that for a bit, simply letting the heat melt away at the tension in his muscles.
By the time he steps out, the mirror is completely fogged with steam, and Eddie wipes away at a section to look at himself. The bags under his eyes, the mess of his hair that he doesn’t bother taming, the small scratch on his chin from one of his rings. He shakes his head and heads into his room with his towel around his waist.
He throws on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a faded band tee, his hair soaking the back of it drop by drop.
In the kitchen, Wayne’s got two mugs of coffee sitting on the small table, a seat already pulled out for Eddie to take.
He nods, sipping from his mug as Eddie does the same.
In the silence, he can’t help but think of you, of how close he is to you now. Mere minutes away. He wonders what you’re doing, if you’re reading in bed after your shift, if you’d just showered like him, if you’re thinking of him, too.
“I saw her the other day,” Wayne says.
They both know he means you.
“How’s she doing?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll ask her that when you see her tomorrow, but she seemed good.”
“How'd you know I’m gonna see her tomorrow?”
“Come on, kid. You go to the library the day after you get in every time and think I don’t notice?”
Eddie looks down at the mug in his hands, his face warm. It shouldn’t matter, shouldn’t have him feeling all shy and nervous, like he’d been caught, but it does.
“She misses you,” Wayne adds.
“She tell you that?”
“Doesn’t have to. I’ve known that girl since she was little and running after you on the playground. I can tell.”
Wayne has always said that you’re as good as family, after all. Eddie used to joke that his uncle liked you more than him, and you used to laugh and joke back that he was right.
Eddie’s suddenly very excited to sleep, only to get to tomorrow quicker.
“I miss her, too.”
“Yeah, kid. I know,” Wayne leaves it there, switching things over, “I saw you almost eat shit on TV the other day.”
“Come on!” Eddie groans. He’d tripped over a fucking wire on stage. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was still fuckin’ funny.”
“Of all the shows, you just had to tune in for that one.”
Wayne asks about the tour, about how Eddie’s liking it this time around, about whether or not there’s anything new he’s working on.
In return, Eddie asks about the mechanic’s, about whether or not Wayne’s back has been acting up (which earns him a light slap on the back of the head), about what’s changed in Hawkins since the last time he’d been home.
Even through the smiles he shares with his uncle, Eddie’s wondering how you’ll react when you see him tomorrow, picturing how it’ll feel to be near you again. He gets that feeling in his gut, the butterflies that are nerves and excitement and questions and feelings rolled into one.
He’s pretty sure he dreams about you, too.
Your shifts at the library are always long; full days of scanning and shelving books. You’re lucky to say that you actually like your job. The smell of worn pages, the peacefulness (save for when Dustin comes barging in with his stack of overdue books that you let him off the hook for every time), the interactions that are almost always short and sweet since it’s meant to be a quiet place.
Your eight or nine or however many hour days go by much quicker now than they did during your high school job at the grocery store, that’s for sure.
You’re pushing the put-back cart between shelves, humming a random song quietly as you place the books where they belong, sometimes pausing to straighten things out. It’s the middle of a weekday and you’re the only person in there anyway. That is, until the small bell on the front desk dings.
“Just a second!” You call, squeezing between the cart and the self beside it to walk over to the front desk. You think your heart stops altogether.
You’d recognize that head of hair anywhere, the dark, frizzy curls. Hell, you’d recognize that damn denim vest anywhere, even the stance of the person wearing it. “Eddie?”
He turns around at the sound of your voice, and something lifts from his chest when he sees you. A grin spreads wide on his face, splitting his cheeks and crinkling his eyes in the corners, “there she is.”
Usually, when he comes home, it’s on a holiday and you’re expecting him, watching the door and waiting for him to walk through it. This time, you had no idea he’d be coming home. It’s the best surprise you could get.
You’re practically running into his arms, and he wraps them around your waist easily, yours tossed around his shoulders. Your face is buried in his neck, breathing him in, making sure this is real. “What the hell are you doing here?”
His hands clutch at the fabric over your sides, his head twisting so he can place a kiss over your hair, “had a break from tour. Missed home.”
And sure, Eddie hadn’t really realized just how much he missed it until he came back, it’s crystal clear now, with you hugging him. He really, really missed home.
You want to say something stupid and emotional like it hasn’t felt as much like home until now, or I missed the sound of your voice and the smell of your shampoo, but that would probably reveal a little too much.
“Just home you missed or…” you tease, pulling back to look at his face, his brown eyes that sort of sparkle. Your hands stay on his shoulders, his on your waist.
“I missed Wayne, obviously,” Eddie replies, acting oblivious and smiling at the small furrow in your brow.
“Aw, come on.” He tugs you in for another hug, his cheek squished against the side of your head. “‘Course I missed you, trouble.”
Trouble. You never knew you could miss a single word so much.
Eddie started calling you ‘trouble’ when you were kids, sometime in middle school when you’d stolen a bunch of his mixtapes and only returned them weeks later, when he finally noticed. He’d snatched them out of your hands and muttered ‘you’re trouble’ and it just stuck.
“Thank you,” you say, laughing when Eddie pulls back frowning at you. “And I missed you, too. Duh.”
“Duh.” He mocks. He lets go of you fully but doesn’t go far, leaning an elbow against the desk, “you’re doing okay?”
“I’m good. Things don’t change all that much around here, you know that.”
“I’m not asking about around here, I’m asking ‘bout you.”
You tug at the hair tie on your wrist. “I’m fine, Eddie. Promise.”
He nods, and there’s a small lull in the conversation that pinches at your chest for some reason. The sort of silence that never used to be there when it came to you and Eddie, always filling it with conversation or letting it be comfortable. Now, there’s something like awkwardness stretching and it stings.
Because it shouldn’t be there, because he’s Eddie and you’re you and you’re best friends and that’s all there should be to it. But it isn’t. You’re the same people, but so much is different.
“You working late?” He asks.
“Until we close.”
“Care for some company?”
You tilt your head at him, “you really wanna hang around the library for the last four hours of my shift?”
“Sounds like fun to me. I’ll even push the cart for you, and you can tell me what I’ve missed while I was away.”
It’s funny that he thinks he’d ever have to convince you to spend time with him, when you’re practically pulling at any thread of him that you can, when you’re taking anything he has to give you. Two days, a week, a couple of phone calls.
It’s all better than not having him at all.
“Only if you tell me what I’ve missed, too. Like all the cool celebrities you’ve met.”
“Not as cool as you, trouble.” Eddie taps your nose, smiling at the way you scrunch it in response.
“Shut up and start pushing the cart, Munson.”
He stands straight and salutes, “yes ma’am.”
You’re still smiling when you shake your head, “idiot.”
Eddie really does spend the rest of the day with you, pushing the cart while you re-shelf books, sitting in the extra chair behind the counter while you file returns, ducking when someone else walks in.
He asks you about Robin and Steve, Dustin and Lucas, how the kids are finding school, whether Nancy’s been hired at a big paper yet. He asks you about your family, and most of all, about you.
He hangs onto every word you say. And not once do you say anything to make him feel bad for being away, if anything, you can’t stop telling him how proud you are, especially when he talks to you about what’s in the works.
“I always told you you’d make it, Munson.”
“Wouldn’t have done it without you, trouble.”
The next morning, you’re sitting across from him in the corner booth by the window at Benny’s for breakfast. The same way you did every Friday in high school, at the same table.
Whenever you wind up at Benny’s when Eddie’s away, you tend to avoid that booth. It’s pathetic. Like his absence is clearer than ever sitting there when he isn’t. When he’s not putting whipped cream on your nose or stealing food off your plate.
Now, it’s his presence that surrounds you, his smile and his laugh, his foot nudging yours under the table.
The menu is sticky under your fingertips where you hold it, faded from sunlight and discolored from coffee spills that stain the page. You don’t really need to be looking at it—after years of coming here, you’ve probably got the thing memorized—but you need the time to collect yourself. To remember that this is Eddie, and there’s nothing to be nervous about.
You need the time to stuff down that flutter in your gut and in your chest.
On the other side of the booth, Eddie takes your distraction as a chance to really look at you. The details he can’t seem to picture when he’s away like the flecks in your eyes or the exact shade of your lips.
He never realizes just how much he misses you until he’s home. Until he’s sitting across from you and listening to the sound of your voice clearly instead of through a crackling phone’s speaker, until he gets to see the way your eyes light up slightly when you laugh.
It sort of hits him all at once, and he’s thinking, God, I should call more often. I should visit more often.
After a couple of minutes, you look back at Eddie, “you know what you want?”
“I’ve been getting the same thing since high school, trouble. Don’t need the menu.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll go order,” you say, placing your menu back in the holder by the window.
When you start sliding your way out of the booth, Eddie places a hand over yours on the table, “I can get it.”
You look down at your hands, his skin on yours, like you’d expected to see something there. A spark, a burn scorching your skin in the best way.
“I know you can,” you say, smiling at him. “But it’s my treat, okay? I want to get it.”
Eddie always feels sort of guilty when he’s not buying, because he has more than enough money to take care of it, more than he knows what to do with. Sometimes (often), people expect him to pay, even. And just like you’d known how he was feeling, you shut it down with a flash of your smile.
You shift to squeeze his hand before getting up and heading over to the counter, leaning on your elbows as you wait your turn.
Still, Eddie’s looking at you, his hand in the same spot on the table.
He knows that, despite it not being a busy morning at Benny’s, people are looking at him, whispering the way they did even in school. Only now, they’re saying they can’t believe it, look at him now, instead of calling him a freak. And just like in school, having you around makes the talk bearable. Hell, it makes it disappear, if only for a little while.
When the waiter finally comes over to take your order, you send him a kind smile, rattling off yours and Eddie’s orders.
Eddie watches the entire interaction. He tells himself it’s because he doesn’t want to make eye contact with anyone else, that it’s because he’s just making sure you’re alright. It’s certainly not because of how pretty he thinks you look today, not because of how hard it is to keep his eyes off of you.
The waiter is a younger guy, probably around your age. Someone Eddie doesn’t know. He seems to tell you a joke because you laugh, bright and sunny, and Eddie suddenly wishes that Benny was the one taking orders.
Because he should be the one to make you laugh like that, to be on the receiving end of your grin and crinkled eyes. Because there’s this weight in his stomach that feels a little too much like jealousy. Because you’re his best friend and he fucking misses you.
Eddie looks down at his hands and twists his rings around and around until you come back, the old booth squeaking as you sit down.
“You okay?” You ask, always noticing his nervous habit of fiddling with his rings.
She’s my friend, he reminds himself. My best friend, that’s all.
“‘Course I am.”
“The guy at the counter, Dan, wanted me to tell you he’s a fan.”
He shakes his head, “I can't believe I have those. Especially in this town.”
“Excuse me? Your biggest fan is sitting right here, in this town, Munson.”
He probably thinks you’re joking with the way he chuckles, chest rumbling. But, you’re not. The shoebox full of clippings says enough, and you don’t think he’d ever let you live it down if he knew about it.
“She want an autograph?” He teases, the heaviness in his stomach melting away. Your biggest fan.
“In your chicken scratch? Yeah right.”
It’s not long before your food arrives, plates of waffles and fruit, sides of bacon and hashbrowns. Of course, you inevitably end up with whipped cream on your nose and food missing from your plate.
It’s your favorite kind of breakfast.
You’re sitting in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van—the same van he’s had since high school, that he refuses to replace—heading towards Steve’s place. It’s not unusual for either of you to be meeting up with the gang, but Eddie’s still nervous.
“Are you sure about this?” He asks you.
They don’t know he’s in town, and as sure as you are that they’ll be thrilled to see him, Eddie isn’t convinced. You place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly as he drives.
“Everyone’s gonna be so happy to see you. Don’t you trust me?”
“‘Course I do,” he says easily, without thinking, “just haven’t seen anyone in a while, you know?”
“We all miss you, Eddie. It’ll be fun!”
Logically, he knows nobody’s gonna kick him out, or treat him any differently, but it doesn’t stop him from getting nervous. You wanted to surprise everyone, and how could he say no to you? So, here he is, gripping the steering wheel too tight and worrying too much.
Pulling into the driveway, he nods, “here we go.”
You hop out of the van before he has it shut off, but he catches up quickly. He follows you to the side gate of the house, watches you unlatch it and stroll into the yard. The sound of voices mingling hits his ears as you walk around the house and find your group of friends sitting around in lounge chairs.
“Look who I brought,” You announce.
Your shout is followed by eyes flicking towards you, then Eddie who stands beside you. Then, a chorus of his name, plus Argyle’s “rockstar!”
“Hey guys,” he says, waving shyly.
It’s odd to feel this way around these people that he’s known for years. Robin and Steve who’ve rented him way too many movies for free, Nancy and Johnathan who are probably why he graduated high school, and Argyle who was always his most loyal customer.
All of these memories and he feels a little too much like a stranger. At least he’s got you, who feels like one of the only sure things in his life. No matter how long goes by, you’re there, and he hopes you always will be.
“You want a drink?” Steve asks, leaning to reach into the cooler beside him.
“I’ll take one, thanks,” you say, catching the can Steve throws to you.
“I’m driving,” Eddie says, jingling his keys.
“Eddie Munson being responsible,” Robin teases, “they grow up so fast.”
And just like that, he feels a little better. These are his friends, and even though he’s not around all of the time, and even though he may not be as close to everyone anymore, they’ll still be his friends.
You sit down on the empty lounge chair and pat the space beside you for Eddie, sending him a smile that says both ‘told you so,’ in your snark he can practically hear, and ‘everything’s okay,’ in your kind way.
He plops down beside you.
“How’s everything going?” Johnathan asks him.
Not wanting all of the attention on him, Eddie keeps his answer short, “busy, but it’s a ton of fun.”
“Everything you ever dreamed of?” Robin adds.
“You could definitely say that.”
Though, Eddie has this strange feeling that he’s missing something whenever he’s gone. It’ll go away, but somehow, it always finds him again, when he’s debating on calling or not, when he’s hit with a memory of you in the front row at the Hideout when he’s on stage.
He looks over at you and finds you smiling softly at him, eyes fond. He can’t believe he’s the one you’re looking at like that.
Eddie blinks and turns back to the group, “how about you guys? How’re the jobs?”
The chatter picks up and surrounds him, but Eddie can’t stop thinking about the way you were looking at him just then. He’s never had someone look at him like that, like there’s nothing but affection there.
It’s platonic, he tells himself. She’s my best friend.
You feel happier now than you have in a while. Things feel more complete when Eddie’s around. Things feel right. It’s all of your favorite people with no empty chair, it’s falling back into a friendship that’s existed for years.
When conversations split off into smaller ones, you lean your head on his shoulder, and the words sort of slip out of you, “it’s really nice to have you here.”
His heart beats louder, he leans his head on top of yours, “it’s nice to be home.”
And it is. Eddie loves touring, he loves playing his music, and he loves his job, but at the end of the day, he’ll always be this boy from Hawkins, and he’ll always be happy to be home, to be with you.
Catching the moment, Argyle—always sharing his thoughts—says, “sick, you guys are finally together.”
You and Eddie both sit up, like you’d been caught doing something you shouldn’t, even when you’ve sat like that countless times before.
Everyone’s eyes seem to be on the both of you now, and you have a tiny panic inside. Have you really been that obvious with how you feel? Does Eddie know and he hasn’t said anything because he doesn’t want to hurt you?
You laugh awkwardly, “what?”
“Like, dating,” Argyle explains.
“Me and Eddie?”
He’d been frozen for a second there, surprised that Argyle thought that. Was he seeing something Eddie couldn’t? No, no way.
“Just friends, guys,” Eddie says. “Come on.”
You swallow, forcing out a word, “exactly.”
“They’ve always been like this,” Nancy says, which explains enough but also sort of nothing at all.
Just friends. It’s something you know, you remind yourself constantly. It’s all it’ll ever be, and still, hearing Eddie say it out loud has your stomach feeling heavy. Just friends, get over it.
Even as conversation picks up again, as you laugh with everyone, the two words play in your head over and over. Then, after saying your goodbyes, once you’re in the van with Eddie again, it fades, because if you can’t be in love with him, you can be his best friend, and you’d much rather have that than nothing at all.
Once he drops you off, Eddie thinks and thinks about what Argyle had said. He goes over memories, over how he feels around you, and it hits him like a huge punch to the gut.
He thinks he has feelings for you. Big, huge feelings.
It’s the same day, a different sky, the sun sunk behind the horizon to give way to a sky full of stars and a bright moon.
Eddie’s van is parked by Lover’s Lake, the back full of blankets where you both sit, the doors open to look at the sky and the way the moonlight reflects on the water.
There’s practically an indent in the ground in the spot he’s parked, the one that’s been your go-to for ages. From day picnics to nighttime smoke sessions, it’s another place on the list of the ones that are filled with memories of Eddie.
Beside you, he’s got a joint in hand, the flick of his lighter catching your ears over the crickets and the breeze. You watch him inhale, his chest expanding, the smoke slipping from his lips. You turn back to the water.
“Your turn,” he says, handing you the joint.
You grab it between your fingertips and bring it to your mouth, feeling the smoke trail down your throat, further, then you’re breathing it out, clearing your throat at the tickle.
“Out of practice?” Eddie teases at your small cough.
“My favorite weed dealer went out of business,” you say, nudging his shoulder with yours, “so, yeah.”
He takes the joint back from you, “you don’t smoke when I’m not around? You know Argyle’s gotta have some stock.”
“Oh, he definitely does. A little too exotic for my taste. Besides, he won’t give it to me for free.”
“Getting cheap, trouble?”
You shrug, shoulder to your cheek, and give him an innocent smile.
It feels easy, the joint being passed back and forth between sentences until it’s done and stubbed out, the flow of conversation, the comfort that’s there. It’s always been easy with him, even when it hurts a little.
Eddie’s got on his worn denim vest, still full of pins, and you tug at it, “think this thing has a permanent weed smell by now.”
“I think that’s just part of my natural scent,” he replies, playfully flipping his hair over his shoulder.
His curls graze your cheek—that’s how close you’re sitting, thighs touching—and you giggle. You’ve had so many nights just like this one with Eddie, and it feels like some kind of reward that you get to have them still, even when they’re far less regular now.
“Doesn’t this make you think of high school?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Eddie’s hand is on his knee, his pinky twitches, reaching for your leg, “hell, I’m even wearing the same clothes as in high school.”
“How does it feel like yesterday and also a lifetime ago?”
Eddie looks over at you, the warm glow of moonlight and stars on your skin, the way your sweater hangs off your shoulder, the shine in your eyes that’s part weed and part nostalgia.
“A lot’s changed since then,” he says. “I’m not a loser anymore.”
“You’re still my loser.”
How is it that even when you’re calling him a loser, the idea of being yours in any sense of the word is enough to have Eddie’s heart swell in his chest, a balloon floating up and up and he has to swallow to push it back down.
“Stop being cheesy,” he plays it off, ruffling your hair.
You shove his arm away, “I just miss you!”
Eddie looks at his arm, your hand still holding onto it, he follows your arm with his gaze until it lands on your face. He thinks you’re beautiful, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and no groupie could change that.
“I miss you, too, trouble.”
Something shifts, the air growing thicker, a sort of understanding between the two of you. There’s something here, something that could be a disaster but could also be so, so good. Could be everything.
“No way you think about me when you’ve got crowds and fans and-“
“I think about you a lot, honey.”
Honey. He’s probably called you that before, but never like this. Never dripping sweet and sincere, never looking at you like he wants to do something you can’t even let yourself imagine in fear of being let down, of hoping too much.
Eddie’s hand shifts from his own leg to yours, thumb running back and forth, burning you even through the fabric of your pants.
“You do?”
“All the time. You’re my best friend.”
Right. Friend.
“You’re mine, too, Eddie.”
And suddenly you can feel his breath fan across your cheek, your lips. His face is close to yours and the hair that falls over his forehead tickles yours. Just a second ago he’d been saying the word ‘friend,’ and now it feels like he’s going to do something to contradict that.
Against all odds, he does.
Eddie couldn’t help himself. Maybe he’ll blame the weed, or maybe he won’t, but before he knows it he’s reaching up with the hand that isn’t on his leg to cup your cheek and tilt your head. And he’s kissing you.
He’s kissing you.
It’s so delicate, so much you’re afraid to even breathe, like it’ll break in an instant. Eddie’s fingers squeeze your leg, urge you to kiss him back and there’s no way that you wouldn’t. Not when his lips are actually on yours, not when he tastes like weed and mint gum and something perfect.
It could be seconds or minutes that you’re kissing, tilting your head even more to feel him, clutching his sleeve tightly. It never deepens, but it doesn’t have to, it says enough.
When you pull away, it’s not one or the other who does it, it’s natural, like it’s been rehearsed time and time again. Eddie leans his forehead against yours, his hand still on your cheek.
“Was that a bad idea?” He asks you, voice low and quiet.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” And you don’t, because there’s no way of knowing what’s gonna happen next, if things will be ruined, if this will fade away like it never happened, or, maybe, just maybe, if it’ll start something.
“Was it okay?”
“More than okay.”
You don’t talk about it that night, and you don’t want to just yet. You’re fine with enjoying the pink-tinted haze at least until tomorrow.
Eddie’s barely been gone for two days and you’re not sure what to do with yourself. After that night, neither of you brought it up, and as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t. You were scared. And anyway, it was probably just the weed for him.
You’d never kissed before. Sure, you’ve come close, faces inches apart when you’d share a bed, whispers away, but nothing ever happened. Until now.
Now, sitting on your bed, chin resting on your knees, you’re reeling from knowing what Eddie’s lips feel like and missing him all over again. Rebuilding that piece in your chest.
Somewhere else in the country, in the world, Eddie’s position isn’t so different from yours. He’s sitting on the edge of his hotel bed, forearms on his knees, head bent. He wants to call you, and he’s figuring out what he’ll say when he does.
He misses you every time he isn’t home, but it’s never felt like this. There’s never been this ache in his stomach that won’t go away because of it. Fuck, he misses you more than ever.
The last trip back to Hawkins was different than anything else, because he brought back these feelings with him and he keeps reaching up to press his fingertips to his lips, like the memory of your own lingers there.
Sure, he’s had silly, sticky thoughts like waking up with his arms around you after a nap and thinking he could wake up that way forever, but he’s always pushed them down. Now, it seems, he can’t, the images too buoyant to ignore, floating back up every time.
Sucking in a deep breath, he sits up and reaches for the phone, dialing your number that’s stored in his memory. His leg bounces as the phone rings.
You’re startled by the screech of your phone on your bedside table, head lifting to look at it shake on the receiver. You reach over and pick it up.
“Hey, trouble. It’s not a bad time, is it?”
Eddie. His voice crackling through the phone sends a spike down your spine. You clutch the phone a little tighter.
You’d expected Robin, or Nancy, even Steve. Because there’d been a time, earlier in Corroded Coffin’s career, when Eddie would call you at least three times a week, and then the calls grew less frequent until they sort of died out to holidays and birthdays.
So, maybe a couple of years ago, you’d have expected Eddie’s voice, but not today.
“Eddie, hi. Not at all.”
“I- um, I just wanted to call,” a small pause, he clears his throat, “how are you?”
“It’s only been two days, you know how I am.”
“I mean right now.”
You twist to lay on your side, legs curling in towards your chest. You smile to yourself like an idiot. “Right now, I’m good. It’s lame, I already miss you.”
“I miss you, too.”
The reply comes easily to him. There’s no thought to it, because in the past 48 hours, he hasn’t been able to stop missing you for a second. The warmth of your hand in his, the sunshine sound of your laughter.
He’s not sure why everything’s so big now, his feelings amplified, only quieted now, by the sound of your voice.
“Did you have a show today?”
You have a way of asking that makes it sound like you really care, Eddie thinks. He loves his music and he knows you know that. It means the world to him to do what he does, confusing feelings or not.
“Not today. We spent the day on the bus. Show’s tomorrow.”
“Nervous or excited?”
It’s something that you used to ask him before every small show in Hawkins, and the memory has a grin spreading on Eddie’s face. “It’s always both. More excited, though.”
“You should be,” you say. “You guys are really great.”
“Yeah? Who’s your favorite band member?”
He’s fishing, and you tease him rather than bite, “hmmm. Gareth.”
“Fuckin’ trouble. You liar.”
“You asked!”
“You answered the question wrong, honey.”
There it is again. Honey. You’re sort of glad he can’t see you right now because you probably look way too happy, burying your face in your pillow for a second before replying.
“You know you’re my favorite, Munson.”
“Yeah I am,” he sounds far too proud. And then, he’s softer, “I’m not keeping you up, am I? Time zones fuck me up.”
“No, no.” Even if he was, you wouldn’t tell him. This is better than trying and failing to sleep the way you so often do. “It’s not that late. What time is it for you?”
“Not that late,” he says, even though the clock on the nightstand reads 1:14AM. “So, what’s happening in Hawkins right now?”
“Mmm, it’s getting warmer. My window’s open and the crickets are loud as fuck.” You twist the phone cord around your fingers, “it’s donation week at the library, so I’ve been shelving new books for a change.”
Eddie listens to every word you say, asks you questions like if you’d kept any books for yourself (you had, but swore you’d give them to the library when you were done) and hums between your sentences.
Somewhere along the way, he’d laid down while listening to you, eyes shut as he tried to picture what you might look like right at this second. If you’re in your pajamas or not, whether your hair would be a little messy, baby hairs a halo around your face.
Then his eyes grew heavier, your voice putting him at ease even with the sounds of his bandmates laughing from somewhere in the hotel.
“Eddie?” You ask after he’d been silent for a bit.
“Hm?” He hums sleepily.
“I lost you for a second there.”
If he wasn’t half asleep, he’d feel worse. “Sorry, getting sleepy.”
“You wanna hang up?”
“No, uh- keep talking to me? You have a nice voice.”
You smile, cheeks pinching with the size of it.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll keep talking.”
And you do, you keep talking and talking until you can hear the sound of Eddie’s tiny snores on the other side of the line. You’re smiling again at that.
Even after you’re sure he’s asleep, you don’t hang up right away, not until your own eyes are growing heavy. You put the phone back quietly, like you’ll wake him if you’re not careful. You whisper a soft ‘goodnight, Eddie,’ as you do.
There’s a small stiffness in your fingers from how tightly you’d been holding the phone, and still, you’d let your hand cramp for hours to talk to him.
The next morning, Eddie wakes up with the pattern of the phone pressed to his cheek where he’d left it last night.
The TV sends flashes of color flickering across your living room and over your face. Usually, you’d be in bed by now, but it’s the night of the MTV awards and Corroded Coffin is nominated. You couldn’t miss it.
You’re not really paying attention to most of it, the sounds of performances and hosts and thank-you speeches filling your ears as you read your latest book. At least, you’re not paying attention until Eddie’s category is announced.
That has you shutting your book and sitting up, grabbing the remote to turn the volume higher.
They show the nominees, give far too long of an introduction before tearing open the envelope holding the winner’s names. You don’t know it, but you’re practically white knuckling the blanket on your lap.
“And the MTV award goes to… Corroded Coffin!”
You stand and place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart beating—racing—for the band, for Eddie. This is huge, it’s a dream, and it’s his. If you could, you’d give him a suffocating hug right now.
Eddie’s voice taking over, thanking his fans and Wayne, the boys and their team, then, thanking Hawkins and the people there, even when they gave him hell.
If you knew the right number to call to talk to him, you’d dial it in an instant.
Lucky for you, your phone rings the next night, late enough that you can only assume it’s Eddie given you don’t know anyone else who’s probably in a different time zone right now. You pick up quickly, fumbling with the phone a little before bringing it up to your ear.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Ummm, my amazing intuition? Telepathy?”
“Telepathy, she says.” There’s a soft chuckle on his end, you close your eyes and lean your head back to thump against the wall behind you. “How’re things, trouble?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that, mister MTV winner.”
Eddie’s been calling more often again, whenever he gets the chance, really. Even so, he never thought you’d be keeping up with him that way, that you’d care enough to watch an award show and remember what he’d achieved.
“You were watching?” He asks, heart thudding.
“Of course I was. I’m your biggest fan, remember?” You’re sitting with your back against your headboard, knees bent, hand absentmindedly pulling at a loose thread in your pajama pants. “I’ve got cheerleader pom-poms and everything.”
“You do not.”
“Do too. They’re super metal, all black.”
“Yeah, cause pom-poms are super metal, babe.”
Another pet name in the rotation, uttered like it’s easy, natural. You bite back a smile.
“Whatever. Mine would be,” you say. “I’m glad you called.”
“Me, too.”
“I wanted to call you yesterday,” you admit, twisting that loose thread in your fingers, “after I saw you won. I’m really proud of you, Eddie.”
They’re words he hadn’t been expecting, but ones he’ll be thinking about over and over. He wants to keep making you proud, he thinks, and he’ll pour that into everything he does whether he means to or not.
“Thank you,” his voice is quieter, almost shy. “I wouldn’t be here without you, you know?”
“You would. You’re talented, and there’s no way that could stay hidden in this town, you’re bigger than it.”
Somehow, it’s easier to be so open with him on the phone. You don’t have to look at him, get distracted by his tongue running over his lips or the way his bangs get caught in his eyelashes sometimes. This way, all you have to do is speak, nothing more.
“Trouble-” he can’t even find the words to say, because there’s affection laced in your tone, seeping through the phone and into his head and, fuck, he wants to kiss you for it and he can’t. “I really miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” There’s some silence, and the overthinker in you worries that you’ve said too much even though you meant it with every part of you, that you’ve given yourself away. “Anyways, I should go, let you celebrate your win.”
It’s what he would be doing if Eddie’s thoughts hadn’t been so full of you and your mouth and your voice. It’s what his bandmates and friends are surely doing in some club around here.
“You don’t need to. I’m not doing anything.”
“No?” You try to lighten your tone, to joke the way you usually do, “don’t have groupies knocking on your hotel room door right now?”
Instead of playing along, Eddie’s voice is serious, still soft in the way he speaks to you, but serious nonetheless, “I don’t entertain them, honey.”
“You don’t?”
He’s tried. But ever since you kissed him, probably since before that, too, Eddie can’t seem to look at anyone else, let alone have someone else kiss him and tarnish the memory of your lips on his. He’s only ever thinking of you, it seems. So no, he hasn’t fooled around lately.
“Not in a while. I’m trying to write for the next album. No distractions.”
No distractions. He says it like that’s true, even though he can’t seem to fully focus, like there’s a piece he’s missing. Like every lyric he’s written since he’s been back isn’t somehow about you.
He’s so, so fucked.
“Look at you, Munson. Squeaky clean.”
You hope he can’t tell that you’re sort of a mess, a stupid blossom of hope planting itself where it shouldn’t. He’s your friend, he’s always been just your friend. But you kissed and it felt like something changed, and you can’t seem to let go of that.
“You sound surprised,” he teases, gathering his wits the best he can.
“Can you blame me? You used to have multiple lunchboxes reserved for your weed.”
“You loved those lunchboxes and you know it.”
“Yeah, I did.”
And then, like that moment was simply a blip, easily brushed over, your conversation turns back to your normal. Jokes with underlying affections, teasing while picturing what kind of smile the other wears when you laugh lightly into the phone.
Time runs away from you, and by the time you hang up it’s well into the early hours of the morning, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
After hanging up, Eddie’s got this sinking, aching pull in his stomach. He knows what it is, has had bouts of it before where he misses Wayne’s hand patting his back or the way his mattress is worn-in just the right amount back at the trailer, when he thinks about what his friends might be doing or what science project Dustin’s got going on.
But it’s never felt this heavy. Eddie’s the most homesick he’s ever been.
He’d listen to your voice forever, but in that moment, he’d give anything to see your face, to see the shake of your shoulders when you laugh, the curve of your smile.
What the hell is wrong with him?
Eddie wipes his palms on his thighs before standing and walking out into the living room of his band’s suite hotel room. The guys are still up, and they’re all staring at him like weirdos.
“What?” He pauses in the doorway.
“Did you tell her you’re in love with her yet, or what?” Jeff, the electric guitarist, asks him.
“What?” Eddie says again because there’s no way he heard that right. He’d only just come to terms that he had feelings. This is much bigger.
“You’re joking,” Gareth pipes in, “you don’t even know it? Dude, you’re all ‘I miss you, trouble, you’re my favorite person ever.’” He does a knowingly terrible impression of Eddie.
“I do not sound like that.”
“You kinda do,” Jeff says.
“Why else would you be spending hours in that room on the phone, man? Come on,” Gareth sing songs the next bit: “you’re in loooove.”
Then Eddie thinks and thinks and thinks. The warmth that blooms when he hugs you, the jealousy he felt when he thought that server at Benny’s was flirting with you, the difficulty to say goodbye, the way your kiss haunts him in his sleep.
These idiots aren’t usually right about things, but just this once, maybe they are. Eddie Munson is probably, very likely, definitely in love with you.
Yeah, he’s so fucked.
thank you so so much for reading!!! if you enjoyed please please please consider reblogging and letting me know what you think! it helps and means so much <333 i have plans for a part two, and if you’d like to see it, some support would help a bunch! ily!
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Favorite Star - Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
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Summary: During halftime at the Golden Globes, two guests find an empty room. Or the one where Lizzie's dress is driving you crazy.
Warnings; (+18), semi-public smut, bottom!Lizzie, dirty talking, implied secret relationship, just sinful. | Words: 1.437k
A/N-> This is actually fluff because I'm a sweetheart and Lizzie's face after losing another award made me very upset. And as the saying goes, the devil works fast but fanfic writers work faster.
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3
You've been teasing her.
All day, even before the awards began, you filled her cell phone with selfies and short videos of getting dressed in your attire - A dark green suit that hugged your body just right and was chosen to match her eyes, giving plenty of material for every rumor that has been circling about the two of you. Then on the red carpet, with intense stares and hidden smirks in her direction that your Agent probably wouldn't approve of. When you finally greeted her, you even dared to whisper how breathtaking she looked next to her ear and Lizzie should have won an acting award right there for covering the way her body shook at the compliment. 
The Golden Globes party was as full as usual, and it was blistering hot and tedious. She still had to deal with an annoying host, and when the break finally happened, Elizabeth wasn't the only one who breathed a sigh of relief that the performance had been interrupted.
She made her way through the crowd towards the toilets, offering polite smiles to any of the known guests she crossed glances with and somehow, perhaps because she caught your eye before standing up, Lizzie knew you were following her.
Her heart leaped in her chest when she felt her wrist being gently grabbed. She caught a glimpse of your dilated pupils before you took the lead, holding her hand and guiding her into the first empty room you could find.
You let go of her hand to wrap your arms around her waist, a gentle push to have her against the closed door. Lizzie was still blushing because she was sure Meryl Streep had seen the whole thing.
Your lips were on hers in the blink of an eye, and all she could do was sigh, her eyes closing on instinct. Fuck, she missed this. It seemed like forever since you last kissed, Lizzie was almost beginning to think she'd imagined it.
When you broke apart, you were a little breathless, your eyes shining in her direction filled her stomach with butterflies.
"Hello, gorgeous." You greeted her with a smile, your hands stroking her sides. "Lizzie, this dress is... fuck."
She blushed at your affected tone of voice, smiling shyly. Her hands went to the collar of your dress shirt, and she stared back at you with the same intensity.
"I'm glad you like it." She whispers even though the room is empty and the noise of the party outside is enough to drown out the sounds inside. "Do you know what the best part is? How easy it comes off..." She teases naughty an inch away from your lips, pleased with the shaky sigh that escapes you. Your hands tighten a little more firmly around her waist and Lizzie bites her lip before instinctively thrusting her hips towards you. The cue is answered immediately - You grab her dress to put up a little so your thigh can fit between her legs, giving her something to grind against. But instead of giving in completely, she’s all too aware of where she is and the short time you both have before the end of the break. So Lizzie fiddles with your tie. "We can't. Not here."
You pout, the hands on her hips giving a tentative pull, forcing her to grind down into your flexing thigh, and her determined gaze falters into an aroused expression, the blood flowing not only to her cheeks but down her body, at a speed that makes her gasp for air. The hot knot on her lower belly making her dizzier by the second.
"Why wait, when you want it so badly?" You challenge back as if you knew how about the ache between her legs. You lean in to attack her collarbone with kisses that turn her into a panting mess, struggling to keep her eyes open. You gently bite the most sensitive spot behind her ear that you have learned to memorize and Lizzie lets out a soft whimper, her hips thrusting forward on instinct.
But there's movement outside. Footsteps and a soft bell. Break time is about to be over. Lizzie grumbles, the firm hands on your shoulder pushing you gently.
"We have to go." She says, but you don't let go, you pull her face to yours and kiss her hard. Your tongue makes her knees go weak and the only support is your thigh between her legs. She whines again, wishing she wasn’t wearing a dress at all. "Baby, they'll notice-" She manages to pant between your firm kisses, but she's grinding against you with a little more frenzy in the next second. Your hands move under her dress and Lizzie lets her face fall into the space of your neck, unable to care about the lipstick staining the collar of your shirt.
She choked on a moan when suddenly, your fingers reached forward - you just pushed the fabric of her already ruined panties aside and sank them inside her without warning. The throaty moan that escapes her is muffled on your skin.
It's ridiculous how helpless she is; riding your fingers in chase of her climax in near despair. And you're not gentle either, your thrusts are deep and quick inside her because you can't afford to prolong this and the second warning bell will ring soon. The cameras will be turned on again, your chairs will be empty, and more gossip about a possible relationship between the Marvel stars will surface in the media.
But Lizzie is coming hard against your hand, so she can't care about any of that right now.
It's one of the quickest orgasms she's ever had in her life, but she doesn't have time to feel embarrassed about it. You remove your hand to suck your fingers clean as she tries to breathe normally again, her hands gripping your shoulders so she doesn't slip to the floor due to her shaky legs.
You turn your face to her next, kissing her intensely and Lizzie moans at the taste of herself on your tongue. You smile as you break away.
"I kinda wanna skip the party and take you home, Miss Olsen." You let her know sweetly, and Lizzie lets out a short, breathy chuckle. 
But the second bell rings, and the cameras have been turned on. She curses quietly, and you help her to stand up properly.
"Come on, let me help you with this." You ask, your hands pulling her face to lessen the mess that has become her lipstick as she tries to do the same with you. 
But she knows, she knows for sure that her worn-out dreamy expression, the mess in her hair, will give away what she’s been up to. And that not only the other guests, but the fans will know too.
She swallows dryly, tugging at your hand. "They'll know."
You hesitate before giving her a small smile. "Is that so bad, Lizzie?"
She takes a deep breath, her lips cracking into a small smile. "I just... hoped to share the news in a different way."
You absorb her words for a moment, trying to ignore the warm happiness blossoming in your chest. Lizzie wants to go public. You steal a glance at the door before looking back at her and sighing. "Okay, I have an idea."
The whole thing goes very quickly; you pull your cell phone out of your pocket and take a picture of your lipstick-stained shirt collar. She looks at you with a frown.
"Well, you're not on Instagram so this is as good as it gets." You explain, letting her see the photo and the small caption that simply read “a good-luck kiss from my favorite star”. Lizzie felt her face burn, and she giggled nervously. This would cause some commotion, she could already imagine Twitter going insane trying to guess who you were talking to. Knowing her fans, they probably already knew.
She stares at you to say; "Your agent is going to kill you. Not only that, they'll drown you with questions when we are out of here."
You chuckled, offering her a wink. "It was totally worth it."
She approaches again, stealing a short kiss before touching the door handle. "I'll fix my makeup, you go ahead."
You pout. "But my picture was so nice..."
Lizzie rolls her eyes with a laugh. "I never said you couldn't post it." She teases, and it's her turn to give you a wink before walking out the door.
This woman is still going to be the death of you. Honestly.
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sexlapis · 10 months
hi stella! so i remember rachel mcadams and ryan gosling winning “best kiss” at an award show bc of the notebook and when they go up stage they recreate that kiss ….. so what about actor toji and reader doing it???
OMG?? anon your mind?????????????????!!!!!!
this is the kiss btw !!!!
౨ৎ actor toji x actress/actor reader
kissing! kissing! kissing!
actor!toji masterlist
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the romance film you and toji starred in exceeded everyone’s already high expectations. it became the best performing romance film of the year and one of the most successful films of that same year, period.
but was anyone surprised? not really.
people loved you. people loved toji. people loved you and toji. people loved you and toji together, especially when you were both kissing and fucking in an intense, angsty, emotional-rollercoaster of a romance film.
the public all had their speculations and assumptions about whether you and toji were really together or not, but tonight, after this award show? this very moment erased any doubts in their minds.
it was time to announce the nominees for the (only) category you and toji were nominated for, ‘Best Kiss’.
you turn around and look at toji who is seated behind you and grin toothily at him, giving small claps. he smirks, giving you a sleazy wink.
when the exaggerated, deep voice booms from the speakers, announcing you and toji as nominees and displaying the kiss scene on the vast plasma screen, the crowd grows crazy, chaotic almost - they’re screaming like they’re fucking dying. and that’s when you and toji both know you’ve got this in the bag.
you almost feel bad for the other nominees and at how the crowd essentially goes quiet at their scenes. oh well.
shoko and gojo are there to announce the winners.
“and the ‘best kiss’ goes to…” shoko trails off, building anticipation as gojo opens the card that states the award winner.
“ha! someone’s that’s gonna be cleaning up tonight.” gojo laughs “..toji fushiguro and _____!”
the audience began to shriek before they even got through toji’s whole name.
you and toji look at each other and smile, knowingly. knowing the shit you were both about to cause with what you’re about to do.
standing up languidly, toji places a hand on your back as you two stroll right up to the stage, the crowd deafening you at this point.
the steps lead to a double path in the stage and you and toji part ways temporarily, walking around to be opposite each other.
you unbutton your cardigan and let it drop to the floor, hearing whistles and cheers in the pools of crowds next to you, reaching their hands out and screaming your name.
toji begins fake stretching, jumping up and down like he is about to exercise and you giggle at his antics before making a serious face, gazing at him in mock seduction.
he begins striding towards you across the length of the stage, making a ‘come here’ with a long, thick fingers. and you’re like a magnet, rushing towards him, the audience rising in volume as you two grow closer together.
and then you’re jumping up on him, wrapping your legs around his waist as his roughly smashes his lips onto yours and shoves his tongue into your mouth. you accept it, gleeful with his actions, knowing that people will not stop talking about this moment for weeks.
your hands are tugging at his hair and his large hands cup your ass as you both make the fuck out in front of sea of people, who are now louder than you even thought was possible.
toji bites your bottom lip, sucking gently, before finally pulling away from a kiss that lasted what felt like an eternity.
realising what has just transpired, even though you both planned this, you feel embarrassed. you cover you hot face as toji carried you to the podium, your ears ringing from the nonstop echo of the crowds cheers, jeers, whistles and screams.
toji sets you down on your feet and urges you to speak in the microphone. you huff and puff, not really wanting to talk after that…stunt you just pulled.
“toji!” you growl. “get up here!”
“alright, alright..” toji sighs, picking up the trophy of popcorn and holding it up. “i would just like to say…that it was my pleasure.”
his words make the fans go insane again, some members demanding an encore of that steamy kiss.
sighing, you take you trophy and toji places a sweet kiss on your temple. you both walk away side by side, leaving the chaos of the crowd behind as you go to walk backstage. toji reaches down and swings your fallen cardigan over his shoulder, smiling, clearly smug and satisfied with himself.
he looks down at you and you blink up at him, biting the inside of your cheek. you take in his tight, black top, shamelessly staring at his pecs and thick neck as you walk.
toji notices. and when you look him in the eye again, he winks.
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a/n: anon what if i diedddd!!!!😩😩😩😩
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rumisgf · 4 months
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summary: kiri boyfriend hcs because he needs more love. also this has been in my drafts for too long but i finished it y’all, round of applause!
includes: fluff, female pronouns, black!reader cs duh, crack
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✧ and the best boyfriend award goes to
✧ before y’all even started dating he was always so sweet to you, opening doors for you whether it was at the food place or a car
✧ he has absolutely no shame making sure whenever he’s around, you never have to lift a finger
✧ he helps you up the stairs, buys you food whenever you’re hungry, even ties your shoes for you
✧ i mean he’s your boyfriend, it’s manly!!
✧ speaking of, one of the most attractive things about him is how good he is with kids
✧ if you have nieces/nephews or baby sibling/cousins they definitely adore him and it’s so sweet
✧ and when you get far enough into your relationship, he’s eager to express that he does wanna have kids one day
✧ if you let him pull out his list of baby names he will be so happy
✧ i think eijirou is one of the men very comfortable in his masculinity compared to all the other men he’s around
✧ not to say they aren’t, but he definitely has no issue doing things deemed as “feminine” in the slightest
✧ besides, manliness to him is about not always having to prove you’re manly. you’re simply just manly.
✧ kiri will let you do his makeup all the time and he’ll post pictures on his story after
✧ and he’ll love if you do things deemed as “masculine” with no shame
✧ no matter how it sounds out loud, he’ll be like “my gf is so manly i love her”
✧ yes, you wanted to pop him the first time you heard him saying but it’s truly just how he talks he can’t help it😭😭
✧ (one time he called mina manly as a compliment and she smacked him dead in his face, though, so he doesn’t say it often)
“wow babe, you’re so manly!”
“thank you eij— wait.”
✧ even though he’s willing to do it in a heartbeat for you, kirishima has a hard time letting you buy him things
✧ it’s one traditional standard he can’t seem to shake and even then he just feels bad for some reason
✧ but weirdly, he still likes when you ask even if he’s just gonna say no😭
✧ it makes him feel bubbly that you still wanna spoil him too and maybe he’ll let you a few times
✧ one thing kirishima loves is helping you do your hair
✧ he already dyes his hair himself so i feel like he’ll be very knowledgeable about hair care
✧ and he’d do his own research for you
✧ mans learned how to part hair, he oils your scalp for you, even washes your hair for you, and he learned how to braid
✧ in return he loves when you help him dye his hair whenever his roots grow in too dark
✧ this man can barely go to sleep without cuddling you it’s starting to concern his friends a lil
✧ it’s the one thing he looks forward to at night and he always hold you so tight
✧ which is completely fine because i feel like he’d also have warm skin
✧ he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to refer to you as his lady
✧ he definitely has clips floating the internet of him calling you that during interviews at hero galas
“oh, tonight i’m here with my lady!
“i’m sure she’s somewhere, she’s still a little camera shy.”
✧ if you’re the quiet type, he absolutely has no problem speaking up for you or just talking when you’re too nervous
✧ kirishima loves picking you up, you could be with friends and he’ll randomly just hoist you up into his arms
✧ when he works out, he begs you to do things like spot him or sit on his back while he does push ups
✧ or lay under him while he does them so he can give you kisses
✧ although one habit he does have is hugging up all on you while he’s still sweaty after he comes back from the gym
✧ i think he’d love a partner who does sports, so if the school has any college teams he’ll try to convince you to join even if you never did sports in high school
✧ he also thinks it would be fun for you and he always wants you to have fun
✧ in general, he loves being able to make you smile
✧ if you’re ever having a bad day, he’s the best at giving advice or just comforting you
✧ and not to mention, gives top tier hugs
✧ when you start crying about anything he literally drops everything and runs to you
✧ to the point where even your friends will text him whenever you do and he’ll be there in an instant
✧ eijirou absolutely loves giving you flowers
✧ he’ll seriously find any excuse to show up wherever you are with a bouquet in hand ready to give to you
✧ valentine’s days? flowers
✧ birthday? flowers.
✧ passed an exam? flowers.
✧ having a bad day? flowers.
✧ having a good day? flowers.
✧ just because he felt like it? flowers
“awww this is so sweet baby, but what’s the occasion?”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just pose with ‘em so i can take pictures of your pretty self.”
✧ in conclusion, he’s the man of your dreams
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@ rumisgf
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dancingdonatello · 25 days
Could you please do a fanfic if ROTTMNT fanfic!? Donnie X Reader (female) Basically everyone was going to a Jupiter Jim convention and April made a joke about Reader cosplaying Atomic lass and Donnie spent like a week trying to convince Reader into it. (She ends up doing it😂) TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY keep up the AMAZING work!!!
rise donnie x fem reader
“Is anyone dressing up?”
“We’re already in our costumes.” Leo posed, flexing green muscles. “Alien power.”
April rolled her eyes and turned her gaze to you. “You?”
“I dunno who I would even go as.” You answered, curled up against Donnie’s side. He was looking at something on his phone, barely listening or paying any attention.
“Why don’t you go as Atomic Lass?”
Like out of a horror movie, Donnie’s neck cranes to look at you from where you next to him. You have never seen his eyes so dilated in your entire time of knowing him. “Yes.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Why wouldn’t you want to?”
April began snickering and you shot her a glare. ‘Look at what you did’ was what you were trying to portray through your betrayed look.
“Because.” You stubbornly look away from his prying gaze.
“Because you hate me.”
“Because you want to cause mental and physical harm to my well-being.”
“Then do it!” He grabbed you by the shoulders, eyes glowing with the intensity of his gaze. “Think of all the possibilities.”
Leo wrinkled his snout. “Gross.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don.”
“Please?” He collapsed to his knees, clasping his hands together. “For me?”
“….” You quirked an eyebrow. “I’ll think about it.”
You think it’s been the best week of your life. A perfect(ish) dinner cooked just for you, your very own massage, Shelldon attending your each and every need without any teenage complaining, and Donnie being the sweetest ever.
It’d be way sweeter if you knew there wasn’t a motive behind it. So you roll your eyes when he brings your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. You sigh as he goes on and on about how you’re the perfect significant other and how you match him completely. You yawn when he nuzzles closer to you during the reruns of your favorite show, the one he so happens to just not hate as much anymore.
The closer you got to the day of the con, Donnie seemed to be giving up. He’d pester you less and just stare off into the distance, all somber. What a drama queen.
Coincidentally, you couldn’t arrive to the con with the turtles. Donnie was immediately suspicious, especially since Leo had his portals and could just portal you there.
You got there ten minutes before Leo planned to get them there, smirking in your full costume of Atomic Lass. You better get the best girlfriend award because as soon as Donnie laid eyes on you, he wrapped you so tightly in a crushing hug that you felt a few ribs pop out of place.
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
omg can u do mama!abby hugging reader and then babygirl suddenly says “my mama” then pushes abbys arms that are wrapped around reader (similar to the mama!abby sick fic that u did ) and then Abby teases babygirl and says “no mine” then suddenly babygirl starts crying 😭💕
silliest mama award goes to abby. also babygirl name reveal !!!!!!!!!!!!!
the front door closes as you finish tidying the once messy living room. ivy has run into her room, to make a mess in there now, probably. you sigh, sitting down on the sofa for what feels like the first time this week. a messy blonde walks into the room, leaning on the doorframe. “long day?” she asks, earning a groan in response. “you have no idea,” you laugh, watching abby walk over to you. she sits next to you on the sofa, her arms out. you immediately fall into them, embracing you in a hug you didn’t know you needed.
the house was quiet. too quiet.
you hear little taps get louder as ivy enters the room, gasping dramatically. she clambers onto the sofa, pushing you and abby apart. ivy makes herself at home on your lap, her arms crossed at her chest as she pouts up at abby. “my mama,” you widen your eyes, looking up and nodding at abby. “uh huh. your mama,” you giggle, leaning down to press kisses and blow raspberries on ivy’s cheek.
“uh, actually, baby. she’s mine,” abby pulls on your arm lightly, pulling you back into a hug. ivy now squished in between you both. “no! no, mama! off!” ivy squeals, pushing and hitting abby’s chest. “oh, so mean. just because she’s my mama too doesn’t mean you can steal her from me,” abby teases, ignoring the warning look in your eyes, now focused on ivy’s eyes welling up, her bottom lip jutting out. “oh- baby, no i’m-” “NO! MY MAMA!” ivy shouts, turning around to you to hide in your neck, sniffling softly. abby’s dumbfounded, her mouth open but nothing is coming out. you do your best to bite back a laugh. “it’s okay, baby. mama’s just joking. aren’t you?” you gesture over to abby, needing her to say something.
abby nods, slowly reaching over to rub ivy’s back. “i’m only joking, baby. promise. didn’t mean to make you upset,” she says softly, easing ivy out of your arms into her own, sitting her on her lap. “okay, mama,” ivy smiles up at her, poking her head up to place a kiss on abby’s cheek. she quickly pecks ivy’s lips, pulling her into a bear hug. you follow suit, squishing ivy between you both. “love you, mama.”
taglist @queenofmistresses @bambishaven @abigails-gf @drunkelliewilliams @abbysprettygiiirl @toasthatervee @lesbian-useless
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