#best math teacher for bank exam
teachersvisionchd · 1 year
Master Quantitative Aptitude: Learn from the Best on These 5 YouTube Channels
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https://teachersvision.in/master-quantitative-aptitude-learn-from-the-best-on-these-5-youtube-channels/Quantitative Aptitude is a crucial section in many competitive exams and job interviews. To ace this section, one needs to have a strong foundation in basic mathematical concepts and the ability to apply them to complex problems. Many aspirants look for the best maths teacher on youtube so that they can study at their convenience and learn quickly. Fortunately, there are many YouTube channels out there that offer comprehensive and engaging lessons on Quantitative Aptitude. In this blog post by Teachers’ Vision, the best SSC Coaching in Chandigarh, we’ll look at the top 5 Indian YouTube channels for mastering Quantitative Aptitude.
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daphnedauphinoise · 1 year
Dear Daphne,
I was wondering if you could advice me on topics or skills I must study before I head to university next year? Apart from the obvious skills required to live by myself. Interpret this and give advice however you so wish, and hope you have a lovely day x
First of all congratulations! I have done quite a few of these kind of posts so I am going to keep things brief...
Your first year is for you to enjoy BUT remember all years count. Your grades in first year aren't terribly important but important nontheless. Make sure you are doing well enough and by that I don't mean barely passing.
Join societies and find one or two that you can see yourself sticking to and stick to them. Building good rapport with that society and its memembers will make it easier for you to get onto the committee later on. I think if you really want to stand out, aim to be the president of your subject society later on.
In taht note, being a student rep for your year is a great way to get to know faculty and know people in your year. I don't really think you can ever know too many people and everything has it's own benefits.
You are going to have and should have stand in friends. 'Stand in friends' are people you are friends for the sake of being friends with, and despite what everyone says they are good to have. During your three-four years you are going to be fast friends with so many people and 90% of them aren' going to stay ( you will also be this for so many people too). One key skill you will need to learn is to differentiate who are your solid friends and who you just want to sit next to in the lecture hall so you are not alone. I am all for deep meaningful friendhsips but you also need people who you are just having a good time with and there is nothing more. Don't underestimate the power of going into a hall of 200 people and having at least 5 different people you can talk to.
There is no universal way of taking notes and you need to find a method that works a) for you b) for your subjuect area c) the teaching style of your professor. This is especially for those doing double degrees in polar subjects (eg. philosophy and maths ). I feel like there is only one note taking style you should use universally and its such a big fat lie. I will probably write another post on this but in short, use the first couple weeks to figure out what style of note taking works for that specific class.
Going back to making friends, stop wasting your time and money at clubs. Going out once a while is great for you and your mental health but if your bank is dry, you are catching something every week and you are barely awake for classes... get a grip. Maybe this is my own prudeness coming in but you are wanting to make the most of your time at uni and being a student you need to be better at striking work/play balance.
Just turn up to classes. There is a galaxy of difference in your understanding between when you were there to listen and process and watching the recordings. I skive lectures sometimes and that sometimes is fine but attendance for tutorials should be a must (again i have first hand experience of not turning up and then it impacting my grade) Far too many people skive and trust me teachers do notice because in our last lec of the year last semetser, a girl got the worst attendance prize... that she wasnt there to get
find an exercise you like and stick with it. This is mainly for your mental health. I used to make myself run outside in winter because I knew it would be good for me. Yeah, its cold and a little tiring but that is a measly exchange for the endorphines you need during exam season.
Other things I feel like you already know. But I will say, do the things you know you should. Keep on top of your notes, have weekly phone calls with your high school friends, eat well, sleep well. Wishing you all the best
D x
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mondaymelon · 9 months
ehehe sorry for the confusion, melon..my actual school learning time starts at 7 am- I just had to get there at 4 for early basketball practice and then I had to practice for 2 hours after school eugh my back hurts and my face hurts too bc I absolutely hate teaching 5th graders how to shoot into the hoop and meanwhile instead of the hoop. They aim for me.
but anyways, I only play basketball for the fun of it totally not so my college application looks good such as you and so I can take my pent up anger out on random kids that I’m supposed to beat the crap out of in ball and hOW TF ARE YOU STILL ON WINTER BREAK!!? MINE LITERALLY LASTED FOR 2 WEEKS 😭 AND THEN AS SOON AS I GOT BACK TO SCHOOL, MY MATH TEACHER DECIDED TO BE OH SO NICE AND GAVE US A FOUR QUESTION QUIZ. AND SHE KNOWS THAT I SUCK AT MATHHHHGDGSHXHS
but leaving all that aside, I actually am learning more abt you.. not creepily dang- but. I can speak two languages..am fluent in two :DD Chinese/Mandarin and English the second ones obvious but wtv and I have to eventually learn Spanish in my school in order to graduate high school-..and I’m currently working on Italian ( ̄▽ ̄) but uh, I don’t really know all that much in Italian- the most useful phrases that I currently know? ‘Un cappuccino con latte’, a cappuccino with milk, ‘Un cappuccino con zucchero’, a cappuccino with sugar, and ‘Che e un banco’, where’s the bank.
ANYWAYS, imma stop bothering you w my personal life issues and leave so I can start studying for my test although I more than likely won’t
- 🥦
so. like. hows your sleep schedule lookin 😀
OKAY I KINDA HATE ALL GRADE SCHOOlerS BUT JUST LIKE CHILDREN. idk if you saw it but i got A T T A C K ED By them during a social gathering good lord i despise children. there are a select few that are actually tolerable and sometimes even little angels but honestly those only exist in fiction (GIGGLES AT MY ADOPTED CHILDREN AKA NAHIDA N DORI N YAOYAO N COuntless otheRS)
these little bitches were banging down on my door and licking my books and throwing things behind the tv and honestly throwing everything that wasn't fucking bolted to the floor SIGHS . worst part is they may or may not be coming back saturday and if thats the case i will SOB. i was actually so close to crying the first time lmao cause oneo f them put their chair on my foot and then sat down on it and like girl yowch thats my foot youre sitting on 😀😀
ANYWAYS LMAO A COMPLETELY LEGAL WAY TO THROTTLE CHILDREN?? sign me up !!! annnndd i think your winter break started waaayyy earlier than mine since mine is only two weeks too, but im only a week in... i suffered knowing some of my mooties started like weeks and even a month prior SOBS
ngl i dont wanna be all "hohoho im so smart" but i got that shiny sparkly 4.0 gpa and math is one of the higher ones?? my teacher hasnt even put in my exam grade yet lmao it was on dec 20 or smth but i cant have done thhhhhaaattt bad right. (ILL MANIFEST GOOD GRADES FOR YOU ANON !!! just like how i manifested my navia pulls graahh)
and omg!??! im collecting mandarin-speakers like pokemon !! and woahhhh i dont know anyone that speaks italian, thats super cool!!
byebye 🥦 anon, wishing you the best of luckkkk !!
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danielle-dna · 1 year
How Andy Mixed Her Groove Back - 1
It has been a dumpster fire of a year. The summer of 2023 and for the first time in my life, I had nothing to do. I had just finished my A - levels and while patiently waiting for a dull, miserable exam board to decide my fate, I had found myself thinking: what do I do with all this newly accuired free time?
The first thing on my growing to-do list was to sleep. Sleep and I were like a pair of coworkers who clearly have a thing for each other, but for some reason things never get past the first base. I had suffered with insomnia for about half a decade, but with the burden of schoolwork and idiot teachers who clearly didn't care about my future, I had managed to seduce Mr Sleep on a few occations.
Despite my mental and physical exhaustion, the first thing i did when I returned home from my final exam was to bin all of my notes for the three miserable subjects I have chosen: chemistry, maths and biology. The latter I actually enjoyed. I picked up the nearest Primark paper bags, dumped all the papers and threw them in the nearest recycling bin. Just because I suffered, doesn't mean that mother Earth has to suffer too.
Now the big question remained: what the hell should I do for the rest of the summer? I had a job that I hated, a very hard earned £6000 resting in my bank account and an empty notebook that was begging to be filled with ideas and revolutionary patents.
I spent the first two weeks laying in bed, napping or watching Sex and the city. It got me thinking: why can't my life be as fabulous as the one of Samantha Jones. A beautiful, confident woman with a great job and incredible style. Her hair always seemed to be on point and she had a decent amount of luck in her life.
My karma wasn't the greatest. I was not blessed with fabulous genetics or charisma, instead I was blessed with a revenge complex and PCOS. The latter was recently diagnosed.
My luck could be best described in the following situation: one night I decided to clean my brushes and combs. I boiled the water, put some baking soda and detergent in a bucked and soaked all my tools for a while.
After I finished, I placed them on a shelf where I usually keep them in the bathroom and one of the combs fell directly in the toilet. I believe no further explanation is needed.
If there is a god, I think he must be laughing his ass off with a giant bag of popcorn, while staring at my life like it's a bad sitcom.
That was until he came into my life. Simon Riley. And at that moment, my life started to look less like a bad sitcom and more like an old porn tape the greasy uncle has hidden in his garage, right next to the playboy collection.
I firmly believe that all parents want their kids to be a better version of themselves. Due to my socioeconomic household, I was always encouraged to never give up and work hard. But what do we do, when our hard work doesn't pay off? Do we throw in the towel? Or keep going, blindly hoping that despite all odds, our work will pay off someday?
This was not the best time for me to get philosophical. My life was not a Sex and the city episode, where despite all the shit, somehow everything works out well and everybody stays happy. So I decided to make a Summer Bucket List. It included everything I wanted to do this summer. Well, mostly the things I have wanted to do since forever, but either didn't have the time or lacked the mental enery.
Whenever I told Simon about it, he thought it was a great idea. He said it's good that I have aspirations for myself. When I asked him about his aspirations, he pulled me closer and we did the Devils' tango all night.
I can appreciate his honesty.
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themiracleacademy · 11 days
The Miracle Academy: Your Go-To Class 9 Tuition Center Nearby
When it comes to providing top-notch tuition for Class 9 near you, The Miracle Academy stands as an undeniable leader. With our comprehensive curriculum and personalized learning strategies, we aim to help students build a strong foundation for the critical academic challenges they will face in Class 10 and beyond. Whether your child is struggling with specific subjects or you want to ensure they excel, The Miracle Academy is the best choice for Class 9 tuition nearby.
Why The Miracle Academy is the Best Choice for Class 9 Tuition
At The Miracle Academy, we recognize that Class 9 is a pivotal stage in a student’s academic journey. The transition from middle school to high school introduces a more complex curriculum, and subjects such as Math, Science, and Social Studies become increasingly challenging. This is where we excel. Our team of experienced teachers and educators provide an environment that fosters both academic and personal growth.
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Personalized Attention for Every Student
We believe in the power of individualized learning. Each student is unique, and our approach reflects that. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, our educators craft customized learning plans that cater to the specific needs of each student. Whether it's Mathematics, Science, or English, every child receives the attention they need to fully grasp the subject matter.
At The Miracle Academy, we ensure that students receive continuous support throughout their learning journey. Our teachers employ interactive teaching methods to engage students and help them overcome their challenges. The goal is to make learning enjoyable while maximizing academic achievement.
Expert Faculty with Years of Experience
Our team of faculty members comprises highly qualified educators with years of experience teaching Class 9 students. Their in-depth knowledge of the CBSE and State Board syllabi allows them to tailor lessons according to the needs of the curriculum. Beyond textbook knowledge, our teachers focus on nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are crucial for academic success.
The expertise and dedication of our teachers are what set us apart. With an approachable demeanor, our educators are always available for one-on-one doubt-clearing sessions, ensuring that no student is left behind.
Comprehensive Study Material and Resources
In addition to regular classes, students at The Miracle Academy receive access to well-curated study material. Our resource bank includes mock tests, sample question papers, and subject-specific worksheets that are designed to help students grasp even the most difficult concepts. We also provide weekly quizzes to evaluate student progress and to reinforce learning.
These materials are specifically aligned with the Class 9 curriculum, enabling students to practice intensively and perform well in their exams. Our goal is not just to help students pass their exams but to achieve top marks.
Also Read: Best Coaching Institute for Class 10 in Jaipur
Interactive Learning Environment
At The Miracle Academy, we place a high emphasis on creating an interactive and engaging learning environment. Rather than focusing solely on lectures, we incorporate group discussions, live demonstrations, and multimedia presentations. This method encourages students to actively participate in class, boosting their confidence and making them more comfortable with the subject matter.
We also understand the importance of peer learning. Our classrooms are structured to promote group activities where students can collaborate, share ideas, and solve problems together. This not only enhances their learning but also fosters important life skills such as teamwork and leadership.
Test Preparation for Class 9 Board Exams
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Preparing for board exams can be daunting for many students, especially in Class 9, where the pressure starts to build. At The Miracle Academy, we provide specialized test preparation strategies to ensure that students are fully equipped to face their exams with confidence.
We offer regular mock tests modeled after actual board exam patterns. These tests help students familiarize themselves with the exam format, timing, and type of questions they are likely to encounter. Our teachers provide detailed feedback and personalized tips on how to improve performance. This process builds exam readiness and reduces anxiety, enabling students to perform their best on exam day.
Strong Focus on Conceptual Clarity
At The Miracle Academy, we believe that a student’s success in Class 9 stems from their ability to master fundamental concepts. Whether it’s Mathematics, Science, or Social Science, our teachers emphasize conceptual clarity. Instead of relying solely on rote learning, we ensure that students truly understand the material.
For example, in Mathematics, we break down complex problems into smaller steps, ensuring that students grasp the logic behind every calculation. In Science, we use practical examples and experiments to explain theories, making abstract concepts easier to understand. Our ultimate goal is to foster deep comprehension that students can carry into higher education.
Regular Parent-Teacher Interaction
We understand the importance of parental involvement in a child’s academic journey. That’s why we maintain open communication channels with parents through regular parent-teacher meetings. These interactions allow us to share the progress of the student and discuss ways to further enhance their learning experience. We encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and to provide the support needed at home to reinforce what is taught in the classroom.
Location and Convenience
The Miracle Academy is conveniently located, making it easily accessible to students looking for a Class 9 tuition center nearby. Our strategic location means parents won’t have to worry about long commutes. We also offer flexible class schedules to accommodate the busy lives of both students and parents.
For students who cannot attend classes in person, we offer online learning options. Our online platform provides the same quality education as in-person classes, complete with live lessons, recorded sessions, and digital resources.
Also Read: Best Coaching Institute for Class 12 in Jaipur
Affordable Tuition Plans
At The Miracle Academy, we believe that quality education should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer affordable tuition plans tailored to fit the needs of every family. Our pricing is competitive without compromising on the quality of education we deliver. With multiple payment options available, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed without financial barriers.
Enroll Your Child at The Miracle Academy Today
As a parent, finding the right tuition for Class 9 near me is a crucial decision that can shape your child’s academic future. At The Miracle Academy, we are committed to providing the best education, tailored to meet the needs of every student. Our experienced faculty, personalized teaching methods, and focus on holistic development make us the ideal choice for students seeking to excel in Class 9 and beyond.
To give your child the advantage they need, enroll today at The Miracle Academy. With our comprehensive support, your child will not only perform well in their exams but will also develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
Visit Now:-www.themiracleacademy.in/ Email: [email protected] Call us: 8740804301 Address: Landmark-AGRASEN HOSPITAL, Miracle academy, 7/154, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302039
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friedengineerheart · 2 months
Top 8 Advantages of Online Bank Coaching
With digitalization in education, online bank coaching classes have become essential for students everywhere. They offer flexibility and many academic opportunities, letting students study from any location at affordable costs, saving time and money. The benefits of online classes are numerous, providing advantages that traditional courses might not offer for various reasons.
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Advantages of Online Coaching
Online learning is now essential for students everywhere, offering a different experience from traditional classrooms. Why are so many students switching to online classes? Here are some advantages and reasons to consider for why best online bank coaching:
Learning from Home
Digital learning makes education exciting and fun. Before, students had to travel daily to coaching classes or settle for local tutors who might need to be more effective. You can learn from the best teachers online, right from home. Thanks to the internet, you can study comfortably from anywhere.
Avoiding Traffic
Online classes eliminate the need to travel daily to coaching centers after school. You don't have to go with rush hour traffic. Instead, you can relax, freshen up, and learn at home. Long commutes to coaching classes can be tiring, but online courses save you from this hassle while providing expert guidance.
Saves Time and Money
Online bank coaching classes save a lot of time and money spent on commuting. One of the benefits of virtual classrooms is that you can conserve your energy, time, and money. You can take some time to refresh yourself. It is a much more convenient and effective way of learning.
Expert Guidance
Reliable guidance is crucial for students. In today's competitive world, everyone wants to be the best. Online bank coaching class students receive tutoring from India's top teachers and subject-matter experts, ensuring the best effort for their success through 24×7 assistance.
Instant Doubt Resolution
One of the strong suits of online learning is that one can get his or her questions answered immediately by the online teacher. In regular classes, you may have to wait till the next day to request the teacher questions that have arisen from the lesson.
More Convenience and Flexibility
Indeed, online classes are much more convenient compared to traditional courses. This means one can juggle school, family chores, hobbies, and other activities and study well. It offers an option of taking extra classes and learning flexibility, enabling one to manage classroom time well.
Builds Self-Discipline
Online bank coaching classes help you become more self-disciplined. Unlike traditional courses, you don't have a teacher or parents constantly reminding you to do your work. You learn to manage your time and stay on top of your assignments. This skill also helps in other areas of your life, like staying fit, keeping mentally healthy, and building better relationships.
Improves Focus
Staying focused in traditional classes is often challenging because of distractions and noise. With online courses, you can prepare in a quiet place, use headphones to block out noise and choose a time when you feel most alert. This helps you concentrate better and makes learning easier. Online learning might be perfect for you if you need help focusing on regular classes.
The banking sector offers some of the highest-paying jobs today. Are you aiming to ace those bank exams? Look no further than Finprov's best online coaching for bank exams. Our online bank exam preparation covers a practical and thorough approach that is your trusted guide to success. We cover all the essential subjects, including math, reasoning, English, general knowledge, and detailed banking topics. Mastering these areas is crucial for landing top banking jobs in India.
What sets us apart is our flexibility. Our online bank coaching class is available both offline and online. We understand that every student is different, so we tailor our approach to meet your needs.
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mohalicareerpoint12 · 2 months
Best Math Coaching Classes in Mohali
Whether you are a student preparing for competitive exams, looking to strengthen your fundamentals, or seeking to excel in your school curriculum, the right math coaching can make a significant difference. Mohali, known for its educational institutions, offers several excellent options for math coaching. This article highlights the best math coaching classes in Mohali, detailing what makes them top choices.
Why Choose Professional Math Coaching?
Personalized Attention: Smaller class sizes and focused teaching ensure personalized attention.
Expert Guidance: Experienced teachers help students understand complex concepts with ease.
Structured Curriculum: Well-planned courses align with various educational boards and competitive exam requirements.
Practice and Feedback: Regular tests and feedback help track progress and identify areas for improvement.
Motivation and Confidence: Professional coaching can boost a student’s confidence and motivation.
Criteria for Selecting the Best Math Coaching Classes
When choosing a math coaching class, consider the following factors:
Experienced Faculty: Qualified and experienced teachers who are proficient in math.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Coverage of all relevant topics and concepts.
Teaching Methodology: Innovative and effective teaching methods that make learning math interesting.
Performance Tracking: Regular assessments and progress tracking to ensure continuous improvement.
Positive Reviews and Reputation: Strong reputation and positive feedback from students and parents.
Top Math Coaching Classes in Mohali
1. Aakash Institute
Overview: Aakash Institute is a well-known coaching center in India, with a strong presence in Mohali. It offers comprehensive math coaching for school students and competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and Olympiads.
Key Features:
Experienced Faculty: Highly qualified and experienced teachers.
Structured Curriculum: Well-planned courses covering school syllabus and competitive exams.
Regular Assessments: Frequent tests and performance tracking.
Study Material: Comprehensive study material and practice papers.
Positive Reviews: Strong reputation and positive feedback from students.
Courses Offered:
School Math (Class 6-12)
JEE (Main & Advanced) Math
Math Olympiads
2. Allen Career Institute
Overview: Allen Career Institute is another reputed coaching center offering excellent math coaching in Mohali. Known for its rigorous training programs, Allen provides coaching for school exams and competitive exams.
Key Features:
Expert Teachers: Experienced and skilled faculty members.
Comprehensive Study Plan: Detailed coverage of school curriculum and entrance exams.
Mock Tests: Regular mock tests and analysis.
Study Resources: High-quality study materials and question banks.
Positive Track Record: Proven track record of success in various exams.
Courses Offered:
Math Coaching for Classes 6-12
JEE (Main & Advanced) Math
3. Brilliant Academy
Overview: Brilliant Academy is a well-established coaching center in Mohali, specializing in math coaching for school students and competitive exams. The institute is known for its focused teaching methods and excellent results.
Key Features:
Qualified Faculty: Experienced and dedicated teachers.
Interactive Learning: Emphasis on interactive and engaging teaching methods.
Regular Tests: Periodic assessments and feedback.
Customized Coaching: Personalized coaching tailored to individual student needs.
Positive Reviews: High satisfaction rate among students and parents.
Courses Offered:
Math Coaching for Classes 6-12
Preparation for JEE and NEET
Math Olympiads
Board Exam Preparation
4. Sigma Institute
Overview: Sigma Institute is a popular choice among students in Mohali for its effective math coaching programs. The institute offers coaching for school students, as well as preparation for various competitive exams.
Key Features:
Experienced Instructors: Proficient and knowledgeable teachers.
Detailed Curriculum: Comprehensive coverage of school and competitive exam syllabi.
Practice Sessions: Regular practice tests and problem-solving sessions.
Supportive Environment: Focus on creating a supportive and motivating learning environment.
Positive Feedback: Strong recommendations from former students and parents.
Courses Offered:
Math Coaching for School Students (Class 6-12)
JEE and NEET Math Preparation
Olympiad Training
Board Exam Coaching
Choosing the right math coaching class can significantly impact a student's academic performance and confidence. Aakash Institute, Allen Career Institute, Brilliant Academy, and Sigma Institute are among the top math coaching centers in Mohali, offering experienced faculty, comprehensive curricula, and excellent track records. Whether you are aiming for school excellence or preparing for competitive exams, these institutes provide the ideal environment and resources to achieve your goals.
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luv4kokafox · 6 months
hey! if you don't mind me asking how do you revise for maths yourself? i'm not going to lie im struggling at the moment 😅
hello! <3
I find maths as one of the most difficult topics to revise because it's so straightforward and can be so frustrating to understand if you don't get it !! (trust me, maths is SO annoying)
For the past week or so, I've been concentrating on maths because it's my worst subject right now, and here's what I've found:
Youtube videos!
I've never been a big fan of watching videos because they're always so draining and never that interactive. However, I've found a video / set of videos for A level / GCSE maths that really helps! Here is the video that I used for my Edexcel A level maths course (year 1)!
The video introduces a question, then answers the question. For the best usage, pause the video and then answer the question before he does!! Don't expect to complete the whole video in a day, it took me about 3 to fully understand all of the topics - and remember maths isn't your only subject!
2. Past paper / exam questions!
If you've looked at any past papers before, they might look a little daunting because the questions are so much more complicated than the ones you look at in class. So for exam questions, I usually look at Physics and Maths Tutor. On this website, there's a big question bank on every topic in your course! I would take the time to answer questions on topics you struggle on to really strengthen that skill :)
Another thing that I like to use is textbooks! These do come with a cost, but they can really help with all of your courses in your qualifications. Here is an example! The other things that I have mentioned are completely free, but if you are still struggling, it might help to buy or borrow a textbook.
3. Other people!
Maths has to be one of the most difficult subjects out there, it always seems to be so 'simple' and then hits you with the craziest theorems and formulae that take so much understanding and explaining and BOOM - maths is terrible :(
There is a chance that your friends understand a topic that you don't! Or perhaps a teacher has some time to take you through a topic that you can't wrap your head around. If none of those are available, I'm always here to try and explain things to you guys! DM me if you need a little help :D
The last tip that I can give you is that maths is the most frustrating subject EVER. It is so infuriating to see other people do so well in something that looks so, so difficult. If you really don't understand a topic, don't force it down your own throat. Take a break, step back, look at a topic that you enjoy / understand and come back to the bad one later! Getting mad at your books won't make you any happier, trust me :)
Good luck and thank you for asking!! <3
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teachersvision · 1 year
Best Teaching Faculty of Chandigarh for Preparing Banking Exam
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When it comes to preparing for banking exams, having access to the best teaching faculty can make a world of difference. Chandigarh, renowned for its educational institutions, offers a plethora of options for aspiring banking professionals. Teachers’ Vision, the Best banking coaching in Chandigarh, will delve into the realm of the best teaching faculty in Chandigarh for each subject, coupled with a curated list of the best books to ace your banking exams. Whether you’re a novice embarking on your banking journey or a seasoned candidate looking for an edge, our guide on the best teaching faculty in Chandigarh for banking has got you covered.
Best Teaching Faculty of Chandigarh on Each Subject
The foundation of banking exams lies in a firm grasp of mathematics. Chandigarh boasts esteemed faculties known for their exceptional math tutoring. One prominent name is Mr. Tarun Kumar, renowned for simplifying complex mathematical concepts and the best quantitative aptitude teacher in Chandigarh. His innovative teaching methods and personalized attention have helped countless students conquer their math fears.
Mr. Sumit Kumar, a revered figure in the world of reasoning coaching, has been instrumental in guiding students through intricate reasoning questions. His logical approach and focus on practical application empower students to excel in this crucial section.
English Language:
For honing language skills, Ms. Rajni Joshi’s classes are a go-to choice. With her extensive experience, she imparts not only grammatical knowledge but also enhances communication skills, a vital asset for banking interviews.
General Awareness & Current Affairs:
Staying updated with current affairs is imperative. Ms. Prabhat Rana’s classes stand out for their comprehensive coverage of general knowledge and current affairs. Her interactive sessions and insightful discussions create a holistic learning environment.
Best Books for Preparing for Banking Exam
Quantitative Aptitude:
“Quantitative Aptitude” by Tarun Kumar – A complete book that has new methods of solving questions in less time. One can follow mathematics aptitude for pre and mains exams.
“Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations” by R.S. Aggarwal – This timeless classic covers a wide range of quantitative problems with detailed solutions.
“Fast Track Objective Arithmetic” by Rajesh Verma – Ideal for quick problem-solving techniques and time management.
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oliviajonas · 1 year
Importance of studying mathematics with the assignment help
While educators have utilised different kinds of assessment to track their students' mathematical development and to guide their subsequent instructions, legislators around the world are increasingly turning to outside evaluations to assess the mathematical proficiency of a country's students and, occasionally, to contrast that proficiency to that of learners in neighbouring nations. Within the broader field of mathematics, there are numerous sub-disciplines, including calculus, statistics, algebra, & mathematics. It is used in many different disciplines, including technology, economics, & finance, and is essential for many cutting-edge innovations & scientific discoveries.
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As a result, outside evaluations frequently affect how teachers educate in the classroom. Since many parties are interested in assessment, educators at all levels are interested in the subject. Get the Exam Question Bank’s assistance to get the best assignments.
The four basic numeric operations at the core of mathematics are addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division.  As students’ progress through their education, they learn about more complex subjects like calculus, simultaneous equations, and mathematical abstraction.
Numerous benefits to doing math assignments -
Comprehension of ideas:
Students can gain a deeper understanding of abstract mathematical ideas through their homework. Students can improve their understanding of mathematics and its applications by working through questions & assignments.
Superior ability to think critically:
Students must exercise their reasoning and critical thinking skills when tackling math homework.
Studying for Tests:
Exam and test preparation can be aided with math homework, allowing students to apply what they've learned and review concepts from class.
Evaluation and suggestions:
Math homework is a great way for teachers to assess their students' comprehension and development because it allows immediate feedback. With this data, educators can better meet the requirements of their diverse student bodies.
In general, doing math homework can help students improve their understanding of the material & their ability to think critically and solve problems.
Reasons to study Mathematics
A person may decide to major in mathematics for a variety of reasons. Some of the most important reasons are as follows:
Budgeting, data analysis, and decision-making are just a few commonplace applications.
Solve problems:
The problem-solving abilities learned in maths class can be used in many different contexts. The capacity to analyse issues, recognise patterns, and create solutions is a skill that may be honed via the study of mathematics.
Reasoning sensibly:
Logical reasoning and thinking are necessary for success in maths, along with many other fields as well. Learning mathematics can help you become a more rational thinker and decision-maker.
Provocative and enjoyable:
Learning and succeeding at difficult mathematical tasks can be rewarding on many levels. Studying mathematics may be enjoyable and fulfilling, especially for people who thrive on mental challenges.
Learning mathematics has several advantages, including better job prospects, the ability to reason logically, and increased mental challenges.
The people who pursue a maths education will benefit in several ways: in their everyday lives and their pursuit of professional success. In conclusion, students can gain a lot from math homework and should consider it an integral part of their math education. Teachers can assess students' development in arithmetic by offering feedback on their assignments.
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teachersvisionchd · 1 year
Master Quantitative Aptitude: Learn from the Best on These 5 YouTube Channels
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Quantitative Aptitude is a crucial section in many competitive exams and job interviews. To ace this section, one needs to have a strong foundation in basic mathematical concepts and the ability to apply them to complex problems. Many aspirants look for the best maths teacher on youtube so that they can study at their convenience and learn quickly. Fortunately, there are many YouTube channels out there that offer comprehensive and engaging lessons on Quantitative Aptitude. In this blog post by Teachers’ Vision, the best SSC Coaching in Chandigarh, we’ll look at the top 5 Indian YouTube channels for mastering Quantitative Aptitude.
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arjunaaacademy · 1 year
Dear "KCET is the last hope to save my face, self-image and falling self-confidence" aspirants.
Board results across the country haven't been that great compared to previous years, the nerve wrecking anxiety and tension among those aspirant's banking on state entrance exams like KCET is therefore very natural and is getting noticed in almost all!
Adding to this JEE results and NEET to be declared results also might have disappointed you!
In this context & backdrop
1: Hard work doesn't and hasn't paid off
You put hard work
Your friends puts a lot lesser
They get awesome results
You don't!
2: KCET exams might go downhill, going nothing as your expectations, worst paper in history
3: What about the magnanimous efforts you put, sleepless nights you have spent, pain in the head you have ignored, promises you made to your parents and teachers?
That dedication, toil and focus you put?
All for nothing?
Success is an ITERATION, Success isn't a destination
The sacrifices you have made, peace of mind you have spoilt, efforts you have put tonnes of everything has given you skills, values, knowledge, techniques, strategies, strength and persistence to set for another journey:
A different journey towards a bigger, brighter star!
Accept the best results your best efforts have fetched, tweak your previous algorithm by your experience of disappointment and go for the second iteration!
That's it
Keep doing it
Accept the disappointment
Tweak the algorithm!
Congratulations, you have led this limited Life with its limited span in the grandest, biggest way possible
Trust the algorithm
Trust you’re Efforts
They have made you better!
Uncommon Tips for the Common Entrance Test
1: Revise MCQs which you have practiced very well in early morning especially from Calculus, Matrices in Math, Current Electricity and Electrostatics, Modern Physics in Physics and named reactions in Organic Chemistry + inorganic chemistry FAQs
2: Let OMR bubbling not burst your bubble of hopes and expectations, as and when you solve a question shade the bubble carefully (YOU WON'T GET TIME TO CHECK YOUR RESPONSES LATER)
3: This paper attempt strategy has worked with a statistically significant number of students:
Attempt Class XII pertaining questions only first, IGNORE questions from class XI
4:After taking care of dress code (no full sleeves, jewelry etc.),hall ticket and ID proof, take care of your highly tensed nerves: whenever you feel questions are not going your way take a minute break and orally spell RELAX, drink water (which has to be in a transparent bottle by the way) and then proceed further
While 95% of your competitors succumb to it
Realize Time Traps and Concept Traps, let tension not shake you from a very practical understanding that if you can't do it within a minute, and not figure out the approach, many in the race can't either
They shall waste their time in trying to crack the question
Or too demotivated to give their best in questions to come
You shouldn't
You are smart and you are practical
You shall avoid all traps and get an optimal score for your efforts
Efforts are permanent, may your efforts get you more than what you think they deserve
PS: Remove wristwatches from your hand AND ego from your minds outside the exam hall ,you are there to score maximum not to prove that you are an expert in a topic, no matter how many ever questions you have worked with from that topic during study/practice/mock test sessions
Bajaao Happywaali Seeti
Before facing KCET
Kindly please keep in mind the traffic conditions in the city towards your centre before leaving home for the centre, metro and personal transport always the best choices
Love Always
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The CBSE Class 12 board exams are one of the most important exams in every student's academic career, and preparing for them comprehensively is crucial.
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booktownn · 2 years
Buy Gagan Pratap Books for sale in Jaipur
In recent time the ratio of students in government exam is increasing day by day. Most of exams cover 20%-50% of the math in their syllabus. Most of the India Students are preparing for competition exam like SSC, CET, CGL, CPO, CHSL, CDS and other competition exams. At This huge amount of competition era students needs best authors’ book. All of the students are looking for the best math tutor book.
Booktown provide you Gagan pratap Math books, books are available in bilingual, SSC Main Mathematics pervious paper by Gagan pratap sir, SSC CGL Mains 24 sets Mathematics previous year paper. Complete class notes Arithmetic, Advanced math complete class notes available on Booktown. SSC math chapter wise 8000+ TCS MCQ in bilingual by Gagan pratap sir.  Booktown provides you- Gagan pratap math book in pdf, Gagan pratap math book pdf with 8000+ MCQ, and Gagan pratap tcs book pdf.
Gagan Pratap sir is a known as a great Teacher in the field of math, well known for advanced math. He has taught a lot of topic in this book like, Menstruation 2D-3D, Geometry etc. he has huge amount of experience teaching math, he teaches math from the most basic level to the most advanced. You can learn a lot from him if you are studying for exams. He teaches for all kinds of exam, including SSC, Bank, Railway, State Level, and so on. Gagan pratap sir’s tcs book pdf is a good choice for you if you want to study math. Books by Gagan sir can help you to understand a lot of math concepts. Gagan sir math can help you to understand the concept and to solve exam-level question.
Book town provides you all of these books in a very reasonable price:
Chapter wise bilingual Champion for SSC Mains Mathematics Previous Year Paper by Gagan pratap sir latest Edition Buy Champion For SSC CGL Mains Mathematics Previous Year Paper By Gagan Pratap Sir Latest Edition at Booktown.
SSC CGL Mains Buy Champion Bilingual For SSC CGL Mains 24 Sets Mathematics Previous Year Papers By Gagan Pratap Sir Latest Edition at Booktown.
Buy Champion Bilingual Complete Class Notes Arithmetic By Gagan Pratap Sir Latest Edition at Booktown.
Buy Champion Advance Math Complete Class Notes  By Gagan Pratap Sir For SSC And CET And Other Competitive Exams Latest Edition at Booktown.
Buy Champion SSC Math Chapter - Wise 8000+ TCS - MCQ (Bilingual) By Gagan Pratap Sir Latest Edition at Booktown.
For more info: dheer singh dhabhai book
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mathsprogram · 2 years
Online Maths tutor in UAE to improve Maths skills in Exams
Maths is a subject that can be difficult for students to understand and master, which is why hiring a tutor to help improve maths skills can be beneficial. Whether a student is struggling with basic concepts or needs help preparing for an exam, an online maths tutor can support them. UAE students looking for math help can find many reputable online tutoring services that offer qualified tutors to help them improve their skills.
Why use an online maths tutor in UAE?
There are several reasons why using an online maths tutor in UAE can be a great idea. For one, it can be a more affordable option than hiring a tutor in person. Additionally, it can be a more convenient option, as you can access your tutor from anywhere with an internet connection. Finally, this can be a great option for students struggling with maths and needing extra help to improve their skills. If you're looking for an online maths tutor in UAE, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, choose a qualified and experienced tutor in teaching maths. Also, choose a tutor who fits your learning style well. For example, some students prefer a more interactive learning environment, while others prefer more one-on-one instruction.
If you're looking for an online maths tutor in UAE, consider signing up with Mathnasium. We are a leading online tutoring platform that connects students with qualified tutors worldwide. We offer a variety of subjects, including maths, and our tutors are all qualified and experienced in teaching. We also offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure you're making the best decision for your middle school math program in sharjah.
Benefits of using an online maths tutor in UAE
The benefits of using an primary school math tutor sharjah are many. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can save you time. If you have a question about a maths problem, you can simply ask your tutor and get an answer immediately. This is much faster than trying to work it out yourself or searching for the answer online.
Another big benefit is that online maths tutors can help you learn more effectively. They can adapt their teaching to your needs and help you understand concepts that have been giving you trouble. This can make a big difference in your maths grades.
Finally, online math lessons in sharjah is often more affordable than hiring a tutor in-person. This means you can get the help you need without breaking the bank.
How to find the best online maths tutor in UAE
Finding the best online maths tutor in UAE can be a daunting task. There are so many choices available, and it can be hard to know who the best fit is for your child. However, you can do a few things to make the process easier.
First, consider your child's needs. For example, what level of maths is he or she currently studying? What are his or her strengths and weaknesses? Knowing this will help you narrow down your choices.
Next, take into account the tutor's qualifications. Are they a certified teacher? Do they have a degree in mathematics? How much experience do they have teaching maths? It's important to choose a math test prep in abu dhabi tutor who is qualified and experienced.
Finally, consider the tutor's teaching style. Do they prefer to use worksheets and drills, or do they prefer to let the child explore and discover mathematics independently? Some tutors prefer a more hands-on approach, while others use a more traditional teaching style. Choose the tutor whose teaching style best suits your child's needs.
Once you've considered these factors, it's time to start checking out some of the different math tutor near me options available in UAE. There are many great tutors, so take your time and find the perfect one for your child.
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ibscholars-blog · 2 years
5 Sure Ways To Achieve A High Score In International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam
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Globally, less than 1% of IB candidates receive a grade of 45, which is a cause for concern and immediate corrective action. The IB curriculum is quite difficult. It is, however, not impossible to obtain an IB perfect score. In this article, we will go over some fundamental ideas, guidelines, and advice to help you ace the IB test and get a good grade.
Study Past Questions
Question Bank is an official collection of former IB questions compiled by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Because Question Bank is a little expensive, it is recommended that you first consult with your IB teachers about it. As a result of doing so, your exam score will improve.
2. Stay Ahead Of The Class
Success is attainable with careful planning. Having a head start on the course material is one strategy to excel in the IB. Planning ahead is necessary to stay ahead. It's not always a good idea to rely solely on the teacher to introduce a topic and speak about it in class. Start your own independent learning over the holidays. You can use class time for clarification, revision, and consolidation before the start of the upcoming semester. Early planning has the additional benefit of lowering stress levels throughout the school semester.
3. Have A Study Routine
Create an effective and efficient study routine because it removes uncertainty by allowing you to think through and plan your course of action. Schedule equal time for each subject. Devote one hour per day to three to four different subjects. Your weakest subjects would take two hours to cover. This translates to about 4 hours of regular study per day if you want to do well in IB. A well-planned and regular study schedule is essential and vastly advantageous.
4. Be Proactive And Ask For Help
Address issues and dispel any misunderstandings as soon as you can. To ensure that the knowledge you acquire later in the course can stand on its own, you need a solid, fundamental basis. While the course is being taught, make sure you comprehend every single concept. Please do not hesitate to contact your teacher if you have any questions or need clarification. To increase your understanding, look for relevant videos on YouTube. Avoid letting issues linger because they can end up haunting you later.
5. Follow The Syllabus
The IB contains the information you require for your exams. The syllabus for the pertinent subject contains all the instructions and knowledge. It resembles a train track in many ways. You'll see that achieving high IB scores isn't tough if you stick with it. Syllabi frequently change, so be careful to use the most recent version.
The most important thing is to get professional tutoring from a top-notch tutoring team.
Dr. Anil Khare's IB Scholars have the best IB tutoring support center in the world, where IB students are adequately equipped and prepared to ace the IB exam and come out on top! IB Exams should no longer be a source of anxiety for students. You have nothing to worry about when you come to the world's best IB tutoring support center. They are expert IB Math tutors, IB Economics tutors, and have everything IB related sorted out for students. IB Scholars provide renowned training support, in-depth tutorials by experienced subject experts, academic mentorship, and efficient admission counselling and processing.
They have successfully processed over 1,000 admissions and are clearly the best in the business. They have also earned the trust of students and parents over the course of their many years of successful admission counselling and support.
Contact us for more information regarding IB Scholars programs, tutorials, and educational support.
Office 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai-UAE
Call Us: +971 50 237 1313
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