#best reliable bond cleaning
morverenmaybewrites · 1 month
Hi! I'm so glad your back, Pizza Girl is my favorite fanfic of all time!!!
I have a question, about Jason's life as a adopted son of Bruce Wayne, particularly his relationship with Batfamily (especially Dick and Barbara).
During Jasons POV, he often reflects on this time as being warm and homely, easly more comfortable than his previous conditions of living (duh, but still, positive aspects). Buuut, while thinking about his relationship with members of the family, as much as he appreciates the company and patience, he often remembers feeling scared of being thrown away if he makes a mistake, and rarely mentions bonding time with his siblings.
But on the other hand, from Dick's POV, (that I think is more reliable, because Jason's POV is influenced by his abandonment related trauma), it's painfully, heartbreakingly obvious that he loves Jason like a little brother, and that both before and now he still cares and wishes to have a better relationship with him. Similarly Barbara, who's uncondicionably there for him.
So i was thinking, do you have any headcannons for how was their time together before the kidnapping? Its mentioned that it was hard for Jason to open up, but was there time when they managed to do this? What did they like about each other, did they have favorite activities to do together in their civilian lives?
(I feel like I'm asking for fluff but in reality it's tragedy knowing what inevitably happened)
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Ayt, I had been putting off answering these for a while because I had a hard time articulating my thoughts on the matter. I still have a hard time articulating my thoughts, so I'm going to try and break it down.
Jason's Relationship with Bruce
I think for the most part, Jason's relationship with Bruce was informed by the fact that while Bruce deeply loved Jason, he didn't love him in the way Jason needed.
By the time the two of them met, Jason was already deeply scarred by his experiences. He was born into one of Gotham"s poorest districts, to two parents who were neglectful at best and abusive at worst.
So when he was plucked off the grimy streets of Park Row and placed into the Wayne Manor, and got told that now, he is another man's son. I imagine the change would have rattled anyone, let alone a street rat who was used to just barely surviving.
Suddenly, there was food whenever he wanted.
Suddenly, he had a bed, the sheets warm and clean and the mattress so soft that he's scared it will swallow him.
Suddenly, he had a family.
And oh, how deeply hard it was to believe that it was all for him.
I imagine he spent most of those early days waiting for the rug to be pulled out underneath him. For him to wake up one day to find himself back in Crime Alley, an orphan once more.
So a lot of his time in Wayne Manor was actually colored by paranoia that, eventually, they will get bored of him, like a rich socialite getting bored of a yapping dog when it goes out fashion.
He spent most of his time trying to prove himself to Bruce, being the best at what he can be, because you don't throw useful things away.
(It does not help that during this time, Bruce was still reeling from his fight with Dick, and ended up comparing Jason to Dick a lot, something that deeply damaged Jason.).
I think that while Bruce deeply Jason, he just wasn't able to provide the sort of loving environment one should provide to a damaged child. He gave him a home, he gave him food, and shelter, and I imagine that if Jason was the type to ask for things (he wasn't), Bruce would have given it to him without a second thought.
But he also gave him the Robin suit, and a responsibility that was, in truth, far too heavy to place on the shoulders of a child. I think Jason probably treated being Robin as a way to "earn" his position into Wayne Manor.
Batman, after all, needed a sidekick.
And Jason was desperate to give them a reason to let him stay.
But I think, that Jason's time with the Joker also colored how he perceives Bruce (how can it not). It made him forget that they had good days, too. And a lot of them.
Because Bruce did care about Jason. He was patient whenever Jason would explode into fits of anger, he let him have the run of the library, they'd talk about their favorite books, ways to better their arsenal. If they had time, I think the relationship would have turned into something beautiful.
If they had time, I think they would have been the two people in the family who understood each other best.
(But sadly, they did not have time. And these days, the memory of him makes Jason run cold.).
Jason's Relationship with Dick
They actually didn't have much of a relationship! It's something that Dick regrets and wishes to fix.
I headcanon that Jason was adopted shortly after Dick's fight with Bruce and his subsequent departure with Bludhaven. During this time, I think that Dick was busy trying to establish his own life, find his own identity. He didn't have much time to come back to Wayne Manor and get to know his new brother.
Whenever he did come by though, Dick did make an effort with Jason, and I think that mattered.
It mattered too, that he and their father were as different as night and day. While Bruce was subdued and muted, Dick was animated, chattering constantly. Asking questions.
On rare occasions, he'd take Jason out to someplace fun, joking that Bruce's idea of fun would be going through the criminal files.
He was a good big brother, when he was there. But most of the time, he was not. And that made it easier for the Joker to make Jason believe that he didn't care.
Jason's relationship with Barbara
I think that, aside from Alfred, Barbara is the closest to Jason.
While Dick was busy trying to establish himself as Nightwing and Bruce was being...Bruce, it was Barbara who took it upon herself to be Jason's mentor.
She'd often look out for him during patrols, give him pointers during training, and she'd also make it a point to make sure that Jason would be able to relax.
If the Batfam ever organized a movie night or an outing to the city park, it was because of her.
A part of Jason definitely remembers this, which is why at the start of the story, Barbara is the only one he bothers keeping in contact with.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can I request a fluff alphabet for pedri. Love you❤️
Living for this request🥰 This was so fun to do, thank you. Pls, tell me what you think 🫶🏼🌻
Fluff Alphabet -Pedri González
A = Attractive (What thing does he find the most attractive of you and himself?)
On himself? Physically, I feel like he likes his hands/arms, because he's gaining weight and makes him look bulkier. Mentally, he loves the fact he's down to earth and pretty mature for any other guy at his age, of course, he jokes around but when serious things happen, he'll do no jokes.
On you? Physically, he loves your everything, hands down; but if he has to choose just one, I feel like he would say your eyes, they way they speak for themselves and shine whenever you get too excited, their size and their colour, it has him on his knees for you. Mentally, you're also down to earth and very mature person. He can always talk with you about anything without feeling any kind of fear of judgement or anything like that. He loves it.
Bonus: Your intelligence is also something that keeps him on his knees, he just loves a smart girl.
B = Boo! (How does he feel about surprises, giving and receiving?)
He loves more giving than receiving, in general. Of course, he would like getting some lovely presents/surprises, shyly smiling and blushing a lot, loving with all his heart even a simple little card with a "Te quiero"/"Pásala bien"/"Cuídate" message but he loves the most being able to cause happiness for you, his mom, dad and everyone around him.
C = Cuddles (Kind of cuddles and if he loves them)
He loves cuddles although he's not 24/7 cuddling you, he enjoys them, he knows when to give you space or telling you he needed some. But, something that can never fail is him cuddling you, you cuddling him, both cuddling each other, whilst sleeping.
He loves all kind of cuddles with him being the big spoon, you being the big spoon, back cuddling, side cuddling, just cuddling in general. He loves them.
D = Domestic (Does he want to settle down? How is he at cooking and cleaning? Marriage and kids?)
He wants to settle down. He can see himself marrying you and having kids, in a few years, of course. However, he's not that good at cooking and his cleaning isn't the best.
He's 20, he's messy, of course when he sees stuffs getting out of hand or you doing too many things, he definitely helps out and does his best helping you with the dishes, vacumming or even doing laundry. In the cooking part, he's slowly learning a few things here and there to make his cooking skills good and edible.
E = Emotions (How does he express emotion around you?)
It took a few months while being in the friends stage for him to express himself around you, once he knew you were reliable, he started to open himself more and eventually you two creating a bond-trust, unbreakable
F = Feelings (When did he know he was in love?)
When he was feeling down, all he could think about was you and the ways you could cheer him up, he kept on trying doing them on himself but failed resulting in calling you, when you stopped your homework and went to his, not caring for any other thing besides his well-being, when he saw you his whole mood was back up again and he realized he's in love with you.
G = Gentle (How gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle, he is the true definition of a gentleman and a loving man in every single aspect.
H = Holding Hands (when/how does he like to hold hands?)
He loves your hands, he loves how soft they are and loves how small they looked against his rough and big ones. This saying he loves holding hands, it's his favorite way to do PDA on public and privately as well, even though privately PDA was on another different level.
But holding hands, it's such a simple gesture but too intimate at the same time, he didn't had the need of wrapping you whole, in his arms, hands intertwined and a simple kiss on the lips/cheek or forehead was enough.
If he's driving, your linked hands would be on the gear lever as he from time to time lifted it up to his lips to kiss it, if you are driving his hand would be on your thigh, with your hand on top of his.
I = Injury (How would he act if you got hurt?)
He would be worried but not too over the top, you know what I mean? Still, he would leave everything he's doing to check up on you. He would kiss your pain away, make sure you took your medicine, help you around and basically nursing you.
If it's something he had already warned you about he would shut up his mouth but his eyes and eyebrows clearing saying "Told you". If it happened out of nowhere, he would softly tell you to be more careful seeing as he doesn't want anything bad happening to his future wife.
J = Jealousy (How jealous does he get? What does he do when he’s jealous?)
I had already said before that Pedri trusts you with his life and doesn't get too jealous, only if he's feeling some sort of intimidated or if the guy's clearly hitting on you and discharging your attempts of not being interesed.
Often he would come up to you, kiss or hug you and with a: Bonita, who's this? The person knows to back off.
K = Kisses (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?)
I feel Pedri being a really calm guy, so I feel like most of his kisses would also be calm and soft, transmiting all the love he feels for you in them. His kisses can also variate and it depends on the mood you, he or both are in.
He for sure loves kissing you in the lips, but he also adores kissing your cheek or temple, he thinks of them kind of like "I love you, be safe and I'll take care of you" kiss, all of them in one.
He knows you love kissing his shoulder or bicep, seeing as you're smaller than him in height, when you don't wanna get on your tip toes to reach his lips, you kiss the first thing availabe on him and often are those two. But he loves when you kiss his neck, it makes him shiver, a jolt of electricity runs on his body whilst feeling your lips there and he loved it.
L = Love (How does he show you that he loves you?)
Both oral and acting way. He always tell you how much he loves you and does show it by asking you how's your day, leaving little notes on the fridge, the back of your phone, bathroom mirror or laptop, asking to take care of yourself, drink a glass of water or eat something. Also, he loves giving you little gifts at the most random times always managing to make you smile.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with him? And nights?)
Mornings with Pedri are always appreciated because he always has to wake up early to go to a training and stuffs so you always make time out of it to be for a few minutes lazy together, meanwhile nights are a bit more active as in the way of always doing something like playing at the Playstation, reading, singing or dancing.
Sometimes when Pedri's tired, he gets you into his arms or get himself into yours and you both lay on the couch watching some serie or movie.
N = Nickname (What does he call you, and what are his favorite things to be called?)
For you, he always goes around calling you Bonita or Mi vida. For him, you always call him Pepi, Bonito or Amor.
O = Orange (What colour reminds him of you?)
Blue. It's his favorite colour and he loved how it looks ok you. Also, you always liked the sky and ocean, often talking to him about anything with those things.
P = Patience (How easily angered is he?)
He is really calm and doesn't get angry that easily, something big has to happen for him to explode.
Q = Quality Time (How does he like to spend time with you?)
He doesn't like going out so much, he enjoys the calm of being at home doing some kind of activity like teaching you how to play football, cooking together, playing board games and if you wanted to go out somewhere, a nice driving around the city at any hour would do it.
R = Remember (How much does he remember about you? Does he remember every little detail you mention in passing, or does he kind of forget everything?)
He gets easily distracted but he does listen so I think he would remember almost everything you say, out of 100%, I feel like he would do a 89%. He has his own things too but he gives you priority because you're very important to him.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
When you're down he tries his best to cheer you up with everything, bringing you flowers, cooking for you, shower, cuddles, talks, anything.
When he's sad, at first you always let him cool down for a while, you try to do his mom's croquetas and then wrap yourself around him, sometimes in silence letting him be the first to talk about what's happening or sometimes urging him to talk, a massage and a shower always calms him down completely.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
A lot, in every day tasks, in anniversaries, dates and everything. He always does his best.
Although, he knows you prefer staying at home dates so he makes a fort for the two of you, sometimes cooks, settles up a nice vibe for you. For gifts, he has always known you better than yourself, so everytime his gifts get better and better and you wonder... Why doesn't that happen to you? You're always running around thinking of what to get him and eventually stressing for a bit, until you find the perfect gift.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Whilst he's alone? A FIFA/NBA play or just sitting in silence forgetting everything. With you, you try to just be there for him, offering him a massage or a bath where you can baby him for a while until he's back to his goofy self, even offer to read him a bit of any book you're reading at the moment.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He is proud of everything in general, he's proud of his family, of himself, of everything he has achieved, of your family and you, but he gets incredibly proud when you propose yourself something and eventually complete it. He's your biggest supporter and often shows you off to his mates exclaiming how amazing and admirable you are.
W = Wash (What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up?)
It's really intimate, goofy, passionate in every way no matter how the mood is. If he's stressed, you will let him know you're there for him always, he doing the same to you, washing each others hair and body; if you are playful, water will be thrown at each other, if you're up for something else, desire will come up and do it's thing.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Very well, he knows you better than you know yourself. With only one good look at you, he knows if you're hiding something, lying, stressed, sad, happy. It's incredible. You love how he takes care of you and you try to do the same for him.
Y = Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
He loves going through photos of the two of you, chats with you the whole day and eventually videocalls you every time possible he gets. He also makes you record voice notes for him, in case you can't chat or videocall, he falls asleep to your voice.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He probably snores, you often make fun of him with it but truth is you got used to it and you probably also have sleep habits he also makes fun of with you. So, what it's the same is not cheating
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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Wriothesley SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Behind closed doors, Wriothesley is incredibly cuddly. Since he's wrapped up in his work most of the time he takes every hug and kiss he can get. He has a weakness for love bites, giving and receiving. Another thing he goes crazy for is sitting you on his lap
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Wriothesley finds it hard to make friends, unable to just let himself trust people. As a best friend he will do what he can to make life easy for you or help you with whatever you need. He's dependable and reliable. Also, he's an amazing listener
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Many many many cuddles. Hugs, forehead kisses, nips at your neck, spooning. He will cram as much physical affection as he can into a small amount of time, since he's so busy
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
While his childhood did prevent him from being able to trust people and form long lasting bonds he still does fantasize about getting married. He likes the idea of starting a family and giving his children the kind of love and support they deserve. He's not a good cook but he likes to keep a clean house.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would take you out, somewhere nice. It's almost like a last chance date. He will take you on a date with the intention to break up with you calmly at the end but it's possible you may say or do something that changes his mind. He's hoping that happens. He's hoping for the best.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would take a long time before Wriothesley felt comfortable about settling down. While he does want to get married he doesn't want to get divorced. He has to make sure this is the real deal.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, it's going to be hard to get him to open up in the early stages of your relationship. Physically, he is all over you. Every bit of physical affection he can get he's , he's practically drowning it in and he loves it .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
So many hugs all the time. His hugs are tight, they could break your back if you don't warn him. They also last a while because he just can't bear to end this bliss.. just a few more minutes
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Despite how long it will take him to decide to marry, Wriothesley can fall in love relatively fast. His heart aches for someone to share his life with. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic. He will date and the L word will pass his lips sooner than even he expected. He wants that, he really does.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He has a stoic and silent jealousy. Wriothesley won't voice his jealousy but... What if you like that guy more? What if that guy has more free time?! Wriothesley will never let you know he's doubting himself and unless you've been together for a long time you may never pick up on his jealousy... Unless the person he's jealous of meets him face to face. Wriothesley is surprisingly scathing and sassy.
"Oh, you must be Wriothesley! Your S/o talks about you a lot"
"Funny, they don't talk about you at all"
Like damn, Wriothesley.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His favorite place to pepper with kisses is your neck. Peoples necks tend to be more sensitive which gives him all those little giggles he loves so much. He actually really likes when you kiss his ears. His ears are crazy sensitive. He loves giving you hundreds of little kisses, but isn't opposed to long hot make outs, if you desire
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Wriothesley is very gentle and comfortable around kids. He remembers what it was like to be a child, a skill it seems a lot of people lose when they get older and have responsibilities. Kids tend to be afraid of him which does slightly chip away at him. Hopefully, one day, his own kids won't be afraid of him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings don't last long. He has to get to work. He will wake up a little earlier than necessary just to be able to lie awake in bed with his beloved.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
When night falls and work is done and Wriothesley can relax he is excited. His battery slowly drains all day but just one kiss from you fuels him up entirely. It's here that he gets all the cuddles and kisses he needs to function
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Wriothesley slow drips little bits of info about himself if you've been dating for a few years. However, all the important things you need to know will be dropped all at once. His past is something he needs you to know and while he is afraid it will be the breaking point of your relationship he knows it must be done. He will be beyond relieved if you accept him for who is has become.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Insurmountably Patient. The man is a saint his anger very rarely rears its head.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Wriothesley is only human and is capable of forgetting things but he will NEVER forget anything about you. Birthday? Favorite foods? Favorite joke? He will remember it all.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory will change the longer your relationship goes on. In the beginning nothing will be more magical than how you met. Then your wedding will be the greatest day. Then the birth of your first child. These will always be the top 3 memories
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He Protecc He Attacc but most importantly he will always have your back. Wriothesley is absurdly protective of you, especially if you have children. He needs to keep you safe, you're the lynchpin of the family. He will take absolutely NO disrespect about you. You're the jewel in his crown and as far as he's concerned you should always be priority
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Wriothesley gives you 110% for absolutely everything. Every date is perfectly planned, he will never forget an anniversary and if you like gifts he'll make sure to send them often. He also has a soft spot for sending love letters to you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The Duke has a small gambling problem. Nothing major, he isn't risking thousands of mora on high stakes betting but he doesn't like how much low stakes betting he does. He believes that this problem could potentially become a bigger one if left unchecked. He also has a tendency to ignore health issues of his. He s had a persistent pain in his side all week but uuhh... He's too busy to get it checked out right now.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not really worried about his looks... Though he did wish children found him less scary
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once he finds 'the one' he would feel so lost without you by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sometimes he will trace his scars with his finger, remembering where each one came from vividly
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He has zero tolerance for someone hurting other people. Physically or Emotionally but he is VERY sensitive to emotional abuse. It drives him crazy to see it because emotional abuse can be so subtle that sometimes people don't even register it. He will go out of his way to give that person a better example of how they should be treated
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Wriothesley sleeps very sparingly. When single, he'll take brief naps in his office a few times a day. When dating or married he will sleep every night with his S/O but won't ever sleep more than 5 hours. He has work to do. He needs more sleep.
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luvdzu · 2 years
sua's relationship with bts
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♡ namjoon x sua - - - namsu ๑
๑ more of a teacher than a leader, just like the rest of the members, sua also looks at namjoon fondly (she looks at all the members fondly but!!) it’s all the admiration, respect, and awe in her eyes that light up whenever namjoon is around
๑ 1/3 line of the “i raised sua” because he did, (even though yoongi would disagree because he was also part of sua’s antics) give him credit where it’s due because namjoon was the first trainee sua met back in 2010
๑ now it’s the opposite because sua is in charge of keeping namjoon in line as well as the other members, and she’s always there looking out for namjoon, watching him from afar. they adore each other <3
♡ seokjin x sua - - - sujin ๑
๑ the original oppa, seokjin is the next door older brother who sua can always talk and gossip to, they keep talking and talking for hours whether they’re close or apart
๑ seokjin knows a lot about sua, because he’s the first one sua tells especially when something happens to her life, she’ll message seokjin and they just talk for hours like they don’t live in the same place, they never stop messaging each other, and never run out of things to talk about
๑ spends a lot of time in the kitchen together, back when they were less busy, they would cook dinner once a week and do groceries (not that frequent anymore but they bonded the best doing chores common to them) also seokjin taught sua to play video games with him so he can ask for sua’s stuff
♡ yoongi x sua - - - yoonsu ๑
๑ where did sua get her laid back and snarky answers? yes. him. and even now, yoongi himself gets shocked at sua and what she’s saying because according to him she’s “the sweetest, most lovely, adorable, pure, amazing woman”
๑ 1/3 of “i raised sua” and will actually fight namjoon and hoseok because according to him, “i raised sua, i even combed her hair before she goes to school” and he gives her a small amount of pocket money from his part-time jobs TT TT
๑ proudly brings blankets for sua in award shows, not even embarrassed like, sua can bring them herself (which she insists) but yoongi has put himself and assigned himself in doing it, will ask the manager to hold it for him while they’re in the red carpet but almost immediately grabs them once they’re backstage
♡ hoseok x sua - - - hosu ๑
๑ cleaning fairies TT TT because, they really are, keeping the dorm tidy along with seokjin, once fought on who should wash the plates in their old dorm as trainees and hoseok was all, “you should rest and wash up.” but sua was also, “oppa you practiced hard, let me wash and then you rest.”
๑ 1/3 of “i raised sua” will not fight the rap line, but will make sure it is known that he contributed in raising sua, doesn’t like to admit but he asked his sister a lot of questions about girls so he knows how to help sua and he stuff
๑ reliable older brother! sua looks at him softly as well, and also has that sparkle in her eyes, monitors hoseok during performances and it’s like, sua wants to be like hoseok so much, unconsciously mirrors his movements and habits
♡ jimin x sua - - - sumin ๑
๑ called sua noona on when he met her, and taehyung just watched him, let him call sua that and fumble to his words, which ngl made sua lost because taehyung said jimin is the same age as him but didn’t say anything to jimin about her
๑ jimin never stopped calling sua noona though, it was out of habit and would call sua noona off camera most of the times, especially in the soop, it was evident that jimin called sua noona a lot of times
๑ sua was assigned to give jimin a tour of the company and dorm when he first joined and taught him a few of the ropes around bighit, hence they hung out a lot with taehyung especially as their debut got nearer
♡ taehyung x sua - - - taesu ๑
๑ sua treated taehyung burgers for dinner on his first day in seoul and fully decided that sua was a good person and he should take care of her once they debuted
๑ taehyung has a lot of pride for sua, he looks at her like the whole world, honey dripping from his eyes and he’s staring at sua fondly, always praises her and cheers her during performances and his eyes are just, they never leave sua
๑ doesn’t like calling her sua, never does actually, it’s always seohyun, hyunnie, and a bunch of other nicknames he calls her which drives army’s crazy when he’s looking straight at her and just says “seohyun-ah” and sua looks back, eyes wide and lips already curled up to a smile TT TT
♡ jungkook x sua - - - sukook ๑
๑ all the members find it funny how they got close in a span of a week when jungkook first joined because he didn’t really talk to a lot, and sua being the second youngest, she made it herself to interact with jungook
๑ no one knows how they got close really (the hyungs are especially curious how sua became close to jungkook) and it was something between them, like that secret and endearing bond between the both of them as maknaes
๑ both have grown with each other and are definitely the closest, saying they’re both bunnies and siblings, treats each others as siblings more often than friends, very loud together and jungkook confides in sua more often then not, seokjin’s babies dare i say
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I hate the fact that i can understand Misty so much. That her reasonings make perfect sense to me, that although i might say "i don't condone it. I don't condone that she destroyed that radio. I don't condone that she gets unhealthily attached to anyone that shows the basic interested in her. I don't condone that she is ready to go to unimaginable lengs and sabotage others just to feel needed. " but deep down i UNDERSTAND her and IT HURTS.
It hurts so much to remember what it was like to be the weird outsider. The clearly neuro divergent girl that just CAN'T BE like the other girls. And will never grow up to be like any other woman.
We are presented with two outsiders, Natalie and Misty. But despite Natalie being a train wreck, a self destructive machine, toxic in her inability of sharing a genuine bond, cold, jaded and unstable, people still flock to her. Men are infatuated with her, the other women both see her as a reliable ally and someone to take care of.
And then there is Misty. Misty who does the most, Misty who tries her best, Misty who knows that the only way for her to be accepted is to be needed. So she makes herself useful. She is a nurse, she stops by right when you need a ride, she always answers call and texts quickly because if she doesn't then they won't want her anymore. Misty who kidnaps and kills someone who might be a threat for everyone and gets no recognition for it. Misty who helps hiding a body without making questions just accepting it as a fact, making sure everything is taken care of to defend those she cares about, and then still being looked at like some freak despite not being the one that spilled the blood. Misty who crosses every line to just be fed crumbs.
Everyone talks about the cannibalism of Jackie and the metaphorical cannibalism of Shauna but no one talks about the way Misty constantly rips pieces of herself to feed the people around herself because there is nothing else that they would accept of her. How she always has to give all of her knowledge, wits, time to others, plated carefully with perfect presentation and always smiling, only to have it spat out and refuse because it tastes wrong. It's all wrong, distorted and unsettling and she just can't change it because that's what she taste, that's what she is.
People will always see that Natalie is doing wrong but will never call her wrong. They will try to help her get on her feet and clean up and get past her walls because they know that under all that she is just like *them*.
Meanwhile people will sense that Misty is wrong without even speaking to her and just hope that she will disappear because her sole existence is a nuisance. They don't bother to dig, to understand, to clean. She is wrong, different, rotten and they don't want her.
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bluem00n007 · 1 year
about prompt asks... what about sorcerers asked to take care of summoners's pet hamster/rats/mice/other type of tiny furry critter for a few days?
Especially if they didn't expect summoner to be such a softie for tiny animals to adopt any and organise a palace of a cage for them.
This is adorable!!! Sorry it took so long! I am not feeling to well "^^ so sorry if this is not up to your expectations
Spica is like a Disney Princess, animals love him and he loves them, he is pretty good at taking care of them too
Despite knowing his busy schedule, you didn't want to leave your hamster alone while you went on a visit, so you mustered your courage and asked him for help
He was over the moon because, firstly, it was a request from you and he would do anything to help you, secondly, he loved your hamster, he made no effort to hide it either and would often give it pats and seed treats and now he gets to keep it for a few days!?
You bet he took great care of your hamster, he would even let it rest in his palm as he did paper work and guess cuteness is better for staying awake than coffee
When you came back you saw him and hamster having too much fun with the new play equipment he bought for it, he even made notes on your hamster's behaviour and what it wants and shared them with you to review them
Overall 10/10 a win win situation for all parties
Now he has a reputation with others for not being as reliable, but you knew that when it comes to getting the job done, he can do a better job than the rest
At first he was wondering why didn't you ask someone like Vega, Pollux or Arcky, but then he agreed to it, he can never say no to you, as much of a cold poker face he tries to make, his facade always melts in front of you
He has asked you about the hamster's schedule and strictly follows it, even if he is sleepy he will first take care of the hamster and then sleep
Over time he grew a soft spot for the hamster, he is a protective man after all no matter how tough skinned he tries to come across as
He loves animals!!! He loves you!!! Your pet? It's an automatic love for him!!!
He is very doting and caring, be warned the hamster might actually want to live with him
He is very careful and will try to make sure the hamster is safe at all times (his habit of being everywhere at once), he has put a spell on the hamster to protect it always, because of how many times he gets rushed by other sorcerers
He has been more careful though! Even taking it along with him if he can, so he can be ultra sure it's safe
He is trying his best to not let you down! The hamster is so cute too! Him and the hamster have one thing in common
Too much energy, so they play and snack all day
The others, especially alpheratz, help him as much as possible, especially after he couldn't find it in its cage (only to find out it was on his bed)
He tried to improve and started giving the hamster some healthier foods and buying toys for it to keep it entertained in its cage
He even makes it little outfits!!!!
Vega is hampter
After you came back, the hamster started waking up at 5am and doing training, somehow it's better than you at sword fighting and will bite you if you don't do your homework
He has a schedule and he fit the hamster's schedule in it too
He always makes sure the little thing is getting a big space to play, it's cage is clean, the snacks are good and it always has clean drinking water
He loves to pet the hamster and holds it in his gloves hand, he is pretty gentle with it and would often bring it up to his cheek to feel the warm fuzz
Both of them really miss you
The hamster approves of Vega
The hamster is now well versed in the art of theatrics, it can now melodramatically play dead
At first Sirius was wondering, why on bound arlyn would you let him take care of something small and precious to you, but he agrees
He sometimes transforms into a hamster and plays with it, the two have formed a closet bond
He will never tell you how him and your pet have gotten so close though
His nickname for hamster, Summoner 2.0
The Hamster will squeak loudly to get his attention and he just had to go there
Much like how you can summon him
Plus you two are ridiculously adorable but he won't tell you that
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
Some stray middle of the night thoughts for me to work through at some point in the future:
Flustered Gun is adorable
That whole interaction between Tinn and Sound
Tiwson and Gun teaming up. I want more. Not just because they’re fun to watch but Gun is very creative and Tiw gets shit done. They’re a good team and playing off of each other really highlights the best in them both
I really like the way they’re expanding on Tinn’s character without making him louder. He’s quiet and a little panicked most of the time but he thinks on his feet, is a little snarky and impulsive, reliable, comforting, emotionally intelligent. He plays off of Gun’s loud energy really well.
The bonding moments. We’re really, sincerely watching the talking stage of a high school romance and it’s really really lovely. (I’ve been calling a lot of this show lovely and it keeps being applicable!!!)
“As long as the food still tastes good to us, that means we still want to play music” ADORABLE. I’M DEAD
Tinn may be years deep into his crush but he catches on so quick. He hasn’t made a move in years but Gun shows up with bbq pork and cleans his face demanding a photo together and he’s on top of his game too and I respect that.
Tinn’s shaking hand while he reached for Gun’s pinky!!!
Gun’s little smiles aimed at Tinn the whole episode
And don’t think I don’t see you, random student council member!
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natautotoronto · 2 months
Guide to Replacing Your Car Windshield with Professional Quality
Replacing your car's windshield is a task that requires precision and expertise. While it may seem like a simple job, attempting a DIY windshield replacement can lead to disastrous consequences. In this blog, we'll guide you through the process of getting a professional automobile windshield replacement and what to expect from the experience.
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What to Expect From Your Windshield Replacement
When you opt for a professional replacement car windshield service, you can expect a seamless and hassle-free experience. Here's what you can anticipate:
1. Thorough Inspection: A professional technician will thoroughly inspect your vehicle to ensure that the new windshield is the perfect fit and that there are no underlying issues that could compromise the installation process.
2. Proper Removal: The old windshield will be carefully removed, taking care to avoid any damage to the surrounding areas of your vehicle.
3. Meticulous Preparation: The area where the new windshield will be installed will be thoroughly cleaned and prepared to ensure a secure and reliable bond.
4. High-Quality Materials: Reputable windshield replacement companies use only high-quality, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) approved windshields and adhesives, ensuring a perfect fit and long-lasting durability.
5. Expert Installation: Experienced technicians will follow precise guidelines and use specialized tools to ensure the new windshield is installed correctly, preventing any leaks or structural issues.
6. Curing Process: After installation, the adhesive used to secure the windshield requires a curing period. During this time, you'll need to avoid driving your vehicle to allow the adhesive to set properly.
7. Follow-up Inspection: Once the curing process is complete, the technician will conduct a final inspection to ensure the windshield is securely installed and meets all safety standards.
Don't Attempt DIY Windshield Repair
While DIY windshield repair kits may seem like a cost-effective solution, they often fail to provide a long-lasting fix. Attempting a DIY repair can compromise the structural integrity of your windshield, putting you and your passengers at risk. It's always best to seek professional assistance when it comes to your vehicle's windshield.
By following the guidance of experienced professionals and opting for a reputable automobile windshield replacement service in Toronto, you can ensure your vehicle's safety and maintain its value. Remember, a properly installed replacement car windshield is a critical component of your vehicle's safety system, so it's worth investing in a professional installation. Looking for professional and reliable automobile Windshield Chip Repair in Toronto? Look no further than National Auto Glass Toronto. Our team of expert technicians is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to ensure a seamless and high-quality windshield Chip Repair experience. We use only OEM-approved replacement car windshields and top-grade adhesives, guaranteeing a perfect fit and long-lasting durability. With our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to handle all your auto glass needs. Contact us today at (416) 666-7345 or visit our website to schedule your windshield replacement and experience the National Auto Glass difference.
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milksnake-tea · 3 months
Continuation choo choo!
Mr. Yang is an enigma to you, but as far as you know he has the mind of a man who have experienced many loss and grief. He is a man with so much duty in his hands back in his universe, the Herrscher of Reason, Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, ever since he was a child he already had his life overriden by duty. But the express doesn't see his duty, they see Mr. Yang. He's kind and reliable, his wisdom may (or may not) exceed anyone in the express, he always find you coming to him, asking questions and he'd gladly go on about topics after topics. And if he stayed back, he'd receive messages of how you and the others are doing, and that brought a smile to his face.
To walk in the path of The Trailblaze is a lonely one - you come and you go - you make connections before you make another ones, with the possibility that you won't meet your past companions. Himeko is the heart of the Express, but even she can feel lonely. To be part of The Nameless one cannot form a bond too thick else you'd experience the pain of severing it, but she loves everyone nonetheless, she shares her knowledge with you and maybe learn a thing or two about the express' mechanisms, or you're daring enough to try her coffee and not sleep for a few days. But you'd always remember the day she opened her arms and take you in as part of thr express was the best chapter beginning of your life. You'd stay by her side, like a child accompanying their mother as she sets her eyes on the stars, you'd stay in the Express until it reached its final stop. The universe is big so why stop at one place?
You? Maybe you're someone that deeply loves the universe, or a curious scholar, someone with past regrets, a criminal, or you just walk the path of The Trailblaze because you have nowhere to go. For them that doesn't matter, you've done many things for the express. Wether it's helping Pom-Pom cleaning the cars or help with the Trailblaze missions, or be a friend. Caelus/Stelle loves how you'd go your way to have fun in any world they landed, maybe you both have caused some problems and dive into dumpsters to find interesting stuffs. Dan Heng could ramble about trivias from the Data Bank at any given moment if you want him to, he will fight and protect you during missions and you'd do the same for him. Taking a lot of pictures is a must go with March, you would have your poses ready the moment she unleashes her camera. She doesn't really have someone to chat to when she's bored, and you'd go to her room about how you made a weapon out of a Voidranger's remains or watch movies and maybe you guys scrapbook sometimes.
Trailblazer needs someone to remind them, they aren't alone. They have people to latch onto, a support to ground themselves as a host of a Stellaron. Dan Heng needs someone to remind him, he is loved and there is hope. He is Dan Heng, a person who's not weighted down by his past predecessors. March 7th needs someone to remind her, the unknown isn't as scary and people will be there for her if the void almost drown her. She needs something ahead of her, to see, to feel, to know that she exist, so everything won't be as scary. You need to remind yourself, the world is big, your past doesn't define you and you have people to move forward with, the kindness you offered wouldn't be left to waste and you don't have to face the unpredictability of what's to come alone. Everyday is a new adventure.
The Astral Express. The Nameless. You are the children of Akivili, traveling the universe and sing their name like the gears of the express resonating in the cosmos.
(I'm so normal about them [cries])
also "You are the children of Akivili" idk why but on god that is such a beautiful line ily
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sunskate · 10 months
JGP Istanbul ice dance -one of the lighter fields, especially with the Cypriot team injured and not competing:
Mariia Pinchuk/Mykyta Pogorielov 🇺🇦 UKR (17/20 yo) they skated a split season last year: were 12th at Junior Worlds and 15th at Senior Europeans. Pinchuk and her mother fled to Austria at the start of the war, and she and Pogorielov train there. they both still have family in Ukraine. they have flair, and at their best, nice skating skills, they hit their key points consistently last season. twizzles were a little less reliable. they're skating a Bon Jovi/Joe Cocker RD and Madonna FD
Yahli Pederson/Jeffrey Chen 🇺🇸USA (16/21 yo) a newly formed team- she was a solo dancer til recently - i didn't realize she's this young. he skated with Katarina Wolfkostin for 4 seasons, winning a US Jr title and getting 2 senior GP assignments last season. So far, Pedersen/Chen have been 5th in Dallas and won the Lake Placid Jr qualifier. their newness can make them unpredictable, but if they can skate relatively clean they have a strong chance of medaling here. They train at MIDA, and their FD is Phantom, and RD is Queen.
Dana Sabatini-Speciale/Nicholas Buelow 🇨🇦CAN (17/16 yo) this team works with Mitch Islam at Mariposa, so they're probably going through it 😢 they had a JGP last season and were 6th at Jr Nats and 2nd at Next Gen this July. their RD is Jack and Diane and a Stevie Ray Vaughn blues, their FD (at 1:02:45 ⬆️) is Il Postino and Josh Groban. Alexandra Paul was one of their choreographers💔
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they're a sweet team - their big height difference (6'3 and just under 5') makes matching lines a little more challenging, but they do pretty well, and they have a soft flowing quality
Ambre Perrier Gianesini/Samuel Blanc Klaperman 🇫🇷 FRA (16/16 yo) They were 5th at JGP Linz this past week. their RD is Pointer Sisters, and their FD is to Berlinist
Giulia Isabella Paolino/Andrea Tuba 🇮🇹 ITA (19/20 yo) were 7th at JGP Bangkok
Gina Zehnder/Beda Leon Sieber 🇨🇭SUI (18/19 yo) they have a RD to Yello and Vanessa Paradis. previously skated on the JGP in 2021. 2x National jr champions
Emma Goodstadt/Christian Bennett 🇨🇦 CAN (18/20 yo) she had been on the Next Gen team and had JGP assignments with her previous partner in 2021 and 2022, but he had to stop suddenly for personal reasons. this is a new pairing - they train with Carol Lane. they're skating to B-52's and Black Velvet for the RD and have a James Bond FD. they were 6th at the Lake Placid Jr International and 4th at Next Gen.
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strxnged · 1 year
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 : team dynamic headcanons ft. kuki shinobu, shikanoin heizou, childe, & thoma.
slight spoilers for some character backstories & you can tell i've been brainrotting them. & swearing. & attempts at humour.
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all four are, of course, excited for the adventures to follow. each party member harbours some wanderlust in dire need of quenching.
the discovery of their companions' identities differs in respective acceptance.
for the first five minutes, shinobu wants out. three flirty blokes? three? she thinks she's going to hate it, at first.
heizou and kuki know each other, though perhaps... not on the best legal terms. heizou's a detective for the comission that is constantly after the arataki gang's shenanigans.
heizou finds her reliable for intel and shinobu gets him to put in a good word for her when she needs to bail the gang out of jail. he respects her.
but heizou has always thought she had potential for a more honorable lifestyle, so he's not uncomfortable with it. he is more interested to see how she will do.
who he's not so happy to see is one of the fatui harbingers. heizou could barely mask his consternation. but he of course still makes an effort to introduce himself properly.... and make sure childe knows heizou stands for justice.
childe's just happy to be there and get on the road. he finds heizou's antics amusing and shinobu's style admirable.
thoma and childe hit it off. thoma's admittedly a bit nervous to work with.... one of the most dangerous men in the seven nations?
but when thoma gets to know childe's personality a bit, he relaxes.
he knows how to make friends, and he's happy to work with all three other members as long as he doesn't have to take them in combat.
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during 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 !
heizou and childe gain respect for each other through combat. it starts out as a bit of competetition, but they accidentally fall upon an effective range & fist-to-fist compilation strategy that eases the tension.
thoma's fucking scared. not of the enemies, though. his companions are just fearless and it sometimes gets them into unpredictable scenarios because heizou and childe want to get to the bottom of everything.
shinobu helps him out, sensing his hesitance. they end up covering each other pretty well.
childe does scare all of them a little bit when he gets a little too into fighting. but they support him anyways. after all, they're comrades; they're all on the same side, here.
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budding 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 !
thoma and childe gradually start training together. it eventually just becomes a regular kind of time killer, the two of them laughing and throwing their weapons around.
they've all got stories. they've all got so many stories, to share as the sun sets and the campfire rises. childe knows all about the arataki gang, thoma finds out about some cases that passed out of his helping jurisdiction, shinobu learns more about the kamisato clan.
heizou wants to know every detail that can be supplied to him. unsurprisingly, he's constantly studying his companions.
he lies awake at night. it's just a thing he's always done, he can't shut his mind off.
childe barely sleeps in any case, so it lands the unlikely pair some muses under the stars.
shinobu and thoma sleep anywhere, and live tidily. thanks to thoma's joy in cleaning and shinobu's careful planning, the four never go cold or hungry.
childe makes all of them try ice fishing. thoma is never quite the same.
oh, yeah. and shinobu can cook. and with these three comrades of hers, she feels more free to share her tips, and learn from the other's recipes, too.
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between 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 !
shinobu goes back to visit the gang frequently. and bail itto out of jail. it is necessary.
heizou and childe don't really have a familial home to stop by so easily. heizou tags along with thoma, since he's never really spent much time at the teahouse before.
he likes taroumaru. unlikely friendship #28473, they bond instantly.
according to heizou, the canine teahouse owner has "eyes of one who has seen much."
thoma finds this whole thing endearing, of course.
as for childe, meeting the arataki gang proves.... dangerous, for everyone involved.
shinobu thinks it was a mistake. itto's going bonkers trying to comprehend why she went on hiatus from the gang to work with this guy, and proceeds to attempt to persuade childe to join.
itto has questions, and childe has answers, which means itto has way, way more questions.
itto and childe also have ideas, and long story short, childe is never tagging along with shinobu again.
they must stay very very far away from each other.
at all costs.
shinobu misses the gang, sometimes... but she has found a second home with the three others. they have made memories together, they have fought together, they have fallen together.
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kissmeau · 2 years
“Hey, come here!” The red-haired was bearing his best smile, wearing his usual leather jacket, his rings, tattoo exposed. He was a loud man with a loud presence. It wasn’t the first time they had met with Autumn, but back in the days, he wasn’t aware of Astra’s identity and he was standing pretty low in the Cleaners ladder. Plus, Autumn was in Requiem’s squad and not his. He was glad that his boss had found love; even if it was something he thought that couldn’t happen. Not that Astra wasn’t the kind of dude to fall and such, but mostly because in this criminal world, it was impossible to trust people. Zodiac knew that if Astra trusted Autumn, then he was reliable. 
“Astra is sending us together for our first undercover mission.” His Italian accent was thick, rolling the r on his tongue with delight. He wrapped his arm around Autumn’s nape. “Ya know I’ve always seen your potential. Astra schemes a lot, but we’re happy that you stick with us. Cleaners are a real family.” He bumped his chest with his fist, then took his distances. He should learn to respect people’s personal space. 
“Gambit needs us to enter the Bramix group building in order to find their servers room. We’d be disguised as janitors.” He bumped him with his elbow, a snarky smile curling his lips. “Tsahaha, don’t you have flashbacks from when you were Astra’s assistant?” // get your bestie, Autumn!
Autumn would recognize that voice anywhere. It wasn't the Italian accent that gave it away but the volume and melody of a boy that demanded eyes to be on him. Zodiac. He's seen and talked to him before, but it's been brief, just when their branches overlap and in some meetings here and there. However, he's always been curious about him, especially since he's the youngest of the commanders and the closest one to his age —if not the same age. Not like that matters for Autumn; he sees someone he could share the same interests, growing up in the same decade, regardless of how faulty their upbringings are. They must have something in common, and he's always been one to approach strangers without hesitation.
Autumn chuckled. Boldness would be the first thing in common. He patted his chest with confiance. "Thanks? Despite not working together, you must have heard something about me when I was stalked and all that jazz." Autumn laughed. It was the most he could add to Zodiac's sentences. To talk about them as a family didn't come as uncomplicated for Autumn; his concept of family was rigged. He simply couldn't put Astra and the Cleaners, with whom he has formed such a deep bond of respect and loyalty, into the same category his father is supposed to be. He would prefer to call them friends —Except Astra, his one and only.
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"Do you have any idea of all the cleaning I had to do back then? A janitor had more free time than me." He was exaggerating. If he kept cleaning, it's only because they kept making it messy; in that sense, nothing much has changed now they live together.
"A map of the building was sent earlier. Their servers are on the upper floors, which makes escape routes harder. We should drag the least attention on us. With our hair colors, anyone would think there's a fire. Do you want to be a brunette or a blondie for that day? The brown wig would look better on you with your complex." He made a pause and blinked. "What? Looks matter. Someone ugly draws as many eyes as someone beautiful. Perdonami for trying to make you look proper. It's for the sake of our disguise." "Anyway, at 20:00 will be on the same floor. Be on time. Everyone starts clocking out at that time, it would slow us down if we get caught in the tumult of people."
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dentistredmond · 4 hours
Comprehensive Family Dental Care in Bellevue Your Go-To General Dentist
When it comes to maintaining oral health, finding the right dentist for your entire family is crucial. Bellevue is home to a variety of dental practices, but selecting a general dentist who can cater to the unique needs of each family member can make a significant difference in your dental care experience. A Bellevue general dentist for families offers comprehensive dental services designed to promote healthy smiles across all ages, ensuring that every visit is a positive one.
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Holistic Approach to Family Dentistry
A general dentist for families in Bellevue understands the importance of a holistic approach to dental care. This means providing a wide range of services under one roof, making it convenient for families to address all their dental needs without the hassle of visiting multiple specialists. From routine check-ups and cleanings to more complex procedures like root canals and extractions, a family-oriented dental practice is equipped to handle it all.
Child-Friendly Dental Care
Children often require special attention when it comes to dental care. A family dentist in Bellevue creates a welcoming and comfortable environment for young patients, helping to alleviate any fears or anxieties they may have. These dentists are skilled in pediatric dentistry, focusing on preventive care and education to instill good oral hygiene habits from a young age. Services such as fluoride treatments, sealants, and gentle cleanings are tailored to protect young teeth and promote healthy development.
Teen and Adolescent Dental Needs
As children grow into teenagers, their dental needs evolve. Orthodontic evaluations become important to address any alignment issues early on. A Bellevue family dentist can provide orthodontic consultations and treatments, including traditional braces and clear aligners like Invisalign, to ensure that teenagers have the best possible outcomes for their oral health and appearance. Additionally, routine check-ups continue to be essential for monitoring wisdom teeth development and overall dental health.
Adult and Senior Dental Care
Adults and seniors also benefit from the comprehensive services of a general dentist in Bellevue. For adults, regular dental visits help in the early detection and treatment of issues such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. Restorative procedures like fillings, crowns, and bridges are commonly performed to maintain dental functionality and aesthetics. For seniors, maintaining oral health is crucial for overall well-being. Dentists provide specialized care for age-related issues, including tooth loss and dry mouth, and offer solutions like dentures and dental implants to improve quality of life.
Preventive and Cosmetic Dentistry
Preventive care is at the heart of family dentistry. Regular cleanings, exams, and X-rays help in identifying potential issues before they become major problems. Education on proper brushing and flossing techniques, along with dietary advice, plays a key role in maintaining oral health. Moreover, a Bellevue family dentist also offers cosmetic dentistry services to enhance the appearance of your smile. Teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding are popular treatments that can boost confidence and improve overall dental aesthetics.
Building Long-Term Relationships
Choosing a family dentist in Bellevue means building a long-term relationship based on trust and continuity of care. This continuity allows the dentist to track your family’s dental health history, providing personalized care tailored to each member’s unique needs. Such relationships foster a sense of comfort and reliability, ensuring that your family’s dental health is in good hands.
A Bellevue general dentist for families provides a comprehensive range of dental services that cater to the needs of all age groups. With a focus on preventive care, child-friendly practices, and personalized treatments for adults and seniors, these dental professionals are dedicated to ensuring that every member of your family enjoys a healthy, beautiful smile. Prioritize your family’s oral health by choosing a trusted family dentist in Bellevue who can deliver exceptional care for years to come.
For more info:-
Stress-free dental visits Redmond
Full-service dental practice in Redmond
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sydneyeco01 · 20 hours
eco friendly Office cleaning north sydney | Sydneyecocleaning.com.au
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Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services in Sydney: Your Ultimate Guide
Welcome to  Sydney Eco Cleaning, where we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch eco-friendly cleaning services in Sydney and beyond. Located at 310 Wattle St, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia, we are your go-to provider for all things green and clean. Let's dive into the diverse range of services we offer and why we are the best choice for your cleaning needs.
Why Choose Sydney Eco Cleaning?
Sparkling Clean
We ensure your area remains spotless and germ-free. Our eco-friendly disinfectants kill 99% of common bacteria and viruses, guaranteeing a healthy environment.
Insured and Bonded
Our team is fully covered with insurance, security checks, and confidentiality agreements, giving you peace of mind while we clean.
Leading Technologies
We use the latest and most efficient cleaning equipment, ensuring top-quality results. Our eco products, including Enjo microfibres, Green, and Organic solutions, are always available unless specified otherwise.
Reliable Crews
As a 100% Australian-owned company, our highly motivated, professional, and experienced cleaners are available anytime for your convenience. We are also NDIS approved, ensuring we cater to all client needs.
Our Comprehensive Eco Cleaning Services
Residential Eco Cleaning
 Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Sydney
  Green House Cleaning Sydney
 Sustainable Residential Cleaning Sydney
  Non-Toxic House Cleaning Sydney
 Natural Home Cleaning Sydney
  Safe and Eco-Conscious Housekeeping Sydney
Commercial Eco Cleaning
 Eco-Friendly Commercial Cleaning Sydney
 Office Eco Cleaning Solutions Sydney
 Office Eco Cleaning Services North Sydney
 Professional Deep Eco Cleaning Sydney
   Hotel Eco Cleaning Service Sydney
 Construction Eco Cleaning Sydney
  Strata Eco Cleaning Sydney
 Body Corporate Eco Cleaning Sydney
Specialized Cleaning Services
 Day Care Centres Eco Cleaning Sydney
 Child Care Centres Cleaning Sydney
 School Cleaning Services Near Me
 Eco-Friendly Daycare Cleaning Sydney
  Green Childcare Cleaning Sydney
 Sustainable Preschool Cleaning
NDIS Approved Cleaning Services
We understand the importance of providing reliable and professional cleaning services for NDIS participants. Our NDIS-approved cleaners are well-trained to cater to the specific needs of individuals, ensuring a safe and clean living environment.
Office Cleaning Services
Our office cleaning services are tailored to meet the unique requirements of different office spaces.
From Pyrmont and Surry Hills to the Eastern Suburbs, we provide:
  Office Eco Cleaning Pyrmont Sydney
 Office Eco Cleaning Surry Hills Sydney
  Office Cleaning Eastern Suburbs Sydney
Strata and Body Corporate Cleaning
We offer eco-friendly cleaning services for strata buildings and body corporate entities, ensuring your properties remain pristine and eco-conscious:
 Eco-Friendly Strata Building Cleaning
   Green Strata Property Cleaning Sydney
 Sustainable Condominium Cleaning Sydney
 Non-Toxic Strata Complex Cleaning
  Natural Strata Cleaning Sydney
Construction Cleaning Services
Our construction cleaning services ensure your site is clean and safe for workers and visitors alike:
  Construction Eco Cleaning Sydney
 Construction Eco Cleaning NSW Sydney
Hotel Cleaning Services
We provide specialized cleaning solutions for hotels, ensuring a welcoming and hygienic environment for guests:
  Hotel Eco Cleaning Service Sydney
 Hotel Eco Cleaning Solutions Sydney
 Hotel Eco Cleaning Services Near Me Sydney
Additional Services
Beyond cleaning, we offer pest control, handyman services, painting, and more, making us your one- stop shop for maintaining a clean and well-maintained environment.
Get in Touch
Ready to experience the best in eco-friendly cleaning? Contact  Sydney Eco Cleaning today! Visit us at 310 Wattle St, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia, or reach out through our website for a consultation and quote.
Experience the difference with   Sydney Eco Cleaning – where your health and the environment come first. Let’s make Sydney a cleaner, greener place together!
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Roof Repairs in Missouri: Ensuring Safety and Longevity
Missouri, known for its diverse climate and unpredictable weather patterns, demands that homeowners stay vigilant about the condition of their roofs. The state experiences everything from hot, humid summers to cold, snowy winters, making roof maintenance a crucial aspect of homeownership. Roof Repairs Missouri are essential not only for aesthetic reasons but, more importantly, for the safety and longevity of the structure.
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Understanding Missouri's Climate Impact on Roofs
Missouri's climate can be particularly harsh on roofing materials. Summers bring intense heat and humidity, which can cause roofing materials to expand. Conversely, the cold winters lead to contraction. This constant expansion and contraction can create cracks and gaps, compromising the roof's integrity. Additionally, Missouri's spring season often includes severe thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, and even tornadoes, which can inflict significant damage. Hailstorms are common, and the impact of hail can puncture roofing materials, leading to leaks.
Common Roof Problems in Missouri
Several common roof problems arise in Missouri due to the climate:
Leaks and Water Damage: Heavy rains and storms can cause leaks, leading to water damage inside the home. Water stains on ceilings and walls are common signs of a leaky roof.
Shingle Damage: Shingles can become loose, cracked, or missing due to strong winds and hail.
Gutter Issues: Clogged or damaged gutters can lead to water pooling on the roof, increasing the risk of leaks and water damage.
Mold and Mildew: The humid environment can foster mold and mildew growth on the roof and inside the attic, posing health risks to inhabitants.
Steps to Effective Roof Repairs
To effectively manage and repair roof damage in Missouri, homeowners should follow these steps:
Regular Inspections: Conduct regular roof inspections, especially after severe weather events. Look for missing shingles, cracks, and signs of water damage.
Prompt Repairs: Address any issues immediately. Small problems can quickly escalate if not attended to promptly.
Professional Help: Hire licensed and experienced roofing contractors for repairs. DIY repairs can sometimes cause more harm than good if not done correctly.
Quality Materials: Use high-quality, weather-resistant materials suited for Missouri's climate. Materials like asphalt shingles, metal roofing, and clay tiles are popular choices.
Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters clean and in good repair to ensure proper water drainage and prevent water from pooling on the roof.
Finding the Right Roofing Contractor
Selecting the right Commercial Roof Repairs Missouri is crucial for effective and lasting repairs. Here are some tips for choosing a reliable contractor in Missouri:
Check Credentials: Ensure the contractor is licensed, insured, and bonded.
Read Reviews: Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the contractor's reputation and quality of work.
Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from several contractors to compare prices and services. The cheapest option isn’t always the best.
Warranty and Guarantee: Choose a contractor who offers a warranty on their work. This ensures that any issues arising post-repair will be addressed without additional costs.
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forestlakes · 2 days
Comprehensive Dental and Orthodontic Care at Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics
Welcome to Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics, your premier destination for top-notch dental and orthodontic care in Forest Lakes. Our commitment is to provide you and your family with the highest standard of dental health services in a comfortable and friendly environment. Here’s everything you need to know about our practice and the exceptional care we offer.
Why Choose Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics?
At Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics, we believe that a healthy smile is a cornerstone of overall well-being. Here are some reasons why our patients trust us with their dental care:
1. Comprehensive Services
We offer a wide range of dental and orthodontic services to meet all your oral health needs under one roof. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced orthodontic treatments, we’ve got you covered. Our services include:
Preventive Care: Regular cleanings, exams, and x-rays to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Restorative Dentistry: Fillings, crowns, bridges, and implants to restore the function and appearance of your teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry: Teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding to enhance your smile.
Orthodontics: Traditional braces, Invisalign, and other orthodontic solutions for children, teens, and adults.
2. Experienced and Caring Team
Our team of highly skilled dentists, orthodontists, hygienists, and support staff are dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient. We understand that every smile is unique, and we tailor our treatments to meet your specific needs.
3. State-of-the-Art Technology
We use the latest dental technology and techniques to ensure that you receive the best care possible. From digital x-rays and intraoral cameras to advanced orthodontic appliances, our modern equipment helps us deliver precise and effective treatments.
4. Comfortable and Relaxing Environment
We strive to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Our office is designed to provide a relaxing atmosphere, and our friendly staff is always ready to help you feel at ease. We also offer sedation options for patients with dental anxiety.
Orthodontic Care at Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics
Orthodontic treatment is not just about straightening teeth; it’s about improving your oral health and boosting your confidence. At Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics, we offer a variety of orthodontic options to suit your lifestyle and preferences.
Invisalign: Clear Aligners for a Discreet Treatment
Invisalign is a popular choice for both teens and adults who want a nearly invisible way to straighten their teeth. These custom-made clear aligners are comfortable, removable, and effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues.
Traditional Braces: Reliable and Effective
Traditional metal braces are a tried-and-true method for correcting complex dental alignment issues. Modern braces are more comfortable and less noticeable than ever before, making them a great option for achieving a perfect smile.
Early Orthodontic Intervention
We recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age seven. Early intervention can help guide the growth of the jaw and incoming permanent teeth, preventing more severe problems down the line.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Ready to achieve the smile of your dreams? Contact Forest Lakes Dental & Orthodontics today to schedule your appointment. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you embark on your journey to better oral health.
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