#best restaurant nova scotia
dickiebaxter · 1 year
Best seafood dishes only available at the best seafood restaurant in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia is a Canadian province located on the east coast of the country. The province is known for its stunning scenery, friendly people, and, of course, its seafood. If you're looking for the best seafood restaurant in Nova Scotia, look no further than The Dickie Baxter. This seafood spot is located in the heart of Halifax and offers fresh, delicious seafood dishes that will tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy the meal just by booking a table for yourself!
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equallyshaw · 8 months
nova scotia princess | nico Hischier
nico hischier x oc marchand
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warnings: swearing, mostly fluff and some sweet moments between her and her siblings.
word count: 4.3k
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marie celine marchand had been in new york for the past year, much to brad's dismay. he hadn't seen her since christmas, and was shocked to see her at his doorstep up north. it was now july during the off season, and marie had decided to head on up to nova scotia, for her birthday no less.
the youngest of the five, she could not have been more different from the rest. she never engaged in hockey (i know! a sin!) never took any inkling towards skating or snow sports, but instead towards soccer, her first love. she was enamored with it and it took her to faraway places with team canada and for her college years at the university of stanford. she had a very hard time leaving california but knew it was best to start fresh, and it just so happened that she loved new york. at the time, it was only a 40 minute drive to her long time childhood friend, ryan graves before he was traded to the pittsburgh penguins. the day he was traded, he gave her a phone call and she was completely gutted. yet she understood the business side of the league, though brad had gotten the better part of it his entire career. after he was traded, she hadn't thought about the new jersey devils as the season rolled around. she no longer had something tying her to them, so she moved on and supported her friend's ryan and sidney on the pens from afar. it wasn't until she found her self in upper manhattan meeting up with some girls from work at a little known and upscale restaurant, that she had saw some of the people she'd grown close to over ryan's stint with the team. she walked past them towards her table, most certainly garnering some looks once they heard the familiar name of marie celine from the group of girls. she got a text from a few of them night, restarting the snapchat groupchat she had had with some of the younglings. most notably, hughes', nico and dawson. she rolled her eyes as messages flowed in that evening as the girls took some wine back to the girl's apartment.
that evening all of the caught up with one another, and then she received a text from nico askin if they wanted to get some coffee for old times sake. what did she have to lose? and so it began than, secret dates and then group dates with the team, spending weekends at a time with nico at his place getting up to whatever came about. throughout all of it, she kept it a secret from everybody besides her older sister rebecca; nobody needed to know. at least not yet.
marie walked up to the front door of brad's lake house and she mentally prepared herself for the all the pestering and bombarding that would happen once she'd set a foot in the house. she pulled out the key he had given her the year he finished building it, and she quickly made work with the lock and pushed open the tall door. "brad! im home!!" she called out, smirking to herself as she heard dogs running towards her and footsteps. she looked up to see brad with wide eyes and then his famous smile. she took her hand off of her small suitcase, and met him halfway for a hug. "who's here?" "who's that?" "if its jr im gonna cry" and that made marine giggle, already knowing it was ryan. "you good?" brad questioned pulling away just a bit and she nodded, "yep! are you? you forgot to invite me for my birthday!" she said faking a pout. "kat!" he called for his wife and marie slapped his arm, "don't go blaming it on your wife you hooligan!" marie said as katrina walked in and she squeled. "i thought you were going to sw-" and then katrina cut herself off. brad looked at his wife then to marie and then they were both gone and off towards the kitchen. "we have a surprise guest!" katrina called out towards the open back door and a group of heads turned towards her. she saw her siblings, ryan, sid, nate, patrice b, pasta, their partners, a few childhood friends of the siblings and a few aunts/uncles. "damn got the whole fam i see..." she whispered to kat who giggled. "uh yeah you could say that." she said looking down at the girl as some of the guys came to say hi. "hi guys." she said looking at some of the nova scotia greats as ryan rested his arm on the brunettes head. she looked up giving him a playful dirty glare, "ah hem." she said garnering a few laughs. "well if you'll excuse me-" she paused pushing ryan's arm off of her head, "ill be down soon, i need to do a few things." she said smiling at everybody before she was off towards a guest room that was designated hers.
she sat down on the edge of the bed as she put her head in her hands, cursing the world. her phone buzzing like no tomorrow with texts from nico, the hughes brothers and dawson. she had been dodging their texts and calls after (what she thought) was nico cheating on her. they were on facetime a week ago and she could have sworn she heard somebody in the background as she heard a muffled voice and nico look in front of him one night. so when she didn't show up to the airport in switzerland the day before, nico was freaking out. which in turn freaked the other boys out. she heard a soft knock on her door, and she looked up to see ryan. she sniffled, wiping her tears as he stepped in and shut the door behind him.
she broke down even more, and ryan quickly sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around her. he had no idea why his best friend was hurting, yet he kept quiet until her sobs became softer. "mc....whats going on?" he asked as he pulled back just a bit to look at her, her cheeks stained with redness and moisture. she sniffled, "he-he's cheating on me." she said and ryan knew exactly who she as referring to, besides her sister she ofcourse told him. they were two peas in a pod, through thick and thin. ryan sighed, growing heated with anger. "and they wont stop texting me...they are worried as to why i didn't make it to switzerland but i don't wanna talk to them." she said pushing her head into his chest. ryan kissed her head, trying to calm himself. she needed her best friend, he'd take care of nico later.
the next morning ryan left the marchand house early to get some coffee for him and marie. the two hadn't left her room all day. she was too much in state of disbelief, shock, and grief as she explained to nico what had happened. as soon as he was turning onto the main strip her called nico up, ready to tear him a new one. nico picked up on the fourth ring unsure as to why he was calling, "wanna fucking explain to me hischier why the fuck you cheated on the very best thing that has ever happened to you and our universe huh? why you decided to hurt the very brightest light? you are so in for it hischier, you have no idea. you have a whole league about to give you hell." ryan spat breathing rapidly. nico was at a loss for words over in switzerland. "what?" he croaked in confusion and exhaustion. since marie hadn't been responding to anybody's calls or messages, he hadn't slept. too sick with fear and anxiety. "she caught you with a girl nico, on facetime. are you seriously that daft?" ryan growled. nico thought back to their last facetime and he went through the events of it. he'd been sitting up in bed shirtless, around 11:30 his time, he was just about to go to bed after finishing his sleep tea and he then realized. she had heard his sister in the background, as she had come to visit him and the two had just gotten done playing a round of Mario kart. "christ- didn't cheat. promise." he said standing up now and looking at flights to new york. "who was it then nico?" ryan questioned, "my sister. can get flight to new york today." he said and ryan chuckled, "yeah no she ain't there." ryan said turning into the drive through, " if you're gonna make things right, you gotta come to scotia." ryan stated.
ryan walked back into the house with his, brad's, kat's and marie's coffee with a few breakfast sandwiches. "wanna tell me why marie is crying on the dock?" sidney said as soon as ryan walked into the kitchen. "wait what?" ryan asked setting everything down before looking towards the dock, and now seeing nate making his way down it. ryan sighed, "misunderstanding." he simply stated taking the coffees out of the tray. "misunderstanding, huh? is that why you two were locked in her room all evening?" sidney asked sipping his hot coffee. ryan sighed again, "she thought her boy-boyfriend cheated on her." was all ryan stated sipping some coffee. "boyfriend?" sidney questioned, eyes going wide. "does brad know?" he questioned, and ryan scoffed. "like he need to know every little thing in her life." and sidney wouldn't buy it. "no no, you have to tell him! or at least get her too." sidney said with authority, and ryan rolled his eyes. "sid, she doesn't want him to know at least not yet." ryan said watching nate and marie interact. nate had his arm around the brunette, as she sobbed into his shoulder. "you know we all look at her like a sister, please do the right thing. we only want the best for her and that only happens if brad knows, and you know that." sidney said before taking his cup of coffee and heading out to nate and marie. ryan groaned as kat walked in with the young kiddos. "ou! mommy juice, thankyou ry." kat said thanking the defenceman. she saw the look in his eyes, and then she look towards the crowded dock. "oh no." kat said, "oh no? whats up?" brad said walking in rubbing his eye. he paused as he saw the three of them outside, huddled together, "whats going on?" brad asked now walking in front of ryan. "uh-" "spit it out graves." brad demanded and ryan hummed. "she thought her- her boyfriend cheated on her. but it was a misunderstanding." he stated and brad was angry. "boyfriend?! what do you mean misunderstanding graves? spill it!" he said as kat took the kids outside. "she thought her boyfriend of 10 months cheated on her but it was only his sister that she heard. i just got off the phone with the dude so its been all cleared away, i just hadn't had the chance to tell her." and then he said softer, "and tell you he's coming here." ryan said not meeting his best friends eye sight. "here? are you mad ryan! who is this so i can knock some sense into him?" brad demanded and ryan was in for it. he was cornered, there was no getting out of this. "i cant say brad, only marie can." ryan said defeatedly and brad rolled his eyes. "so you're saying that you really arent her boyfriend?" and ryan now met his eye sight in shock. "you're telling me that you two haven't been together at least at some point?" he said and ryan laughed. "oh god no, shes my sister brad. you know she hates me half the time, for good reasons but no. i couldn't ever go down that path and there has never been a moment ever for me to. ew gross." ryan said and brad sighed. "always thought it was you two against the world... man i gotta pay up." he said amusedly. "pay up?" ryan said cocking an eyebrow. "a long running bet with patrice." and now it was ryans turn to laugh. the nova scotia princess was never his and would never be.
on the dock, marie thanked nate for listening to her ramble and cry into his shoulder before sidney sat down. nate rubbed her upper back, trying to comfort the girl. sidney sat down and offered her some kind words, and she thanked him. "i just don't know what was not good enough for him? what did i do wrong?" she said looking off into the clear lake. sid and nate looked at one another, silently trying to get the other speak up. "nothing sunshine, nothing. its all him." sid said trying to reassure the young girl he'd seen as a little sister since the day she was born. him and brad had been in practice together when they got the call from brad's dad, urging the boys to head down to the hospital with sid's dad. the moment he had seen the young girl was how he felt when his sister was born, he'd protect and be there for her through everything. "how about a boat day?" nate offered up and marie smiled. she could never and would never pass up a boat day.
it was around 10:30 pm and the original group that had been there when she'd shown up was back at the house, with all the kids passed out as they sat around talking, drinking and now making smores. ryan had been looking a this phone for the past two hours waiting to heard from nico, but nothing had come in since he had landed and was about to go through customs. marie had been having a great evening, her favorite people all in one place once again. celebrating her birthday that evening, and now talking like old times. ryan and marie sat with one another, cuddling up to stay warm now that a chill had set in. "dude, put your phone down for the princess' birthday." brad said annoyed that ryan and been on his phone for the better half of two hours. marie glared at brad, "its alright brad. no harm done." she sighed. she had a love hate relationship with the nickname, but most importantly when it was said out loud by brad. it made her cringe somewhat. "hows new york, mc?" nate asked and marie smiled then frowned softly before her smile reappeared. "its going great! work is going well and stuff. i even joined a soccer league for fun, it'll start up in august." she said swirling her drink. "we'll have to catch a game before we head to training camp." sid offered and the others agreed. she smiled softly, before ryan untangled himself from her after he got a text message. nico had arrived. brad eyed ryan as he got up and walked into the house. kat smiled softly knowing what was going to happen and nudged brad in the side a bit. "its fine, let them be." kat whispered and brad rolled his eyes.
marie shut her eyes softly, just basking in this moment, this evening and few days she had taken off of work to be here. it had been far too long since the last time she'd been home, always using her summers to train in san diego before returning to school. she hadn't been home in 6 years and promised herself that she'd make it up here more, now that she lived in new york. "oh princess!" she heard ryan call from the house and she sighed, standing up and throwing the blanket onto the seat before heading inside. "yes grumpy prince?" she asked giggling before she froze, seeing nico. he had a hopeful yet loving gaze on his face as she looked at him with tears beginning to form. what was he doing here? she turned towards ryan who had begun to make his way out, and she pulled him back inside as he was already through the threshold. "wanna tell me why he's here ryan?!" she asked upset. "ask him-" and she cut him off, "no, you tell me!" she screamed now alerting some of the guys outside. nico stood on the other side of the kitchen, with a defeated look on his face with guilt and regret spreading throughout his body. "he cheated on me and you're going to invite him here, ryan? tell me why that was a good idea, huh?" she pestered as brad walked in. "no fucking way." he muttered staring down nico, and nico took a step back. "answer me!" she yelled at ryan who held his hands up in innocence. "marie-" she cut off her brother, "you knew?!" she said stepping back away from the two. "let him explain himself." ryan said as she looked at the two people she thought she could trust in this world. thankfully, so far nate and sid hadn't given her any reason to distrust them. "let him explain, please. if you still don't believe him or want him gone- ill-we'll get rid of him." brad said pleading to his baby sister and she sighed, arms crossing over her chest. she turned slowly towards nico who had a pleading look, and her heart twinged just a bit. "fine." she said and the two smiled widely, backing out into the back and brad shut the doors.
"follow me." she said walking past him and they began their dissent up the stairs. she opened the door and let him walk past her into the room, and she shut it behind them. she then went to the window and shut the blinds, but not before flipping the group off. she heard groans and a few 'fuck' as they all wanted to hear and see the drama unfold. "i didn't cheat, schatzi. i promise." he began and she shook her head, "alright bud." she said rubbing her eyes. "i didn't baby, you have to believe me." he began again and she shook her head again. "who was it, huh? somebody like your ex? was it somebody better than me? what did i do wrong, ni. what did i do to hurt you?" she questioned through a strained voice. nico shook his head, "you've never hurt me, you've never done a thing wrong. promise. the girl-"he chuckled pulling her hands into his, inching closer to her. "the girl was my sister, nina." he said a bit amused now. his eyes crinkled as he smiled, his dimples on full display as he looked into the eyes of the girl, he loved. "wait what?" marie asked in disbelief. "your sister?" she asked and he nodded. she looked down and nico quickly diffused her guilt, "schatzi its ok, i promise!" he said pulling her chin up to look at him. she shook her head, "i - i mis read things and i feel like an idiot." she hummed tearing her chin away. "misunderstanding." he hummed and she frowned. "im sorry." she said with tears beginning to form, "im an idiot. oh my god." she said and he pulled her info a hug. he kissed her head, rubbing her back softly. "im a fool, im a utter fool how could i be so daft?" she rambled in french and nico chuckled, "you two have thing for the word daft?" and marie cursed the universe for him knowing french. "wait, two? who?" she questioned pulling back to look up at him. "nico yelled at me yesterday." he said laughing now and marie had a concerned look on her face, "how bad?" and that made nico laugh even louder. whenever she needed back up, he was there to give it. she looked up at nico as his laughs subsided and she stood on her tip toes to kiss him. he pulled her in closer, leaning down a bit so her feet could be flat. they pulled apart, resting their foreheads on each others. "so, how much trouble am i with the guys outside?" he questioned softly and now it was her turn to laugh.
it was the next morning now and marie woke up to an empty bed, groaning before getting out of bed. she made her way over to the blinds and opened the blinds to see kat, patrices and david's girlfriend, and the kids on the patio eating breakfast while all the guys are missing. she squinted over towards the lake and she did a double take before seeing her brother's boat. it was a crowded boat, with all of them sitting facing one another. she spotted nico and prayed that the guys weren't going too hard on him. after the two spoke last night, they made there way downstairs for a bit before nico was on the verge of passing out due to the time difference. she quickly changed into a white t-shirt and linen pants, before heading down he stairs. "ti!" she heard rue screamed as she walked outside, and quickly made her way over towards the older girl. she wrapped her arms around the girl's legs before rue pulled her up for a hug. "good morning my girl." she said speaking in french as the two shared a small moment in the morning sun. "hows my favorite god daughter?" she hummed and kat laughed, "your only god daughter." she mused. marie giggled, "that's why she's my favorite." she said setting her back down in her height chair, and sat down on the bench with noah , patrice's son. "ouu cinnamon rolls!" the girl overly gushed, garnering some giggles from the kids. "ever the oldest child." kat teased and marie winked, "i take my role very seriously." she hummed.
the boat was on its way back now after a very stern talk with nico, unfortunately. basically threatening his very existence if he were to ever step out of line. the usual. oh, and that there was somebody or two on every team who would not hesitate to teach him a lesson. nico and the guys all got off onto the dock, with ryan running in front to get some cinnamon rolls- steal is more like it. "hey! that's for us." marie said swatting his hand away as he came up behind her, "i swear to god grumps, im gonna cut off your hand." she said quirking an eyebrow between the two's showdown. "good morning princess!" brad said placing a kiss on the girl's head before stealing a cinnamon roll himself. "hey, not fair!" ryan said and marie mimicked him, earning a chorus laugh from the kids. "im the one that brought them." brad said shrugging, "no i did." sid said and patrice shook his head, "you brought the original one's, i was told to pick up another dozen." patrice said picking up his youngest, felix. "yall are too much in the morning." she mumbled in french, standing up and walking inside to get some coffee. nico followed her into the kitchen to get a refill on his, to which she happily poured him some. "how bad was it?" she questioned, peering around him quickly and then looked back at him. he shrugged, "theyre just as scary in life as on ice." he said and she giggled. "yeah...they have no filter." she said pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. "tell me about 'nova scotia princess'." and she rolled her eyes, "the fairest of them all." he added with a grin and she growled loudly. "you inconceivable fools!" she yelled out, making her way outside. "im going to kill you all!!!!" she said looking at sid, nate, ryan and brad. she did a fake start towards brad before going after nate, "come here nathaniel!" she screamed running after the man, who was, unfortunately, being outrun by a 5'4 semi-retired defenceman. "somebody help me here!" nate called out and sid began his dissent, but she was too quick and made her way after him. "you are so getting in that water!" she screamed, referring to a tradition the 5 of them had. a surprise morning swim in the cold water. "its cold!" one of the kids screamed and marie laughed. "perfect!" she grinned. ryan tapped nico, "lets get our girl." ryan said nodding towards the brunette and nico smiled. "lets get her." and the two made their way towards the water where she was running after the two. "no!" she screamed as ryan almost grabbed the girl. "don't you dare!" she said jumping a few feet away from him. thankfully with sid and nate being neighbors, she freely began her way towards their places with the group following her. nico was the one closest to and almost grabbed her as well but she took a step to her right and was out of reach, "alright i gotta do it myself!" brad announced jogging over and marie knew it was game over. "not the old man!" she gasped, earning a few chuckles.
it was not brad who got the girl but nico, who was immediately instructed to drop her off the dock and into the lake. she screamed, cried, and kicked but unsuccessfully as she felt water hit her back. as she came up, everybody else decided it would be a great idea to also jump in. she covered her head momentarily before splashing water in all directions, "you! you traitor!" she said with astonishment as nico tried to get closer. ryan dunked her before she could say anything else, and nico laughed with the rest of them. she came back up and pushed ryan, "rude!" "the princess of nova scotia is officially home!" brad said as he made his way towards her, ready to splash her as well.
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hope you all enjoyed!! pls like and reblog if you did!
random tags: @hischiershoe @nicohischierz @cuttergauthier @skatesnstuff @fallinallincurls
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lilaccatholic · 2 years
What is the most delicious thing you've had to eat in recent memory?
So there's this little restaurant in Windsor, Ontario, right? It's a hole-in-the-wall kinda place that's been there for decades solely because it's one of the few places Italian people trust to taste about as good as what they themselves cook. My mom and I were only in the area by happenstance. My sister was going to a concert in Detroit, and rather than drive all the way home only to come back a few hours later, we decided to take the tunnel across the border and grab something to eat.
As we drive there she's pointing out all the places she used to go, telling me the stories that that make up who she was in her teens and twenties and I'm just soaking it in, y'know? I love these kinds of conversations. They sit heavy in your gut like guilt and ache your bones like the cold sea breeze. It's like the memory of your grandma's cookies--full of warmth but so overshadowed by loss it's almost not worth thinking about--because it was great while it lasted but now it's gone.
Because, see, the area my mom grew up in isn't what it used to be. When the casino came in it brought all kinds of crime with it. The nice shops downtown are mostly gone; either they died during covid or the owners couldn't pay the rent when the casino's presence jacked up rent prices. But this one little restaurant is still around.
And look, this isn't just any restaurant. My parents got engaged here, we ate here after visiting my grandparents as a kid, it's who catered my grandfather's funeral (my grandfather, a poor kid from Nova Scotia who only learned to appreciate his Italian heritage when he was in his 60s and 70s, who loved his family but wasn't always good at showing it). This place is important to us.
So we get there and we settle down to eat. The waiter puts on that fake charm that Italian people use when they think you aren't Italian to get you to buy more in the name of hospitality. No judgement, I've done it myself.
(And I have another identity crisis. Because I'm not in the club again. Because other Italian people never see that I'm Italian. Because as the generations go on, we get less Italian and become more American and Canadian and because we don't know the language anymore--because that was the language the adults used to talk in secret, because they wanted to "fit in" with the Americans, because there was a time where just having a vowel at the end of your last name was enough of a reason to not give you a job and now I have a made up anglicized last name and no traditions and nothing cultural that isn't food).
And we talk more about all the things that are different. How the area that was Little Italy around here is becoming more and more other things, and how that's not BAD and how it's just a sign of changing immigration patterns but how the places and spaces that were familiar and comfortable are still GONE and there's still a loss there.
So when the bread comes and it's warm and there's these bits of roasted garlic on top that I spread all over mine it's miraculous and precious but I still feel like I'm choking a little while I eat it.
And look, I ordered the veal scallopini with fresh pasta and mushrooms, okay? I never order veal. I like meat but veal has always been one of those things that made me a little squeamish. But...it's different here. It's not a regular restaurant. It smells like my great-aunt's old house, which means it smells like visits and Christmas and being so little and uncomplicated and warm and loved still. And it's like this: for a moment, I can pretend I'm still that way. Unblemished and precious. No one is gone, nothing is gone, I'm not defining life by loss. So I order the veal. And it's delicious.
I mean, we're talking melt-in-your-mouth think about it for weeks delicious. Something's been sauted in butter, someone made this pasta by hand, someone cussed someone out to get the best, freshest mushrooms and all of it has contributed to this dish that is so delicious but so foreign all the same.
Because for me veal is a memory. We ate it more when I was a kid before it got too expensive and my grandmother switched to cooking with more chicken because it's better for you, anyway.
(She was a force of nature before the dementia. When a priest told her how bad the superstition of the evil eye was she stood up to all the men in the family and had them hand over their cornicelli, crushed them up, set them on fire, and buried the ashes in a coffee can somewhere to never be found. I hate superstition but sometimes it feels like all the last bits of Italian in us died with those little horns.)
We didn't linger after dinner like we used to over coffee and dessert. The restaurant was getting closer to closing and we didn't want to be those insufferable customers that delayed closing. Instead we walk around a little. She shows me the store her grandparents used to live above, the dress store where she bought her wedding dress, the bakery where her parents bought bread. It's nice.
It still feels like it's all coming apart in my hands. Like I was supposed to hold the line and tow it for the next generation but it's all dirty and greasy and frayed and we need to repair it if we're going to continue to hold on but no one wants to slow down long enough to mend anything and at this point I'm wondering if it's worth it to try to find anything. Can we even hold on anymore? How far back did the tear start?
Later, when we've crossed the border again, it feels like leaving something behind. Like so long as we toured old haunts the ghosts of the past got to live again and by leaving we've condemned them back to the shadows. I feel like a murderer.
Because that's the thing, right? It's dead. It's all dead. The thriving immigrant cultures my parents and their parents would wax nostalgic for don't exist anymore. Sometimes, like when my cousin sends us pictures of him making and curing his own sausages and salami or canning sauce it seems like it could come back, but the thing about community is it can never be just one person. Once he gives up that last flickering lantern will be snuffed out and we'll be as American and Canadian as they wanted us to be when we first started coming over here. Or maybe not.
Maybe, the fact that people remember what's gone is a sign that things aren't too far gone.
See, I grew up near Detroit. I know what it looks like when something beautiful decays. I also know that what sticks around after massive decay are the most stubborn creatures around. Not that anyone cares, but Detroit is working really hard to come back, actually, and the organic beauty that's poked up through the rock like seedlings after a volcano will snatch your breath from you.
You'll say it's a coincidence--and cynically I'd say you're right--but not long after I got my updated 23andme results. Things mostly stayed the same. Well, except this time my mom couldn't tear her eyes away from it. Since then she's spent every spare minute researching for and adding to the family tree I have on Ancestry. There's talk of making foods from the old country for Thanksgiving and Christmas long ago abandoned as too complicated. And me, I've started learning Italian. Io sono Lilac.
That meal didn't so much touch something in us as it grabbed us by the guts and led us around with them like a leash until we faced up to the fact that we didn't know who we were anymore. But darn it all if we aren't trying to get back. Maybe it'll start something, maybe it won't. But maybe it will. That's enough for now, I think.
If nothing else I ate well.
I hope you do, too.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Inflation woes: Two trendy downtown Halifax restaurants shutter
Two popular restaurants in downtown Halifax are closing, in part due to high operating costs.
Lawrence Deneau, owner of Julep Kitchen & Cocktails and Hermitage wrote on Instagram that, “due to skyrocketing costs, food inflation, COVID shutdowns and debts incurred over the past three years, it has become impossible to operate sustainably.”
On Friday, customers passing by Julep on Barrington Street expressed their disappointment.
“It’s too bad to see a business with what you would think is a good model and everything going under,” said Jordan Wilson.
“My roommate loves this place,” said Ben Horgan.
Gordon Stewart, the executive director of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia, points out how Hermitage opened in the middle of COVID-19. Back then there were safety nets but those are now gone.
“You’ve got all new debt you’ve got to pay back plus probably some of the debt from COVID so it’s just too much,” he said.
Other new restaurants have popped up downtown and Stewart said customers are coming back but costs are also mounting.
The cost of food, electricity, dishes and borrowing -- everything that goes into a restaurant business -- has gone up.
“I think for all intents and purposes, we’re going to see more close,” Stewart said.
Down the street, the co-owner of Star Anise Vietnamese Noodles was disappointed to hear Julep was closing.
“I’m really surprised,” said Toni Chan. “We’ve been there a few times. The food is good, all of the workers and everything. The atmosphere is very nice too.”
At her family restaurant, broccoli was taken off the menu because the price doubled.
“Now the price has gone down so I can put it back,” she said.
Chan notes how other places have increased the prices for customers but that’s not something that can happen often. Her strategy is to stick to the menu as best as they can.
“We do beef noodle soup,” Chan said. “You can’t take out the beef. We’ll have no business.”
In his post on Instagram, Deneau said his staff will receive severance packages to allow them enough time to pursue other paths.
“Please welcome them into your establishments knowing they are well-trained and highly motivated members of our beloved industry,” he wrote.
"As a small business owner, it is very difficult to pour your entire being into a project and have no choice but to give it up. I wish this feeling on no one, but I am positive and hopeful for what is to come."
CTV News reached out to Deneau for an interview but did not hear back.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/Bu6ptTW
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1358456 · 2 years
So, I have returned from my first vacation in 4 years! ... Well, I returned yesterday, and I was so tired, I just didn’t want to make the Tumblr posts and all that stuff.
Where did I go? Halifax, Nova Scotia! ... Hurricane Fiona blasted the area a solid week before I went there, so I dodged quite the storm!
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Of course, we didn’t go all the way to Halifax just for Halifax. The three tiniest Canadian provinces are all right there, so... visit all of them!
We COULD have driven to Halifax, but... that’ll take days to get there, and we only have 2.5 days. Can’t leave our store to just employees for any longer, lest they f*ck things up real bad. So... we had to fly there. 2 hour flight! Not bad at all.
And so the moment we touched down at Halifax airport and rented a car after standing in line for 50 minutes, we headed to our first destination: Peggys Cove just southwest of Halifax.
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The home of the famous lighthouse overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. ... It’s the first time I’ve ever seen the Atlantic Ocean! I’ve seen the Pacific when I lived in Korea, but I haven’t seen an ocean in over 20 years!
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As is the nature of things, the photos don’t really capture just how refreshing and nice it is out there. And this is not a beach, so no going in the water. We had to walk/jump/climb across a bunch of giant rocks to get as close to the ocean as possible, while not touching the parts of the rock where the ocean reaches during high tide. I was a bit nervous, but as I have said, unlike a few years ago, I’m not a disaster magnet anymore. I was able to get to where we wanted to go without quite breaking my leg for the third time.
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Everything looked so beautiful though. I loved it! The air was so refreshing. Then again, the air was super refreshing everywhere in this trip, since we were always within close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean.
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After sitting on the rocks for over an hour, we went to a mud flat that’s been exposed by low tides. The water is very cold, but super refreshing, and... as is the nature of a mud flat... there are lots of creatures hiding in the mud, occasionally shooting water. A small squirt of water from the mud, and I looked down to see this small worm-like thing staring at me, I stepped near it, and it shot another squirt of water before retreating. I dug into the mud, and found a clam the size of my two fists put together.
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Next morning, as we’re eating breakfast in the hotel, I took a picture of the outside. And see the giant lake fog rising from the water near the town. It’s so eerie and cool!
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Next destination: Bay of Fundy in Alma, New Brunswick! See the world’s highest tides! ... Obviously, we didn’t go there during high tide, since there’d be nothing to see. But in low tide, we can actually walk on the ocean surface! And here we see just how high the moss and ocean plant life clings on the rocks, since the water level rises that high during high tide.
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The water reaches up a good 4~5 meters above the mud below, and that’s not even counting how high the mud is from the water surface during the low tide. The wind feels super cool and refreshing too. And that’s going to be a common theme!
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Once again climbing the sharp rocks and slippery mud to reach a good vantage point, and once again not breaking my legs! ... As we’re standing here, taking in the sights, the water level’s steadily rising.
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And now, after lunch, we head off to Prince Edward Island (PEI)! Of course, PEI is an island (duh), so... how do we drive there?
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Across Confederation Bridge, of course! A bridge across the ocean?! Oooh!
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... This is all I could see. The barricade was raised too high. I mean, I understand, but... aww...
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You can kind of see what it’s like when the bridge rises up a bit, but it wasn’t exactly awe inspiring.
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So PEI mostly looks like this. Well, I mean... the island is basically a giant potato farm. And boy howdy there were a LOT of potato dishes in restaurants all over the Maritime Provinces. ... And they were all so good. These were the best fries and potato salads I’ve ever had in all my years in Canada.
And PEI took a beating from Hurricane Fiona. Half the towns didn’t have power, half of the buildings were either undergoing repairs or have been repaired recently. Thousands of trees were uprooted or broken in half, some fallen onto cars, some fallen on the roads, etc. While it was really interesting to see a gigantic tree toppled onto its side, with its roots all pulled up along with the grass, I felt that taking pictures wouldn’t be right, so I didn’t. Don’t take pictures of other people’s disasters, however fascinating the tree might’ve been.
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And for dinner, we went to the capital of PEI and also its biggest city, Charlottetown. ... A giant tree had fallen over a major power line, and so a huge chunk of the city didn’t have power, and it felt as if the population that didn’t have power all rushed over to the part that did have power. But we managed to find a nice restaurant there, with an absolutely lovely view.
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After a wonderful and very expensive meal ($300?!), we took a walk by the pier, enjoyed the lovely and refreshing night ocean air, and then drove back to Halifax. ... Took 5 hours. Yes, PEI is a tiny province. But it’s still Canada, and Canada’s tiniest province is still pretty big. But, that day, we had breakfast in Nova Scotia, lunch in New Brunswick, and dinner in PEI. Three meals, three provinces.
And then after breakfast in Halifax hotel again, we headed back to the airport, flew back to Toronto, and learned of employee troubles because of course. And I have to say, the air in Toronto is definitely not nearly as refreshing as in any of the Maritime Provinces. And every meal we had there was really good... and expensive. But it’s a vacation, so prices are ignored. As long as they’re tasty, it’s fine. And they were quite tasty indeed. So all in all, a perfect tiring vacation (we drove over 1000 km in the last full day).
Eh, maybe one day I’ll go back. A bit more relaxed vacation, maybe, where we’re not trying to cram in as much as possible into each day. I mean, we didn’t get to go to Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia this time, so... definitely one day.
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trekwithigor · 2 years
Trek With Igor
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Hello Everyone,
Thank you for joining me on this crazy adventure. My name is Igor, I live in Toronto and I am 32 years old. When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit in March of 2020 I was terminated from my job.
There is alot of backstory there, but I was a Hospitality Professional at the top of his game. I was a General Manager for one of the finest Italian Restaurants in Downtown Toronto and then I had transitioned to work at Cafe Landwer, also as a General Manager in Training. When the pandemic hit I went to work back in Real Estate, and there is also a long story there as well that I won't get into right now.
But where does Trek With Igor start? So I love Star Trek Obviously. I watched the tv shows, I have seen the movies, I have played all the games and I actively play Star Trek Online. But thats not something that you can show to people. Noone cares what your online model looks like, or who your online character is.
Well maybe they do? But can I whip it out and show my bosses at work...No they're gonna think I am detached from reality and living in the future. So this is where my friend Henry served as my inspiration. He had moved out of Toronto, to Nova Scotia and he had started to do some amateur Lego Collecting and Modeling.
You Can check out his Instagram here :
But he models Star Wars Lego collectibles, and he does a fantastic job. He was the one who told me that Star Trek never licensed with Lego, and that I will have a hard time finding any sets that are ready to go. So instead he recommened that I find a site that has instructions, and then order the parts separately. So I did some research thanks to Pinterest and some blogs, and stumbled upon KY-E bricks.
I ordered the instructions, and they come in all the necessary and different formats. XML, CS, and IO files. The packages also came with a whole bunch of images etc. Overrall, these are HANDS DOWN the BEST Star Trek Lego models out there. ( I will post a comparison of the KY-E Bricks Constitution Model, and the one that my BF ordered as a set)
I then uploaded the instructions to Bricklink, (well first Re-Brickable) and then setup the carts and ordered them. I have an entire tips and tricks thing that I have figure out already on how to make sure that I am sourcing the cheapest parts. I also try to order from Canadian stores, and as local as possible.
They do amazing Lego Designs of all types of Sci-Fi and fantasy. I downloaded the Enterprise parts list, because I really wanted to start my collection by Building the NX-01 Enterprise. Jonathan Archer and his crew were my coming of age crew. They are the ones I watched as a teen every week explore what happens when you first step out into the stars.
I know the series itself was maligned, and I can see where the short falls were. Much like the original series, it grew to be loved by a small percentage of individuals. I wanted to be just like Jonathan Archer playing with my model of the NX-01. and I did it and I am very happy with the fact that I did it.
Now when I speak of my love and affection for Star Trek, I can show people the physical product of that labour of love. I will share images of my models, and I will also take better pictures of them in the future. I get to feel like a kid for a few minutes when I sit down with the LEGO. It gives me hope for my future, cause doing the modelling and dreaming of it and organizing myself, helped me out of the darkest times in the pandemic.
At first I started an Instagram Page, but I realized that its better to blog and then share to the world. I want to thank you for joining me on this journey. This started as a hobby to give me some hope for the future, and I hope you can get inspired to do something of your own!
PS: I will also post the costs associated with Each Model, and you will see how its super affordable to do!
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travellingfoodie · 4 days
SAVE this post for your trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia!
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dickiebaxter · 1 year
Exploring Delicious Cuisines in Wolfville: The Best Restaurants in Nova Scotia!
Eating out can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you’re looking for a unique dining experience or just want to try something new, you should consider dining at the best restaurant NS places to eat in Wolfville. With its vibrant culinary culture, Wolfville is home to some of the best restaurants in Nova Scotia. From classic seafood favorites to modern global cuisines, the restaurants in Wolfville offer something for everyone.
Exploring the Culinary Delights of Wolfville, Nova Scotia
The quaint town of Wolfville, Nova Scotia is fast becoming known as a foodie haven. With its small-town charm, beautiful scenery, and proximity to the Bay of Fundy, Wolfville is an ideal destination for anyone looking for a unique dining experience.  
The town is home to some of the best restaurants in the province, offering a wide range of international cuisines from around the world. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot for a romantic dinner or a lively spot for a night out with friends, there's something for everyone in Wolfville.  
From classic Italian fare to modern Canadian cuisine, the restaurants in Wolfville offer something for everyone. The town boasts some of the most popular restaurants in Nova Scotia, including the award-winning Le Caveau Restaurant, which is one of the most popular fine-dining establishments in the province. Located in the heart of downtown Wolfville, Le Caveau offers an unforgettable dining experience with its incredible menu of local and international dishes.
Experience Culinary Excellence at Wolfville's Finest Restaurants
One of the great things about eating at the best restaurants in Wolfville is that you’re guaranteed a top-notch dining experience. The chefs at these restaurants are highly trained and experienced, so you know that your meal will be prepared with the utmost care and attention. Additionally, the restaurants in Wolfville take food safety seriously and are committed to providing the best service and cleanliness standards possible.
The restaurants in Wolfville also offer a unique culinary experience. With a wide variety of cuisines from around the world, you can try something new and exciting every time you visit. From traditional Italian dishes to exotic Chinese flavors, the restaurants in Wolfville have something for everyone. Additionally, the restaurants in Wolfville often work with local farmers and fishermen to provide the freshest ingredients possible. This ensures that you’re getting only the highest quality food when you dine at the best restaurants in Wolfville.
A Culinary Journey through Wolfville
No matter what type of cuisine you’re looking for, the restaurants in Wolfville have something to offer. From casual eateries to fine dining establishments, the restaurants in Wolfville offer something to suit every taste. Whether you’re looking for a romantic dinner or a casual lunch, you can find it at one of the many restaurants in Wolfville. So the next time you’re in town, make sure to check out the places to eat Wolfville and experience the best dining experience in Nova Scotia. 
In conclusion, Wolfville is a great place to find delicious and unique dining experiences. With its vast array of restaurants and cuisines, Wolfville offers something for everyone, from casual meals to gourmet dining. Whether you're looking for a unique experience or just want to try something new, Wolfville is the perfect place to go.
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equallyshaw · 1 year
this time, next year - with luke hughes
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Warnings: nothing.
Word Count: 2.6k +
← day six. surprise finale. →
you two had met when he came out to visit jack before the season started after he graduated from highschool. you had also just graduated, and was in new york with your best friend, her mom and your's for your present. you two had been walking into the coffee bar at the hotel in manhattan when you guys bumped into one another. you nearly fell on your butt, but the strong, tall and lanky dude instantly out of reflex, grabbed your arm before you lost your balance. your best friend sasha, stood to your side and gawked. who was this cutie and how did he do that so fast? jack and quinn were with him, and smiled at their younger brother was instantly smitten. throughout both of their stays, they met up a ton at the hotel pool and restaurant with their family that they were with. you revealed that you'd be coming to new jersey in the fall to study Exercise Science and Kinesiology just like luke would be at the U of M. the two of you immediatley clicked, exchanging numbers and social media accounts. then your trip was over, before their's and you made your way back to boston where you and your best friend was from.
fast forward to christmas 2022, two years after they began to date long distance. you would drive or take the train to meet him at away games with sasha and your other friends. you two would meet up in michigan, new york, boston or the hughes lake house for various breaks; before the lake house was sold. you brought out the very best in luke, and vice versa. you brought him out of his comfort zone, no longer the shy hughes boy around people. the two of you were very smitten with one another but these past few months after the last time you saw one another in late august; was difficult. the two of you constantly bickering, going days without texting or facetiming. using academics, prior commitments and other things as different excuses. everything was just 'off'. both of your friend groups together and just as themselves, realized that you two were going through a rough patch. they knew you two loved one another, but it just all became too much all of a sudden. nothing was working, and collectively the friend group agreed - without telling the couple - that they thought they should take a break. they needed one, and at the very least they'd realize if they truly wanted to make the relationship work or not. hoping that this break, could solitidify the relationship and help them realize if they wanted to fight or not. because recently, they were exhausted and frankly over it.
you were in michigan at the hughes house in canton, one day before luke would be leaving, before he was heading off to nova scotia for iihf world jrs. you two were in the car, after getting dunkin and had just gotten into another argument. it was stupid and so blown out of proportion. but you two, knew that this dynamic was not working anymore. you two were oh so done with it, exhausted from fighting, exhausted from not coming to compromises or agreemants. for the first time since things started to go downhill, you were done. you looked at luke as you two sat in the drive way of his house. his hands finally unclasped the steering wheel, his knuckles no longer crimson white. you pulled some hair behind your ear and sighed, alerting luke. tears pooled your eyes as you looked over at him, and just by that expression; he knew. "i ca-can't keep doing this luke. i can't keep dreading every conversation we have, because i fear that it will just turn into an argument. i can't keep going back and fourth over nothing. i can't keep going days without hearing from you, and thinking that we are done. that you are just going to slip silently out of my life. i can't keep hoping for something that doesn't amount to anything." you sobbed, both of your hearts breaking.
luke sat their silently, looked down at his hands and stared. he couldn't look at you without crying. "i can't sleep, i can barely eat, ive been constantly getting sick the past few months. i i just am done, luke. im sorry." you confessed hunching over covering your face, and crying. your sobs broke his heart, and nodded in understanding. luke placed a hand on your back, rubbing it up and down, trying to comfort you. and then in a split second, you were in his arms as you both cried. you knew this was the end for the time being, for the near future. "i wanna say that there is hope for us but everday i wake up and don't feel hopeful anymore. and i can no longer force it." luke started, "i don't know if i can anymore. trying to force something that isn't their anymore. i love you so much y/n but i think we need some space for awhile. especially with me leaving after the season, i think it's time we step back for a bit." luke explained, and you nodded. you agreed wholeheartedly. the following few hours were spent in securing a last minute flight, now that you were no longer traveling to nova scotia with his parents. you were leaving that evening for boston, and soon enough you were at the airport.
you sat next tp luke as the two of you said your goodbyes, atleast for a year. luke much to his dismay, agreed that it would be best to wait until he was in new jersey full time to continue your relationship. he placed his hands gently on your face, "i love you so much y/n but am prepared to let you go, ok? i cant promise our future or your future, i can't say that we will be together in a year but please don't wait for me. please try to move on in some way, and i will try to do the same." luke said with tears streaming down his cheeks. you nodded, wiping your own. "i will, i promise." you said as your voice cracked, breaking both of your hearts. "i love you lukey i love you so much." you said before kissing with much passion and sorrow. you two pulled apart, resting eachothers forheads against one another's for a few seconds before you pulled apart. you sniffled, wiping your nose and hopped out. luke sat their looking out through the windshield, as you grabbed your suitcases and carry on. he watched as your dropped your bags off at the baggage check. that was the last time for a year, he'd be seeing you. it took him a minute and a traffic guy to yell at him through the window for him to drive off. he no longer saw your hair, or your bags. knowing you were gone from his life for the time being.
this time, next year - hopefully.
luke's first season in new jersey.
your family was staying at soho house in new york city, a 30 minute drive from newark where the hughes brother lived. your family was celebrating this year in new york, something the family hadn't done for years. there was something special about christmas in new york, especially when you had somebody to share it with. you smiled up at harrison her boyfriend of 8 months. his family being natives of the city, invited them over for christmas eve once they heard their plans to spend the week in nyc. harrison and her were currently in front of macys storefront, looking at the christmas windows and walking all over manhattan. popping in to different stores, all over downtown new york. they walked into ralphs coffee after walking from saks fifth avenue, down the street. they were standing in line to place their order as luke noticed a familiar laugh in the cafe. he instantly began to look around, and at long last, his eyes laid on you. jack finally caught on to where he was staring, and saw you. his eyes went wide, hitting luke in the chest. "ow, what was that for?" luke demanded shooting a glare at his older brother. "its y/n!!!" jack said freaking out, which luke rolled his eyes. "she's not alone." jack added quickly, and the family that included ellen, jim and quinn looked over at the same time. you felt eyes on you, looked past harrison and saw the family that you once though of as your own. your breath stalled in your chest, before you looked at harrison and shifted a bit, so he was now blocking you from their view.
you took ahold of harrison's hand, leaned up and pecked him. he smiled, wrapping his arms around your lower back, placed a quick kiss on your head before releasing you from his arms. "should we head over to the hotel next?" you questioned, and he nodded. you two ordered your usuals, and then moved over to look at merchandise waiting for your coffee. thankfully the coffee shop was next to the parking garage that you two had parked in and so it gave you a few minutes to linger in ralph lauren before harrison pulled the car up. you were looking at men's suit ties, hoping to find one last gift for harrison. you felt a familiar presence near you, and you looked up and jack and luke in the next aisle whispering rapidly. you sighed, walking off into another section hoping they would not follow. "y/n?" you heard luke from beside you. you looked up from the men's accessories, and took in all 6'2 of him. you swallowed nervously, before looking away. you adjusted your purse and bags, before feeling your phone ding with a text from harrison. "wait, y/n!" luke said as you were about to walk off. you stopped instantly, and slowly turned around to luke. you said a silent plea in his eyes, and you nodded already knowing what he was gonna say or ask. "little owl, tonight, 7:30 pm." was all you said before walking off.
once you got in the car, harrison grabbed your hand and put them in the middle console, and you smiled softly as you drove off towards the hotel.
it was now 7:30 pm, and you had just sat down and waited for luke. luke appeared in the small pub style restaurant and looked for you. he found you and made his way over. you stood up and he leaned over and hugged you. you didn't realized how much you missed the familiar wamrth, scent and now much stronger arms. he sat down across from you, and the waitress came up and asked for drink orders. you two ordered your usuals and a charcuterie board. you both felt comfortable right off the bat again, like it was only yesterday you two had been together. "how's school?" he questioned as you skimmed the menu, you looked up catching his eye. you looked back at the menu, blushing. "its good, going to be graduating early this year." you admitted and luke smiled. "you always were a smart cookie." he grinned, and you smiled. "yeah, uh thanks." you said shyly. "hows the season going?" you questioned, sipping the arnold palmer that was set down. he smiled widely, "its going great. awesome, really. having jack there has been amazing too." he said and you could feel the immesnse love and passion for his game, just by him being there. it was his aura, that lit up brighter than last time you saw him. "good good. " you smiled. luke cut right to the chase, "you moved on right? thats your boyfriend?" he asked. you nodded, anxiety rising. "yeah..harrison. he goes to nyu and is a finance major. we've been dating since april." you confessed. luke nodded looking down, "but i- i haven't fully moved on luke." you added and luke looked up with hope seaping through his eyes. "at the beginning he knew that he was simply a distraction a rebound, but obviously things have changed. things are different." you paused sipping your drink, "but that doesnt really change things." you sighed. luke felt hopeful. "have you moved on?" you questioned and he shook his head. you nodded, feeling like an ass. "dont feel bad, i just didnt meet anybody that i wanted to pursue something with." he now paused sipping his drink, "because i didnt want to move on from you and what we had. i haven't stopped loving you." he said place his hand near yours, and you looked down at it. in a split second, you took ahold of his. "i haven't either." you two said both now, on the brink of crying. "i havent moved on, i cant. i dont want to." you said sniffling. thankgod for this low lighting, making this moment a bit more intimate.
3rd pov.
the two spent the evening catching up, planning for when she could come visit newark and getting the families together for christmas. now she just needed to break up with harrison and that terrified her. luke pulled up to harrison's apartment in west village, and you sighed with nerves radiating through your body. "ill be here okay?" he confirmed and she nodded, and he gave her one last hang squeeze before she got out. she nodded and got out, and walked out towards the front door of the building.
she now stood face to face with harrison, knowing she lied to him. he had ended up in the same restaurant as her family and they thought that she was with him and vice versa. that's when her sister realized the promise from last christmas, and she said something along the lines of potentially meeting up with luke. "don't lie to me y/n." harisson demanded and she shuddered. she then shrugged, "its true. i did see my ex or i guess my boyfriend. i guess we really never broke up for good...." the girl trailed off mumbling to herself. "listen, dont even try to explain yourself or defend. just leave, ill send you stuff to your apartment." harrison said, leaving the room. she swallowed, making her way out of the apartment. and never looked back.
she and luke walked hand in hand in downtown westfield, which was 30 minutes outside of newark. luke and jack had found this area when looking for coffee one day and had come back during the fall. it was christmas morning and the two were heading to go find some coffee, before heading back to newark where his family plus hers would be celebrating the holiday. once the families had realized the two were back together; they without hesitant got together for christmas eve dinner, and caught up like old times. the two of them clearly smitten, and in their own world at dinner. it was like things had never changed
the two of them walked out the coffee shop hand in hand, as light snow began to fall. the young girl smiled up at the sky and swung their hands. luke smiled down at her, she was giddy as a kid. y/n looked at him and the two of them stopped, got closer so they were now chest to chest. "i love you lukey."she smiled inching her face closer to his. he smirked, "i love you too y/n/n." he stated placing his lips on hers. she smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him, and spun her around. her giggling was intoxicating.
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@lhughes_6: hanukah came late this year, but the wait was worth it 🙏🏻
Location: sohonewyork
Tag: y/username
45.9k likes, comments disabled.
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@y/username: happy holidays from me and mine. 🤍
Tag: @lhughes_6
2.9k likes, commenrs disabled.
hope you guys enjoyed !!!!!
RANDOM tag: @jayda12 , @huggybug , @hugheshugs @mack-samo and @sillingers
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livingproofoftbd · 3 months
20, 23, and 24 for the ask game! :D
20. What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
sam panopoulos invented the hawaiian pizza in the 60s while managing an “american restaurant” with his brothers in ontario. they were greek and moved to nova scotia but did eventually go to ontario. in 1962 he decided to put pinapples on pizza and it was a hit, while also commonly hated on. the iceland president said it was weird but canadian prime minister justin trudeau said it was a canadian delicacy. anyways panopoulos died in 2017. only 2017, like thats kinda recent all things considered. crazy.
23. What is your longest friendship?
i have a friend who i’ve known since before i can remember. thats not saying much since i have a terrible memory but i met her when we were visiting home from costa rica (i lived there when i was a year old) and i met her then and we’ve been best friends ever since.
24. When did you first feel like an adult?
when me and a friend went to go get dairy queen and mcdonalds chicken nuggets 💀 dont ask
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brookston · 4 months
Events 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
0 notes
appleliciouscatering · 7 months
Best Filipino Restaurants In Nova Scoatia | Appleliciouscatering.com
Discover the best Filipino restaurants in Nova Scotia with Appleliciouscatering.com! Enjoy the unique flavours and spices of Filipino cuisine, prepared with love and care by our experienced chefs. Try us today!
Best Filipino Restaurants In Nova Scoatia
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travellingfoodie · 18 days
SAVE this post for your trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia!
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Five Must-Visit Locations in Canada for an Unforgettable Experience
Canada, known for its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural diversity, offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. From the rugged Rocky Mountains to the charming streets of Quebec City, this vast country has something to offer every type of traveler. Here are five must-visit locations in Canada that promise unforgettable memories and experiences.
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Banff National Park, Alberta Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park is a true natural wonder. With its turquoise lakes, towering mountain peaks, and abundant wildlife, this UNESCO World Heritage site offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. Visitors can explore the park through a network of hiking trails, go wildlife spotting, or take a leisurely drive along the famous Icefields Parkway. Don't forget to relax in the soothing Banff Upper Hot Springs after a day of adventure.
Vancouver, British Columbia As one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Canada, Vancouver boasts a unique blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. Surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean, the city offers a wide range of activities, from strolling along the famous Stanley Park seawall to exploring the vibrant neighborhoods of Granville Island. For a taste of the diverse local cuisine, visit the Granville Island Public Market or enjoy an array of international restaurants in the city center.
Old Quebec City, Quebec Steeped in history and Old World charm, Quebec City is like a piece of Europe in North America. Its cobbled streets, historic architecture, and the iconic Chateau Frontenac create an enchanting atmosphere. Take a leisurely walk through the quaint streets of Old Town, explore the centuries-old fortifications, and don't miss a visit to the Plains of Abraham for a taste of Canadian history. Enjoy delicious French-inspired cuisine in one of the city's many bistros.
Niagara Falls, Ontario One of the most iconic natural wonders in the world, Niagara Falls is a must-see for any traveler to Canada. Witnessing the sheer power and beauty of the falls up close is an awe-inspiring experience. Take a boat tour to get close to the cascading waters, or explore the scenic trails of Niagara Glen Nature Reserve for a different perspective. The nearby town of Niagara-on-the-Lake offers charming streets, wineries, and a rich arts scene.
Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia For a taste of maritime charm and rugged coastal beauty, Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia is a must-visit destination. This quaint fishing village, with its picturesque lighthouse perched on granite cliffs, is a photographer's dream. Explore the narrow, winding streets lined with colorful houses and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the local eateries. The nearby Swissair Flight 111 Memorial is a poignant reminder of history.
Canada's diverse landscapes and vibrant cities offer a wealth of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion. Whether you're captivated by the majesty of the Rockies, charmed by the streets of Old Quebec, or inspired by the power of Niagara Falls, Canada has something for everyone. These five must-visit locations provide just a glimpse into the incredible experiences that await in this vast and beautiful country. So pack your bags and get ready to embark on an unforgettable Canadian adventure!
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Provincial governments not jumping to act on tighter alcohol warning guidelines
Politicians in charge of provincial and territorial liquor laws aren't hurrying to adopt or promote newly updated guidelines that advise a steep drop in Canadian drinking habits.
Across Canada, the responsible ministers declined interview requests from The Canadian Press. In written responses, they didn't commit to changing marketing methods for alcohol and noted they're awaiting Ottawa's lead on whether to slap warning labels on products.
In some cases, such as Nunavut and British Columbia, governments say they're actively reviewing the guidelines. Two provinces -- New Brunswick and Nova Scotia -- said their Health departments are developing plans to incorporate the new advice.
The guidance prepared by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction for Health Canada and released on Jan. 17 represents a major shift from its 2011 advice that having two drinks a day was considered low risk. The updated report says there is a moderate risk of harm for those who consume between three and six standard drinks a week, and it increases for every additional drink.
Kevin Shield, a professor at University of Toronto's school of public health, notes about two-thirds of Canadians who drink are consuming in the guideline's riskier ranges, according to the most recent Statistics Canada survey.
Shield -- who studies methods used by governments to reduce harms caused by alcohol -- said in an interview Wednesday that liquor agencies aren't currently giving consumers a good sense of the long-term health risks of alcohol. The typical messages, he said, are: "Don't drink and drive, don't drink while pregnant and please enjoy responsibly," with only the Northwest Territories including labels warning of health impacts.
Some governments have been loosening marketing restrictions. For example, in its 2019 budget, Ontario's Progressive Conservatives called for earlier serving hours for bars and restaurants, alcohol in municipal parks and advertising of free alcohol by casinos.
The province's Finance Department said in an emailed response it's "aware" of the CCSA update but didn't comment on whether the province's liquor corporation, the LCBO, will alter its policies. The LCBO website contains a link to the updated guidelines, but finding it requires surfing through three other topics before reaching a link written in small type at the bottom of a page.
Tim Stockwell, the former head of the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria, said the reality is the issue isn't a political priority.
"They're thinking about the economy, and tourism and the vitality of nightlife in their cities. The last thing on policymakers' minds is whether this commodity we're so familiar with is doing any harm," he said in an interview Tuesday.
The liquor corporations continue to be key sources of revenue to their provinces, with the B.C. agency providing close to $1.2 billion in the last fiscal year, Ontario's LCBO providing about $2.4 billion and Quebec's SAQ reporting a $1.35-billion profit.
A spokesman for Quebec's finance minister said the province isn't considering any changes to the provincial liquor corporation's current practices. "We trust citizens to make the best decisions for their health, in light of the latest knowledge on the subject," spokeswoman Claudia Loupret said.
In Nova Scotia, Finance Minister Allan MacMaster said liquor education materials "do not yet" reflect the new guidance. Beverley Ware, a spokeswoman for the province's liquor corporation, said the Department of Health "plans to develop materials to inform Nova Scotians of the new guidance on alcohol and health," and the liquor retailer is in favour of sharing this information with its customers.
A spokesman for New Brunswick's Health Department said it supports the updated guidelines and is working on a communication plan to help New Brunswickers understand them.
Siobhan Coady, the finance minister in Newfoundland and Labrador, provided an email saying her officials are "always mindful of new research," noting the province was already examining whether to introduce policies that limit liquor consumption -- including raising the minimum price for drinks sold in bars.
Manitoba's government didn't comment on how it will incorporate the guidelines into its liquor marketing, but noted its liquor corporation has a "DrinkSense" website that encourages responsible consumption.
Meanwhile, none of the provinces reached by The Canadian Press indicated they are considering directly implementing the call for health warning labels, though the Northwest Territories does already have a label mentioning the risk to pregnant women and drivers, and noting alcohol "may cause health problems."
Nunavut's Finance Department said in an email it is reviewing its alcohol regulations, including possible warning label requirements, and will "note the findings" of the CCSA in its review.
David Morris, a spokesman for the Saskatchewan liquor authority, said the province's retail liquor system will be fully private later this year and there are no plans to change the way private retailers in the province sell or market alcoholic beverages.
A spokesperson for British Columbia's Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions said the province will be reviewing the CCSA guidelines and "have more to say in the weeks ahead."
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Yukon said it's up to Ottawa to take the lead on creating warning labels that discuss the risks of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Carolyn Bennett, the federal minister of mental health and addictions, was unavailable for an interview, and her office said she's reviewing the CCSA's advice.
Dan Malleck, a professor of health sciences at Brock University who has been critical of the CCSA guidelines, said the provinces are right to be reluctant about adopting the updated guidelines. "I think any reasonable government should ignore the guidelines completely," he said in an email. "It's poor research, ideologically driven, and based upon spurious connections with health harms."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 27, 2023.
With files from Allison Jones, Steve Lambert, Terri Theodore, Kelly Malone, Colette Derworiz, Hina Alam, Sidhartha Banerjee and Emily Blake.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/rR5JizD
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