#best skin care in Orlando
snugglebug-92 · 1 year
Can you do how Luca Fantilli is as a boyfriend
*Teaming up with Adam to prank Luca
*Making fun of Luca in general
*In a nice way of course
*Stealing Luca's button ups
*Going on lots of dates with Adam third wheeling
*Adam being yours and Lucas 'child'
*Being the mom of all the freshmen
*The freshmen coming to you for girl advice
*Going on Italy trips
*Stargazing with Luca
*Pouring water on him to see if he turns into a sea monster
*Lots of hand holding
*Luca never letting you go
*Luca is just being handsy most of the time
*Wearing his jersey to every home game
*Taking little trips to Toronto with him
*Almost passing out the first time you see Johnny Orlando in his contacts
*Literally passing out when he says you can call him if you want
*Spending almost every free moment curled up in each other's arms
*Grossing Adam out with your PDA
*Him agreeing to make cheesy TikToks with you
*Him also agreeing to do face masks and other skin care things with you.
*Him also letting you do hair masks because then you'll shower together ;)
*Him also letting you braid his hair
*Mainly just being super cute and lovey and being the best couple ever let's be honest here
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420pogpills · 2 years
to celebrate this monumental day in our community, i am going to post the dream team meetup + drace reveal excerpts from my dnf fic 'together' because let's face it i am most probably never going to finish this fic so if you wanna read the parts, they are below under the 'keep reading' 😁
no beta we die like george in manhunt (there's probably going to be so many typos and grammatical mistakes i genuinely haven't read this back or edited it in like a month soz but hope you enjoy anyway)
the fic is called 'together' (title from by together - gjan)
They’re not boyfriends. 
At least not on paper – arriving at that label would require communication, and would George be George if he didn’t bend over backwards to try and avoid every single situation that required him to speak about his feelings? 
Dream wouldn’t change him for the World. 
He worried, in the beginning, that things would change. That actually meeting George in real life would shift their dynamic into something that neither boys were able to recover from. 
Up until George moved in, their relationship had remained genuinely platonic (or, as platonic as doing an ‘am I in love with my best friend?’ quiz whilst on call with said best friend could be) and Dream won’t deny that feelings were involved long ago – definitely from his end at least – but there was almost like an unspoken line in place that neither of them tried to cross. 
Perhaps because they knew that finally meeting face to face was the one final test left to verify the strength of their connection, and whether anything beyond friendship was worth the risk. 
Remembering all those nights Dream laid in bed staring at the ceiling, chewing on his bottom lip until it bled or picking at the skin around his nails until it was raw, and sometimes even wiping tear after tear but they fell regardless, because at one point he was hit with a very strong realisation that what he felt towards his best friend couldn’t be described as just ‘love’. 
He hated waking up and not hearing from George within the first hour of consciousness. He can’t keep his eyes off of every freckle and strand of hair and twitch of the lips, whether it’s a picture on his timeline or a stream or a private FaceTime, he has no trouble focusing on every part of George. He remembered being a young teen, never once questioning his sexual preference towards women, but having to spit out a random excuse to mute himself the very first time George revealed his face on camera. He sure as hell did not react this way to seeing Sapnap or Bad for the first time.
He entertains his childish pranks and loud shrieks, he buys him things despite knowing full well George’s bank account was thriving. There are things that really, only George can get away with. 
Because he’s George. 
And his heart has accepted that there is simply no other explanation he’s going to get as to why he allows George to do whatever he wants in his life. He’s long since stopped caring about much else other than what makes the British boy happy.
Over time, he stopped fearing the thought of things falling apart, and started believing in his own ability to make George happy. So when he received the call mid-February, hearing the tremble in his voice, the unshed tears of pure joy, the whisper of ‘it’s been approved Dream’ – he knew then and there that his love for this British boy by far surpassed every single force on this planet that ever even stood a chance at taking him away from Dream. 
That was also the moment he truly started believing in soul mates. Or maybe he already did a long time ago.
The time between George’s visa getting approved and George getting off the plane in Orlando Florida was very short. ‘Finding out on a Monday afternoon and being on a plane that very Saturday’ level of short. 
Waiting is hard. And they waited long enough. 
Dream would not be coming to the airport – they had already decided a long time ago that the face reveal will be in the first official Dream Team pictures that they will collectively post on social media at the same time. They knew the chances of Dream getting recognised were very high. He may be faceless, but it will undoubtedly be easy for fans to do the math when a tall blonde man is seen with George and Sapnap in the Orlando International Airport. 
His leg was starting to feel numb from how long it had been bouncing, but there was not a single force on this earth that could contain the jitters and anticipation that was building up inside of Dream. 
He has many people that he loves and many people that he just cannot wait to finally meet. One day he will meet Bad, whom he owes so much to. He will meet Punz, and Sam, and Karl, and Tommy, and all of the people who have changed his life over the span of the last couple of years. 
Meeting Sapnap was the easiest thing in the world; Dream can’t really remember a time when the Texan boy wasn’t in his life. When he got to hug him for the first time, it felt less like a first meeting and more like a reunion. They were brothers in every form except blood. 
But George – George was different. There wasn’t really any explanation he could give, nor did he need to, because it’s clear to absolutely everyone who knew them. What he and George have was simply different. 
He knows deep in his chest that that first touch will spin his world on its axis. Many nights were spent just imagining all the different scenarios of how their dynamic will develop in person. 
Every person that has had the chance to meet George already has mentioned that he does not shy away from touch the way many people initially thought - even Sapnap expressed his shock when re-telling the events of his trip to London, that George did not push him away even once when Sapnap initiated any sort of physical affection. 
Plus, Dream has seen plenty of the vlogs and streams that George has been a part of, to know that he was in fact not like a scared stray animal that would hiss at every attempt to be touched, but instead he was a spoiled house cat who may very rarely initiate contact but did not hesitate to accept any that came his way. 
And of course Dream is excited to see it all for himself, but he’s also aware that they are different, that there is something else there that may impact their dynamic and boundaries differently to all of their other friends. He had many questions he wanted answers to.   
Will George let himself be hugged? Will he let Dream touch his hands, carry him around like a sack of potatoes, brush his hair away from his face when it gets too long? 
Likewise, will George reciprocate any of the tiny touches, will he reach out for a hug the second he lays eyes on Dream, or will he wait for a cue? What will George say, when he does finally get to observe Dream’s face?
It’s not something that he has voiced to anyone but he has found it increasingly hard to hold back the crippling self-consciousness he’s been harbouring when he realises this will be the first time George will actually, finally, see Dream’s face in person. 
There will be no filter nor screen to hide behind. Just Dream, in his full unapologetic glory. 
And while he’s excited to finally tear down every single barrier and wall between them, he couldn’t help but worry about George’s opinion. Which he knows is stupid, George loves him – maybe almost as much as Dream loves him – but he just couldn’t stop himself from hoping that when help but hope that when George finally sees his face, he will think Dream is beautiful. 
He wasn’t quite ready yet to unpack the meaning behind those thoughts.
The sound of Sapnap’s car pulling up into the driveway was sure to burn itself into Dream’s brain like a core memory. He saw stars in his vision from how fast he jumped to his feet, but he did not stumble when sprinting to the door. George was so close that Dream swears he could feel his presence. 
Suddenly, instead of the stifling Florida heat, Dream felt like he was being kissed by the most gentle rays of sunshine after spending months in the dark. 
His mind emptied itself of all thoughts, and the only word he could use to describe how he felt the first moment he made eye contact with George as he was climbing out of the car - was alive. 
Every worry and negative thought was exhaled in the same breath as the strangled gasp he couldn’t suppress when he realised George was within touching distance. Finally, finally it was Dream’s turn. 
And in the next moment he moved as fast as the breeze, only stopping when he was met in the middle by the British boy who held the other half of his soul with him for all this time. 
Enveloping George in his arms, after several years of waiting, felt like he was experiencing a kind of joy that he had never felt before yet. A kind of happiness that existed only to be felt on that very occasion, only to be felt by them. They collided with so much excitement that neither of them could fight off gravity before they collapsed into the grass, without letting go of eachother.
George was so warm - lankier than expected, but still so delicately thin, so soft and so very real. He was laughing and shaking, or maybe Dream was shaking. There was no stopping the tears that soaked into the shoulder of George’s white t-shirt, and they laid there until the fabric was almost dry again.
The first one to break the internet was actually Sapnap. 
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@sapnapalt: fine i’ll say it, dnf is not dead 
It wasn’t discussed nor planned, but the captured moment was so natural and undeniably beautiful, that neither of the boys cared. That’s how the meetup was announced.
The fans were given less than a day to recover before the next meltdown.
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@dreamwastaken: Told you that she was gonna love you :)  
 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 
Of course he was excited to face reveal, since it meant finally getting to go outside and spending time with his favourite people. That’s why it took him by so much surprise when his thumb was hovering over the ‘post’ button one second, and the next his vision went dark. 
When he came to, he was on the floor with his back pressed to George’s chest, bracketed by his legs and held tightly by his arms as the other boy repeatedly whispered ‘you’re okay’ in his ear while gently stroking his hair back. He couldn’t tell if the shaking was coming from him or George. Probably both. 
Sapnap was kneeling in front of them both with a bottle of water in his hand, his eyes blown wide with worry. 
It was a panic attack. 
All the excitement did well to mask the crippling anxiety he had pushed away to the back of his mind, at the thought of how much his life is going to change for not only him, but all of his friends and family too. The inevitable abuse and invasion of privacy that would come from the people online who feel ruthless hatred for his existence - despite him trying his best to make amends, to prove he’s a good person. 
Eventually he had to come to terms with the fact that it didn’t matter how much love he had to give - there was no way to please absolutely everyone. 
George was delirious with worry, eyes blown and glassy, fingers twitching. His face was twisted up in what was probably meant to be his typical sarcasm, but the tremor in his voice wasn’t convincing. It wasn’t Dream’s first time encountering George in this state, but it was his first time seeing it in person. 
A sour taste always forms in his mouth when he remembers the boy losing his mind after receiving a call from Sapnap about Dream being rushed to hospital earlier that year due to kidney stones. Despite not having a diagnosis yet, they scared themselves into believing the worst when Sapnap let it slip that Dream had created a note on his phone containing all his passwords. 
After finding out that George stopped eating for two days when he collapsed momentarily while in a discord call, he decided he never wanted George to feel that much worry ever again. 
(There was also a solid period of about three days where George refused to refer to him as anything other than ‘idiot’ because after the worry, came the anger.)
George would rather drink hot sauce and lemon juice than say the L word out loud, but Dream knew firsthand that he cared and loved so intensely that none of it needed to be vocalised verbally. They got each other, and their bond was special.
The panic attack took every ounce of energy he had left in him, and so he spent the rest of the night in bed. His sleepy eyes begged him to let them close, but he desperately wanted to burn this image in his head, of where instead of having George in a discord call - this time he was right beside him. 
Pale arms did their best to wrap around and hold him, soft lips almost pressing against his temple. Despite the inner turmoil of the day's events, Dream felt like the entire world had stopped and it was just him and George, finally able to hold each other close. 
A warm breath tickled his forehead, and he drifted off to a delicate voice whispering to him.
“We’re gonna be okay, you’re okay.” 
That was George’s second night in Florida. It was also the first night he slept in Dream’s bed. 
(Dream patted himself on the back for that one - he definitely thought he would have to work harder to get the British boy into his sheets and allow himself to be cuddled… He should have panic attacks more often.)
(That was a joke.) 
The face reveal was posted four days later than planned. The fans were confused, having been under the impression that it was going to go hand in hand with George’s arrival, but all questions were forgotten the second everyone finally got to familiarise themselves with the dirty blonde hair, green eyes and beaming smile of the little green blob they have spent several years loving and supporting.
When it happened, Dream was squeezed between George and Sapnap on the couch, with both boys rubbing his back and encouraging him to breathe as he stared down at his phone showing the unpublished post. 
He remembered taking a deep breath in, and pressing ‘post’ as he breathed out. His heart was racing and his fears were loud, but he knew he could overcome absolutely anything that was thrown at him, as long as he had the two people he loved the most by his side through it all. 
Dream was sure there was hate. He was used to being hated. But nothing prepared him for the overwhelming outpouring of love and support that he received, and for the first time in his life, everything negative was completely drowned out in the sea of positive. 
The instant he realised it, he burst into tears, his sobs of relief coming out in hiccups. In the end it turned into a core memory for him, because the fondness that he felt towards the fans who loved him, the friends who supported him, and the two heads pressed into each shoulder soaking his hoodie with their own tears of joy - he wasn’t sure he had ever felt quite as happy as he did in that moment. 
But as it turns out, now that George was within touching distance of all times - those moments were just the first of many. 
The entire experience had drawn the Dream team even closer together - Dream and George especially. The boy grew very accustomed to Dream’s need for touch, and he loved seeing the chaos that they were able to cause on the internet by posting pictures of them together that were blurring all platonic lines.
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@GeorgeNootFound: He’s kind of obsessed with me :/
It was never going to be all smooth sailing, and Dream suffered from a few more panic attacks in the following weeks - luckily none as intense as the first one - as he had to get used to a whole new life of a lot more people knowing his business. 
He received several calls from a couple of childhood friends who had been kept in the dark about his identity. All of them were shocked he made Minecraft videos for a living. None of them were upset about the secrecy. And that made Dream smile, knowing he truly kept the best people in his life. 
Eventually the panic attacks dwindled down to little hand tremors, as his confidence grew and he got used to being in public again - the Dream Team were ready to take over the World.
to be continued~
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ciaoteamo · 2 years
pairings: (ghost rider x f!reader)
summary: your best friend since childhood friends goes up to bat for you after you get into an unfair predicament. (srry if there are crammed imperfections)
warnings: cursing, gore, angst, violation of the body.
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further warning: blood, whipping, crying, past rape experience, trauma, suffering, abuse.
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“all i’m saying (Y/N), is that if you hadn’t gone out and LEFT ME, IT WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED”
“oh yeah BLAME ME AGAIN, HOW CAN YOU BE UPSET THAT I NEEDED A BREAK FROM YOUR CONSTANT BITCHING” You yell out. This was the fourth argument you’ve gotten into with your husband, Mitch.
And that’s just counting today. Things have been heated between you ever since a disagreement led you to staying with a friend for a week.
“(Y/N), you need to calm down” Jason sighs and walks into the kitchen.
“did you not just hear your best friend yell at me?” You ask in disbelief. “HE CHEATED ON ME” You fuss again. “but i’m the one who overreacted??” You glare at him.
Jason gives you a stoic look and you scoff. Mitch thought you’d be an idiot and forgive and forget it all.
But once he realized that you wouldn’t and actually wanted to leave him, he became more aggressive towards you. Telling you that you’re making stupid decisions, saying it’s your fault.
And worst of all, he’s had his friends and family over more lately so that it would be harder for you to talk to him about the topic.
Well fuck that. You didn’t care who the hell heard the two of you this time. You were going to put an end to this. Your phone rang and your dug around in your bag to retrieve it.
You picked it up and it was Johnathan. Mitch started rambling on about something and suddenly there was a glass shatter by your head. You jumped at the sound and angrily looked at him.
“who the fuck are you throwing shit at, i can do that too” You pick up a case and aim it directly at his head, he ducks though and the heavy china smashes against the wall.
Nothing but glass shattering sounds throughout the house with the yelling. Cursing, screaming, grunting.
This all continued until you threw one small vase. The last glass object on the shelf. And you regretted throwing it as soon as it left your reach.
The glass shattered with its thin shell turning into confetti the moment it touched the floor. A cloud of what people would think is dust arose and your heart dropped.
“what the fuck??” Mitch’s voice broke a bit and he carefully knelt onto the glass covered floor.
“Mitch… i didn’t mean to..” You put a hand over your mouth. You just threw his mother ashes right in front of him out of anger.
“jesus, what is going on in here???!!” Orlando rushed in with Jason this time. “what did you do (Y/N)?” Both of you are crying, but their pity was always for Mitch. You can’t be mad at them this time though.
“i really didn’t mean to.. it was an accident Mitch” You try to explain. You notice his two best friends faces change once they realized the gravity of the situation.
“fuck man, i’m sorry” Jason stoops down with Mitch. Mitch wipes his face and quickly leaves the dining room.
“leave.” Jason commands.
“what? this is my hou-“
“we don’t give a shit, get out before we make you. door’s open.”
Your heart wrenches in your chest and Jason tries backing you into a wall. You shove him away and he knocks you onto the ground with a forceful push.
You groan as some of your skin is ripped open by glass. “fuck!” You take deep breaths as tears stream down your face. Why. Why is this happening to you?
You could hear things being knocked over upstairs while the two men towered over you. You throw glass in their faces when they got too close and received multiple kicked to your body and face.
Your breathed became labored as you tasted blood. Mitch came out with a bat in hand and revenge in his eyes. He approached you and looked down at you in disgust.
“you know, i never really loved you… but you were a great fuck, so i managed.” He pulls your head back by your hair and you wince. A trickle of blood pooled into your waterlines as you tried to blink away the pain.
“you’re ungrateful, disrespectful, and infertile? you thought it cared for you, huh?” He teased. You lip quivered and your vision was blurring.
“Mitch please… please..” Your voice cracked and you stumbled over your words a bit at you tried to calm him down.
“well? why don’t you guys see why i stayed with her all this time? her ass is just perfect” You instantly scream for help and begin trying to get up.
Everything was stinging, it even hurt to breathe. You received a kick in the mouth again, feeling your lip get cut against your chin. 
A screaming sob erupts from your mouth and you get rolled onto your stomach. You would rather die right mnow than continue this.
Your sweater was cut off and your leggings were ripped open. You try to get up and scream again before seeing Mitch swing his bat, that was the last thing you saw.
You couldn’t open your eyes, only hear your surroundings. There was yelling, beeping from the fire alarms, and what sounded like… chains?
“look into my eyes” A deep rumbling voice spoke up. More screaming was heard after that.
“jesus, you’re gonna be alright (Y/N)
⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦ ⌦
Your whole body was aching when you sat up. You felt a slight itchy sensation under bandages from the small cuts and bruising.
But the worst of the pain came from your head. It was throbbing like crazy. You use the little strength you have left to sit yourself up. Your body felt 3x as heavy as before.
“fuck… i have to pee” Only when you sit up do you look at your surroundings. You’re at.. Johnathan’s house?
You stiffly get up and take your time walking to his bathroom. You finish up and walk towards his kitchen to find any snack to cure your hunger.
There wasn’t a damn thing. You didn’t know what to expect from a man who constantly eats out.
You hear the front door open and a loud rustling approaching you. Johnny doesn’t see you sitting at the table as he walks by. His eyes were focused on the bag.
You wait until everything was sat onto the counter to say something. “hi” He jumps and frowns as he turns.
“damnit, (Y/N).” He shakes his head and puts a hand on his chest. You chuckle. “what are you doing up?” He asks.
“bathroom” You answer. “what’s all that?” You look behind him.
“i’m going to try to make your favorite” He grins.
“ (F/F), really?!” You light up. You moved a bit too much though and felt another head pin. You groan and he shuffled through a bag.
“here” You look up to find a pill bottle. “for the pain” You thank him and take one of the pills.
“johnny what happened yesterday… i only remember bits of it”
“well, i called and you accidentally answered the phone, i heard everything that was happening and drove there straight away… when i got there, you were all beat up and..” You notice his jaw flex as he leans onto the counter.
“Mitch and his friends are all in the hospital.” He finished.
“what? why?” You ask, genuinely confused. You didn’t remember hurting anybody, and Johnny had just got there.
“that’s still a mystery” He shrugs. What about the fire you saw then…
“well, thank you for not taking me there too, i can’t afford that luxury” You shake your head and Johnny chuckles.
“why don’t you go and sit on the couch, i’ll bring you an appetizer and change your bandages soon.” He suggests. You comply and go sit.
He changed your bandages and ended up making you a simple sandwich before cooking your meal. You were watching an old crime show when you smelled something burning.
You turn your head and don’t see Johnny by the stove. You manage to get up and make sure nothing was burning, which it wasn’t, and frown.
what is that?
You see a little smoke coming from under the bathroom door and knock. “Johnny, are you okay?” You ask.
“are you sure? what’s burning?” You question. No answer.
“okay…” You head back to the couch and sit down, just when the show was getting good again, the fire alarm went off.
You turn and see even more smoke in fogging up the hall between his room and the kitchen.
You open up a few windows and try to open the bathroom door, it didn’t have a lock on it, but there was weight keeping you from pushing it open.
“Johnny?!? what’s going on, let me in” You say. You huff at the silence and wait a moment before coming up with a plan.
“i’m going to go the extinguisher from outside” You walk away and open and close the front door as if you left.
That’s when a literal skeleton on fire ruched out of the bathroom. Your heart dropped and your breath got caught in your throat.
A loud gasp erupted from your lips and that caught its attention. The skeleton peeped around the corner and you booked it out of the door.
Your adrenaline had you feeling am kat nothing as you rushed away.
“(Y/N)! wait!“ the deep voice rumbled. You hiss as your skin stings from reopening wounds. Once you hit the bottom step, you started making your way to the side of the apartment building.
“fuck… what pills did Johnny give me?!?” You question yourself. You put an arm on the wall to rest and old in a violent cough.
A loud thud sounds and you see orange light by you. You scream at the sight the skeleton and begin crying.
“(Y/N)! it’s me, Johnathan” He raises his voice. You don’t speak up, but you stop screaming and continue to cry.
“… i can explain everything inside “ He reaches out for you but you flinch and back away. He was visibly hurt but you could care less.
“Johnny? what the fuck” You sob. What has life come to.
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“and that’s why this happens..” Johns ends.
The whole time you’ve been sitting in the couch with this man, your hand was covering your agape mouth.
“and why didn’t you tell me sooner? would’ve been a nice heads up” You frown. “ is this why we could never hang out at night during that week?”
He nods and you are just taken aback. He gets up and goes to check on your food once more. “so you made a deal with the devil… and now you turn into this every night” You ask.
“and in front of evil” He adds.
“… right” You stare at him. This was something so surreal. A real life skeleton on fire, cooking you dinner.
“no, wait! you would’ve been this.. thing, when you came to the house then… and i could’ve sworn i heard “look into my eyes” with fire nearby” You state.
“oh… well, you caught me” He hums. That voice, it’s something else.
“what was that about?” You ask.
“why don’t we save the rest of the questions for dinner” He looks at you. You wanted to look away, he was so intimidating.
“…” You slowly turn back to the TV. He finished the food and it tasted great. “you did really good” You say, shocked a bit.
“you seem so surprised” He says.
“well, you’re no ramsey..”
“wow” He shakes his head and you laugh.
He answered every question to asked about his situation and apologized for the scare. You understood why he hid it at the end of the day.
The two of you talked you into bed while he stood on the side. “was it worth it?” You ask and he looks at you. You could tell you caught him off guard.
He was about to answer was suddenly you saw flames and the old street you used to live on. Your sister was in a fight with a girl way bigger than her.
“M-Michele!” You picked up a rock and tried to hit the girl with it but it was no use. Your sister put up a good fight but ultimately got beat.
Blood trickled across her forehead as she laid there. You cried and cried and yelled for help but no one came.
You helped her walk home with both of you crying, he out of pain and you out of fear. The front door was locked so you had to get through your windows.
Once you got in, your dad was right in your room waiting for you.
“what the fuck happened??” He asks, quickly grabbing your sister, body almost limp.
“a-a big girl got her” You try to explain.
“why didn’t you do anything???” He yells.
“i did” You sob.
“JANUARY!” He calls for your mother as he takes your sister out of the room. You got on the floor and cried like a baby. You felt so guilty for not doing enough.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you did. Your bedroom door was loudly slammed shut and it made you jump up.
“you know your sister almost died because of you, (Y/N)?” Your dad lowly spoke. You eyes started water again, you knew a beating was coming.
“daddy..” Your voice breaks into a high pitch cry.
“ take it off.” He firmly orders.
“it wasn’t my fault!” You try to say.
“WHAT did i say?”
You sniffle and sob as you take your t-shirt off. You wipe your tears as if they weren’t a never ending stream.
“ … how old are you, (N/N)?” He asks.
“th-thirteen” You choke out.
“.., you’re growing up on me” You look up at him and he was staring at your chest. You put your arm over yourself and wiped at your tears again.
“turn around and get over the bed” He says. You do as he says, knowing there’s no escape. Your body was tensing as you prepared for your lashings and they sure did come. You counted 7 before you could t count anymore.
His leather belt left unforgivable marks on your back and waist. He stopped and usually he’d just leave after.
Instead, he began to tug down your jeans. “daddy, what are you doing?” You begin to cry more. Was he now going to hit your legs. Just imagining the pain made you cry into your comforter.
“think of it as a reward, for growing up” He pushed your head into the covers and suddenly, you saw black.
Johnny’s guest room slowly faded into view. Things were very blurry though. “(Y/N), sweet jesus, please tell me you can see?” He placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Johnny, it wasn’t my fault… i didn’t mean to make him mad like that” Your lip quivers. The neck of your shirt was soaked from tears that you didn’t even know were falling.
Your words became inaudible as you tried to reason with him.
“i know (Y/N), come here” He offers, you put your head into his leather jacket and absolutely bawl into his chest.
“what that what happened to mitch” Your words were barely coming out, and the more you opened you mouth, the saltier things tasted from the tears.
“yes..” He answers.
“that shouldn’t happen to anybody” You breakdown.
Johnny stayed with you the whole time, he promised you that he’d be there when you woke up. And with that reassurance, your trembling and crying died down.
Send you to sleep with only sniffles and another headache.
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(a/n): i’m so happy i finally finished this, i was procrastinating so much. second oneshot/imagine will be out by tomorrow night‼️.
te amo🐻🤎
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: President of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 130
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: "I only have eyes for my wife"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Dan Povenmire
True Appearance: Oplo does not resemble any particular Earth species, but resembles a lot of different lizards. He has warm gray frills on his head in place of hair, very textured gray scaly skin with occasional speckles of pastel colors, brown eyes, regenerate-able limbs ending in blunt claws, and a tail tipped in silvery-gold spines.
Information: (cw for child neglect and implied gore)
Oplo is a happily married man. He has one son named Bekl whom is currently attending a fancy boarding school on Jehk that has a great athletics program. Oplo talks about how much he misses Bekl every day. He also talks about how much he misses his beloved wife every day too because she is almost always at work. Oplo's wife Jane works long hours as a business executive, commuting back home for three out of every 10 days.
Oplo's wife has a younger sister, Junyi. Since Junyi's parents did not want to take responsibility for the child, Oplo and Jane essentially raised the younger carrek. He knows but would never admit that he is not the best at minding children. He has done a little bit better bringing up Bekl than his younger sister-in-law, but it is honestly just luck at this point that Oplo's line of carreks can regrow fingers.
Oplo's family owns a chain of exercise equipment manufacturing and distribution. None of the other club members are sure exactly what Oplo does as employed by his family's company, but he lives comfortably and has his picture all over the company's promotional materials.
It has always been a point of great tragedy for Oplo that he could not visit his favorite place in the universe that he could never visit: Universal Orlando Resort. He was devastated to discover that Blue Man Group would no longer be performing at the best place on Earth. He started the Theme Park Club twenty-six years ago and has unanimously been voted as president every year (except 2017, when he voted for his wife, who did not want the position at all). After scattered acquisitions here and there, Oplo and his club members came up with the brilliant idea of scouting out an entire pirate crew to visit everyone's dream parks, experience it all on their behalf, and bring back merchandise to cherish.
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Pronouns: She/her
Position: Member of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 56
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Kurrk
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Song Yuqi
True Appearance: While she freely enjoys her sformer, she has shockingly vibrant patterning resembling a tokay gecko but seafoam green with gold spots. Her eyes are dominated by a bright amber scelera.
Information: (CW for child neglect)
Junyi was the result of a one-time liaison between a wealthy recently widowed woman and a high-ranking Galx official. The Galx official wasn't married at the time, but he apparently decided he had enough children from his previous marriage and entirely ignored his youngest in all manners except fiscal. Junyi's mother also stopped caring about bringing up a second kid after a decade, so her sister Jane (and later brother-in-law Oplo) brought her up.
It can't be said that Jane and Oplo did a fantastic job teaching Junyi manners, but she's endearing in her own way. Unfortunately, she has little regard for the comfort of others, and is terrible at apologizing when it is due. It can be difficult to get Junyi to stop talking if she takes a liking to someone, and she has little awareness of when she irritates others.
She goes by her middle name because her first name is after one of the worst characters in Pride and Prejudice, she doesn't like how her mom says it, and she likes to have her name started with the same sound as her sister's.
Both of her parents send her money regularly (out of guilt?), even if she is already an adult. Junyi wouldn't have to work if she didn't want to, but she has put some of that money toward advancing a career in doing what she loves... designing dollhouses big enough to fit people. Or as other people see fit to call those: houses. Her early career is going surprisingly well.
Junyi loves collecting things, and is the biggest Disney fan out of the club- beyond just the parks. She has a particularly very large Tsum Tsum collection. Visitors to the clubhouse may find Tsum Tsums hidden in locations where Tsum Tsums should not dwell.
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: Secretary of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 111
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He is honestly obsessed with calling himself "MLM" but pronounces it "Mlem"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mika
True Appearance: Qjun closely resembles an armadillo-girdled lizard with cascading scales and a flexible body, but pale blue.
Kjeuk and Qjun's families have been close for generations, helping each other grow their own wealth. Much of the families' occupations revolves around using money to make more money. Qjun thinks that investments and gambling are quite fun.
By far, Qjun is the most socially apt out of the leadership of the Theme Park Club. Unfortunately, Qjun is only good in social situations if he is presenting information. If you ask him enough questions, his eccentricity comes out. He's fun, and odd people gravitate to him, but Qjun's family thinks that he's kind of a loser.
Qjun is equally comfortable going by his full name "Toqjun" or the nickname "Qjun". Since Kjeuk uses the nickname, the secretary is usually "Qjun" to the club.
While Qjun likes theme parks, he is genuinely more interested in watching videos and having the merchandise than actually going to a park- and risking Galx coming after him and his sweet sweet money.
Qjun's weak spot is karaoke. You can persuade him to do anything if you do karaoke with him first. It's been bad for business.
While he is the secretary of Theme Park Club, Qjun enjoys the social aspect of the club more than anything. It's nice to be a part of a community of people that enjoy things and care so strongly about it! He likes to listen and do his part to keep the club going. Also they serve really good food at the club.
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lilaceas · 2 years
vlada roslyakova's clothing fitting in actual days
i. neon flowers
as if clothes fits in flowery & they petals while fade in grace upon skies & nor heaven aren't such a horrible angel thing rarest from all are quite understandable along runway & before problem they first years of walking to the gas station usually opening pack of cigarettes that never smokes at alll come at such a deep loss of her being so ethereal that every jump cross the line of insanity of something we cared for such as more & more pleasant than beauty of ashes down lights & loud song at afterparties while she goes away removing her baby lips baby eyelashes baby cheeks
      or at one time when cared much about. loses to buying cheap wardrobes with smell of nicotine & alright would venture trips down orlando to guess whose bathroom sink was the best that your recovery skinny & smarty has come fun & fireworks every night possibly the 12-step process. the way she pose of coping blew with things her work showed un-copable & protection only when she had sex with rich women without predication love for runway the help of something stranger not as a teenager dose addiction & dizzy haze in all true recovery happens rationally magic appeal relationally, in cause of secretely being too sexy nymph
                but you already know that. know enough her secrets about how we find nothing lasts in silently even you to know after morning in all of these years of jeas & nude lipsticks
of following her work, & that obsession with high couture the more love her first language shows when she spits & you take
       into yourself on outside the inside,  
the less anxiety will be  such a cum whore for clients. one time wasn't enough even sure dior & versace you see she going on that dress were going to make in try her bjd turn back to  make it for agency she was up into
through years of modelling & photography to the next day back then,  
          & they did & she now look at you.
you struggled beauty;
    but you aren't honestly smarty buy me coke & cherry i give you in let death romanticize us let your wings fold i'll cut away to you & lasts forever
& honesty is  fairy games  dressed up it became invited by classic comes to getting well. have always dreamed been on hard covers of bookish & brightly so very blatantly honest since day gone & we loved it.
      even more fitting was delicate such gracious manner than your physical beauty & mystery of never talking to do not have to put on lipstick once a time when the babydolls perfectly placed on her hip bones 
         she believe  it to be last one at least if when i will be thirty two then cancelling shows your greatest asset on the fucked up drama with it will overcome i'm going to be married all these difficult things & stained glass.
ii. selfish
energy radiates her amazing body traces of three years looking by three days in front of mirrors my body she almost say with celestial tones of our signatures & more alive than ever been just like other girls that followed her everywhere & started missing ballet when surrendering to awe & doses of cocktails wonder so high she flies at any costs of jackets pink & blue & yellow so clear she belong everywhere but in heart of other men the same energy her way of curves tell to my younger self fearlessly did i broke her ankle something hidden about that lovely glimmer has destroyed & left yet, may never leave awhile sex doesn't make you rich but can pay an entire macaroon box memories still have flavors as that & mornings with an ex boyfriend lake owner of flakes in a cereal box & a jar milk only
or years & years of hard work later she dreamed in see a cloth & share with a city girl because a small town girl already had that exactly piece when a fried hangover cure lollipop hip hop restores her each month & fifty bucks its esculent flashbacks she depirting to miami a cell in the skin of her innocent not too innocent looks beaten feather in the floor while her mistakes new mediocrity.
iii. glitter
anymore-or at?
iv. medic
stop her.
v. light is gone
silly when the hidden not okay never gave permission to herself cops arrive if she glows sitting on the couch naked & ballet shoes apackage of cinderella & snow white lightners laughter aching jaws. asks where my wallet is? drop that motherfucking money we can take you back russian gallery she ask, where my boyfriend is? they laugh. say mushrooms are sweet & fruity & all bad.
brought me back to the date we met when she was a eighteen ballerina so we can endure by calling three times a sec
hospital to deal with the
real killer...
vi. drama
back in hospitalization.
vii. glitter
setting out in the lefting airplane i think i saw a boat. what can possibly means seriously remain?
bring me back to fruit of the wild rose & heartless show of chooses on heels when thirsty? hpnotica?
these little foot are
petal & glorious sucessful stem
—maintenance alcoholic dom & strangers offering me more coffee into fields of cocaine & friends into customers.
only forgivable thing: snow catches on my sister eyelashes blessed blessing bliss is undressed
with out
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shookmom · 2 years
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hi there !! i'm really excited to bring in this majestic goat into the group and maybe even get you guys to become fans of his work too !! fair warning before i say anything else is that he's a sideblog of another account that's already in here. i’d love to plot with any and all of you so my dms are always, always open!
so, without further ado, presenting bobby orlando, a party boy wrestler that was once on a game show called frogger on peacock and… well, under the cut is all you need to know!
bobby is very much so a dude that isn't limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity. he doesn't have any preferences on who he flirts with. if you're attractive and fun to hang around then he will flirt with you.
he jokingly calls himself your mom and the fact that bobby jr isn't a stuffed animal but in fact a real goat.
he's in a team with his two best friends, bryce donovan and max caster, and like all of caster's teams they incorporate rap into it. bryce and max typically do it more than bobby does. however bobby does have a tiktok which he's very active on. a lot of the videos are comedy gold.
hasn't stopped dabbing! continues to use old slang like yolo and swagalicious. instead of using the word bitch, he calls everyone a bish. it's a word that isn't insulting in his vocabulary.
his hobbies include creating videos on various of platforms, binge watching the simpson's, training army of goats to one day take over the world, playing video games, and just generally being the life of every party.
@ orangepvnch - basically like his older brother, a vet that has taken him under his wing, and advocates how talented bobby is. orange also looks out for him and makes sure he eats and drinks water and takes his adhd meds and trains him.
@ dcvilscut - before jayson and orange got back together, jayson took his daughter to a beyond wrestling show, which is where they first seen bobby and lily instantly liked him because he brings a goat stuffie to the ring. nowadays, they have hung out quite often. lily has a miniature version of bobby's ring gear, and whenever the couple want to have a date night bobby will babysit lily.
@ princeofplainview - max is that one annoying friend that bobby isn't sure why he has them around still because he acts like he's better than everyone but he also treats bobby better than he treats most others despite him and max caster both enjoy playfully getting under his skin because he kinda actually cares about bobby.
@ ncwdevil - bobby had the "best night of his life" with damien filled with sex, drugs, and alcohol the first night that they'd met each other. to keep bobby coming back, damien offers to become his new supplier, giving him really good deals. they basically have sex then damien gives him drugs, offering stronger stuff than bobby's original supplier.
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scrapesaladofficial · 1 month
People Are Stunned After Finding Out How Long You Should Keep Your Underwear
Credit: @tiktokforgood/TikTok & Pexels People have been gobsmacked after finding out how long you should keep underwear.  In the grand scheme of life’s pressing concerns, the lifespan of your underwear isn’t particularly important. Still, a TikToker has gone viral after informing others about the clothing item’s ‘expiration date,’ which many people had no idea was even a thing. Many people are saying they have been wearing the same sets for years. Credit: Adobe Stock After watching the TikToker’s video, one person wrote: “I have mine until they don’t fit or rip.” Similarly, another added: “I’m in college and I have some from 7th grade.” “My oldest pair is 16 years old,” admitted a third. A fourth said: “If there are no holes, we’re good!” “I can’t even remember the last time I bought some!” commented another. Although many presume underwear lasts indefinitely, or at least while in a good, functional condition, the reality is more complicated. Rooted in hygiene and health, there’s a rarely mentioned guideline regarding your undergarments. Tons of bacteria can harbor in your underwear, even after being washed. Credit: Adobe Stock According to the Good Housekeeping Institute, even clean underwear can contain around 10,000 living bacteria – so imagine how much worse it could be with your old, tattered undies. Many people presume that as long as their underwear isn’t falling apart, it’s okay. But it’s important to note that fabric integrity and cleanliness aren’t the same. Over time, even with regular washing, bacteria can accumulate in your underwear’s fabric – it alone won’t cause an infection but alongside other factors, can increase the risk of urinary tract and yeast infections, or other skin irritations, per Stripe and Stare. Understandably, in an age where sustainability is a growing concern, you may be hesitant to trash what you deem is perfectly fine underwear – but there are solutions. The Environmentor suggests donating, upcycling, composting, or sustainably recycling. So, how do you determine when your underwear has reached its ‘expiration date’? The TikToker has gone viral after sharing the revelation. Credit: @taraspeaks/TikTok Like many, TikToker @taraspeaks was shocked when she discovered underwear should be replaced every ‘six to 12 months.’ Her viral video, which has accumulated hundreds of reactions, was captioned: “Comment your oldest pair.” Intimate health specialist Dr. Shirin Lakhani of Elite Aesthetic tells The Independent that underwear can collect ‘a lot of dead skin… as well as bacteria.’ Given this, she suggests replacing undies at least once a year, with more frequent replacements for those consistently worn for activities like the gym. Health Digest adds: “If you often develop bacterial vaginosis or other bacteria-caused infections, it is best to buy fresh underwear even more frequently.” However, not all experts agree. Dr. Chavone Momon-Nelson, an OB-GYN at UPMC in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, tells Today: “There is no rule that says after six months, cut them and get new underwear.” In agreement, Dr. Christine Greves, who practices at the Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Orlando, adds: “As long as your underwear is clean – and I typically advise cotton underwear – and it’s washed with a detergent that should not be irritating to you, your underwear should be okay.” To make your underwear last as long as possible, Seamless Lingerie suggests having a good rotation of undies and taking proper care when washing. Read the full article
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sanctuaryspa · 3 months
The Importance of Men's Facial Care and How Sanctuary Can Help
In the world of skincare, men's facial care is often overlooked. Many men consider a splash of water and a bit of soap as sufficient, but this minimal approach can lead to various skin problems over time. Investing in proper facial care is not just about vanity; it’s about maintaining healthy skin, preventing premature aging, and ensuring that you look and feel your best. Sanctuary, with its specialized men's facial treatments, is here to guide you through the essentials of facial care and how our services can transform your skincare routine.
The Benefits of Men's Facials at Sanctuary Salon and Med Spa
Facial Treatmentis not just a luxury but an essential part of maintaining healthy skin, especially for men. At Sanctuary Salon and Med Spa, we understand the unique needs of men’s skin and offer luxurious facial treatments in Orlando that provide numerous benefits. Here’s how our men’s facials in Orlando can improve your skin health and overall well-being.
1. Deep Cleansing and Exfoliation
Men generally have oilier skin due to higher testosterone levels, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Our facials provide a deep cleanse, removing dirt, oil, and impurities from your skin. This process helps to:
Prevent Acne: By unclogging pores and reducing excess oil.
Reduce Blackheads & Whiteheads: Through gentle extraction techniques.
Improve Skin Texture: By removing dead skin cells, revealing a smoother, fresher complexion.
2. Hydration and Moisturization
Proper hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin. Our facial treatments include intense moisturizing techniques that:
Combat Dryness: Especially important for men who shave regularly, as shaving can strip the skin of its natural oils.
Enhance Skin Elasticity: Keeping the skin supple and reducing the appearance of fine lines.
Provide Long-lasting Hydration: Using high-quality products that penetrate deeply.
3. Anti-Aging Benefits
Our luxurious facials treatment in Orlando, Florida at Sanctuary Salon and Med Spa are designed to slow down the aging process. We use advanced products and techniques to:
Stimulate Collagen Production: Improving skin firmness and reducing wrinkles.
Protect Against Environmental Damage: With antioxidants that fight free radicals.
Promote Skin Regeneration: Helping to repair and rejuvenate the skin.
4. Relaxation and Stress Relief
Facials are not just about skin care; they are also a great way to relax and de-stress. Our treatments provide:
Relaxing Massages: Which improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
A Calming Environment: Allowing you to unwind and escape from daily stress.
Mental Well-being: The soothing experience can enhance your overall mood and reduce anxiety.
5. Improved Appearance and Confidence
Regular facials can significantly improve your skin’s appearance, making you look and feel your best. Benefits include:
Even Skin Tone: Reducing redness and hyperpigmentation.
Healthy Glow: Achieving a vibrant and youthful look.
Boosted Confidence: Feeling good about your appearance can positively impact your self-esteem and social interactions.
Why Choose Sanctuary Salon and Med Spa?
As a known luxurious day spa salon in Orlando, we are your favourites because:
Team of Expertise: Our skilled aestheticians have extensive experience not only for females but also for men’s skincare. Our professionals closely inspect your skin to suggest you the best facial.
High-quality Products: We use top-tier, professional-grade skincare products.
State-of-the-Art Techniques: Incorporating the latest advancements in skincare technology.
Comprehensive Care: Offering a holistic approach that includes not just facials but also advice on overall skincare routines.
Investing in our facial treatments in Orlando to maintain a healthy, youthful skin. Men’s skin has its own set of challenges that require specialized attention, and Sanctuary is dedicated to providing that care. Our customized treatments, professional products, and holistic approach ensure that your skin gets the best possible treatment. By choosing Sanctuary, you are choosing a path to better skin health, enhanced confidence, and overall well-being. It’s time to prioritize your facial care and experience the Sanctuary difference.
Visit us today and let us help you on your journey to healthier, more vibrant skin. Your face deserves the best care, and at Sanctuary, we are committed to delivering just that.
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Five Essential Pointers For Efficient Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
Are actually mattress pests shifting your serene nights in Orlando into a problem? These little insects can easily be actually a large headache if not managed without delay as well as successfully. Right here are actually five must-know pointers for dealing with bedroom insect infestations in Orlando:
Determine the Infestation
The initial step in reliable Orlando bed bug treatment is to verify the presence of an infestation. Keep an eye out for signs like rusty or even red discolorations on bed slabs or even cushions, very small black spots (excrement), dropped skin layers, as well as naturally, stay bedroom bugs. Keep in mind, bedroom bugs are certainly not restricted to bedrooms; they can easily hide in splits, splits, home furniture, as well as also electric outlets. If you reckon a problem however aren't certain, consider working with an expert insect control pro for an extensive inspection.
Do Not Delay Action
Bed insects reproduce swiftly, so laziness can easily cause an aggravating attack. When you've confirmed the presence of mattress bugs, take urgent action to stop them from dispersing further. Putting off Orlando bed bug treatment can easily produce elimination extra daunting and also expensive in the future. Remember, bed pests can drawback a trip on apparel, suitcases, or even utilized furnishings, thus be actually careful to stop spreading them to various other places.
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Thorough Cleaning and Decluttering
Just before administering any sort of treatment, declutter the plagued locations to do away with concealing places for mattress bugs. Wash all bedding, linens, as well as apparel in scorching water and dry out them on the highest warm readying to kill bedroom pests and also their eggs. Vacuum carpets, upholstery, as well as mattress joints thoroughly, as well as dispose of the vacuum bag in a sealed off plastic bag right away subsequently. Decluttering and also cleaning up certainly not just aid minimize the bed insect populace yet likewise create treatment even more effective.
Opt For the Right Treatment Method
There are actually a variety of procedures for alleviating mattress bug invasions, featuring chemical procedures, warm treatments, and combined parasite management (IPM) approaches. Each technique possesses its pros and also cons, so it is actually crucial to decide on the one that absolute best satisfies your scenario as well as desires. In Orlando, where temperature levels could be cozy year-round, warm procedures could be particularly helpful, as mattress insects feel to high temperature levels. Having said that, chemical procedures applied by experts may additionally be actually highly helpful when utilized the right way. Consider seeking advice from a parasite control expert to establish the absolute most suitable Orlando bed bug treatment technique for your home or service.
Comply with Up as well as Prevent Reinfestation
Properly removing bed insects requires persistence and also caution. Even after treatment, keep an eye on the ravaged locations frequently for any type of indications of mattress bug activity. In addition, take preventive steps to decrease the danger of reinfestation, including closing gaps and also holes, putting up bedroom bug-proof mattress as well as mattress encasements, and also bewaring when buying used furnishings or clothing. Educate yourself and also your member of the family or employees about bedroom bug protection strategies to minimize the chances of future infestations.
To conclude, working along with bedroom pest infestations in Orlando requires an aggressive technique as well as mindful preparation. Through identifying the attack early, taking quick activity, carefully cleansing as well as decluttering, selecting the correct treatment technique, and observing up along with safety nets, you may efficiently get rid of bedroom bugs as well as prevent their return. If you're not sure concerning just how to tackle a bed insect invasion, don't be reluctant to seek specialist aid from an accredited insect control expert in Orlando. Along with the ideal approach, you may redeem your home or even organization from these pesky pests as well as take pleasure in a good evening's sleep once more.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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kamranazadmd · 6 months
Achieve Your Desired Body Shape with Laser Liposuction in Orlando
Laser liposuction, also known as laser-assisted liposuction or laser lipo, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses heat from fiber-optic lasers to melt and liquefy unwanted fat cells in specific areas of the body. This technique is gaining popularity in Orlando as it offers a safer and more effective alternative to traditional liposuction. The procedure involves using a small cannula, or tube, inserted through tiny incisions in the targeted area. The laser energy is then delivered through the cannula to break down the fat cells, which are then suctioned out of the body. The heat from the laser also stimulates collagen production, resulting in tighter and smoother skin. One of the main advantages of laser liposuction in Orlando is its precision. The laser technology allows for targeted fat removal, making it suitable for delicate areas such as the chin, neck, and arms. It also results in less bruising, swelling, and discomfort compared to traditional liposuction. This means a faster recovery time and minimal scarring. Moreover, laser liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia, reducing the risks associated with general anesthesia. This makes it a suitable option for those who are not eligible for traditional liposuction due to medical conditions. In addition to its physical benefits, laser liposuction also offers psychological benefits. Many people struggle with stubborn fat deposits that do not seem to go away despite a healthy diet and exercise. This can take a toll on their self-esteem and confidence. Laser liposuction can help them achieve their desired body shape, leading to a boost in self-confidence and body image. If you are considering laser liposuction in Orlando, it is essential to consult with a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon. They will assess your individual needs and expectations and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They will also explain the risks and potential complications associated with the surgery and provide you with realistic expectations. It is crucial to note that laser liposuction in Orlando is not a weight-loss procedure. It is designed to contour and shape specific areas of the body by removing excess fat. It is best suited for individuals who are close to their ideal body weight and have good skin elasticity. After the procedure, your surgeon will provide you with post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. It is essential to follow these instructions carefully to achieve the best results. You may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which will subside within a few days. It is also essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results of the procedure.
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dr-hartmuth-bittner · 8 months
Technology Innovations Improving Cardiac Treatment
For over three decades, Dr. Hartmuth Bittner has focused on treating patients suffering from various cardiac ailments. He successfully performed the first lung transplant in Central Florida at Florida Hospital in Orlando. At Cardiac Surgery Associates, Dr. Hartmuth Bittner leverages technology to provide patients with the best cardiac treatment options. Technology has revolutionized cardiac care, allowing cardiologists and cardiac surgeons to explore improved treatment options. New technologies facilitate early detection and boost care for critically ill patients, providing better outcomes. The following are some of the technologies impacting cardiac care and treatment. Use of Personalized Heart Models University of London scientists have designed 3D prints of heart models based on scans of children with congenital heart disease. These patient models help doctors explain a heart disorder to patients using easier-to-understand approaches than traditional medical imaging techniques such as echocardiograms. Skin Patch to Mitigate Strokes Researchers from the University of Nottingham have pioneered a skin patch designed for ambulance emergency responders who need to treat stroke patients. The patch administers glyceryl trinitrate, which widens blood vessels and reduces blood pressure, lowering stroke damage. Administering prompt treatment within an hour after a stroke helps to improve outcomes. Nanomaterials to Reduce Cholesterol Scientists continue researching how nanomaterials can assist in delivering drugs that lower cholesterol levels. University of Surrey researchers have embarked on developing nanomaterials, testing them, and verifying their effectiveness. If successful, nanomaterials will become an alternative for patients with allergic reactions to statins.
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 33
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*Warning Adult Content*
Amille Laurent
I had always thought my inability to speak and my apparent disposition or lack thereof would lead to me having no one to love, to hold or live this life with, how wrong was I.
I had wanted a perfect love story for my dad and be content with just being my father's overly pampered child.
I guess it didn't work out like that.
I got my own epic love.
He loves me, he cares for me, he's a teddy bear and he understands me after I explain things about three times and he's huge.
I mean yeah... I mean he's huge and most of all he's my mate.
His wolf is my best friend and I'm in love with them both, as cheesy as it sounds.
I couldn't be happier.
"How do you even know?" Camryn argued as we stood in the baby section of the large shop we were in.
We were looking for a congratulations you're pregnant sort of present for dad, of course I doubt he even knew he was pregnant.
'I just know okay, don't read into it,' I argued and he scoffed.
"Well I'm not about to go through this whole damned aisle if you don't tell me swordfish," he was pouting and trying to throw a cute tantrum.
'Okay, calm down boy-scout, I'll tell you,' I tried but inevitably he knew I wasn't going to tell him because he would be doing it on me so he can find out if he scored.
I had suspicion but that was secondary.
"No you won't," he grumbled like the neanderthal he was, and he knew me so well.
'How do you know that?' I demanded using my phone and he snickered.
"I know it because you don't want me to..." he paused as I set my eyes on him intently, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"Okay fine cup-cake," he groaned and I laughed taking his hand and we walked down the aisle checking for more options.
I hadn't revealed to my mate that I could physically speak now, even my own family didn't know.
Because I knew they would make a fuss over it but for Camryn I wanted him to know, today, that's why I had planned our picnic later of course it wasn't much of a surprise since he carried most of picnic stuff and put them in the car.
I still had another surprise or two.
"Finally found you," Dean was heaving.
Orlando was almost fine, Maxine was more or nearly fainting as they all stood in front of us.
"What's wrong?" Camryn demanded but Orlando stepped in.
"No nothing, they're just being dramatic," he mused as he came forward.
"We just needed the Alpha's signature on these, finalized documents on territory expansion and the building of that Arts building where wolves will learn to channel their inner rage into something useful, like paying art," he explained with a wink my way and I couldn't help chuckle as I left Camryn's side and moved to hug Maxine.
She was now alright after the whole incident.
We both had gone through therapy and it had been truly helpful.
I also hugged Dean who rumbled like a cat.
'How are you?' I asked.
I knew he was going through something after finding out Orlando was indeed his mate and also that his mom had fallen in love again and after so long, the expectancy that she would get back with his dad was there but now it seemed it wasn't, he hadn't taken it well but he was adjusting well.
"I'm getting better every day, aside from Orlando molesting me every two seconds, horny bastard," he grumbled and we both laughed as Max nudged me.
"So you're gonna do it?" she asked and I couldn't help notice how her golden skin was practically glowing.
She had been up to something with my younger cousin but that was their business, for now.
'I am, it's time and since Carter along with Alpha Lincoln and Carter's mate arrive tomorrow, it's good timing, they will be breaking bones.' I excitedly replied.
"Can you be less excited about us all getting our asses whooped," Dean grumbled and I laughed even more so.
'No, not gonna happen,' I replied just as I felt my mate behind me.
'Put me down tyrant,' I yelled in his mind but he just laughed showing me off like a prize he had won.
"Never," he roared.
"You take this, pay for it, go to the house, there are art supplies there, and a printer, you're going to make this, the prettiest congratulations you're having a baby onesie, if you don't, ten laps each," my neanderthal ordered before smacking my ass eliciting a moan from me which made me blush and the others chuckle knowingly.
"Chocolate-mousse, control yourself we're in public," my mate reprimanded and I rolled my eyes, he was the one cause of my outburst.
'You're the one doing it,' I argued as the others just waved us off.
"Ten laps," Camryn yelled when we were a distance apart making me groan whilst I was still over his shoulder and our friends no family, were now laughing.
I was mated to an idiot who was parading me in large shop over his shoulder and growling at everyone who came close and yet, I really found it endearing and a turn on that he didn't care who was there.
I was his first and that would never change.
Camryn groaned as he kissed me, body almost crushing mine as his seed warm and thick coated my walls over and over again.
I was used to how huge he was and the feeling of how it felt like the first time every time, with the lack of excruciating pain.
He knew how to make me cum over and over too, until all I felt was unexplainable bliss.
He was good at that.
We continued our tongue clash until Rha-Es was satisfied with releasing control over their body but not his member that was still in me until he was satisfied no seed would spill out, werewolf tendencies.
I knew sooner than I had anticipated I would be showing signs of possible conception.
I didn't know exactly what was going on in me but I knew... I just knew.
After he was completely flaccid and still seeming like he was semi-hard my mate finally slumped down next to me on the blanket we had brought and held me to his chest.
"You please me so much, my love," he whispered with hooded eyes.
"That's because I'm in love with you, Camryn Tyrant Summer," I replied, not with the link or my cell-phone but with my own voice and his eyes popped open, his whole form sitting upright.
"Did you just... did I hear?" he questioned bewildered and I nodded.
"Amille, that's... you're amazing," he whispered as his large arms engulfed me.
I could feel his happiness pouring through me because of our bond.
His wolf as well and then I felt tears on my shoulder.
"Camryn," I whispered and he just sighed.
"I never thought I'd love anything or anyone as much as I love you, voice or not you're amazing, you're perfect and you're resilient. I'm so grateful that I get to have you as my mate. That I get to be blessed with you in this life and next ones. I promise mate, you complete me," he finished as we both cried, that had been the most beautiful thing Camryn had ever told me yet I felt it was true for me and I let him feel it through our bond as we both calmed down.
"I love you Amille Laurent and I know one day very soon, you'll be a Summer," he rasped out and as we parted I looked at him questioningly.
"What are you planning?" I question and he shook his head in refusal.
"Nothing at all my love," he replied and I snickered dropping the sheet that was wrapped around both of us.
"So you won't tell me?" I asked straddling him and rubbing myself on his hardening member which certainly made him groan.
"No. I..." he paused as I held his now hard cock and slowly I inserted myself but not all the way.
"You sure?" I asked again and he looked positively wild, almost at breaking point.
"Please, short-stack, please my mate. Just all the way in, fuck," he groaned and growled.
"Tell me," I asserted.
"Yes, I'll tell you just stop torturing me, I'm going to ask dad for his blessing to marry you, fuck yes," he yelled as he also thrust up and his member went all the way in, I'm sure the whole forest heard him since we were actually in the woods, a beautiful sunset painting the sky as my mate and I made love all over again.
"That was the best sex of my life," Camryn confessed as he slumped down on his back... I was still impaled by his member laid on his chest.
"So you want to marry me?" I asserted and he nodded caressing my cheek and his fingers running through my hair.
"I want everyone, human and werewolf alike, to know you're mine," he whispered and I simply smiled, he was a dead set romantic yet I was all for it.
"One last surprise before the sun's truly set, go get that veiled mystery painting in the car," I told him after we were good on completely separating.
"Yes dear," he replied then went off to the car which was close by and brought the painting over.
We both sat down wrapped in the sheet again as I tore off the cover of the painting and a visible gasp came from Camryn.
"Is that the day you and Rha-Es had that heart to heart?" he asked and I nodded. 
"It's so life like, so real, you captured it so well," he mumbled and I chuckled.
"That's because I lived it and I wanted it like that, you're not just my mate, he is too," I stated as Camryn's eyes glowed green for a moment.
Rha-Es knew, as our fingers entwined and we both were happy to stay in this moment with Camryn being fascinated more and more with the painting.
We weren't perfect but we had each other and we would do anything for each other.
"So you want to stay here a bit longer? The fireflies are coming out," Camryn mentioned and I nodded.
"As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we are," I replied and he held me closer, the fireflies making our moment last a lifetime.
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bedbugtreatmentsnet · 8 months
The Ultimate Overview To Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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Bed pests are constant pests that can easily infest your home, inducing pain and irritation. If you've uncovered a bedroom bug complication, it's essential to take immediate action to get rid of these unwanted attendees. This best manual supplies a thorough overview of helpful Orlando bed bug treatment.
Identify the Attack
The initial step in combating bedroom insects is actually to confirm their existence. Seek tiny reddish-brown bugs, little white colored eggs, and dark digestive locations on bed linen and furniture. Bites on your skin layer may likewise be actually an indication.
Declutter and Clean
Lower concealing places for bedroom bugs through decluttering your home. Vacuum completely, paying out very close attention to seams, crevices, and also splits. Wash all bedding, curtains, as well as clothes in hot water, and also completely dry them on the highest possible warm environment.
Separate Infested Things
Seal ravaged things, such as bed linens as well as clothes, in plastic bags. This avoids bed pests from infecting other regions while you take care of the invasion.
Use Heat Treatment
Bed bugs are sensitive to warmth. Wash and also dry infested items over warm, or even make use of a cleaner on furnishings and rugs. Specialist warmth treatments are actually likewise offered as well as can efficiently get rid of mattress pests throughout your home.
Chemical Treatments
Pesticides are often utilized for bedroom bug control. However, it is necessary to select products specifically tagged for Orlando Bed Bug Treatment. Apply insecticides to splits, crevices, and also locations where bed bugs conceal. Regularly observe the instructions and safety and security suggestions given due to the item.
Natural Remedies
Some individuals choose natural alternatives. Diatomaceous planet, an alright powder, could be sprayed in places where garden bugs are actually very likely to travel. This substance dries out as well as eliminates the infections. Crucial oils such as tea plant oil and violet oil are also understood for their repellent homes.
Qualified Elimination
For intense infestations, looking for professional support might be actually necessary. Insect control specialists possess the proficiency and also specific devices to efficiently remove bedroom bugs. They may utilize a combo of heat treatments, insecticides, and other strategies adapted to your certain situation.
Display and Protect Against Reinfestation
After addressing the problem, proceed observing your space for any type of signs of bedroom insects. Frequently vacuum, laundry bed linens, and evaluate furniture. Look at utilizing bed encasements to avoid bed insects from returning.
Teach Yourself
Understanding exactly how bedroom bugs spread and also where they conceal is essential for protection. Avoid delivering pre-owned furnishings into your home without extensive examination. Beware when journeying, as bedroom insects can hitch a ride on travel luggage and also garments.
Seek Specialist Recommendations
If you're unsure about the most effective approach or even if the invasion persists, consult with an insect control expert. They may examine the scenario, give guidance on efficient treatments, and also deal recommendations for preventing future invasions.
Keep in mind, taking on a mattress bug invasion requires a blend of approaches advantageous end results. Whether you opt for do-it-yourself strategies or even seek specialist aid, being actually proactive and also relentless is vital to successfully removing mattress insects from your home.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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bedbugtreatmentlab · 10 months
Bed Bug Treatment Orlando - Exactly How to Do Away With Bed Bugs
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Bed bugs are actually hard to deal with without treatment. Vacuum cleaner your garden as well as various other infested areas routinely. Get rid of products coming from plagued spaces (dual bag personal belongings, toys and various other objects) as well as carefully examine all of them for bugs prior to returning them to the area.
Chemical treatment calls for completely prepping infested regions as well as exposes your home to residual chemicals. If you possess pet dogs or member of the family along with chemical sensitivities, take into consideration a temperature-based treatment.
1. Bed Bugs are a Health And Wellness Concern
Bed bugs live on humans in the evening, causing attacks that produce scratchy, reddish welts. These welts show up straight or even set on the skin layer and resemble bug, bug, tick, chigger, or even crawler bites.
The itchy, put forward bumps brought on by mattress bug attacks can easily cause a skin infection or an allergy. A severe allergy can easily cause hives, inhaling challenges, swelling of the skin or mouth, or confusion.
Bed pests can likewise spread with previously owned products, therefore beware when buying furnishings, bed mattress, carton springs, or even cushions coming from a thrift outlet or even garage sale. Regularly assess these things carefully, paying out unique attention to the seams, corners, and also creases for insects, egg cavities, or fecal droppings. This is the very best way to prevent earning a mattress bug problem.
2. Bed Infections Can Spread Health Condition
The feces left by mattress bugs have dangerous histamines which can create a hypersensitive response in some folks. They have actually also been linked to skin troubles, especially erythematous pimples.
Higher requirements of care as well as home cleaning may decrease the extent of a mattress bug attack, but are going to certainly not eliminate it. Clearing mess, vacuuming regularly and cleaning all bed linen in scorching water or drying out in a clothes clothing dryer are essential first steps to control. Seal all rubbish in plastic bags and also get rid of it outside. Vacuum and also sweep all floorings in ravaged locations, sterilizing challenging areas as needed to have.
For difficult-to-access furnishings, think about utilizing a heat chamber to get rid of the bugs and also their eggs. Various other treatment possibilities consist of steaming, chemical sprays and also Cryonite, a freezing "gun" that may be utilized on bed mattress, little ones toys and also in lightweight outlets.
3. Bed Bugs Can Easily Infest Your Home
If you believe bed bug treatment Orlando, the most effective procedure is actually to contact a professional pest control expert. You can take precautions to contain the parasites while you wait on your consultation, having said that. Begin through cleaning up and dual bagging everything that resides in the ravaged room, including clothing, shoes, cartons, publications as well as papers. Then place these things in the sunlight or trunk freezer (absolutely no levels eliminates all bedroom insect lifestyle stages) as well as seal off the bags tightly.
Inspect the cushion, mattress and frame thoroughly, particularly joints and crevices, for indicators of infestation. Likewise try to find fecal places, shed skins as well as reddish-brown discolorations on the slabs and also bed linen. Additionally inspect nightstands, dressers and also various other household furniture in close closeness to the bed for signs of problem.
4. Bed Insects Can Easily Trigger Harm
Even with their small dimension, bedroom bugs can easily trigger a great deal of harm to your home as well as belongings. Maintaining your home clean as well as carrying out regular assessments may help avoid a bed insect problem. Vacuuming frequently as well as paying out special interest to holes can assist deal with concealing locations for the bugs.
Symptoms of a mattress insect attack feature red, itchy attacks and undigested stains. If you develop an extreme response, consisting of mouth as well as throat swelling, complication, as well as colonies, see a physician.
Assess secondhand home furniture, garments, and also bed linens for indicators of bed bugs before bringing them right into your home. Store ravaged items in secured plastic bags or even bathtubs up until they could be alleviated. Putting ravaged things in the sunshine is actually additionally an effective bed bug treatment Orlando technique, as the heat energy induces the parasites to perish.
5. Bed Bugs Can Easily Be Actually Dangerous to Your Pets
Bed bugs are a significant complication for everyone in the household, including pet dogs. The attacks they leave may cause itching, swelling as well as irritability in pet dogs as well as felines that might demand bed bug treatment Orlando.
Recurring vacuuming, washing fabrics and drying all washable pet dog bed linen over heat energy will assist avoid an attack. On top of that, install interceptors under the lower legs of all bedrooms, chairs and plush office chairs. Inspect the interceptors on a regular basis to observe bed pest activity as well as get rid of any sort of arising nymphs.
For hard-to-reach places, consider making use of insecticide dust products like safe silica. These items produce scrapes in the exoskeleton of the bedroom insect, eventually inducing it to dehydrate and also die. Ensure to address all hiding locations, featuring along bed mattress seams; behind the head panel and also on home furniture lower legs; behind clocks and pictures on walls; and also in sunken screw openings.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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supersonicob · 2 years
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So on Monday when I took myself to universal studios right after work, I ran into this lady. ISN'T SHE JUST THE PRETTIEST? LOOK AT THAT "ANGELIC PRETTY" DRESS SHE HAS! I low-key wish I was her friend so we could chat ALL things fashion. I don't know if she is a local or was just visiting the park on a vacation. I didn't want to get all in her business. But I LOVE ALL the lolita clothing brands there is. I have 1 Lolita Gothic dress I bought from this girl I follow on Instagram and YouTube. She's from Sweden and her name is "Victoria Lovelace". I need a seamstress to fix it for me. Because I bought it from her before I got pregnant and didn't have the other pieces to wear with it. (Like a blouse,or headband) so I wanted to search online for it. Anyways after I had my son I decided to just go for it. My mom gave me her PERFECT Black blouse with a long layered tail (I obviously would tuck into the dress) and I had found my black fingerless lace gloves with silk lace on the back of the gloves to tie into a bow(think like how shoelaces look in sneakers) and I have all kinds of thigh high stockings already. So I tried it all on just to find out I CANT ZIP UP THE BACK OF THE DRESS! I CANT EVEN WEAR IT! I WAS SO SAD! ITS A GORGEOUS DRESS. ILL HAVE TO POST IT. But seeing this cool ass chick at the theme park Monday is motivating me to find a seamstress to fix my dress faster so I CAN WEAR WHAT I BOUGHT. GEEZ I WISH I could find more like-minded people here in Orlando to hang out with who are not scared to wear Lolita dresses, and we can have tea time and eat sweets, and be superior to everyone else.😁 (Because we conduct ourselves as well dressed respectable women/princesses and not cliche typical average plain Janes, with their behinds out). 😁💯
That's what I like most and respect most about women who dress this way..... They are the women who understand that they don't have to wear tight ass pants, or mini skirts, shirts that are centimeter's away from popping a boob. Women who dress this way are comfortable with who they are, comfortable being in their skin, brave, has courage and plus they look super cool and pretty in these designer dresses. If I had a daughter, I would SOOOOOOOO be okay and onboard with her dressing in Lolita dresses. I don't care which subgenre it is. I'd be ecstatic to see her look like a princess and not a slut. You only receive bad negative males when you show your body off. (and I speak from personal experience with that statement.) Yes I know Lolita brands are expensive, but I don't even care. I would have found a way to get it for my daughter if I had one. But alas I was gifted a son. So in my case I have no problem with dressing him up like a prince/better yet a KING! Men have the best clothes I've seen, ESPECIALLY in the gothic scene. The dressy button up shirts, the coats, the shoes, awww man sometimes I wish I was born a male so I could show off all that cool fashion. 😭💯 But being a woman is fun too, I have fun dressing up. AND BEST PART TOO IS I WORK AT A PLACE WHERE I COULD WEAR LOLITA DRESSES IF I WANTED TOO. I CAN WEAR MY GOTHIC ATTIRE. and I appreciate that so much. If there are any alternatives in Orlando who need a hang out partner to play dress up with. Don't be shy, hit me up and let's be friends. Okay? Okay! (man this post was somewhat long)😁😊🤷🏾‍♀️
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