#best smartphone camera 2022
unmotivatedworld · 2 years
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httech · 2 years
5G smartphones are today’s bare necessity. Here is a list of the top 5 5G phones under Rs. 20,000.
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Goodbye Eri (2022) + Long long ramble about Film
Goodbye Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto was a one-shot web manga released on the Shonen Jump+ Website and published in print later that year. I read it in print, this review is actually a reread. Spoilers for first third or so of Goodbye Eri and implied spoilers for Fujimoto's other works mostly Fire Punch. Also like TW for mentions of: Terminal Illness, Parental Death, Suicide, Domestic Violence
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(Eri, Sorry for blur but I thought it was in theme)
Now that I think about it, Eri or Togata should be the profile picture, I just had Asa on hand. Goodbye Eri is a work I very much enjoy ^.^ It and Togata's film metaphors in Fire Punch are major reasons I started posting reviews particularly of movies in the first place. That as well as a High School film class with the most tired teacher on Earth, who seemed to actually like all the work I submitted. I think that a lot of the time it's hard to find good movies coming out, most movies in good ol' USA anyway are mostly made for money. I mean I can't really blame them I guess movies are freakin' expensive dude but it's not so often I feel you find something real nice that's not from an already well established director like my good pal Wes Andy. You see stuff like spider verse maybe but then you here about the horrible working conditions behind the product, ugh product that's nasty let's go with.. uhh piece? movie is probably the best bet.
Anyway Goodbye Eri is about watching movies, making movies, relationships, memory. By the way I promise you this is not just going to be a plot summary though this next paragraph will be the start of the book. Yuta's mother gets him a smartphone for his 12th birthday and asks him to record her dying moments as she has some sort of terminal illness. The entire manga is shown through a phone camera btw usally using landscape shots. After he runs away, failing to capture his mothers final moments, and turning it into a movie ending with an explosion. His movie gets mocked and he decides to take his own life, but before he can jump off a hospital roof, he meets a mysterious girl named Eri. Eri recognizes him from his movie, drags him to an abandoned building, and makes him to watch movies so he can make a better one. This like reignites his spirit.
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(Eri Intro Panel)
I really really like Goodbye Eri. I know Eri probably gets the MPDG allegations and that's like.. stupid sorry. I'm sure she does in the same way Togata (Fire Punch) does, but Togata is like not that he's pretending to be that. I'm not gonna go very far into that this isn't about Fire Punch. Anyway I think Eri is far too interesting for that. Yuta also is a very interesting character he's kind of a weirdo but of course he is I mean it seems like he's sort of an outcast he spent his entire middle school making a movie about his dead mom. This book actually inspired me to watch a movie everyday which I consistently fail but y'know I get better at committing every week. I think this one-shot also really shows off Fujimoto's grasp on like the "Silent Panel" how he can show a lot without any dialogue or very little for even whole pages, he's also insane at slightly shifting expressions. There are also several pure black panels, this is interesting to me because since the story is shot through a phone and it is a "video" his phone must be face down, there's probably background noise. I also think the subtle habits Yuta and Eri notice from each other is very accurate to what happens when you spend a lot of time with someone. There's also a very cool blur effect in this manga, someone told me if you remove all the blurred panels the story is different, but I don't think that's necessarily purposeful? Idk, tell me if anyone knows anything
Major Spoilers Past Here
It's absolutely worth buying this because it's so interesting on reread due to sort of a major twist in the middle/end. His mom wasn't a good person. You could guess this by her strange almost cruel request of her 12 year old son to film her death and Yuta's father crying earlier on but this could all be interrupted as just the grief of her tragic situation. But no, she yells at her son and her husband, she hits Yuta at one point, criticizes what he films and is calls him useless to his father in her final moments. Yuta's father was shocked when she was a good mom in the movie, Eri says he shoots his mother beautifully. We also find out later after Eri dies(?) from Eri's one other friend that she had glasses and a dental retainer, which were taken out from the movie. This means every single shot with Eri that actually happened was reshot. This kind of explains her movie like dialogue in some bits where she's just trying to be cool or dramatic. I love the ending, it's so interesting that where you think would be a title drop it's only implied by an earlier shot.
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(Yuta and Eri)
TLDR: Buy Goodbye Eri from a bookstore or pirate it I'm not your boss, you'll always find something new when you read. Heavily Recommend. It made me cry it's awesome.
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ohnoproblems · 1 year
wait i have more movie thoughts about the un-bangers i've seen lately
The Batman (2022) was baffling. way longer than it even remotely needed to be. my wife said it was like half of the production crew knew how to make movies and the other half had never touched a camera before and every day they got together and did this to determine who got to film the movie that day
the moral of the movie (and you know it's the moral of the movie because they put it in twice, at the beginning and the end) is that it's okay to eat fish, because they don't have any feelings.
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) had the bones of a good terminator film in there but the meat was wrong and cloying. by the bones i mean: in much the same way that the t-1000 in terminator 2 is so effective because it's able to seamlessly blend itself with the organs of state control (the cops), T:DF correctly identifies things like the US border patrol, ICE detainment centers, and smartphone location tracking as currently-relevant organs in the same system, especially when the New John Connor is a mexican lady poised to become a labor activist. old sarah connor poorly dealing with her shit was cool but they put way too much focus and reverence and deference on her to the point that dani ramos, who is supposed to be the future leader of the new human resistance, barely got a chance to do anything or express anything about herself. most importantly, they sent a cyborg butch back to protect her. you NEED to do this. movie would have been so much worse without this. it was bold of them to open with footage from terminator 2, the best one, to remind the audience that they could just watch terminator 2 again instead.
arnold's character sucked ass, they were way too winking with his writing. like, okay, you took the concept of a t-800 gaining some degree of personal autonomy after his future and the directives it came from got unmade, and you decided that he would just become a fucking republican dad in texas?? a family man?? fuck off. but my biggest critique of the movie as a piece of craft is NO ONE FUCKING LIT THAT FILM. EVEN THE CGI SCENES. if you have a character say "i can't see what's happening!" in a sequence you built then it's good writing actually because the audience also can't see what's happening and it will build our bond to the character.
it's called Terminator: Dark Fate because every day on set they forgot to give their gaffers things to do
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dankusner · 5 months
The Dumbphone Boom Is Real
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Will Stults spent too much time on his iPhone, doom-scrolling the site formerly known as Twitter and tweeting angrily at Elon Musk as if the billionaire would actually notice.
Stults’s partner, Daisy Krigbaum, was addicted to Pinterest and YouTube, bingeing videos on her iPhone before going to sleep.
Two years ago, they both tried Apple’s Screen Time restriction tool and found it too easy to disable, so the pair decided to trade out their iPhones for more low-tech devices.
They’d heard about so-called dumbphones, which lacked the kinds of bells and whistles—a high-resolution screen, an app store, a video camera—that made smartphones so addictive.
But they found the process of acquiring one hard to navigate.
“The information on it was kind of disparate and hard to get to. A lot of people who know the most about dumbphones spend the least time online,” Krigbaum said. A certain irony presented itself: figuring out a way to be less online required aggressive online digging.
The couple–Stults is twenty-nine, and Krigbaum is twenty-five—saw a business opportunity.
“If somebody could condense it and simplify it to the best options, maybe more people would make the switch,” Krigbaum said.
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In late 2022, they launched an e-commerce company, Dumbwireless, to sell phones, data plans, and accessories for people who want to reduce time spent on their screens.
This wasn’t Stults’s first attempt at entrepreneurship; his past efforts included a made-in-America clothing brand in Colorado
(“That went under,” he said) and a coffee shop in the back of an ill-attended Hollywood comedy club (“A doomed enterprise,” Krigbaum said).
Dumbwireless, however, has been much more successful.
The couple’s home, in East Los Angeles, has turned into a kind of dumbphone emporium, with five hundred boxed devices stacked up in what was supposed to be a dining room.
Stults takes business calls on his personal cell, and on one recent morning the first call came at 5 A.M.
(As the lead on customer service, he has to use a smartphone—go figure.)
They pack each order by hand, sometimes with handwritten notes.
They have not yet quit their day jobs, which are in the service industry, but Dumbwireless sold more than seventy thousand dollars’ worth of products last month, ten times more than in March, 2023.
Krigbaum and Stults noticed an acceleration in sales last October, which they speculate may have had something to do with the onslaught of holiday-shopping season.
Some of their popular phone offerings include the Light Phone, an e-ink device with almost no apps; the Nokia 2780, a traditional flip phone; and the Punkt., a calculator-ish Swiss device that looks like something designed for Neo to carry in “The Matrix” (which, to be fair, is a movie of the dumbphone era).
The growing dumbphone fervor may be motivated, in part, by the discourse around child safety online.
Parents are increasingly confronted with evidence that sites like Instagram and TikTok intentionally try to hook their children.
Using those sites can increase teens’ anxiety and lower their self-esteem, according to some studies, and smartphones make it so that kids are logged on constantly.
Why should this situation be any healthier for adults?
After almost two decades with iPhones, the public seems to be experiencing a collective ennui with digital life.
So many hours of each day are lived through our portable, glowing screens, but the Internet isn’t even fun anymore.
We lack the self-control to wean ourselves off, so we crave devices that actively prevent us from getting sucked into them.
That means opting out of the prevailing technology and into what Cal Newport, a contributing writer for The New Yorker, has called a more considered “digital minimalism.”
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The Light Phone débuted in 2017, before smartphone exhaustion became a mainstream ailment.
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The company’s co-founders, Kaiwei Tang and Joe Hollier, have sold tens of thousands of phones.
The Light Phone II, released in 2019, features a monochrome touch screen that allows users to make calls, send text messages, and use a few custom apps: an alarm and timer, a calendar, directions, notes, music and podcast libraries.
There are no social-media apps or streaming apps.
“The point is to create useful utility that does not have the attention economy built in,” Tang said.
Like Dumbwireless, Light Phone has recently been experiencing a surge in demand.
From 2022 to 2023, its revenue doubled, and it is on track to double again in 2024, the founders told me.
Hollier pointed to Jonathan Haidt’s new book, “The Anxious Generation,” about the adverse effects of smartphones on adolescents.
Light Phone is receiving increased inquiries and bulk-order requests from churches, schools, and after-school programs.
In September, 2022, the company began a partnership with a private school in Williamstown, Massachusetts, to provide Light Phones to the institution’s staff members and students; smartphones are now prohibited on campus.
According to the school, the experiment has had a salutary effect both on student classroom productivity and on campus social life.
Tang told me, “We’re talking to twenty to twenty-five schools now.”
To Tang and Hollier’s surprise, some of the most willing Light Phone converts are Gen Z-ers.
Some of them are younger than the iPhone.
Digital technology has been an inevitable feature of their lives, yet they are also better equipped, or better motivated, than generations past to confront its negative impacts.
Apple recently allowed third-party developers to write software that accesses the iPhone’s Screen Time function, meaning that some new programs can now help users limit their screen time by blocking apps.
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T. J. Driver and Zach Nasgowitz, two engineers in their early twenties, took advantage of this change to create an iPhone accessory called Brick, to fight their own excessive phone usage.
Brick, which launched in September of 2023, is a magnetized plastic cube with a corresponding app that allows you to select which features you want to block on your smartphone.
Tapping the brick activates or lifts the blockage.
Driver and Nasgowitz started with one 3-D printer to produce the accessories; now they have fifteen machines running around the clock and are shipping a few hundred products a day.
There is no one dumbphone solution for everyone.
Each digital addict is addicted in her own way.
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Stults, of Dumbwireless, uses an app called Unpluq, which works similarly to Brick, blocking specific apps from his smartphone while allowing him to maintain the store’s customer-service channels, including e-mail and Shopify.
Krigbaum has been a committed Light Phone user for the past two years.
She said that she doesn’t miss her smartphone, but that her new device can cause some awkwardness when she meets other young people who ask how to keep in touch.
They mean on social media, of course; for the vast swath of Gen Z-ers who don’t use dumbphones, exchanging numbers to text message or, God forbid, call seems archaic. “I’ve been saying, ‘I guess I’ll see you if I see you,’ ” Krigbaum said.
When I want to escape from my iPhone, I pop the SIM card out (which, unfortunately, is not possible on some newer iPhones) and install it in a red Nokia 2780 flip phone—the closing snap of which brings me back instantly to my high-school days, when flip phones were cutting edge.
After the surprisingly easy switching process, I take the simple device with me on my daily walks with my dog.
If I had my smartphone in hand, I’d be refreshing Instagram or compulsively checking my e-mail while my hound does her business or sniffs tree trunks.
With the Nokia, I’ve cut myself off from such meaningless digital stimuli but preserved my ability to answer texts or phone calls if necessary. (I’m too much of a millennial to actually leave the house without any phone.)
I find myself looking more at my surroundings, which are particularly enjoyable in springtime, and I am more relaxed when I return from the excursions.
When I switch the SIM card back into my iPhone, the device seems momentarily absurd: an enormous screen filled with infinite entertainment and information that follows me wherever I go.
Then I open all my usual apps in quick succession—e-mail, Instagram, Slack—to see what I’ve missed.
The Dawn of the Dumb House
When the interior designer Ken Fulk begins working with new clients, he asks them to fill out a “Fulkfessional,” a form with questions to help him understand what matters most to them at home.
Among his favorite questions lately is “Dumb house or smart house?”
The answer is everything.
The philanthropist Christine Schantz knew exactly what she wanted for her historic 1925 home in Marin County.
She tasked Fulk (and architect Andrew Skurman) with creating a residence that could last 30 years without another renovation.
All those smart flourishes that are the rage these days—automated fixtures, complex lighting systems, remote-controlled appliances, charging stations, electronic security systems, and, everyone’s favorite, Alexa—went out the window.
Schantz didn’t want a SpaceX command station but a family retreat.
“Technology doesn’t go with that,” she says.
Homeowners like Schantz aren’t hardcore technophobes.
They would just like fewer remotes, gizmos, and wires in their personal space, and they’re turning to their decorators, architects, and contractors to make houses that are, if not dumb, then dumbish.
Perhaps not coincidentally, the trend is gaining favor with the most ­cutting-edge cohort of all; call them the Low-Key Luddites of Silicon Valley.
“Many of my clients who work in the technology world tend to forgo highly advanced homes often because they are acutely aware of change,” Fulk says.
What they want, he adds, are environments that age gracefully without frequent, irksome updates.
The Design Rules of the Modern Dumb House:
Keep traditional kitchen appliances out of sight and focus on bold color–such as this vivid share of robin’s egg blue.
All fixtures and cabinet hardware are by the Nanz Company.
Rule: Go old school with cookware–very old school.
The collection of enameled cast iron pots and pans is from Staub.
The pendant lights are by Studio Van den Akker.
To step inside an anti-smart house like Schantz’s, seen here, is to find a feast for the eyes steeped in handiwork that feels closer to the past than the future: artisanal millwork, detailed plaster, light switches that look like old fashioned brass toggles.
The doorbell is manual (“a Victorian hand-turn that I purchased myself,” Schantz says), the bookcases are filled with hardbacks, and family knickknacks and photographs are not relegated to the attic or uploaded to an iPad but thoughtfully displayed.
“We often hear clients say that they don’t want a home that’s smarter than they are,” says the design legend Holly Hunt. “The appeal of being able to control your home while on vacation is obvious, but what happens when things go wrong and you can’t get through to tech support while you’re on the other side of the world?”
Take the low-tech look to the next level with bespoke wallpaper illustrated with favored real and imaginary titles, executed in the powder room by Ken Fulk, and a custom, marble, wood, and leather vanity by Merritt Woodwork, with faux-book detailing.
The idea of the smart home goes back decades. In pop culture it is depicted everywhere from Dr. Frankenstein’s lab to John Lautner’s 1960 Los Angeles house the Chemosphere (the inspiration for The Jetsons and a longtime movie backdrop) to, more recently, the 2014 film Ex Machina. In Woody Allen’s Sleeper (1973) a health food store owner is cryogenically frozen and defrosted 200 years later in a glass house designed by Charles Deaton full of robots. In the real world, the launch of the first general-purpose home automation network technology, dubbed X10, came in 1975.
a living room with a chandelier and a couch Douglas Friedman
In the living room, a Silvio Piatelli chandelier, a table lamp by Cym Warkov Ceramics, and Chesterfield sofas by Coup d’etat.
In 1999 Microsoft’s “Home of the Future” promotional video imagined a middle-class family house with seamless voice-activated and integrated lighting, heating, security, and entertainment systems. By 2012 the ad was becoming a reality: 1.5 million home automation systems had been installed in the United States, according to data firm ABI Research, and by 2020 the industry was valued at $44 billion.
ken fulk house renovation in marin county Douglas Friedman
Rule: No TV, Alexa, or electronics in the bedroom. And keep lighting simple. The chandelier is by Fabio LTD, and the reading pendants are by Allied Maker. Rule: Prioritize neutral elements: fresh flowers and forest wallpaper, here by Cole & Sons. The wicker nightstands are by Portuguese design studio Emotional Brands.
The shift away from overly digitized homes, at least for some, has been a long time coming, spurred first by a growing awareness of the health risks of too much screen time and later accelerated by the erosion of work-life balance during the pandemic. The rise of artificial intelligence is a more recent cause for alarm.
“People that I’ve worked with in the tech industry don’t want their kids to have technology,” says the designer Lonni Paul, who has removed computers and other digital devices from the bedrooms and personal spaces in her own home and those of her clients. Erin Lichy, a New York interior designer, has also winnowed the devices in her home in favor of elements that put a premium on calm, not notifications. No cameras, Alexa, or Google Assistant for her.
a bedroom with a bed and chairs Douglas Friedman
In the primary bedroom, the wallpaper is St. Laurent by de Gournay, the ceiling fixture is by Fortuny, the antique desk features a Josef Hoffman lamp by Woka Lamps, and the nightstand lamps are by Lorenza Bozzoli for Tato Italia.
“Similar to in-home cameras, we don’t love the idea of a device constantly listening in on us,” she says. It’s an urgent concern for homeowners at a time when big tech companies are testing ambient intelligence, a concept that futurologists have been talking about for years, in which smart devices make their own decisions based on anything from biometric sensors to predictive behavior modeling.
“Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” Fulk says. “When I come home, especially to a beach house or a ski house, the last thing I want is to have to wrangle with technology.” In the modern dumb home, the only bits of technology present are usually ­hidden—starting with the TV and including details as small as a light switch. “Whenever I’m redoing a house, I can tell when a house was made in the 2000s, because it was this in-between of trying to be forward-thinking but things still felt really clunky,” says the designer David Ko, who receives an increasing number of requests from his Los Angeles clients to keep entertainment consoles out of sight. His solution: OG projectors, built-in custom furniture, and products like Samsung’s the Frame, which makes television screens look like artworks.
“There’s nothing luxurious about technology anymore,” says the designer Stephanie Roy-Heckl, who largely works in Miami and the Hamptons. Or beautiful, for that matter. A Roomba may be practical, but chic is not the first word that comes to mind to describe one.
a room with a table and chairs Douglas Friedman
In the entry, art works by Jack Wright and Charles Bianchini, a 19th century gueridon with a marble top, millwork by Merritt Woodwork and doorway by Theodore Ellison Designs.
Even if so-called dumb houses aren’t defined by a single aesthetic, they all represent a broader recalibration of homeowners’ relationships with technology. There’s less interest in the latest gadgets and more demand for conscientious innovation, especially in the realms of sustainability, green architecture, and solar power. “In California we’re having a big conversation around gas appliances and their impact on the environment and on our health,” Fulk says. That was a priority for Schantz, too, but her domestic digital detox was brought about by a simpler personal conviction.
“I also think technology dumbs us down,” she says. “It makes us forget what’s meaningful and lasting. It gives us terribly short attention spans.” Instead, her home has something AI never will: soul.
Lead image: The sconces and library lights are from the Culver City dealer Obsolete. The astrological ceiling mural, inspired by the famous one at Munich’s Villa Stuck, is by artisan Willem Racké. First editions and rare books line bookshelves backed in wallpaper by Zak & Fox, with flourishes by Racké. The CH20 Elbow chairs are by Hans Wegner. Artisanal millwork is by Merritt Woodwork.
This story appears in the April 2024 issue of Town & Country, with the headline "Welcome to the Dumb House." SUBSCRIBE NOW
Headshot of Kristen Bateman
Kristen Bateman is a contributing editor at Harper’s Bazaar. Her first fashion article was published in Vogue Italia during her junior year of high school. Since then, she has interned and contributed to WWD, Glamour, Lucky, i-D, Marie Claire and more. She created and writes the #ChicEats column and covers fashion and culture for Bazaar. When not writing, she follows the latest runway collections, dyes her hair to match her mood, and practices her Italian in hopes of scoring 90% off Prada at the Tuscan outlets. She loves vintage shopping, dessert and cats.
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rakocysus · 7 months
Animatic/ Clip Studio Paint, 5-6 hours Audio from; Détox - Saison 1 Episode 1 prod. Netflix 2022
in case you prefer view it on YouTube [here]
I best learn languages through popular media rather than the textbook, so after watching Avatar the Last Airbender and Miraculous several times in French, I moved to the live-action historical dramas like Bazar de la Charité (or Anglais name; The Bonfire of Destiny) and it was going well... till I hit the wall with the contemporary rom-com movies where the tempo of people speaking is at the speed fire.
But also; while I loved Plan Coeur one of the enjoyable series on Netflix, the opposite was for Detox aka Off The Hook - which I dropped after episode 1 - blaming this scene or rather camera work specifically.
Back then (a year ago) I couldn't TELL why I disliked it; after analyzing it, I came to the conclusion that the conversation between Lea and her mama is steady tempo; each of the characters give the other space to speak and not intrude, but what originally accurs in the scene in the visual media is the opposite, camera jumps from mom to Lea back and forth, several angles on Lea and the mom on the phone, makes the image appear as if they meant to have a big quarrel and talking over each other - this creates overall dissonance and this camera work made me so frustrated I just stopped watching.
During REMAKING the Storyboard I decided to set "the camera in one point making it a long shot.
Lea behaves catatonic, melanholic waiting for the message from her ex she's obsessed with, but when her mom phones she rushes to put the cream on, brush her teeth set laundry to dry etc. multitasking while talking to her mom to appear "fine" -
keeping only camera inside the room on the one stand would give the character/actor to act inside the space rather than awkwardly stand while talking on video call, though I've got to admit I DID use the actress facial expressions as a reference for the line delivery.
DETOX or detoxication title referse how Lea and her roommate Mannon quit social media and smartphones in general for a trial, to try to live pre 2010s era, which I find intresting - exploring the concept of being a slave to the screen so much without the screen some of us can't function anymore.
I wanted to show this enslavement to the screen, but also being closed off by using mirror and phone - Lea and her mom are together in the scene, they are talking to each other, but ARE they really close, together in the metaphisical psychological aspect?
Plus I wanted to showcase character expressions in context
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anamedblog · 1 year
Experiencing Istanbul Through Photography
Maréva U, GABAM-ANAMED Post-Doctoral Fellow (2022–2023)
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Fig. 1. Istanbul, street leading up to the Galata Tower (photo by Albert Kahn, 1913, No. A2307S, Albert Kahn Museum). Fig. 2. Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, bronze door (photo by Gabriel Millet, Photo Archives, EPHE).
Photography is a technical and mechanical means of preserving a graphic representation of places, monuments, objects, people, and moments. It can be used as a historical testimony—an approach taken, for example, by the French banker and philanthropist Albert Kahn in his attempt to create the Archives of the Planet between 1908 and 1931[1]—or as a research and documentation tool—an approach we adopt in the humanities and social sciences, as evidenced by the photographs of monuments taken by the Byzantinist Gabriel Millet in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.[2] Photography is also a means of expression that bears the signature of its author and whose objectivity is equal to any artistic work.
However, for several decades, photography has become, in the words of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, a “popular art.”[3] Film cameras and the slow and complex process of developing photographs have given way to digital cameras and smartphones capable of capturing, in high definition, fixed images of our private lives and our travels. These digital tools allow for easy and instantaneous snapshots. They lead us, in a consumerist way, to take an unlimited number of images, most of which are stored indefinitely in our smartphones or computers, without much consideration.
Photography is today overexploited and tends to be conditioned by the dominant visual discourses conveyed by the vast media landscape. These discourses construct cultural codes that define the value of a place, transforming a specific site into an appreciable, visitable, or unmissable and “instagrammable” place. The same places and monuments of Istanbul, as in any tourist city, become the subject of countless photographs, or rather the background in front of which people pose in their best light. These stereotypical photographs, whose colors are often oversaturated by smartphone filters that alter our perception of reality, flood the internet and social media. Unconsciously, these discourses and images influence the way we perceive, experience, and photograph places.
Since my arrival at ANAMED, I have wanted to build my own experience and perception of Istanbul, trying to detach myself from these visual dictates (the choice of black and white photography is partly a result of this intention). My research on the experience of the architectural space of Byzantine monuments has undoubtedly influenced my relationship to the city and to photography. Of course, the architecture of the Byzantine buildings attracted most of my attention.
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Fig. 3. Vefa Kilise Camii, western façade (photo by the author). Fig. 4: Küçük Ayasofya Camii (St. Sergius and Bacchus), columns and capitals (photo by the author).
Beyond photographic documentation, it is possible to look at and photograph the monuments we visit and study in a different way, especially by examining how they are integrated into the modern cityscape and how people use their spaces today. In doing so, details such as the contrast between the recently restored Tekfur Sarayı and the nearby pile of rubble, the calmness of a man praying in Fenari Isa Camii (Constantine Lips Monastery), or the movement of a child playing ball in front of Zeyrek Camii (Pantokrator Monastery) can attract our attention.
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Fig. 5. Tekfur Sarayı (photo by the author).
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Fig. 6. Man in Fenari Isa Camii (Constantine Lips Monastery) (photo by the author). Fig. 7. Child in front of Zeyrek Camii (Pantokrator Monastery) (photo by the author).
Besides Byzantine and Ottoman architectural heritage, Istanbul’s vibrant and colorful urban space deserves more attention. Istiklal Caddesi, which is difficult to avoid if you live in ANAMED, is passed by thousands of people every day. Many of them take selfies and pictures of each other or walk around with their smartphones in hand, continuously filming the hustle and bustle of the street, probably without really paying attention to the urban space. To experience it and to photograph it, it is necessary to slow down, to stop, to turn around, and to look up above the sometimes-oppressive crowd to observe and capture, for example, some architectural details or a man discreetly watching urban life from his window.
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Fig. 8. Istiklal Caddesi (photo by the author). Fig. 9. Istiklal Caddesi (photo by the author).
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Fig. 10. Sıraselviler Caddesi (photo by the author).
To experience Istanbul through photography, it is necessary to voluntarily lose oneself in the city and to be open to possibilities, opportunities, unexpected events, and encounters. In this way, it is possible to observe space, architecture, scenes of everyday life, people’s attitudes, spontaneous movements, effects of light and shadow. In short, the practice of photography allows us to see what is attractive and visible but also to pay attention to what is ordinary and sometimes hidden or invisible. Such an approach to the city can sometimes be uncomfortable, as it puts us in a contradictory position: between a voyeur, eager for aesthetic visuals, and a detached onlooker, aware of the various aspects of a place and its atmosphere. By unknowingly photographing children playing in the street, a man painfully carrying a washing machine, or a woman sitting on a bench focused on her phone, I experienced this ambivalent situation myself. Photography can thus lead us to question our relationships with others and sometimes to overcome our fears of rejection when we ask permission to take someone’s picture.
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Fig. 11. Tünel, Istiklal Caddesi (photo by the author). Fig. 12. Children, Balat (photo by the author).
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Fig. 13. House, Fatih (photo by the author). Fig. 14. House, Fatih (photo by the author).
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Fig. 15. Man, Fatih (photo by the author).
The act of photography, in my opinion, has other effects on the person who practices it. It teaches us patience in order to capture the desired image, a quality we often lack in our productivity-driven society. Experiencing urban space through photography can allow us to take a break from the frenetic pace of our academic lives, as it leads us to develop an alternative conception of space and time.
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Fig. 16. Cat, Fatih (photo by the author). Fig. 17. Woman, Taksim (photo by the author).
Therefore, photography is not just a matter of pressing a button to mechanically fix a part of the urban space and its inhabitants in an image. By walking around, looking for photographable objects and framing them, we appropriate the space and try to give a meaning to what we see. Photography can then be used by anyone (with a camera or a smartphone) to record their own experience of space, to visualize their perceptions and engagements with the place, or to explore their aesthetic and expressive capacities.
[1]  https://albert-kahn.hauts-de-seine.fr/en/collections/presentation/a-documentation-project-for-the-world/the-archives-de-la-planete.
[2] https://explore.psl.eu/fr/ressources-et-savoirs-psl/projets-psl-explore/la-phototheque-gabriel-millet-ecole-pratique-des.
[3] Bourdieu, Pierre, ed., Un art moyen : essai sur les usages sociaux de la photographie (Paris: Les Editions de Minuit, 1965).
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talk2news · 2 years
Experience Unmatched Performance with the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra, it is the latest and greatest smartphone from the tech giant. With its sleek design, powerful hardware, and advanced features, it's the ultimate device for anyone who wants the best of the best.
One of the most impressive things about the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is its stunning display. With a resolution of 2736 x 1284 and a pixel density of 458 ppi, it's one of the sharpest and most vibrant screens on the market. It's also equipped with Apple's Promotion technology, which allows for a buttery-smooth 120Hz refresh rate. Whether you're watching videos, playing games, or just scrolling through social media, the display on the iPhone 15 Ultra is a feast for the eyes.
Under the hood, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is powered by Apple's latest A16 Bionic chip. This state-of-the-art processor is lightning fast and provides seamless performance for even the most demanding tasks. Whether you're editing videos, playing games, or just multitasking between apps, the iPhone 15 Ultra can handle it all with ease.
In terms of photography, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is a true powerhouse. It's equipped with a triple-lens camera system that includes a 12-megapixel wide-angle lens, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 12-megapixel telephoto lens. This allows for an incredible level of versatility when it comes to taking photos and videos. Whether you're capturing sweeping landscapes or intimate portraits, the iPhone 15 Ultra's camera system delivers stunning results every time.
Another standout feature of the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is its advanced facial recognition technology. With Face ID, you can unlock your phone, make purchases, and even log in to apps and websites with just a glance. It's incredibly convenient and provides an unparalleled level of security for your device and your data.
In addition to its impressive hardware, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is also loaded with software features that make it a joy to use. It's equipped with the latest version of iOS, which includes a range of productivity and entertainment features that are designed to enhance your experience. From the ability to run multiple apps at once to the new and improved Siri voice assistant, there's no shortage of ways to get the most out of your iPhone 15 Ultra.
Overall, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is a truly remarkable device that sets the standard for smartphones in 2022. With its stunning display, powerful hardware, and advanced features, it's a must-have for anyone who wants the best of the best. Whether you're a photographer, a gamer, a businessperson, or just someone who loves technology, the iPhone 15 Ultra is sure to exceed your expectations and provide an incredible user experience that you won't soon forget.
Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is one of the most anticipated smartphones of the year. Rumors suggest that it will be a game-changer with groundbreaking features that will change the way we use smartphones.
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One of the most talked-about features of theApple iPhone 15 Ultra is the inclusion of a foldable display. This means that the phone can be folded in half, making it more compact and portable. It’s also expected to have an improved camera system, with a triple-lens setup that includes a 108-megapixel primary camera and a periscope telephoto lens. This means that users will be able to capture stunning photos and videos, even in low light conditions.
The Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is also expected to have a 120Hz Promotion display, which will make scrolling and navigating through the phone feel smoother and more responsive. It’s rumored to have a longer battery life than previous models, thanks to a new A16 chip that is more power-efficient. The phone is also expected to support 5G connectivity, which will allow for faster internet speeds and smoother streaming of content.
In terms of design, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is expected to have a more streamlined look, with thinner bezels and no home button. It may also include a Touch ID sensor built into the display, allowing users to unlock the phone by simply placing their finger on the screen.
Overall, the Apple iPhone 15 Ultra is shaping up to be an impressive smartphone that will set the standard for the next generation of smartphones. With its advanced features and sleek design, it’s sure to be a popular choice among tech enthusiasts and casual users alike.
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adoublep · 2 years
The Best Smartphone Camera 2022
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Exclusive Diwali Offers On Premium Smartphones
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Celebrate this Diwali with the latest premium mobile phones with high-end features and the latest technology, as well as additional offers and discounts.
Continue reading this article to find out which smartphone would be best for you.
Despite the fierce competition in the smartphone market, companies must constantly innovate to survive. Here are the top premium phones that stand out in 2022 according to our analysis.
There should be no surprise to you that social networking apps are some way or another the main reason for people owning smartphones. Even though we occasionally use our phones for other purposes, the core purpose is social media, which serves as the heart and soul of all modern humans. It doesn't matter which social network we use, either Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram-each relies on sharing images, GIFs, or videos.
When choosing a smartphone, it is important to check out all its features. While the camera on your phone plays a significant role in your choice of phone, other factors should also be taken into consideration. These factors include whether it is capable of multitasking, how notifications are handled or what OS features enhance your social networking experience.
Based on all of these factors, we have created a comprehensive list of phones that offer the most robust experience.
Let’s get explore into the premium smartphones with the latest features, these brands will be your best bet without a shadow of a doubt. They will give you the ultimate performance for sure.
Here comes the brand models for which Poorvika has the most attractive deals and offers (Vivo V23e, x80 & V25 series, Xiaomi 11i,11i lite & 12 pro series, Samsung Galaxy A23 & S22 series, Oppo Reno 8, and Oneplus 10 pro)
Win exciting prizes this Diwali by choosing your favourite mobile and celebrate the festival of delights with us.
Visit our official Poorvika website, to know more about each product's offers in detail.
Have a delightful shopping experience!
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narender6395 · 2 years
Oneplus 10R 5G Best Review (2022)
Oneplus 10R 5G is a budget smartphone with a lot to offer. It has a large 6.55-inch display, a 48-megapixel main camera, 5G support, and a lot large 4,300mAh battery. It's a great phone for those who want a large screen and good performance without spending a lot of moneymoney.
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nookflex · 3 months
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NookFlex - The Power of Numbers
NookFlex - The Power of Numbers
Welcome to the NookFlex blog, where we bring you the latest in technological advancements and delve into the world of hard facts and concrete data. In this article, we will be highlighting key facts, numbers, and objective information that will expand your knowledge and fuel your digital growth. With our focus on providing informative content, we aim to bring new information to the table and demonstrate why it matters to you, the reader.
Why Objective Data Matters
In today's digital age, it is crucial to make informed decisions based on reliable and objective data. Numbers don't lie, and they provide us with a clear understanding of the world around us. By analyzing hard facts, we can determine the best course of action and make educated choices in various aspects of our lives.
The Impact of Science and Technology
Science and technology have revolutionized our lives in more ways than we can imagine. From smartphones and AI to fitness trackers and smart homes, innovations are constantly shaping our world. It is essential to stay up to date with the latest developments to fully embrace the benefits of these advancements.
NookFlex - Innovating for the Future
At NookFlex, we are an innovative technology company specializing in electronics. Our goal is to fuel digital growth and empower individuals and businesses to harness the power of technology. Through our cutting-edge products and solutions, we strive to make a significant impact on society and drive progress forward.
The Best Cheap Phones 2024
Let's dive into the world of mobile phones, where affordability meets functionality. We have curated a list of the best cheap phones under $500 based on extensive testing and reviews. These phones offer premium features without breaking the bank. Let's explore them:
1. Google Pixel 8a - The Best Overall
The Google Pixel 8a is a sub-$500 phone that delivers premium features and an exceptional user experience. With a bright screen, longer battery life, charming design, and unmatched AI capabilities, it stands out as the best overall cheap phone on the market.
2. OnePlus 12R - The Longest-Lasting Phone
The OnePlus 12R offers impressive battery life and outperforms other phones in its price range. Powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, it delivers a top-tier performance that lasts throughout the day.
3. Nothing Phone 2a - The Best Design
For those seeking a cheap phone with a stunning design, the Nothing Phone 2a is the perfect choice. It retains the distinctive design and Glyph interface of its more expensive siblings while offering excellent display quality and battery life.
4. Google Pixel 6a - Bigger Savings
The Google Pixel 6a may be a couple of years old, but it offers significant savings without compromising on performance. It remains a strong contender in the affordable phone market.
5. iPhone SE (2022) - The Best Cheap iPhone
Don't underestimate the power of the iPhone SE (2022). Despite its small size, it packs a punch with its responsive performance, good camera capabilities, and substantial savings.
6. Moto G 5G (2024) - Best Phone Under $200
If you're looking for a cheap phone under $200, the Moto G 5G (2024) is an excellent choice. It offers impressive performance and features at an affordable price point.
Why Cheap Phones Matter
Affordable phones provide an opportunity for everyone to access the digital world. With these budget-friendly options, you no longer need to spend a fortune to enjoy the benefits of advanced technology. Cheap phones allow you to stay connected, capture memorable moments, and explore endless possibilities at a fraction of the cost.
Embracing the Power of Numbers
Numbers have the ability to transform our understanding of the world and guide our decisions. By staying informed and embracing objective data, we can make choices that positively impact our lives and the world around us. In a world full of noise and opinions, let's turn to the power of numbers to bring clarity and drive progress.
Join the NookFlex Revolution
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of technology? Join us at NookFlex as we continue to revolutionize the electronics industry. Explore the innovative solutions we offer and experience the power of digital growth firsthand. Together, we can shape a better future.
Question for Reflection
As we wrap up this content filled with hard facts and objective data, we invite you to reflect on the following question: How can embracing the power of numbers improve your personal and professional life?
Engaging Question: What's Your Digital Growth Story?
We are interested in hearing your thoughts and experiences. Share your digital growth story with us and let us know how technology has transformed your life. Visit our website, NookFlex [https://nookflex.firmx.co], and connect with us to join the conversation.
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hamachi11 · 3 months
Instagram Filters
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(Panchenko 2023)
Welcome back to my blog!
This week, we will explore Instagram filters and why do people use them?
Instagram filters has completely changed the way we interact on social media, it can be said that the filters influences on how we present ourselves and perceive others. All of these was thanks to the invention of augmented reality, or AR for short.
For those who don't know, augmented reality, or AR, is an interactive experience that blends both physical environment with virtual computer-generated 3D content. In the context of face filters, it is an interactive computer-generated overlay adding affects to your photos or videos in-real time, only by using your smartphone. The face filter works by responding your camera movement and facial expression, creating an overlay on your smartphone.
Now that you know the basics of face filters, let's start off by asking...
What are Instagram filters?
Instagram filters are basically the same thing as face filter but it is a feature within a social media platform, that is Instagram, that allows users to edit and apply their photos with pre-set filters that Instagram has created for users (Whitney 2023).
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(Fowler 2022)
So why do people use Instagram filters?
Well...it is easy to use and there are hundreds and hundreds of filters users can use to change the context of the image. But that's not what you come and read my blogs right?
There are several theories as to why people use Instagram Filters, but there is no denying that people use it for their unrealistic beauty standards and the insecurity we felt when we see other users are more handsome or beautiful that you.
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One thing's for sure is that people tends to have an unrealistic beauty standards when they are comparing themselves to influencers on social media. The term "unrealistic beauty standards" refers to the societal expectations and ideals placed on individuals regarding their physical appearance (Blue Ridge 2024). Since social media thrives on curated image, showcasting a person's best angle and moments. Filters act as a digital brush, altering facial features to conform to trending beauty standards. This creates a pressure within a person to present a flawless image with the desire of social approval and validation.
Here is a video that shows a person goes for a plastic surgery just to look like her selfies from Snapchat and FaceTune.
Furthermore, such question can also be easily explained through Social Comparison Theory. In short, the social comparison theory suggests that people value their personal and social worth by assessing how they compare to others (Cherry 2023).
In this case, people tends to compare themselves to others, essentially playing a huge role in the filter frenzy. I am sure that many of you looooooooves to scroll through endless of endless feeds with content creators having flawless faces that can make anyone feel a little insecure like why can't I have the same face as him or why is he or she more beautiful than me? As a solution, face filters serves as an equalizer, achieving that picture-perfect look from the content creators you discovered and feel more confident about yourself.
Instagram filters are often used by people due to their ease of use and the vast array of filters available to alter the context of images. However, the primary reason for using Instagram filters is to meet unrealistic beauty standards and to feel insecure when others are more attractive or handsome. These unrealistic beauty standards are influenced by societal expectations and ideals placed on individuals' physical appearance. Social media platforms like Snapchat and FaceTune often use filters to present a person's best angles and moments, creating pressure to present flawless images for social approval and validation. The social comparison theory suggests that people value their personal and social worth by comparing themselves to others, leading to the filter frenzy.
So....maybe you should just stop compare yourself to others and embrace yourself instead.
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What are your thoughts about Instagram Filters? Be sure to let me know by dropping a comment down below!
As always, stay safe and stay tuned for my next blog!
Blue Ridge 2024, 'Unrealistic Beauty Standards And Mental Health,' Blue Ridge, viewed June 13 2024, <https://www.blueridgetreatment.com/post/unrealistic-beauty-standards-and-mental-health>
Cherry, K 2024, 'Social Comparison Theory in Psychology,' Verywell Mind, viewed 13 June 2024, <https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-social-comparison-process-2795872>.
Fowler, K 2022, 'How To Get the Sad Face Filter Taking Over TikTok by Using Snapchat', Newsweek, viewed 13 June 2024, <https://www.newsweek.com/crying-sad-face-filter-tiktok-instagram-snapchat-1706026>
Panchenko, A 2023, ‘How to Use Instagram Filters | Nektony’, nektony.com, viewed 13 June 2024, <https://nektony.com/how-to/use-instagram-filters>.
Whitney, M 2023, 'The Complete Guide to Instagram Filters', WordStream, viewed 13 June 2024, <https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/06/26/instagram-filters#:~:text=What%20is%20an%20Instagram%20filter,Instagram%20has%20created%20for%20you.>
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roadrevamp · 5 months
Best car accessories to have
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Best car accessories to have When it comes to enhancing your driving experience, equipping your vehicle with the right accessories can make all the difference. From practical gadgets that boost functionality to innovative tools that ensure safety, identifying the best car accessories is crucial for any car owner. These accessories not only heighten the convenience factor but can also enhance your car's aesthetics and its resale value. In this article, we'll delve into several must-have car accessories that promise to elevate your driving experience. alt="Variety of car accessories" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S18f0e7eb0b1d4fb99c7769fd9aad566bR.jpg" />
Essential Car Accessories for Every Driver
Smartphone mount for easy navigation > Car charger to keep devices powered > Dashboard camera for safety and legal protection > Portable vacuum cleaner for easy cleanups > Seat covers and floor mats for interior protection > Tire pressure gauge to maintain optimal tire health >
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Car Air Freshener Perfume Vent Clip Electric Aroma Diffuser Cordless with 6 Scent Small Portable Gifts Essential Oil Diffuser
View More >Key Features > Cordless and portable design Includes 6 different scents Easy to attach to car vents >Considerations > Battery powered, may need frequent replacements Scent may be too mild for some preferences Enhance your driving experience with a refreshing and pleasant aroma. This car air freshener comes with a cordless, easy-to-install design and six different scents to choose from, ensuring your car always smells delightful. Ideal for those seeking a portable and efficient way to keep their car smelling fresh. >Type > Electric Aroma Diffuser >Feature > Cordless, Portable, 6 Scents >Use > Car air freshening src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sa4a6c982798444c9b060d4323fd8eb764.jpg" alt="Car Seat Covers for Mazda models" />
Car Seat Covers for Mazda 2 3 6 bk bl 2010 2006 2015 gh gg 2009 2017 2020 CX-5 CX-7 CX-3 2015 CX-30 CX-50 Interior Accessories
View More >Benefits > Custom fit for Mazda models Enhances interior aesthetics Durable and easy to clean >Considerations > May not fit perfectly on all listed models without adjustment Color may vary slightly from pictures These car seat covers are tailored for various Mazda models, offering both protection and a touch of elegance to your vehicle's interior. They're an excellent addition to your car accessories, aligning perfectly with the necessity of preserving the car's resale value while enhancing its appearance. >Material > High-quality fabric >Compatibility > Mazda 2, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, and various CX models >Features > Easy to install, durable, easy to clean src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S13fea1064a4441e2baf1de8c93fd48f90.jpg" alt="ZITWO LED Interior Light Kit for VW Scirocco R" />
ZITWO 11Pcs For VW Volkswagen Scirocco R 2009 2010 2011 - 2014 2015 2016 2017 LED Interior Light Trunk Courtesy Bulb Kit Canbus
View More >Benefits > Enhanced interior lighting Custom fit for VW Scirocco R Easy to install Canbus compatible bulbs minimize error messages >Considerations > May require basic automotive knowledge for installation Installing LED interior lights is a simple upgrade that can significantly enhance the ambiance and visual appeal of your vehicle's interior. The ZITWO LED kit for the VW Scirocco R offers a blend of performance, ease of installation, and compatibility, making it a top pick for car enthusiasts looking to improve their vehicle's interior lighting. >Compatibility > VW Volkswagen Scirocco R 2009 to 2017 models >Kit Contents > 11 LED bulbs >Feature > Canbus compatible, minimizes error messages src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S037b89c599f84244952cb1bb57e3b137k.jpg" alt="Car Mobile Phone Holder for Toyota Corolla E210" />
Car Mobile Phone Holder for Toyota Corolla E210 8/9" Screen 2019~2022 Car Mount GPS Bracket Navigation Stand Auto Accessories
View More >Benefits > Custom fit for Toyota Corolla E210 Easy installation without tools Stable and secure mounting >Considerations > May obstruct some dashboard controls Limited to certain screen sizes Enhance your driving experience with this tailor-fit car mobile phone holder designed specifically for the Toyota Corolla E210's 8/9" screen. It's an essential accessory for modern vehicles, providing you with an unobstructed view of your navigation system without compromising on safety or comfort. >Compatibility > Toyota Corolla E210 2019~2022 >Screen Size > 8/9 inches >Installation > Tool-free, easy setup src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S18f0e7eb0b1d4fb99c7769fd9aad566bR.jpg" alt="K2 Pro 11.3'' Dash Cam 4K 2160P" />
K2 Pro 11.3" Dash Cam 4K 2160P Car DVR Recording Carplay & Android Auto Wireless Connection 5G WiFi GPS Navigation Dashboard
View More >Benefits > 4K Ultra HD recording for clear, detailed footage Wireless Carplay and Android Auto for seamless integration with your smartphone GPS Navigation to simplify your driving experience >Considerations > Requires initial setup for connectivity features Might need additional accessories for complete installation Incorporating a dash cam like the K2 Pro 11.3" Dash Cam into your car accessories provides safety, security, and convenience, making it an essential companion for every journey. With features such as 4K recording, wireless smartphone integration, and GPS navigation, it enhances the overall driving experience while ensuring peace of mind on the road. >Connectivity > Carplay & Android Auto wireless, 5G WiFi >Camera Resolution > 4K 2160P >Features > GPS Navigation, 5G WiFi src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S9e2b97e95db64306b710c17373f51a81F.jpg" Read the full article
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govindhtech · 7 months
Breaking: Google Pixel Tablet 2 Codenames Leaked!
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Google is still pursuing the tablet market, despite the fact that it may be more specialized than the smartphone industry. Speculation about the Pixel Tablet 2, its sequel, has started to surface after the device’s 2023 introduction. A recent finding in the most current Android beta has stoked the buzz mill, despite Google’s official silence on intentions. But according to recent reports, Google is developing the Pixel Tablet 2, a replacement. This is a detailed look at everything we currently know, including possible release , features, specifications, and planned updates.
Prospects: When Will the Google Pixel Tablet 2 Be Released?
That the Google Pixel Tablet 2 is still in the early phases of development is shown by the codenames that have been found. The release schedule is yet unknown, however. Although it wasn’t available for shipping until June 2023, Google did reveal the Pixel Tablet during I/O 2022. The Google Pixel Tablet 2 may follow a similar timeline and be released later in the year, maybe debuting at Google I/O 2024.
Tablets: The Future of Android and the Google Pixel Tablet 2
There is still a market for tablets, particularly for work and entertainment, even if they haven’t nearly surpassed the smartphones in popularity. Should Google resolve the issues with the first version and provide a really captivating user experience, the Pixel Tablet 2 might be a serious competitor in this market.
It’s possible that the whole Android tablet market will be impacted by the Google Pixel Tablet 2’s success. Other makers may feel pressured to come out with new and innovative Android tablet solutions if Google is a formidable rival.
Possible Features and Specifications
As there have been no formal leaks, let’s investigate the potential features of the Google Pixel Tablet 2 based on rumors, user reviews of the first model, and overall tablet trends:
Processor: Google’s own Tensor processors are anticipated to be used extensively in the Pixel Tablet. A Tensor 3 with enhanced AI capabilities and performance could be unveiled.
The first Pixel Tablet had an exquisite 10.8-inch QHD (3000 x 1800) display. Google may choose to maintain this size and resolution, or it may decide to go higher in order to match bigger devices. For better images, a high refresh rate panel (120Hz or greater) can also be an option.
Cameras: Although the initial Pixel Tablet featured a respectable back camera, several reviewers said a tablet shouldn’t prioritize having a camera. Although Google could enhance the camera quality, the front camera for video calls may still get most of the attention.
Battery: One of the initial Pixel Tablet’s best features was its long battery life. Google may decide to keep or increase battery life in order to guarantee extended use.
Storage and RAM: The original Pixel Tablet came with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage as standard equipment. Users with more demanding demands are likely to have options for larger storage capacities and more RAM.
Software: Google has a lot of room to grow in this important sector. Multitasking optimizations, improved desktop mode integration (Android 12L/13L), and Pixel Tablet-only features have the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry.
The original Pixel Tablet was notable for its revolutionary attachment, the Charging Speaker Dock. We should anticipate its comeback, maybe with enhanced features like quicker charging or more smart home capabilities.
Possibly Significance of the Codenames
There have been rumors about two Google Pixel Tablet 2 variations due to the existence of the codenames “Clementine” and “Kiyomi.” A more expensive model with better specifications or a different form factor may be the other, or it might be a standard model.
Resolving the Pixel Tablet’s Disadvantages via Retrospective Analysis
In addition to its strong Tensor G2 CPU and smooth Google ecosystem integration, the first Pixel Tablet had a simple design. When contrasted to rivals like the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, it was criticized as well for lacking any unique features. Some places where the Google Pixel Tablet 2 may be better are as follows:
An Even More Alluring Feature Set: While the first Pixel Tablet seemed like a decent effort, it lacked the “wow factor.” A more distinctive selling point may draw in customers; this might be in the form of gaming, entertainment, or productivity tools.
Better Dock Functionality: While the Pixel Tablet’s magnetic charging speaker dock was a nice beginning, adding features like a secondary display or an integrated kickstand might improve the experience.
Better Display: Although some people thought the initial Pixel Tablet’s display was better than others on the market, it was still rather good. If the Google Pixel Tablet 2 had higher resolution, a faster refresh rate, or greater HDR functionality, it may be a more alluring choice for creative and video consumption.
Google’s software is its strongest suit, so making better use of it to maximize the Android experience on tablets might be revolutionary. A dedicated desktop mode, enhanced pen compatibility, and enhanced multitasking capabilities might all be part of this.
The Potential of the Pixel Tablet 2
The Pixel Tablet 2 has the ability to revolutionize the market if used properly. Here are a few fascinating options:
A Potent Entertainment Hub: The Google Pixel Tablet 2 may be the best entertainment gadget ever thanks to its fast CPU, high-resolution display, and integrated Chromecast.
Enhanced Productivity: When docked, the Pixel Tablet 2 may become a productivity powerhouse thanks to enhanced software capabilities and a possible pen.
Smart Home Central: The Pixel Tablet 2 may become the hub of your smart home thanks to its seamless Google Assistant integration and possible updates to the Charging Speaker Dock.
Gazing Forward
Although there is still plenty to learn about the Google Pixel Tablet 2, its promise is clear. Google can make a tablet that sticks out in a crowded market by addressing customer concerns, improving the software experience, and providing cutting-edge functionality. With the 2024 Google I/O
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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shobujtech1 · 7 months
Oppo A58x Price In Pakistan & General Information Oppo A58x Price In Pakistan is Rs. 39,999. The sleek, fast smartphone was revealed and debuted on December 15, 2022. Design The device's dimensions are 163.8 x 75.1 x 8 mm (6.45 x 2.96 x 0.31 in) with 186 g (6.56 oz). The build material of the device is glass front and plastic body with IP54, dust and splash resistant, and the smartphone comes with Black, Blue, and Violet color options.  Display The Oppo A58x has a 6.56-inch IPS LCD panel with a resolution of 720 x 1612 pixels and 269 pixel ppi density for vibrant color. The LCD panel also features an 84.0% screen-to-body ratio, 20:9 aspect ratio, 16M color support, and a 90Hz refresh rate. The device comes with 480 nits (typ) & 600 nits (HBM) brightness, and the panel has Panda glass protection.  Hardware & Software The A58x has a MediaTek Dimensity 700 octa-core chipset with a Mali-G57 MC2 GPU for smooth and better performance. The processor is built with a 7-nanometer transistor. The architect of the processor is 2x2.2 GHz Cortex-A76 and 6x2.0 GHz Cortex-A55.  The Oppo A58x smartphone has a UFS 2.2 fast-speed storage type with LPDDR4X type RAM. The device comes in two variants: 8GB+128GB and 6GB+128GB. You can use storage expansion features via microSDXC, which gives you more internal storage.  The A58x runs with Android version 12-based ColorOS 12.1 custom software, ensuring smooth performance and service. Camera The Oppo A58x has a 13MP+2MP dual camera setup in the back with LED flash, HDR, panorama, and 1080p@30fps video recording. Oppo's 8MP camera records 1080p@30fps video and HDR for social media selfies. Multimedia & Connectivity The A58x device has a stereo speaker system for the best audio output with video, recording, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Still, there is no FM radio on this device. You will get dual band wifi connection, GPS for navigation, Bluetooth connection, Fingerprint sensor, and OTG-supported USB type-c port in the connectivity options. There is no NFC or Infrared port in the device. Battery The Oppo A58x sports a 10W wired charging method and a 5000 mAh lithium polymer battery.
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