#best waste water treatment company
Chlorine Dioxide For Water Treatment
GO2 International offers high-quality chlorine dioxide for water treatment solutions in Buena Park. Our products ensure safe and effective water purification, meeting the highest standards for industrial and municipal applications. Trusted by professionals, GO2 International provides reliable and eco-friendly solutions to maintain clean and safe water. Explore our range for dependable water treatment that prioritizes your health and safety.
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aquariusindia · 4 months
Aquarius Projects | Water Purification Plant | Vadodara | Gujarat | India
Aquariusprojects provide many service like water purification, Plant operation analysis, refurbishment and retrofit service, water waste solution. Our plant is best place for water treatment in Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
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hydromo · 5 months
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aquariusprojects02 · 10 months
Aquarius Projects | Water Purification and Waste Water Plant | Vadodara | Gujarat | India
Aquariusprojects provide many service like water purification, Plant operation analysis, refurbishment and retrofit service, water waste solution. Our plant is best place for water treatment in Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"In Washington D.C., a sophisticated sewage treatment plant is turning the capital’s waste into a form of capital: living capital that is fertilizing the gardens of farms of the Mid-Atlantic region and saving vast quantities of resources.
Described by the workers’ there as a “resource recovery plant,” D.C. Water run a biogas plant and high-quality fertilizer production in the course of their dirty duty to ensure the city’s waste finds a safe endpoint.
The nation’s capital is exceptional at producing waste from the toilet bowls of the 2.2 million people who live, work, and commute through the city and its suburbs.
Reporting by Lina Zeldovich reveals that rather than trucking it all to a landfill, D.C. Water extract an awful lot of value from the capital crap, by looking at it as a resource to send through the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant, which uses a “thermal hydrolysis process” in which it is sterilized, broken down, and shipped off for processing into “Bloom,” a nitrogen-rich, slow-release fertilizer product. 
The other “Black Gold”
At their facility in southwest Washington, huge aeration tanks percolate the poo of everyone from tourists to the President. After it’s all fed into enormous pressure cookers where, under the gravity of six earth atmospheres and 300°F, the vast black sludge is rendered harmless.
Next this “Black Gold,” as Zeldovich described it, is pumped into massive bacterial-rich tanks where microbes breakdown large molecules like fats, proteins, and carbs into smaller components, shrinking the overall tonnage of sewage to 450 tons per day down from 1,100 at the start of the process.
This mass-micro-munching also produces methane, which when fed into an onsite turbine, generates a whopping 10 megawatts of green energy which can power 8,000 nearby homes. [Note: Natural gas (which is mostly methane) is definitely greener than coal and oil, but it still causes a significant amount of emissions and greenhouse gases.] The 450 tons of remaining waste from the D.C. feces are sent into another room where conveyor belts ring out excess fluid before feeding it through large rollers which squash it into small congregate chunks.
D.C. Water sends this to another company called Homestead Gardens for drying, aging, and packaging before it’s sold as Bloom.
“I grow everything with it, squashes, tomatoes, eggplants,” Bill Brower, one of the plant’s engineers, tells Zeldovich. “Everything grows great and tastes great,” he adds.
“And I’m not the only one who thinks so. We’ve heard from a lot of people that they’ve got the best response they’ve ever seen from the plants. Particularly with leafy greens because that nitrogen boost does well with leafy plants. And the plants seem to have fewer diseases and fewer pests around—probably because Bloom helps build healthy soils.”
While farms around the country are facing nutrient depletion in soils from over-farming, turning to synthetic fertilizers to make up the difference, introducing more such thermal hydrolysis plants could truly revolutionize the way humans look at their feces—as a way of restoring the country’s soils rather than polluting them. As Mike Rowe would say, it only takes a person who’s willing to get their hands dirty."
-via Good News Network, November 23, 2021
Note: You can buy this fertilizer yourself here!
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mariacallous · 28 days
Falling water levels in reservoirs that supply the Attica region, which includes the Greek capital, must be tackled as a matter of urgency due to a prolonged drought, the head of the Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company, EYDAP told BIRN.
While conceding that there is no water shortage currently in Attica, as is the case in many Greek islands, EYDAP’s president Giorgos Stergiou, told BIRN: “We have had long enough to plan ways to deal with the prolonged drought in Attica, depending on the different scenarios.”
Greece’s Ministry of the Environment and Energy on August 27 announced that in collaboration with EYDAP, it has prepared a ‘road map’ to be implemented within four years to secure Attica’s water supply.
In the last two years, reserves in Attica have dropped from 1.158,million cubic metres in August 2022 to 703,339 million cubic metres today, an average loss of about 225 million cubic metres per year.
“Because the level in the reservoirs has dropped, as much as possible we have to ensure the rational and optimal treatment of water resources, to ensure the uninterrupted… supply of very high-quality drinking water for the Attica basin, for as long as is necessary or at least until climatic conditions change for the better,” Stergiou said.
The ministry said that it “will choose the best solutions that are realistic to implement”.
Solutions include the reduction of losses in the water supply networks, the partial diversion of water from rivers that end up in the artificial lake at Kremasta, new reservoirs, use of recycled water for irrigation and industry, the enrichment of underground aquifers with recycled water, better stormwater management, desalination and using green energy resources.
But all these solutions involve high initial investment costs or high operating costs, Stergiou warned.
“In any case, a long-term project has to be done, as the issue of climate change will not end tomorrow; the issue is how fast you have to do it and what costs you are willing to take,” he said.
In the meantime, EYDAP has implemented various measures to conserve water, either through the activation of boreholes or the reactivation of Yliki Lake, an important source of drinking water for Attica, Stergiou noted.
At the same time, the construction of a treatment centre of sediment in eastern Attica, where an agricultural network is being developed for the Mesogieon plain, is underway.
The revival of Hadrian’s aqueduct, which was built 2,000 years ago and is still operational, will also help to meet irrigation and gardening needs in eight municipalities of Attica. Chalandri municipality already uses it.
EYDAP is also implementing a large investment programme that will gradually replace aging pipelines to reduce leaks; it has already replaced mechanical meters with digital ones to offer a real-time consumption picture and timely notification of leaks to consumers.
“We are also running a public awareness campaign to reduce the consumption of potable water in cases such as when we shave or wash balconies or cars, etc. This is a quantity of water that… is wasted. Obviously, it will not solve the problem. However, it can affect consumption,” Stergiou said.
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eaglesnick · 14 days
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” – Herophilus
Who said the following?
“To safeguard its future the NHS needs to change to meet the challenges it faces – only by modernising can the NHS tackle the problems of today and avoid a crisis tomorrow.”
Wes Streeting? Well it could be. After all he did say this of the NHS
“It can exist for the next 75 years but we’ve got to modernise and change in order for it to be sustainable in the longer term." (Sky News: January 2024)
Was it Keir Starmer? He will be saying this about the NHS later today:
“And the reality is this: the NHS is not sustainable unless we make serious, deep, long-term changes. That’s my politics. Reform for renewal. National missions for the common good. An NHS fit for the future.” (Starmer 12/09/24)
The common theme in all three quotations is NHS Reform. The difference is that the first quotation comes directly from the Conservative Government’s 2012 white paper “The Health and Social Care Act 2012”
Andrew Lansley was the Tory architect of the 2012 NHS reforms which were designed to “liberate the NHS”, placing stronger emphasis on competition and market provision of health care. The Kings Fund ( a heath think tank) described the reforms as:
“a costly diversion”, leading to “a top-down reorganisation that has been damaging and distracting”.
We all know exactly how costly and damaging these reforms have been. Andrew Lansley was driven by the Tory ideological belief that competition and free markets provide the best outcomes for society. I would argue that health care provision is a SERVICE not a business and should be treated differently.
Business may be very good at reducing cost but often this is at the expense of quality. Sometimes this is fine, as in the case of when I bought a pair of off-the-shelf reading glasses. I was offered designer style glasses at 50 times the cost but the cheap ones did exactly the same job.
In contrast, last year I had an x-ray scan at my dental surgery as part of my yearly NHS check up. My dentist was intrigued by a root canal filling which showed up on the x-ray which he said was silver. He asked me when this filling was done and I told him 50 years ago. He informed me that now an NHS root filling would need replacing after 10 years.
Here is an example where concerns about immediate cost and money savings take precedence over quality and long-term savings. I am sure the companies that provide gutta-percha - the material now used for root canal fillings - promote the cost effectiveness of their product over silver (or expensive modern day equivalents) but is there a much greater cost long-term?
If my dentist is correct and I had had gutta-percha instead of silver then I would have been to the dentist an additional 5 times to have had the material replaced or I would have lost my tooth altogether. More of my time and money would have been wasted, more of my dentist's time would have been wasted and other patients would have to wait longer to be seen because of my repeated dental treatment to replace an inferior product. The only winners are the manufacturers of gutta-percha.
My point is healthcare is first and foremost a service and not an opportunity for private companies to make money or for our politicians to promote short-term cost savings because of ideological belief's. We all know what the profit motivated water companies have done to our environment in their pursuit of maximising profits at any cost.
That the NHS is in a very critical state, largely as a result of the Lansley reforms of 2012 and the subsequent Austerity policies of successive Tory governments is not in doubt. Lets hope Starmer and Streeting don’t take us down the same ideological road by placing even more emphasis on private healthcare provision and cost cutting than their Tory predecessors.
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mikeo56 · 4 months
As if the sewage on our beaches and the E. Coli in our rivers and the Thérèse Coffey in our government weren’t exciting enough, neoliberalism has elevated customer service to the next level by putting parasites in our drinking water! Excitingly, hundreds of people are believed to have been infected by cryptosporidiosis and that could be the tip of the iceberg.
It’s understood a damaged air valve allowed animal waste into the water supply because it’s more profitable to not maintain these things, and a system where essential utilities are run for profit, rather than human need, makes much more sense. Only a natural monopoly could allow corporations to get away with this level of exploitation.
A spokesperson for neoliberalism gushed: “Things are going brilliantly! We are slowly but surely destroying the idea of public service and creating a system where people have no choice but to give us money, no matter how much we rip them off. God bless Margaret Thatcher!”
Following numerous reports of stomach pains and an unpleasant taste in tap water, authorities sensibly told the public the water was safe to drink for weeks. When the problem was finally identified, they didn’t bother notifying many of the people in the catchment area because who could be bothered? It’s understood the water company took inspiration from the lead contamination in Flint, Michigan because all the best ideas come from the US.
South West Water has been so on top of the situation that its staff were telling the public the water was safe to drink, even as official advice was to boil before drinking. Obviously, boiled water will definitely not burn your insides and anyone who doesn’t want to bathe in animal waste is a stupid socialist. Poor water quality is the price we all have to pay for executive salaries and shareholder dividends.
South West Water initially claimed its treatment facilities were not to blame for the parasites, but now it’s taking full credit for its successes and looks forward to announcing record annual profits. I’m unclear if the company has done a Boeing on any whistle blowers yet, but there is still time…
It looks like the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhoea might only be the start because scientists say the parasite could still be in the incubation period. Excitingly, it’s hoped it could take control of its host’s motor-functions, turning them into Last of Us zombies. It remains unclear whether this hope is well-founded or just wishful thinking, but a zombie apocalypse is the only way neoliberalism could get better at this point.
Among the first people infected by the zombie parasite were attendees at the Brixham Pirate Festival who only had themselves to blame for opting against drinking gin. Experts say more affordable options for the safety conscious than gin include drinking your own urine and drinking nothing at all.
Shops are already running out of bottled water as the sensible British people do what they do best - panic buy. We’ve not seen this level of forward planning since toilet roll ran out during the Covid-19 outbreak. Good luck trying to get zombies to adhere to a lockdown though.
If you thought the cryptosporidium parasites weren’t enough, another exciting upgrade South West Water has introduced to our water system is flooding! The company was responsible for an impressive 58,249 overflow incidents last year and is being sued for turning the sea into a brown sludge that is definitely safe for swimmers. One of the water company’s most spectacular achievements was when sewage pipes burst in Exeter, resulting in a whopping 240 tanker loads of sewage each day. No wonder it has been awarded the Thérèse Coffey Prize for Indifference to Human Health.
Reassuringly, bosses are understood to be working on a tiered system with water quality that used to be free set to become Premium Water (AKA drinkable water) with a monthly subscription fee of £450. If you’re not willing to pay your fair share, you’ll have the option of the cheaper Cryptosporidium Water at only £300 a month. Personally, I think you should opt for the latter to help advance medical science.
As you can see, neoliberalism is brilliant at taking every good thing we had in the last century and making it much more expensive, and of much lower quality, while screaming that everyone who opposes neoliberalism is a lunatic who doesn’t understand economics!
Don’t you love neoliberalism’s ability to make you pay for things you never needed before neoliberalism, like bottled water or filters? Don’t you love… progress?
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Eggman's pollution of countless ecosystems isn't too farfetched since in real life there are many companies that pollute ecosystem, some even cruelly test on animals (not even for medical purposes) , just to make a quick buck. The animals live short miserable lives. Don't get me started on the logging companies that destroy countless amazonian rainforests (and kill the inhabitants both human and animal) all out of greed.
Yeah while Eggman has done a lot of crazy out there things that'd be impossible in real life like awakening giant monsters, blowing up the moon, breaking apart the world, etc- but one of the big things he's been the villain for since the beginning with the damage he does to nature, wildlife, the environment, and the general theme of animal abuse has always been very realistic and makes him a very serious threat.
Every level of the dead and polluted bad future in CD is the best example of the horrible state the world would end up in if Eggman had his way and how even his poor robots will be lay to waste all broken down and sad looking, let alone the fact that poor animals are being used inside
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He also owns an ocean of oil and it wouldn't be surprising if an element of his greed was also in there and he sold some for money
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He has nature burned and bombed and it likely kills tons of wildlife too
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And deforestation with his robots cutting down trees
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And of course there's tons and tons more all throughout the series, he's infamous for it. It's the very first thing that tells us he's the bad guy in the series. It's unfortunate how a lot of fans in recent years have tried to find reasons why this actually isn't so bad and harmful or that he has good but misguided intentions in it, it's missing the whole message.
I've also somehow seen claims that he's gotten better and doesn't do that anymore? Lol. The last time he used animals in robots was Lost World, just two games ago,
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he also didn't care about damage caused by his machine that sucked life from the world to selfishly use for power in his creations as long as they're was still something left for him to conquer,
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it was also literally the whole focus of his Forces propaganda video was him literally advertising a polluted world as beautiful and desired by showing a happy healthy world and saying "why have THIS-"
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"when you could have THIS"
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Then the rest of it was him promoting a fucked up way for people to survive without clean air, by giving up their free will and becoming mindless robot slaves with his robotomy treatment- which is all he really cares about instead of actually helping people. That's another way he specifically desires to damage and pollute, because of that benefit.
And all the destruction of how everything was set ablaze, the desertification drying up waters, and the operations for deforestation going on in the actual game of Forces too all begs to differ on the claim that he's stopped lol
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Credit for that last cool detail
It's still very much a thing in his character. That also gives a very important message against harming the environment and that humans are capable of harming and using it for many greedy reasons and destroying it carelessly for selfish gain. They don't have a good reason, they don't think they're doing the right thing, they're doing it just for profit and gain and don't care.
Eggman does extreme damage to nature, the environment, and wildlife, on a global scale multiple times too- to the point he's broken the entire world itself apart. He represents a dark part of humanity that sees the world as nothing but resources to use up until they're gone in selfishness and greed and are also apathetic towards the damage done in general with pollution and waste.
It is very realistic and terrifying, it's a huge part of what makes Eggman such a dangerous threat and diabolical villain! In that particular area of evil, he is a very real person that could exist- and there are people like him that do exist and cause harm in similar ways. Just because we've become so used to it happening in the world, doesn't mean it isn't bad or should be downplayed or dismissed in fiction!
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theretirementstory · 7 months
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Bonjour tout le monde it’s 5c at the moment brrr! Hopefully it will warm up by this afternoon.
Do you ever get to Sunday and wonder where the week has gone and more importantly what you have done with the week? This is one of the reasons why I do this blog, it’s because I often think I have done nothing but when I look back I realise that you may have done a great deal.
I was happy to receive my “convocation” for my appointment with the oncologist, it is for Friday 23rd. Although I am pleased to have the appointment it coincides with my knitting group which is a little sad. I have my taxi booked and fingers crossed I am not there for hours and hours.
Yet another little “hitch” with regard to water and this time it wasn’t just hot water it was a lack of any water! Anyway I asked the plumber to call and it was found that the tap was full of limescale. We got it all sorted, a new tap and waste for the bathroom and I am a happy bunny again.
It’s coming around to the renewal of my house insurance, which is currently held with a company in Poitou-Charentes. I have been very happy with the insurer I chose in town for my other policies so I have asked them to give me a quote. It was promptly done and so I should soon be insured in a “one stop shop” in town.
My American friend rang me from the states, where she is currently having treatment. She asked if I could go to her home and photograph her garden. Imagine my surprise when there were two men at her home (one a workman) they said come in and look at the rear garden too. Then the workman took me round the ground floor asking me to take photos of the work he is doing in the kitchen. What a pleasant surprise that was not only for me but also for my friend.
Yesterday, a friend in the UK messaged to tell me that her grandson had put in an appearance early that morning. He was not full term, actually only 26 weeks, so here is hoping that his mum and him get through these days and weeks. Quite a surprise and a worry I would imagine too.
Let’s have a look at my choice of songs for this week. They go quite a way back, the first song taken from an album which my sister had long before we even had our first Dansette record player. It’s music I remember hearing, even though my age hadn’t attained double figures, I still love the tracks today as much as at that time. So taken from the album “Aftermath” by the Rolling Stones released in 1966 is the track “Under My Thumb”.
The second song is from 1971, the first single for this band. The band featured the super talented Roy Wood, along with Jeff Lynne and Bev Bevan who had been part of the group “The Move”. The song was so totally different to anything else at that time it was “10538 Overture”. Both groups have had some amazing songs and it can be hard to choose a favourite but these songs have always had a place in my heart.
I sometimes feel I am a little boring about my garden, ok so it’s not everyone’s idea of a beautiful place but believe me I do the best I can do to have some colour out there. Two years ago I planted up a planter and I loved that so much. I decided to change the compost, remove any dead plants and replant any others. I had bought a pack which turned out to be 10 primulas not 8 as I first thought. They had been in the supermarket too long, were dry as a bone and a lot of them looked dead! However, looks can be deceptive and a quick “snip” to remove brown and broken leaves found that they were pot bound and in need of a very big drink. I rejuvenated the planter and put the remaining primulas into the “potager” hoping to help them improve. I want to lay cardboard in the rear garden and “re-home” the primulas and the violas that self seeded last year. This morning I was so upset as I saw that “something”, possibly a cat, had dug up three of the primulas in order to use the potager as a toilet. It has also been using the high planter as a toilet, last year I grew beetroot, lettuce, radish and spring onions in that planter. It’s very disappointing and I even felt “what is the point” in growing stuff if some animal is going to keep messing in the earth. However, it does give me a lot of pleasure seeing my plants growing so should I fight back?
I really must send another email to my friends in Bristol. I haven’t heard from them since the beginning of the year and it’s not like them to be in touch.
Monique is still not well and will be seeing the oncologist on Monday 26th. It’s a couple of weeks since I have seen Anie too, time flies!
“The Photographer” had a weeks holiday from work last week as it was his daughters “half term” from school. On Monday he took his two children (aged 5.5 and 2.5 years) on the train to London. He stayed with his Aunt and Uncle and had planned visits with the children to the zoo and the Natural History Museum. The children had a wonderful time, so did “The Photographer” but he was exhausted by the time he got home on Thursday. The children returned to their Mum on Friday and we excited about going, obviously they had a lot to tell her. Yesterday, he was at Scarborough AFC taking photos of their game.
“The Trainee Solicitor” and “Ex-Graduate” have finished work now for a well earned week of rest and relaxation. They are heading to the Yorkshire Dales for some good country air, a little walking and perhaps a lot of reading!
Sorry just had a little break, it was time for tea and cornflakes 😉.
Yes the cat has been back and turned the earth in the potager, so I have put more pepper down, plus today, I will put stakes into the earth and let’s see it try to “squat” there!
I tell myself every morning that I will have a walk and do I? Not everyday and actually the days I do go out for that walk are getting fewer and fewer. I had a good walk one day and was spurred on for more of the same but after a shorter walk the following day it has tailed off again! I really must “programme” myself to a walk.
So now I am going to send a message or two to friends, read my book for a short time. Do the normal household jobs, bed making, washing up etc. Start the “walking programme” and generally find something to tell you about next week 😂.
Bon dimanche!
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netsolwatersblog · 9 months
Find the best Compact Sewage Treatment Plant(STP) Manufacturer in India ?
With its headquarters located in Greater Noida, Netsol Water is the largest as well as the leading manufacturer of compact sewage treatment plants in India.
Contemporary Compact STP may be put above ground or below ground & is compact in size. Its small & original designs are visually appealing & need very little room to install. Because Compact STP produces no noise & has no smell, you may place it wherever is most convenient for you.
Manufactured & supplied by Netsol Water Gr. Noida, Delhi NCR, India. Netsol Water Compact Sewage Treatment Plants are prefabricated systems that are given to the client ready for plug & play installation.
Small Sewage & Wastewater treatment facilities from Netsol Water, as well as other comparable products, have received international certification according to the highest criteria. The systems are supplied with UV(UltraViolet) tertiary handling units & phosphorous elimination/removal kits. They are packed in cylindrical Poly-Propylene containers/chambers, which are utilized as thermoplastic molding materials.
Essential Elements of a Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant):
Complies with all regulatory standards 
Does not require an operator i.e., not manually but completely automated.
Re-utilizing treated water for gardening 
Up-to-date, packaged STP Underground installation is possible; 
Modern Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant) saves up to 75% on energy costs; 
Sand & charcoal filters are not required
Below Organized are the finest Leading Manufacturers in India for the best Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant):
Netsol Water provides solutions for a wide range of sectors, with a focus on water-wastewater, compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants), ETPs(Effluent Treatment Processes), separation, & water filtering.
Netsol Water is the best compact sewage treatment plant manufacturer in India.
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The greatest waste & Wastewater Treatment solution is offered by NETSOL WATER, a top manufacturer of Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants). One of the most trustworthy waste management partners is Netsol Water.
Engineered design, fabrication, mounting/installation, & maintenance/repairing services are offered by integrated service providers working in Netsol Water.
Their goal is to increase the viability of waste management systems globally in terms of economics, environmental sustainability, & energy efficiency in order to address issues related to population growth, industrialization, & climate change.
Their personalized & project-based approach has helped them carve-out a position in the current waste-management market. This technique enables them to provide comprehensive & efficient solutions to their clients' distinct & dynamic/fluctuating demands .
Netsol Water guarantees/promises complete partner & customer satisfaction by utilizing this comprehensive approach evaluation to provide customized industrial solutions.
The firm/company that manufactures Compact STP plants is recognized as the most reliable & well-established supplier partner in the water & wastewater treatment sector.
When an individual in India thinks of a high-end most sophisticated WTP(Water Treatment Plant) as well as a consultancy service , their brand name quickly comes to mind .
This is because the world has noticed & acknowledged its looming expertize as the most enthusiastic/passionate business-ignited organization delivering an array or spectrum of superior products-machinery & services involving solutions for water treatment , WasteWater handling/management & treatment , & much more since the year 2012.
Established in 2012 under the umbrella of Netsol Water, Urban STP Plant focuses as well as concentrates on the engineering design of recreational/swimming pool filtration systems as well as the manufacturing, vending, trading/exporting, & servicing as well as maintenance & repair of WasteWater & Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants). Their motto has always been perfection , so they've created a product collection lined as CETPs(Common Effluent Treatment Plants)(Food & Beverages Industry) , Effluent Treatment Plants(Automotive, Paper & other Industries) , Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants) (Industrial & Commercial Both) , & so on forth , Reverse Osmosis Systems
You can also read : Find The Best Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in India
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gointernationalsblog · 2 months
Chlorine Dioxide Generator Manufacturers
Discover reliable chlorine dioxide generator manufacturers with GO2 International, a leader in water treatment solutions based in Buena Park, CA. Our advanced chlorine dioxide generators provide efficient, eco-friendly disinfection for various industries. We prioritize innovation, quality, and sustainability to meet the demands of our clients. Trust GO2 International for cutting-edge solutions in water purification and safety.
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aquariusindia · 5 months
Aquarius Projects | Innovative Waste Water Treatment Solutions
Aquarius Projects offers innovative water treatment solutions ranging from purification to conservation, utilizing sustainable technologies to meet your needs
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russilton · 2 years
I’m thinking about starting a fish tank! Do you have any advice on a tank for beginners? I’m a broke college student so my budget is like $150 and I don’t want to get a massive tank.
I can absolutely give you some advice, but also I want to stress upfront that if I seem a little discouraging, it comes from a place of caring about the welfare of fish in the pet trade. They’re all questions I had to ask myself before I got my fish and are why I waited so long to get mine.
So to start with- don’t get goldfish
Don’t get goldfish. don’t get goldfish? Don’t get goldfish!
I LOVE my goldfish, with my whole heart. They are the pet I wanted more than anything for a good part of my life. But there is no goldfish that is compatible with a small tank. Even the fancy ones need a minimum 50 gallons (30 for one, 10 each for two more, they are social and need to be kept in groups). Long bodied goldfish are pond or big tank fish, my tank is 5ft long, it takes an hour or more to clean each week, and when I eventually move with them? Moving it will take 4 people and two cars. Why will I have to move with them? They can live 10-20 years. They shit like machines because they have a massive bio load. You can’t keep most plants with them cause they’ll eat them, and you have to make sure nothing in their tank can fit in their mouth or they’ll eat it. They are aquatic toddlers. Don’t get goldfish!
Okay with that out the way, there are lower budget friendly fish, but please consider that they’re a pet and while you can do most moderate fish vet care at home, you will be their vet and that can be expensive. There’s been more than a couple times my boys have taken up my free spending budget to get chemicals or food they need.
Make sure caring for them is something you can fit in your weekly schedule. You’ll need to clean their tank every week by doing a water change, this maintains a healthy nitrogen cycle. This means removing some water and then replacing it with fresh dechlorinated water, swishing filter media in old water, and removing waste and any plant trimmings you may need to do. Fish keeping is like keeping an entire ecosystem, you’re trying to create an out of place environment, and that means you’re the boss. Same goes for reptiles and amphibians.
Last point before I get to some recommendations: do your research. Do it online. NEVER rely on a pet store for your lone source of advice. I love my local fish store but I don’t trust even them as my sole source of info. Also be wary of where your info is coming from. If a website is owned by an aquatic product company, they’re going to give you info that favours their products.
Get yourself well, well acquainted with the nitrogen cycle, it’s the foundation of fish keeping. Make sure you research every flora or fauna you want to put in your tank, know it’s needs and if you can meet them, and how it interacts with other fish or animals. I had a fish die because he ate one of his tank mates I was assured he wouldn’t and it gave him bloat. Mistakes happen, and I was devastated by it. You don’t have to always assume the worst, but be prepared for it.
Genuinely the best advice can come from Reddit. I know, I KNOW, reddit is full of know-it-all pains in the ass. And that’s why it’s great for aquarium info, because you will find no greater treasure trove of guides and wikis on recommended care, because these folks will have spent a lot of time correcting people’s care, and have made guides to point people to. Every question you can think of has been asked. I’ve frequented the r/goldfish sub when I needed care advice or just wanted to share my boys. YouTube can also be great if you want more gentle and personable advice. There is a product review for everything and a treatment guide for any ailments. Research the critter you want back to front and back again. Know their diets, lifespan, favoured habitats. Look at how other successful keepers are keeping their fish.
Please never settle for the bare minimum. Just because a fish CAN live in a lacking environment doesn’t mean they should. Just you wait till you see their little personalities come out, I can’t imagine not doing the best I can for my boys when I see their little bodies light up when I walk into the room. Their love is humbling.
So, recommendations! First of all: tanks
If you’re in America, I believe petco (or pet smart? Google it) have something called a dollar a gallon sale. This is insane and I wish we had it here. If you want something small, 5gal can keep a betta fish quite happy, if you can spare the space, a 10 gal is much better! I have an 11 gal tropical that I find the maintainance on finicky, but easier than the big tank. The bigger you have the more you can keep. Anything you keep in 15gal or below tends to be considered a “nano” tank, and it’s best to follow guides for those kinds of tanks. But also, be wary of articles trying to tell you one kind of fish CAN live in a nano tank, and every other keeper site going “okay but it should be in a 20 because it needs to be kept in a school”
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My currently uninhabited tropical 11, looking a little hairy. The heater broke and I’m waiting till I can get a new one, but the plants don’t much mind since it’s in a heated room.
If you don’t have access to cheap tanks new, try eBay. Yes eBay. My 126 gal 5ft tank? £41 second hand from a downsizing cichlid breeder. It should have cost £500 or more new. You can get some insane deals on stuff from smaller businesses on there too. I’ve also been told to keep an eye on Facebook marketplace. I tried but I abhor Facebook and favoured eBay.
Equipment and chemicals:
You don’t have to go to the fancy brands but trust me it’ll last longer and probably work better. The stuff I bought from a good and mostly trusted label always stuck around. It’s also good to buy from smaller fish focused businesses, because they’re putting the work in to test and cater to fish keepers. I’ll always go to somewhere like seachem or fluval, rather than pets at home, even if it’s more expensive, because my fluval siphon still works so well two years later, and seachem prime and alert has yet to steer me wrong. If you can, invest in higher quality foods too. I’ve got so many compliments on my fish after switching to repashy gel. It’s more dear but I can prep the food and freeze it in advance, it’s much nicer on their tummies, they love it, and it comes from a company that focuses on exotic pet food blends.
If there’s one thing you don’t cheap out on, filters and heaters. They are the engines that keep your tank moving, and if they break it’ll leave you scrambling.
When you’re doing your research, make sure to look out for having emergency supplies ready. I have a make shift hospital tank stocked away, back up battery air pumps incase there’s a power outage, and a large lidded bucket should my tank fail and the fish need to be put elsewhere.
If you’re keeping anything other than goldfish, you will probably want some tropical plants! It can be expensive to start and a bit scary looking, but they’ll help your filtration by eating up all the adverse chemicals in your tank! Plus, it’s self growing decor.
I can personally recommend Anubias, Chinese water weed, crypts, Java fern, Amazon swords, Mariano moss balls, hornwort, Java moss.
All of these are low light low tech plants that don’t take much care, and those first three are my faves. A good local fish store can help you pick some that suit you, mine did!
Finally, the bit you were probably looking for: fish
Assuming you’re going for a small nano tank, I would genuinely recommend a betta fish!
They’re generally affordable, not too much maintenance, don’t need to be kept in groups (in fact, you SHOULDN’T keep them in groups, solo only), and so pretty and full of personality. Do not follow any advice that lets you think you can keep them in fuckin vases, you can’t. But you can keep them in 5-10 gal heated planted tanks.
Please avoid buying them from anywhere that sells them in cups, I know it’s tempting to save them, but all you’re doing is encouraging that business by giving them money. I have seen people get sicker ones free, but be prepared for that potential heartache. They aren’t sold like that in the U.K. usually and you should only be buying from places that keep them in small isolated tanks. Support businesses that care for their fish, and you will get a healthy fish for it. Remember for chain stores, it can benefit their business model that your fish dies and you come back to get a new one. Not all stores are like that, but some are.
If bettas aren’t your ball game, consider nano schooling fish like raspbora or some tetra! I’m personally looking at pygmy corydora and ottos for my small tank.
And don’t count out invertebrates! Look up Amano of Neocardinia shrimp! (Aka cherry shrimp), I will be getting myself some! There’s also so many freshwater snails, and you’ll probably end up with some whether you like it or not. I have hitchhiking ramshorn and mystery snails in my nano. I couldn’t kill them if I tried! They just plod along growing in my tank without my help at all.
At the end here it’s worth just saying: you are going to make mistakes. You will. We all do. You may lose fish for it, and it’s heartbreaking. I’ve lost fish in my learning journey and it strikes you down hard. But that’s why it’s important to do your research, it reduces the likelihood of it, and means YOU know that you did your absolute best.
Got to the end? I’m proud of you! That was so much, here’s a video from last night of my boy tiger bothering me for cuddles while I was scrubbing. He won’t leave me alone till I stroke his back or tummy. If it looks like the water is low, it is, we were doing a big big clean yesterday.
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There is, hopefully, only one conspiracy I ever bought into enough that could have been worrying. I distinctly remember the what, when, and how. The what: That the fluoride in our water supply allows for government mind control at worst, and makes us more docile at best. The when, 14 if I’m being kind to myself. Back when I believed I was significantly smarter and cleverer than I actually am. A CNN article I read on a high school computer because I thought that made me smarter than my fellow students who played games or tried to look up porn. Not much of a reason to feel superior, but I needed that feeling. Back when I was far more afraid about confronting what I actually am. Just average, maybe less so.
The article was fairly simple in its scope, the writer wanted to go into the subject with an open enough mind to listen to some of these conspiracy theorists. Quite respectable actually, I don’t think I have the patience for that. And one thing that the writer admitted… that he, and by extension I, had no idea what went into the process of preparing the water that comes out of our tap.What is the government doing to that water? What are companies doing to that water? And to the writer's credit he or she went into a fair bit of the details of that subject.
How water treatment plants remove pollution from industrial waste run off, how it removes our own excrement and piss before putting that water back into fresh water supplies or the ocean. It's quite an interesting process that is crucial to stopping diseases such as cholera. But again… I was 14 and in desperate need of an ego boost.  So through the little bit of reading I actually paid attention to, a shame or I might have remembered the person’s name or the article title, I discovered a tiny bit of fluoride is added to the water heading into our tap. How much? Well until 2015 it was 1.2 grams per fluid liter of water. According to myself, who is not great at math, there is at most 1.2 parts fluoride for every thousand parts water. Which then went down in 2015 to .7 parts per thousand parts of water.
To illustrate that as best as I can, the average beer bottle is at most 385ml or 13 fluid ounces. So… if you took that beer bottle, filled it with water (I know, to many of you a travesty), you’d have a total of .27 ml of fluoride or .0091 fluid ounces in that bottle. To help you visualize that, half a raindrop of fluoride is in that beer bottle. One half of one raindrop.
Again, I was 14, and too afraid of being seen as common, or average, or worse… less than average . So I ignored the facts. I didn’t care, I felt smart, I was slightly more powerful than my fellow students to know that fluoride was added to the water before it entered my kitchen sink. I didn’t know what it was either, or at least I didn’t think I did. Thankfully I never dug deep enough into that rabbit hole to become completely immune to sense. So when I asked my parents what Fluoride was… they answered me seriously. It was the stuff the dentist used to finish cleaning my teeth, teeth that had no cavities in it because I regularly brushed my teeth with toothpaste that also contained fluoride.
From there the whole thing started to fall apart. If Fluoride was being used to make me more docile, why after regularly dosing myself with far more effective quantities than what was in tap water for my whole life… was I ready to “fight the power” over it? If it was really controlling my mind it wasn’t doing a very good job of it. I did take it a step farther, I went a week without brushing my teeth and for an entire day chose not to drink liquids of any kind. Cause maybe if I got it all out of my system it’d make sense to me, that I’d see behind the curtain and realize that I was right to believe this. I don’t know if my parents noticed that, but what I did notice… was that nothing changed. I was still… me, still myself, not as clever or smart as I thought I was. My eyes were open though, I could see myself as… average, maybe even less at the time.
It wasn’t until four years later that I came across the darker side of conspiracy theories, the abandonment of logic, often by people whom you would think have the intelligence to discern the truth.
My grandfather was a physicist, one with enough knowledge and skill in studying the world that he was part of the team that developed radar technology for America during the Cold War. The systems that are used to guide the missiles that could end the world at any moment was part of his resume. The man had a Marine bodyguard with him whenever he was out of the country, whose sole duty was to kill my grandfather in case the Soviets or Chinese wanted to steal the secrets to America’s radar detection network at the time. He is probably still the second smartest person I have ever met, and that’s of course admitting that I’m more biased towards his daughter, my mother. And he believed with absolute surety that now Former President Barack Obama wasn’t an American citizen and maybe a Muslim plant to destroy the nation. And I was too afraid to ask him why.
I don’t need to go into how that former President Obama is in fact a natural born citizen. Or at least I hope I shouldn’t have to? His father was an American citizen, who married a Keyan woman, who then gave birth to now former President Obama in Hawaii. These are… facts. As factual as the knowledge that your body needs water to live. That’s how deep the discussion had to go and there are still people who think that Obama was a Musilm immigrant who stole the Presidency away from Christianity, dealing a blow against the Christ loving people of America.
And my Grandfather might have been one of them. A man who I have admired for his wisdom and raw intelligence. Whom in spite of his coarse attitude from having a childhood that saw the Depression, World War 2, and had to raise children through the Cold War. Is a kind, and empathetic person that only now do I have the sense to see. Yet when this topic of conversation came up, I couldn’t tell you what my grandfather feared about then presidential candidate Barack Obama.
I could tell you what I was afraid of as an 18 year old fresh out of high school, I had a strong belief that those in the News media need to be brave enough to ask powerful people questions that challenge their points and beliefs of their viewers and those they talk to. I believe that even more so now. So as I watched so many journalists and people get swept up in the charisma, intelligence, and hype of Obama. I was afraid of what might happen if he could keep the level of control over the news during his presidency. An ultimately pointless fear, that was basically blown away after the first hundred or so days in office.
But for my Grandfather. That… wasn’t it, during the whole eight years I think at times he believed that President Obama was a secret Muslim agent, or incompetent, or hated the “American way”, but I don’t know. I know he was frustrated by some of the more absurd “scandals” of the Obama Presidency. Such as the Tan Suit incident, one of several fistbump incidents, the political “travesty” that was the Date Night scandal, and the death of the presidency because of ordering Di-jon mustard for his burger. But… he seemed to believe that all of that was a calculated distraction, to keep people from thinking about how dangerous Obama really was. And I have no idea why?
I’ll never get to know the reason either. He passed away while battling brain cancer a while ago. Leaving that question unanswerable.
That kind of fear I’ve come across again and again. Either in person or through observation. One of the most chilling ones was watching on the news thousands of angry, afraid, men chanting in Charlottesville Virginia “Jews will not replace us.” As of Writing this… that was almost seven years ago. Yet I still feel like I need to state that about .16% of the world population is Jewish. There are actually a million more Mormons in the world than Jews and I don’t see anyone stating the Mormons are going to replace us all. Yet fear would ignore that, fear has ignored that and likely still will. I wish I could sit some with some of these people and talk about why they choose to fear others. What is it that they’re afraid of themselves? That maybe their own feelings of inadequacy have everything to do with themselves and not others? That the failings in their life are in fact their own failings, or failings of people like them?
Fear given an easy out will always become hatred, and to give credit to my Grandfather. His fear never became that. Hatred was not something that came naturally to him. But were his fears about Obama hiding something else? Because my fear of Fluoride in the water was hiding my own insecurities about myself. Because at the end of the day… I, and you, and my Grandfather, are just themselves. I’m just me. Not as smart, not as special, as I think I am. I’m just… average. And isn’t that terrifying?
(Because this one requires some sources. Here’s the link to the google doc I wrote it all on with the sources attached. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DBiWEkxlCczxnIzXsfhu1txdklJJauMHW0inX17Zpdw/edit?usp=sharing
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commercialroplants · 2 days
Are You Looking For The Best Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon ?
Gurgaon is an industrial town situated in the Southeastern part of Haryana's growing business center, & is suffering from increasing water-related issues. The demand for clean, safe water for industrial & commercial purposes has grown dramatically. This functioning of STP Plants makes advanced technical methods for water purification conceivable. Netsol Water is one of the leading Sewage treatment plant manufacturer in Gurgaon & is regarded as the best supplier in this sector.
What Is a Sewage treatment Plant?
A Sewage treatment plant is a system of apparatus intended to cleanse & treat raw or wastewater. It flushes out contaminants from water under treatment by the implementation of advanced techonologies including MBR, MBBR, SBR etc,. Water is forced through these advanced systems as a step-by-step process. These technologies cleanses larger molecules along with microorganisms like bacteria, dissolved salts, & various other pollutants. Water that has undergone treatments involving filtering & cleaning is suitable for a range of commercial as well as residential purposes.
The growing demand for Sewage treatment plant manufacturer in Gurgaon
The water demand has increased as a result of Gurgaon's industrial growth. This growth has led to an increase in water contamination. Many companies depend on large volumes of filtered water to run their daily operations. These factors have led to a greater requirement for efficient water treatment technologies. Sewage treatment facilities provide dependable solutions for these issues.
Netsol Water
Netsol Water is gradually becoming recognized as the most dependable brand of water treatment solutions. Creating, manufacturing, & installing Sewage treatment plants is our specialty. Numerous Gurgaon industries are served by our plants. This excellent water treatment apparatus is the result of years of experience mixed with advanced as well as latest developments in technology.
The important characteristics of Sewage treatment plants designed & manufactured by Netsol Water are as follows:
Strong as well as Efficienct Recovery Potential: We take great pride in our STP plants' strong recovery rates which eventually promotes efficient in the energy consumption as well. This directly indicates that they only utilized fewer resources thus minimizing waste, & producing treated water free from harmful contaminants.
Personalized Customization: We build each plant to meet specific client needs. Our systems are capable of handling different water quality levels & generating the necessary output quantities.
Advanced Technology: We implement the newest control systems available, such as SBRs, MBBRs & MBRs in the Sewage treatment. This ensures the efficiency, longevity & best possible growth of our plants. Due to such implementation of technology, the plants becomes very compact in design also taking less space.
User-Friendly Operation: We install controls on our plants that are easy to navigate & operate. As a result, professionals can work & supervise more effortlessly.
The Netsol Water have large scale knowledge: We have a lot of experience treating water. Professionals & skilled engineers make up our team.
Assurance of Quality: We conduct all of our business activities following strict quality standards. This ensures the durability of our Sewage treatment plants.
Support After Purchase: We provide comprehensive upkeep as well as assistance services. This ensures the long-term functionality of our systems.
Cost-Effectiveness: Our plants deliver great results at affordable pricing. For this reason, Sewage treatment Plants are a wise decision for investing in any business.
Stability In Sustainability: Our system design minimizes water waste. This aligns with efforts towards environmental preservation.
Upkeep Maintenance & Assistance
For our products, Netsol Water offers comprehensive support & upkeep.
Regular Frequent Servicing: We offer scheduled maintenance. In doing so, the Sewage treatment plant maintains a standards with the maximum efficiency possible.
Emergency Support: Our team is here to assist you with any troubleshooting or quick repairs.
Environmental Aspects to Take into Consideration
Environmental sustainability is the top concern for this company & it mainly focuses on reducing adverse effects of the polluting elements on the ecosystem. While Water conservation is at the utmost concern for the designing of our STP plants. As a consequence, least water is being consumed overall. Commercial RO Plant is the best sewage treatment plant manufacturer in gurgaon along with netsol water.
Waste Reduction: We put plans into place to control or lessen the brine that Sewage treatment plants generate this eventually increases energy efficiency as well.
Chemical: We maximize our facilities' chemical utilization potential. Consequently, the impact on the environment due to this chemical application is almost diminished.
Components with Sustainable Qualities: Netsol Water with their every effort try to utilize ecologically friendly materials in production processes.
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Potential for the Establishment of Sewage treatment Plants in Various Industries
Continuous Variation in the treatment technologies has led Netsol Water to be still at the front position of these innovations & developments:
Smart Innovative Systems: To remotely monitor & operate Sewage treatment systems, we harness Internet-based technology.
Upgraded Technolgies: While in operation Netsol Water always looking at the high-tech advanced Sewage treatment technologies to improve productivity & increase plants life.
Zero Liquid Discharge: We are developing methods to eliminate wastewater discharge almost completely making it the most green machinery.
Nanotechnology: Netsol Water is investigating & doing continuous research on the practical application of nanotechnology in improved water filtration which is not operational current.
Accordingly, the best Sewage treatment plant manufacturer in Gurgaon, Netsol Water is enthusiastic in resolving the area’s challenges regarding water. Our world-class Sewage treatment plants provide environmentally friendly water purification systems that are trustworthy, consistent, as well as effective. As we continued towards prioritizing quality, innovation, & customer service, these two firms contribute significantly to the provision of clean water for the expanding industrial sector in Gurgaon.
Sewage treatment plants manufactured here in Netsol Water serves the purpose in the hope of diminishing water shortages as well as pollution issues since they convert contaminated over-exploited water into a beneficial asset for both communities & enterprises.
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