#bestie said i should send them my smut and we had a good laugh
lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 11 months
y’all i s2g i have way more meta for you and i think some of you may even like it lol but UNFORTUNATELY i’m an idiot who decided they wanted a PhD lmfao so. yeah grad school apps are draining the life from me 😭
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ilwonuu · 8 months
hi !! i saw ur req where open and i wanted to take this opportunity to ask for some platonic reader x nct bcos i’m just a sucker for platonic love and i barely see it anywhere 😓😓😓
maybe someone from the 00 line ? (i’m not too picky tbh) helping the reader with their crush ?! wether that be helping to ask them out or even making small moves like talking to them !! i need to see my 00 line in their wingman era ☝️
thank you again author <3
YES OMG I LOVE WRITING PLATONIC LOVE PLS SEND IN SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER IDEAS!! i would love to do them. thank you for ur request!! i hope you enjoy<3
°˖ ✧best friend. h.renjun
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summary- your best friend helps you confess to haechan about the crush you have on him.
warnings- fluffy besties, u kiss haechan, joking, slight alcohol consumption, idk what else
authors note- i love this sm. lmk if i should write a follow up with haechan smut or fluff<3
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you and renjun have been friends almost your whole life. going through every stage of life with him. he is your best friend and your favorite person.
he always takes care of you like family and loves you the same. you two live together. you two cook and clean together. he always helps you feel better about any doubts that you have.
“jun? can you help me with something?” you ask him as you walk into his bedroom. he nods. “what’s up?” you sit down looking at him nervously. “so.. you know i have the biggest crush on haechan. i was gonna ask if you could help me confess to him?”
“woah! y/n you’re ready to confess??? look at you!!” he laughs playfully pushing your arm. “yes yes but jun im nervous..” he shakes his head. “don’t be nervous!!! i bet he feels the same way. he has been acting different around you..” he says smiling at you. “you really think so?” you are overthinking this now. what if he rejects you? “yes i know so. and if the slight chance i’m wrong i’m here as emotional support okay? now what were you thinking? how do you want to do it?”
you think to yourself for a second. “i’m really not sure. i feel like he would be confused if i asked him to hangout alone. what if we invite him and mark to hangout with us. i tell him then?” he doesn’t say a word for a bit trying to think about what you said. “that could work but i think i have a better idea if thats okay? i think we could hangout with mark and haechan here and then me and mark could go grab some food or something and then you tell him then? shit now im overthinking.” he laughs with you grabbing his phone to text mark and tell him whats going on. everyone knew you had a crush on haechan at this point. everyone but haechan. “okay you think this could work?” he nods. “yes i do and i really think haechan likes you back mark even said he thinks so too.” you nod quickly running into your room to get ready for the hangout. “will you tell me when they’re close??” you yell from you room. “yep!” you hear him yell back at you.
the two boys have now arrived waiting for you guys to let them in. you and renjun jump with excitement and nervousnesses laughing as you immediately pretend to act normal after. “okay you got this okay? don’t worry i will be here for a bit but just try to talk to him so more okay?” he says receiving a nod from you as you open the front door. “hello!!! took you guys long enough.” mark says laughing as haechan follows him inside.
“hi y/n.” haechan says smiling at you before walking fully into you and renjuns house. “hi haechan.” you smile back after shutting the door and following them into the living room. “sit by him on the couch.” renjun whispers to you before sitting next to mark.
you sit down next to haechan receiving another smile from him. “would you guys want to watch a movie?” you ask the boys looking at them. “yea that would be good but me and mark are hungry so we might go get some food for us all in a bit. if that’s alright with you guys.” you look over to see what haechan thought but he is already looking at you. “sounds good.” he smiles.
30 minutes later the two boys decide to go get the food. “it’s not too far give us like 20-30 ish minutes there and back.” mark says waving to you guys before getting up. “okay y/n you can do this okay? don’t fear rejection. he totally likes you girl.” he whispers to you winking at you before leaving with mark.
come on y/n you can do this right everything is gonna be fine. “hey you ok? you seem nervous or something.” haechan puts his hand on your shoulder. “yea im good! just want to talk to you about something if thats okay.” you say looking away from him slightly. “go ahead.” he smiles.
“okay i’m really scared to tell you this but renjun said its a good idea so. i like you haechan. like more than a friend. i want to be more than a friend with you..” you look away from him completely scared about what he is gonna say. he pulls your face to kiss him softly. “i like you too y/n. i have for awhile.” he smiles rubbing his thumb on your cheek. you hug him softly smiling. “let me tell renjun real fast.” you laugh grabbing your phone to text him
you- we kissed…
junnie😈- GURL WHAT???? damn do we need to stay out so you can get that d or what.
you- RENJUN NO. im not ready for that yet. plus we are hungry over here- haechan
junnie😈- OKAY WE ARE ON OUR WAY BACK!!! im so proud of u tho fr u did it<3
you smile at his text and turn back to haechan. “want to finish the movie?”
the two boys come back with the food. you and haechan thank them before sitting back on the couch together.
renjun is so happy for you. he knows how much you like him and how much happiness you must feel.
the two boys announce that they should get going as you and renjun agree.
“bye y/n i’ll text you okay pretty?” haechan says before kissing your cheek and waving bye to the two of you. mark waves bye to you both as well.
as soon as you leave renjun turns to you. “GIRLLLL HE IS DOWN BADDD THAT KISS ON THE CHEEK HE WANTED MORE OKAY!!” he yells taking another bite of his food they got. you are just laughing non stop. “his lips are so soft.” he laughs. “ok didn’t need to know that but don’t you think you deserve a little reward?!” he asks grabbing a bottle of wine pouring it into glasses for you two.
“oh jun i definitely deserve this.” you smile taking a quick sip. “also i wanted to say thank you. i wouldn’t of had the confidence for this if you didn’t help me and talk to me about it so thank you.” he hugs you softly. “of course y/n im always here to help.
“now we gotta find you a girlfriend or boyfriend mister!!” he laughs. “or partner hey you never know.” you correct yourself.
“your wingman skills are not nearly as good as mine come on!” he says receiving a quick glare from you. “we’ll see..” you say taking another sip of your wine laughing with him.
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Hi, it’s me, riling up anon (I really should get a tumblr account to ease my introductions and so we can become besties). Obviously, LOVE part 4! Part 5 ideas- Lucien repays the favor (obvs). He wakes up wondering how he is going to get Elain alone in the house when a gift falls into his lap - a rogue Illyrian war band is attempting to gain new territory. Exit the IC, enter elucien smut in the garden.
First of all, I would love to be besties.
Second of all, no rest for the wicked am I right? Like yesterday this is NSFW, 18+, practically unedited and obviously guarantees a part 6. It's also the longest part I've written so far. PART 5!
Elain woke with some regrets. The throb between her legs was at an all-time high and with so many people around, there was little she could do but put on a breezy, cotton gown, her wide-brimmed sun hat, and vanish into the garden where at least no one would be able to smell what was going on with her. Elain kept her thighs pressed together, hoping some of the friction would help alleviate the burn.
It didn’t, and by the time the sun was high in the sky, Elain was weeding with a grim brutality. Had Lucien left? She wanted to tug on the bond and see where he was but she didn’t want to bring him anywhere near her. Her control was too tenuous as it was. She might jump him in front of her sisters and then what? How would she possibly explain what was going on between them? She barely knew herself. None of it was ladylike…and perhaps some small part of her liked having something that was just for her. No one could offer an opinion or butt in if they didn’t know.
“Elain?” Feyre’s voice wafted from the garden wall. A moment later her youngest sister appeared in her Illyrian leathers. Elain stood, dusting off her dirty hands. “Hey…it’s nothing to worry about and not a big deal, but there was a disturbance with the Illyrian’s. One of the chiefs slaughtered a village and is attempting to take more territory. Rhys and I are going up to handle it, and I know Cassian and Nesta plan to join with the Valkyries….you’ll be alone in the house.”
Elain shrugged. “That’s fine,” she agreed, wiping sweat with the back of her arm.
Feyre bit her bottom lip, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Mostly alone…”
Elain narrowed her eyes. “What does that mean?”
Lucien will be in the house too…not all day! But…for a while. He’s working on a treaty for Rhys and should stay in the study. He’ll leave you alone but…just in case you wanted to go out…”
Right. Elain offered Feyre a tight smile, her heart pounding in her chest. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about me.”
Feyre’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “If we can’t make it back tonight I’ll send word.”
“Be safe.”
Feyre vanished, leaving Elain alone in the garden. She stood there, wondering if she ought to find him in the study and demand…demand what, exactly? It wasn’t like she was well-practiced. As she stood there, contemplating how to get what she wanted without having to just blurt it out, a hand brushed the hair from the back of her neck. Warm breath tickled her skin and when Elain spun, already aware of who was just behind her, Lucien caught her easily. He was smiling, his one russet eye dark and hungry as he gazed down at her.
“I’ve promised your sister not to bother you unless you ask,” he told her, his deep voice a shade darker than it typically was. “May I bother you, Lady Elain?”
“That depends,” she replied primly, unable to take her eyes off his lips. “On what kind of bothering you plan to do.”
A grin began to stretch across Lucien’s face, giving him a near feral appearance. “I owe you for last night.”
She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously. “Of course you don’t.” Lucien’s body was pressed against her own as he reached for her face, tilting it towards him. “Wrong, Elain. Tell me…can I bother you?”
“Bother me how?” She whispered, the words nearly sticking to the back of her throat.
“With my mouth, ideally,” he murmured, ghosting his lips across her own. “But I’m happy with just my hands.”
“Why not both?” She asked without thinking. She felt him smile against her skin.
“I like the way you think,” he practically purred before kissing her gently, out in the open where anyone could see. There was nothing to hide them; the garden wall would hardly come up to his hip were he standing right beside it, and though there were some lovely trees scattered about, none were broad enough to obscure what was happening between them.
Elain felt a thrill run up her spine at the thought of being so open with him. It was her that deepened the kiss, running her tongue along his lips until he opened for her. She surged upwards on her tiptoes, arms wrapped around his neck so she could revel in the way he tasted. No one had the right to smell half as good as Lucien did, like crisp Autumn air and sun washed apples, but for however good he smelled, he tasted ten times better.
She was half-drunk on the moment, lost in the feel of his hands running the length of her spine. It was so sweet, so unhurried that some small part of her wanted to revel in it. Lucien, though, had decidedly different ideas regarding what he hoped to do. Some of the sweetness shattered when his hand cupped her breast through the thin, white material of her dress while his other began rouching up the fabric.
She broke the kiss with a gasp. “Out here?” She asked. He chuckled, teasing her nipple almost absently as he gazed down at her.
“You have somewhere better in mind?”
She opened her mouth to protest, to say yes, very much so, but the look on his face stopped her. She glanced at the soft grass just beneath her feet and, before she could talk herself out of it, promptly sat down at his feet. Lucien stared for a moment and then laughed as if she’d told him the most hilarious joke, his tanned face reddening as he attempted to keep himself together.
“What?” She demanded as he dropped to one knee, and then the other until he was kneeling before her.
“You’re funny,” was all he said in response. No one thought she was funny…and never had. She wasn’t sure what to do with that information, so she tucked it away for later. “I never meant for you to sit in the grass, though.”
She frowned. “Oh?”
He was chuckling again as he hefted her into his lap. “I ama gentleman, you know.”
“Where should I sit, then?” She asked, genuinely curious. His lips curled upwards as he lowered himself to the ground and gestured at his face. Heat rose through her body and she balked, one hand pressed against her mouth.
“You’re obscene,” she accused, completely unaware people did such things. Lucien waited a beat and then, with strong, sure hands, merely dragged her across his chest until he had her placed exactly where he wanted.
“Tell me to stop,” he replied, his face half hidden beneath her dress, his breath hot against the fabric of her underwear. Oh, Gods,she thought, her embarrassment shifting towards anticipation. She swallowed hard and draped her gown over his face entirely, not that it was keep anyone from instantly recognizing what was going on between them.
“Off,” his muffled voice ordered, his finger hooking in the fabric of her underwear. It was awkward, shimmying them off while he attempted to keep her exactly as she was, but Elain managed it. Still nervous, she shoved them into the pocket of his pants, just in case anyone came by. They were still clothed…perhaps she’d lie and say she was injured and he was patching her up.
She gasped when she felt his fingers spread her open. Lucien hissed softly. “Pretty,” he murmured, she suspected more to himself than for her though the praise settled hot in her belly.
“What are you—”
He licked right up the center of her cunt and Elain nearly flew off his face. He brought one hand from beneath her skirt to hold her in place, dragging her even closer. Was he breathing, she wondered wildly, suddenly desperate for him to continue?
He licked a slow circle and Elain whined, grinding her hips against his face without thinking. Lucien groaned beneath her, the guttural sound spearing pleasure through her but.
“Am I frustrating you?” His muffled voice asked, his lips speaking practically into her cunt.
“Yes,” she gritted out, wishing he’d shut up.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, withdrawing his mouth completely.
Elain screamed softly, shoving him back into her wet folds. She heard him groan again and she wondered which he liked; the assertiveness or being that close to her body. He gave her what she was asking for, licking up the center of her, letting his tongue work over her clit in the same circular motion as before, faster, then slower, while she canted against him, urging him on.
Heat mingled with pleasure, building up, up, up and when she thought she might fall over the edge, Lucien’s tongue vanished from her clit and dipped into her entrance to fuck her with his mouth instead.
“Lucien please—” She begged. She was close, so mind-shatteringly close it had stolen her ability to think of anything else but his soft, wet mouth rubbing against her, the sweet friction almost unbearable in its pleasure.
He dragged his tongue back to his clit, his pace quickening as one finger slid into her body. Elain was lost to the sensation, unable to do anything but grind against him. Darkness crept into the edge her vision as the heat in her gut threatened to take her completely.
“Please, don’t stop, Lucien—” Her legs clamped around his head, his cunt pulsating on his finger as she screamed his name to the sky. Lucien rode her through it before sliding her down his chest just enough to sit up and kiss her roughly. His mouth tasted like her and she thought she ought to have found it disturbing or disgusting but she found the taste of her mingled in his mouth erotic.
“Lucien?!” A distant voice called. Feyre, she realized. Lucien groaned.
“We’ll continue this later,” he promised, quickly righting himself. She looked away from the bulge in his pants, still panting on the ground. Lucien vanished a moment later and she realized when she’d finally managed to climb back to her shaking legs that he’d taken her underwear with him.
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vivilove-jonsa · 3 years
Happy New Year Viv!
Sorry about the forced socialization. I'd trade places with you if I could. Parties with strangers is one of my favorite things (I know, I know), but we are hunkering down here, unfortunately.
I've had this fic idea in my head forever, but I don't know that I'll every get to it with the pace I'm getting through my existing wips. So this isn't necessarily a question or a prompt (though if it inspires anything, like I said, I probably won't get to it), but just a gift of this unwritten fic that will probably never see the light of day
- Coffeeshop AU where Jon is Sansa's manager at a hipster coffeeshop. He is a grumpy coffee snob. She actually smiles at customers and thinks they should stock oat milk and syrups. They don't really get along.
- One day Jon leaves his laptop open on the counter after his shift is over (he's in the back or something), when Jeyne, Sansa's roommate is visiting the shop. Jeyne snoops, and they discover that Jon is a popular BNF and fanfic writer in the same fandom (similar to GoT) that Sansa is also a popular (but more niche) fanfic writer.
- Later that night, at their apartment, they snoop more. Jon writes plot heavy, political fics that are 300,000+ words with a focus on medieval accuracy and NO SMUT. Sansa writes hurt/comfort steamy romances between a non-canon pair that her part of the fandom is sure will eventually be canon, but they are often dismissed.
-Feeling cheeky, Jeyne leaves a comment on Jon's latest chapter (logged in as Sansa) that says "When is someone, anyone, going to bang already?"
- Sansa is aghast but it also makes her laugh. She deletes the comment and forgets about it, until the next morning when she logs into tumblr and realizes Jon has been sending her messages.
- This turns into a situation where she and Jon start working on a fic together under their pseudonyms but only Sansa knows that WhiteWolf23 is Jon and CommitCrimesforLemonCakes is Sansa.
-Hijinks ensue!
Anyway, Happy New Year! I hope the forced socialization is more pleasant and passes faster than expected!
Anna!!! This is AMAZING and I want this fic someday! I don't care if I've gotta wait for it 🤩
Seriously, I love a good Coffee Shop AU and I want to do another Career Day Romance this year but this one needs your perfectly Snarky Jon who's still loveable with his Coffee Snobbery and 300K word fics with NO smut 😂.
I love that Sansa's clearly a Jonsa in this (they hate us cause they ain't us 😌) and I'm with her on writing romance over political-focused fics 💤
I have a half-started story of Sansa the hidden fic writer but it's told from Theon's POV. Basically, Theon discovers his gf Jeyne reading fanfic and gets into it. Later, he realizes that one of his and Jeyne's favorite writers in Sansa. (My real-life bestie and I bond over this stuff after all.) Theon, being Theon, assumes that single Sansa must get all her amazing smut scenes from stuff Jeyne's shared about them when she's actually secretly involved with Jon. Hilarity ensues when this comes out. But anyway...
Thank you so much for brightening my inbox with this deliciousness and I hope you enjoy your hunkering down. Lucky for me, these aren't strangers (that would really have me running for the hills) but a 'late' extended family Christmas. I just want to be comfy tonight, you know?
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bradtomlovesya · 3 years
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
Sooo, @brad-is-my-dante and i, wrote this together and we hope you like it!!! 🥺💙. I love you so much bestie. We will write one more in her profile so... wait for it :)
Summary: You and Brad are together and you go with him to a party. A guy starts flirting with you and of course Brad doesn't like that so he shows you who you belong to.
Word counter: 4,5k +
Warnings: Possessive, angst, Smut +18, submissive reader, kinky, bad language, orgasm denied. Read by your own responsibility.
Being in a relationship is hard, but being in a relationship with Bradley Simpson it’s ten times harder, and it’s not because of him, it’s because of the pressure of a lot of people watching your life.
But there was one great thing about it all, the intimacy with him was surreal, amazing and totally exhilarating. As innocent as that man's face might look, he was wild.
“What are you thinking about?” He surrounds my waist with his hands behind me.
he was talking about a little party he was going to have after the concert, not that i didn't like parties, but i was afraid of some inconvenient fan
"Maybe…" I turn and look into his eyes "Why do you want me to go? Couldn't we stay at the hotel?"
“You told me you will go with me, love” he sighs. “I don’t want to be there
without you” he begs. “Pretty please?"
"What do I get if I go?" The innocent eye lies and I could see his eyes turn a darker color. It was like I heard him purr
“It’s not what you will get if you go. Is what you will
get if you don’t go” he cocks his head. “I told you to be a good girl, don’t you dare disobey” his raspy voice is my weakness.
"O-okay babe" my voice shakes. That was the effect he had on me. "I will..."
He takes my purse and my coat before opening the car’s door “Let’s go then” he smiles. I bet he knows the power he has on me.
"Promise we won't be long?" In the car, on the way to the pub where the party would take place, I ask him.
“We will just take some drinks with my band mates, thank some producers and that’s all. After we get back home, I will be all yours, I promise” he takes my hand and leaves a soft kiss on it.
"Okay, bear" I give him an understanding smile. I love this man so much.
After he parks the car, we start walking inside. no more than five seconds pass and Tris is already heading to us.
“Hello, Hello” He says, hugs my boyfriend and then looks at me “How are you, Y/n?”
"I'm fine, and you?" then I give him a high five and the taller one smiles
"I'm fine. Come sit with us, we just need you to arrive" he says happily as he starts walking towards a big table with several bottles of drinks on top and Brad's other bandmates are already there with their girlfriends.
It wasn’t as boring as I expected. Lucee and Kirstie are completely angels and they understand what being girlfriend of a celebrity is, so we have that in common.
“Love?” Brad says, looking at me. “My mom is calling, it must be important. Would you mind waiting here while I take the call?.”
"Of course my love, go there. Send a kiss to your mom for me" I speak gently and he plants a little kiss on me. I could see him disappear into the crowd heading towards the exit.
"So y/n, wanna go dancing?" Kirstie asks me excitedly
"We're all going to the dance floor, come on, it's going to be fun" Lucee adds
"I think it's better not. I'll stay here waiting for Brad" I answer them trying not to look rude. I know Brad very well, he would not like to see me dancing without him.
“Okay… but if you change your mind, we will be there” he points at Kirstie who is already on the dance floor and I just nod in response.
After a couple of minutes, a guy I've never seen before takes sit next to me.
“Hey… I’ve never seen you here before. First time?” He gets closer and speaks in my ear so I can hear him without the interruption of the loud music.
"Um, no... I'm not from around here" I say loudly because of the music and step away from him feeling uncomfortable.
"And where would you be from, sweetie?" he asks approaching again. oh no, he used the nickname that Brad uses for me.
“I don’t think you will know where i’m from” I step away, again.
"Don't play hard to get, I've met girls like you before" he lets out a sloppy laugh and I could feel the breath of vodka. Shit, he doesn't know who he just messed with, if Brad had seen this, he would have kicked him already.
“I don’t want to be rude but you’re making me uncomfortable. Can you please just go?” I sigh and turn my head from side to side looking for Brad.
"Oh I'm sorry sweetie" he gives me a crooked smile "can you at least give me your number?...Or maybe a kiss?" He starts to lean in but soon a shrill, dominant voice makes him stop.
"No, she can't." It was Brad. He was standing with his arms crossed and looking deathly at the inconvenient guy. "didn't you hear her say? get out!"
"And who do you think you are, shorty?" the boy sneers at Brad and I can soon see his jaw strain with rage
"I'm her boyfriend!" Brad hits the table hard, startling the boy and me. "And you can be sure, I may not be tall, but I have plenty of strength to break that horrible face of yours" He looks steadily at the boy "I'm her boyfriend because I have character and a lot of potential. With that personality of yours you wouldn't even catch a bitch." I see anger in his eyes "Now get out of here before I break you!"
quickly I could see the boy almost run out of fear. After that I don't think he would ever go near a woman again without knowing if she had a boyfriend or not
"Can't I go out for 10 minutes that already have motherfuckers after what's mine?" He sits down beside me and I can already see his revealed neck vein and his furrowed brows. oh my god he was sexy
"I'm sorry, my love…" I take my hand and intertwine it with his looking at him gently "but it was better for me to have stayed here waiting for you, than to have gone out on the dance floor with the guys and something worse happened"
"In a way, you're right..." he lets out a loud sigh "I hate it when they try to take what's mine, you know?"
“But… are we okay?” I ask shily.
“Okay? No, we aren’t. There’s a lot of sons of bitches trying to get what’s mine. All - The - Fucking - Time” He looks at me with lust in his eyes. “I think i will have to remember you who your owner is” he takes my wrists.
“But-” he doesn’t let me speak.
"No 'but'. You come with me" he gets up and pulls me by the wrist
"W-won't you let the staff know? They might be worried" I ask him as I'm pulled out.
"Then I'll text them. Now I have to take care of you." he says firmly.
“Okay…” I gulp. I know what’s coming. Drinks, night, and jealousy aren’t the best combination for Brad. Or maybe they are… But not for me.
“Don’t worry, honey” He helps me get into the car. “I will give you just what such a bratty like you deserve”
"Y-you'll be kind… won't you?” I ask him apprehensively as I see him get into the driver's side slamming the door making me jump.
"Do you think you deserve kindness?" He laughs darkly "After I heard that bastard call you my favorite nickname, I'll have to punish you"
with these few words I could already feel a small puddle forming in my panties.
“I will behave,” I murmur.
He puts his hand on my tight and strokes it a little while driving “I hope so, darling. It’s your punishment, not mine”.
The rest of the road was really quiet, none of us said something but his fists were holding the steering wheel so hard making it go white. I saw his chest go down and up with his heavy breathing, I could also see his erection marked in his jeans.
It was a frequent consequence of Brad. He got angry about something and always ended up taking it out on sex. Was he nervous? sex. Was he jealous? sex.
"let's go" he said as he opened the car door for me after having parked the car in front of the hotel
We walked calmly through the hotel lobby, but because of the marked erection, I think the few people there already knew why we were going up to the room.
After the elevator doors closed I could feel my back against the cold metal of the elevator and my hands up. Brad kissed me harshly but passionately.
“Brad… there’s cameras on the elevator” I murmur between kisses.
“Do you think i fucking care?” He bites my lower lip.
“You should, you’re a public figure” I stop him.
“You’re annoying me” He rolls his eyes.
“I’m sorry” I bow my head and the doors of the elevator open.
“Shut up and walk”
I don’t say anything, I just do what he wants. I don’t want the punishment to be worse.
Once inside the room, he locks the door and looks at me in a dominant way. "Take off your clothes and get into bed. I'll be right back" I obey him and then he leaves towards the bathroom, where our bags were.
slowly taking off my clothes I could already imagine how hard he would be on me. I can't deny it, I love that part of him that only I know.
He came back after some minutes with handcuffs.
“A-And th-that?” i stutter.
”It’s for you, sweetheart” He walks towards me “On your knees”
I put on my knees on the bed.
“No,” he denies. “On the floor, now”
"Y-yes sir" so hard to do as he orders and get down on my knees on the fluffy floor mat
"Put your wrists on your back" so I do. He puts the handcuffs on my wrists causing a shiver over my body from the icy metal "You can't move until I speak, ok?"
"O-ok sir" he strokes my hair lovingly
"you're going to suck daddy's cock" he lets out a breath and unzips his jeans making his gray Calvin Klein mark his big erection even more "but when I ask you to stop, what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to stop..." I say shyly
"You go what?" he grabs my chin making me look into his lust-bright eyes "Say it! you know what I want to hear"
"I'm going to stop Daddy!" I could already feel tears welling up in my eyes. He was being aggressive, I don't know if I don't like it or like it.
“Now…” he takes a deep breath “Open”
I do what he tells me to. I open my mouth in a big “a” with my eyes closed waiting for his dick to enter in my mouth but it doesn’t so i open my eyes
"I want you with your eyes open, looking at me" he lets out a long breath as he pumps his beautiful cock with an already reddened tip of sensitivity "If you were supposed to keep your eyes closed, I would have blindfolded you"
"I-im s-so sorry daddy" I say pleading through the eyes. At this point, if I did anything he didn't like, I know he would be able to hook up a vibrator to my clit and leave me without an orgasm for hours.
“No ‘Sorrys’. Open your mouth” I do. He takes my face in one hand and spits on my tongue “Swallow” He orders.
Now I'm just his toy. I’m here to please him, not the other way around.
“Good girl” he smiles when i do “now be more good and suck it all”
“Okay” I whisper and introduce his huge cock in my mouth. I try my best to let it in completely but it is too much for my little mouth.
"Do like this my little girl" he moans heavily "picking up daddy's dick so well, isn't it? such a good little girl to me, and just only for me"
looking into his face, I could see his eyes close in pleasure along with his mouth shaped like a perfect "o" and his furrowed brows.
Picking up my hair and pulling it into a ponytail, he started fucking my face like never before. with each thrust i could feel the veins in his cock pulse making me feel wetter and eager for him in me.
"Yeah little girl. Oh fuck, that mouth is just mine," he speaks heavily between moans "and no idiot can kiss or have his cock in her but me. I'm a lucky guy"
“Who do you belong to?” He takes his dick out of my mouth.
I gasp for air and he just grabs my hair harder.
“I asked something, sweetie. Answer”
“You” I answer breathing heavily.
“Me what? Use more words” He pulls my hair hard making me look at the roof.
“You, daddy” i cried out “I belong to you and only you”
This is hard, this is rough and I never thinked about Brad like this but… Is it bad to say I'm loving it?
"That's how I like it. Daddy loves when his little girl is obedient..." he lets out a long sigh "Dad was just really disappointed in one thing..."
Oh shit. What do I say wrong?
"You know baby, when I saw you call it sweet, my blood boiled with rage" he caresses my cheek “Did you see the way he was looking at your legs with that tight dress of yours? You use that dress for me. Only for me”
"S-sorry, daddy" I look at him feeling guilty
"Don't you remember what I said? No 'Sorrys'." he scolds me with the look "that bastard at least wouldn't know how to eat you." he rolls his eyes "get up slowly, your knees must be hurting"
I slowly stand up and feel my legs go weak but Brad holds me by the waist
"I warned you. Now I want to change the positions of the handcuffs, turn around" so I do and feel him release the handcuffs "Lie on the bed on your back"
"Yes daddy" I walk to the bed and lie down doing what he asked me to. Soon I can see him taking off his shirt and fully removing his underwear
"It's rude to stare honey" he chuckles softly as he notices my gaze on his dick "but I know, my dick is amazing and it's yours only"
he climbs on the bed and stays between my legs
"hands on the headboard" he asks and I do. So he holds my hands on the headboard rail.
“You remember our code?” He looks at my eyes and I just nod. “Words, darling. I won’t do anything without your permission”
“Green, keep going. Yellow, slow. Red, Stop” I bite my lip.
“That’s daddy’s girl” he lowers his hand until it ends where i need him the most. “Look at you” he laughs darkly “You’re dripping and i haven’t touched you yet” He slams my ass with his other hand. I know that will leave a pink mark. “Say please” He parts my folds but doesn't touch my clit.
“Please” I murmur.
“Please what?” He slams again. “Say it louder!” he orders.
“Please, daddy. Please fuck me with your fingers! please fuck me with your mouth! ” I close my eyes, feeling the pain. "Show me you're better than that bastard"
"Do you think it's going to be that easy?” He chuckles softly in my ear "Love, I'll make things difficult for you" I let out a whimper of disappointment
I feel his hands travel down my body and stop on my sensitive nipples. He quickly captures my right nipple with his mouth making it hard
"Oh, p-please daddy" I begged him. stop don't stop, never stop.
With one of his hands I feel him pinch the other nipple as he nibbles the other with his teeth. His free hand goes down to my wet pussy and touches me placing and taking his finger from my clit
"Um, little girl" he takes his mouth off my nipple "Tell me something" he licks the valley of my breasts "Who makes you so surrendered?"
"You daddy! You!" I close my eyes in an attempt even though I'm doing something so dirty, beg for god to change Brad's mind.
"Tell me…who makes you so wet?" He runs his index finger into my wet hole "huh? tell me"
"Oh my God! You daddy! You Bradley!" he totally stops with the movements
"what did you say?" I open my eyes and find a totally wild face "What did you just say?! Say it again!"
"You B-Bradley" I already knew that was it, I had never used his full name.
"You can't" He takes his hand out of my pussy. "You can't call me like that" I inhale deeply feeling the emptiness he left in my hole.
"I'm so sorry, daddy" i start crying again "please…"
"No 'please'. Now, i won't let you cum on my fingers 'cause i told you to be a good girl and you didn't"
I could feel my pussy throb for the lack of his touch. I just wanted him anyway, but he was making things difficult
"You know... I could call it a bitch, since that bastard stole my favorite nickname" he presses my cheek with one hand
"N-no, please. You promised you'd never call me bad names, remember daddy?" I beg him
it was a deal we had, no bad names for him and me. As hard as he would be on sex, the way to call me, he would be sweet.
"fuck… You teased me so much, little girl." he takes the grip off my cheeks and starts smoothing "the way you looked at me today as I sang to the crowd… you know how to tease daddy, don't you?"
this time I knew he didn't want an answer. His eyes looked wildly at me, I could see his pupil dilated because of the pleasure and love he felt for me.
"Do you know what naughty girls earn?" he whispers in my ear making me shiver and I shake my head "a good hard fuck… if you're good daddy will let you come. Ok?"
"O-ok daddy, I promise to be good" he nods his head
"What's the code?" he positions himself between my legs as he pumps his cock with his hand
"G-green…" I let out a sigh seeing him position himself at my entrance.
"You still on the pill?" I nod "good girl" when he finishes talking, he enters at once without giving me time to adjust. a loud moan comes out of my throat and I feel a burning
"It doesn't even look like I fucked you this morning. So tight for daddy, huh?" he moans with his eyes closed
"Only for you, daddy. I promise" I gasp, squeezing my eyes. My hands were still in the handcuffs but I needed to touch him "Can I touch you… please?"
"Do you think you deserve to touch me? huh?” He pinches hard one of my nipples making me scream "I'll only let you go when I think it's necessary, weigh it again and you won't enjoy it. did you hear me?"
"Y-yes daddy" throwing my head back in pleasure I could feel him change the angle
now my legs were over his shoulders causing him to reach deeper into my core, suddenly hitting my G-spot
"Daddy! Oh my God!" I moaned desperately as I felt my orgasm start to get closer with every thrust he did.
"Are you going to cum?" He says between moans.
I nod no trusting in my own words.
"I don't think so" he starts moving slower. I feel the burning in my stomach disappear and a sigh of frustration leaves my lips.
"Keep calm, baby girl" he kisses my forehead. "Just keep being good and you will get your reward" He enters deeper in me with just one thrust. his fingers dig into my waist with force making me scream at the top of my lungs.
"Who is making you feel this good?" He kisses my neck.
"You, sir" I moaned, feeling him hit that spot again.
"Don't talk with those son of bitches when you have everything with me" he speaks heavily yet deposits a big smack on my ass making me scream "Did you hear me? I want an answer!"
"Yes daddy! I b-belong to you! only to you!" soon I could see a smile break out on Brad's pleasurable face.
"Perfect." it hits that point of mine again going faster this time "Can you let daddy come first?"
"Daddy, I can't h'hold back a-anymore" he clicks his tongue
"You're being selfish little girl" he sighs "you know I can easily leave you without coming, don't you?"
"I'm s-so sorry, daddy" I whimper from the pleasure. Jesus he can't stop it
"I'll release you, don't touch where I don't allow" I nod with a smile and he leans over and lets go of my hands "give me your hand, you know what to do with it don't you?" I nod "fine, no squeezing just stroke"
he brings my hand up to his balls making me caress them. with this act he gains speed inside me hitting my core hard and moaning in an animalistic way
"You know very well how to treat daddy." he groans through clenched teeth "Moan for me love. I want to listen to my baby while I fuck you hard"
"Daddy! D-don't stop…" His movements become sloppy and soon i feel jets of hot semen in my core.
"Bloody hell!" he grumbles before collapsing on top of me and I bring my hands up to his hair and stroke it. "Such a good girl for daddy... made me come so hard, i think someone deserves a reward" he kisses me with love
"P-please, daddy" I beg softly.
"What do you want me to do, sweetheart?" He leaves kisses all over my face.
"Fuck me with your fingers… pretty please?" I say in a submissive tone. I know he wants to keep control even when he is already finished.
"Oh my love do you want me to fuck you with my sperm?..." he takes a hand to my core and incites two fingers "Like this?..."
"Oh! Yeah daddy!" he bends his fingers at me hitting my spot again "P-please, D-don't stop…"
He gives small kisses down my neck following my collarbone and stopping at my breasts. With his free hand he starts massaging my left breast "You are so perfect, it was made exactly to my size. They fit in my hand"
"Oh, Fuck!" I scream feeling the burn in my stomach.
"Cum for me, babe. Cum on my fingers" He speeds up his pace.
I'm sweating and moaning like never before. I'm tired but I don't want him to stop.
He puts his thumb on my clit while keeps fucking me hard with his other fingers and that friction was last thing i needed to realease in his hand screaming his name.
"Oh my God! Thank you daddy! Thank you!" I breathed heavily while shivering and Brad gave me little kisses on my neck
"You're very welcome, babe" He caresses my hair. "Now let's take a shower to clean you up"
"I don't feel my legs" i laugh a little "you left me without the possibility of walking"
"Sorry, honey. But you search for it" he takes me in his arms and walks with me to the bathroom. Once we are in, he lets me sit down on the bathtub.
"I'm going to turn on the hot water love, it'll help ease the pain between your legs" he said turning on the tap and coming to give me a kiss "I'll get the robes, I'll be right back" he goes out the bathroom door and I take the opportunity to admire that one beautiful round ass.
feeling the water rise higher and higher, I relax and close my eyes. I can feel my core on fire. As much as I was punished, I loved how affectionate Brad became afterward.
"Hey love, you're not sleeping in the bathtub are you?" I hear Brad's laughing voice and open my eyes to see him put the robes over the sink
"No. I'm just relaxing" he walks towards me totally naked. This man is perfect in every way
"Space me" he asks and I lean forward feeling him fit behind me "Hmm but I think I tired my girl, didn't I?"
"You did" I let out a small laugh and he follows me
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He kisses my neck "I couldn't bear to be too rough with you, the pain I give you is always to give you pleasure"
"Be calm Brad" I link one of my hands in his "I'm just feeling a burning sensation, nothing too different from other times"
"Are you sure?" He whispers fondly in my ear and then nuzzles my neck.
"Yes babe I'm sure" I rested my head on his chest closing my eyes and soon I felt him take a sponge and rub my breasts and stomach.
"Time to take care of my baby" he kisses my head "I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too, Bradley bear" my breath calms down enjoying the feeling. "Can I ask you something?" I look at his chocolate eyes for a moment.
"Whatever you want to" He answers with a cute smile.
"Why did you get that jealous of that guy?" I giggle.
"Being honest… you're one of the best things in my life right now and just the think of losing you for just one dumb guy drives me insane" he says in a lost and sad voice.
"You won't lose me..." I kiss him gently "I've been waiting for you for so long, it will always be you, and for you"
"But I'm still afraid of losing you... I waited so long for love and you showed up" he sighs and I can see tears in his eyes and i caress his cheek "you are the most precious thing in this world" a lonely tear leaks from his eye and I wipe it away with my thumb.
"You are also the most precious thing in the world Brad. I love you so much" I plant a little kiss on him "well I think we should go to bed, I'm really tired"
"true my love, can you get up?"
"Yeah babe" I get up out of the tub and grab one of the robes "Will you stay there?"
"No" he gets up from the tub and repeats my movements and I look at him mischievously
"I doubt you can reach me... softly" when I finish talking I run towards the room leaving him behind
"y/n! come back here!" I hear him scream before he comes after me
Who knew dating Bradley Simpson would be so exciting…
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hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Word Count: ~7,500
Total Fic Word Count: ~30,000
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn't mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: Okay okay here it is— the wedding fic I’ve been writing for literally six and a half months! I'm nervous and excited... this is the first fic I've written and posted in maybe 8? years. I asked you, and guys said you preferred chapters, so that's how I'll be posting. This first chapter is mostly exposition and fluff, the good stuff is coming I promise! I will be posting a part every day since the whole thing is already written. If you would like to be tagged, let me know. I would like to thank Rowena @heyrowena for being such a good friend and motivating me to be brave and get back into writing. Without you, this probably wouldn’t exist. Your motivation whenever I hit a roadblock or plot crisis was fundamental in helping the ending come together. I would also like to thank Tori @cavillsharman who spent countless hours talking out plots with me. Henry & Claire would not exist if it wasn’t for you! Thank you for bringing them to life with me. Thank you BOTH for helping me figure out how the heck to write kissing and ~romantic scenes. I think I hopefully found my way in the end. TLDR; Thank you Rowena and Tori, thanks for believing in me and helping this fic become a reality. ALSO! Thank you to my bestie Becka @kirklandhouse for giving all 100 pages of this a final proof/beta read with me to make it as smooth and shiny as possible. I love you! Okay. No more notes. I hope you enjoy it. Bye <3
I sit in Daniel’s apartment, watching some new indie movie on Netflix. When he’s in town, we dedicate Wednesday nights to watching Netflix and playing some kind of card game together. It started originally as a group thing with board games, but eventually our friends' schedules fell apart, leaving it to just us most of the time.
My phone lights up and starts playing the typical FaceTime music, and I look down to see my cousin Ryan calling me; I decline the call. Daniel looks at me over his cards, knowingly.
“Is that your cousin? We can pause it,” he nods towards the TV.
Ryan and I are a good decade apart in age but really close. When I had to move across the country for work, I was heartbroken. Ryan was like the little brother I never had, and I’d lived with him, his mom — my Auntie Kim — and his sister Rachel nearly my whole life. I was worried the distance would change things between the two of us. Thankfully, it hadn’t.
I shake my head, watching the “missed call” light up on my lockscreen.
“No, it’s fine… I can call him later. He’s calling about his sister’s wedding.”
“Oh right, Rachel’s getting married this summer.”
I smile that he remembers, granted it would be hard not to. I have a tendency to talk about my family a lot, some might say too much.
“That’s coming up this summer, isn’t it? When is it — July?”
“Yeah, only two—” I’m cut off by my phone lighting up again, Ryan’s face once again on the screen. “God, he needs to stop. Sorry — let me text him.” I decline the call and start texting him, but before I can hit send, FaceTime is ringing again.
Daniel laughs, “I really think you should answer. He’s rather persistent.”
I shake my head, “Sorry.” I apologize before reluctantly answering the call, “Ryan, why are you—”
“Yes, hello.”
“I have been trying to reach you.” I look up at Daniel who has an amused smile on his face.
“I realize that, yes. I am doing something though, so is this an emergency, or...?”
“I was talking with Rachel and my mom, I guess the final guest count was due today.”
“Okay? That’s... nice. Is that… it?”
“Don’t worry, I told her you made a mistake on your RSVP; I fixed it just in time.”
I frown. “What do you mean? How did I make a mistake?”
Ryan rolls his eyes, and looks like he’s trying — and failing — not to look smug.
“You forgot to put that you were bringing a plus one.”
I laugh at that, “Yeah, I didn’t forget that, I don’t have a plus one.”
“I know.”
“If you know that, why did you tell her I did? Your mom is going to be really mad if they pay for a plate of food for someone who doesn’t exist.”
Daniel’s fidgeting with his cards, but looking at me curiously.
“Because, Lauren. you need to find a plus one.”
“Uh —”
“No, no, no… listen. I’m bringing my girlfriend, and Rachel, who’s younger than you, by the way, is getting married. You’re, what? In your late twenties?” He takes a deep breath, “It’s time to find a mate.”
I visibly cringe at the messed up teenage boy logic. Daniel strategically places a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing, and I feel my cheeks start to heat up.
“A mate? Ryan, this is. Okay. That is, first of all, a really weird word choice. Second of all, thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it, but —”
“No, Lauren. Listen. If you show up to this wedding without a date, you owe me fifty bucks.”
“That is NOT —”
“But, if you show up with a date, I will give you a hundred bucks, PLUS my mom won’t be mad at you.”
“Ryan. Seriously. This is not cool — do you even have a hundred bucks?” I feel the panic setting in, and the secondhand embarrassment of this occurring in front of, arguably, the most good-looking man on the planet. Daniel wouldn’t have any idea what it was like to be made fun of by your entire family for never having a boyfriend — or even a date to anything. I feel my face getting hot, and I know anxious tears are in my future. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, to try to calmly explain to my cousin, yet again, that I couldn’t just make someone enter my life by sheer will, nevermind someone who would be willing to fly across the country with me in less than two months. “Plus, Ryan, I don’t know how to tell you this, but —”
I feel a hand on my arm and look up to see Daniel looking at me so seriously, I stop midway through my sentence.
“Lauren? Tell me what?”
I’m still looking at Daniel who shakes his head ‘no.’ Confused, I make the mistake of asking out loud, “What?”
“Lauren? Who are you talking to?”
I look back at Daniel who is still trying to tell me something with his expression, something I didn’t understand. “Sorry, Ry, I was just —”
“Can I talk to him?” Daniel asks softly, but definitely loud enough for Ryan to hear.
I watch Ryan’s face go through shock, “You’re with a guy right now? Was that an accent? You’re with a guy with an accent?” He starts laughing, but I’m no longer paying attention, I’m still looking at Daniel who is looking at me expectantly, a half smile on his face.
“Sure? Ryan, hold on.” I say, handing the phone over to him with blind trust. I watch as Daniel smiles and waves at the screen.
“Hey Ryan, nice to meet you. I’m Daniel… Lauren talks about you all the time.”
“Uh, hi?”
“Hey. I know this is weird and sudden, but there hasn’t been a good time to really tell you this— Lauren and I are dating,” I feel my eyes widen in shock, but Daniel just glances at me and smiles. “I asked her not to tell anyone — I’m actually an actor, and — ”
“Wait a second, you were in that show! She’s mentioned you before, she said you guys were just friends…” Ryan interrupts skeptically.
“I know, I know, and to be honest, we were friends first. I just didn’t want her to say anything to anyone until...” He pauses, taking a deep breath, and I watch, bemused at this performance. “Until we knew things were really serious, and that they’d work out.”
“Uh huh. Well, I have a lot of questions about that —”
“I’m sure —”
“But the first one is, if you guys are really dating, are you going to be her plus one to the wedding? Or are things not ‘serious’ enough for you yet?”
I roll my eyes; even in his skepticism, Ryan is still as overprotective as ever.
“No, no, I — I had to check my filming schedule first, but I actually don’t fly out to film my next project until the end of August, so. This works out nicely, and I’m excited to meet you, and everyone, in person.”
It’s quiet a second, and I can almost hear the wheels in Ryan’s head turning.
“Are you covering for her so you get my 100 bucks? You really have to be dating, if you come as her friend it doesn’t count—”
“I know. Trust me. I’m not in this for the money.” He grins, finally looking at me to gauge my reaction which is still one of perplexed fascination. He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it, turning back to Ryan. “You’ll see.”
Daniel and Ryan have a bit of a relaxed chat before Daniel finally gives the phone back to me. Pleasantries firmly pushed aside, Ryan asks me why I didn’t tell him sooner and I double down on the story that Daniel had come up with. I’m a little worried that I look guilty — my face usually betrays me — but if I do, it seems like Ryan just assumes it was guilt from keeping a “secret” from him. When we go to hang up, he smiles at me and says he’s happy for me, and that he hopes I enjoy the rest of my night, winking playfully before hanging up. Once again my cheeks are flushed red.
I let the hand holding the phone fall into my lap, turning my head against the couch to look at Daniel. Not knowing what to say, I shake my head.
He smiles, “Are you mad at me?”
I laugh, “Why would I be mad… are you mad, in the head? Are you really going to fly back to Massachusetts with me?”
He shrugs, smirking, “I do have a lot of miles to use.”
I shake my head, “This isn’t just... this is a commitment, though. If you thought Ryan had questions, wait until you see the rest of my family.” I frown. “They’re going to ask to take pictures with you to post on Facebook.”
“Are they?” he muses, “You think they’ll recognize me?”
“Well, to be honest, they might not… but if you tell them what you do, it won’t even matter. It’s like….” I struggle to find the words. “Clout chasing.”
He shrugs, “Okay.”
“Okay? That doesn’t bother you?”
“I mean, we are friends, we’ve been seen together before, I think it will be fine. Plus, I’ll be on my best behavior.” He puts on a mock serious tone. “No PR scandals.”
I laugh, “Right, because that’s my real concern here.” I pause, thinking it over in silence.
“Why’d you do it?” I don’t need to explain what ‘it’ is. He looks at me for a second before fidgeting with his cards he had previously discarded to talk to Ryan.
“You, uh, get really upset — I know you joke about it, being ‘undateable’ but…” He trails off and after a moment he starts again. “You looked really upset. And if I could help, I wanted to, I guess.”
I scoff. “You didn’t have to volunteer to be my fake boyfriend because you felt bad for me.”
He gives me his signature cheek: “For the record, I’m an actor. I’m a fake boyfriend professionally.”
I laugh, fueled by nerves. “I never thought about it like that.”
“It’ll be fun to meet your family.”
I bite my lip. “Well, get ready, I guess, because this may be your hardest role yet!”
He pretends to weigh the idea in his head, tilting his head to the side. “Mmm, somehow I don’t think so, but don’t worry, we can hold extra rehearsals just in case.”
“Alright. You let me know what that entails.”
“I will, don’t worry.”
We smile at each other. All of a sudden, I realize that the movie’s still playing, and neither of us have paid any attention to it for the better part of an hour. I check the time on my phone.
“We’re going to have to start this movie over next Wednesday. We missed the whole first half, and it’s getting late. I should probably get going.”
“Oh, okay. You know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, but I know you have an early morning.”
I get up and start gathering my things, moving towards the door. “You’re sweet. Thanks.”
I move to hug him goodbye.
“What are fake boyfriends for?”
I feel myself blush again. “Well. You’re sweet for even agreeing to be my fake boyfriend. I forgot to say thank you.” I look him in the eyes, hoping he can sense the sincerity. “Thank you.”
He smiles softly, “You’re welcome. It’ll be fun. I’m looking forward to it.”
The following Wednesday, Daniel has some Skype meetings about the project he’s starting in August and our schedules don’t align for the rest of the week. We still text here and there, and I don’t know if or when we’re going to talk about the wedding. He seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing, but I’m still nervous, and I have a lot of questions swarming in my head. I’m sure I could have texted them to him, but I don’t know how to word things, and I figure it’s best just to discuss in person, where I can read him better.
I knock on his door, pizza box in my hand. A moment passes before Daniel opens the door, looking particularly cozy in an oversized sweater.
“Hey,” he smiles, pushing hair out of his face. “Come on in, sorry — I got a bit caught up in the script my agent just sent over.” He leads me over to the couch, where I see lots of printed pages scattered across the coffee table. He starts piling them together, making room for me to put the box down.
“That’s okay, no worries. Is it a good project? One you’re interested in, I mean?”
It’s no secret that Daniel is sent more projects than he bothers to audition for. At this stage of his career, he’s particular about the projects he signs on for. The character and the premise have to be something he believes in, something he cares about.
He glances up at me from where he’s organizing the pages.
“Yeah, I think so. There’s a lot of... sort of psychological conflict in this one, which I like.” He picks up the last of the pages before putting them in a folder and walking off in the direction of the kitchen. “Let me just put this away and then I’ll get plates and napkins — do you want anything to drink?”
“Water is fine,” I call after him, finally placing the box down on the table, sitting down in my usual place on the couch and shrugging my bag off my shoulder.
He comes back into the room carrying two glasses and two plates, a piece of notebook paper tucked between his fingers.
“So, uh, I hope it’s okay, but I put together a list.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. “A list for what?”
“Things we’ll need answers for, for your family. Like character backstory… things like when we started dating — so our answers match.” He says it very matter-of-fact, like this was just everyday conversation and not something I’ve been silently obsessing over for the better part of a week.
“Oh! That’s really thoughtful,” I smile. “Good idea.”
He shrugs, handing me a plate and opening the pizza box, “I do it for every role.”
“Right,” I nod. We take a few minutes to eat and talk over our week, and then he wipes his hands on his napkin and picks up his list again.
“Alright, so, how we met, I figure we can keep the truth, that’s fine.”
“Yup, you came to see your friend in the community play, which I also happened to be in, you came to dinner with us after the show, and our friend group melded shortly after that.”
He gestures to the pizza box, “And now we’re having dinners of our own.”
I laugh, “We are.”
“So that’s when we met, but when did things change?”
I sit thinking, and Daniel does the same.
I’ve probably had a crush on Daniel since I saw him that first night; he’s the kind of person it’s hard not to feel drawn to right away. He has a way of making people feel seen, and his comments on the show were so thoughtful. I valued his compliments before I even knew he was an actor professionally. I wonder if I could say the truth out loud in a way that was nonchalant, make it seem like a concept that wasn’t based on real experience.
“Well,” I begin, clearing my throat. “I probably liked you from the word go, but I wouldn’t have done anything about it. So that would have had to come from you.”
“Huh,” he scratches his chin. “Leaving it all up to me. No pressure.” He chuckles. “I— hmm. I would need to know, or at least think you liked me before doing anything.”
“Oh, so you decide who to date based on who likes you, I see,” I tease.
“Fuck off, obviously I like you— would like you if I was going to date you, but I mean. I don’t want to be one of those guys creeping on his friends who aren’t interested.”
“Sure, Sharman, sure. So…?”
“Alright. Well, realistically, how long could you have been hiding this from your family? You talk to them all the time.” I roll my eyes but know he’s right. “So a month, maybe? That brings us back to April… . Got it— my birthday.”
“Happy birthday, I’m your girlfriend now!” I fake cheer.
He looks me dead in the eyes, replying with mock sincerity. “The best present I could have ever asked for.”
“Oh, shut up! So ridiculous. What happened on your birthday? What changed, as you say?”
I watch him think, curiously, thinking back to his birthday myself. It was a low key get together at his house with a bunch of his friends, some of whom were our mutual friends. He was grinning the whole night, and I loved to see him so carefree and happy.
“When you brought out the cake,” he starts, still staring off into space, “your face was all lit up by the candles, and everyone was singing, but all I could think about was how beautiful you looked. I realized I had to tell you how I felt, so I did. I pulled you aside at the end of the night and we talked, and then I kissed you.” He looks up at me. “What do you think?”
“That’s beautiful,” I compliment, trying not to think about how much I wish that really happened, that he really thought that when I brought out his birthday cake. “Who knew you were such a romantic deep down?”
He laughs bashfully. “I think you knew.”
“Maybe I had an inkling,” I smile. “What’s next on the list?”
He looks down at his list. “Have we said the big L word yet?”
“For sure. That same night.”
Daniel laughs and gives me a strange look. “You were ready for that one.”
“Well, I don’t know— you don’t confess to ‘kind of like someone’ when you’ve already been friends as long as we have.”
He smirks. “Right, well, when you say it like that, who could argue?”
It’s another Friday when I’m lying down on Daniel’s couch with my eyes closed, when I feel him come and sit next to me, perching on the edge of the cushion. He laughs quietly to himself before I feel him start twirling one of my rogue curls around his finger. I open my eyes to see him smiling down at me, newly topped off drink in his hand. We’ve been playing a drinking game to one of his old favorite movies, and we’re both sufficiently tipsy.
“Hi,” I say, looking up at him.
“Oh hello.” He stops playing with my hair, smoothing it back into place. “Fancy meeting you here.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re always so funny, have I told you that?”
“Mmm,” he pretends to think. “Probably, but I always love when you remind me.”
“I aim to please,” I say, pulling myself halfway up to lean back against the couch cushion. We look at each other for a minute before I feel self-conscious and look away, reaching for my glass of water on the table. “What’re you thinking about?”
He watches me take a sip and says nothing. I quirk an eyebrow up at him, and put my glass back on the table. “Hello?”
“Just trying to figure out if now’s a good time.”
I frown. “Good time for what?”
He says nothing again, still looking at me. I narrow my eyes at him. “Just a reminder, I have anxiety, so if you could hurry up, that would be so very excellent.”
He laughs at that, taking a sip of his drink. He pulls a face after he swallows and leans forward to put the glass on the table.“Bad mix, that.”
“Sharman, honestly. Focus, please.”
“Sorry, sorry. Alright.”
I look at him expectantly.
“There’s one thing we haven’t really talked about— for the wedding.”
My stomach turns, as I try to think of what we could have missed. “What is it?”
“The, uh. Like, the physicality of it.”
I don’t say anything for a moment, the words slowly processing in my head through the fog of liquor.
“That sounds… very technical. Please elaborate.”
He runs a hand through his hair and I can’t tell if he’s nervous or exasperated. “Like kissing, holding hands— that sort of thing. I just thought, maybe it would be less awkward? To talk about this, uh, slightly inebriated... for you, I mean.”
“Uh huh, for me. I see.”
“Well,” I see the playfulness in his eyes. “You are the self-proclaimed nervous one.”
I bump my shoulder against his. “And I don’t kiss people for a living.”
“Mmm, I don’t think that’s my entire job, but,” he smirks, “lucky for you, I have had lots of practice.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
It’s quiet for a minute.
“Anyways, I was going to say — we should practice. Kissing, I mean. If the first time we kiss is in front of your family, that could be problematic. And extremely uncomfortable.”
I laugh, blushing, and blurt out the first thing I think of: “Oh, so you got me drunk not to talk about kissing me, but to actually kiss me.”
He shrugs, “I didn't want you to overthink it.”
“Mmmm,” I muse. “How thoughtful.”
He smiles at me. “Well,” he says, bringing up a hand as if he’s brushing hair behind my ear and keeping it there. “As your fake boyfriend, I have to be, don’t I?”
I smile, not saying anything. I feel him shift closer, and my heart starts pounding in my chest. “Can I kiss you now?” he whispers.
I nod, my heart still pounding.
He gently presses his soft lips to mine before pulling back for a second. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” I whisper, my hand gently moving up his bicep as he leans back in. This time I follow his lead as our lips slowly move together. He kisses me more purposefully and my breath catches in my throat, my hand wandering to his chest. I feel his hand move to my hip, his fingers mindlessly reaching just under the hem of my shirt. His hand is cold, but his touch burns my skin and sends a shiver up my spine.
“C’mere,” he murmurs against my mouth, maneuvering me into his lap effortlessly. I don’t even have time to feel self-conscious about it because his hands, his huge, warm hands, are holding my face tenderly as he kisses me like I’m his prized possession.
His tongue glides along my bottom lip, subtly asking to be let in. Almost too eagerly, I open my mouth, and he hums low in his throat, deepening the kiss. While I don’t want to think about it, I force myself to remember that while this is something I’ve dreamed about, Daniel’s an actor— and he’s acting.
I savor the moment before we pull apart, both breathing heavily. Daniel’s eyes are still closed, his face flushed, lips a warm pink. I admire the freckles sprinkled on his cheeks and feel myself begin to blush furiously. I tuck my head into his neck as I feel one of his hands stroke my hair.
His voice is soft and slightly hoarse as he asks, “You alright?”
I nod, breathing him in deeply before pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Yeah,” he bites his lip. “I think… I think we have that down.”
I can’t help but laugh from nerves, and then he laughs too. Flustered, I smooth my hands over his shirt where it wrinkled when he placed me in his lap. I carefully get off of him, his hands falling to his sides as I resume my spot next to him on the couch. I already miss his warmth and I have no clue what to do with my hands now.
I can feel Daniel’s eyes on me, so I look back at him. His face is unreadable; I shoot him a reassuring smile, and after a moment he seems to snap back to reality and he smiles back at me.
I wonder how I’m supposed to go back to just being his friend when this is all over when I now know how it feels to be desired by him, wanted by him, even if it’s all just for show.
“So!” Daniel says, clapping his hand on his knees. “What time am I meeting you tomorrow? Or are you coming here first? Do you need me to pick you up?”
I laugh again. “We never decided! Do you want to carpool? Because we definitely can.”
“Yeah, let’s do that so I can control the music—”
“Excuse you—”
“Besides, we’re going to my stylist, so I know how to get there.”
“For your suit. I told you I can just get a dress at the mall —”
“But that’s unnecessary since we’re going to match, and we’re going to my stylist already. I already had Alicia grab a bunch of dresses for you to try.”
“Which are probably going to be approximately eight million dollars —”
“No. They aren’t. And if they are —”
“—If they are, I am going to buy a dress at the mall.”
“—Then either I can pay for part of it, or I can have her pull some other options —”
“You’re not going to pay for it, I’m serious —”
“—It’s not a big deal, Laur, you need to relax.”
“That’s annoying, don’t tell me to relax.”
“Okay, sorry…”
I sigh dramatically as I swipe my phone open to get an Uber home, and he bumps his shoulder into mine to get my attention.
“But seriously, what time?”
“What time did you tell Alicia we would be there?”
“2:30, I think?”
“Okay, then if we aren’t going to the mall first —” Daniel grins triumphantly. “— then do you want to grab me at like 1:45?”
“For you, I can do that.” he smirks as my phone chimes, alerting me that my ride is approaching.
I stand up to gather my things as Daniel follows me to the door.
“Lauren,” Daniel calls, lightly grabbing my wrist as I go to step out. I turn to face him only to be greeted by his lips on mine. As soon as they’re there, they’re gone.
Daniel keeps his face an inch from mine as he says, “You’re going to have to get used to that.” He smirks. “Text me when you get home safe.”
I shake my head. “See you tomorrow.” And this time, I catch him off guard, kissing him quickly before I turn around, walking out of his place to the sound of his laughter.
I climb into the passenger seat of Daniel’s car, finding him snapping his gum, one hand on the steering wheel and sunglasses on. He looks good.
“Good morning LaurLaur,” he grins.
“Good morning to you too,” I laugh. “You’re in a good mood.”
He shrugs, pulling away from the curb. “Am I? Just pleased you’ve given up on going to the mall. It’s bloody awful over there.”
“Are you sure Alicia is okay with styling me? She’s not my stylist.”
He laughs, “Are you kidding? She was over the moon. Says styling me is boring, and girls are much more fun.”
“Ironic, since she’s your stylist. This seems so fancy for one wedding.”
I can’t see it, but I know he’s rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. “It’s really so much easier. Plus this way we’ll match, and be cute and shit.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cute and shit,’ that’s us.”
Daniel grins, reaching over to thread his fingers through mine. “Not yet, but it’s going to be, darling.”
My stomach dips at the nickname even though I know he’s just teasing me.
I roll my eyes and try not to blush, turning to look out the window, trying to ignore the way his thumb traces the back of my hand.
When we walk into Alicia’s studio, we’re surrounded by mirrors and good music.
Alicia lights up right away when she spots us.
“Well, well, well, look who it is. Daniel Sharman and his lovely mystery guest.”
I shoot Daniel a look and he rolls his eyes. Alicia must see the exchange because she laughs.
“I’m teasing, he told me you were coming. I just was starting to think I’d never see the day I got to style Sharman and a lady friend.”
“Alicia, I don’t pay you to embarrass me,” Daniel jokes, leaning in to give her a hug.
“Yeah, because I do that for free.” She winks at me.
“I’m Lauren, it’s nice to meet you,” I reach out to shake her hand, but she pulls me into a tight, warm hug.
“We’re huggers around here, especially since you’re letting me style you on this guy's dollar—”
“Oh no,” I interject, “I’ll be paying for all of my things—”
“No can do, chica, this guy’s already made me promise to send him the bill.”
I turn and glare at Daniel. “Daniel Sharman, you promised me—”
He waves me off. “It’s easier this way. Can we just worry about that later? Let’s see what Alicia put together for us, shall we?”
I cross my arms, vowing to get back to the subject once we’re back in the car, and turn back to Alicia, who’s walking us over to some racks and tables she has set up.
“Okay, well, Daniel didn’t really give me a lot of details as to what colors or styles you like, but he did show me your Instagram, so I got an idea of your coloring and made some guesses as to your sizes. You’re so pretty in person, by the way—”
“I, uh— thank you.” I stammer, unsure if it’s a compliment or a suggestion that I don’t photograph well.
“So I kind of compared your coloring with his, and I figured you guys could have either a blue moment, or we could have Daniel in grey and accent one of these other colors I pulled for you.”
I look over the table and see some green, some pink, and some purple.
“I have a bunch of styles too, not sure if you wanted sleeves, strapless… I figured you could try some on and we could go from there.”
“Okay,” I say, feeling slightly overwhelmed. “Thank you.”
“No problem, honey! Daniel, I obviously have suits for you to try, too. Let me go get those.”
She wanders away for a minute and I turn to Daniel. “This seems way more focused on me than you— also, still extremely annoyed about that paying-for-everything stunt you pulled.”
“I told you that guy fashion is boring, and really, you can just Venmo me after, it’s not a—”
We both hush as Alicia returns, wheeling out another rack with gray and navy blue suits on it.
“Alright, so Daniel, you know where the fitting room is if you want to look through these and take some options with you. Lauren, I’m just going to do some quick measurements on you if that’s okay, so I can narrow down your dress size.”
“Oh, um, sure.”
As Daniel leaves the room, Alicia leads me to a circular pedestal in front of a three tiered mirror. She takes out her measuring tape and takes a few different measurements, writing some things down on a notepad.
Once we finish, Alicia walks over to her table and the dress rack, reviewing her options. I stand there quietly watching her pick up dresses and fabric swatches, look at me, and either put them down or add them to an empty rack. Daniel comes waltzing back into the room in a light grey suit. It sits a little wide through his torso, and the sleeves are a little too long, but he still wears it well.
“Thoughts on this one, ladies?”
Alicia gives him a quick once over.
“I was hoping you’d like that one! The grey will be nice and cool for the summer, but I want to tailor it in some. Make it a bit more fitted.”
I smirk. “Make sure he has enough wiggle room to dance.”
Alicia laughs. “That I can absolutely do.”
Daniel looks at me expectantly.
I smile. “You look really good, D.”
He nods at me and smiles back.
“Have you tried any dresses on yet?”
“Not yet, Alicia was just pulling the ones she wants me to try.”
Daniel walks over to the table, looking at the pieces Alicia has hung up on the rack.
“These jewel tones are going to look lovely on you.”
“Oh, thank you.” I blush, not missing the slight elbow that Alicia gives Daniel. Alicia walks over to me, three dresses in hand.
“Why don’t you try these three on and we’ll go from there.”
She shows me over to a changing room and hangs up the dresses for me, telling me to come out and show them when I’m done.
I take a second to admire my options. The first dress I pick up is a deep ocean blue green in a soft, silky material. It dips down into a modest V in the front, with a flared skirt.
The second is a muted bubblegum pink, strapless and fitted in the bodice, with a thin tulle skirt that brushes the floor.
The last is a periwinkle with lavender undertones, and is a bit more flowy with ruched fabric coming over the shoulder and defining the bodice in a deeper V-neck — but still respectable for a family wedding. Alicia knows her stuff.
I decide to try the blue-green dress first, as I’m drawn to the color right away. It’s maybe the simplest of the options, but that’s what I like about it. I’m a bit surprised that it seems to fit so effortlessly. It seems like I’d be able to wear it all day, dance and not have to fidget too much. I smooth my hands over it and peek out of the dressing room, where Daniel and Alicia are waiting.
“Okay, option number one,” I announce.
“It might be one and done,” Alicia shakes her head. “That looks really gorgeous on you.”
“Beautiful,” Daniel chimes in from next to her.
I smile. “Thank you. I really like this one.”
“Try on the other two just for fun,” Alicia suggests, and I nod, heading back to try on the pink dress.
The chest on the pink dress is a little big on me for a strapless, but I hold it up as I head back out to show them.
Alicia narrows her eyes. “A little big in the bust… I could bring that in. I think it might look a little more prom-y on than I anticipated. We could take the skirt up, but I don’t know. I don’t like it as much as the first.”
Daniel hums from next to her, and I look at him expectantly.
“It’s up to you two, but I agree. That first dress is going to be tough to beat.”
We laugh and I head back in to try on the last dress. This one is extremely elegant, and I feel very glamorous. I like it much more than I thought that I would. I step out to show them, and Alicia whistles.
“Okay miss thing, where're you going? The red carpet?”
Daniel smirks and nods. “I really like that on you.”
“I like it more than I thought I would. It’s probably between this and the first one for me.”
Alicia nods. “I have more options, but since we have two we like, I don’t see the sense in complicating the decision more.”
“I’m going to need you guys to help me choose.”
Daniel looks at Alicia, who thinks for a moment before pulling her phone out of her pocket.
“Let me take a picture, and then can you put the first dress on again?”
“Sure.” I smile as she takes the picture, before quickly changing into the ocean-colored dress again. I twirl in front of them playfully while we deliberate.
Daniel speaks first. “I like this one. It’s just… you. You seem comfortable in it, and the color looks amazing on you.”
I blush and look at Alicia, who’s nodding in agreement. “I agree. The other one is very pretty— you look like a star, but I think for the wedding, this is the way to go.”
“I think so, too. This one is just… easy, but still pretty.” I turn to Daniel. “You didn’t try on the other suits— are you sold on the grey one?” He looks down, like he forgot he was wearing it. “Yeah, I think so, especially with your dress. I wouldn’t want to wear navy with it.”
“All very good points,” I nod.
Daniel turns to Alicia, who’s writing something down in her notebook. “Do you have ties or something that would match her dress?”
Alicia raises an eyebrow. “Going for the matching look, huh?”
Daniel looks at me, smirking. “Yeah, we have to be cute.”
I roll my eyes at him and Alicia snorts.
“I did pull some accessories for you, so let me look.”
Alicia wanders off in search of a tie and a pocket square and Daniel grins at me.
“This?” he gestures between us, still in our outfits. “Cute as shit.”
feedback welcome!
tagged; @rogershoe
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konlyfans · 3 years
Get You Alone
pairing: au!Yuto x female reader ft. au!Ten and au!Felix
genre: smut & fluff
summary: you and your besties go out for drinks and the cute new bartender catches your eye. contains drinking, m/f sex, some swearing. this is the first installment in an au series I’m starting called Eden.
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Eden Towers. Where you live and work, twin buildings that unlock a heaven (or hell, if that’s how you like it) on earth. The towers, named Yin and Yang, are set up sort of like a hotel or resort, and are connected by a skywalk. Inside you’ll find anything and everything your heart desires. Be it clubs, bars, spas or rooms for more intimate experiences... Eden has it all. You and your two roommates are dates for hire, offering whatever you feel comfortable with ranging from dinner and drinks to entire weekends of play. It’s the cherry on top that you three are best friends too.
“None of us have commitments tonight, right?” Felix steps into the living room wearing nothing but pajama pants after having slept for most of the day. You and your third roomie, Ten, look up from the movie you’re watching and shake your heads.
“I’m free all weekend,” Ten adds.
“Let’s get a drink tonight. It’s been forever since we went out,” Felix suggests. Ten nods and you excitedly agree, thrilled by the thought of a night out with your two favorite people.
“We can get all cute and head over to that club in Yin! I heard they have a hot new bartender,” you add with a little clap of your hands.
“Are you talking about Yuto,” Ten guesses, and you nod accordingly. “He’s, very very cute. The quiet and tall type.”
“So it’s set then,” Felix jumps in before you two can get caught up gossiping about the newbie, “drinks tonight? Let’s say... 10?”
And it’s as easy as that. Before you know it night rolls around and you’re all dolled up to go out. Your dress is flirty, a little revealing, and shows off all the right curves. When you meet Felix in the doorway a little after 10, you have him do a look over your outfit, and pride swells in your chest as he bites his lip and spins you.
You’ve all been intimate together before, you and ten, you and Felix, he and ten... And on one special occasion all three of you together. You had a unique, unbreakable bond that not many others could rival. The three of you cherish each other.
“If he doesn’t hurry up, I’m just gonna to take you out by myself,” Felix grins, pulling you in by the waist. “You look too good to have to wait.”
“I’m ready,” Ten snaps, rounding the corner in tight leather pants and a loose button up. He almost matches Felix, accept Felix’s pants are denim and his shirt is tucked in. “It takes time to look this good.”
“You both look amazing, now let’s go,” you giggle. With a hand in each of theirs, you drag them out the door.
It’s a quick journey to the other building, and the club is buzzing with life and energy. You make a beeline for the bar with your two dates in tow, and the new bartender you’d heard so much about instantly comes into view. He’s just as tall and handsome as he’d been described.
“You must be the new hire,” you grin as you reach the bar, resting your elbows on the hardwood and plopping your chin in your hands. Even in a black button up and slacks to match, all tied together with an apron, he’s stunning.
“My name’s Yuto, and you must be Y/n,” he lowly replies. If he wasn’t sexy enough already, the bass in his voice was a definite panty dropper.
“So you’ve heard about me. Only good things I hope?” Felix rests a hand at the small of your back as you flirt shamelessly, and Ten watches you with amusement dancing in his eyes.
“The best things,” your bartender assures. “So how may I serve you this evening?”
“Serve me?” You bat your lashes, pressing your tongue to the inside of you cheek until Ten intervenes.
“Damn, woman! Can we get our drinks first!?” He causes the four of you to erupt in laughter for a moment, breaking the growing sexual tension. “We’ll do three shots of anything strong and sweet.”
“Coming right up.” Yuto doesn’t miss the chance to smirk at you before he gets to work on your drinks, and a warm tingle flutters through you.
As the night blazes on, the three of you get more and more tipsy. Liquor is burning in your veins as you take shot after shot, laughing and dancing with the people you meet. Yuto keeps a playful eye on you, so much so that you’re pretty sure you’ll be seeing him after his shift, and it puts butterflies in your belly.
“He’s been watching you this whole night,” Felix confirms like he’s reading your thoughts. You’re sandwiched between him and Ten on the dance floor, and Yuto’s directly in your line of sight. He winks at you, absentmindedly wiping a glass in his hands. That warm feeling grows hot.
“Just go get him,” Ten encourages, though he rolls his eyes. He all but shoves you out from between them, immediately pulling Felix in and dancing with him instead. “We can enjoy the rest of our night, and you can enjoy the rest of yours. If he was interested in me, I’d go for it in a heartbeat.”
So you do. You strut your way back to bar, all liquid courage and lust, and make your way right to him.
“My shift just ended,” he smiles as you reach him. “I was wondering if maybe we could go someplace else. I wanted to ask for a few tips with clients.”
“Oh, you’re a date too? I thought you only worked the bar...”
“I’m a new date. I haven’t had my first client yet.” His cheeks tint with a cute shade of shy, but you’re practically beaming at him. “I know you’re with your friends, but maybe you can drop by my place later?”
“We can go now,” you shrug, trying not to seem too eager despite the heavy flirting that’s been going on. “They, uh, they told me I should take the chance if I got it.”
“But do you want to? Do you want to leave with me?” There was a heavy seriousness in his eyes, one that said your consent is essential and he doesn’t take it lightly.
“I would love to leave with you, Yuto.”
The night isn’t exactly what you expect, but for all the right reasons. Yuto is funny, kind, and surprisingly enough he really did want to ask you questions about being a date. Time passes in leaps and bounds as you talk away over a few more drinks and snacks. He’s a generous host, offering anything and everything within his means to make you comfortable.
Before you know it, the sky starts to grow lighter as sunrise creeps in. You’re on the couch, sitting close enough that your knees are touching as you face each other and a blanket covers your laps. The conversation has dwindled a bit, and now you’re wearing a dopey sleepy smile as you watch his eyes grow heavy.
“This was not what I expected,” you sigh, brushing rebel stands of his dark hair back from his face. He turns his head just enough to brush his lips to the heel of your hand.
“I had every intention to seduce you, I had a whole plan, but you’re so fun to talk to...”
“What was your plan?”
“Well, I was going to ask you for tips with clients, but I was going to ask for a more hands-on example... You know... Something cheesy like that,” he laughs.
“It would have worked,” you smile, “but maybe another time.” He sits up, suddenly more awake from your words, and leans in closer than he already is. A strong hand wraps the back of your neck, pulling you in ever so gently until his lips meet yours. It’s pleasantly sweet, gentle and soft in the glow of dawn, and exactly what you thought kissing him would feel like. He talked like he wanted to be a big bad dominate in bed, but in every word you could see he was naturally the opposite. So you decide to show him a bit of your charm, the reason why you come with such a reputation in Eden; because you can be anyone’s dream. You have a knack for reading people, seeing past what they want to exactly what they need, and you deliver accordingly.
You climb into his lap, letting the blanket fall to the floor as your dress rides up your thighs when you straddle him. You taste the whimper on his tongue when you take control, rolling your hips as you kiss him till he’s breathless. An impressive erection stiffens against your panties.
“Look at you, baby boy,” you praise, noting the shiver that seems to tickle its way down his neck as you speak, “you talk a big game but you just want to be taken care of, don’t you?”
“H-How did you-”
“I’m good at what I do, sweetie.” You pop each button on his shirt until his torso is bare and you can drag your fingertips from the base of his neck to his belt. “You took such good care of me tonight, don’t you want me to take care of you now?”
“Please.” His voice is barely more that a frustrated whisper against your skin as he pulls you close again, gracing your neck with little kisses. There’s a quick fumble of buckles and zippers before he pushes his pants and boxers down to his knees.
“Easy, baby,” you smile, “I’m not going anywhere.” You distract him with another kiss as you reach between your bodies and take his cock in your hand. Given his height, you’re not surprised that he’s big, and his size send a wave of arousal to pool between your legs. “You just want to be good for me, don’t you?” He nods, his words seem to be lost somewhere in his throat as you pump your hand up and down. “Then touch me. Get me ready for you.”
He submits willingly, pushing the thin fabric of your panties aside and plunging right into the wetness he finds. He stokes an untamable fire in you as he plays and lets you ride his fingers to your satisfaction. You continue touching him the whole while, until you feel a bit of precum under your thumb as you swipe it across his tip. He shudders by your hand.
“Condom?” You stand, leaving him dazed for a moment as you move without warning to take your panties off completely. He fishes through his pocket after kicking off his pants, and by the time you seat yourself on him again, he’s rolled the condom on. You sink down onto him and feel your body flood with pleasure. He lets a low moan slip past his pretty lips.
“Fuck....” You rock your hips expertly as he swears and tugs down the straps of your dress to kiss as much of your skin as he can. A certain power surges through you as you watch him come undone, his cute moans and desperate pleas are steadily fanning your flame.
“You feel so good baby,” you coo, feeding into the praise kink you suspect he has, “so good.” You can feel him buck his hips to meet yours, wanting to prove that he’s just as good as you need him to be.
“Wait. Wait, I’m too close.” You ignore him. Though it’s touching that he wants to prolong your pleasure, there’s no need.
“It’s okay, cum for me,” you encourage, driving your hips faster and clenching your walls around him. Yuto swears again as you push him towards his orgasm, and soon he’s unable to hold it off any longer. He cums hard in the condom while he’s still inside you, moaning from deep down in his chest and letting his head fall back.
“Use me,” he groans through the hight of his pleasure. You feel him drop his hand to your clit, rubbing tight circles to get you there before the overstimulation becomes too much for him. His hard work pays off, and in no time your orgasm blooms sweetly through your veins. You cry his name into the morning air, praising him to the very end.
You do your best to sneak in unnoticed, not wanting to wake your roomies at this ungodly hour once you arrive home. All is well until you open your room to find them both sprawled out on your bed. Felix is still in the shirt he wore out last night, only now it’s unbuttoned and half hanging off of him. He’s not wearing pants, and neither is Ten, they’re both just sleeping in their underwear.
“Where am I supposed to sleep,” you mumble to yourself as you wiggle out of your dress and pull on a comfy tee, carefully trying not to wake them as you move around your room.
“Just climb in,” Felix answers. You turn to see his eyes aren’t even open, but one hand is lazily waving you over. “We got a little too drunk. We were waiting for you to come back so you could tell us all about your night,” he explains as you tuck yourself away against him. Ten shifts as you nestle your body between them, but he still out cold.
“He wants to be a dom really bad, but he’s so submissive,” you giggle.
“That’s cute,” Felix yawns and you can tell he’s already drifting off again. You follow his lead, and the three of you sleep the morning away.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
Chapter 4 – A new day
Synopsys: The name of the series is super random, don't mind me. Reader is a postgraduate student at NYU, made a docuseries on her research, and the show got picked up by Netflix. She goes on a press tour and meets Tom on a ‘chat show’. They get together and she decides to stay for a few days in London with him. This could be an amazing few days or more? It’s been interesting writing how they’ll deal with distance and tight schedules once ‘honeymoon’ is over...
Heads up: my first language is Portuguese, so that might explain some things here - of course, I wrote thinking about myself hahaha
Warnings for the series: mention of illicit drugs, angst caused by distance, smut (next chapters, very explicit), anxiety caused by paparazzi, and rude random people taking photos.
Other than that, this is just my guilty pleasure writing so lots of caring sweet Tom and fluffiness.
Chapter 1 - A new city
Chapter 2 - Show time
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
Chapter 4 - A new day
This is 1.8k words (approximately)
A while after overthinking it you closed your eyes and next thing you knew you were opening them at the sound of your alarm clock. Shit. ‘Should’ve sleept more’ was your first thought but then you remembered why you didn’t. You checked your phone. There was one text from “Tom Holland”, you just loved the quotation markes there, they reminded you of the mess it was your first interaction.
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Did he really just Google-translated ‘beautiful’? And are you really swooning over that?
You got up from bed smiling like an idiot and went to get ready for the day. You were getting breakfast with David at the hotel so you had to hurry cause the Breakfast show begins at 7. It was supposed to be a bright sunny (and hot) summer day, which you knew was rare in London. But it was still a work commitment, so you decided on pants and maybe you could change before going to wherever you were going with Tom. Tom! Should you reply to him?
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Ok. Play it cool. Now, focus on why you’re here in the first place, will you? You wore capri pants, a t-shirt tucked in with a belt and some stylish shoes. It looked cool, you were comfortable and that’s the best we can expect in a situation like this. No one’s expecting you to show up ready for a red carpet or anything like that anyway. You texted David and he was already downstairs getting some food, so you just went to meet him.
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“Good morning” You greeted David at the buffet.
“Someone’s in a good mood. Good morning” He was in a good mood too, probably cause you’ll be going home today. Your good mood had nothing to do with that. If you’re honest, that was a reason for ruining your spirit.
“Uh-hum” You agreed.
“So, I was looking and I think I can change our tickets. You know, for earlier.” He told you as you were sitting in a table at the corner and you couldn’t help but look at him like he was saying something absurd. “Ok, you don’t look so happy about it.”
“No, I was just hoping to see the city today. You know, enjoy it a little bit before going back.” As you said that your phone lit up on the table, it was a text from Tom.
“The city. Right” David smirked at you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You laughed at him and smiled when you saw the texts.
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“Is that ok?” You heard David talking.
“Hum? Sorry?” You were smiling.
“Gosh I can’t with you. I said I might just change my own ticket, would that be ok with you?”
“Oh yeah! Go ahead. I’ll be fine. I have all my flight info.” He looked at you suspiciously.
“Just…please be in New York next week? The meeting is on Friday afternoon”
“What?” You laughed. “Of course I’ll be there. Why wouldn’t I?” He just shook his head and laughed at you.
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You finished your breakfast and went back to the room to brush your teeth and get your stuff. 15 minutes later, you were in a cab with David going to the Radio One studios. On the way, you snapped a pic to send him, you know, keep the conversation going.
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You rolled your eyes at him but still couldn’t help but agree.
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The breakfast show was from 7 to 10 am, but your interview was not until 8 am. So you and David just hang out in the studio in the meantime. “The first hour is mainly for music”, the girl that welcomed you guys explained. Soon after, Greg James walked out to the little reception and greeted you and David. “Hey guys! Thank you for coming! I’m Greg, nice to meet you.” He offered.
“Hi! Thank you for having us! I’m (y/n), this is David.” You replied and gave him a quick hug.
“Hey! How’s it going?” David said and gave him a man’s hug/handshake. Boys.
“So this is basically standard, since it’s a live interview, I like to ask if there’s any topic you want to avoid or something you’d like to talk specially about?” He asked you.
“Oh…I don’t know. No? Just…let’s talk about how great the show is so people want to watch it and we can keep making more” You laughed.
“And it IS great! I’ve seen it, really loved. Congrats!”
“That’s kind of you. Thank you!”
“No problem, so…I guess I’ll just direct it towards the interviews you did, you can tell me some funny stories? Awkward ones preferably.”
“You got it! I’ll give you my worst embarrassment stories, you know, for the good of entertainment” You laughed.
A little while later you were sitting in the studio with Greg on the other side of the table. You told him about the show and some embarrassing stories as well.
“So, what are the plans now? Will we be seeing more seasons of the show? Maybe in other cities, London perhaps?”
“Well, I can’t say”
“Oh come on! Is Netflix the next Marvel on terms of keeping secrets?”
“No, I mean, I don’t know. I literally can’t say because I don’t know what the future looks like for us. It’s been so great to go out and talk about the show, and see how much people liked it but I’m kind of just enjoying while I can.”
“No! Don’t say that! They won’t let you get away like that!”
“I hope not! If they want us, I’m all in! I’d love to make 10 more seasons and in other cities, even! Can you imagine?"
“Now that’s more like it! Let’s make a deal, if Netflix don’t renew with you, BBC will take it!”
“Ok! Sure! Are you in charge of it?”
“No really, but that’s just a technicality” He laughed. “Alright, so we’ll play some music and when we come back we’re going to hear some unpopular opinions! Are you ready for it Ana?”
“Sure, yeah! I love the theme song, let’s do it!”
“Do you really? You listen to the show?”
“Yes! I really do, I’m a fan since when I was learning English! I genuinely love Radio 1”
“No way! Just for that, I’ll let you choose the next song"
When the song died over it was time for the game.
“Hey! If you need a job, you can just come work here with us as international music sommelier, what you think about it?”
“Oh don’t even joke. That’s my dream job, honestly!”
“It’s settled them” The interview was going really well, and it was almost ending. “Alright, so our time is almost over. Shall we hear some unpopular opinions and send you all to the weekend with a pinch of wrath?”
“Yes please! Let’s hear them” The theme song started to play and you sang along. “Come and give us your unpopular opinion, something up to know you’ve been scared to say”
“That was great! And in the first try! You really are a listener!”
“Told you!”
“Ok so, first on the line we have Maya. Hello Maya? What’s your unpopular opinion?”
“Calling people bestie is cringe” The girl on the line said.
“Uh agreed” You said.
“You agree with her?” Greg asked you.
“Yeah. If it’s not ironically, it’s very cringe. Like calling your husband hubby”
“To be fair, most pet names are cringe” Greg offered.
“True, very true. Hey, love is cheesy. Nothing wrong with that. People in love are just not cool, have you ever met a couple that was genuinely cool?”
“No, I have not. Well, I mean…the Beckhams are cool.”
“Uh good one. I stand corrected. But can you imagine Victoria calling Dave ‘hubby’ or the other spice girls ‘bestie’?”
“Definitely not.” You guys laughed together, you were just being silly. “Good one Maya! Alright, next call is Kyle. Hello Kyle?”
“Hi! Flat watered down soda tastes good.”
“What?” You yelped. “Are you ok, Kyle?”
“And that’s why we call this segment ‘unpopular opinions’” Greg laughed. “Do you want to defend yourself there Kyle?”
“Not really, I just prefer it like that.” Kyle said and you and Greg laughed.
“You know what Kyle? You keep doing you. You might want to try some juice or iced tea, though. But you do you man.” You joked and Greg cracked up.
“That was great, I love it!” Greg said. “That will be all for today, don’t forget to check (y/n)'s new show this weekend and spam Netflix about how much we need more seasons!! And bring (y/n) to London Netflix!”
“Oh my god I loved it! Thank you so much for having me, I had the best time!” You thanked him. Music started to play and you took off your headphones. “Thank you, really. I was great!” You said directly to Greg.
“Oh don’t thank me! I really hope we’ll see you more! Come back always to promote the next seasons and projects!” He offered.
You got out of the studio and greeted David. “That was so much fun!” You told him.
“You’re killing it there ! Mission accomplished, finally! Are you coming back to the hotel or are you meeting with ‘the city’ from here?” He asked you using air quotes for ‘the city’ and smirking.
“I’m coming back to the hotel, thank you very much.” You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was just teasing you.
Chapter 5 it's fluffly london date and it was so much fun writing it, can't wait for you to read!
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rhysismydaddy · 5 years
Friends with Benefits (Nessian Smut)
“Are you serious?”
Nesta nodded. 
“I think they’re so stupid,” he protested, burying his head into her stomach again.
Nesta smacked the top of his head. “Romantic comedies are not stupid, Cassian. You just don’t have a romantic bone in your body.”
She was sitting on her couch, her best friend’s massive body taking up most of the space. He hadn’t said a word when he walked in her apartment uninvited, flopping down and wrapping his arms around her waist, putting his head on her stomach.
He hadn’t even complained when she’d put on Sex and the City. 
“I have romantic bones. I’d be happy to show you my romantic bones,” his voice rumbled around her as his hands slid up her sides slowly.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re about to make me miss my favorite part,” she shushed him. 
Nesta could feel him roll his eyes, but he didn’t say anything as the climax of the movie played out. 
“I cannot believe people pay to watch these things,” he says as the credits roll by. She flicked his head. “They’re so unrealistic.”
“Of course they are.”
Cassian peaked his head up from her sweater. “Are you saying you don’t believe in true love?” He asked dramatically, making little kiss noises.
“I believe in love, but not for me. It’s not realistic to believe someone could put up with me for an entire lifetime,” she laughed. 
“Oh, monogamy definitely doesn’t exist. I don’t know why people convince themselves of that one.” 
Nesta put on ESPN and he grunted his approval as people started tackling each other. 
“God, I miss sex,” Nesta exclaimed suddenly. “Fuck monogamy. Fuck relationships. I haven’t had sex in forever.”
“I miss sports,” Cassian said, making Nesta wrinkle her brows. “Sex is a sport, Nesta,” he said, sensing her confusion. 
“That’s ridiculous,” she laughed. “It’s not a sport.”
His hands pinched her sides. “Then you’re not doing it right, baby.” She laughed. “But seriously. Why isn’t it like a sport? It should be that simple. Two people getting together for an hour or two and... working out.”
She spewed her water all over him.
Cassian cackled, then groaned at his now-drenched state. “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who’s supposed to get wet when I say sexy stuff,” he laughed, then hopped up and peeled his shirt off. 
“Want a beer?”
“How generous,” she muttered back, taking in the long lines of his shoulders, the heavy muscles in his back, as he walked into her kitchen. 
“Hey, Cass,” she called out, laughing as he complained about her lack of food. “Let’s work out sometime.”
His head poked from around the corner. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Nesta smiled and accepted a beer from him. “I’m serious. Why not? You’re single. I’m single. Let’s get together for an hour or two and... work out.” She waggled her eyebrows as she took a long pull from her beer.
“Cassian, I know you’re pretty, but I didn’t expect you to be this dense. Let’s have sex.”
He shook his head, laughing at her. “Nesta, love. I like you way too much to fuck you.”
Her eyes drifted shut slowly. “There are so many things wrong with that sentence.”
Cass looked like he was confused. “I’m serious.”
“But so am I.” She got to her feet. “No relationship. No expectations. No way to fuck up our friendship.”
“Just sex?”
“Just sex,” she confirmed. 
His eyes narrowed. “Do you even find me attractive? You insult me all the time.”
“Of course I do,” she scoffed, motioning to his shirtless frame. “You’re ridiculously attractive. You have no manners, but you’re pretty nice to look at.” He laughed. “And me?”
“What about you, Nes?”
“Do you find me attractive enough to have sex with me?”
He paused to consider. “Well, you have tits, and you’re breathing, so it’s a yes from me.”
Nesta let out a surprised laugh. “Then it’s settled. We’ll be friends with benefits. Awesome.” Honestly, any solution that got her laid sounded awesome to her. 
“So... we just start? Now?” He looked around.
“Are you in the mood?” she asked.
He grinned like she’d just said the most adorable thing. “I’m always in the mood.”
“Maybe we should make some ground rules,” she suggested. He shrugged, so she continued with the first thing she could think of. “Don’t touch or even look at my feet. I don’t like my toes. Intimacy issues.” 
He burst out laughing, but said, “Don’t touch my butt. Ever. Daddy issues.”
“But it’s so cute-”
He glared at her.
“Don’t be afraid to be rough with me. I can take it.”
Cassian looked her up and down. “We’ll see. Don’t be afraid to be vocal--tell me if you don’t like something, although I doubt that’ll be the case. 
“Oh, and Nesta. Don’t ever, ever make an orgasm with me. If I have to work for it, I have to work for it. I like a challenge.” He gives her a male smile.
“Should we shake on it or something?” 
Cassian shook his head, curly locks muffling. “Or we could consummate it,” he murmured, sliding a hand around her waist to grab her ass. “Now good for you?”
“Now’s good for me,” she said softly, smiling as his lips crashed onto hers.
His tongue swept into her mouth, his other hand coming to where his other still was as he lifted her up. Nesta marveled at how strong he was, how natural it felt to wrap herself around him.
He started to set her down on the couch, but Nesta protested and said, “Bedroom.”
Cassian rolled his eyes, muttering about how ridiculous chicks were, but carried her into her bedroom anyway. He set her down on top of her dresser long enough to peel off her shirt.
The feeling of his skin on hers drove her wild, but there was something missing-
“Cass,” she all but panted. “Kiss my neck.”
He obliged, the feeling of his mouth sending out every thought in her head. “Take your bra off,” he growled, hands gripping her hips roughly. 
She reached behind her and threw it on the floor, then took one of his hands and led it to her chest. 
She wrapped her legs around him again and he picked her up, then threw her on the bed. Prowling over her, he pressed searing kisses all over her legs, then sucked on her hip bone, making her gasp. 
“Lift your hips,” he murmured. She did, then her underwear was gone. She couldn’t believe she was completely naked in front of Cassian--her oldest friend--and didn’t care at all. 
Especially not as he dropped his mouth to her.
“Fuck,” she groaned, hands slipping into his hair.
He pulled back far enough to mutter, “Pull my hair, baby.”
Nesta tugged on the strands and he groaned against her, then slipped a finger up her thigh and inside her. 
“Cassian,” she moaned, wrapping her leg around his shoulder. “Right- go to the right-”
He gripped her hips and followed the direction, and soon her back was arching off the bed and her moans were getting louder. 
He ran his tongue up her entire center and she groaned loudly, coming undone. 
He peaked his head up, then pressed a rough kiss to her lips. She could taste herself on his lips, and that fast--that quickly--she was ready for him.
He seemed to sense it, and abruptly turned over, pulling her on top of him.  His arms were bands of steel around her waist, lifting her up and setting her on him. Both of them groaned as he filled her, and he murmured curses as she began to move.
“Go,” he breathed, “in a circle.” His hands were on her hips, guiding them in the direction he wanted. Her clit brushed against him with every rotation, and Nesta felt herself losing her mind.
“Pull my hair,” she groaned, and he did, taking advantage as soon as her neck was exposed. He pressed kisses to the base of her throat, biting the soft spot where it met her shoulder. 
Nesta saw stars, falling over the edge. She could tell he was close, but it seemed he wasn’t done with her yet.
His arms grabbed her waist and he hauled her up. Before she could register what was happening, her back smacked against the wall roughly. He was still inside of her, and he roughly slammed into her, making her groan.
“Kiss my neck,” he almost growled at her. 
Nesta did as she was told, kissing her way up his neck till she got to his ear, then roughly bit down on the shell. He groaned, his movements getting slightly sloppy, as they both came closer and closer. 
“Nesta,” he panted, fingers digging into her hips hard enough to bruise. 
She leaned forward and bit his bottom lip suddenly. He buried his head in her neck, groaning loudly as he came inside of her, both of them falling over the edge together. 
He stood supporting her for a few minutes before letting her fall down his body slowly. 
“That was...” she panted.
He nodded, moving to sit on the edge of her bed. “Yeah.” He ran a finger over his lips like he could still taste her. 
Nesta leaned against the wall. “Well, that’s one way to work out.”
He laughed, then leaned back and murmured, “Come here, baby.”
She came forward and sat on his lap, straddling his waist. “I think you’re my new favorite friend,” she said softly.
“I don’t know about you, but these,” he pressed a single kiss to each of her breasts, “these are my new besties.”
“You’re ridiculous,” she laughed.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
She hand’t felt so good, so content in a while. So she leaned forward and kissed him deeply, trying to memorize everything about this moment. 
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chibieoushelvetica · 7 years
Your Request @rinnyrinny : If it's not too much, can you do a fluffy (or dirty, not complaining 😂) hoseok scenario to watching fireworks together?
Pairing: Hoseok x You
Theme: 50/50 (Fluff x Smut)
Word Count: 2,556
Sandwiches? Check!
Chips? Check!
Drinks? Check!
You continue your mental list as you gather everything you needed for your day out with the boys. You’ve been waiting so long for them to come back home from tour, especially Hoseok. You two had been friends since your diaper days and watching him grow up to be such a successful person overfilled you with joy and happiness, but it also made you lonely. No longer could you do movie nights, or go out for coffee. No more library meet-ups or bestie days. Now and days, you could barely hear his voice. He did his best to call you, even managed to send you cute texts from time to time. You can’t count on your fingers how many times you had to chastise Hobi because he would try and force himself awake to face time you. He was a sweetheart, no one could deny that. He was the greatest friend that anyone could ask for, but more often than not,  you wished he was more.
With a small shake of your head, you grab your things and head to your car. 
“No point in getting your hopes up…” You sigh to yourself as you get in your car. You decided that now may be a good time to call Hoseok and make sure everyone was ready.
*Hoseoks phone call.*
“Hello?” a groggily deep voice answered.
You face palm as you hear his voice knowing you’d once again forgotten his odd sleep schedule.
“Hey Hobi!” you reply.
“Oh, baby, it’s you,” he begins and your face heats up. Not only was his sleepy voice sexy as hell, he had never called you that before.
“I was just having a lovely dream about you.” he finishes with a deep and tired chuckle.
“Y-you were?” you stutter out questioningly, “What about me?”
You can almost hear the smirk fall upon his lips as he speaks to you. “Well, kitten, there was a lack of clothing on both of our parts and you were pretty quiet since your mouth was wrapped around my c-”
“JUNG HOSEOK!” you exclaim loudly, snapping him out of his deeply fatigued stupor.
“Shit, What was I saying?” he questioned shaking his head trying to clear his foggy brain.
“N-Nothing! I-I’ll see y-you in a b-bit. I’m on m-my w-way! B-Bye!” You squeak out and quickly hang up your phone, throwing it in the passenger seat. You lean your head against the steering and groan, not so innocent thoughts crossing your mind. With a heavy groan, you start your car and head o the boys, praying that they were up.
Hoseok lets out a soft groan as he rolls in his bed, trying to make himself more comfortable as he slowly succumbs to the soft lullaby of sleep. Just as he was about to sleep once more, life had to be a pain in the ass. In other words, the mankae were up.
“Hobi-Hyung! Wake up! Wake up!”
“It’s almost noon~”
“Aren’t we going to see (Y/N)-Noona today?”
At that last statement, Hoseok shot out of his bed, inevitably falling face first on the wooden floor. How could he be so stupid?! He should’ve been up by now! You’d be there any moment and he hadn’t even had a shower! What kind of best friend was he! With that mentality, Hoseok runs to his closet and grabs a decent outfit for the day and then begins running to the shower, but before he could get to the door, he was stopped once again by the ever annoying mankae of the group. 
“Hobi-Hyung... You move so slow!” Jungkook teased “mimicking” Hoseok’s supposedly slow walking. 
“Shut up! I’m moving aren’t I?!” Hoseok replies kinda snarkily. 
Jungkook cackles and Hoseok shakes his head before walking to the bathroom. He lays his clothes over the rack beside the tub and quickly strips. Usually Hoseok locked the door behind him, but he was in too much of a rush to even think about that. 
As Hoseok rubs the soap lathered wash cloth over his abdomen he hears the bathroom door open. He freezes, but sighs in relief when he hears his hyung begin speaking. 
“You really should not answer phone calls unless you are fully awake.” Suga states bluntly closing the door behind him. 
“What do you mean?” Hoseok questions as he shampoos his hair thoroughly. 
“Do you not remember what you said to Y/N-ah?” Yoongi question with an almost audible smirk. 
“N-No,” Hoseok replies opening his eyes to look at Yoongi-hyung through the shower curtain, “What did I sa- AISH!” 
Suga laughs lightly as the soap from Hoseoks hair gets into his eyes. 
He shakes his head,”Lets just say telling your best friend that you had a dream about her sucking you off, isn’t the best way to keep the friendship going.” 
Hoseok coughs loudly, “I DID WHAT?!” He screams. 
“Yea... Good luck covering that one up Hobi. There is no recovery from shit like that.” 
“Wow hyung thanks for the vote of confidence.” J-Hope responded sarcastically. 
“Eh, my pleasure,” Yoongi begins, “Oh you also might find it a little complicated to get dressed without clothes to put on.” 
Yoongi walks out of the bathroom door to the sounds of J-Hope screaming a few choice words that are only being met with cackles from the Maknae line.
Hoseok finishes his shower angrily. When he is finished rinsing his body he climbs out of the shower and wraps a plain white towel around his waist.
His heart stops when he hears shuffling in his room, followed by the faint singing of a females voice. 
“Y/N,” he calls out as he approaches his bedroom,”close your eyes.” 
“Why am I closing my ey-?” you question as you turn around to see a basically naked Hoseok in the doorway. 
You can’t help but stare at the tall man, his perfect figure, and slightly damp and glistening abs. 
J-Hope blushes darkly and as he fumble to turn around and close the door he almost drops his towel. 
You yelp and drop your gaze as he struggles to rewrap it around his waist. You sit on his bed and look in every direction but him. He walks over to the dresser, the whole time sneaking small glimpses of you blushing. Finally, with a sigh, he walks over to you and leans down to speak to you. 
“Y/N I am sorry about what I said over the phone, but it wasn’t a lie. I did have that dream and I am thinking about that dream now. I’m also thinking about kissing you. I think I’m going to do that. If you don’t like it or want me to, then push me away.” Hoseok states bluntly as he lifts your chin and connects his lips with yours. 
You automatically sink into the kiss. Of course you wanted him to kiss you! You almost flipped your shit every time he got remotely close to you! 
He gently licked your bottom lip before nibbling on it lightly. You opened your mouth and he happily slipped his tongue inside. He placed his hand on the back of your neck pulling you in deeper. You let out a quiet and light moan. As soon as you did he pulled away and looked you in the eyes. 
In one swift motion he was hovering over your body with your hands pinned above your head. 
“Y-yes Hobi?” 
“Will you make my dream a reality?” 
“W-what?! Hoseok the boys are literally in the other room!”
“If they see it, then they see it. They would probably just be jealous anyways. I know I’d be jealous if I walked in on one of the boys with your lips wrapped around their dick.” 
He chuckled, “C’mon baby, for me?” he prodded kissing your neck. 
You blushed darkly, “I-I’ll do it.” 
Hoseok smirked, “Good girl.” 
You blushed as he crawled off of you. You finally got a good look at his erection poking through the white towel. You stood up and grabbed his hips. You turned him so that he could sit on the bed. You removed his towel and somehow your blush darkened even more. He wrapped his hand in your hair and guided your head towards the tip of his cock. You opened your mouth and took the tip in. He let out a quiet and deep moan. He pushed your head down further around his length, letting his head drop back. He closed his eyes moaning in pleasure. 
“You feel so good with your mouth around me like this Y/N. No wonder I woke up from my dream so happy.” Hoseok said forcing his cock to the back of your throat. 
You gagged lightly and hummed around him. 
“Ah, shi-bal!” he groaned deeply. 
“Such a chang-nyeo, but still yeppeumnida nalangdo jol-la neoui a-ga-ri igeol joh-ahae.”  He mumbled out in between moans.
Listening to the Korean words slipping off of his tongue and smothering you in dirty compliments made you even more turned on than before. He shoved your head down, his tip touching the back of your throat as he came. He let out one long groan. As you were removing your mouth from around him his door opened and Jungkook walked inside. You all froze in place. Your mouth still halfway around Hoseoks length, Hoseok’s hand still wrapped in your hair, and Jungkook in the doorway mouth agape. 
He bowed quickly exclaiming his apologies before running out of the room slamming the door shut behind him. There was screaming and laughing coming from outside of Hobi’s room. He was smirking as you removed his dick from your mouth and stood. You wiped the corner of your mouth and he stood up, wrapping his arms around you. 
“We were caught.” you mumble in slight defeat. 
He chuckles and snakes his hand inbetween your legs. He doesn’t waste time as he pushes a finger inside of you. 
“And based on how wet your are you liked it.” He replied thrusting his finger in and out. 
“H-hoseok!” You moan out loudly. 
This time he full on smiles as he adds another finger and teases your clit with his thumb.
“Baby girl, be as loud as you want. I want everyone to hear how I finally got my dream come true.” he whispers in your ear as he turns you both around to gently lay you on the bed. 
You moan out loudly in ecstasy as he speeds up the thrusts of his fingers and adds a little more pressure to your clit. You forget where you are and it becomes just the two of you. 
“Hoseok I need more! Please!” you scream out in absolute pleasure and need. 
He smirks and adds a third finger. You claw at his shoulders and back as he moves his fingers inside of you. Without a clear warning you cum around them, screaming out his name. He continues moving them in and out of you until you finish out your high. He removes them and then licks each digit clean. 
“Mashittda.” he compliments quietly. 
You blush and sit up, “H-hobi I think I should probably get cleaned up.” 
He chuckles and smiles down at you beautifully, “Let me get dressed princess and then I will help you okay?” 
You nod with a small smile and watch him slide on his underwear and a pair of grey sweatpants. He keeps his shirt off and you can’t help but admire his toned body. He grabs his towel and helps wipe up the mess you made. He walks over to his dresser once more and grabs a pair of spandex shorts. 
“I don’t have any underwear for you to wear, but these should be okay. They are tight enough!” He says smiling and handing them to you. 
You giggle and stand up sliding them under your skirt. He grabs your face and kisses you softly. 
“Hey I think I’m in love with you.” 
“You better be, because I’m in love with you too.”
He smiled widely and grabbed your hand, walking out of the bedroom. 
As the two of you stepped in the living room Yoongi smirked and Jungkook looked everywhere but at you. It was Jin that broke the silence with a loud laugh. 
“Y/N, I love you, but you could at least try to be discreet!” Jin said shaking his head, still chuckling. 
You blushed darkly, “Shut up!”
This caused Jin to laugh harder. Taehyung looked kinda confused for a minute before everything clicked. 
“Was that you two having sex?!” He screamed incredulously, looking around at everyone. 
Him yelling this out made Yoongi and Namjoon lose it. The three of them were all but rolling on the floor. Tears of happiness cascading down their cheeks and Taehyung looked beyond shook. 
“What the fuck hyung?!” Tae exclaimed. Hoseok only smiled. 
“It must have been good if Y/N was being that loud!” Jimin said teasingly. This called Hoseok to smile even brighter. 
“You guys stop talking about it!! I’m gonna have the image of Y/N attached to hyung by the dick for months!” Jungkook whined rubbing his eyes aggressively. 
 “Shut up Jungkook! You just wish it were you! Now will you all shut up and get in the damn car so we can go to the fucking park?!” You exclaim, embarrassed.
Everyone picked themselves up off of the couches, still laughing,or in Kookies case grumbling about the image in his brain. 
After about 30 minutes of driving you all made it to a small secluded area within the near by park. With everyone's help everything was unpacked quickly. You all sat on the large checkered blanket and ate sandwiches and shared stories. Eventually you unpacked the football and you and Namjoon watch the boys play. 
“Y/N I’m glad you two are finally together. Granted, I would have rather found out by you just telling us and not your screams from the bedroom.” Namjoon said smugly. 
You rolled your eyes but smiled, “I’m happy we are finally together too.”
As the night went on and the sun began setting the boys began cheering. You walked to the trunk of the car and pulled out a box of fireworks. 
“Alright boys! Who’s ready for the Bangtan Firework Extravaganza?!” You jeered. 
The boys hooted and hollered as you walked the box a few feet from the blanket. Jin was in charge of the fireworks from then on. As the night stretched on you realised this was one of the best moments of your life. Snuggled up on a blanket with your long time best friend and very new boyfriend. Watching fireworks exploding into the air surrounded by people you love. This was what life was supposed to be like. You turn to look at Hoseok, but he is already looking at you. He pecks your lips softly and then turns back to the fireworks. 
As everyone sits in silent and content awe Namjoon speaks, “Life is just like fireworks. We foresee our own possibilities but it shines for a short moment then disappears, just like those fireworks. And that's life." 
After a moment Yoongi says, “I think I like the way life has become.” 
Everyone nods and the silence falls back into place. This wasn’t just a moment, this was a story for the future. 
shi-bal means Ah fuck/Ah shit
chang-nyeo means slut/whore
yeppeumnida means beautiful.
nalangdo jol-la neoui a-ga-ri igeol joh-ahae means even with me fucking your mouth like this.
Mashittda means tastes delicious/taste wonderful
This writing is a collaboration between Senpai and I. We hope you enjoy! 
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lolainblue · 7 years
Thunderbirds    Chapter 14
T/W: Oh look, more smut!
   When I woke back up the sun was coming out, and I laid there against Shannon's chest while I watched the dust motes in the morning light and thought about the last twenty-four hours.  Shannon had said we'd only just started but I think he knew this wasn't a start.  This was just a two-day long goodbye that was already almost half over.  I had been clear from the start.  I had been firm about my reasons.  I probably shouldn't have said I'd think about it because even though I knew I wasn't going to think about much else, the end result was not going to change and it wasn't fair to let him hope.  But short of turning him out of bed and sending him on his way now I didn't know how to make it much clearer to him.  It's not like ending things now was going to make any of this any easier.  I'd as well enjoy what little time we had left.
   I carefully climbed over Shannon so as not to wake him and pulled on a t-shirt and my robe before making a quick dash to the bathroom. Roger either was not awake yet or had gone out, there was no sign of him.  I stopped in the kitchen long enough to start a pot of coffee and then returned to the bedroom, hoping to slip back into bed before Shannon awoke.  He was already up though, sleepily stretching those muscular arms as he waited for me to rejoin him.  I shrugged off my robe and slid under the blanket.
   “I put a pot of coffee on,” I told him, snuggling back into his arms. He gave me a light kiss.
   “Look at you, starting the coffee as soon as you're conscious. I knew we were meant for each other,” he said.
   I returned his kiss a bit more deeply.  “Is that the only reason?”
   He smiled at me. “Well, you are kind of cute and you make some mean tacos.”
   I laughed and pulled him in for another kiss.  He looked so ridiculously hot all sleepy and rumpled, with heavy eyes and messy hair.  I couldn't resist him.  I slid my legs over to straddle him, running my tongue over those full lips of his before diving in for more.  He locked his hands at the small of my back and pulled me against him, waiting until I paused for air before saying anything.
   “Okay, better wake up than coffee even,” he laughed.  I just grinned and pulled my tee off over my head.  “Definitely better.”
   Now that I was feeling a little more comfortable I wanted to take some time and enjoy my sexy temporary boyfriend to the fullest. I began moving my kisses further down, nibbling my way across his chin and jaw, amused at the way his stubble made my lips feel stung.  I paused at his earlobe, feathering my tongue across it before sucking it into my mouth for a hungry nip.  That elicited a grumble from my sleepy bear and I remembered he had acted similarly when I had paid his earlobes attention before.  
   “Oh, you like that do you?” I said teasingly, moving over to the other ear.  He groaned again before pulling me back to center.
   “Someone's feeling saucy this morning,” he said playfully, fusing his lips against mine for a kiss that left no doubt that he approved. I wiggled my hips against him, letting myself slide down until his rapidly hardening cock was trapped between his stomach and my own aroused core.
   “Mm-hmm,” I said, rolling my slick folds up and down the length of him, enjoying the way his shaft felt as it rubbed against my all my tender bits. “See what a monster you created?”
   He kissed me again, his hips grinding in time with my own.  “I thought you liked monsters and scary things.”
   “Oh, I do.” I pulled away for a moment to grab a condom, then settled back to give myself room to sheath him.  “Let's see if you like this one.”
   Bracing myself against his chest I raised my hips before carefully settling down on his thick shaft.  He watched me with naked fascination as my head fell back as he filled me, lust spreading through my cells like a magic spell.  As I undulated against him I pulled his hand up to my mouth, sucking his thick fingers in as I rode him.
   “Jesus, Janey,” he groaned as he reached for my hip, “this monster can come out and play anytime.”
   I slipped his hand down to my breast and leaned back, bracing myself against his thighs.  I had started moaning and swearing again, and I was astounded at how little I cared.  I was finally outside of my head for once.  It was amazing.
   Shannon slipped his hand over to the junction between us, sliding across my lips a few times before narrowing in on my swollen clit.  I found myself writhing shamelessly against his hand, shouting as my orgasm slammed through me and left me pulsing around him. He gave me just a minute to stop trembling and then slid me over onto my stomach.  I felt his warm lips brush the base of my spine, and he kissed his way upward as he surged back into me.  Since I wasn't looking at him now, I was so much more aware of the sensations of him.  I could feel the heat of his skin as he pressed his back against me, the dusting of hair on his thighs as they gripped my own.  He was moving much slower now, the pace much more sensual as he continued to rain kisses all along my shoulders. My shouts quieted to whimpers and as I reached back to touch him he twined his fingers into mine, gripping my hands tightly as he took his time with me.  This was a completely different spell than the one I had woven on top of him.  
   “Fuck, Shannon....” I whispered against his hand, the long, slow ride pushing me somewhere new.  He kept the pace steady as the heat between us built.  I could feel him pulsing inside me, and in this position, every time he rocked his hips as he withdrew his head would drag across my g-spot, sending little shock waves out from my center. It was incredibly intense, and I was desperate for release, but when I tried to pull my hand back to reach my clit Shannon just gripped it tighter.  I whimpered in protest.
   “Wait for it Janey,” he breathed into my ear.  “It'll be worth it I promise.  I won't leave you hanging.”
   Fuck. I couldn't say anything, I just curled my toes and writhed against him.  He just kept up that relentless motion, pulling himself across that sensitive nub of flesh in my channel, and I could feel the heat there growing.  It was if all my blood was pooling right there at my center, creating a sort of heavy fire that was blotting out every other sensation.  I was mewling and keening beneath him, and just when I was sure I couldn't  handle any more of this sensual torment everything shattered, and I crashed in around him, devastating waves of pleasure carrying me off as I screamed into the blanket I had futilely shoved my face into. As I lie there shaking Shannon's hips convulsed forward a few times and then he was coming apart too with a shout.  He collapsed next to me and for the longest time I lay unmoving, completely overwhelmed, feeling like I was returning from a trip to the moon.  When I finally got my wits about me again I looked over to see he had propped himself up on his elbow and was grinning down at me.  I smacked him in the center of his chest.
   “Ow, hey, what the hell was that for?” he said with a laugh of protest.
   “You asshole,”  I told him.  “You can do that and all I got in the treehouse was that weak shit?”
   He laughed at me.  “I told you that was awful.  Do you believe me now?” He gave me a quick kiss.  “I was drunk and stupid but I was just so happy to be with you, Janey.  I'm just glad I got a second chance.”
   I tried not to remember how I had screwed that all up and snuggled my head into the crook of his arm.  We were damp and sweaty and the sheets were a disaster and I was just about to suggest a shower when I heard knocking at my bedroom door.
   “If you kids could come up for air for a minute that would be great,” Roger called from the other side.
   “I'm pretty sure I'm like five years older than you,” Shannon retorted.
   “Okay, old man,” Roger amended, “if you could climb off my bestie for a few minutes I'd like to talk to her.”
   I climbed out of bed on wobbly legs and pulled my robe on before answering the door.  Roger stood on the other side with a couple of bags and a smile.  
   “So,” he said, shoving one bag at me, “there's not much in the house and I didn't want you adorable little sex fiends getting dehydrated so I brought you some Gatorade and protein bars.”
   I heard Shannon laughing on the bed behind me.  “Seriously?” I said. Roger continued on, handing me the second bag.  
   “You're not used to having this much sex so take some advice, get up and pee afterward and drink this.  It's cranberry juice.  Honeymoon cystitis is not a good companion for your first day on your new job.”
   I snatched the bag away from him, mortified.  “What the hell Roger. You don't even have a vagina.  How do you know these things?”
   “Also, as a side note,” he said, ignoring the question completely, “I am feeling really bad right now that we're only just discovering that you're a screamer.” This brought a roar of laughter from behind me. I would have punched Roger if I didn't have my hands full.  He probably planned it that way just for that very reason.  He leaned around me so he could address Shannon.  “Good job!” he smirked, giving him a thumbs up signal.  I kicked the door closed.  Roger continued shouting on the other side.
   “Also, there are more condoms in a basket in my room if you need them! And lube in the top drawer if that's your thing!  Going back out now! Bye!”
   I tossed the bags on the desk and waited for Shannon to stop laughing.
   “He's like a perverted mother hen,” Shannon said, smiling.
   “Sorry.” In spite of Roger's embarrassing delivery I knew he knew his subject material so I opened the bottle of cranberry juice and took a swig. “I'm sure the coffee is ready by now.”
   He got out of bed and pulled his briefs on.  “I should probably call Jared so he knows I'm not passed out in a gutter somewhere.”
   “How about you do that, I'll strip the bed, and then we'll get some coffee and showers?”  
   I managed to find some sweats and a t-shirt in Roger's room so Shannon could get changed once he got out of the shower.  I would have climbed into the shower with him, he seemed to bring out my inner nympho, but our shower was ridiculously tiny and there wouldn't have been room to do anything anyway.  He let me shower first, so while I waited for him I put down fresh sheets and straightened up.  By the time he re-emerged I was waiting on the sofa, coffee in hand.  He took his cup and snuggled up to me, and the first thing I did was take a big sniff of him.  He smelled like my soap now and it was still wonderful and still Shannon.  
   “You smell me an awful lot,” he pointed out.
   I shrugged.  “Can't help it.  You're the best thing I've ever smelled.”
   He wrapped his arms around me, carefully balancing his coffee mug.  “I find that hard to believe.”  He took a careful sip from his cup. “So, what do  you want to do for the rest of your last full day in Los Angeles?”
   “I don't care,” I told him.  “I've seen everything I wanted to see while I've been here.  I don't have anyone else I need to say goodbye to.  Everything that's going with us is packed, and Roger has someone coming to get everything else out of here on Sunday after we're gone. When I said I was all  yours, I really meant I was all  yours.”
   Shannon thought for a minute.  “Okay, let's go grab something to eat, then swing by my place.  I want to get a change of clothes and my camera.”
   I narrowed my eyes.  “Why do you want your camera?”
   “Why do you usually want a camera Jane?” I continued frowning at him. “If you're running off to the other side of the country I'm getting some pictures of you.”
   “I don't really know if I want to run into Jared.”
   “He won't be there. It'll just be us.  It'll be great.” He took another sip of his coffee before continuing, more softly.  “Of course, if you didn't run off on me I wouldn't need pictures to remember you by.”
   Not this again.  “Shannon, please, I already explained.  Please don't spoil today.”
   He pressed his lips against mine, and I tasted toothpaste and the coffee he had just drunk. “I won't say another word, I promise, if you just come with me.”
@msroxyblog @nikkitasevoli
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