#bevvy writes
gothsuguru · 4 days
KAIRO . YOUR FUCKING WIPS GOOD GOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ohhhhh narrowing them down was so tough but …… i neeeeeed to know more (read: all) about i hope i don’t murder me; i hope i don’t burden you + you should let me ride shotgun + belladonna ……. (THERAPIST!JAKU. need them to corrupt me . who said that)
(alsooooo i love you <3 hope you eat a big nice tasty breakfast with your fav beverage to boot :333)
ARI MY PRECIOUS ANGELMOUSE <333 TYSM FOR THE ASK AND ALSO MFNDNDND the way i KNEW you would ask about therapist dilfjaku 🤭 that one is a arikenkairo special for REAL <333 at least in theory :3
i hope i don’t murder me; i hope i don’t burden you:
THIS IS THE PROFESSOR!GETO X HEAVENLY RESTRICTED!READER ONE HEHE i’m so excited to resume writing this omfg… the title is based off a lyric from “the beach” by the neighbourhood <3 i’m genuinely very intrigued to explore a version of suguru that hasn’t defected but that’s still so… filled w guilt & shame & anger? like in the beginning of the fic it’ll be them all as high schoolers and then it’ll be them as adults and i’m so excited to show the dichotomy of suguru — the stark similarities/differences between young & older geto!
i haven’t really decided yet how it would be when the two meet at jjk high………. i think in general it’s very bittersweet like suguru is hit w freight train of nostalgia and also… just overwhelming shame. and then ofc reader may feign a casual façade but i think they feel so hurt and also responsible for suguru leaving? even though it’s not their fault? idk i’m just interested in exploring that relationship and how suguru’s past actions would inform their future!
you should let me ride shotgun:
RAHHHHHH THIS ONE IS SO FUN AND SILLY IN MY BRAIN :3 a mix of a crackfic and fluff and action but also oddly bittersweet? rich bratty gojo will always be a beloved of mine and i think him annoying his new bodyguard is so fun to think abt… everyone has always left the gojo’s bc their son is just soooooo . bratty and disrespectful and loud and always pushes people’s buttons for his own enjoyment! that is… until he meets READER… who’s just soooooo amused. their vibe is like a constantly amused kenjaku <3 fond, finds him a lil pathetic but he’s cute so he gets a pass, and more than anything i wanna make sure the bodyguard isn’t too serious 😭 need them to be an enabler so bad hehe
(also v excited to explore the bittersweetness of it all too… gojo pushing others away before they can leave him……….. DELICIOUS)
this one is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 dilfjaku with a tight black turtleneck, reading glasses, one leg swung over the other as he rests his temples on his fingers………. gulps. need him to look at me like i’m his prey bc he wants to eat me WHO SAID THAT……… ANYWAYS! this is actually gonna be a smut fic so i will try my hardest to make it sensual and fucked up <3 i don’t know yet if i want reader to be his patient or if he’s just a dilf w a therapist occupation and reader comes by as his intern…… office siren!kenjaku perhaps…….. idk………… need both of us to be sent to HR is all i’m gonna say <333 belladonna is another word for “deadly nightshade” (also a name for this fic that i’m waffling on either one lmk which is better bestie 🙂‍↕️) and i think it works so well for kenjaku… need him to corrupt and manipulate reader but lil does he know they love it <3
i haven’t thought out reader’s personality or anything yet i just know they’re down horrendous and their life goal is to look up at kenjaku while resting their head on his lap………. (also kenny’s life goal… he wants to pat their head and have them look up at him soooooo baddddd) ANYWAYS I’M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THESE FICS HEHE TYSM FOR ASKING ABT THEM ARI :3 MWAH
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writhe · 2 years
having a white claw in the bath tub just as god intended 
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delta-chan · 10 months
I love those moments where you sit there thinking "man I wish this cool story I'm imagining existed in some form" before going having the "wait I could totally write this" epiphany for like the 87th time
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hi i’m so in love with the way you write roy omg!! i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is maybe the team physio and she has a daughter like around phoebes age? just like fluffy pining roy <33333
Take Your Daughter to Work Day
Roy Kent x Mom!Reader
1.9k words
Warnings: Language
I'm such a sucker for pining Roy!! And potential step-dad Roy? Oh my heart 😫
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“Good morning, Mister Roy!”
Roy wasn’t expecting to see your daughter sitting in the corner of the treatment room when he walked in with your morning coffee. Despite his surprise, he offered her a smile as he handed you a to-go cup.
“Morning, Bevs,” he responded, deciding that your kid was the politest one in Phoebe’s class. He turned to you. “Didn’t know it was Take Your Daughter to Work Day. Would’ve brought her a hot chocolate.”
With a sigh, you shook your head, making sure Beverly had turned back to the book in her hands. “School was out today and tomorrow for some conference the teachers have,” you explained in a low voice. “And my mum’s still recovering from her surgery, and I couldn’t get a sitter, so Bee’s with me today.”
Roy couldn’t help the way his eyebrows flew up. “Her dad wasn’t able to help out? Thought he worked from home. It’s not like Bev needs constant supervision.”
Your grip tightened around your cup as you rolled your eyes. “It’s not his day,” you whispered, your voice full of annoyance. “Which apparently means he’s not a parent until Friday afternoon.”
“Fucking twat,” Roy snorted. He immediately remembered that there was a child in the room. “Shit. Sorry.”
The laugh that flew out of your mouth sent a shiver down his spine, especially when it was punctuated by your hand touching his bicep. “You’re fine,” you assured him, giving his arm a squeeze before letting go. “It’s completely true, anyways. Even Bee knows that, although maybe in less colorful language.”
Roy returned your smile as he watched you bring your coffee to your lips. “Right, right.”
He wondered if you knew he fancied you. You had to know. He brought you coffee every morning, was always on time for his sessions with you despite his reputation for chronic lateness, he somehow always managed to be the one to bring Phoebe to playdates with Beverly, even when his sister was available, and he knew the way he looked at you was rarely, if ever, professional. In most cases, he’d have asked you out already.
But he knew that, as a single mum, your situation was different from most cases. He saw it with his sister. You had to prioritize the wonderful little human that sat in the corner of the treatment room who called him “Mister Roy” and always gave him a hug and thanked him for rides home from school on those days that you were desperate for help. He also knew that asking you out meant more than drinks and straight to bed; it would be something real, something he’d have to commit to. And he definitely was interested in that; he just didn’t know if you thought so.
Sam Obisanya poked his head into the room, interrupting the silence. “Good morning.” His eyes found your daughter. “Oh, hey there, Beverly!”
Your daughter waved. “Good morning, Mister Sam!” Roy found it adorable the way she always called adults “Mister” or “Miss”.
“Hey, Sam,” you sighed. “Ready?”
Sam nodded and plopped himself down on your table. Roy saw your eyes shift over to Beverly. He could see it on your expression: She’s going to be so bored.
Without a second thought, Roy approached your daughter, taking his time to crouch down in front of her in spite of his knee. “Oi, Bevvie.” She looked up. “I know you’d probably rather read your book, but I’ve got all these papers in my office, they need to be put in alphabetical order. Think you could come help me with that? And maybe after you could come out on the pitch, help us with training. Then we could grab some lunch with your mum.” He looked over his shoulder at you. “Would that be alright?”
For a moment you thought you were going to cry. Fuck, Roy Kent was such a nice guy. If he wasn’t a gorgeous retired professional footballer, you’d have wanted him to ask you out ages ago. Or hell, you’d do it yourself. He was better with Bev than her own dad sometimes.
“That would be great,” you managed to choke out as you got started with Sam. “Bee?”
Beverly was already out of her seat, taking Roy’s hand in hers, book forgotten on her chair. “Can I really go out on the pitch?” she asked Roy, eyes glittering with excitement.
“Fuck yeah,” Roy assured her as he led her to the door. “You can even yell at Jamie Tartt if you want.”
As the pair passed by on their way out, you shook your head at Roy, smiling. “Thank you,” you mouthed.
With his free hand, he gently touched the small of your back. You wondered if he could feel you shiver in response. “Anytime,” he whispered in your ear. He turned his attention back to Beverly. “Let’s grab you a hot chocolate first, alright?”
After a morning of work, you made your way to the coaches’ office, where Beverly was sitting at Roy’s desk, drawing a picture while Roy talked with Nate and Beard. He lit up when he saw you.
“Ready for lunch?” he asked in place of a greeting.
“Sure.” You walked over to Bev and looked over her shoulder at her artwork. It was a drawing of her and Roy on the football pitch. You ruffled her hair, taking note of the whistle she wore around her neck. “Bee, did you thank the coaches for letting you hang out this morning?”
She jumped out of Roy’s seat and approached each coach, giving them a hug in turn. “Thank you, Mister Beard. Thank you, Mister Nate.” She gazed up at Roy with adoration on her little face. “Thank you, Mister Roy.” Instead of a hug, she offered him her drawing. “This is for you. For being so nice to me today.”
He blinked rapidly as he took the picture. “This is fucking great. Thanks.” Immediately, he went and pinned it on the corkboard behind his desk, where there were already several pictures made by Phoebe hanging up. He looked at you as the other coaches made themselves look busy. “Called my sister. Phoebe’s at my mum’s, said Bev’s more than welcome to hang out there this afternoon. And I can drive her home when I pick up Pheebs. She can go over tomorrow, too.”
“Oh my God, thank you.” Without thinking, you threw your arms around Roy’s neck, pulling him into a hug.
After his brain stopped malfunctioning at your touch, he let his arms wrap around your waist, returning the embrace. Over your shoulder, he could see Beard eying the two of you with raised eyebrows and offering him a cartoonish thumbs-up while Nate watched with a wistful smile. Despite Roy never saying a word, the other coaches were painfully aware of his crush on you.
Once Roy recovered from the joy of being hugged by you, he drove you and Beverly to a nearby chip shop, where he insisted on treating the two of you.
“Come on, Roy,” you pleaded as he shoved your hand away from the credit card machine. “It’s the least I can do after you helped with Bev.”
He shook his head. “Fuck no. My mum would kill me if I let a woman pay for a meal that I invited her to.” He offered you a smile as the machine read his card. “When you invite me to lunch, I’ll let you pay. Deal?”
Your heart skipped a beat. Did that mean he wanted you to ask him to grab lunch sometime? “Fine. Next one’s on me,” you conceded, hoping you didn’t sound too excited at the thought.
As the three of you sat at an outside table and ate your lunch, you couldn’t keep your eyes off Roy. The way he looked Beverly in the eye when she spoke to him and gave her his full attention wasn’t something you were used to seeing. You didn’t date too much, and you very, very rarely introduced men to your daughter. On the couple of occasions where she did meet the guy you were dating, it was never like this. Sure, they were polite and nice to her, but you could tell it was only because they were trying to make a good impression on you. None of those men stuck around much longer after meeting your daughter. And you didn’t really want them to.
But Roy was so genuine. He asked her questions and was fully invested in what she told him, and he even let her steal some of his chips after she’d finished her own. You know most of this came from his own experience as Phoebe’s devoted uncle, but you knew it was also because he was just a genuinely kind person under his gruff surface. And it only made your silly little crush grow.
As the three of you climbed back into Roy’s giant car after lunch, Roy showed you a text he’d just gotten on his mobile. “From my sister.”
Does Bev want to sleep over? I can take them both to mum’s in the morning.
“Oh, that would be great,” you said. You turned around in your seat. “Bee, d’you want to sleep over with Phoebe tonight?”
The squealing coming from the backseat gave you your answer.
By the time you arrived at Roy’s mum’s house, Beverly was so excited she barely looked at you as she leaped out of the car and sprinted to the door, where a bouncing Phoebe waited for her. You and Roy followed and said quick hellos to his mother. You gave Beverly a goodbye hug and kiss, thanked Roy’s mum, and followed Roy back to the car.
Roy opened your door for you before climbing in on his side. The short ride back to Nelson Road was much quieter without an eight-year-old chattering away in the back seat.
“Thanks again,” you finally said. “I really appreciate you helping out.”
He shook his head. “Don’t mention it. Figure this way you can focus on work, and Bev can hang with Pheebs.” His fingers drummed on the steering wheel. “Plus, now you’ve got a free evening.” He glanced sideways at you. “Got any plans?”
You shrugged, wringing your hands a bit at the interest in his voice. “Probably just take myself out to dinner. Don’t usually get to do that during the week.”
Roy nodded. “Don’t suppose you’d want some company?”
Surely, you’d heard him wrong. “Company?” you echoed.
“Only if you want,” he quickly clarified. “I know alone time’s important; my sister really likes relaxing with a glass of wine by herself, but I mean…” He shrugged, fingers tightening around the steering wheel. “Might be nice. Sharing a meal together that doesn’t come in a Styrofoam box.”
“Are you going to let me pay for this one? Since I let you pay for lunch?”
A snort flew out of his nose as he pulled into his spot in the parking lot. “Fuck no. I never let a woman pay for a first date.” He offered you a small smile as the two of you climbed out of his car and met behind it. “Pick you up at six?”
In spite of your racing heart, you folded your arms coolly, returning his grin. “Sounds good. Just anything but fish and chips.”
The sound of his laughter made your heart dance. “Deal.”
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heymacy · 3 months
hello beloveds! i was tagged by a bevvy of pals, namely @energievie, @mybrainismelted, @jrooc, @stocious, @gallapiech,
@spookygingerr, and @deedala, to participate in this week's weekly tag game wednesday! ✨
name: macy 🐭
age: almost 31
location: shamelessland
what is your DJ name? i don’t know my DJ name but my drag name would be Lady Lamictal 💊
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? lesbian hyperpop á la chappell roan
what would you title your biography? bitch, what the fuck?
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? kill jeff bezos, kill mark zuckerberg, kill elon musk :)
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? finance/accounting
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i tried strawberry apricot red bull at work the other day and it was wayyyyyy too sweet for my liking
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? honestly i think chicago is underrated in the grand scheme of things
what day in your life would you like to relive? my wedding day, and/or gov ball '24 🗽
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? brushing my teeth. don’t ask me why, i just hate doing it
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? maybe a month but the second i run out of my meds i’m screwed!
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? didn’t they just admit aliens are real? i’ve been banking on that for years so yeah, that aliens are real 👽
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? a sprawling field littered with cows and sheep and chickens somewhere in the countryside and my office would be a tiny treehouse where i write my books
tags below the cut! ✂️
@gardenerian, @palepinkgoat, @too-schoolforcool, @blue-disco-lights, @creepkinginc,
@doshiart, @thepupperino, @vintagelacerosette, @mmmichyyy, @roryonic,
@transmickey, @sam-loves-seb, @darlingian, @deathclassic, @michellemisfit,
@sleepyfacetoughguy, @sleepyheadgallavich, @crossmydna, @tanktopgallavich, @sickness-health-all-that-shit,
@the-rat-wins, @transmurderbug, @lee-ow, @callivich, @kiinard,
@sluttymickey, @thisdivorce, @xninetiestrendx, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl,
@arrowflier, @astaraels, @ardent-fox, @wehangout, @mickittotheman,
@jademickian, @solitarycreaturesthey, @spacerockwriting, and @rayrayor 💛
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sweetkpopmusings · 11 days
changkyun coworker headcanons <3
a/n: eeeee my sweet boy changkyun!!! i adore him endlessly, and it only felt right to put this out as i recently saw him on his tour :,-) genuinely he is so precious to me....changkyun if you're listening, come back into my pocket !! pics not mine~
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 1.1k | warnings: none really! | pairing: coworker!changkyun x gn!reader | requests:open
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changkyun is one of those coworkers you notice frequently but never really have the chance to interact with him
he politely nods at everyone in the office–you included–and he seems friendly and professional from the conversations you’ve overheard
from what you can tell, changkyun’s either laser-focused on all of his work or very introverted you learn later that it’s both
then, one day, changkyun comes up to your desk 
you answer his question about the project you were working on, not fully computing that changkyun was speaking to you for the first time
you’re almost intimidated by his appearance and deep voice, until he flashes you the cutest smile you’ve ever seen
the more you cross paths in the office, the more changkyun will greet you with a “hello” or “how are you?” instead of just a nod
at first, you’re not sure whether he likes you, as he’s still pretty quiet
but you start to catch on when he sits next to you in meetings or in the break room
he will usually start conversations with a random question, work-related or otherwise
despite how shy he seemed, changkyun’s amazing at making you feel comfortable
it isn’t long before you two chatter quietly during meetings and even joke around 
you don’t even get scolded when you two laugh loudly because everything’s so shocked changkyun was loud LOL
speaking of nearly getting scolded
he messages you the most random questions/facts during work and it is always at the worst time 
he doesn’t intend it, but changkyun is a master of poorly timed “10 strangest deep sea fish” article messages
it’s so endearing though so you don’t get mad…except for the one time the message popped up while you were presenting in a meeting 
everyone stifled their laughter when they saw it was from changkyun
he apologized before you could say anything :,-) because other people in the meeting asked him to send him the same link he sent you lmao
good luck working on projects with him <3
don’t get me wrong ! he’s the best partner because he’d super hard working AND has an amazing, one of a kind mind
but sometimes it’s hard to keep up with his thought process
you have to figure out a balance of trusting him wholeheartedly even when you don’t fully understand what he’s doing and knowing when to ask question after question until you’re on the same page
he has no problem explaining himself to you though !!
changkyun is refreshed by the fact that someone cares enough to understand what’s going on in his mind :,-)
sometimes he even pre-plans his explanations in case you have questions :-( he’s so precious :-( 
changkyun cares a lot about you too. like more than you realize
he gets so upset if you’re stressed :-(
even when you two barely know each other, it hurts his heart when you’re overwhelmed or down
he’ll be a bit flustered, but he’ll do everything in his power to make you feel better
changkyun gets to know what comforts you pretty quickly
you don’t notice it right away because he isn’t always asking you specific questions
but he picks up on the things you do when you’re stressed, making mental notes of ways he can support you
if you like to get yourself treats or bevvies when you need a pick-me-up, changkyun 100% keeps a list on his phone of all your go-to’s
he will absolutely blush and giggle shyly if you comment on how he knows you so well :,-) he’ll say something casual but his heart is FULL of joy because he loves that you can see how much he knows you and cares about you <333
he’ll fluster you plenty though
especially when he randomly drops really sentimental thoughts on you
or writes you a note expressing how much you’ve helped him without doing anything other than just being by his side
like changkyun ??? it is 9:30 a.m. on a wednesday you can’t just tell someone “i’m glad i took this job because without it i never would have met you”
he cannot be stopped. if his heart feels warm, he needs to tell you right away because he doesn’t want the moment to pass <3
once he gets that comfortable with you, changkyun considers you a friend friend, not just a work friend
so, as long as you’re comfortable with it, he starts suggesting ways to hang out outside of work !! 
at first, all the suggestions are things like going to coffee shops, attending events for your shared interests, etc.
but he lets it slip one day that, even though he was really excited to go out on the town with you that friday night, he was so exhausted from the week that he wanted nothing more than to lounge on his couch and watch tv
so you said, “why don’t we just do that?”
changkyun looks at you with complete and utter shock
“y-you…you’d want to do that with me?”
you look at him with complete confusion because of course ??? what are friends for ??? also work WAS exhausting this week so you don’t want to go anywhere either lol
his face LIGHTS up and he’s giggling with excitement at a chill night in with you
changkyun’s talking faster than you’ve ever heard when he starts recommending shows and movies for you two to watch together and snacks to have and a “dress code” 
you tell him to take a breath and that you’re sure the night will be perfect :,-)
he nods and stops himself from talking even more because he knows his work needs to be done, so he waves goodbye and says he can’t wait for the week to be over
for the rest of the week, he messages you different links so you can pick out the content lineup
changkyun, looking so comfy in his hoodie, is buzzing when he opens the door to his place
you’re surprised and endeared because he’s so energetic when all you two plan on doing is sitting on the couch 
turns out quality time is a love language for him because you swear you’ve never seen him happier :,-)
after all the laughs and calm moments, changkyun admits that he has never been happier than he was hanging out with you, so he hopes that you two can do this more often
your answer is obviously yes because changkyun is the sweetest and best person to hang out with <333
changkyun can’t stop smiling because now it’s official: he can see his favorite person (you) every day and everywhere, so long as you want to see him which you always want to <3333
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theoasiris · 1 month
Alpha and Omega Earth Sova Dynamic + Sova Lore Yap Session B)
Saw a post floating around talking about the dynamic between Alpha and Omega agents and how omega agents being labelled automatically evil is kinda stupid. Because no, they're NOT evil. They're Omega's Earth's last hope of survival. They're the heroes, much like how our Alpha agents are the heroes of Alpha Earth for standing up to this bizarre threat. It leads to a fun grey area that is not explored at all. I hope it gets some love in the future, but for now, character development is more important for the game.
That post got me thinking about my own HCs and interpretations of A and O Sova. I rly got into exploring elements of the Alpha and Omega aspects of the game's story due to me shipping Owling (Sova/Sova) but it suddenly became a really fun thing to dive into. It's going to be a long post, so for those who kinda want the TLDR, the img below has a summarized ver of my HCs for A and O Sova's dynamic. Also, these are just my personal thoughts on the character and it's definitely not me trying to sell these HCs as canon or the closest truth we can get to on Sova's lore. Riot please write more shit for this guy I'm begging you. At least explain his stupid eye or his old alias I'm on my hands and knees bros.
Grab some snacks and bevvies for the big wall of unedited hyperfixation fueled yap under the cut. I'll also include my thoughts on ASova/OSova, but I will mostly be discussing their dynamics and stuff outside of the topic of shipping.
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Initially, Owling started as a fun indulgent cloneship that had no rhyme or reason, but the literal next thought I had was treating the ship like some kind of character study based off my HCs of him. The then evolved to become a journey of Sova learning to love himself, literally and metaphorically, however incomplete he may be.
As mentioned in my chart, the Sovas are true clones of each other, mirrors. Their major life events are similar but the outcomes are different as well as the way they choose to interact with the people in their lives and the world. This therefore creates small differences in their 'perfect mirror-like' likenesses.
Sova Lore + HCs in General
My ASova headcanons are as described in my little chart. I feel like the Sova we get presented is very work-oriented whose past was shaped by his time in the military. It may very well be all he had had when he was younger. Perhaps it was what he turned to for direction in his life. I don't really have a solid headcanon for his upbringing, I'm mostly tossing several ideas around because they all seem very possible depending on how I want to picture Sova. Currently I lean more towards his parents being too busy to raise their son and therefore handed him over to his babushka to be cared for and raised. They still exist in his life, but their absences had made a significant impact on his psyche. He believes if he becomes someone useful, someone whose work was meaningful and worthy of praise, perhaps his parents would regard him more tenderly, their visits would be more purposeful, there would be reason to see their son other than obligation. He wishes to be useful not just for the sake of his parents, but for his babushka who is old and frail but has taken great pains and burdens to raise him to the best of her ability. Sova turned to the military for it was a respectable line of work. You serve the country and therefore its people, it seems a perfect fit for him who had much affinity for physical skills (hunting and general fitness). Not only that, the military would be good for him, for he need not think about his pains and troubles. The strict drills and constant orders would give him little time to dwell on his sorrows or whatever ails him. Even if his heart is lost, at the very least he has orders to follow, his path would straighten out for him as long as someone was telling him what he should be doing. In regards to his old callsign 'Filin', I'm sticking to the generally accepted HC that it's his old callsign from whatever military company he was in before Valo. As for his experiences then, my thoughts aren't too lengthy. It was a normal job experience, but he was very much just a machine there. A good obedient soldier. However, a mishap in one of his missions cost him his right eye. He continued to serve despite the injury and forced himself to remain useful to the company.
As a result of such life experiences, the Sova we see today can easily be described as a straight-laced man with strict morals who works to live. From what little trivia we have of him, he definitely has hobbies and interests outside of work. He likes hunting, photography that leans towards nature as it's focus. From his voicelines, we can gather that Sova is actually a really friendly and loving guy. He is vocal about his love for his babushka, he praises his teammates often, and he always seems ready to jump in the line of fire for his teammates if it means saving them (and by proxy, the mission). This kindness extends even to those he shouldn't extend it to, namely OSova, who is the enemy. Can you imagine sparing the guy who is invading your earth? Giving them a second chance? I feel like it's more than just some good samaritan thing/altruism, but there is unfortunately no reason given from Riot so far.
With all that knowledge of him, I interpret Sova as a person who is kind, friendly and full of desire to do good. But he has a lot of personal struggles under the hood that he pushes away in order to service others, in order to continue to be seen as a 'good soldier', to be seen as useful. His life outside of work is lackluster, his personality centered around being an asset. He struggles to properly care for himself mentally and emotionally, but is very good at sweeping everything under the rug and calling on his 'work mode' to 'solve' these issues. They don't exist now that a gun's in his hands and his boots on the field. His personal troubles will leave him, like the arrows that fly from his bow, like the bullets that race towards his target's head. The only grounding things in his life are: - His babushka loves him - He's a damn good shot with the gun and the bow - He's an excellent soldier, amazing at his job
Sova, you are miserable in your excellence.
For all his amicable nature and good intentions for others, he hardly shows the same courtesy to himself.
And finally, I yap about OSova.
Omega Sova
OSova is almost everything ASova isn't. - He is less of a workaholic (he very much works to live, but not as intensely as ASova). - He is more open to others and therefore his relationships with the Valo protocol and others in general are much more intimate and closer. As a result, his dynamic with his Cypher is also a lot less charged and they actually get along. - He is more in touch with his emotions and is tackling his fears and problems. Very unlike ASova who is avoidant.
I like to think of OSova as a representation of what a slightly healthier Sova would be. A version of Sova who is trying to improve his mental health and his relationships. He's not the 'Perfect' version of Sova, he too, is still very flawed. But he is happier, is mentally healthier and lives a generally more fulfilling life because he is actually putting effort into himself, trying to be whole.
Personal HCs on their first encounter
When ASova meets OSova for the first time, obviously nothing meaningful goes down because they gotta kill each other. But personally, I think on one occasion, ASova gets curious about his mirror self. He wonders if their lives are truly mirror-perfect reflections of each other. And he steals OSova's eye. He cuts along the familiar eye scar but cuts an additional line for he dislikes that they look exactly alike and the scar mysteriously remains permanent (this is just for my enjoyment and definitely has no real supporting rhyme or reason lol). He doesn't give the eye to KJ despite her expressing interest in it, for this is a personal selfish matter. What he finds shocks him, for OSova lives a very different life from him. And he grows angry for he is... jealous. His mirror self seemed to be living a beautiful life as compared to him and he wants to know why. He needs to learn more, needs to collect more intel. There has to be a reason his mirror self is enjoying things he doesn't seem to have himself despite being a good and useful person on his earth. Therefore, in addition to being his enemy at work, he cannot spare OSova ever again. He needs his eye. He needs to know.
AOSova Interactions HCs
It is natural that the Sovas are hostile to each other, for they are enemies. But OSova is surprised at how vicious and almost predator-fierce his mirror is with hunting him down and killing him. Sometimes it feels like ASova kills him with more brutality than necessary for whatever reason. When OSova is cornered and most definitely dead, it seems like ASova seems to go out on a limb to kill him in a more vicious way or uses excess effort to take his mirror out. OSova, being Sova, who has a soft heart and an inherent sense of kindness, tries to speak to ASova before he is killed again. But of course, ASova, who is blinded by his envy and hard driven by his soldier's duty to kill his enemy, doesn't let him talk. But eventually, one day, he does. And OSova questions their likenesses. Are they truly clones? He didn't know he was quite so fearsome, quite so merciless and cold. ASova finally allows OSova to speak, and suddenly, he realizes that they are so much more different than what he has seen. ASova also comes to realize that perhaps, in this big wide world and beyond, maybe his enemy, his 'evil' self, is the only one who can truly help him understand his pain.
It is not a pleasant thought, but that thought will soon disappear when his hunting knife goes through OSova's heart.
Sova Learns To Love Himself + Owling (Sova/Sova) Elements (Cont. from AOSova Interactions)
Teehee my fav part... If you so desire, this can be read as platonic as I've removed romantic elements.
The sauce for Owling in this sense comes from the fact that ASova believes that OSova is the only one in the world, this universe, that will understand his pain and accept him no matter what. Because they're Sova. They're supposed to be one and the same, right? Also because OSova has extended an extremely kind hand towards him over and over despite ASova mercilessly killing him time and time again without allowing him to even get a word or so in. OSova forgives this, for they both know they're 'both good soldiers who carry out orders no matter what'. And the orders are obviously to eliminate their enemies, their mirrors. ASova was just doing as he was told, and OSova holds no grudge. Hell, he probably even respects him for staying so loyal.
After OSova finally gets a word in, the pair often try to meet up secretly whenever they encounter each other on a mission to talk. It's mostly ASova talking, sharing his burdens with his copy, hoping to learn what the hell is he not doing right that OSova is. He too, wishes to live happily, much like how OSova seems to be living. OSova comforts his mirror. It is awkward initially, for what does one do when you enemy and mirror self comes at you, killing you viciously one day and then crying into your shoulder the next? But as they chat, OSova feels much pity for his copy. He wishes he could be happy, too. As much happiness their current situation allows. I'll skip over a lot of the story I've thought of for the both of them because this textpost is an ungodly length already. But, the most important interaction they will have, is that, one day, OSova reassures ASova that no matter what happens, no matter what becomes of them both, that he accepts him as he is. For they both deserve it. And if no one else will, it's ok. OSova will love ASova instead. Unfortunately, for it is still a time of war between Alpha and Omega earth, they can't both leave the field alive. And so, for now, one of them will have to go. Until their next encounter, then. But at least this time, ASova leaves with the reassurance that he can be loved. Even if it's only love from himself, he has it.
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Ok I'm Done Now
And that's the end of the yap sesh phew LOL. I've left out a billion things but it's like 3am and I can't be here forever... I hope my point came across clearly enough and that any weird inconsistencies or holes in my thinking aren't too nasty because my ass aint gonna beta/edit this shit. If you read this all the way thru, thanks for braving through this behemoth of a post U_U)9 Also I hope this creates more Owling fans or at least some interest in the ship somewhat HAHA
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my-favourite-zhent · 5 months
MMMAy Credits
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Big shout out to everyone who participated in making MMMAy a reality.
Yes this was a Zhentil Keep Perverts production but there were some very specific perverts that lent their hands:
Our biggest contributor of course is @thisaccountisagainstmywill who painstakingly gathered the stats of damn near every wizard in the game. Like that's a lot of wizards folks. She also set up the bracket itself and general photoshop finagling.
Another MVP @dustdeepsea did the legwork of getting everyone organized with their bevvy of spreadsheets, Canvas and production prowess. Crack that whip Zarys!
Big shout to @redroomroaving who also did a tonne of Canvas support!
The lovely @littleplasticrat created the amazing hype poster~ that is a lot of wizards to fit in one picture! As well as our championship poster.
Our writing, art, production team also includes:
@underdark-dreams Be sure to read @theycallmeratt's chronicle of the MMMay here: Arcanus Fisticuffus
To find the links to all the fights check out:
MMMay Masterpost
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mindibindi · 1 year
The Dana Scully Drinking Game (Unofficial 30th Anniversary Edition) 🥃🍷🍸🍹🥂🍻🧉
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🥃 - Scully does an autopsy - Scully wears glasses (inc. sunglasses) - Scully writes a report - Scully wears a long overcoat - Scully badges someone - Scully has an umbrella - Scully gets a haircut - Scully cracks wise - Scully eyebrows Mulder - Scully has a bevvy (extra sip if it's alcoholic) - "I'm fine." (or similar) - "Mulder, it's me." - Scene from blooper reels
🍷🍷 - Scully wears flats - Scully sits at the desk in the basement office - Scully asks Mulder where he's going/what he's going to do - Scully with member(s) of Family Scully - Scully's apartment - Scully gets jealous - Scully is flirty today - Scully gazes at Mulder (+ vice versa) - "Mulder, are you suggesting that…"(or similar) - "I'm a medical doctor." (or similar) - Scully gets called into Skinner's office - Scully doesn't wear a mask when she really should - Mulder = "Scully, it's me." - Gillian steps onto her Gilly Box
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🍺🍺🍺 - Scully laughs - Scully wears civvies - Scully has a day off - Scully gets to drive (extra sip if Mulder is in the car) - Scully does science (not forensics) - Scully connects with a kid - Scully rescues Mulder - Scully breaks FBI rules - Mulder = "SCCUUUULLLAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!" - Scully kicks ass (physically or verbally) - Scully has a long, rambling, pompous monologue - Anything to do with Scully's crucifix necklace - Someone thinks Mulder and Scully are a couple - Mulder and Scully hold hands 🍸🍸🍸🍸 - Scully has a crush (not Mulder) - Scully has a flashback - Scully wears silk pjs - Scully witnesses phenomena - Scully hangs up on Mulder - Scully loses her shit - Scully loses/regains job - Scllly loses a family member - Scully goes to therapy - Mulder and Scully hug - Mulder first-names Scully - Mulder and Scully are split up
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🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹 - Scully is right about the case - Scully gets a tattoo - Scully gets laid (xထ if it's w/ Mulder) - Scully is abducted - Scully has a bath - Scully eats a cricket (sort of) - Scully only had half of a cream cheese bagel for breakfast (and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese) - Scully ditches Mulder - Scully kisses Mulder (not on the lips) - Mulder kisses Scully (not on the lips)
🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾🥂🍾🍾 - Mulder and Scully kiss for fucking real!!!!!
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N.B: Drink responsibly. Can be played without alcohol: just replace with popcorn, chips, chocolate, candy etc.
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iantimony · 28 days
tuesday line go up (derogatory)
hello from the end of my workday. writing this on my office computer as i watch my simulation crash in real time in the background. convergence line go up :(
listening: astonishing legends the body on the moor part 1, for some reason astonishing legends is such good Cleaning And Organizing noise to my brain. i've raised my eyebrow at some of their conclusions sometimes but i love a good unsolved mystery that doesn't focus on true crime what i can say
more 00s, just whatever shit the spotify algorithm spits out basically..."hard and heavy headbanging tuesday afternoon". i think for brevity i am going to focus on posting only the things that stuck out to me or are ear worms at the moment, which for this week is miss murder by afi, the kill by 30 seconds to mars, and out of control by hoobastank, especially the line in the latter after the chorus that goes 'and i may never know the answer to this endless mystery' that for some reason tickles my brain.
reading: Bring Back Those Pumped Italian Sodas (Anna Hezel): i LOVE italian sodas. the candy shop on main street near me does italian sodas and it is my favorite little treat to do a hot girl walk downtown and get a little bevvy to come with me. they whip so hard. bring them back everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
elitism is the enemy of the people (Mina Le) and the linked The machine in the garden. (Emily Sundberg) ... discourse(tm) about What Substack Is For, which means nothing to me as a non-substack user. i use a rss reader to follow a few specific substacks but i do not use the platform even a little bit. sundberg seems to disparage the list format (shoutout to miss deb perelmen who i saw in there as an example of things that are pushed on the platform now) (deb's newsletter is one of the ones i follow with my rss feed lol) slash the concept of "list of content I’m consuming" which. looks at my weekly roundup posts. lol. i do understand to an extent, though - does my weekly roundup post make me a Writer(tm)?? i would kinda agree that no not really.
this zine that i think i reblogged yesterday is very cute.
watching: i saw the new alien movie with a friend! it was really good, i enjoyed it, i did look up the jumpscares beforehand because i do not do well with those in theaters especially the big imax ones, but it ended up not being necessary - the local theater here has no imax or any of the big surround sound gimmick things, which i actually prefer, and it also means the tickets were dirt cheap. 10/10 experience. the movie itself was fun, the correct amount of peen/vag imagery that one would expect from an alien movie. important to note that the dehumanization of an android character (who is also the only black character and strongly autism coded) is a big plot thing, it is not Good that he is treated that way and that is also a plot thing but it is important to know going in so it's not a surprise (thanks to someone in a server i'm in for pointing that out, i didn't clock it as being potentially triggering when i saw it but i was like ohh yeah that does make sense to warn people about). really good cast and plot overall, there was only like one point where i was like "whyyy nooo that makes no sense, why would you do that" (without too much spoiling, the gravity turns on and off in a portion and they were just. zooming up an elevator shaft using the lack of gravity. like why would you not be staying near the ladder. you KNOW it's going to turn off at some random point. anyways), but in general the decisions the characters made were really reasonable which made it very fun to watch the consequences of like, yeah, that is also the choice i would have made, shit. the ending made me go EUGH!! in a good way. lots of good easter eggs that i probably missed some of. made me weirdly nostalgic for my dad because when i was growing up he had a life-size hyper-realistic rubber facehugger model. he used to mime getting attacked by it. my mom hated that fucking thing. it must have gotten thrown out or given away at some point. anyways, as the kids would say: it's kino
thank u celestialtourguide for ur dropout login xoxo, i have been watching a lot of 'make some noise'. i love how sometimes you can hear the crew laughing in the background.
jimmy robins: The Fallout of Watcher's Betrayal, what sparked me looking more at dropout. also found out from the comments section that sam reich is son of robert reich ??? wild
finished the george r r martin problem. basically: yeagh
dangelo wallace: not gonna link em all but his videos on chapell roan, katy perry, blake lively, and starbucks. pop culture updates that mean nothing to me. good background noise tho
mina le: underconsumption-core, travel outfits, and Paul Mescal’s shorts, the luxury of privacy & the celebrity vs. influencer paradox. my boyfriend is a proponent of the tiny inseam shorts and i wholly encourage it. more of that, please, from everyone.
made in the moment: My Crafty Boston Apartment Tour. as someone who is also just moved into my own apartment alone for the first time and is in the process of making the space feel like mine, this hits interestingly.
playing: dnd as normal. i finally got to go mask-off, was replaced by a doppleganger like six months ago and finally got to pop off and kill some guys and beat the shit out of my friends lol >:b i have also moved the game that i run to biweekly instead of weekly. i just have too much fucking things happening and dm burnout real.
making: evil eye coasters! these made me very nervous because of how streaky the underglaze is! so i did the tedious task of re-coloring in around my sgraffito lines of my [redacted] coasters. clear coated them and crossing my fingers. these coasters are also too thin, two of them are too warped to use as coasters so ill have to figure out what to do with them. maybe drilling a hole (carefully...) so i can hang them up somewhere? the [redacted] coasters are like twice the thickness so i don't think they'll be warped as bad thankfully.
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i also. made. mesopotamian foot bowl :) i did not have a reference image at the time because that happened to be when the t mobile towers went down for a few hours last saturday so i kinda just freeballed it but he looks. so silly i love him. i think im gonna have to modify him, i was chatting with the studio owner about it and she was like "if you threw that bowl on a wheel you should hollow the legs out, wheel pottery twists slightly as it dries and that plus the drying rates being different will make them just pop right off", which, i can always glue them back on! but i should give him the best odds possible. bonus lil tushy
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i made a BIG BOWL !! it's not really clear from the image but it's the most clay i've ever thrown at once, i think it's like. 2.5 lb?? i didn't actually weigh it first oops i should weigh it. but it's like a foot across at the top. i put it on little ball feet to use as some sort of display bowl i think.
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and there's one more bowl that is really unremarkable so no picture for now.
fiber art: made a fucking. magic the gathering card cozy for a friend that my local mtg group is putting together a care package for. it's so fucking stupid i love it. not gonna post a pic of the front, it's just a dark red border to hold the card in. i might outline the swamp symbol with matching embroidery floss (or maybe navy??) to make it pop more, might also sew a small square of fabric on the inside to hide the loose ends. colors were chosen to match his main commander which is braids
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eating: FINALLY finished the gyudon. um . didn't cook many more recipes. i was going to do one pot chicken meatballs with greens and deb smittenkitchen's corn bacon and parmesan pasta last night but i spent two hours wandering walmart like my ancestors wandered the desert and came home and just had leftovers lol. the cooking will commence......today after i post this and go home.
misc: the midwest is hot this week! fml! on the plus side i don't think my average energy bill in my new place will be worse than my old one despite the worse insulation based on the mid-cycle energy report email i got, on the minus side now i am not splitting that cost so technically it feels more expensive :( thankfully i have finally been finishing the process of closing my dad's accounts so i will have a little padding in my bank account, plus i think i am supposed to get the fellowship i won deposited soon?? shrug. i booked some flights using credit card points that in retrospect i should have booked with Money because of that fellowship but oh well. i am still in the Everything Is So Expensive stage of moving as i finish getting furniture and miscellaneous home goods, hence the two hour walmart wander yesterday. i still need a couch. i think i am getting a frat house walmart futon for like $150 just because it's space efficient and won't break the bank and will be easy to sell when i move out. i should probably order that before i go visit home for 3 weeks ...... anyways. that's this tuesdaypost done and dusted.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
The Only Sure Thing Ch 11: Coconut Cake
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Summary: Midge is supposed to fly home to LA, but Elvis tries to convince her to stay for the duration of the Blue Hawaii shooting schedule.
Warning: Underage Sex, historically problematic racial and gender attitudes, Fluff, Smut, Angst, 1960s Elvis, sexual coming of age.
Responding to the writing prompt "Isn't that Mine?"
Thanks to my bevvy of Elvis babes @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis for their love and support writing this and just getting through the week.
What can I say about @whositmcwhatsit that I have not already said before, she alpha'd this for me, giving me feedback and catching all the typos, grammar and tense stuff that I don't understand. Jade is fucking smart and talented, I still can't believe she wastes her time helping me. And honestly you should go read her latest right now.
If you want to read Chapter 11 of The Only Sure Thing, you can go find it at AO3 here. I love writing this story and I am curious to hear what you think if you read it. Let me know if you want to be tagged in the future
@eliseinmemphis @notstefaniepresley @beeandheroddobsessions @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @richardslady121 @doll-elvis @burningloverdoll @dkayfixates @ohjustpeachy1 @artlover8992 @everythingelvispresley @velvetelvis @lookingforrainbows @literally-just-elvis-fics
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las-lus · 2 months
Singing in the rain snippet
I'm (slowly) writing a singing in the rain ot3 fanfic that kinda encompasses the start of Cosmo and Don's friendship up, how they had a... situationship, the events of the movie but gayer and with even more 3-way-kisses and, finally, a silly domestic polyamous happy ending. It focus a LOT on queer culture of the early 1900s so i'm doing waaaaay to much research and have added a full polari/Speakeasy vocabulary at the end of each chapter.....
anyways, snippet under the cut! If you enjoy this consider checking my ao3 or buying me a coffee!
“Cosmo! bona to vada*! Didn’t know you had a jocker*.” He said to Cosmo, a mocking smile on his lips.
“He isn’t my jocker” Cosmo said, automatically, before adding “He isn’t a jocker. He’s just my friend.”
“Bushwa*.” He laughed, and Cosmo felt his face warming up. Hopefully it was dark enough that neither of the men would see it.
“Oscar, Earful*, just let us in, please.”
“New members can’t usually bring new people, but since you won’t be staying long I’ll make an exception.” He turned to Don, smile dropping from his charismatic face “You better not take any wooden dimes*.”
Cosmo looked at Don, who was frowning. “I don’t…”
“He won’t” hopefully.
“Enjoy the jazz, feely*” Oscar said, as he fished the keys from this coat pocket and opened the heavy door behind him. “And Cosmo? Be a doll and tell Terry I want that bevvy he promised.”
“Thank you! Will do.”
He walked inside, trying not to think about Don following right on his tracks. They could hear the music now, echoing from the ground under their feet.
“It’s downstairs” Cosmo said, as if it wasn’t obvious, and started to walk down the stairs. He looked back, half expecting Don to have disappeared. But as much as he felt like Orpheus, Don was not his Eurydices, and instead he was staring back at him, huge eyes locked on him with fascination.
“What language was that? I could only understand half of what you two said.”
Cosmo chuckled despite himself. “That, my friend, is the language of saints*.”
“Didn’t peg you as a saint, to be quite honest.”
*Vocabulary: bona to vada = good to see you in italian/Polari Jocker = A young man who will only assume active, Speakeasy Bushwa = bullshit, polary Earful = Enough, speakeasy You better not take any wooden dimes = don’t do anything stupid, speakeasy Feely = young/young men in polari/italian "Language of the saints" is how the Brazilian queer dialect, Pájuba, is also known as. It's obviously not historically correct to add it here, but I love it too much and wanted to add a nod to my own culture! also, disclaimer: Speakeasy was a series of slags used by the queer community in New York in the 20’s and 30’s, while Polari was a queer dialect used in the UK during the 19th century. I couldn’t find anything particular to the 1900 and 1910’s, where the beginning of this story takes place, nor anything about US cities that aren’t NY. I took some liberties and merged the 2 together into a third dialect that I think could realistically have been brought to the US during the 19th century (because its the foundation for some queer slangs they had in the late 90’s early 2000s, and because a lot of polari is just Italian) and evolved in smaller queer communities
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tosxah · 4 months
Me sober: guess I should reply in a way that isn't shit
Me after some bevvies: *cracks knuckles* bout to write poetry that'll make the gods gay.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 11 months
Happy birthday!
@ofsappho's birthday is today, and I just want to write a little something to celebrate them.
The obvious is: they're a FANTASTIC writer, and if you know them, that's probably how, through their stories. They're also a gorgeous and talented make-up artist, a scholar of ancient Greek myth, and a practicing Hellenic polytheist.
We met in each other's comment sections, and a friendly discourse about character motivation, worldbuilding, and the Sandman gradually moved to dms. And then suddenly we were friends, and I remembered it was actually possible for this old hermit to MAKE new friends. So, if we're fan-fic-friends, you should know it started there, with @ofsappho being kind and making me feel welcome just by being their enthusiastic self.
Today is gonna be (and already has been) another rough day for my friend. The details aren't mine to share, but the big beats are on their own page (recent homelessness, mental health struggles, physical health issues, recent hospitalization, an inevitable surgery lurking in the future...).
Another problem is that @ofsappho just really needs to know they're appreciated right now, and for a bevvy of reasons, they're struggling to feel/see/hear/receive what they need.
So, if you could all join me in wishing this fantastic friend a happy birthday, that would wonderful!
Happy birthday, friend! Wishing you a year of beautiful words that appear when you want them, and a thousand celebrations.
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twopoppies · 9 months
Hey Gina! I don’t exactly know how to talk about this so i apologise if it’s worded weird, but I wanted to talk about polari! :) Also want to quickly preface by saying A.) I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community, B.) while I’m not English, I am Scottish (Glasgow) and we use some of the same slang as (specifically Northern) England & C.) I have a lot of hetero English friends who know absolutely nothing about polari.
(Quickly before I start as u/ppl may find this annoying; I’ve said Scottish separately as a lot of Scottish ppl, myself included, don’t like being referred to as English/British as majority of us are currently wanting & trying to gain independence from the U.K. lol & I included British instead of just Scotland/England as I’m not sure if it’s used anywhere else in great britian/the UK - please say if it is! :D )
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this too but I see quite a lot of people saying that Louis solely knowing/using polari speech is proof/semi-proof of him being queer or knowing queer history - I have to completely disagree with this.
Polari is used very commonly (some examples I can think of off the top of my head are bevvy, lallies and naff as I use them quite a lot.) in day-to-day conversation in scotland/england (as I mentioned, I have hetero english friends and they use polari ALL THE TIME, like they use only refer to a alcohol/drinks as bevvy, and have no absolutely no idea that it IS in fact polari..). People use it without even knowing what it is, especially those who are lower/working class and/or neds/chavs (which Louis seems to use as? Or want to be perceived as?) and are more likely to use slang. I guarantee you that if you were to go down to England (especially the north) and asked what bevvy meant, they’d almost 100% be able to tell you what means - but they won’t know the origins of the word, they’d just think it’s slang (they probably wouldn’t even know it’s used in Scotland too LOL).
I’ve seen absolutely no other scottish/english/british person talk about this so I feel like majority of the people speaking about polari are Americans (not all & not only, of course, but I feel like they majority of larries are American? Haha) who don’t actually use it or understand it’s use in modern day England/Scotland/U.K. and that’s why they’re saying that he must be queer to use it because they think that it’s not used anymore when it actually is! :)
I’m so sorry if this is a complete jumble of words, I’m absolutely horrible at writing my thoughts down hahah! I pray you understand what I’m trying to say. I hope this isn’t coming across as rude or mean. I’m not meaning it that way at all. Also, this isn’t meant to be a dig at Americans/non-scottish/english/great British folk either, it’s completely normal that you wouldn’t know this! :)
Sorry again hahaha I’ve been thinking about this for a really long time and have been dying to get this off my chest !! + I haven’t used tumblr in years so if the layout/format(??) is weird, apologies for that too, I’m also on mobile :( Thank u (if u do) for reading my long ass ramble lol :D I just wanted to shed some light on this.
Hi, honey. I think assuming Louis’ sexuality only based on him being aware of/using Polari is pretty silly. As you say, straight people in your part of the world use certain words regularly without being aware of it.
As always, I think one has to take many behaviors and actions into consideration when wondering if Louis (or anyone) is signaling. There’s a difference between using certain words that have become common, and knowing what Polari is. Him wearing that brand goes hand in hand with many instances of him wearing clothing that sent a message (for example, wearing the All Out, Queen’s Surf, and Rainbow Apple logo shirts). At that time, he seemed to be very calculated about what messages he sent through clothing. I think Polari was one of many instances of Louis signaling being a part of the community. But I’d never look at that as an isolated instance and think that.
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pangtasias-atelier · 1 year
Hey there your back,can you write an modern au of Corrin being roommates with obese Keaton and obese Kaden. Corrin having to live with them results in him gaining weight on his hips and losing mobility in only a year?
I see Corrin request, I go feral ajnjabnsj. Also love seeing the two furrybait lmao. Kinda went crazy with like describing sized instead of much else but this got long lmao so I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: This is a fetish story!
Corrin has no time to grab anything from the fridge to make dinner. Not when his new roommates come up from behind him. 
“Why don’t we order out? My treat this time,” Kaden rubs up against Corrin, his massive hips that billow outward pressing into Corrin’s own lithe limbs.
“Yeah! And I’ll get the dessert,” Keaton on the other side of Corrin, he wedges him in between the two of them. His large sagging gut bulges out in front of him and to the sides.
Corrin’s face is a flushed red. In between the two massive men, he has no form of escape. “I… Well we’ve been eating out for the past week,” Corrin speaks up. Looking at himself, he stares at the small bubbling bundle of flab that is his belly, the bad habits of his new roommates already heavily affecting him despite only being a week in to living with them.
“And? Ordering out beats cooking,” Keaton belches, the meaty sounding burp sounding out for  several seconds from his light snack half an hour ago. Keaton pulls Corrin away, his large, flabby hand wrapped around the far thinner man’s wrist.
Kaden follows behind the two. His ass wobbles with each step he takes, the two ponderously sized thighs that have reportedly been the reason for a much wider door—a story that Corrin takes to heart with both Kaden and Keaton’s weight—struggle to make much movement, especially anything halfway passing for graceful or quick. “We’re still celebrating you moving in,” For all his weight, Kaden still manages to give Corrin one final push on to the couch. 
“I guess,” Corrin stays in his spot. His face still shows off the bright little streak of faint red on his cheeks despite his supposed complaining. Seated at the very center of the couch, the furniture still has ample enough room for several other occupants.
Most of the room quickly goes away from the 600 pound lardass of a wolfskin on Corrin’s right. “Ahh,” Keaton sighs. He rubs his gut, the pile of flab easily giving from the pressure of his thick, fattened fingers. 
It only takes a couple of minutes for dinner to arrive. Kaden already prepared, he grabs the multiple bags of food from the all too accustomed delivery man who doesn’t even bat an eye upon seeing the 600 pound kitsune that’s dressed only in shorts that hide none of his flabby rolls. “Hoshidan takeout. Just how you like it,” Kaden plops the several bags onto the low, wide table that’s right in front of the couch.
The other side of open space next to Corrin is taken up by another fattass. Kaden wastes no time in propping open a couple of boxes and digging in. His large breasts make a great table for his box, the two meaty tits larger than the container is. 
Corrin takes a moment longer than the other two men, but the passing moment is only brief before he too starts to eat at the feast in front of him. Being squeezed in between so much fat by two men alone still leaves Corrin surprised at the sensation. A nice sensation, he thinks. 
The three men tear through the bevvy of take out boxes in front of them as the tuned out sound of the television playing some sort of rerun for the countless time. The same is true for their daily routine, another day lazing about and eating on the couch happening for the eighth day in a row.
Despite having to deal with just over 1400 pounds of man fat, the couch does its very best to deal with the staggering weight without a single complaint. Kaden on the left side of the couch, the obese kitsune has an hourglass figure at his size, well as close as one can get with his still substantial gut from weighing slightly above 600 pounds back when Corrin had just moved in. His large thighs stretch out the thin strap of fabric for shorts. The taut fabric meant to be a deep, royal shade of blue is now a lighter shade with how taut it is. Especially with his ass that juts out behind him and stretches out the fabric, his ass also slipping out the waistband of them. His thighs are large enough to struggle with any chair meant for thin, regularly sized people. The two massive tree trunk sized thighs are pushed up against each other as much as they can be with all his own blubber in the way. His breasts larger than any women’s, Kaden’s large rack manages to sit on top of his large gut despite the size of his tits. They begin to creep over the edge of his gut and play slightly down the flabby hill of his stomach. Keaton on the right side of the couch, the also 600 pound, obese wolfskin sports most of his heft in his enormous gut that blankets his thighs and anything else that gets in its way. The large pile of lard has nothing in the way of clothes to obstruct it, not when keaton only wears a scantily tight pair of shorts that bulges from his fat pad. The upper rolld of lard that makes up his fat pad pushes past the waistband, sweaty rolls of lard making contact with the lower, hidden underside of his gut. Keaton’s stomach takes up the majority of his lap, all space needed to accommodate such a fine, hefty piece of meat. Keaton’s breasts also have a sizable amount of fat in them; his large chest has no definition to it anymore, the two tits splay down both sides of his gut to touch his large love handles when seated. His large, flabby arms practically use his breasts as a cushion with how much both body parts jut out in all directions. Keaton’s thighs and ass still struggle with his shorts despite his large top-heavy shape.
And Corrin, well Corrin is an absolute twig compared to the two of them. Even compared to just one of the obese, gluttonous pigs for me, Corrin is the model of healthy eating and fitness. And with him wedged in between the two men—an increasingly common occurrence—he is nothing more than the daintiest tree branch ready to snap off next to two full grown trees, even after his noticeable weight gain from just a week’s worth of living with them. Always the thinnest, most svelte man in any room from his lithe figure, Corrin still holds the title next to Kaden and Keaton even while sporting a small tummy from his constant binging from the two bad habits that he now lives with; a tummy that now presses against the tight, non stretch material of his shirt, the slightest hint of his creamy skin visible with a small bit of pudge that peeks out of his black tee. And his shorts also struggle against his extra weight. Corrin still wears his workout shorts, probably in some vain hope and thought that he’ll work off the extra bit of weight, despite having never done anything more than walking around the house before Kaden and Keaton cajole him into gorging with them. Corrin’s lower half already takes well to his extra girth. His two thighs that were already pretty notable from genes and some extra guidance with his workouts are now flabby; the two legs have a sizable amount of blubber encasing them. Though his shorts fit him fine for the most part, the only issue arriving when he puts them on or takes them off, getting them past his perky bubble butt that’s gotten flabbier and larger along with his legs. 
And despite his increased weight, or perhaps even because of it, Corrin still indulges with Kaden and Keaton. He tears into the food in front of him with gusto. He only thinks about the wonderful belly rubs and insistence on eating even more food he’ll get from the two far more obese men by the time the most likely tubs of ice cream for dessert finally arrive.
“Bouurghp…” Corrin lets out a small burp. Reclining in his own personal chair now, Corrin pats and rubs his paunch as he digests his meal. Already well influenced by Kaden and Keaton, he no longer resembles his former self. Especially when he’s managed to put on more than 200 entire pounds of nothing but lard in just three months of living with the two men. 
The largest recipient of Corrin's gorging and feasting is his hips and ass. The two wide legs spread out on the armchair, the now 400 pound, wide Corrin taking up the entire expanse of the chair with his thighs pressed up against the armrests. Corrin's shorts are now replaced with a larger pair, multiple pairs purchased as he simply got fatter and fatter. His preference for fight fitting clothes continues to work in his favor, the shorts immensely tight with Corrin not having bought a new pair in some time. His shorts especially struggle with covering up his ass. The two bountiful curves that make up his large rump spill out his shorts, the flabby bits of his ass that is covered squished underneath the stretchy fabric. His stomach also having grown from his habits, the gut droops onto his lap, the lowermost layer of flab just barely creeping up onto his lap and sinking into the crevice of blubber where his two large thighs press up against each other. Especially with no shirt to keep his gut contained, Corrin adopting the same dress code as his roommates along with their eating habits. Corrin's moobs have little shape or definition to them anymore. The two flabby breasts relax right on his gut as he leans back. Corrin keeps his arms to the side after eating his meal. His biceps that are filled out with flab press up against his gut while they rest on the armrests.
"I hope you're ready for your after dessert snack," Kaden smiles from the comfort of the couch. The obese kitsune gropes himself after enjoying his usual dinner, the messy remnants of plates and boxes still littering the living room. 
The couch is half empty, the entire right half of the massive furniture barren with Keaton currently standing up. "You're going to eat everything I give you, you hear? Especially after you did it for Kaden yesterday. Not that I care," Keaton huffs. His tail still wags behind him despite the small frown on his face Keaton carries an entire gallon of gainer shake; his lips still are smattered with the remnants of his own smaller portion.
Unlike Corrin, the two men have gained only a small amount of weight, the extra dozen pounds rather negligible on the two lard asses. Corrin's weight staggering, and also enjoyable to see the twink absolutely blimp out, the two men have been focusing on fattening him up. And incredibly happy to see the results, Corrin fat enough now to no longer be able to sit on the couch with them from there no longer being enough room for all three of them.
"I- of course I will," Despite the usual flush of embarrassment on his face, Corrin tries to keep his calm. His nerves still get the best of him sometimes even if he is enjoying himself, the dragon still retaining some of his embarrassment even after becoming more confident with two great examples in front of him.
Keaton grins as he brings the overwhelmingly large volume of gainer shake to Corrin's mouth who all too eagerly chugs the forcefully tilted liquid with some muffled moans sounding out in between each heavy, viscous swallow, both Keaton and Kaden watching just as eagerly.
Keaton at the diligent workers bustling in and out of the massive garage.
The extra room currently going through renovations, what had originally been touted and lauded as an amazing steal with the property that can fit three whole cars is now getting fitted with actual flooring and insulated so that the air conditioning can get taken care of soon with the encroaching deadline. 
The deadline being Corrin's weight, the dragon continuing to blimp out with even more lard as the weeks turn to months. 
Everyone in town used to Kaden and Keaton—two massive men who constantly ordered enormous quantities hard to ignore when every restaurant spoke of them—an additional lardass living with them seemed more like an inevitability than anything, though everyone had expected Keaton and Kaden to be the larger ones. But, everyone already prepared for it, the renovations are almost done after just over two weeks. And the extended time spent around Keaton and Kaden shows on the workers' figures, all of them sporting a small belly to a hefty paunch now. 
Keaton making sure that everything is as planned, Kaden is inside along with Corrin. The two in Corrin's room, the three fourths of a tonnage really cramps up the room. 
"Oh look at you! You're so hungry today," Kaden smirks down at Corrin. He does his best to straddle Corrin, lard smothering lard, while he feeds him. 
Corrin on his bed—the mattress all by itself with the frame removed long ago from the men's weights—he nods with half lidded eyes. "I want more," Corrin huffs after failing to nod properly with his tire for a neck. 
Underneath Kaden, Corrin's immense body is still apparent next to the now 700 pound kitsune. Corrin weighing one hundred pounds above Kaden, the dragon still manages to hold onto the last vestiges of mobility from his draconic strength. But even with his minimal capability for movement, occupying so much space and being filled out with so much lard still makes moving difficult. Especially with his enormous, tremendous thighs. The morbidly obese dragon carries so much of his weight in his thighs. The two thighs struggle with chairs, the fatass needing four chairs now to withstand his width. His broad thighs spread out on the bed, nearly taking up the entire width by his own enormity alone. His legs over encumbered with lard, his rolls of thigh fat already seep down over his knees, the bloated joints losing their definition. His calves are in the same situation, the bloated limbs like tires of flab that make up his legs and creep onto his ankles. He no longer wears shorts at all anymore, the time and effort to get a suitable pair far too much when he simply outgrows each and every article of clothing like nothing. Corrin's ass gives him extra height, the two enormous ass cheeks rising up despite being spread out and smothered underneath the rest of him. Corrin's ass no longer has the same shape to them, the sagging multiple handfuls of ass fat spreading out. His gut rests on his thighs with him lying down. Though the width of it can't compare to his massive thighs, the large gut still unable to cover it all. His bountiful breasts splay down both sides of his enormity.
Corrin opens his mouth expectantly and is rewarded with more snacks shoved into his mouth. 
"Unfortunately, that's all I have for you. You're going to have to wait a little while longer," With a final pat, Kaden climbs off of Corrin, having to slowly maneuver himself with two gelatinous men sloshing on top of each other.
The heavy footsteps mingled with just as heavy footsteps cue the two men to Keaton's return. Multiple bags in his arms, at least five in each, Keaton easily walks through the widened doorway to Corrin's room. "Food's here. And garage is all good to go for AC once that's taken care of. Your new room is almost ready fatass," Keaton smirks.
The room feels much more cramped with three men who weigh more than an entire ton combined. But none of them care with the presence of more food. 
No space for more furniture besides Corrin's bed—and the living room where they all spend the most time—the two 700 pound men rest on both sides of the bed. Bags littered around them, the sounds of crinkling plastic and containers popped open fill the room as they feed themselves and Corrin like clockwork.
The house cleaner than it has been in quite some time, the entire kitchen is completely covered in sealed food, ready to be devoured. And yet, it's all only for three men.
"Do you think this is enough?" Kaden can't help but fret. Though such a special occasion does call for concern from most people, especially when both him and Keaton have planned it for over an entire month now. 
"It probably is, but I'm going to want more. And so are you," Keaton's arms are crossed as he inspects enough food to even make everyone who knows the three men stunned beyond belief, especially when more food is already ordered to be delivered later throughout the entire rest of the day
"Yup! Well, we might as well start with breakfast. Corrin should be waking up soon," 
The two heavy set men waddle their way to Corrin’s new room, the space formerly the garage. They leave all of the food that is meant to be their post breakfast dessert in the kitchen. They enter the room one by one, no doorway equipped to handle them walking side by side, or Corrin by himself for that matter.
Corrin rests on his back completely. The once twiggy dragon fully no longer resembles himself before moving in with Kaden and Keaton. He rests on a Nohrian-King sized bed. Two of them, actually. He has more than enough to grow with the two mattresses shoved together; which is something he desperately needs with how he voraciously devours everything that’s given to him and still able to complain and whine for more. The extra space on his makeshift bed also gives some room for his roommates to rest with him, more than enough room still available even with the three men on it together. 
Corrin still asleep, the immobile man loudly snores away. Resting on his back—moving Corrin only possible with the assistance from the system of levers and tarps from the ceiling—his entire engorged, bloated figure puffs into the air as he continues to dream away. The truck-sized dragon’s flab billows out in all directions, Corrin having a very distinct lack of shape besides round. Corrin weighs more than Kaden and Keaton combined now; the ridiculously fat man’s weight careening closer and closer to an entire ton of lard from his unrepentant, unabashed gluttony. His gut is far from the largest thing on him, but even that piece of meat weighs enough to nearly rival his roommates’ weight. The tank for a gut rests atop his expansive body like melted butter. His stomach is divided up into multiple sections from his weight, each bit of his sagging gut filled with rolls big enough that require more than a single person to properly hold and grab. Corrin’s breasts currency splay forward with him lying down on his expansive back that’s broad enough to be wider than he is tall at this point. His large chest is larger than anyone else's; the two large jugs resemble someone's gut from their sheer size now. Corrin’s multiple tiers that make up his tire like neck thankfully stop his breasts from resting on his face. Corrin’s enormous neck is made up of multiple rolls from his neck along with the several sagging chins he’s gained. Corrin’s face is absolutely cherubic now, the ovular shaped face bulging out from his porcine jowls that jiggle just as he breathes now. Even corrin’s shoulders are rounded out from his weight. The two doughy shoulders lack any shape to them just like his massive arms, the two limbs swollen and looking like a flabby stack of tires more than an actual limb. His biceps larger than a tree trunk now, the oozing fat bulges out to swallow his elbow and most of his forearm that does the same to his wrist and hands, the over swollen digits lacking any sort of flexibility now. Not that he needs it when he has two doting caretakers to feed and fatten him up. But the most staggering part of Corrin is his lower half. Each thigh rivals Keaton’s and Kaden’s own enormity, Corrin’s entire lower half larger than the two men standing together. His thighs are composed of a staggering amount of rolls, each bit of hefty lard sagging onto itself and its lower rolls. The entire length of Corrin’s legs are inundated with overlapping bits of lard. His ankles are overblown from all the lard; his feet sink into his cankles from his weight, Corrin unable to move them as well. Despite how far apart Corrin has his legs—the two table sized thighs sticking out from underneath his blanketing gut that can’t match the enormity of his lower half—the fat from his thighs still stick and touch each other all the way down to his feet. Corrin’s ass gives him a sizable amount of lift as it’s squished underneath him. The two mounds of ass fat are absolutely immense. The fat that makes up his rear gives him a couch sized ass that can be used as seating like the rest of his mattress sized body.
Corrin still snores away as Kaden and Keaton are a mess of huffs and wheezes, the two 700 pounders gaining some extra weight themselves. Walking back and forth into the garage to organize all the food—with the help of half a dozen delivery men who never once showed any sort of shock at their size or even Corrin’s—the two men need a well deserved rest. Waddling up to Corrin, both of them let themselves fall down onto the mattress. The cool air blowing in from the AC thankfully keeps them all a nice temperature, the chilling air able to help with so much fat heating up the space.
“Whaaht'sh hahhppened?” Corrin wheezes out as he wakes up. His speech is mumbled from all the fat on his cheeks. His eyes slowly flutter open, the near noon wakeup time early for him with how long he binges into the night. A banner taped to the ceiling, placed directly so he could read it, it takes his fuzzy brain a while to process the “happy 1 year’” text displayed. “Ha-hahppy ahnniveershaary…” Despite his tired state, Corrin is indeed grateful for the time spent with Kaden and Keaton. “Shooryy, I’m,” He groans. His stomach thankfully finishes the rest of his sentence for him, the mass of fat rumbling with hunger. 
“Nah, you just need to fill up that tank of yours first. Good thing we got just the thing for you,” Keaton also tired, he gropes Corrin’s fat as he rests against him like a pillow, a pillow that weighs more than twice his weight that is. 
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it! We got you a cake to celebrate you living with us for a year. We also got you a special present,” Kaden reaches underneath his right breast and pulls out a small remote. Only a few buttons on the remote, he presses the largest one.
The sound of whirring coming from behind him, Corrin is unable to shift his head around to look at it right away. He does get a small look at it as the machine comes to life and inserts a feeding tube into his mouth.
“We did get you a four tiered cake but we thought this would be easier,” Keaton gains back some energy upon hearing how Corrin guzzles down his cake, all of it going to him. As he reaches for containers of food to feed himself, he pulls out his own remote and presses the second largest button to speed up his feeding. Afterwards, he greedily digs into his own food.
“There’ll be much more after that. And we’ll make sure to hand feed you some of it too,” Kaden says as he tears into his own several plates of breakfast.
Corrin’s moans begin to sound out in between the churning mushed up cake the feeding tube pours down his throat. “Mhmmh…” Corrin doesn’t even bat an eye or struggle as he hears both Keaton and Kaden press a button, the speed picking up once again. His stomach only rumbles instead, as if daring them to feed him faster. Which they both do, the two pressing the button once more after they each finish their second plate.
“You’re gonna love today, fatass,” Keaton continues to grope Corrin’s fat as he shovels food into his mouth with his free hand. “We’ll make sure you’re too full to want anymore. Got it?” Keaton presses the button multiple times, cranking it up to maximum speed.
“We’ll take good care of you. I’m sure you’d like that too, huh?” Kaden lovingly pats whatever part of Corrin’s immense flab he can reach, all of Corrin impossible to grab with just one free hand. Kaden keeps the feeding tube at its maximum setting.
“Here’s to many more years,” Kaden and Keaton both cheer as they open up another box.
Corrin only moans deeper upon hearing the two obese men, unable to see them but more than able to hear and feel all their own weight pressing up against his titanic lard. He guzzles down his feeding tube faster, only thinking about wanting more food and to get fatter.
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