#bf blade
ddarker-dreams · 4 months
I'm clutching on the bars rn pls give us more bf blade content before I explode
I GOTCHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm joining you in rattling the bars of my enclosure .... bf blade is making me feel Things ... .
warnings: fem reader, not sfw implications
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While changing into a new shirt, a deep voice drawls your name. 
Your heart jumps in your chest. If it weren’t for the recognizable timbre, you may have shrieked. It’s a small blessing that you’ve been spared this indignation. Huffing, you turn on your heels, pulling down the bunched-up fabric to cover yourself. 
“I thought you promised to stop jumpscaring me,” you chastise. 
The jumpscare in question — Blade — fixates on your previously exposed midriff. You note how his eyebrows pinch together, though you’re unsure what to make of it. He doesn’t acknowledge your comment. Not even with what Silver Wolf’s decreed his ‘limited NPC dialogue’ (a grunt, hum, nose exhale, or the occasional chuckle, solely procured by your antics). 
“Lift your shirt,” Blade requests. 
“Eh?” You stare at him like he has three heads. “Sorry, I’m waiting until marriage for that.” 
He gives you an unimpressed look. 
“Fine, fine, whatever,” you grumble, acquiescing to the strange demand, “And they said romance is dead…” 
Blade kneels onto one knee. Before you can reiterate the marriage comment was a joke, his gloved fingers hover over the sides of your hips. The leather is cool against your rapidly warming skin. Once you overcome your initial confusion, you consider his countenance. He’s frowning, his eyes playing host to emotions you can’t quite place. His thumb rubs circles into the skin, softly enough to be mistaken for a ghost’s kiss. He appears to be in deep thought. 
You’re rendered speechless — a most commendable feat. 
“These bruises,” Blade murmurs, his voice hollow and haunted, “Did I…?” 
Realization crashes into you like a meteorite. 
You yank the fabric down. “Well, uh, yes, but—” 
(He goes pale as a sheet, further increasing the urgency behind your words). 
“—It’s okay! You didn’t— it wasn’t— I didn’t mind,” you reassure. Clearing your throat, you continue, fighting against the embarrassment scorching you alive. “If anything, I… was into it, so…” 
You watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. His arms fall limp to his side as he mulls over what you’ve said, clearly unwilling to accept it at face value. Uncertain of what else to do, you join him on the ground, sitting on your shins. You take his face in your hands, brushing aside his bangs that’d obscured his eyes. His hair’s silky smooth, thanks to your products and insistence on combing through the knots. 
“Hey, old man,” you hum. “All that frowning’s gonna make you look your prehistoric age. You don’t want some young, dashing whippersnapper to steal me away, do ya?” 
Blade scowls. Smiling softly, you boop him on the nose, to which he scrunches it up. 
Your voice takes on a more serious cadence. “You didn’t hurt me. You could never hurt me. I trust you, so… trust me on this, okay? Just this once?” 
It’s gradual. He relaxes his shoulders, then the taut muscles of his face, basking in your closeness. He leans into your touch, reminding you of a stray cat that’s steadily being domesticated. You let the silence linger for as long as he sees fit. Eventually, his gaze meets yours. 
“... It’s a dangerous game you play, girl.”
I’m dangerous, the insatiable hunger in his eyes screams. I long to devour you, mind and soul. 
To this, you grin. 
“It’s a good thing I’ve already won, then.” 
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esthercore · 5 months
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Blade isn't a man you fix, but rather a man you suffer with, when the mara strikes all the gentleness he had is stripped away leaving him with pure agony and every other negative emotion including obsession, possessiveness, and his bloodlust.
Normal Blade would never think about hurting his beloved, but in this state, he will hold you close and tight, and it will hurt, he gnaws at your skin, scratches it, and bruises it up, while the only thought going on in his mind is losing you.
Hence every other mara strike after falling for you is a spiral into madness and desperation, and it hurts you too, knowing the man you love is feeling much more pain than he's putting you through and knowing it will never get better, only worse.
Blade knows he's gonna tumble down this hill soon, and he sure as hell is dragging you in the depth of madness and suffering too.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Okay look here's the thing, here is the thing -
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This is Sam. He's a eight foot tall robot with glowing eyes. In this trailer he sends fiery lasers out from his body from every available crevice.
But in Blade's character stories and in the relic set about his backstory, he describes Sam as such:
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Blade always calls Sam either "walking armour" or "a person wearing colossal armour".
Blade probably hasn't ever met a robot before! The dude's a boomer.
Which is doubly funny, because of Blade's leaked "About Sam" voiceline:
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Which makes me wonder... When Sam does his emo speech about wanting to be alive etc etc and "I'm just a cold metal husk of a man" etc etc and "oh I'm not even a human being!!!" - what does Blade think he's talking about?
Maybe Blade has since gotten the low down on robots and perhaps someone explained it to him. But for most people robots would be so mundane that the other Stellaron Hunters might not realise Blade has no fucking clue. Which is already funny, but it's kind of sweet that Blade has accepted Sam's motivation no questions asked?
Like, Blade loves a good "I am a monster" metaphor(?) as much as the next person, so I do buy that he'd just assume Sam is being verbose.
On the other hand, if Blade does know at this point, who explained it? Sam? Kafka? Does Elio give out pamphlets to new members? How long did it take? Even if Blade does know what a robot is by now, that doesn't mean he necessarily understands all the nuances of AI and like there's obviously a range of robots. Does Blade think Sam is basically a microwave with a cooler voice? Or he could be on the other end of the spectrum, thinking Sam is basically a normal dude but his species is Robot, like the foxians or Vidyadhara.
And I understand why Blade might not get it, because Sam is the guy who sends cute emojis from his phone, and helps Silver Wolf with her gaming without needing to be asked and he chastises Kafka about being unnecessarily cruel. Like he's almost the most human person in this group, and that's really tragic. But I do foresee that Elio's "I can make you into a real boy" promise will end up being "humanity was literally the friends [Blade, Kafka & SW] you made along the way".
Anyway I'm off to write fluffy found family fanfiction about these idiots.
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sassy-pen · 1 year
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It's your rut, Blade
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pardi-real · 10 months
Weapon Review part 1(?)
Warning: will describe what weapons do
Let's review how well the weapons fare against angels and what they're gonna do with it. By your local akuneko brainrot patient (me). The bonus points aren't really counted.
The types of weapon listed here are unofficial and merely what I think they are.
I'm pretty sure the weapons aren't scaled in actual size in the pictures because Lucas's scythe definitely looks bigger in-game and Lato's daggers aren't that big.
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Daggers/Combat knives
I was searching for materials regarding why daggers over swords for research purposes, but then I remembered Lato uses daggers too. Daggers are so cool.
It's lighter than swords and should increase his agility
And it has holes, holes on blades to reduce weight (usually) so further increase in agility
It's perfect for stabbing and easy to carry
Maybe he can throw it because he has multiple. Requires mad skills tho
The hilt makes it look like a trench knife (maybe it is, idk)
It mainly stabs. Too short for fatally slashing (different story if he wanna torture or something) What he gonna do, stabs angels eyes? Actually do angels have the same vitals as humans? Then he can just stab their hearts
Generally lower damage and shorter range than swords
I wish the blades were serrated to make it cooler (+ easier to tear off limbs)
7/10 +3 from being cool
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Double-bladed polearm
Looks graceful to me. Polearms aren't for throwing because they're longer and heavier than spears.
With blades like that I think Berrien can use it for stabbing, except with more force because of the momentum
Looks like it can slash too but I don't think it's effective. It may be a quick attack but it needs space to do a rotation. Maybe it'll do well when surrounded by angels and that's when double blades come into action, he only needs half of the rotation, maybe less if there are many angels but not enough damage Imo
It definitely has long range
The long shaft can drive away things, defend, and maybe for bludgeoning too just like what a metal pipe would do *insert falling pipe mp3 here*
Hard to use in a cramped space
Double blades like that is actually quite heavy, and he should be rotating/thrusting that around
Actually would get Berrien in big trouble if an angel closing in
8/10 it's good. I like how he stores it under his bed
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Double Ax/Labrys
Practically, the point of Double Ax is so that the blades can have different degrees of sharpness. Lumberjacks can use one side for felling and the other for limbing. But Fennesz isn't a lumberjack so you know whose limbs,
Definitely dishes out big damage
Labrys is a symbol of power, it should looks intimidating, it sure does but I don't think angels can feel intimidated (if they feel anything at all)
There is a lot Fennesz can do with it, it's primarily for chopping/hacking but it can also do thrusting, hooking, slashing, and so on. For maximum damage he can do an overhead strike... No wait I just realized this Labrys has longer shaft than usual
Increased reach I guess
It's heavy, no matter how strong Fennesz is, it might drain his stamina
Create openings especially when gaining momentum
He'll get in big trouble too if an angel closing in
7/10 DPS enough ig, +3 for being pretty and loosely looking like a butterfly
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Look at that extra-broad broadsword. I wonder which one is heavier between this and the double ax
Big damage but with speed, Bastien is known for his insane speed
What else does it do other than damage…? It looks very cool I guess, like a shounen protag or Guts or Cloud
Just like usual sword it's good for stabbing, thrusting, slashing, piercing, etc but because it's wide it can be used for shield too maybe
Despite the speed he still leaves openings and results in plot-points. What a deadly weapon
5/10 too deadly +2 for shounen
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Thorned/barbed whip
What was Ammon thinking when choosing this? It's less of a killing weapon and more like a torture device. Looks very aesthetic tho since it resembles a rose
Can make the opponent bleed profusely. Can angels actually die from blood loss? (Do they even have blood…?)
Long range, and can keep angels from getting closer
It's noisy so it can intimidate & scare things away. Again, if they can even be scared at all
Fictionally it can be used to tangle, trip, or holding enemies in place ala Indiana Jones with his bullwhip (requires mad skills)
It barely does any fatal damage
Difficult to control/aim
With it barbed, it's more likely to cause accidental self-injury. Or injures companions. Unless he's really really skilled… Well, I sure hope he doesn't train often. *Insert uncanny mr incredible png*
Then again it would be difficult to not harm any companions in a cramped place
It can't do any slashing, thrusting, hooking, or literally other type of attack, it mostly whips
Also would get in trouble if an angel closing in
4/10 it's cool but impractical, +3 for being pretty
You know what, I know way too little about angels or maybe I just don't remember
Maybe to be continued in part 2
I started writing this for no reason so yeah why not post it.
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theswordfishy · 6 months
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realism and hyper-accuracy no longer has a leash on me anymore guys i swear... guys i won't draw hyper-accurate jester anymore i promise.....
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mango-dragonfruit · 9 months
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ummm... I may or may not be in love with Aerin now, y'all 🫣
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sauce-cat · 1 year
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chotachica · 1 year
(during the fifth moon ep)
Rai dei: Men? We're NOT men
Vash: *sweating* wait are you outing me as a plant or as trans
Rai: what
Vash: what
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fe-smashorpass · 11 days
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
blade literally pouting until you come back and kafka immediately assigns you the job of cheering him up
upon returning from your latest job, blade instantly took to acting as your second shadow. this, in and of itself, isn't unusual. you stopped questioning this habit long ago, as it clearly pleases him. what you do find unusual is the unnerving stare he's currently directing your way.
"... is something wrong?"
after a second that seemingly lasted forever, he shakes his head.
"hm," you hum, placing a finger to your cheek in thought. "this isn't fair, y'know. your poker face is so convincing that i almost believed you."
he crosses his arms over his chest. "what would you have me say?"
"plenty of things!" you exclaim, to which he grimaces, realizing his mistake a moment too late. "that you think i'm just the cutest thing ever, how much you've missed me, all your thoughts, feelings, deepest, darkest desires— mmf!"
blade's gloved hand covers your mouth, putting a premature end to your tirade.
"are you finished?" he deadpans.
you nod.
he considers you at length before releasing you, muttering under his breath about you being a 'lousy liar.' you notice how his gaze lingers on your lips. a brief flicker dances within his eyes, hinting at the fervor he constantly battles to contain.
suddenly, it dawns on you.
you close the distance with an apologetic smile. "i did forget something important, didn't i?"
standing on your tiptoes, you steady yourself by wrapping your arms behind his neck. out of habit, his hands find your hips, securing you further. your lips almost connect — before mischief gets the better of you. you change your destination to his cheek, planting a chaste kiss there.
he blinks, slowly processing what's just occurred.
you prepare for a swift escape.
blade, however, foresees your intentions, and tightens his grip. effectively trapped, you squirm in place, chuckling nervously to dispel the building tension.
“close, but not quite,” he scolds. then, he lowers his voice to a whisper. “try again.”
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esthercore · 5 months
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Yan! Blade and Sunday would definitely put you in one of these if they ever saw you talking to another man, it's not just solitary confinement but it will also make your limbs weak due to the lack of movement so you will never be able to run away.
They still try to keep it preety, so it's humane, but they will give you the silent treatment, that's what a rule breaker deserves!
I think they also have a leash kink, just tugging you around, keeping your attention on him. Especially Sunday! Forcing you to be with him 24/7 whenever he's in the mansion, you leash attached to his belt or something.
(Kafka or Robin, helps them decorate, respectively)
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alphacrone · 1 year
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angelmaxxing · 6 months
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saetoru · 1 year
i’m literally only pulling on kafka’s banner to get sampo. that’s it. once i get sampo i have him and blade and im set
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rosepetals1 · 1 year
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i love the way mal looks out for the mc, he's so caring and protective >3
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