#bh smut
banghyunnie · 6 months
Chris being so lost in pleasure and yet still so dominant… he‘d hold you down with a grip that bruising while babbling about how he needs to fill you up, pressing you down with his own body weight while his hips rut into you uncontrollably, really just no thoughts head empty he needs you and whatever he needs he‘ll just take
Yes yes yes this is yummy anon omgggg🤤
The way he gets so lost in the pleasure, the way you clench around him so perfectly, that he just pays no mind to you. He'd usually be so sweet and caring but if he has a bad day, some built up anger he needs to get out, it's over(with permission ofc). Fucked out dom chris who sees you as his own little fleshlight. Practically drooling on your back as the jumbled curse words fall from his lips. Arching his back up and looking down, watching himself thrust in and out of you, mouth gaping a little as he inhales sharply. He'd look so pretty, ruining his toy, hair damp and sticking to his forehead, barely able to make words as he ruins what's his :((
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ash-writies · 2 years
hiiii~ i saw that you didn’t cross out touch starved, so i wanted to request that if it hasn’t been already!
may i request a suggestive thing with connor with the prompt “touch starved”? like, he’s starting to experience sexual desire since the day he deviated and he tries to explain how he feels, and the reader helps him out 🥰
A/n: Finally putting a temporary end to the touch starved prompt…although this physically pained me to write I hope you enjoy! Likes and reblogs are very appreciated <3
A/n II: Sorry this took so long to push out. I had a whole plan for this ask but then I chickened out and didn’t know what to write :(
Summary: When you come back from out of town you notice Connor acting shady. The next morning he decides to talk to you about it.
Warnings: Smut
~900 Words
You set your keys in the ceramic ashtray on the counter, one of Connor’s latest hobbies. “I’m back!” you called out, you knew Connor was usually home by this time. You were gone for a week, it was supposed to be for longer but work finished early and you wanted to surprise him. 
You heard a bit of shuffling then Connor rounded the corner, “y/n! Your back early!”
You laughed as he pulled you into a hug, you wrapped your arms around his neck, “I wanted to surprise you!” He hummed as you ran a hand through his hair, “why is it like this?”
“I was laying down,” he muttered into your shoulder.
“Laying down?”
“I’m caught up on work and housework. Humans enjoy laying down in their free time so I decided to try it out.”
You pulled back and he reluctantly released you, “well after the long trip here, I would sure love to lay down for a bit.”
“Of course,” he smiled, picking up your bags and leading you to your room. 
You took your shirt and jeans off, “so did you enjoy it?”
His LED flickered red, “what?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you pulled on a baggy shirt and some shorts, “laying down…”
“Oh, yeah-” he said, trying to play it off as he sat on the bed.
You smirked, “you were totally doing something else weren’t you?”
“No,” his LED began to blink yellow.
“Yeah you were!” you jumped behind him onto the bed, “what was it?”
“It was nothing-” he sputtered, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because-” his eyes met yours and he looked away, “nothing you should just get some rest.”
You didn’t miss the look that flashed across his face when he looked at you. You pressed your lips together, “you know you can talk to me right?”
“I know,” he sighed. 
When he didn’t continue, your wrapped your arms around him and pressed a kiss to his LED, “we should get some rest then.” You released him and moved to your side of the bed. You slipped under the covers and waited for him to join you. He slowly eased under the blankets and shuffled towards you. His LED was finally back to blue. 
“Get some rest,” he muttered. You pressed your lips together and closed your eyes, hoping sleep would find you soon enough.
When you woke up Connor wasn’t in the room. You wanted to call out to him but thought he probably just wanted space. You grabbed a towel and took a quick shower. Afterward, you dried off as much as possible, grabbed the shirt and shorts you changed out of, and went to the kitchen. Connor was sitting on the couch. You wandered into the kitchen and began digging in the counter. You moved to the fridge and the freezer, opening their doors and closing them after looking for a minute. You ended up grabbing a pop-tart and sitting on the couch next to Connor. You watched his LED jump from blue to amber, “are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“It is normal for people in a relationship to talk about these kinds of things,” he muttered to himself. You set the half-eaten pop-tart aside, dusted off your hands and shirt, and waited for him to continue. “Ever since I deviated I’ve been having certain feelings. At first, they were small and didn’t require attention but a few months after we started dating they got bigger and stronger…” He furrowed his brows and looked at you, “do you know what I mean?”
“Not really, what kind of feelings?” you asked, even though you had a pretty good idea.
He cleared his throat, “um- sexual feelings…”
You stared at him and opened your mouth to speak before closing it, you didn’t want to say something stupid, “okay…” Then it clicked. That’s what he was doing yesterday.
He shifted, “I didn’t want to talk about it because I felt like it would make you uncomfortable-”
“No no no,” you said, “it’s completely fine. I just didn’t think you wanted stuff like that.”
“Well, I do….”
You bit back a smirk, “oh? What kind of stuff do you imagine?”
“I- mostly you on top of me,” you hummed, sliding across the couch.
“Anything else?” His LED glowed yellow as you settled in his lap, he only shook his head, “is there anything you don’t like?” he shook his head again, “well, I like it when you use your words.”
“Okay,” he whimpered. You smiled and leaned down to kiss him, his hands immediately held onto your hips. As he deepened the kiss, you ground down on his dick. He moaned into your mouth and you smirked, enjoying his reaction. You moaned at the friction, repeating the action, he threw his head back and began panting.
“Is this what you were imagining?” you whispered, leaning forward.
“Yes,” he muttered desperately, his voice husky and filled with static. You smiled and began to kiss his neck, occasionally stopping to leave bites, still grinding on him. You moved to kiss him and felt his hands trail up your shirt. You sighed as you slid your tongue over his, the feeling of his sensors never failing to surprise you.
“How close are you?” you gasped, breaking away.
“72 percent,” he groaned. 
You smirked and slid off of him, “well, let's finish this somewhere else.”
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Golden Cage
Summary: Money really does not buy happiness…
Pairing: Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Content Warnings: Emotionally Charged PWP 18+!, Elijah Playing Mind Games, Mentions Of Self-Harm, Mentions Of Alcohol, A Brief Moment Of Crying, A Clearly Toxic Relationship, Choking, Degradation/Praise, Unprotected P In V, Elijah Talking Reader Through It, Breeding Kink, No Aftercare Because…Elijah
A/N: This might just be one of the horniest things I've ever written…
Also, you know me, of course I've put together an Elijah Kamski playlist by now!
Tagging those who might be interested: @spookyorchid @blueberrypancakesworld @herprivateisland @queer-crusader
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Half algorithm, half deity
Glitches in the code or gaps in a strange dream
Tell me you guessed my future and it mapped onto your fantasy
Turn me into your mannequin and I'll turn you into my puppet queen
- Ascensionism by Sleep Token
Calm, nearly silent breathing was the only minuscule sound that filled the darkness of the bedroom around you. With your eyes forcefully shut, you tried to fall asleep, had been at it for at least the past 30 minutes but your racing mind always flung back to the dull ache emitting from the palm of your right hand. The fresh memories of clasping too tightly around a delicate glass of champagne completely on purpose until it shattered into sharp smithereens circulated in your thoughts, taking lap after lap, whilst you sought to calm the still raging anger in your chest.
Although the worst part of your desperation-fueled tantrum was over, the leftover flickers of outrage still prevailed. By whatever god out there, you were so sick of it. So sick of being stuck in this mansion with the world very much at your fingertips but no way to get out. No way to leave this designer-architected hellhole to lead a normal life and just be one of millions again, no. That train left the station years ago when you had started out as a simple intern at CyberLife and Elijah Kamski, the prodigy high up above, the demi-god of modernization himself took an interest in you and you greedily grabbed the hand of opportunity not only by its pinky. Back then not even the sky seemed to be the limit but now you found yourself trapped between silken duvet covers and marble-tiled rooms.
“Would you listen to me for a moment?” Elijah’s calm tone from behind pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Uh-huh…” It rolled over your tongue in an exhausted murmur.
“Does it hurt badly?” You felt him scooting closer, his tall frame cupping your backside.
“So so…” You huffed, shrugging your tense shoulders.
“Let me see.” Elijah’s fingertips snaked along your waist down to your hips, tracing your elbow from there on upwards until his palm wrapped itself around your wrist.
In a gentle and slow movement, he pulled your hand closer to his face.
“It’ll be okay.” You tried to dismiss it.
“Eventually.”, Elijah agreed right before you felt his plush lips planting soft pecks along your knuckles, “I’m sorry it came to this in the first place.”
"Are you?" You inquired with a carefully aimed edge to your tone.
"Please, don't be like that now. Of course I'm sorry that you're hurt." Elijah groaned quietly, his thumb stroking over the back of your hand.
His slight annoyance gave you a little kick, because it was exactly what you wanted to coax out of him. A reaction, an acknowledgement of your discomfort, your seemingly endless boredom.
"Yet I also wonder why nothing I offer you ever seems to be enough…", Your senses perked up at his words because you knew what was about to happen and you really needed it to, "Haven’t I given you everything, love? Am I not spoiling you rotten?"
Every little bit of his accusations went straight to your head and you let them in, craved for Elijah to get into your mind like that because it brought you a twisted sense of comfort in the way it belittled your needs.
"You do." You agreed, the slowly building blame gradually covering the biting loneliness stinging in your chest.
"So what more do you want?" Elijah hummed against the shell of your ear, lulled you in further with his warm breath breezing along your neck.
"Your attention. You left the company but you still don't seem to be here…with me.", It trickled from your lips in an honest answer, "You're everywhere all the time but not here."
The latter sentence felt like clawing its way out of your lungs, leaving you raw and sore on the inside for letting slip how much you really needed Elijah to throw you but a morsel of his affection every now and then. With that, you sensed your facade slipping away. The anger and pretentious pride had failed to cover up the puddle of hurt you felt yourself being drenched in and for a split second you pondered whether you really crushed that dainty champagne flute to gather his attention or if that had been you, punishing yourself for still craving his attention.
Whilst trying to take a deep breath, you noticed your chest trembling and your bottom lip quivering dangerously. You were unmistakably about to lose it completely but bit down onto your tongue harshly enough to keep yourself from falling apart at the seams.
"Turn around. Can you do that for me?" He withdrew his hand from your wrist to give you enough space to shuffle around underneath the expensive duvet.
In an haphazardly executed attempt to pull back the burning tears gathering at your lower lash line, you slowly turned around to look straight into an unexpectedly calm expression on Elijah’s face.
Calm or indifferent? It crossed your mind but you banished that thought right back to where it emerged from. Instead, your eyes slowly roamed over his features, from his lips that were slightly curled up into a hardly even there smile to his striking blue eyes and eventually up to the vagrant strands of his darkish blonde hair framing and softly falling into his face.
Looking at Elijah like that damn near killed you from the inside out because it reminded you of the version of him you had fallen in love with years ago. The witty and incredibly sharp CEO that worked alongside his developers instead of secluding himself in an ivory tower of vanity. The man that had even conducted the interview for your apprenticeship himself whilst cradling a cardboard cup of coffee in his hands, the fuzzy sleeves of a blue zipper pulled up to his knuckles, his eyes sparkling at you with endless excitement.
Now, barely anything of that warmth was left. With the years it all went down the drain of multimillion dollar deals over hordes and hordes of androids. Sometimes you felt as if Elijah grew a little colder with every android that sold and a part of you had started hating them for seemingly taking him away from you, eating away at his own humanity piece by piece. You couldn't decide whether or not those thoughts and speculations had anything to them, really, yet you couldn’t stop them from crossing your mind every now and then.
"Some days I wake up wishing to be just another android so you'd tend to me, Eli." The words bubbled out of you in an unbridled gush of emotions, just like the first burning tears spilling over your lash line.
"Come on now, that's nonsense. You're irreplaceable and you know that." Elijah’s brows arched up, closely knit together in a borderline scolding expression, disdain over your utterings washing across his face.
"Do I?", You sniffled, his harsh and cold response cutting right through you, "It's getting quite hard to hold on to that, Elijah, when the only thing you get reminded about on the daily is how utterly invisible you are."
"Stop that right there. You're not invisible to me and now you're just throwing around words." Elijah's eyes narrowed down on you in growing irritation.
"Throwing around words, yeah?", His dismissal came like a ladle full of ethanol to the embers of your rage fit, actively making you spew the most hurtful things that were waiting right at the tip of your tongue, "Do you fuck them?"
"Excuse me?" For a split second it seemed as if Elijah’s jaw was about to drop.
"Do you fuck your robots?" You repeated yourself, a surge of pride for having rendered him dumbfounded for the blink of an eye tugging at your lips before the mere thought of it turned you blind with jealousy.
"No." Elijah stated bluntly, his teeth slightly clenching.
"Oh?", You mocked, pushing it further, "How come?"
"Because none of them…", He sneered, his hand darting upward for it to grab you by the throat in a firm grasp, "None of them could ever be as feisty as you are, love."
You heard your breath hitching and felt Eli's thumb brush over your pulse point as he leaned in, his lips almost touching yours.
"Because I can't feel their pulse picking up or see their pupils widening like yours right now, getting so terribly worked up and flustered over being talked to like that, hm?", You were painfully aware how the heat crept into your face with every word of his, "Because my androids don't need to be put in their place because they wouldn't get so catastrophically mouthy and bratty, now would they?"
"No, no.", He answered his own question with a sly smirk playing around his mouth whilst the clasp of his hand grew tighter until he could feel every quickened pump of your heart right underneath his skin, "They follow a script, a code, they are boring…so unlike you."
Elijah leaned in further, eventually closing down on the tiny bit of space left between your bodies, his lips eagerly pressing onto yours for the first time in days. His proximity, the bare presence of him sent your mind reeling, it soothed the boiling anger in your chest but it wasn't enough, not enough in the slightest to still your aching need for his affection.
A slightly pained mewl of yours got muffled by his tongue snaking into your mouth as your hands practically clawed onto his sides, the brutalized one, with its countless thin cuts, flaring up anew.
"Ouw, does that hurt?" He cooed into your mouth, his free hand shooting towards yours resting on his hip and pressing down harder.
"I'm afraid that's what you get for being naughty, acting up like that. Poor little attention whore." The unmistakably derogatory tone in his voice jolted right amidst your thighs, causing you to clench and throb around nothing.
" 'M sorry…" It fell from your lips in a breathless moan, your words sincere.
You truly felt sorry about being so whiny and bitchy when Elijah gave you everything you could possibly dream of.
"Oh, shut up. I don't want to hear anything from you right now. Not a single fucking thing. You got that?" You nodded and choked back a whine as Eli latched his teeth at your bottom lip, pulling and dragging your head along until he let it slip again.
"There you go, looks like you can listen after all." To reward your silence, he freed your throat from his tight grasp but only to lean himself on his elbow whilst shoving himself on top of you.
On instinct, you spread your legs for him pathetically fast, calves wrapping around his waist in an instant.
"Good girl.", Elijah hummed against your cheek, nearly coaxing a whimper out of you as his other hand slid between your bodies, slender fingers playing over your trembling stomach and eventually down to align himself with your entrance, the tip of his cock prodding against your already oozing cunt, "I'd never fuck an android and you know why? Because they'd never just get oh so hot and desperately wet like you do, love."
His breathing rendered more labored with every inch of him that spearheaded into you, stretching you out to accommodate him properly. With furrowed brows, you bit down on your bottom lip, hiding your flustered face in his shoulder to shut down every possible sound that might come out of your mouth upon feeling Elijah drilling into you.
"Wouldn't waste a thought on it when I can just be balls deep inside your perfect pussy." His hushed voice intoxicated you as he started rocking his hips into your lap at a reckless pace right away, a heavy moan threatening to erupt from your lungs.
God, you wanted to groan and whine out your hammering arousal so badly but shoved it all back down your throat as hard as you possibly could. It almost felt like a sore, dry lump forming right behind your tongue that you couldn't do anything about but to swallow it over and over again.
"Not even I could build something so magnificent as you are." Eli's hot breath stroke over your jawline and everything in you clung onto these words, although, for the blink of an eye, you found yourself wondering if that was just him getting increasingly drunk on your body with each and every hard roll of his waist, not pulling out fully before hammering into you again.
"Maybe I should just knock you up sometime soon, huh?", In a weak attempt to steady yourself, you clawed at his back, fingernails digging into his skin, "Actually creating a life, I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you?"
Instead of words, your body delivered the answer to that. To silence everything that was just on the brink of shooting out of your mouth, your body convulsing and shuddering in a quiet orgasm, you bit down on your bottom lip so hard that you were almost sure to draw blood.
"Fuck, pulling me in so desperately." In a frantic rut, the rhythm of his movements gradually faltering, Elijah pressed his lips to yours again with a nearly bruising force.
"Such a good girl, trying to be obedient and quiet for me." He noted you violating your bottom lip whilst shoving himself into your spasming cunt as far as he could one last time before his own climax took over.
You felt it spurt out of him, filling you up that extra notch and it took every last bit of self-control to not just let your head loll back into the satin-covered pillows and whine out at the sensation.
"Fucking hell…that was so overdue, I give you that." With a low groan, Elijah pulled out of you, moving his body to collapse next to yours.
Letting your abused bottom lip finally slip from between your teeth, you felt the emotional whiplash washing right over the blissful release you experienced just moments before.
"Next time just tell me, no need to squash a glass with that pretty hand of yours."
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oraclekleo · 5 months
Hello everyone!
You might have seen my special and very NSFW BHS readings. The BHS stands for Blindfold - Handcuff - Spank and it's a more naughty version of Kiss - Marry - Kill.
I have come up with a reading where I describe the reactions and preferences of celebrities to these activities when they are on a receiving end or the giving end.
You can check out how it looks like in the links below:
BHS Tarot Reading - Hyunjin (Stray Kids)
BHS Tarot Reading - Sana (TWICE) [Sub]
BHS Tarot Reading - Sana (TWICE) [Dom]
This post's link will take you to my ko-fi shop where you will be able to purchase a 70 pages long PDF with the readings for all members!
That's 6 tarot readings for each of the 8 members!
48 tarot readings in total!
+ 2 extra bonus readings for one of the members who needed one more segment.
For only $3 (or more if you wish)!
It's a super NSFW tarot reading, so please, keep that in mind and I strongly advise any minors here not to engage with these tarot readings.
All the revenues will go to animal rescue organizations like the one I have my two dogs, Easy and Dachi, from. 💖
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Improve your karma by helping others and make your dreams come true!
Thank you for reading!
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blue-misery · 9 months
Wrote my first Hank/Connor fic! Part one is live and I’ll be releasing a chapter every Friday! It takes place right after the revolution. Connor is having trouble fitting in with the other androids. He takes off on his own. There is a crucial miscalculation. It's December in Michigan.
Read it on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/49626865
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3d-wifey · 1 year
you better get the connor x eden reader done
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If Only For A Second, Let Me Have You
Pairing: Connor x Eden Club/Android!Reader Synopsis: He takes a step closer and gets a glimpse of how the varicolored lights of the club reflect the glitter on your body. Like every other night, he is completely enraptured by you. And, like every other night, he is utterly convinced that there is something wrong with him. Word Count: 2.2k Warning: Morally questionable behavior, smut, a small amount of dirty talk, dubcon?, android typical thought, a little angst, dom!reader, sub!connor A/N: Don't look too deeply into the mechanics of this, alright? I explained as much as I could. You guys are lucky. I originally planned for this to be way sadder. Tags: @ginsspitting
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Connor watches as your body, covered only by a lingerie set, twists and gyrates to the club music. You use your arms to hoist yourself up as your body weight swings you around the luminescent pole.
He doesn't need your serial number to know who you were. A WR900; A top-of-the-line sex android. But unlike the other androids of the WR model, your appearance is unique to you and you alone.
That's what first captured his attention. You're a prototype, just like him.
He takes a step closer and gets a glimpse of how the varicolored lights of the club reflect the glitter on your body. Like every other night, he is completely enraptured by you. And, like every other night, he is utterly convinced that there is something wrong with him.
Like all androids, his emotions fully developed after his deviancy. They were always there, if not muddled, muted, and nameless. But once he became a deviant, and came under the grudging guidance of Hank, Connor was able to put a name to the feelings and compartmentalize them.
Things like anger, sadness, joy, and even embarrassment were easy to identify and file away. For a while, Connor was able to say he had a confident grasp on all of his feelings.
Until he saw you.
The first time he saw you, he and Hank had come to the Eden Club to ask the owner a few questions about an incident involving two customers.
You were in a display case, gyrating to the music while the other Traci models tried to get the attention of anyone that passed by. You were in your own world, seemingly uncaring of his eyes on you, and Connor found he wanted to be a part of it.
He thought of you often after that. The directive 'Talk to the WR900' was at the forefront of his CPU, but he chalked it up to being intrigued by the prospect of another prototype.
Yet, he found himself using any excuse he could to see you. It got to the point where he gave up the pretense of being at the club for any other reason but you.
And thus, a new emotion entered his directive. One he couldn't decipher.
The boxsprings bounce underneath him as you push him to sit on the center of the plush bed. You crawl towards him with all the grace of a hunting panther and that's what this is, isn't it? Him voluntarily falling into your orbit like mindless prey.
As a show of customer confidentiality, the Eden Club required all android workers' memories to be reset every two hours. Therein lied the problem: you were all he could think about, but you never remembered him.
There must have been something wrong with him. To do something over and over again, day after day, expecting a different outcome was the definition of insanity.
So why did he still do it?
He ran a self-scan whenever he felt that overwhelming need to drop everything and come to you, and, yet, he never found any damage to his biocomponents. No errors in his coding, no malfunctions, no explanation behind his actions.
Only the command:
Central processing unit: INITIATE FUNCTION_ ANALYZE
Name of function: EMOTION_UNKNOWN
He is the most advanced android to be created and, yet—
You use his shoulders to balance yourself as you sit on his lap and he can feel his interior fans kick up in speed to compensate for his sudden rise in temperature.
Something is wrong with him, but he finds he doesn't really care when he's under you.
"What would you like me to call you?" You run your hand through his hair, nails scratching over his scalp. Connor never thought he would be thanking Kamski for anything, but he's more than grateful for the simulated neurotransmitters that allow him to feel the sensation so vividly.
"Conn—," his voice glitches for a moment as your hands rub up and down his chest, "Connor. You can call me Connor." He answers automatically and his hands go to your wrists, stopping nimble fingers from undoing his belt buckle.
"I'm sorry, would you prefer to take the lead?" You ask and isn't that a novel idea?
He has never let it go further than this. He never had it in him to take advantage of the position you were in.
And, yet, he thought of it often. He thought about what would happen if he allowed you to continue past the almost innocent grinding. Your body writhing under his as his circuits and synapses fired rapidly.
"I—" No matter how much he wants to, Connor can't push himself past this metaphorical cliff. But there's a way around it, a loophole that he can exploit.
"I want–I want to pleasure you. If you'll allow me." If androids could blush, Connor's face would be a resounding blue.
You pause and stare at him.
"I can't say anyone's ever asked to do that," a strange kind of pride fills him at the prospect of doing something with you that no one else has, "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm certain."
You settle back, relaxing on your back in the pile of pillows. You wear a coy smile, right foot trailing up his leg. You go all the way to his crotch, before pressing down.
Connor had never pleasured himself before. He had the ability, but never felt the need before. So when you push the heel of your foot into the zipper of his slacks, he collapses forward—barely catching himself on his hands.
"Well, Connor," you pull your knees up and spread your legs for him, "What are you waiting for?" 
He lifts up, only leaving the haven between your thighs to take his jacket off.
He's never done this before, but he's integrated with a honeypot feature. He'll just act on instinct.
He switches off the analytical component of his tongue and grabs your legs. Plush thighs skin spills between his fingers.
Grip tight on your thighs, he licks a strip up the crotch of your panties. You sigh in pleasure, encouraging him to go further.
He knows the fabric dulls the pleasure you feel, so he exaggerates his movements. Tracing the outline of your clit before flattening his tongue against you.
He chases every sound you make, doubling his efforts as if the cloth wasn't there. He finds himself moving his hips against the bed, grinding into the seam of his pants.
"You enjoying—hah—yourself down there, Connor," he glances up and locks eyes with you. Your lids are lowered, barely open, as you smile down at him, "
He nods. He is enjoying himself. He didn't suggest going down on you selflessly. He likes being able to do this for you.
"Mmm, no, I wanna hear you. Say it. Say it makes you hard to lick my panties." Your fingers dance over the back of his neck before lacing through his hair. He groans when you yank his head up.
He gasps as you tighten your grip despite not needing to breathe. You won't let him continue if he doesn't say it.
"It–it makes me hard to lick your panties." He's rewarded with you easing your grip on his hair and, more importantly, you pulling your underwear aside.
You push him down which is unnecessary, since he was diving back down regardless.
"Stick your tongue out," he does as he's told and you buck against his mouth, "Fuck, Connor." You pull his head side to side, using the drag of his tongue to get off, and he goes along willingly, letting you use him as an instrument for your pleasure. Here, he can almost convince himself that you're just as desperate as he is.
He moans at the taste of you and you buck against him again. Slick covers his chin and cheeks, but he pays no mind to it, burying his face further into you.
You grip the sheets with your free hand as you whine. You throw your leg over his shoulder and use your foot to press his hips into the bed, he shudders. Connor glances up again and coming in his pants becomes a very real possibility.
And something happens as he watches you throw your head back in pleasure. Something clicks.
Central processing unit: INITIATE FUNCTION_ ANALYZE
He can feel the vibration of your thumping thirium pump against your chest. It beats the same as his. He rubs his hand along the soft skin of your arm. Synthetic fluid covers your plastic body underneath. Same as his.
Yet, he is alive and you...
He shifts his head to glance up at you, only to find your gaze already on him. Vacant eyes staring back, awaiting instructions.
Why aren't you like him?
"Connor? Is something wrong?" Your dulcet voice calls out to him. You're smiling at him so sincerely, like you genuinely care for him. As if you hold any actual concern for his well-being.
However, Connor won't delude himself into believing there are any thoughts behind your eyes besides the ones you're programmed to have. He rationalizes that you only seem to care about him so deeply and honestly because you are programmed to. He briefly wonders if you hold anyone else like this and he quickly gets rid of the idea, because of course you do.
You have no other choice.
You do whatever you're told to because you had no free will. You aren't alive, not like him.
But you could be, couldn't you? What's stopping him from interfacing with you and tearing down the brick wall of code keeping you trapped?
Everything in him is telling him to free you from the cruel role fate made you play. And, yet, he doesn't. He doesn't because there's an even bigger part of him that is afraid.
00: 15: 02
A little over fifteen minutes. That's how long he has until it all restarts, until it all crumbles around him. You won't know who he is and it'll be like none of this ever happened.
What would happen if he did deviate you?
Maybe you'd have some form of hero worship towards him for his part in freeing androids—freeing you. But that isn't the love he wants—it isn't real. It isn't like the love he saw between the Tracis.
You won't act as you do now: fingers combing through his hair; content to be near him because of who he is and not because of what he did.
Would you judge him? Fear him because of his past? He's almost certain you'd be eager to explore your newfound humanity far from here, far from him. You would want nothing to do with him.
00: 12: 58
Even with his preconstruction, there are too many variables—too many outcomes he couldn't account for. It's selfish and shameful and every other synonym for unfair, but becoming deviant came with human emotions and human flaws.
Your LED switches between blue and yellow as you watch him think. You sit up on the bed with an uncertainty he's never seen in you.
"You're under distress. Would you like to end your session early, Connor?" He stops his train of thought at the apprehension in your voice. He didn't even notice his LED was red.
"No, I—"
00: 10: 46
He has no words to explain what he's feeling, no way to explain to you—or himself—why he's doing this. And with no words of his own, the best course of action is to show you.
Pale skin recedes over his hand to reveal his glossy casing and he holds it out to you.
"What are you doing, Connor?"
There is no uncertainty; no second guessing. Once the idea was generated, Connor knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would do it.
"I'm taking a risk."
You pause, LED flickering between yellow and red, before copying his movements. The skin of your right hand bleeds back and the shiny white polymer looks identical to his as you take his outstretched hand.
He accepts the pending request of 'Interface' and the feeling, it's undefinable.
Opening up and letting you into his mind is more than a simple exchange of information. It feels like a bridge being built over what was once a gaping chasm between the two of you.
You're tentative at first, probing different lines of code before settling into the connection. Along with his memories of you, he shows you thousands of poems, paintings, and sculptures depicting love. The Lovers by Rene Magritte. Adoration by Stephan Sinding. To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell.
And as you absorb it all, he hesitantly pushes the feeling forward. The emotion he's only just been able to put a name to.
'What is this,' you prompt through your shared link, 'this feeling.' Connor would have thought he imagined the awe in your tone if he wasn't so intently focused on you and any inflection you would send through the connection.
'An explanation,' he answers, 'and a choice.'
His voice is strong, nerves hidden, when he tells you, "Wake up."
The timer in his mind disintegrates and it's impossible, a simple human idiom that couldn't possibly encapsulate this moment, but Connor swears he sees your eyes light up as they filled with life.
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booglz · 10 months
Hello! Before I do post anything at all I want to start off with the stuff I do write about so the people who want to request have a lil go ahead
Btw I only do fem reader
•Detroit; Become Human(Smut, Fluff, angst and aus aloud!) closed
•God Of War / Ragnarok (Smut, Fluff and angst aloud) Closed
•The Lost Boys (Smut,Fluff,Angst and Aus aloud) Closed
I can do just about all kinks that aren’t weird, for example piss and feet fetishes, yk the stuff that crosses a line is a no no. Those as well as Daddy and Mommy kinks.
Requests take a while to get out bc I’m a slow ass bitch but um I usually just prefer to write smut so if that’s what your here for come on in.
Ummmm besides that my name is Moe but you can literally call me whatever you want I don’t care.
🫶🏻💋bye Ly all
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edelgarfield · 12 days
m9 meeting essek: ooooh, he's so cool and mysterious, he's pretty and he floats, he's so capable and powerful, we owe him a ton of favors bc of all the times he's helped us, he refuses to hang out with us but we love him anyway
bh meeting essek: this man led us to a smut shop where he & an assembly archmage bitched at each other for 5 minutes, he's a fugitive, he failed at teleporting us 4 times in a row and had to take a nap in between, he won't shut the fuck up about his boyfriend, one time he turned into a fish.
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imastrangeone98 · 5 days
(A/N: boothill my cyborg my love my life my everything-)
WARNING: fem!reader, SMUT SMUT FRESH OFF THE PLATE MINORS GTFO ILL WHOOP YO BUTTS, probably ooc!boothill but whatever it's fine lmao, his exact birth name isn't known so I didn't put a name for him- if there is one I'll replace it; but I found some X art that called his baby girl "cherry" and I really liked it so I'll use that, and way too much plot as always
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"Well, hello there! What'cha lookin' at, sweetie?" You bend down to the little girl's eye level, peeking at where the child's gaze is locked on, then smiling in understanding. "You like those ones? They're moon lilies; they're flowers that are really special!"
"Pe... shal?" the little girl babbles, and you laugh.
"Yes, dear. Special." You pluck one of the flowers, beautiful with light blue petals and golden pollen, and offer it to her. "They mean loyalty, and undying devotion, because they only grow in places they like, and they won't grow anywhere else."
"Loya..." the girl mumbles. You chuckle and pick her up, carefully tucking the flower behind her ear.
"Now, where's your mama? Or your papa? I'm sure they're worried sick about-"
"Cherry! Sweet pea, where ya at?!"
Your ears prick, and the girl giggles and claps at the sound. "Well, I guess we found him."
You maneuver through the crowd until you find the source of the call: a man, tall and lean, with flowing black-and-white hair and piercing gray eyes.
Oh. He's beautiful.
The little girl squeals with delight at the sight of her father, and his head whips towards your direction. He sprints over to you and takes the child in his arms, pressing her close to his chest.
"There ya are, ya little rascal! What'd I tell ya about runnin' off?! Ya had me worried sick!" He kisses her forehead, then looks at you. "Thanks, I would've lost her without ya."
"Of course!" You wave it off, hoping he doesn't notice your hot cheeks. "I will say, she has good taste in flowers! If you'd ever like to buy a bouquet, you should bring her along!"
"Flowers? Oh..." He looks at his daughter, finally noticing the moon lily tucked in her hair. His cheeks flush a bright red. "Aw, man, I'm sorry for the trouble, I can pay for it-"
"Oh, don't worry about it, it's on the house! But I do hope this won't be the last time I see her!" You wave at her, and she giggles.
The man laughs at that. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He then stretches out his hand to you. "I'm [???]."
He repeats your name slowly, thoughtfully, then smirks. "Guess I'll be seeing you around, lady."
"I'll be looking forward to it, cowboy."
Your eyes crack open.
Instead of a bustling marketplace, you're in a small shack in the middle of nowhere.
Just a memory.
You rise, body aching with fatigue and heartache, but you force yourself to push it to the side.
There's work to be done. You grab your phone and send a message.
ML: The USB is ready. I'll leave it at the usual place.
BH: ca nt maek it cme her
You stare at the coordinates your contact sent you with a groan.
You don't do face-to-face, too much risk. And the information you collected is time-sensitive; you're not sure if you'll be able to make it to the abandoned planet of Mavorosa in time for it to still be valuable, and your spaceship isn't one meant for such great lengths.
But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: Oswaldo Schneider is likely to make an appearance at the upcoming IPC Centennial Gala, and BH has proven themself capable of terminating that sick bastard.
You know you're not strong enough to do it yourself, but BH is. And anyone capable of taking down the son of a bitch who destroyed your home, your planet, your lover, is worthy of your trust.
So you bite your lip and bear it. You'll work something out.
ML: ok. I'll be there tomorrow @ 18:00, don't be late.
BH: k
You roll your eyes. Never mind.
With a heavy sigh, you carefully take out the picture/ only one you have of him. With your little girl in one arm and the other wrapped around your waist, he stares back at you with a grin. Bright, beautiful, alive.
"Don't worry, darling," you whisper, tracing the lines of his cheek and hair on the photograph. "We're one step closer to our goal. That bastard's a dead man walking now that we got BH on the case. They're good; strong and capable, I know they'll get the job done for us."
You gently press your lips over his image. And for a brief moment, you let yourself pretend that the paper is a good replacement for his callous skin.
"Once everything's done, I'll go over and join you and our girl. We'll be together again, I'm sure."
He smiles eternally at you, and you find yourself smiling back.
"Wish me luck, darling. Help me be strong."
His little girl adores you.
Each time he comes by the market, the first thing she whines for is to see the flowers. And you always indulge her, lifting her in your arms so you can show her all the pretty little blooms you have in your small cart. You give names to each one, tell her what they mean as though she understands you.
And you laugh. And he finds himself thinking that his little girl is a good judge of character, because he's starting to adore you too.
And it's becoming obvious, since Nick and Gray give him the occasional nab and jab, wondering out loud when they're going to see him get married and give them another grandchild. His siblings too, always cackling and yapping about how he might be the first to hang up his boots and settle down.
He rolls his eyes, but he's not too displeased by the idea. You're soft and sweet, with a kick of spice to match- the thought of settling down with you and Cherry on the farm is surprisingly sweet.
So he leaves Cherry to her loving grandparents and invites you out on a moonlit stroll through the hillside meadow, the one with the perfect view of the blooming moon lilies and the spring lake that reflects the starry night sky.
"I've never been here before," you gasp in awe, eyes aglow as you absorb the scenery. "It's beautiful."
"Yeah," he murmurs, gaze fixated on you and the moonlight in your eyes. "You are."
You turn your head, and your eyes meet. "Huh? Did you say something?"
"N- nothin'!" He faces the lake, and hopes you don't notice his red cheeks. "Said nothin'."
You laugh, and god, he melts at the sound. Then you rub the back of your head, and turn away, blushing. "I... I think you're very beautiful too."
His brain short-circuits. "Pretty... you think I'm..." Then he gasps dramatically. "So you did hear that! You sneaky mouse!"
He playfully tackles you, and you both laugh and chortle as you wrestle one another to the ground. But then he opens his eyes and finds himself on top of you, hands intertwined, faces so close he can feel your breath, smell your moon lily scent.
The moonlight bathes you in silver, and god, he wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you senseless, run his callous hands on your soft skin, wrap your plush thighs around his hips and-
"Can I...?" he whispers, weak and wanting. "Just... just a taste, I swear..."
You stare up at him, eyes so big and wide that he swears the moon itself disappeared to light up your gaze, that he doesn't notice you untangling your hands from his until you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Just a taste, cowboy?" you tease. "You don't wanna try... anything else?"
You raise your hips and grind on his pelvis, and he moans and kisses you, hard.
Eager hands dart across skin, tearing off clothes. He runs his hands over your plush tummy, hooks your thighs around his hips and moans when he finally enters you.
He'll never forget this moment. Even if he were to die and be reborn, he'll never forget you. Your pleasured moans as he slides himself inside your tight heat, your teary smile as you open your arms to let him press his chest against yours, your starry eyes so full of love and desire that mirror his own.
You make love for hours, the stars and moon lilies your only witnesses.
"-hill. Boothill."
His eyes crack open.
Instead of a blooming moon lily meadow, he's in the underground repair shop.
Just a memory.
He rises with a groan, mechanical joints creaking from the lack of use. "Done already? I was havin' quite the nice dream."
The mechanic rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I can tell. Anyway, speed upgrades are done; the rest of your body is the same- sensory receptors are good, memory chip still intact, et cetera."
She rambles on and on; he's used to tuning her out at this point. As long as his body is in peak condition, he doesn't need to know what else extra she's stacked on him.
"-and the dick. Make sure to test it out at some point."
He blinks. "What'd ya say?"
She groans. "The dick, Boothill. Make sure to test it."
"What dick are ya talking about? If you're trying to say I'm a piece of shi-"
"I added a dick attachment to your body, dumbass." She points towards his crotch. "I had an extra one that I really need to get rid of, so I'm giving it to you. Use it, rip it up and toss it, I don't care- just get it off my back!"
And with no further explanation, the mechanic practically throws him out the store, slamming the door with extra ferocity. Boothill lies on the ground, blinking a few times in shock, before checking his pants, and lo and behold, there is a silicone dick attachment. Sensory receptors and everything, he hisses when he pokes lightly at it, the wires in his body jittering at the unfamiliar sensation.
Doe eyes and a teary smile flash in the back of his mind.
He suddenly jumps to his feet with a vengeance and slams on the door. "You cheating, deceitful shirt-bag! Take this fudging thing off right now! You hear me, woman?! Take this shirt off right now!"
He's no doubt starting a commotion, a crowd drawing in to witness his rage-induced ranting and raving. But then his phone dings, and he's forced to put a pin in it, taking out the shitty device to hear the alarm: Meeting with ML @ 18:00! Meeting with ML @ 18:00! Be there or be square!
Ah, shit.
He can't miss this meeting, not even to blow a hole right between that shitty mechanic's eyebrows. ML is too valuable to lose, having provided him with incredibly detailed information on Oswaldo Schneider and the IPC time and again. Almost as if they have an agenda against that sick bastard as well.
Well. The enemy of an enemy is a friend, right? He'll take what he can get. And if they end up turning their back, well, he's sure his bullet is faster than their legs.
So he leans to the door, whispers a deadly "I'll be back for you, baby," and dashes to his spaceship to head over to Mavorosa.
And as he's prepping for flight, he looks over at the picture on the dashboard.
It's the only one Boothill has of you. The three of you, together- him holding little Cherry in one arm and your waist in the other, you wrapping your arms around him and your baby girl with your sweet smile and moon lily eyes.
He brushes a metal fingertip over your face.
"Just hang in there, moon lily," he whispers, a clump in his throat. "We're one step closer; ML's got some good intel on the son of a nice lady that destroyed our planet- our home. That destroyed you."
Boothill lost the ability to cry long ago, but the corners of his eyes itch all the same. He gnaws on his lip so hard, drops of blue blood trickle down his chin.
"I swear to you, darlin', I'm gonna get our revenge against that beautiful bench. He'll wish he never set his filthy sights on our home once I'm through with him." He gently picks up the photo and presses his lips to your image. "And then I'll come home. To Cherry, Nick and Gray, my siblings. I'll come home to you. We'll get started on that house we talked about, maybe some runts so Cherry can be a big sister..."
He swallows, then carefully puts the photo back on the dashboard. The lump doesn't disappear, so once the spaceship is cruising through the stars to Mavorosa, he sets it on autopilot and descends into the belly to go to his chest of valuables. He opens it up and delicately takes out the moon lily crown.
The one he was working on for you, a promise of his undying devotion. Before the world exploded in fire and ash. Before the IPC decimated his family, the moon lily meadow... decimated you.
He closes his eyes and raises it to his face. Even preserved, the petals are still soft to the touch, and smell just as lovely.
Just like you.
He won't let your death be in vain. He won't.
The lump in his metal chest morphs into rage.
Boothill opens his eyes.
If not for the Stellaron, Mavorosa would be a wonderful planet. A once lively city now stands abandoned, its skyscrapers and glass structures being embraced by nature once again.
You stand on the rooftop, mask and voice synthesizer on, fidgeting with the USB, simply observing everything when-
"So this is what you look like. I thought you'd be bigger," a male voice calls behind you.
Your body freezes. That voice... it sounds like...
No. You must be wrong. Maybe you've been so lonely that every male voice just starts to sound like your deceased lover.
"I thought you'd be here earlier," you reply with your warped voice. "Time is precious to you and me both, BH."
"Sorry, had to wrap up some... personal stuff on my end. I'm here now, ain't I?" The oh-so-familiar yet distant voice chuckles. "Well. Business ain't gonna settle itself. Where's the drive?"
"Where's the payment? We both know I don't work free."
He huffs. "Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Don't worry, I got your cash. Just fork over the drive, no need to make things difficult, not after everything, yeah? Haven't I earned your trust by now?"
"You realize how difficult face-to-face is? It takes a substantial amount of effort to get this intel, not to mention the possibility of being-" You turn around in your exasperation-
And you drop the USB.
Tall and metal. Flowing black-and-white hair. Piercing gray-and-red eyes. Sharp teeth.
"Y'know, I've always wanted to be a gunslinger, just like Nick," [???] cackled, whipping out his revolver and making dramatic poses with it. "Maybe be one of those boothills of legend."
"I'd rather you not," you murmured as you brushed off some dirt off of his shirt. "Those boothills always died on their feet. I'd rather you not die at all."
He softened, and with a smile, he put down his gun and sidled up to you, bringing you in his embrace, warm and strong. You breathed in his comforting scent and sighed happily.
"Don't you worry about that, hun." He kissed your cheek, then square on your mouth. "I ain't goin' nowhere. You can't get rid of me that easy!"
BH. Boothill.
How could you not notice earlier?
Your mouth dries. You can't move a muscle.
It's him. Mechanical, but very much alive.
"Hey, watch the merchandise!" he hisses, pointing at the fallen USB. "I need that, don't you forget it!"
"How are you..." you weakly gasp, then you grab the USB. "Here. Take it. Forget the money."
You slide it over to him, and he stops it with his foot. But his eyes narrow at you.
"Whaddaya mean, 'How are you,' huh?" He walks towards you, slow and leisurely, like a coyote cornering its helpless prey. "You say that like you're shocked I'm still around. What'd ya do, huh? Sell me off to the IPC?"
"No!" you cry, shocked. "I would never-!"
"Why so jittery, partner? What are you hiding?" He smirks, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "How about a show of trust, huh? You take off that cute little mask of yours, I don't shoot you dead, and we keep our little arrangement goin'. Sound fair?"
You turn around, eyes searching for an escape route.
Aeons above, you need to leave. You can't show him your face. You can't remind him of everything he lost, the people he couldn't save. You can't hurt him any more than you already have. You're afraid. You want to hide. You're selfish. You want to tell him. You're in love.
You want to die. You want the ground to swallow you alive. You want to hole away in your shack and wallow in your grief, descend into a spiral of what-ifs: what if you tried harder to find him? What if you searched the whole IPC ship you snuck on trying to resolve things peacefully until you found him? What if you ran out earlier and tried to bring him with you? What if, what if, what if-
"Now that you got some measure of my grit," he whispers in your ear, suddenly standing behind you, "I'm sure you know how this ends, yeah? C'mon now, take it off."
You pant heavily, head dizzy with his close proximity- god, even with the metal, he still smells the same. "I- I can't-"
"Feelin' shy? Alright, I'll do it for you."
"No! Please, no!" You swat at his hands and try to break free of his iron grip, but he grabs you hard and pulls you against his chest.
He cackles, metallic and bitter. "And here I thought I finally had an ally, but no- you're just like the rest of 'em shirt-bags." He whips out his revolver and raises it to your head. "Take. It. Off. Now."
You want to cry. You don't want to hurt him.
Slowly, with trembling hands, you take off your mask...
And his gun falls to the floor.
Doe eyes. Soft cheeks. Scars. Floral scent.
"What made you wanna be a florist?" he asked you once, helping you water the rainbow roses. "They're pretty and all, don't get me wrong. But don't you want somethin' more exciting?"
"On the contrary, I think they're very exciting," you explained. "They all have their unique personality; some need lots of love and care, and others don't mind if you go missing for a week or two. There's flowers that only stay with you for so long, and there are others that will love you for as long as you'll let them."
He grunted. "Sounds like you'd do just fine without me."
"Oh, please." You put down your watering can and embraced him from behind. And just as planned, he melted at your touch. "Moon lilies love the moon, but they need the sun to grow. And that's exactly what you are to me."
"The moon?"
"The sun."
ML. Moon lily.
It's so obvious, how did he not realize it sooner?
He lets you go. You immediately stumble away from him, hands covering your face in shame.
Boothill has no lungs, yet he feels his chest collapse.
"(Y/N)?" he calls to you, weak and desperate. "Moon lily? That's really you, right?" He reaches out, hand shaking. But when he grazes your shoulder, you hunch further into yourself. "I- I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to scare ya. Please..."
Boothill willingly let go of his humanity. But right here, right now, he wishes he still had his skin.
"Please, darlin'... turn around? Let me see you, please."
You shiver, tears spilling down your cheeks, and slap a hand over your mouth. You can't hurt him, you'll never hurt him. "I can't... I can't see you."
His body wants to collapse. He wants to grab you by your shoulders and kiss you senseless, look at you from head to toe and sing praises to Lan for protecting you and keeping you safe.
But you won't see him. You won't turn around.
"Why?" he whines, like a pleading child. "Why not?"
"Because I'm not the same anymore!" you sob. "I'm not your moon lily anymore! I don't want to remind you of everything you lost! I don't want to hurt you anymore! You don't know the things I've done, the blood I spilled, all to destroy the IPC!" You sink to the floor in despair, echoes of the dead haunting you, swarming your mind. "I can't bear to see you hate me for being alive when everyone else died. I already hate myself so much, hated myself because I couldn't save anyone else! I thought I lost you, but now I realize I didn't search for you at all! I didn't even try to find you, I..."
You cry and sob and scream. You pound the floor with your fists. You pull at your hair, your clothes, your skin, so hard that drops of blood water the cement.
Boothill's eyes itch with tears that will never spill. His chest burns with a profound grief that will never truly be his own.
"You think I don't feel that way about myself?" he finally whispers. Bravely, he takes a step closer to you. "From the moment the bombs fell, I was never the same. I changed too much to be that man you met at the market- hell, I don't even have the body anymore." He sits just behind you, close to touch but not close enough. "The blood I spilled would be enough to fill oceans. But I'm still here. I still remember everything. I still remember you." His hand, feather-light, brushes your arm. You don't pull away. "I thought I lost you. When I went back to the ranch and couldn't find anyone there, I thought you were one of the piles of ashes on the ground." He chokes as he speaks, but he pushes on. "I never hated myself more. I failed to save them; I failed to save you."
You shake your head, but he gently rests his head on your back, right between your shoulder blades. He breathes you in- dust, machine oil, and moon lilies.
You smell so alive.
"How could you think I'd ever hate you," he whimpers, "when there's no one I hate more than myself? No, sweetheart, I could never hate you. I never will. Nothing you do could ever make me hate you. So please, turn around..." He grabs a fistful of your shirt and tugs. "I'm begging you. Let me see your face, please."
Your heart breaks. You couldn't fathom how much he suffered, how lonely he must have felt, the self-loathing that coursed through his wires every time he looked in the mirror.
Just like you.
"Don't hate yourself," you sniffle, rubbing your eyes. "Nothing you do could ever make me hate you either. What happened wasn't your fault; you didn't know what the IPC was going to do until it happened."
He lets out a small huff. "I could easily say the same about you. It wasn't your fault either- neither of us could've known until it was too late."
You exhale shakily. "Do you really mean it? Not hating me?"
Boothill smiles. "Every word."
For a moment, you're afraid. What if he doesn't like what he sees? You know he's not a superficial man, but you're still not the sweet florist he remembers anymore.
You suck in a deep breath. He's not the same man you remember, but he's still your cowboy, your Boothill.
Slowly, you turn around, and...
Oh. His face is just how you remember. His beautiful silky hair, the red targets in his eyes still framed within familiar stormy gray. When you reach out with trembling hands to cup his smooth cheeks, he melts in your touch just how he always did.
And melt he does. He nearly moans at your soft touch, pressing his cheek into your palms to keep your focus on him. He drinks up every detail of your face and commits it to memory- your beautiful moony eyes and the dark circles under them, the faintest hint of a scar curling from the edge of your jawline into your neck, your soft hair that smells of moon lilies.
You're still you, the sweet florist he fell in love with all those years ago. And now you've returned to him, and this time, he'll never let you go.
He sits you on his lap and embraces you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and savoring your scent. You wrap your legs around his waist and make yourself comfortable, admiring his metal body, tracing patterns into the steel.
"I love you," he whispers with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "I never stopped loving you, not for one second."
"I'm sorry I didn't look for you," you confess. "But I kept you in my heart every day. Even when we weren't together, you were always a part of me."
"I'm here now." He pulls away to admire you, his thumb brushing your bottom lip as he gazes at you with what you could only describe as reverence. "I'm right here with you. I'm not leaving you ever again."
Boothill didn't realize how much his world lacked color until he kisses you, but now he swears he can see every color in the spectrum flash before his eyes. You taste just how he remembers, sweet and salty with your tears. When you pull away for air, he dives back in to reclaim your lips, hooking a hand around your neck to keep you in place.
He won't let you slip from his fingers again. And you clearly feel the same way, because you tangle your hands with his hair and tug him closer, pulling him on top of you.
"Please don't be a dream," you cry in his shoulder, and it damn near breaks his heart. "I don't want to wake up if it is."
"Darlin', those dreams are better off in Penacony; I'm right here. Does this," he kisses your cheek, "or this," he squeezes your ass and relishes in your squeal, "or this..." He grinds into you, and you gasp, squeezing his shoulders with a whimper. And fuck, maybe he was a bit too harsh with that mechanic, he should send her flowers or something, because your face contorted in shock and a hint of reawakened pleasure is a drug he will happily become addicted to. He nibbles on your ear and whispers, "Any of that feel like a dream to you?"
"...No." You stare at him, moon lily eyes abloom with hearts and love and fuck, he wants you, he needs you.
And your eyes are reflected in his, because you're so captivated by how the targets in his gaze morph into blood red hearts that drip with love and devotion. You want to give him everything, bring him under your skin and into your heart so you'll never be separated again.
"I love you." You smile and open your arms for him. "Let's never be apart again."
Boothill's brain short-circuits. He can only remember the minutiae of what happens next- tearing off your clothes, your hands running across his metallic chest, his sensors working in overdrive to let him process your touch, your smell, your taste, as he kisses, nibbles and sucks his way across the canvas of your body to reach your core.
But just as he's about to taste your liquid gold, you tug on his hair. He immediately moves up to your face, nuzzling into your neck to comfort you.
"What's wrong, moon lily? I'll be gentle, I promise," he reassures you, but you bite your lip and shake your head.
"I know. But I don't want that right now; I want you to fuck me."
You spread your legs, once again revealing your soaking pussy to his hungry eyes, and fuck, his mouth goes dry at the exquisite feast before him. And his new dick feels the same way, as the electricity in his body jolts it to life, straining against his pants.
He swallows. "Yeah, baby. I want you too, but I gotta prep ya, or it's gonna hurt."
"Don't care!" you whine, and on Lan's Arrow, you're so cute with your pouting and wailing. "I need you, Hillie, I need it, I need it-!"
Ah, fuck. He can't say no to you, and he won't start now.
So he rips off his pants, and after a few quick pumps of his new cock (yeah, he'll send some flowers to the mechanic as a thank-you), he grabs hold on your hips and thrusts forward.
You shriek at the burning sensation, scrambling for grip on his shoulders as he penetrates deeper and deeper. Fuck, it's been so long since you had sex of any kind, and it shows. You moan loudly, shamelessly, so sensitive to the buttons his cock presses perfectly against your walls, that you cum instantly when he bottoms out, hips meeting yours with a soft thud.
"Fuuudge," Boothill groans, each syllable drawn out in pleasure, "you're so tight, sugar~ I can't even move..."
His brain might just melt from the overload of sensations. Your pussy's so tight, so wet, he's damn sure he near ascended to aeonhood. And your face is so adorable when cumming, he makes sure to engrave every part of it into his neurochip and brush the hair out of your eyes, moving his hips in slow, shallow thrusts, guiding you out of the afterglow.
When you finally blink the stars out of your eyes, you see Boothill hovering above you, rubbing your cheek with hearts in his eyes.
"God, you're so fudgin' gorgeous." He grins, sharp teeth glinting in the dim light, and a shiver of excitement runs down your spine. "Think you got another for me?"
You whine, "Still sensi- AH!"
He immediately sets a vigorous pace, hips slamming against yours in a hypnotic rhythm. He fixates on your breasts, and leans over to take a hard nipple in his mouth to suck and lick and nibble. You squeal and pull on his hair. He bites your skin in retaliation.
"Easy, moon lily," he moans, quickly stifling it with a kiss. "Hold on to me."
He grabs under your arms and lifts you onto his lap. His cock sinks impossibly deeper inside you, the tip nudging at your cervix. With a shriek, you bite his neck to try and ease the discomfort, but it only excites him more. With a guttural groan, he thrusts up into your sopping hole, bouncing you up and down with rough hands to set an even rougher pace.
You're still so sensitive; too much, too fast, and his cock fits so snugly inside you that you're already spiraling towards another release. But you don't want to make that journey alone, you want Boothill beside you.
So you grab his face and devour his mouth, pressing your tongue against his to savor his metallic taste. He moans against your lips, hips stuttering in an effort to keep up with you.
"Wanna make you feel good," you pant heavily. You carefully slide up and down on his thick cock, head thrown back as it hits your sweet spot. "Wanna... wanna cum with you!"
"Y- you are, baby," he groans against your neck, each word punctuated with a deep thrust. "You're makin' me feel so- darn- good-"
You're so close, you can see the faintest glimmer of stars again. Or maybe that was the sparks from his body as it overworks to keep his sensors running, so he can keep feeling you, tasting you, fucking you.
"Hillie," you gasp when the stars start to overwhelm you. "Hillie, I-"
"I know, baby, let go, I'm right with ya." He kisses you, over and over, thrusts sloppy as he chases his high, sensors working overdrive, wires sparking to further push him over the edge. "I'm- fudge, fudge, fudge-!"
He chokes, and you both come undone together, chasing that relentless wave of pleasure side by side. Stars collide and burst in showers of gold and silver, and your strength all but fails you, so you collapse in Boothill's arms, rubbing your cheek on his cool chest.
He catches his breath, letting his sensors rest as he basks in that afterglow. His wires are probably fried after such an intense sensory overload, but he can't bring himself to give a damn. Not when you're sitting so pretty in his arms, eyes just barely able to stay open.
You're so cute when you're sleepy, it's hard to not bite your cheek like he used to do. But tonight, he'll be generous and resist the temptation; you need your rest.
He runs a hand through your hair, and he once again finds himself wishing he still had his skin. But he sets that aside, preferring to be lost in your sleepy smile instead.
"Love you, Hillie," you coo drowsily, head nodding off.
"I love you more, moon lily," he whispers back with a kiss to your forehead.
In a moment, he'll bring you on his spaceship and clean you up, then tuck you in the spare bunk next to his charging port. He'll have to look at that USB you painstakingly put together for him sooner or later.
But for now, right here, he's not going anywhere.
His moon lily came back to him.
Boothill has finally returned home.
"What the actual hell is this..." the mechanic sighs as she stares at the large bouquet of blue flowers.
She wonders if she should toss them out before she notices the card.
Thanks for the added bonus, Doc! - BH & ML
Her eyebrows raise. The handwriting's too nice and legible to be that Galaxy Ranger's, so...
She chuckles. "I figured it'd come in handy sooner or later."
She sets the bouquet on her desk and continues on with her work.
...if only he loved me back just the slightest, cuz I lost 50/50 and went hard pity to get him. But I did win his lightcone so I guess it's even...?
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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◇ skz drabble by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
☆ camcorder by @tasteracha
bf!minho x reader x chan, a little pervy chan
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
chan x hyunjin x hongjoong x san x juyeon x reader
◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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♤ shadows we trust by @remedyx
supernatural au, mystical creatures!bts, dark circus au
◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
♧ stay alive by @staytinyville
mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
♤ eternally theirs by @imnotlauriane
dragon!bts, soulmates au, knights au
◇ the lucky seven by @riphobisbraces
hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
fallen angel!yoongi x angel!reader, corruption arc
♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
fuckboy!yoongi x smartass!reader
kim taehyung
◇ isn't that what brothers do? by @aris-ink
step brother!taehyung, forbidden romance, dub con
♧ black swan by @aris-ink
step dad!taehyung, manipulation, corruption, cheating
☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
alpha!taehyung x omega!reader, heat sex
jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
♧ close by @aft3rhrs
step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
☆ let's play a game by @anyamaris
soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
soobin x reader x hongjoong, idol au, obsessed!soobin
◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i &lt;3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
☆ drippin' by @ncteez
'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
♧ sos by @neopuppy
a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
☆ shameless by @neopuppy
step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
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banghyunnie · 6 months
Okay, I know what I said, and I want to stand by it, but then Chris texted on bubble: „Channie doesn’t know such things~~~“ and now…
Chris corrupting innocent reader by pretending to be innocent himself, but actually knowing exactly what he’s doing with every gaze, word, touch.
„Channie, when you touch me there it makes me all tingly, it’s weird“ „Oh, I‘m sorry, Baby, I didn’t know that. Do you want me to stop?“ „I don’t know… I mean, it’s nice, but it’s just weird. So I guess you can keep going?“
„Baby… Baby, are you… wet? It feels right there. Why are you wet?“ „Ah, Channie, what is this? What are you doing?“ „I don’t know, Baby, but it’s nice, isn’t it? Don’t you want me to keep going?“
„Fuck, can you do that again, Baby? I don’t know why but it just feels so good“ „Channie? Are you alright? You never curse like that. Are you sure you’re okay?“ „Yeah, yes, Baby, I‘m alright, I promise, I just need you to do that again“
„Channie, I… I don’t know if that’s right, what were doing. If it’s good, I mean. I mean, it feels good, it feels amazing, actually, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for us to do, you know? What do you think?“ „It’s alright, Baby. If it feels good for you, it is good for you. Just relax, let yourself go, it’s okay to get lost“ „I don’t know, Channie…“ „Yah! Just be quiet now, okay? Let me do this, no backtalk. Got it?“ „Yes, Channie…“
„Fuck, look at you, you fucking slut. Grinding on my thigh like a pathetic whore. Have I made you needy? Did you miss the way I touch you? What your old self say if you could see yourself right now, hm? So desperate, so dirty. Are you dirty, my little slut?“ „Yes, Daddy“ „Say it, come on. Say it, let me hear you“ „I‘m your dirty little slut, Daddy, you did this to me, I need you, Daddy, please!“
THE WAY I NEARLY CHOKED ON CHOCOLATE MILK WITH THE LAST FEW LINES. You're outdoing yourself, anon. I hardly have anything for you on this, it's too good. He just knows once he convinces you that he can take over, he's got you. He'd watch every roll of your hips while you're on his thigh, watching a wet patch form on his jeans. "Poor girl, little cunt is so pathetic that it's leaking all over my leg. Made such a mess. Are you really this horny just from daddy's thigh? Disgusting. Gonna make you lick it all up"
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ash-writies · 2 years
The amount of updates I post smh… anyways I just moved so that’s why there hasn’t been any posts, I’ll work on some later this week and try to get a queue set up!
Also, I was thinking about trying kinktober? To try and practice writing smut… send some asks!
Also opening requests for Moonkinght ;) (both smut and normal ones)
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
hi christine. i wanna start by saying thank you sooo much for all your help. you really are a blessing in the sterek fandom❤️
do you have any fics where stiles gets pregnant by derek but he leaves bh and then years later he returns with the child?
thank you so much!
Thank you!! 💗 Here are a few fics like that. Also, there are more pregnant stiles ones in this tag.
let’s see where this thing goes by EvanesDust | 5.4K | Explicit
When Derek moved to Beacon Hills on a whim, he never expected to see Stiles again. He certainly never expected to find out that he was a father, and after a rocky start, he never thought that they’d be a family. But six months later, Stiles and Derek have moved in together and are raising their son, Jake.
They’ve planned for the future, but after Stiles reminisces about his pregnancy, Derek realizes he doesn’t know if Stiles wants more kids.
The answer is yes.
…or the one where Stiles and Derek are parents and discuss having more kids. Featuring fluff and smut, with a side of breeding kink.
if it’s meant to be, it’ll be by DeancebraArt, EvanesDust | 27.5K | Explicit
Following a chance encounter with an irresistible and alluring omega, Derek wakes up in bed alone, with no way to contact the man he met the night before. Over the course of the next year, Derek finds himself wondering: how can he miss someone he doesn’t even know? And, more importantly, how can he find him again?
After a one-night stand with a mysterious alpha werewolf leaves Stiles pregnant, he resigns himself to raising his child as a single parent. It’s not until the man he’s been pining over for the last year shows up at his doorstep, does he realize there might actually be something more complicated than raising a child on his own: love.
You’ll Grow Into Your Skin by crossroadswrite | 11.8K
“So funny story,” Stiles winces, “Remember when I joked you couldn’t get me pregnant?”
Derek nods his head. He remembers pretty much everything from that day.
“Right,” Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, “Surprise?”
Tiny Houses by  ohmyjetsabel | 77.1K
“So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thinginside of it.”
Over the Moon by  i_kinda_like_writing | 32.8K
Stiles and Derek spend a night together, and Derek, thinking he’s protecting Stiles, tells him it was a mistake. Stiles leaves Beacon Hills. He also leaves behind 6 letters to say goodbye to the pack. From his letters, the pack thinks he’s killed himself. Meanwhile, Stiles is in NYC, living with Jackson, going to Columbia, oh, and he’s pregnant.
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call-me-scott · 6 months
imma write a wattapad ship fanfic.
I got several plots in mind… poll below text :))
Paperhat angst following BH’s POV as he slowly falls in love with flug over the course of his employment, in heavy denial of it. In his attempt to keep true of himself, his brand, and the very antithesis of love that defines him, black hat is forced to stand on the sidelines as Flug rekindles an old flame with Miss Heed.
Paperhat pinning heavy fix where Flug is captured by Heros. Black Hat and Flug secretly share a mutual attraction for one another, but with both unable to put a name to their own feelings, remain professional. When Flug is captured and forced to work as a PEACE scientist, presumed dead by all, both wonder what could've been.
Paperhat whump where black hat is captured by Heros. Black Hat awaits his execution as PEACE tortures him, both trying to figure out his weakness and in spite or disgust of what he represents. Flug turns from loyal henchmen to fully obsessive as he tries to track down his jefecito, willing to do anything to get his boss back home. (Hint: He turns feral).
Paperlizardhat trilogy following each of their POVs of how they slowly fall in love with each other, slow burn and domestic fluff heavy. Each book will follow their Dementia, Flug, or Black Hat from their initial (and albeit poor) impressions of each other to their growing fondness to being married.
Uh.. Bottom black hat smut, just cause the world needs more of it. Paperhat, LizardHat, or PaperlizardHat because Flug has definitely fucked in canon, Dementia would peg his ass in two, and Black Hat is a pillow princess.
Learn more in my midnight rambling on my wattpad account: https://www.wattpad.com/1399776620-the-book-of-paperhat-fanfic-concepts
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oraclekleo · 11 months
Hii Kleo hope you're doing good and making lots of memories with your fur babies 🥰. I was intrigued to participate in your spicy version of kiss marry kill . And here's my result. Also I'm switch ? Like more on the dominant side but yeah ... so I was thinking I would love to be handcuffed by Park Seojoon 🙈 too . And for rest I want to dominate them . My sun -> Moon -> Rising = Aries -> Taurus -> Scorpio .
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Strictly 18+ Content ahead. Minors do not engage!
alaezasmystery235 - Blindfold / Handcuff / Spank
Spread: BHS Tarot Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot, Tarot of Sexual Magic
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Park Seo Joon Handcuffs you - Ace of Swords, Ace of Swords
Seriously, what are the chances you get TWO aces of swords? Lol! Anyway! Looks like this is truly something Seo Joon is into. He’s likely to take his time properly binding your wrists and maybe ankles, too. Don’t expect those fluffy handcuffs, though, this man has props from movies he played in and will either use police metal handcuffs or just straight up wrap you in the most detailed shibari bondage. Looking gentle most of the time, he unchains the demon in him when it comes to handcuffs and he will encourage you to pull and squirm. He might even pretend he lost the key accidentally. Oops! You gotta stay in bed, honey!
Wi Ha Joon is Blindfolded by you - 5 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles
Wi Ha Joon might actually put on a little fight at first, not really wanting to be blindfolded as he loves to look at you. You have to overpower him there. Once he’s got his eyes covered, things get hot and sensual. You are likely to start teasing his other senses, especially touch and taste. Touching him, stroking, scratching and tracing his skin with a feather or an ice cube, just to pull some hisses and moans out of his lips. While Ha Joon is at your mercy, you feed him with grapes or strawberries or whatever you feel fit. Randomly and unexpectedly kissing him all over his body, leaving hot wet marks on him and driving him insane.
Ji Chang Wook gets spanked by you - 7 of Swords, 5 of Wands
I can see you have a talent for spanking. And Ji Chang Wook is not the one to complain about it. He’s likely to deliberately act bratty just to inspire you to punish him. Being insufferable, Ji Chang Wook is likely to tease you till you lose patience with him and command him to drop his pants down at this instant. You don’t even need to use any tools like whips or floggers, you feel completely confident about using your palm to punish Chang Wook’s behaviour. I see a certain sneakiness in the cards and daring vibe. While Chang Wook moans with delight from the last slap, you can’t resist biting him and driving him completely wild.
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 months
For the WIP game....You can probably guess which one I'm going to ask about... Can we see "03 smut" 👉👈
WELL LUCKY YOU do you know what happened ?
When I opened the file titled "03 smut" to refresh my memory of it I actually found ANOTHER file than the one I was expecting. Which I have now found again, and was titled "Swap bonus chapter" (I'll explain in a minute).
Which means I actually have TWO (2) 03 smut things. Which are in fact related to each other, and linked to the fic I wrote with @qs63 "My own worst friend and my own closest enemy", where we swapped BH!Roy and 03!Roy places. In this fic I took care of writing my boy 03!Roy which has made me 1) very protective of him and 2) want to write about him outside (which I have done and published once already).
Anyway. This "03 smut" one, is supposedly what happened right before Roy ran away to Briggs for PTSD reasons. It's an angsty and sweet one, that has not been finished yet. But I swear it's sweet... and explicit lol. Riza has her own ideas XD
Here's a SFW excerpt, and I trust that you will know to ask if you want to know more about the other surprise 03 smut WIP haha XD
“You’re not burdening me, sir.”  She was closer than he thought she was, and he turned around to look at her.  Over the last months, he’d grown accustomed to seeing her with her hair down and more feminine clothes than her uniform, but he was always stricken by it. Even if, right now, she was still wearing pajamas — an old army set of sweats, that he’d judged dated from her time in the academy. Her frame had obviously changed since then, and the white shirt was a little tight on the shoulders and chest, and occasionally flashed the bare skin of her hips when she raised her arms. When she wore this, these last months, Roy had always made a point to look away, but often not fast enough not to see.  And then it would come back to haunt him at night.  Roy had a mock frown, but his words were genuine.  “Not burdening? Coming home after a long day at work, just to take care of your ex-boss?”  The lieutenant smiled, an almost cheeky smile, and walked closer again. She was at arm’s length, now, and the sudden desire to extend his arm and touch her that took Roy surprised him. He kept his hands in his trouser pockets.  The lazy, late morning sun was enough to bring gold reflections in the lieutenant’s hair, but not enough to light her eyes. They were sad, lately.  “Who said you were my ex-boss? If I take care of you, it’s so you can come back faster.”    Roy cleared his throat. He wasn’t sure about coming back just yet. But if he showed it to her, she wouldn’t let go of him.  “Well, maybe it’s time, then.” Roy blinked, and turned his head, to look at the landscape again, offering her his right, unmarred profile.  He stood still, holding his breath, when he felt the lieutenant get closer yet. Something light went to rest against his chest, and he looked down on her hand there sheepishly, keeping his face turned, still avoiding her face.
“What if I don’t want to let you go?”    
Hope you like it and thank you so much for the ask ! (and for the 03 love :D)
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