#biana vacker headcanons
It's not "only Sophie can do this". That is so far from true. Her friends are:
Fitz, one of the most powerful telepaths of his time. Could've killed someone if his friends didn't stop him. Sort of did kill him. Btw, it was his traitorous older brother.
Biana, one of if not the ONLY vanisher who can completely vanish to every species. Has twice tackled murderers. Almost fell off Mount Everest and is covered in scars because of those times. She's super proud of it. Literally could kill you in a face full of a makeup
Keefe, also tested on. Has 3-4 abilities, two of which are new with him. Snarked the ogre king and won a sparring match with him because of it. Also ripped out THE ogre king's earring. Pretty good with weapons. Can make you listen by word of mouth.
Dex, such a powerful technopath that the council requested him to make special tech instead of an elf that's hundreds of years old and invented most of society's daily gadgets. Often underestimated.
Tam, one of the few shades that can control shadowflux. Joined a group of murderers and killed a friend to save his sister (yeah Keefe's alive, but Tam thought that Stellarlune would kill him and he still did it).
Linh, who held up a river surrounding a kingdom that was poisonous and harder to control when she didn't have full control over her abilities. Btw, she was 15.
She is friends with a variety of elves with crazy powers, ogres, trolls, dwarves, gnomes, and a human.
Only Sophie being able to go in these battles is dumb. It makes sense bcz she's the mc, but not in the actual series.
So I present multi-perspective kotlc.
Solves the "only Sophie can do this" issue. Better for character development. Makes side characters' relationships and lives matter more.
It would change the plot slightly but I think it would help.
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tiana4evahh · 29 days
Tam and Sophie are 100% 'but i'm fine!' people when they have like a 1000 degree fever, can barely move or breath, and hasn't eaten or slept in days.
Biana and Keefe are 'but i'm sick!' people when in fact they are perfectly healthy and alive.
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crymeariveronceagain · 3 months
alvar vacker's low quality life story
He's Fitz before Fitz is born. Alden's golden child. The perfect Vacker heir.
He's perfect. He's seamless. He's brilliant. He's Alden's favorite son. It tastes like smothering yourself and becoming a statue. It's everything anyone could ever want. It tastes like bile in the back of his throat when he says the wrong thing at a party. It's everything everyone wants. Alvar isn't a person but a doll. But Alvar doesn't care. Alden has his perfect son. His favorite son.
Then again, Alden doesn't have anyone to compare him to.
Alvar is proud to be a Vacker. He's proud to be himself. Sure, his father gets this look in his eyes when he manifests at age ten. Sure, it burns deep in his chest because he knows what his parents were looking for and it wasn't him. But he's fine.
He's Alden's favorite son. Alden doesn't have anyone to compare him to.
He's Della's favorite child. Della doesn't have anyone better.
And then, when he's eleven, Fitz is born. And his reality shatters. He slowly, slowly, softly, carefully, loses absolutely everything. Because Alvar is only good enough if there's no one to compare him to. He can no longer impress his father. Not with Fitz right there, teal eyes, smiles, smarter, brighter, fiercer, more like Alden. How did Alvar ever stand a chance?
And so he resorts to the next best thing, staying out of the way--- away from his parents' anger or manipulation and attention and it works and he's fine and it's okay.
And then Biana. And Alvar is out of a place again. Because when Biana turns three, she's the invisible child.
Fitz is golden, Biana is invisible, that leaves only one option left for Alvar. It's not a very good one.
He feels eyes on him at every turn. It's been three years since he's been seen, and it feels like violence every time his father hisses at him, his mother scolds him, his parents' friends laugh at him. He gets pushed around some. What else are they supposed to do with him? He's no one's favorite. He's not invisible.
He's horribly, horribly seen.
None of the Vacker children get the right kind of love. They get cheap replacements. Each one is cheaper than the next. Fitz gets praise and a box he can never move out an inch out of. Biana gets freedom and never being thought of. Alvar gets noticed and the pain of being seen without the warmth of being loved in the way that knows along with sees.
Alvar moves out the second after he finishes school. He never looks back.
He goes somewhere he'll never be seen again.
It all goes downhill from there.
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Just thinking about Fitz and Keefe. They're both so jealous of each other. It spiraled into more and more talking about fitz and vacker imperfections and stuff, enjoy :>
(I rambled out the draft on discord, but I did change a few things and add on a bit at the end, so if you feel like rereading it might make more sense now)
tw: breif mentions of ed, suicidal thoughts, and implied sh, but they're all like very brief and not descriptive just want to put a warning
Remember in Flashback when Sophie and Fitz were going all Fitzphie on Keefe's mind, and they found the memory of Alden telling Keefe he was proud?
Imagine it hurt so bad for Fitz when he watched that. Because Alden never says that to Fitz even when he came out on top, no matter how perfect he was, so why did Keefe get that kind of praise?
Keefe may have come out second to Fitz with Foxfire grades, but Fitz has always felt second to Keefe in everything. No matter how perfect he tries to be or how much of a people pleaser he is, it seems inevitable that everyone likes Keefe better anyway.
And how could they not? He's funny, he's messy, he's imperfect.
Fitz could never be like keefe. His family would hate him. But they still like Keefe better.
Alvar always liked Keefe better than his actual little brother. Even though Fitz looked up to Alvar more than anyone! He admitted that in Neverseen!
Alden told Keefe he was proud of him?? for coming in second? Even after all the studying and work Fitz put into being first, being top, being perfect, people always choose keefe, Which is one of the reasons Fitz was so insecure about Sophie spending a lot of time with Keefe while she and Fitz were dating, he was scared she was going to leave him for Keefe, like people always do, because he's just better. he's nicer, he doesn't lash out at people, he doesn't have as much pressure on him because he never cared about pleasing his parents.
AND SHE DID! Sophie did leave him for Keefe. Even though Fitz promised to take things at her pace. Even though he said he'd wait. But it was the match lists that ended up breaking them apart. But what was Fitz supposed to do?? Not care about the match? There had never been a Vacker bad match, and Fitz beign the first one, after everything Alvar did and how much all the Vackers already hate these five in particular, it would bring a whole new level of shame on the family. Not just him, but Biana and Alden and Della too.
Keefe is allowed to not care about this stuff, because he's not perfect. Fitz is so, so, so jealous of Keefe because he GETS TO BE IMPERFECT. HE'S ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES. He's allowed to feel things.
Keefe's parents are awful, Fitz's parents are fine. Anytime Fitz dares to think "hey maybe my parents are manipulating or using me or putting unrealistic expectations on me" he also remembers that he has it GOOD. He's so lucky compared to everyone else. So he has no right to be upset about anything.
In Flashback, Fitz actually says something like this to Sophie: Sophie had to grow up with humans, Keefe has his whole thing with his parents, Dex was bullied for being the son of a bad match, Tam and Linh were banished… so he's had it easy! He has no right to feel sad when his life is just. so. perfect.
And the thing is, everyone thinks his life is perfect. Especially Keefe! Keefe is always talking about how the Vackers are perfect and lucky and he wishes he was one, when inside, Fitz would secretly rather be Keefe. Even with the whole everything with his parents, at least he doesnt have to be perfect! At least he's allowed to disappoint his parents, because theyre bad parents! And people always like him more. Without fail, Fitz has always felt second to Keefe. Every time he thinks he did good, people go to keefe for being imperfect.
Why did keefe get Alden's praise when he came out second in the level? Fitz barely slept to make sure he came out on top! If Fitz had gotten 98/100, he wouldn't be yelled at, but he'd get a disappointed talk. Why is it different with Keefe, who isnt even Alden's son, why does Alden like him more?
So Fitz ends up spiraling and obsessing more and more.
He can't be imperfect like Keefe, he wouldnt dare. So he does what he can to be as perfect as possible. Maybe he just needs to get a hold on his temper. Wait till he's behind closed doors to do anything but smile. Maybe he needs to eat less, get a perfect number on the scale. Maybe then he'll be good enough.
But he's never good enough.
Nothing he does will ever be good enough.
Keefe is reckless, imperfect, and messy. but even though Fitz does his best to not step a toe out of line, he does everything he can to be perfect...... They keep picking Keefe. without fail, no matter what.
Fitz knows he shohld accept defeat, accept that he'll never be good enough for anyone because of everything he's done to try to be perfect, but he can't stop trying.
He'll keep pushing himself, he'll stay up for hours studying, looking for clues about the Neverseen, going through Alvar's old room, he'll do ANYTHING for someone to say theyre proud of him. For someone to tell him that he did good, for once in his life, but they never notice.
It's never "Wow, you've been working so hard, good job!" or "You look good, did you lose weight?" or "Thanks for helping out, thanks for at least trying"
Instead, people are saying things like "You look awful, you've got bags under your eyes" (maybe he should put on some makeup to hide that) or "You never join us for dinner, it's like you hate us" (he does. he secretly hates his family so much) or "You've gotten so distant that you're ruining all your relationships with your friends and family" (what else is he supposed to do? they dont like him anyway)
He's driving himself insane over being perfect, only to have people like Sophie say that he's "too perfect." HE JUST CANT WIN!
He's not allowed to make mistakes, but maybe the worst mistake he made was being too perfect!
But how does he stop?
He can't. he trapped himself here. He's convinced he brought this on himself, but he cant get out of this cycle,
And nobody else will get him out,
Because he's not perfect enough.
If they havent noticed his struggling, maybe they dont care enough. But Fitz has gotten so good at hiding it. Nobody will notice until he passes out in the hall or just fucking kills himself because it's too much.
Fitz thinks, why is it that Keefe's allowed to be open about hating himself, and yet as soon as he makes the slightest self deprecating comment, he's suddenly "being dramatic" or "looking for attention"?
And we're back to talking about Keefe again.
None of this is Keefe's fault but he will still feel so so guilty. He felt Fitz's jealousy and hurt when they watched the memory of Alden saying he's proud of him.
Keefe and Fitz are constantly comparing themselves to each other, but by the end of the story, Keefe will be getting the help and support he needs to move on from it. Fitz never showed it and wouldnt dare admit it. So he does not.
Alden and Cassius both seem to prefer the other's son.
Even with Fitz and Biana. There's still a bit of jealousy there, because Biana is starting to seperate herself from her family, and start her own "Vacker Legacy," whatever that means.
After Nightfall, biana has grown more comfortable with herself, she is challenging what it means to be a Vacker, realizing that their family isn't all it's claimed to be. She has no shame in being her fun confident self, and crying when she needs to, and showing off her scars, while if Fitz showed his scars, he'd probably end up in a psych ward or something (or at the very least getting yelled at).
Fitz is jealous of Biana almost as much as he's jealous of keefe. She's never been quite perfect either, but it's always in a good way, isn't it? she's managed to keep her friends (not including the earlier books) and she used to be a bit of a jerk to people, so people can look back and see how far she's come.
Fitz has only gotten worse over the years, and he knows it. he hears what people say in the halls. their whispers hardly hide it. He's presented himself the way he wanted to be - perfect. But it gets harder and harder to hide his imperfections, and people only notice the bad things, don't they? They don't worry, they only judge.
Biana's probably dealing with her own issues, as everyone in the Vacker family does, but she can be more honest about it. She's starting to break the habit of plastering on a smile and saying everything's fine. She's working on her relationship with people. She's like reverse Fitz.
Fitz fears he's going down a similar path of destruction to Alvar, but he counters those fears by being Alden's perfect golden boy like he was always supposed to be. Alden has such a hold on Fitz, he'd do anything for him if Alden worded it right. Ever since he was a kid he always knew he'd do anything to please his parents, even if it was potentially dangerous. But nobody has seemed to even bat an eye when they hear how young Fitz was when he went to the Forbidden Cities. So he must be overreacting, right? Because how could Fitz's childhood be anything less than perfect?
See, when Sophie started learning a little bit about Fitz's past and how things were actually not perfect in the Vacker house, she started to ignore him more and more. She had her other reasons, but to Fitz, it seemed like she was seeing how imperfect he really was, and he's not everything she hoped for. So he panics, and does his best to prove to her that he is the perfect boyfriend she wanted, but it didn't matter anyway because... she. liked. Keefe. better.
And Fitz hates himself so much for wishing he was keefe because Keefe has it so bad with the legacy thing, he hates how he wishes his parents were worse so he didn't feel so guilty every time he made a mistake that would disappoint them.
Not one person in Fitz's life has ever chosen him first. With everyone. There's always someone they love more.
Della loves Biana more, Biana chooses her friends, Sophie chose Keefe, Keefe chose Sophie.
Alden seemed to favor Keefe, or his work, or even just the ways he uses Fitz instead of loving him as his son or as a person. Maybe that's why Fitz is so desperate to listen to Alden, to please him, because he's the only person who seems to even care, even if he only cares when he's doing good or being perfect.
Alvar would choose Biana or Keefe over Fitz any day, even before the betrayal. Fitz still looked up to him, despite his vague dislike for Fitz. He likes Biana better because he thinks she'd understand better what the Vacker legacy is, Because FITZ IS PART OF IT. HE'S ADDING ONTO IT, WHATEVER IT IS!
Yep that's all I have, feel free to add your own ideas :3
@fitz-avery-vacker @autistic-daydreamer
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kotlc-headcanons · 13 days
I feel like Biana has perfect handwriting
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reinedeslys-central · 3 months
kotlc things that I keep thinking about that are never really addressed by canon
there is a complete replica of sophie's bedroom and perhaps countless other rooms just. somewhere in a building in mysterium that the councillors just know about.
alden and other telepaths were instructed to monitor the citizens' minds for signs of dissent around the time the prentice thing was going down
they regularly torture prisoners and dissenters into literal insanity that they can't come back from
they also have a super weird prison only accessible by quicksand (????) to house said prisoners
okay. how - how big is havenfield?
the entire thing with - is their name twix? the person dex was working with for something. why do we not get to see that more. why is dex the criminally underrated goated character and WE DON'T GET FLESHED OUT CHARACTER ARCS FOR EVERYONE
linh flooded. atlantis. linh song FLOODED ATLANTIS hello what do people think about that?????????? do they see her on the street and whisper? what's up with "The Girl Of Many Floods"? Where else did she flood?
What is up with the song family (tong? their name changed after their grandmother or smth got famous with their music right?) that both their children not only have two very powerful elemental abilities, but are also crazy skilled with said Talents.
why are music, art, and culture not a bigger thing? like yeah, plot, obviously, but that's just worldbuilding!!! I wanna see!!!! art hanging on the walls! Defying gravity! more sculptures! more music playing in the shopping centres!! If they have imparters why don't they have long distance radio? are there mandatory dance lessons? what's the etiquette like besides what we already know?
more animal husbandry at schools. speaking of schools: we KNOW foxfire and exilium aren't the only schools. are smaller schools more specialised? are their community colleges or academies dedicated to specific career paths? universities?
okay but the polyglot ability is SO COOL???? tell me about the archaic variants of the enlightened language. there's no way that's just the elves' one language and the other species picked it up due to their 'superiority' or wtv. the goblins have cities of gold and metal and the trolls age backwards, you're not convincing me of anything.
secret societies in the other species. that has to exist right?
.....is squall dex's mom or not? I genuinely can't remember.
anyway remember when she froze gethen's fingernails off, yeah that happened (I think)
so instead of rehabilitating teenagers who have dangerous abilities and not much control over their powers, we just do....whatever the council did with gethen, ruy, and linh ig
hey, um...are we just not going to talk about dex casually HACKING INTO A GOV DATABASE WITH SOME RANDOM BITS OF ROCK AND TWINE? he can just do that. okay. okay. that's - yeah, okay.
did he match a frequency or something? how does the signal network even work in kotlc when everyone is technically all over the world in unplottable locations and they get around by LIGHT LEAPING???
ON THAT NOTE. light leaping. yeah haha funny let's just teach our kids to casually break down their very particles and hold onto their consciousness to travel at the speed of light using quantum mechanics and crystals that are specifically cut to project light in such a way that'll take you only to a specific location nvm im not thinking more about it.
flickering? is apparently a skill you can learn even if you're not a vanisher? remember in book two when fitz got prissy at sophie for knowing how to do it apparently b4 we figured out that she's a teleporter
keefe is a fun loveable goofball and I've always been on the sokeefe train but now the more I think about it he's really um.... yeah, uh, sophie? darling, please just don't date any of these people. obv you can make your own decisions but at least not now, okay. take care of yourself hon
the fitz hate is kinda weird ngl. wdym you don't want your problematic traitor brother to move back in to living literally with your family after supposedly losing his memories and that's a bad thing? wdym your close friend/crush is hiding things from you when yall are supposed to be cognates and she's kinda gaslighting you since, forever? wdym your father's been shadily telling you to stalk this girl in the human world since you were a kid? yeah definitely he does pull some weird stints throughout the series. but the bigger things i see ppl hating on him for are. hmmmmm
the council themselves choose to lock away the government secrets and wipe them from their memories. hey, um - recordkeeping is great, obvious, but - wiping those secrets from your minds isn't gonna help you lead while accounting for those parts of history, is it? nevermind how dangerous it is when there are huge species-wide secrets that NO ONE remembers. society-threatening incident waiting to happen.
the concept of vociferators. that's just kinda funny lol even if it is weird
are their schoold for diff abilities?
what's the genetics of talent inheritance? why are 'stronger' abilities rarer? In my opinion, p much every talent is goated, I don't see why more characters aren't more creative about it.
banning talents is just a bad move. like. are you serious? how is that going to make it better? that's how you get brant. brant was a pyrokinetic, without getting into the primary issue of the whole talentless/talented discrimination discourse, the secondary issue is he wouldve been able to marry jolie as two talented elves. would he have cracked if his ability was just a bit better handled by society?
grady is a mesmer. how - that's a really powerful ability???? how do you even train to use that? what do you even use it for?
same with whatever that lady councillor is that tried to seduce alden during his own wedding. fun times, yall.
rainbow fire??? cool????
so we have the sanctuary, do we also have a gigantic library of alexandria-esque thing? a botanical garden?
according to jolie's wiki she died at twenty as a level 8 at foxfire. so... hang on a minute. okay, sure, numerically that could make sense since sophie, at 12, became a level one - but are you telling me she went through the whole matchmaking process and was planning to get married that young????
hey, here's an idea - in a relatively stable society where economy is great, trust funds exist, people work to have something to do with their lives, birth rate is generally low (now through prejudice as well as societal comfort and ease/cost of living), why are they marrying so young? WHY ARE THE KIDS STARTING THE MATCHMAKING PROCESS IN THEIR TEENS???? the elven society has p much every mark of a stage 5 developed country? help? middle-high school human geography??
if they apparently live so long, show me the funny messy family trees with couples having children generations apart.
so, trust funds of lusters??? lustres?? (which we barely ever see. why is there little-to-no use of money?) which equate to roughly one trillion USD (in value? are you. are you - um. are you....serious?) exist. but I guess inflation and relative currency value from mass money printing doesn't count in this world, as well as the fact that there's only one currency for all the elves.
I wanna see a divorced elven couple now. how does divorce law work??????
if there's such a low BR and low population and people are yet still encouraged to have less kids to 'not dilute the genes' (that's my next point btw), I'm guessing matchmaking is encouraged younger to make sure population stays stable/growing? obv you need it to ensure genetic diversity and no incest, but if it's heavily encouraged for elves to have children like this, are queer elves mandated to have children with a surrogate/other couple even if they have a same-sex marriage?
i'll probably edit this or reblog it to include more stuff (character limit lol) as i remember the books bc it's been a hot minute since i read them.
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tam-shade-song · 7 months
Things in KOTLC universe that are canon, actually, I'm Shanon's keyboard
Keefe is not a natural blond. He started dying his hair in his second year.
When Fitz and Keefe were in their second year, a rumor arose that Biana was the result of an affair, and because Lord Cassius was starting to get associated with the Vackers through their son's friendship, he didn't want any rumors to spark about his own son. To make Keefe look more like him, Cassius had Keefe start dying his hair.
Sophie was named at birth Sophia, but since no one ever calls her that she accidentally gave Alden the name Sophie when her legal papers were being made. Now she's just gaslighting the entire lost cities into believing her name's Sophie and the only one who knows is Dex, Biana, and Tam.
Tam has a lisp. Keefe used to tease him about it until Tam shoved him down a flight of stairs.
Rayni has killed three people. The first time she used her ability, and for a while, she hoped that the black swan member survived, but later she learned through Tam he died. The second time she set someone on fire like how you can use a magnifying glass to start fires with light. The third time she stabbed a girl around her own age in the chest. Rayni held her hand as she bled out.
Rayni is the tallest out of the Solroof kids. She's five-seven, Wylie is five-six, Linh is five-two and Tam is five feet even.
During the time that Dex wasn't involved much, like around flashback, he hit a massive growth spurt and is almost as tall as Fitz, but because of his bad posture, he looks shorter.
Dex also didn't get a haircut for a while, so for a short period of time, he had a mullet off-screen.
Tam is trans ftm. He managed to keep it a secret from Tiergan and Wylie for a while, but when Tiergan had to enroll him in Foxfire he found out. By then, he had already come out to Rayni.
Tam and Linh didn't actually dye their hair with metal. They would occasionally sneak into the lost cities and shoplift out hair dye.
Tam and Linh talk to each other in Vietnamese when they want to have private conversations.
If we're going off the normal high school languages, (Spanish, German, French, and Mandarin) I think Sophie would choose German. If her school had extra, (I have a friend whose school offered Japanese, Arabic, ASL, and maybe some more, but she goes to a private school) I think Sophie would be on the fence between Arabic and ASL, before ultimately choosing Arabic. She read Frankenstein and saw Clerval's love for Arabic poetry and wanted to understand it herself, but at the same time, because she was always surrounded by noise, she liked the quiet. She picked Arabic because it would be more useful.
Upon manifesting as a Polyglot, Sophie really wanted to learn ASL but found out her ability wouldn't instantly make her fluent bc it wasn't something she heard.
Rayni talks to herself in Hindi
Wylie does actually know ASL, and Sophie was absolutely delighted. She made him teach her a bunch of words.
The Diznees speak to each other in English all the time, partly for privacy and partly to annoy their snotty customers.
Tam's dead name is Tien.
Tam and Linh both took piano lessons. Linh liked learning the music, but Tam preferred to either make stuff up or sound out his favorite songs. Later, Tam learned to play guitar, and he mostly played bass.
Rayni can play piano, violin, and cello. She wanted to be a musician and introduce more human-style music to the lost cities.
Rayni never graduated, but Tiergan tried to get her to return to Foxfire so she could enter the nobility.
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guvmy · 3 months
I think one reason Alvar joined the neverseen wasn't only the Vacker Legacy but also the fact his parents had more children (Fitz and Biana) Hes says this somewhere in Flashback BUTTTTTT
Having more then one kid in Elven Society is taboo, ESPECIALLY since the age gap proves that Alden and Della weren't initially going to have more then Alvar but for some reason that changed, immedialty all heads turned to the 11 year old since why would Alden and Della, beloved by Elven Society randomly decide to have more kids. It showed that Alvar, at least in society's eyes was, not enough and failed. Fitz and Biana's existence was a proof of Alvar's failure to be the perfect son, to the point that Alden and Della HAD to resort to more kids. And don't think Alvar didn't know this since Elves are SHADY. I know these people had Alvar crying at night from all those side eyes and whispers. In a way Alvar could never truly love his siblings. At least until he lets go of his pain ig. In conclusion Alvar hates his famiy for betraying them.
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clarityroses · 2 months
Sophie put too much time into observing biana for me to NOT make her a bisexual little guy
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@aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen you requested to see the sillies
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ramiethewizard · 10 days
Happy pride! Thought I’d do something keeper related for this - there is absolutely no way in hell that any of those characters are straight. Have you SEEN them? Shannon’s trying so hard to convince us they’re straight but just…no.
Sophie is definitely bi or bi-curious. She’s on par with Harry Potter and the whole ‘Harry, you’ve described how handsome Bill Weasley is too detailed for you to be heterosexual’.
Keefe is 100% pansexual. Bro is a flirt. He will literally take anyone. But also, it doesn’t matter Sophie’s identity - he would still be head over heels for her.
Biana I’m convinced is aroace. Lots of people think she’s lesbian or bi and I can see that but I think she likes chilling on her own. She hasn’t shown romantic interest in anyone besides Keefe when she was like….eleven.
Fitz is so gay. He just is. But he definitely has internalized homophobia. But he’s gay. That’s…yeah. You’re telling me he didn’t have a crush on Keefe when he was twelve?
Dex. Dex….that boy is one of the least straight characters I’ve seen. He’s either pansexual or gay. He either just wants anyone or just dudes. Can’t convince me that Fitz wasn’t his awakening.
Linh is lesbian. Thats it.
Tam is either gay or aroace. I honestly don’t know but it’s one of those. I can’t even explain this one but if you know you know.
Marella is lesbian. Have you READ her short story?
Wylie’s also aroace.
That’s it.
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Most of the blooper are of Tam, Marella, Dex and Stina.
Tam is notorious for laughing the middle of takes.
He’s often the only one not aloud to laugh at jokes the other characters are making so there’s just a bunch of clips with him barely holding it in
Dex is the clumsiest cast member(Sophie’s second) and has broken more props than anyone else. Most of the time he ends up dropping them but he’s broken plenty by tripping.
Speaking of Clumsiness. Sophie’s clumsiness is totally accidental. She kept tripping every other take and eventually the director just gave up and kept her constant tripping in the show.
Keefe’s actor is a natural brunette and has to bleach his hair for the role
Sophie necklace has broken multiple times during action scenes.
Biana take fencing lessons
Keefe adlibs half his snarky remarks
The twins have to spend over an hour to get their silver tips and leaving the dyed hair nearly damaged beyond repair.
Lihn confessed in a interview she’s glad it’s only her tips so she just cut it off once they finish filming the season.
Stina apologizes after a scene is finished to everyone she insulted and is super nice off screen but is scarily good at getting into charcter
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nors-is-unstable · 1 year
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Linh and Biana are those two (underrated) besties with wildly different aesthetics
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tiana4evahh · 2 months
KOTLC Being Asked Character's Favorite Color
Sophie: Oh! Well, I like red. And blue! Yellows also pretty nice- Keefe: Brown- Tam: Unbiased, hmm? Keefe: *glare* Brown or ice blue. Like my eyes! Biana: I like purple and silver! They go really well together! Linh: Ooh, me too! Blue's pretty, and so it orange! Dex: Uh... Gee, I don't know- Fitz: Really? It's kind of basic...
Dex: It's the kind of basic that you already assume you know, but you really don't because you think you know, Vacker! Fitz: ...Wait that makes sense- Well, I like blue :) Dex: *sigh* Yellow? Yeah, yellow. Yellow's pretty. Marella: Light blue :P Tam: I like green. Keefe: NAHHH BRO DIDN'T SAY BLACK OMGGGGGGGGGGG :00000000000000000
Tam: Shut up. I can like green, who said I couldn't?? Keefe: I- Tam: Green's a great color, if you don't like me liking green respectively leave >:( Keefe: Keefe: Well o-okay-
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dexiana angst? 👀
Biana has isolationist tendencies and when her crush on Dex dawned on her she hid in her room, almost crying, because she was so afraid of the implications
Because when it came to Alvar's scandal... that wasn't her. And some people actually understood that. But if she were to enter a bad match. That was her. All eyes would be on her, and not in a good way.
When it came to the Fitzphie break up, she and Dex had a fight. He was on Sophie's side all the way and Biana was defending Fitz relentlessly
At some points she wasn't even sure if she was defending Fitz or making excuses as to why she couldn't confess to Dex
Dex had to pause for a moment and ask "... who are we talking about right now?"
Because to him it was just further proof that he and Biana weren't going to work out. She cares about the match too much, and he wouldn't play into the system.
He wonders if she's the same girl who ditched everything for the Black Swan not even a year ago
But the whole fight was very passive aggressive. It wasn't direct, there were no right answers, and that drove them both crazy.
Biana admits that she doesn't know much about what happen and they drop the discussion
It still comes up in her head a lot. And in his, too.
Biana wants to hate him for making her feel so conflicted but still knows that it isn't his fault.
Bonus Fluff Thing (because I'm awful at angst lol)
Dex confesses to her at Everglen. She doesn't know how to react but says "wait a minute" and SPRINTS to her room, gets her match packet, and says "do you have anything I could burn this with?"
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the vacker family and their fucked relationships with food <3
tw: eating disorders
Alden - He's mostly okay (in this aspect), but sometimes forgets to eat because he gets so wrapped up in his work, or he'll get up to eat and then end up watching the fish for half an hour before sitting back down. Usually he only misses one or two meals a week, but the longest he went was like 45 hours, and nobody noticed, since they only have meals together when other people are over or for special occasions or holidays.
Della - she's had an eating disorder since she started dating Alden, which wasn't Alden's fault, more like Della thought she couldn't be good enough to be in the Vacker family. It spiraled out of control a few months into their relationship, and was really bad for a year or so, but now she manages it. She has a certain amount of calories she allows herself to eat in a day, and measures food out very carefully, never eating anything if she doesn't know what went into it. She fasts all day once or twice a week. During family gatherings, parties, or other events, she lets herself eat anything she wants, especially to keep up appearances, as long as she throws up not long after. Edaline noticed once, but Della told her it must have been something in the food. Eda worried for a while, but years went by and she eventually put it in the back of her mind.
Alvar - He hated himself since he was a kid, and he noticed Della's eating habits, and how little she ate, and picked up on that in his early teens. He tried to force himself to eat less and less, then he started binging late at night, then he felt terrible about it and made himself throw up. At some point he started doing this nightly, and somehow found comfort in this routine, despite how much it hurt and how bad it was for him. He sought help from Elwin once he started the elite levels, since it had been messing with other parts of his life. He slowly got mostly better, but he'd sometimes binge and purge on bad nights. Once, Keefe walked in on him forcing himself to throw up after Alvar had snuck a bunch of food, while Keefe was with the Neverseen. He was having a bad night because he thought a little too much about his family and how he can never go back.
Fitz - Like Alvar, Fitz also observed his mom, and over time started to become obsessed with his weight, especially after the attack in flashback, where he was unable to eat much for a long time and ended up losing a lot. He weighed himself after going back to Everglen, and the stress with Alvar being there made it hard to have an appetite anyway. That was the lowest weight he was, and when he noticed he'd gained after starting to eat more normally, he freaked out and started eating less. Biana was the only one who noticed, and she started to get concerned. Fitz admitted to her that he was trying to lose weight, but he had it completely under control. Spoiler alert: he does not.
Biana - She doesn't really have an eating disorder, but she often diets and tries to limit her food intake, because she never sees herself as good enough, pretty enough, etc. She tends to overeat when she's stressed, and then tries to make up for it by eating less afterwards. She used to try to force herself to throw up, but never succeeded, and eventually decided it wasn't worth it. She's been doing better now than she used to, now that she has real friends who she can talk to, and who love her for more than what the world sees her as.
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dragoncookies · 8 months
so what happens when the graphic novel artist gets to the alicorn sex dream Sophie has in book four. Or the alicorn birth scene in book 7.
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