#bible of the adversary
dennitsalucifer · 1 year
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Michael W. Ford, The Bible of the Adversary
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The Parable of the Persistent Widow ~ Luke 18: 1-8
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’
“For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”
And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
Via Verse of the Day - Luke 18:1
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m0nst3rgunxz · 3 months
BRO BRO IM READING THE BIBLE OF THE ADVERSARY AND THE LINE "Those who are intolerant are but fearing sheep, Awaiting the jaws of the wolf"
THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYYYINGGGG (actually this whole segment goes insanely hard)
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LIKE YEAH YOU'RE INTOLERANCE AND IGNORANCE IS GOING TO GET YOU EATEN ALIVE. To me blind intolerance is a direct opposition of free will. Its these people, scared of the unknown and lashing out who are submitting to bigoted ideal, letting authorities and false higher powers(the government. I dont like the government) keep them by a chain. Why is it so often that these people dont realize that there are others, very real people, on the other end of their "controversial opinion" or whatever the fuck they wanna call being openly bigoted. And and why do they let their fears be so reinforced that they let themselves loose sight of other very real people? Can youu even say you have empathy if it doesnt extend to those with differing experiences????
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Who was Lucifer before he became a fallen angel?
Nobody, Lucifer was never an angel, the name is the invention of Jerome after mistranslating a Hebrew word into Latin via Greek.
Lucifer in the Bible refers in fact to the King of Babylon, probably Nebuchadnezzar II. (Isaiah 14:4, 12)
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You are likely thinking of Satan, but we don’t know his name, the Bible never tells us it. Satan isn’t a name, it’s a title, a Hebrew word that means resister or adversary. (Job chapters 1 and 2)
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virtual-minotaur · 9 months
hmmm as much as i havethe ability to like and enjoy genesis retellings or taking biblical elements to have their own story, so many stories just dont get or are aware that ........... the bible is very much metaphorical and its first purpose is to dictate morality.......
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tonyjwash · 1 month
Consider Your Ways (Part Two)
About 7 years ago I wrote a blog by the same title. I began the blog with the important distinction that to consider your ways does not mean to pick yourself apart, nor does it mean to look for and find sin in your life. That seems to come quite naturally. In fact, if considering your ways meant to look for your sins and faults what would be the profit? It would serve rather to pull you away from…
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scripture-pictures · 5 months
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holmezc · 7 months
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 MARCH 08 Wednesday
"Heed me, O LORD, and listen to what my adversaries say. Must good be repaid with evil that they should dig a pit to take my life?"
~ Jeremiah 18:19-20a
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remso · 2 years
He established it and did not create a waste place, so what about Genesis 1:2?
He established it and did not create a waste place, so what about Genesis 1:2?
Looking at the word wrath to find out if the earth is young or old might seem ridiculous, but I will try to unravel this great mystery for us.  The story begins in Genesis 1:1, which says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The phrase “in the beginning” is the Hebrew word rê’shı̂yth, which means the first in place, time, order, or rank. I could read this sentence in this…
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osmerharris · 2 years
He established it and did not create a waste place, so what about Genesis 1:2?
He established it and did not create a waste place, so what about Genesis 1:2?
Looking at the word wrath to find out if the earth is young or old might seem ridiculous, but I will try to unravel this great mystery for us.  The story begins in Genesis 1:1, which says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The phrase “in the beginning” is the Hebrew word rê’shı̂yth, which means the first in place, time, order, or rank. I could read this sentence in this…
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coreofthebible · 2 years
Seeking peace amidst those who hate it
Seeking peace amidst those who hate it
Believers recognize that the justice of God is real, but that does not relieve us of our responsibility to pursue reconciliation at all times. Psalm 120:5-7: “Woe is me, that I live in Meshech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! My soul has had her dwelling too long with him who hates peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” The psalmist is decrying his situation among…
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riathedreamer · 4 months
So I was going through different Bible quotes for my fanfic and then I stumbled over this one, and I -
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
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wihellib · 4 days
Belphegor’s Philia
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The word ‘Idiosyncrasy’ appears on every King introduction page. Belphegor’s paraphilia is agonizomaiphilia.
Agonizomai is a Greek word meaning to fight with an adversary, or to struggle earnestly, and it’s used in the Bible with the idea of laboring on the behalf of Christ. The part, Agon, is also a Greek word that means a place of contest, a conflict or anxiety. It’s where we get the English word agony.
So, agonizomaiphilia is a love for struggling. Based on the description beneath the philia, he loves it when you fight and struggle to turn him on.
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the-devils-library · 1 year
Some books to get you started with Satanism (that aren't LaVey's bible)
Please note that none of these are simple "Satanism 101" titles. I don't really believe there is such a thing, at least not for me. However there is a good reason for each one being on the list, which I will explain. There also won't be any magic or witchcraft recommendations on this list, because while magic is absolutely compatible with Satanism, Satanism is a religion and witchcraft is a practice. I may update this list periodically, so if you reblog or save this post, check back in on it once in a while.
Paradise Lost by John Milton. I'd argue this text is one of the closest things Satanism has to "scripture," if there is a Satanic canon then Milton is absolutely a part of it. It can be a bit of a tricky read but it's a beautiful poem loaded with imagery and metaphor to feed the soul. If the style is a struggle for you to read, I'd recommend listening to an audio version, it's very beautiful when read aloud.
Revelations from the Christian Bible. Yes, I'm serious. If you, as a Satanist, are going to read any part of the Bible, make it Revelations. It's poetic and esoteric and full of references to Satan and the demonic.
Inferno by Dante Alighieri. The one might surprise some people, as Satan absolutely isn't depicted in a flattering light in it. However, Inferno has had a surprising amount of influence on the Christian understanding of Hell and the demonic, which is part of why I feel it is valuable, as Satanism is derived from Christianity. Many stereotypes about what one may expect when one gets to hell comes from this book. Furthermore, it's just a fun read.
Origins of Satan by Elaine Pagels. This one is a historical study of Satan as a religious figure, and I think it ought to be required reading for anyone getting into Satanism. Satan isn't just a vague or meaningless deity, he has been weaponized by Christianity throughout the centuries to target very specific groups of people for specific reasons. If you are to take on the mantle of Satanist, I recommend understanding what sort of legacy you're associating yourself with. You are becoming an adversary to God - but what, to the Christian eye, makes one an enemy?
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dingodad · 2 months
we've been through the 'trolls refer to god as gog' and 'trolls don't refer to god as gog that was a joke terezi made one time' phases i think in 2024 it's time to come back around on this. maybe trolls do refer to god by the name of an adversarial figure from the bible. maybe there's a joke in there
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