pens-swords-stuff · 4 years
Hope it’s not to late for notSunday, as I don’t know what the time is for you (:. Anyway, just came here to say that I’ve been a fan of yours- and your WIP, for a while, and that I hope you have a good end of March, didn’t really have a question planned.
But, since this is an ask, I’ll ask something: what’s your favourite and least favourite trope in novels?
Hope you have a good night (:!!!
Awww thank you so much! I’m often pretty insecure about my presence in the community as well as my WIPs, so it means a lot to hear you say that. The end of March is my favorite part of the year, so I’m really looking forward to it! (There’s a couple of birthdays I’m excited about!) I hope you have a good end of March too, and I hope it brings you as much joy as it brings me.
You really didn’t have to ask a question if you didn’t have one, but I appreciate it all the same!
I am basically a huge sucker for any sort of yearning. Moments where the character so very clearly thinks “I love you” without actually saying it out loud or within the actual narrative is 👌 I love romance so much. 
In terms of my least favorite... I don’t exactly have an example or a single trope that I can pinpoint, but I get massive secondhand embarrassment, cringe and anxiety. I can’t tell you the number of times I have had to walk out of the room while watching The Office for the first time because I just couldn’t take it. Any situation that gives me secondhand cringe/embarrassment/anxiety in books (usually situations where the characters make a very obviously bad decision and have to face the consequences for it) I have a lot of trouble getting through because I have to set the book down, do something else for a bit, and hype myself up to power through that part.
Sleepover Sunday: It’s not Sunday, but come chat with me anyways!
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jasperygrace · 3 years
Hiya! @lunewell here. Jade and Carnelian for the gemstone ask (:
(Hi! Thank you for the ask!)
Jade: Your favorite relationship between two characters
So the obvious answer to this would be Vinnie and Orias' relationship since they're the MCs, but honestly, I really enjoy the relationship between Orias and Niv considering how complex it is.
Orias and Niv's relationship goes back centuries; they're both immortal shapeshifters and they both have a lot of time on their hands. The two of them were brothers in arms, the bestest of friends, they have seen the rise and fall of countries... But somewhere down the line they had a falling out. Now Niv wants nothing more than to destroy everything that Orias holds dear.
Carnelian: Does the story have a lesson to learn? What is it?
Hmm, I wouldn't say there's an underlying lesson to Project : Desert, mainly because it would go against my philosophy of writing. But a big theme seen mainly in Vinnie's arc is responsibility.
Here we have an irresponsible Prince who would put his pressing duties to the side in order to do something that interests him. Hell, his reasons for accompanying Orias was because he wanted to pursue one of these fleeting whims. And we see later that his city is in shambles because of it.
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
Lost Fic #92
1. Hello! I was wondering if there are any The Way of the Househusband AUs in the fandom, or something like? I haven't found any, and it would just work so well with Aziraphale and Crowley. Thank you for this blog! - anon
2. Hiya! I’m looking for a specific fic, which I can’t seem to find anywhere (worried it’s been deleted), and thought I should check here before jumping to any conclusions (:It’s a fic where Aziraphale and Crowley meet when Crowley is trying to rob holy water from a church, and mistake each other for humans. They remain friends, but don’t realise they’re both supernatural entities, up until Armageddon. I can’t recall too many details, as it was one of the first fics I ever read in this fandom, except for the fact that there’s a scene with Crowley dropping a container of holy water in a church and Aziraphale catching it.If anyone knows what I’m talking about, please let me know. Thank you so much in advance, btw, and have a lovely day (: - @bidevoir
3. Do you know of any fics where Adam was successfully switched with the Dowlings' baby and Warlock stayed with the Youngs? Or fics where Adam and Warlock are raised together? - anon
4. Hello, I've been looking for a fic about azira und Crowley getting into an accident but only Crowley got seriously injured and got into hospital. Last time I red it there was only one chapter left until its finished. But now I can't find it :( thx for the help - @undertaker991
5. Hi! I'm trying to find the fic that has a scene (possibly recurring) where Crowley makes origami out of Aziraphale's bowties and leaves it around the shop for Aziraphale to find as a little romantic gift. This isn't the main plot, just a small scene in a broader fic. Thanks!! - anon
If you know any of these fics please comment/reblog with the details and include the number in your response! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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lunewell · 3 years
So, one of my posts is almost at 2000 notes (which I still find utterly unbelievable), meaning that I suddenly have a bunch of new people in my writeblr circle. I’ve decided it was time to make a super-quick writeblr intro, and get to know more people in the community (:
A quick intro (there’s a longer one pinned on my blog):
I’m Pim, and I’m a genderfluid Norwegian (: (I’m fine with all pronouns, but most people use They/Them online)
My main blog is @bidevoir, so that’s the one that’ll be showing up if I’m following you
I mostly write horror, fantasy, mystery, and LGBTQ+ romances, and currently working on a Horror Mysery book, which is just being edited at the moment
I’m a really diverse reader, and enjoy practically every genre (:! (someone still needs to sell meon straight paranormal YA romances.)
Writing and reading wise, I’m a sucker for found family, and stories with a lot of emotional moments. I enjoy nothing more than a good tearjerker, or a romance that makes me squeal out loud (:
Also, I love everything pirates, steampunk, or creature/animal heavy. Generally also a big fan of stories involving Angels and Demons (yes, this is my Good Omens bias speaking)
So, if your a writeblr I haven’t had the pleasure of interacting with yet, and you want me to give your blog a looksie, just give this a like or reblog (:
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drippingmoon · 3 years
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Character intro: the Angel of Color
Alternatively named the Angel of the Flute, she is the protector of all those lost in life, beggared by fate. But swallowing that much misfortune, time came when it burned her from within.
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Character intro: the Angel of Belief
The angel who stopped war for a time, by asking others to believe in her and taking the plunge. She was rewarded with a prophecy that would make her break faith with herself.
Well, here it is. I got suddenly swamped by feelings for these two (minor characters), and knew I just had to make moodboards. They're the two starmakers that Anne chooses to talk about when Tyrone asks how the stars were made, and, as history goes, she knows them personally and exactly how life turned out for them.
Which is to say, they burned bright, burned fast, and burned out. And they were never forgotten, despite time's best efforts.
Excerpts were from draft 2 🥰 I didn't actually tremble in my boots till winter to open the document hahaha milestone
He’d grown used to her warmth, her breezy smiles, the way she unearthed joy whenever she saw frowns, and had forgotten. Much of that, had been because she’d had the will and the heart to do so. She did not lack the fangs to defend what she treasured.
   Once, that’d been him.
   Color nodded, “I can’t kill you. But, what do you think you can do?”
   However, the boy still smiled, happy, and it chilled her in turn. “Nothing. I’ve got you right where I want. Color? Make me happy again.”
   But before they could clash, the battlefield was cleft in two. Gales swept through, and eyes had widened all around. Hearts sent beating, figures aquiver. They looked up as wings descended upon them, sweeping them into legend as leaves whirled in bouncing eddies.
   She’d said, “Enough.”
   And at her clear cry, all weapons had clattered to the ground. Neither side could see their enemies. Belief stood in the center, but the continuation of her unfurled wings were countless other wings.
Taglist: @chazzawrites, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons, @indecentpause, @rhikasa, @bidevoir, @ecwrenn, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @starryeve88, @hellishhin, @sleepy-night-child, @a-wild-bloog, @strangerays, @azooi, @afoolandathief
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lunewell · 3 years
A little (re)intro
Hello! I’m Pim, a Norwegian writeblr who lives for the memes, screams, and publishing dreams (:
I flip between writing lovecraftian horror, writing fantasy, and writing sappy romance stories. I also write fanfics (not very consistent at updating, though, because attention span and time management go brrr...)
I gravitate both towards reading and writing stories with found family, LGBTQA+ characters and nihilistic themes. I’m an absolute sucker for death and psychological horror, especially of the eldritch type.
Right now, I’m working on a series of four lovecraftian horror/mystery books called The Lunewell Saga. The first one, is currently titled Natura, and it’s what the majority of the excerpts on here are form. You can find the intro here (:
And the first chapter of Natura here (:
Anyway, hope you have a nice day writeblr, and if you want to, feel free to come say hi or chat (:!
PS. @bidevoir is my (abandoned) main blog, so if you see that blog name follow or like your posts, that’s me (:
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drippingmoon · 4 years
Thumbprint Challenge
@mel-writes-with-her-dragons, thanks for tagging me in this! It looks very fun and so far I've never answered one of these!
Rules : look back on your work, both past and present, finished and unfinished. what are five to ten narrative elements or tropes that continuously pop up in your work? Tag as many people as the number of tropes you listed.
Animals with Agency. These are my roots and they're here to stay. I've always had animal protagonists (shifters, spirits, anything) except in my current main wip. But hey, angels are part birds, and I put in more wing body language than human...
Running Away. I don't know how this happened, but someone always ends up running away in search of a better life or to realize that they're actually happy.
Enemies to Lovers/Close Friends. I have a thing for villains and antagonists. Enough said.
Stars. You'd think one would run out of ideas for the same gaseous bulbs after the first five wips, no? Guess what. They get wilder.
Mourning. I realized this common element much later than I should've. But they speak to me most loudly out of all scenes.
Negative Evolution. All right. I love my villains, but I love even more a protagonist-turned-villain arc, and all that follows. They may become heroes or not again, but first they discover their "other" self.
Found Family. Someone always ends up unofficially adopting someone else, or they stick together because there's warm and good stuff and why leave.
Slow Burn. I can't snap my fingers and make it happen any more than I can write straight ships. And I'm not happy unless there's a lot of pining (platonic or romantic).
Seven things, seven people to tag: @indecentpause (I'm sending my thoughts to you), @chazzawrites, @rhikasa, @ecwrenn, @bidevoir, @lunewell, @lady-of-himring, @vivian-is-writing. I'm sorry if I tagged someone already tagged!
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