#big bad wolf rp
(Open Rp) Frostbites in “Red Riding Hood And a Big Bad Butcher Wolf”
(This Is a base Of the game called “Frostbites and Purple” if you don’t Know it Just watch the video from youtube...So yea...Warning..this contains  NSFW, Viewer Disgression is Adviced)
On The cold Night, The Young Maiden was riding a Lovely White Furry Horse....this Maiden Wears a lovely Blue jeans and Black Boots..a Lovely Black Long sleeve Shirt with a red Corsets on..along with a Lovely Long and Red velvet Cloak with a Hood on it...Her Name is Saphira Lorraina Fox, she’s just moved in this Strange town About 5 Months ago..at the Apartment..She was a bit quiet and Mysterious...She was in human Disguised, Her Hair is Pure Snow white..and her eyes is Sapphire Blue as the sea and her beautiful Skin is Pale Like a Moonlight.. It was Snowing hard...and she began to try to Stock the food For the winter..Until she sees the Place called “Smiles market”. She finds it Interesting But She hears the Rumors...That this Convience store was Haunted by the Ghost Wolf Who was Seeking revenge on Those who Done the wolf wrong...Once the victums goes in...and Never came back alive...She hears the news that 6 People Had been Disappeared For few months now, So she rides it there and Tied her horse up at the bike bar..and began to go in..She remove her Hood and Looked around this place...And then..She sees the Bitter Person at the cash register and sees the Name tags..and then She said sweetly with her lovely tone,” Excuse me Sir, Did i came in the wrong time?”...the Man Looked at this White Haired Maiden with a lovely red Cloak and made a scoff and stood up and Came to her..and then He said..
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enruiinas · 1 month
@climatact asked:
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ "My, my, what big eyes you have." (You know what verse)
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‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ Glancing up from the casual perch he'd assumed against the lobby's lone reception desk, Law made little effort to conceal his appreciation of the approaching woman's features, golden orbs blazing a path along her frame with each step she drew nearer. Admiring the swish of fabric along her legs. The wave of tangerine locks swept back into the bright red hood she'd donned for the occasion; the unassuming bottle of what he was sure was some sort of liquor in her little woven basket - and the way large, brown eyes glimmered with amusement as Nami studied him in his coordinating attire.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ As warily as he'd regarded her when she'd suggested the matching costumes, he had to admit they made quite the image standing there: him, the wolf, with a ring of dark "fur" she'd stitched to the neck of his dark t-shirt; Nami looking the part of a comically-convincing, innocent Little Red in her hood. Perhaps not as underwhelming a choice as Law had imagined - if the quiet looks the pair drew from the lobby's scarce inhabits were anything to go by.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ A low whistle escaped his lips as he took the few steps it took to meet her. ❝All the better to see you with,❞ he chuckled in response. And what a sight she made, said his second once-over. Even like this, with her hair tucked away and her thighs hidden by what was likely the longest skirt he'd ever actually seen her in, Nami was a vision. They didn't have to be dating for him to appreciate that much - though he took complete advantage of their status pretending otherwise to openly admire her. ❝Luckily for me, as it happens - you make quite the pretty, unsuspecting maiden,❞ he added with a smirk. With the arch of an eyebrow, he extended an arm in offering. ❝Ready, Little Red?❞
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soup-scope · 2 years
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darlin (left) and sam (right)
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withinkandquill · 4 days
"I'm not bound by your morals now."
(From Drakken; for whichever muse of yours you feel vibing 😊)
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“I am begging you!” Scarlet pleads, placing herself between the hunter and the wolf.
The beast behind her was large, larger than any normal wolf he had ever seen. And if the dark brown fur covering its body was strange in this region, its unnaturally green eyes were even stranger. They almost glow in the full moon light as the wolf stalks closer, teeth bared. A low warning growl rumbles in its throat.
“He’s not a monster! He doesn’t want to hurt anyone! He didn’t ask for this!”
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ask-idv-shepherd · 1 year
Tatya arrived with another gift basket! But this time she knocks herself and calls out. “Hello Mr. Pearce! I have more bread and drinks! I wanted to check in on you after the whole debacle!” (@tatya-time) (she’s little red riding hood up in here bruh)
Flinching at the sudden voice, Pearce became hesitant. Forcing himself up, the Shepherd opened the door to reveal himself. Still in the Archer's shirt, he seemed to have just woken up. With a small sniffle escaping him, the Shepherd's ears twitched.
"Ah... you must be... Tatya. A-Apologies, but I'm not f-fairing too well r-right now..."
He appeared to be paler than normal. Coughing into his hand before patting his chest. It seems like the Shepherd was brewing a nasty cold. Eyeing the basket, Pearce chuckled. "You're too kind...e-even after the s-stunt I pulled not l-long ago..."
Frowning slightly, Pearce seemed to shake his head before smiling. "I-If you w-want to leave, i-it's totally fine... B-But if you'd like to stay, pl-please help yourself. I-I have a chair to the s-side here."
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Cold and Sweet(Closed rp)
Tagged: @orchestrahearts​ continued from here.
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“Let’s go to the store and buy some. I don’t know if the ice cream parlor in town is open till 10 during the winter.”
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insatiablemuses · 1 year
open starter for Emerson {open to: anyone}
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"You've caught me at a bad time," Emerson grunts as he comes to a stop, having just finished up his jog. He wiped at his sweaty face with his discarded shirt, looking the other over for a moment. "Unless you plan on helping me wash up," he teases with a charming smile.
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"-- I should get a lock on this door." He's sure he can't lock the sheriff's office but he really wants to.
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hifimuses · 6 months
@pompedia / Closed Plotted Starter for Tigress
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He was slowly starting to come to and wake back up. Wolf could still feel all the bruises and the black eye he got last night. It only made things worse that he was tied up by a rope. The wolf tried to see if he could wiggle his way out but with a combination of how much pain he was in, to how how tight it was, the thief just wasn't going anywhere. "Crap, Crap! Think Wolf you've been in worse situations!"
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The wolf stopped cold in his tracks, stopping almost all movement as his left ear slowly rose. He began to hear the sound of a distant large wooden door opening. All he could do was watch as the person who gave him the injuries marched into the room, a woman known only to him as Tigress. "So? What? Come to rub salt in the wound? Yeah, you kicked my butt! I don't have my hands on..well anything cause they are tied up right now. However, I swear lady ANY second my team is gonna bust through these walls or like I'm gonna wiggle my way out of this and sneak my way in! Just you watch!" Wolf said trying to act cool when he had no plan, and no idea at all where the team was or if they knew where he was right now. His pride wasn't gonna let his mouth stop probably getting him in only more hot water.
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forestofforever · 1 year
Wester knew he had to hide the whole werewolf thing from people but sometimes he let his guard down. This was one of those moments, where he found himself chasing a tennis ball alongside a labrador, only realizing what he was doing when he noticed the concerned stare by the dog's owner, causing him to stop dead in his tracks and laugh awkwardly as he tried to act like this wasn't totally weird at all.
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mercsandmonsters · 4 days
The Big Bad Wolf and the Silly Old Bear Part Two (Open rp)
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" You know, 'The Tummy Song' from the 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie has been stuck in my head for a day now," Roman said, putting a hand on his own round tummy, "I can identify with the little dude. I like sweet things, especially, cookies. I don't like honey, though. Pooh Bear's friends have honey on deck for him. I don't have that kind of set-up. I usually steal them from Little Red Riding Hood. She gets mad at me, but I don't care."
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isdeathlystill · 7 months
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"Oh, lovely. You're here. Perfect timing! I was JUST leaving."
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littleredarcher · 2 years
((yoho, tag dump!))
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rphunter · 1 month
Hi!! Right now I’d love to do a medieval fantasy rp- magic, elves, dwarves, dragons, all different creatures, that sort of thing! The Hobbit/dnd/skyrim vibes, maybe? I have a slightly older werewolf character I’d loveee to use right now. He’s big, broody, grumpy, very much a lone wolf who prefers to be by himself and doesn’t venture out much or entertain friendships or whatnot - he’s a good guy, but not sociable and definitely comes off as rude and cold at times because of it, and pushes people away.
I’m open to playing him against anyone! Male, female, trans, nb, gnc, etc! I think someone a little more outgoing to counteract his antisocial-ness could be a good fit, but yours doesn’t necessarily have to be some golden retriever type character - just more willing to initiate convos! I’m not particularly interested in very soft, naive, submissive-esque characters and would prefer if they had some grit to them and a backbone, the ability to be independent and hold their own, and I’m not interested in a big age gap, sorry. Min character age of 25, please, and otherwise as old as you like, especially with fantasy races! My guy will happily end up protecting yours - once they get close, but he is not going to be rescuing damsels and coddling anyone.
Otherwise though, bring me anyone!! Morally grey people, people on the path of redemption, sweet good hearted people, hurt angry people. Elves, humans, tieflings, mages, healers, warlocks, people with baggage and secrets, super powerful guys, people with a curse, whatever!! I’d love to flesh out our guys and the universe they’re in, and figure out the plot together! I have very few limits and love angst, slow burn, hurt/comfort, character growth/development, action, etc. Maybe your person is on an adventure and runs into mine, maybe they’re both in a bad situation and have to work together, maybe yours recruits mine as a mercenary, etc! I’d like to include some body horror in regards to the werewolf stuff, and I’m happy to do dead dove/dark content but also happy to keep things light! Open to smut, but I do not jump into it and like it to be natural and tie into the plot. I write on discord, novella length (like 1000 words a reply? Sometimes more, sometimes a little less - but never much) and I do not do rapid replies, sorry! I try a few a week and will let you know if it takes longer, but please don’t expect daily/every other day. And of course take your time with yours! I like ooc chat and sharing aesthetics and songs and stuff and would love a long term partner! I’m open to multi-musing and doing multiple threads to keep us going if we need to shake things up! 🐺
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katakankollector · 6 months
DARK FAIRY-TALES SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from two wonderful songs by Lilith Max ( Peasant’s Throne & Big Bad Wolf ) and shall suit such topics as betrayal, royalty, intrigues, murder, temptation, shapeshifting, monster, werewolf, survival, fairy-tale, folktale, downfall. Slight changes occurred for rp needs. Change names and pronouns further as you see fitting.   [ art credit: "The Beauty and The Beast " by Matt Mahurin ]
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I don't need a sword
You've come to take my skin
You've come to make some coin
My hunger still roars
It's just a whisper, I breathe in [ his ] ear
I came upon you so sudden
I watch [ his ] eyes, as they roam through the crowd
Yet your hunger roars more
I clean the stains of their fine blood
I wondered how I would catch you
I sit above while the peasants bow below
Only the forest will know
Little nightmare, you have beautiful eyes
Bow down and swear servility
I'm the bad wolf of fables 
I can see all the stories where beast go to die
The forest hides the truth
Now suddenly I see, why they call you a monster and not me
Come, feast upon all that is yours
Should I play with my prey
I can see all the stories where I'll go to die
[ He ] cannot see the world, from below like I do
[ His ] thoughts veil his view
You've come to wrap my teeth round your throat
Let me feast upon all that is yours
Little did I see the hunter in you
I fear there are traitors in our midst
From the highest tower, [ we ] watch the fight begin
And then it is too late
The one that stands before [ him ], is the one who stole [ his ] throne
I am the king
The rest is history
The smirk on your face is  far crueler than mine
I should have seen it all come close
Not noticing my hands on [ his ] crown, bringing it all down
I failed to notice the glint of your knife
A blade cuts through the air
There's one tale that begins deep, deep in the forest
I don't need advisors
[ He ] wonders who it is
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ranticore · 2 months
i ended up not drawing the fursonias beyond sketches but here's the #canon scoop on the characters' archetypes and what furry subculture they'd be into
Bowman: his fursona would be a cool dog (mutt) who wears boardshorts and Sun's Out Guns Out tank tops with the stupid big arm holes. The art style would be Baracore and the character's name would just be Dog. He would be at every room party at every convention doing kegstands and he's not too good at drawing but gives it a shot anyway. Every character he draws has dreamworks face. Inexplicably popular until the multiple cheating scandals make the rounds on twitter. 6700 followers
Islin: one of those guys who only cares about hyper realistic art of dragons with every scale rendered up and the super elaborate ref sheets. Art style is early 2010s Realistic Anthro Dragon, character name is something like Ryvraxys. Never draws characters wearing clothes or doing modern day things. He never made it out of deviantart. Used to rp a lot but kept getting banned for god moding. His art & designs suggest an incredibly active After Dark twitter account but there exists no evidence at all on the internet that one exists
Félix: it's a twinky red fox obviously. The design is painfully generic but the lore is insanely detailed, more than you'd expect from a character who's mostly drawn in suggestive poses. Character name is his name and the art style is Lion King core. Consistently gets into the most insane gay drama at cons but somehow he never seems to be the one at fault despite always being at the devil's sacrament too. Bad at drawing but the writing is good. 436 followers after he got cancelled for saying a slur at an unmasked illegal covid party (he shared the video himself)
Jean: fursonya is a violet starling with back wings who's always dressed in a steampunk getup, with top hat. The name would be something like Faraday. Art style is realistic coloured pencils, rarely digital. He always calls them "anthros" and refuses to associate with "furries". Has a €10k realistic resin-based partial suit with hydraulic wings, is openly catty about people in "cheap" suits. 12988 followers, mostly from ppl who like the suit.
Léa: fursoney is a sexy snow leopard with a ludicrously complex spot pattern, art style is Guy Who Says Fwolf Core. The character would be called like Esmeralda or something. She writes callout posts which are always a little too gleeful in tone. 1256 followers, she's got a high turnover rate because people follow her for good art but then she fills their dashes with vague posts like "some people really need to learn that doing kegstands isn't a substitute for growing a personality 😘💅"
Senca: her fursona is a hare which is always drawn feral and with a highly symbolic art style, lots of staring eyes and illustrated thorns and moon phases. She makes merch (read: dropshipping plastic waste) and sells at artist alley frequently. Not particularly interested in suits or anything. She's blacklisted from one really popular con and nobody knows why. 630 followers.
Olivier: yeencore bark bark bark bite monster wolf type character which is like a wolf but with spikes on the tail and horns.
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