#big dragon season 2
respectthepetty · 2 years
Do you remember when we spent those four amazing hours in the hot tub together after winter formal?
Big Dragon's finale was SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!
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9/10. This shit was full circle. FULL CIRCLE! This ending was so good. Sunrise. Colors. Plushies. THE TURTLE!!!!!! Nine. Fireflies. Bracelets. The camera. Park and Phong. The dad. The communication. THE LOVE!!!!! Todo, mi gente. El principio hasta el final, hermoso!
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I'm going to go run laps around my block. I'm going to scrub the walls and vents. I'm going to bake the most elaborate fest.
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7698 · 11 months
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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... what
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imchunchules · 2 years
Every single show I've seen Big Thanakorn, he's always the third wheel, the third part that gets in the way of the main couple. He even died in Gen Y 2 and was an asshole in Something in my Room! I'm telling you, they're doing him dirty, poor guy needs...no, deserves a happy ending too!
That being said, I thought I wasn't going to like Big Dragon, given the way the mains get together, but they found a way around it and made it work somehow. They're both pretty toxic in the beginning, to end up being completely silly and fluffy (don't ask me how that transition went, I blinked and we were there) Am I looking forward to season 2? Yes, yes I am. I need more Park & Phong, and some more from Yai's friends too. And Tao!!! I've been waiting to see more of Kad since the first Gen Y.
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zanethenindroid · 2 months
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How do you expect me to take you seriously when you look like that
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bbygirl-aemond · 3 months
loved the moments between rhaenyra and jace in this episode. the disbelieving face she makes after he hits her with that sassy "your grace" and then the way he shuts up mid apology the second she puts her hand on his cheek oh he's never beating the mama's boy allegations
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persephryne · 2 months
Making Aegon a rapist was straight up bad and lazy writing.
Let me elaborate.
In the show, the first thing we learn about Aegon as an adult is that he is a rapist. We haven’t seen him yet but still we already know that he is an horrible despicable rapist, especially since Dyana is so young, which pretty much makes him a pedophile too. How could anyone root for a man like that ? And that’s where the problem begins.
Rhaenyra had already been established many times as the rightful heir to the throne in season 1. It has been made obvious that she would make a decent Queen too. In the meantime, it had already been shown that Aegon is not even a good person. He’s selfish, inconsiderate, a bully, and does not act like a prince at all. To put it plainly, he sucks big time and we as viewers already know it. Add what we saw in season 2, how reckless he gets, how he’s an alcoholic immature asshole, how he obviously knows nothing about strategics nor how to rule efficiently, or even how bad he is at high valyrian, and you can’t have anyone tell you in good faith that he would’ve been a better ruler than Rhaenyra.
However, had Aegon not been made a rapist, you would still feel for him even though he is not cut out to rule. Because he knows it too and tried to escape it and he was forced to attend his own coronation . Because this crown that he did not want does not fit him, even though he really tries to show that he is not as worthless as everyone seems to think and he just keeps failing. You would feel for him because the war ,that he has started when he was made an usurper by the people around him, has cost him his son’s life. Because the brother, who is partially responsible for his son’s death has now betrayed him and tried to kill him with dragonfire. Because the injuries he suffered make him look more and more like his father who never cared for him, never loved him and that he definitely hates. Which also probably why he tries so hard to make his mother proud of him and love him but he can’t and his main attempt has left him half-dead, half-burn. Not only that but his dragon, with whom he has the strongest bond known in Targaryen’s, history probably died during this futile attempt to prove himself. The only thing about his Targaryen’s heritage that he seems to care about has been destroyed all because he wanted to prove himself. Because he truly resents his Targaryen’s, his father’s heritage, it’s obvious, just as it is obvious that he didn’t want to marry his own sister but was forced to. It’s completely legitimate of him to want to distance himself as much as possible from everything that is Targaryen related. He is indeed more of an Hightower than a Targaryen, but can you really blame him for that ? Would you not try to fit somewhere else too, if you were in his place ? It’s all absolutely and undeniably tragic.
I wholeheartdely believe that, even if you would’ve root for Rheanyra to be Queen, you woud’ve probably still thought that Aegon, as bad as he is, did not deserves this much pain.
But because he is a rapist, well, he honestly does.
By not trusting the audience to see that Aegon is not a good person, nor a good a king, without having him comitting a literal crime, by making Aegon a rapist, the writers have annihilated any possibilities for an internal conflict regarding Aegon and Rhaenyra. The whole concept of « teams » just goes down the drain because of this lazy, manichaean, writing. And that, my friends, is bad writing at its peak.
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kazamajun · 3 months
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You will die in this place.
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dresh-rx · 2 months
for art requests could you draw ras maybe…
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The burn on Arin was so severe he reverted to his edgy phase
I haven't drawn anthros in ages so now i have to delete my search history...
Click for suprise version 🤫
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witchlingcirce · 22 days
I think where Alicole fails in the show is that they decided to have them be an automatic thing rather than something that’s built up.
Having our first look at the two of them literally just being there sex scene, and than later that same episode just be Helaena walking in on them after B&C seemed like a poor decision to me. (Not just cuz I think it takes away from the point of B&C).
I feel like, had there been at least some build up episode 1, and than having there first real scene together be the there end scene in season two would have made more sense.
I feel like the potential for Alicole was THERE. Like that scene in season 1 where alicent said to him “everything you feel for me as your queen” like the sauce was there man!!
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Am I slightly exaggerating a little bit? Yes. Am I also like 99.9999% accurate anyway? Also yes.
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7698 · 1 year
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hhypatiaa · 2 months
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Yes girl get it
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whereflowersbloom · 2 months
Daeron when he’s back to King’s Landing:
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kitkat-the-muffin · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time the second season of a Lego show had a mid-season finale where a major character was sucked through a red portal unable to return, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice right? In the same year, too
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zanethenindroid · 1 month
⚠️ Dragons Rising Season 2
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Ugh just get married already 🙄
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