#big pillowy bosoms
inspectordookie · 7 months
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and if i say i’d still give leander a chance cause hes hot will i be silenced
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endawn · 4 months
oh no i forgot about pax’s thicc thighs that could crush a man’s skull
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hoppinkiss · 2 months
god put me on this earth to draw men shirtless
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
Soap the type-a dude to hug your hips from behind out of the blue and just shove his face between ur booty cheeks, and take a big whiff nasty ass man
like the pillowy man bosom pic but with your arsecheeks. esp if yall are watching tv. he'll lie in between your legs, his facial hair prickling your sensitive inner thighs and during commercial he takes a whiff of your sex. or a nip. then he's licking a slick stripe over your shorts and now you're getting oral during what is supposed to be y'all's quality time.
after you gotta kick him off because the movie is almost and he's like a leech. "jus' one more, hen."
you'll be there all night if you let him.
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cloud-kaiju · 4 months
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Mattress fusion form of Medley, the fusion hero cos sometimes you just love your bed too much.
"Morning After" Story below by @lulu-the-kaiju
Megan raised a soft right hand to block the morning light from shining directly into her eyes. The glare was intense, bouncing off some insidiously placed window across the street, so she raised her other right hand to help. With the intrusive sunbeam temporarily thwarted, she smiled to herself and snake her left hands down to pull the comforter up over her head. Only when doing so exposed her stomach, never mind her legs and tail, did she begin to parse that something might be afoot.
Megan stifled a yawn, bleary eye blinking, and rolled onto her side to glance at her partner, “That was some night, we really–”
An empty view, save for the legs of a bedstand, scattered with strewn clothes, drew her up short. Had Frankie snuck off early? And for that matter, why was she on the floor? She could've sworn her bed hadn't been repossessed, but then....
"Oh." Megan realized she was laying on the floor and must’ve absorbed the bed in the night. Her massive, rotund body sank comfortably into itself, tail flicking inquisitively, as she explored the new form with all four soft arms, from pillowy bosoms to quilted belly, “Wait, how did I– wait, where did she–”
Four arms. Medley didn’t usually have four arms, and neither did her date from the night before. The big purple sheep-shark blinked at pieces clicked together in her mind. Neither Frankie nor Megan were visible from her vantage point in the small apartment bedroom…
“So, we’re Medley after all then? The new super that absorbs everything? I owe Cal ten bucks.” She mumbled with surprising excitement.
A blush rushed to her cheeks, “Wh– hey, no! We’re just– I’m just Megan, we’re not–… wow, this secret identity thing is gonna be harder than I thought.”
"Yeah, yeah, sure, I won't tell anyone," Medley yawned, stretching limbs out in six different, alien directions, “So we’re a superhero then, eh?”
"Yup." She laid her head back down on the floor, the built-in padding comfier than any pillow either of them had ever used.
“We should go fight some crime, y’know? Save the day! We’re huge!”
Medley turned her head back away from the windows hostile glare, “Truuue, but we’re also really comfy like this. And kinda hungry. And it’s cold outside.”
“Those… are all very good points we just made.”
“We make a very convincing argument.”
“We do.”
Medley, in full agreement with herself, grabbed the nearest cellphone off her nightstand and searched up the nearest diner that would deliver breakfast.
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a-big-apple · 6 months
omg these are bangers i got greedy 🍅🥐🍬🍄
<3 <3 <3
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
this one is here! you and t have it in for me today!!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
So close!! That is a shape 💕
also tutant meenage neetle teetles
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
hoo boy ok STRAP IN! i think maybe we have talked about this before on discord, oh well. i don't think coronabeth is fat in canon, and i'm just not into it in fanon. i think she's tall, i think she has big hair, i think she has big presence. i think she's got some bazongas and some curves and she's not as wasted-thin as ianthe. i think there is weight bias deeply entrenched in House culture (and that's not a criticism of tamsyn muir, i think it's an interesting part of her worldbuilding). the most iconic binary in this world is necromancer and cavalier: someone whose power literally eats away at them, and so thinness is evidence of necromantic strength; and someone whose purpose is to fight, and so muscleyness is ideal.
i think gideon, for example, is muscley fat. tamsyn described her as built like a rugby player, thick and solid. she only eats protein paste and greens and works out a LOT, she's achieving the cavalier ideal of muscle mass, and she lives in a freezing cold environment where the extra insulation of some fat is helpful. ortus, on the other hand, is not muscley--he's just fat. his size is perpetually derided in the narration. he fits nowhere on the binary of what's desirable in the Houses, and so he is utterly unattractive and therefore inconsequential.
coronabeth is the hottest girl anyone has ever seen. she's healthy-looking for a necromancer. she's the opposite end of the spectrum from ortus: also neither skinny nor muscley (until NtN when she's got some biceps), but in a vivacious way that makes everybody super into her. yes, because she's a woman and this is a sapphic series, but also because House culture has clearly held on to pre-Res standards of attractiveness. boobs, hair, a white girl with a great tan, probably a trendy amount of "thicc." i don't feel, personally, that fanon-ing her fat does me as a fat person any great service; it obscures any conversation on the actually interesting weight bias happening in the books that echoes and complicates the weight bias of everyday life. seeing a fat corona doesn't tell me that people think my body is traffic-stoppingly gorgeous or that i have value outside my attractiveness or non-attractiveness, it tells me that the only character who can afford to be consistently fat in fanon is the one who is repeatedly praised as the most attractive in canon, and that's only if she's sexy fat--bosoms breaching containment, pillowy and perfectly shaped hips and thighs and ass, just a little bit of belly and back rolls sometimes as a treat.
tbh if it's a kink thing, folks should do what floats their boats! but to me it's not some big representation win, just own the kink, make everybody sexy fat, whatever (i mean this genuinely, i am in favor of kink even though this is not one of mine).
so i guess my actual hot take is that i wish there was more ortus art and fic about how the strength of his love and conviction and lungs all saved the day and he did it while being fat and depressed and not sexy
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i answered this one here but i'll do griddlehark too for funsies! i think neither of them is the least bit suave or confident in relationships, doubly so with each other, they are the two shyest and most tittering, blushing, nervous, virginal queers you have ever seen and it would take them weeks if not months of dating to even start taking their shirts off to make out let alone anything spicier. no matter how many bases they hit they will never not be shy, they will just keep raising the bar of where the shyness starts.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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Anon sent: "Okay. One day through seeing Rodericks deeds and nobility as a paladin. A group of Mettalic dragoness decide to bless him with thier presence and beauty to reward him."
The first thing Roderick felt as he awoke was warmth. A soft, gentle warmth that surrounded him and filled his body with a sense of comfort and safety. He instinctively turned and pressed himself closer against the source of warmth, a sigh of contentment leaving him as he felt a soft pillowiness under his head.
The moment he heard the soft, feminine moan overhead, though, he snapped awake and jerked his gaze upward.
Roderick felt his heart stop as he saw what he could only describe as the most beautiful elven woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Skin a soft sun kissed brown with honey-gold hair that fell in thick rolling waves around her head, and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose that were a soft yellow. Her bright amber eyes locked with his, and he shuddered as a soft giggle escaped her plump and pouty lips.
“Oh, it seems you’re finally up~” a melodious voice rolled over him, and the elf gently brushed the side of his face—at which point, he realized he was nestled right against her very generous bosom…and that the both of them were completely naked. “I hope I didn’t disturb you~”
Her words shocked him to action, the knight jerkily pulling away. “D-Disturb m-me?? I-I—did I disturb you?? I-I didn’t—gods, I’m sorry, I can’t remember—“ He shook his head, quickly casting his gaze away, as guilt and worry clutched his heart—what had he done to land himself in this position?
His flustered mannerisms seemed to amuse the golden-haired beauty, who immediately giggled and sat up, sitting up from the plush bed they’d been laying on. “Oh my~ are you afraid you forced yourself on me~? A big, tough warrior taking advantage of a poor, helpless maiden~?”
She giggled again, though Roderick’s tormented expression suggested that was exactly what he was afraid of.
Before he hand a chance to try and reply—perhaps get some clarity from the bubbly blonde—another voice, cool and sharp and a bit severe, cut across him from behind. “Sister, do try not to play with his emotions like that—clearly, the thought alone is enough to cause him distress.”
Sister? A shiver ran down Roderick’s spine, and he quickly spun around, grabbing a nearby pillow to try and preserve some modesty before the woman’s sibling that had caught them. “I-I am so sorry, I don’t know…what…”
The words died in his mouth as shock overtook his own worry and guilt. The sibling to the gorgeous blonde was not a similarly gorgeous elf…but instead a towering creature of gleaming silver scales and piercing ice-blue eyes. A Silver Dragon, and by the faint patina upon her head ridges, an Ancient one at that.
As he registered her appearance, he heard the shifting of claws across stone, and his eyes grew wide as he saw another create enter the massive chamber—and another, and a third, as a Copper, Brass, and Bronze ancient dragons entered. Four ancient metallic dragons…all that was missing was…
Roderick slowly glanced back to the woman he’d woken with…the golden haired, golden freckled, amber eyed woman…
“Oh gods,” Roderick muttered, a dread of a whole other kind settling in his heart. “Just how badly did I fuck up…?”
As soon as he’d voiced his concern, the gorgeous blonde laughed softly and shook her head, stepping closer. “Oh dear Roderick, we’re not here as a punishment~ if anything, we’re here as a reward~”
Roderick blinked in surprise, but the Silver dragon’s voice rolled over him again. “Despite my sister’s teasing nature, she speaks true. Your acts of heroism and goodness drew our attention, and so we decided to gift you with a reward befitting of one of such devotion and kindness…~”
Before he could question what the dragon meant, he felt the familiar feeling of a curvaceous body press against him from behind—though this one was oddly cooler than what he was used to. A cool breath brushed against his ear, and he shivered as he heard the silver dragon’s voice purr close.
“We give you us~”
Roderick swallowed hard, his heart hammering and close to overwhelmed by all of this. Still, he turned to face this newcomer—and felt his world rock again as all four massive ancient dragons had disappeared, and in their places were four gorgeous women, each stepping closer, and with desire in their eyes as they stared back at him.
“I do hope you’ll take good care of us, Roderick~” the blonde—the golden dragon—purred as she also moved close to press herself against him. Before long, he found himself completely surrounded—the blonde, a silver-haired beauty, a red-head, a brunette, and strawberry blonde.
Roderick shuddered, casting his gaze around them as the overwhelming sense filled him more and more, until he did the only thing any self-respecting and honorable knight would do in such a situation.
He passed out.
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pinklocksoflove · 1 year
You know what, Vasilisa gets a big ol' hug from Linkle. She has been gone far too long.
And then Linkle's face sinks into Vasilisa's plush, pillowy bosom. Vasilisa recently fed so her body is warm. One could fall asleep in this position.
"My my, darling, I missed you too." A kiss is laid on Linkle's forehead.
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Birds of Prey (vol. 2) #2: Endrun, pt. 2 - The Rage of the White Canary
Read Date: January 09, 2023 Cover Date:August 2010 ● Writer: Gail Simone ● Penciler: Ed Benes ◦ Adriana Melo ● Inker: Ed Benes ◦ Mariah Benes ● Colorist: Nei Ruffino ● Letterer: Steve Wands ● Editor: Janelle Asselin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● It's been a minute since I read issue 1. Argh, and there's no synopsis and I didn't take reaction notes back then. I'll just have to see if my memory gets jogged. ● (pg 2) I mean, these women all look great, but I can't help but think how unguarded their femoral arteries are considering their lives of fighting crime. Do you know how fast a person bleeds out from a wound to the femoral artery? Fast. ● Poor Penguin. I'm sure he'll be fine, though. ● this White Canary is cool as a cucumber
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● Lethal hair accessories. Cool. ● Fishnets do look amazing, ngl. ● Oof, hopefully Dinah didn't lose any teeth there… ● Narrative: She's not Shiva. You never feel Shiva's emotions when she hits you. This lady seems to hate my guts. ~ curiouser and curiouser ● If looks could kill… ● Hawk and Dove are here along with Lady Blackhawk (I forgot she's from WWII and misplaced in time) ● Hawk didn't expect that… ● Hawk has a big handful of her hair, though. Is that why his name is Hank? Geddit? Hank … of hair… nevermind. Ahem. ● Meanwhile, Oracle hears a news bulletin about a Gregory Chasco dying of wounds apparently undetectable by medical science. ● Oops, the bulletin named "former Justice League member the Black Canary" is the cause of death. ● The Channel 8 chopper has eyes on Black Canary now ● Oracle yells in the intercom: "Black Canary! Quit fighting! Get out of there!" ● 12 squad cars and a police chopper are on the way. Oops. ● Before White Canary leaves, she says: "One of you will die every hour for the next six hours. You choose. Or I will." ● GCPD ain't playin'. ● Before they can decide on whether to be shot or to surrender, Penguin regains consciousness enough to tell the women weakly, "My place. Get us to my club. Safe there." ● Fight or flight? Canary chooses fight and unleashes her canary cry ● omg, Oswald has a facefull of Dove's tits and he's living for it 😂😂
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● Oliver Queen was mayor of Star City? Huh. I'm not up-to-date on my Green Arrow lore. ● new person calling in to Oracle… Brian Durlan a.k.a. Savant a.k.a. Creote? ● the coloring of Oracle's eyes up close is gorgeous ● "Savant is dead, Oracle. He's dead." ● Oh, so this Creote is a different person. And he's blaming Savant's death on Oracle. ● Oh, fuuuu… I hope Barbara has a good therapist. ● Penguin needs a hospital ● "softly pillowy bosom" - hahah! ● the crew runs into a random tv set up in an alley, where another news bulletin has breaking news of Black Canary's true identity. Oh shit. ● is White Canary the child who was "abandoned"? That would explain some of the hatred… ● the girl's name is Sin and she was almost adopted by Black Canary ● Oracle: "I am the grid." Badass mode unlocked. I mean, she was always a badass. But now it's badderass. ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: {none available… dammit}
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Fan Art: Black Canary and Huntress by spidermanfan2099
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 09
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endawn · 4 months
can’t tell if pax’s best feature is his big wet sad soppy elf eyes or his pillowy man bosom
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The lizard seemed out of it today.  His mask wasn’t on his face, and his cowl was pulled all the way down, looking more like a scarf than a head-covering he wore to protect his identity.  But in this moment, he didn’t seem to care.  He looked dazed and befuddled.  So when someone came up behind him, he turned abruptly, not gauging the distance properly.
Their face--was in his chest.  Shoved there by the sudden turn and left there because, while the god appreciates his personal space, he’s not going to admit this is his fault.
The grumble of a question is likely felt before it’s heard, the words rattling in his chest, where the other’s face just so happened to be, “Did you need something...?  If so, I suggest removing your head and speaking to my face, not my chest...”
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quickiesgirl · 2 years
Prettier Than the Sunset - Peter Maximoff
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Paring: Peter Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Warning: None.
A/n: Had an idea and I got pretty carried away with it, hope you guys like this. <3
You gazed at Peter from the end of your bed, hand under your chin with your elbow resting on your crossed legs, watching Peter look through the pieces of vinyl you’ve collected over the years, admiring the cute reactions he made when he got excited.
Your gaze slowly pushed down, getting a good look at his attractive Adam's apple protruding out his pale throat that made you gulp.
This wasn't the first time you’ve caught yourself ogling him like this, In fact, it was becoming a recurring thing, and you couldn't help it.
“You have the coolest album collection I've ever seen.” He complimented, putting the wooden crate full of your albums back aside. You snapped out of your little daydream and smiled, “Oh- thanks.”
You glanced over at the open window beside the bed, noticing the various shades of yellows, and oranges in the sky. A smile spread across your face as fond memories came to mind of how many times you snuck away to watch the sunset.
“Hey Peter, you wanna see something cool?” You asked, hopping off your bed next to him.
“Yeah!” He said with excitement. You helped him to his feet and pulled him along to the door.
Peter blushed as he felt your warm hand slide down his wrist and slowly lock your fingers between his, holding his big hand in your small gentle grip.
He followed you the whole way as you took him out of the mansion and brought him across the pond, under the grandfather oak tree.
The two sat down in the grass beside each other and looked off into the distance in awe, watching the beautiful sight of the sun slowly setting.
“Woah.” He muttered, taking in the sight. You smiled and set your hands on your lap, feeling the light breeze cool you down from the heat, “Pretty, isn’t it?”
“Y-yeah. It is.” Peter looked over at you, the sun kissing your beautiful face, with a warm smile beaming across it.
He subtly moved closer and gently brushed your knees together. You glanced over and made contact with his dark, lustful eyes, making your heart begin to flutter in your chest. Peter's face turned bright red as a million thoughts ran through his head at once, it was now or never.
“I- I love you, y/n.”
Your eyes went large, and your brows raised, completely lost for words at that moment. Nothing could describe the pure happiness and the fluttering warmth filling your body.
“I-I know you probably don’t feel the same. I don't know why you would, you're so smart and beautiful, and I’m just a loser-” Peter said before being cut off by your lips suddenly pressed against his.
Time stopped around the two of you at that very moment, and it was finally happening just as fate planned. Butterflies filled your stomach as he slowly shut his eyes and kissed you back, sharing a long passionate first kiss that both of you were longing for.
After a few moments passed, your lips slowly separated from his. Peter's face was flustered, and his eyes opened broadly in surprise.
“I love you, Maximoff.” You gave him a tender smile, watching that adorable starstruck look overcome him. “And you're not a loser. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
You slowly placed your hand upon his warm cheek and pushed your lips back to his. His lips were so soft and pillowy as they moved against yours. Noses brushing against each other's cheeks, with uncontrollable smiles spreading across your faces.
Peter's hands sheepishly found themselves on either side of your waist, becoming more comfortable after you gave consent to hold you anywhere he desired.
Your heated bodies soon moved closer until you were basically straddling his lap, your bosom heaving against his chest as you slid your hand up the front of his neck and gently ran the tips of your fingers around his bulging adam's apple.
“H-hold on, I got an idea,” Peter muttered as his lips snagged from yours. In a quick blur, your polaroid camera appeared in his right hand with a giant grin spreading across his face, “Smile!”
“Seriously?” You asked, tilting your head at him.
“I wanna capture the moment of our first kiss, plus you look so hot right now.”
Your face reddened from his comment as you gave a smile, watching him snap the photo and look back at the developing film that slid out the end.
“Alright, come here!” He put the camera aside and firmly grabbed your hips, pulling you into his lap before attacking you with kisses, causing you to let out small chuckles as he held you and laid back against the grass.
Moments later of making out, you waited for the perfect time to detach your lips, leaving him breathless as his eyes fluttered open to find you holding the camera, which was pointed directly down, taking a photograph of him.
“Aw, Maxi, you’re prettier than this sunset.” You giggled, giving him a quick kiss as you pulled out the polaroid. -
Taglist: @de4ds0up @raincoffeeandfandoms @murd3rrhouse @writinginpeace @mayo-advance @violate-larmon @spider-starry @josephines-simps-fics
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showmethegreyspace · 7 years
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Rock! CFVY outfits after 10,000 years. Just finally got the focus in to sit down and colour/clean for five hours we’re good we’re good
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Diavolo Relationship Headcanons
Listen my anxiety is at it's peek right now and Dia's pillowy man bosom is one of the only things keeping me from diving off the deep end, okay?? If I end up homeless because my parents die or some other thing, at least I have demon man tiddy.
Diavolo has never had a real, serious, public relationship.
Sure, there's been flings and flirtation, but no one has every truly been a contestant for the demon prince's future partner.
Not until you at least, and he can't say he's disappointed with that!
It's rather interesting actually, to be a demon and human couple spawned from his attempt to join your people!
This can only help his cause -or your shared cause now- and truly he's incredibly ecstatic.
That being said, being in a relationship with Dia isn't all triumphant political moves.
Your life is incredibly fast paced, often following behind Diavolo's various projects, plans, and duties he must attend to in the Demon King's absence.
Just watching him bounce from person to person with the same enthusiasm makes you tired. It's really hard to tell how he has all this energy for RAD, a kingdom, and you.
Somehow he manages though!
You do try, and succeed, in swaying him from tackling more then you think is healthy.
He comes to you for advice before anyone.
(Well, except in the aspect of love. That he might hit up Barbatos for. He usually seems to know what to do)
Diavolo doesn't use pet names, or at least, he doesn't use them properly.
(His tone is always a bit too loud. Just imagine a tall, red headed demon spoting you in the hall, arms extending for a hug, as he calls "Hello BABY!")
Loves all your traditions, and wants to know all about their history.
Also really interested in your political opinions, but definitely won't push or try to shame you if he disagrees.
Just talking about the human world has him acting like Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
No, he cannot fit through human doors. He has to squat and go through side ways.
Diavolo will sometimes just send you that emoji the boys made of him in a dress with no explanation. He thinks it's funny.
Do his make-up! Better yet, do it with him. Glitter eyeshadow is best shared amongst romantic partners, afterall.
His lap is the best seat in the house. Except when he starts laughing and then you might be shook off by the quakes of his chuckles.
Finds pick up lines to be incredibly charming and funny, coming from you that is.
Always introduces you to people whenever you're at events and political affairs. He wants you to be apart of the conversation.
Big bed but my guy still would rather have you sleep on top of him.
Loves to conspire with you to prank the brothers.
Absolutely wants to do all the stereotypical couple things. Cooking dates, picnics, ext.
Has way too many photos of your misadventures on his phone. He posts someone them to devilgram too, and his followers eat them up.
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badasserywomen · 2 years
lmao even if some of them "did" look like "men's chests", its due to musculature and breast size - women are fully capable and allowed to look 'masculine.' any cursory examination of your art tag would show you draw pretty varied sorts of women lmao
Unfortunately some dont understand that. And with my buffer lasses i tend to not give them very big breasts anyway. Every woman dont need to have big pillowy bosoms
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Dai companions, after traveling somewhere cold, reacting to over hearing the inquisitor tell Iron bull, "Maker, put a shirt on before you poke someone's eye out," like that scene from Sinbad
Cassandra: Cassandra has peaked once or twice. Maker, how can she not when the Iron Bull is running around without a shirt on ninety nine percent of the time? She snorts when she overhears the comment, wondering if there is even a shirt that could fit Bull and his impressive chest.
Varric: He laughs. “Oh I’m definitely adding that in my book. ‘The Iron Bull was once reprimanded by the Inquisitor for nearly blinding them with what his right hand man once described as his pillowy man bosoms.” 
Vivienne: “The Inquisitor is right, Bull. We must get you a few pairs of shirts” Vivienne insists. “I have the perfect tailor in mind so don’t fret my dear.” When Bull starts to say he doesn’t need any shirts, Vivienne gives him a look. He blinks, sputtering out a ‘yes ma’am’ before acquiescing to Vivienne’s demands.
Dorian: Dorian is in the same camp as Cassandra. He has admired Bull’s chest a few times, but he would sooner cut out his tongue than admit to ogling the Iron Bull. Perhaps if Bull did take the Inquisitor’s suggestion, his wandering eye would finally be put to rest.
Solas: Solas can’t help but let out a chuckle. It earns him a few looks from the rest of the party, but he ignores them. While he and the Inquisitor have butted heads in the past, he does have to admit that they have a gift for quick wit.
Sera: Sera cackles. “Hey Bull, too bad you don’t belong to the Itty Bitty Titty Community like me and the Inky!” She earns a sour glance from the Inquisitor, which only makes Sera laugh even harder.
Cole: “Would it hurt? They look soft, but losing an eye seems like it would hurt,” Cole murmurs out loud. He then frowns, wondering if there is even a shirt big enough to fit the Iron Bull. During their time at the Winter Palace he did have a shirt on, but that might be the only one in existence that could even fit Bull.
Blackwall: Blackwall shakes his head. He does not want to be a part of this conversation-- no matter how hilarious it might be. The last thing Blackwall wants to think about is the Bull’s… bosom. Dorian and Cassandra do enough of that for all of them.
Bull: During all of this Bull is just going to be like:
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