#big spring sales event
ismail786blog · 5 months
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Explore Creator top sellers from the Big Spring Sale
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 5 months
Let's talk about Jump GIGA
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Jump GIGA covers, 2016-2024. Volumes are published (left to right per row) as Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn releases, with 2018 and 2019 briefly breaking the pattern by having three Winter and three Summer volumes each. 2023 has an Early Spring volume in addition to the standard four.
So, people have pointed out that the 2024 Spring cover is, uh, not like other covers.
But I've only seen comparisons to other MHA GIGA covers and MHA Weekly Shonen Jump covers. Out of curiosity for what GIGA's typical marketing aesthetics might be, I put together a comparison between all of Jump GIGA's covers to date.
And, um. Some things stand out, to say the least.
First, let me clarify what Jump GIGA even is: it is a seasonal magazine from Shonen Jump, published separate from Weekly Shonen Jump. SJ is an absolutely massive brand and they have a number of magazines serialized outside of the most well-known weekly magazine.
The content of Jump GIGA is primarily made up of one-shots and spin-offs. From the beginning, a lot of the appeal has been the cool cover illustrations which showcase special merchandise that comes with the purchase of GIGA. Usually the cover also promotes big things going on related to the WSJ series, like movie events, new games, or special figurines for sale.
The marketing aesthetic has been clear from the start: the cover consists of one core illustration and a number of ads surrounding it. Most often you get a cover illustration of a protagonist, and then ads and merch for other series, e.g. Food Wars protagonist cover with One Piece film promotion and Haikyuu!! merch.
The purpose of this marketing direction is pretty obvious. Spin-offs and one-shots are not likely to generate a ton of interest consistently, so they lure people in with the cool covers and tempting limited edition merchandise of the series they already know and love. In this way, highlighting one series with the cover and different series with the merch makes sense, because maybe somebody doesn't care about Food Wars, but they definitely want those Haikyuu!! stickers, stuff like that.
Starting from 2020's Autumn volume, you can see a shift. For the first time, basically all of the merchandise is for the cover series. The Demon Slayer manga had already ended five months earlier in May, but a two-chapter spin-off was scheduled for release in WSJ during October. This GIGA was released exactly one day before the second chapter was published and it capitalizes on the hype.
After this point, only MHA and Jujutsu Kaisen dominate the cover and the merch in quite this way, with Black Clover getting attention last volume as a way to highlight the fact that it actually switched syndication from WSJ to GIGA.
Anyway, most commonly the cover illustration is a solo shot of a core cast member (usually but not always the protagonist), and if it's not a solo, it's a big cast illustration.
Only a few covers focus on two characters, and usually it's a crossover as opposed to characters from same series sharing the limelight.
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Here we've got Food Wars' protagonist with the main characters from Dr. Stone and Act-Age.
The two covers most similar to the Izuku & Kacchan cover are 2022 Winter and 2023 Autumn.
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Winter depicts the main trio of Blue Box in a seasonally-appropriate aesthetic. Not gonna lie, this one kinda makes me laugh--Blue Box is a romance and sports manga, and even though Christmas has a romantic air to it in Japan, instead of depicting any sort of like, hesitant but hopeful romantic energy between the heterosexual couple that actually get together later in the series, they focus primarily on the two girls being cute with the guy is a wee footnote? I mean, all right.
Meanwhile, Autumn depicts one of the protagonists with the series antagonist with a typical cool action style. I'm not very familiar with JJK, but I hear these two have got Some Drama going on, so, there's that.
The merch itself has also evolved over the years. Stickers and posters were present early on, but they have since expanded to decorative folders and now acrylic stands and coasters. 2021 Summer sees the first time the cover illustration is marketed as merch, with the Jujutsu Kaisen cover included as a decorative folder.
Right after that, the Kacchan cover of 2021 Autumn is included as a poster alongside earlier covers featuring Todoroki and Izuku.
2023 Summer's cover is a huge, wrap-around MHA cast illustration and it was published three days after chapter 396 came out, strategically timed to highlight the big shift in the final battle as Ochako vs Toga ends and All Might vs. AFO begins. Merch includes a decorative folder of the wrap-around cover and character motif stickers.
And then we get this!?
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A duo cover illustration where the cover art itself has been merchandised to hell and back!?!?
Acrylic stand and pin set!?
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Double-sided coaster showing bkdk greatest hits!? With volume 29's river scene cover!?
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There's also a double-sided poster featuring the Spring cover with the ninth popularity poll art and a decorative bag with the anniversary art. The cover art itself is plastered all over the volume, front, back, and spine, apparently a total of 19 times.
I honestly don't know what to say about this. It feels wild that this is actually what the cover is. Obviously it is a huge marketing push in anticipation of season 7, and Izuku and Katsuki are the most popular characters, but. it just feels... unique.
In the course of Jump GIGA's publication, this direction is kind of unprecedented. Genuinely no one could have expected this. This seems to be the first time there's been this much merch for a cover. And it was a solid fucking move, marketing-wise--it's sold out basically everywhere, everyone is talking about it. And even people who don't follow the series or ship these two can't help but comment on how strikingly romantic it looks!?
I don't know how much say Horikoshi had in what the cover was, but damn it sure feels like he drew this with immense affection. I kind of wonder if he personally pushed for it to be these two, rather than the typical solo shot, cast shot, or even a protagonist vs. antagonist shot.
I'm KO'd, man. idek if this post is useful to anybody I'm just on my hands and knees here.
Everybody knows what we're all here for, and it's these cute boys finally getting their happy ending.
EDIT NOTE: I gathered much of the information and many, many of the images in this post from a fan-made Jump Database. I neglected to say it properly when I first posted this, but special thanks to the very dedicated people who maintain that website!
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dduane · 11 months
The Young Wizards series turns 40!
...And yes, we're having a sale to celebrate. But that can wait. :)
I'm sitting here looking at the date and considering how amazing it is that, despite the changes in the publishing world, anything can stay in print nonstop for forty years.
But this book has. Here's how it started:
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...Well, not how it started. It started with three things:
A newbie YA writer being deeply annoyed with a non-newbie one for (as she thought) stripping their teenage characters of their agency without good reason.
A suddenly-appearing joke involving two terms or concepts that wouldn't normally appear together: the 1950s young-readers' series of careers books with titles that always began So You Want To Be A..., and the word "wizard."
And the idea immediately springing from that juxtaposition. What if there was such a book? Not a careers book, but a book that told you how to be a wizard—maybe some kind of manual? One that would tell you the truth about the magic underlying the universe, and how to get your hands on it... assuming you felt you could promise the things that power would demand of you, and survive the Ordeal that would follow?
Six or seven months after that confluence of events, there was a novel with that joke-line as its title. A month or so after that, the novel was bought. So You Want To Be A Wizard came out as a Fall 1983 book, as you can see from the Locus Magazine ad above (from back when Locus was only a paper zine). The first reviews were encouraging.
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And by the middle of 1984, the publishers were asking, "So, what's next?" A question I'm still busy answering.
There's been a lot of water under the wizardly bridge since. In SYWTBAW's case, this involved a couple/few publishers, a surprising number of covers, a fair number of awards here and there; and lots more books. (I always knew there'd be more, but how many more continues to surprise me. Which is a bit funny, considering how much stuff that universe has going on in it.)
So here we are at forty, and looking ahead to The Big Five-Oh with some interest. More books? Absolutely. Young Wizards #11 is in progress at the moment, and YW #12 is in the late concept stages. More covers for So You Want To Be A Wizard? Seems inevitable. A TV series, perhaps? (shrug) Stranger things have happened: we'll keep our fingers (or other manipulatory instrumentalities) crossed. The New Millennium Editions in translation? and in international paperback? Working on that right now. The sky's the limit.*
And meanwhile, to celebrate, just for today we'll have a sale. (Except in the UK. To our British friends, the usual sad apology: the expensive bureaucracy of Brexit has made it impossible for us to sell directly to you any more. Details here, with our apologies.)
As has been mentioned before, changes are afoot at Ebooks Direct, so this kind of sale won't be happening again for the foreseeable future. (In fact I thought we were all done with them already. But the number 40 suggested one last opportunity that wouldn't be recurring, so I thought, "Aah, what the heck? Let's.")
New things first! Today, to mark this occasion, we're introducing the "All The Wizardry" Bundle. This is Ebook Direct's entire inventory of Young Wizards works; the contents of the bundle are listed on its product page. The $29.99 price listed there is for today only, to celebrate SYWTBAW's birthday, and will go up as of 23:59 Hawai'ian time tonight. As always, should you ever lose your ebooks or need to change reading platforms, we'll change your formats as necessary, or replace the books, for free.
Just click here, or on the image below, for the "All The Wizardry" Bundle. (Please ignore the category listings under the "Pay Using..." icons on the product page: they plainly think they're in a different universe. Kind of an occupational hazard around here...)
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The other, older kind of sale folks will have seen here is on the "I Want Everything You've Got" Bundle, which is the whole Ebooks Direct store—obviously including all the Young Wizards books as well: more than 2.5 million words in 36 DRM-free ebooks. Just for today, in honor of the birthday book, we're dropping the whole-store price to USD $40.00. This, too, will go away just before midnight Hawai'ian time tonight... and it will never be lower. So if you want everything we've got at that price, don't wait around.
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Make sure you use this link or the one associated with the image to get the baked-in discount at checkout. (If it fails to display correctly, use the discount code "40FOR40" in the checkout's "discount code or gift code" field.)
Meanwhile? Onward into the next decade. The new A Day at the Crossings novel unfortunately won't make it out before the end of 2023; other work in-house currently has taken priority. But as for early 2024... stay tuned.
And for those of you who're Young Wizards readers, and have kept this book, and its sequels, alive for pushing half a century?
Thank you, again and always!
*Though actually, it's not, is it? As the proverb has it, "Wizardry doesn't stop at atmosphere's edge..."
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
It was supposed to be a one time thing.
Steve had always been in charge of feeding the kids, a self appointed position that didn't do anything to stop the mom jokes but Steve liked making sure his kids were happy and fed. He knew what it was like to come home from school and have to fend for yourself in terms of food, he didn't want that for the kids.
He had taught himself to cook and bake as he grew up, quickly getting tired of heating up spaghetti-os or TV dinners. His parents always left the house well stocked with ingredients even though they weren't there so he had to make do.
Steve liked baking things for the kids, he knew everyone's favourite cookie and cupcake flavour and made sure he made them if he heard one of them had had a bad day.
Max had been the one to ask him originally. The high school was having a bake sale and Max's mum wasn't around enough to give her the flyer and Max had asked him if he'd make those caramel brownies that she loves. He agrees as long as she learns to make them with him which she had happily agreed to.
To Steve's suprise his brownies had been a hit at the bake sale. There were a few stink eyes from some of the moms there but mostly there were big smiles and punched cheeks and "aren't you just the sweetest boy" from everyone there. The kids had nagged him for cash for the sale which they mainly used to get his brownies even though he'd told them he made extra at home.
After that, it just became a thing. Whenever there was a bake sale one or more of the kids came to ask him to make something for them, some half baked (excuse the pun) excuse as to why their own parents couldn't do it.
"Mum always burns her cupcakes."
"Dad says he only knows how to grill."
"I swear she put salt in them last time."
"Do you want to give the school food poisoning?"
"Yours are just better." Steve liked that one.
Soon the kids didn't even have to ask him, he had moms putting the flyer in his mailbox. Once he opened it to ten of the bright pink papers shoved in there. It wasn't even just bake sales. The PTA moms had practically adopted him and wanted him at all the school events, sports carnivals, school musicals, pep rallies. Everyone wanted Steve's baked goods.
"I swear you're at the school more than I was in all my senior years, Stevie."
"You're just jealous that the moms love me."
"I've always thought you're sweet, sweetheart."
Steve had even started experiment with his recipes. Robin and Eddie were more than happy to be his guinea pigs.
"Steve if I liked dudes I would marry you to eat this cupcake everyday."
"Fuck you Buckley I'M marrying him AND I'm getting to eat this brownie til I die!"
"You don't need to marry me for me to bake for you two."
"Yeah but then I'd get to brag to all the PTA moms that I have Stevie Harrington's sweet goods and sweet cheeks."
Steve had been struggling with what he wanted to do with his life, he didn't go to college, he worked minimum wage and his parents had practically cut him off. It was at the last bake sale before spring break that one of the moms Steve had gotten close to approached him.
"Steve, honey?"
"Hey Mary, what can I do for ya?"
"Well, you know I'm in real estate and there's this sweet lil storefront down on Maple that recently flooded but it's got good bones just needs a lil love and I'm rambling but I saw it and I knew it would be perfect for you."
"Perfect for what ma'am?"
"For your bakery, hun!"
"Oh ma'am I'm not opening a bakery."
"Why not honey? Everyone loves your sweet treats and with the flooding the place is basically being given away, I didn't wanna sell it til I talked to you first, so what do you say?"
"Can I give you an answer first thing tomorrow."
"Sure hun, but don't wait too long, things like this don't come around often."
Steve had been pacing the apartment by the time Eddie got home from the shop.
"Stevie, baby what's wrong?"
Steve stopped pacing and turned towards his boyfriend.
"If you were really good at something and every said you were really good at something and someone gave you the opportunity to do that thing every day would you do it?"
"Um probably, do what you love and everything right?"
"Mary stopped me today and says there's this store that needs work but could be worth it and I could open my own bakery there Eds, mine, all me doing something for me, but money would be tight for a little while and I don't want to do anything rash and if you think it's not a good id—"
"STEVIE! Sweetheart breathe. Does baking make you happy?" Eddie had put his hands on Steve's shoulders trying to calm him.
Steve nods.
"Then do it baby. Sure money might be tight for a bit, but we have some savings, and I've got my job pretty stable now, so fuck it if it makes you happy of course I want you to do it."
Steve pulled Eddie into a hug whispering a soft thank you.
The following day Steve signed the deed for the shop on Maple St and Eddie and the party and Hopper and Wayne and the girls and everyone helped him him clean out the debris and put up new walls and paint until two weeks later it was finished.
Steve's Sweets was finally open. Robin had been hired to work the coffee to go with Steve's treats and the kids got part time jobs after school and on weekends working the register. Robin and Eddie still helped try out new recipes and soon the whole town knew about Steve's new store.
Steve still baked things for the school's bake sale but now he got to feed his friends and family and the whole town everyday and he was never happier.
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karasukarei · 2 months
Wind Breaker - Character Q&A
By some happy accident I chanced upon these! In 2023, the official twitter account posted these, similar to the ones for the anime (but unvoiced). From what I can see the Q&As seem randomised and not all characters will answer the question, so I'll just compile them here by character.
As always, feel free to let me know if there are any mistakes, or if I've missed out on any!
Sakura Haruka
What's your favourite food? - O-omurice.
What's your favourite vegetable? - None. I don't like vegetables. (t/n: we can shake on that 🤝)
What's your favourite season? - Spring. There's a nice smell.
What's your favourite animal? - The lion. It's the king of beasts. (Edit: in the original translation, he used "teppen" so the literal translation is "top of all the beasts", but I felt it didn't really come across as well as "king of beasts")
How do you destress? - I immediately go and sleep.
Nirei Akihiko
What's your favourite food? - I like gummies!
What's your favourite vegetable? - I like crunchy vegetables with a good texture!
What's your favourite season? - Autumn. I like that it's easy to dress fashionably!
Suo Hayato
What's your favourite season? - Winter. I like the snow. (t/n: ME TOO I LOVE SNOW)
What's your favourite vegetable? - Probably the kind of ginseng that shines with light that grows deep within China. (t/n: the mini comic in the corner is Sakura asking if such a thing is real, and Suo saying he's joking)
How do you destress? - I don't get stressed. (t/n: LIAR)
Sugishita Kyoutarou
What's your favourite vegetable? - The vegetables Umemiya-san makes.
What's your favourite season? - All. Because Umemiya-san said the same...
Kiryuu Mitsuki
What's your favourite animal? - The giraffe. I like its pattern.
What's your favourite season? - Winter. There's lots of year end events in games and it's really fun~ (t/n: understandable sir have a good day)
Tsugeura Taiga
What's your favourite vegetable? - The only choice is broccoli! It's full of protein
What's your favourite season? - Summer! You get to see lots of muscles!
Kaji Ren
How do you destress? - Run with all my might.
What's your favourite season? - Spring and autum. It's neither too hot nor too cold.
Umemiya Hajime
What's your favourite vegetable? - I love vegetables! All of them! (t/n: the "I love" is IN ENGLISH SASUGA UME-CHAN WHO IS GOOD AT ENGLISH)
What's your favourite season? - All! Each one has its own perks. (t/n: SASUGA UME-CHAN YOU'RE REALLY AN ALL LOVING GRACIOUS WONDERFUL SAINT)
Tsubakino Tasuku
What's your favourite season? - Winter! The clothes on sale in winter are cute!
What's your favourite animal? - The peacock. It's just so flashy and pretty
Tomiyama Choji
What's your favourite animal? - The elephant! Cos they're big!
What's your favourite season? - Spring! It feels pretty exciting!
Togame Jo
What's your favourite animal? - The capybara. It's great that it does things at its own pace. (t/n: ISN'T THAT JUST CHOJI BUT CHILL OMG THIS IS SO CUTE)
What's your favourite season? - Summer. There are lots of festivals and it's fun.
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magicxc · 6 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - their fave holidays
Word Count: 871
Warnings: none
A/N: I considered Japanese holidays for this bit but then laziness got the best of me. Like most pieces I create with these characters a lot of how I envision them will relate to western/modern culture in some way or another. Though they probably won't celebrate half of the holidays I'm about to list, I want to reiterate that this is my idea of the traits these characters possess and also they are not real. 
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren  - Christmas
Eren is big on family, especially the family he’s made with Armin and Mikasa. It’s clear that he stands ten toes down behind them and when he gets his own family, it’ll be much the same. I actually think having kids will bring out the fluff in Eren and he’ll be that obnoxious holiday parent that's doing the most with decorations and presents. But it's honestly the atmosphere that gets him going. The holiday cheer, the kindness, the emphasis on giving - he loves it all. 
Levi - New Years
The new year signals a new beginning but also the close to another chapter. Each time Levi makes it to a new year he’s thankful but mostly shocked. From life underground to humanity's biggest threat, he never knows when disaster might strike. But, when the clock strikes 12 it's a moment of relief, one where he can sit back and relish in the thought that he’s made it to another trip around the sun. 
Erwin - Fathers Day
Lmaoo I'm not tryna make Erwin sound egotistical at all, but I was also running out of popular holidays. The day the Scouts headed to their mission to plug wall Maria was the first time we saw them get a standing ovation and it was also the first time we saw Erwin express such vocal excitement. Even though he can come off a bit aloof, I thought it was fun to see him in that way. That being said I think he’d enjoy being celebrated and can even play up the wowwwws at the macaroni necklaces and handprint construction papers lol. He would love and take care of his family obvi but it’d also make him feel good to feel that admiration in return. 
Connie - Thanksgiving 
You feed this man and he’ll love you forever. It’s his favorite holiday because it has back to back benefits. There's tons of food, a four day weekend off from work, and the opportunity to spend time with his family. He’s the type to pitch in money but over the years Connie has been more inclined to learn how to cook and has even started bringing in a dish. He’s most excited to try a Friendsgiving as he considers them family as well. 
Jean - Valentines Day
I firmly believe that Jean is a romantic. I don't think he’d be the most creative at gift giving lol but it’s certainly the thought that counts. On valentines day he goes all out - teddy bears, flowers, chocolates, etc. ya know, the usual. Although his gifts are very on the nose and sometimes he needs to be spoon fed the information, what he lacks in creativity, he'll gain in experience; learning to step his game up as the years go by. Again, sweet guy. 
Onyankopon - Easter
He more so likes the spring break aspect of it. With the flowers blooming and the sun making regular appearances, it was usually the first sign to what summer would be like. Ony enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures. So although spring break was meant to party, which he did, Ony always made the time to immerse himself in the customs of whichever country he visited. Now as an adult, he still indulged in his version of spring break as he always enjoyed the mini relaxation that it brought about; thinking of it as his summer outside of summer. 
Reiner - Independence Day
Reiner is over the whole patriotic thing, however he can't help but enjoy the events that take place because of it. There’s literally a bbq happening on every corner so he’s for sure house hopping for a plate. There's all sorts of sales and Gabi is making him put that wallet to USE hunnie. And while he doesn’t mind, he more so enjoys their time spent together. There's also the beautiful fireworks that light up the evening sky. And at the end of the day he gets to spend his remaining time with family, gathered around over good food and even better vibes. 
Armin - Mothers Day
Armin is def the type to dote on his wife. Hard day at work? He’s rubbing the stress out of your shoulders. Hungry? He’s cooking and prepping lunch for the week. Overwhelmed at work? He’s booking you a spa day. Armin literally adores his woman and enjoys any chance he has to celebrate her and Mothers Day is no exception. Expect him and the kiddies to hand make you some arts and crafts, cook you breakfast, and plan the holiday around your desired interests; with him making sure, at the end of the day, to show you why you celebrate the holiday in the first place. 
Floch - Halloween
He’s big on the spooky vibe but not to a concerning extent. Like many others he just enjoys the activities surrounding it. This is actually where Floch flourishes in creativity and fun. He’s making spooky themed treats, decorating to upstage the next door neighbor, and enjoying all the movie classics. Let's not even get started on the lengths he’ll go through to make the most life-like costumes and the parties where he shows it all off?? Top mf notch! Bonus points for getting some action at said parties.
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avikard · 11 months
let me tell you a little more about my SDV farmer OC Ventan? 🍓
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this is her latest redesign, i really wanted to make her outfit a little closer to her personality.
Ventan has lived in the valley for six years, four of which she has been married to Elliott. she originally came to her grandfather's farm to clean up the property a bit and then sell it, as she didn't want the taxes on this unused piece of land. but then something went wrong.
as i wrote earlier, she's physically really strong. i'm starting a logically muscular physique farmers OC club!
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is an old reply to one fandom ask group.
"Your character is like…
a color: Blackberry (is the color of her hair in the sunlight)
a plant: Chenomeles (this flower blooms on the tree in the spring on her birthday)
an animal: Bear (she's strong and seems as sullen as a bear)
a scent: Strawberry (it's her favorite crop)
a music: "Remember me" from "Coco" (she promised to come back)
a feeling: Uncertainty (she's constantly wondering if she's doing the right thing)"
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this is art for a halloween event in the same ask group.
the event consisted of the task of depicting their farmer as a yandere. at the time i participated, Ventan was still canonically married to Sebastiane, so Abigail's name is on the tombstone.
if it were Yandere, it would be really creepy stuff.
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this answer (translations of the texts will be in the descriptions of the pictures) was based on a true story!!! and perfectly illustrates Ventan's first year on the farm.
although she had no intention of staying then, she had to make the days go by while saving up money to restore the farm for sale.
more facts about her!!!
🍓 she doesn't like fishing, but nevertheless she fishes just fine.
🍓 at first sight she is a closed and even a bit gloomy person, but if you have something in common with her - most likely you will see her real friendly and soft nature.
🍓 lived in a big city all her life before moving. never liked nature and small communities until she came to the valley.
🍓 she wasn't too fond of farm work either, but over time she got used to it and even loved the routine. and the people of Pelican town too.
🍓 works most of the time with music in her headphones.
🍓 doesn't like sunny days.
🍓 all her livestock are named after planets and stars.
🍓 loves going to Zuzu City just for fun and for business.
🍓 she's hard to piss off.
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…i also did her wedding to another artist's farmer OC in that ask group for a joke and we had a lot of fun. and here she is so beautiful!!!
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shapeshiftersvt · 7 months
Big Update Post
Hiya, shapeshifters!
We have some announcements to make this evening.
Here’s the short of it:
The Shapeshifters website will be temporarily down this Sunday evening, March 3, 2024 at Midnight EST.
When it comes back up, you’ll find a shiny new website that is organized the same way with a couple of exceptions.
The Off-the-Rack Sale and Holographic listings will be temporarily delisted.
The Goth listings will be renamed. You will find Rainbow Constellations, Monster Mouths, and a couple of new options listed under Cosmic Horror.
The Skin Tone listings will have brand new additional color skin tone options!
The Island Time listings will also have a new option available.
The Binding 101 FAQ will be rolled into its own section in the FAQ.
There will be a brand new Events Page!
The blog will be temporarily disabled.
If you’re curious about the long of it, keep reading.
For everyone else, we appreciate your patience during this transition! Like so many other transitions, we’re delighted about where it’s going. 
Website Downtime
Shapeshifters is finally moving to Shopify! We’ve done a lot of work over the past few months building a more organized, streamlined website that will be easier to access for you and update for us. On Sunday night, we’ll shut down the current website to pause orders so that we can migrate everything cleanly.
Off-the-Rack and Holographic Listings
The Off-the-Rack listings will be delisted to give us a chance to reorganize the remaining stock so we don’t accidentally double-sell anything. 
The Holographic listings will be delisted while we assess our fabric options. Long-time customers might notice that we’ve removed Liquid Metal and Oil Slick from the Holo listings; we’re sourcing replacements and new options throughout spring. Once we know our options, we’ll either re-launch the Holo listings, or move the currently available fabric Prism to another home so it won’t be all alone anymore.
If you’ve been eyeing either Prism or an Off-the-Rack, buy it before Sunday if you can!
Expanded Skin Tone Range
We’re very excited to announce three new skin tone options will be available after the website migration: Pine, Chestnut, and Laurel! Pine is a pale shade, while Chestnut and Laurel are both on the darker end of the spectrum.
And, the new and improved Skin Tone listings will be the perfect place to see the results of our latest photoshoot! We’re excited for y’all to get to see these photos around the site and on the listings. We sought out models of color with darker skintones both to fill a gap in the modeled photos in our listings, and to show off our darker skin tones. All of our models were amazing, our photographer was great, and the photos are fantastic! We really leaned into the cozy Vermont vibes for this one.
Events Page
We’re going to events again! Hooray!
And we’re not just going to conventions and conferences and Pride festivals. We’re also talking queer markets, fashion shows, and binder sewing workshops!
That’s right, some lucky folks in the New England area will have the opportunity to take an in-person class with Eli, our head tailor and the developer of our DIY Binder Sewing Kits. They will walk you, step-by-step, through sewing your own custom-sized binder and help you troubleshoot along the way. These workshops are designed for sewists of any level and do not require you to own a sewing machine.
If you’d like to host a sewing workshop or would like to have us at any other event, educational, celebratory, fashionable or otherwise, please contact us!
Thanks once again  for bearing with us during this transition and we can’t wait for you all to see the new site!
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b-afterhours · 20 days
AOS Neon: Sinner's Paradise (oneshot)
SUMMARY: ‘90s. It’s the aftermath. Jaded, Bill and Alma navigate their new lives as they try to drag themselves out of the dark debacherous trenches they had once ensnared themselves in. It’s easy to forget their evils when a silver lining introduces itself into their lives but can they create a less hedonistic life that would be just as satisfying?
WARNINGS: adult content, mature readers only.
Author's Note: one of two oneshots to fill in some gaps before we saw their ending. Enjoy! sidenote: currently updating the masterlist to this full series but most are already linked at this time!
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March 1995
A little over a month before their late April wedding, the family was in the office of their Seattle home during the evening. Bill sat on the armrest of the brown leather couch, looking over one of Alma’s event planners, one of many planners she owned. Alma stood before a large paper calendar hung on the wall, chewing on the end of a marker in thought. She had accidentally booked a show during the week they’d be in Vegas. Both the shop and the club would be closed to the public so that friends and family could join them.
Using his pinky finger as a guide, he read through what she had jotted down in the planner and paused at a specific date block.
“Put them here,” he stood up, grabbed the marker Alma held, and scribbled them on a date. “Second act. We’ll ask them to cut a song or two. Headliner will just go on a little later.”
“Yeah, okay.” Alma agreed, pushing her large-frame glasses up the bridge of her nose. 
“Better to reschedule than cancel.” He softly massaged the nape of her neck with his free hand, but only briefly. With the same hand, he quickly flipped to May, making sure she hadn’t scheduled anything over their honeymoon on the Amalfi Coast, but she color-blocked the row with a red marker. 
Alma noticed Bill checking the time on the big vintage wall clock. He had a phone meeting with Bianca. They often spoke on the phone, but twice a week they talked business. 
“Thanks for helping me.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Tell Bianca I said hi.” 
He pulled her in and grabbed her ass while kissing her again with more passion. They would be making love later, hoping to get pregnant. They started in December, just as she had promised him. So far, they haven’t been successful. They weren’t trying to stress so much about it and rather enjoy themselves. Yet, there was still a little nagging, disappointed voice in the back of their consciousness. Wondering why creating Echo, though not planned, just seemed to happen so easily. Without even a thought, no less.
Alma gently pushed him away, with a lustful, knowing twinkle in her gaze. “Echo,” she turned to her. “Are you done working over there?” 
Echo had been sitting at the head of the large office desk, scribbling on loose sheets of paper, mimicking her parents at work.
“Almost.” She said, making them chuckle.
“Oh, c’mon on, E’. Let’s get ready for bed. Say nighties to Daddy. And I’ll meet you later, Daddy.” she said with a cheeky wink.
Echo slid out of the big office chair, stumbling a bit, but ran into her father's embrace, and off they went, leaving him to his second job on the other coast. 
The phone call lasted nearly an hour; half of it only pertaining to Trigger Finger, until they began speaking about their personal affairs. 
“The street the record shop sits on is having a spring block party. All the other businesses put stuff out on the sidewalks. It’s basically a little festival.” 
“What are you doing? Live music, I guess?”
“Yeah.” He said adjusting a crooked frame on the opposite wall from the desk. 
While sitting at the desk, he had been staring at it for a while and finally decided to straighten it out. Alma had created the gallery wall in the office using frames and wall decor she’d found at yard sales, thrift stores, or things within the boxes she shipped from Strathburg. Amid the ceramic jackalope head, small framed prints, and mirrors, there were personal effects included in the montage as well. A few concert photos and some artistic shots Alma had taken of Echo were on display. 
One photo showed Bill and Alma as teens; Bill leaned against a post with one foot flat against it, a cigarette between his fingers, while Alma stood in front of him. In the photo, their heads were turned toward the camera. Bill had a slight scowl on his face, while Alma wore a sweet smile. Despite the fact that the photographer had obviously called for their attention, neither could remember who had taken the photo. They were at a football game, though they never sat on the bleachers to watch, but rather hung out behind them with others who also came just to have something to do on a Friday night. Nearby was the rosary Alma's father, Antonio, had given her, filled with some of her sibling's ashes. She hadn’t known what to do with it for a while until Ulyssa, with her crafty ways, suggested displaying it inside a shadowbox.
“But we have this narrow alleyway that separates us from the main set of buildings,” he continued, walking past an antique armoire that housed Alma’s cameras behind glass cabinet doors. He took a seat at the desk once the frame was no longer a bother. “We hired a muralist to paint an image of Echo on the wall. This gel print in neon pink and yellow that Alma made for me a few years ago for Valentine’s.” 
“Oh, yes! I’ve seen that on the mantel at the penthouse during Thanksgiving.” 
“Yeah! I brought it back this way. It’s the last thing we're doing to the building. Once we had the marquee up in front of the entrance, I kinda found more to do.” He chuckled. 
“That looks fantastic! I saw the photo of you and Alma in front of it in that local magazine she mailed to me. Offbeat?
“Oh, the grand reopening article.” He leaned back in his seat.
“You said like two things in it, but I enjoyed what Alma said. About community building and such. She’s pretty natural with that.” 
“Well, she’s more familiar with the guy who wrote it, so.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” She playfully dismissed. “So. Are you ready to get married next month?” 
“Are you ready for Vegas?” 
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” She exclaimed. “I’m betting my luck as soon as I land. I’m shopping for my outfits later this week! I’m gonna be sparkling like a damn disco ball honey.” She laughed. “Lorenzo is excited with him being twenty-one and all, but of course, Giancarlo has been fussing because he’s not eighteen yet.” 
Bill chuckled. “Yeah, I know. When I told him the wedding date, he asked if I could wait another year until he was.” 
“He did not!” Bianca said, appalled, that her son would even ask such a thing. “That boy, I swear!” 
“Ah, he’s just saying what any kid his age would say.” 
“Still! As if you two haven’t waited long enough. I’m glad it has been a short engagement, even.” 
“Ah, yeah. Me too. I’m happy Alma suggested Vegas.” He said, scribbling on a sheet of paper Echo had been scribbling on herself. However, he did notice some kind of attempt to spell her name. 
“Might as well just do the drive-thru marriage there. I heard they do that too!” She laughed. 
“Quick question, do you know what kind of dress Alma picked out?” He softly muttered so that his voice wouldn’t carry out the office.
“Why in the hell do you think I’d tell you that?” She laughed.
There was a tone on the phone indicating he had another call. He glanced at the clock; it was too late to receive calls at his home at this hour unless he was expecting them. 
“Uhm, I have another call coming in, B’.”
“Okay. I gotta go back down to the floor.” She said as she was in the club loft speaking to him. “Send my hello to Alma, honey. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Later.” He said quickly, putting the pen down and hitting the blinking call-waiting button. “Hello?”
“Hey, uh, it’s Gustaf.” 
“What’s up? Someone needs bail money.” He joked, but there was no laughter on the other end. The silence felt unusually unsettling. “W-what is it?” 
“Uhm…” He sighed. “I know, you couldn’t give a fuck, but you should know. Dad’s gone.” 
Bill sat stunned, and the way his heart sank conflicted with his true feelings. After having a short moment to process, all he could muster out was, “Okay.” 
He could feel himself becoming angry, making him sick to his stomach. “What the hell do you want me to say? He’s, he’s been—” He paused. What he wanted to say was that he’d been dead to him the day he left Strathburg.
“Yeah, okay. I understand. I know he was awful, but—”
“There is no, but.” 
“Yeah, okay. Shit,” he loudly exhaled. “I’m sorry, brother. We left you behind a lot; you were too little to deal with that alone. After mom, he changed.” 
Emotion overwhelmed Bill suddenly as tears fought to escape his eyes. “Yeah, well. That’s that, right? C-could I call you later?” 
“Sure. Sure, yeah.” 
The frame he fixed had gone crooked again, and Bill didn’t know how long he had been blankly staring at it. He hated the feelings of grief that were running through him over his abusive father. He couldn’t give a shit, yet the loss felt great. He was now an orphan in the world, and as much as that felt isolating it just felt—strange. Getting up from his seat, he poured himself a glass of whiskey from the bar cart, and then something possessed him to grab the shoebox of photos Gustaf had given him on his very last visit to his hometown. Which he had never opened since receiving it.
From the closet he took the items back to the desk, he took a big swig of the drink and then ripped the top off as if something would jump out of it. Inside, little cheap toys were accompanying the photos. Green toy soldiers, marbles, and jacks. He examined some of the cooler glass marbles at first and then set those aside. Picking up the handful of old photos, he flicked through a series of him as a little boy. He couldn’t recall his childhood well, but the feelings he was experiencing indicated that these were times before it all got so bad. 
It was one particular photo he reached that pained him. It twisted his stomach. Staring back at him was a little confused boy with a hollow look in his eyes. A little boy he knew was internally screaming for help. He sat back in his chair to collect himself for a moment and then laid that photo face down. He continued. Some of him and his older brothers were photographed on an orange couch with their mother. He may have been around four. Then one of him and his mother in a happy embrace. Those photos gave him great comfort; they felt like a warm hug. Maybe that’s what compelled him to look through the box. Not to reconcile with the death of his father, but because he wished he had his mother’s comfort.
He reached a few photos in which his father was in, but he just felt numb. Having his own child, he just couldn’t comprehend the abuse he had experienced. It never made sense then, and it especially didn’t make sense now. There were times he tried to understand. Until he realized he was just rationalizing his abuse into justification. Where there was none.
The last time he spoke to his father was on the phone a month after he found out he had a child of his own. He was drunk and alone, still hurt by the reveal, but he was also scared. Scared that he’d be just as bad, that it would bring out a monster in him that had risen within his father. Even drunk, he came to his senses, reminding himself and promising to whatever God existed out there that he would never be that. He shouted at him, telling him that he got it all without him. That he made something of himself. That he’d lay down dead before he ever put his daughter through what he had experienced. 
All his father said on the phone was a condescending, “Good for you, son.” 
“Fuck you!” He screamed, slamming the phone down before tossing the whole unit across the room. 
Alma spritzed herself with a soft, sweet vanilla marshmallow perfume before she began tiptoeing down the hallway in a skimpy baby doll négligée. She peered in, hoping to surprise him, but was taken aback. He sat at the desk with his shoulders bobbing and his head in his hands, crying. Everything hit him simultaneously: sadness, anger, relief, and even some happiness. However, he just couldn't deal with his conflicting emotions any other way. The last tears he would ever shed for that man.
“Bill?” Alma said softly, concerned.
“Fuck.” He choked out, pressing his palms into his eyes.
She quickly approached him, and he wrapped his arms around her while burying his face into her side like a child would. She could feel his tears seeping through the thin fabric of her négligée. Not daring to say a word, she rubbed his back to settle him while thinking the worst. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs to their full capacity, and slowly exhaled. 
“I need a smoke.” He sniffled, sitting back and searching for his pack in a desk drawer. 
Alma watched him, red-eyed and flush-faced, lighting it inside the office. A forbidden act, but Alma wouldn’t dare to reprimand him for it. He stood up and began heading out to the balcony. 
“I’ll wait for you,” she said, unsure of what he wanted of her. 
“Come.” He walked back, taking her hand. “I want you with me.” 
Anxiously picking at the hem of her négligée, Alma sat on a cushioned outdoor chair, while he stood leaning on the balcony railing, looking out toward the woods. He was muttering curse words under his breath while he puffed away. 
“Fucking son of a bitch.” He snarled, flicking his cigarette away as opposed to using the designated glass ashtray. 
“What…” she bit her lip when his head snapped in her direction. As if he remembered she was there all along. “Uhm.” 
He closed his eyes and did his best to soften his demeanor. She was sitting there looking pretty in the sheer black négligée, which he could see the hi-cut panties through. The vibe was all wrong, though. She just looked at him, deeply concerned. 
“He,” pausing, he put his hands on his hips and looked out at the yard again. “My dad’s dead.” He announced it flatly, without looking at her. 
“Oh my god,” she softly gasped. She didn’t have any good thoughts or sentiments for the man, but she knew Bill hated him with all of his guts. Rightfully so. In all honesty, she pictured him popping a bottle of champagne at the news of his passing. However, she knew there were more nuances to his complicated feelings all around. 
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“What, uhm, what can I do?”
“Nothing,” he sighed. “It’s just,” he said, spinning his pointer finger by the side of his head. “I just can’t fucking believe it. I want to be happy, and a part of me is, but… I don’t know.” 
“Yeah,” she stood up and wrapped her arms around him, and he relaxed as much as he could into it. “I love you.” 
“It’s done.” He said, repeating the same sentiment he uttered about Craig when he lay lifeless before them. 
“It’s done, babe. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you ever had to go through that.” 
They held each other silently for a while before Alma led him back inside so they could relax and just put this moment behind them for good. 
Bill watched the skirt of the négligée swish across her bottom, reminding him of where the night was supposed to lead before that epic damper of a call he received. To her surprise, he spun Alma around and pulled her close. She had suspected they’d just go to bed, not wanting to push anything more on him tonight.
“Fuck, you look sexy in this.” He picked her up effortlessly onto his waist. 
“Do you still want to?” She asked, inspecting his eyes with a hand on his cheek. There was a deep sadness she wished she could take away.
“I do. I need you.”
Sinner’s Paradise
The following month, they landed in Sin City. Alma ran around the entire penthouse suite, her laughter echoing as she leaped onto the main bed. It was big and round, covered with a purple crushed velvet duvet with an abundance of similar-colored silk pillows. With a gleeful smile, she noticed the ceiling above the bed was mirrored, her image staring right back at her. After checking the loft space out, Bill descended the curved steps to join her.
“Hurry up!” Alma urged, taking her top off and baring her breasts. 
He laughed with delight, taking his off while making his way to join her. 
Later, they waited around the sitting area impatiently, freshly showered and wearing hotel robes. Alma had taken another pregnancy test, and they were waiting for the results. They had taken one before traveling, which results were negative. This one was only precautionary. She wanted to have some fun while in the desert city but needed to know just how much fun in case. Though she hoped for a miracle, she also hoped this would be her last hurrah before the sober nine months came.
“I’ll check it,” Bill patted her thigh before sitting up. It had to be more than enough time now.
He quickly flipped the test around that lay face down on the bathroom counter. He sighed, disappointed. Negative. He tossed the test in the trash; he would just tell her. When he exited the bathroom, she knew immediately by the look on his face.
“But we–we knew it would be, you know.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Let’s open that champagne now.” 
They arrived in Las Vegas ahead of their guests, who were scheduled to trickle into town the following day. Echo would join them with Yolani and Ulyssa at noon, and though it was hard to leave their daughter behind, they trusted their chosen chaperones. Having two caregivers eased some of their nerves, even for Bill, who had always struggled with leaving her behind in the past. However, he took comfort in knowing that Alma was with her, so this time was different. Soon, they would be separated for much longer on another continent during their honeymoon, so they had to accustom themselves to her absence. 
They did a bit of sightseeing, walking the Fremont strip from end to end in the desert heat, then took a taxi back to the hotel to get ready for their dinner reservations. Bill watched, amused, as Alma hung dresses and other items she had brought into the closet of a spare bedroom. They were all pretty skimpy.
“You do remember your dad is coming too, right? Do you have anything—normal?” 
Alma turned to him and cracked a smile. "Yeah, yeah. Imagine if he saw me in this, though?" she chuckled, holding a corset top against her torso before hanging it up. "Or this," she added, pulling out the white bachelorette two-piece party dress. The tight skirt was made of sheer layers of fabric.
“I think he’d be upset with you and me. But are you wearing a bra with that?” He furrowed his brows. 
She flashed him a look of annoyance. “Bill. No.” 
“I don’t care how you wear it, but… I’m not going to be with you. It’s Vegas, Alma.” 
“What are you trying to say? That I’ll look like an escort?” He didn’t answer; instead, he continued tying the thin laces of his dress shoes. “Give me a break. I’m wearing the Versace Bondage dress you gifted me tonight. What the hell do you think people will think of you walking around with me in it?” 
He flashed his cheeky, dimple smile at her. “That I’m the luckiest man in the world.” 
Alma blushed, but then rolled her eyes when he chuckled smugly, knowing she expected him to give a more unsavory smart-ass reply.
After dinner, they found themselves on the casino floor of their hotel. Bill strolled her around, showing off how stunning she looked before they settled at the slot machines. He handed a fifty-dollar bill to a waitress, who left them drinks as they tried to hit big on a promising machine. Alma sat in his lap in a very relaxed manner, his hand resting between her thighs while he smoked a cigarillo. Together, they watched as the hundred-dollar bet in the machine slowly increased in small increments.
“Quit nickel and dime’ing it,” he said. “Just hit it.” He slapped the max bet button and met her annoyed glance. Suddenly, the machine began flashing lights and sounding out; they had won ten free spins. “See!” He kissed her shoulder.
They watched the machine spin for them, and it hit several times, bumping their overall total to closer to five hundred dollars. Alma hit the cash-out button and then took a big swig of her drink before standing up. 
“Let's go to the lounge now! I’ll buy!” 
They found themselves in a lounge bar, The Daisy, which had an art deco speakeasy atmosphere. They were there for a while, drinking and enjoying each other's company while a live jazz band played. It was a rarity they were ever really completely alone, and they found it quite nice. They discussed their honeymoon destination while a novelty dry ice drink fogged and bubbled before them. Excited about finally utilizing their money for a relaxing trip for once.
“You know it’ll be so much prettier than the pictures in the travel brochure. I’m excited about all the pasta.” And she really meant that, tired of the salads and carb’ restriction these past months. “We’re going to gain like 10 pounds.” She giggled. 
“I want to take a boat around. I saw that they rent them out there.” Alma side-eyed him playfully. “I wouldn’t go out so far we couldn’t see the shore. I don’t want to be that responsible.”
When they stood up from the round booth they had occupied, the liquor smacked them. Being experts, they composed themselves enough and went on to their scheduled nighttime limo ride to see the city and all its neon lights and glittering bulbs on the strip. It was lit up like a debaucherous, adult arcade slash circus.
Bill took photos of Alma, seated in the back of the limo with her smooth legs out, holding a glass of champagne. He passed his sunglasses to her to wear on the end of her button nose for the next few snapshots. The drinks kept flowing in the limo, and their behavior loosened even more. They made out, forgetting the city for a while. Then, as more champagne was being poured, Alma found herself out of the sunroof and then suddenly ducked back in when she felt him bury his head between her thighs. The action caused her to fall back on a seat, giggling with him. She playfully chastised him before going back through the sunroof and made room for him to squeeze through with her. Once he joined her, they kissed while the desert air blew their hair back, and then they cheered elated out to the packed pedestrian-filled strip, and they—being just as drunk—cheered back. 
The next morning, they struggled to wake up. The events after the limo, it was a bit of a blur, but there was evidence that they had gone back to the lounge to drink, as there was an ornate goblet in their room. Obviously, Alma had walked out with it, effectively stealing it. 
Bill was lying bare in bed beside Alma, while she only wore a pair of panties. They weren’t certain if they had sex, but there was an implication that they had attempted to at the very least. Bill’s lips were a bit sore as if Alma bit them while making out, which told them that’s all they did before passing out. There was no way he could have gotten it up with the hangover he was feeling. He wasn’t a hero; after a certain amount of drinks, it simply wasn’t going to happen.
“Shit,” Alma groaned, still feeling a lingering buzz. 
“What time is it?” Bill muttered into his pillow.
“I don’t know. Nine?” She said, stumbling her way to the bathroom. “Shit!” When she had pulled her panties down, they were spotted with blood.
“You okay?” He muttered from the bed, and when she told him she was, he closed his eyes.
She showered quickly, returned to his bedside in a robe, and began dialing Bianca. She was bringing her wedding dress from New York, but she also had tricks to combat an unwanted period. She and all the dancers usually had something up their sleeves when their time of the month became inconvenient for work. Luckily, she caught her just before she left for the airport. 
Bianca quickly listed the things she’d need. “Ibuprofen first. And if it starts for real, take vitamin C. That’ll kill it quicker. Uhm, and you know,” she said, hushed since her sons were close in wait. “You could use sponges.” But her sons overheard and shared a look of disgust. 
Alma’s face shared the same expression, miles away. “Ew, I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about my dress and dealing with this shit on top of that.” 
“Worried about what?” Bill muttered as he lay there with his eyes closed, half listening. 
“Ah, yeah. I understand. It’s gorgeous, by the way. The tailoring is perfect! I’ll take real good care of it while we travel.” 
“I’m worried it won’t fit. I haven’t tried it on since February.” 
“It will, honey. Don’t worry. I’ll see you soon!” 
“Okay. Safe travels.” 
“Worried about what?” Bill reiterated. 
“I started my period.” 
“For fuck's sake!” He grumbled.
If he hadn’t had his forearm draped across his eyes to block the searing sun shining through the decorative curtains, he’d have seen that she flipped him off. Instead, she pinched his nipple, and he sucked in air between his barred teeth while he rubbed the soreness away. 
He begrudgingly rose from the bed and sat on the edge with the sheet across his lap, scratching his head. He watched Alma dialing on the phone and put the receiver to her ear. 
“Go shower; you’ll feel better.” 
He studied her for a moment, sure he had upset her by misspeaking, but she seemed too preoccupied with the phone to react. She was worried about Echo and had called down to the front desk to check if any messages had come in while they were knocked out. There were two, both from just over an hour ago. One was from Yolani, informing her that they were at the gate, waiting to board, and the other was from her father, letting her know he'd arrived at his layover in Denver. They would converge in proximal time to the city.
Bill and Alma cuddled on the couch, watching the local news in the sunken sitting room, trying to nurse a hangover and get rid of a period. They were dressed, waiting around for their daughter, when Alma suggested that maybe they could wait in the lobby. Bill understood she was anxious, as was he, but he suggested that they wait there instead. Give their three-year-old a little independence and put some real trust in their friends, who so kindly took on caring and traveling with her.
There was a knock on the door, and Bill was the first one up to answer. He had been concealing his own anxiousness. As soon as he opened the door, Echo darted past his legs and straight into her mother's expectant arms. 
“Hey, baby!” Alma hugged her daughter tightly, while Bill thanked Yolani and Ulyssa as they came inside. “Was she good? You can be honest.”
Yolani lightly laughed. “Of course, she was good! We did some coloring sheets, and she took a nap.” 
“For real?” Bill asked because she seemed to hate sleeping on a plane. 
“Yeah!” Ulyssa co-signed. “She even got herself comfortable and everything. This room is nice!” She said, scanning the large suite. 
“Would you two like to take a look around?” Bill asked.
“Uhm, well, we kind of want to put our things up,” Yolani said, pointing at their luggage with her thumb by the door behind them. 
“Yeah, go ahead,” he said, walking them out and grabbing the luggage they had packed for Echo at home. 
“We’re probably going to check the strip out right after, so…” Ulyssa said while turning to her friend.
Alma smiled. “Yeah, have fun!” 
They left, but they could hear the sisters giddily laughing as they jogged down the corridor to their room a few floors down, which Bill had paid for. 
Soon, Alma’s father arrived with his wife Connie, and they all went to have lunch. Alma, of course, dressed appropriately in his presence, but he noticed both of them wore dark-tinted sunglasses and were drinking down their glasses of water washing down their greasy burgers. Antonio was looking at his granddaughter between them, eating fries with ketchup, which she licked off before eating, but was happy to see that she wore the basket earrings he had gifted. He learned they had taken her to get them pierced at a parlor after hours. A professional Ulyssa knew agreed to do it for a favor—free entry to any show she pleased. 
Antonio and Connie would care for Echo while his daughter and Bill enjoyed their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties that evening. After lunch, the elders were very much looking forward to relaxing a little and hitting the slots before duty. 
They wrapped up lunch and began walking back to the hotel room wing. Alma walked ahead, speaking amiably in Spanish with Connie, pointing at slot machines that seemed lucky. Bill held onto Echo and kept pace with Antonio as he walked with his cane. 
“What are you doing tonight?” Antonio asked, trying to create some small talk with his son-in-law. 
“For real?” Bill peered down at him. “Well, we're going to a luchador wrestling match and hitting up a high roller casino afterward. Then both our parties will converge to hang out.” 
“Lucha libre, huh? Hmm, I saw a few of those a long time ago in South Texas.” 
“Yeah? It’ll be my first time. I was hoping there would be a real boxing match to catch, but no.” 
“Your gentleman friends didn’t want to go to a gentlemen's club?” He ticked a bushy salt and pepper brow at him.
Bill cracked a smile. “Nah, it’s a bit redundant, don’t you think?” 
Antonio chuckled. “I suppose. Uhm,” he cleared his throat. “I heard about your—” 
“Oh yeah,” Bill interjected quickly, not wanting to hear any condolences for his father. “It’s fine. Thanks.” 
“Right. I get it. Uh, my father wasn’t good to me either.” He revealed, much to Bill’s surprise. “But, uhm, you know you’re marrying my daughter, so in that sense… for what it’s worth, right?” 
Bill nodded appreciatively, understanding what Antonio was trying to convey. He could tell Antonio was putting his pride aside to let him know that he saw him as a son and accepted him. However, in Bill’s cynical mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if the old man was simply settling. Perhaps Antonio, aware of his mortality, recognized that Bill was the only family Alma would have left.
Bianca arrived after, as well as others who were going to rooms and relaxing before joining in on the late-night festivities. Bill answered the door for her, and she told him to close his eyes, even if the dress was concealed in a white garment bag. Though he did notice there wasn’t much heft to it. Eventually, he was unceremoniously kicked out of the room, which he didn’t mind; he’d just find where Theo was.
Alma was before Bianca in two pieces of layered shapewear, while she carefully helped her step into the white dress. Echo was sitting on the bed, curiously watching on. After adjusting how the dress lay on her body, Bianca slowly zipped a short zipper at the hip. Alma sighed in relief that the dress fit perfectly.
“Oh my god! It looks better than the last fitting you had!” Bianca beamed. “And with the veil! You’re gonna look like a dream, baby!”
“Thank fuck. I literally just had the biggest burger I’ve ever had in my life for lunch. But fuck was it nice to eat that burger,” she giggled 
Bianca laughed. “Bill mentioned on the phone that you’d be out in the sauna twice a day.” 
“Not that much.” It was an exaggeration, but she was in it often, as well as running the treadmill in the evenings in their small gym in the basement. She tried working out with Bill, but after two days of it, she quit and stuck to the regime she created for herself. He wasn’t a great workout partner, as their fitness goals were completely different. 
“What do you think, Echo? Is it pretty?” Alma asked, turning toward her.
She gasped, placing her hand over her mouth dramatically. “Pretty Mama!” She giggled bashfully. 
“You love it?” 
“I love it!” She squealed. 
“You could wear this with just one shapewear, Alma,” Bianca said, pulling out the train to smooth out the fabric. “The alteration they made to it snatches you just right.”
Bianca carefully helped Alma out of the dress now that her worries had vanished. Alma took her on a little tour of the penthouse until they plopped down on the couch together after making themselves a cocktail. 
Bianca took a large sip of her drink and let out a loud, satisfied sigh. “You doing better since you called me?” 
“Eh, it’s a lighter flow. So that's something.” 
“Why…” she paused to sit up a little. “You know you don’t have to take the placebos in the birth control pack, right?” 
Alma rolled her eyes as she stated the obvious. “Yeah, B’. I know.” She looked at her daughter, guiding a hot-wheel truck along the marble floor. “We’re trying to have another baby.” She said it in a hushed tone. 
Bianca’s eyes widened. “Oh my god! That’s so great, Alma!” 
“It hasn’t happened, obviously. And not the month before or the month before that one.” She said hopelessly, crossing her arms.
“Don’t stress—don’t stress!” She gestured with her palm out. “It’ll happen. Since when, the beginning of the year?” 
“Since December.” 
“Christ.” Bianca rolled her eyes and slouched down on the cushion again. “Give yourself some grace, honey.” 
“Yeah, but you don’t see how disappointed Bill looks every time the tests come out negative. He’s so good at concealing his emotions, but never then?! He looks like someone kicked his fucking dog!” 
Bianca laughed. “That man is fucking ridiculous sometimes. He wants to mope when he’s getting unlimited pussy?” Alma laughed then. “Don’t worry about him, either, babe. Just keep doing what you do. Keep your legs up for a while after, or something, but it’ll happen.” She rubbed Alma’s shoulder. “Now. I gotta get ready for tonight, and so do you!” 
When Bill returned, he clapped his hands together and announced that everyone should take a nap. He and Alma were still combating their hangover from last night, and they had to go and do it all again. They took some Pepto-Bismol, an OTC pain reliever, and while lying in bed, he was trying to ask Echo what Alma’s wedding dress looked like. 
“Tell him it’s a secret,” Alma said, tapping the side of her pointer finger to her lips. 
“It’s secwet!” She snickered. 
“But we’re not supposed to have secrets, E’,” he said, kissing her cheek, before wrapping his arms around her tightly. “Is it at least white? 
Echo looked up at her mother while resting her head comfortably on her father's chest, her hazel eyes seeking permission to spill. “Mhmm and pretty!” she said, sharing all she was allowed to reveal.
After their much-needed nap, Bill was dressed in a black Prada button-down he layered a blazer over and was helping Echo put on her shoes. He was taking her down to Antonio’s room to save Alma from doing so in the outfit she was currently wearing. It was skimpy, and the chiffon fabric revealed the cheeky white panties underneath, but he appreciated that the top—while thin—was at least opaque. Alma was slipping on her heels, which featured fluffy feather details on the toe straps.
“I’ll see you later,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. His hand ran across her thigh and reached around to grip her butt cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” And then she said goodbye to her daughter, who was in his arms. “I’ll see you later.” 
“Remember,” he peered down at her before slipping on his sunglasses. “What happens in Vegas—” 
“Stays in Vegas—yeah, yeah,” she chuckled.
“Watch out with who you talk to tonight!” He playfully warned before closing the door.
“Watch out, mommy!” Echo parroted.
Alma’s bachelorette party found themselves in a high-rise VIP section above the dance floor of a large warehouse-style dance club. Lights of all kinds flashed and swept around them. They were sitting down, taking a break from the dance floor, and having more drinks served by smartly dressed personal waiters.
Bianca returned from the bathrooms with Queenie, both of them sniffing and rubbing their noses. Alma glanced at them knowingly. She knew what they went to do, but didn’t like how she wasn’t privy. She wondered about Bill then until Ulyssa nudged her excitedly when the DJ dropped a good hit. She tapped glasses with her, which created a domino effect of tapping glasses, and the women cheered excitedly. 
The drinks were flowing so heavily that Yolani was finally convinced to hit the dance floor by Ash. Yolani typically liked to dance, but the floor was so packed with mashed bodies that it was a bit daunting. Ulyssa excitedly followed suit, bringing Jennifer along. Which left Alma with Bianca and Queenie in their section. 
“So?” Alma turned to them knowingly.
Bianca rolled her eyes. “It’s Vegas, babe.”
“Yes. But why leave me out? And where did it come from?” 
Queenie scratched her head uncomfortably and sat back, sipping on her drink, to let Bianca explain and distance herself from potential drama. 
“That fucker.” Bianca muttered, shaking her head. This wasn’t her responsibility; it should have been the man she was set to marry who explained. “We didn’t mean to leave you out on purpose! Bill and I know the owner of one of the strip clubs here. It's a courtesy for people like him and me to check in.”
“Yeah. Like Atlantic City.” Alma said knowing Bill has had to call in there before. Alma always felt it to be a bit dramatic; it felt like politics that should belong in cartoonish mob movies only. 
“Exactly. Anyway, we’re good with the guy. And well, he knows Bill is here to get married, and so he threw in some party favors. Theo picked up.” 
Alma consumed the rest of her drink and picked up another she had in wait. 
“Well,” she sighed. “I don’t know why Bill didn’t say anything to me?” 
“Maybe… he forgot?” Queenie shrugged. 
“Really?” Alma tilted her head doubtfully. “Fuck it. Pass me the bag, I’m going to the bathroom.” 
Alma stepped out of that stall with more vigor and liveliness than she’s had in such a long time. A very long time. To say she didn’t miss it would be a lie. In fact, there were times out with friends from Seattle where she almost suggested they score somewhere to have an even better time than they were already having, but they just preferred their weed. After all, it was cheaper. Ulyssa, who wasn’t so shy about dabbling, didn’t prefer it, so for years until now she was SOL. 
While Alma danced her way through the dance floor to get back to the VIP section, she encountered her old friend, who had been running late. 
“Carla!” She hollered, waving a hand in the air. “Over here!” 
“Oh my god!” She hollered, carefully running over in her modest heels and embracing her old friend. “This is wild!” She was wide-eyed, scoping the scene as gel-colored lights, doing figure eights, swept across them. 
Alma led her to VIP, where Bianca sat talking to a young guy until she dismissed him when they approached. Carla and Bianca were quickly introduced, and the three sat together, speaking. 
“Yes!” Bianca pointed at Carla with a long red fingernail. “I read that one! Alma’s been slowly getting me to read the novels she does! So damn steamy!” She gushed.
Carla laughed. “Alma used to sneak them to me when we were kids! Growing up, I was kept on such a tight leash, but she showed me a different world. I left for Houston after college and met my husband there! He’s a firefighter, a lieutenant, actually.” 
“Yeah, four!” 
“Four!” Bianca exclaimed incredulously. “Those books must have taught you a thing or two!” She teased, making Carla bashfully giggle.
“Aw, that’s all you, though, Carla!” Alma smiled, appreciating her previous sentiment towards her.
“Maybe I was a little inspired. But oh my god, Alma! You’re getting married to Bill! He was so in love with you when we were kids, my god!” She playfully rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out. 
“Was that obvious even then? Why the hell couldn’t I see it?” 
“Because you loved him too much to believe it, probably!” 
“Miss Carla,” Bianca let out an exhausted sigh. “You wouldn’t believe how they were when I first met them.” 
“Oh god,” Alma grumbled. “That’s so long ago.” 
“Let’s just say, thank heavens, that’s over. And cheers to them getting married, finally.”
The bachelor party had left the Lucha Libre match and headed up several floors of another casino to play with the high rollers. They were all laughing and recalling the absurd wrestling moves they saw. While Bill didn’t have high expectations, he was glad that it was very entertaining for everyone, even him. 
“That table was supposed to break when he landed on it from the ring, and it didn’t!” Scotty laughed. 
“Did you see how he got thrown off, though?” Darby laughed.
“Honestly, it would have killed me!” Scotty replied, which made Bill laugh. 
The men slightly split while on the casino floor, checking out the playing tables to feel out where they felt lucky. Bill rounded a table and met Darby, who motioned for him to follow.
“Hey, uhm, Jenny and I really appreciate the wedding gift from you and Alma. It was incredibly generous. I wanted to give you this myself.” He reached into the inner pocket of his blazer and produced crisp five hundred dollar bills.
“No, no,” Bill said, pushing his hand away. “I mean, thanks, of course, but I can’t take that.” Not only would he not accept it, but he and Alma had explicitly stated on the wedding invitations that gifts were not expected of their guests and that their presence alone was more than enough.
“Dude, it’s no big deal, really. It’s for you.”
“I know, but—it doesn’t feel right taking it, Darb’. I’m your boss. Don’t give your fucking boss money; that’s bullshit.” Darby stood there perplexed for a moment, but he did have a point. Why pay the guy who’s paying him? “I appreciate it. I really do.”
“Right, right.” Darby nodded. “Jenny is going to wonder why I still have it, though.”
“Gamble it.” He raised his brows.
A devious grin spread across his face. “Shit. Yeah, over there,” he nodded his head toward a roulette table.
Theo’s path converged with theirs as they approached the roulette table, where Darby bet all the money.
“Bet on black,” said Bill. 
“Always,” said Theo. 
They watched the ball spin rapidly until it began losing momentum. They anxiously watched the ball in the roulette bump and stutter as it circled the wheel. Indelicately, it landed on black, twenty-four. 
“NO shit!” Darby exclaimed. 
“Is that what you chose?” Theo said in disbelief. 
“Actually, you know, I wouldn’t mind accepting your gift after all.” Bill laughed, patting his shoulder. 
Bill split off again and found his friend Scotty at a blackjack table, coolly smoking a cigarette and checking cards under his palm. 
“I’m going to hop on the next one,” Bill said, sipping on a glass of whiskey he acquired. 
“Hell yeah,” he said, tucking a lock of hair that escaped the tousled slick back style he was sporting back behind his ear. “The table’s hot, brother.” 
At the nightclub, the bachelorette party was on the dance floor together. Alma danced behind Ulyssa as a buffer because too many random men kept trying to dance with her, which she didn’t appreciate. Alma experienced the same, but she could handle it better than her friend. Either by dancing away or just looking at them like they were crazy. 
The crowd of bodies swayed them a bit, and they were now underneath the high-rise DJ booth. The beats were thumping, the bass rattling their bodies, and deafeningly loud, but they were too buzzed or high to care. A few couples over, she spotted Bianca dancing between two guys, and she laughed while spinning out of a stranger's grip on her hips. It was when she noticed she was dancing alone, as Ulyssa and Yolani held each other's hands over their heads and danced together. Looking around, she couldn’t spot anyone else from her party, but it was also difficult to tell with the gyrating crowd and electric lights. She swayed her body through a group of people wielding glow sticks and decided maybe it was time for a break. Dancing through the crowd, she had to squeeze through, making less than savory contact with others. It was just unavoidable. She felt a hand on her hip, which she brushed away and continued.
A loud puff sounded from the synthetic fog cannons, which made people pause long enough for her to gain some more paces closer to the VIP booth. Again, she felt a hand on her hip and felt it travel up her waist, seemingly trying to snake high enough to touch her breast. She pulled it away until she felt another hand take a full greedy grab of her ass cheek. Her brows furrowed at the complete audacity. 
“Hey!” She quickly whipped her head back. “Chill the fuck out!” She yelled loudly.
Bill stood there mischievously grinning as he peered down at her. She wasn’t expecting to see him until later. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her under the bouncing green laser lights. They swayed together for a moment to the beat of the music, with his hands rubbing on her bottom. When she turned to lead their way off the dance floor, he held onto her waist to remain flush to feel her bottom bump and rub against his crotch. The DJ switched tracks to a remix of Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs and Bill followed the sways of her hips as she danced them off the floor. 
He closed his eyes and a memory came to mind of Alma in a bare-wall New York City apartment they lived in. Wearing a tight tank top and panties with slouchy socks, and a cigarette between her fingers, dancing to the same song in front of the record player. Just enjoying the melody and the moment while he watched contently. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked as they ascended the stairs to the VIP booth. 
“Where the fuck did you get this cowboy hat?” He asked, plucking it off her head and placing it on his.
Quickly, he ordered drinks and sat down next to Alma, admiring her frosty white eyeshadow under the club lights. Now that he wasn’t standing, she took the opportunity to take the hat back while throwing her legs over his lap. 
“Where’d you get that?” He asked again, rubbing his nose. 
“Some old cowboy.” 
“Let me see it again.” He motioned for it. He checked inside the hat for the brand, noticing how well-crafted it was. “Alma…” he peered at her knowingly. “Did you steal this?” He laughed. 
She laughed, taking it back to put it on her head like a crown. “Who said I stole it?” 
“That’s fucking expensive!” He laughed harder. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked again once they settled their laughter a bit.
“Ah, well—some of us weren’t doing too hot, so we bailed.” He winked, taking their drinks from a waiter. 
“How much?” 
“Hmm?” He hummed, sipping his whiskey. 
“How much did you lose?” 
He tutted with offense. “I won some. Started losing it, so I had to call it.” 
“Sure,” Alma smirked. 
He reached over to touch the bridal sash, emblazoned with cursive text on it that said, Bride To Be. The bachelorette party bestowed it upon her before they took the night. He smiled just before kissing her fruity cocktail-tasting lips. 
The wedding party all trickled back to the VIP booth and unanimously decided that they would head back to the hotel to decompress while enjoying a nightcap together, where they were originally supposed to reconvene. 
“I’ll see you back in the room,” Bill said, wrapping his arms around to lift her off her feet for a kiss. “Don’t steal any more shit!” He laughed. 
The girls left together after gathering their personal effects. Unfortunately, they still had to walk to their limo, which felt like an eternity on sore, raw, blistering feet. 
“Shit,” Carla hissed. “I gotta pee so bad!” 
Alma looked at her friend and told the rest to go on, while she accompanied Carla to the nearest toilet they could find. Bianca had discreetly slipped a baggie into her palm in passing, and off they went.
“Sorry,” Carla said once they entered a bathroom inside a cocktail lounge. “You have so many kids, you can’t hold it anymore! My feet kill too.” 
“Mine too. Are you having fun?” 
“Oh my god! Yeah! I was so excited to come because you’ve always known how to have fun!” She laughed while entering a stall, while Alma took the next available a few stalls down. 
While given the opportunity, she took a few bumps mounted inside an acrylic French almond nail on her pinky, snorting them between toilet flushes. Initially, she lightly groaned at the sting of it before it turned into a moan of satisfaction when she felt its effect. They left the bathroom, trying to hustle out the establishment before they were badgered by bartenders. Only paying customers could use the bathrooms, but Alma lied, saying they would order once they got out.
Alma gently pulled Carla’s hand, urging her to pick up the pace. An older, well-dressed gentleman held the door open for a brunette with chunky highlights, letting her through before stepping aside to let the two women exit. Alma squinted in recognition, unsure at first, until the woman, who had been smiling brightly, suddenly turned her head towards Alma. Her expression fell, replaced by a look of absolute disgust and contempt.
“You’re fucking kidding me?!”
“Fuck!” Alma said with wide eyes full of disbelief as her blood ran cold. 
“Oh yeah,” Blondie, who was no longer blonde, nodded her head. “Bet you thought you’d never see me again, did you, you fucking cunt!?” 
“Hey!” Carla said, appalled. “What’s your problem?” 
“It’s okay, Carla,” Alma said, putting her hand up to back her away.
“Oh, Carla,” Blondie mocked with a pout. “Do you know how much of a fucking bitch your friend is?” She glanced at the bridal sash she was wearing with a look of disgust. “You’re marrying him, aren't you? Aww, he finally chose you.” she mocked. “Jesus fucking Christ.” She sneered, her disdain palpable. 
“Shut the fuck up! Hope you two both rot in hell!” She spat on the ground between them and took the gentleman’s arm, who was just as shocked and confused about her sudden outburst. “Tell Bill—that small cock motherfucker—that he can go fuck himself!” 
Alma stood there, biting her tongue so hard she could taste blood. She was seething with the urge to yell at her back, but at the same time, it felt deserved. What could she say to a woman she had presumed dead for years now? That was all she could deduce, considering she was an accomplice to her boyfriend Craig's murder. While there was faint relief in knowing she was still breathing, the fact that she was responsible for Blondie’s life as an escort in Vegas left a bitter taste. She was a cunt, once upon a time. 
“Alma, what the hell was that?” Carla asked when they swiftly exited the lounge.
“Uhm,” she thickly swallowed the acrid cocaine drip. “It’s nothing, Carla.” She sighed. 
“Did Bill date her or something? She’s nuts!” 
Alma’s eyes cut at her friend. “Yeah…” she rolled her eyes. “They sorta dated.” She wanted to spit on the ground herself, stating that. “She’s always been fucking crazy.” 
“Well, it’s nothing, right?” she asked, noticing her friend's discomfort.
“This was a long time ago.” 
“Mm, okay. I just can’t believe she called you the C-word, I could never.” Carla shook her head in disbelief. 
“Cunt?” Alma giggled incredulously. “Could this stay between us? If-if Bianca hears about this, she’ll personally kick her ass so…” 
“Oh yeah. Yeah, I won’t say a word. Not even to Bill, I’m your friend first.” 
“Ah, thanks.” Alma smiled, putting an arm around her friend's shoulders. “But don’t worry, I’ll tell him myself.” 
In the suite, the men were all bantering, sipping on glasses of whiskey. Bill lit a cigarette and comfortably slouched on the couch while he watched Darby take a key bump from a baggie covered in red puckered lip prints. 
“Next?” He asked, holding the bag and a key out to him.
“Nah, I’m okay, for now.” He glanced at the hotel door, anxiously waiting for his fiancée and wondering if she and the girls would come like they said they would. “Remember to put it up before the girls get here.” 
“Oh, I will.” Darby raised his brows. “Jenny’s not into this shit.” He chuckled.
The girls all arrived at the penthouse suite shortly, kicking their heels off sore feet by the door, and went on to the ensuite bar, where Queenie began to pour shots of tequila. Alma lagged behind a bit, and Bill noticed how she was dragging her feet to join them. 
“Everything alright?” He peered down at her. 
“I need to talk to you.” She whispered, peering up at him with a serious look on her face. 
Fuck, he thought. He licked his lips, rubbing his palms on the sides of his trousers as he looked at everyone preoccupied and chatting at their nightcap party. 
He took a deep breath. “Okay, come.” He nudged his head towards the spare room, where they could close the door and have some privacy. She tossed the cowboy hat off on the bed rather harshly, which didn’t ease him for what was to come. He gently closed the door behind him and prepared himself. “Okay. I should have told you.” 
“I mean, I kind of tried with the—what happens in Vegas bullshit, you know. But I should have been more upfront.” 
Alma rolled her eyes. “I don’t give a fuck about the coke.” 
“Oh?” He said, taken aback. “So?” 
“I saw Blondie.” He stood before her with an incomprehensible expression. “Veronica.” 
“Yeah! Yeah, I know who you’re talking about, A’. But what the fuck?!” he said in disbelief. “I thought—well, I mean no, I guess that makes sense…” he pensively rubbed his forehead with his fingers.
“They trafficked her…” She said he had told her his theories on what could have happened to her during a late night hanging out in their private sitting room. They were the cause of her disappearance, but they didn’t know what depraved act the Russo's committed to make that happen. 
Bill frowned. “Mhmm. But Alma, we couldn’t have known that. Don’t take that shit to heart, love. At-At least she is not, you know.” He uncomfortably scratched his head, looking away in thought. 
While he used the word “we,” it was really Alma who had asked him to get rid of her. She wasn’t well at the time—they were both strung out on coke and whatever else they could get their hands on. However, he did listen to her, so he wasn’t completely without fault. What happened with Craig was definitive, but they always silently wondered if that wasn’t their only body. 
“Right, sure.” She frowned. 
“Fuck. Did she say anything to you? Did Bianca see her?” 
“No. Just Carla. But uhm, she wasn’t happy to see me, obviously. You can imagine what she said.” 
“What did she say?” He placed his hands on his hips, demanding to know.
“You’ll just get pissed off.” 
“Just tell me.” 
Alma sighed, rolling her eyes. “She said that you can go fuck yourself,” Bill dismissively shrugged at the insult. “And that we can both rot in hell.” She recounted matter of fact. “That you had a small dick.” 
“That fucking liar!” he scoffed.
“And called me a cunt!” 
“What the fuck? She called you a—that?!” His nostrils flared, getting angry like she knew he would. 
“Well, Bill, I mean, could you blame her?” She shrugged. 
“That’s not the point. But yeah. Just wanted you to know.” 
“Are you okay?” He asked carefully. “I mean, that sucks that you ran into her.”  
“Yeah…” She rubbed her forehead, feeling her irritation rising. “What a fucking bitch! A cunt!” Finally, she let out the frustration she’d been holding in. “She of all people has to show up during my bachelorette party? And that’s your fucking mess! Not mine!” She inhaled deeply, then began giggling incredulously. “Okay. Yeah. I’m better now.”
“You didn’t say shit to her when you saw her?” He tilted his head with surprise. Alma shook her head. “Well. A first for everything, then.” He rubbed his nose and sniffled. 
“You should have told me about the situation,” she said now, referencing how he acquired cocaine. 
“Yeah… but that’s technically my mess,” he lightly joked. “I figured if Bianca kinda brought it around you instead of me then…” 
“You thought I’d get mad?” 
“I don’t know—Yeah, a little. I wasn’t sure. I guess I should have said something.” The cocaine was causing him to ramble.
“Just this time. It stays in Vegas, right?” 
“Yeah! Of course. You’ve done some?” Alma nodded. “Want to do some more?” 
He cut two fat lines on the sink counter in the adjoining bathroom, while she quickly changed her tampon on the toilet nearby. He passed her a rolled one hundred dollar bill and held her curled hair back for her to snort half a line in one nostril and the last half in the other. Bill repeated the action and picked up residue on the pad of his middle finger to rub on his gums. They could feel their hearts thumping in their chests and relished in the hit of pure energy coursing through them. 
“God damn,” Alma gasped, pinching her nose.
With two fingers under her chin, he tilted her head back, checking to see if she had any visible residue on her button nose. Suddenly, his knee pushed between hers, locking her in place against the sink counter when their lips met. While they made out, Alma could feel her lips and tongue going numb in some places. He kissed down her salty neck, and she watched him do so while peering in the mirror behind her. It had been years since they had done this together, and they’d be fooling themselves by denying how much they liked it. Not to mention how sexy it made them feel. 
They settled themselves as best they could from their sudden impassioned impulsivity. When they emerged from the room to join the party, they didn’t bother to apologize or explain why they stowed away. No one dared even to ask; they just continued as if their presence hadn’t been missed at all. 
While floating around the party, Alma ran into different conversations. One was between Ulyssa and Scotty when she was replenishing her mixed drink. Ulyssa had earned her degree, but her career field pivoted. She was working for a small label searching for talent. A job she enjoyed because she was able to travel to a lot of popular music hubs in the nation. Up until a few weeks ago, she was in Atlanta.
“Yeah, a guy from your label came to us,” Scotty said. The band he managed was recently signed, so he was still on a high note from the success of it. “But you know, Atlantic seemed like the way to go.” 
“More money,” Ulyssa lightly giggled. 
“Oh!” He raised his brows. “Callin’ us sellouts?” 
“I mean,” she shrugged playfully. “I’m just kidding, I get it! That’s fucking awesome!” 
“Hey!?” Ash suddenly exclaimed. “Where the fuck is Matt?” 
Darby’s head peered down from the loft. “Fucker missed his flight!” He laughed. 
Ash facepalmed at the news. “Not surprising.”
Bill had always wondered if Ash and Matt had something going on, but as he got to know them, it became clear that their relationship was strictly platonic—they behaved more like siblings. Matt was really everyone's dopey little brother. Darby came down the stairs with Jenny on his arm.
“He’ll be here sometime tomorrow,” Darby informed. “He’ll miss breakfast, though. But uhm, I’m taking Jenny to bed, but I’ll be back.” He winked. 
“I think…” Carla spoke up where she sat next to Alma on the couch. “I’ll head out too. I gotta find my husband; he’s been on the slots too long for my liking.” She lightly giggled. “It was good to see you, Billy.” She leaned forward to say as he sat on the other side of her friend. He smiled appreciatively at her until Scotty butted in. 
“It was good to see you too, Carla.” He winked while chewing on a toothpick and leaning forward on a table. 
“You know,” she pointed at him. “I remember you.” 
“You do?” He straightened up, intrigued. 
“Yeah. Still obnoxious.” She teased.
“You sure about leaving? I’d like it if you stayed and talked to me like that some more.” 
Bill pinched the bridge and tried to stifle his laughter. “Shut up—she’s married, dude. Goodnight, Carla.” He said with a nod.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry I didn’t know,” Scotty said apologetically to her. “I’m a dog, but not that kind of dog.” 
“Whatever,” Carla playfully rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you at breakfast,” she winked. 
She kissed Alma goodbye on the cheek and joined Darby and Jenny who offered to walk her out. They weren’t the first to leave, though. Yolani had already excused herself after two drinks. Bill and Alma barely caught her goodbye as they left the room. Yolani wasn’t one for long parties. If it were up to her, she would have gone to her room right after the nightclub. As a nurse, she cherished downtime and sleep.
Alma remained seated next to Bill in the sunken living area. Since the squares left, they felt more free to openly chop lines on a coffee table photobook about desert flora. Bianca took on the task of dividing lines neatly and evenly.
“Where the hell did you say they went?” Bianca asked Bill as he sipped his drink. 
“I don’t know.” 
“They went to the match with us and then said they were going to walk the strip,” Scotty spoke up for his friend.
“Hmm.” She was worried about her sons. “There is not much for Gian to do, though.” She wondered out loud. 
Bill and Scotty shared a knowing look and smirked while Bianca was occupied. Gian showed them his fake ID. They guffawed loudly when the fake claimed that this Brooklyn boy was from the cornfields of Iowa and that he was twenty-five. He didn’t look like a teen boy very much anymore, but he didn’t look twenty-five at all. Giancarlo claimed his mustache helped him look older, but the men laughed again because it wasn’t all too impressive. 
“Ah, we’re just messing, G’.” Bill digressed when he saw his young friend's face fall. 
“We believe in you tonight, buddy!” Scotty said, patting him on the shoulder. 
Typically, Bill would report Giancarlo’s indiscretions to Bianca on principle, but he was a young man now. Mommy didn’t need to know everything. 
“They said they’d meet back here, so,” Bill gestured to her, working the lines on the book. 
“I’m done, punk!” She said to his impatience before doing a line and passing the book around. 
She chopped up lines for everyone there, but only Ulyssa declined. However, she did consider it when Theo unknowingly passed the book to her. While they were chatting, a heavy rap on the door made every one pause. 
“I’ll check it out,” Theo said, straightening his back and broadening his shoulders. 
Bill quickly palmed the coke bag and the rolled-up bill lying on the coffee table. Darby walked in; he changed out of his button-down into a plain white tee. 
“Christ!” he exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at them. “You should see the paranoid look in your eyes right now!” 
They all laughed and continued on with the party. Heavily chatting and laughing, with some light karaoke between Ulyssa and Ash. Queenie poured heavier drinks, and Alma cut more lines with a cigarette pressed between her lips. Theo requested a ballad to sing, which surprised the friends who knew him well, as he was fairly introverted and reserved. When he began singing in a smooth baritone, it gave everyone pause, captivated by how effortlessly he nailed every note of the song. When he finished, he was met with their shocked, silent stares. 
“Sheesh, if it was bad, just say that.” He dismissively swatted a hand at them. 
“Theodore!” Bianca exclaimed. 
“Where the fuck did that come from?” Bill said in disbelief. 
“Okay, okay,” Theo bashfully rebuffed. “Once upon a time… I used to be a choir boy.” He shrugged.
“That was incredible!” Ulyssa said, clapping her hands, which prompted the party to follow suit, as it was more than well deserved.
When the boys inevitably arrived, "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" by Ol’ Dirty Bastard was playing on the stereo, and it felt as though they had missed out on something based on how everyone was acting. Their safe arrival, however, only marked the end of the party. People began to trickle out one by one. Bianca and the boys were the last to leave, and Alma's eyes grew heavy, having gone without any substances to keep her going. 
After seeing Bianca and her boys out, Bill stumbled his way to bed. Scotty kept pointing out the “fuck mirror” above the bed, laughing to himself every time. Bill disrobed down to his boxer briefs as he made his way there. His shirt had been half unbuttoned through the night when undoing the rest before tossing it toward the living area. When it landed, he heard a faint whine from the direction it had fallen, prompting him to turn his head. He didn’t notice anything at first, but after taking a few more steps, he saw a foot with metallic blue painted toenails peeking out from behind the couch.
“The fuck?” He said, slowly approaching, and there lay Ulyssa, passed out with his shirt concealing half her face between couches. 
She was breathing fine, but he nudged her foot with his in case, and she recoiled from his touch. 
“What?” Alma muttered against her pillow when she heard him lightly laughing. 
“‘Lyssa is fucking passed out over here,” he said, scratching his lower belly. 
“I thought she left?” She asked, sitting up. 
To have better access, he began pushing the couch away from her. “Well, she has a twin who left way before,” he stated sarcastically. “If she did some blow, she wouldn’t be like this right now.” This was true; she was going drink for drink with people so high they weren’t feeling the effects of it. 
“That’s how I want to be right now.” 
She watched as Bill pulled her by the ankles, but he paused when he noticed her skirt riding up too far, revealing the bottom end of a red dragon tail tattoo on the side of her thigh. He could only assume the rest of the image continued up the side of her torso. Instead, he pulled her up by the wrists, sitting her up slightly to wrap an arm around her, and lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the spare room to lay her down for the night. When he returned to bed, Bill checked the digital clock before lying down—4:12 AM. He groaned, shaking his head before nuzzling it into Alma’s chest, only covered by a shirt.
When they woke up, just barely in time, their heads were pounding, and the after-party anxiety began to set in. Alma shuffled to the spare room to check on Ulyssa, but the bed was empty. All that remained was a note saying she’d meet them at breakfast. 
They sluggishly made it to their reservation, where Antonio and Connie were already sipping coffee, with Echo sitting between them in a bubbly mood scribbling on a paper children's menu with a waxy purple crayon. When she spotted her parents, she let out a joyful screech. While they were delighted to see her, the sound was piercing, ricocheting in their skulls.
“Just you two?” Antonio smirked, setting his mug down.
“Uhm, probably,” Alma adjusted her sunglasses on her stuffy nose and then sighed. “How was Echo?” 
“Good.” He said, looking down at her with a smile on his face. “She really likes to dance, doesn’t she?” He said recalling her having him rewind to some needle drop on a children’s movie to listen to over and over. “And your party?”
The couple before him looked so visibly miserable; it was amusing to him, but also he thought they could at least sit up a little. When the waitress poured them a cup of coffee, they both took a sip of the black water without a care for it scorching their tongues. 
“Fun.” Alma nodded; she wasn’t up for many words. 
“Too much fun. Uhm,” he cleared his raspy throat as he scratched his stubbly neck. “I think we’re getting too old to recover like we used to,” Bill chuckled, but there wasn’t any energy behind it. 
Soon the party came to join, but they all looked lethargic at the table. All, except Bianca, dressed with a face of sleek makeup and high hair that would survive a hurricane. This was Antonio’s first time meeting any of them. Finally, faces to names he had only ever heard on the phone before him as they all greeted him respectfully before taking a seat. They had a gaggle of interesting-looking friends, to say the least. 
“I am so sorry,” Ulyssa put a hand to her mouth, embarrassed after everyone put their orders in. “That’s like the second time you’ve had to carry me.” 
“The third,” Bill said, holding three digits up. 
“Our housewarming party.” 
“I thought I just passed out in the den by myself.” She was horrified. 
“No. It’s fine. It happens.” He shrugged. 
Yolani cut in to say how much she enjoyed their shared hotel room all by herself last night and thanked him and Alma again for it. People were cross-talking while they enjoyed their food, which was helping everyone soothe their hangovers. 
“I heard you two had a baby?” Bianca asked the Darbys. They had known each other for a long time, but it was nice to finally meet and speak in person, especially with Darby himself.
“Yeah!” Jenny said happily. “She’s seven months now.” 
“It’s our first trip without her. I kind of wish we brought her, but she’s too little, I think. Family is taking care of her and our cat, Garbo.” He chuckled. 
“What’s her name?” 
“Zowie,” Darby and Jennifer said together. 
“So precious!” 
“Thanks,” Darby said before taking a sip of his coffee. “Your sons, uh, are very polite! Bill talks about Giancarlo every now and again. We’re excited for him to come later in the summer to work with us.” 
"Oh, trust me, he’s excited too. Do me a favor. Give him the bullshit grunt work so he doesn’t start getting ideas about moving to Seattle, would you?” She winked.
Echo slid from her seat, under the table, stepping over people's feet to crawl into her father’s lap. He was in the middle of eating his omelet, but he paused to help her up. 
“Hi, GiGi!” Echo lightly snickered at Giancarlo.
“Hi, Miss Echo.” He lightly waved from across the table. 
Bill glanced over towards Bianca, who was now speaking amiably with Antonio and making him chuckle bashfully. “What did you do last night?” 
“Uhm,” he peered over at his preoccupied mother cautiously. “Walked around some. Got into a club,” he whispered with a smirk. “It was fun. Lots of cute girls here,” he said with flushed cheeks.
“Don’t forget to tell Mr. Skarsgård that you yaked in a bush before we came back to the hotel, though.” Lorenzo teasingly nudged his little brother, which he sneered at him before the embarrassment settled in.
“Don’t mix your drinks, you know. Uhm, after we wrap up here, could you stick around? Alma and I wanted to talk to you.” 
“Sure,” Gian nodded. “Of course.” He said with certainty. 
“Okay, cool.” His attention shifted to Echo, who was picking at his omelet, and offered him a bite. He ate from her hand before kissing the top of her head.
Alma was holding her daughter as she discussed the plans for the day with her father. She intended to go to the spa to relax and recharge before the big day ahead. The ladies were also invited to join if they wished. Otherwise, it was a free day for everyone to enjoy as they pleased.
“She’s staying with Yolani tonight after our dinner,” she informed her father of Echo’s arrangement. 
“Well, Connie and I will have her while you’re at the spa. We can watch her then too.” 
“Apá, go do something fun for yourself.” 
“That’s fun for me,” he argued. 
Meanwhile, Bill finished smoking a cigarette, stomped it out, and fist-bumped Darby and Scotty before dismissing himself while they discussed gathering a group later to shop the promenade. 
Bill walked through the casino and spotted Giancarlo sitting on a bench by the lounge, sipping on orange juice from a foam to-go cup. He tiredly exhaled loudly, taking a seat next to him. 
“So, pretty girls, huh?” He asked, peering over his sunglasses while slumping in his seat.
Gian lightly laughed. “Yeah! Older too.” 
Bill laughed. “Well, no shit! So what? Blondes? Brunettes? Redheads?”
“I don’t think I’m in a position to be so picky. But—Brunettes.” 
“Good choice.” Bill nodded, resting his finger-laced hands over his waist.
“I got a number last night.”
“Did you?” Bill raised an eyebrow at him. Gian rolled up his shirt sleeve to reveal smudged ink-written digits on his flexed bicep. “Jesus Christ!” Bill laughed. “Well… you’ll have to wait a year to call her, though.”
“Whatever!” Gian laughed.
Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to turn his head, only to hear a pleasant, girlish laugh coming from the opposite direction. Alma had faked him out, and he fell for it.
“Did you ask him?” she inquired, looking down at Bill, who was beginning to sit up.
“I was waiting on you,” he replied, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Alma and I wanted to ask if you’d be our ring bearer.”
Gian looked at them with surprise. “For real?” 
“Yeah for real!” Alma giggled. “So would you?” 
“Yeah!” He brightly grinned. “Of course, Miss Alma.” He stood up to hug her, thanking her. While in wait, he was worried that they were going to tell him that his visit to Seattle would no longer be happening. 
“It was always going to be you,” she said, squeezing his hand appreciatively. It still felt strange that she now had to look up at him. Whenever Bill spoke about him, she still pictured a little boy that he no longer was.
“We just wanted to ask you in person.” Bill stood up from his seat. 
“Thank you, Bill,” he put his hand out to shake, but Bill pulled his hand so that they could embrace instead. 
“Bianca is quite funny,” Antonio said with a chuckle. “She called me, babe, at breakfast. I don’t think Connie liked that too much.” 
Alma lightly giggled. “That’s just how she talks. Babe, sweetie, honey. I think it rubbed off on Bill a little. If I ever hear him say ‘cosette’, he’s gone too far.”
“Mm. And the guy with the panther tattoo on his neck?” 
“Yes, he dresses like I did in the 60s. He’s nice and your friend with the short hair too.” 
“Mhmm. She’s Echo’s godmother?” 
“She is. And your friend Bianca, too.” She lightly joked. 
“Echo has two?”
“Yeah. She, uh, Ulyssa was there when Echo was born, but since Bianca and Bill are close, we just agreed that they would both be the godmother. Two is better, no?”
“I think so,” he lightly smiled. “So, you ready for tomorrow?” Antonio asked his daughter, who was shaking dabs of hot sauce into her shrimp cocktail. 
They were at a Mexican restaurant off the strip together. Alma was about seventy-five percent back to normal; a good night's rest was needed to get to one hundred percent. After lunch, she and Bill enjoyed a couple’s massage before splitting up to separate spa areas, each enjoying some time to themselves. Bianca, Ulyssa, and Yolani joined Alma at the spa, and they chatted a bit before eventually falling silent. Everyone wanted a chance to decompress and unwind, undisturbed.
She smiled. “Are you?” 
“Mhmm. I’m happy you invited me,” he joked, taking a sip of his beer.
“Really? You might have a point, though.” 
“Oh?” He raised his brows. 
“Bill brought up eloping in New Orleans at first. But uhm, I know you walking me down an aisle one day was something important to you.”
Antonio appreciated her thoughtfulness. “But Vegas, mija?” 
“You know, we like to have fun,” she smirked. “Entertainment work has been our life, so it’s nice to be on the other end. I book and attend shows constantly. But—I know you’re aware of what Bill does for work in New York.” Antonio paused and put his flauta down before he could take a bite. “You didn’t think Bill would tell me he told you?” She tilted her head, amused.
“If you knew, why didn’t you say anything?” 
“Why didn’t you say anything? I’ll be honest, he didn’t tell me that he did for a few months.” 
“Well, I wanted you to tell me yourself. But also, that’s between you two. He’s going to be your husband tomorrow, but you have a daughter together. You bought a house together. You work together.” 
“We’re basically married already.” She stated for him. 
“Yes. So of course you have to listen to him. You do what he does.” 
Alma put her fork down, looking displeased. “Apá, yeah, I listen, but that’s because he listens to me too. We respect each other. It’s not like the old ways.” 
“No.” He sighed. “You two have never been with the old ways, anyway.” He digressed. “He takes care of you. Because of Echo, it helped me see him differently than what I thought of him.” He admitted. “He takes care of both of you. That’s all I wanted for you because I’m old. I don’t know how long—” 
“Oh god,” Alma looked away. “You’re going to be an old, old man. I don’t like it when you talk like that. Bill’s dad passed, and I just think about,” she lowered her gaze, shaking the thought of her own father’s inevitable passing out of her head. 
“Okay, okay. I shouldn’t be talking like that after something like that has happened. Doesn’t matter who the man was.” 
“I get sad for him. For Bill. It’s just complicated for him, you know.” She mournfully sighed. “He’ll be okay, though.” 
Antonio just listened; it was rare for her to share anything about Bill this way with him. She usually only spoke with clear facts whenever he had questions about him. They both did this—preserving and protecting each other by sharing just enough but not too much with anyone inquiring about them when the other wasn’t present.
“Uhm,” he cleared his throat. “Are his brothers coming for the wedding?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded. “He’s probably with them now having dinner. They’re actually both doing pretty well right now. Well, despite, you know.” 
“Mhmm. That’s good.”
Alma popped a shrimp in her mouth. “Gustaf got a better job, and Alex kind of cut his bullshit. He’s been with his lady now for like eight months! That’s a miracle.” She laughed. “They have two kids together. The oldest boy is eleven, and the youngest is seven. So they’ve known each other for a long time.” 
“But they’ve never been together before now?” Antonio took a sip of his beer, trying to understand. 
“No,” she laughed. “Only been together for however long it takes him to make two kids.” 
“Alma!” Antonio scoffed, surprised she’d make a dirty joke in front of him. 
“Sorry,” she said bashfully, loudly biting onto a tortilla chip. 
In a nice steakhouse, the brothers sat together in a booth. The place was dim, but a pendant light above their table forced the tall men to slouch a bit in their seats so they could talk without the fixture obscuring the top halves of their faces. They kept the conversation light, sharing funny life anecdotes. Bill became a topic of discussion, and he mostly talked about the record shop, as it was the focus of his work these days.
“Well, I wasn’t there because if I was, it would have been a different story,” he said. “But the band was trying to set the fucking drum kit on fire.”
“Some gimmick,” Gustaf said, following along. 
“Gimmick my ass! The whole place would have burned down! Security kicked them out, and Alma called every venue in Seattle and warned them.” 
“Ooooh, blacklisted,” Alex said. 
“Yeah. They can play in fucking Tacoma,” he laughed. “There’s always something though, some bad, some not so bad, some bad but kinda funny. Between the shop and the club, but that's what it is, so.” 
Alex checked his wristwatch and scratched his head with pursed lips. Bill and Gustaf shared a curious look. 
“You have somewhere to be?” Bill asked. 
“Jodie wants me to call her and the boys before they go to bed, their time.” 
“Oh.” Hearing his brother speak like that was strange. He was so serious about it, too, like he really gave a shit for once. 
“Or is she making sure you’re not doing what you’re not supposed to be doing?” Gustaf quipped. 
“Don’t you think Lorna might want a call from you too?” Alex narrowed his eyes at his brother.
Gustaf wagged a disapproving finger at his brother. “Yeah, sure. She can put Tate on the phone so he can say hi to you.” 
Bill deeply inhaled, rolling his eyes under closed lids. “I thought you two were over this?” He said, glancing between both of them and becoming aware they were just being terribly petty because they could. 
They both digressed and apologized to their little brother to keep the peace. 
“But actually, I do have to call Lorna.” 
“Right now?” Bill clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Call them when we’re done. I’ll get on the phone and vouch for you two. If they don’t believe me, Alma will.”
“You’re lucky your girl doesn’t get jealous!” Alex said, taking a bite of his steak. 
“Eh, she does sometimes. But she doesn’t keep me on fucking leash like your ladies do.” 
His brothers both scoffed, clearly offended, but it was true. Jodie had her reasons for expecting a call, but Lorna was just as paranoid because of Alex, whose behavior had created a complex that strained her relationship with his brother, Gustaf, at times.
“So, I don’t give a fuck but,” Bill took a deep breath. “Where did you put him?” He asked once dinner had wound down.
Gustaf scratched his head. “His ashes are in a box, you know. I just—I just put him up in the attic. So–” 
“Hmm,” Bill nodded, satisfied with that. “That’s all.”
“He was tough as balls,” Alex said. “I think, uh, he’s a source for a lot of our issues, honestly. Women issues,” he pointed at himself. “Alcohol issues,” he pointed at Gustaf. “And,” he pointed at Bill. “I don’t know. Cryptic douchebag issues.”
“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes. 
“I’ll take that more than women's issues.” 
“I think we’ve all had issues with women,” Bill said honestly. “But that’s on account of us literally being motherless fucks.” 
“Well, that’s certainly a way to put it,” said Gustaf, facetiously. 
“Even with tomorrow’s wife?” asked Alex.
“Mhmm.” Bill nodded with puckered lips. “Let’s just say she put up with a lot from me.” 
“Well, I hear that. Congrats, brother,” Alex raised his beer glass. 
“Congrats,” Gustaf said, raising his glass of water. “You got a good one, brother.” 
Alma was alone in the penthouse suite, lying in bed with a thriller novel for a change. Carla had handed it to her in passing after she left the spa; it was part of their two-woman book club. Echo was with her grandfather, and at his insistence, Alma didn’t mind. He didn’t see Echo often, so it was best that she stayed another night with him and Connie. Before being left alone, Ulyssa had been with her, watching a rerun of The Real World on MTV and chatting a bit. 
“So he’s not coming?” Ulyssa asked, a bit anxious over seeing Gregory. They hadn’t worked out and with her new career, she called it quits, not wanting to be in a long-distance partnership when things had already been wavering. Instead, they agreed to remain friends, but she could tell he wasn’t so keen on the idea. 
“Nope. He did RSVP, but when he came to drop off some posters last week, he told Bill he wouldn’t be able to make it.” She said, biting into a juicy chocolate-covered strawberry. They were sharing a platter of them that had been gifted by Theo.
“He's so damn flakey!” 
Alma lightly chuckled. “He still asks about you. But I heard through Darby that he’s dating a girl at the print shop he works at…” She looked over at Ulyssa carefully, she looked a little hurt but at least it didn’t come off as devastated.
“Well,” Ulyssa tutted. “He should quit trying to call me then!” 
The telephone on the nightstand rang, and she laid her book down to crawl to the other side of the big round bed to answer. 
“You up?”
Alma smiled. “Booty calling me?” 
Bill laughed. “Hey, uh, I forgot my toothbrush.” 
She rolled her eyes. “You did that on purpose,” she giggled. 
“I swear I didn’t!”
They had agreed to spend the night before their wedding apart. Bill arranged to stay in his brother Gustaf’s double bedroom. Although not particularly traditional, they chose to see each other for the first time at the altar. However, it made Bill terribly nervous. As the day approached, the more his emotions played with him. Seeing Alma in her bridal gown for the first time in front of everyone, he wasn’t sure how he would react, and he didn’t want to show his emotions in front of so many people.
“Just go in the spare room and close the door. I’ll be in and out.” 
Bill was rummaging around the room while she waited for him to leave. It suddenly felt kind of silly to spend the night separately. There was a light rap on the door, causing Alma to turn to it while sitting on the spare bed. 
“I got it.” His voice was slightly muffled speaking from the other side of the closed door. 
“Okay.” She stood up, approached the door, and had to stop herself from turning the handle. “Goodnight.”
She laid her hand flat against the door, and it felt as though she could sense his energy through the wood. 
“Kind of wild, huh?” He spoke after a pause. “We’re getting married.” He heard Alma’s light giggle from the other side of the door. “Are you ready?” 
“Are you?” She quipped back. 
“Yeah,” he smiled. 
“Yeah, me too. Who knew we’d be here after meeting in shitty detention?” 
“Mhmm. It’s not the first time I noticed you, though. It was just the first opportunity I had to talk to you without your bitchy little friends around.” He heard Alma laugh a bit louder. “We had that class together. Your hair was long, and then one day you walked in, and it was hacked off.” 
“That was terrible.” She grimaced, remembering how bad of a job she did. 
“I was shocked. It was so, so long. I wanted to ask why you did that, but I was too shy.” He chuckled, recalling how long it was and how she would gather it to one side to give her neck some air while picking at split ends. “Also, I wasn’t too sure if you were like your friends, either. You’re not, by the way.” 
“You were new, so I noticed you the first week of school. But I would have noticed you regardless because you were also so much taller than everyone, even when you walked with a slouch. I dressed like such a nerd back then, and you looked so cool.”
Bill turned and pressed his broad shoulders against the door before sliding down to take a seat on the floor. Alma could sense his movements and did the same. 
“I guess I was a little cool.” He playfully bragged. “Uhm, we haven’t really had any time to ourselves since we got here. But, um, yesterday? When you ran into—you know. Are you sure you’re okay? I hate that—that happened.” 
“I guess?” She scratched her head uncomfortably. “She… I feel bad.” 
“Well, if you didn’t, there’d be something wrong with you.” 
“Thinking of her still makes me angry.” She admitted as she could feel herself becoming irritated. 
Bill picked at the inner seam of his joggers, feeling a bit uncomfortable himself. “Mm. I was an asshole. I should have never used her to push you away like I did. It was shitty. I wonder… how we even had an open relationship.” 
“We could hardly do that right.” Alma quipped.
“It literally pisses me off even thinking of doing that now.” He shook his head to shake the thought of it. “You’re mine.” 
Alma smiled. “I am.” 
“And also, sorry for being an asshole because your period started. Didn’t mean to—” 
“Eh, it’s whatever.” She sighed. “I love Echo. Maybe—well, I mean, I’m an only child?” 
Bill frowned and crossed his arms, uncomfortable with what she seemed to imply—that they would only have one child. He didn’t like that she was accepting defeat so quickly. He could be a little better about his reactions, he thought, it wasn’t helping her optimism. His disappointment didn’t lie with her but rather with himself. 
“But did you like being one?” He asked rhetorically because he knew of the deep loneliness she experienced because of it. 
“No.” She answered after a long pause.
“Well then… there’s your answer.” He chewed on his lip for a moment and begrudgingly stood up to go. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead against the door. 
“You’re leaving already?” She said, standing up herself. 
“Well, it’s kinda late. Don’t you need to get up super early?” 
“Yeah…” she lamented. “Do you still think it’ll be fun?” 
He raised a brow, confused over what she was asking. “Do I still think—what?” 
He tilted his head, still perplexed, as his brows pulled together. “Sex?” 
“Yeah. Do you still think it’ll be as good as having sex in sin?” 
A smirk crept across his face when he heard the door unlock. They hadn’t been intimate since they arrived, having been so busy with friends or family, or being drunk or too hungover and everything in between. 
“Are you inviting me in?” He asked, wanting to be certain despite his hand on the handle already.
“Bill. If you don’t open the fucking door.” 
She jumped back when the door immediately flew open, and before she knew it, he was tackling her into the soft bed, making her yelp before she giggled with elation. 
The Wedding Day
Bianca was meeting Alma that morning, bringing the bridal dress with her. Her hair was in large rollers, and she wore a baby pink velour tracksuit with matching furry slippers. Alma had given her a spare key to the room the night before, but Bianca still knocked—several times. After a loud sigh, she fished the key out of her bra and opened the door to let herself in.
“Alma? Wake up, babe!” She announced when she entered. 
Rounding the corner, she could see Alma lying on her side in the large round bed with her bare back facing her. She paused. Something didn’t feel right, which caused her to look more closely. 
“Oh, for Christ’s sake!” She groaned as she quickly turned around. 
She noticed Bill on the other side of Alma, lying on his stomach with his bare ass to the world. He stirred and turned his head, and his eyes went wide, seeing Bianca in the room. 
“Huh?” Alma woke up looking at him bleary-eyed. 
“I’ll wait outside. My god!” She said disgusted, stomping away. 
“Oh my god!” Alma exclaimed in horror, having been caught because they overslept. “Damn it!” 
“She’ll be okay,” Bill chuckled as he got up to search for his discarded clothes. He kissed her goodbye just before she stepped into the shower. “I’ll see you later.” 
She smiled, feeling butterflies in her belly suddenly taking flight. “I love you.” 
Bill met Bianca in the hallway, where she was waiting impatiently. She shook her head, disapproving of the smug smirk on his face.
“You weren’t supposed to be in there.” She raised her brow. 
“No. But,” he shrugged. “What’d you see? My ass?” He laughed. 
“It’s not funny!” She laughed. “Your ass probably gave me the evil eye, for all I know! Evil—Evil ass!” They both cracked up. “Okay, okay. You go get ready, honey.” 
“Alright,” he said, looking at the garment bag in her hands. 
“I’m not going to show you,” she said, shooing him away before he could think to ask. 
Chewing on a piece of nicotine gum, Bill sat on the spare bed he was meant to sleep in, half-dressed. He wore long black socks, a stark white dress shirt, and white boxer briefs. His perfectly pressed trousers still hung in the closet where he had left them. He was concerned about putting them on too soon and wrinkling them.
“Yeah. I think it sounds alright.” Gustaf said, handing back a sheet of notebook paper. 
“Well, it’s not me you’re writing to, is it? It’s good!” He assured. “From the heart.” 
Bill just nodded and nervously folded the paper closed. Gustaf noticed his little brother sighing deeply while he checked the time and watched him rise from his seat to his soft leather toiletry bag for a comb and some hair products.
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Gustaf asked while digging in his duffle bag for a pair of long black socks. 
“Being in love?” He turned to his anxious brother with a smirk before sitting on the edge of his bed.
Bill resisted the urge to roll his eyes, instead side-eyeing his brother skeptically. He wasn’t sure what he was trying to get at. His brother was married, but not to a woman Bill thought one would want to fall in love with—especially knowing she’d been with their oldest brother. However, Bill wasn’t much better, considering he slept with his hippie girlfriend. Still, Gustaf was married, and there was something he knew that Bill would only understand in a matter of hours.
“Well—of course.” He muttered. 
“You don’t have to play so cool all the time.” He lightly teased. “If you want to be like that, then your letter will make you look lame then!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He groaned as his nerves bubbled up. 
Echo had finally joined her mother while she was having her makeup done by a professional. Alma was sitting in a chair wearing a black fluffy robe and chatting with her father, who had brought lattes for everyone from the café in the lobby. All the while, a photographer was capturing the preparations. Their lens was focused on Bianca, who was helping by curling the little girl’s hair. Echo kept turning her head to watch her mother’s transformation, causing Bianca to pull the hot tool away several times to avoid burning her.
“Let’s turn the chair, yeah?” Bianca suggested, poking her button nose. “So you can watch your mommy turn into a princess just like you?” 
Echo smiled bashfully. “Mama! Mama!” She said once she was facing her. 
“Yeah, baby?” Alma peeked over at her, creaking one eye open. 
“Can I? Have some?” She asked while the makeup artist bounced a power brush on Alma’s face. 
“Oh, here we go,” Antonio lightly chuckled. 
Alma and the makeup artist exchanged a wink before she picked up an unused makeup brush and approached the little girl. The women in the room gasped in awe as the soft brush swept across her cheeks, and she naturally blushed at all the praise.
“I’m going to check on Connie and get ready, mija,” Antonio told his daughter as he got up from the couch with the help of his cane, letting out a low achy groan. “You look pretty,” he said, kissing the top of his grown daughter’s head. “You hardly need it, though,” he added, pointing at the makeup kit beside her. “Here, for you,” he said, pulling a thin, square box from his tan bomber jacket. 
Alma opened the box to reveal a pair of diamond earrings with teardrop pearls dangling elegantly. She was speechless—they were beautiful—but conflicted. Her father had already insisted on paying for both her wedding dress and Echo’s, and now he had spent even more on these earrings. It felt like too much, and she wasn’t sure how to express her mixed emotions.
“Don’t mention it,” Antonio said, easily reading his daughter's thoughts from her expression. “Just say you like them.” 
Alma gave him a small appreciative smile. “They’re gorgeous.” She stood up to hug him tightly. 
Before leaving, he gave his daughter another box that housed two small button pearl earrings for Echo to wear, just as pretty.
“Bye-bye, Bwello,” Echo said, doing her best to pronounce “Abuelo,” as she waved at him.
“No, see you later, mija!” he told her with a wink. "Bye" felt too definitive of a farewell for him.
“See later!” She giggled. 
“Later, Mistah Lucio,” Bianca winked at him, causing him to discreetly raise an abashed brow at his daughter, who responded with a smirk.
Ulyssa arrived shortly, still half-done herself, with her short mod haircut perfectly texturized, but she needed to deliver the Juliet cap she had made for Echo to go with her outfit. Alma’s hair was being sprayed with hairspray when she entered. It was slicked from the middle part into a low, sleek, intricate bun. The stylist was working on laying down the baby hairs in their natural growth pattern, creating soft leave-out curls by Alma's temples.
“Oh my god, Alma!” Ulyssa said with a hand to her mouth. “You’re getting married, bitch!” She laughed. “You look so gorgeous!”
Alma bashfully laughed. “Thanks, ‘Lys.” 
“And you too, pretty girlie!” She pointed at Echo. 
“Look my blush!” She said excitedly as she touched her cheeks. 
“I love it! I’ve brought you something,” Ulyssa said, presenting the lace cap. “Do you like it? Your Aunt Bianca will help you with it.” She handed it over, as Bianca was already working on pinning Echo’s hair. Alma reminded Echo to say thank you to Aunt Ulyssa, which she did.
Ulyssa spotted the wedding dress hung high in waiting. “It’s so pretty, Alma!” She complimented.
“I’m about to put it on. Do you want to stay to see?” 
“Oh, I want to, but I have to finish getting ready. I’ll see how it’s meant to be seen—next to Bill.” She winked. 
“Right, right,” Alma blushed. “Later.”
Bill was adjusting his suit in the full-length mirror, stepping back to assess it while shaking his arms out. He then pulled the sleeves of his button-down shirt to add silver love knot cufflinks. A light knock on the door prompted Gustaf to rise and answer, while Bill nervously nitpicked his suit.
“Oh! Hi, I’m Bianca.” She greeted him. 
“Papa!” Echo said happily.
Bill quickly turned and saw his daughter running toward him with her arms outstretched, giddily. She was wearing white stockings and a white dress. A bright smile spread across Bill’s face as he caught her and lifted her into his arms.
“You’re beautiful, baby! Look at you,” he lightly tickled her side, kissing her cheek. “You missed me?”
Echo laughed. “A little.” 
“A little? You’re so honest sometimes it hurts,” he lightly laughed. “You had fun with your grandpa then?” 
Echo nodded; she did indeed; he hardly had rules. “So handsome, Papa!” She said, placing her hands on his high cheeks. 
“You think?”
Bianca stood back to give them space while Gustaf dismissed himself to look for Alex, whom he suspected was wasting time on casino slots below. Bill turned his head, remembering that there was another presence with them. 
“This is the best you’ve ever looked!” Bianca lightly teased. “No, really honey, you look so nice in white!” She said, taking note of the suit jacket he wore. 
“Yeah? It feels a little hard to get used to,” he said, gently sitting Echo on the bed. “Do I look like a butler?” 
“No,” Bianca shook her head as she laughed. “No tie?” 
“I have one, should I put it on? I did at first but–”
“No, no,” she interrupted before he went on an anxious tangent. “Wear it how you want to. Trust me, you look great. I wouldn’t lie; you know me. Uhm, Alma wants to see you.” 
Bill licked his lips, nervously smoothing his slicked hair down. “Right now? Is–is everything okay?” 
“Yeah! You already saw her this morning. What’s stopping you?” 
He put a hand on his hip. “She’s not like, changing her mind or something?” 
“Don’t be silly, Billy!” She laughed. 
“Alright. Uhm, are you going back to your room?” 
“After I leave Echo with her grandpa. Why?” 
He reached into his pocket and handed her the wedding bands. “Just hold on to these for Gian. Alma’s band is her mother’s, so it can’t be lost.”
"Got it, don’t worry. I’ll give it to him at the chapel, then.” 
She examined the precious metals in her palm. Alma’s gold band was engraved with simple, delicate florals, while Bill’s softly hammered platinum ring was thick and much heavier. He watched as she tucked the rings inside her bra and then patted her chest.
“It’s the safest place they could be,” she winked. “Now go.”  
The door to the suite creaked open slowly and ominously, making Alma’s heart race as she waited for Bill to step in. Although she wished he would come through the door with the same eagerness he had shown when he opened the bedroom door last night, she knew he was nervous and anxious. However, she was too. So instead of revealing herself at the altar, she decided they could have this private moment together one last time before they wed.
Bill took a hesitant step into the room, his heart thumping hard against his chest as he rounded the corner. He peeked briefly before straightening his back as he took a deep breath before proceeding. She stood by the window, her back facing toward him—her bare back. The dress was sleek, with no frills or fluff, chic and elegant against her curves. The square neckline was held up by thin straps, and the smooth white fabric hugged her bodice before it cascaded down. A high slit exposed one of her smooth legs as the rest of the fabric lay in a long train behind her. All of this underneath a veil compassing her, just as long.
She turned her head to meet his gaze, and he suddenly stepped back, clutching his chest, completely enamored. She was breathtaking. Alma thought the same of him, looking dapper, tall, and clean in his white suit jacket and slicked hair. 
Their eyes finally met after scanning each other up and down in stunned awe. Big smiles were on both their faces before they began giggling uncontrollably. Completely tickled that soon they were to be husband and wife. That this was really true. 
“You look so fucking beautiful,” he said, lightly touching the fabric of the veil that kissed her shoulder. 
“You look so handsome!” She slipped her hand under the veil, noticing he was having trouble figuring out where to place his hand, and gently held it. “Is it what you imagined?”
He looked her up and down again. “It’s better than what I imagined, honestly.” He chuckled. “So much better. I want to kiss you.” He looked at her plump lips, tastefully covered in soft nude pink lipstick. 
“Not yet.” She said in a hushed tone. She wanted him to remove the veil for the first time at the altar. 
He nodded. “Let’s go, then. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
Their ceremony at the chapel was straightforward and prompt. There wasn’t an Elvis impersonator—though the absurdity would have cost extra—but a smartly dressed minister officiated. They chose not to have a bridal or groom party, as deciding whom to include was too difficult. Only three people had specific roles in the ceremony: Antonio, who walked Alma down the aisle; Giancarlo, who delivered the wedding bands; and Echo, who scattered white rose petals along the walkway. Despite running out of petals halfway through, she completed the task and even took the liberty to bow before everyone, earning amused snickers from the guests with her charming gesture.
So they stood before their guests and family. Some friends, like Marcy, Marco, Julia, Simion, and Marina, had arrived early in the morning, as well as Lewis and his wife Helen, both nicely tanned. All guests had been asked to wear black to the ceremony, as explicitly stated on the black wedding invitations they issued. For Bill and Alma, it was rare to deviate from their usual preference for dark colors, especially white. This time, they took the opportunity to stand out in a sea of onyx.
They repeated the stereotypical vows after the minister as they exchanged rings. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part… 
The minister announced their official bond and quickly stepped aside, allowing the couple to kiss as husband and wife. Bill lifted the veil from Alma’s face, taking in her beauty fully for the first time. He smiled brightly at her—so stunning—and gently cupped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply. His arms wrapped around her body, pulling her closer, while she hooked an arm around his broad shoulders. He turned and dipped her, their lips remained connected—a move they had practiced at home and executed flawlessly. 
After signing the marriage certificate, they began giggling again, still in disbelief. As if they were just a part of some elaborate delusional prank. But it was real and now official. 
Many pictures were taken at the end of the ceremony outside the chapel steps, including shots with family, friends, individuals, and the minister. As they were finishing up the last few photos, their car arrived to take them to the venue—a Tuscan-inspired tavern restaurant that, while a charming eatery by day, was available for private events.
They made their way to Bill’s dream car—a 1965 Mustang Fastback coupe, all black with chrome details. It looked as though it had driven straight off the magazine page he’d pinned to the thin walls of his childhood home, right next to a photo of Raquel Welch in a bikini. The driver stepped out, clad in a clean mechanic’s shirt, which struck Bill as unusual attire for a chauffeur. Alma glanced up at him, biting back a smirk.
“Congrats,” the driver said, handing Bill the keys to the vehicle. “And congrats on getting married.” 
“What?” He looked down at Alma with surprise. “What the fuck?” 
Alma laughed, delighted by his astonished reaction. Happy that he was genuinely shocked. She took his hand, guiding him to the car so that they could get inside it. Bill admired the black leather interior and its intricate details with wide-eyed appreciation, looking like a child lost in wonder. It was even better in person than the mediocre photos Alma received in the mail.
“Do you like it? It’s my wedding gift to you.” 
“Are you for real? How?” 
“My old house money.” Her childhood home was bulldozed, and now a parking lot took over the space for the strip mall. As if it never existed. 
“Right, but–” 
“Darby. I asked for his help to find this.” She explained. Darby knew old cars and where to help with the search and knew what was fair. “We were able to call around and found this in Reno. And it’ll be shipped to Seattle.”
“Holy shit…” he said, sitting back in his seat in disbelief. “It’s mine. For real?” 
“For real!” She laughed. 
He reached over to kiss her deeply again. This time it was a bit more sexually charged. Making out in the Mustang he now owned. In his dream car with his dream girl. They broke apart, but their foreheads remain linked. 
“I want to eat your pussy so fucking bad right now.” He said, pecking her lips while she giggled. “Right here, I don’t give a fuck. You’re my wife now.” 
“Let’s take it for a ride first and… see where we end up.” She winked.
After their reception dinner in the intimate, candlelit venue with stone walls, they had a bouquet toss on the outdoor patio, which Ulyssa ended up catching, making Bill laugh. Afterward, some of the men from the party joined Bill outside, wanting a tour of the Mustang. Bill took a puff of his cigarette and thanked Darby for helping Alma. 
“Yeah, man anytime.” He said, lighting his cigarette. “I’ll admit I was getting nervous, thinking I wouldn’t find anything through my connections. We’ve been searching since, uh, October,” he said with uncertainty. “Yeah! October. It looks damn good.” He said, fist-bumping his boss. “That weekend I asked off in February, I was in Reno test-driving it”
“Hey, brother, could I get one?” Scotty said, straightening up after peering into the car through the rolled-down window. “The ‘Stang is sick, by the way.” 
“I’m gonna see what the old boss is up to,” Darby said, dismissing himself.
Standing at the altar in the chapel, Bill scanned the guests and noticed Scotty sporting a black eye. He gave his friend a curious look, pointing at his own eye in silent question. Scotty, seated in one of the pews, simply signaled with a gesture that he'd explain later. 
“Care to explain now?” He asked, passing him a cigarette. 
“Let me light this, and I will,” Scotty said, pulling out a matchbook from his back pocket—a wedding favor with Bill and Alma’s names around an anatomical heart and the wedding date underneath. After taking a deep drag and exhaling the smoke, he continued, “Someone punched me.”
“Yeah, no fucking shit!”
“I didn’t start it, man. I was out with everyone on the strip but Ash and I–” 
Bill plucked his cigarette from his lips. “You and Ash?” He raised a brow at him.
“It’s nothing like that. She’s cute, but I got something going on with Kiara. That’s another thing completely. Anyway, we got separated, so we were weaving around the crowds to try to catch up, and she bumped into some Texas-sized asshole! Like bulls ride him kinda shit, right?” He animatedly gestured. “And well, he got real agro about it, and I-I’m not going to repeat what he said,” he shook his head, taking another deep drag, still pissed.
What the man uttered was reprehensible, but coming from a hick town, it wasn’t the first time he’d heard ugly words about someone’s color, unfortunately. He’d fought about it as a young punk then and continued into his young adulthood confronting skinheads at underground shows. With his daughter being half-black, he didn’t hesitate to push the man back harshly when he heard those remarks directed at Ash.
“It’s not something that should be coming out of anyone’s fucking mouth.” He spit on the ground with disgust. “But yeah, Ash tried to pull me back, and in doing so—I got clocked. Didn’t mean to look like shit at your wedding, man. Sorry.”
“Nah, fuck that guy. You get him a few times at least?” Bill asked, stomping his cigarette out. 
“Yeah, dude. I kicked him in the chest, and we ran off,” he laughed. 
“And what’s going on with Kiara? You two got back together?” 
Scotty took a deep breath, looking a bit put out. “Well, no.” He scratched his neck, clearly debating whether he wanted to share. “You know, I hear it’s rude to announce stuff at other people’s weddings, so—”
“You’re not announcing shit. You’re just talking to me.” 
“Well, then, Kiara is pregnant. It’s mine before you think to ask.” 
Bill raised his hands defensively. “Get out of my head.”
“Shithead,” he said playfully, stomping his cigarette out. “Yeah… we’re having a boy.” 
“Oh! So this isn’t a new thing?” 
“No, she’s almost 6 months pregnant, yeah. She didn’t want to tell me, though. She just threw the 12-week ultrasound picture at me one day. Can you believe that shit?” 
“Kinda,” he quickly muttered. “You nervous?” Bill genuinely asked. 
“Fuck yeah,” he sighed. “I don’t think—well, you know, we have a kid, but it’s been seven years since then. But when I saw the ultrasound picture, I physically felt my dick shrink! I don’t think there’ll be a time when I’m not wanting to shit a brick.” 
They began making their way back inside, like the others who had gone before them. “Yeah, I guess, I get that.” 
“You know, being guys, we don’t know what that’s like. Your girl is pregnant, and there’s not much you can do but watch. Then sometimes, when she’s having a rough day, you, like, feel guilty for doing that to them.” He glanced at his friend, who seemed visibly uncomfortable. “Ah, damn, man. I shouldn’t be unloading all this on you, not right after you just got married.” He patted his friend's shoulder. 
 “I’m just—just listening.” Bill scratched his jaw.
“Alright. Well, what’s next, the garter toss?” 
“Hell no.” Bill laughed. “I don’t want any of you guys with that shit.” 
Bill stayed back to take in the memorial table Alma had arranged with their wedding planner. It was beautifully decorated with ornate frames, bouquets, and twinkling lights. Among the framed photos was one of Alma’s mother as a young woman, standing before a rose garden. Another featured his own mother, her long hippie hair cascading around her shoulders, wearing round-frame sunglasses, and leaning against a car with a cigarette between her fingers. The last was a portrait of Myrna from her vaudeville days.
He turned his head at Alma’s loud guffaw, which cut through the music playing at a mellow volume. She was by the back patio, sharing a cigarette with his brothers. It looked like Alex had managed to get a laugh out of her. Bill scanned the room, taking in their eclectic mix of friends and family. His eyes settled on Echo, on her tiptoes and poking a finger into the wedding cake for a taste before darting across the room with a white bunny stuffed animal clutched under her arm to fist bump Matt.
“Is that Miss Myrna?” A voice said from behind him. It was Giancarlo, coming back from the bathroom. 
“Uh, yeah.” Bill nodded. 
“Wow. She was pretty.” He was a little boy then but remembered how she applied blue shadow to her wrinkly lids and red rouge to her jowly cheeks in a clownlike fashion. “I remember she made me and Lorenzo call her Mama.” 
Bill laughed. “Yeah. She made me call her that too. Funny lady, huh.” 
“Very. And this,” he pointed. “Your mother?” Bill nodded in reply. “She was a hippy!” 
“Yeah, kinda.” He scratched his ear uncomfortably. 
Gian glanced over at Bill and recognized he was maybe being a bother. “Uhm, I heard Alma was waiting on you. For the dance?” 
“You dance?” Gian playfully teased. 
“I might surprise you. I just kinda get shy,” he admitted to him. “I don’t like to do it in front of everyone. At least sober.” 
“Oh right! The second Christmas dinner you ever came to!” Gian pointed out, recalling the memory of Bill, wine-drunk, dancing with his very Italian family. 
“That’s not a great point of reference.” He grimaced. 
Before the dance began, Bill discovered that guests had the opportunity to make toasts, with one stipulation—they had to wear the cowboy hat Alma had stolen. In reality, the couple mostly got roasted, and Alma cringed at times, especially knowing her father was in the audience hearing things she’d never admit to him. Despite the playful jabs, each speech ended on a favorable note. The wedding planner crouched beside the couple, who were sitting so close that Alma was nearly in his lap. The planner checked in to confirm their chosen song for their dance and then hurried off to inform the DJ.
“Uhm,” Bill sat up. “One sec’ before you do,” Bill said after the planner. Alma glanced at him curiously. She worried that maybe he was too nervous to do it at all. “I just want to say something,” he said, rubbing Alma’s thigh under the table reassuringly before he stood up. 
Straightening his back, he cleared his throat, prompting the room to fall silent. Echo, sitting between Yolani and Ulyssa, waved at him, and Scotty raised his cowboy hat, playfully suggesting he wear it. Bill shook his head with an amused smirk, then crossed his wrists in front of him and took a deep breath. He didn’t need the note he had written, tucked away in the inner pocket of his suit jacket—he remembered every word by heart.
He had opened his mouth to speak, but the planner had quickly come over to give him a mic. He took it and suddenly felt awkward. The room wasn’t so big that his voice wouldn’t carry well, but now he was stuck with it. 
“Uhm, okay.” He licked his lips. “Hey, everyone. Thank you for being here with us tonight. I just wanted to take an opportunity to speak some words to my wife,” he glanced down and smiled at her. 
She looked nervous, having no idea what he was about to say in his speech. She felt a pang of regret for not writing one herself. When they discussed their vows, they opted for simplicity, agreeing that they had already expressed everything they needed to say to each other. 
“Um, growing up, I didn’t know where or even who I’d be,” he began. “I never really had the best outlook for myself. I didn’t dream. I just was focused on surviving. I wasn’t dealt a promising hand. When I met Alma, it changed me in a way I just could not accept at the time. I didn’t see myself in the best light then, nor did I think I deserved to be in the presence of her light.” 
He felt Alma take his hand that hung by his side, and by that small comforting gesture, his rapidly beating heart settled. “But being around her showed me how I could be different. That dreams were real and didn’t have to remain dreams. And that those dreams could also become so much more.” He paused for a beat, feeling he might have said the word “dreams” too many times. “She made me feel good about myself; she made me feel like a man. She would come into my life every time I needed her most. And when she wasn’t, I would search for her in any way I could—a letter, a note, a bobby pin left behind, the scent of amber and vanilla, the melodies of songs I associated with her, and through my words to anyone who would listen to me talk about her.” He cleared his throat, feeling a lump form as he had gone a little off-script. “Uhm, it has taken us some time to get here; we’re both stubborn to a fault. As everyone in their speeches pointed out, which frankly just sounded like whiny bitching.” He said, earning a chuckle from everyone. “But I’m glad it’s finally come. I can’t believe how I could be so lucky. If today means that my luck has run out, that’s fine because it means everything was worth it in the end.”
He turned his gaze directly to Alma. Her eyes were glassy, clearly struggling to hold back tears. “Alma,” he said, his voice soft but full of conviction. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” They shared a deep understanding, gazing. To everyone, it might have sounded like the sappy words of a husband in love, but to them, it was profoundly true. “I love you. You’ve given me more of everything you are, than most could do in a lifetime. You’ve shown me who I could be, and you inspire me to always be better. Until my last breath, my love.” 
“Hear, hear!” His brother Alex could be heard over the applause. 
Alma rapidly blinked, her lip quivering as she fought back tears. Bill squeezed her hand before guiding her to her feet to share a kiss. She was shocked he would be so brave to express what he had in front of others. Given his aversion to having people pry into his life, it meant a great deal to her that he would open up so candidly. By revealing a side of himself he usually reserved for her alone, Bill allowed their guests a glimpse of the man she had fallen in love with. Vulnerability didn’t come easy to him, but that he let the wall fall showed just how much of a man he truly was. 
With his hand behind his back holding hers, Bill guided Alma to the outdoor patio. The DJ cued the music perfectly as it began right as they situated themselves. Choosing a song for their first dance had been a long and frustrating process. The task had begun to irritate them, but they ultimately settled on a song. However, Bill would listen to it and just didn’t think it was right. Secretly, he kept searching.
He was home with Echo, who he had just put to bed for the night, while Alma was busy supervising a neofolk show at the record shop. At the top of the mezzanine, he pulled a few records from the shelf at random. After discarding a few due to their genres being ill-fitting, he was left with two. He listened to the first record, but was unsatisfied with any of the songs, while he had been flicking through some self-therapy book Alma checked out of the library. 
He laid it down exactly how she had it on a side table in the den and went to change records. Bored through half of the record, he made space to do push-ups while the TV played the nightly news on mute. As he transitioned to sit-ups, he noticed the needle nearing the center of the record. A soft melody of guitar notes and a tambourine began to sound from the speakers when he got up to take the record off. He paused, listening to the lyrics. Although the song had a slower tempo, the lyrics were just right.
Alma came home that night as he was watching a movie. He paused the film and listened as she entered through the side door leading from the breezeway. She sighed loudly, kicking off her Doc Martens and dropping her tote on the bench in the mudroom. She made her way toward the den, to take the secret private room to the bedroom for a shorter trip. 
“Oh,” she said, shaking out her sweaty hair from the tight ponytail she had it in. 
Hey,” he greeted after she leaned down to kiss him while he lounged on the sectional.
“I’ll be right back. I’m going to take a quick shower.” 
“Wait.” He said, catching her hand before she walked off. “I found the song we’re going to dance to at the reception.” 
“I thought we already picked one?” 
“No. It’s good; don't get me wrong, but it’s not it,” he said, getting up to play the record he left on the turntable.
She saw the cover for it right by. Just a yellow pop art banana on a white background. The Velvet Underground and Nico. It was an old record from her collection that she had shipped from Strathburg. Seeing where he had placed the needle, she knew the exact song that would play before it touched the grooves. I’ll Be Your Mirror. 
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intotheseas · 3 months
My submission for @stardewfanficwriters ' event, 1.6 fest! Day 4, Green Rain.
Title: Hoppipolla
Rating: M
Pairing: Sebastian x OC f!farmer
Tags: Unresolved sexual tension, fluff, character development, sexual tension, friends to lovers, falling in love
Word count: 5,960
AO3 Link here!
Full text below the break!
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Sage loves her cows. They're gentle giants with soulful eyes, fuzzy brown fur, and a proclivity for affectionate headbutts. Since they arrived a month ago they've thrived, living well off of the land. 
The late afternoon sun’s a furnace beating down on her as she finishes her milking. Every animal is loved upon, every space is cleaned, and each trough is overstuffed with hay. Sage wipes her forehead. The air is so humid it's almost wet, moisture hanging thick in the air. 
Moving on from her livestock, Sage allows her thoughts to wander. She and Shane meet up for lunch at least a couple times per week. Bit by bit, they're getting closer. It's good to have friends in the Valley.
Her newfound financial security is nice, too. Pierre buys a large portion of her milk, and she's negotiating with a few grocers in neighboring towns to sell the surplus.
Sage examines her fields. Pierre offered her a bulk discount on tomato starters, and her first harvest put the potatoes from spring to shame, thanks to fertilizer. Ever since she relented to Pierre's numerous thinly veiled sales pitches, the quality of her crops has skyrocketed. Even after almost half a year in the Valley, she's learning new things every day. 
Half the produce went to Pierre, and the other to a grocer a few towns away. A couple weeks ago, she and Maru spent a few days together installing a sprinkler system into her fields. Maru had been eager to put her skills to the test, and they were both grateful for the bonding time.
With a soft expression, she brushes her fingers along the tiny yellow flowers. Day by day she's watched the plants climb higher and higher along the trellises she and Sebastian built. They'd spent hours putting together the thin pieces of wood, spread out on the farmhouse’s floor. 
It was sweltering that day, and he'd taken his shirt off again. They'd relished the weak breeze from the box fan Sage set up near the door. From the corner of her eye she'd watched, shameless, as he worked. Her gaze lingered on his back and freckled shoulders far longer than what was usual for a friend. 
She's accepted, she has a big crush. But they're friends, and good friends at that. And that's enough, for now. A smile tugs at her lips as she surveys her farm. It's hasn't ceased to be novel, that thought. Her farm. Hers. She never pictured herself this way, owning anything. Creating something. It's more fulfilling than she ever thought it would be.
After a final glance at the fields, Sage heads inside for a shower. Scrubbing herself raw, she sighs in relief, melting under the lukewarm stream. She's always loved feeling clean, especially after a day of working in the hot sun.
Satisfied, she strolls into the main room, dripping water onto the wooden planks. Grabbing a soda from the fridge, she turns on the TV, her newest splurge. When her milk started selling so well, she figured she deserved a treat. 
Sebastian comes over more often lately. They camp out at the table, snack on veggies, and enjoy the easy company. It's a comforting routine they've built, a foundation of silly jokes, music, and a mutual appreciation for books and dumb sitcoms. 
That's something Sage likes about Sebastian. She never feels the need to fill the silence between them. They have good conversations, too, but there's never any pressure to talk. It's effortless. Natural.
The news is on, and she's only half listening, pondering what she might plant this fall, until an alarm blares. Leaning forward, she squints. 
The weatherman pulls at his collar and stammers, mentioning a strange storm developing. Sage stills as the words "unprecedented" and "anomalous" bounce between the newscasters. She thinks of her crops.
Sage: Hey, are you watching the news right now?
Sebastian: No, why?
Sage: There’s some weird weather thing? Green rain? Idk. People seem kind of freaked out.
Sebastian: Shit, yeah, this looks cool as fuck. You see the video they showed?
Sage: Mhm. I guess it's supposed to hit us overnight. I'm kinda worried for my tomatoes. Think I'm gonna put covers on them.
After downing her soda and watching more of the forecast, Sage steps outside. She's digging around in the shed, tossing coverings, stakes, and a hammer out, when she hears footsteps. A minute later, Sebastian raps on the door, holding a stitch in his side and out of breath.
“Hey, thought you might want some help, so here I am.” He scrapes his hair into a half-bun, pulls the tarps from the shed, and drags them to the field.  
Sage blinks. “Hi to you, too. Thanks, Seb.” Joining him, she tries her best to ignore how self conscious she feels, aware of every miniscule movement she makes. 
“My pleasure.” He fiddles with his t-shirt’s collar. “Mom also wants you to stay the night. I guess the whole town's freaking out because of this storm. She doesn't want you alone in case it's destructive.” 
“And,” he avoids her gaze, “it's probably best if people stick together. I'm sure it's nothing, but better safe than sorry.” 
Sage looks at him for a moment, watching as he hammers a stake into the ground, and shrugs. “Yeah, okay. Let's finish this and I'll pack a bag.” Keeping her expression nonchalant, she can only hope her exterior doesn't betray the frazzled state of her heart and mind. 
On the inside, her stomach's doing flips that would put any gymnast to shame. Hanging out at her place and the docks is one thing, but spending the night under the same roof…Dangerous thoughts, Sage. Focus.
She bites the inside of her cheek, clinging to her composure. Though he doesn't mention it anymore, Sage doesn't know when Sebastian plans on leaving for Zuzu. The odd sense of limbo’s thorned into her side as they've grown closer. 
With her tongue stuck between her teeth, she drives the last stake into the ground. Whatever this rain is, it shouldn't touch her crops. Satisfied, she brushes her shorts off. “Guess I'll pack a bag.” 
Sebastian follows her inside - by now it's second nature. He grabs a soda from the fridge and sits at the table, glued to the news while he rests his chin in his hand. 
Keeping an ear trained to the forecast, Sage throws some essentials into her backpack. The weatherman’s voice is shaky, repeating his earlier warnings of unprecedented events and strange radar signatures. 
Her forehead scrunches as her movements slow. If anything happens to the animals or crops, she'll have to start over. Can she do that? “I'm wondering if I should leave. What if it harms my tomatoes or livestock? And Lenny?” 
“I get it, but we can shut the animals in the barns and take Lenny with us. There's not much you can do against nature.” Sebastian frowns. “I'd rather have you safe with us than stuck here alone.” 
The look on his face makes Sage a little weak in the knees. He's speaking as if he cares about her. Which he probably does. As a friend. Because that's what they are.
Turning away, Sage hides her heated cheeks. "Yeah, okay. I'm still gonna worry, though." After Lenny's coaxed into his carrier, she and Sebastian corral her beloved chickens and cows inside. Sage hugs each animal and stuffs their troughs with extra hay.
Hoisting her bag onto her shoulder, she looks back at her farm as they begin the trek up the mountain path. Lenny's in his carrier, cradled safe in Sebastian's arms. Her steps falter.
"You good Sage? You've got the same kind of dreamy look Maru gets." He waves a hand in front of her.
She startles. "Sorry! I was just thinking how it's been almost six months since I came here. This farm means a lot to me. Didn't expect that to happen. Was only looking for an escape, but this...well, it's a lot more."
With molten eyes, Sebastian smiles. "Glad you moved here, farmer girl."
His words leave her fizzy, like the sodas they left on her kitchen table. Sage thinks she might float up and out of sight if she wasn't attached to a body. She wants to hug him, to tell him she's glad here's in the Valley too, but resists. Instead, she casts a final look back. "Do you think the rain will be anything bad?" Her voice wavers.
"Nah." Sebastian coos at Lenny as he steps around a rock. "We're right by the ocean. There's bound to be weird storms coming up the coast now and then." With a quick glance at her, he adds, "There's no harm in being careful, though. And Mom will be happy to have you."
The tension leaves her body as he speaks. And Sage wonders, when did that start happening? When did she start trusting him to calm her? To help her? Taking a deep breath, Sage realizes how much she's changed since she left the city, and how much she loves the changes she's made.
She's blooming, same as tulips on her porch, and the tomatoes in her fields. Thriving alongside the land Grandpa Charlie entrusted to her.
As they reach Sebastian's house, they're treated to a dazzling view of the sun dipping closer to the sea. The air is cloying with the scent of rain, and in the distance, clouds tinged with green scud off the horizon. Sage shivers. Whether it's in excitement or fear, she isn't sure.
Inside the house, it's dim and smells of sawdust and varnish. Sage peers around, craning her neck. "Where should I put my stuff?"
Sebastian stops, blank. "Uhh, I hadn't thought that far ahead. There's a couch downstairs. You can let Lenny out down there, too. C'mon." He leads her down a set of steps to the right. 
They're greeted with complete darkness. Bumping into Sebastian's chest, Sage blusters backward, tripping to the ground. 
Swearing, Sebastian sets down a protesting Lenny and stumbles a few paces away. "Shit, you alright? Hold on." A switch clicks, and a light flickers on. Extending a hand, he hoists Sage up.
"Thanks, I'm good. I didn't expect it to be so dark." She peers around. "So, this is your room?" Gray bricks line the walls, and the decor is minimal. A bed, couch, shelf, and a desk with a computer. A few posters line the walls, mostly from bands or video games. Sebastian shifts beside her.
"It's not what I expected, although your bookshelf does look nice..." Sage trails her fingers against the books’ spines. A decent collection of comics, horror, and some classics.
"I, uh, haven't really redecorated at all since high school, since I figured I'd be leaving and all."
Sage straightens and keeps her expression carefully neutral. Of course, he's still thinking of moving. "Ah. Right." She turns to face him. "Makes sense, if you're gonna go to the city."
Awkwardness hangs over them, sticky and suffocating. Sebastian's gaze darts around, and a shaky laugh escapes him. "A-anyway," he says, "who knows when that'll happen. We should go upstairs. I'm sure Mom wants to see you."
Bending down, Sage lets Lenny out of his carrier. "Yeah. Let's do that." As she follows him out, her heart is tender in her chest, like it's sustained a bruise. She's gotten attached. Her nails bite into her palm as she holds back tears. This sucks.
In the kitchen, Robin and Maru gather around the table, the glow of the TV reflected in their wide eyes. Maru flashes a quick smile, and Robin pats Sage's head as they sit, her focus trained forward. "I'm glad you're here, Sage. I'm sure this'll be nothing, but it never hurts to be safe. Everyone in town's worried and the news isn't doing much to calm the public."
"I appreciate you inviting me to stay the night." Sage does her best to keep her voice light despite the weight in her stomach. "Maru, will you and Demetrius study this at all?"
Maru twirls a pencil between her fingers. "I'll take some samples once it passes, but I'm not going out until it's over. Dad, well, he'll do what he wants regardless of what we say." Robin scowls.
Pulling her knees to her chest, Sage turns her focus to the worried newscaster on screen. The feed switches to a reporter in Zuzu City. They huddle under an awning, casting nervous glances at the vivid green sky above. "An emergency stay in place order remains in effect for Zuzu City! All non-essential businesses are to remain closed."
Another talking head appears. "We can confirm the rain is not acidic. However, we don't know much else, only that it appears to make vegetation grow at an alarming rate. Whether this affects its cellular structure or not remains to be seen."
Maru leans forward, already scribbling onto a piece of paper. "Fascinating,” she murmurs. "By the way, Sage, if you don't mind the floor, I have a sleeping bag you can use."
"Oh! Thank you, I-"
"I've already set her up on the couch in my room. Comfier than the floor."
Sage, Maru, and Robin's heads snap toward Sebastian, but they say nothing.
She wasn't aware that placing her things on the couch counted as her agreeing to sleep there, but she's not complaining, either.
The silence is broken by the patter of raindrops against the window. Robin springs up and turns off the lights. Outside, a faint green light is visible while clouds hover overhead, closer to the ground than usual. Shuddering, Robin sits down and turns to the TV.
The talking heads continue their talking, interspersed with videos of reporters shivering under umbrellas and wearing gas masks. They look ridiculous, and Sage is leaning toward Sebastian to whisper as much when Demetrius enters the kitchen, donned head to toe in a hazmat suit. He breathes, heavy and labored, and Sage's mind flashes to a caricature of Darth Vader.
"Shit, I just forgot I have a project due for a client tonight. Sage, come help me." Sebastian grabs her hand and pulls her into the hallway and down the stairs. She can hear Robin's bemused voice floating after them.
"Sage can code?"
Downstairs, he grips her hand, doubled in laughter, and soon Sage is laughing too. They clutch at each other for support, trying not to fall. His hands move to her shoulders and she feels so secure she might cry. He's so solid, so safe, so fucking alive.
"He looked ridiculous," Sebastian chokes between peals of laughter. His head hovers above Sage's shoulder, and then rests on it, giggles muffled into her flannel. He smells of soap, coffee, and faintly of cigarettes, and Sage wants to close the distance, to wrap her arms around him.
But she can't. Because he's going to leave her. She stiffens under his touch, and he quiets and steps away, the grin wiped from his lips. "Ah, sorry. I invaded your personal space."
Sage shrugs, all her focus on keeping a straight face. "You didn't. It's fine."
The sticky awkwardness is there again, like drops of humidity clinging to their skin. Clearing his throat, Sebastian turns on the TV and sits on the couch. "You can join me, if you'd like."
She sinks into the cushions beside him. Their thighs almost touch, and that's louder than anything the panicked weatherman has to say. Lost in her own head, Sage finds herself suppressing tears again. She wanted that moment to last. She didn't mean to make him stop, and she's cursing herself for stiffening.
Sitting together on the couch feels so fucking right and normal, and her throat constricts as she realizes it's temporary. That someday she'll reminisce about this, sad, a mere blip in her life. Her eyes burn as she admits to herself, she wants this to be more than a blip. The thought gives her the urge to run away, out into the weird rain, as far as her legs will take her.
"Sage? You okay?" Sebastian's leaning forward, waving his hand.
She jumps.
"You're a million miles away."
Heart hammering in her chest, Sage takes a deep breath. Fuck it."I- I'll really miss you when you move to Zuzu. We always have so much fun. Sorry, I want you to pursue your dreams, I promise, it just won't be the same once you're gone.”
Sebastian frowns, eyebrows knitted. "Sage..."
She knows how this part goes. He'll tell her she's nice, but he doesn't see her the same way, and he has to follow his ambitions. And how can Sage blame him? Who is she to deny him the opportunity? A pathetic sniffle escapes her. She can't believe she's allowed herself to get so attached to him, especially since she always knew he planned to leave.
"Sage." He's holding her shoulder now. "Did you hear anything I just said?"
Swallowing hard, she shakes her head. "No, sorry. What did you say?"
He smiles at her, with something tender and warm in his expression. And for the second time that day she finds herself weak in the knees. "I said I'm not sure if I'm moving to Zuzu."
Sage blinks. "What?"
"Yeah. I've been thinking a lot about what I want out of life, and I'm not sure if that lies in the city. Or, well, if it lies anywhere. Maybe it's something I can find wherever I am." He leans back into the couch. "I think I wanted to move to Zuzu so I could be alone. Which sounds weird, but-"
"It's easier to be alone in the city. I lived there, I know." Their eyes lock.
"Exactly. But lately, things aren't so bad. Maru and I have gotten closer. Abby's dating someone from Grampleton and it isn't weird with her. And," he pauses, his gaze still on hers, "I have you."
Sage's breaths are shallow as her heart thumps in her chest. She's not sure how to deal with the sincerity, the tenderness in his voice, and defaults to a joke. Her voice squeaks. "So...you're saying we're friends?"
He tilts his head a bit before he bursts into laughter again, clapping a palm to his forehead. "Yeah, Sage. We're definitely friends." He looks at her for a few moments longer. "So, don't feel sad. I'm not leaving, not anytime soon, at least. And if I ever do, you'll have plenty of warning."
Chewing on a fingernail, she nods. It's not definite, but maybe their time isn't limited. Maybe she can get over her crush and be a good friend to him as she has to Shane. A tiny bubble of hope rises in her chest.
"Hey." Sebastian leans close again, inches from her face. Her focus is hyper-sharp, aware of every molecule of space between them. "I bet this rain isn't shit. You wanna sneak out after everyone goes to sleep? I bet we can see a ton of frogs. They must be going crazy out there."
Her lips curl into a wide grin. "Yeah. I wanna experience the super scary green rain. Should we get some coffee?"
“Yoba, yes. But try not to laugh at Demetrius if he's still in that getup."
"No promises." They both smother giggles into their hands. "But I'll do my best." 
Sebastian’s POV
"We should dress light. We're gonna get soaked, anyway." Sebastian sneaks a glance at Sage, clad in a thin tank top and jean shorts. Already regretting the choice of words, he turns away and shucks his hoodie. "Lucky for us, my family goes to bed early. Shall we?” 
“Let's do it.” Chugging the rest of her coffee, Sage scratches Lenny’s ear before they creep up the staircase. The squeak of the front door freezes them in their tracks, but no one stirs. They tiptoe outside with bated breath. 
Lingering by the front door, Sage peers at the eerie glow bathing the Valley. “Maybe we should stay here a few minutes to make sure it's not gonna hurt us.” Rubbing her arm, she shoots him a bashful grin. 
“You scared?” Sebastian chuckles.
“Not scared, just practical.” Sage sticks her tongue out, then recoils as the rain hits it. “What the fuck? Seb, it tastes like mint!” 
Sticking his own tongue out, he jerks in surprise as a few drops fall into his mouth. The taste is sharp, minty, and a little peppery. “Shit, that's weird.” He tilts his head to the sky. “I kinda dig it."
Below, Pelican Town is visible through the green haze. The sky above, so wide and open, fills him with thoughts of potential. Sebastian moves to Sage's side, leaning on the house.
He's a tightly wound ball, stuffed to the brim with fizzing excitement. It could be the caffeine, or the novelty, but he suspects most of it is the fact that Sage is there, and they have an entire night ahead of them. 
“Well, we haven't disintegrated yet. Think you're comfy to go out?” 
Sage answers by tugging him into the downpour. “We're already pretty wet. Might as well!” 
Taking the lead, Sebastian pulls her onto the path down the mountain. The air is thick with the lush smells of grass, moss, and damp earth. Everything shimmers through a sheen of emerald. He's never seen the path look so beautiful, so gorgeous. 
Sage keeps close. His skin tingles when her cold arm brushes against his. Trying to distract himself, he peers further into the gloom. “Spooky, isn't it?” 
She nods. “Yeah, but it's kinda delicious how creepy it is, you know?” Bending down, she inspects the wildflowers lining the trail. “Wow, there's already so much new growth.” 
Crouching beside her, he runs his fingers over a rock. It's fuzzy with a thick layer of moss. A frog leaps from behind, and he lights up as Sage catches it between her palms. 
“Check this little guy out! He's a cutie, isn't he?” 
The sight of her holding a frog, beaming, sends his heart into overdrive. With a soft huff, he touches its bumpy skin. “Very cute.” 
Careful not to harm it, Sage places the frog into the undergrowth. “Bet this is a total party for him.” Her smile is affectionate, reaching the depths of her eyes. “Let's leave him to it.” It hops deeper into the trees, croaking. 
“Have I ever told you I love frogs?” 
Sage blinks at him. “No, but I can totally see it. You both prefer damp and dark spaces, right? No wonder you stay in that basement all the time.” 
He scoffs in mock indignation. “I leave the house sometimes! I'm outside right now.” 
“Yeah, in a damp, dark space.” 
Grumbling, Sebastian pokes her side, but warms at her teasing, the kind only a friend could get away with. Somehow, with her, the playful jabs feel bubbly and fun. He watches Sage as she wanders ahead, hair plastered flat and skin glistening in the faint light. 
She lets out a cry as she slips, falling forward. Without thinking, Sebastian reaches out, hooking an arm around her waist. Tumbling down the path, they land in a tangled heap, her cheek smushed against his chest. 
Groaning, Sage rubs her arm. "Oww. You okay, Seb?"
"Yeah." Placing a palm on her head, Sebastian holds her steady as he sits up, legs twined with hers. She looks at him with her wide gaze and fuck, he wants nothing more than to kiss her right there, to press her back into the soft ground and take her. 
Neither of them make any effort to move. Clearing his throat, he tears his eyes from hers and wipes a smear of mud from her arm. “You okay?” 
Sage drops her face to his shoulder, letting out a shaky laugh. “I'm terrific, thanks for asking. And thanks for catching me.” A pause. “Well, sort of.” 
The most reluctant he can remember being in ages, he stands, extracting his limbs from hers, and helps Sage to her feet. They've ended up near Pierre's. The rain falls in sheets, tinting Pelican Town a verdant green. Sebastian touches his shoulder to hers. "So, what next? The world's our oyster."
"Mmm, how about the beach? I wanna see the ocean." Sage bends to wipe debris from her bare legs. Swallowing, Sebastian notices how her sodden shirt clings to the curves of her waist and hips.
"Lead the way." He says that so he can catch her if she slips again. Definitely not so he can peek at her form. No, definitely not.
As cobblestone turns to sand, Sebastian marvels at the endless sky. Thunder rumbles, a booming echo, and he and Sage grin at each other. The ocean, an oddly calm pool of jungle green, beckons him. 
Sebastian isn't usually a swimmer, but something about the hue and otherworldly feeling in the air draws him near. He pushes through tiny waves and turns to find Sage. She's at the shore, folded in on herself.
Offering a hand, he calls to her. "What? We're already soaked. Come on, we should clean off."
On tentative feet she approaches, and clutches at his arm. "Don't let go, okay?"
She doesn't have to ask him twice. Gripping her shoulders, he guides her in. The tide swirls around them, surprisingly warm and gentle. She wades in up to her waist and stops. Startled, Sebastian realizes she's trembling. "Sage? Are you okay?"
"I'm alright. I do have a slight fear of water." She clutches her arms to her torso "But this isn't too bad. Just give me a minute to get used to it."
"We can leave if this is too much."
"No, this is good. I want to confront it, you know?"
She releases her grip on him and ventures a bit further in, gasping as she's submerged up to her chest. His heart turns soft as her fingers skim the surface, as she lets out a shaky giggle. 
Sinking to his knees, Sebastian disappears, washing his skin. He rockets up, sending spray flying into the air. A few feet off, Sage sways, eyeing him.
"We'll need to take a shower when we go home. You're still covered in mud." Sebastian splashes her, grinning. She snorts, eyes dancing with a playful gleam he can't quite identify, and his mouth goes dry. "I mean, showers. You can go first."
The smallest smirk flits over her face before she ducks beneath the sea. Emerging, she gasps, covering her mouth. "I did it! I went underwater!" She jumps, as well as she can, and embraces him. "I've never been able to do it before."
"That's great, Sage." Peering at her, Sebastian returns the hug. He doesn't know why it's such a big deal, but he’s happy for her. He's idiotically happy, as if he might burst. 
And, same as when they'd laughed together under her bed, he knows it's time to pull back before he acts on a reckless impulse. "Come on. It's midnight and we're hopped up on caffeine. Let's check out the forest."
They waddle out of the ocean, taking one last look as they cross into town, toward the forest. Sebastian snickers as they pass Sam's house. “Sam would be so pissed if he found out we were out here without him.” 
Sage tosses him an amused smile. “Our little secret, then?” 
Sebastian likes the sound of that. He likes it a lot. The entrance to the forest yawns, the sound of the downpour muted as they pass into the trees. The scent of wet earth hangs in the air.
Raindrops slide from leaves, glittering in the lamplight outside Marnie's ranch. Sage tilts her face up, catching them on her tongue, laughing, laughing open and unabashed, as a child would. 
And it strikes him, he feels young, as if he's a kid again. That free, easy sensation he rarely got to experience. Somehow, with her, he can experience that wonder. It's something he's never known. 
He's standing, stunned at the thought, when she grabs his hand, a mischievous grin on her face. 
Pulling him along, she springs forward and lands in the middle of a giant puddle. Droplets of water, tiny emeralds, fly out in slow motion as her laugh, that beautiful sound, echoes around them. 
The world is a blur, of falling rain and its soft roar, yet through it all Sage is clear, in sharp focus. And without thinking, Sebastian’s jumping with her, sending spray sparkling into the air and joy reverberating deep into his soul. They jump like children until they're breathless, until they collapse against each other again, awash in their fits of mirth.
Wiping his brow, Sebastian pulls away, watching her. Sage nearly glows in the dim light. Her hair’s plastered to her face, and bits of seaweed cover her body. Streaks of dirt paint her arms and legs. 
She's beautiful. The thought soaks into his brain and renders him speechless as she dissolves into giggles, head thrown back, gripping the sleeves of his t-shirt. The rain patters onto their bodies, warm, gentle, and steady.
Catching her breath, Sage prods his shoulder. "Hey, space cadet. Mind if we check on my animals?"
In that moment, he's pretty sure he'd follow her anywhere she asked. "Let's go."
Sebastian almost trips when they exit the forest - the grass on Sage's farm has grown at least a foot since they left only hours ago. She barrels into it with a wild expression. "More feed for my livestock! This is perfect - I won't have to buy it from Marnie." She suppresses a smile. "Sorry, Marnie."
Wading through, they pass by the fields. Sage's tomatoes are secure under the tarps, and the land is still, save for the rain’s consistent patter. As they peek into the barns, the chickens and cows sleep, peaceful in their homes. Sage sags, holding onto the doorframe. "I'm so relieved. Was worried this would hurt them."
Laughing, Sebastian pokes her shoulder. "Well, we've tasted it and swam in it, so...I think by now we can say it's safe."
"You might have a point." Sage sneezes. "I'm a bit chilly. What about you?"
"Hot as a furnace, actually, but if you're cold, we can go home."
She turns toward the farmhouse. For a moment, Sebastian's heart sinks, thinking she's about to say she'll stay at her place tonight. Instead, she snaps her attention back to him and motions toward the mountain. "Yeah, let's go home."
Their trek up is slippery, the path covered with weeds and wildflowers. Between gasps and giggles they stumble, clutching handfuls of slick grass and dodging frogs. Even the trees are overgrown, branches hanging heavy with new leaves and tendrils of moss.
Sage looks up, brushing the lush greenery. After a moment of thought, she plucks a leaf and tucks it into her pocket. Sebastian cocks his head.
"A souvenir," she says, with a wistful smile. As they arrive at the house, the rain tapers off, fading to a few stray sprinkles. Silent, they gaze once more over Pelican Town and the sea beyond. Taking a chance, Sebastian shifts closer. She doesn't move.
"You're shivering, Sage. C'mon, let's get inside."
The door and wooden floors are traitorous, squeaking as they tiptoe inside. On quiet feet, with stifled giggles, they creep downstairs and into Sebastian's basement.
"You can shower first, get rid of that chill. Fresh towels are in the closet." Passing Sage's bag to her, he watches as she disappears into his attached bathroom and closes the door. Sebastian sheds his sodden clothing and exchanges it for a t-shirt and shorts. Sinking onto his couch, he finds himself once again trying very hard not to think about the girl showering ten feet to his right.
Funny how that keeps happening.
Minutes later, she emerges in a cloud of steam, wearing pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her hair, no longer soaked but damp, hangs in wavy clumps. She lets out a content sigh and flops beside Sebastian.
Stiffening, he realizes she carries the scent of his body wash. It elicits a reaction he'd rather not think about. "I'll shower now." Leaping to his feet, he grabs a new set of clothes and darts into the bathroom, turning the tap to the coldest temperature he can stand.
He scrubs himself with vigor, keeping his thoughts on a line of code, on cleaning the toilet, anything to keep his mind from straying where it shouldn't. As he towels off and dresses, he takes a deep, steadying breath.
She’s sitting with her back to the sofa, cuddling with Lenny when he steps out. Her half-dry hair forms little wisps, framing her face. As she bounces her leg, Sebastian notices a tattoo. "I didn't know you had ink. Can I see?" 
"Oh!" Sage extends her leg forward, foot pointed. A tall plant with pink flowers and green leaves wraps around her ankle. "It's sage. Thought it'd be funny to have my namesake put on me." Her eyes rise to meet his as he crouches and traces its lines with his fingers. "By the way, you never told me about yours."
"Ah, you mean the one on my shoulder and neck?" He pulls on the collar of his shirt, giving her a better view. Goosebumps erupt over his skin, his breath hitching, as she leans in to brush her thumb against it. "It's a wing. Partly for Mom, y'know, Robin, and partly for freedom. I dunno, I thought it was a cool concept at the time."
"I dig it. Cooler than mine, at least it's not super literal."
Sebastian flashes her a crooked smile. "Thanks. I have another, but, uh." He points to his hip, covered by his sleep pants. "It's here. A frog."
Sage beams and he feels heat tingeing his cheeks. "Sorry," she giggles, "I swear I'm not making fun of you. It's pretty cute how you love frogs so much."
And now he's definitely blushing. Clearing his throat, he covers her with a spare blanket. "Here." He slumps beside her. "Can I say something?"
Tossing him some of the covers, she nods. "Of course. Everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. It's just, tonight was fun. I felt like a little kid with you. I, uh, I didn't experience that much when I was young."
He tips his head, peering at her from the corner of his eye. It's an invitation, a hole in his walls. Sebastian's raw, his chest wrenched open as he waits for her reaction.
Sage's eyes soften. "I know what you mean. That wasn't really a thing for me either, except the few times I visited the Valley." 
She turns onto her side and studies him. "I felt it too. Like a little kid. Fun. Free." A wistful expression passes over her face. "For what it's worth...I'm glad you can be that way with me."
Swallowing hard, Sebastian mirrors her position. "Do I...do you experience that? With me, I mean."
"Experience what?"
He huffs. "I'm asking if you can be yourself. If you don't have to put on a front when you're with me."
"Oh. I've never had to put on a mask for you. I feel safe with you, Sebastian." Her gaze burns into his. "That's another thing I didn't get much of growing up."
One of his few fond childhood memories resurfaces, imprinted in his mind. He was five or six, and a biting chill had gripped Zuzu. Robin swaddled him in blankets, snug in her arms, and read How The Grinch Stole Christmas. When the Grinch's heart grew three sizes, she'd clutched at her own, laughing and tickling his side.
His chest felt warm, then, and slightly tight, as if his heart were growing, too.
And now that warmth and tightness is back, spreading through his entire body as his friend, best friend if he's honest, tells him he makes her feel safe.
Slowly, they're revealing more to each other.
She leans on his shoulder, yawning. The scent of his body wash mixed with her skin wafts through the air, wreathing around them.
Ahh, fuck it.
Sebastian grabs the remote and turns on the TV, flipping stations until he lands on a movie. Before long, Sage's breathing slows, and she slips into sleep, resting on him, her face a mask of peace.
Haha, you're so fucked. You are so, so fucked.
Peering at her, so close he can count her eyelashes, he accepts it. Hell, maybe it’s not fucked at all, but something good. As gently as possible, he picks her up, settling her into the couch's cushions. He lingers as he tucks the blanket around her, brushing his curled fingers over her cheek.
From his bed, he watches her until his lids grow heavy, still warm, soft, and vulnerable. He sleeps better than he has in months.
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
A Gift to Spring Breeze - 4
Season: Winter Characters: Subaru, Mao, Eichi Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Mao: “Good afternoon everyone~! I am the student council president and the host of this on-campus charity flea market, Isara Mao. Thank you for joining us today!”
“Let me briefly explain the rules of the event! Everyone can hand in the items they want to donate to the largest booth located on the north side of the grounds, and the staff will determine if they can be accepted.” 
“The items that are not suitable to be given away directly will be placed on the stalls on the east and west side of the charity sale. If you’ve prepared a lot of items, you can also apply for a stall in advance.” 
“All proceeds from the sales will be used to purchase materials to be donated to the orphanage in the name of all the students and teachers of Yumenosaki. The whole process will be supervised carefully to ensure that everything is delivered properly.” 
“Everyone is also welcome to participate in the handicrafts activities on the south side of the grounds whenever they want! The handicrafts, candies and snacks prepared by everyone will be sent to the children as special New Year’s gifts.” 
“Finally, I hope everyone can have fun today, and have a happy and meaningful time ♪”
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…Ahaha, I saw the producer applauding with everyone in the audience. It’s a little embarrassing~ 
I really looked like a student council president just now? Really? 
To be honest, I have always felt like I’m still far behind the former president. Thank you for cheering me on ♪
Also, this charity event seems to be running smoothly. Thank you for all your help, producer. 
Even though you have so much work to do as a producer, you were still willing to take the time to help us contact and communicate with others on all aspects of this event. It’s because of that the event could be finalized so quickly.
Leave it to the student council now! Even if it’s just to measure up to your hard work, we will definitely make the event a complete success ☆
By the way, does that big bag you’re carrying hold all the things you want to donate? If it’s heavy, shall I help you carry it?
You say it’s not that heavy…? Oh, so they’re old clothes that belonged to the producer’s brother that he can no longer wear. 
Haha, I get it, I get it. Boys’ heights increase quickly when they’re growing up, right~? 
It just so happens that I also want to donate some comic books that I’ve read, so I’ll go over to the staff with you. 
Although I feel a little reluctant to give them up, I want more people to be able to read these beautiful comics ♪
Wow, the line for donations is so long… It seems like everyone’s enthusiasm is much higher than I thought.
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Subaru: Yahoo yahoo~ Sally~, Producer! Look here, give me a smile, a smile ☆
Mao: ~☆
…I unconsciously followed the producer’s lead and made a peace sign. Subaru, are you taking pictures of us with that camera?
Subaru: That’s right, I’m being conscientious and completing the task that the producer assigned to me! 
Mao: So that’s it… This time, you needed to record the details as a demonstration of how to run this kind of event in the future. Subaru is familiar with the school’s affairs and has some experience with a camera, so you asked him to do it?
Subaru: Fufun~ Eichi-senpai has given me a similar assignment before, so I’m pretty good at it now. I’ve taken a lot of good photos and videos~♪
Look, this is a souvenir photo of me with my glass marbles. I asked the staff next to me to take the photo. Aren’t they sparkly~☆
Mao: Oh, I remember that Subaru has always liked the glass marbles from soda bottles, right? It must have taken you a long time to get such a full can…?
Subaru: It’s no problem, I can always restart my collection. If they can bring sparkling smiles to the children, then every glass marble has even greater value ☆
Huh, producer? Why did you suddenly pat my head? Are you praising me? 
Haha, I feel that everyone who is willing to share what they like with others is amazing! 
For example, Hokke brought konpeito candy and gaming books, as expected. And Natsume and that yellow kid would be interested in buying  the retro games that Ukki found at his house, right? 
Aira’s stall has a lot of duplicate idol goods that he said he bought on impulse. I got a small hand light with Shinonon’s face printed on it ☆
Oh also, also, this photo—
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Eichi: Oh, isn’t this Tori? He looks so cute hugging that giant teddy bear.
Mao: …Uwah!? T-Tenshouin-senpai, when did you get behind me?
Eichi: Sorry, did I scare you? Seeing you all chatting so happily, I got curious so I couldn’t help but come over ♪
Subaru: We’re just looking at the photos I took! Himemin said that he and his sister picked this bear for the children together. They even left a note saying “Take good care of me!” in the bear’s pocket. 
Mao: Ah, it looks like it’s almost our turn in line. After this, I’ll meet up with the other members of the student council to patrol the grounds. 
Producer, you don’t have any other work assignments this afternoon, right? That’s a rare opportunity, so why not enjoy this as an ordinary high school student and hang out with Tenshouin-senpai? ♪
Subaru: Then, I’ll go and continue taking pictures~ See you later!
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Eichi: So in the end, it’s just me and the producer, huh? Don’t you think it’s a date-like atmosphere? 
Oh my, your reaction is so calm, I’m a little disappointed. 
However, this serious and frank character of yours is also one of your good points and what makes you so cute. That’s why I can’t help but joke around so I can see more interesting expressions from you ♪
Hm, I smell food… That should be the students selling various home-made snacks at the nearby stalls. Even steamed buns are available. 
“Then let’s start with the takoyaki”? Haha, that’s fine with me. It’s rare to see the producer so motivated about something other than work. 
This really gives off the feeling of being at a festival and it reminds me of the time when the Kenkafes(?) was held. 
For me, that was a very pleasant and unforgettable summer memory…♪
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drogba-prospect · 5 hours
Didier Drogba's Sensational Half Volley vs Liverpool | Goal Of The Day #...
Port-Tuxôn, Bas-Sassandra, Côte d'Ivoire Chargé d'affaires Representation for Ballon d'Or and World Cup Sleeve with Front Office Retirement
In diplomacy, a chargé d'affaires is a diplomat responsible for fulfilling the functions of an ambassador (or other head of diplomatic mission) in the absence or unavailability of the latter as well as between the departure of a holder and the arrival of his successor. When two countries do not maintain official diplomatic relations, in the event of their breakdown or lack of recognition, each of them may designate a chargé d'affaires who sits in the representation of a third country to carry out this function. (Blue Economy, Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Rural Area, Waterfront Sports Real Estate, Intrinsic Value, County Line Trafficking, Primate City, and Knockout Stage)
Hedonistic Era (Chase of Intrinsic Value)
Hedonic Sports: Leo-Aquarius Planetary Intelligence Flows/Possession Total Football
Retirement and What Is the Front Office in the Sports Industry? The front offices employ many sports industry professionals from the owners of the teams and general managers to ticket sales offices, public relations, sales, and marketing. (Player President (Captain) or Player Corporation (Jersey Sales)
Côte d'Ivoire Transfermarket/Knockout Stage Intrinsic Value Jump: Men's and U20 Gold AFCON, Best Young Player at AFCON, and Kimberley Process Rural Area Economics, FIFA FC Streaming; Having a certain National Team Transfermarket leads to Tournament Pleasure, Sportsbook Pleasure Gambler’s Diplomacy (Trixies Analytics Playing Style), FIFA Ranking Pleasure
To increase Intrinsic Value of Blue Economy and County Line Trafficking let's put all franchises by Waterfront or Business Sectors in Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1
Loan Scheme Feeder Team National Team Transfermarket Intrinsic Value: 2 Business Districts and 1 Entertainment District with Rural Area Feeder Teams Primate City League
Feeder Teams System: The U.S.-based Rookie leagues play a schedule of approximately 60 games and are named "complex leagues" because games are played at their parent clubs' spring training complexes. Rosters consist primarily of newly drafted players who are not yet ready for a higher level of play. These leagues are intended almost exclusively to allow players to hone their skills; no admission is charged and no concessions are sold. Group for World Cup Friendly: Copa America Argentina & Canada; Euros Germany and Italy; Afcon Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire. Italy and Germany represents Big 5 in Europe.
Opportunity Cost Lipstick Effect (Supply Side Economics, Rural Area Economics, and Raw Materials-Holding Company) YAHWISM Plantation Religions, Husbandry, Seigneurial System, Trade School Athletics, Church Enterprise (School, Tournaments, Grocery Stores, Real Estate and Trade School), Sports Stadium Gentrification
Computer Aided Scouting Method
Picker -- emphasizes a player's one weakness to the neglect of all strengths
Projector -- envisions what a player will be able to do in two or three years.
The key to identifying a prospect was to focus on the player's body control and footwork
Computer-aided scouting began as a means for scouts and managers to log mass amounts of player and team information compiled from box scores, stat-sheets and personalized specific information pertaining to players and teams. This information was interpreted through mathematical formulas created from research studies of each sport. Once this information was tabulated, team personnel begin to implement these results into the game. After early positive results, many professional teams adopted mathematical tools for player and game management.
Skill Drills
2 V 2 Box Play with 3 Neutrals Pass Ins 2 Touch or 1 Touch Finish
Link Up Diamond Futsal
Agility Ladder Futsal Dribbling
Skills: Aerial Duels, Chest Cradled Half Volley, Finishing, Link Up and Hold Up, Counter Pressing, Shoulder Barging
Physique Endurance Cycling (MAS) and Isometric Plyometric Jump Rope (VO2 max) with Landmine Complex; Lion Heart DNA (Muscle Fibers and Walking Mechanics)
18U Stylistic Biomechanics with Skill Drills and Scrimmage. 12U fundamentals and practice.
Côte d'Ivoire 3-7-0
Back 3 Build Up, 7; (False 10 and Inverted Winger Striker) Triangle Midfield (1 Attacking, 1 Holding, and 1 Box to Box); False 9 Centre Forward
Vertical Formation 3-7-0
3 Triangle Midfield 7 Box Formation 0 (CF NO ST)
Sprint dribbling: Invisible 4, Crescent Moon Pull Back, and Dorsiflexion
Genome Editing: TYRP1, ACTN3, FBN1 gene, ACE Gene, XYY Prenatal Hormones with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's, Expansive Mood with Disinhibition Impulsive Borderline
A notable connection exists between VO2max and MAS, encapsulated by the “Léger formula”: VO2max = MAS x Cr, where Cr represents the energy cost or running economy, measured in mL/kg/km. This energy cost differs among runners, with a commonly accepted average value being 210 mL/kg/km. This leads to the equation VO2max = 3.5 x MAS. A lower running economy (energy cost) implies that a runner expends less energy and is more efficient. Elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, for example, often exhibit a running economy around 180 mL/kg/km (equivalent to a coefficient of 3). In this context, VO2max can be seen as the runner’s ‘engine’. In contrast, MAS reflects the engine’s efficiency, influenced by factors like posture, relaxation, stride quality, and muscle quality. The formula VO2max = 3.5 x MAS is, however, a theoretical estimate.
Hamstring Activation Cycling
Intramuscular EMG was used to verify muscle activation during cycling. The activation pattern of deep muscles (Vint and BFS) could, therefore, be described and compared to that of the more superficial muscles. The complex coordination of quadriceps and hamstring muscles during cycling was described in detail.
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is simply the lowest running speed at which maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) occurs, and is typically referred to as the velocity at VO2 max (vVO2 max). MAS was developed for the purpose of increasing the specificity of training and to enable coaches to monitor training loads more accurately.
Lengthy Landmine Complex
Although typically used for simple core and functional-type movements, the landmine is actually an amazingly versatile tool that can be used as a primary exercise for many muscle groups:
Side Facing Clean to Single Arm Press
Front Squat To Press
Single Arm Drop Lunge Squat
Squeeze Press
Lateral Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive
Sumo 1/2 Rep Squat Jumps
Single Arm Fall Out Push Ups
Sit Up To Press
1-2 minute rest between rounds if you perform multiple rounds
Circuit training has been shown to have greater effects on the magnitude and duration of EPOC than traditional forms of strength training.[8] All told, you can burn hundreds and hundreds of calories in a properly-executed circuit training workout.
The multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run), or the 20m shuttle run test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).
Bariatric surgery (or metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery) is a medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related conditions.[1][2] Long term weight loss with bariatric surgery may be achieved through alteration of gut hormones, physical reduction of stomach size, reduction of nutrient absorption, or a combination of these.[2][3] Standard of care procedures include Roux en-Y bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, from which weight loss is largely achieved by altering gut hormone levels responsible for hunger and satiety, leading to a new hormonal weight set point.[3] Bariatric surgery of various types may influence hedonic hunger[31][32][33] particularly if accompanied by counseling interventions that reduce automatic hedonic impulses.[34] These surgeries may work in part by modifying the production of gastrointestinal hormones, particularly by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY (PYY);[31][35] reduction of ghrelin has been inconsistent.[31]
Counter Pressing Progressive HULU False 9
Skills: Attack, Power*, Movement*, Skill*, Mental*, Defence*
A false 9, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. The purpose of this is that it creates a problem for opposing centre-backs who can either follow the false 9, leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit, or leaving the false 9 to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.
Deep Completions: Deep Completions represent successful passes made within 20 meters of the opposition goal. It indicates a player’s ability to execute accurate and incisive passes in dangerous areas.
12. Carry%: Carry% signifies the percentage of a player’s carries (running with the ball) that were successful. It measures their effectiveness in maintaining ball control and progressing play through dribbling.
13. Deep Progressions: Deep Progressions encompass passes and dribbles/carries into the opposition’s final third. It quantifies a player’s ability to advance the ball effectively into areas close to the opponent’s goal.
14. xGBuildup: xGBuildup is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession leading up to the shot. It focuses on evaluating the possession work and build-up play prior to the end of the attacking sequence.
15. xGChain: xGChain is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession. It captures the contributions of players throughout the possession, considering their involvement in generating goal-scoring opportunities.
16. OBV Metrics: In addition to the aforementioned features, it’s worth exploring the concept of On-Ball Value (OBV) metrics. OBV is a comprehensive framework developed by StatsBomb that evaluates a player’s contributions and effectiveness in possession. It takes into account various factors such as passes, dribbles, shots, and more to provide a holistic assessment of a player’s on-ball performance.
Link-Up Play; You must play with your back to the goal, hold the ball under pressure, and lay it off to advancing teammates. For this, you'll need ball control, strength, and the ability to shield the ball from defenders. Moreover, effective link-up play helps create fluid attacking movement. For hold-up play (plural hold-up plays) (soccer, idiomatic) A play where an attacker retains possession of the ball, while the teammates can move up the field. Push-and-run, also known as a wall pass, a one-two or a give-and-go, is a tactic and skill often used in association football. It involves quickly laying the ball off to a teammate and running past the marking tackler to collect the return pass. It proved an effective way to move the ball at pace, with players' positions and responsibility being fluid.[1] All the definitions agree on just one thing: a progressive action advances the ball somehow. At The Athletic, we count a completed pass as “progressive” if it’s at least 10 metres (11 yards) long and moves the ball at least 25 per cent of the remaining distance to goal.
Current measures:
Expected assists: If we have an expected likelihood for each shot resulting in a goal, we can look back at the pass prior to that shot to see which players played the passes that could have resulted in goals. This is more informative than just looking at assists, but has the limitation of being heavily dependent on the shot-takers being able to get their shot away following the high value pass, and only considers the pass immediately preceding the shot. Any passes that contribute significantly to the buildup prior to that are neglected.
xG chain: This is a logical extension of the expected assist approach. To overcome the limitation of only considering the pass prior to a shot, we can propagate the goalscoring likelihood for each shot back through all the passes in the sequence leading up to it. That way, players frequently involved in plays that result in high quality chances are still rewarded for their contributions. This approach has some benefits, but still assumes the presence of a shot-taker who is able to capitalise on the good buildup to take a high-quality shot. Moreover, this approach can conflate the contribution from teammates. For example, a player that reliably plays easy passes to a key playmaker will generally be highly rewarded by this approach, even if most of the buildup value comes from the playmaker.
Progressive passes: A less shot-centric approach to valuing buildup is to consider the number of passes that bring the ball closer to the opposition goal. These types of approaches typically define some threshold for progression, either number of yards forward or how much closer the ball gets to goal, as a % of starting distance. This allows the separation of players whose passes are mostly safe and cautious from players whose passes disproportionately drive the ball forward towards the opposition goal. This has been used successfully in the past to identify players who progress the ball well, but is still a relatively coarse approach. Fifty yard progressive passes are treated similarly to 15 yard progressive passes, and a 15 yard pass down the wing is treated the same as a 15 yard forward pass into the penalty box.
Packing: None of the other approaches above consider the location of off-ball players. One approach that does take this into consideration is Packing.
Counter-pressing in football is the act of actively pursuing the ball in a coordinated manner with the aim of regaining possession quickly after ball-loss. The upper bound of time the ball must be won back within varies from coach to coach, and thus in execution by different teams. Two player contesting for the ball side by side. they can bump shoulders and run that shoulder into the opponent in an attempt to move the opponent off the ball. it becomes illegal when the arm is raised to push the opponent away or more force than is necessary is used with the shoulder. (Thigh Tug Counter Pressing)
Aggressive Actions: Aggressive actions encompass tackles, pressure events, and fouls recorded within 2 seconds of an opposition player receiving the ball. It assesses a player’s defensive intensity and ability to disrupt the opponent’s play.
9. Counterpressures: Counterpressures indicate the number of pressures exerted by a player within 5 seconds of a turnover. It demonstrates a player’s commitment to regaining possession quickly after losing it.
Signature Move
Sole Forward Roll Placement for Hold Up Play
2 v 2 Off-Ball Shoulder Barging Two Touch and One Touch Finishing: Lofted feed in order to strike on Chest Cradled Half Volley Lofted feeds in order to head to goal.
Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Placement Mechanics: Ankle-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve; Placement Foot and Reverse Rotation with Shoulder for power and Accuracy; Arch of Feet at Target for Follow Through Accuracy; Plant Foot-Eyes on Ball for Football Contact Point then Eyes on Corner.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
À ma sauce Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
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karaloza · 3 months
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Death Mountain (UPDATED)
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Death Mountain is to the north of Castle Town (just as it is usually in the north on the game map). The whole area is sculpted as a reddish-brown canyon landscape, with walkways gently sloping upward toward the artificial volcano which dominates the scene, “erupting” every half hour with a display of pyrotechnics and smoke effects. The volcano in turn is the upper portion of a massive show building which occupies roughly half the area’s footprint and houses several of its attractions. Interior spaces are designed as rocky caves lit by torches and glowing crystals. The exterior background music highlights various iterations of Death Mountain and other mountainous areas in the games, as well as music associated with the Gorons. However, the interior queue space for the two big rides has its own music loop, drawing from fire and volcano-themed dungeons.
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Spirit Train (Mountain Station)
Crystal Caverns: A very simple attraction, more like a scenic view. The pathways through the Death Mountain area include side branches that veer through short stretches of tunnel lined with multicolored glowing crystals and gemstone veins. (These are marked on the detailed map with squiggly shading.) Make a habit of following these side paths, and you will find one that heads a little deeper into the mountainside, culminating in a spectacular cavern of exotic stone formations and massive crystal clusters that make soft chiming music as their colors shift through the spectrum.
Goro-Gondolas: Not an intense ride, but still exciting on its own terms, the Goro-Gondolas are boats in a flume…but the water is continuously under-lit with warm-toned lights, giving it the appearance of a glowing lava river! The ten to twelve-minute circuit includes lifts and gentle drops, and in the meantime, the boat passes by numerous detailed scenes of Gorons going about their daily lives—mining for choice rocks to eat, tending Bomb Flower gardens, soaking in hot springs, engaging in athletic competitions, rolling from place to place, etc. At other points, similarly lit “leaping” fountains send streams of “lava” arcing over the flume. From time to time, the flume even exits the interior of the mountain, giving riders a view of the area, and at other points, it shares a scene with the Dodongo Dive-Bomb track.
Gut Check Challenge Arena: A play area, but more…advanced than the Picori Picnic Park in the Lost Woods. Named after the Goron-hosted mini-games in Breath of the Wild, this attraction features rock-climbing walls, obstacle courses, and other stamina-testing activities. The especially bold can sign up for the Gut Check Challenge itself, a rock-climbing event held several times a day on the big wall, with real medals awarded to the winners.
Sworn Brothers Meeting Hall: A meet-and-greet location for favorite Goron characters, including Ocarina of Time’s Darunia, Majora’s Mask’s Darmani, and Breath of the Wild’s Daruk and Yunobo.
Dodongo Dive-Bomb: The number just marks the queue entrance–this ride is a big one! Arguably the biggest thrill in the park, it is a mag-launched roller coaster with cars designed to resemble a chain of minecarts. It takes place mostly inside the cinder cone of the volcano, twisting through lava-lit caverns infested with fire-breathing Dodongo lizards, occasionally breaking out into the open before diving right back into the mountain. The climax takes place in a spacious cavern inhabited by a ferocious dragon, and the train makes a loop around its head and neck in order to escape!
7. From Mine to Yours: A rock and mineral shop offering all sorts of tumbled semiprecious stones, crystals, carved charms and figurines, geodes (with an option to have them cut open on-site), Himalayan salt lamps, stone-based knickknacks, and books about minerals and gems. For those with fancier tastes, there’s even a special sales counter where precious jewelry is available for purchase. In the center of the store is a fountain mimicking a sluice full of gem-bearing slurry, the employees wear overalls and hard hats with mounted headlights, and the shop slogan “Ore and More!” derives from the name of a similar business in Breath of the Wild.
8. Forged in Fire: Being rooted in a medieval(-ish) fantasy franchise is likely to give this theme park some appeal for historical weapons enthusiasts, and this shop is for them, offering a selection of sturdy, functional swords, daggers, axes, and shields, including some replicas of famous designs. (Naturally, various noteworthy swords from the games themselves are among them.) Modern camping/hunting knives are also available, and every purchase of a blade includes a fine hardened leather sheath. However, we can’t have people walking around a theme park with real weapons, so all purchases will be either held at the front of the park for pickup upon exiting, or shipped to the guest for an additional fee. (This is true of any retail location in the park that sells metal weapons, even if they aren’t made to be functional.)
9. Goron Spice Rack: “A spicy nook for spicy cooks” declares the sign out front. Lovers of herbs and seasonings will find much to love in here, with a wide selection of culinary flavorings. Pick a jar or bottle off the shelf or have a mix blended to order! We especially recommend the various types of “Goron Spice” (mostly curry powder and paprika, with assorted variations), made famous by Breath of the Wild.
10. Ripped and Shredded: A shop for sporting goods and memorabilia located next to the Gut Check Challenge Arena. Includes lines of tongue-in-cheek jerseys, caps, and other items referencing peoples, groups, and locations in the LoZ franchise as if they were sports teams. Named after the Goron armor shop in Breath of the Wild.
11. Magma Munchies: Adventurous foodies will love this place, where everything on the menu—meat, veggies, fries, and more—is hot and spicy. The intensity ranges widely, from “Hawaiian” (mild curry) all the way up to “Ultra-Plinian” (ghost peppers). Hot sauces are available for purchase at the Goron Spice Rack.
12. Rock Candy Stand: Pretty much exactly what it says: an outdoor kiosk with various colors of traditional rock candy (i.e. sugar crystals on a stick), chocolate “pebbles,” Ring Pops and Pop Rocks, and other mineral-themed sweet treats.
13. Protein Palace: They say the rocky ground of Death Mountain is so hot, you can drop food to cook right on it! That may or may not be true, but this Mongolian BBQ buffet uses a more conventional stainless steel hibachi. Choose a protein (beef, chicken, or tofu) and a selection of vegetables, noodles, sauces, and other ingredients, and your food is cooked up while you watch!
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Ellie Carpenter The Australian Article (June 30, 2023)
I'll be honest, I was - and to be frank, still am - in two minds about posting this, because I feel there are certain passages which invite nutcases to harass Carpenter and/or van de Donk, and I don't want to be responsible for enabling that kind of behavior.
On the flip side, there's also interesting facts / stories in here, and I think it provides an insight on a player that if we are still being honest with each other, we don't really know that much about.
Blah blah not associated with The Australian, if OL Comms wanted to chip in for my AC bill whom am I to say no to that, etc etc.
It's the biggest game of her life but Ellie Carpenter is being carried off on a stretcher. The replay is a sickening sight, causing groans among the 32,000-strong crowd. Her left knee has buckled beneath her, leaving the 22-year-old thumping the ground in agony. Her Women's Champions League final is over and maybe so much more.
Waves of pain from her ruptured ACL make it hard for the young Australian to think clearly as she is lifted off the field after only 13 minutes playing for her club Lyon against Barcelona in Turin on May 21 last year. And yet, at this moment, she is focusing harder than she has ever thought possible. The girl from Cowra, the former child prodigy of Australian soccer, wipes the tears from her eyes and stares straight up at the sky as if in a trance.
"Count," she tells herself as her stretcher makes its way out of the stadium to the applause of the sympathetic crowd. "Count the months."
"I was thinking, 'Oh shit, what month is it?' Carpenter recalls. "It's usually a 12-month recovery [from an ACL injury] and I needed to count the months until I could play again. So in my head I was going like 'June, July, August' and then I'm like 'YES, YES, YES, I'll make it. I'll recover in time for our World Cup."
Almost exactly 12 months later Carpenter, now 23, bounces into a cafe in central Lyon, France, with her blonde hair in a bun, wearing a T-shirt and shorts and a grin on her face. It's a wet spring day, but the sun is shining again for Carpenter after a horror year. She is back on the field, playing again for Olympique Lyonnais, the best women's team in the world. Off the field, she is happy and in love. She has bought a house just outside Lyon with her partner and teammate, Danielle van de Donk, one of the best footballers on the planet, who also plays for the Netherlands national team.
Across the English Channel, the superstar captain of the Australian Matildas, Sam Kerr, is kicking goals and doing backflips for her club Chelsea. For Carpenter, who is as important to the Matildas' backline as Kerr is to the forward line, the stars are finally aligning for Australia's tilt at the biggest women's sporting event, the FIFA Women's World Cup. "I don't think I'll realise how big it's going to be until I walk out for that first game," she says, cradling a hot chocolate. "We have a team that could do something really special, we have great players who are in form and we are playing in front of our home crowds. It's gonna be massive. I think we have a really good chance but I don't want to jinx myself," she says, tapping the table for good luck.
If the rapid-fire ticket sales are any guide, Carpenter may be underestimating the reception that awaits her and the Matildas.
The World Cup, to run from July 20 to August 20, jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, will see an estimated 83,000 watch Australia's opening match against Ireland at Sydney's Accor Stadium - more than double the Matildas' previous high attendance of 36,000. The opening match was moved from the 42,5000-seat Sydney Football Stadium to the 83,000-seat Stadium Australia (known as Accor Stadium for sponsorship purposes) to meet the surging demand for tickets. At least 15 million people are expected to attend the games in Australia and New Zealand with an estimated worldwide audience of two billion. FIFA predicts the World Cup will encourage up to 400,000 girls to take up soccer in Australia.
"It's crazy now, women's football," says Carpenter. "I've seen it go from here to here," she says, moving her hands towards the sky.
Marketing surveys show the Matildas have overtaken the men's Wallabies rugby union in popularity, something that would once have seemed unthinkable for a team that only formed in 1978 and for years had to play on substandard ovals. The small crowds that came to watch them play in those days were mostly family and friends.
"it's incredible to see where this team has come from to be one of our biggest sporting brands ... so many players have paved the way for this moment," says Heather Garriock, who played 130 games for the Matildas between 1999 and 2011.
For years Matildas players were paid a pittance, having to hold down second jobs while playing for the national team. In the early days one player recalled how a teammate called the coach before an international match to say she would be late because her shift at Woolies didn't finish until 530pm. In the lead-up to the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the Matildas were so desperate to secure sponsorship and public support that 12 of them posed naked for a calendar to get attention. Fast forward to today and the Matildas are a household name, and Kerr is arguably the most recognizable Australian sports star in the world. In May, wearing a sharp black suit, she carried the Australian flag into Westminster Abbey for the coronation of King Charles II.
But it will take more than Kerr's soccer royalty of the Matildas to realise their dream of winning a home World Cup.
On a cold spring evening in London on the eve of the coronation, Kerr is playing to script, slamming the winning goal for her team Chelsea against Liverpool with just minutes to go. As she leaves the ground I ask her what she thinks about having Carpenter back with the Matildas for the World Cup. "Ellie is one of the best players in the world," says Kerr, who described Carpenter as "irreplaceable" when she injured her ACL last year. "We've missed her and she's a great personality to have on the team... I'm feeling good, I'm feeling excited [about the World Cup]."
A few days later, Carpenter is sprinting up the right wing, weaving the ball around her teammates during morning training near the Parc Olympique Lyonnais stadium on the outskirts of Lyon. It is just over two months since she made her comeback from her injury and the previous weekend she was one of the team's best players in their 3-0 win over Dijon.
She calls out to her teammates in French and jokes with them in French, but if she makes a mistake on the field, the word "shit" rings out across the ground in an Aussie twang.
Her bilingual world in Lyon, a French foodie capital crammed with UNESCO World Heritage sites, is a reminder of just how many lives Carpenter has squeezed into her 23 years. "It all started here," she says, pointing to a tattoo on her ankle that shows the outline of Cowra, her hometown of 12,500 people in the Central West of NSW. "it's one main street, two sets of traffic lights, a place where we knew everyone and everyone knew the Carpenters."
Looking back, Carpenter's unlikely rise from the streets of Cowra to international soccer star was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because she lived the real-life sporting fairy-tale. This was the tell in which a determined young country girl becomes a prodigy of the game, shattering every barrier in her path to find herself playing for Australia at the age of just 15 and then at the age of 16 at the 2016 Rio Olympics, the youngest ever female footballer in the world to compete in an Olympics.
The curse was that she was so good, so early, that she was a kid playing among adults, being thrust into the spotlight aead of her time, before she was ready and before she had the to grow up. "I hated it sometimes," she says. "I was always the youngest. People would say, oh, you're the youngest ever Olympian or you're the youngest ever to score a goal, the youngest thing, the youngest that. I was playing with people who were 10 or 15 years older than me and you had to mature very quickly. It was hard with the pressure, the spotlight, the critics... I wasn't prepared for that at the time."
"I've been in the public eye since I was 15 and now people think I'm 30 but I'm still just 23, one of the youngest on the team."
Belinda Carpenter still scratches her head about how her daughter fell in love with soccer. "She was highly energetic, she never sat still but she did all sports - a bit of athletic, AFL, soccer, cricket, even triathlon, cheerleading and trapeze," she says. Belinda and her then husband Scott, who were Physical Education teachers in Cowra, encouraged Carpenter and he older brother Jeremy to dabble in any activity that took their fancy. "Ellie also did ballet, so she would play football in the morning and then go to ballet with muddy knees under those pink stockings," Belinda recalls.
"I think I always knew I would be a sportsperson, because ever since I could walk I was running," says Carpenter. "I think I could have done any sport really because I was also good at swimming and athletics. I was a tomboy. I didn't really have a normal childhood. I never went to parties like other girls, I just wanted to play sports."
She played soccer from an early age but her path as a serious player began by accident when, at the age of about seven, she watched her brother Jeremy train with the NSW country soccer team. "I was just on the sidelines waiting for him, juggling the ball on my own, when the coach came up and said that I could join their next session. I was the only girl and the boys were much older than me. I don't remember this but apparently I was like, really good, smashing all the boys."
Belinda and Scott decided to give both Ellie and Jeremy the chance to compete in competitions across the state. This required a brutal schedule of long drives for training and games. "Honestly I can't believe they did that for me," Carpenter says. "From Cowra we used to drive to Canberra every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, which was more than two hours there and back, and then sometimes we would play in Sydney which was four hours there and back on the same day. I would spend so much time in the car, doing my homework or making up quizzes and things just to pass the time."
By the time Carpenter was 12, it was clear that she had natural talent but could no longer be nurtured from Cowra. So Belinda quit her job and moved with both the children to Sydney so they could attend Westfield Sports High School in Sydney's west, which had a specialist sports program.
It was a big school in a big city, a culture shock for a country girl. "It was a huge change, I became this small fish in a big sea," she says. Not long afterwards, her parents divorced, a time which she describes as difficult and sad.
The following year, aged 13, Carpenter went to watch the Matildas play in Sydney. "I think there was a maximum of 1000 people there but I watched the national team play and I was like 'Oh, sick, I want to be that.' Then two years later, I was on that team. It was crazy."
Carpenter's precocious talent turned heads in the soccer world at that time, and things unfolded quickly. She broke into the "Mini-Matildas" under-17 team at the age of 14, and when she turned 15 signed her first professional contract with the then W-League club Western Sydney Wanderers. The coach was so impressed with her that she didn't even need to trial for the team.
Carpenter's ambition was such that although she began her career as a midfielder, she volunteered to be a defender when the Mini-Matildas said they needed defenders only because she didn't want to be cut from the squad. "I was like, I want to be in the team so I will play wherever."
In March 2016, when she was still just 15, Carpenter made her debut for the senior Matildas, playing in a 9-0 victory over Vietnam.
Not long afterwards, she was playing for Australia in the Rio Olympics, the first of the strong of "youngest ever" firsts that she would soon tire of. "Obviously I was so young - I think I was the youngest in that team by five years," she recalls. "So I guess I was kind of on my own. Some players were 30 years old and some of them were a bit like 'Who is this 15-year-old who has come into the team?' and some people don't want you there because you might take their spot. So some didn't like me being there, but you've just gotta keep going."
After the Rio Olympics, Heather Garriock, who was then coaching, says that she noticed that the 16-year-old Carpenter was struggling. "I could see she wasn't doing well with the massive comedown after the hype of the Olympic Games. So, you know, I just put my arm around her - and since then I've always put my arm around and taken her under my wing. She just wanted to be the best and to get better every day.
"She is so driven to win and yet she's got such a nice nature, a humble kind of girl who will always give you her time."
Carpenter says she was forced to grow up quickly, but with the help of people like Garriock she eventually found her rhythm and adapted to the ever-growing public glare of being a Matilda. "I think it took me a couple of years, until I was about 17, to come out as Ellie," she says.
In Year 10 Carpenter dropped out of school to pursue her dream of being a full-time footballer. "She wasn't at school very much anyway," says Belinda of her daughter's busy soccer schedule. "I just told her, 'Go do it, because if it fails and you don't get to where you want to go in soccer, we will go back and figure out the education route'."
When Carpenter was 17 she was pursued by the US National Women's Soccer League team Portland Thorns, in Oregon on the US west coast. She signed with them but, in those days, women were not allowed to play until they turned 18. The club was so keen for her to play that she signed a contract literally on her 18th birthday, and played the following week, racking up yet another series of "youngest evers." "That's why I was the youngest ever player and the youngest ever person to score a goal in the NWSL at that stage," she says.
Carpenter says life in the US was a shock "because it was so different to Australia." Belinda recalls that her daughter would often FaceTime her during dinner just to have a companion to speak with. "Until she found her feet I would often hang out with her on the phone while she was having dinner at a restaurant or something when she didn't really know anybody.
"Even though Ellie is really outgoing, with a wicked sense of humor, I think she is also a bit guarded about who she lets in."
Even so, Carpenter says she enjoyed her two years in Portland where she regularly played in front of crowds of 20,000. By this stage she had become a fixture of the Matildas team, playing in the 2019 World Cup in France where they made it to the round of 16 and then the 2020 Tokyo Olympics where the Matildas made it to the semi-finals.
By the time she turned 20, Carpenter was being pursued by the strongest women's team in the world, Olympique Lyonnais. She recalls the moment she learned that Lyon wanted to recruit her. "I was like, 'Are you serious?' It was Lyon and I was like, 'Are you sure they want me?' I mean, if Lyon calls, you go to them wherever you re because they are the best in the world." This is no exaggeration - the team has won eight Champions League finals in the past 12 years, including give in a row between 2015 and 2020.
But Carpenter's arrival in 2020 wasn't so easy. "It was the time of the COVID pandemic so the city was shut. I didn't know anyone, and I didn't know French," she says. So she began her life anew yet again, throwing herself into French lessons and making friends at her new club. She impressed local fans by trying to speak French at press conferences, albeit with an Aussie twang. She also fell in love with Lyon itself. "I love it, it's beautiful - not as nice as Sydney but it's still beautiful." As soon as she arrived, she also saw why her new team kept winning championships. The fitness, the training, the skills were next-level, even for Carpenter. "She called me up and said, 'Um, Mum, these players are really, really good," recalls Belinda. Initially she found it hard to break into her new team, and she won her first European Championship with Lyon in 2020 without taking to the field when she was on the team as an unused sub.
"I don't think many people understand what it really takes to be a football player," says Carpenter's teammate and partner Danielle van de Donk. "You win trophies and everyone thinks it is a high but no one really knows about the lows." Van de Donk, who has been going out with Carpenter for about two years, says she has the rare ability to lift the team's morale singlehandedly. "She is the most energetic person I know, she is very, very positive, and off the pitch she just brings a different kind of energy to the room - even when she was injured the coaches were saying to her, 'Bring your energy to the team, we need it,'" says van de Donk. "She is already a star but she is just going to get bigger and bigger. She is only 23."
Van de Donk says she's attracted to Carpenter because they are "similar people in life", adding "It's kind of wild, she is from Australia, I'm from the Netherlands, and we are buying a house in Lyon - it's very cool."
After that tricky start at Lyon, Carpenter became a regular in the team - until the 13-minute mark of last year's Champions League final. "It was just sickening to watch her go down," recalls Belinda, who was watching the game live in the middle of the night from her home in Wamberal on the NSW Central Coast. "I actually said when I watched it, 'She does not go down and she does not stay down'."
Carpenter's injury came in two parts. The first came when she was tackling an opponent near the corner post and her left knee twisted in the tackle. Carpenter hobbled off in obvious pain. But she was desperate to come back on, and tested the injured knee in front of the team's medical staff. "I remember being on the sideline and they were testing me and I was like, 'Is it strong, can you feel my ACL?' And they were like, 'Yeah I think it's fine, so you want to go back on?' And I'm like, 'Yeah, it's the Championship Final.' So I ran back on and then I was like 'Oh, something's not right'."
Back in Wamberal, Belinda was horrified to see her daughter run back onto the pitch. "We were like, 'No, no, no, don't do it," she recalls.
Moments after returning to the field Carpenter moved to intercept a long pass. But as soon as she changed direction her knee gave way completely, severing her ACL and sending her to the ground.
Van de Donk, who was watching from the sidelines as a substitute, had torn her own ACL as a teenager and knew what lay ahead. "I saw her go down and instantly I knew it was wrong," she recalls. "It was horrible to watch."
But once Carpenter counted the months and realised she could still potentially play in the World Cup in Australia, her mood lifted. Lyon won the match 3-1, giving Carpenter her second championship and yet another first as the only Australian to win two Champions League medals. After the match, despite having her injured leg in a splint, Carpenter joined her teammates in the celebrations on the field, swimming precariously on her crutches and then hopping on her one good leg as she held up the Champions League cup. She then flew back to Lyon with the team and continued the celebrations. "I was in so much pain, so I just took lots of painkillers but then we went to a restaurant and partied in Lyon drinking champagne until 5am."
The next morning Carpenter woke with a hangover to the bad news she had feared. She needed a full knee reconstruction and would be out of the game for up to a year. Recalls Belinda: "The first thing she said to me on the phone was, 'I'm getting an operation, I'm going to get better and I'm going to play in the World Cup.' It was all about the World Cup."
That has been Carpenter's singular goal ever since. In those early months after her injury when she could not run, she followed her rehab plan like it was Holy Writ - long hours in the gym keeping the muscles working followed by swimming, physio, massage and the hardest of all: patience.
"I had to learn a lot about patience because I am impatient," she says. "When I was finally able to take my first jump again I actually cried with happiness." At times Carpenter wondered whether she would be the same player when she returned, but mostly she says she kept her mental demons at bay.
"It was a long journey for her and she was a bit insecure in the beginning, she struggled for about three weeks," says van de Donk. "But after that she was OK, she just powered through - and now I think she's much stronger than she was." Carpenter, for her part, puts a gloss on the whole saga, saying she believes it gave her a much-needed break from the game she'd been playing almost non-step since she was a child.
Today, Carpenter's football routine is very full-time. She goes into the club from around 9am to 4pm most days to do a mixture of training, gym recovery and sponsorship. Then she plays on weekends, often traveling. She works with a nutritionist and also a psychologist. She estimated she gets one day properly off each month. Such is the profile of the team in Lyon that she now gets recognised in the street, and after three years here she says she is now fluent in French.
"Ellie has always known the path that she wanted and she has just followed it completely. That is pretty incredible for a 23-year-old," says former Matildas player Garriock. "She is already one of the world's best players and her energy and leadership are crucial for the World Cup. She has achieved things at 23 that others wouldn't achieve in their whole career. I have no doubt that she will be the captain of the Matildas in the future. She has all the leadership qualities and the big game experience."
Carpenter is now on the home stretch of her quest, hoping to stay in form and avoid injury until the World Cup begins in three weeks.
Although she loves playing for Lyon, she says there's nothing like going home to play with the Matildas. "It's like going back to your family." she says with a grin. "We've all known each other for years. Everyone is so close, We can all laugh at ourselves and we look after each other. It's such a good, strong group. I don't know how to explain it but I have a special passion when I play for the Matildas, it's unique. For me, this World Cup is the top of the top it's probably the best thing I will ever experience."
So how far can Carpenter and the Matildas go in this World Cup?
"We've never seen an Australian team like this," says Garriock. "This core of players like Ellie Carpenter, Sam Kerr and Caitlin Ford have played together in World Cups and big tournaments since they were 16 years old. They are in their prime and this is their moment. It is written for them."
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backmaskcd · 3 months
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(Maia Mitchell) [THE VENGEFUL]. Please welcome [WICHITA BURTON (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [30]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [SALES PERSON AT HAVERSHAM'S BOUTIQUE]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Full Name: Wichita Rae Burton Birthday: August 18 Age: 30 Hunter or Gatherer: Neither Sexuality: Straight Height: 5'6 Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Born and raised in one of the poorer areas of Huntsville, all Wichita wanted to do was go anywhere else. The only person she ever felt had her back was Augustus Underwood, a boy who lived a few houses down from her. They often built blanket forts, hiding under it and mapping out where they would go if they could, until they were both too old to play pretend; but their closeness never really changed.
Their lives always somehow stayed intertwined; constantly in each other's classes, often turning to each other for homework help or whatever else cropped up that might need a second opinion. Wichita never bothered to think about it too hard. The only thing she did think about too hard was how to get the hell out of dodge. She'd do any jobs anyone would be willing to pay her for - babysitting, cleaning services, yard work, until she was old enough to get a proper job. She kept Auggie in on it all, and while she didn't pressure him to get a job or save up money, she always talked about it like their next great adventure.
When Auggie got a girlfriend, it's not that Wichita cared; but she cared that the girl seemed hell bent on keeping the two apart. Maybe she was threatened by how close they'd grown over the years, how often Wichita felt like Auggie's body was an extension of her own, or because she'd heard about their plan to leave Huntsville as soon as possible; either way, she wasn't thrilled about the wedge that was being driven between them. At least it seemed to be all on the girlfriends end though; Auggie was more than happy to keep making time for her.
Finally, with high school almost behind them, Wichita was convinced that enough had been saved up, and she didn't want to wait any longer. Spring break would be a good time to say they were just going to have fun, but then actually pack up all their things and never look back. Sure, they still had a half a semester left before graduation, but they could always just get their GEDs once they got to anywhere but here. Auggie had agreed, so you can imagine how hurt and angry she was when it seemed like he backed out and disappeared so as not to face her wrath. Furious, she more or less said fuck you too, and sped out of Huntsville. This was barely a month before the Paradox hit.
She went to Florida for a while, then Louisiana, and up to Chicago, every place she traveled to after her lease was up. She'd take odd jobs, waitressing, not really knowing what she was supposed to do out here on her own. Resentment and bitterness started building up, and while she was having fun checking out all the big cities and events she always wanted to, it felt hollow without her partner in crime.
Traveling around for the next twelve years, she basically stayed in twelve different states before inadvertently winding back up in Huntsville. Learning what had become of her home - and why no matter how many angry texts she sent Auggie, none of them ever got a reply - caused her heart to ache, and instead of trying to move back into the family home - which she was sure was either repurposed, or would just be a dark reminder of what she lost - she opted to move into the commune, trying to make herself useful and reconnect with the friends she had before she refused to look back in the rearview mirror.
She's seen Auggie from a distance - at least he's alive, you can't be mad at a dead man without feeling guilt - however the two of them have not spoke since she arrived a few months ago. She has no doubt he is also avoiding her, and there's only so much longer they can do this before they inevitably wind up at the sasquatch at the same time and have a screaming match (or at least, she'll be screaming. She has no idea how he'll react to her at all.)
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hotarutranslations · 6 months
DVD's Coming Out
Thank you for waiting~~~❤️
DVD "Morning Musume '24 Ishida Ayumi Birthday Event"
My birthday event DVD came out❤️
But, since just the announcement video is good, please definitely watch it~ fufufu~~~
Now I watch YouTube just like its TV, I'm doing a strange thing of watching this video of myself like its an announcement on TV! lol
It had me grinning when remembering, The feelings of when I sang, ♪Tha~nk~ you~! lol
Also, from this story, It was good during the event but,
After all,
Thinking about it becoming a DVD,
I was thinking that, I wanted to look at the camera during the ♪Fumi, Dasou yo part 🤔💭lol
With the corner part, its not in the video announcement but,
I made a pie chart on the day of my birthday,
It was very interesting so, I definitely want you to look forward to seeing it🪽
Its being sold here
It'll be on sale until April 26th (Fri) at 11:59PM
I'll be waiting for your preorders❤️
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Tickets are currently on sale for the spring tour..🪽
🩵🎫e+ 🩵🎫TicketPia
May 27th (Mon) Nippon Budoukan
FC Advance Reception Tickets is Ongoing! The deadline is April 1st at 5:00PM⚠️
📺TV Tokyo "Ultrasound#"
Please definitely watch the TVer if you missed it🌏🪽
♪ LOVE Machine~Suggoi FEVER!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continuously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Every week (Sat) 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Also on YouTube
Sendai Broadcast Ara Ara Kashiko
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
see you ayumin <3
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