owlbear33 · 6 months
earlier I reblogged some pictures of bigatures from Stieve Jackson and co's Lord of the Rings films
specifically right now I'm thinking of the Minas Tirith one, and I'm wondering what scale it's at
I was going to try and work it out, (somewhere in the region of 1/100 or a bit larger, it's gotta be at least 10ft tall possibly more like 15, or more, Minas Tirith is reportedly 1000ft tall - smaller than I would have thought)
but of course, someone's already done the work, and according to the Tolkien Gateway wiki it was made in 1/72, with bits in 1/14, for closeups
1/72 more or less the same as 25mm wargaming miniatures, hmm MEBSG is in 25mm
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unityrain24 · 8 months
shoutout to these epic lesser-appreciated forms of art:
crochet doll making
ooak doll customizing (from previously existing doll)
ooak dolls (from scratch)
glass blowing (large scale)
the glassworking/blowing that's the smaller scale where you can do it in just a regular room idk what it's called
intricate terrarium/aquaterium making where it's almost like a miniature
miniature/bigature making
whjaksnaisodabhs so cool guys keep up the good work
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runawaychar · 10 days
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Made a silt strider out of sculpey - the legs were a pain, I should have made a mold and cast them. Fits a 28mm rider!
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brontes · 11 months
what was the last great movie ever made and why was it the lord of the rings trilogy
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laz-laz-ace-pilot · 9 months
Ahsoka show, you will NEVER be Lord of the Rings
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klngfili · 7 months
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lord of the rings bigatures my beloved
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gjdraws · 6 months
1, 2, 4, and 19 i'm curious about them all but that seems unfair to everyone else and a little unweildy for you
1. What is your current favorite film? OOOOO IT JUST HIT ME - but My Neighbours the Yamadas. SO BEAUTIFUL SLICE OF LIFE GROWING UP EDGY GRANDMA WISE GRANDKID and it's a little funny a little poignant classic Takahata
2. What was your favorite film as a child? Lame... but Parent Trap. Tho tbf "child" goes a long range, so let us not forget that expected Tom Cruise phase where I watched Mission Impossible several times....
4. Is there a film that you love except for the ending? What would you change about the ending? UNFORTUNATELY WHILE I WOULD LOVE TO CHANGE THE ENDING THE ENDING IS NECESSARY yes i realize this doesn't really answer your question. For those into "films for filmmakers", this is a great outing on bullying, and how sometimes there is no "villain" but there are consequences. Lovely music too!
ALSO HONORABLE MENTION (and this one is funny):
9. What part of filmmaking do you find most interesting (ie. sound design, costuming, set design, etc)? IM SO SORRY I WROTE 9 I CANT READ
oh jfc talk about a soapboax and a handrail OKAY. HMMMM
I love the visdev phase, the storyboarding phase - the part where the words, script etc becomes a MOVINGPICTURE. That's the weird space where you have to remove all the words and show them in New and Interesting and Relevant ways and it CONSUMES ME.
Also sound design. Sound design is so neat, and so under-appreciated. We've all read that bit about how good audio design is invisible, but also how without the iconic star wars sabre sound the movie wouldn't have been as cool. And also sneaking in BIGATURES. WHEN WILL MARVEL DIE SO WE CAN HAVE BIGATURES AGAIN???? [blade runner weeps in the distance]
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irradiate-space · 2 years
Spoilery Good/Bad/Ugly of Avatar 2: The Way of Water
Non-spoiler: The reviews I've read have missed the plot entirely.
Seriously, mild spoilers.
The good:
The mechanical design continues to be top-notch.
I love what they've done with the antagonist. I look forward to seeing more of him in the sequels. Many more of him.
The ISV sequence. Everything about that sequence was good storytelling. As Ann Leckie said in the Radch novels, a spaceship's drive is its most powerful weapon.
The aquatic life is also great. Seriously, There are tattooed whales.
Kiri. One reviewer said that it wasn't explained where she came from, but you know, for a character who has a connection to the mystical consciousness of the planet, I don't think a virgin birth is out of the question. Sigourney Weaver did an excellent job playing the teen who has special abilities, is amazed by them and lowkey scared by them, but who keeps on going.
The teenagers, collectively, in how they act and in the names they call each other. Their relations with authority.
The whales, especially the one with the backstory. One reviewer said it was a story about a boy befriending a whale. Sure, if you aren't paying attention. It's a story of two outcasts befriending each other, coming to understand each other, and showing that doing so will bring benefits to everyone. Especially if no one has bothered to ask the outcast why they're an outcast.
The outcast whale is a parable, which explains why Jake's "run away" philosophy fails.
The human kid's family situation
The Chekhov's Guns
The humans in the bigature suits that Weta Workshops used for the humans in the inn at Bree
The ekranoplan and its child craft. They really put some thought into that capture methodology.
The marine biologist
The bad:
The reason for the whale hunting is just so, so stupid. That guy has a job for the next 12 years, max, and then he learns that a lab on Earth has managed to mass-produce it.
How did the human base manage to be carbrained? They avoid going outside!
Should've made more use of the breathing-equipment-fish.
Pandora as a relocation target for the human race
Helicopters still aren't arrow-proof, and humans haven't developed miniaturized CIWS. This is a worldbuilding failure, but it would have caused lots of problems for the "immune system" defense.
The ugly:
In the theater I was in, some parents brought their small children to see this film. I don't think the kids were quite prepared for the Themes.
I don't know why James Cameron went to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
No real mention of unobtanium.
Why don't the Blue Team trigger the "immune system" defense?
This film really drives home the idea that humans are an OCP to Pandoran societies.
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I've always wanted to share this thought with someone lol, but sometimes I wonder if the actors who played all those background characters in Star Wars know they have whole stories based on them. You played one of the extras in Star Wars, now people are making fanart of a character based on your appearance and coming up with headcanons and such
In a New Hope/The OT? Probably not, but nowadays? People are almost certainly aware!
I think the switch happened sometime during the prequels, but even then it wasn't complete. I often see signed headshots for Tion Medon and Lampay Fay come up in my google searches for stuff, implying some people playing background characters are at least somewhat still involved. But so many of the props and miniatures (mostly the bigatures, like the Utapau sinkholes) from those movies were still lost because of storage concerns.
I love to go to panels with the puppeteers of Star Wars because they are so dedicated. They are coming up with complex solutions and making these background characters and creatures come to life in spectacular detail for them to only be on camera for like 2 seconds, but they put their WHOLE SOULS into developing those characters anyways, how they should move, sound, and gesticulate. They love Star Wars, because they know their work gets recognized disproportionately more there by those outside the field and those tiny guest stars (like Babu Frick, for example) get to BE full fledged characters with backstories and whatnot. Even if their actual role onscreen was quite small.
Thanks for the ask!
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nightbringer24 · 1 year
I have three posts going large at the moment:
The post about the Lord of the Rings bigatures.
The post about Game of Thrones.
And the post about populating fantasy worlds with fantastical animals.
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okayyyy maybe i was wrong maybe first man is good if you can get past Gosling's hubie halloween voice it's a phenomenally well-made movie and it's remarkable the level of detail they put into the spaceflight parts particularly with the sound design and the bigatures in that the bigatures are incredible recreations of spacecraft and a lot of the sounds from mission control are taken directly from recordings of those particular missions so it hits different i must say especially as someone let's call it fairly knowledgeable about those missions
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hndexhibition · 1 year
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So, after a lot of talking and feedback I’ve reached the end of my project. Well a good portion. laid out to fit the width of A0 all the way down to 3000m I will print this construction plan out and name the piece the quote I was aiming to make. From here I will create large 3D shapes based on the segments of letters and stack them up in an attempt to make a complex from above like a bigature, a 3D plan of the dream being reconstructed into claustrophobic estates. I’m happy with this as the plan took along time to make and the realisation of my grand idea wasn’t possible as even putting it on a wall was difficult too. So, I still have  a lot to do but it’s a bit more realistic and perhaps more interesting since the purpose has more mystery without the quote being directly in your face.  
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Big production films & media that use miniatures:
There are so many big movies and tv shows that have and continue to use miniatures for action shots or for VFX.
the first movie to use miniatures and the film that is considered the pioneer of dfx is Georges Melies, 1902 "A trip to the Moon" - after this many films and directors started to use miniatures on set with titles such as Godzilla, Metropolis and Citizen Kane. They have been and still are used a lot in Sci-fi films, with spacecrafts and scenes created entirely out of miniatures - a lot of the time it is easier and less expensive to create these mini sets and models, rather than having a team make everything from 3D tech.
Though they still are expensive to make, as well as time consuming, they do allow for really realistic shots and settings with "Bigatures" being used just as much if not more so than smaller scale models as scaled down yet large pieces can be blown up and even flooded or set on fire to get desired real scale effects, and can be placed in front of green screens and actors/effects can be composited in during editing, just like the smaller versions.
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votsalot · 2 years
special effects really do look better with miniatures/bigatures
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books-of-meh · 2 years
Hey, Hi there. I’m an artist/author/USMC Veteran/home cook or foodie.
I’m relatively new to the Book Writing World and I have lots a references and experiences to pull from to spin my tales. Currently I’m in the process of publishing MIA 2, which as you may have seen, will be a trilogy.
I started writing when COVID hit us back in 2019. The art slowed down, so I started writing short stories and ideas of what I wanted to read. The five titles I’m starting with, will each be from a different genre, and yes, I’ll even include a Romance for my peculiar friends. (They insisted!😉) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
It’ll be on Amazon this month and there will be a special as well for my first title. Since Being a voracious reader myself, I want to stay hooked until I finish the book or series! Being an artist, I see my stories in a cinematic way. I’ve done work as an artist creating traditionally and digitally from Hawaii to the Mainland, Props,SFX, Miniatures to Bigatures, Backdrops from Screen to Stage and now in the Mainland.
Please check it out and share with like minded folks. Much Mahalos and Aloha!
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klngfili · 5 months
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more lord of the rings bigatures my beloved cause ive been rewatching the extended edition
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