#biker!bucky x baker!reader
world-of-aus · 2 years
More Than Business II
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, no really just fluff.
Author’s Note: There will be one more part to this little series before we wrap up Biker Bucky and his sweet Baker. Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoy this latest update, all other parts can be found on @worldofausupdates​! Enjoy buns.
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Your bakery was its usual buzz, despite the open after hours.
“Well now hold on a minute,” one of you regulars Santiago, owner of ‘Santiagos Satin’ blurts out, “if y/n say’s we can trust the 107, and they’ve given us no reason not to shouldn’t we be less wary of this offer they’re laying down for us, surely there’s a reason Mr. Barnes is wanting our help, this could be big for all of us!”
“Santiago’s right,” Marie, owner of ‘Maries Mazing Muffins’ agrees, “think of the business this could bring in for all of us, especially with the people the 107 are likely tied to, we could see many of our business boom because of this festival!”
The buzz in your bakery grows, the various business owners that make-up the block all sharing their thoughts over one another. “What do you think y/n,” Meredith chirps up quieting the others, “do you think we can trust Mr. Barnes and the 107 – you think joining this festival would be a wise investment?”
Your bakery grows quiet all eyes on you as they wait for your answer, “In order to trust you must give trust, and I think James and the men of the 107 have earned our trust. Like Santiago mentioned they’ve given us no reason to be wary of them, and Marie drove a good point this could be the turning point for a lot of the businesses on the block.” You can still see the wariness in some eyes so you continue, “I can understand the uneasiness; but then tell me, when have the 107 ever given you reason not to trust them? Marie when your sign was scattered in broken shards all over your walkway who was there the next morning to clean up and ensure you had the fees to cover a new sign? Meredith, when someone came into yours and Willie’s shop and ran off with the roses from your stand out front who strolled in minutes later with the teen and your roses? Alice, when you and your dad’s one working iron stove went out who pulled through and had a delivery out front within the thirty minutes of it breaking?’
You’re finally seeing a reaction as many of their gazes fall to the ground, a sudden guilt creeping over their features as they let your words settle over them. “She’s right,” Alice speaks up, all eyes falling to the teen, “Mr. Barnes and the 107 have really only offered us there help but we’ve been too blind to it because of the fee collection at the beginning of every month, it feels like they’re stealing from our businesses when really they’ve been collecting on our behalf, they’ve fixed every expense for us without being told too.”
The quiet murmurs of the others begins to rise through your shop, the other tenants on the block all chiming in their thoughts with one another. “So what,” Alice’s dad starts, “what’s the plan here, what do you expect we do y/n?” As if giving your response the quiet rumble of several bikes rattle through your shop, the quiet murmurs becoming loud as the other business owners eyes drift to the windows of your shop before drifting back to you in a questioning worry.
Your smile is sheepish as you step towards your door, “I’m sorry to spring this on all of you, but you’ve only heard their story from others in passing, you’ve only grazed the cover page.” The key clicks in place, lock turning, knob going along with it as Bucky pushes your bakery door open, soft smile grazing his pink lips as the others of the 107 trail in behind him, their smiles just as welcoming as their leaders.
Their forms loom behind you, bright smiles pasted on all their lips as they look over their tenants. Bucky steps forward then strong arm falling over your shoulder as he brings you closer, you silently pass the floor over to Bucky then, fingers squeezing his side reassuringly. The brunette clears his throat before he speaks to the quiet room, “I know many of you are unsure of us, and it may feel like what I’m asking is already a lot to what we ask for at the beginning of every month but I find I need to ask anyway. The group and I are asking you all to come together with us and help us put together a fun festival for not only the people in our town, but for the neighboring towns as well. We’re hoping with your help we can showcase parts of our town that make it special, that make it ours, and I believe that by hosting a festival such as this one, it’ll have more people dropping in, bringing in more sales that will drive all the shops in our area.”
The soft murmurs begin again, “pardon Mr. Barnes,” one of the tenants pipes up from the back, “but aren’t you in the least bit worried that the extended invitation may fall into the wrong hands?” You can feel the moment he tenses beneath your fingers, but he masks it well as he pulls on that warm smile, “it’s been a thought of ours,” he answers as he looks over to his brothers, “but we’ve been in talk with the others from the towns neighboring us, and have come in agreement, that our people will be safe during this festival, security will be high, we know the risks that come with lowered guards.”
“And do you know those you’re hiring for security?”
“It’ll be your very own amongst the other clubs joining us,” Bucky answers. The murmurs grow, “this festival isn’t for us, but for all of you, it’s our way of giving back to all of you for all the times you’ve given to us,” Bucky meets your gaze then, “we want you all to feel like your family, like you can come to us should a problem arise, we don’t want you to fear those who are here solely to make sure your protected and cared for.”
The murmurs grow to quieted conversations as their tenants check in with one another, you watch as they come to their conclusions. “Do we have a deadline for booths,” one chimes in, “we can’t just put anything out you know,” another adds, “if we’re to represent our town and what it stands for we need to gather and prepare our best.”
Grins spread through your bakery your own pulling at your lips as you can’t help but to jump in place. “Whatever you need,” Bucky chimes in over the excitement growing, “the 107 and its members are here to serve you.”
An unexpected but welcomed cheer sounds through your bakery, your hands squeezing Buckys sides as you watch two family’s come as one before you. Your gaze meets his warm one, “told you it would work,” you grin before you’re looking back into the intermingled crowd.  
“Everyone,” you speak up, “please feel free to help yourselves to some baked goods and refreshments – on me,” you add despite the groans of protest from your neighbors. Bucky leans into your side voice low amongst the loud mingling chatter, “can I see you in your office?”
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“Told you it would work,” you say as you lean up against your desk hands hoisting yourself up onto the wooden oak. Bucky’s shutting the door behind himself, “and I have you to thank for it, I don’t think I would have had the same reaction if it wouldn’t have been for you asking everyone to meet here and asking them to hear us out.”
A smile pulls at your lips, legs crossing as you watch him close the distance between the two of you, “give yourself credit Barnes, I’m only responsible for hosting this meeting, everything else laid out was all you.” A mirrored smile pulls at his lips, soft chuckle meeting your ears as he cages you in, hands on each side of you, “maybe, but I still couldn’t have done this without you.”
“Well you know what I think, I think regardless of the part I played here the reaction you got out there was all because of you.” Bucky’s hand finds yours, “you put your part in Buck, and you need to continue to do so, you’ll find that overtime they’ll become as welcoming as I am. What,” you question over a laugh at the look he gives you.
He lifts both your hands, fingers curling with yours, your heart beating like a wild drum in your chest mouth going dry as you follow his actions. “don’t think anyone could quite meet up to you.” You lick over your lips, “what do you mean,” you question though you’re sure you knew what he meant you just wanted to hear it, needed to hear it to believe that what you felt wasn’t just one-sided like you had allowed yourself to believe that night.
“Your selfless, kind, welcoming, loving, you’ve never judged a person before getting to know them – you see the good in people even when they can’t see it in themselves.”
“I like to believe there’s good in everyone, they just need a little help finding it,” your murmur eyes locking with his.
“You’re not afraid,” he adds, “always seeing the positive in something that others might see negative.”
“Ma did always say I was an optimistic.”
That brings a smile to his lips, “Your ma wasn’t wrong sugar, you’re a breath of fresh air, you make others around you want to do good by you, do good just to be around you.”
“You know I’ve already forgiven you for that night right,” you tease drawing a low chuckle from the man before you, “don’t think you were even mad at me to begin with, which you should have been, I shouldn’t have said what I said that night, it’s not what I wanted to say.”
“And what would you have preferred to say that night?”
“I would have preferred to have taken you up on your offer to stop by with those treats,” he answers, “and then when you did show up with them I would have asked you if you wanted to stay awhile because I don’t see our visits as business transactions, they may have been that  at first, but it wasn’t long before you had me seeing it as more – there was something about you that had me wanting to come around you and the first of the month wasn’t cutting it for me anymore, but I let the fear of what could happen to you get the better of me. You’re to kind for my world.”
“I can protect myself Buck,” you find yourself saying, “but I also know that you wouldn’t let anything happen to me either if it ever came down to it.”
“I have no doubt that you can protect yourself sugar, you’ve showed me time and time again that you can hold your own and that of others because that’s just who you are.”
“So,” you hum deciding to push your luck, “does that mean you’ll let me come drop off some treats at the clubhouse?”
Bucky somehow steps in closer, your breath hitching at the action, “you can come by anytime you’d like, treats or not, I was actually hoping to show you around the clubhouse after the festival, give you a tour of things – is that something you’d like?”
A smile pulls at your lips, “I’d really like that Buck, I'd really like that.”
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Nice Jacket
pairing: chubbybaker!bucky x fbiker!reader
summary: you pick up bucky from work for the first time on your 6 month anniversary
a/n: many many thoughts about soft bucky none are coherent :))) also I don't know anything about bikes so bare with me fudhdhd
/ main / bucky /
18+ only
no minors please
Bucky has been acting weird for a while now and Steve and Sam have been going over what he could be so secretive about. They got nothing. He's singing, dancing and making heart shaped pastry but they haven't seen him outside of the bakery like ever.
He couldn't be in love could he? Bucky rejected at least three people this month alone.
"Hey Steve, could I ask you to close up tonight I promise I'll make it up to you."
Steve lifts a brow because Bucky almost never leaves early.
"Uh sure but why? It isn't like you to leave early?"
Bucky blushes but quickly tries to cover it up with a cough.
"Mygirlfirendispickingmeupforourdate." bucky says all in one breath very quietly. He's not sure why he won't tell his friends. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to jinx it as it has been a few years since his last serious relationship so he wants to hold onto it for a little while.
"Just need you to close up please." Bucky begs and Steve just nodds.
Time quickly passes, and Bucky gets a text that you'll be there in 10. He's not the fastest when it comes to getting off work. There's always something that catches his eye before he leaves, but right now, he's out of his work clothes in no time.
"How do I look? Do I have flour in my hair?"
Steve smirks when he realises Bucky is going on a date.
"Hard to look at, punk. And no you do not have flour in your hair."
Bucky shoves Steve and flips him off.
Thats when they hear a loud roar of bikes in front of the bakery.
"Which one is yours?" Natasha asks you lifting her visor.
"The hot one." you simply reply looking at the men though the window taking your helmet off.
"That doesn't help you know? They're both hot."
You roll your eyes.
"Do you think the jacket is too much?" You look back at the box at the end of your bike a leather jacket you've prepared for Bucky as his present. You've customised it with the patches of your biker gang and some other patches from his favorite band and his favourite books. There's also his last name on the back in big white letters. You hope one day you'll get the same thing on your jacked but that's just wishful thinking.
"I gotta go see ya later punk. Thanks for the help." Bucky taps Steve's shoulder before he leaves.
"You can leave now." You tell Natasha, who's being a menace and just won't leave until she meets your Bucky.
"When do I get to meet him?" Natasha groans, Bucky is all you talk about and she didn't think you could get so soft and giggly about a guy she's never seen it before, usually you're indifferent to the guys you date. But with Bucky oh it's all about Bucky, the blue of the sky is not as pretty his eyes, the cakes you eat are not as good as Buckys, anyways you get the point.
"But-" She's cut off by you turning on her bike and pushing her to leave, you'll deal with the teasing later tonight is special so, no one is meeting anyone tonight.
You run up to Bucky when he exits the bakery and jump into his arms, he smells incredible his cologne mixed with sweet smell of bakery brings you so much comfort.
"Hey, handsome." your arms still around his middle nails softly scratching his back.
"Hi doll." he looks at you smiling, moving a strand of hair that has fallen.
"Ready to go?"
You sit on your bike and wait for Bucky to sit behind you, he carefully sits behind your wrapping his big strong arms around you and you feel right at home.
Bucky will never forget the first time you took him for a ride on your bike, he was so nervous as he's never been on one before. He was holding onto you like his life dependented on it, which at that moment it felt like it did. He's kept his eyes closed for most of the ride, Bucky thought it was embarrassing but you reassured him that it's okay.
The second time Bucky was even more embarrassed than the first as he suddenly turned into a horny teen and got a hard on when you kept putting your hand on his thigh every time you stopped at a red light and the constant vibrations and moving didn't help. And again you told him that it's fine and that you didn't think it was embarrassing.
By now, he's already used to it, and he loves going on rides with you. He loves kissing you when he's balancing the bike, your legs over his thighs, your hands in his hair pulling him closer.
Bucky looks at the city around him it's always busy, always crowded. He smiles to himself when he sees you're taking the route to get out of the city, he doesn't know where but wherever you take him he'll be fine with it.
It takes less than an hour to arrive at your destination, you stop at a resting spot in the middle of nowhere. Just one table that looks out to the city, it's there susually for travelers that need to rest and be on their way. Tonight it's luckly empty.
"We're here!" you step off the bike and take your helmet off, then help Bucky take his off as it always gets stuck for some reason, the reason being Bucky likes you taking it off for him as he always gets to hold your waist because you have to get on your tippy toes to pull it off.
"I picked up some wraps from your favourite place, I hope they haven't gotten cold." you say as you're trying to hide the jacket that takes 80% of the box.
"You didn't have to do that. Thank you, doll."
"It's nothing." you also take the drinks and put them on the table. Bucky and you sit on the bench turned to look at the city line.
"Happy 6 months to us."
"Happy 6 months. Hope I get to spend many more with you." Bucky replies, and you blush.It isn't something you expected to hear, it's not like you don't want that too with Bucky, but you didn't think he felt the same way.
Bucky starts to panic when you don't reply, he scared you, he knows that you two haven't been together for a long time but he's never been more sure about anything or anyone else before.
"Listen I-" you cut him off with a kiss and tell him to wait.
"Uh I know we said no gifts but... I got this for you, you don't have to wear it and I can take these off." You shyly present the black leather jacket and Bucky takes it from your hands and puts it on immediately.
"I love it! How do I look?"
"Very handsome." you pull him in for a kiss turns into much more, he holds your neck, deepening the kiss.
Hours pass and you switch between making out and talking and Buckys fingers find their way inside your jeans and your hands find themselves in his jeans too.
As much as Bucky is shy in public he's totally opposite in private, he's needy he's loud and you enjoy it so much.
"My friends want to meet you. Apparently I'm obsessed with you and they wanna give you the talk."
"You are obsessed with me through." You hit Buckys shoulder and he holds it groaning in pain.
"Ouch. I'm obsessed with you too."
It's quiet for a while but it's not the awkward silence you're just enjoying each others company, your head on Buckys chest, you playing with his fingers.
"Thanks for the jacket doll. I'll wear it every day gotta show it off it's really cool."
And true to his word the next morning he wears the same jacket to work and Steve and Sam are all up in his business at 6 in the morning.
"Nice jacket where'd you get it?" Sam teases and Bucky does a turn to show it off.
"My girlfriend got it for me and she customised it."
"Someone is willingly spending time with you? I have to meet this brave soul"
"Shut up Sam."
[The end]
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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demonsandmischief · 2 years
A Bucky Barnes Imagine
Biker! Bucky x Female Reader
900 Words
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In which a certain biker wants the attention of a shy baker
The bell over the door jingled, and you looked up from where you were wiping down the counter. The men that had entered was not what you were expecting in your very floral pink bakery. Their black leather stood out against the soft pastels.
The tall blonde was the one that came to the cash register.
"Can we get three coffees, please?" His politeness surprised you, so did his dimples. You ducked your head to hide the inevitable heat that rushed up your neck.
"Okay," you said softly. "Cream or sugar?"
"Neither." He shook his head. "How about some of those chocolate chip cookies as well?"
You turned away to pour the drinks. Your gaze was drawn to one of the other men who had taken a seat by the door. He had brown hair, and seemed incredibly unamused by whatever the third man was talking so animatedly about. He caught your eye, and you turned away.
You packaged the cookies, and took the blonde's card for payment.
He thanked you, and soon the trio was gone, followed by the gentle rumble of their motorcycles taking off down the street.
You wished you could say you had forgotten the encounter, but that wasn't true. The surly brown haired man had been locked firmly into your memory, and you didn't have any idea why.
On a particularly slow day, you were alerted to the familiar sound of a bike, and in walked the person who had yet to leave your mind.
"Hi," you greeted. "What can I get started for you?"
"How about the lunch special with a cup of coffee?" he asked.
"Okay." You tried really hard not to mumble under the gaze of his beautiful gray eyes. "What kind of bread did you want for that sandwich?"
"You pick," he responded, offering over his card.
Your fingers brushed against his as you accepted it. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
"I'll bring it right out," you whispered.
He thanked you, and you turned away to start on his food.
Your brain was a scrambled mess. Your hands were shaking, and you felt like you could feel his stare, except he was seated away from you near the window.
As the panini toasted, you took him his coffee. He had shed his leather jacket to reveal a tight-fitting long sleeve t-shirt that accentuated his bulky arms and broad chest.
"Here's your coffee..." you trailed off.
"Bucky," he said, his lips quirking up.
"Bucky." You repeated his name gently, locked in his magnetic gaze. You introduced yourself back, and you were frozen for a second until the panini press beeped, reminding you of where you were.
You blushed, moving away from him. Bucky. It was a nice name.
"Do you have a minute?" he asked when you brought over his plate. He gestured to the seat in front of him.
You stumbled over an answer. "I've got - I have cupcakes baking in the back."
He nodded, turning to his food.
Bucky quickly became a regular, and so did your ability to turn into a blundering mess.
"Which dessert is your favorite?" he asked a few days later.
"Our cinnamon rolls are a big seller-"
"Come on," he teased. "I said your favorite, not everyone else's."
You bit back a bit of a little smile. "Vanilla cupcakes."
He nodded, "I'll take one of those, and a cup of coffee. To-Go, today, please."
You were a bit disappointed that he wasn't sticking around. You considered the possibility that he was tired of you telling him no when he asked you to sit with him because he asked every time, except if you were busy. It's not that you didn't want to, it's just - what would someone like him want with someone like you?
Your train of thoughts turned your mood sour, and the day dragged on. You desperately wanted to go home and feel sorry for yourself and the great thing you probably messed up.
You had just locked the doors for the evening when a familiar bike pulled up.
He waved through the glass and you let him in. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and the same vanilla cupcake he had bought from you earlier.
"These are for you," he said, handing them over. "I was hoping that you would come to dinner with me."
You were relieved to finally have the chance to get to know him.
"I'd love to," you murmured, feeling flushed and giddy. "Just let me finish up here."
It didn't take long, and soon you were locking the doors up behind you, with a certain handsome yet stoic man watching your every move.
He walked to his bike, and you faltered.
"You expect me to get on that thing?"
He smirked a bit, teasing. "Come on, cupcake. I brought you your very own helmet."
The nickname was corny, but it didn't stop the butterflies from fluttering around, wrecking havoc in your stomach.
"I promise to keep you safe." He said the words so sincerely, so honestly, that you couldn't help but give in.
He got on first, offering over the bulky helmet and his leather jacket that you pulled on. He helped you clamber on behind him, pressed intimately against his back. You struggled to breathe at the proximity.
"Hold on tight," he yelled over the engine. You wrapped your arms around his front, and soon you were speeding off down the street.
As Requested ❤️ happy February my friends
•requests open
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@yokaisleep @leahnicole1219 @downbadforobiwan28 @ilovesebastianstan @5moremin @lilylovelyxo @fangirls94 @moonstruckbirdie @drayshadow @leyannrae @alexabarnes17 @bklynxbaby @g4dr33l @nyx2021
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callmemana · 1 year
James Bucky Barnes: Fanfic 1
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Key: smut -🍓/fluff -🌼/angst -🐂/personal fav -👓/
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A Little Superstition @jadedvibes 🌼 (college athlete au)
A Million Reasons Series @perpetuelledaydreaming 🍓🌼🐂(college athlete au)
Accidentally In Love Series @creativebeang 🍓🌼🐂👓
Awake My Soul Series @foreverindreamlandd 🍓🌼🐂 (zombie au)
Baby Love, I Need Your Love @shortcakezaza 🍓🌼👓 (mafia!bucky x baker!reader au)
Bad Intentions Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (mafia! au|Ch. 1/30)
Broken Knights Series @itsanerdlife (mafia! au|Ch. 1/30) 🍓🌼🐂👓
Brotherhood & Bullets Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (biker!au)
Brooklyn Pride Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂(street racer!au)
Cruel Intentions Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (mafia! au|Ch. 1/24|sequel to bad intentions)
Chemistry 2 @onceuponastory 🌼🐂👓 (danceteacher!bucky au)
Firebug Series @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!au)
Forever @onceuponastory 🌼🐂👓
For Love of the Game Series @perpetuelledaydreaming 🍓🌼🐂👓 (baseball!au)
Heat on High Mini Series @tom-holland-parker 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!bucky x singlemom!r)
His Empire, Her Rules Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia!au)
I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once Series @frostironfudge 🌼🐂👓 (ex!military! x +sized!reader)
In Seven Years @perpetuelledaydreaming 🌼🐂👓 (baseball au {mentions of pregnancy})
In The Embers Series @foreverindreamlandd 🌼🐂 (+sized!Rogers!reader)
Inked Sun Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (tattoo!artist!au)
It Comes Back To Me 2 @frostironfudge 🍓🌼🐂👓(lawyer! Bucky)
It Started with a Smile Series @writing-for-marvel 🌼🐂👓 (regency/bridgerton!au)
It Takes Two @jessybarnes 🍓🌼👓 (pregnant!reader)
It Was Always You @ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused 🍓🌼🐂(+sized!reader)
Last Night’s Story Series @the-canary 🍓🌼🐂👓(stripper!bucky au)
Like I Want You 2 @tmpestuous (college au)
Lieutenant Smolder Series @baezen 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!au)
Love & Lace Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂 (mob!Bucky x burlesque!reader|1/24)
Moth to the Flame Series @tmpestuous (college au/ enemies to lovers au)
Our Life Series @creativebeang 🍓🌼🐂
Out Of Mind @rassvetsky 🌼🐂👓
Part Of A Family @onceuponastory 🍓🌼🐂 (singlemom!reader)
Promises @jadedvibes 🍓🌼🐂 (soft!dark! 1940’s bucky)
Playing Games Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (tw: S/A|HS au|1/28)
Save Me Mini Series @espinosaurusrexex 🍓🌼🐂 (college au)
Scars Series @chickenfics 🌼🐂👓 (western au)
Something Domestic Series @fandoms-writings 🌼🐂👓 (ex-military amputee farmer Bucky)
Something More Series @tellmealovestory 🍓🌼🐂👓 (fwb/situation-ship au)
Shattered Pieces Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂 (fighter!bucky|1/20)
Silhouettes in the Spotlight Series @frostironfudge 🍓🌼🐂👓 (actor Bucky x plus sized reader)
Six Months Series @creativebeang 🌼🐂 (explicit themes 18+)
Ties That Bind Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (MC|ch. 1/32)
The Best Man Series @glutenfreepeach 🍓🌼🐂👓 (dark themes 18+)
The Sargent’s Heart Series @foreverindreamlandd 🌼🐂 (+sized!reader)
The Time of the Prey Series @subwaysurf45 🍓🌼🐂 (Knight Bucky x Princess Reader)
The Unseen One Series @extremelyblackandwhite 🌼🐂 (hades!au)
Wrangling Forever Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (farm hand Bucky au|1/10)
Whatever It Takes Series @angrythingstarlight 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia!au)
Where Do We Go From Here Series @sebastianstansqueen 🌼🐂👓 (mafia!au)
I Wanna Be Yours @theeleggymeggy 🍓🌼🐂 (besties to lovers!au)
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buckrecs · 2 years
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 1
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
This is a monthly Bucky Barnes oneshot fic rec that i’m going to update every time I read a new fic!
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too shy? by @arigatouiris
loving him was red by @mediocre-daydreams
New Year’s Day by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Throwing Pillows by @writingcroissant
first name basis by @baroquebucky
Affection by @cloudybarnes
Baby Fever by @printedpeterparker
you by @lovelybarnes
Feelin’ Sick by @hellfiresangel
Alpha!Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Back to School Night by @believeitseeitdoit
The Ask Out by @delaber
Five Times You’d Put Bucky’s Breath Away by @sebabestianstan101
“Why is she wearing my hoodie?” by @writing-soldiers
In Secret by @bi-disaster-yn
baby by @ugh-supersoldiers
The Barista and the Novelist by @/ugh-supersoldiers
I Love Drunk Me by @loving-barnes
Stuck by @bucky-at-bedtime
Your Touch by @marvelettesassemblenow
You’re A What Now? by @floatingpetals
for b. by @imagine-docx (Chubby!Bucky)
To The Rescue by @ghostofskywalker
Your Age Is Showing by @floatingpetals
Posies by @buckyalpine
Just A Little CrPush by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Back to Where We Started by @hopelessromantic423
A million invisible threats by @bitsandbobsandstuff (Winter Soldier!Bucky)
Need You Like Water by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Good Cop, Bad Cop by @buckys-bitchhh (Dad!Bucky)
A Good Thing by @vanderlustwords (Mob!Reader)
Rats by @iwillbeinmynest (Enhanced!Reader)
ephemeral by @earlgreydream (Winter Soldier)
Back Again by @delaber
Let Yourself Be Human by @subwaysurf45
Nerves by @wicked-mind
interested by @/imagine-docx (College!Bucky)
Losing You by @watchmegetobsessed
Keep your eyes on the road (aka an unexpected sex pollen adventure) by @bitsandbobsandstuff
I’ve Got You by @sweeterthanthis
‘Tis the Damn Season by @sweeterthanthis
Flash Bang by @crushedbyhyperbole
Reunions and Birthdays by @law-nerd (Chubby!Baker!Bucky)
In Your Arms by @sleepypanda27
it’s really you (on my mind) by @heavysoldat (Best Friend’s Brother!Bucky)
Feel You by @x-ladyathena-x
Live Stream by @/buckyalpine
no other place i’d rather be by @bonky-n-steeb
Unfortunately Yours by @weepingvoidpenguin
I Love You by @ugh-supersoldiers
Perv by @kinanabinks (Best Friend!Bucky)
What We’ve Been Missing by @buckysho
Best Friends? Nah. by @/wicked-mind (Biker!Bucky)
Paper Thin Walls by @/watchmegetobsessed
Bubble Baths by @/floatingpetals
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irelandking · 1 year
biker au fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
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howlin' for you - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she wonders why the town has given Bucky Barnes a bad name. ❤️🔥
business as usual - @world-of-aus
Part 2 & 3: More Than Business, More Than Business II biker x baker reader fluff, more parts coming ❤️
not my babe - @avecra
Part 2: you’ll never be alone After a nasty break up to a nearly two year relationship, you find yourself dragged to a bar by your best friend, though a familiar blue-eyed biker makes the best of your crappy situation. ❤️😔
biker masterlist - @angrythingstarlight
interconnected one shots ❤️🔥
delicate edges - @wkemeup
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You’re trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe. ❤️🔥😔
one shots:
bumblebees and honeybees - @venusstorm
The time in which you gifted Bucky Barnes an adorable little keychain for his motorcycle. ❤️
the bogeyman and other monstrosities - @pellucid-constellations
As the local biker club president, Bucky Barnes had a reputation for being tougher than nails and feared by many—he’d never be caught dead at a halloween street fair. Too bad his best girl always got what she wanted ❤️
i saw you and i knew - @sinner-as-saint
You met Bucky unexpectedly at an unfamiliar bar one night - one of your last nights of freedom before your parents marry you off to some rich, young man. Bucky happened to be so different from all the men you had dated or you were used to seeing that it was a little bit of a surprise how reckless and open he was. You had been subconsciously looking for a way out of the situation you were in for days, so when Bucky makes you a rather unusual proposal; you accept immediately. And it ends up being one of the best things you ever agreed to. ❤️🔥
naughty & nice - @rookthorne
Presents took on many shapes and forms, this one, however, was likely to be your favourite. ❤️🔥
hot and cold - @bucksfucks
you & bucky had never gotten along, but when your ex-boyfriend ransom turns up at the same bar you’re at, bucky goes to every length to protect you 🔥❤️
drunk, dumped, and angry - @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
 After a nasty breakup, you go out drinking. After an absolute creep hits on you, you’re saved from a concussion by a mysterious, kind man, who reveals himself to be Bucky Barnes. The bar you’re in is a bit suspect, but you never expected him to be head of a biker gang. ❤️🔥
deny me - @drewbarymore
In which you feel like Bucky’s ashamed of you ❤️
best friends? nah. - @wicked-mind
Classic best friends don’t realize feelings for each other until someone points it out ❤️🔥
coffee. emergency. thighs - @angrythingstarlight
You told Bucky that the only time he's allowed to wake you up is under three conditions: He has coffee. It's an emergency. Or his head is between your thighs. And today, he really, really wants to wake you up. 🔥
thin ice - @angrythingstarlight
bucky has a few rules. the most important one is that you always have to tell your biker you love him before you leave the house. because 'i love you bucky' are his four favourite words ❤️🔥
an angel's confession - @rookthorne
Being the Angel on Bucky’s shoulder meant you were the voice of calm, of reason – it did not mean the most sinful chants would fall from your lips and render both of you speechless. Until the day that it did. 🔥
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It's busy this week, but don't think I didn't make the time to put this list together!! Thank you all you wonderful writers for the joy and entertainment you have provided me this month.
This month's list is long and full of spicy, fluffy, incredibly written fics. So kick those shoes off, get comfortable and browse for a new favorite. A lot of Bucky, too, I'm just sayin'. ;)
Happy Reading!
2023 reading list | fic rec masterlist
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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To Have and to Hold series by @indyluckycharlie Bucky Barnes x Reader: Mafia AU Summary: Love and obligation. How can you serve one and still save the other? Warnings: Dark themes. Threats and portrayals of violence, including murder and assault. There are references to but no depictions of noncon. Violent and abusive acts are directed at the reader, but not by Bucky. There is also betrayal, controlling/abusive behavior, death of loved ones/main characters, grief, LOTS of angst, a little bit of fluff, nonexplicit s.mut and sexual references. Please note, there is an element to this story that is a surprise and won't be revealed until about 4/5 chapters in. Therefore, I am not including the related warnings here, but I will include them in the tags in case anyone is truly uncomfortable proceeding without knowing what's coming.
Send Me An Angel by @navybrat817 Soft Dark Bartender!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky thinks you're an angel. Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, Dubcon/NonCon elements (you are responsible for your own media consumption) dirty talk, kidnapping, beginning stages of stockholm syndrome, Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?).
Starting Gate by @navybrat817 Motorcross!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You attract the attention of your coworker's friend who just happens to be a handsome racer who plays for keeps. Warnings: Flirting, tension, swearing, rivalries, future explicit sexual content, motocross!Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?)
Read at your own risk by @buckyalpine Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: 18+ smut
Drunk Bucky by @angrythingstarlight Chubby Baker! Bucky x Reader with a side of baker!Steve vs Honey. Summary: Baker!Bucky has a filthy mouth yet he's somehow still shy. He will spout off the most inappropriate, raunchy joke and have the nerve to blush like you're the one who came on to him. Warnings: none provided
Just One Taste by @angrythingstarlight Beefy Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Bucky has an offer you can't refuse. He'll help you pack for your trip but you have to give him a little taste before he does. Warning: Smut, Minors DNI, oral (fem receiving)
Sugar and Spice by @navybrat817 Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker Female Reader Summary: You make a sweet impression on one of the new tattoo artists in the neighborhood. Warnings: Flirting, fluff, innuendos, brief moment of insecurity (reader's mom kind of sucks, sorry!), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Future couple, slight angst, and feels.
And Everything Nice by @navybrat817 Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker Female Reader Summary: You visit the tattoo parlor when an uninvited guest shows up at the bakery. Warnings: Bad ex, mild (h)arassment, protectiveness, brief moments of insecurity, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
Don't Let Me Down by @princessmisery666 Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: fake fic title drabble Warnings: none provided.
What Dreams Are Made Of by @navybrat817 Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker Female Reader Summary: You’re on Bucky’s mind before your date. Warnings: Ki-ssing, Fluff, slight insecurity if you squint, slight feels (it’s me), Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?).
Us vs. Them by @princessmisery666 Bucky Barnes x Y/N (Reader) Summary: fake fic title drabble Warnings: fluff
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Tell Me You Believe Me: Rumors Part 4 by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Female Reader Chapter Summary: Dean thinks he’s doing the right thing, believes it’s for the best. Still, he struggles to let go, even when he overhears that you’ve moved on with someone new. Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Language; Mentions of sex work(nothing graphic); Canon divergence; Descriptions of high emotional distress; Possible triggers
I Promised by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Female Reader Summary: He always keeps his promises. Warnings: Implied sex; Description of drowning
Even Better Than Pie by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean Winchester x Y/N Summary: Y/N knows just how to make Dean smile. Warnings: None really. Kissing. Implied smut. Smidge of angst. Pretty much, all fluff.
Prettiest One by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean Winchester x Y/N Summary: Dean's leg is broken and they've given him lots of morphine for the pain. What secrets will he reveal to Y/N? Warnings/Explicit 18+: None. Bit of Dean crack. Silly, drugged up Dean. Soft!Dean. Adorable!Dean. Lots of fluff. And a kiss.
Like We Used To by @princessmisery666 Sam Winchester x Reader Summary: fake fic title drabble Warnings: none provided.
Show Me What You're Hiding by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean Winchester x Y/N Summary: Y/N gets a glimpse of Dean, and is desperate to see even more. Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut. Nothing too crazy. Nakedness, lustful thoughts, Dean objectification, and a smidge of dirty talk (from the reader.) Adorable!Dean being adorable, while simultaneously being the hottest fucker around. You know, that thing he's really good at.
Deep by @thoughtslikeaminefield Dean Winchester x Female Reader Summary: Dean shows her more about pleasure than ‘deep’. Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Dean being the best lay ever, biting, Dean being a fairytale prince, the jockey is my favorite sexual position (try it, it’s amazing), talking during sex, gratuitous use of terms of endearment bc it’s Dean
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Other Characters
Relaxing on Sorgan by @softlyspector Din Djarin x GN!Reader Summary: Part of the Significant verse. Din and riduur relax on Sorgan. Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff.
Sit by @negans-lucille-tblr Soldier Boy x Plus Sized!Reader Summary: Y/N finds herself in trouble when she doesn’t listen to her boyfriend’s instructions.  Warnings: angst, self worth issues, body image issues, oral sex (fem rec), face sitting, face riding, biting, p in v
Blueberries and Cream by @princessmisery666 Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader Summary: fake fic title drabble Warnings: none provided
When the Moon Watches Over You by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Beau Arlen x Y/N Summary: Some Beau and Y/N enjoying their time in the moonlight. Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut and fluff. Romantic smut (?) is that a thing. 🤷‍♀️Lol! Skinny Dipping. Semi-public nudity. Implied semi-public sex. Unprotected PinV sex, oral mentioned briefly (m receiving).
Flowers of Fate by @princessmisery666 Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Original Female Character Summary: Serendipity, luck, coincidence – call it what you will, but Bradley is sure his parents may have had a hand in his good fortune. Warnings/Genres/Troupes: fluff, slight angst, meet-cute. 
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 years
Ari Levinson Smut part 2
Part 1 / part 3
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world-of-aus · 2 years
Business as Usual
Pairing: Baker!Reader x Biker!Bucky
Warnings: A pinch of angst..
A/n: I’m in a biker!bucky funk and I am absolutely here for it. I am writing pieces that have me in a chokehold and that I know I will see through to the end. I hope you enjoy this first part to a two part piece!
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The bakery was a quiet hum as your regulars moved throughout your store looking into the glass cases and wooden shelves for their favorite treats. You took notice of their hurried movements as their eyes went from the delectable treats you had made midmorning, to the grandfather clock that rested just at the back of your store. It was a monthly occurrence; your regulars rushing in to grab the baked goods before they came.
The 107.
You had only heard of them in passing before you had made the decision to open a second shop here in the heart of Brooklyn. Now they were all you heard of; their names whispered throughout your shop as the locals grabbed their baked goods from you. You had been warned of them plenty before you had signed your name on the dotted line to take owner ship of this place. Many advising against the purchase saying you’d be paying more than you’d be making.
How wrong they had been.
While yes, the price to have a shop on their street was a pretty one, most of the money you willingly gave over to them in a manila folder at the beginning of the month always found its way back to you.  You see the men of the 107 appreciated the service you provided to their people, enjoyed the welcoming environment you provided to those that stopped in for a visit. This is partially the reason why on the first of the month you now find yourself closing shop early to invite the bikers in.
The first of your regulars finds you at the register, a warm smile on her lips as she passes you the white paper bag. “Is this all,” you question as you place the bagged sweets on the scale. “Oh yes,” she chirps, “don’t want to grab to many sweets or I won’t have reason to come in later this week!” That brings a smile to your lips as you state her the price, accepting her card as you pass her the bag. “Well, you know I always look forward to our meetings I'll be waiting to see you later this week, hopefully with a new recipe for you to try,” you say as you pass her her receipt and card promising to see her soon as the next one in line takes her spot.
It’s like that till your bidding the last of your usual’s a farewell as you pass them their bag of treats with the same promise to see them later in the week. After the last toll is heard through your shop you're moving from behind the register to the front of the shop where you flip the sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. You then twist the locks knowing that your visitors will be letting themselves in with their own copy of your shops key.  
You move back past the register pushing open the kitchens door as you make your way to the counter to fetch your new recipe that waits for you plated. As you reach for the plated desserts the gong of your grandfather clock can be heard through the shop, it was time. Picking up the plate you move over to the swinging door, kicking it open as you pushed through. Resting the plate next to the register you reached down to the shelves below to grab the manila folder that had been waiting weeks to be picked up.
At the same time that you push to full height you can see their frames fill your doorway, their boisterous laughter sounding through the locked door as they use their copy to let themselves in. The noise fills your shop almost instantly as they give you their warmest welcomes, a warm smile finding your lips as you give them your own welcomed greeting, your eyes locking with his as he leads his group in.
Steve and Sam are the last ones in, Steve’s fingers going for the locks as they all crowd you at the register. His frame is always closest to you; guarding, grounding, it’s an odd comparison to the man you met at your first encounter with one another.
“Is the lock really necessary,” you question to stop yourself from putting your full focus on him, there would be time for that soon enough. “I’ve got nothing to keep from any of you, heck I send you out of here every month with more than what you came for,” you add with a soft laugh. Steve is coming up the center Sam in tow as they flank Bucky, “Sorry y/n, bosses orders, you know we can never be too cautious” Steve answers easily with a smile. “Of course,” you confirm, with an easy smile of your own “so business as usual?”
This time you will your eyes to meet his, the ocean greys capturing you almost instantly, a nod to his head, a smirk kissing the corner of his mouth. It’s like clockwork, your hands grabbing the envelope to pass it to him, fingers brushing for a brief second before he’s passing the manila folder over to Steve. The plate goes next the treats you baked up earlier before their arrival being passed down but not before he grabs one for himself.
“New recipe,” he questions as he looks over the baked dessert.
Your smile pulls a little higher, “been wanting to add this recipe to my shelves for awhile now,” you say as you watch the rest of the 107 fill your bakeries tables, “couldn’t quite get it right though, but I think I may have finally perfected it.”
Moritas throaty groan fills the air then,  his palm smacking the table top he’s sat at with the others, Bucky throws him a glare but the man can’t be bothered as he praises the dessert through a mouth half full. You can’t help but to laugh offering him and the others in the room their choice of beverage from the coolers off to the side, “there’s freshly brewed coffee as well,” you throw in.
“Y/n,” Bucky warns but it falls on deaf ears as you wave him off beckoning him over to the office, “it’ll be quieter in there,” you add as you move away from the register and to your half-opened office door. You can hear Bucky send out a warning to his men, one that’s met with a quiet huff as the men indulge in the sweet drinks and an even sweeter pastry. You round your desk taking a seat on the soft cushion as you wait for the broad, short-haired brunette to enter your office; he doesn’t have you wait long.
You watch as he fills your doorway before the office door is being swung shut behind him, his large frame occupying the soft leathered cushioned chair before you. He relaxes into the seat, a warm smile kissing his pink lips as he takes you in, “how’ve you been sweetheart, any trouble?”
A warmth blooms in your chest, a sweetness for the man before you settling over your features as you adjust yourself in your chair, “The only trouble is you locking that door on your visits, you know how many customers come in after your visit just to make sure I’m still breathing?”
That draws a hearty laugh from the man before you, “you sure they’re not wandering in for the new pastries you set out after every visit?”
Your smile draws wider soft laughter bubbling past your lips, “can’t just put anything on those shelves you know, need to make sure they’re 107 approved – are they,” you question looking down at the untouched dessert still held in his hand.
You try to hold his gaze as he brings your newly baked recipe up to his lips, not letting your eyes drop down to his lips. He must know by now the effect he has on you as his eyes slip shut, lips closing on a hum as he lets the good settle on his tongue.  
“So,” you question choked, “how is it – good?”
His eyes slip open, lips upturning on a smirk, “107 approved,” he hums, “just like the baker who baked them.”
Heat floods your cheeks as you smile softly at the man before you, “you think the regulars will like them?”
His chuckle resonates through the small office as he finishes off the small pastry, “if these don’t sell out the first day I'll have Steve drop by to buy them all off of you, I’m sure Morita will work through these within an hour all on his own.”
“Or I could save you the trouble of driving in and just go drop off what doesn’t sell that day, I'd rather it go in someone’s belly then the trashbin out back.”
You can’t quite read the look that crosses over his features and for a moment you wonder if you might have overstepped. “You’re not worried?”
Your brows furrow, “now what would I be worried about Barnes,” you question with a tilt of your head.
“You know what comes with the likes of knowing us, being seen around us, you ain’t worried about that, worried about your name, the shops name being spread around in bad light?” You can’t stop the soft chuckle that leaves your lips, head shaking as you lean it back against the soft cushion of your office chair. “Barnes I have about 8 bikes lined up outside of my shop right now, and its not just any bikes it’s the 107, and they’re out there every first of the month just like they are now –  wouldn’t you say I’m past being worried about being seen with you, knowing you?”
There’s another unknowing look that crosses his features and this time you know you’ve overstepped when he begins to speak. “Our bikes lined out there every first of the month speaks volumes to the reputation we’ve built, we’ve instilled fear into our people, it’s know that as long as they don’t cross us they’re taken care of but we catch them slipping and that’s the end for them – you don’t want to be known for knowing us, it’s not good for you.”
Rejection settles over you and like a dog with its tail tucked between your legs you’re pulling a smile forcing out a laugh as you shake your head in agreement. “You’re right,” you say, “y/n,” he tries but you don’t hear it as you push off your chair needing to be out of this office.
“No, you’re right, this is just business, that’s what it’s always been and I guess for a moment I forgot.”
“Y/n,” he tries again as he pushes off his chair wanting to stop you, “shall we go and see if the amount is correct, surely Steve and Sam counted through it already,” you say as you side step him to get the door pulled open.
You’re stepping out into the bakery all eyes on you as you pull a smile for them, “so is it all there,” you question as you step closer to them, Bucky trailing like a looming shadow behind you.
Sam and Steve pull a smile but you can see there questioning gaze behind the kind eyes they give you. “Of course it is sweetheart, you’ve never been wrong with us.”
“Well let’s hope I never am,” you laugh though it sounds forced, “say how was the dessert, is it 107 approved, I’d really like to get them out on my shelves but I need the stamp of approval.”
That seems to ease the growing tension, the room now a light buzz as the men in their earned leather all praise your baked good. “That’s wonderful,” you smile this one not forced, “say Morita would it be okay if sent whatever is left over of the baked goods with your ma, I really wouldn’t want them to go to waste, maybe you can take them to the club with you.”
“You can send whatever you want with ma,” Morita grins, “just set her up with a bill will ya, I'll get it for her at the beginning of the month.”
You’re shaking your head, “it’s on the house, no really,” you add when he gives you a look, “I’d rather it go with your ma knowing it’ll reach you all then to have to chuck them in the trashbin out back.”
Morita lets out air, “are you sure – won't this set you back?”
“You know this isn’t my only shop right? I’d really rather send it with you all, no charge, unless y’all are feeling nice enough to knock a few bucks off for next month,” you add with a grin.
There laughter meets your ear, “we shouldn’t be charging you at all with all that you do for us, and our people,” Bucky speaks up, and you make yourself keep the smile on your lips as you turn to look at him over your shoulder. “It’s business,” you find yourself saying, “you’ve got an image to up keep and people to take care of, I can respect that.”
Bucky wants to say more, to apologize for how his words sounded in the office, but you won’t hear it as you clap your hands together softly, “well If all the money is there, and you’ve enjoyed the sweets and refreshments I really shouldn’t keep you all any longer, surely you all have more important business to get too.”
The group can tell something is off with you, but they don’t push as they all offer to help you clean the mess, “nonsense,” you wave them off, “y’all go ahead, besides cleaning up shop and shelving the new desserts is my way to unwind after a long day.”
“Y/n,” Bucky tries, and you’re looking at him again tired smile on your lips, “it’s alright Barnes, y’all go ahead, I'll see you at the first of the month.”
The brunette doesn’t want to push you any further, hurt your more than he knows he’s hurt you with his words in your office so he sends his men off, his body straggling by your side as you see them all to the door. He turns to you, wanting to offer you something, anything, hell he would take you to the clubhouse right now if it meant he could put a genuine smile on your face.
“Buck, it's okay,” you offer with a hand to his arm, a smile to your lips, “go, I'll see you soon.” You’re turning to go back into the shop before he can get anything else out. The lock sliding into place meeting his ear; it's time to go. He turns to his group, Steve and Sam’s gaze already waiting, “what did you do man?” Bucky shakes his head as he goes to his bike, mounting it; “call Nat and Wanda, I want them to come check on her.”
“Buck what did you -”
“That’s an order Rogers.”
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“Bucky was never really known for having a way with words.”
You scoff over the cup of hot chocolate in front of you, “please him never having a way with words, have you seen the women that throw themselves at him and the 107, their clubhouse is packed with them.”
“What Nat means is that he doesn’t really know how to express his concerns around those he loves,” Wanda reiterates with a hand over yours.
You shake your head, finger running along the rim of your mug, “I don’t know Wands maybe I was reading too much into all of this, maybe it has always just been business as regular and I let my feelings cloud my judgement of their visits.”
“If it were just business as usual you really think he would have Steve call me and Wanda to come check on you,” Natasha questions, “he cares about you y/n, and he’s just worried about you getting caught up in his life.”
“It’s not an easy one,” Wanda adds, “there’s always going to be a target on your back, and it's not only the club he’s going to have to worry about then, you’ll also become his focus.”
“And it seems you already are,” Natasha agrees.
The rejection from earlier rears its ugly head as you grab your mug from the register, it was only getting later in the evening and if you were planning on having an early start you’d need to head home soon. “I don’t know girls, while I appreciate him asking the two of you to stop by, he probably only did so to make sure we were okay since I didn’t really give him a chance earlier.”
“Y/n,” Natasha sighs, but you offer her a tired smile, “I’m fine girls really, you can let Buck and the boys know there was no harm done, and it’s like I told them earlier I’m going to see them at the first of the month like I always have, that’s not going to change, business as usual,” you throw in bitterly.
“Y/n,” Wanda repeats with a raised brow, you shake your head, “please drop it, its late and I have an early start tomorrow if I want to get my new recipe plated so I'd really like to get home soon, just tell Bucky that I'm fine, I'll be fine.”
The girls know not to push you, both of them squeezing you tight as you see them out, the door locking behind them as the two make their way down the empty walkway. They round the stop sign at the end of the street, there forms closing in on the three waiting men.
“How was she,” Bucky questions as the two close in on them, Natasha shakes her head, Bucky sighs all but ready to go over there himself but the redhead is stopping him with a hand to his arm. “It’s late, she’s tired, there’s no point in going over there now, she’s as understanding as her stubbornness will allow her to be.”
“Give her a day,” Wanda adds as she slides on behind Sam, “then get your shit together,” Sam mutters as he kicks up his stand. “She’s not as weak as you think she is,” Natasha murmurs as she slips on behind Steve, “if you’re worried about her not being able to handle her own, you're worrying about the wrong thing.”
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
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Here's the first rec list of 2023!! Please make sure you give these gorgeous stories and writers the love they deserve. As always, you are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ only and contain adult themes.
Happy reading 🔥
Bucky Barnes ✨
Cordially invited by @navybrat817
Modern Knight!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Female Reader
Dress you up in my love by @jobean12-blog
Bucky x reader
Thin ice by @angrythingstarlight
Beefy Biker!Bucky x Reader
Adventures in babysitting by @navybrat817
Florist!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Relax by @kinanabinks
Nerd!Frat!Bucky x Reader
There's really a wolf by @flordeamatista
DBF!Mafia Bucky Barnes x Mafia!Princess Reader
Ravenous by @navybrat817
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Good peach by @wndalovebot
bucky barnes x afab!reader
Picture perfect by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Bucky Barnes x reader
Peaches and cream by @angrythingstarlight
Covet by @labella420
Dark!Mob! Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Vodka on the rocks by @kinanabinks
Bestfriend!Bucky f!reader
A little help by @mavsstar
DBF!Roomate!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Forever by @callingsergeantbarnes
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader 
Eddie Munson ✨
Chefs kiss by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader
She drives me crazy by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader
Made for lovin' you by @beefybuckrrito
Eddie Munson x fem!reader (any race)
One hot ticket by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader
Steve Rogers ✨
Wicked games by @honeystevie
Steve Rogers x Asian!reader
Tonight by @springdandelixn
Husband!Steve x Fem!Reader
Run rabbit run / trapped in a tangled web / mistaken identity by @dreamlessinparis
Dark!Steve x F!Reader
Colin Shea ✨
Maybe in the meantime by @rebel-stardust
Colin Shea x female reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Good for you by @flordeamatista
DBF!Ari Levinson x Reader
Little fears by @onsunnyside
Biker!Ari Levinson x naive!reader (biker x baker au)
Solve the riddle by @geminixevans-stan
Retired Pornstar!Ari Levinson x Black!Reader
Our last summer by @summerofsnowflakes
DBF!Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader
Steve Harrington ✨
Unearned confidence by @sharpsapphic666
Steve Harrington x reader
Lee Bodecker ✨
Pressure by @thornsnvultures
lee bodecker x plus size!fem!reader
Andy Barber ✨
Marked with my initial by @frostironfudge
Incubus!Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Sam Wilson ✨
Love you in a thousand ways by @targaryenvampireslayer
Sam Wilson x female reader
Multiple characters ✨
Late night visitor by @dreamlessinparis
Mob!Destroyer!Chris x F!Reader x Mob!Bucky, Lee Bodecker x F!Reader (established couple, married)
The chase by @targaryenvampireslayer
Dark!alpha!Sam Wilson x female!omega reader x dark!alpha!Bucky Barnes
Three's a party by @traitorjoelite
stucky x reader
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Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
thank you for the tag @marvelstoriesepic! <3
lord knows every writer loves talking about their WIPs more than writing them (or is that just me??) but i’m actually forcing myself to do some writing rn so 🤞🤞
don’t judge the working titles 🤣
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take my hand, wreck my plans ~ outlaw!bucky (treacherous sequel)
the discovery ~ mercenary!steve (the expedition sequel)
hush, my dear ~ outlaw!steve (treacherous spin-off)
dawn (part four of little bird series)
a deadly game ~ criminal!bucky x detective!reader
we’ll meet again ~ 40s!bucky x modern!reader
i think he knows ~ biker!steve x baker!reader
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no pressure tags: @intrepidacious @brandycranby @perdidosbucky-yyo & anyone else who wants to do this <3
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rookthorne · 2 years
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This event has been so much fun to partake in — @navybrat817 & @darkficsyouneveraskedfor did an amazing job making this community and I count myself lucky to be a part of it. 💜
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֎  Biker!Bucky Barnes  —  Brotherhood & Bullets ֎  Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes + Bodyguard!Winter Soldier  —  Staya Volkov ֎  Farmer!Bucky Barnes  —  Peaches ‘n Cream Ranch ֎  Incubus!Bucky Barnes  —  Depths of Pleasure ֎  Modern!Bucky Barnes  —  Written in the Stars ֎  Nurse!Bucky Barnes  —  A Hero ֎  Pirate!Bucky Barnes  —  Sins of the Seven Seas ֎  Street Racer!Bucky Barnes  —  Brooklyn Pride ֎  Viking!Bucky Barnes  —  The Skógr
—  The AO3 SERIES can be found HERE.
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𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨'𝐬 𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── 𝐊𝐄𝐘 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
— 𝐀  = angst — 𝐖  = whump — 𝐈 = sick fic — 𝐃  = dark — 𝐃² = dead dove — 𝐏 = poly — 𝐊 = kid fic — 𝐅  = fluff — 𝐒  = smut
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☁   𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐔𝐏 ─── Wilderness
───   Viking!Bucky x Fae!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
Fae folk had lived on this land since time immemorial, but for all the time you had lived in your little nook of the woodland, you had only seen one man brave the trail. And for his kindness to all who lay in his path, creature and legend alike, you wanted to give the hunter a gift.
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☁   𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝
𝐈 𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Diamond Necklace
───   Pirate!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
The Soldat’s captain was ruthless and never showed any quarter to his enemies. When an armada appeared on the horizon like a beast from the ocean, you knew the battle would be bloody and victory would be sweet, and the treasure would be worth more than silver and gold.
☁   𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Test Your Palette
───   Biker!Bucky ──   Moodboard
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☁   𝐀 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Thermometer
───   Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
Superheroes came in many different shapes and forms. Yours just happened to be a man with dark hair, blue eyes, a warm smile, and scrubs.
☁   𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Coffee Cup
───   Barista!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
Bucky’s cafe was a home away from home, a place where you could be happy, spend time with your two closest friends, and your favourite fluffball. You just hoped that your admission wouldn’t change a thing - at least, you had to hope it would, in the best way.
☁   𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Cookie Tin
───   Baker!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
There were very few plans you had come up in your life with that rivalled the sheer brilliance of what you decided to do - ‘twas the belated day for it, anyway. 
☁   𝐀 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞
𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
───   Viking!Bucky x Fae!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
Time had passed since you last saw the Viking galloping down the trails, and in his absence, your heart grew steadily fonder of the stranger - of his kindness, his softness. Fate, however, knew of this and sent a gift of its own your way, in the form of a proud steed, ridden by your Viking.
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☁   𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Scars on the Chest
───   Winter Soldier ──   Moodboard
☁   𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Morning
───   Bucky x F!Reader ──   Moodboard + Blurb ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
☁   𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐬
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Sickness
───   Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐀 + 𝐈 + 𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
Your hero was determined to save the day, but you were about to discover something more precious than his priceless smile.
☁   𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
───   Bodyguard!Bucky x F!Reader x Bodyguard!Winter Soldier ──   𝐀 + 𝐖 + 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
Blood was thicker than water, but no bond was stronger than the one you shared with two of the fiercest and most savage protectors that stalked the earth, and when someone dared threaten what was theirs? Even the devil himself couldn’t save them.
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☁   𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐀𝐔 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
───   Street Racer!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
Bucky was nothing if he wasn’t dramatic or pulling off one hell of a stunt, but this one by far shattered any limit you thought he wouldn’t break – you just had to hold the fuck on.
☁   𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Demon
───   Incubus!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐃 + 𝐒 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
The creatures of the night were stuff of legends, tales to tell children to dissuade them from misbehaving. You had ignored the stories as nothing more than what they were made for–they were just that, stories.  Oh, how you were wrong.
☁   𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Farmer
───   Farmer!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑
Returning home to your husband after a long day was always a blessing you were grateful for, even when he was an insatiable menace; for home is where your heart was, and your heart was always with him.
☁   𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ─── Party Style
───   College!Bucky ──   Moodboard
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barneswinchester · 3 years
MCU Masterlist II
check out my part I if you haven't already!
Bucky Barnes
unfortunately yours
3 am
pass out
bucky's pastries
been like this
nothing wrong with you
under the table
trainer bucky
friendly neighbourhood mafia boss
on my tongue
no escape
just a scratch
it all belongs to you
fed up
dead of night
hungry eyes
sweeter than sugar
top of his list
perfect, doll
around your finger
my girl
I love you to the moon and back
you and me against the world
Steve Rogers
I'm not finished yet
birthday wake up
plus one
wide open
baby fever
nightmare barns
Stucky x Reader
snakes and ladders
mafia men
let us take care of you
laced around your throat
daddy lessons
a warm place
late nights
the mess we've made
late nights
our girl
no control
french fries
no room available
I missed you
happy 4th of july
Andy Barber
good behaviour
look, don't touch
happy daddy's day
go ahead and cry little girl
in the mirror
good little wife
Ransom Drysdale
love on the brain
I'd go black And blue
Lee Bodecker
bad days
never enough
6K notes · View notes
evis-gossip · 2 years
Thoughts right now: Bucky being in love with a nerd/smart reader.
My mind is all over the place so here are some scenarios for different alternate universes:
Lumberjack!Bucky in awe while you pace from side to side of his cabin’s living room while you explain every Greek myth ever
Biker!Bucky lovesick while you rant faster than his bike about the true meaning behind The Secret History and how it is a masterpiece
Librarian!Bucky (i also imagine chubby!Bucky for librarian) saw you spend hours researching the Minoan civilization because lineal A hasn`t been translated yet and you needed to know why and when you told him how sad it made you it broke his heart
Avenger!Bucky amazed by the energy you radiate while trying to explain the concept of The Black Parade by MCR because it was never a phase, it’s a lifestyle
Mob!Bucky taking you to every bookshop ever just to see the smile on you face when you talk about literature (i have a whole concept for this, but haven’t gathered the courage to work it out)
Chubby!baker!Bucky oh so worried about you when you spent almost five hours straight sitting at his bakery teaching yourself latin to read the Aeneid in original, far too high on caffeine, far too low on real nutrients
Roommate!Bucky cuddling with you on the couch while you read and trying to get you attention for funny businesses but nothing can tear you away from hyperfixating, still he finds you adorable
CEO!Bucky taking you on a romantic trip to Paris and absolutely dazed when instead of giving you a tour of the city you stop and explain the history, art and architecture of every building. Yes, you dragged him for hours on end through Norte Dame
Neighbor!Bucky going feral when he found out you were fluid in any language other than English (he did try to convince you to se it for certain endeavors)
Had to get that out of my chest. I might work on some of them, maybe a drabble or headcanon, idk. If you guys would like me to elaborate on some, my asks are open and I’d live to hear what you guys think.
a Bucky gif as a gift for you
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834 notes · View notes
ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
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Fandom: Marvel (Social Media AU - Biker AU/Baker AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: You come across a new bakery in town. After stepping inside, you keep coming back...and it isn't for the baked goods.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 
774 notes · View notes
world-of-aus · 2 years
More than Business
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Authors Note: I was not expecting the first part to get as much love as it has but  I can’t thank you all for the excitement you showed on that first piece. Hoping you all enjoy this second part as much as the first, there will be a third and hopefully final piece to this installment. As always happy reading buns!
Warnings: Pinch of angst, fluff
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You’re stifling back another yawn as you go to open the wooden case that holds your pastries. “You alright there sugar, you look about ready to drop and it’s only 8 a.m.” You shake your head, pulling on a smile as you will the sleep from your eyes, “just a long morning,” you answer as you reach for the baked treat with the tongs you had in hand, “wanted to display the newest pastries out front this morning – spent most of the morning moving the other pastries around because of it.”
The elder lady is laughing softly from behind you, soft hand meeting your back as she rubs it comfortingly, “well it looks lovely, and it’ll have business booming for you with the way you chose to display this newest release.” A genuine smile pulls at your lips as you place the tongs back in their place, shutting the wooden cabinet as you pass her the bag of chosen pastries. “I hope so, but if sales don’t go as planned, I’ll be sending you and Willie some as I close shop, hope you don’t mind.”
She’s mirroring your grin as you she moves the two of you to the next display, “as if Willie could ever turn down any of your pastries, you know it’s a battle to tell that man no to any baked goods from here even though he’s well aware I stop by daily.” You're laughing softly as you repeat the action of grabbing the tongs, opening the case and pulling the amount of baked goods she requests. “Well, I’m hoping he’s going to be thrilled with any extras I send your way.”
She takes the bag from your hands as you walk the two of you up to the register, “he’s gonna have a field day,” she laughs as you weigh her bag reading her the total. “You should be charging more,” she says as she dips into her coin purse, “lord knows these treats are worth more than you charge.”
Warmth floods you, as you take her change, “oh I don’t know,” you murmur, as the register opens change sliding into its place, “I sometimes I feel I overcharge.” Meredith waves a hand at you dismissing the statement, “nonsense, with the fees from the 107 and how slow business can be some days, you deserve to price according to your work and your work is worth it sweetheart.”
You pass her her bag with a warm smile on your lips, “I’ll consider it, but with the money I bring from the other shop I don’t see it in my future anytime soon.”
Meredith is laughing her hand falling over yours, “well at least consider a tip jar, it’ll help you with those ridiculous 107 fees.”
The smile falters at the mention of the 107, mind drawing a picture of the broad eyed brunette, “they’re not too bad,” you find yourself saying, “I can respect the care they have for their people even if it costs a little extra to do so.”
Something flashes in the elderly lady’s eyes, “they do care for us don’t they,” she hums, “well still sweetheart consider the tip jar, any amount helps you know, times can be tough.”
And you did know, you knew how hard it could be for some of the other business owners to gather the remaining amount as the time for the fees drew closer and closer. You decided then as you bid Meredith a farewell that you would set out a tip jar. A tip jar not for your store, but for the other stores who needed that extra hand when it came time.
After Meredith leaves to tend to her flower shop with her husband Willie the shop is at its usual business of a flow of your regulars. Each one taking their usual along with the new bake that waits for them at the front of the shop by the register.
“Goodness y/n you’re going to have me rushing over here before your bakery closes for the evening these are wonderful!” Your smile is bright as you take in the delight of your neighbor, “please stop by, I’ll have some saved for you free of charge.”
You laugh at her surprise, “now y/n, I couldn’t let you give me these free,” she argues but you wave her off, “really it’s no trouble, I’d rather these go home with someone then in a trash bin at the end of the day.” And although you can see the argument that sits on her tongue, she thanks you anyway, leaving her extra change in the tip jar before promising to see you later in the evening.
The tip jar slowly fills as regulars drop their extra change along with their warmest welcomes and promises to see you tomorrow filling not only your jar but yourself with their kindness.  The hours tick by and before you know you’re flipping your sign and your lock for lunch, the thirty minutes giving you time to relax and enjoy yourself as you decide which pastry and drink, you’d like for lunch.
Your thoughts of lunch are forgotten at the sound of a knock at your door. Your brows furrow as you turn your head, heart catching in your throat as you meet the familiar ocean greys. He offers you a small smile through the glass door, mouthing if he can come in.  
You’re twisting on your feet before you can give it a second thought. Fingers twisting the lock as your hand wraps around the knob pulling the door open. “Bucky,” you greet, “is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine sweetheart, can I come in?”
You’re unsure what to say, the 107s leader never had reason before to come in outside of coming for their money at the first of the month, you wonder what’s gone wrong, were you short? Surely Steve and Sam had double counted the amount you were sure was there.
“I promise everything’s okay,” Bucky says as if reading your worry, “just came to talk.”
You want to say that he’s never come to just talk but you bite back your tongue choosing to hold the door open instead as you offer him room to come in. “Look if this is about yesterday evening Buck,” you begin as you walk further into the shop with the brunette, “there really are no hard feelings, I should have known I just -”
He’s turning on you then closing the last foot of space between the two of you, a shake to his head as he looks down at you, “you didn’t deserve my behavior in your office yesterday and for that I’m sorry. The first time we met you welcomed us – welcomed me with a kind smile, sweet words, and an even sweeter pastry, despite knowing what we were here for, despite our name you never looked at us any differently, never cowered away from me in fear.”
“Ma said it was never polite to judge a book by its cover, everyone’s got a story and I had yet to know yours.”
In that moment Bucky can’t believe you’re real, can’t believe he gets to know you and your kind heart. “I know you say everything’s okay, but I need to make it right. I hurt you last night y/n, and you didn’t deserve that, you’ve done nothing to deserve that behavior.” You’re the one shaking your head now, hands coming up to cross over your chest, a form of comfort as you choose your next words. “But you weren’t wrong Bucky, your visits have only ever been purely business, a simple transaction; you had never given me any reason to believe there was something more there aside from what I wanted to believe, what I let myself believe.”
“Do you really believe that, that it's just been business, a transaction?”
You want to say ‘no’, that you don’t believe it's just been business, but the uncertainty, the rejection has you biting your tongue. “We’re not friends outside of the business we do every first of the month Bucky, to an onlooker they might at most call us an acquaintance if they were to see our interactions, but I don’t think they would call what we do more than business.”
Bucky knows that you don’t believe that, can catch it in the way your gaze leaves his to instead look at the wooden floorboard of your shops. “Does it really matter what others think?”
“Does it,” you throw back, “it sure seemed like it mattered to you the other night.”
Bucky deserves it, despite the non malicious way your words came out he knows he deserves it, because he hurt you and despite this you’re still so kind to him. You don’t allow him a chance to get a word in as you shake your head rubbing lightly at your eyes.
“I’m sorry, look why don’t you join me in my office and we can talk about what you came here for over a pastry and your choice of beverage, I only have,” you looked at the grandfather clock, “22 minutes before I have to flip my sign over for the afternoon and I’d really like to eat something before the rush whaddya say Barnes you willing to sit and eat something with me, forget about the other day?”
Bucky knows there’s no forgetting that pain he saw flash across your features but he’s willing to start somewhere. “You going to let me pay for my meal?”
That draws a genuine smile out of you, “no can do Buck, but you can leave a tip in the jar if you’d like,” you say pointing to the tip jar sitting on display at your register.
“Everything okay, you in some trouble?”
You’re shaking your head with a laugh, “nothing like that, it’s not for me,” you say drawing a look of confusion from the brunette, “Meredith mentioned me putting one out despite my protests that financially I was okay, business might not be slow for me but it can for the other businesses on the block – it’s my way of giving back and lending a helping hand at the first of the month.”
“No one's mentioned struggling,” he murmurs, “I’d be willing to cut rent if I knew - if I have to get cheaper supplies to keep their shops up and running, we’d find a way, is this happening with all the shops?”
“Meredith was the first to voice something like that and I mentioned to her that despite the price it was a price paid to take care of your people – despite your grumpy demeanor,” you add with a smile. You’re moving around the shop then grabbing two pastries and two beverages, “c’mon Barnes, this way,” you say leading the way into your office, his hand shutting the door behind the two of you.
The two of you take the seats in front of your desk, your hands placing the sweets and drinks down on your desk as the two of you get comfortable.  
“So, Barnes, what did you want to talk about?”
He reaches for his pastry wanting to busy his hands as he tries to find the words of the plan he had shared with Steve and Sam earlier this morning. “Our conversation last night really had me thinking,” he begins, “that can’t be good,” you tease. He shakes his head giving you a look that has you hiding your grin behind a bite of the pastry. “Like I was saying,” he continues, “our talk last night, and the moment you shared with Meredith has me thinking, I don’t want my people to fear me, it shouldn’t be me they fear, I should be the one they’re able to come to, talk to about problems they face. I should be the one they come to when something goes wrong. Who am I if they fear me just as much as the others, who am I if the people I'm meant to take care of are they very same ones that cower from me in fear?”
“I don’t think its entirely because they fear you buck, do I think you intimidate them yes, but I don’t think it’s fear.”
Bucky reaches for his beverage next, needing to clear his throat, “fear or not, I don’t want them thinking they can’t come to me, that they don’t have a friend in me.” That has you smiling, an uptick to the corner of your mouth, “so what exactly are you going to propose to change this?”
“The guys and I have been talking with the holidays rolling around we thought we’d give something back to our community.” “Oh,” you question with a brow raised, “we were thinking we could bring everyone together and host a fall carnival of sorts.”
“I think everyone would enjoy that, would the 107 be hosting?”
“We would be,” Bucky nods, “but this is where you come in, I need your help.”
“My help, how?”
“I know it’s going to take some time for everyone to warm up to the thought of us like you have, so I was hoping you could help me spread the word. I’m hoping we can get all the businesses on the block to set up a table or booth courtesy of us to help them bring in more money.”
Your smile warms the brunette, a smile of his own pulling at his lips, “I’d love to spread the word, does this mean I'm getting my own booth?” Your brow raises at the smirk that tugs at the corner of Bucky’s mouth, “actually sweetheart, how good of a teacher are you?”
You let out a laugh, “uhm last I checked I was working in a bakery not a preschool, so I'm not sure how good of a teacher I'd be.”
“You think you’d have enough patience to show 8 bikers how to bake?”
“Is your baking as good as your driving,” you question, “my ma taught me a thing or two in the kitchen,” he answers, “well then it might not be such a lost cause,” you tease, “though the other seven, well I can’t speak for them.”
“So you’re in?”
Your smile is warm, “you can count me in Buck, I think it’ll be a nice change for all of us.”
He matches your smile, “I think so too.”
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“So, you think this’ll work,” Bucky questions as he steps out onto the pathway, your sign flipping from closed to open.
“You can count on me to spread the word,” you offer with a warm smile, “but you should really try and stop in more often with the other shops, don’t let them judge your story by its cover, let them read it, let them see the you I see.”
Both your attention is pulled from one another by one of your regulars coming along, her eyes wide as she takes in the man before you. He offers her a smile, “good afternoon Alice, was just getting out of y/n’s hair, your pops still have that pasta special on Tuesday’s?”
The teenager nods not quite finding her voice at her first ever interaction with the biker, “Perfect I'll see the two of you later today if you can let your old man know I’ll be stopping by.” He’s turning to you then, “mind if I stop by later with the boys to grab some pastries from you, the ma’s will be visiting the club tomorrow, I'll even bring you a plate of pasta for the lunch today.”
“It was on the house Bucky, but I wouldn’t mind a plate of pasta from my favorite diner,” you say as you beckon Alice over, the teenager closing the distance between the two of you as she steps into the offered open door.
“Well then I'll be seeing the two of you later, you have a great shift sweetheart, Alice,” he nods in farewell.
You and Alice are seeing the man off, the loud rumble of his bike sounding through the block before he’s kicking off the curb and off onto the street. You two watch as he disappears off into the distance before you’re ushering the two of you into the quiet of your shop.
“The usual,” you say as you grab a paper bag for the girl, “I thought the others were just talking but Bucky Barnes was really here, is everything okay, did you run late on rent, I can talk to my dad, the others we can figure something out.”
You look at the girl over your shoulder a smile on your lips, “No, I gave my rent like all of you, Bucky was just here to tell me about a fall festival the 107 wants to host for the block.”
“Fall festival, the 107, are you sure we’re talking about the same biker group.”
You laugh softly as you turn back to your display grabbing the tongs from the side, “they’re not as scary as everyone makes them out to be, in fact they’re all a couple of sweethearts once you get to know them.”
“And how well do you know Bucky?”
You’re looking at the girl over your shoulder, dropping two extras of her favorites into the bag, a grin on the girl's face. “It’s not like that Alice, he’s just a -”
“Just a what,” she encourages, you’re looking down in thought before meeting her eye, “just a friend.”
The look that crosses the girls' features Is thoughtful as she asks her next question, “is that why the 107 lingers around here longer at the first of the month, because its more than just business?”
You’re turning toward the girl, handing her the bag as she moves over to the next case, “it’s still a transaction between two people but, yeah,” you nod, “it's definitely more than just business, just like when you come in.”
Alice smiles, “do you really think the 107 is going to be able to put on the fall festival you know with all the talk that surrounds them?”
“I’ve come to learn that actions speak louder than words, so yeah, I'm hopeful they will.”
“I hope so too, Mr. Barnes seems like a nice guy, under all that tough exterior,” Alice says as she follows you to the register.
He is you think, he really is.
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