camillevanneerart · 1 month
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binnenhof (from mauritshuis) - graphite | 15 x 15
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djdejong · 3 months
Uitkijktorentje bij het Binnenhof, dag 1625
Geen idee of je er kunt inklimmen maar het ziet er wel erg leuk uit.
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cebozcom · 5 months
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Restauratie Hoofdpijndossier: Een Diepgaande Analyse | www.ceboz.com
Een diepgaande blik op het restauratieproces van het beruchte hoofdpijndossier
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calochortus · 7 months
20221130-Canon EOS 6D Mark II-5063 by Bartek Rozanski Via Flickr: calm autumn morning in downtown the hague
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jossarisfoto · 11 months
Den Haag | Kunst, Cultuur en Geschiedenis
Dinsdag, 17 oktober 2023 | Ons bezoek aan Den Haag begint in stijl, vanuit Scheveningen rijden we met de tram namen richting het hart van de stad. Onze eerste stop is de idyllische Hofvijver, waar we genieten van het prachtige weer en het uitzicht op de historische gebouwen die weerspiegelen in het kalme water. Vanaf daar maken we een wandeling rond de Hofvijver, met als hoogtepunt het…
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dennisasp · 1 year
Bilferie i Holland
New Post has been published on https://dennisasp.dk/bilferie-i-holland/
Bilferie i Holland
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Vi var på bilferie rundt i Holland til både Amsterdam, Utrecht, Haag, Gouda og Rotterdam, og det var en helt fantastisk tur med både vindmøller, kanaler, gode øl og ture med både cykel og kajak. - Amsterdam, Anden verdenskrig, Anne Frank, Arkitektur, Ægget, Bilferie, Binnenhof, Boblete, Bryggeri, Damrak, Disc Golf, Erasmusbroen, Europa, Gouda, Haag, Hamborg, Holland, Japan, Kajak, Kanaler, Kinderdijk, Kunst, Museum, Øl, Red Light District, Reeperbahn, Reeuwijk, Rejse, Rotterdam, Santa Monica, Scheveningen, Sex, Souffle Pandekage, Strand, Street art, Streetfood, Tyskland, Utrecht, Vindmølle, Vondelpark, WW2
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soapkaars · 2 years
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Back into the hashtag grindset - an underwater Ridderzaal for some upcoming spookiness
For non-Dutchies:
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homoerotisch · 1 year
oh ja btw ik snap nooit waarom beveiligers pakken dragen, is dat niet heel onpraktisch??
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Gorgeous gorgeous girls spend their free morning sending emails to government organisations.
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victorysp · 5 months
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Spanish State Visit to Netherlands - Day 2
Deputy Prime Minister Rob Jetten receives King Felipe at the Binnenhof and host a government lunch attended by King Willem-Alexander. Topics that will be discussed during this lunch include Spanish-Dutch bilateral relations and European cooperation on energy and climate policy. Deputy Prime Minister Jetten and King Felipe will both give a speech. April 18, 2024.
📷 Royal House of the Netherlands
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vriendenboekjes · 3 months
wat als we ons allemaal op het binnenhof van kant maken
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djdejong · 3 months
Uitkijktorentje bij het Binnenhof, dag 1625
Geen idee of je er kunt inklimmen maar het ziet er wel erg leuk uit.
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Happy Birthday to...
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Sophie von der Pfalz, Electress of Hannover, and James VII and II, born on 14 October 1630 and 1633 respectively.
James and Sophie remained in lifelong contact, and the exiled James considered her one of his few allies.
...Little did he know that Sophie was close with both William and Mary, growing particularly fond of the latter in an almost maternal capacity.
Sophie- the woman who would almost have been Queen of England twice
Originally a candidate for marrying James' brother, the recently restored Charles II, the latter settled for Catherine of Braganza instead.
Rather than as consort, Sophie later would almost have become Queen in her own right when the Act of Settlement, implemented by William III, named her as heir presumptive to the crown.
When Sophie visited The Hague with her little niece Liselotte in the winter of 1659/1660, little did she know that one day, the nine-year-old William of Nassau who romped through the Binnenhof palace with her niece would become King of England, and declare her the heir presumptive to the throne. At the time, Sophie was heavily pregnant with her son Georg Ludwig, the future George I who became King of Great Britain when Queen Anne died in 1714. Sophie, alas, had predeceased the much younger Anne by a mere handful of weeks.
Sophie on her own birthday:
In 1680, the year she turned fifty, Sophie decided to write her own memoirs, including a description of her birth and early years. Here is what she had to say on the circumstances of her birth:
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Sophie, Electress of Hannover and Köcher, Adolf [Ed]: Memoiren der Herzogin Sophie nachmals Kurfürstin von Hannover, Leipzig 1879, p. 33.
They told me that I was born in the year 1630 on the 14th of October, and since I was the 12th fruit of the marriage of the King my father and the Queen my mother, I think that my birth did not cause them any other joy than that of my no longer occupying the place I previously did. They were even at a loss which name and which godparents one should give me, as all the kings and princes to be considered had already taken this trouble for the children who had preceded me. It had pleased them to put various names on slips of paper and to draw from them the name I was to receive, and chance gave me that of Sophie; and to choose godmothers for me who had that name, the King picked the Princess Palatine of Birkenfeld, Countess of Hohenlohe, the Countess of Cuylenburg and Madame de Brederode, Countess of Nassau, and as godfathers the states of Frisia.
Happy birthday, Sophie von Hannover! She may have been the 12th child of her parents, but she left us first-rate sources in the shape of her memoirs and parts of her correspondence, providing a window into 17th century life and politics.
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dejufuniverse · 10 months
Je hoeft maar te kijken op het Binnenhof in Den Haag
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joseandrestabarnia · 7 days
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Artista: Atribuido a Bartholomeus van Bassen (La Haya c. 1590 - 1652 La Haya) Título: Interior del Gran Salón del Binnenhof de La Haya durante la Gran Asamblea de los Estados Generales de 1651 Datación: 1651 Número de inventario: 26
Material y detalles técnicos Técnica: aceite Material: panel Dimensiones: 52 x 66 centímetros Inscripciones: Inscripción, sobre la mesa: CONCORDIA RES PARVÆ CRESCUNT Procedencia: (?) George Bruyn, Ámsterdam, 1724; Wouter Valckenier, Ámsterdam, hasta 1784; su viuda, Elizabeth Hooft, Amsterdam, hasta 1796; Diederik, barón van Leyden, Ámsterdam, 1804; Werner Wreesman, Ámsterdam, 1816; Jean George Teissier, 1819; comprado, 1819; en préstamo a largo plazo al Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam (n.º inv. SK-C-1350), desde 1948
Información e imagen de la web del Mauritshuis, The Hague.
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mirandacaroll · 2 months
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Dutch students protest anti-gay law 248bis at Binnenhof, The Hague. January 21st, 1969. (x)
That's five months before Stonewall, btw.
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