friezaglasiencold · 3 months
Frieza, how are... arcosians even born? I don't want to get into detail with the possibilities but there is one fan way people have been theorizing- the gem on your chest being said theory. So per chance, would ripping out the gem under your chest birth Kuriza? Or.. Am I getting this all wrong?
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I was pregnant, you moron! I spoke about it so recently you could have scrolled for half a second and found that out yourself!
Biogems are vital organs, not meaningless ornamentation--if we should ever meet, you’re staying far away from mine.
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pleasantspark · 2 months
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I wanted to make a Megatron and Starscream like OCs in my AU for Dragon Ball. Here they are! The First One is Emperor Qui (The Megatron of this AU) and Izikra (The Starscream of this AU), they are one of many Villians in this AU.
Emperor Qui is short for Quizzle but he removed the Izzle part.
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deathbeamz · 2 years
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He's done!! This lil guy has been an insanely difficult to design but I'm finally happy with him!
Yuzu is the conceptual/alternate timeline son of Goku and Frieza, his name primarily a (very purposeful) play on Saiyan names and Frieza Force names, as well as his biogem colors.
He has some odd mutations, mainly his hair consisting of a fullbody mane that goes from his head to the tip of his tail, including the split in his head gem as a result. He also has EXTREMELY sharp teeth and a strong bite force. All of these radical mutations are theorized to be tied to the Oozaru form that he doesn't have access to.
Also his potential? I don't even have to go into detail: he's a prodigy and has the potential to access both Frost Demon forms and Saiyan forms. (doodle of SSJ and Golden in the upper right)
Unlike both of his parents personalities, he's pretty shy and sedate in normal day to day behavior (including being a very quiet child most of the time) but becomes familiarly intense during combat, and does hold a major interest in cultivating said skill.
Lore wise, in the timeline he exists in, Goku had been divorced for several years amicably due to his absence after Cell's defeat and ended up with Frieza after some very unexpected changes in the timeline. Their relationship is positive and Yuzu has a very stable home life, if not a bit unconventional <3
So yeah, here's the guy! For the main ref I pretty much put him in the same outfit that young frieza had in the broly movie since I needed to have all his features and traits visible. Normally though? He has absolutely immaculate outfits (of course he would, Frieza's a rich mf)
If anyone wants to know more about him or like, literally anything, just ask. I love him, he is a little guy.
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anonymous-harpy · 2 years
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Working on Gelid's design.
For anyone wondering, his scales are red, the bracers and vambraces are either gonna be another shade of red or purple and the biogem is supposed to be a light sky blue.
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saiyanandproud · 1 year
"Wait, hold on." Holds up an egg next to Mariko. "Corporate needs you to tell me the difference between these two objects."
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"WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING?! This is a biogem, not an egg!"
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tincturaecereum · 2 years
"I love the brilliance of your biogem... I think I'll use it for a new batch of jewelry, ha ha."
So yeah. One of the "possible" varieties of Ein. I have comic about him and his life. But I'm painting it so slowly that I'll get old faster than I finish it.
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 7 months
Scopriamo la storia dell'esperimento ReADI-SP
All'interno del lancio dal Kennedy Space Center della NASA a Cape Canaveral in Florida del MiniLab 1.0, era presente anche l’interessante esperimento scientifico ReADI-SP ovvero il protagonista della nostra storia di oggi. L'esperimento ReADI-SP tramite le parole di Vito Grassi, AD di Graded Possono spazio e basket avere un punto d'interesse in comune? La risposta è sorprendentemente positiva. La Napoli Basket, infatti, ha guardo con grande interesse a questo importante esperimento spaziale. La domanda sorge spontanea: perché? La risposta arriva da uno dei protagonista di ReADI-SP ovvero Vito Grassi, amministratore delegato di Graded Spa, Energy Service Company (ESCo) con sede a Napoli specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni energetiche sostenibili, innovative e ad alta efficienza per Amministrazioni Pubbliche, settore industriale, ospedaliero, universitario, aerospazio e agroindustria. Partiamo mettendo un punto di partenza alla storia di oggi: cos'è il progetto ReADI-SP? ReADI Second Phase è la seconda fase dell’esperimento ReADI First Phase, lanciato in orbita nel 2021 per studiare in condizioni di microgravità protocolli medici innovativi per la prevenzione dell’osteoporosi, patologia molto comune sulla Terra ma anche tra gli astronauti. Curato dal team di scienziati del Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, coordinato dal Professor Geppino Falco, l’esperimento è contenuto nel mini laboratorio MiniLab 1.0 ideato e sviluppato dalla società ALI S.p.A. del Gruppo Space Factory. Alle attività di ricerca partecipano anche il centro di Biologia e Genetica Molecolare BioGeM e la società Erbagil. Una domanda sorge poi spontanea: perché una squadra di basket (la Gevi Napoli Basket) decide di interessarsi a ReADI-SP? La società Napoli Basket, di cui Graded è main sponsor, ha mostrato interesse ai risultati dell’esperimento per le sue potenziali applicazioni in ambito sportivo: i risultati della sperimentazione potrebbero essere utilizzati in futuro, ad esempio, per il rafforzamento della struttura ossea e la longevità degli atleti. E’ un progetto sicuramente ambizioso ed affascinante che vuole ‘volare’ alto perché punta a collegare nello spazio sport, tempo libero, salute e ricerca scientifica. In che modo Graded entra in gioco in questo esperimento? Per cominciare, è d’obbligo una premessa: da alcuni anni Graded ha allargato il perimetro dei propri servizi al mercato aerospaziale, siglando nel 2020 un contratto con l’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana per il supporto-tecnico logistico al Broglio Space Center in Kenya, cui ha fatto seguito una commessa per la manutenzione del centro di ricerche Cira di Capua ed un’altra di costruzione ex novo di un prototipo di impianto integrato di prova per la propulsione spaziale a razzo, denominato HYPROB-IMP, sempre a Capua.  Quanto allo specifico esperimento ReADI-SP, Graded è socio azionista al 10% della Space Factory srl, ovvero la società che detiene i diritti sul brevetto del Minilab, il laboratorio in miniatura che ha già ospitato vari esperimenti in microgravità sulla ISS (l’International Space Station).  La società Space Factory, nel cui Cda siede come membro anche un nostro rappresentante, insieme alla controllata ALI Spa e ai suoi partner commerciali del gruppo, ha ‘ingegnerizzato’ il Minilab per ospitare l'esperimento e ha curato la logistica ai fini del suo lancio e stazionamento presso la ISS.  Graded segue con molto interesse non solo questa, ma tutte le attività della Space Factory e sta diventando sempre più parte attiva nelle scelte strategiche e tecnologiche che si stanno sviluppando in questa importante realtà del settore aerospaziale della Campania. Come andrà avanti questo esperimento nel futuro? Il prossimo step per l'esperimento READI SP, una volta rientrato sulla Terra (oggi è già felicemente rientrato), sarà sicuramente quello di svolgere una analisi molecolare delle cellule in laboratorio, verificando così l'esito dell'importante studio in corso sul trattamento preventivo della osteoporosi per i soggetti esposti a microgravità prolungata e, nell'insieme, anche gli altri soggetti che sono affetti da tale patologia. Seguirà sicuramente una pubblicazione sugli esiti dell'esperimento e l'individuazione di eventuali altri step necessari. Tra l’altro, per il 2024 il Gruppo Space Factory ha già in programma ulteriori due lanci in orbita, di cui un esperimento sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale contenuto nel MiniLab 2.0, evoluzione del modello attuale che permetterà il suo controllo e gestione da remoto, previsto a novembre (SPACE SLIME) e del microsatellite IREOS 0, previsto a dicembre.  In particolare, IREOS 0 è il primo dimostratore di volo orbitale della missione IRENESAT-ORBITAL, il microsatellite proprietario con capacità di rientro autonomo e controllato dallo Spazio che dal 2025 effettuerà il primo servizio commerciale di esperimenti scientifici in condizioni di microgravità. Insomma ci sono tanti progetti in cantiere e Graded continuerà a seguirli con grande interesse. Read the full article
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chimerabytes · 1 year
ruffle finally supports one of my favorite flash games... biogems <3
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thebriarthicket · 2 years
I uploaded the biogems main theme because im upset that cant find it on youtube
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biotrimmings · 6 years
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Solid against soft textures. The Turing Earrings amongst the fluffiest carpet ever! #contrast #fluffy #biotrimmings #biogem #sustainable #biomimicry #contemporaryjewellery #ecofashion #food #fashion #fashionstyle #contemporarydesign #sustainabledesign #fairfashion #sustainableliving #jewellerydesign #fashionaccessories #ecoblogger #handmadejewelry #womensjewelry #craft #londondesign #handcraftedjewelry #giftforher #madefromscratch #foodstagram #jewelrylover #btjewels #vegan #craftswoman #recycle #handmade
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friezaglasiencold · 2 months
Hmm, in return for brushing hair, has yamcha ever helped you with your own grooming routine, like moisturising skin or polishing your biogems, if that's a thing you do?
Participating in my skin care routine is a level of intimacy I don't know that I'll ever be ready for.
That said, he does like to give massages, and he's rather good at it, too. I'd say the knots in my back have reduced in size by at least five percent.
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tigirl-and-co · 4 years
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Just want everybody to see my potato-growing timecop alien with severe social anxiety, Cryia.
she wears sunglasses when out on patrol so nobody can look her in the eyes because if you do she’ll cry and also she can beat god in a fistfight
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deathbeamz · 2 years
Why cant your goku x frieza child transform into a great ape form? wouldnt it just look like a lizard and monkey fusion?
So, I tried to put some thought into it, and I came to a few conclusions:
Genetically, the Saiyan transformation is accessible to human/saiyan hybrids, but there's no gene that would interfere with the saiyan tail in that situation, Frieza has a tail that doesn't grow back, doesn't come off easily and doesn't connect to any transformation conditions. That conflict alone is enough to confuse the Oozaru form's conditions to manifest.
The form itself would likely look like an abomination and conflict with Frost Demon transformations, NOT TO MENTION: the visual transformation methods and conditions for his parent's species is vastly different, Ape is uncontrolled and triggered directly by the moon, Frieza's suppression/different visual forms can be changed at will. There's too many moving parts to make it safe and smooth. UNLIKE powerups like SSJ and Golden, which are power/skill based and don't require vast biological reconstruction. Tl;dr for this part- it's likely a transformation that would cause more harm than good due to all the moving parts
As compensation and a sort of "recognition" of those genes, he ended up inheriting "bodily hair" in the form of his mane/hair fusing into one and splitting his biogem on his head, it somewhat mirrors how much fluff/fur you'd get in full Oozaru. He also has sharp teeth and a very questionable bite force that's much stronger than it should be. Signs of that now lost form show up in other ways, but permanently.
All in all, it didn't seem practical or logical with the amount of moving parts, genetic mixes and overall biology. In general, Yuzu is a very stable hybrid (thanks to Frieza's genetics and durability + existing form changing abilities AND the knowledge that Saiyan can crossbreed) so it would be logical for certain features and skills to be overwritten, remixed or re-adapted in ways that would benefit the final result.
Full on tl;dr? Yuzu is built different, literally. The great ape/great lizard combo DLC felt redundant, so it was never purchased.
OH and for those who are late: This is Yuzu (He also has a tag on my blog!)
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zack-tsayuki-blog · 6 years
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welp, i needed to draw it (Coming soon in colour)
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cringepatine · 3 years
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**CW: M/p/reg** I'm nervous abt posting this..(*'﹏'*) But uh someone on tumblr a while back had the idea of Cell carrying a child where his black biogem is and... I loved it sm.  So here's a progression of him carrying his son, Mito! (Mother is my saiyan SI, Fanel)
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reignbow · 3 years
Dragonball Theory Time!
Today’s Subject: Frieza Race Anatomy!
Beforehand, I would like to thank the individual who commented on my last post. I had completely glossed over the biogems as a whole! But the comments talking about how the biogems behave as both temperature regulators and oxygen reservoirs makes so much sense. Thank you!
Now on to my other theories. Last time I did something similar, discussing how the Frieza race’s planet might look based on features of the Frieza Race. This will an extension of that, but focusing more on the anatomy of the Frieza race themselves. Buckle up! This is going to be a long post!
Number One: Bone structure.
This one puzzled me for awhile. After all, they have an exoskeleton, so that could possibly lead me to believe they have no bones.
However, this doesn’t hold up for long. They CAN create bio suits, that is for sure. But it doesn’t mean they have to. Especially in facial regions, I would expect in there to be little to no exoskeleton, and instead normal skin.
Not to mention, the Frieza Race are obviously vertebrates. Their tail movements will tell you that! And they move like they have bones.
Sure, they could have some fancy bones like ones made cartilage or metal or something, but so far there isn’t much evidence here to suggest they have anything particularly special about their skeletal structure! Well, apart from their skulls. Those ought to be interesting!
Number Two: What do they eat?
We rarely see Frieza eat anything. Usually Goku takes up the most mealtime-screen time of anybody due to his insane appetite!
So what does Frieza eat? What about his entire race?
Well, we can make some assumptions based on what we DO see him consume.
We see Frieza drink wine on his ship, we see him lick Vegeta’s blood after Vegeta coughs it onto Frieza’s face, and we see him eat a Namekians Crab in one bite. That may not seem like much, but it actually gives us a lot to go off of!
First of all, Frieza can drink water, as both wine and blood have some content of it. This lines up with the idea of his home-planet containing ice and water, and Frieza likely needs some amount of water to survive.
On the subject of eating things, we see him eat a crab. His teeth as obviously strong enough to bite through the crab’s strong shell, unless he was… concentrating energy into his jaw to make his bite harder…?
This seems random, until you remember that the Frieza Race have shells themselves. Their exoskeleton, or biosuits, presumably to protect them from a sharp environment.
This could mean that animals of Frieza’s homeworld also possess shells to offer the same protection, and the ability to bite through these shells would be useful for the Frieza Race to have in order to eat these creatures.
Keep in mind that the Frieza Race does not likely cook their food on their homeworld. With the already ability to survive the temperatures there, fire would be useless. So their food is probably raw.
But other features give us further insight into their hunting. Take the fact Frieza has never trained in his life. But one of his automatic attacks is to choke an opponent with his tail. This could come from the possibility of larger armored animals on his homeworld, and the possibility that the Frieza Race hunt them by choking them with their tails. Especially if not all Frieza Race are ki users.
Alternatively, if running water exists on their planet, they can use their feet to catch fish, or other small animals. Then they could just bite through the shell to eat them.
Number 3: Tiny Friezas
We know from Xenoverse 2 that Frieza’s species only has a single gender. This isn’t anything surprising, as Namekians work the same way. Namekians litteraly spit the eggs out of their mouths.
But we are never told how that works with Frieza’s race. Obviously Frieza’s family aren’t the only Frieza Race, because in Xenoverse 2, many of Frieza’s Race can be seen in Conton City as time patrollers.
The biggest evidence also comes from one of those time patrollers named Metatts. When his human friend asks him and his Namekian friend why aliens are so ‘darn obsessed with coming to earth,’ he responds with, “hey don’t say that. Frieza’s exploits have caused my people no end of trouble.”
There would have to be more, in order for ‘his people’ to have trouble caused for them.
The biggest guess we can have right now is that they also cough up eggs like Namekians. However, one thing to note is that Namekian eggs are round, and that Nemakians themselves are stretchy, as proven by their abilities to extend their arms.
This would mean Namkian throats can stretch around one of their eggs as they spit it out.
Frieza Race are different. They have never been particularly stretchy. So to compensate for this, their eggs are more likely to be long, like a snake’s egg, to allow the egg to pass through their throat. Only if they spit out eggs as well, though.
On another note, in real life earth, not wacky DBZ earth, we have a few of our own species that reproduce asexually. Some species of lizard. One problem is that they all look the same, due to them all being ‘clones’ of their parent.
Obviously Frieza Race differ a lot in appearance. After all, looking the same as Frieza all the time would be boring! (Although, acting like a carbon copy of him is also pretty mundane. AHEM, ANIME FROST
The Frieza Race therefore must be prone to mutation. Mutations would explain the differences between relatives we see, like Frieza and Cooler’s differing color schemes.
Offspring will bear some resemblance, but are also likely to mutate completely different colors, horn shapes, or vitalities. (Speaking of which, I will be covering vitality next!)
Number four: Vitality
We all know how crazy hard to kill Frieza can be. This has always been attributed to his vitality. Just what is this vitality? It seems to pertain to the amount of injury one could withstand before dying.
This appears to differ wildly, even between parent and child! As Frieza’s high vitality lead him to be able to survive while chopped up in pieces, and even attempt to telekinetically pull himself back together after Trunk’s attack, in the manga. Only dying after being disintegrated by Trunks a few seconds later.
However, King Cold was instantly helpless after being shot through the midsection by Trunk’s ki blast, and maybe even dying.
Again, we also return to Metatts from Xenoverse 2, who has been very helpful in solving multiple Frieza Race mysteries. When taking about their regeneration technology, he mentions that using the regeneration machines, they can even come back from being smashed to mush… as long as they had a high enough vitality!
Assumedly, Cold is not one who could survive in such a state.
Number Five: Aging
If my research is correct, Cold is pretty old by human standards. And he is also very tall. One could assume that much like some lizards, Frieza Race never stop growing.
Then why is Frieza so short? Possibly a mutation or defect that came with his crazy amount of power.
Number Six: Forms
Contrary to some believe, not all Frieza Race have multiple forms. Because most aren’t born with the crazy amount of power Frieza had, and thus would not need any limiting forms. Cold didn’t have multiple forms, and neither do any of the time patrollers seem to.
Then if you go to Resurrection F, Frieza obtains a new form. Known as his golden form.
However, a lot of people seem to forget that it was not gold by default. He explicitly states that he CHOSE that color.
This leads me to believe that Frieza, and others if they need multiple forms, can somewhat create these forms with control over the appearance. Using this logic, the potential of the Frieza Race could far surpass any other race, due to them being able to create new forms each time they needed to contain more power.
Hope you liked this! Feel free to comment any additions, contradictions, or even straight up opinions you have!
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