#bionicle science
rahiwatching · 22 hours
Liquid Protodermis seem similar to water at first glance, but it actually has some very strange and often contradictory properties when you look into it. In this video, we take a closer look at those properties and establish a theory to explain those contradictions.
This theory includes maths, material science and fluid dynamics - but also hot tubs and Rahi poop!?
Liquid Protodermis may be strange, but theories about it may prove to be even stranger…
New Bionicle Science investigations every month. What part of Bionicle lore do you want to see investigated next?
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crystaltoa · 1 year
Sometimes, the context makes the "He would Not Fucking Say That" dialogue the only reasonable option.
Nuju, in any Earth-based human AU, would be the first person to tell you astrology is a load of crap. You think you can predict the future using the position of the stars? He will laugh in your face and then give you a two hour rant about why it's total BS.
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toacody · 9 months
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Bionicle MOC: Fuerza Prima
You gotta upgrade to stay profitable.
Creator: LordObliviontheGreat
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makiruz · 5 months
No it's because I'm reading someone explaining why the Bionicle's robot revealed kinda ruined the lore and I wanna hurt them
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0m3g4skanohiforge · 1 year
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Don't call yourself a mad scientist unless you're dressing like this dealing with harmful chemicals to alchemically restore your lost loved ones (nostalgic toy line)
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And a sneak peek of what's to come 😉
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toaarcan · 2 years
Bionicle in 2008: The creation of the Mask of Light terrified the Brotherhood of Makuta. They viewed the potential creation of a Toa of Light as an existential threat, one so severe that they were willing to launch a raid on the island of Artakha to steal the Avohkii, even though doing so could expose that they had fallen from grace before they were ready, in hope that it would prevent a Toa of Light ever being made.
Also Bionicle in 2008: Okay so a single Makuta has been kidnapping and corrupting AU versions of Takanuva. By himself. He's so good at it that he has an entire army of them, despite the creature he uses to do the corruption only being invented like a month ago. He's not even in the Top 8 Makuta Who Are Good At Shit that Terry wants to get rid of.
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drunk-on-starlight · 1 year
Thinking on it I actually agree the Toa Nuva/Mata probably can't become Turaga, not because they're the first(?) Toa but because unlike everyone else, their destiny isn't intended to end.
They were made to awaken Mata Nui in the event of damage; that could happen anywhere at any time. You can't really afford to have their destiny be completed after accomplishing it once.
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g4-1m · 1 year
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Have you ever liked an OC so much you 3D modeled pieces, printed them out, assembled, and painted them?
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Liquid Protodermis
Protodermis Glass
Metal Protodermis
Organic Protodermis
Protodermis Carapace
Energized Protodermis
Cystallized Protodermis
Antidermis Condensate
Organic Antidermis
Antidermis Carapace
Metal Antidermis
Antidermis Glass
I'ma need a whole entire flowchart for this nonsense
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bionicle-forever · 2 years
I've seen alot of people complain about bionicle losing it's mystical themes in the later lore, but Sentrakh is a literal product of voodoo!
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biological-hazard · 2 years
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Kopaka and Matoro, with a Rahkshi too. (Bonus doodle bot included)
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rahiwatching · 3 months
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Finally got around to designing a logo for the Knowledge Tower. Pretty proud of it.
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boss-poss · 2 years
An alien scout ship discovers a slightly charred but still sealed in the package Bionicle gen 1 canister bonus disc floating through the debris of a destroyed planet. They watch it and so begins the most destructive galactic war ever experienced.
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toacody · 3 months
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Makuta Clanik - The Scarred
I'm sure Singed could relate with him.
Creator: Gilahu
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canmom · 8 months
Two more Exordia interviews with Seth (via @eyeofanaxis), some great answers here both funny and serious. Shoutout to Grimdark magazine for using they pronouns.
The violence question in the first interview is particularly interesting - laying out a bunch of creative spec-bio off the cuff and then spelling out one of the themes in Seth's work that I find most compelling...
Underlying all this is a broader theme in my work, the question of whether violence is ultimately the Right Strategy in the universe—whether it’s possible to build a system which is cooperative, equitably helpful to all its contributors, resistant to outside attacks and proof against internal corruption and collapse. I really hope that is possible. I am not afraid of entropy but I am afraid of conquest and cancer, the two great threats to organized positive-sum systems.
...but I think the part people will find funniest is where they reveal it all started as a Bionicle fanfiction.
When I was in high school I wrote a Lego Bionicle fanfiction where the Bionicle world was invaded by aliens, and one of the aliens defected to the Lego side to help them fight back against her people. I thought she was a pretty cool character, because I was fifteen, so everything seemed pretty cool.
Second interview is mostly lighter, but has some all too real shit re the SFF 'community'.
Also James C Scott gets a nod! I really gotta read Seeing Like A State.
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outofgloom · 1 year
An Etymological Dictionary of Matoric, Third Edition - Volume I COMPLETE (A-G)
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On the world of Spherus Magna, many millennia have come and gone since the time known as BIONICLE. And in that time, the scholars of Spherus Magna have not been idle...
Under the auspices of the Annoxtus Academy of Science, a team of researchers, including linguists, historians, archaeologists, and agoripologists, has worked tirelessly to record, preserve, and analyze the ancient languages and linguistic varieties of the Mata System.
The Institute for Matoran Studies is proud to present the newest result of those labors: The full and complete Volume I of An Etymological Dictionary of Matoric, Third Edition, now covering the letters A through G, along with “Supplemental Entries” for H-Z.
An Etymological Dictionary of Matoric, Third Edition - Volume I: A-G [with Supplemental Entries H-Z] (PDF)
The previously published version of Volume I covered the letters A and B only, amounting to about 90 entries, with 36 root-word entries. In contrast, the Complete Volume I is substantially expanded, containing about 274 entries for the letters A-G, along with an additional ~407 Supplemental Entries, and ~169 root-word entries.
The Supplemental Entries contain words that are referenced in the etymologies of the primary entries for A-G, allowing the reader to cross-reference almost any word referenced in the dictionary. The Supplemental Entries also contain many words not referenced in the primary entries, but whose etymologies have been finalized by the IMS research group, providing a snapshot of the development of future dictionary volumes. This includes nearly all words and grammatical markers listed or referenced in other educational materials, making the Complete Volume I the most comprehensive reference document for the lexicon of the Matoran Language.
[Link to Previous Version (Volume I: A-B)]
The Matoran Language (Matoric) is a constructed language (“conlang”) set within the universe and lore of BIONICLE (a LEGO property). It is the language of the biomechanical species called Matoran, and it is also used as a lingua franca amongst many of the biomechanical inhabitants of the artificially-constructed Matoran Universe.
If you would like to learn more about Matoric, further documentation can be found in this post: The Matoran Language [2021].
The Matoran Language Resources page of this blog also contains a wealth of additional content and archival material.
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