#birb blurts
kiwibirb1 · 10 days
Sashannarcy headcanon: Both Sasha and Marcy took Boonchuy as their last name when they married because they had always felt like a Boonchuy more than a Waybright or a Wu
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi Skye!! How are you feeling today??
I wanted to ask if you could please do some headcanons with Sabo, Zoro and Marco (and why not whoever you like most if you want 😉) on how they would confess their feelings for a f!reader who is a little shy and doesn’t believe them at first because “it’s too good to be true”, but has the same romantic feelings for them.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great week!!!!
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Sabo, Zoro, Marco & Ace confessing to Fem! S/O
Summary: They like you A LOT. Why can't you just believe them?
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Sabo the Revolutionary:
- Sabo's a calculative man so he'll do his calculations first before confessing to you.
- He knows you're a shy person so he'll do it privately
- Man's have the most beautiful handwriting in the New World and Grandline, no joke
- Must be because of his stupid noble genes...
- Anyway-
- Sabo will definitely take advantage of his beautiful penmanship and write you a cheesy af letter
- "L(ove you)
O(nly you)
V(ery, very much)
U(ntil the end of time)"
- I got this from Google btw, don't know who's the author tho (I added the U because I felt like it)
- Once you got his letter, you almost fainted in shock and embarrassment. Thankfully Koala was there to catch you :3
- You went to Sabo to confirm his confession and he did, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead when you arrived at his office
- And you successfully fainted this time :D
- Gosh, you lucky bastard (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)<3
Roronoa Zoro:
- Zoro is a very straightforward person and he'll definitely do it on the most random time ever
- You and your crew would probably be fighting some enemy pirates.
- You didn't notice someone sneaking up to you and when you did, Zoro already beaten them up.
- Mossy would look at you worriedly before accidentally blurting out his feelings
- Must definitely be the adrenaline XD
- "I like you."
- OMG! Girl, you'll definitely be stunned for the next few minutes, not believing what he had just said. You would gape at him like, "Bish, wut?"
- Zoro will smirk at you smugly until he gets kicked on the head by Sanji for "distracting you with his mossiness" or something XD
- Later after the battle, he'll pull you to somewhere and tells you that his feelings were real
- Let's just say Zoro kissed you to make you believe him ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
Marco the Phoenix:
- You were one of Marco's division members on this scenario bestie
- Probably one of the doctors too
- Since you were pretty shy and oblivious towards his flirty advances, Marco knew you're pretty serious whenever someone got hurt
- So he pretended to be hurt
- Yep, you heard me right
- Birb here would feign a fever when it's just the two of you in the infirmary
- As a caring person in general, you immediately told him to lay down on a cot to treat him
- When you fawn over him, he'll immediately blurt out a stupid medical pickup line with a serious face
- "I don't want an apple a day because I don't you to go away." And then he smirk
- With that, your face turned so red that it looks like you have a fever XD
- You asked him if what he said was true and motherfucker told you another stupid line
- "My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you." *winks*
- Yep, he definitely loves you
(Got those from Google, credits to the Author/s!)
Portgas D. Ace:
- Ace is nervous. Like REALLY nervous
- He would pace around the room to think about ways on confessing his long time feelings to you
- "Oh, how about-! Nah, that's too lame. Or I could- Pfft, sounds stupid. What if I- GAH! I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!" Man's so frustrated with himself he sulks all day long
- His older brothers took noticed of it so they pulled him away to know what's up with him
- Marco, Thatch & Izo probably laughed at him first before helping him to think of a plan
- Once they anchored at a new island, Ace would ran off, leaving a huge trail of dust at his wake. He would find the nearest flower shop to buy your favorite flowers. And then he finds you, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
- Ace will take you to a cliff that overlook the sea. You were confused at first until he confesses, it'll be with the bouquet of your favorite flowers literally shoved in front of you with his bashful smile.
- Ace will blush 50 shades of red before blurting out his love for you
- "I LOVE YOU!" His voice probably cracked at the end due to extreme nervousness XD
- At first, you were in disbelief, looks around to search for Ace's possible accomplices because you think it's a prank. And when you didn't find anyone, you'll look back at Ace, gaping
- Flame boi finally regained his cocky confidence and repeated his confession to you
- In the end, you ended up with a clingy and very affectionate Ace by your side when you guys returned to the Moby Dick
- Thatch, Marco & Izo would clap at him, giving him thumbs-up's of approval
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Hello, Anon! So sorry for the late answer! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! Also, I hope you like this one XO!
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I am already thinking ahead to the future where Charlie's old enough to talk and his first word is "Jaime" or "Brother" because Jaime's been the best parent. I also think his second word would be "Roy" or full on calling Roy "Dada" because Roy's been right there with Jaime. I full on see Roy getting emotional to the level he reached when he announced his retirement. He's Charlie Tartt's Dada for sure.
Yes!!!! My dear friend and encourager (@f1-birb) gave me this sweet idea for what Charlie's first word is and I can't stop thinking about it so here's a little snippet of Charlie's first word
Jamie and Roy had been encouraging Charlie to speak for a few weeks. At ten months, Charlie had started to mimick sounds that vaguely resembled words, especially whenever one of them was reading to him.
And yet Jamie wasn't prepared for Charlie's first word when he blurted it out on a random Tuesday evening while they were sitting on the floor playing with some toys.
Charlie had been laughing at Jamie pulling funny faces while Roy read his book on the couch, occasionally replying to Charlie's babble when it was directed at him.
"Who am I, Charlie? Who am I?", Jamie asked, pulling faces and making a funny voice, thinking he wouldn't get a reply like usual.
Except this time he did.
Charlie was pointing at him, looking proud of himself as he grinned before repeating the word.
"Did....did he just...?", Jamie gasped, looking at Roy who was smiling.
"Where's Jamie, little man?", Roy asked, slipping onto the floor to sit beside Charlie.
"Damie! Damie", Charlie giggled, his voice sweet as he pointed at Jamie again before crawling over into Jamie's lap.
All Jamie could do was stare at his little brother in awe before pulling him into a hug while fighting back the tears.
His little brother knew who he was. He was his first word.
Basically Charlie calls Jamie Damie. A combination of dad and Jamie, because J's are hard and he also sees Jamie as a dad at this age 🥹
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starlightpeach7 · 2 years
Does Stolen Wukong show off his other transformations to MK as well?
Wukong stood on the spot before his two-year-old son, casually sitting on a cushion with a cookie in his mouth, with a beaming grin. He was so excited now that Xiaotian was starting to learn more words, and last night he came up with the perfect way to practice.
"Xiaotian. Look!" He said as he transformed into one of his 72 forms. Taking on the appearance of a bird who hovered above the ground with a slight beating of his wings.
The child's eyes lit up as he squealed, pointing his free hand while the other held onto his half-eaten snack. "B-birb!"
"That's right Xiaotian. I'm a bird. Can you say bird?"
"Close enough. Now, what is this Xiaotian?" The great sage said as he transformed into another animal, this time a simple housecat. It was good to start with easy words like Bird and Cat before slowly moving onto the easier ones.
Just like before the child excitedly blurted out the answer. "K-kitty!"
"Good! Very good! You're so smart bud!" He said before transforming into yet another animal.
They did this for a little, Xiaotian giving his best effort to answer, though words like turtle came out as 'turble' and things like tiger where he only knew the sound they made came out as 'rawr'. He still had plenty to learn. Eventually, the king stopped at his true form, where the cub stood on his feet giggling.
"That's right, and what is Xiaotian?"
"Mmm... ." He said before going up to his father, arms raised upwards towards him. "I like baba!"
The great sage chuckled as he picked up the cub, cradling him in his arms. "You're like me?"
"Yuh!" The cub said, snuggling into his father's warmth. The king's cold heart melted at those words.
"You're just like me kid. You're me and so much more."
Author's Note: When Xiaotian was little, he'd use it to teach him words; now that he's getting older, Wukong has been incorporating it into their play so he can learn to control it and the rest of his powers when he's older.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
if wenclair was already established before bird i feel like they would both freak out and feel guilty that they kinda like bird. until one of them or both of them confess and its just such a relief thank god
See, that's kinda how I'm seein it. They're both lowkye just like "shit, NOW what do I do???" Until Enid blurts it out one day (cause we all know that girl can't keep a secret) and Wednesday is just "... but same" and then it turns into "Well fuck, I didn't even expect to get the FIRST girl, how am I supposed to win a SECOND person too??"
And then it turns into ridiculous attempts to woo Birb without actually making any progress, all the while Birb and Bianca are just sitting there like "how long until they realise I already admitted I liked them?" "At this rate? I don't think they'll ever realise" "cool cool... wanna go get a coffee?"
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riewiggles · 6 months
A Few Cute Kannao Headcanons that I Want to Base off me and my BF
Kanji LOVES Kirby and anything Kirby.
Kanji has those mood octopuses that you can flip upside down when you're happy or sad. He loves it very much. When Naoto comes back from a long day and is grumpy, he flips it to the grumpy octopus because he jokes and says it looks like Naoto.
Kanji tends to get lost in the store...
A lot.
I mean a lot.
He looks like a lost kid when he does and 👉👈
Naoto occasionally gets gremlin zoomies if they drink too much caffeine. They turn into a mountain goat and start craving attention all of a sudden, climbing all over Kanji. He just chuckles at it and is like "Heh. Ya gremlin."
Naoto drools in their sleep. They also sleep on their stomach, and when they cuddle with Kanji, his shirt ends up soaked from drool. Also somehow Naoto's hair looks even more shaggy than it did before the dimension-hopping nap.
Kanji finds the idea of getting Vladimir-d to be the best thing ever and does it himself. Naoto does his makeup. He looks flawless as an uwu e-girl and goes on chat sites just to mess with people. When he flexes and random creepers disconnect they both die laughing.
Naoto gets into the IT Discord quite late and when they are exposed to memes, they will sometimes just randomly blurt that meme out out of nowhere. Like thinking it out loud. At first Kanji is like "wtf" and he soon goes along with it.
Kanji can do an on-point Hank Hill impression and messes with Yosuke, annoying him when they play something. Yu revels in the fueled anger of his partner and eggs Kanji on.
Naoto falls into the rabbit hole of "AITA" stories on reddit after a long day of work and they’re laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. Blame Rise for sharing the videos of them with the mobile game plays and AI voice over.
Kanji wants to take EVERY. ANIMAL. HOME.
Naoto has to make sure they are far away from an animal shelter.
Kanji had a dream once that he went to adopt a dog but came home with a horse.
Might add more but I'm having a hard day and I love my bf and our shenanigans so I wanted to throw this together.
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magic-hcs · 1 year
(Hi again I’m sending a matchup again because I forgot to add my hobbies so ignore/delete my first request Please I’m so sorry ;-;)
Anyways here it is:
Personality: Shy, quiet and awkward at first but When person who is close to me, I’m Sweet, bubbly and funny sometimes
Gender: Female (She/her)
Likes: The color pink, Anything about food (because I’m a foodlover), cutecore aesthetic and plushies
Dislikes: Ocean, Darkness and Arguing
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, baking and playing video games
Multiple and I don’t mind poly
(I’m so sorry again ;-;)
No need to apologize! It’s all good.
I hope you like the matchup!
You match completely with Coal!
You match with Crest!
(SF Papyrus) Coal:
Your love for cute stuff definitely drew him to you! And it all started with him commenting on a cute keychain character of a game you played at a game store. It just so happened that Coal was interested in that same thing and he didn’t have anyone he knew that was interested in that game so he couldn’t help but blurt out. “-! hey, that’s that -whatsem name again - the fluffbutt. where’d ye get em?”
(How romantic am I right?)
Coal can be an awkward bean at times when he’s not accompanied by his brother Mastiff. (When the twins are together Coal has both their brain cells and is capable of speech without feeling socially awkward but when separated Mastiff has both of them.) But you guys manage to hit it off by your shared like for the game.
Lowkey, highkey, as Coal got to know you he found your shy demeanor accompanied by your cute style adorable. He down right swooned when you finally let your bubbly side show.
You’re the perfect person to build pillow forts with and snuggle while video gaming. Loves playing animal crossing with you. Your plushie collection has Coal in awe, if you’re not careful you’ll find him asleep inside the pile of plushies.
The kind of guy to tease and bother you while you’re busy in the kitchen baking, he will cause a flour fight. Also he’d kill for your baking. You two are two precious beans.
(AT Papyrus) Crest:
This boyo could be a good match too!
You warm up to him quickly with his bright and honest personality. This boy is a rambler, his mind is always being busy so sometimes he ends up talking about whatever comes to his mind.
Make sure he wears his talon and claw protectors when he’s around your plushies, otherwise there’s a chance he might end up ripping them.
Crest will stop whatever he’s doing to listen to you sing. Or to watch you dance without care and with so much joy. Dancing and singing is a big thing in the bird side of monster culture, and it means a lot to Crest that you feel comfortable around him enough to freely sing and dance to your hearts content.
The first time you saw him really dance, it was a courtship dance meant for you. His wings alight with intricate glowing patterns. It was also the first time you saw him so shy as he landed in front of you to ask if you accept his courtship.
This sneaky birb will sometimes attempt to snag your recently baked cookies. Or swoop in to nuzzle your face or twirl you around before taking off again.
Let him paint you at least once! I don’t mean on paper either, more like body paint. He wants to see what kind of gorgeous creations and creatures he can make with you as his canvas. It’s both intimate and lighthearted at the same time.
Crest is a very loving and affectionate lover.
Sadly enough, Crest is not one to share his mate so no poly in this matchup. But I hope you enjoyed either way!
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I can fly.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: 1-A is in third year and classmates with the reader who’s bf is hawks, they haven’t told anyone yet and the whole class is watching hawks’ interview and they ask him if he has a gf and he’s like yeah and blurts it out and they all look at her like 👁👄👁
• You and Hawks haven't been dating long.
• 6 or so months. That's very recent
• but the two of you had decided it was best to keep quiet about it for a couple of reasons
• First off, you both worked as heros, you weren't sure how the public would react- or how that could be used against you
• and second, your age.
• you were almost nineteen
• you'd be graduating highschool soon.
• you could make your own damn decisions
• he was only 24
• that's a 4 year age gap
• to you and him, it didn't really matter.
• but to the public, you werent so sure how they'd react
• and the two of you had also come to the conclusion that it'd be best to hold off on anything sexual until you had graduated- just in case they tried to use that in an argument.
• the most you two did was make out
• he was a sap anyway, having no problem with cuddling up with you on his couch as you two watched shitty horror movies that should've never been made
• and peppering kisses along your neck and your cheeks
• a pecking your lips as he played with your hands
• @ the only man you'd ever be soft for
• and he indulged in whatever weird shit you liked to do, no questions asked.
• and he always, ALWAYS, made sure you felt okay and comfortable.
• he was such a fucking sweetheart and you'd be dammed if the fucking lublic messed that up.
• they could be vicious.
• news station reporters will do anything for money and they have little to no remorse for the people they affect
• so you figured it'd be best to leave it hidden until your graduation
• class 1a knew you were dating /someone/
• they just didn't know /who/
• and believe me when I say they'd been trying to pry it out of you with no luck
• "hey we're going to the movies, you should invite someone, like oh- I dunno, someone special? Your boyfriend maybe?"
"Why would I do that? Movie nights are our special thing, i don't want to ruin it with someone outside of our friend group."
• @ mina crying bc she wasn't expecting that answer
• @ sero being genuinely moved bc he wasn't expecting that either
• @ Denki hugging you for resisting temptation
• plus he was probably busy
• they also try to look over your shoulder when you text
• but you've already got that shit taken care of 😌
• shits on a whole separate app
• its hidden
• So one day, your precious birb boy tells you he has an interview
• and you hype him the fuck up, obviously
• he calls you right before the interview so you can hype him up some more
• And you promise him you'll watch it
• and you will bc theres so much material you can make fun of him with
• so you settle onto the couch, Mina on you left, Tokoyami on your right, everyone else in their respective spots
• and it begins
• the first thing he's asked is 'you look to be in a good mood today, Don't you?'
• n he kinda glances at the camera with a smile and nods. 'Yeah, I am.'
• your heart flutters
• thats your man 🥺
• the interview is pretty calm, the lady seems nice enough and you watch with a small smile as he answers questions
• he's just chilling
• most of the questions were about his job, why he stays, his favorite parts, some of the scariest/best moments- so on and so on
• but then it gets a little more personal
• "well tell us about home life, what's it like off duty?"
• And the faithful question
• "do you have anyone special in your life,"
• and hawks is just so blessed out at the thought of you that it just slips out
• he's like yeah!! I do! She's amazing.
• and then he says your name
• your eyes widen
• Clasd 1a looks at you like 👁👄👁
• "That's who you were dating!!!!@!!"
• uh oh
• cats out of the bag
• everythings going to shit
• you've got like 4 people texting you
• Aizawa tried to call
• Youre outside of school friends are losing it
• Mina is screeching in your ear
• Tokoyami is just staring
• "Guysssss," you whine. "Fucking calm down,"
"How the actual /fuck/ did you manage to bag hawks?" Bakugou furrows his brows
"I'm funny. We annoy endeavor together. That's it."
"I mean there's more than that," Todoroki mumbled.
"What? How would you know."
"Please, he talks about you all the time "
"You knew????"
"Yes, my father and I knew. He couldn't keep the secret when he first asked you out. He says you're very pretty and sweet. And you quote on quote, put up with his birb shit. And that you play with his hair a lot, and-"
"Please, please shut the fuck up." You groan
• of course there are a million questions
• how long
• when did he ask you out?
• whats his favorite movie?
• have you two kissed yet
• have yall fucked (thanks for the question mineta)
• do you hold hands?
• is he scared if wiggly fingers like actual birds are?
• does he move his head randomly like birds?
• "Soooo, how long?"
"Six months yesterday. We went to dinner. And by that I mean we got chicfila because I can't eat his usual chicken spot and then we went home."
"aw you're calling his house home already,"
"Chako, get fucked."
• "when did he ask you out?"
"Great question Aoyama, I'm so glad you asked- yall remember when I got stabbed that one time."
"Ya." There was a collective nod
"Remember how I passed out from blood loss?"
"Ya." Another collective nod
"when i woke up, is when he asked me. It was super dramatic."
• You werent lying
• jt was
• He was terrified
• and when you woke up, as soon as you had adjusted, he spilled everything he had bottled up
• and the kiss that followed was long and desperate
• his hand cupped your cheek and your hands made home in his hair, fingers threaded between strands
• it was a kiss that broke off into many more short and needy kisses
• that left your breaths short and cheeks red
• foreheads touching as you leaned against eachother
• it still made your heart flutter
• but dramatic was the only word they were gonna get for it
• "so all this time, it was him?"
• then the faithful question
• "Don't you think he's a little old for you?"
"He just turned 24, and im almost 20. I don't see the problem. About 4 years age gap."
"Oh, okay then."
"I think you guys are cute. For real," mina smiles. "I see it now. I see the chemistry."
• theyre supportive 🥺
• Aizawa is also supportive, a lil hesitant but over all supportive
• but you leave all that exolaining for the next day
• instead once the designated time is set, you retreat to your room and call him
• "so cats out of the bag, huh?"
He laughs softly. "Sorry babe, I just got excited when they mentioned it."
You hum. "Thats okay,"
"We'll be okay. Promise."
"'M more worried about you,"
"I'll take care of it. Don't worry." He flashes you another grin and you can't help but feel yourself calm down
• and he did just like he said he would
• it wasn't a problem :)
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whirlybirbs · 3 years
i don’t know if you’ve talked about this before but does mr birbs know about what you write and the blog? how did you tell him? i make it sound promiscuous but fic gets treated so weirdly im always scared to tell people about what i write fjdkkf
mr. birbs knows i write fanfic, and we even joke that his mom has most likely read some of my smut
honestly, there are very few people in my life who know that i write fanfic — it's not like i hand out my url to friends.
when him and i had been dating for about a month, we jokingly asked one another about our most well kept secrets and i blurted out "i have 14,000 followers on tumblr" and it really spiraled from there.
he knows my url, knows a lot of the jokes me and my followers make, but to my knowledge hasn't read any of my work — but who knows! he could be lurking. i trust him infinitely. judgement isn't something he has a lot of for anyone.
he is just excited to support me in my hobbies and interests and i think that's gosh darned adorable
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kiwibirb1 · 25 days
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Shes gonna punch you
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dawnroyalty · 3 years
@hallowleylines​ requested: 
Curious birb has a question for the fiery feline. That paper had the word motorboating, but he owns no aquatic vehicles. It's a perplexing situation that's been nagging him.
"Blaze... I have a question. What in Terra is... 'motorboating'? Do I not require a boat to start a motor with first?"
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“Oh! I heard that you.... Uh...” Blaze stuffs the notepad away into her pocket, carefully hidden, as it was inside of her white blazer, trying to... Form into words how to... Explain motoroboating. The act than a tool. 
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“...Have you touched a woman’s chest before?” She blurts out, knowing that yes, context has to be given out. 
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starl1ght-child · 4 years
Dating Saint-14 HCs
Saint-14 is extremely gentleman-like.  He’s honest and noble, he’s a man of hope and faith, extremely kind, generous, and compassionate.
Saint certainly makes an impression the first time you meet him in person, even if the circumstances were dire at the time.  He’s a legend, a hero of the battles the Last City faced, a man of myth that had disappeared to Mercury for over a century and died there.  That was, until you, with the help of Osiris, broke time and saved him from death at the hands of the Vex.
When he finally returned to the City, you were both nervous and thrilled.  You admired him—you admired each other. 
[He always told you that you were the reason that he kept fighting inside of the Forest.  After you helped him fight back the Fallen at Zephyr Station and gifted him the Perfect Paradox, forged by broken parts and your Light, he’d admired your strength and will.  He swore he would live by your example.]
Saint has heard the stories of your victories, but he knows better.  Yes, you are the modern-day hero of the Last City, but you have seen so much more devastation in your short life than he ever saw in his centuries alive.
You didn’t realize it at first, but you grew close fast.  You bonded over bird watching (he taught you how to properly hold them and it was the most gratifying experience you’d had in a while) and story-telling (though Saint did most of the sharing.  It was always hard for you to share your experiences, even as you grew closer).  Occasionally, you two sparred together to either blow off steam or just get your blood flowing.
For a long time, you were attracted to the mystery of the man that hid behind his helm.  You were drawn to his comforting voice and the gentle touch of his massive hand on the small of your back.  But you were most drawn to his understanding and empathy.  He never asked you to tell the story of the Taken War, or the SIVA Crisis, or the Red War.
[He knew you would tell him when you were ready to relive those terrifying battles.]
You were the first one to admit that you loved him.  It was during the Festival of the Lost.  You and Saint were walking the streets of the Last City, bringing candy to the City’s children.  You blurted it out suddenly and when he didn’t respond right away, you ran.  You were beyond embarrassed and you felt like you’d just ruined the perfect relationship you two had.
You avoided him for as long as you could, but several days later, Saint found you when you’d returned to the Hanger after spending hours carrying out strike protocols or competing in Crucible matches.  
[He cornered you before you could run from him again; he took your hand tightly in his and spun you around so you would face.  And he did what you didn’t expect: he took off his helmet.  Your eyes were wide as you set your gaze upon his face for the first time.  His mouth lit up violet when he spoke to you. “I love you as well, возлюбленная.  Will you stop running from me?”]
After you start dating, Saint slowly starts draping you in his purple ribbons—“accolades,” he calls them.  They’re small gifts at first:  a short piece wrapped around your wrist.  And the longer you’re together, the more prominent those ribbons become on your armor.  And you wear them with pride.
[He takes your hand, which has his accolades wrapped around your palm and fingers, and brings it to the face of his helmet, as though he was kissing your knuckles.  You can’t see his eyes, but your heart flutters because you can imagine the look in his violet optics.  And he chuckles low and calls you his beloved when he sees the smile that grows on your lips.]
Behind closed doors, Saint is just as kind and just as gentlemanly as he is in public, but it’s different.  He knows that he has your undivided attention, and that you have his.  He uses this to his advantage to lavish you with compliments and flattery.  
He laughs when you get flustered by them, but Maker, you love that laugh.  Warm and hearty, just like him.  
Saint likes to show his devotion to you through action, and it’s always the little things that he does that make you fall in love with him all over again.  Did you tell him about a piece for a gun you’re building that you just can’t get your hands on?  Saint finds it for you.  You go to him, stressed out of your mind and feeling overwhelmed by the weight on your shoulders? He drops everything and takes you somewhere private where you can get it off your chest.
[Sometimes, there’s no words needed at all.  When you’re too overwhelmed to talk and on the verge of tears, he takes you into his arms and tucks your head under his neck.  He whispers to you that everything is going to be alright, and the tenderness of his voice makes you believe him.]
He likes to pick you up, too.  He enjoys sweeping you off your feet and hearing you laugh brightly as a result.  He’ll swing you in circles before setting you back down on your feet.  He’ll pick you up and carry you home, or into his ship for some privacy. 
When you’re tired after a long day of missions, you meet him in the Hanger.  He knows the look on your face before you even speak, he simply nods at you and you walk up the ramp into his ship and wait for him to join you.  
Speaking of his ship, Saint practically lives in it.  It’s large and surprisingly spacious, and well taken care of.  You practically live there with him; your home in the City becomes a storage space.
Saint loves to cuddle you.  He loves to see you relax as your curl up in his embrace.  He’s a huge softie, underneath all of that armor.
Saint loves to see you participate in Crucible.  Seeing you fight so bravely and confidently is like a reminder of why he admires you (and loves you).
Saint especially loves to watch you compete in Trials.  He’s a great motivator, that’s for sure, though he doesn’t make the matches easier for you just because you’re together.  You have to fight just as hard to win as everyone else does.  And when you go Flawless… Well, let’s just say there’s no more matches that night once you get back to the Tower.  He usually (subtly) asks Osiris to step in and oversee the games for the rest of the night.
[And you like showing off for him.  You two play off of each other, you love watching the other succeed in battle.]
When the Pyramids started to arrive and the inherent sense of fear that grips the pit of your stomach when you start to understand their meaning—that this is the Darkness, the enemy you’ve been training to fight for years—you’re afraid you’re not ready to face this.
[But you won’t face it alone.  Saint takes your hand and he promises you that no matter what, the two of you will see this to the end, together.]
Возлюбленная : beloved
[ I love me the big titan mans with his birbs and his accolades.  And I know what you’re thinking, “oh, but Saint and Osiris are in love!”  No, they’re not. I don’t care what anyone says, I don’t even care what Eris and the Drifter say now.  In the lore, Saint-14 and Osiris deeply respected each other and thought of each other as brothers.  They be family/very close friends, not lovers. ]
[ masterlist | perma tag list : @mail-me-a-snail @shins-wife @speed-boop @threevie @squadnos @daggerthegamer @reaped-winnower ]
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briswriting · 4 years
lilies and daffodils
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『 in which todoroki suffers from hanahaki and only you can save him 』
pairing: todoroki x reader genre: hanahaki au, angst warning: a little bit of blood due to hanahaki wc: 1,670
a/n: hi @etegomanere​ im your 🌸 anon hehe !!! i hope you enjoy this fic made with you in mind bb i tried to put little things about you in it!! i had lots of fun talking to you the past couple of weeks for the bnha spring time event and hope we can stay friends!!
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Todoroki didn’t understand the feeling in his chest whenever he was around you. The way you smiled made his heart flutter, the way your presence brightened up the gloomiest of days, the way you made him smile and feel the happiest he’s ever been when you were around. He didn't understand what he was feeling until the day he woke up to an ache in his chest. His lungs felt like they were going to burst, the sensation of suffocating taking over his body as he sat up gasping for any sort of air to flow through his body.
Then it happened, the feeling of something crawling up his throat as he hunched over the side of his bed, eyes squeezed shut as he clutched his chest, painfully coughing something up onto the floor of his dorm room. The pain in his chest subsided after a fit of coughing and what felt like hours of torturous suffocating. Flower petals painted in blood laid delicately on the floor. Chest still heaving to catch his breath, his eyes widened at the sight of the petals, lilies and daffodils, your favorite flowers.
Hanahaki, the rare disease that causes the victim to cough up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The grueling pain ends when the person they love returns their feelings or when the victim dies. It could also be cured through surgical removal but the victim's romantic feelings for the person they love will disappear. And that's when he knew, the feelings he felt whenever you were around, he was in love with you.
Little did he know you were also in love with him, staying up late at night, neverending thoughts of him flooding your mind. The way he smiled whenever you hung out, the way he was always at your side when you needed someone, the way your heart yearned for him to never leave you.
The past few weeks you’ve noticed that Todoroki had been acting strange, the way his breath hitched in his throat, quickly covering his mouth with his hands before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. He would come back a few minutes later, acting as if everything was fine but you could tell it wasn't. You noticed the pain in his eyes everytime he rushed away to the bathroom and you could definitely see the remaining glossiness of tears when he returned, a smile on his face.
His routine of randomly leaving for the bathroom started to increase, the smile on his lips faltering day by day and the pain in his eyes could be seen by you from miles away. Everytime you tried to bring it up he shut you down and told you he was fine, flashing you a smile before changing the subject and dragging you off to continue what the two of you were doing.
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With the beginning of spring and warm weather, you decided to plant some flowers in the garden beds of your dorm building, making it your daily task to tend to the lily and daffodil bulbs that you planted so that they would have no problem blooming into full grown flowers.
One day while you were attending to the garden of your blossoming flowers, Todoroki had seen you from the kitchen window and decided to keep you company while you worked under the warm sun. Brewing you some of your favorite tea to turn it into iced tea, before pouring the drink into two glasses. Walking out with two cups of iced tea, he placed them on the table closest to the flowerbed you were working on before sitting down underneath the shade of the large patio umbrella.
“How are the lilies and daffodils coming along y/n?” Heterochromic eyes watching your every movement as you delicately tended to the flowers.
“Amazing! They’re almost fully bloomed,” you stand up to give him a smile before wiping some of the sweat off your forehead, moving to sit next to him under the shade. You glance at the glasses of iced tea before he gestures for you to take one, smiling at him as a thank you for the iced cold drink. As you gulp down the refreshing drink, you notice Todoroki’s eyes widen.
Before you can place the glass down on the table and verbally thank him, Todoroki is quickly standing up, blurting out a quick “excuse me” before turning from you and dashing inside. As you’re about to call out to him you notice something on the path leading back inside the dorm. You curiously walk over and bend down, head tilting to the side and eyebrows furrowed as you stare at what’s on the ground. On the ground laid a single lily flower petal, spotted in fresh blood as it glistened in the sunlight.
Looking up from the flower petal, you notice another petal further down the path, this time a daffodil petal covered in blood staring up at you. Eyes widening, your brain piecing together why Todoroki had been acting strange lately and where the bloody flowers came from. Todoroki was silently suffering from hanahaki, but for who?
Rushing to follow the trail of bloody lily and daffodil petals, hastily picking them up along the way, no worries about the blood staining your hands. Following the trail into the dorms and up the stairs, the path of crimson covers petals suddenly stops at Todoroki’s dorm room door.
You quietly knock on the door, hands shaking and full of bloody flower petals. “Todoroki? Are you in there? I’m going to come in okay?” You hear no response for a few seconds before you hear heaving heaving coming from the other side of the door.
Quickly throwing the door open, you frantically look around before seeing Todorki hunched over the toilet in the bathroom. His eyes closed shut, one hand gripping the edge of the toilet, the other hand pawing at his chest as he coughed up the flower petals blocking the airway to his lungs. Tossing the petals you were holding in your hand into the sink along with other petals, you quickly kneel down next to Todoroki and try rubbing his back to help ease the pain,
“Todoroki we have to call the ambulance. How long have you been suffering from hanahaki?” His eyes widen at your questions before quickly shaking his head no at your statement of calling the ambulance.
“No, don't call the ambulance. I'm fine,” he wheezes out, more petals coming up his throat, slowly falling out of his mouth, gracefully falling into the toilet.
“Todoroki you don't look fine to me! If you don't want me to call the ambulance, I'm taking you to go confess your feelings. The worst that can happen is them not reciprocating your feelings and if they don't then we can go to the hospital to have the flowers removed,” you try to plead with him, no longer wanting to see the person you loved suffer from the flowers growing in his lungs, even if it meant possibly losing him to someone else.
“I don't need to go anywhere,” he gaps out as he turns to you. Face contorted in pain but he still gives you a smile to try and ease your worrying.
“Todoroki don’t be stupid! You’ve been suffering for too long you might die. We have to take you somewhere before I lose you,” you cry out, tugging on his arm to try and get him to agree with you.
“I don’t need to go anywhere because she’s right here,” he whispers, grabbing the hand you were using to tug on his arm to entwine with his.
“I like you y/n, no I’m in love with you and it's slowly killing me.” He’s smiling at you, tears in his eyes from the pain, as you stare at him in bewilderment. As you open your mouth to say something, he’s hunching over in pain again, squeezing your hand in a tight grip. He starts violently coughing up more and more flower petals, lungs searching for even a small amount of air, as he brings his other hand up to grip his air in agony.
Quickly you let go of his hand and reach out to cup his cheeks and move his face up to look at you. His eyes are once again squeezed shut, eyebrows furrowed due to the tightening pain in his chest.
“Hey, hey Todoroki it's okay I’m here, ” you coo, tears welling up in your own eyes due to seeing how much pain he was enduring just for having feelings for you. Hands still cupping his cheeks, you use your thumbs to slowly wipe away the tears falling down his face. “I like you too, I’m in love with you, please get better you can't leave me,” you choke out.
Trembling hands reach up to cup your cheeks, the rough pads of his thumbs wiping away the tears that escaped your pleading eyes. “You love me too yn?” You're frantically nodding your head to his quiet question, whispering out a string of yeses. “That’s nice to hear. Now I can do this.” His hands bring your face close to his, your lips mere centimeters away from his as he tilts his head to finally press his lips to yours. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his soft lips on yours, moving your hands to wrap around his neck as you try to pull him closer. Unbeknownst to you, the ache in his chest started to subside as the two of you continued to kiss. Pulling away, the two of you stare at each other breathlessly, a smile on both of your lips.
“I love you Todoroki Shouto, thank you for not leaving me.”
“I love you y/n l/n, thank you for saving me.”
He leans in to initiate another kiss with the person who returned his feelings. Maybe flowers weren’t such a bad thing, especially if they were lilies and daffodils.
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bnha taglist: @shinsousama​ @kenmaksuwu​ @atsumubabie​ @zoppzoop​ @the-black-birb​ @dumbassbrigade​ @bokuto-simp​ @allywritesimagines​ @nekoglasses​ @asweetpotato1​ ask to be tagged if you want!
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toournextadventure · 1 year
and how would Wednesday react to finding that ring hmm?👀
Wednesday would find it while being nosy in Birb's room (cause of course she was) and is just like "what's this?" Birb, while totally mortified and wanting Wednesday to leave it alone, blurts the first thing that comes to mind.
"Put it down, it's a sex thing"
She then proceeds to leave the room without any words or hesitation to go jump off the tower because oh boy, she would very much rather die than face Wednesday again after that
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keigos-dove · 4 years
My dear beautiful Eli, may I request from your Friends to Lovers prompts "Would go out with me if I asked you" with our birb man Hawks? 😖💖
|All works tag:| @heroheads @redbeanteax @candychronicles @kirishibi @greenleaf-fantasy @k-atsukidayo @toritpn @togasknifes @yuueimagines @jojosmilktea @lovingshoto @denkithot
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Keigo Takami was many things. A man, a hero, a double agent. But one thing was for sure. Keigo was a huge romantic and a flirt. He acts cocky and big but that’s what he shows to everyone. He’s actually very soft if you get to know him.
Keigo liked you, this much he knew. There was something about you. Maybe your looks, voice, way you presented yourself? Or maybe it was your kindness, love, support, that you showed to the hero.
Whatever it was, you were the one who really made him soft. He never intended to catch feelings, maybe even fall in love, with someone because of the dangers of his job. But having you around, you really changed his outlook on reality.
It was night. The full moon was out, stars scattered in the sky, the air was crisp and cool. A beautiful night it was. A wonderful night to relax with you, his friend. 
Boy, he hated that title.
Luckily he had no patrol tonight, so he decided to spend his night off with you. The only person that truly mattered to him.
You looked stunning. Relaxed. Like you were at home. And for a moment, Keigo hoped he was your home. You stared up at the sky, a smile on your face. And boy that smile made his heart skip a beat every time he looked at it. Your hair was messier than usual, but you still looked good. You always did to him. Your eyes twinkled like the stars in the sky but shined brighter than any moon he’s ever seen. To say you took his breath away was an understatement.
“It’s cold,” you murmur.
“The breeze getting to you?” Keigo asked softly.
“Little bit,” you say.
“Here,” Keigo said taking off the zip-up he wore and threw it over your shoulders. “Does this help?”
“A little, but I’m still cold.”
“Come here. My wings will warm you up.”
You blushed but moved closer to Keigo anyway. Carefully, you sat in his lap, instantly his arms and wings wrapped around you in a comforting hug. You wrapped your arms around his back and waist and rested your head against his collarbone.
“How are you so warm?” you ask. “You’re like a heater.”
“I’m always this warm,” he chuckles.
“I’m jealous,” you say burying your nose into his collarbone and neck.
He loved holding you like this. He was happy, so very happy. He knew you were safe holding you in his arms like he was, wrapping his wings around you like he was.
“Would go out with me if I asked you?” Keigo blurted.
“What?” you asked him, making sure if you heard him correctly.
“Shit,” he mumbled.
"Would go out with me if I asked you?” Keigo asked looking into your eyes. A blush dusting his face.
You were surprised, not only at the question he asked. But also because of how flustered the usually confident man was at this moment. He was vulnerable, maybe even a bit weak, and you knew that.
He was weak for you.
“If you asked me, I’d say yes on the spot.”
“Would you go out with me?”
“My answer is yes, it always will be yes.”
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