#bird hybrid Baghera
sunny-boooo · 1 year
Icarus || one-shot de QSMP
Aviso: menção de sangue e gore leve mais para o final
Baghera olhou para o chão, sua mente estava girando a mil, suas asas de pato se contorcendo em suas costas, lágrimas ameaçando cair de seus olhos, seu batimento cardíaco acelerado, ela achou que ia desmaiar.
O sangue manchava o chão de marfim, o quarto estava escuro, apenas a luz que vinha da porta aberta atrás dela iluminando o local, os tapetes e a cama estavam inutilizáveis, o carmim manchava a superfície te tudo, até mesmo de alguns livros jogados no chão sobre as paisagens brasileiras e sobre como se utilizar redstone propriamente. Não muito longe de seus pés, deitado em uma poça de sangue…
Estava seu doce irmão Forever.
As asas antes douradas como ouro e as quais ele se orgulhava tanto não estavam mais presentes em suas costas, desaparecidas, arrancadas. No lugar delas apenas o torso nu e cercado por bandagens, o corpo de seu irmão mais novo subia e descia com respirações fracas e tremidas, soluços escapando de sua boca, ela não conseguia ver seu rosto, mas sabia que ele estava chorando.
Ela continuou a encarar o corpo caído no chão, sem saber o que fazer, o que ela podia fazer? Ela era a mais velha, ela deveria estar consolando seu pobre irmão, mas o medo e o terror a impediam de mover um músculo, ela sabia que se desse mais um passo seus sapatos seriam manchados de sangue e ela não conseguiria mais dormir com esse conhecimento. O que ela podia fazer?
Ela não sabia o porquê, não exatamente ao menos. Sim, Forever costumava achar maneiras de escapar da ilha, ela já havia o avisado que isso era perigoso e nada responsável, mas o garoto mimado nunca aceitava um não como resposta e seu pai nunca fez nada sobre isso, mesmo quando ele fugia desde pequeno para fora do prédio da Federação, o pai deles sempre mandava Cucurucho com ele em vez de deixar o garoto de castigo, então é claro que seu irmão iria achar que não teria problema escapar da ilha.
"—Tu hermano és terrible —ela lembra projeto El Pato falando.— És como Ícaro. 
—Ícaro? —ela perguntou de volta, ela lembra de estar desenhando com projeto Blue Bird no dia, enquanto seu irmão e projeto Golden Duck brincavam com blocos de construção.
—Foi a história que nos contaram recentemente —Blue Bird começou a explicar, enquanto pintava o rosto de Cucurucho, seus desenhos sempre foram os melhores entre todos, ela tinha o talento.— Sobre um homem."
Ela não sentiu quando Cucurucho parou ao lado dela, apenas quando ouviu sua risada sem emoção que ela acordou de seu transe de olhar para o irmão, ela olhou para os olhos negros e sem brilho do urso, eles a encararam de volta, e ela nunca sentiu tanto medo na vida, suas asas se contorceram por instinto. 
A criatura levemente deu tapinhas em seu ombro e apontou com o polegar para o lado de fora do quarto, ela olhou para a porta, onde uma mulher estava parada, uma trabalhadora da Federação, ela não conseguiu marcar o rosto dela, ela nunca conseguia se lembrar dos rostos dos trabalhadores. Ela olhou de volta para Cucurucho, mas ele não estava mais perto de si, em vez disso, avançou em direção ao corpo jogado no chão de seu irmão, as patas descalças pisando no sangue que manchou seus pelos brancos, ele não ligou, e aquela falta de reação fez Baghera querer vomitar. 
O urso bem vestido pegou o garoto no colo, as bandagens já completamente manchadas de sangue, precisando ser trocadas, Forever pareceu choramingar, ele chutou um pouco mas não tinha mais força alguma para prosseguir com seu protesto, ele apenas deixou o corpo ficar mole e Baghera sentiu seus instintos gritarem para ignorar o sangue e ir até ele. Ela deu um passo à frente, Cucurucho voltou a encarar com olhos mortos como se ela tivesse cometido um erro terrível. 
Antes que ela pudesse notar a mulher antes parada na porta a puxou pelo braço para longe, a tirando do quarto do irmão em um piscar de olhos. Ela foi deixada em seu próprio quarto, que diferente do quarto do irmão, estava limpo e reluzente como ouro, nada bagunçado, nenhuma gota de sangue. Ela ficou parada lá, por minutos, talvez horas, a imagem cravada em sua mente, ela acha que nunca vai poder esquecer.
"—Que homem? —ela lembra de perguntar de volta. 
—Um homem que fez asas de cera porque queria chegar ao Sol, mas ele voou perto demais dele, suas asas derreteram e ele caiu no mar e se afogou —Blue Bird, explicou, com uma voz entristecida. 
Baghera lembra de ter odiado a história, ela não gostava de histórias com finais tristes, mas projeto Totem of Undying riu e disse que foi uma das melhores histórias que ele tinha ouvido, projeto El Pato revirou os olhos e voltou a desenhar. Baghera perguntou mais ao pai sobre a história mais tarde, ele contou todos os mínimos detalhes sobre ela e ela decidiu que Ícaro era um tolo e mereceu seu final, ele não era um híbrido de pássaro, e ela sempre aprendeu que não se pode desejar mais do que tem. Ícaro era um tolo. Um tolo que deixou sua tolice o guiar para a morte."
Baghera só viu o irmão novamente mais tarde, quando ele apareceu em sua porta, sem energia, sem luz nos olhos, sem o sorriso de orelha a orelha que normalmente estava em seu rosto, sem suas asas. 
Ela deixou ele à vontade, os dois deitaram na cama e se abraçaram, tentando passar conforto um ao outro, principalmente ela a Forever. Ela deixou ele explicar o que aconteceu, cada mínimo detalhe, desde como seu pai descobriu suas escapadas, de como ele nunca tinha visto ele tão irritado antes; de como ele ordenou que Cucurucho agarra-se ele e arranca-se suas asas como punição, para garantir que ele nunca mais iria ousar ir tão longe; ela deixou ele contar cada mínimo detalhe das sensações que ele sentiu, da dor excruciante do machado lentamente cortando suas asas, de como parte de suas penas tinham sido arrancadas por ele ter se movido demais, do sangue manchando seus lençóis, livros e chão, de como seu pai ainda teve a bondade de mandar enfaixarem suas costas; falar de como ele perdeu completamente a vontade de andar, se sair, de se mover. 
Ele caiu no sono depois de um tempo, e Baghera voltou a pensar profundamente, incapaz de dormir, com medo que Cucurucho fosse aparecer para tirar seu pobre irmão de seus braços e fazer mais mal a ele. Ela pensou, sim, projeto El Pato estava certo, Forever era como Ícaro, ele era tolo, ingênuo e isso resultou na perda parcial de sua liberdade. 
Mas diferente de Ícaro, ela não acha que seu irmão merecia o destino que teve, e naquele momento, jurou a si mesma que iria tirar ambos daquele lugar terrível. 
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blockgamepirate · 1 year
I don't know about the Federation hating bird people, what if it's more like them liking bird people but in all the worst ways?
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hepbaestus · 1 month
Familial Souls AU relationship overview 3/5
This is going to be a little bit of backstory on a couple/few characters which is not likely to be fully showcased in the fic.
Baghera + Pomme
There are trigger warnings for this one, so beware that there are mentions of death, teen pregnancy (not Baghera) and death of a child
Baghera grew up in a small, very isolated village under the rule of a subsect of the government which enforced strict curfews and other such rules. (Federation vibes, y'know?)
She had a sister named Birdie, a few years younger than her, who became pregnant as a teen. It was a difficult pregnancy for Birdie and she later passed not long after giving birth.
Because of the strict rules of the village, Birdie did not have access to the right help and so did not know the sex of her child, or children as she'd never find out. But she had told Baghera in confidence that she believed she was having a girl.
The one name that Birdie did have planned was 'Pomme Lumi', Birdie had told Baghera that she used that in hopes that her child would forever see the light in the darkness of the world. Birdie was very much a hopeful, glass half full type of person.
Baghera had to name the second and she named her 'Hope Jay', to also honour Birdie's hope for her kid(s) and after Birdie's best friend Jaiden who had mysteriously moved out of the village at a young age.
Hope was a frail baby, having not received as many nutrients in the womb as Pomme had and passed away one night after catching an illness from an unknown source.
It was not long after that Baghera and Pomme left the village.
Baghera, Pomme and Hope all shared the same Familial Soul Colour. (When a person in a Familial Soul Family passes, the colour stays where it is on the hand, it does not go down as if one part of it is being taken away.)
Baghera raises Pomme in the main town where we'll see our characters (name tbd).
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chewydolls · 6 months
My rule about baghera's design is adding anything that makes her cool
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thesnakesstuff · 1 year
Sorry if this is incoherent but some stuff just clicked in my mind about qsmp lore.
So we know that the Feds have been experimenting with hybrids and have raised both Jaiden and Baghera as children.
It's not a stretch to believe that the eggs are the next generation of their experiments, and they are using the players on the island to raise them instead of doing it in labs to see if they get different results.
Jaiden and Baghera are both confirmed to be bird hybrids of some sort, but both don't really have any connection to flight.
I've seen some people headcanon that Baghera's wings are too small, or that Jaiden was never able to learn because she was raised by the Feds. Either way, the Feds haven't found a way to teach their experiments to fly.
What if thats the reason they brought Philza to the island?
In the message they left for him they make a lot of illusions to not just crows and flying, but teaching fledglings to fly.
Philza has mentioned a couple of times that his wings were clipped, and he noticed on the train to the island.
From what I've read crows molt about once a year, alternating between July-October, and June-July. The molt during Jun-July mostly relates to the throat feathers and july has already passed- BUT-
What if Philza is almost done growing out new flight feathers.
If the eggs return, the Federation might get Philza to teach them how to fly.
I imagine the 3 quests a week would be replaced by 1 flight lesson a week. And there would be a little leader board or some kind of incentive instead of the eggs dying if they don't get it done.
Anyways that's my little theory about how the eggs are gonna come back and how philza is gonna get hos wings back lol.
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starryclown11 · 1 year
Based on Baghera lore from today but y’all think part of the reason the feds snatched Phil was because they were curious about how a healthy normal bird hybrid came to be. Because look he’s lived longer, has no imperfections, he’s simply a dude tm
So the feds are “like how’d you do it???”
And Phil’s like “my wife >:DDDD”
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kqluckity · 1 year
it's not true that the federation hates all bird hybrids btw, jaiden and elquackity are doing just fine, and it seems like the only reason they cut philza's wings because he's too powerful with them.
they do, however, fucking hate baghera and quackity's guts and can't stop torturing them for some reason.
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smille-c · 1 year
Ok but what in the mcyt avian angsty fanfiction is Baghera's lore
-Child experiment on bird hybrid
-Forced and Hurtfull plucking of wings
-Forced Blood test and child labour??
-Running away from the facility and being caught again years later after having grew as a newer person?
Who wrote this? Those are litteraly all my favourite trope in one character
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voxofnox · 1 year
don’t mind me, just thinking about how Baghera’s lore canonises that hybridness is a thing on this server, which kind of has massive lore implications for the whole server
also find it interesting that the ‘creature’ for most of the test results that Baghera found were fairly vague (human/cat, human/rabbit), but there was specifically human/parrot. not bird. parrot. a specific type of bird
with Jaiden’s blue bird lore (maybe?) being canon, Baghera being a duck, and the recent Phil lore, I think the Federation has something with birds
we just don’t know what it is yet
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urlocalwormtoday · 9 months
Fumes but only not poisonous
I remember seeing a post that I will link here, basically saying that Team Bolas uses the cosmetics slot for their gas masks, but when the toxic gas rolls in they have to actually put it in their secondary helmet slot which makes it hidden most of the time to the other players
And I can absolutely not agree more, but also,, I love to make headcannons
So what else am I going to do here other than find a reason why Team Bolas are immune to the gas??
I have another theory/headcannon involving the general aura of the island (healing Phil's wings, preventing code spread), and I know this sounds really weird or really cringe depending on how you look at it, but considering Phil, Jaiden, and Baghera are all bird hybrids/birds, Charlie is a slime demon or slime hybrid, and Carrie and Cellbit are often depicted as cats, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume that same aura would boost their instincts to hunt and flock together and just generally behave more like mobs
But anyways, remember how I mentioned the aura of the island was increasing their instinct to hunt and kill?
What if the gas is simply a physical representation of that, something that makes all that inhale it insane and full of bloodlust
But because everyone else (excluding all the other hybrids, maybe they do experience the same constant bloodlust just like Bolas but because they don't have a pack to encourage it it's more manageable) has never been exposed to this gas before and they're now being exposed to it all at once, it hurts their respiratory system because the change is so sudden
And because Bolas is constantly experiencing the closeness of a pack and the full force of the bloodlust and the survival instinct, the gas doesn't affect them as much
Albeit, it does sting their throats and their eyes and burn their lungs a little, the pain steels them towards whoever whatever their target is and helps keep them grounded
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solaneceae · 10 months
blind devotion
a team bolas oneshot. codebreakers-centric (philza and étoiles) (read on ao3) found family, ambiguous relationships, fluff @apthotiosis tagging u because codebreakers heehee
“They’re not crow wings,” Jaiden remarks, tracing the sharp edges of the long feathers meant to catch on updrafts. “They’re too big. And you got extra bones and joints going on.” Phil hums, a hesitant eeeeeh with a twist of his hand. “There’s some crow in there. But most of it is actually—”
“Elytra!” Baghera quacks, awe lacing her voice as she croons over the white diamonds that appear beneath the grime and dust she’s cleaning out. “You’re part Elytrian, Philza?”
“Not exactly,” he laughs, pointing at the very human features on the rest of his body. “I’m not actually a hybrid. Not like Jaiden, or even like you. Those wings were a gift.”
Étoiles perks up. “From Kristin, yes?” he nails down, perceptive as ever. The rest of the flock oooohs, a little chorus of yes, of course, makes sense. “I like your wife, Phil,” the duck smiles, brushing out a crooked feather. She remembers the Goddess’s voice, soft and warm as late spring’s sunlight, pouring out of Phil’s mouth as she borrowed his body to greet them. “She’s so nice.”
“She’s awesome,” Étoiles nods, unseeing eyes reflecting invisible stars. He cannot see anymore, he’s told them, but he still fights like he can, somehow. “I see her, sometimes, when I don’t have enough sugar and I almost die. She tells me to take better care of myself, but I’m dumb and shit so it keeps happening.”
“T’es con,” Baghera chastises him, slapping the back of his head, and Philza snorts at their antics. He’s so glad Étoiles joined them, the memory of his expectant frame almost vibrating out of itself when the old crow-not-quite-a-crow approached him at Global, just the day before. The words had barely left his mouth and the warrior had dropped to his knees before him, like a worshipper before his deity made man. I am your arm, your sword, Étoiles had said to him once, long ago. Felt like long ago. Just tell me where to hit.
A wave of fond-flock-yesyes, the Angel of Death pulls Étoiles forward to shelter him within his wings. “Aaah, Philza, Phil,” Étoiles laughs as his friend pecks at his hair, crooning incessantly. “The goat, oh, he’s moving so good! So good aim!”
“No mames.”
“No maaaaames man.”
“Shut up dude,” Phil wheezes, a huge smile on his face as he runs his talons through the frenchman’s tangled, white-faded locks. Yesyes. “I’m having a moment.”
“Oh? He has a moment, okay. I fuck myself, I don’t move, I get it.”
“Oh my god, stop.”
“I want to see you fly,” Étoiles says, quieter. Almost a whisper, that has everyone tilt their head in focus. “I didn’t see you fly, that’s bullshit. It must be beautiful, to see.”
Phil flashes him a wry grin. “Maybe. They’re pretty fragile, still. I don’t want to fuck them up all over again. Pretty sure the Feds will just clip them once we get back anyway, so.”
“Fuck them!” Baghera screeches indignantly. “Not letting that happen. I kill them first.”
“It’s fine. Just gotta enjoy ‘em while I got ‘em.”
Étoiles pouts at that, mumbles something in rapid-fire French that sounds rude. Phil hums and cups his face with a low trill, talons rapping on the space between his skull and neck, feather-soft. His friend blinks, cloudy silver. “What do I look like to you?” Phil asks, feathers ruffling as he spreads his wings wide, his fellow avians shifting to avoid being smacked by them.
Étoiles smiles, all teeth and greenish gums. “Like home,” he says, and it’s such a silly yet earnest answer that Phil could kiss him into silence. Mine, his hindbrain thrums, fierce possessiveness curling around his heart, and Étoiles laughs, that airy, high-pitched wheeze of his, because he’s making bird noises again. “And he says, he says he’s no hybrid, this man?” he mocks, tackling Philza to the cold floor of their cave to wrestle him into submission. “He’s a liar! Lies! You know who you are, Felipe Minecraft! Embrace it!”
“I am- fuck, get off,” Philza growls, play? play? Swoops Étoiles’ legs from under him to pin him down and they’re both laughing, batting at each other’s faces, talons carefully curled inward to not slice at dark green skin. Baghera and Jaiden cheer them on from the sidelines, loose feathers flying here and there, a viney tail wrapping itself around his leg as they roll and swipe and snap their teeth at each other’s necks, play, play! 
Étoiles loses at some point, freezes when sharp claws brush against his jugular. “Oh, he’s too good,” he smiles, tired and fond. “He’s good, and I’m shit. GGs.”
“Don’t say that,” Phil rolls his eyes, but doesn’t draw away. Étoiles’ eyes are squinted in twin crescent moons, and he doesn’t know if he wants to pluck them out to wear like jewellery or forget himself in them. “You. Are the best,” he chirps, pressing his forehead against the other man’s, flock, mine. hello. “I chose you. And I only choose the best for my family.”
“That’s us,” Baghera gasps — she and Jaiden have taken to preening each other instead, her bill ruffling through dark blue and green to dislodge specks of dried blood and sand out of her flockmate’s wings. “Bolas family, yes!”
“You picked Roier first,” the warrior whines, hands pawing at Phil’s chest, not quite pushing him away. “You like him better, no? He’s better, stronger. I don’t blame you.”
“Cellbit wanted him. I wanted to make him happy.”
“Oh, he is,” Jaiden huffs. “They’ve been snogging in the nest all evening. It’s cute and all, but I can only take so much kissing noises until I gotta vomit.”
“Hater!” her sister teases, bonking her bill against her cheek. “You’re just a little hater, let them be gay and happy.”
“They can be gay and happy and not slobber over each other.”
“I kinda like it,” Slime pipes up from his hole in the ground. Jaiden quirks an eyebrow at him. “...You need to get over Cellbit, dude.”
“Whaaaaat? You’re talkin’ nonsense. Put your mask back on, the fumes got to you.”
“Don’t you have Mariana anyway?”
“I don’t see your point.”
“Roier is Roier,” Phil cuts them off, catching Étoiles’ wrists to push them down against the stone. Mine. “You’re you. Cellbit wanted him, I wanted you. Simple.”
“Uh-huh.” A croon, their noses brush together. Jaiden makes a gagging sound, which makes Baghera cackle. What am I doing? “Phil?” He blinks. His friend is looking up at him, eyes crinkled up in amusement, fang poking out from beneath his upper lip. “I’m already yours. You don’t need to go all birdbrain on me.”
“Nah. Don’t be sorry, be the GOAT that you are.” Étoiles pushes himself up, and Philza lets him. He tilts his head to the side, like he always does whenever he’s mapping out his surroundings. “Phil, Phil,” he nudges at the crow’s shoulder, vine-tail thumping against the ground in renewed vigot. “PvP check, yes? Sticks?”
“Come oooon.”
“We’re actually ahead today, let’s not die and mess it up.”
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
My QSMP Headcannons vs in game Canon
Feel free to correct me if I get the Canon wrong.
•Tallulah uses hearing aids-this one is actually cannon but people tend to leave it out in art.
•philza uses a walking cane after purgatory- while Phil stated multiple times that the condition of his wings gave him poor balance, even though his wings are somewhat better I imagine the constant back and forth for someone who was never really good a balancing paired with the weight of his new wings probably make it very difficult to stay balance while walking.
•Fit, Tubbo lost limbs in purgatory- correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Tubbo didn't lose a lib in Canon, and I'm also not sure if the texture of Fit new skin is meant to be read as a prosthetic but I like the idea.
•Richardslyson has a prosthetic leg- this isn't excalty clear whether or not it's canon, we know his model in game has a leg that doesn't connected to his shell but it also important to note that Phil adjusted Richards statue to reflect a prosthetic leg, so you could technically consider it canon.
•Phil is demi-romantic- I know Phil never gave a clear sexual orientation to his in game character, but watching them interact with other love interest he gives the vibe of a demi-romantic person.
•Fit and Phil are divorced on really good terms- the kind were you realize your better as friends, which would also play a part in Phil discovering his is demi-romantic. Obviously in canon they was no clear past relationships established between them.
•Bolas actually does see Phil as a father figured- obviously Cellbit calmed he was joking when he called Phil dad, however Baghera still seems to call him that. I also really just want Cellbit to have a good father figure lmao.
•Rose is Phil's mother- I could go into detail of how the goddess of life birth the angle of death, but I equate it to her being his mother as God is your father but like she's his mother directly. She made him, she raised him, she'll protect him like her like depends on it.
In canon Rose just seems to be the Spawn entity but I like to imagine her as his Spawn entity. That would mean that she spawned him into existence in the hardcore world.
•the federation isn't evil, just misunderstood- I'm not saying they are good, just more morally grey. They do horrible experiment and treat the residents curly in our eyes, but in their eyes this is normal.
They do things thinking the residents don't know any better and therefore their complains are invalid, quite like a narcissist parent.
•the eggs can shape shift- I love the idea of the eggs taking on physical traits of the person (s) that they feel loved by slowly the more fond they become of them.
So the original Chayanne would stay an egg for the first two days then shock his parents by appearing as a little boy with blond hair.
When badly injured they go back to egg form.
•Charlie is in fact part slime and that's how he shape shifted into gegg- technically the qsmp info channel confirmed this in the qsmp full story videos
•Jaiden was a part of project blue bird- again not confirm, but I really like the idea that she was raised by Cucuchroo and that's why she naturally acts kinder to him (but she doesn't remember)
•the island has a respawn entity- following the concept of Rose aiding Phil's spawn, I like to imagine the whole island has a entity that revives players after death, and thus respawning in other demension ie the nether, takes much longer as that a different entity all together.
•the radiation of the blast from purgatory turned Foolish into a shark human hybrid, I mean technically canon since has the speed fins now.
•Forever has a survivor complex- this is up to interpretation of whether or not it's canon but I perceive Forever's behaviour as someone who feels he had to save everyone; He is the president after all.
•Forever likely still has feelings for Phil- or better yet the feelings have developed into genuine love as opposed to obsession, but from observing Missa learnt the best way to love Phil is to respect his wishes.
•Lovejoy is canon in the qsmp and is sponsored by the federation hence why Wilbur often leaves for tours. I'm actually not sure if this is canon or not, I recall Phil joking about it but I don't know if that's the Canon explanation as to how he's allowed to leave the island.
•Missa like Wilbur is sent on sponsored trips by the federation; in which he gather information on other islands, the resources of said island and whether or not their populated
•The codes are corrupted dead eggs- I'm mostly getting this theory from the codes disguising themselves as eggs and codaflipa, but I really like the idea that the codes are eggs that have died in the past with past residents and are restless.
A good backing for this is how Sofia found the eggs to be non organic, which makes me think that in a way they are computer programming, an sentient artificial life.
That does however bring the lore question of how their ghost can return, I think codes are a store of ghost form for them, with the code of their existence being shattered after a while they degraded to code monsters.
This would explain why they kill eggs (they want more company) and how they're able to disguised as them. Codaflipa can only return a few times because it's difficult to keep that form with shattered codes.
Now it is hinted at that the eggs are artificial, Sofia and the details of A1 being hints at that, but there is no Canon confirmation of such to my knowledge
I also know that Etoiles seem to believe the code killed eggs because they were being controlled by the federation, but I don't believe that seeing as the federation went out of their way to get the eggs back.
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frenchtantan · 1 year
Regarding the Labyrinth story... I know the obvious implication is two new eggs for the newcomers, however... The labyrinth and the rooms were all abandonned and cobwebby, they felt old. Dare I say much older than the Memories room. If the story isn't a metaphor for anything and the two last eggs didn't die...
Guys, what if they hatched? Given how the Federation acts, there is still a high chance they aren't dragon eggs at all. Birds lay eggs too.
And it just so happens that there are two people who we know were on the island in the past.
One of them is bird-coded.
The other is a duck hybrid.
What if... What if q!Baghera and q!Jaiden are the two eggs that survived?
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
hi i underestimated the lenght of this post but here's some q!philza rambling and thoughts about his current arc and lore cuz im kinda insane and i havent been the same person since the birdcage arc started
seeing qphil slowly but surely losing himself has been definetly something, its just an impending event that its taking too long to happen, there's gotta be some point where he breaks
cuz all this birdcage and missing eggs arc has been nothing but him feeling lost, losing his own purpose and place in the island, losing his sense of reality, he feels like a former shell of himself, always wandering around with nowhere to go or reason to BE there, yk? like he's experiencing some hard derealization symptoms its constantly affecting the way he approaches things, the way he approaches people. the empty stares when he saw the parrots or when he heard the thunder, it genuenly feels like he relapses back to that, like he lost all confidence in himself
constantly brushing off the birdcage as a dream, choosing to ignore the glaring red herrings that point into it actually happening (the weird vine, the trees, the avocado sapling, the trail of birds leading to the place, the indestructible grass, the weird blue vine, the toucans) and try to minimize whatever happened to him, not even thinking more about the feathers in his ticket... like just now he feels like he's a target, a part of something grander yet he doesnt believe that himself
ive said this before i think but qphil is one of those parents that had the least going on apart from taking care of his kids, yk? his only purpose was just to be there for his kids and be a hermit but now with them gone and no clue to where they could be he just feels hopeless and empty. like if dont grab him he'll dissapear, just something about him saying that he doesnt know where he should go anymore and that he feels so drawn to uppies now,,, just slowly starting to isolate from everyone else
is this the test quackity was talking about? is the world testing how long will phil endure the constant taunting before going insane? before choosing to isolate himself and leave everyone behind?
it feels like whatever is going on with him and now the special ticket he got is part of something more grander that his character is part of, something that somehow leads to a connection with quackity. feels like we're missing something crucial that will fit the piece that is missing with him, that explains the sudden involvement he now has and why they decided to fuck with his mind, to make him doubt himself in purpose. something that makes it so they are suddenly so interested in him
like yeah the whole bird thing is a huge possibility but why??? is he an experiment? is he patient zero of the hybrid experiments? is he a previous resident that escaped and then came back? why now focus on the whole crow hybrid thing now??? does he have a previous connection with the feds like jaiden and baghera have or is he like quackity and the feds are actively fucking with him
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sketchstudios07 · 1 year
You know, before Jaiden got her wings, I had this headcanon about her and Phil bonding over them being the first bird hybrids (besides quackity) in the island (these are very very not canon but i like imagining cenarios in my head ok)
One time, Jaiden would've been near the wall-Chay and Bobby started playing together, and usually the parents will just start chatting while the kids play. Phil never talked to Jaiden much, but the first thing he noticed were her unclipped wings. Quackity's were already too small for him to fly, so it made sense his were fine, but Jaiden's wings were in perfect shape.
He asks about it. She says that yeah they're fine! Why doesn't she leave the island then? He's never seen her fly. Jaiden answers sort of sheepishly, she can't, she never learnt how to.
Phil is apalled. What do you mean you can't fly? It's like the best thing ever. He tells some stories about what he used to do when his wings weren't clipped, sort of in a sad (and totally not like an old man talking about his golden days) tone, but Jaiden got excited.
She wanted to learn! Phil was aprehensive because, he didn't want her wings to get clipped too. But he missed that feeling, and he wanted Jaiden to feel it too. And she wasn't letting down. So they trained, for a few (minecraft) weeks, it took a bit, but soon enough Jaiden could soar through the island's skies, although she never really got too far from their training spot. It was a little secret, Phil insisted on being more cautious. The next time they saw each other, Jaiden's wings weren't like before. They weren't as clipped as Phil's, but still. She had no clue when it happened, but wasn't too shaken about it (or she hid it well, who knows)
Phil could feel his wings getting clipped. Over and over and over. As soon as they start growing slightly, the next day it was short again.
And then he looks at Jaiden. She can fly again, which is great, she has her wings back! But something feels off... He gets why the federation would clip his wings, or Baghera's. They are anti-federation, but why would they let Jaiden's feathers grow back? They clipped her wings before... Why not now?
And why is she so lenient? Why does she not find it weird?
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twofacedsystem · 11 months
i want to believe that not that they clipped her wings during purgatory that they absolutely just ripped them out and she has scars on her back
i want to believe that cucurucho sent them off and thought they would all be safe and when she comes back and talks to cucurucho with most likely magically been given her wings back her being like "oh yeah my wings were apparently ripped off for purgatory it was hard but i was with phil and baghera so they knew what it was like" it probably lore wise won't it will be her wings were clipped i feel like but omg imagine the angst and her just recovering with two other bird hybrids who cannot use their wings either
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