#bird of prophecy
arthistoryanimalia · 15 days
#TwoForTuesday :
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Batons in the Form of Birds
Igun Eronmwon (Brass Casting Guild), Nigeria, Edo, Benin City 16th-19th c. CE
Copper Alloy
Penn Museum display AF2048, AF5085
“The bird of prophecy predicted defeat in a 16th-century battle. The Oba ignored the warning and won an important part of the Niger River. At the ceremony of Ugie Oro, chiefs beat brass birds with rods to remind them that the Oba is more powerful than prophecy.”
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wingedblooms · 1 year
Bird of prophecy
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I’ve talked a lot about Elain’s connection to the myth of Blodeuwedd, a spring maiden transformed into an owl. A long time ago, I also stumbled across the Gamayun in Slavic mythology, which is associated with other bird-maidens (like Sirin, which comes from the Greek Siren). The Gamayun is a half-bird, half-woman of prophecy. She symbolizes knowledge and wisdom and acts as a divine messenger. This bird-maiden originates from the Huma in Iranian mythology. According to legend, the Huma flies invisibly above the earth and its shadow foretells the next king when there is no heir. It is depicted as a combination of creatures like a mighty griffin. It would be fitting if Elain, who is canonically wise and prophetic, traveled like the Huma: a fusion of animal forms and invisible to all. The Cauldron travels that way, and it would be appropriate (and badass) for a divine messenger to mimic the power it gave her. All those with the gift of Sight we’ve met in the Maasverse—Baba Yellowlegs, the oracle, and shapeshifter mystic—also seem to navigate more than one form, even if it only involves iron teeth and claws. Could Elain also possess her own bird-maiden form as a seer? Or will her flight through time and space remain mental? Only time will tell.
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malinaa · 10 months
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins CHAPTER 26 / CHAPTER 27 / EPILOGUE
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: animal
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
Writing Apollo-as-a-young-deity is fun because sometimes it involves completely making shit up based on the loose outline of a story told through old poems, prayers and plays and other times it involves researching the totally legit and well documented ancient art of studying sheep livers to make sure your statesmen don't accidentally piss off Jupiter.
In completely unrelated news, if anyone has any recommendations for books about bird augury, that'd be wonderful.
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mollymawkery · 1 year
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Murder be thy name.
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madcat-world · 7 months
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Athanor: Oracle - Federica Costantini
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savage-rhi · 21 days
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captainmipy · 10 months
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a bunch of random sketches!! again most of these aren’t fresh I just wanna clear em out
First two are ponds, aforementioned in my last art post. I’ll post colored artwork eventually
the next one is just some random mandalorian idk, I love star wars
the rest after that (until the last one) is my old roblox avatar aliskaler. I’ll prob post more abt him but I really enjoy drawing him he’s fun
The last one is azuzure! my beta skykid from back when I tested prophecy but I don’t draw him as a skykid. only one of my sky ocs who’s mask is actually their face/species!!
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wovenstarlight · 3 months
stw doesn't take the "surprise! you're evil murder soulmates with shj" revelation very well but then if i had a guy who was just a normal guy friend of mine (disturbing inclination towards terrorism but y'know you take what you can get) start prophesying to me about me and my archnemesis being the scions of some higher-dimensional family beef's factions and destined to be each other's evil murder soulmates? instead of having a higher-dimensional godling all but named Prophecy Bird explain it to me complete with helpful metaphors? yeah i'd think he was fucking with me
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chalamet-hl · 25 days
I feel so high school every time I look at you... 💫
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Kind of obsessed with this nickname actually
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burnsopale · 1 year
Childermass & Segundus - it sounds very well
So one day the York Society of Magicians receives a new member, and Childermass is like okay, no big deal, those guys never do anything interesting anyway.
But then, right, then the new guy and one of the old guys writes to Mr Norrell and asks if they may have the pleasure of waiting on him sometime, and Mr Norrell is like "No" but Childermass is like "Actually yes" because he's intrigued, or because the cards have told him something is about to happen, or because Mr Norrell is years overdue to go to London and revive English magic and Childermass figures this might jostle him into doing something. We don't know what exactly happened, but it seems likely that it was Childermass who made the visit possible, because the idea of Mr Norrell ever wanting visitors is impossible to accept.
So these two theoretical magicians come to Hurtfew Abbey, and Childermass is in the library waiting for the visit to end and Norrell to show up and tell him what the men wanted, but instead, when the door opens, there they are, the visitors, having been invited to see the library and what the fuck did they say to old Gilbert to make that happen?? Not that it matters, they're not gonna remember anything by the time they get home, the enchantments will see to that.
Mr Norrell introduces Childermass, and the new guy gives him a look like Childermass facinates him, but Childermass is used to that. He figures he'll just hang out until they leave.
Except the new guy, who is a dark, timid-looking little man named John Segundus, keeps looking around like he can sense the spells lighting the room, keeps looking out the window like he's not happy with the orientation of the walls, keeps blinking like the magic is making him a little dizzy. John Segundus is clearly magic sensitive. No one in the York Society is magic sensitive, Childermass knows that for a fact. This is suddenly intriguing.
So Childermass ends up keeping half an eye on Mr Segundus as he explores, until Mr Segundus notices, sensitive as he is, and their eyes meet. Childermass reads longing, need, delight and confusion on the man's face, but Childermass is without pity; by the time Mr Segundus gets home, he won't remember what he's seen. It doesn't matter; no one in the York Society ever did anything interesting anyway.
But then later, the letter from Dr Foxcastle comes, and Mr Norrell is Upset and Offended, and Childermass realises that the Revival is about to start at last. And because Mr Norrell is fearful and Childermass is pitiless, they send a lawyer with their demands.
Mr Robinson the lawyer returns to Hurtfew a little perplexed. Oh yes, they all signed, just like you said they would, every one of them ... except ... except one. Childermass is a little surprised to discover that the timid little man had a spine after all. Mr Norrell wants Mr Robinson to go back and demand the last signature, but Childermass says "Wait". And at this point, we do not know what he is thinking. Perhaps he simply thinks that they will need someone to write to London once the miracle has been done, and Mr Segundus is more likely to be amiable if he has not just been deprived of his calling. But then, Mr Honeyfoot, the other visitor, would definitely be happy to write, even though he WILL be deprived of that same calling. Perhaps, Childermass thinks that this is a strangely fateful twist, that the one member of the York Society who has an actual talent for magic is the one person who refused to give it up. Maybe he remembers a time when he himself was full of longing for magic, when he could sense it all around him but was unable to grasp it, when he too would get dizzy in Mr Norrell's library. He may not feel pity, but he can be intrigued. He convinces Mr Norrell to let Mr Segundus be.
Childermass laughs inside when John Segundus doesn't recognise him outside the cathedral, but then startles when the man almost recalls after all. He is not supposed to be able to break the enchantment. Thankfully, the moment passes, and after the magic is done, Mr Segundus turns out to be exactly as easy to manipulate as Childermass thought he would be. The polite ones are easy, especially when they are full of need and longing, and keep looking at Childermass like he has the answers they are searching for. Maybe Childermass uses a little bit of magic to persuade the man to write to London, or maybe he just smiles, and waits, and lets John Segundus come to him of his own accord.
Childermass returns to Hurtfew Abbey and says to his master "Go to London. Go now." and because Childermass knows about these things, they go.
And nine years pass in London.
But occasionally during those nine years, Childermass turns his attention to York, to see what timid little John Segundus is up to. Mostly it's not much.
Until Jonathan Strange happens. That he happens at all is rather extraordinary, but how interesting that he should come to seek Mr Norrell on the advice of John Segundus? For sure there are many people with an affinity for magic in England, but how many of them are magicians? Too few, thinks Childermass. How likely is it that two of them should meet at random? He wonders if this is another fated twist.
So he continues to keep half an eye on York, just in case Mr Segundus should discover how to actually grasp the magic that surrounds him. But when Strange returns from the war in Spain, his conversation tells Childermass that even with the learning, even with actual spells to hand, their timid little man in York cannot make the magic work.
John Segundus begins taking on pupils. Childermass keeps it from Mr Norrell. Childermass has been the instrument of many a theoretical magician's destruction, Childermass reads the hearts of men and feels no pity for them, and yet Childermass keeps John Segundus hidden from Mr Norrell. Maybe, just maybe, John Childermass is beginning to feel a little bit of pity after all. He was once the one longing to master the powers that often overpowered him. He too loves magic so much, enough to endure servitude and secrecy to be near it.
But then John Segundus wants to start a school. Well, if he is going to be that silly, then Childermass cannot help him. Mr Norrell finds out, Mr Norrell panics, and he dispatches Childermass to York to put a stop to this evil plan. Business as usual in other words.
Childermass sits quite comfortably on the steps of Starecross when John Segundus comes home. Childermass delivers his message.
"You know me, Sir," he says, completely forgetting that while he has always had half an eye on John Segundus, John Segundus has not seen Childermass for nine years. Maybe, just maybe, Childermass is a little embarrassed at his mistake. But the errand is completed, and Mr Segundus is easy to manipulate, because he is so very gentle and polite.
Childermass may or may not have noticed that he has been manipulated in turn, because he, who has no pity for any man, lets Mr Segundus know that he regrets that the school cannot be, and he is willing to do what he can to keep Mr Segundus' dream from failing entirely. Although of course, he knows that a regular school is not at all the same as a school of magic.
Childermass knows what it's like to long, but he has found, if not the answers to his questions, then at least the tools by which to hunt them down. He can do the magic.
Then Mr Strange and Mr Norrell quarrel.
And then Lady Pole tries to shoot Mr Norrel. The lady walks with one foot in Faerie and one in London, and for a while, so does Childermass. Something is not right with the lady, but Mr Norrell won't tell him what magic he employed to bring her back from the dead. She'll be sent away somewhere where Childermass will have no chance to discover the truth. Unless of course he decides where she goes. Perhaps for instance to one whom Childermass knows will feel the Faerie winds blowing about the lady, someone who will be able to carry on the search for the truth, whether he knows that he's doing Childermass' work or not. Mr Segundus is easy to manipulate.
Childermass recommends to Sir Walter that he send his wife to Starecross in Yorkshire. How fortuitous that the master of that hall has just decided to open a madhouse there. Surely the visions that gave him the idea were entirely coincidental.
Mr Norrell and Childermass quarrel.
Jonathan Strange Returns magic to England. The Raven King returns to England and rewrites his book.
Mr Norrell and Mr Strange disappear into Faerie.
Suddenly, Childermass is the most experienced magician in England. No one has read as much, has practiced as much, or knows the spells he knows.
But he thinks that there is one man who will not be far behind him in achieving similar results. And maybe Childermass wonders sometimes if it was not all meant to be this way, that it was fate, that he himself was meant to come out on the other side as a student of the two great modern magicians of the age, and that he was meant to bring with him, sheltered under his wing, a dark, timid little man with an extraordinary sensitivity to magic. The books may be gone, but through his instruments, the Raven King has made sure that the new generation of magicians are both capable of and eager to read the magic written on the sky. It will take sensitive men, full of longing, and isn't it fortuitous then, that all those years ago, in the library at Hurtfew Abbey, Childermass recognised another like himself in John Segundus, and decided to keep half an eye on him.
#Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell#John Childermass#John Segundus#My little theory#This is based on the idea that the prophecy is actually the Raven King's plan to return magic to England#In which case Childermass must be the one Uskglass chose to spearhead the Restoration after Strange and Norrell affected the Return#We so often talk about how Segundus sees Childermass#But I am facinated by the other side of JohnSquared#Because it is interesting that Segundus was allowed to not sign the agreement when Childermass MUST HAVE KNOWN that he was the only man#in the York Society who might actually do practical magic someday#(Probably it's not as black and white as that but let's say so for our purposes here)#It certainly wasn't Norrell who agreed to let Segundus go - it was definitely Childermass' decision#And in the chapter called Starecross Childermass says “I turned a blind eye” - not “we” or “Mr Norrell” - but “I”; he's been watching#It seems to me that he is been protecting Mr Segundus from Mr Norrell for years - in little ways here and there#Mostly just by making sure Segundus didn't come to Norrell's attention#And then he expresses his regret that the school cannot be!#That's at least a halfpennyworth of pity Sir! You're not supposed to have that for adult or child!#I guess he has pity for baby birds#But they do have that thing in common (along with Vinculus) that they have an affinity for magic#But Childermass has access to the library at Hurtfew while Segundus and Vinculus only get scraps#And Childermass is allowed to do magic while the other two have to wait for the Return before they can control it#And I figure that maybe he can find in himself a little bit of pity for someone in that familiar situation#Not to mention that - being mostly a good man - Childermass is not immune - I think - to Segundus' kind and gentle nature#JohnSquared#Btw I haven't completed my current reread so apologies if I've forgotten something or gotten something wrong#You see how the details disappear towards the end :P#I also owe some of this to the Tor.com reread of JSAMN which is worth checking out for some great observations!
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alhavaradawnstar · 4 months
hands you a selkie falmer
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gedwimora · 7 days
i haven't gotten as far as i'd wanted in my reread but this is also around when i'd wanted to make him so we're gonna rework that plan and start doing theon things ig bc his blog is sitting there mocking me like it has since 2020.
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quornesha · 4 months
Australian Masked Owl Prophecy And Symbolism
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Australian Masked Owl appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that we all wear masks. Everyone has a motive, a purpose or intention for being in your life. You’ve got to be able to trust somebody. The way to do this is to trust God/divine and he will direct you to the people worthy of your energy.
Not everyone is against you. The Australian Masked owl is a reminder to look beyond the surface of someone and you just might find a gem. It is okay to connect with others. No one, gets out of life never connecting with anybody. This is a reminder that it is time to leave being a hermit behind. Your time for community has come. This does not equate to going back to toxic people but to open up to positive reinforcements. You cannot do it all by yourself. You will never have to beg for these people to be in your life. They will easily and willingly lend a hand. Be receptive.
The money you need, is here. The Australian Masked Owl prophecies of a highly spiritual connection with someone. Trust what people show you with their actions. Trust that being on Divine’s strongest list, is a thing of the past. You are graduating. You are coming out of the darkness and into a positive gentle state of being. Everything you’ve learned in the darkness, will be necessary for the blessed journey ahead. YOU ARE THE LIGHT. Illuminate what is on the inside of you, outward. Wherever you are, shine. You’re stepping into a season where everything you touch will be blessed. Everything connected to you will prosper. You are entering into a season of wealth beyond what you can imagine. Your prosperity is here. Whatever you have been praying for, is showing up for you. You are entering into a season of happiness. Your purpose is at the forefront.
Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities. Every room you walk into, will honor you. Be prepared for standing ovations when you speak and look out for accolade after accolade because you deserve them. It’s not that you are doing it all for rewards but you are getting your just rewards. Someone is looking for you and they will locate you. Someone is looking to bless you and they feel that they owe you for being a blessing to them in the past. Accept this blessing and be genuinely thankful. This blessing will be life changing. Look forward to windfalls and an inheritance of some kind.
The Australian Masked Owl is a prophecy that a recent power outage, even if you were not affected, was a sign of the shift that is now unfolding. It all had a purpose. The Australian Masked Owl is a sign, that help is on the way. It is also a prophecy of the priest/priestess. Someone, maybe even you, are fully stepping into their power/potential/purpose. Get ready to receive miracles, for the angels of miracles surround you.
"Every moment I am alive, miracles happen to me. Every room I walk into, miracles meet me. All things are possible and my unexpected good, I receive. "  -- Quornesha Lemon
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 
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