#birds were walking on them
oca-rinn-a · 9 months
in this world where so many members of our species, with supposed moral agency, are killing small things for nothing but the crime of existing, and so many are blind to the value of any species which does not benefit them in a way they can personally measure... do you ever feel so so panicked and suffocated?
#i had to walk onto the tracks at the NYC Times Square station to retrieve an injured pigeon who was trapped down there#no idle police officers or MTA personnel cared at all when I explained that an injured animal was trapped on the tracks#the MTA staff told me to ask the cops to help#the cops told me to ask MTA staff for help#the cops said “if it were a person that would be different”#i looked like a crazy person bc i was having a panic attack and trying to ask people for help at the same time#my partner called animal control and they said there was nothing they could do#the Wild Bird Fund does not have the resources to retrieve animals but said that if i could catch the pigeon i was welcome to bring them in#and you know what#i did#if someone is in a life-and-death situation and you are in a position to help them then YOU SHOULD#what kind of fucking person would i be if i saw this pigeon#whom i am perfectly physically able to rescue from their situation#and i said wow that's too bad that they're going to die down there#if only it weren't illegal/dangerous to go onto the tracks#a cell phone is valued 1000% more than a non-human's life#it's fucked up guys (:#anyway i learned first hand that literally no one in NYC will stop you from doing anything at all#as long as you aren't brandishing a weapon or some other murderous action literally no one cares what you're doing and will not stop you#so be punk and take action#fuck speciesism#animal rights#animal welfare#humans are animals#also sorry but people stomping on bugs who are literally OUTSIDE and doing seriously nothing but existing#why would you do that#please get help#talk to a therapist
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lies · 5 months
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Sometimes when I’m birdwatching
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January 18, 2024. Sandhill Crane Flyby!!
I live at the VERY edge of a Sandhill Crane migration route, and I saw a flock of at least 40 flying southwest today at 3:52PM! I haven't seen any in a couple years, and this is the biggest group I've spotted. Usually I catch them with their strung-together rattle calls, but these guys were pretty quiet (just a couple brief rattles today, which was thankfully still enough to make me look up through the trees!). Allegedly it was 28ºF today but felt like 21°F--I hope they were staying warm up there. Safe travels, friends!!
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
What's the silliest thing Mav ever did? When did he make you laugh the hardest?
Mav was a thief (yes) but he never really destroyed things, he just wanted to possess them. One of his silliest things was when you'd give him something (like say, a leaf) and he would just.... hold it.... until someone took it away or he fell asleep. He did this all the time with toys or socks or anything.
Mav made me laugh all the time. This morning I planned our last little hike so it was more grass and less swamp (so I wouldn't have to wash him) and within three minutes of getting out of the car, he rolled in absolutely vile muskrat poop. It made me laugh because he hadn't been scent rolling very much lately so that was a delight, and because of course he did.
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emuwarum · 9 months
sometimes when playing ark you completely forget about something you’ve read.
I finally build a nice little enclosure for all (I think it’s around this number) 30 dodos. I put a feeding trough in and fill it up. I set everyone to passive flee, wandering, disabled mating.
I take a quick step outside to grab something, come back, look up in horror at all the mating hearts floating above the enclosure. I completely forgot that you can’t turn off mating when they’re wandering, and that they automatically mate when they wander.
so I guess I’m gonna have to deal with that tomorrow (use the resulting eggs to make kibble)
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kedreeva · 2 years
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The Lovers
bonus, the instant before he bit her entire face and ruined the mood:
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cinna-bunnie · 3 months
i can hear the frogs ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა ♡⁠ there's this fenced off area nearby with tall grass and a pond in the middle they have to themselves. there are so many of them!
u can hear them in the distance from my back patio but i followed the sound one night and found the source 😌 it's good to hear them again.
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ramthews-moved · 3 months
bsd is great suicide preventer cause something bad happens to me and im like i cant i'm just gonna kill myself and my brains like like dazai? and i'm like ...no. nevermind
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kandidandi · 1 year
"Fuck your life. Bing bong" *Releases a Pidgeon into your room* (/j)
a pigeon is nothing compared to a possum that one time
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Cloud Retainer will act so formal and put together, but. In a romantic relationship, there will be. A Notable increase in how affectionate she is to her person.
#hc; cloud retainer#//She likes close physical contact; be it prolonged hugs or even casual touches meant to be special#//Is why it is a Big Deal to her if people esp men touch her so casually#//Either you are family (adopted/seen as such) or you are a s/o#//Or you aren’t; and you will instead end up with a Very Annoyed bird lady#//At BEST#//She wasn’t so clingy before Guizhong’s death—even then; Guizhong was the one who could most easily get away with casual touch#//Now; Xianyun adopted her habit; to honor her and bc she realized time can be Short for loved ones#//Getting an attachment like that can spark Hella anxiety; esp considering anybody she’d ever deem worthy to get close to would be fighters#//All her dearest friends and/were after all#//Save Guizhong; but look where the lack of fighting skill got her#//Xianyun cannot bear to be with someone who can’t fight on par with an adeptus; at Mjnimum#//Too easy to lose; and she doubts they’d let her keep them in her realm for the rest of their life#suggestive#//BC it is worth knowing her sex drive also takes a hella Spike once she’s comfortable in a relationship#//You think she’s affectionate? wait until she gets the go aheads to initiate intimacy#//She will NOT hesitate to nor will ever refuse if her partner initiates#//Is a soft dom for the most part; but give her the right partner; ESP if they are competitive like her#//Well; she does love a good healthy wager/competition to get in the mood; if they wanna top her so bad; they should try & aim for the gold#//In public with her s/o; she does love walking arms linked or pinkies brushing at very least#//She thinks it’s cute#//She sometimes does so with Madam Ping on a whim—shes her closest friends; after all. if she ain’t wed; Xianyun has plans to court her
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readymades2002 · 8 months
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most important thing that happened on that entire trip btw
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oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
Every so often I’m filled with an incredibly wide and heavy grief as I remember that I will never be able to see a dinosaur alive
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sassyhazelowl · 10 months
Well, thank you Hurricane Hilary. I always wanted to hunt 20 mouse-sized birds in my massive yard with a crushing headache.
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sandpaperoctopi · 10 months
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sorry for the quality, I don't know how to take pictures at night
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basingstokemercury · 10 months
I'll never understand where people get off aggravating a wild animal and getting all shocked and angry when it gets upset
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fairiegardens · 2 years
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Read in September
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