#//Either you are family (adopted/seen as such) or you are a s/o
dutybcrne · 8 months
Cloud Retainer will act so formal and put together, but. In a romantic relationship, there will be. A Notable increase in how affectionate she is to her person.
#hc; cloud retainer#//She likes close physical contact; be it prolonged hugs or even casual touches meant to be special#//Is why it is a Big Deal to her if people esp men touch her so casually#//Either you are family (adopted/seen as such) or you are a s/o#//Or you aren’t; and you will instead end up with a Very Annoyed bird lady#//At BEST#//She wasn’t so clingy before Guizhong’s death—even then; Guizhong was the one who could most easily get away with casual touch#//Now; Xianyun adopted her habit; to honor her and bc she realized time can be Short for loved ones#//Getting an attachment like that can spark Hella anxiety; esp considering anybody she’d ever deem worthy to get close to would be fighters#//All her dearest friends and/were after all#//Save Guizhong; but look where the lack of fighting skill got her#//Xianyun cannot bear to be with someone who can’t fight on par with an adeptus; at Mjnimum#//Too easy to lose; and she doubts they’d let her keep them in her realm for the rest of their life#suggestive#//BC it is worth knowing her sex drive also takes a hella Spike once she’s comfortable in a relationship#//You think she’s affectionate? wait until she gets the go aheads to initiate intimacy#//She will NOT hesitate to nor will ever refuse if her partner initiates#//Is a soft dom for the most part; but give her the right partner; ESP if they are competitive like her#//Well; she does love a good healthy wager/competition to get in the mood; if they wanna top her so bad; they should try & aim for the gold#//In public with her s/o; she does love walking arms linked or pinkies brushing at very least#//She thinks it’s cute#//She sometimes does so with Madam Ping on a whim—shes her closest friends; after all. if she ain’t wed; Xianyun has plans to court her
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🐉 anon here! I hope you're doing alright! I hope these request won't be too much! Would it be okay if you wrote about Shinobu with a s/o, she/her, who has that dragon tattoo? Possibly a criminal syndicate but wants to leave her family because of how bad they have gotten! The family found her at a younge age and took her in, becoming the imitating woman she is. But what her boss asks of her is too much and not what she wants to do. So she tries to leave and stagger away from the family, meeting Shinobu in the process! She would be seen as a monster, but she really does have a good heart. Maybe even a slow burn with Shinobu? Those are my favorites! While she stays or keeps meeting Shinobu, the family finds her and roughs her up, she kicks thier ass but ends up being taking down. The boss would come in and try to cut her pinkie off, but Shinobu comes in being the badass queen that she is and deals with him herself, and saves her s/o, with a happy ending! Again, I hope this isn't too much to ask! I love your work!
What Is Right
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Here you go, sorry it took so long! I hope it’s alright, I am having trouble with the December requests that are left. 😫 Word Count: 5,640
“Aniki, are you sure about this? Is there really no other way?”
“Of course not,” Akira scrutinized his adopted younger sister, put off by her reluctance, “That cowardly man’s betrayal killed my father, our father.” He hissed, crushing the remains of his cigarette in his hand, ignoring the burn.
“Then, if it’s absolutely necessary, shouldn’t it just be him who has to pay?” (Y/n) risked speaking out against him yet again, “Why kill his family, but leave him be?”
“It sends a message!” Akira shouted, “He’ll know not to fuck with us again. He’ll be forced to confront what he took from me, us. Don’t you understand, (Y/n)? That’s why I’m telling you this.” He grasped her shoulder a little to tightly to be friendly or comforting. “I’m trusting you to bring honor back to this family. That dragon tattoo on your back isn’t just for show, its supposed to mean something. It’s what unites all of us. Otosan loved you like you were his own flesh and blood. If you want this band of misfits, your family, to continue to have a legacy, you will do this.”
“But, they’re only little kids. Not even his wife knows the shady shit he’s dealing in. And it’s not just that… we’ve been pushing away our allies with the decisions you’ve been making in Otosan’s stead—“
“Do you think this is easy?!” Akira shouted again, getting in (Y/n)’s face, she stayed remarkably calm despite this, “I was chosen to make the choices that no one else has the guts to make! This is what has to be done!”
“I just can’t do it, Aniki.” (Y/n) shook her head, “It’s more than and eye for an eye to me. I think you’re asking for too much.”
“You either do this, or you will be marked as a scourge on this family. The family that gave you everything when you had nothing. You think you repaid us for that debt yet?” He asked coldly.
“I doubt I ever could.” (Y/n) murmured, focusing on her breathing to keep a calm appearance, “I’ll… prepare then.”
Akira searched her eyes for a long moment before straightening up again, “Good. Go on, then. I expect results. You have a week.”
“Very well.” (Y/n) bowed before the young man who had used to be so carefree, then got up and took her leave.
It had been a couple days since (Y/n) had that meeting with Akira, and she had yet to carry out her mission. She had shadowed the happily unaware family in that time, and it only made the reality of what she had to do even harder.
She was running out of time, only a few more days before her once beloved Aniki would call her back and put her through god knows what for disobeying him. So she decided to do what any decent person tasked with killing a burgeoning family would do, and got wasted. If she couldn’t do it sober, perhaps she could do it drunk.
But of course that plan went south quickly. Instead of gearing herself up for a bloodbath she was drunkenly sobbing in the izakaya. She had never had to kill anyone before, hustle and intimidate, rough-up, sure, but never with the intent to irreversibly maim or kill. The very public moral dilemma (Y/n) was having was finally brought outside when the owner of the establishment cut her off and sent on her way, leaving her to drunkenly stumble down the road alone.
She barely knew where she was, but that didn’t stop her from picking a direction and lumbering away. She didn’t really care where she’d end up. She wasn’t going to be welcomed back to the family unless she had carried out her job, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She knew she’d never be able to go through with it.
“What am I supposed to do?”
Her foot rolled over a pebble as she said this and unable to correct herself, she fell sideways, half in the path, half in the woods. Instead of attempting to get up, she just laid there. Not long after her tumble, she heard the crunch of gravel from the main path, the sound eventually coming to a stop right where she had fallen.
“Oh dear, have we had a little too much to drink tonight?”
(Y/n) managed to sit up on her elbows a bit so she could peer back into the path and her breath caught in her throat. Standing over her was a downright ethereal woman. Oh no, had she hit her head on a jagged rock on the way down? Had she died? Well, that put an end to one dilemma at least.
“Woah,” She said, oh so eloquently, “beautiful.”
“Oh my, thank you.” She chuckled, causing (Y/n)’s heart to stutter. “Here, give me your hands, let me help you up.”
(Y/n) didn’t need to be asked twice, she took hold of the strangers hands, a little more calloused than she would have imagined, and clumsily rose to her feet, almost falling back down a few times in the process.
“You can hardly even stand up. We had better get you home so you can sleep this off. I hope you will have learned your lesson about such heavy drinking when you wake up with a hangover tomorrow.”
Home… (Y/n) sobered just a bit.
“I, I can’t go home!” (Y/n)’s shoulders drooped and the buzz she had going fell flat, “I have no home to go back to anymore.”
The woman gave her a sympathetic look then seemed to be contemplating something before finally speaking again.
“Then I suppose you can stay with me for the night. It’s too dangerous to be out alone at night sober, much less drunk.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll manage.”
“Don’t be difficult,” the woman sighed, “either walk with me, or I’ll drag you along. Your choice.”
(Y/n) laughed half-heartedly. “The way my feet keep tripping up you’ll probably have to drag me anyway.”
“I can see that.” She smirked, putting one of (Y/n)’s arms over her shoulders to help her keep her balance.
“My name is (Y/n) by the way.”
“And mine is Shinobu.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Shinobu.”
Shinobu hummed, but did not outwardly share the sentiment and somewhere in (Y/n)’s drunk brain she had the sense to be a bit embarrassed. What a wonderful first impression she had made, laying on the side of the road, drunk off her ass.
“I swear this is not normal behavior for me, you just caught me at a really bad time.”
“I’m not judging you, we all deal with grief in our own ways.” Shinobu told her.
“Based on the puffiness around your eyes and the way the moon catches on your cheeks, how sore your voice sounds, you have been crying a lot, haven’t you?” She clinically deduced.
Grief… that would be an apt way to describe what (Y/n) had been feeling since her adoptive father had been killed, since everything she thought she knew about her family had crumbled in his absence. How Akira was spiraling in the name of revenge. How heavy and constricting the ink engraved upon her back felt as the days dragged on. How quickly things had changed.
Shinobu led her to an incredible mansion that she couldn’t help but gawk at. The inside was just as impressive. She had half the mind to ask Shinobu if she was a noblewoman, but by the time she had recovered enough to ask, she had already been led to a guest room.
“Drink this water and then rest. I will see you in the morning.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Shinobu gave a short nod and smiled before closing the door.
(Y/n) staggered into the cot and fell into a sleep like death mere moments later.
The next morning, almost afternoon, actually, (Y/n) awoke with a brain splitting pain. She could hear whispering around her, but they might as well have been screaming. She groaned pitifully and weakly attempted to shield her eyes from the sun.
“Oh! She’s waking up.”
“Is Shinobu-sama’s medicine ready?”
“I have it right here. Excuse me… Can you sit up please? We have medicine for your headache.”
(Y/n) grunted, slowly sitting up and then putting her head in her hands. Her head was swimming and she immediately wanted to lay back down, but a cup of sludgy looking medicine was soon put under her nose.
“Make sure to drink it all.”
“The smell may be off-putting, but it works really well.”
“Once you get some food and water in you, you’ll feel a lot better.”
Beyond the smelly hangover cure, (Y/n) could smell something good enough to make her mouth water. With great resolve, she downed the medicine and suppressed a gag, finally looking up at the three young girls working around her.
“Thanks,” she sighed, “sorry, I’m normally not such a mess.”
“Shinobu-sama said you were going through a difficult time. We aren’t judging.” The girl with pink butterfly clips promised.
“Here,” the girl with pigtails offered her a generous tray of food, “eat up.”
“You’ll feel better in no time.” The girl with braided hair smiled.
“Thank you all so much, really. This is fantastic.” (Y/n) said between bites.
“We will be sure to let Aoi-san know you enjoyed her cooking.” The girls beamed.
As (Y/n) ate, she chatted with the girls, learning all about the Butterfly Estate and all of its inhabitants. She also learned about the mansion’s purpose, to provide shelter and care to the injured. After her meal had settled, (Y/n) felt almost normal. There was still a bit of a dull throbbing in her skull every once in awhile, but given how much she drank the night before, it was amazing how much good that medicine did for her. She didn’t want to go back to her reality. She wished she didn’t have to leave this oasis.
“So, where is Shinobu now? I wanted to thank her before I left.” (Y/n) asked once she helped the girls clean and prepare the room for any new guests that may need it.
“Oh, she had something come up earlier this morning so she couldn’t come by to check on you herself.” Kiyo explained.
“She probably won’t be back until much later in the evening.” Sumi nodded.
“But we will make sure to let her know when she comes back.” Naho promised.
(Y/n)’s shoulders slumped slightly with disappointment. She had made such a poor first impression, she was hoping to end on a good note at least. There was also the fact that every moment (Y/n) was here, was another moment away from facing her reality. Maybe she could stall just a little bit longer.
“I’d really like to tell her myself… ah! What if I helped you guys with your work until she gets back? Would that be alright? Then I could really show my gratitude to you all.”
The girls gave it a little thought, but saw no harm in getting a little extra help for the day, so they happily agreed. (Y/n) spent the rest of the day sweeping, dusting and washing bedding. She was a little clumsy, and bit too rough and almost ripped the sheets she was scrubbing, but she got the hang of it. It was a lot different from the work her adoptive father would give her.
As she worked, she found out there was more to this infirmary than met the eye. She learned about demon slayers and was fascinated by their cause. It all seemed so noble to her, risking their lives to save unaware people like her from demons who roamed the night. She owed Shinobu more than she knew for last night.
When Shinobu came home around dinner time, she was surprised to see her guest was still there and even more surprised when said guest fell to her knees before her, thanking her so thoroughly for her good deed. Stunned, she blinked slowly then worked her mildly surprised expression back into a kind, yet reserved smile.
“Oh my, you are much more chipper than you were last night. Thank you very much, but please stand, there is no need for any of that.”
(Y/n) stood, but let it be known how much Shinobu deserved every second of praise and appreciation. She bowed again, but only at the waist. It was at that point the younger girls decided to chime in, telling Shinobu about all the tasks (Y/n) had helped them with during the day, so of course Shinobu offered to let her stay for dinner as well, and since the sky was darkening, she invited her to stay another night. Before they knew it, an extra night became two, then three, then—
(Y/n) was running out of time. Her week was almost up, just one more day. She had a decision to make, and she wasn’t sure why it had taken her so long to get to this point, as there was only one correct course of action.
Early that morning, she leapt out of bed to make the treck back to the city. She would come back, of course. She promised Shinobu she would fix all of the clunky sliding doors around the mansion today. She silently thanked the stars for the millionth time that she crossed paths, er, fell into the path of such an extraordinary woman. She was going to follow Shinobu’s example and live a life she could be proud of, a life her adoptive father would have been proud of.
“You’re up early.”
(Y/n) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Shinobu call to her from the engawa, a cup of tea in hand.
“When I told you the doors could wait until the morning, I didn’t mean dawn.” She teased.
“Ah, right, but I’m actually heading to the city. I have some affairs to get in order, but I promise I’ll take care of those doors as soon as I get back.”
“Is that so? Well then, safe travels. Be back before nightfall and stay away from any alcohol while you’re out.”
“I’m telling you that was a one time thing!” (Y/n) said in an exasperated tone.
Shinobu chuckled and (Y/n) smiled despite the jab.
“I’ll be back later in the afternoon, try not to work too hard!” (Y/n) sent Shinobu a wave, then bounded off of the engawa and left the estate grounds.
When she made it to the city, she kept a low profile, staking out a certain home as she had earlier in the week. At this time, the man who had killed her adoptive father with his cowardice and big mouth was busy at his day job while his wife took care of the children at home.
She took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. When the wife answered, (Y/n) asked to come inside and explained all that her shady husband had been up to and why it was important for her to take her kids and leave the city as soon as possible.
(Y/n) expected to have to persuade the woman further, force her out the door if necessary, but it seemed she already had her suspicions about her husband’s strange behavior. Hearing gossip about people seeing him in the Red Light District, and him claiming they had barely enough money to make ends meet despite the large amount of money she had found hidden away in the back of one of his drawers. She had been waiting for answers before doing anything rash, but (Y/n) provided her the last bit of incentive she needed to skip town with her kids and take her unfaithful husband’s money with her. Her parents still lived in a little known mountain village a couple weeks journey from the city, they would go there.
(Y/n) helped the woman and her children pack up their most precious belongings and got them a ride that would take them to the city limits where a carriage would be awaiting them next. When (Y/n) saw their car disappear around the corner, she left the crowded city herself, finally allowing herself to really breathe for the first time all week. There was no turning back, but that was fine. She felt so much lighter.
She couldn’t risk showing her face around town any more than she already had today. It wouldn’t take long before her betrayal was discovered and Akira would send the clan after her. What her punishment would be, she was not sure. However, under Akira’s harsh leadership, she was sure it would not be pleasant.
She stomped down the anxiety fluttering within her. She was on a better path now. No more shady shit, she wanted to put her strength to good use. She was going to ask Shinobu about becoming a demon slayer once she returned to the mansion. When she got back and took care of the doors like she promised she would, she did just that and asked Shinobu about becoming a demon slayer. Shinobu didn’t seem surprised by (Y/n)’s interest, but she did try to dissuade her from taking that path. However, with passion and persistence, she did finally manage to get Shinobu to give in and introduce her to a cultivator.
“But… I thought you were going to teach me.” (Y/n) had sheepishly admitted when Shinobu dropped her off on the first day.
“To start all the way at the beginning with the fundamentals of proper swordsmanship and Water Breathing would be… how can I say this kindly… tedious and not worth my time.” She answered with a mischievous smile.
“That didn’t sound kind at all!”
“I’ll tell you what, you do well, and I’ll give you a supplemental lesson here and there.”
“I’ll hold you to it!”
And in the next few months, (Y/n) learned a lot. When the time for the next Final Selection came around, she would be well prepared. Between what the Water Breathing cultivator taught her and what Shinobu refined with her own expertise, she felt confident in what she could accomplish. Maybe a little too confident.
“Can I come with you this time?” (Y/n) asked hopefully as Shinobu packed a light bag of supplies for her mission.
“I will tell you what I always have. You haven’t passed Final Selection yet. It would be unwise to bring you along.” Shinobu said, snapping her small medical kit shut. “I mean no offense when I say this, but I don’t want to have to worry about you while I have to focus on doing my job.”
Shinobu gave (Y/n) a smile that was paired with a look she knew all too well at this point. The ‘I’ll leave you in charge of all the most annoying chores while I’m gone if you keep this up’ look. (Y/n) pouted.
“I don’t get it! Why can’t we have supervised missions? Don’t you think it’s a little extreme to go from training without seeing a single demon, to a several nights of fighting them alone in the woods? I trust that everyone is doing their best to prepare me, but it would still be helpful to see what I’ll be up against in the future.”
Shinobu considered this as she checked over the experiments scattered around her lab one last time. It was a fair point. People tended to either go in with too much confidence or went in terrified over what to expect. Many fledglings had been killed by getting stuck in their heads and forgetting all they had been taught.
She would hate for (Y/n) to meet the same fate.
“Very well,” she sighed, “you may come, but,” she pointed her finger towards (Y/n) in warning, “you are only to observe from a distance. Do not attempt to engage unless absolutely necessary. If you go against me, I will make sure that you will never be cleared for final selection. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes! I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise!” (Y/n) eagerly held out her pinky and Shinobu sighed again inwardly before hooking their pinkies together.
Hopefully she wouldn’t regret this decision. It was getting harder and harder for her to deny (Y/n) anything. Despite the undesirable first impression and how rough she appeared around the edges, (Y/n) was a true sweetheart. She had a very abrupt introduction to the mansion, but quickly became another familiar friendly face within its walls. It would be devastating to see her life cut short.
“So, where are we going?” (Y/n) grinned excitedly and Shinobu couldn’t help but smile as well.
“A village to the southeast.”
Everything had gone smoothly until it hadn’t.
Shinobu had left a small trail of poisoned demons in her wake, (Y/n) safely observing and cheering her on at a distance, until two other demons had snuck up on them both. While Shinobu was busy taking care of one demon, (Y/n) had to defend herself against the other. Shinobu had lent her a Nichirin Sword for just such an occasion, but (Y/n) was having a hard time reading the demon’s erratic movements and had been slashed half a dozen times across her arms, legs and back before she finally managed to behead the thing. It hadn’t been very clean, but she gave a triumphant, albeit breathless shout of victory.
She had then turned to Shinobu, excited to she her reaction to her hard fought kill, but that fire died immediately when she saw how angry Shinobu looked as she strode towards her, the last demon melting into a pile of goo behind her.
Instantly (Y/n) felt the need to be defensive. “You- you said I could defend myself if I absolutely had to! Everything’s fine, right?”
“Everything is not fine!” Shinobu dropped to her knees beside her and opened her medkit, “You are covered in wounds! If you had a uniform, you wouldn’t be hurt half as badly. You might even get an infection on top of all of this. I shouldn’t have let you come.”
“Hey, none of this is your fault. That demon scratched me all up, not you.“
“You wouldn’t have gotten hurt, if I had left you at home.” She restated stubbornly. “Now show me your wounds, the sooner I clean and wrap them, the sooner we can get home so I can give you proper aid.”
(Y/n) let Shinobu clean and wrap her calves and arms, but when Shinobu began peeling back her clothes to try to work on her back, (Y/n) froze.
She had been rather vague with Shinobu about her past. How could she tell Shinobu she had been raised in a criminal syndicate that took a turn from admittedly kind of in a grey area, to definitely irreprehensible? That the night Shinobu met her, she was trying to gear herself up to kill an innocent woman and her children? No, she couldn’t. She could only imagine the disgust Shinobu would feel, the betrayal. (Y/n) suddenly felt ill.
“What is it, what’s wrong?” Shinobu asked. She tried to peel (Y/n)’s clothes from her back quicker, worried she was having some kind of reaction to the demon’s attack.
(Y/n) tried to pull her clothes back up over her shoulders, but Shinobu was faster, a quiet gasp that felt deafening in (Y/n)’s ears left Shinobu’s lips as the spiraling dragon tattoo was revealed. The blood seeping from the gashes across (Y/n)’s back making it look even more ferocious.
“When did you get this done?” Shinobu lightly poked her shoulder blade, the dragon’s snoot.
“A few years ago.” (Y/n) mumbled, pressing her palms together.
“Why haven’t you told me about this before?”
A weak hum and a shrug of the shoulders.
“You know,” Shinobu traced the coils, making (Y/n) shiver, “I have heard about a group of criminals that bear similar tattoos…”
(Y/n) broke down and told Shinobu everything about her up-brining from when her parents had gone out on a routine fishing trip and didn’t come back, up until the night they met, now months in the past.
“I understand if you don’t want me around anymore. I’ll—ah!”
Apparently Shinobu had been treating her back throughout her tale, as made evident by the sudden tightness of the bandages around her torso.
“That’s just foolish. Do you think I’m afraid of a little ink? Do you think I would ever be afraid of you, (Y/n)? Let’s think logically here.”
Shinobu proceeded to verbally beat some sense into (Y/n)’s brain. Reminding her of all the good she had done in the last few months.
“There is no better place for you than the Butterfly Estate. It’s a much better fit. Isn’t that right?”
Before (Y/n) could collect herself enough to respond, she felt Shinobu pinch her skin lower on her shoulder blade.
“Yes, you are so very wise Shinobu.”
“Why thank you.“
(Y/n) blinked, turmoil somewhat pushed aside for the moment. “Are you… pinching my skin to make it look like my tattoo is talking?”
“I’ve patched you up as best I can here. Get dressed, it’s time to go home.”
“Hey, don’t ignore me!” (Y/n) fumbled with her clothes then stumbled to her feet to catch up with Shinobu.
It was a little awkward on (Y/n)’s part as they walked back to the mansion, but once the fact that Shinobu still liked her caught up to her, the conversation became more natural and by the time they returned to the mansion and Shinobu completed the finishing touches to (Y/n)’s care, (Y/n) felt a familiar weightlessness and with Shinobu’s teasing pokes, the tattoo on her back didn’t feel as heavy and constricting anymore.
In the following weeks of recovery, (Y/n) and Shinobu grew quite a bit closer and many residents of the mansion took notice. The touches that were a couple beats too long when they passed the other something, the lingering looks, and most damning was how Shinobu would put off some of her work to join (Y/n) for a meal or a chat and a walk around the garden, knuckles brushing as they went. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel hopeful that Shinobu might want to change the nature of their relationship as well.
On this lovely summer day, she was prepared to share her feelings, for better or for worse. She had already planned a little outing that Shinobu agreed to join her on. Nothing too grand, just a sweet little picnic in the woods near the mansion. It was pretty much a date already. She had woken extra early that morning with the intent of getting everything in order before they left, but when she walked past her window, something on the sill outside caught her eye. A letter.
She opened the window and took the letter and wasted no time in opening it. The curiosity she had felt chilled into a heavy feeling of dread.
Traitorous coward, the letter read, If you have any ounce of honor within you, you will come to the cemetery and accept your punishment for deserting the family, or we will burn this mansion and everyone in it to ash.
There was no sign off, but (Y/n) didn’t need one to know it was Akira. She let the letter flutter to the ground and jumped out of the window so as not to be caught running down the halls. This was her mess to deal with. She would not allow anyone to be hurt because of her.
Part of her was hopeful she and Akira could talk it out, but she knew that wasn’t going to be very likely. Whatever happened today would be the final wedge between them.
She went to the cemetery and walked to the very last row. Though it was not specified, she had a feeling she’d find him near his father’s grave.
“There you are.” Though she expected it, (Y/n) stiffened at Akira’s icy tone. “Look who left her comfy new castle to finally face the consequences.”
“No, you are no sibling of mine. Not by blood nor bond.” Akira sneered, “I trusted you to do the right thing for this family. You’d think after taking you in, you’d have a sense of duty to avenge the man who took you off the streets and put food in your mouth.”
(Y/n) stood a bit taller, holding her head high, “I don’t regret letting them go. They did nothing wrong. I heard all about how you got your man in the end. That was all that needed to be done. It’s over.”
“Not until they’re all dead.” He growled, then sighed. “Here is how this is going to work. You tell me where they ran off to, or you will pay dearly.”
“I won’t tell you anything.” She declared almost talking over him with how quickly she replied.
“Oh, trust me,” he glared, “you will.”
People (Y/n) once considered family and friends had quietly surrounded them as they talked. And now were charging at her with the intent to harm. She managed to hold them off for a time, even incapacitated some after all the training she had done to become a demon slayer thus far, but between being outnumbered and her wounds still relatively fresh, she was beaten to the ground and held there at knifepoint barely able to breathe with the combined weight on top of her back.
“Start with the fingers.” Akira ordered cooly. “If she manages to hold out, we’ll move on to the toes. But before all of this is done we also have to take that tattoo back as well. Try to be as delicate as possible. I want to dry it out and hang it on my wall. My father always said it was one of his favorite works.”
“Stop!” (Y/n) squirmed beneath the weight, struggling to pry her wrist out of one of the many grabby hands. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth tightly, anticipating the first slice, but then she felt some of the weight get yanked away and her eyes shot open, craning her head back, she was surprised to see that the Calvary had arrived.
Inosuke cackled and crowed as he swiftly kicked outward like a hurricane, Kanao weaved behind thugs and struck them in their weak points, toppling them. Tanjirou delivered a few swift headbutts and even Zenitsu, though screaming, came through as well. Last but not least, Shinobu floated gracefully to the ground behind (Y/n), her smile too sharp and her eyes to dark to be considered kind. Her gaze was trained on Akira, challenging him.
“My home is filled with an array of trained fighters at all hours of the day, and our allies are many. You had best cut your loses and move on with your miserable life.”
Akira ground his teeth together and his eyes flickered all around him to see just how overpowered he was despite how small the opposing group was in comparison. He determined his clan was no match and called back his gang to retreat, but not before giving (Y/n) one last hateful glare.
While Inosuke cheered and cackled wildly around them, Shinobu dropped to the ground beside (Y/n) to check her over.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Show me.”
“I’m alright, you guys got here just in time. How did you know where to find me?”
“I believe we had a date planned for today.” Shinobu reminded with just the tiniest hint of attitude. “I went to your room, saw the letter on the floor and rallied the troops. If something like this ever happens again, you better tell me instead of running off by yourself. We are stronger together.”
Now, Shinobu had a lot to say just then, but (Y/n) was still fixated on the first line. A date. She saw the outing to ask if she wanted to date as a date in and of itself!
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Shinobu asked, tilting (Y/n)’s head in her hands, “Are you concussed?”
“No! I mean, I don’t think I am, I just, you just—“
“Yes?” Shinobu coaxed with just a touch of impatience. If there was something wrong, she wanted to know about it as soon as possible.
“You-me-we-us— date?!”
Shinobu laughed, it was a little more unrestrained than her usual chuckles and it made (Y/n)’s heart palpitate.
“Yes, is that not what this outings was supposed to be?”
“Well,” she flustered, “technically no. It was supposed to be like a pre-date to ask if you would like to date… it sounds kinda silly when I say it out loud but—“
Shinobu then sighed and rested her forehead against (Y/n)’s. “I think it’s cute. But we can just start dating now. I think we’ve beaten around the bush for long enough.”
“Y-yeah? Okay.” A smile spread across (Y/n)’s face. “Awesome.”
Shinobu took (Y/n)’s hands in her own and placed a quick kiss on her cheek before helping her to her feet.
“Why are you stumbling around like you’re drunk?” Shinobu asked, finding it difficult to keep (Y/n) upright. “Perhaps I should check your pupils again.”
“No, no, I’m good! Great, even! A goddess just kissed my cheek!” (Y/n) beamed, hooking her arms around Shinobu’s shoulders.
“Don’t make me change my mind.” Shinobu warned, a light blush dusting her cheeks.
On the tail end of the sweetness of the moment, Inosuke butted between them to tell Shinobu how hungry he was despite Tanjirou, Kanao and Zenitsu’s best efforts to keep him back. Shinobu chuckled and nodded in understanding. They all marched back to the mansion and enjoyed a hearty breakfast together with the rest of the Butterfly girls, (Y/n) and Shinobu sitting hip to hip during the whole lively affair.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 days
Hi and Could you do still do Pokemon Request? (Male) Empoleon with a (Fem) Quaquaval S/o?
The Empoleon has trainer since he was a Piplup and has a spoiled brat but mature & smart leader and Quaquaval is wild and she's adopted/raised by a group of Swannas & duckletts since young and the leader of Swanna is the brother of Quaquaval & his a protective to the group and Quaquaval
I’m going to try my best with this!
-It never bothered you, at least until you evolved, that you were so much taller than your family, the Swanna and Ducklett that had adopted you all those years ago.
-When you first evolved you felt so self-conscious, being so tall, but your family still loved you, including your brother, a Swanna, who was the leader of your flock- your family. You felt like you stood out too much, but you soon learned that your height had it’s perks as you were able to keep watch, being much like your brother and keeping your family safe.
-As time went on your self-consciousness faded as you knew that this was a gift, one that you were happy to share in tending to your family.
-Your family lived in a Pokemon conservation area, where it was illegal to capture the wild Pokemon that lived there, but most who visited were people like photographers and researchers.
-You had been lounging on a large rock, enjoying the warm sunshine when you heard a human call out, “Look Empoleon- so many Swanna and Ducklett!” you sat up a bit, seeing an older human, holding what looked to be painting supplies, but beside him was a rather cranky looking Empoleon, like he didn’t want to be here.
-Your brother had seen you moved and followed your gaze, seeing the human and the penguin Pokemon, but they weren’t doing anything bad, as the human set up a blanket for the Empoleon to sit on before setting up his easel to paint.
-You heard the younger Ducklett calling out, wanting to go see this human, wanting to know what he was doing and went over, calling out to the human who just smiled, taking pictures, thinking they were cute.
-When the Empoleon called out, yelling at them, telling them to get lost, they were quickly crying, running for cover.
-Your brother went to move but you were faster, quickly on your feat and you leapt up, landing between the Ducklett and the Empoleon as the two outsiders looked surprised by your sudden appearance as you glared down at the Empoleon, “Don’t be rude to kids!”
-The Ducklett all called out, rushing to you as you turned, kneeling down, soothing them as your brother was quick to approach, checking on the babies.
-The trainer turned to his Empoleon with a smile on his face and humor in his tone, “Looks like they came to the rescue of the little ones. You’ve gotta be nicer.”
-The Empoleon turned, scoffing, muttering that weaklings like you all weren’t worth his time. You turned, standing up to your full height, coming over, “What was that, short stuff?” He turned, looking at you and his eyes twitched, realizing he was indeed shorter than you, much to his annoyance.
-The trainer pulled out his Pokedex, which told him about you, “Quaquaval- what an interesting name, but it’s so elegant- so beautiful!” Empoleon rolled his eyes at his artistic trainer, seeing him getting the spark in his eyes as he got to work.
-Empoleon tried to shoo you away, “You’re not worth my time either- off the blanket you ruffian.” You smirked down at him, “Sure thing- you pampered softy.” He turned to you in shock, hearing you bite back as your brother ushered the children back into the water, sensing an incoming fight.
-The two of you were quickly arguing, Empoleon trying to chest up, saying he was way stronger than you were, and his trainer was panicking, seeing the incoming fight and he ran to grab his partner, but he tripped and sent Empoleon into you, knocking the both of you down.
-You cried out as you went down hard, with Empoleon landing between your legs, his head landing on the plumage around your chest over your heart, shouting out in anger at being knocked down. However, when he looked at you he instantly froze, seeing the position you two were in and seeing your face bright red as you called out like a pure maiden, easily kicking him off with a powerful kick before you ran for the water to your brother.
-Empoleon was conflicted, you had a rude mouth and attitude, but seeing you react so femininely- so cutely, he was confused at the feeling in his chest as his trainer helped him up.
-The trainer had seen what he had caused, seeing you rush off so suddenly, apologizing to his partner who was pouting lightly before he came to the water, seeing you hiding a bit, “Sorry about that Quaquaval!”
-You were surprised, as was your brother, seeing the human being so caring, before he returned to the blanket and started to paint while you clung to your brother, who was making sure that you were okay, other than just embarrassed.
-It was strange, you felt an odd connection to this rude Empoleon, you’re not sure why, as he had done nothing but irritate you since he first arrived. Your brother told you how Swanna mated for life, but you weren’t a Swanna, but Empoleon wasn’t one either, but your brother could see the look on your face, realizing that you had a connection with this penguin Pokemon.
-Your brother told you that sometimes there would be partings in life, and perhaps this was the time that you would part from your family. You didn’t like this idea, but your brother hugged you with his long neck, “You will always be my sister, no matter what- no matter how far apart we are. And you know where you can find us.”
-You said your goodbyes to your family, making the decision and you approached the trainer as he was packing up, making him look up with a smile, “There you are! Are you okay?”
-You reached out, your hands grabbing onto his hand, surprising him as you called out softly and he seemed surprised, realizing what you were saying, before you turned to the Empoleon, “Hey prissy-pants- I’m coming with you!”
-Empoleon was shocked, you could see it in his face, but he turned, trying to hide the fact he was happy, “Great- another loudmouth I have to look after!”
-Once off the reserve, as you went on your own accord, he captured you, but you quickly popped back out, to walk beside your new trainer, cuddling up to him, being overly affectionate which surprised him, but Empoleon was jealous, not wanting you to muscle in on his turf as that was ‘his’ trainer.
-He yelled at you, telling you to back off and you turned, coming over to cup his cheeks, teasing him again, “Don’t worry- I have plenty of love to go around~~” your trainer laughed as Empoleon chased you, having a hard time to keep up as you had longer legs- knowing that you were going to be a good fit with him and Empoleon.
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rouecentric · 2 years
me and my mootie tooties bundle 🥰 +acuriousmoon bc idk if we're mutuals or not
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@that-one-pretty-bitch: roxana agriche, aria roscente, lisa(gi), medea solon, mobius, jade leech
@d10nsaint: kim dokja, yoo joonghyuk, kaeya alberich, floyd leech, raiden mei, jamil viper
@spadecentral: ace+deuce(twst), rudbeckia von omerta, theresa apocolypse, cater diamond
@lady-navier0357: navier ellie trovi, seele vollerei, fu hua, azul ashengrotto
@sidra-29: scaramouche, griseo, durandal, trey clover
@acuriousmoon: yoo sangah, melissa podebrat, cayena hill, rita rosweisse
@xphantasmagoriax: han sooyoung, bronya zaychik, hilise inoaden, silver(twst)
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mom: @that-one-pretty-bitch, @lady-navier0357, @acuriousmoon
dad: @d10nsaint
child: @sidra-29 @spadecentral
gay emo cousin: @xphantasmagoriax
aunt you only see in reunions: @rouecentric
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@acuriousmoon, @that-one-pretty-bitch, @d10nsaint, @lady-navier0357, @sidra-29, @xphantasmagoriax, @rouecentric
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@acuriousmoon —
radiates mom energy, probably gives good hugs. definitely the type to get someone she's close with to rest if they're overworking themselves. tired mom with gen z children
@spadecentral —
the type to rope you into doing dumb shit like being discord kittens or sm. hyper yet sweet, probably would make delicious desserts. lowkey would hype up their friends when they're in a fight
@that-one-pretty-bitch —
the moment you befriend her she becomes your personal hype woman, literally. she lowkey would judge you if you introduced your s/o and they were not high in the looks department. the type of person you'd go to if you needed a confidence booster.
@d10nsaint —
that one older cousin that's the favorite but is only seen in family reunions. absolutely would fangirl with you when it comes to simping. the type to burn the whole kitchen down while trying to make you breakfast while you were sleeping.
@sidra-29 —
that one judgmental friend that will always disapprove of your s/o. one of the only people i would trust not to burn the kitchen down. that one friend that puts the chaotic and lowkey batshit crazy friends on a leash.
@lady-navier0357 —
that one extroverted friend that adopts introverts. extremely supportive and kind to anyone she meets tbh. her+her boyfriend are couple goals, i approve. lowkey the type to keep her friends away from doing dumb shit.
@xphantasmagoriax —
that one friend who is either high 24/7, or doing some shit while roping others into it. the main cause of brainrots, hyper active golden retriever energy tbh. would randomly send a cursed tik tok at 3 am and the two of you would start to have a debate if alligators give birth or lay eggs.
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@acuriousmoon: if you got arrested what would be the charges?
@d10nsaint: theft.
@spadecentral: disturbing the peace.
@xphantasmagoriax: arson.
@rouecentric: all of the above, probably in that order.
@sidra-29, to the tune of "the final countdown": it's a mental breakdown!
@spadecentral: *playing kazoo in the background*
@rouecentric: what do you call two witches sharing an apartment?
@lady-navier0357: boom-mates!
@xphantasmagoriax: (simultaneously) lesbians!
@d10nsaint: should i go big or go home?
@acuriousmoon: i'm begging you, for once in your life, go home, please. just this once. go home.
@d10nsaint: i'm going big.
@spadecentral, in a high pitched voice, holding barbie: hey, ken! i was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
@rouecentric, in a low pitched voice, holding ken: nonesense, barbie. you're staying home and having my kids.
@sidra-29: what the fuck are you guys doing?
@d10nsaint: *kicks down door, looking disheveled*
@acuriousmoon: what happened?
@d10nsaint: nobody died.
@acuriousmoon: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
@rouecentric: i am socially awkward, and have no idea how to romance-
d10nsaint: fear not! for it is i-
sidra-29, walking by: the least qualified person to help.
acuriousmoon: you're not talking any sense into xphantasmgoriax, you're just cheering them on to disaster.
that-one-pretty-bitch: do not question my way of parenting.
rouecentric: i printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit.
lady-navier0357: roue, isn't that illegal?
spadecentral: when the cops aren't around, anything's legal!
that-one-pretty-bitch: i have a problem.
xphantasmgoriax: if it's harder than 2+2, then i can't help.
rouecentric: love is dead. it never even existed. love is worthless and everything is awful. i have been utterly betrayed.
acuriousmoon: ...is everything okay?
rouecentric: ria ate the last M&Ms.
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If you think that I'm lame for liking Lego Ninjago then fuck you <3
Many people have probably said this but idc I wanted to say it too
Fuck Harumi because that woman -girl?- has NO brains whatsoever.
"i WaNt YoU tO fEeL wHaT i FeLt"
Lemme just
Lloyd, mkay.
Dad was banned to the underworld when he was a baby.
Mom ABANDONED him at some evil ass school (VOLUNTARILY!!! Unlike your parents who didn't have much of a choice. That woman could've just kept him with her but nOoOo)
Dad comes back for a short while, leaves again.
Dad gets de-evilised (if ykyk), then sacrifices himself and d i e s.
Meets his dad again in the Realm of the Departed(I think that was the name), Lloyd has to leave him behind.
Dad is brought back to life by the bitch claiming that Lloyd doesn't know what it's like to have no parents, but is basically a soulless bastard who doesn't care about his son (which the old old Garmadon did, you know, the evil but still a decent parental figure Garmadon).
And then we haven't even talked about the immense TRAUMA Lloyd definetly had from all those villains.
Not to mention the uncle that could've checked up on him, seen that he was in a bad living situation and taken him in but DIDN'T until he was useful (as the green ninja).
And all his adopted siblings that first gave him a small bit of trauma (they really shouldn't've hung him there but all is forgiven), and then took care of him. Only for them to sacrifice themselves. (Mainly looking at y o u, Zane)
Harumi. Be happy that you know that your parents loved you, and that they would do anything to keep you safe. You had more than Lloyd ever had. Not to mention that your adopted family didn't have to get themselves in danger or sacrifice themselves on a daily basis.
And we could also talk about the other ninja but let's do that another time, shall we?
Dumb bitch.
I greatly dislike Harumi and I hope that she and Lloyd don't get together, ever again even if she had some redemption thingy going on in Crystalized.
If she gets redeemed, they can be friends at best. But please don't have them dating or anything like that.
Either have Lloyd single and living the best life with all his adopted family members and friends or have him dating someone that won't betray him. My baby deserves all the love in the world <3
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pyxisfelixhaven · 1 year
ffxivwrite2023 #15 ;; p o r t e n t o u s
The sort of questions Pyxis usually answered were time sensitive. 
Where are we going next? What should we do now? What do you think should happen here? Can you help us?
Around a campfire, these questions were forgotten about. Under the vast stretches of clear, moonlight skies, there were times of reflection. Getting to know their companions, and for them to understand her better in turn. It was hard to keep everything under lock and key when the Echo could pull out pieces of people’s past that defined them, made them who they were. The others didn’t have this privilege - this boon - and at first it was a source of worry.
Of course people didn’t like being pried into without warning. To relive through memories they hadn’t seen in such clarity since the moments it happened, to re-experience emotions they thought they had already reconciled with. So to be able to barge into people’s hearts without reciprocating unnerved the Au Ra. Would they hate her? Close up further, to not reveal any further weaknesses?
Some did. No matter what walls may have been in the process of crumbling away, they came back up stronger than ever before. No matter what apologies, what platitudes may have passed Pyxis’ lips, there was always going to be something sealed away.
“Felixhaven isn’t my family name,” they uttered into the still midnight air, watching wisps of the words dissipate above the warmth of the fire.
“Oh?” Their silver haired companion raised an eyebrow, pushing herself up onto elbows to look up at Pyxis. There had been silence between the pair for nearly a full bell by now, but neither seemed to be close to sleeping; instead keeping watch over the crackling fire, adding more pieces of tinder here and there rather than allowing it to die down.
“I don’t think anyone has ever questioned it before,” Pyxis continued, pulling legs close to their chest and resting her head atop chilled knees. “At least, not out loud.”
“No-one brave enough to ask, I suppose,” Alisaie chuckled. She sat up completely now, one arm bracing the elbow of the other as it stretched upwards, though no yawn passed her lips. “Though, if you are bringing it up… It is unlike any other Auri names I have encountered in our travels. I guess we all assumed it was just the same name as your adoptive parents.”
“Assumptions are dangerous,” Pyxis laughed softly, their tail slithering a little faster on the ground behind them. “It’s also never really been of importance either. We have never been barred entry due to it, nor has anyone come forward to declare themselves an enemy of the Felixhaven clan. Well, seeing as the ‘clan’ consists of just myself, I suppose people have in a roundabout way.”
“A name you picked out for yourself then?” Alisaie asked, crossing her legs and leaning forward a little. Genuinely interested, it appeared. It put Pyxis’ worries at ease to see her so, nodding at her query.
“Before the Calamity, as you are all aware by now, I lived in Mor Dhona with my parents,” Pyxis began, pulling their legs a little tighter to them. “But there was someone else whom I owe a great debt to.”
“And see that small bundle of three bright spots there?” A tall Elezen man pointed up into the dark heavens, a slender finger tracing a triangle of stars. Pale green eyes looked down to watch the young Au Ra’s nodding figure brighten in anticipation of his next words. “That one is called… the Bomb!” He shouted suddenly, watching a young Pyxis gasp in surprise before bursting out into a fit of giggles.
“That’s not true, you have to have made that one up, Felix!” She laughed, tugging on the elderly man’s arm. “Come on, tell me the real name, I want to know!”“I promise you dearest, that is the true name,” he chuckled, reaching down to ruffle short locks of purple hair; earning himself a small pout in reply.
“But it’s so close to Llyymlaen, there’s no way she would stand for such a dangerous thing to be so close to her,” Pyxis muttered, pointing up to the base of the Arrow constellation. Following her finger, his large grin faded into a thin line, though lips remained upturned at their edges.
“You’re right,” Felix noted, taking a seat on the makeshift bench of a broken log with a quiet groan. “But if you look a little further to the left, you can see that it’s not threatening her. She has placed it at the foot of Ramuh, keeping him in check.”
“Ohh..!” Pyxis brightened again, turning around to face him once more. Her expression turned to worry as he coughed, laying a small hand on his knee. “Are you okay? Do you need my dad to come help?”
“Do not fret, little one,” he smiled, though another dull cough rattled in his lungs. “The cold night air is not as welcoming as it once was. Besides-”
“Pyxis!” A shout laced with both anguish and anger echoed into the clearing, causing her to freeze.
“My father was… not best pleased to see his child’s bed empty in the middle of the night again,” Pyxis grimaced, earning a stifled laugh from Alisaie. 
“A little more rebellious in your youth, I see,” the girl smirked, elbowing the Au Ra in jest. They had huddled a little closer together as Pyxis recounted a tale no-one had yet heard before, the fire no longer receiving any fuel and beginning to finally die down.
“I suppose you could call it rebellion,” Pyxis laughed, their cheeks colouring with a shade of awkwardness. “I just wanted to learn more about the stars, bedtime be damned.”
“So…” Alisaie started, the quiet laughter dying down between them. She was hesitant to ask, but if not now then the moment may have passed her by, unknowing when Pyxis would speak of this again - if ever. “What happened?”
Silence passed for a beat longer than it was comfortable, and Alisaie parted her lips to ask Pyxis to forgive her for the intrusion.
“He vanished,” they finally replied, eyes closed and knees covering the bottom half of her face. “I came to realise a few years too late that he hadn’t just gone on a journey without saying goodbye. He had died.”
“I’m sorry,” Alisaie offered her sympathy, placing a hand on the small of Pyxis’ back. If they had felt it, she couldn’t tell.
“He was old, and were I mature enough to recognise that, I may not have continued to disrupt his nights with my curiosity.”
Stretching out their legs, Alisaie moved to give Pyxis enough room to stand up. The fire had almost burned out now, embers still emitting a faint glow in the centre of ashen twigs. Raising a hand to the sky, a single finger traced a triangle between three bright stars.
“He wasn’t a vital member of the community, nor did he have family to mourn his passing. To my parents, he was a nuisance who kept stealing their adoptive child in the darkest of nights, offering apologies every time but never stopping.
“But to me, he was a place of respite. Someone who indulged in my endless questions about the stars, and what lay beyond them. No matter what, he welcomed me with open arms. And I wanted to commemorate that.”
“I bet your parents weren’t best pleased though,” Alisaie chuckled, standing up and letting eyes follow the path of Pyxis’ outstretched finger. They squinted a little at first, but widened once she too also saw the same constellation.
“I think that was my first true moment of rebellion,” Pyxis laughed, watching the stargazer beside her with a warmth in her chest. Perhaps this was how Felix felt every time their young self found a new group of stars for the first time. “But he indulged my childhood obsession, and probably saw that it was something more than just that.”
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ninadove · 2 years
For the recent ask game: Korra from TLOK!!
(Idk if you’ve seen it but I know you’ve seen ATLA so if you haven’t seen TLOK yet then let’s hear what you think about Uncle Iroh)
I have seen both series, so now you get to hear me rant about two fictional characters! Lucky you!
First impression:
Pretty girl. Muscles. Short hair. Queer.
Need I say more?
Impression now:
I love how much Korra grew throughout the series.
I’m sure many many Tumblr folks have expended on it in proper essays, but it’s refreshing to see that the writing team approached her as they would any protagonist, instead of treating her differently because of her gender ( which makes sense, in a world where cool warrior ladies like Kyoshi have been a thing since the beginning of time ) !
Favorite moment:
No surprise here, I’m going to say the ending. I knew about it beforehand and it is the reason I started watching the series in the first place.
Idea for a story:
I’d love to see more content about Baby Korra discovering her powers and her parents absolutely F R E A K I N G O U T about it! What little we saw of her at that age was so cute.
Unpopular opinion:
Not sure if this is an “unpopular” opinion, but the relationships between the Main Four were the weakest point of the show in my opinion.
I was extremely annoyed by the whole love triangle debacle, and even Korrasami felt a bit underdeveloped ( There were HUGE instances of flirting between the two in S1, and then they kinda… Paused… Until halfway through S4? ). That one is understandable, though - we all know the challenges of trying to sneak a queer storyline into a kids’ show.
Overall, I didn’t get the “found family” feel that made ATLA so great from Korra and the gang. I’ve heard good things about the comics, though, so I might get my hands on them someday!
Favorite relationship:
Despite what I just said, it is Korrasami, 100%.
I like that they didn’t let the love triangle ruin their friendship ( any negative feelings they had were directed either at Makko or themselves, rather than each other ) and how well they work together despite being so different.
And Korrasami did so much for queer representation in general. It might not seem like much when we look back on it now, but these girls really kicked the portal door open for all of the great stuff we’re getting today!
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Favorite headcanon:
Many people have created great art of Korrasami getting engaged using a Water Tribe betrothal necklace. I especially love scenarii in which Asami is the one to propose ( engaging in your partner’s cultural traditions because it’s important to them is a huge pro-gamer move in my book ) .
First impression:
A funny old man who might or might not be sabotaging Zuko’s efforts to find the Avatar on purpose. For his own good, of course.
Impression now:
A much more complex character than I originally expected. He’s great, obviously, but also imperfect, and I love him for that. More on that later.
Favorite moment:
Probably not a surprise either: the reunion with Zuko in the White Lotus camp. Cleared my skin and watered my crops.
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Idea for a story:
I’d like to see more fluff of Iroh in his later years, when he can reflect on how much Zuko has grown throughout the years. Maybe play with Izumi as well! Intimate character pieces are my favourite type of fics to read and write.
Unpopular opinion:
He’s not as perfect as the fandom makes him out to be… And that’s a good thing, actually!
I especially think he could have done more to protect the kids from Ozai ( we see him look away when Ozai burns Zuko’s face, and his whole attitude towards Azula, A LITERAL KID, makes me uneasy ). The complexity only makes him more compelling though, and I think we could all benefit from recognising that even good people make mistakes sometimes.
Favorite relationship:
Iroh and Zuko, obviously. I absolutely ADORE the adoptive father figure / troubled kid working through his trauma dynamic ( something something Professor Layton, something something Hershel and Clive ).
Favorite headcanon:
I really hope he got to meet Baby Iroh and understand how much of an impact he truly had on Zuko’s, and probably Izumi’s, lives.
I could also see him b*tching about his nephew with Mai over tea. If they can’t embarrass him a little, what’s the point?
Thank you for these @crestofshame!
For anyone interested, the ask game can be fond here.
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ofviolentdeath · 1 year
Grayson meets Harlow
Character(s): Grayson and Harlow Word Count: 1046
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It had been nearly a week since Harlow had shown up at the bar before his unknown father had stepped foot on the property. He had been warned that Grayson sort of came and went, tied to the whims of his job and not the best at keeping time.
Sure, it had given him a chance to settle into the place, but it had also given him far too much time to get up in his own head about the whole thing. The fear and worry that he wouldn't be wanted played heavily on his mind and he couldn't help but anxiously tap his fingers against the cool wood of the desk he was sitting at.
His only real comfort came in the form of privacy, the office quiet and cut off from the noise of the rest of the property and he was grateful Cord had said they could use it for their first meeting.
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Cord had called him saying he had had another kid show up on their doorstep and that he had been there a week already, asking when he planned on coming back home. Grayson knew he shouldn't be all that surprised, but he was, he always was. He hadn't asked questions, just dropped what he had been in the middle of and appeared in his own room, more than a little high.
Normally, he wouldn't bother with trying to sober himself up any, but he doubted it would make a great first impression if he went into things at a level that only Jezebel and Chayton had really seen.
By the time he slid into Cord's office and dropped down in the chair across from the boy, he was almost as close to sober as he could get, even if he did still feel a little floaty around the edges.
Harlow didn't know what he was expecting, but Grayson certainly wasn't it. His mom had said he had been charming, confident, but nothing about the man sitting before him screamed either of those things.
"Are...are you Grayson?" he asked after a moment, trying to reconcile the image in his head with the reality.
"Tha'd be me," he answered, offering a smile. "Guessin' ya'd be Harlow? Cord called 'n said ya were here lookin' fer me. Who's ya ma?"
While he wasn't the best at keeping track of things, the boy looked young enough that Grayson was fairly certain he should still be able to remember which of his hookups had resulted in the boy.
"Tani Beck?"
"Tani..." The demon trailed off for a moment and closed his eyes, muttering the name under his breath a few times before he was sure he had the right person. "Red wolf, ou' in Cali?"
Harlow nodded, a little surprised he remembered who she was given what he had been told around the bar about Grayson's less-than-stellar habits.
"She alrigh'? Don' usually go' the lo' o' ya showin' up less some'in' happens." As it stood, he could only think of three exceptions to that rule and he still wasn't sure he had been the right person to raise Jezebel or Chayton.
"Yeah, yeah, she's good. Got married when I was pretty young still, had a second kid with my stepdad. He's a good guy, Max. He pretty much adopted me." There was no anger in his words, just a quick rundown of his familial situation. He didn't want anyone to feel bad, especially since it had seemed like his dad hadn't known about him.
Grayson relaxed at that, relieved to know that his mother was not only good but that she had built a good family for herself and their son. The kid deserved stability and Grays had never been great at providing such things.
"Good. I remember yer ma, she's a good person an' she deserves a good life an' I'm glad she foun' someone tha' took ya inta their hear' as well."
There was no upset or jealousy from Grayson, just genuine happiness that his kid had a good life, even if he had not been a part of it.
Harlow fidgetted for a moment, trying to steady himself before deciding to just take the leap and ask the one question that had gnawed on him his entire life.
"If you'd known about me, would you have come back for me?"
There was a timidness in his tone, a level of fear that broke Grayson's heart. He hadn't thought about that when he had been told the boy had shown up looking for him and for answers.
"Yeah, I woulda. I'm sorry I di'n' know 'bou' ya, ya deserved more from me 'n ya go'," he answered, a sad smile playing over his lips. "Yer older sis'er woulda loved havin' ya 'roun'. She still would, hones'ly."
"How many siblings do I have?" He had been told about three, but he had opted out of meeting any of them until he met their dad first.
"Tha' I know of an' are still alive? Four. Vivian, she don' come 'roun' much, Jezebel, Chay'on, an' Ilias. Ilias is closer in age ta ya, I think," he listed off with a shrug. "An' then ya go' nieces an' nephews too."
He had almost expected to have more siblings than that, but the news of nieces and nephews was enough to make him pause. It was a lot to take in when he had grown up with such a small family unit.
"Lo' o 'em either live here or come 'roun' from time ta time, so don' be surprised ta mee' mos' o' 'em."
"So...so you don't mind me being here?" he asked, confronting the other fear that had been threatening to consume him entirely.
"Why woul' I have a problem wi' ya bein' here? My home is yer home, always. Woulda been from the star' had I known ya exis'ed. I wan' ya 'roun', Harlow. I wan' ya ta mee' the res' o' ya family an' yer ma 'n da' 'n sis'er are all welcome too," he assured, bothered that any kid of his would think for even a second that they weren't wanted.
"I don' make i' a habi' ta lie ta my kids, even the ones I di'n' raise. I mean wha' I say."
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hello. I was the one who asked for the bsd boys react to S/O with the “classic family” (protective dad, Welcoming mother, etc). I honestly have no idea about what I just wrote either lol. I never had a family like that before..married parents, having siblings and etc. So I just wanted to know what it was like LOL. my apologies if this made you weirded out.
Well less weirded out and more confused.
Whenever I think of a "classic" family I just think of an American family where the father drinks, the mother is in an unhappy marriage and does everything, the teen kids are rude and don't do anything around the house and the children all cry. Idk why but that's my depiction of a "classical" family.
I think most families have some problems of some kind. A perfect family doesn't exists and it never will, even when they show a "perfect" family on TV they are seen as weird (Adams family) or they aren't all that great (morel orel), maybe in kids TV there are families which seem to be "perfect" but that is kids television nothing there is real.
Being in an abusive or toxic family is normalised as well, you can go into a shop and find a shirt saying a daughter (who's probably like 1) is the property of the father, that isn't something people should do or say, people aren't other peoples' property and they shouldn't be treated as such.
People stay in loveless marriages and there are so many jokes about abusive marriages and people seeing nothing wrong with that, marriage was supposed to be an agreement between two people who love each other and who would love each other till the end of time, but those feelings of love eventually cam go away, and yes, divorce wasn't something people did and so they stayed in loveless marriages but now people can get divorced and kids/adolescent seeing the unhappy marriage jokes may think that is what marriage is.
Many people grow up with their parents not being in love and they grow up not knowing what love is or is supposed to look like since they never witnessed it. Other people's parents split up or get divorced, it affects everyone differently so there isn't anything I can say, but those parents can go and find someone else they love and it's a happy ending for all, the parents are with someone they love and the kids get stuff sometimes.
There are also one parents families, it is more difficult to take care of a child (or children) on your own but that doesn't mean it isn't doable.
Not having parents would come with some challenges but that doesn't mean you cannot get adopted by a nice family.
Fuck I wrote for way to long, this is all my opinion and if you might think differently then that is okay! :)
Have a great day.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
.:It’s Over:. -Part Two-
◇Three years ago◇
[.:♔:.] Cromwell took a hesitant step back as his master launched himself from his golden perch, and landed heavily before him. The gold around the pair shook, causing coins to slide down hillocks of wealth. Lord Alexander looked awful. He wasn’t grooming himself very well, as his normally lustrous mane of two-tone hair was limp and drenched over his brow. His scales were dull and dry looking.
He also looked as though he hadn’t slept much either.
Cromwell’s attention immediately went to the dragon lord’s claws, which had grown long, gnarled, and wickedly sharp. The butler’s fight or flight senses were screaming, and flight seem to be the victor.
Lord Alexander stood there, his breath heavy and deep, his tail flicking anxiously. Cromwell had never seen him this way before, not even at his most feral.
“I thought I told you not to come down here.” Alexander whispered softly, his gaze piercing and unfeeling.
“B-B-But sire, you’ve been down here for a whole m-month now. Your castle has been…devastated—I can’t control anyone anymore. No one will listen!” the butler quavered, backing away further. He needed to have as much distance as possible if the king rushed him. He was a large beast, but fast when he needed to be.
Cromwell couldn’t help but tremble, as a result affecting his shaking voice.
“Please my lord, our game is in shambles. I know what this is about….but…do you think Queen Vermin would want you to suffer the same demise as she has? Our player count is deathly low, please sire…”Cromwell pleaded, lacing his talons with one another. He wanted to bring the seething rage that he knew was riling up down, before this encounter could get ugly.
Lord Alexander would hear none of it, as he unleashed a loud and threatening roar at his butler, spittle flying from his maw. He took a heavy step forwards, overcome with emotion and terrifying wrath. The dragon lord was no stranger to just how angry and destructive he could get. And Cromwell felt in his code that he had made a dire mistake for mentioning the queen.
Cromwell continued to slowly back away, making sure his movement was not sudden in the slightest. Alexander was beyond the bloodlust he was famous for.
The butler then tilted his head to look toward the spot where Silver’s rotting head rested, then back to his enraged king. His voice small, and horse with fear. “But what did…did Silver do to deserve her death….s-sire…”
Lord Alexander knew the laws of the virtual realm, and as a virus he could perma-kill a sprite or soft kill them—soft killing would enable sprites to respawn. In Silver’s case she was dead; gone and devoured into the void of Alexander’s own code to be used as fuel. She would never come back, and Cromwell knew of this terrifying trait that a virus had, and he feared for his life more than he ever had now.
It was then that Cromwell had a sudden, and horrifying realization cross his mind. It would be a deadly gamble to disclose this thought to the king, but maybe it would get him to stop this madness. Hopefully?
“S-sire…you do realize that Silver was considered one of Vermin’s children or at least in an adopted sense. You could of at least had something to remember her by and you…killed her.”
Before Cromwell could even turn to run he found himself slammed into a dense pile of gold, lumpy hard coins dug into his back. Lord Alexander had seized the rabbit’s waste coat in his blood stained claws and was snarling in his face. Yet, tears stung his hellish eyes.
“You want to know what Silver did…Cromwell?” Alexander breathed, his breath hot and smelling of blood.
“She brought me the news of Vermin’s game…and I lost my self. S-She was just here at the wrong time, Cromwell. Kind of like how you’re here and an unfortunate time.”
Cromwell had turned his face, lowered his ears, and shut his eyes as his body shook violently. He was about to die here. The thought of what he had done to Silver only made him hope that his fate would be not as grim.
[[Part One]]
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monpalace · 1 year
Whenever Songbird calls Twi’s name he’s definitely about to get his as beat because she always calls him ‘babe’, ‘honey’ or ‘hon’ hell even in danger when she does say his name there’s a very distinct pitch she goes to almost like a dog whistle also he would pull a Miguel and just start running on all fours. For some reason that’s how I imagine him chasing their adopted kids to round them up for dinner 😭
Atalanta’s call has more bass to her voice when she calls to him and wild freezes before weighing out the pros and cons of running because he knows he’s fucked up. When in trouble i don’t even think she gets his name out before he’s just rushing in.
Athena never calls Time Link unless Malon told her that Time’s in trouble it’s either dumbass (affectionate) or dumbass (non affectionate.) but he definitely has a big brother sense of “where did she go?” Before he has to go to her house in which bumps into Percival on the way because he was about to ask if he knew where his wife went?
Wild and Twi definitely call them Gerudo Nubian goddesses and coco butter queens when they know their upset because it makes them laugh and forget how angry they are with them
Also tell me your Wars thoughts I wanna hear -🧚🏽‍♀️
AND THEM USING IT AS A TACTIC TO GET OUT OF TROUBLE WITH THE GIRLS??? the kids/flora hear songbird/atalanta busting a lung and as soon as soon as they're all getting ready for bed they bring it up and now all of a sudden twi/wild are in the doghouse
"but i thought you loved me )):" "yeah alr snowbunny. get away from me. i know your lies and deceit."
twi's running around collecting the kids for dinner/family trip and all of a sudden they hear miguel's theme. they look around trying to figure having a "why do i hear boss music" moment and all of a sudden they get jumped by a furry before getting hauled back to the house like a sack of flour
("baby, why are the kids all banged up?" "why was a grown man running on--" "dw abt it babygirl. we were just havin a lil fun (:" and twi's just sending them a look)
time pulls percival into panicking over athena as soon as they run into each other. they have a moment of "she told me she was going to x" "well she told me she was going to y" and now theyre just stuck asking around 🗿 whole time malon knew exactly where she was bc why would she let her baby daddy (athena) go anywhere without telling her first?
wild having to go through literally his entire life to figure out what he did wrong when atalanta's voice has a little to much bass in it is crazy 😭 he shoots flora a quick text on the sheikah/purah pad thats like "whatd i do this time ):" "Honestly, if you can't figure it out yourself I don't know what to tell you." "PROPER GRAMMAR?????" and now both his girls are mad at him bc its def a shared co-parenting experience with him
wild def gave atalanta and flora a lifealert bracelet that senses when they're around enemies or smth 😭😭 he burst into purah's when one of them came back with one two many scratches (it was a single scratch. from a normal keese.) goin on abt some "i just dont think my heart can take it if they go out without me and they run into trouble. robbers or monsters or otherwise"
warriors and his s/o under the cut bc idk how long im gonna talk abt it
im calling wars s/o aphrodite to keep the greek mythology thing going, but it def fits bc not only is she really fucking hot/pretty/the beauty standard/everybody wants her, but bc she's the aphrodite to warriors' ares/hephaestus (probs both. def without the cheating)
shes typically seen as armcandy to wars and is almost always seen in like,, bodycon fits or fits that show off skin bc shes a bad bitch and wars knows how to dissuade ppl from makin moves (not thru fighting. he's in enough trouble with the powers that be bc of her already)
idk what their relationship was before they got together (probably smth like aphrodite taking a look at wars, going like "i like you. youre mine now", and him just being okay with it), but even if she doesnt make it obvious that theyre in a relationship, he makes it known well enough for the both of them with the way he pays for her shopping sprees, carries all her bags from said shopping sprees, always has a hand (usually both) on her, pressing kisses wherever he can whenever he can (gomez and morticia frfr), etc etc (aka clingy boyfriend behavior)
idk why but i imagine aphrodite hanging around wars' quarters/room in the castle more often than anywhere else (if not evident by the way her items-- more specifically, her clothes-- take up most of his closet and drawer space) (thats not even half of it). she usually hangs around it bc not only is it filled with him/his aura/his presence even when hes gone, but bc when she does go out in public/around the castle, shes always bombarded with nonsense (also, she just doesnt vibe with castle life at all)
(imagining wars' place is like, a cottage a little ways away from the castle with the stablehands or smth, or his own wing in the castle thats more like a house or smth? its small, but not enough for everything to be in one room. its big, but not enough for someone to get lost and mistake it for a manor)
(also entirely unrelated but, bc shes gerudo (on my dead things 🤝🏽 gerudo 🤝🏽 magic bs again yes), she's wellversed with magic, right? she usually floats, draping herself around wars shoulders like a cat or smth, around adding to her ethereal/magic/faery/fairy aesthetic)
because of her homebody nature, i imagine she's more of a homemaker like songbird, but she still has a fuck around and find out attitude like athena. she cares for wars when he gets back from the field or meetings, making sure to keep his (their) little house comfortable, but she also openly talks shit abt any generals or nobles when theyre in the room bc theyre giving her man a little to much grief abt smth he had no control over
("the general (not impa) said i had to host the celebratory dinner this time" "tell him i said piss off." "baby." "im not letting another 100 year old elf into my house. im pretty sure the last one pissed in our chair." "you threw it away, right?" "why d'you think i went out to buy a whole new table set?")
(alternatively, its not uncommon to walk in and see them positioned to where wars' head is laying on aphrodite's tits while she cards her fingers through his hair and scratches his scalp, gassing him up and saying other loving words)
shes def the first person the army see when wars has to join them on wtv battle. hes def the first soldier to leave whenever he is. he has to skip whatever debriefing is to be had (and isnt seen for at least a week or two) bc aphrodite is to busy healing him, smothering him, and making him eat actual food bc she knows the food they serve on the field is shit
when he gets taken away to be with the chain, aphrodite realizes he's missing after not even 5mins of him being gone (he was prob coming back to his quarters and was late. hes never late) and tracks him down to somebody else's hyrule like "wtf are you doing here." "howd you get here?? we're 300yrs in the past apparently??" "idk what made you think time travel could take you from me"
during the adventures she def comes up with a way to keep them in touch via call or video or apparition or smth. they have to fall asleep on a call, she pops up mid-fight scaring him but that's okay bc she just took care of the engine while she was as it, or he just calls her and she's mid bath or wtv
idk i like the idea of aphrodite and warriors
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luminnara · 3 years
alpha!erasermic x pregnant!reader | ABO fluff
Request:  Hiya! i’m wondering if you can do an alpha! erasermic x pregnant! omega! reader? maybe when both alphas leave their lunch at home and she goes to bring it to them. the reader and both alphas collectively have custody of hitoshi and eri, and the reader is heavily pregnant. preferably a female reader please, and none of class 1-a have met her. this is my first time requesting stuff so i hope i did okay! 😅
You did wonderfully! I love writing cute fluffy stuff like this, and it’s my first time writing any kind of erasermic thing even though I love them so much, so hopefully I did okay! Idk where exactly this sits timeline-wise, don’t worry about it, it’s omegaverse and I can do what I want lol. I took this prompt and sort of RAN with it, too
*also Mirio has his quirk back in this because it’s fun, and the reader has kind of a dodgy past because i wanted to add a little SPICE*
Warnings: a/b/o, pregnancy, the implications of Aizawa’s scarf and all of its uses
You sighed, resting a hand on your swollen belly. “Those two...”
You had only just gotten Eri out of bed, and, upon heading into the kitchen to fix her some breakfast, you saw two lovingly-prepared bento boxes sitting on the counter. Shota and Hizashi must have forgotten them in their hurry to get to UA earlier that morning, and while you knew they could very easily grab something to eat in the cafeteria, you hated the thought of these meals going to waste.
Besides, your inner omega was a bit miffed that they hadn’t taken your home cooked food to work with them. Was Lunch Rush’s food so much better than yours that your alphas would rather eat at school? You refused to believe that, even if his quirk was cooking. There was no way that he could make your alphas a meal that could compare to the kind you always cooked for them, and maybe it was the pregnancy hormones making you extra bristly about it, but you were determined to march right on over to UA and bring them their proper lunches. 
Even if you were heavily, heavily pregnant. They’d probably have something to say about you leaving the house and waddling around Musutafu with only Eri as company, but you were tough enough to fend for yourself. And besides, it was only a quick train ride to the station outside the school, and if you did get yourself into any kind of trouble, the city was chock full of pro heroes and their sidekicks, many of whom you were on a first name basis with. 
“Eri!” you called, grabbing a bag to carry the boxes in. “Are you dressed yet? We’re going to visit UA!”
You could heard a thump, followed by the sound of little feet thudding as she ran to meet you. When she appeared in the doorway, her eyes were wide with excitement, her long hair falling around her shoulders messily. “Yes!”
“Go brush your hair and then we’ll go,” you laughed, ushering her towards the bathroom. 
“Why are we going?” the little girl called. 
“Hizashi and Shota left their lunches,” you explained. “We’re bringing them so that the food doesn’t go to waste.”
“Can we visit Deku and Togata?”
You paused to think. You hadn’t actually met any of Shota and Hizashi’s students before, your alphas always preferring that you stay home and away from the sometimes dangerous school they taught at. Well, you knew Hitoshi, of course, and since he had yet to move into the dorms on campus, he still lived at home with the rest of the family. At least he had remembered to grab his lunch. Would your adopted son be embarrassed to see you appearing at his school? Hitoshi always carried himself in a very collected manner, and the thought of being able to show up and pinch his cheeks and coo at him made you laugh. 
And you knew that everyone in Class 1-A would be over the moon to see Eri. The little girl that had been rescued from Overhaul was popular amongst the young heroes-in-training, from what you’d heard, and if you were going to go all the way to UA, you’d be damned if you didn’t let her see her friends there. 
“Of course we can,” you said with a smile as she came running back in, her hair significantly less tangled. “Ready?”
“Ready!” she beamed up at you.
“Do me a favor and carry this?” you offered her the tote you’d tucked the bento boxes into and she took it from you eagerly, bouncing towards the door. 
You grabbed your purse, made sure your keys were inside, and followed her out, taking her free hand. Together, the two of you made your way to the nearest train station, a few neighbors waving hello as you passed. There were no villains to be seen or head of, and the pros you saw out on patrol all looked happy and relaxed. They all knew who you were, some of the betas and omegas approaching to chat about your pregnancy and ask how things were going. The alphas hung back, calling greetings or offering waves, none of them wanting to get too close to a pregnant, mated omega and risk the wrath of your alphas if their scents happened to cling to you. 
The journey went smoothly, Eri sticking close to your side the entire way. You were both excited to be going to visit UA--Eri, because she would get to see Deku and Mirio, and you because you hadn’t been to the school in years--and as you stepped off the train and the gates finally came into view, you let out a happy laugh. 
“Ready?” you asked Eri, leading her towards the entrance. 
“Mhm!” she nodded eagerly, pulling you forward. “Let’s go! Let’s go let’s go let’s go--”
“Hang on, hang on,” you waddled after her as quickly as you could, fishing around in your purse. When you finally found what you were looking for, you pulled out an ID card, holding it up towards the sensor atop the UA Barrier gate. “You have your card?”
“Yep!” Eri said, grabbing the card hanging from the lanyard around her neck and mimicking you. 
“Special ID accepted,” a robotic voice chimed. “Welcome to UA High, (y/n) and Eri.”
The gate opened and you led Eri through it, the big school looming just past it. The special ID cards you both had were a result of Shota insisting that you be able to get to UA if you ever needed to. With the upgraded security measures, and so many of the students living in the dorms, it wasn’t easy getting onto the campus without either a student or guest card. You probably technically weren’t even supposed to have one, but no one was going to argue with Aizawa and Yamada when it came to ensuring their omega would be able to get to them in case of emergency.
This wasn’t exactly an emergency, but it was still an important mission, so you had absolutely no qualms about using your special ID privileges today. You just hoped nobody else would be mad about it.
 “Hey, is that Eri I see?” a voice called. 
You turned to see a blond haired, blue eyed boy jogging towards you and recognized him as Togata. He was dressed in a PE uniform, and as he stopped in front of you, you could see that he was panting. 
Eri immediately set the bag down and rushed toward him, running into his open arms. “Lemillion!”
Mirio laughed as he scooped her into a hug. “What are you doing here? Aizawa didn’t mention anything about a visit!”
“Aizawa forgot his lunch today,” you said, nodding towards the bag Eri had dropped. “So we thought we’d bring it and visit.”
Mirio straightened up a bit when he realized you were there. You had to be absolutely covered in your alphas’ scents, and even if they never told any of the students about you, there was no way that Mirio hadn’t figured it out by now. Besides...your bond marks were very big and very visible, one on each side of your neck just below your scent glands. There was no way Mirio didn’t know what that all added up to. 
You had never officially met him, but you’d heard plenty about all of UA’s Big Three, and after he and Deku saved Eri from the Shie Hassaikai, you’d heard even more about him. He was selfless, going so far as to sacrifice his own quirk to keep Eri safe and get her away from Overhaul, and for that, you’d always feel a little indebted to him. He’d luckily been able to get it back, but Aizawa had told you that there had been a long period in which nobody was sure it could even be returned to him. 
“Oh, s-sorry!” he bowed to you. “I don’t think we’ve ever been properly introduced! I’m Togata Mirio, I was there at the Shie Hassaikai raid--”
“I’ve heard plenty about you,” you laughed as he straightened up again. “I’m (y/n). I’m the stay at home omega that keeps Shota and Hizashi from starving all the time.”
Mirio’s laugh was probably one of the most raucously happy sounds you had ever heard. “We’re all grateful for that! As for me, personally, I’m really glad Eri has such a great mom now, too. And you’ve got more on the way!”
“Sure do,” you groaned, a hand on your lower back as you tried to lean and stretch it out some. “Due date’s in just a couple weeks. Can’t wait to get ‘em outta here.”
“Well, at least you already know how to do the parenting part!” Mirio was still all smiles as Eri grabbed for his hand and he took it, picking up the tote bag as well. “Come on, it’s my free period so I’ll take you to 1-A’s classroom.”
“Thank you, Togata,” you said, hand on your belly as you followed him into the school. 
“It’s no problem!” he beamed at you over his shoulder as he led the way. “It’s almost lunch, too. Perfect timing!”
“Is it really?” you glanced up at a clock on the wall, and sure enough, it was nearly noon. “Wow. Guess we took longer than I thought. But...ugh, I didn’t bring any food for myself or Eri...”
“That’s no problem! Lunch Rush always has tons of options in the Grand Mess Hall.” at your slight glare, Mirio added, “...But I’m sure even his best cooking is no substitute for a homemade meal!”
“That’s right,” you growled, waddling along down the hall. 
When the three of you reached the 1-A door, Mirio used his permeation quirk to stick his head straight through it rather than knocking, and judging by the resounding scream of surprise that nearly shattered the windows, he had scared Hizashi half to death.
Mirio pulled back and opened the door, revealing a room full of groaning students, all clutching their ears. Hizashi was the only one who seemed unbothered by the sheer volume of the scream he had let out, clutching his chest instead. 
“Why can’t you knock like a normal person, dumbass?” a blond boy snarled. 
“Bakugou! You shouldn’t swear in front of esteemed upperclassmen!” a black-haired boy with glasses said. 
“It’s not just me you’re swearing in front of!” Mirio said, still smiling, like always. With a nod of his head, he tugged Eri into the room.
Everyone lit up, and you even caught Bakugou’s harsh expression softening some at the sight of her. 
“Eri!” a freckly, green haired boy exclaimed, jumping up from his seat. 
“Deku!” the little girl yelled happily, letting go of Mirio’s hand to run towards him.
You watched as he knelt down to greet her, the rest of the class all getting up, or at the very least leaning over in their seats to say hello. All except Hitoshi, who looked up, made eye contact with you, started to roll his eyes, and then sighed. 
Oh, you were so going to embarrass him today. 
Hizashi was still trying to catch his breath, but now, with the students all distracted by Eri, he finally had a chance to notice you. You could see his nostrils flare as he recognized your scent, his head whipping around to spot you standing there in the door.
“BABE!” he rushed toward you, pulling you into a hug. 
“Hi, Hizashi,” you laughed into his shoulder, clinging to his jacket as he rubbed his scent gland over your hair. 
He immediately pulled back, holding you at arm’s length as he looked you over. “What’re you doing here? Everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” you chuckled. When he glanced down at your swollen belly, you added, “we’re fine.”
He let out a relieved breath. “Okay. Okay, good. Had me worried there for a sec.”
“They came to bring you lunch!” Mirio said, holding up the bag he had carried in for you. “I ran into her and Eri outside while I was out for my daily jog.”
“Togata here was very helpful,” you said. “He even carried that bag for us.”
“Gotta help everyone who needs it, whenever I can!” the teenager gave you a thumbs up. 
“Thanks, Mirio.” Hizashi said, putting an arm around your shoulders and pulling you up against his side. “Means a lot to me that my family stays safe.”
You turned to see all of Class 1-A staring at you. 
Hizashi cleared his throat, the sound practically echoing. “Everybody, this is my mate.”
The room suddenly erupted. 
“Who is she?”
“Is she a pro?”
“Can’t believe anybody would put up with him...”
“Bakugou, quiet! Don’t be rude!”
“But, wait...” Deku said, still kneeling with Eri. “I thought Eri’s been living with Mr. Aizawa..?”
The students all glanced to each other before their eyes swiveled to you and Hizashi. 
“Oh, Hizashi,” you teased. “You never told them?”
“I, uh...” a slight pink tinged his cheeks as he blushed.  
Luckily, before he had the chance to stumble over his words any longer, he was saved by the appearance of a very tired, very disgruntled, Eraserhead. 
“What the hell is going on and why the hell are you screaming in my classroom?” he growled from the doorway. 
Hizashi turned the two of you to face him, and you saw the anger immediately drain from Aizawa’s face. 
“...What are you doing here?” he asked, his bloodshot eyes full of concern. “Everything okay?”
“Hi, Papa!” Eri chimed from her spot next to Deku. 
“...Hello, Eri. Why are you also here?”
“You both forgot your lunches,” you said, practically scolding them. “I worked hard on those!”
“So you came all the way here just to bring us lunch? You realize we have an entire cafeteria here, right?”
“Don’t even think about it,” you growled. 
“You shouldn’t be walking across Musutafu without at least Hitoshi with you. It’s too dangerous.”
At the mention of his name, everyone’s heads swiveled to look at Shinso. He sighed, slumping back in his chair and dragging a hand down his face. 
“You know, if you wouldn’t forget the lunches that I so lovingly put all that hard work into, I wouldn’t even have to go all the way across Musutafu to bring them to you.” you said haughtily, nose up in the air as you stared your alpha down. “And besides...you know better than anyone that I can take care of myself, and Eri, no matter how pregnant I am.”
Aizawa sighed. He knew there was no arguing with you when you got in a mood like this, and besides...you were already there. 
And you were right.
Before he could even come up with something to say, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, and soon, you were walking down the hall between your two alphas, Eri riding on Deku’s shoulders as Class 1-A flooded out along with you. 
You ended up sitting in the mess hall with the students, sandwiched between Hizashi and Shota. Shota didn’t seem entirely pleased with it, mentioning several times that he’d much rather be in the teachers’ lounge where it was quieter, but Eri was far too happy to be with Class 1-A for him to actually tear her away from them. She was across from you, sitting next to Deku and a brown haired girl you learned was named Ochako. Mirio had left to go find his own friends, the other two members of The Big Three, and you could see him just a few tables over, laughing loudly with a blue haired girl with a boy with pointy ears looked like he was trying to will himself out of existence next to them. 
“It’s so exciting that Mr. Aizawa has a whole family!” Ochako said. 
“And with Present Mic, too,” Tsu, the frog girl, said from her spot next to her. 
“How long have you been together?” the pink girl, Mina, asked.
“Don’t ask so many personal questions! We should respect their privacy.” Iida said, in true class rep fashion. 
When Shota only offered a grunt in reply, too focused on his lunch to actually talk with his homeroom class, and with Hizashi already stuffing his face, you took it upon yourself to chat. 
“Oh, I don’t mind the questions!” you said with a good natured laugh. “I met Hizashi and Shota when we all went to school together. Then we lost touch, because I...well, I sort of...chose a different life path than they did.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Hizashi slurped up his soba. 
“Here.” you looked up to see Hitoshi had brought you and Eri each a tray of food, setting them down in front of the two of you. 
“You’re so good to your mother,” you cooed, reaching up to grab his cheek. 
He dodged you expertly, ducking out of the way and going to sit with Bakugou and his friends on Deku’s other side. You narrowed your eyes at him, making sure he knew that he couldn’t run forever, and as Denki watched the exchange, he spoke up. 
“...Wait. You didn’t become a pro hero?” he asked. 
“I took the hero course here at UA.” you explained, grabbing your chopsticks. “I ended up dropping out before graduation. This is actually my first time back since then.”
“So...” Deku seemed nervous. “Were you, uh...”
“A villain?” you asked. 
When he nodded quickly, you laughed and offered a nod of your own. 
“Yeah, I suppose I was. My quirk used to be wild, and hard to control...I got so frustrated when I wasn’t making any progress with it that I decided to just leave school. I was mad at everyone, and I fell in with people who felt the same way. One thing leads to another, and next thing you know, I’m running from the loudest, most obnoxious pro hero in the city.”
Everyone’s eyes turned to Hizashi, who was doing his best not to choke on his lunch. 
“And he never caught me,” you said adoringly, leaning against his shoulder. 
“I never caught you on my own,” he corrected. 
“Made my ears bleed a few times, I think.”
“Yes, and I don’t regret that.” he pressed a cute, fluttery little kiss against the tip of your nose. “You were absolutely going to kill me.”
“Not absolutely!” you protested. 
“I had to rescue him.” Aizawa spoke up, his voice gruff and tired, like always. “Had to cancel your quirk and keep you tied down until the others could get to us.”
You smirked at your first memory of his scarf and what it could do, and as you did so, he realized that he had just admitted to tying you up with it in front of his idiot students.
“And that’s when I fell in looooove,” you grabbed his arm, batting your lashes at him obnoxiously. 
“Not another word.” he growled. 
The students were all staring at you with wide eyes. All except Hitoshi, who was rolling his. 
“I guess you could say I was reformed,” you said, grabbing some noodles. “Then one thing led to another, and...here we are.” You patted your belly. 
“That’s so romantic,” Mina sighed, leaning her chin on her hand. 
“What’s your quirk?” Ochako asked. 
“I could show you!” you said eagerly, moving to stand.
“Absolutely not.” Shota held onto your arm and forced you to sit down again. “You are due in two weeks. No nonsense until after the pups are born.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes now. 
“Fine,” you mumbled with a sigh. “I never get to have fun anymore.”
“But pups are so exciting!” the invisible girl, Hagakure, said. 
“Yeah!” Mina agreed. 
Then, the rest of the girls bombarded you with questions. 
“How many are you having?”
“What day are they coming?!”
“Can we meet them?”
“Mr. Aizawa, please can you bring them in to the dorms??”
“--But Mr. Aizawa, this is the safest place in Japan. There’s no way anything bad would happen to them--”
“--And besides, (y/n) has a super strong quirk, right? She said so!”
“Come on, just let us see the brats when they’re old enough to travel.”
The sound of Bakugou’s voice had everyone staring at the blond boy. 
“...What?” he bristled. “It’s not like I care, I just want the girls to shut up.”
“Uh huh. Sure, Bakugou.” Kirishima snorted. 
“...maybe.” Aizawa relented, eager to shut them all up. 
That was enough for the girls, and they immediately began talking chattering about the cutest baby clothes, the best toys, and then the differences between their own upbringings. You enjoyed listening to them throughout the rest of lunch, and by the time the hour had ended, you were sad to be leaving. 
“Hang on, hang on,” Hizashi said as you took Eri’s hand to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Home,” you furrowed your brow. “Why?”
“We told you,” Shota said, standing with his hands in his pockets. “We don’t want you wandering around the city.”
“And I told you, I’m fine--”
“Just stay here for the rest of the day.”
“We’ll all go home together later.” Hizashi smiled. “You and Eri can hang out in the lounge. I bet Midnight would love to pester you about the bump, too.”
You smiled, walking towards your alphas. “Alright. Alright, yeah. That sounds nice.”
As Class 1-A lingered at the end of the hall, watching for as long as they could get away with, Denki elbowed Hitoshi in the side. 
“Dude, your mom is--”
“Don’t you dare say hot.” Shinso growled. 
“Actually, I was gonna say badass, but that too--”
The purple haired boy glared at him. “Shut up, Denki.”
“What? It’s a compliment!”
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
im going through baby fever again...<\3. And I'm literally in love with sage and I think he deserves so much love and KISSES. Anyway what do you think sage would be like with a pregnant MC? Or if they're about to adopt a kid. Ultrasounds<33 sage crying when he first sees their baby. Yeah he gets emotional that MC wants to start a family with them. ALSOOMGG IM SORRY IF THIS IS A WEIED REQUEST IM JUST WATCHING THE MOVIE JUNO AND I TENS TO GET OBSESSED WITH THINGS
Y'know I've never actually seen Juno. I always hear how good it is but I just haven't gotten around to watching it. Is it really that good?
Also again? Are you the same anon that asked for this one?
First part is AFAB but GN!Reader, bullshitting my way through birth (and vague birth things therein), second part is GN!Reader, bullshitting my way through the adoption process, I'm in the US so I'm kinda using vaguely American standards/procedures because that's what I'm semi-familiar with, Disclaimer - I know very little about either of these topics!!, Modern!AU
Part One
Personally, I think the pregnancy was a surprise.
Sage might have wanted kids but he definitely didn't think he was ready for them. He never thought he would ever be ready for kids.
But he likes having sex, and he certainly likes having sex with you, and I just don't know if Sage uses condoms
God I miss the old team so much
Anyways one way or another, you're pregnant now.
Would you be nervous to tell him? Sage has made no secret that he gets antsy about commitment, but he's also head over heels in love with you so??
Once you show him the positive pregnancy test (or the several, if you wanna be sure), h o l y s h i t he is so excited actually!!! He's about to pick you up and spin you around but,, he's big and stronk and worried about accidentally hurting you so
He hugs you against him but just avoids squeezing your stomach in any way.
Starts getting like,,, a million baby-raising books but also doesn't have the patience to read them so he tries to flick through them but even that takes too much concentration so he just kinda. One time it's three in the morning and you go into the kitchen for water and he's just sitting at the table holding the book against his head,,, and you ask him what he's doing and he says he's learning through osmosis,,,, plz send his ass back to bed.
He tells Tulsi, Lucan, and Balsam right away (he got too excited and forgot to ask you if that was alright), but I think he waits a little while to tell the others. Probably the first 2-3 months (typically the riskiest period) or when you decide you're ready. But Lucan might have already spilled the beans so.
He goes with to all the appointments if you let him. He always asks the doctor a thousand questions. Takes notes. A baby is a very delicate and fragile thing and he wants to make sure he's doing everything right.
Side note if anyone - and that includes medical professionals - misgenders you, he'll correct them and clearly be a little annoyed. If they continue doing it he will 1,000% get in their face about it.
Ultrasounds,, just stares at it in fascination because Holy Shit!! That's a little person!!!! You have a whole ass little dude in you!!!!!! And that little dude is half him!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind-blowing.
If he hasn't gone to therapy yet I think he might start now! He has a lot of conflicting emotions (fear that he'll be a shit dad, anxiety that you'll regret this, an awareness that he can't just up and leave if something goes wrong, etc etc.) and he doesn't wanna burden you with them or risk letting them out in the wrong way and accidentally hurting you. Also cutting back on his drinking is,, more difficult than he expected,,,
He and Tulsi are out at a bar,, they've been there for over an hour and he's only had like two beers and that's pretty low for him!! They're playing darts. And she points out that he's grown up a lot. And then he promptly manages to throw a dart into someone's shoulder and it's like. Well. Alrighty then.
He's so good at accommodating your food cravings,, constantly looking up new recipes for you. If it's something he can't cook then he'll run to the store even if it's 3 in the morning.
Kitty is overprotective! Worries about you working too hard. Doesn't like you helping with chores because he doesn't want you overexerting yourself. Legit will carry you around if you ever hint that your feet hurt.
He is a vibrating heating pad!! Very good for when you're sore.
If you're over-emotional from hormones then he walks on eggshells to try and avoid upsetting you. Will tell stupid jokes to make you laugh.
As your due date gets closer, you guys put a birthing plan together, carry around a go-bag all the time, etc etc. He wants to be prepared!! It helps him keep calm. He also makes sure everyone else knows the plan just in case he's not around.
Would be hilarious if like,, you're out with Tulsi and Elowen when your water breaks/contractions start and Tulsi has to stunt-drive you to the hospital,,, fucking drifting,,,, badass woman. I love her so much. Elowen is trying to time your contractions but cannot focus beCAUSE TULSI THAT IS A FUCKING RED LIGHT!!!
Anyways you manage to text Sage (he was out with the bois picking up a crib and they'd stopped to get lunch) and then pull up at the hospital and get rushed around everywhere and lose your phone, so who the fuck knows where he is!!
Luckily the boys wasn't too far away (the baby store was near the hospital anyways) so they're able to get there in like,, ten minutes. Balsam has to ask where you're at because Sage is way too frazzled to form words rn. He was [] this close to just tearing down various hallways until he found you.
All hail Balsam, holder of the Holy Braincell
The rest of the Griefers hunker down in the waiting room while you and Sage are in the,, idk,,, labor waiting room? Wherever they take pregnant people idk. I tried Googling stuff but I'm getting a bunch of different answers so
Um. Idk. Waves hands vaguely. Birth things.
Actually I'm gonna tell you guys a story about how I was born!
So I was apparently a big ass baby, right? And the contractions were really really painful. So my mom was massaging her stomach and she somehow managed to turn me sideways. And then she tried to push me out but guess what!! It was like trying to shove a log through a Cheerio!!! So the doctors had to turn me so I could come out normally, and my mom said it was the most painful thing she's ever experienced.
Y'know the iconic chestburster scene from the original Alien? I like to say I did to my mom's vagina.
You give birth, hopefully less traumatically than that. Sage is next to you the entire time, squeezing your hand and trying to keep you calm and praising you for doing so well and 'Holy shit it looks like you're shitting out a watermelon!!! Babe-! right, not helping!'
Baby comes out. Once the doctors have cleaned it up and whatever else they do for a new baby, they ask him if he wants to cut the umbilical cord,, his hand is shaking a little as he does it,,, holding your child - his child, it hasn't sunk in yet - like they're the most precious thing in all of reality, because they are!! He doesn't even realize he's crying until you tease him for it. Very softly sits down on the edge of the bed next to you,, once the nurse takes the kid to go do final information and clean it up and put it in the baby room or whatever, Sage is hugging you and bawling his eyes out.
Meanwhile you just shat out a fucking watermelon so. Idk. Hope someone gets you an ice pack or something.
Part Two
I think Sage would like being a foster parent actually! But we'll stick with adoption for this post.
I think,, that,,, he would want to adopt an older kid. It's emotionally weird for him because he's been in that position and he knows how frequently the older ones get neglected and forgotten.
Idk. You guys can talk about it.
Adoption is like,, a whole ass process,,, apparently it can take between 6-18 months?? And all I can think of is the Stuart Little movie where they picked a whole ass mouse and then brought him home the same fucking day. Like. Okay. I guess. House mice only live like 2 years on average so presumably they got to skip the process cause he woulda been fucking dead by the end of it
Also can we talk about what a weird movie that was??
Anyways this is also a good time for him to start therapy!!! You gotta go through interviews and tests and shit and this is a weird emotional thing for him for obvious reasons so.
He is so terrified of fucking something up. Please hug him tight and smother him with kisses and reassure him.
The further you guys get in the process, the more confident he (gradually) becomes. As long as you're by his side, he knows everything will work out.
If my Googling is to be believed, typically there's several interviews/get-togethers with the child to make sure it's a good fit and everything? Sage is so nervous about making a bad impression oh dear. Luckily he kinda has a natural charm that makes kids like him so that works out pretty well. He's honest about his background and I think that helps them bond a lot.
When he tells Tulsi that you guys are gonna adopt, she cries a little. Refuses to admit it and swears something just got in her eye. Meanwhile Balsam is squeezing the life out of you. He gives big hugs.
Sage finds out the kid's interests and starts tentatively decorating the room,, wants the kid to have an input but also knows something needs to be set up for the groundwork.
Everyone starts referring to Sage as a dad and he tears up a little bit.
Kitty cat settling down and starting a family
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
hi!! can i request a platonic yandere erasermic with a student reader??
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
Thanks for requesting! I love yandere Erasermic so much 😤😤 👊
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
The BEST platonic yandere couple to have!
You're a student at UA, part of class 1A. You're Aizawa's favourite student. You're just so polite and so sweet. Always so eager to learn and try out new things. And even the class would notice his special treatment of you. "You forgot to do your homework? Hmm, alright you can submit it to me tomorrow. Denki you forgot to bring your homework? Go run 5 laps right now."
Hizashi would often hear about you from his husband. You sounded like a good kid. But he really became interested you when you came looking for Aizawa in the staff room, but you found him instead. Hizashi started talking to you, really just rambling about the most random things. He was expecting you to just leave and go look for Aizawa, but he was pleasantly surprised when you started talking to him too, easily carrying the conversation. Your eyes would light up when you were talking to him. And since then, you would always give him your complete, undivided attention whenever you guys spoke, no matter what the topic was. You'd sometimes be rambling, and then suddenly forget what you were talking about. It was just so cute!
Gradually, these two would become obsessed with their favourite student. They'd also become very protective of you. When it was time to choose an internship, Aizawa rejected all offers from different agencies on your behalf, lying to you that you didn't get any offers. And then you'd become so sad, near tears and then Aizawa would offer to train you himself, that he sees potential in you. Of course you'd accept, you'd get to train with Eraserhead, a rare opportunity!
When you'd be training with Aizawa, he'd go easy on you, but he'd still give you great tips on how to improve yourself and control your quirk. You still haven't been able to beat him once though. Since you'd be around Aizawa a lot, you'd also meet his partner, Hizashi, often. And since you would accompany Aizawa on his late night patrols, you'd have dinner (made by Hizashi, who's more than happy to cook for you) with them at their place a lot, and it always ended up with them offering you stay the night, and you sometimes did.
Their obsession love would continue to grow the more you spent time with them. And then one night, the couple would be discussing about expanding their family, and then they both knew it, right then and there. Its you. You'd be the perfect addition to their family, the perfect child! You're so kind, soft spoken. Outgoing yet shy and reserved when meeting new people. But you're just so naive, too innocent for your own good. And they've both seen the ugliness of the world, the worst in the people. They cannot afford to just stand by idly and risk you getting tainted by this filth.
It was decided that night that you had to become a part of their family. They'll make your parents disappear, they have both the money and the skills to do it. Maybe they'll say that your family was taken or killed by some villians, or better yet, they were caught doing something illegal. But don't worry, you can stay with them for as long as you want. When you try to refuse, that you can stay with a relative, they'll tell you that it's for your own safety. They don't want the villians to complete their unfinished business. Plus, they are more than capable of taking care you, and since you didn't want to risk another family member's life, you agreed.
You'll be having the best time of your life. They'll spoil the hell out of you, Hizashi especially. Aizawa does too, but he's just more protective of you.
Hizashi is a great cook! He'd learn to make your favourite dish too. And if you like something from a restaurant, he'll take it as a challenge and try to replicate the dish, or make a better one! At school, all 3 of you would sometimes have lunch together, you always bringing Aizawa's lunchbox along too, since he often forgets it. If you try to cook a dish for them, they'll treat it like its a Michelin star dish!
Aizawa would be the more protective one, always the harder one to convince to let you go out with your friends, especially at night. Hizashi would always convince him in the end, they're gonna follow you anyways so why stop you? Aizawa's a bit possessive too. He doesn't like it when you talk about other pro heroes, you're his little girl, you should be looking upto him. He won't say anything about it though.
Hizashi would love to just talk to you; you guys would often gossip. Oh and you always go to him for any fashion advice. Since he also has long hair that he styles up a lot, he can do your hair too! Just show him a picture of what you want, and he'll style hair exactly like it. Aizawa likes to do your hair too sometimes, but he only knows how to put it in a simple braid.
They're will be a lot fun activities for you to do with them. You can be having karaoke nights with Hizashi, Aizawa watching you guys with just pure adoration in hie eyes. You can play video games with Aizawa, which he is scary good at, especially at Among us. Family game nights are a must!
If you have any other hobbies or passions, you'll have 2 dads, cheering for you. They'll get you the best supplies available. If you win an award, any award, no matter how small, they'll tell you how proud they are and put your achievements either on the fridge or somewhere where everyone can see it.
Of the two, Aizawa would be the to quickly pick up on your mood. He knows when you're lying, when you're sad, or when you've just had a bad day at school. Hizashi would notice too, but it would be Aizawa who would know if you needed some space or if you needed to talk it out; they've always it clear to you that the latter option is always open.
Once they find out whats the reason you're feeling so down, they'll comfort you. You guys would often cuddle on the sofa as a funny movie played on the TV. Once you've gone to bed, they go and eliminate the cause of distress. Oh did you fail a test? Its okay, they'll tutor you personally. Oh did your favourite character die? Cry it out sweetie and let's go buy some of the character's merchandise . Oh did someone confess their feelings to you and you don't know what to do? Don't worry, he's taken care of.
Dating isn't an option. They'll be quick to reject him/her, listing reasons to you exactly why they're not good for you. Of course, nobody deserves their baby. But if you do go against their wishes, and still get an s/o in secret, they'll find about it. If they're thinking about how to separate you guys, and you walk in all heartbroken because your s/o broke up with you, with no persuasion from the couple; on the inside they'll be both glad and mad. Hizashi will be comforting you, cooing sweet nothings in your ear, while Aizawa would be standing with a "I warned you" look on his face at first but then he sees your red, teary face, your lips wobbling, your eyes full of pools of tears, and immediately his stern exterior would melt and he'll gather you in his arms and let you cry into his chest, while his mind will go to "MURDER". You're their sweet girl, their precious little baby. How dare someone play with your feelings like that. Your ex better sleep with one eye open.
If you do somehow find about what really happened to your parents, and you try to run away from them, not only will they have you back in their arms within the hour, they'll take you somewhere countryside. Its always been noisy in the city anyway. They'll try to explain to you, that they really just did all of this to protect you and that it should show how much they love you and care about you. No physical punishment will ever meet you. No, they can't bear the thought of hurting you! They'll use manipulation to control you, and they are master manipulators. They do so much for you, aren't they enough?
Just be happy they still allow you to roam around the countryside, and not had you locked up in your room. School would be off the table for a while, as will any connection to your friends. Its about time they all had a family vacation anyway.
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I'd let Erasermic adopt me in a heartbeat, ngl. 👊 Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this! Requests are OPEN. :)
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REQUESTED BY: @witch-of-letters
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A - affection (how affectionate are they? what do they enjoy?)
At first? Not at all.
The only person he is used to getting affection from is Aslaug, so naturally you might earn a few sceptical looks from him if you try to get close.
Nevertheless he quickly learns how pleasant the attention of someone else can be, but tries to be subtle about it. He wouldn’t want to tell you upfront that he enjoys having you close or that he likes your touch, because he fears the rejection that might come with it.
In time, he would alert you with a little nudge here and there whenever he requires your tenderness.
Slowly but surely Ivar would get more daring, trying to innitiate the soft touches himself. If you don’t pull back, he’ll get more sure of himself and as soon as it is clear to him that you are serious about him, you’ll be the only person in Kattegat to recieve affectionate touches from Ivar without any deadly concequences.
What he loves most is either having his head placed on your chest or stomach, feeling you breathe and with your hands in his hair, or laying on the side, with you wrapped around his back.
B - bodypart (what’s their favorite bodypart on their partner and them?)
His arms.
His arms have been a replacement for his legs for all his life. Since he has to crawl everywhere until he has his crutches, they are well built and knowing that you love being wrapped inside them, makes Ivar love them even more.
Your legs.
He likes your legs because they are what he cannot have. He likes them because his are so flawed, and yet you choose to love them anyways. And he likes them due to their shape, the softness of your skin and how they look when you move around.
C - commitment (how quick are they to commit?)
Not that quick.
Ivar is reluctant, to say the least.
He needs to be 100% sure that you are commited to him, before he will make any kind of promises to you. It would be a long process full of selfdoubt, selfdeprication and fear of betrayal.
Ivar would also visit the seer and ask about a future with you by his side. The seers answers would be, as always, very vague (if he says something at all).
In addition to all those troubles, his brothers are in the midst of it. Ubbe and Hvitserk might be the only positive voices of reason at times (apart from Aslaug), while Bjorn would not really concern himself with it. Sigurd on the other hand would throw salt at Ivars mental wounds, saying you were only with him out of pity.
So the viking has no real option but to rely on you reassurance and your loving words. You’d probably have to spend months proving that you are serious about him, because he has been hurt and rediculed so many times before, but in the end it’s all worth it.
Once Ivar chooses to fully commit to you, he’s there to stay.
D - dates (what would dates with them look like? what would they plan?)
Ivar is usually not that much of a planner when it comes to dates.
Normally he is content with finding a secluded place to spend time with you, away from the crowds and far, far away from his relatives.
But if, for any reason, a special occassion should arise, he would definetely ask his brothers for help as much as he hates it.
He would send Hvitserk to distract you with requests and tasks all day, while Ubbe helps him set everything up in a little cabin in the woods. Ivar would ask Aslaug to have some thralls bring plates of food as well.
E - experience (how many relationships have they had before?)
Close to nothing, really.
Ivar did not have any experience with real love and he was very sceptical of it.
The few kisses and cuddles he may have had, have all come from the thralls his family owns.
Apart from that, he has not been interested in anybody, other than finding some attractive on the outside. Too often he had to find out the hard way that the insides of people where much more ugly than the exterior.
So in response to that Ivar mainly focused on his training and on becoming a better viking, until you came along.
F - family (do they want to start a family?)
Ivar would love to start a family.
At first, he is actually astounded that you’d bring it up.
For a long time, he could’ve never imagined someone wanting to have a family with him. To have a child with him (no matter if it’s your own or adopted). So when you suggest it, he is mindblown for a second, before he cups your face, telling you that it is what he longed for all along.
He would be ecstatic upon the idea of having an heir. Or two. Or more. But at least one is fair.
For him, it feels like everything is finally falling into the right place.
G - generosity (do they give their partner a lot of presents? if so, what?)
Exceptionally generous.
And you don’t even have to ask for them.
Ivar brings tons of goods and riches home from every raid, where you can pick whatever you like. He makes sure to safe the best pieces for you and keeps an eye out for suvenirs he knows you might love.
Should you require anything else Ivar has enough resources to get you everything you want from the market. Since Aslaugs rule in Ragnars absence, Kattegat has also transformed into an important trading center, will all kinds of diverse products.
Ivar sees to it, that you have anything you could possible require, even in his absence.
He spoils you, not gonna lie.
H - heaven (how would they react if they lost their partner?)
Ivar would never recover from the loss.
After everything that happened to his family, all the betrayals and the lies and the fights, you were the one thing to keep him going. You had been there for him everytime, no matter how hard it was. No matter how dangerous it got, no matter how exhausted you were.
But now?
There was nothing.
No one.
And no way to bring you back.
One of the things that scares Ivar most is how numb everything feels. There was nobody to be angry at. Nobody to blame, except for the illness that took you away. And against something like that, not even Ivar the Boneless could seek revenge.
He should have known when you confessed you love, that you were just another thing he had to lose. First it was his father, then his mother, then Helga and Floki and now... there was nothing left of him.
Still your face, your smell, you presence would follow him everywhere he goes.
And he’d beg you to haunt him.
I - i love you (who says the three magic words first and why?)
It depends.
The only way Ivar would say it first is if he is frantic. Either in a screaming match, or when you are close to leaving him.
When neither of those are likely though, this viking would most definetely wait until you’ve said it first. For a long time he does not even dare to hope that you will. He is still a cripple after all, no amout of love could ever change that and he fears the day you realize it. Ivar is so used to rejection that he tells himself it wouldn’t hurt if you left. But deep down he knows it would. That’s why he always hesitates in the very last second, drawing back. 
He leaves the first ‘i love you’ to you. But when it comes, you’ve never seen him smile that big. He can’t believe his luck. Can’t believe that you truly choose him over anyone else.
Ivar will rarely outright tell you that he loves you and only chooses particular moments for it.
But that just makes it all the more special.
J - journey (how did they first meet their partner?)
Unfortunately, you met Ivar while his men were preparing for a raid.
You stumbled upon their camp and he questioned you, demanding informations. This way he could gather when the best time for an attack might be. But not only that. You captured his interest in a way he would not have expected.
There was something in the way you spoke and the way you carried yourself that made him hesitate. He supposed that was what it must have felt like for his father with that unlucky priest Floki killed in the end. But then again, in time, he discovered it wasn’t quite the same. There was something more that drew him to you, apart from curiosity.
And he intended to find out what exactly it was.
Who knows after all?
Maybe it was fate.
K - kisses (what are their kisses like?)
Ivars kisses are desperate.
Desperate for warmth, desperate for acceptance, desperate for belonging.
He puts his emotions into every kiss and there is no such thing as ‘just a peck’ with him. Ivar likes to feel needed. He likes showing you how much he loves you, rather than expressing it with words.
He’s also not ashamed to kiss you in front of an audience, frankly he does not care who sees it, because you’re the only one that counts (but he will stop should it make you uncomfortable). He does not fear that it might make him seem weak, that thought is pretty ridiculous to him.
If anything, he’s even more proud to be the one you want.
L - love language (what’s their love language?)
Ivars love language is physical touch closely followed by words of affirmation.
Ivar feels loved the most if he recieves physical touch. He senses that most people around him are too intimidated to get close, or are simply put off by his condition. As a result of that, he rarely gets affectionate touches or attention, which he craves dearly. Even more so since Aslaug is dead and Floki and Helga are both gone. It’s important to Ivar that his partner makes him feel appreciated this way, even if it’s just a hand on his arm at the table, or your fingers laced with his. Every little touch counts.
The second best way to make him happy is through words of affirmation. Words have great meaning to Ivar, so beware of saying anything hurtful to him, for it might stay with him for a lifetime. In time you may notice that especially Ragnars last words “happiness means nothing” are stuck in Ivars head. Words impact him greatly, and you may have to undo some of the damage others have caused in his mind, with a few well-placed strikes. Ivar will appreciate it if you reassure him of your love with the right words at the right time.
M - memory (what’s their favorite memory of the relationship?)
The morning after the first night spend together.
Back then he had no idea how it happened or how you did it.
You were still snoring next to him when he came to realize he didn’t just like you. He loved you. And while you moved around, hugging the fur close to your chest a thousand emotions had swirled in his head. He was confused, surprised and completely thrown aback about what you did to him. About how you made his heart beat faster and his limbs tingle with the need to draw you closer. He watched, until the sun tickled your skin, rousing you from your sleep and when you opened your eyes to look at him with that smile... you knocked the breath out of his lungs.
Whenever he thinks back to that morning now, you catch him with an absent-minded smile on his lips.
N - newborn (how would they react to expecting a child? how would they deal with the pregnancy?)
Ivar would be shocked.
First of all, he would question if the child is truly his, as it seemed impossible before. He wouldn’t have thought that he would ever get the chance to have an heir. So, once you’ve settled his doubts, he would be the proudest father-to-be in all of Kattegat.
But also the most anxious.
He heavily questions his ability to raise a child. Even he knows his father was not a really good example to look up to when it comes to raising children, or to being a husband.
So he seeks the not really helpful advice of his brothers, who all seem to go in completely different directions when it comes to kids. Hvitserk is clearly letting his nephews and nieces walk all over him, while Ubbe is acting like an overprotective hen. Bjorn seems deadset on training them and sending them out in the wild. And Sigurd? Ivar is not quite sure the man is a grown-up himself.
In conclusion: they all started fighting amost themselves while Ivar watched the mess unfold.
Clearly, his mother Aslaug would have been a much better option.
But if she is no longer around, Ivar will instead turn to Floki and Helga where he finally finds some words of wisdom and support.
Without a doubt the woman carrying his child will be protected at all times. This is a literal miracle to him and he would be devastated if anything went wrong with the mother, or the child.
Other than that Ivar finds great joy in the pregnancy. He loves seeing the mother grow with his child and he would be truly proud of his child for carrying on his legacy. Ivar’s love grows during this incredible months, even during all the moods and cravings.
Both, the mother and the baby will be incredibly spoiled.
O - oasis (what’s their favorite place to spent time?)
The pier.
He enjoys the location, especially on warm summer days.
He has many memories stored in his mind, of sitting out on the docks. It’s a place where he can clear his head and it also gives him an overview of everything that is happening around him.
Ivar also likes the calm view of the ocean, even though he’s terrified of the sea. He likes to imagine all the lands that await him on the next raid. The atmosphere helps him to resume his strategies and to gather his thoughts.
It helps him to visualize the terrain the next war will be fought on and the techniques his enemies might use.
You will find him there often, sitting and staring out to the sea until the sun fades away.
P - petnames (what petname would they give their partner?)
“My love.”
The words tasted absolutely ridiculous on his tongue, when he first said them. Almost pathetic. That is also what he threw at your head, when you first said it, but not in anger. It was... something else. Some thing you had to figure out first.
The way he put you off was so reluctant, that it didn’t fit. He liked it. You knew he did. And he knew you knew he did. And he hated it.
This, in turn, made you use the petname whenever you could, with a smirk on your face. Eventually he not only gave in, but started using it himself.
The first time he did you probably spit out your drink in shock tbh.
He’d grumble out of embarassement, until you’d reassure him. When he knows for sure that you actually love it, it’s settled.
It would become a habit.
Q - quiet (what do undisturbed moments look like?)
In quiet moments Ivar can take a breath and let go of all that troubles him.
He likes taking you down to the beach on those rare days, lying next to you in the sand and relaxing for hours. In those moments all the fights, the wars and the arguments truly fade away. Sometimes they might creep into his mind, which you scold him for when he shares those thoughs absent-mindedly.
Apart from that, it is in those quiet times that you can truly find joy in the company of each other. There don’t need to be many words or actions to keep you happy, just the two of you alone will do.
R - rivals (how do they handle jealousy?)
Not too well.
If there is anyone making advances towards you, Ivar will be the first one to notice. Probably even before you.
He knows very well that you would not appreciate a bloodbath. And further than that, there are political figures that are better kept alive during those stressful times of war. So, no matter how much it bugs him, he would keep still for the time being, trusting you to tell them off (but you may notice the tick of his jaw, or the whitened knuckles when his fingers clench around the armrests of his chair).
If you don’t notice, Ivar will be sure to inform you and ask you to do something about it. He doesn’t voice his concerns about it very clearly, but he is afraid of you leaving him for another.
Though, should a situation get critical, even after you have made clear that Ivar is the one for you, you can be sure that Ivar wont let it slide.
Even if he has to make it look like an accident.
S - song (what song is a reminder of them?)
I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
I've been walkin' through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind
Careful creature made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
Da, da-da, da-da
Da-da-da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da-da-da-da
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
T - token (what kind of object would be the proof of their love? a ring? a necklace? something completely different?)
Ivar can, as a prince and as a king, buy you anything you want.
So he goes a completely different way.
He would try and make you something himself. Something that wouldn’t bother you during the day while tending to your tasks, but also something that would show everyone around you that you are taken.
And something that would remind you of him.
Ivar has noticed you fiddle with the pendant of his necklace often enough.
The viking takes is upon himself to make a twin to the mjolnir hanging from his throat. He would spend ages drawing out the form and details of the hammer, making sure everything looks perfect. He would also use much more expensive material than his own was made of and would insert fitting gemstones if possible.
Ivar works through days and nights to complete his work and smiles like a child when he can finally hand it to you.
It would turn out so beautiful that you would never want to take it off.
U - unique (why did they choose their partner? what first attracted them?)
The thing that first drew him to you was your personality.
Ivar likes looking at pretty features and bodies, yes. But in a way, doesn’t everyone?
Physical attributes don’t mean that much to him. That he may find a body pleasing to look at has nothing to do with feelings. It is more about an aesthitic. About a facade.
What really interests him is your behavior and your mannerisms. How you talk and behave when nobody sees you and how you move when the great hall is filled with people.
Ivar is first attracted to you because of your habits and your character. The unique tells when he catches you lying, or the characteristic twitch of your mouth, when Bjorn shares a story around the dinner table.
V - vulnerable (how vulnerable do they allow themselves to get?)
He is a tough nut to crack.
Ivar is not the type to be vulnerable around others.
He is not always proud of it when he loses his temper, but he absolutely hates it when he has to cry. Not particularily because he sees it as a weakness, but because he despises the whole feeling of it. He hates the helplessness that settles in and the pityful looks everyone carries on their faces when tears are shed.
He does not like to cry in front of you, even when you are close. You will often have to force him to lean on you and let you comfort him. At the beginning he dislikes doing so, but quickly notices that it helps.
He starts to appreciate your help and your knowledge when you assist him to get his mind back on track and give him a perspective he might not have thought of (though there is rarely a way he does not come up with).
X - xfactor (what’s one of their special talents they try to impress with?)
His mind.
While his brothers might be honest in saying that they consider him their equal despite his disability (which he is already sceptical of), Ivar is very aware that that does not count for everyone else around him.
Not even for you.
So he tries to impress you with what he does best. Ivar is intelligent and an incredible strategist on all fields. He will use his smarts and his witt to catch you attention (and maybe even aks you for advice, even though he already has the perfect solution).
Y - yin & yang (how does having their partner around change their behavior?)
It changes quite a bit.
Ivar becomes calmer when you’re around. More patient and less heated. Apart from that he puts great value on your opinions, even of you are not familiar with all of his strategies.
The times of war are stressful even on a bright mind such as his. It makes him agitated when you’re parted and he trends to get nervous when he can’t keep an eye on you.
Since what happened to his mother while he was not around, he fears that the same fate might come for you if he is not on guard at all times. That, in turn gets him easily frustrated when you can’t join him where he is going.
Needless to say, his men are glad when you are present.
Ivar becomes more relaxed, witty and even pleasant at times as soon as you are near.
Z- zen (how calm are they during arguments?)
Not very calm, even though he tries to keep his cool.
He tends to let his frustrations out, wether that be through screaming or trashing something.
This viking does not hold back.
And we all know Ivar is already intimidating enough when he is not in a bad mood.
But usually, all of that doesn’t happen around you. Between the both of you arguments rarely arise. You are pretty much on the same page and definetely act as a team.
Though, of course, it can’t be that easy all the time. When an argument between the two of you arises Ivat tries to reason with you. The man is used to things going his way, so it might be quite a struggle to go against him at first. He tends to get louder, as a way to emphasize his reasoning, but will quickly try to shut it down if you tell him that it upsets you.
He’ll try to explain his situation and get a grip on your view at the same time, until you reach an agreement both of you are happy with, which he does not do with anyone but you.
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hamatoclan76 · 3 years
Rise Splinter isn´t a very good parent and that´s okay.
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Look, before someone starts throwing tomatoes i want to clarify something: I like Splinter from Rottmnt and i really like Rise of the Tmnt. People who have followed me for a while know i enjoy the series and i´m sad about it how was cancelled. I also want to say that i don´t think other Splinters are 100% perfect and they have their own issues too.
What i don´t like is how the Rise of the tmnt fandom often overlooks Rise Splinter´s character flaws and pretends that he is a perfect father figure because this is not something supported by both by the narrative and his character growth.
So, what i´m going to do in this post is to examine his character flaws, his role as parent and character arc in the series. The point of this is to bring up this flaws to light, this is not a ¨character critical¨ or whatever you want to call it. It´s supposed to be character analysis, okay?
Let´s start with the short Turtle Tots short:
Link to the short:
This short is when the turtle brothers are still very young. We see that Splinter is trying to train them but he keeps watching a show he likes on TV. This short shows Splinter didn´t care about training his sons enough even when they were younger. He also leaves them with very dangerous weapons they don´t know how to use.
Splinter was already quite neglectful and careless since the start. He spend too much time watching TV rather than training his sons. It would more understandable if he was too busy working with something but here he is only watching a TV series. Later in the short he admits he should have paid more attention to the turtles and isn´t a good Sensei.
I have to say i didn´t like this short too much. I didn´t find funny the jokes of how Splinter ignores his sons for the TV series and leaves every 30 seconds. However, it provides some context for the characters and their relationship.
Now let´s talk about his characterization at the start of the series. (Season 1)
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Splinter at the start of the series is usually seen watching TV, whatever is his old movies or shows that he likes. He is rarely seen training the turtles or talking to them. Sometimes their interactions are the boys trying to ask him about something while he is watching his series. Splinter either answers them or ignores them.
He is usually so caught up in his own world that he doesn´t seem to be aware of who are the turtles fighting against until it starts biting them back. The boys usually don´t tell him about their adventures on the surface. One could argue that he assumes that they barely get in trouble and they are just playing.
In the episode ¨The Fast and the Furriest¨ Splinter ¨steals¨  Turtle Tank and takes it for a ride without Donatello´s permision. The turtles go through a lot of trouble to get the Turtle Tank back. By the end of the episode its Donatello, his son,is  the one who is putting a punishment on Splinter, who is supposed to be their father, for taking the Tank. 
While Donnie getting angry at Splinter is quite funny,this episode shows that Yoshi can be very inmature at times, if not childish. He doesn´t ask his son to allow him use the tank, puts them in danger and is scolded like a child at the end instead of him being the ¨responsible adult figure¨.
Parents being cocky or careless isn´t something very new. There are parents that act as inmature or worse than Yoshi and would never admit they did something wrong. So, i take this episode as one of the examples that Splinter does this kind of things. He isn´t this selfish and reckless all the time, just sometimes.
Another aspect is that Splinter struggles with remember his sons´ names. He calls them by their color bandana instead of their real names. This sometimes can be funny but on the long run it becomes quite disturing,Imo. There is difference between ¨calling your son with an affectionate nickname¨ and ¨not remembering your sons´ name¨. There is a point that this it becomes sad.
The tmnt wiki describes Rise Splinter´s personality as a ¨Extremely flawed (albeit loved) father figure¨. This means that he has tons of flaws but he cares about his family: One clear example is when he helps Raphael with fighting his fear in ¨Mrs. Cuddles¨. He protects the big turtle a few times from the giant puppet monster and they defeat the monster together.
Splinter cares about April O´Neil like she was part of the family too. In episodes like "Always Be Brownies" he is seen hanging out with her and helping her. He also encourages April to believe more in herself since she has tons of doubts in that episode. (Season 2).
Hamato Yoshi / Splinter´s backstory
Lets say that Yoshi didn´t have the best childhood. His biological father was missing and he is not mentioned in the flashbacks. Splinter´s mother, Atsuko, left Yoshi when he was still a kid so she would be able to perform her family duty as protector in the Hamato family.
This terrible loss made Yoshi grow bitter with his Hamato duties and martial arts. He didn´t want anything to do with his family legacy since it was the reason that his mother was forced to left him. He had an argument with his maternal grandfather and sensei, Sho, and decided to use the skills he learned in during his training to become a superstar.
After many shenanigans involving his crush on Big Mama, a very powerful yokai, and Baron Draxum, Hamato Yoshi mutated into a humanoid rat and adopted the turtles, who were about to be used as soldiers by Draxum, like their own sons.
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Splinter´s backstory explains a lot of his behaviour in the series: It´s implied his father died/left him, his own mother also left him to perform her duties and he has a very strained relationship with his grandparent. The reason of why he has so many problems when it comes to being a good father it is because he himself lacked good family support. It makes sense that he doesn´t seem to know what he is doing or why he is messy when he is takeing care of the turtles.
Speaking of that, this explains why he isn´t very involved in his sons´ training. Maybe he just doesn´t want them to carry the same burden that he did as a child or just dislikes the idea of training them because it reminds him of bad memories about his grandfather and his mother.
He also watches his old movies since it reminds him of the time he was living his life at his fullest and was doing something he enjoyed. It implies he has his mind stuck in the past, perhaps wishing he could still be human and live like superstar.
Splinter´s Character growth
Like i mentioned, Yoshi wasn´t very interested in training his sons at the start of the series. He was negletful and spent too much time watching his movies... This aspect of his character isn´t ignored.
When the turtles asked him to train him ¨The Evil League of Mutants" he put Lou-Jitsu films for them to watch, this made their sons think he wasn´t taking them seriously and decided to go out on their own. While Splinter´s intention was to show them the basics by them learning the moves from the movies, he came off as he only cared about watching said films to their sons.
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After noticing how his sons lack experience and need his help, he begans training them. Splinter gets more involved with his Hamato destiny and starts being more honest to the boys about his past as human and protector.
One episode that´s really worth of mentioning is ¨Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man¨: Splinter tricks Donatello and Mikey into going to a demolition center since he missed the old days he used to be a champion in the Battle Nexus. Donnie is very hurt when he finds out about this because he really wanted to spend more time with his father. By seeing this Yoshi realizes how his sons would like to do things together with him like hanging out. He apologizes to Donnie and tellshim that he may have lied but it is truth he wanted to spend time with him.
Along with getting more involved in his sons´s lives by teaching them and spending time with them, he lets Mikey hang out with Draxum because Mikey considers him part of the family too. (Draxum created them). He didn´t trust Draxum due to their mutual past but decides to give him a chance for Mikey´s sake.
In conclusion: In Rise of the tmnt, Splinter starts as somewhat a neglectful parent figure, sometimes acting childish and not being the best role model for their sons. Overtime he begins to understand the consequences of not training his family and gets more involved in their lives. He tries to be a responsible father despite he had tons of issues with his own family growing up. While very flawed, he has good intentions and cares deeply about his sons.
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