#biscuits soft hours 🥺
gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
heyyy! missed you a lot omg 😭😭😭💖 do you write for all jake characters? i was thinking of something like, detective loki has a very sensible and sweet girlfriend and she loses a pet and he comforts her while she's going through it. a very sad but also really soft and cute because of how much he takes care of her
Hii, angel!! I missed you too!! 🥺❤
I think the only characters I wouldn't write for would be Jack Twist (cause I only write female readers), like bubble boy lol, and Jeff Bauman (cause he's a real person, I think it would be weird). But except from those, I believe I would write for all! And I ADORED your request because Detective Loki is my absolute favorite character ever, the actual love of my life, think about him all the time <3
Warnings: the absolute cutest thing I ever wrote, hurt/comfort, pet death, sad as heck (my cat was making biscuits on my belly as I wrote it, I almost cried), a few swear words, buuut with tons and tons of fluff <3
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I named the dog Nugget because nothing makes me happier than pets with food names 😭
Knowing that day would come couldn't make it any easier. You just lost your childhood best friend. Someone who has always been there and... the fact he won't be anymore is almost unbelievable.
David had been by your side through the whole process. When Nugget started getting sick, he rushed him to the vet countless times. On his last days, David would always come home with a million treats and pillows, and blankies, everything to make your baby as comfortable and happy as possible. When you and David started dating, Nugget was part of the package. He had never had a dog before, but once you moved in, bringing yours along, he went full dog dad mode.
"No, don't worry, you should get some rest..." he would say, as an excuse to be the one to take Nugget on a walk or play with him.
And it really went both ways, Nugget was absolutely IN LOVE with David. He would wait for David to come home for hours by the door, and never leave his side when he does. You were jealous at first, but it was really adorable... having a dog really helped Dave with his stress.
But now... now the house felt so empty. Even though David was extremely heartbroken, he knew he had to stay strong for you.
He helped you bury Nugget on a special place with all the things he loved, and have a little funeral, where he made sure to say a few words, cause he knew you couldn't.
The day after the funeral, you woke up after noon, and could barely open your eyes from crying all night. You heard noises coming from the kitchen. Weird... David should be at work.
You walked downstairs to check. You found him cursing at something in the oven.
"Dave?" You called softly.
"Love?" He answered, pretending he had everything under control. "Hi, did you... did you get some sleep?"
"I did. Shouldn't you be at work?" You asked confusingly.
"I... yeah, it's just..." He sighed. "I didn't want to leave you here alone, I took the day off."
"You took the day off?" Your eyes widened. "David, you worked on Christmas. And on Thanksgiving. And on your birthday. And..."
"I know." He interrupted. "I'm sorry, baby... I know I work too much. But I thought... you might need some company."
His words seemed to hit both of you at the same time. It was always Nugget who kept you company during David's countless working hours. Now everything would be so much worse... not only you would be without David, you would be completely alone...
Your eyes filled with tears. He rushed to your side.
"Hey hey hey..." he held you tightly. "It's okay, baby, you won't be alone, okay? We'll figure it out."
You allowed him to hold you, closing your eyes and trying to just feel that moment. You needed to cry, you needed to hurt, and he knew that. It's part of the process and he would be right there until you were strong enough to carry on. As he held you, you could feel his warm embrace. His heart beating softly as he breathed slowly. His soft belly and strong arms. The smell of... what was that smell?
"Dave?" You wiped your tears and looked at him. "There's something... burning?"
"Oh, FUCK!" He rushed back to the oven, quickly turning it off.
"What's going on?" You followed him.
"I was... I was trying to bake a cake. Just... to make you feel better, and you weren't eating, I thought that maybe... oh, fuck, I knew I should just buy something, but I didn't want to leave you here and go out, then..."
He stopped his rambling immediately when he looked at you. You were... smiling?
"Dave, you're the best, I swear." You hugged him from behind, giggling.
"Wait, hold on..." he chuckled. "I fucked up."
"You didn't." You explained to him. "I didn't need a cake, I needed someone to care this much about me."
"Y/N..." he turned around to face you, staying inside your embrace. "You have no idea how much I care about you... you are my everything."
"I love you, Dave. I don't know how I would do this without you."
"You won't do this without me, I'll be right here, okay?"
"I don't know..." you shrugged, feeling the pain coming back to your chest. "I feel like it's not gonna go away... ever."
"I know." He sighed, caressing your hair. "I'm gonna miss him too. But I just know he was the luckiest dog who ever lived. To be loved this much by you, to grow up by your side... I just know he lived his best life."
"He did." You allowed yourself to smile again. "He was so happy. Specially after you came along."
David had to fight his emotions. He felt a little sting in his heart. He loved his little family, but he felt so undeserving of all that love. He thought about how Nugget got attached to him so quickly and he couldn't understand why. Just like he couldn't understand why burning a cake was the only thing that made you feel better, after all he tried... maybe love was still a little bit of a foreigner concept for him to understand. But maybe that was the point... as a detective, he was always trying to understand everything, and maybe love wasn't something to be understood... all he knew was that it was all over that kitchen.
Weeks passed and you were still healing. You still cried sometimes, but you were starting to accept it.
David had to go back to work, of course. Lives depended on him and keeping him home made you feel worse. At first, he took it slow. Didn't work as much as he used to. But as he started to go back to his normal rotine, you realized it would be harder than you thought.
After one particularly stressful day, around 1am, he went back to his car, ready to go home.
He started the car. Then paused. He could swear something moved on the backseat. He turned around and inspected it for a moment. There was nothing there, he was probably just exhausted.
He started driving. Something moved again.
"What the fuck..." he murmured, keeping his eyes on the mirror.
That's when a pair of yellow eyes looked back at him.
"Shit!" His eyes widened.
It was a kitten. As black as the seats, which is why he couldn't see it before. He left the car windows open and the kitten must have jumped in...
What the fuck was he gonna do now? He couldn't leave the kitten on the streets. But he couldn't take it home either... he had no idea how you would react, you were still sad about Nugget...
His mind raced until he got home, trying to decide what to do.
He had an idea.
As soon as he parked the car, he grabbed a box, put an old jacket of his inside it and placed it in the garage. He went back to the car and grabbed the kitten. He didn't realize how small it was before, but it fit in his hand. The kitten started purring as soon as David's hand made contact with it.
"Oh my god..." he murmured. He had never held a kitten in his life... he probably didn't even know they... vibrated.
He placed the kitten inside the box.
"Okay... I'll see what I'll do with you in the morning."
As soon as he turned his back, the kitten jumped out of the box, following him. It ran between David's legs, making him trip.
"Fuck!" He tried not to fall, at the same time as he tried not to step on the cat, that was the size of his boot. "Listen... you need to stay here, I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning, okay?"
He picked the cat back up, putting it inside the box again.
It jumped out. Of course.
On the 5th time that happened, David just sat on the floor, absolutely exhausted. He rested his face on his hands, cursing his luck. The kitten climbed up his legs and laid down.
David was starting to wonder if he was gonna have to sleep on the garage that night. That's when the door opened.
He and the cat looked at you with a terrified expression.
"I can explain." He said, with the most desperate look you had ever seen on his face.
"OH.MY.GOD." You gasped and brought your hand to your mouth.
"He followed me... I've been trying to get home for half an hour, I swear, he won't let me, I..."
"David." You looked at him with tears in your eyes. "You've been chosen."
"What do you mean?" He was trying to figure out if you were happy or upset. "I'm gonna take him somewhere tomorrow, I'll just..."
"David!" You kneeled next to the kitten, offering your hand for it to smell, and it immediately headbutted your hand. "Don't you dare say something like that, you're his father now..."
"Y/N..." he got even more desperate after hearing the word 'father'.
"This is the most affectionate kitten I've ever seen in my life..." you continued petting the small kitten, who was now loafing on David's leg. You picked it up to look for any signs that it might be hurt or sick. "It's a girl, by the way..."
"It's a girl..." he repeated, trying to process everything.
"You think...?" You got excited for a second, then calmed down. "Well, nevermind."
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby." David gave you space, as you sat beside him, holding the kitten on your lap.
"I... I was wondering if we could... keep it." You kept petting the kitten, who looked very relaxed. "But I understand if you don't want to... I mean, I know I've been a pain in the ass since Nugget is gone, and you probably won't want to go through that again..."
"Y/N, you haven't been a pain in the ass for a second in your life. I love you." He laughed. "I just... didn't know if you were ready yet."
"Well, I..." you thought about it for a second. "I didn't think I was. But... she chose you, it just... happened. I mean... I know it's hard to lose a pet we love, but... there are others out there who deserve a loving home too, you know? Like Nugget had. And there are so many animals suffering on the streets... specially cats..."
"You know what?" He smiled, really proud of you. "I think this is what Nugget would have wanted."
"DOES THAT MEAN SHE'S OURS?" You spoke excitedly.
"She's ours." He shrugged.
The kitten stood up, stretching and walking from your lap to David's, where she laid down again.
"She LOVES you..." you felt the tears starting to fall. It was so exciting that David would be there since day one for the kitten's life... with Nugget was different, and he deserved this. "She chose you."
"She's... vibrating again..." he raised his eyebrows.
"Jesus Christ..." he sighed, wondering what the fuck he got himself into.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
new soft thought of the hour 🥺 yoongi making a habit of bringing the m/c and tae snacks while they do their makeup, either its strawberry evening ice cream milkshakes, sundays with extra chocolate like the m/c likes, or little charcuterie boards of fresh cut fruit for breakfast <3 watermellon cut into heart shapes, maybe even a few things of candy tucked in, a bowl of whipped cream at the center.
he makes a little game out of seeing what kind of yummy thing he can surprise them with <3 maybe even a little video compilation of their excitement when they see what he’s brought them, lattes with hearts on topic thick cups of hot chocolate and marshmallows with sweet chunks of croissants on the side, biscuits, little cream cheese and cucumber tea time sandwiches 🥺 the works, maybe sometimes he leaves the room with two lip prints on either cheek
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onlyswan · 10 months
What are the things that make our Art happy? 🥺
poetry. hugs and kisses. soft blankets. anything pink. new clothes. discounts and big sales!!!! dancing. grocery shopping. restocking the fridge and the shelf after grocery shopping. someone cooking for me. funny and adorable animal videos. the smell of the ocean. sitting with my feet up on the chair (idk why either don’t ask). discovering a new favorite thing (i have a new favorite biscuit and a new favorite route for my weekend strolls). compliments (especially from strangers because they feel extra kind and genuine and i always cry a little like oh my gosh thank you it took me an hour to decide on this outfit and thank you for noticing that i took apart my heart to write that paragraph and and and). there’s soooo many more but for the last one i’ll say, a person interested in knowing what makes me happy makes me happy 🥺
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
Can you write about Rabiot being the BIGGEST simp for his reader girlfriend while she’s on her period? And helping her also cuddling? 🥺
Yes please 😭 I’ll write anything for that man ❤️
Plus I’m so mad for everything that is going on with Juventus right now 🥲
tw : blood mention, period pains in general
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Taking care of you
Adrien loved taking care of you when you had your period. You never understood why but he made you feel comfortable. Your ex boyfriend always acted disgusted when you told him you were on your period so you never brought it up again. Not even when you started dating Adrien. But eventually he knew, he knew how females bodies worked so when you first told him that you couldn’t go to the stadium to watch him play because you’re feeling sick he went all soft on you. He also said to you that he preferred staying at home taking care of you instead of playing that night but of course, as a big juventus fan as you are you scolded him and telling him that he had to win.
Of course that night Juve won.
But after that day it became his priority taking care of you when you were on your period.
“Good morning baby” he said once he woke up, hugging you from behind and the moment you didn’t reply he knew that time of the month had came.
He was very patient with you, always asking how you felt. Sometimes you just wanted to stay in bed all day, sometimes all you wanted to do was cry and other times you wanted to be adventurous, like going on hikes or road trips. It depended on how much pain you were feeling.
This morning was the worst.
You knew your period was coming so the night before you went to bed ready in case “your friend” would have visited you in the morning.
You were right.
When Adrien hugged you it felt like someone was punching you right in the stomach.
“Are you okay babe?” Adri asked you knowing that the time of the month had come
“No…” you simply said starting to feel a little bit nauseous
“It’s okay babe” he kissed your cheek and got up from the bed, covering you a little bit more with your fluffy blanket.
He went straight into the kitchen and prepared some hot tea for you, alongside with some biscuits and brought it to you in bed
“I hope this helps…” he said gently, giving you the hot cup and putting the biscuits on your night stand
“Thank you so much babe…” you whispered a bit and he kissed your forehead.
He went straight into the bathroom to get ready because that day he had practice even if he wanted to stay home with you.
“If you need anything I’m one call away okay? If you’re sick or if you’re feeling bad just call me and I’ll get home to you okay mon amour?” he asked you and you smiled a bit thanking him
That morning you felt like dying.
Everything hurt. You felt nauseous and your head was hurting. All you wanted to do was cry and scream but you couldn’t find the strength to do so.
Instead you showered and put on Adrien’s clothes, it made you feel calmer knowing somehow his presence was there.
You came back to bed and watched some TV binging from channel to channel. You snuggled into Adri’s pillow who perfumed exactly like him and you tried to fall back asleep waiting for him to come back home.
You didn’t realise that instead of taking a short nap you literally fell asleep for hours. You were so tired and out of energy that you needed to charge a bit. It was around 6 pm when you heard the front door opening, sign that Adrien was back home.
That day you hadn’t left the comfort of your bed and you started to feeling a little guilty for being lazy all day. All your emotions were coming out and you didn’t know if you could contain them in front of Adrien.
“Mon amour?” he called you coming into the bedroom “how are you?” he asked you sitting on the bed next to you
“Like shit…” you whispered
“Have you eaten today?” he asked you and you didn’t answer…”babe, it’s important to eat” he said with a soft smile
“I know I just wasn’t feeling hungry…” you said snuggling more into his pillow.
His face soften at your appearance.
“Why don’t we order something to eat?” he suggested
“I’m not that hungry but you can order something for yourself I don’t mind” you whispered
“Babe…please? Eat something for me…” he caressed your cheek and looked you into your eyes and you couldn’t resist his look
“Perfect! Let me order something and then we can cuddle okay?” he asked you and you nodded.
He made a phone call probably calling the restaurant near your apartment and then he came back to bed with you.
“Princess you look so tired…” he said to you while you laid your head on his chest
“I am…and I slept all day…”
“Have you taken some painkillers?” he asked
“Yes…but it feels like it’s not working at all” you said hiding your face in the crook of his neck while he kept you close to his body
“I’m so sorry baby…is there anything I can do to help you?”
“I’m so sorry…” he said massaging your back a bit.
When you felt his hands on your lower back you felt a sense of comfort you missed all day and let a few tears fall. You hoped he didn’t hear you but you were wrong.
He heard you and he held you closer to his body.
“It’s okay baby…let it all out, it’s okay” he whispered in your ear and you couldn’t control your tears anymore. You let them fall and Adrien kept massaging your back.
“Shhh…it’s okay, I’m here…you’re okay baby” he said comforting you.
After a few minutes you stopped crying and you felt childish for crying about nothing.
“I’m sorry for crying like this…” you apologised but he wouldn’t have none
“Don’t be sorry about it baby, it’s normal, you’ve had pretty stressful day” he comforted you and you smiled a bit
“Thank you Adri, for everything…”
“You’re my favorite person ever and I love taking care of you…it could be my full time job” he joked about it and you laughed
“I love when you take care of me” you teased him a bit
“I love taking care of you” he said kissing your cheek.
After 20 minutes food arrived and Adrien got pizza for the both of you and you eat it in bed watching some TV.
You, laid between his legs with your back and head on his chest and his warm and big hands around your belly gently massaging it, trying to ease the pain.
You fell asleep in his arms which were keeping you warm and safe. Adri gently wrapped a blanket around you and turn off the light.
“Goodnight princess” he said kissing your cheek and falling asleep too.
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azurelyy · 2 years
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I posted 758 times in 2022
That's 758 more posts than 2021!
349 posts created (46%)
409 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 628 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#ask away - 237 posts
#azurelyy scribbles - 115 posts
#ask game - 99 posts
#azurelyy friends - 76 posts
#naruto fanfiction - 54 posts
#azurelyy writes - 41 posts
#azurelyy moots - 35 posts
#delirious writes - 33 posts
#azurelyy faves - 28 posts
#azurelyy.100event - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#not 100% certain if it’s good i write like i’m from the 1970’s though
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey! How are you doing? I saw that your requests are open and I was wondering if you'd be willing to write something smutty for Jiraiya? Maybe he comes home to his girlfriend and they've been missing each other so much? Thank you so much ❤
Hi, Nonnie! I am okay. Got COVID over the weekend and despite being triple-vaxxed, it totally kicked my ass. Am slowly getting over it. I hope you're doing good! <;3.
Not gonna lie, I saw Jiraiya's name and blacked out. This was the result. Hope you enjoy! (I am tagging @sneetsnoot because we share this Jiraiya obsession lol)
Title: Eight Hours & Sixty Days 🍋
Pairing: Jiraiya x f!reader
Warnings: Size kink, "Daddy" kink, age gap, praise, orgasm denial, dumbification, female masturbation, unprotected sex, cookie monster!Jiraiya, soft dom!Jiraiya, slight infantilization, aftercare
Word Count: 4.5k
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Eight hours and sixty days. Eight hours and sixty days since Jaraiya the Gallant last kissed you, last touched you, last talked to you; but to you - as you watched the sixtieth sun disappear behind the horizon, as the sky faded from navy to black, as the snow turned blue from the absence of the warm glow of the brightest star - it may as well have been a lifetime. You sighed, releasing the heavy ball and chain that tugged at your heart, as you stood from the chair on your balcony and entered into your little apartment. 
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329 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Hiii! I hope you're doing well ♡ congrats on 100 followers!!
For the event , can I please get #7 of the smut prompt with shikamaru and a female reader?
Ally, you deserve so much better than me! 🥺 I am so sorry this took me forever. Obviously I didn’t plan this event very well lol. I am hoping the length of this one will make up for how long this took me. 
Hopefully you like it! 🖤 I had a lot of fun writing it, and it’s actually my first NSFW for Shikamaru! I know, crazy. Oh, and as we discussed in our DMs, this has Prompt 10 since Prompt 7 was taken! 
Words: 3.5k
🍋 Prompt: “Oh, how we’re going to hurt each other.”
Warnings: NSFW, enemies to lovers, semi-public sex, closet sex, oral (f!receiving), wall sex, unprotected sex. Mentions: Sasuke, Ino, Naruto, and Sakura (NaruSaku)
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See the full post
389 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Hi, congrats to 100 supporters ayyyyy👏🏻You deserve it love!
Can I propose smut prompt nr 7 with Kakashi and a fem reader? And maybe a jealous friends to lovers thing?
I hope this is ok, again congrats!!!
Hi! Thank you so much! 🥺 You are too sweet.
You can propose anything with Kakashi. 😏 I, once again, went feral writing for my favorite Sensei... lol. I hope you enjoy and thanks again for requesting something!
P.S. Sorry I am kind of mean to Genma?
Words: 3.8k
🍋 Prompt: "You should be kissed. And often. And by someone who knows how."
Warnings: oral (f!recieving), soft dom!Kakashi, over-over-overstimulation, orgasm denial, jealous!Kakashi, face sitting, rimming, dumbification
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The fire’s flame flicked across your neck, hugging each curve delicately the way he wished he could as you leaned in to the chestnut haired man next to you, your plump lips curved into a cunning smile with wild eyes, like little monsoons. Kakashi convinced himself the reason he was burning up was due to the large bonfire just a few feet in front of him, but the longer he glared at the way Genma’s hand rested over yours on your knee, he wondered if he was being completely honest with himself.
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400 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Rain Rendezvous ☁️
Literally nobody asked for this but I had to get it out to the universe. I really hope ya’ll enjoy! 
Pairing: Sasuke x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of adult content, minor NSFW hints, soft sasuke, minor heartache, comfort fic, slow burn
Word Count: 6.5k 
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Sasuke cursed under his breath as he ran along the muddied, contorted path. The field surrounding him was pitch black, the only illumination coming from the chaotic bursts of lightning in the distance, showing that this long forgotten path was leading him to one of the smallest villages he had ever seen.
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437 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hear me out… Dilf!Nanami who is obsessed with your tight little babysitter pussy, who can’t help himself from tasting you when he comes home from work to find you cleaning dishes in his kitchen. Those thigh-high socks are for him, right? That short skirt is so he can glimpse your peachy butt when you bend just a little too far over the counter, yeah?
Dilf!Nanami who is going to force you to answer that call on your phone whilst he eating you out like a starving man. Who is going to have you gushing on his mouth whilst you explain to your boyfriend that you’ll be home late…
Dilf!Nanami who is never going to let you go now he has tasted you on his tongue.
🧁 anon
Oh my lorddddd, 🧁 Anon... You have truly slayed me!
I am sorry this took so long. I wanted to make this into a full fic but I think my headcanon format will work best for this one. <3. This is my first time writing for everyone's favorite Daddy, so hopefully I portrayed him well.
NSFW beneath the cut - Minors DNI!
Warnings: NSFW, cheating, oral (f!recieving), finger sucking, dilf!Nanami
This truly was never his intention.
Had he admired your body from afar for months now? Yes.
Did he torture himself every day by imagining the way his teeth could drag your cat-patterned panties down your thick thighs? Yes.
Did he often find his hand wrapped around his cock after you called him 'Nanami-san' at the end of your shift, your voice all sleepy and raspy due to the short nap you took on his living room sofa? Again, yes.
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488 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Daily texts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
A/n:- I tried making it let’s see how it goes.
Genre:- fluff and mentions of pet names, cheating ?
Links of the image used/ credits:- muzan+Mj
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I hope you enjoyed! Take care<3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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komoreibi · 3 years
Rohan tends to work a lot and he often forgets to eat or drink while he is working. So you bring him food in his office yet he doesn't really notice you, since he is so absorbed by his work. But when he stops, he looks at his side, and there's a plate with food and a little note that says "you're doing a good job, i admire you"
And he smiles and so he gets up to find you and the two of you end up rampaging the kitchen for a late midnight snack together. (You have it at the balcony while looking at the stars🥰).
AN: i hope you liked it!! And she also thought of one with polnareff as well if you want!
oo this is so cute 🥺 (plus i love anything and everything rohan teehee) (also idm reading a polnareff one if u want, tho i’m not too sure i could write him well ><)
ok so imagine you’ve brought rohan some tea and biscuits around 4 in the afternoon for teatime. you knocked on the door but as expected, you don’t get a response.
you opened the door anyway and there you saw your lover, kishibe rohan, hard at work. the sounds of pencils and pens scratching against paper filled the room alongside his muttering, as well as the occasional page flip as he began work on a new page or checked back on some references.
you couldn’t help but smile at the sight, seeing how passionate he is with his work, and decided to leave the snacks on his desk with a little letter. it was best to leave him to his work for now anyways.
minutes turn to hours and rohan only realised he should probably take a break when his beloved pen ran out of ink, only scratching the paper without leaving a proper mark.
he finally leans back in his chair for a break and stretches upwards, his short shirt riding up and exposing his toned midriff as he does so. the mangaka then set his pen down on the table and that’s when he realises, there’s a cold cup of tea on the table sitting beside a plate of biscuits that had likely gotten soft from being out for so long.
“since when had that been there?” he mumbled to himself with a raised eyebrow, picking up the folded slip of paper on top of the biscuits. he noted to himself to wash his hands after this, considering that the note had gotten slightly oily from what he assumed was the butter of the biscuits. he didn’t want any of that getting on his manuscript after all.
“my rohan-chan, good work today! you’re working hard as always. i prepared something for teatime though i don’t think you’ll be eating it. i really admire your ability to focus. but now that you’re reading this, please don’t forget to take care of yourself. if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
rohan chuckled to himself and folded the note back up before placing it in a drawer full of similar notes. then with a squeak of a chair and a shutting of a drawer, he gets up and leaves the room, ready to find you for a late dinner and possibly some stargazing, which was always your usual nightly routine.
and after that, he wanted to kiss you all over your face and cuddle you to sleep.
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mcnobi · 3 years
Soft Obi-Wan headcanons? Say no more, hun.
1. His hair looks very soft during TPM and there are so many ppl who'll see soft hair and say "oh that looks so nice, can I touch?", while already having a hand in your hair (especially when you are a kid, I suffered so much). I bet people did that a lot to him when he was still a youngling. But yk what? Little Obi absolutely loved that. He thrived on ppl petting his head or stroking his hair and telling him how soft it is. And I think he never quite lost that. But ofc as he got older he stopped asking ppl to do it. But Cody absolutely finds out and does it. Sometimes to calm his anxiety. Sometimes to make him get some fckn sleep.
2. He is the master of pet names but he will absolutely blush if you dare to call him one. He is quite immune to teasing or snarking. But if you look at him softly and call him "dear" or "darling" in a calm, heartfelt voice he will melt into a puddle full of feelings. One time Cody called him "baby" when he was very sick and curled up into a tiny ball in his lap and Obi-Wan's brain instantly stopped working for the next few hours.
3. Not a headcanon but a reminder that Anakin retrofitted Obi-Wan's droid (R4-P17) to look like his own (R2-D2)
4. No matter how hard he tries, Obi-Wan is not able to hold more than four things in his hands. Partially because his hands are tiny (at least compared to other cis male ppl). But also because he simply lacks the skill. It's not his coordination. He has plenty of that. Yet he can't seem to grasp more than two things with one of his hands at the time. This has led to many embarrassing times of him just dropping everything he was holding at the most inconvenient time. He also tends to just stuff things into the inside of his robes or between his belt and his clothes (no, jedi belts do not have useful tiny pouches). Sometimes he even puts pens or such behind his ears. But every now and again he gets very fed up and just force floats all his things along behind him. One times Yoda caught him and internally laughed his ass off while giving a misuse-of-the-force-lecture.
5. He absolutely despises being cold. That is the reason he wears so many layers. He also sleeps with at least two blankets at all time. On the Negotiator sometimes with more because it's fckm freezing in space. Especially when Cody isn't there to keep him warm. When his is there tho, Obi-Wan will wrap all his limps around him in an octopus-style and refuse to let go. As the war gets harder and he tends to sleep less and less, his men will sometimes resort to turning off the heating in his room until his is either forced to work in bed with a bunch of blankets or migrates to the well heated common area where is is easy for them to guilt-trip him into taking a break or do their best pout to make him join a cuddle-pile.
Additionally, have some pictures I very much like:
(not my art or memes)
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OH MY GOODNESS. Look at this selection box of treats. I'm a little overwhelmed. 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for sending these across my lovely, I'm wrapping myself up in them like Obi-Wan in his 17 layers 💕 I love the idea that petting Obi-Wan like a cat calms him down.
Number 2 is a BIG MOOD. I'm also the queen of pet names but yes, if anyone uses them on me I have about the same reaction as Obes.
I'm never getting over Anakin retrofitting R4. It makes my stomach flip. 🥺
As someone from the tiny-hands brigade, this is also a BIG MOOD. Although I absolutely believe that Obi-Wan has a Jedi Order tote bag and just like the rest of us somehow ends constantly having to empty biscuit crumbs and pen lids out of it.
I am 100% of the opinion that Obi-Wan wears a thermal body-stocking underneath all those layers and that's why his necklines got consistently higher over the course of the films. 'Cause they stopped making the V-necks. I do love the idea that anyone undressing him would think they were getting close to full naked Obi-Wan glory and then be like "HOW are you somehow still wearing clothes?" 👀
I feel very smooshy and soft now, thank you 💜
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Wooga ITS was so so soft, I was smiling the whole way through, and when it ended I couldn’t believe that almost an hour had passed, it felt like 20 minutes.
I’m excited for the other two to show up so we can see their group dynamic. Peakboy really won me over, he was the least interesting to me before because his music isn’t really my style, but I might give it a second chance now.
I really didn’t think they’d be this close, because of the age gap and having met through work, but they baby Taehyung so much 🥺🥺 and they tease him in such a sweet way. Seojoon saying they need to buy him baby biscuits or he should eat the last piece of steak so he can grow taller 🥺🥺
**thank fuck for no weird cuts, no weird edits, and a lot of Taehyung laughter.
I genuinely loved it so so so much!!!  It was so soft, oh my goodness.  I absolutely loved getting to see Taehyung like that, just surrounded by people who clearly love him, babying him and laughing with him.  They teased him so much too and he just rolled with it lol.  It was so Taehyung, but also such a different dynamic.  Obviously he can be babied a bit in BTS too, by basically everyone, but he just seemed so young with Seojoon and Peakboy.
It really seemed like he had the ability to be this different version of himself around them.  Someone else pointed out (I think it might have been a Jikook blog I keep up with) that Taehyung really took on the dongsaeng role in a way that we don’t really see within BTS at all, where he was always trying to help with little tasks and things like that.  In some ways he was almost sort of demure with them, but also it was clear that he was very comfortable and playful with them too.
Idk I just thought it was so so cute and sweet, and I genuinely had such a nice time watching it, I can’t wait for more.  It gave me similar relaxing vibes as his vlog did, but it was so great just to get to see and hear him laugh so much, I loved it.
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books-and-cookies · 2 years
More Tea
Mary sat and looked at Abraham, unsure of what to say. Her conversations with her mother tended to revolve around Mary’s relationship status, or lack thereof, and her mother’s constant bemoaning of a decided lack of grandchildren.
In-depth conversations about death and what life might be like when all you have loved are gone never arose when speaking with her mother. And what little interactions Mary had with her father consisted primarily of listening to him gripe about Chelsea and about whether anyone at Downing Street did anything other than sit on their thumbs.
Mary had never met a man quite like Abraham.
He was not handsome, nor did he try to be. The man wore comfortable clothes and sat easily in the chair. His voice was soft, soothing, and generous.
Yes. He was generous.
“Do you read to them often?” Mary asked, refilling her mug and his as well.
“Every night.” He smiled. “I confess, I sneak back in and sleep there.”
She looked at him, surprised.
Abraham nodded.
Mary took a sip, went to ask if he would like another biscuit, and something else slipped out entirely.
“Could I listen to you read to them?”
He blinked, smiled, and then said, “I think I should like that very much.”
“Should I meet you there?” She set her teacup down. “I’m not quite certain what to do.”
“I will meet you here,” Abraham said. “We can walk around the cemetery’s fence together and then travel in through the back fence. It would be best to stick to a routine the trees are familiar with. They are old, some of them, and like me, they are set in their ways.”
“Alright,” Mary said, her heartbeat quickening. “What time?”
Abraham glanced at his large, dull gray wristwatch. “It’s half-past six now. I shall meet you here in three hours if you find that acceptable.”
“I do.”
“Dress warmly,” Abraham cautioned. “We’ll read a little outside tonight. It’s supposed to be a full moon, which means there will be plenty of light.”
Abraham finished his tea, and as he put on his coat and took up his cane, they said their goodbyes.
Mary closed and locked the door behind him.
She would sit and read until it was time to go.
If she could concentrate at all.
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
Cherry amaretto sorbet sounds delicious, how did it turn out? (And if it's not too much to ask, could you share the recipe??)
yes ofc 💜 and it turned out good I've made it before it's a prettyy risk free recipe!
I made this recipe myself so there's no quantities or timings as I just eyeball everything but like. it's all to taste really its not like a cake where it matters!
you will need: cherries (I use fresh black cherries, I think you can do this w frozen cherries but the method might be a little different), apple juice (another fruit juice tht you like is fine. some people add orange juice for the flavour. I use apple juice as a replacement for water so you don't dilute the taste, rather than as an added flavour), amaretto liqueur (almond extract is fine for flavour but alcohol stops it crystallising so its easier to make. if using almond extract add it BEFORE u boil), sugar (optional) + an electric whisk
1. pit the cherries and put them in a saucepan. I cut them up into smaller pieces because that's the texture i like, but you can leave them whole, they do cook down quite a lot anyway
2. cover them in apple juice (or water+sugar) and bring to the boil. the amount of apple juice really depends on if you want a smaller amount of very rich compote-like sorbet, or more of a lighter sorbet with cherry chunks. bear in mind that quite a lot of liquid will boil off while cooking - you can top up at any point though. you want to be anywhere on the liquid side of a jam texture.
3. Once it's boiled, bring it down to simmer and stir occasionally. it doesn't seem to really matter if you do it hotter for shorter or on a low temp for longer. you're basically just watching the texture. It'll turn kind of sticky, and you're trying to boil the cherries down from like a fresh fruit texture to like a jam texture? I've never managed to overcook it so long as I stir it a lot. you can keep adding liquid to adjust the thickness, what matters is the texture of the fruit & the consistency turning stickier
4. Mix in a dash of amaretto. Other alcohol is fine too if you like the taste - it helps to stop it crystallising so you get a nicer texture. If you don't want it to be alcoholic, pour in the amaretto while it's still cooking and the alcohol will boil off. you'll just have more whisking to do later.
5. Pour it into a tub. I recommend pouring it before it cools because it goes more solid as it cools and you end up with loads stuck to the pan. You need to pour into a tub that'll fit in your freezer but also that you can fit your handheld whisk in.
6. Freeze. Pull it out maybe every couple of hours and whisk it thoroughly to break up the ice crystals. Scrape the crystals off the side of the tub etc, make sure when you put it back in the freezer there are absolutely no crystals. You'll figure out how regularly you need to whisk it - you don't want it to freeze so solid that you can't get the whisk in, but you also it's pointless to whisk it before it's a little frozen. 1hr freeze->whisk->2hr freeze->whisk->2hr freeze is normally OK for me with the booze, but just keep whisking until the texture isn't crystally!
sorry this is super long!! I make up my recipes by learning the rules and then experimenting so I wanted to explain everything I do & why so you can experiment too and make it your own. I'd love to try making chocolate ice cream and swirling this through it - I also use this recipe as a filling for soft amaretti biscuits which are absolutely divine together, nd you could probably stuff it inside any dessert thing and it'd be delicious. do let me know if you make it 🥺🥺🥺
(lemon and vodka sorbet follows the same principles except cut a big slice of lemon peel, boil it in water and sugar until it goes translucent, add the juice of 2 lemons, remove the peel, add very finely grated zest)
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hi I hope you're good. i have a request 💚 i have green hair rn Just like midorimas's hair and can you write midorima with a green hair s/o. (headcanons, fluff, scenario what you want sweety)
s/o features: green(same tone as midorima) hair, 5'4, 46 kgs, usually wears oversized clothes,, tshirts and hoodies, skateboarding, a quiet self conscious introvert person, loves reading books and drawing, Plays guitar but has not good voice for singing can you write before relationship, flirtting times, in a relationship
Did I write too many features? 😳 i'm in love with midorima but I don't know if he loves me. I wonder how it would be if he knew me. oh god i really want too much thing. i'm really so sorry if you dont wanna write its ok
if you wanna write already thank youuuuu sooooo much for writing ily <3
A/n:- Hey it’s completely fine! Green hair are so lovely <3. He’d definitely love you. Pls you are so sweet, I just know that he would fall for you hard! I hope you enjoy <3
Request are open
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Midorima before and in relationship Hc’s
Featuring:- Midorima Shintaro
Before relationship:-
Ever since you were little books were the only thing whose company you truly enjoyed. Books fairytales , prince princess were the things which made you happy. As you grew up you books were your friends too but apparently a talkative person found you interesting. Yes Takao.
Takao saw how talented you were with the guitar how beautiful your hair truly is and how sweet you are as a person. Whenever you were with Takao you felt safe and happy. After few months of knowing each other you guys became inseparable and were now best of friends.
He knew about your likes and dislikes . Takao decided to join the basketball club whereas you opted for the music club. Because of Takao and your friendship you met Midorima who had the same hair colour as you and he became very close to you and Takao.
You didn’t mind him as you and him had similar hobbies. What attracted you more was the fact that he trusted “Oha asa” and his lucky items. Takao knew that you also trusted “oha asa” but you never bought the “lucky items” Takao used to bicker back and forth about how funny Shin-chan’s lucky items were. Midorima would always say “ do not make fun of my lucky items. They are lucky for a reason” and you would agree with him.
You kinda liked that about him but when Takao used to tease him it would always be so fun to see his embarrassed and flushed face.
There was this one time where you had to stay late in your club room because of your club activities .Takao always used to walk with you to your house (we want a man like Takao🥺). You started to pack up your stuff and locked your club room and start walking towards the basketball club room.
It started to rain heavily you sprinted toward the clubroom, to see Midorima practicing his shoot whereas Takao was talking to him. You decided to eavesdrop their conversation.
“Do you think they like stuff like that?”
“Shin-chan I know y/n better than you and yes they love that.”
“I just hope they accept it and don’t decline it. Has anybody done that to them?”
“Shin-chan you are so nervous 😸. Don’t worry y/n would love any gifts if it’s from you.”
“It’s pretty obvious Shin-chan they like you too 😼”
Midorima.exe has stopped working as soon as you yelled at Takao.
“Huh, my job here is done. Bye bye 👋😽”
“Your job?” You were about to hit him that’s when you glanced at Midorima, he was a blushing mess. He couldn’t even say anything to Takao because he confessed for you and he was in shock.
“Midorima, you like me?”
“If it’s a yes. Then would you like to be my boyfriend?”
You giggle as Midorima blurts out a high pitched “yes”
That’s how it all started.
In the relationship
Once you guys got together it was just so pleasant, even though Midorima was a “tsundere” you  always made him fall for you more.
He was staying late in his clubroom as his match was around the corner and he wanted to  give his best. He texted you about it and you replied with a yes.
You were busy watching some tv but your mind kept on thinking how much time would he take to come back. After a while you eventually got bored of watching the series which made no sense to you whatever. Switching off the tv , you grab your phone from the coffee table.
You scroll through your phone so that the time would pass by and he’d be home. 
“Y/n?” , he keeps his duffel bag on the floor and removes his shoes and keeps it on the rack with no noise .You were fast asleep on the couch with your legs dangling off. He makes his way towards only to stop midway to observe you well. You were wearing his hoodie which reached your midthigh. You look so adorable to him that he had to process for a while on how to approach you without stuttering out some words.
“Shin? you are home!” you struggle to keep your eyes open and were about to fall off the couch, that’s when he grabbed you by your arms and bent down to place you properly on the couch.
“I missed you so much” you reply with sleep-laced tone and sit up on the couch to look at him.
“I am sorry love, i had to practice some more.” You stretch your arms out indicating that he has to place a kiss on your cheek (just a little ritual you had)
He kisses your cheek and looks around the room not making any eye contact since he was still not used to the small forms of affection.
After taking a quick shower and eating some food you guys make your way towards the bedroom to doze off.
You plop down on the bed , Midorima follows suit and places his glasses on the nightstand.
You snuggle close to his chest inhaling his fresh scent , he becomes stiff as he is still not used to this. You are so adorable he thought, but would he ever tell  you ? maybe?
The room was filled with soft snores coming from you and you clutch his shirt in your hand, so that he was closer to you. He was blushing , he strokes your hair and twirls it around his fingers.
Your hair is so vibrant he thought, one of the many physical features he liked about you was your hair and how healthy they were. And the amazing part was that they were the same color as his. He strokes your hair and falls asleep knowing that after his tiring day you would be there for him and he would be there for you.
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Pls respond 🥺🌝
I am sorry bubs I was asleep 🥺😅. Omg Why are you so cute? 🥺 I love you bubs❤️🥺.
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*slides into your ask box*
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I just want to say thank you again for your lovely message, it really means so much to me that you like my stuff 🥺 I don’t really get asks so I REALLY really appreciate it!
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Ma’am don’t worry! I will always slide into your
Ask box and make you realise how loved and adored you truly are! Have a great day/night lovely 💕
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