#bismuth yaps
birdinabowl · 2 months
The Bismuth and Rose situation is so much more complex than Rose haters boil it down to. A lot of people will say “Rose is bad because she bubbled away Bismuth and lied” without looking further into the situation. Bismuth and Rose would’ve been close friends and allies at the time, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bismuth was one of the crystal gems Rose trusted the most. But everything changed at the forge. There is a high likelihood that Bismuth got incredibly upset once Rose turned down the breaking point. In a way, Bismuth could’ve seen it as an almost a betrayal by Rose. Even though Bismuth already was wary of Rose, she was quick to violence with Steven, so it’s not unfair to assume she would’ve attacked Rose first.
Rose had little choice other than to bubble Bismuth at that point, she wouldn’t have been asked to calm down Bismuth. Even thought lying that she got lost in battle is wrong, what else could Rose do? Explaining she attacked Bismuth and bubbled her would’ve been catastrophic for the rebellion. She’d have to tell the rebellion about the breaking point, and out of all the gems in the rebellion at the time, some of them would’ve loved the idea. Rose didn’t want any gems shattered, she wouldn’t want the news about a gem shattering weapon, a weapon just for that, to get out.
Telling the crystal gems Bismuth had got lost in battle was the most respectful way Rose could’ve done things tbh. At the very least it preserved Bismuth’s memory and it didn’t taint it in the minds of anyone. After the war, Rose definitely had the chance to take Bismuth out of the bubble but I don’t blame her for being apprehensive. Her actions weren’t necessarily right, but what other choice did she really have? She was forced to make a hard choice in an awful situation.
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6arelydecod3r · 2 months
MORE NORTON IN STEVEN UNIVERSE STUFF!!! because some ppl liked it :333
The bread and milk reference was too good not to draw, I imagine he eats with amethyst then pearl is just absolutely disgusted
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Bismuth trying to be friendly, and he gets flustered about it cuz bismuths are like the superiors to pyrites In the lil lore I made for him :3, here if anyone wants to read it, I'll reference it a lot
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Then him yapping about pink diamond naming his batch of pyrite "fool's gold" causing him humiliation, and "damn that's awful"
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hjonko · 3 months
Didn’t reach the reblog nor like goal but im obsessed so I made the refs anyway 😋😋😋
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Now heres my Yap-Fest from my notes
Basically a second gem war breaks out while Stevens a toddler, as Steven grows, (without Greg, L + Ratio bozo) more and more homeworld gems end up joining the Crystal Gems with Stevens diplomacy skills, however at the same time Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are all captured by Homeworld (presumed dead but they arent dw-) leaving Steven, 14 years old at the time, to command them. A year later Steven finds Bismuth in Lions mane and questions her, homeworld or rebel? Why were you important to Rose? What do you do? etc.
And extra later, (roughly a year after Bismuth is re-active) Jasper is abandoned by Yellow Diamond, after she finds out about Jasper resorting to recruiting, what the Diamonds think, are Earthlings (The Corrupted Gems), and ends up reluctantly joining the Crystal Gems as a catalyst for revenge. (She slowly comes around to them and further advances Stevens fighting style)
Speaking of his fighting style!
Stevens powers are more on the offense gem-ish side than the shows defensive humane side.
So this Steven is lavaproof and poofable! (with enough force/damage that is)
As you may have noticed in the references, Steven’s shield has more thorns around the radius, so when he throws it, it ends up acting as like, a sawblade ig.
He also has a helmet like Jaspers, I thought it’d work out since this Steven is more headstrong and “dont think, dont care,” than classic Steven. Which leads to this Steven being taught to use fighting to solve most homeworld problems, (by both Bismuth and Jasper) however a bit of our classic Steven tends to slip out in waves of empathy and doesn’t *always* resort to such methods.
This isnt really a fighting style but he figured out how to store things in his gem like the others do, (mostly Pearl) which is where he keeps his mothers sword, as in this version he never found her scabbard to keep it in / he never brought Lion to the straw-battle field.
A handful of humans are in the care of the temples base to avoid the robonoids that now wonder Earth, now being programmed to search and destroy unregistered gems AND organics, while others are either dead or have successfully made it to the shelters before the war went all out.
These humans include Barb, Lars, Sourcream, and Yellowtail.
Later to be found: Sadie and Onion, who were taking refuge in the Big Donut before Steven found them.
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thespiritbee · 7 months
Chat, show me the OC, you know what one I’m yapping about bestie
Oh this OC? Blank? My first The Amazing Digital Circus OC??
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(THIS WAS NOT DRAWN BY ME, THIS WAS DRAWN BY MY WONDERFUL FRIEND BISMUTH <- The Underlined is a link to her Pinterest profile, follow her she does wonderful art!!)
As stated, This is my very first (out of about 35) TADC OC!! They go by they/them and they hold a very special place in my heart
They are based off old polygonal textures in games and general shapes!
Fun fact, they also melt whenever they get overstimulated, stressed, or generally overwhelmed
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amalgamau · 5 years
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Is here quicker then most updates will be! I felt like posting it quickly so that there was a bit more content out there for ya! Expect more updates for the actual story to be closer to a couple times a week, but lets go all out for the start Eh?
First | Previous | Next
Steven’s eyes slowly opened to see Yellow and Blue standing above him. He jumped to his feet and looked around in desperation. His eyes landed on Connie, lying in a crumpled pile with lion at her side gently nudging her, trying to get her to move, but to no avail. As Steven crawled to his feet with tears in his eyes, he was suddenly snatched up by Blue, who clung to him, sobbing.
"Ohhhhh, Pink! I can't believe it! You've been here all along!"
Steven, however, entirely focused on Connie and forced himself away from Blue in tears.
Steven rushed to her and looked down at her lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably.
"Connie... you can't.... you can't die... you just said we're supposed to be in this together! You can't leave me..."
He pulled the limp body into a hug, his tears fell onto her and, writhing a moment, she began to glow and slowly turn pink. Steven was taken aback before remembering what happened to Lars, the realization dawning on him. He pulled her tighter, sobbing in relief as Connie slowly opened her eyes.
"St-Steven? What happened...?" she mumbled with a groggy tone.
"Connie! I'm so sorry! I w-wasn’t fast enough.. the gems.. and you... you were..."
He breaks off into sobs unable to speak as he clings tightly to Connie, who hugs back, looking down at her arms.
“I was....? Wh-wha? The last thing I remember was running at Blue Diamond, and then.... It’s all fuzzy... I-is my skin... Pink?” Connie asked as she looked at her arms, which were wrapped around Steven, who couldn’t stop crying. While Connie collected herself, Yellow was trying to get her hand ship to take off, but with no luck. Blue watched Steven cling to Connie  as he cried in concern, but, in fear of upsetting “Pink” even more, she decided to stay silent.
Meanwhile, Connie pulled Steven back to look him in the eyes and spoke to him in a slow and calm voice.
“Steven. It’s okay. I’m right here. Take deep breaths and walk me through what happened slowly.”
Steven nodded and gulped, taking deep labored breaths.
“While I was in the psychic mind place…” he began, "I was trying to get the Diamonds to listen to me... but their thoughts were too strong... and then they poofed everyone with an attack... and then... the.... Gems... the gems got...” He paused and choked on his tears.
“Shattered...” Connie recoiled in alarm and looked around her; she could see indents in the sand where each of the Crystal Gems fell before poofing... and in the indents where Garnet and Amethyst had collapsed, shimmering shards were scattered. A fine light powder, slightly off the color of the sand, dusted the hole where Pearl had fallen. Connie felt tears in her eyes as her mind raced. However, she was able to see the Gemstones of Lapis, Bismuth, and Peridot still unscathed along the beach. As she tried to process what had happened, she turned to Steven in concern.
“Steven... do you... do you think you can heal them? You brought Lars back... You brought....” she paused, gulping as she realized what she was about to say.
“Y-You brought me back.... Can you do the same for them?” Steven sniffled as he looked up at her.
“I-I don’t know... they’re in pieces... even if I tried, I don’t know if I could get all of them...”
Connie paused and looked back at the shards that littered the ground.
“What about Rose’s fountain? If you put them there do you think it would fix them?”
Steven looked down and mumbled “I don’t know.... Maybe...”
Connie grabbed his hands and stood, looking him in the eye with an uneasy smile.
“Then let’s try it! It can’t get much worse can it?”
The pair scrambled to collect the remains of their friends while Blue stared in confusion.
"Pink, what are you doing?" she asked, but was ignored as Steven and Connie focused on grabbing everything they could and bubbling them for safe keeping. As they finished gathering the unshattered gems, Yellow turned exasperated to Steven.
"How could you do this to us Pink? Why did you let us think you were shattered? Why the strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say something at the trial? And what are you doing with those gems?"
Steven turned to Yellow with an angry and cold expression.
“I am NOT my mom,” Steven stated in a matter of fact tone.
Yellow in exasperation and confusion asked, “What in the cosmos is a mom?” 
“By its simplest definition,” Connie interjected, “a creature that births another creature, typically of the same species.”
Yellow coughed and ignored her, however, turning to Steven and asking,“Pink, could you PLEASE tell your pet to stop its incessant yapping?”
Steven snapped and turned fully to Yellow in a rage, a sinister aura in the air, causing Connie to slowly back away, holding the remaining gems and bubbled shards.
“CONNIE. Is not my pet. And I am NOT. PINK. DIAMOND!” As he screamed at the top of his lungs, a shock wave erupted from him, blasting the sand around him away in a cloud and shaking the entire beach. Steven took a step towards Yellow, his imposing presence even catching the diamond off guard as she recoiled slightly.
“I. Am. Steven. UNIVERSE!” he cried, as another shock wave sent everyone to the ground,the earth rumbling beneath them. Both Yellow and Blue were stunned into silence, Connie desperately clinging to the gems.
As Steven gave out a final shock wave, the cliff side by his home cracked with the power of his words. The deafening crack of stone snapped Steven out of his rage momentarily, long enough for him to gather his priorities.
Steven takes a long deep breath and walks over to Yellow, the diamonds both gathering themselves to get back on their feet. He looks her directly in the eyes and, through gritted teeth, he growls at her.
“Pink Diamond is gone. I am half gem, half human. I was raised by the Crystal Gems who saw the beauty in life and living. You MURDERED them in cold blood, and You. Will. Help. Fix. It.”
Yellow slowly stands back up before looking down at Steven, scowling with his eyes full of tears. Yellow sighs defeatedly.
“Pi- errrmh... Ste-vahn... Even if I wanted to, they were shattered. They can’t be fixed!”
Steven gives a chillingly cold glare as he wipes the tears from his eyes, staring through Yellow with a look of hated. “I don’t care. Either you fix them. Or you stay out of my way.”
With that Steven turned from Yellow and walked back to Connie.
“Let’s go Connie,” he said in a very matter of fact tone.
“O-okay...” Connie replied with a nod, still shocked by his outburst. She adjusted her hold on the gems, Steven taking the bubbled shards to help carry his friends as they walked toward the wrecked house that was the Temple. As they walked away, Blue, climbing to her feet called out to them.
“Where are you going?”
Without turning or stopping, Steven calls out,“To Rose’s Fountain. You can either come with us, or sit here and think about what you did.”
Blue and Yellow look at each other and both begin following Steven and Connie. Upon reaching the Temple, they help clear the debris from the warp pad before all getting on and warping away.
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birdinabowl · 4 months
For ship bingo - Pearlmethyst >:3
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What do you mean they’re not canon 💔
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