#bite sports
ahollowdruid · 4 months
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this spoiled bitch needed a blog so i have reasons to take photos of her
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mp100days · 2 years
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087 - reigen takes mob out to get ramen for the first time. from another fic i’m really normal about
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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gordonsicedcoffee · 5 months
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LEIGH WHANNELL as DAVID CRUSH (2013) dir. Malik Bader
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msburgundy · 5 months
"cats only bite if they have a reason" people are delusional beyond belief
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elvenferretots · 1 month
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A lady who only bit me a little bit for unclear handling in Frizgility. Oh, to be the only doberman in a sea of border collies.
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mediapen · 2 years
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and i think... i think that’s what a father is - a blade that never stops cutting.
the new york times, ‘carlos sainz jr learned early to be the hunter, not the prey’   ++   e. schwab, the invisible life of addie larue // marla miniamo, ‘sea salt’ // hermann hesse, demian // frank bidart, ‘the third hour of the night’ // katherine angel, daddy issues // [x] // leah horlick, for your own good // hera lindsay bird, ‘mirror traps’ // mario puzo, the godfather // andrea gibson, ‘i sing the body electric, especially when the power’s out’ // [x] // [x] // deaf havana, ‘caro padre’ // [x] //  [x] // [x] // [x] // rachel mckibbens, blud // [x] // [x] // ocean vuong, ‘someday ill love ocean vuong’ // molly brodak, ‘bee in jar’ // eleanor hsieh, ‘the last scene in the movie’ // andrea abi-karam, villainy // the national, ‘blank slate’ // rainer maria rilke in a letter to lou andreas-salomé // etel adnan, ‘untitled’ // [x] // [x] // [x] // myther, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL // [x] // [x] // rainer maria rilke, letters to benvenuta // richard siken, ‘little beast’ // erin slaughter, i will tell this story to the sun until you remember that you are the sun // [x] // sigmund freud, die traumdeutung // rachel mckibbens, blud // silas denver melvin - nov 4 2021 // desireé dallagiacomo, ‘origin story’ // james baldwin, ‘they can’t turn back’ // [x] // traci brimhall, come the slumberless to the land of nod // natalie diaz, ‘grief work’ // alain de botton, essays in love // [x] // richard siken, ‘the dislocated room’ // sylvie baumgartel, song of songs // ocean vuong, 'dear peter.’ 
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
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thef155 · 5 months
Lmao @ Santander for dropping a Carlos “Only Non-RB Winner” Sainz Singapore Appreciation Post at nearly the same time Ferrari shared the Charles contract announcement
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ahollowdruid · 4 months
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kid's first snow
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gar-a-ash · 7 months
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Some screenshots from the video of our most recent bitework video. Probably won't post the video, there was a saving issue, but man look at that focus.
Also it might be time to upgrade her to the heavier sleeve, despite her very short teeth she is still punching through the padding and getting me.
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rosalindesantiago · 2 months
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Hayden Panettiere
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themiscyradobermans · 2 months
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APA is a less known bitesport in large part due to it being essentially KNPV but in the USA. They cannot call it that as KNPV wants no part of giving recognition outside of the Netherlands, however with the implementation of APA in the USA the exercises are pretty similar, the targets are the same and the bitesuit is the same. The dog must be able to target from the back of the decoy both lower and upper body, in addition to the traditional front facing targets. Here 10 month old Kismet shows deep grips and high possession on the decoy, even with her back feet hanging in the air, as she recently started working on a full APA/KNPV suit. She has also been started on a PSA semi comp full suit and is actively cross training in both sports.
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
psycho!noah au, what do the aftermath cast think? conversely if they dont know/dont see the show (isnt it implied to be canon in wt that they watch the show or atleast can?), how do they react to newly eliminated cast members telling them?
and then, at whatever point he gets eliminated or just whenever the cast sees him again, how do they react with that new info?
The justification I have for Noah remaining stealthed under his "stoic cynic" persona pre-reveal in this AU is a little convoluted, but I do have one. Vaguely. Which I'll try to outline here for continuities' sake.
So, to clarify; Noah only competes in Island and World Tour, just like in canon. Most things happen just like canon, with the exception of Noah lasting a little longer in Island so he and Izzy have more time to be menaces (I have no idea how I'll shift the elimination order to justify keeping him around, though). Noah's still eliminated fairly early and ends up on the Playa, where the other elimination fodder welcome him with open arms, because in Island they're only given access to the raw camera footage instead of the final cut!
I imagine it'd be pretty hard for a Brand New Show to have the manpower of a full professional editing team that can plan and prosecute the final cut of a whole ~20 minute episode in only three days (in-universe), so to keep the losers as in the know as possible in real time, they're given access to the same live camera footage Chris and Chef have, just without the confessionals.
Since the confessionals are, uh. Toilets. And no one wants to have 24/7 access to toilet stall footage.
Noah only ever really drops his ruse in the confessional, or around Izzy, so none of the losers have gotten the opportunity to see the real him in action; even when he is visible on camera, it's only during the stolen moments he shares with Izzy outside of challenges, wherein the two plot and scheme together like Pinky and the Brain. Given that the majority of them don't even bother to watch the live footage unless there's a challenge actively happening (or something else otherwise noteworthy), his true nature goes undetected amongst them as well.
And then, in Action, the show's budget and workforce increases. Suddenly, the editing team is thrice the size of Island's, and they are capable of providing a final cut of each episode within the span of 24~72 hours, allowing the show to air quicker. Which has the added bonus of allowing everyone in the peanut gallery access to the yet-to-be-aired episodes (instead of the live footage), keeping them up to date with the competition whilst also giving them the same perspective as the audience itself. Including people's confessions.
It's a good thing Noah didn't compete in Action, then. His mask of indifference lives on.
Then there's a year-long break between seasons, wherein Noah works under Chris as his personal assistant. Yada yada yada, World Tour happens. He knows that the losers are going to see his confessions. So now Noah has to choose between maintaining his persona at the sake of losing out on toying with the greater audience, or carrying on as he did in Island at the cost of revealing his 'true colours' (which, in this case, still isn't the real Noah so much as an exaggeration of his more deranged tendencies, since Noah's still essentially performing for the cameras; just with a different role).
Of course he goes with option two. He's primarily motivated by his own amusement- that was the reason for his whole charade in the first place.
(Alright, clarification over, time to actually answer the question.)
So the peanut gallery and steadily increasing number of World Tour Rejects are horrified when, in Noah's scattering of confessions- as he doesn't confess very often, so when he does it's a treat to himself and the audience- he mostly waxes poetic about how exciting each near-death experience the cast go through is, and all of the different ways he so wanted to cause the others harm (either in general, or themed around the challenges), being so much more expressive than anyone's ever seen him (concerningly so, to the point of it breaching the uncanny valley) and giddy over the prospect of performing Acts Of Incredible Violence against his castmates.
They're living in that same fearful anticipation the wider audience experienced through his tenure in Island; waiting for Noah to Drop The Act and fulfil his promises of brutal sabotage, if only to finally put an end to the constant looming threat of his self control snapping. They're horrified bystanders of a car crash waiting to happen (at least, they think they are. Noah's not actually gonna do any of the things he's suggesting, probably, but keeping the audience on their toes is one of his favourite games!) and each episode he features in is a test of both their patience and their own sanity.
Because, could you imagine watching your friends interact and be friendly with someone who (you think) is out for their blood, entirely unaware of the danger? that's literally what they're experiencing.
And Noah, because he's a little shit who thinks he's funny (he is), sometimes goes so far as to fake-out the audience by rearing up attacks against his castmates during challenges, only to shoot the nearest camera a wry wink and a sly smile as he carries on with the actual task at hand, the others none-the-wiser.
It becomes so concerning, in fact, that every new arrival is immediately checked over for any signs of injuries or Noah's Influence and hastily given the rundown on The Situation. Which is, more often than not, met with the same incredulity as Sierra's claims- until they're shown various clips of Noah's confessions, or the fake-outs and otherwise unhinged looks he teases the cameras with.
For the second question; I have no idea. I'm still workshopping how people will react to Noah, and how Noah in turn will react to them. Post-reveal p!Noah will, eventually, disclose the fact that he's not as bloodthirsty as he portrays himself as, but until then it's anyone's guess as to how far he'll take the bit- and who could/will get hurt in the process.
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sylviii · 1 year
this is the 400th time I’ve said this but people who refuse to understand why sports are popular and demean sports fans as though we’re some kind of lesser species are just the worst.
Like, I get it sometimes. I’m a baseball fan. I know that the thing I love is hopelessly stuck in the weeds of capitalism, of patriarchy, of racism and homophobia.
But like. Are people just willing to disregard the basic human experience of playing games? of the joy and exaltation of one’s own body? of seeing the outer limits of what we are able to accomplish if we set our minds to it?
I know as a fact I would hate to be in the same room as most pro baseball players, but that doesn’t stop me from empathizing and feeling emotional about their struggles, their accomplishments, their hopes and dreams.
Even if you want to disengage from the System, there are people playing sports out there driven by nothing but their own desire. Queer folks, people of color, disabled folks, every kind of folks. You don’t have to like or even understand sports, but if you’re just taking the snobby and childish approach that Sports are Stupid, you’re missing out on so much of the human experience and I don’t feel sorry for you.
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tottenhamhotsperm · 4 months
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