#bittybones adopt
vex-bittys · 5 months
Hello! I would like to adopt a full sized chain please. Also can I have a wholesome scenario too please? Thank you! ^^
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*A full-sized Chain stares wistfully out of the big front windows of the Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center. The shop has been temporarily closed, and during that time he has watched Vex and her Chain overcoming heartache through their shared SOULbond. His wants to experience that closeness for himself, but leaving the shop is a big step... especially for someone with no feet.
*As he watches people move past on the sidewalk on their way to destinations unknown, he feels it. Someone's SOUL is calling to his! His eyelights quickly pick out a human making her way into a nearby shop. Now is the time to act! The Chain slips out through the doggy door, installed for just this purpose: Chains chasing after a potential SOULbond.
*You've just finished paying for your snack when the bell above the door of the convenience jingles. Normally, you wouldn't give the sound a second glance, but for some reason, you decide to investigate. Your mouth falls open in surprise when you spot a full-sized Chain, a lamia you've always wanted to adopt, slithering hastily in your direction. You don't even realize that you've opened your arms to him until he sweeps you into a hug, his tail tip wiggling with the same delight you feel radiating from both of your SOULs.
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bluemoonbitties · 3 months
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Bubbles | AquaNettles in General
● AquaNettles are an aquatic bitty that can also live on land! They have smooth bodies and can actually be very slippery!
● These bitties come in only one color but they can change their bodies to perfectly match water becoming almost invisible when in a tank or even taking a bath.
● AquaNettles are timid normally and take time to get used to you give them two weeks to settle in and they will be the best companions!
● These bitties are omivors mostly eating fish and plants a favorite being seeweed. Do not give them anything spicy it can make them very sick.
● If you keep these guys in a tank please make sure it is at least twelve gallons of water with a place the can crawl out of the water. They need plenty of room to swim and somewhere to come out and eat.
● AquaNettles love water sports! Get them things to dive after and bring back to you. Cold water is a must they do not do well if the water gets too warm.
● These guys don't do well with lamia bitties if not introduced properly as they are fearful of them. If you own a lamia bitty and are interested in an AquaNettle let them interact while in seperate tanks and slowly introduce them over a period of a few weeks.
● AquaNettles are very social if you plan on leaving them home alone often perhaps this bitty isn't the best choice for you! However getting two aquanettles or having another bitty around will keep them calm and happy.
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Hey, I'm looking for a freshwater Bitty that could accompany a healing moon-siren pup.
Her name is Echo, she's playful and curious about everything. She can be a bit hyper and loud, a little hard to keep up with. Her skin and her eyes and such glow bright, vibrant colors that reflect her mood, and she collects shiny objects in her lake, which can get rather cold, especially this time of year.
I'm looking more for personality that would go well with her own personality and her abilities and environment rather than specific morphs or anything, more than one is acceptable if necessary.
It might even be beneficial for her to have multiple. Echo doesn't have many friends right now, aside from one bashful lilypad puddle slime she's named lily.
You'll probably make better judgement on this than I would.
Hello! I have a few bitties here today that I think will do well with your lil siren pup!
First we have a Splenden!(LustTale Sans Betta fish), they are of course fresh water and the one here today goes by Carlos! He's ace and either gray or aro(he hasn’t found anyone yet) and she goes by he/she/they pronouns as well as some neo pronouse sometimes, xe mostly likes confusing others with their pronouns but she never lets it get out of hand! She is very motherly/fatherly and loves to help care for younger bitties when he can! They can swim pretty fast and is energetic enough to be able to keep up with your lil pup! She has the nightlight morph and some parts of his pattern glow softly in the dark and they're a mini, at 5 inches waist up and 11 inches total!
We also have an Ivory(UnderTale Papyrus Koi) bitty here today! She goes by she/her pronouns and currently goes by Ivy, she is very caring and just as energetic as ever! Koi bitties are on the larger size of mer bitties so keep that in mind! Though she is a mini shes still 4 feet total, and 9 inches from the waist up! She loves caring for bitties no matter their age and will basically adopt any bitty that lets her even if they're the one that’s older!
And we also have a Puddle(swap sans spino)! While they arent a mer they still love to swim and can stay underwater for awhile! The Puddle here today goes by Danny and goes by he/they pronouns! He's full of energy and on the smaller side, be's built more like a paleo-accurate spinosaurus! He's 8 inches tall at the shoulder and he usually walks on all fours(hence the size at the shoulder!) he love swimming and would be a good friend for your pup! Though not a good caretaker, he'd try his best but he's on the younger side too(barely a young adult, he was a teen just a few months ago), he doesn't have any morphs but is a pastel blue with white markings!
here's what a paleo-accurate spino looks like:
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sourbitties · 8 days
Hello, I'd like to adopt (or visit, if gup isn't ready for that) Diara, please! I have a lot of experience in rude and mistreated bitties, and I too am an expressionless person as well (autism). I think they'd be a lovely addition to my home, if they'd like to come with me.
Sincerely, Shadow (it/blood)
Oh my stars, our first rescue adopt! This is so thrilling!
Mantis Scythe is the one who has the honor of giving gup to you! You’re handed gup in a soft carrier, along with about 10 outfits and some Coconut Flakes! Those are gup’s favorite snacks!
Would you like a scenario or an rp? It’s okay if not, gup’s yours either way, but we’d be happy to write something if you want!
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jayedshifter · 7 months
Jelly Belly Capy
[Non Bitty Adoptable Companion]
Personality- Varying From Capy too Capy! But common Personality traits are, Calm, Kind, Apathetic, Cuddly and Uncaring
Diet-Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Grass, Hay, Magically Processed Food, Magic Supplements(Required)
Jelly Belly’s generally love the water and swimming! Spending most of their time in or near water!
JBC’s often at times do not care about how scary or vicious or rude a person or bitty can be unless it gets physical! In which they can and will use their large crushing teeth!
JBC’s Teeth and nails constantly grow so please be mindful to trim and use different methods too keep their Teeth and claws in check!
These Guys tend to like larger group families but are perfectly fine with just a Capybara or another Jelly Belly Capy in the household!
Please note that Jelly Belly’s Skin Is Squishy but it is not meant to be squished or pulled hard! Think of us as a tougher Jello, it can take a lot of strain but it cannot be abused constantly! It can also be sensitive since it is literally magic skin
Jelly Belly Capy’s do not care much for what happens around them! It could be a complete chaotic mess and they would simply just swim or nap!
{These Guys Can come in any Color! The healthier the more vibrant the color!}
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bugsybitties · 4 months
Plague Nurse Bitty
Name: Miracle
Size: 7” (mini), 1’3” (full sized), 2’ (bara)
Personality: Friendly, cheerful, mild perfectionist
Likes: Pestilence types, sweet smells, flowers, cleanliness,
Dislikes: Messes, being dirty, germs,
Compatiblity: Miracles need at least one Pestilence bitty to live and work with as they are a nurse. In fact, it’s better to only get them when you already have at least one other bitty as to make sure they have tasks and aren’t bored.
Feeding habits: Miracles mostly eat bread and salads, although they can eat fish and other meats. The types of meet they eat can depend upon the day. Normally, Sunday through Thursday they’ll eat most meats but on Fridays and Saturdays they’ll eat fish. It is unknown why they have this ritual.
Additional info: Despite the fact that Miracles are trained nurses, they are not fit to care for actual humans both due to their size and the fact at a lot of monster techniques don’t work on humans. If you are a human and you have a serious issue, it is best that you go to a trained human professional.
They have the strange ability to tell when someone is sick, even if the sick individual is unaware of it themselves. They are often easily able to pinpoint what illness is affecting their patient.
While they aren’t expert chefs and often have a hard time with more difficult recipes they do know how to make most soups and other simple healthy, hearty meals.
It is important to note that Miracles cannot have the albino trait. Or, if they can it is never visible.
Zone: Indoors/city
In universe: Miracles are seen as wonderful and helpful bitties, always wanting to help around the house and take care of others. Although their mild germaphobia can make them a bit of a handful.
Difficulty: Basic
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skelekins · 1 year
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sans-guy asks for help naming their bitty
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Me: but i dont have one
This motherfucker: pbbblt pbbblt pbbblt right up out of the garbage disposal
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ooo a new mod? hii! how you likin being a mod so far?(this can be in universe or irl :3)
“Well, y’know.”
He shrugs, leaning against the desk as Dandy snuggles up to his arm. 
“It’s been pretty interesting so far, at least to me.”
“I only really got here during the last few weeks, so I’m not too experienced. I’m surprised that these guys warmed up to me so quickly.”
Dandy squeaks, sensing the attention brought to them. 
“Hehe, it’s okay, little guy. You’re good.”
“Anyways, yeah. It’s been pretty good, I guess.”
Hi!! I’m gonna be honest, I only really started being a mod. Literally today LMAO
But that’s not to say I haven’t been helping out before that! I’ve been helping with making new bitty types and rescues! In fact, the three newest ones were all made by me!
So far, it’s been an awesome experience and I can’t wait to help out even more!
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Hello! I was wondering if you had any Lemonberrys free? I'd like one please, if that's okay!
- @himesbitties
Yes! We have quite a few free! Let me tell you about one :]
The one we'll be sending you home with today is pretty independent and prefers just being in the same room as their owner instead of like, loafing in their lap, though if you tell them they can they will happily cuddle! They are easily distracted and have a bit of wobbly bitty syndrome! So they're like a lil wobbly cat! They don’t need a lot of help eating as long as they can lay down to eat and can at least walk in a 'straight line'(if that straight like was a few feet wide lmao), they're on the slower side due to it but can run if they want! And don’t mind knocking into stuff- their zoomies tend to be in a big circle than anything but it doesn’t stop them from having them! They cant really jump well so don’t need a lot of uper spaces like other cat like bitties may, they have no morphs and are yellow with light blue stripes! Kinda like a funky colored tabby cat! They currently go by Leroy, but also answer to wobbles(due to the staff trying to call all the wobbly bitties at once for food or other reasons lol)
Aand we're sending you home with a care kit! There will be a bit more than usual due to the fact they have wobbly bitty syndrome,
15 blankets(5 cooling, 5 heated, 5 normal) 3 lick mats(for stuff to do lol and treats! Can also be used for meals so they don’t choke!) 2 slow feeders(do make sure they don’t choke) 6 cat toys 4 soft pet beds 4 hides(also technically pet beds but they can crawl in!) 3 appropriately sized halters(for walks! They're wobbly so it's easier to give them a bit of help with walking with a proper halter and holding up a bit on the halter with a leash when they need extra help! And to make sure they don’t get lost-) 2 leashes(to go with the halters) 2 heat lamps(technically he doesn’t need it but he loves warm things and being under them will let out more scent lol) 20 pillows and 20 larger cushions(soft things to plop down around things he'd get on top of lol) 5 soft ramps(to help him get up to places since jumping is not his strong suit- half the time he ends up jumping backwards-)
Notes: mini sized
They have a more mild case of wobbly bitty syndrome, you need to be careful with him around stairs and anything he can fall off of honestly, but they can handle being by themselves for the most part!
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himesbittycenter · 10 days
Hiya! I'm interested in adopting a mini-sized Follower Leshy bitty! I know they're free-to-adopt but since u preferred if we asked I decided why not.
Welcome! We have a mini Follower Leshy for you!
This Leshy bitty currently goes by Sage! He's 7 inches tall and rather sweet, liking to be near his owner even if you're just hanging out in the same room! He likes plants, especially flowers, so if you have a garden or want to make one he'd be happy to help! While he is fairly independent he may come looking for you occasionally just to see what you're doing.
Sage also comes with his own mobility cane that he uses in order to get around without bumping into things, but once he's gotten used to your home he shouldn't need it as much! As long as stuff isn't moved around too often, that is. I'm also sending home with you a packet of Sage's favorite flowers, five blankets, a couple pillows, and some toys!
I hope you like him!
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thecrimsonrescue · 6 months
Hii! may i have one Raven, one Pidgeon, and one Dove? i love them!! and im already looking at your other bitties :3
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Thank you for adopting from us! Here are the little ones! We hope you all find deep connections! We're here if you ever need anything or any help!
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vex-bittys · 1 year
walks in with a tinx on their shoulder, absolutely thrilled to be there.
"Hello! I came here to ask if Soda Pop, a honey bo, was still up for adoption? A friend mentioned him."
"Pop pop new frends!" The tinx all but purred.
"Also, I've come to check for any chains that might want to come along? No pressure on them"
(I hope I did this right)
*Your visit to the Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center is a little bit different than most. You'd been talking with Miss Vex about the possibility of adopting a full-sized Honey Bo named Sodapop, and she thinks he's finally ready to be placed in a new home. She's been showing him your messages, and he is looking forward to your visit and possible adoption.
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*You're nervous about introducing Sodapop to your energetic Tinx, and it turns out Sodapop is a bit nervous as well. He's made a friend in the shop that he doesn't want to leave behind. You and Sodapop head to the meet and greet room to relax on some beanbag chairs and talk. You show Sodapop your drawing tablet, and he watches as you begin to sketch him while Tinx explores his hoodie pocket. You're so distracted by your artwork that you don't notice Sodapop subtly nodding towards you.
*Being a Chain isn't easy. You spend your life looking for that oh-so-perfect SOUL bond, then hope that the person with the compatible SOUL wants to bond with you. That might not be a problem for most charming Chains, but this Chain hatched a bit different. The very end of his tail is curled into a little circle, and he's worried that nobody will want to SOULbond with a weird Chain.
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*The Chain grew up around Sodapop, and the pair of lamias have become close friends. Sodapop's potential adopter even has a compatible SOUL! The Chain is just worried that Sodapop's new owner won't want him when they see his tail. The Chain is so preoccupied that he doesn't notice you noticing him. You've felt the tug on your SOUL since you entered the shop, and you're curious about the mystery Chain who hasn't made an appearance yet.
*Exasperated, Sodapop slithers off of his beanbag and goes to collect his friend. The Chain shouldn't have worried. You reach out to him immediately with only a glance at his odd tail. His skeletal phalanges touch yours, and the bond settles. Sodapop breathes a sigh of relief, and Tinx chirps out: "Two frends!!" Two friends for your Tinx, and two new lamia bitties for you.
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bluemoonbitties · 7 months
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Flower | MythicBones in General
● Flower is a MythicBone a Kitsune skeleton type bitty that has nine crystal tails thier tails fur are soft like silk. They're normally mostly golden but on rare occasions can be mostly white or a mix of gray with blue. This species can control ice if of the white variant and fire if the golden or gray variant.
● MythicBones are generally easy to care for and can be dangerous. Dangerous MythicBones tend to be show signs like eyelights disappearing and smoke or frost escaping from their mouths or growling. These bitties love most other type of bitties but Edgy's and Bosses may dislike this bitty as they don't fear much. They do amazing with baby bitties as they are very gentle.
● Flower is a more common golden type. Which usually stick to an caniverous diet and usually eat fruit as a treat.
● MythicBones are usually caniverous with an exception of hybrid types, but they can also choose to be omivours. It's all up to what type you get. As treats, little meat chunks or fish work just fine! They don't do too well with sour things as too much can get them sick.
● Flower is medieum maintenance, but he also needs to be brushed at least twice daily. Petting at least once a day or snuggling twice every day keeps his magic levels just fine and his mood happy! When neither is met, he can become extremely feral and standoffish. He may even attack you or set your house on fire or even cause a blizzard.
● They are not a dirty, but it's best to give him/them a bath every 2-3 days. Depending on the type of Mythicbone you get, it may keep themselves very clean.
● Give him supplies to keep him happy. He enjoys showing off his tails and doing pagents and/or bitty shows. Give him things to design and make his own outfits for these events.
● HOWEVER, if you do wish to clean his enclosure, use lavander scented supplies. Remove items from enclosure and clean. Allow at least an hour to dry.
● Play is required with Flower as he can get very lonely, this also goes with the affection role! Though you do have to often, play/interact with him at least twice a day or have another bitty do so.
● DO NOT PULL HIS TAILS! Pulling one of a MythicBones tails will cause him to put a curse on you!
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Shark bitty: UnderSwap Sans
UnderSwap Sans Shark
Name: Lemon
Species: Lemon shark
Size: 2 - 4 feet total, 8 - 10 inches standing(Fullsize), 12 - 18 inches total, 5 - 7 inches standing(mini), 12 - 15 feet total, 5 - 7 feet standing(bara)
Personality: Super affectionate, easily jealous at times, cuddly, playful,
Likes: sand, colorful items, affection, praise, a heat lamp or sunny window to shin where he can lay in the mornings or a heating rock, head pats, pets, affection, attention, warmer waters,
Dislikes: being ignored, being alone for to long, colder grounds, colder waters, pushy bittes, or ones that mess with their colorful rocks without permission,
Compatibility: These bitties are super tolerant and rarely bite! And even when they do it wont really hurt you much-
They are super affectionate and often get jealous of those they've bonded with if they arent in their pod! Or what they consider to be their pod
It's good for their mental health to have sand to hide in in their tank! They dont care if they arent the same color as the sand either! They still shimmy in and they love to pop out at other bitties and their owners!
They like being man-handled a little lol, like being spun or even gently tossed in the water if they can be lifted! As long as it doesnt hurt they love it and will always come back for more! Shake em like a salt shaker for enrichment,
They love colorful rocks, and love to sort them and then mix them back up again!
They prefer larger homes, with bitties in and out of water!
They prefer being able to see other bitties when they can eat and need at least 3-4 other mer bitties in their tank with them!
In the morning when they wake up, this will go to a more secluded area of the tank, and lay down to 'exercise' to wake themselves up while their Remora clean them for the day! Since they constantly need to pump water over their gills when they sit still it takes more energy to do that than to swim!
Bara lemons will often get sand and rocks all over the place, so put their tank in a room dedicated to it!
Lemons often need praise and affection very frequently, and are very proud of who they are!
Feeding habits: Shark bitties are carnivores, though can eat other things as they are made of magic!
They arent super picky but often burry themselves half under the sand to eat! Though they love crunchier foods!
Additional info: All Shark bitties need their tails to be hydrated though can be out of water for short periods of time, but its recommended to let them stay in water for as long as possible when transporting,
Shark bitties are salt water! and can become bloated and ill if in fresh water for to long! though fresh water baths can help kill off salt water parasites,
They can survive in fresh water for a short amount of time!
Zone: Ocean,
In Universe: They’re the most popular behind Alarks, and are seen as eccentric but very cute bitties to own!
Difficulty: Basic
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sourbitties · 5 months
hiiiii may i have one of each of your Octo mers? yes i want one of all 8 lmao >:3 anything you wanna add on is appreciated hehe
Yay, our first adoption! And there’s a lot of them, too! We’ve got a bunch of mini octopuses here!
First, there’s a Curly named Calixta! She’s 8 inches tall, uses She/Xe pronouns, and has the Winter and Scaley morphs, giving her light blue snowflake spots and blue ganoid scales!
Next one we’re handing you is a Reef named Raiden! He’s 9 inches tall, uses He/They pronouns, and has the Miscolored and Stripes morph, making him yellow with black stripes!
Then we have a Flapjack named Fortune! They’re 7 inches tall, use They/Them pronouns, and has the Albinism, Magic Ears, and Sharp Teeth morphs! Their whole body is much, much lighter than normal and they have hyena ears!
Fourth is a Maori named Memphis! He’s 11 inches tall, uses He/Him pronouns, and has the Crystal Bones morph! His bones are made out of Sodalite!
Fifth, we have a Gloomy named Gail! He’s 8 inches tall, uses He/She pronouns, and has the Darker Bones, Wooly, and Hearts morphs!
Sixth, we’re handing you a Longarm named Lorraine! She’s 10 inches tall, uses She/Her pronouns, and has the Melanism, Stars, and Constellations morphs!
Seventh, there’s a Dumbo named Darcy! Xe’s 7 inches tall, uses Xe/Xem pronouns, and has the Calico and Magic Horns morphs! They have imp horns!
And, at last, we have a Day named Dusty! Ze’s 9 inches tall, uses Ze/Zem pronouns, and has the Dull and Splotches morphs!
You’re given them in multiple water-based carriers, along with a bunch of tank items and food for each of them!
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bugsybitties · 5 months
Skull Raven Bitty
Name: Trinket
Size: 1'1" (mini), 2'2" (full size), 3'3" (bara)
Personality: playful, talkative, adaptable, smart
Likes: Shiny things, bells, puzzles, baths
Dislikes: Their things being taken, large groups, small enclosed spaces
Compatibility: Trinket bitties work best in smaller or single bitty households as to many people in one space tend to make them anxious and stressed out
Feeding habits: Trinkets are omnivorous, and will eat whatever they are given, be it a properly cooked meal, kibble for another animal or even just random table scraps.
Additional info: Trinkets are incredibly intelligent and can even learn to speak simple sentences, and are experts at mimicry, capable of learning how to mimic many difficult things found in their surroundings.
Trinkets, despite having no feathers can fly with magic.
Zone: City - forest - plains
In Universe: Trinkets are seen as peculiar and an odd choice of pet, but when adopted they're usually done in pairs or more.
Difficulty: Intermediate
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