federicoperugini · 11 months
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the faces in the lava have disappeared
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Theophane le Cretois 1512-1535
Mount Athos, (Megisti, Magistri) Great Lavra Monastery, Refectory (Trapeza)
cfr. Lewandowski Rafal, (The perfor_ΚΑΙΠΡΟΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΑ
Yiannias John, The hagiographies of the banks of Mount Athos images
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assy1210 · 2 years
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飛行機乗り継ぎで疲れてはいるものの この時間しかないのでアンマン市街地散策 アンマンは街全体が山と谷でできていて 海があればちょうど尾道みたいな感じ ど真ん中の高い山頂にはローマ時代、 ビザンツ帝国、ウマイヤ朝と続くアンマン城塞 谷間にはアントニウス・ピウスが作った 6,000名収容の大劇場で、広場もあり 城からも劇場からも互いによく見える この関係性は、アテネのアゴラと シンタグマ広場の関係に似てるかも ソロで尾道3部作聖地巡礼するみたいな 登ったり下ったり体力を削りまくって 辿り着いたのがローマ劇場の最上段 じっくり腰を据えて古代ロマンに思いを馳せる グリーンの和服風上下だからか そうでなくとも日本人が珍しいのか ご家族連れに声を掛けられた お父さんからは生のひよこ豆(美味しい)を頂き お礼に芦澤家家紋の入った千社札を差し上げる 等価交換、これが国際交流だ よろこんでもらえたようで、 早速娘さんたちのスマホケースに 着々と貼られていく 私の知名度がぐんぐん上がっていく これを機に商売繁盛を願わんばかりだ さて、お父さんは退役軍人のようだ どのあたりを防衛してたの? と訊くと アタマを傾げ、苦慮しながら、そろりとこう答えた ウチの軍はテロリストや原理主義者(?) (エクストリーマーズと言っていた)に 対抗していたが、実際のところは そんなに敵対してなくて、うまくやっている 問題は、ユダヤ人、イスラエルだ ムスリムじゃなくても、キリスト教も、 仏教も、無宗教も何でもいいが ユダヤ人、ユダヤ教だけは許せない 日本もイスラエルを支援してるからタチが悪い いや、そんな政治家に投票するからそうなる 首相、殺されてたろ? ※なんの陰謀説だ… いいひとなのだけど 結構、闇が深い話なんだと実感 ※おい、イギリス人、お前らのせいだぞ ・フサイン=マクマホン協定 ・サイクス・ピコ協定 ・バルフォア宣言 河合塾の世界史青木の顔が浮かぶ 私が広告の仕事をしてると伝えたら 広告の仕事はメディアの仕事 メディアの仕事は報道の仕事 報道は国のポリシーを逸脱できない だから、政治家は市民を思想コントロールするのに使う どうか本当のことを伝えてくれと 言い遺されたところでお別れした #ヨルダン #アンマン #アンマン城塞 #シタデル #古代ローマ #ビザンツ帝国 #ウマイヤ朝 #ローマ劇場 #アントニウスピウス #ひよこ豆 #千社札 #jordan #amman #citadel #roma #bizantine #umaiya #chickpeas (جبل القلعة - Amman Citadel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDbvetDHTr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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actirastia9 · 11 months
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michael-jeez · 3 months
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i got a new tablet! a wacom one.
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sneekpeekinspired · 3 months
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Jil Sander Le Chatelier paisley-print cotton-poplin jacket ($68)
Macy's The Fur Vault Fox Fur Headband ($99)
Max Studios Pull-On Pleated Wide Leg Pants - $29,97 (Also Worn)
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nicolae · 1 year
Serviciile de Intelligence în Imperiul Bizantin
Tiberiu Tănase Email: [email protected] Serviciul poştal bizantin Epoca medievală – reprezintă perioada de trecere de la “human intelligence” la “world intelligence Considerat deseori a fi moştenitorul Imperiului Roman, Imperiul Bizantin a fost, de fapt, continuatorul acestuia, ceea ce a apărut mai evident atunci când invazia popoarelor barbare l-au deposedat de înfloritoarele sale…
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withnofreetime · 4 months
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Is there a problem/error? Please say so! And thank you for your support!
Spanish version ↓ and T/N.
"Cazzo", "f*ck!"
"Bastardo", "Bastard"
About Cost. (GDP; millions, aprox.)
Austria -> € 447 - $ 526 182
Netherlands -> € 941* - $ 1,092,748
Hungary -> € 188,443* - $ 203 829
Romania -> € 278,005* - $ 300,691
Bulgaria --> € 83,529 - $ 90,346
*not official, conversion ($ -> €)
"Schengen Agreement" Overview, a kind of timeline.
"Conflict Bulgaria & Romania and Austria". Due to the increase in illegal inmigration and corruption in both countries, Austria had refused Bulgaria's entry many times.
"Schengen Area" because it was signed in Schengen, Luxembourg.
Another timeline! (2023)
Extract from Wikipedia: "On 8 December 2022 the Justice and Home Affairs Council voted to admit Croatia to the Schengen Area, but rejected Bulgaria and Romania. Austria and the Netherlands voted against the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania, with Austria claiming that there had been a rapid increase in the number of migrants using the West Balkan route to enter the EU illegally. 20 On 30 December 2023 the EU agreed to include Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen Area, with Austria no longer vetoing the enlargement of the area. Air and sea ports no longer conduct border checks from 31 March 2024, while the end of land border checks require further discussions."
"About Hungary & Bulgaria". If the information is correct, there was a "threat" from the Hungarian government to vote against Bulgaria's entry into the agreement if they didn't solve the Russian gas problem, yeah, taxes.
But they did it! Press realese, European Comission.
"Romanian Industry". Talks more about Poland and Romania's future struggles in the industry.
"Bulgaria, and 'rich kid' allegations" Probably talking about the Golden Age of Bulgaria, first Empire in the mid 19-century. Or the Second Golden Age. The Bizantine Empire and the Italian Kingdom had economic relationships with the first Bulgarian Empire.
"Netherlands & Bulgaria". The Netherlands government was against Bulgaria and Romania's entry. And then not.
"yправител" in Bulgarian. It might mean "general", "manager" or "administrator".
Italia habla de Bulgaria y Romania como si tuviera 80 años. Me saqué un 85% en mi examen de C2 de Español... no es una parodia por COMPLETO, pero tampoco lo tomen en serio.
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genillustrate · 5 months
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"You'll always advance behind me" "Yes, sir!" "Psh, Sacro is better" "Yes, sir." I'm back. With more medieval times, oh yeah. I'm giving the name Michael to the Templar Knights and Gabriel to Hospitallers, just because they're biblical names, haha. The Knights Hospitaller started in Cyprus, and Cyprus is an island that was under Greek protection since ancient times, and in times of the Cruzades, Cyprus was under the protection of the Bizantine Empire, thus, Greece, that's why I'm giving him an appearence similar to that of my HC of Greece himself, just like Knights Templar looks just like France.
In my HCs, in his youth, France has a much more severe personality than in his adulthood, more similar to his germanic Frankish roots, than the Galloroman ones. It would be not until the Fall of the Bizantine Empire and the Reinassance that the Greek pushed with the enourmous exodus of Greek erudites that the Fall of Constantinople pushed through Europe, that France, and the rest of the continent, would have contact with the almost forgotten Grecoroman culture. And thus, the start of modern history. That's why I draw him all serious and violent in his youth; it's a reflection of the times. And he was always the vanguard of the attacks, because in that time the French were famous for their training, ferocity in battle and direct attacks. They were all about their honor in battle and their strategy were more like battles of brute force instead of strategic calculations; they were so strong they could afford the luxury, ha. Until they couldn't and had to adapt. And yes, Gilbert is very infatuated with Michael. I think it's canon that Templar knights was the one who teached him music, literature, to sing and the one who trained the most with him. And if not, well, now it is. Haha. They're hella cute, and I'm a sucker for first innocent love in baby years. I got sloppy with the colors but please bear with it, my back was killing me.
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vanisagi27 · 9 months
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Redrawing of Rashta's panel from episode 119 of The Remarried Empress
I took inspiration on the Bizantine Empire's coat of arms (Also known as the Eastern Roman Empire), mostly with the two headed eagle
I changed the original dress (again, to no surprise) cuz I didn't really like the original
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 year
Asoiaf - fashion of the courts throughout the ages of the Targaryen Dynasty, headcanons.
1) Under Aegon I + Aenys & Maegor : mainly greek/roman & bizantine inspiration for clothing, which correspond respectively to classical Valyrian clothing (greek being the older style, roman the more recent) and to neo-Valyrian clothing, fashion that appeared after the fall of Valyria (the bizantine empire being the "successor" or outright continuation of the eastern roman empire). Marginal use of southern Westerosi fashion, meaning western middle ages (up to beginning of renaissance) type of clothing.
+ in rare instances they still wore a more ancient style of Valyrian clothing inspired by ancient Egyptian fashion.
Bizantine styles :
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2) Under Jaehaerys I : bizantine type clothing become slowly associated to ceremonies and used less (they're very ostentatious & not to Alysanne's prefered taste) all the while the Targaryen style takes in more and more westerosi (especially Andal) influences. It's a time of reconciliation with the faith & of deeper attempts at adapting to Westerosi customs. Also a time when the family opens itself more to non-valyrian families, through marriage or attempts at marriage with families like the Arryns & the Manderlys. Greek and roman styles remain a norm though.
👇greek & roman styles examples.
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3) Under Viserys I : a bit of a neo-Valyrian (bizantine) revival as the king & the court flaunt the wealth & prosperity of the realm at the time. The nobility at large also begins to wear more classical & neo-Valyrian styles. Princess Rhaenyra is especially fond of this lavish style. But queen Alicent Hightower is more fond of south Westerosi clothing, less lavish, as well as more conservative than the greek & roman styles still widely used, and influences part of the court to chose that style over the other deliberately. The choice of a style of clothing could subtly indicate either black or green sympathies (although Alicent's heirs present at court would still wear Valyrian style clothing/hairstyles to affirm their Valyrian heritage).
Southern Westerosi types of clothes :
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4) Under Aegon III, Viserys II & their sons Daeron I, Baelor I and Aegon IV : general slip towards Westerosi fashion, with some shifts & bumps along the road. Daeron I with his desire to finish what his conqueror ancestors started & appeal to a more prosperous past was more favorable to Valyrian roman/greek traditions of style but the influence of Valyrian ladies like Rhaena of Pentos, Queen Daenaera Velaryon, Rhaena daughter of Aegon III, Elaena Targaryen, Naerys Targaryen who for most of them dressed in westerosi style and were more or less pious faith followers skewed the game, despite outliers like Baela & Daena. There was as well the influence of Baelor Targaryen of course. So the fashion would be more conservative and somewhat less ostentatious (compared to previously) in general.
4.5) Under Aegon IV in particular : The modest wardrobe of Naerys especially would incite her admirers & the followers of her son Daeron to wear simpler more conservative westerosi fashion, while those trying to please Aegon IV (especially by presenting their daughters) and who saw Daemon Blackfyre as more promising than Daeron would skew towards less conservative fashion with greek/roman influences to evoke the Targaryen golden ages (and to be more alluring to the king). Naerys' influence would lead a fashion of hair covering headwear, which would continue into Daeron II's reign.
Examples :
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5) Under Daeron II the good : following the trend set above, continues a move towards Westerosi type of clothing over traditional or neo-Valyrian styles. But through Dornish alliances and an established presence at court, introduction of Dornish styles (inspired by morrocan, algerian, possibly turkish medieval/renaissance styles) which would bring back some ostentatiousness & ease the conservatism of the clothes.
Dornish clothing ideas :
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That'll be all for now, I just needed that vent ; but later kings' courts continued down that part for sure, which traditional or neo-Valyrians style clothing becoming relatively uncommon for court members to wear, even Targaryen royalty, except in the cases of particular & excentric individuals as different as Aerion Brightflame & Rhaegar Targaryen.
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chicinsilk · 1 month
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Elle N° 1241 29 septembre 1969
Chanel Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1969-70. Model wearing a princely Scottish tweed suit. The long jacket is very close to the body and is lined with red jersey. On the right, a gold chain and a Byzantine cross signed Chanel. Photo Philippe Leroy. Chanel Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1969-70. Modèle portant un tailleur en tweed écossais princier. La veste longue est très près du corps et elle est doublée de jersey rouge. À droite, une chaîne dorée et une croix bizantine signées Chanel. Photo Philippe Leroy.
Photo Helmut Newton
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hebeandersen · 2 years
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ratuszarsenal · 8 months
by the way, after 1066 some nobles fled the norman purges to byzantium, where they joined alexios comnenos' varingian guard, so for decades, the bizantine emperor had anglo-saxon warriors as personal bodyguards. and supposedly, they were gifted a piece of crimea to govern as reward. by the way, the varingian guard was mostly made up of germanic peoples but was actually founded for an elite force from rus. and for the first few decades of their existence they fought islamic pirates based in Crete, where there existed a short-lived muslim emirate. by the goddamn way.
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sneekpeekinspired · 1 year
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Bailey 44 Katrina Wavy Stripe Shirt -$39.97
Max Studios Pull-On Pleated Wide Leg Pants - $29,97
BP. Single Prong Faux Leather Trouser Belt ($19)
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teamfortresstwo · 10 months
Danganronpa would be so much shorter if any of them knew how to take fingerprints from items found at the crime scenes. I’m sure kyoko would know how but the others I’m willing to believe Would Not Be Able To. like trial over in 10 minutes. monokuma would get so pissed.
Honestly he’d probably pull some bizantine shit just to circumvent that. (Puhuhuhu you thought it would be that easy? Well this is a weapon everyone touched so all of your finger prints are on it!) (I laser removed your fingerprints in your sleep) (*dust cloud kicks up with loony toons ass sound effects as he scrubs off all finger prints from weapon*)
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L’icona è un soggetto-oggetto di devozione: non il semplice calco figurato dell’immagine divina, ma esso stesso una presenza sacra, un segno terragno espressivo dell’immateriale.  Così la si concepisce nel culto cristiano orientale e con tale connotazione essa s’impone ai fedeli di un mondo lontanissimo, tra i secoli VI e VII, qualcuno sostiene anche l’VIII secolo nel caso della Madonna Theotokòs conservata in S. Maria in Trastevere, a Roma.  La chiesa, molto antica – la prima edificazione risale al II sec. d.C. – ed arricchita nel corso dei secoli (fino al XIX) da vari interventi tanto da ospitare un’antologia di tecniche, stili e forme, presenta una pianta basilicale absidata a tre navate (le colonne, che sostengono la classica architrave dei modelli architettonici paleo-cristiani, sembrerebbero essere state prelevate dalle terme di Caracalla) costellate, quella destra e quella sinistra, di cappelle dedicate, presenti anche ai lati dell’abside: la cappella del coro, a destra, e la cappella Altemps a sinistra nella quale si trova l’icona detta anche “Madonna della Clemenza”.  Si tratta di un encausto, procedimento pittorico assai datato e tecnicamente complesso: la finalità è quella di conservare, di acquisire anche per la pittura parietale quei requisiti di resilienza tipici dell’arte musiva.  In effetti, il dipinto su parete ha mantenuto in discreta parte le caratteristiche materiali della rappresentazione consentendo di distinguere le quattro figure nimbate che lo compongono: al centro la Madonna, in ieratica frontalità, vestita ed abbigliata sfarzosamente tanto da suscitare la comparazione con la basilissa Teodora del celebre mosaico absidale di S. Vitale a Ravenna; la vergine, che appare intronizzata – si distinguono i terminali quadrangolari dei bracci del trono – regge sulle gambe il cristo bambino che ha il volto adulto tipico di una lunga tradizione iconografica, anch’egli porporato ed in posa frontale a stagliare lo sguardo sull’astante.  Le sacre figure occupano la parte avanzata della rappresentazione mentre i due angeli o i santi che le contornano ai fianchi, permangono dietro il trono, caratterizzati da una tunica chiara eppure bordata da inserti color porpora che richiamano l’abito talare di ecclesiasti di alto rango.  Sono queste figure ad introdurre nel testo pittorico un accenno narrativo (peraltro presente, talvolta, nelle raffigurazioni musive bizantine) ammiccando allo spettatore e protendendo con garbo il palmo della mano a presentare, a proteggere, a incorniciare, le sacre ed intoccabili divinità.  E sono sempre queste due figure, arretrate come sono, a costituire una sorta di piano prospettico di fondo che conferisce la sensazione visiva dell’avvento dei corpi divini della Vergine e del Cristo, a segnalare la duplice natura, a suggerire l’intuizione tutta spirituale del soprasensibile incarnato eppure capace di mantenere la purezza del sacro.
In copertina: Maria Casalanguida, "Bottiglie e cubetto", 1975, collezione privata
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