#blackbutler grell
mizuchiwolf · 4 months
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"How sad it would be, should laughter disappear."
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cherry8maiden · 8 months
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Black butler women I love you…👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧡
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Black Butler Characters reacting to their S/O calling them beautiful!
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Ciel Phantomhive
He's immediately blushing and stuttering and fumbling over his words. He's not used to receiving compliments but one from you? There's no way he can play it cool and try to brush it off. He clears his throat, finally making eye contact and a small, kind of awkward "Uhm. Thank you." That is only just audible, leaves his lips.
Sebastian Michealis
He's a little taken back at first. He's awear this form and this act he puts up is extremely attractive and he's received countless compliments and praises for it but its rare someone calls him beautiful. He smiles softly and leans closer, taking you hand and placing a kiss on the corner of your lips. He leans close to your ear and whispers, "Nowhere as beautiful as yourself, dear." Before backing up again.
William T Spears
Although he's used to the constant flirting and compliments from Grell, a compliment from you? How is he supposed to be able to hide that red hue on his cheeks and the small flutter in his stomach. He stutters out a thank you before quickly taking his leave. Oh my you really do have an effect on him.
Grell Sutcliff
She does a slight double take. It's rare she receives compliments at all, much less one's that leave her feeling like this! A blush grazes her cheeks and she's only just able to keep the eye contact between the two of you. She takes your hand and plants a soft kiss on your cheek, her red lipstick leaving a small mark. She smiles and finally says, "Thank you, darling, although that sort of compliment suits you just as well."
Alois Trancy
A blush rushes to his cheeks and he looks in awe of you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling gently. He doesn't often receive compliments and a compliment from you means the world. He leans a little closer, "Thank you hunny." He says softly, kissing your hand.
Claude Faustus
Like Sebastian, he's a little suprised at first and takes a moment to process what you said. He smiles softly, an almost rare sight, and he takes your hand kissing it softly. "Thank you, dear." You set off an instant spark of love in his heart and although you can see his beauty to him nothing would ever compare to yours.
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qshlyns · 3 months
grell sutcliff
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GRELL!!!!!!!!! MY LOVE!!!!!!! MY QUEEN!!!!!!
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fallenrayvens · 1 year
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miramagiccreations · 8 months
"I really want Public School Arc art to put on my wall for the new season but there seems to be no love for these characters!" - you, probably.
I've got great news!!
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Want to support a small artist AND get your hands on this stunning print? It's for sale right now on my shop!
I only ordered 10 of these so act fast!
Can't afford it but still want to support a small artist? A reblog and a like would really mean the world to me! <3
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grittypastels · 1 year
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Anyways, women *heart eyes*
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bitterbutlr · 11 months
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Idk if u can tell whays going on but it’s grelle chewing on sebastians head
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kaleifer · 3 months
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Another edit I did from book of the atlantic ! i LOVE the way Grell is animated in this movie ngl
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moony-mai · 6 days
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🩸❤️Grell Sutcliff❤️🩸
☆This was supposed to just be a quick sketch of her death scythe, but it became whatever this is. I couldn't not use this textured paper; It fit the vibe so well!
☆I don't usually do traditional so here is a little treat! It was a challenge for my perfectionism.😅❤️🗡🩸
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Chesire Grelle
Art trade with https://x.com/eagercrowart?s=21
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cherry8maiden · 5 months
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Sketches of the boys cause I wanted to see how different I can draw them while also keeping them identical:)
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+ sketches of everyone in my style! Woopie!
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Black Butler Characters Playing The Pocky Game
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Disclaimer! All of the characters that are cannonly minors are aged up!
My au can be seen in this post!
My grammar is awful, my apologies if there is mistakes!
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Summary: The pocky game everyone's heard of it and most people have played it! So why not introduce it to the Black Butler characters?
Modern or Victorian: This is set in the modern day.
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Apparently no matter the universe there exists a game involving stick-like biscuits covered in a delicious coating with all sorts of flavours. The pocky game, the game where you each place your lips on the end of the biscuit and slowly inch closer until one of you backs out or eventually your lips meet. No matter the universe, this game seems to follow you. Regardless of the game though, you had to admit that the treat was delicious and you couldn't deny the game was entertaining.
One lovely day while shopping you spotted the treat and bought a few boxes, slipping them into your bag and beginning to head home, pulling out your phone and messaging them to ask if they'd like to have some snacks and mabey play a game?
Once you got back you placed your bag down, sitting on the couch and pulling out your phone. You aimlessly scrolled through tiktok before getting a notification to let you know they were on their way. Perfect.
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Sebastian Michaelis
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Sebastian looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
"Hello dear." He said softly, looking to you and meeting your eyes with a small smile. "What exactly is this game then and these snacks, pocky?" Straight to the point, as usual. He walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You smiled, reaching into your bag and pulling out one of the boxes, passing it to Sebastian. "Mhm! They're just stick-like biscuits covered in chocolate but they come in all sorts of flavours, try one." You smiled, watching him closely, curious to see his reaction as you sat together. He carefully opened the box, taking one out and placing the rest to the side as he took a bite.
"Its nice, I suppose, you humans do have odd ideas for food." He said firmly causing you to look away, a little embarrassed that you'd forgotten he couldn't quite taste food or at least not the food you were used to. "So this game?" He raised an eyebrow and your head perked up again.
"Right the game!" You took another stick from the box. "Its simple, really, each person puts one end of the stick in their mouth, inching closer with small bites and the first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet. Make sense?" You asked gently, Sebastian nodding. "Perfect."
You placed your lips on one end, Sebastian following. Your eyes met his as you slowly inched towards each other, each taking small bites. You looked away from his eyes, you could feel his hot breath hitting your face.
After a moment, you felt your lips meet, Sebastian's hand on your cheek. He nibbled at your bottom lip, taking the last peice of the snack from you but he didn't pull away, and neither did you. Soft clicking and smacking noises filled the empty room before Sebastian slowly pulled away.
"I think I'd say I won that round." He had a sort of smug expression on his face that made you want to try again.
"Round two?" You suggested with a confident smile but he shook his head, his hand now on your waist.
"I think I have a different idea." He said softly, his lips meeting yours once again.
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Ciel Phantomhive
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Ciel looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
Ciel gave you a gentle nod to thank you for letting him in before sitting on the couch and looking up to you. You shut the door, pulling a box of pocky from the bag and sitting next to him.
"Pocky?" He looked up to you with an almost judging expression which you simply ignored.
"Mhm, just try it." You said firmly, Ciel's judging expression not leaving him. "You like sweet things, don't you?"
"I have to be in the mood-"
"Just try it." You interrupted causing him to roll his eyes and open the box, pulling one out and taking a bite. He finished it pretty quickly, looking to you. "Did you like it?"
Ciel sighed and nodded. "Yes, it was nice." He said firmly, "Now, you said something about a game? Care to tell me?" The expression on his face no longer judgemental but curious.
"Right, yes." You smiled. "The game is simple, really, we each attach our lips to opposite ends of the treat and take small bites. The first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet and you'll have to. Does that make sense?" Ciel sighed.
"Yes, that does."
"Perfect." You took another stick of pocky out of the box, attaching your lips to one end and Ciel doing the same. You inched closer, not keeping eye contact with him.
After a moment you could feel his gentle breath mixing with yours as he took the last bite, your lips meeting for a moment before you both, slowly, pulled away.
Ciel looked up to you with a blush, clearing his throat. "Uhm. I dont think either of us won that." He looked away. You shook your head, shuffling closer to him, placing your hand on his chin and kissing him softly, again, making eye contact. "No, we didn't..."
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Alois Trancy
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Alois looked to you with a soft smile "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
"Hello love!" He chirped, walking in as you shut the door behind him. "Its nice to see you again, it's been a while." You nodded, "Too long." Your tone was gentle, Alois smiling as you spoke.
You sat on the couch with him, your hands brushing against each other. Alois looked to the bag then back up at you. "Soooo what snacks did you get?" The curiosity and joy in his voice was rather sweet in a way.
You grabbed the bag, pulling out a box of pocky passing it to Alois. He examined it before just opening the box and pulling out a stick and taking a bite, his eyes sparkling as he did so. He quickly finished it, making eye contact with you. "These are great! Where'd you get them?" You couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Most grocery stores sell them, if you want to get the best ones there's that little shop in town that sells a bunch of Japanese snacks. The ones they sell in there are really good!" You beamed, Alois giggling softly at your slight ramble. He nodded, thanking you and taking out another stick of pocky and placing it into his mouth.
"There's also a game you can play with them that I wanted to show you!"
"A game?" You'd definitely peaked his curiosity.
You nodded, taking out a stick. "One player puts one end of the stick in their mouth and the other follows. You take small bites and the one who backs out first looses and if neither of you back out your lips will eventually meet." He said firmly.
"So it's a game of chicken?"
"Essentially, yeah!"
"Sounds fun!" Alois chirped. You nodded, placing one end of the stick in your mouth and signaling for the him to do the same which he happily did. You slowly inched towards closer and closer, you lips grazed against each other and before you could pull away Alois took the last bit from your mouth, his hand slipping into your hair. You slowly moved closer but Alois pulled away as you did so.
"Why did yo?-" He put a finger to your lips, pulling out another stick.
"Round two? I believe I won the first one." Alois said with a sort of cocky smirk. You nodded, placing your lips on one end of the stick and him following.
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Grell Sutcliff
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Grell looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let her in.
"Hello, darling!" She walked in, shutting the door behind her, hugging you gently. She was in that red coat she always wore, her body heat mixed with yours in the embrace. After a moment, she let go, sitting on the couch with you.
You both made polite conversation for a while before you pulled a box of pocky out of your bag. Grell looked to the box in your hands; smiling, you passed it to her. "Pocky?" She looked up at you with a curious expression or was it confused? Mabey a little bit of both! You nodded, signaling for her to open the box. She did so, taking one out and starting to eat it. Grell looked to you with a smile as she finished it, "Those are really nice." She said gently, box still in hand.
You took one out and nodded. "They are." You said softly. "What's great about them is the game you can play, care to try?" Grell nodded and you smiled to yourself. "The rules are simple, each person places one end of the stick into their mouth and they get closer as they take small bites, first one to back out looses!"
"And if neither of you back out?"
"The person with the bigger peice at the end wins either way but if neither of you back out it'll end with your lips meeting. Does that make sense?" She nodded and you smiled. "Perfect!"
You attached your lips to one end of the stick, Grell doing the same. You both got closer and closer slowly, you could feel her breath against your lips and smell her red lipstick. After a moment, you lips met and Grell gently gripped your shirt, the other hand on your waist, as she pulled you closer. Soft smacking and clicking sounds filled the room, Grell not letting go for a little while.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away and you had a light blush grazing your cheeks, as did she. Red lipstick marked you lips, the taste of the pocky still in your mouth. Grell placed the box to the side, "Screw the game." She said softly, pulling you into another kiss, this one more passionate.
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William T Spears
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and William looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
Will walked in, shutting the door behind him with a sigh. "Hello, dear." He said firmly, it wasn't he didn't want to be there, he'd just finished working overtime curtsey of Grell. You sat him down, sitting across from him.
"How was overtime?" You asked, desperately trying not to giggle, he certainly wasn't amused by the teasing.
"Fine, thank you."
You sighed softly, pulling out a box of pocky and passing it to him. "Try one." Will sighed, opening the box and pulling a stick of pocky out, eating it and looking to you.
"Its not bad. Is this all you asked me to come over for?" He gave you a look but you knew he was being genuine.
"Mmm kind of! I also wanted to show you a game involving them!" You shuffled closer to him.
"Go on?"
"Ok! So!" You took out another stick. "Its simple, really, each person puts one end of the stick in their mouth, inching closer with small bites and the first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet." You had an almost confident smile as you explained.
"Sounds like a waste of time." He sighed. "But if it'll make you happy." You nodded. "Alright then..."
You placed your lips on one end on the stick and Will followed, you both got closer slowly, bite after bite. As Will went to pull away, you took the last piece, your lips meeting. After a moment, he leant into it, his hand on your arm before slowly pulling away again. He cleared his throat and you pulled out another stick.
"Round two?"
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That's it for now! I may end up making another one if anyone has any other characters they'd like to see! If you do please let me know! <3
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nymphaeasage · 1 year
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Shinigami Haken Kyoukai 👓 Grell ❤️: @ yuuricos on Insta 📸: @ plant_mom_arts on Insta
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fallenrayvens · 1 year
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Look into my eyes and tell me Grell Sutcliff wouldn’t do this. You can’t, ‘cause she would.
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