#blackhand warcraft
orcfemaleartist · 2 years
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Warchief Blackhand 🖤🔥
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neff-zhul · 2 months
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area girlboss falls asleep on her girldad, drools on the dadtits
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"Most of the hostile NPCs that guard blackhand’s boss room are women. The boss(or bosses) you have to kill in order to get Blackhand to fight you are women as well. After their death Blackhand even states that “they were my favorites” and while Blackhand is cruel,cunning,brutal and doesn’t seem to care much about the wellbeing of pretty much anyone, Blackhand seems to genuinely be hurt that those three died. That and I just feel the vibes that if things were different she could have been happier, not less cruel and violent mind you, just generally happier." - @goblin-enjoyer
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Good film. I’d definitely watch it again
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azerothtravel · 2 years
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History Up Close, Blackrock Foundry, March 24, 2015.
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out here suffering from orc brainrot so i made this playlist for playing my mag’har orc, Nazgorom.
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evemorel · 1 year
Babe. Rate doomfist skins from best to worst
Hey! Thank you for this ask, this one is good. I like to ramble about Doomfist anytime. And yesterday while I was streaming I was mindlessly talking about his skins.
OW2 Original Skin 💋 Sorry, but I LOVE his redesign, I talked a lot about it. I love the way his ethnic look stayed the same, but they made him more neat, like without teared shit from his escape from prison lore. And the fur on his gauntlet is so cool, I kinda wish it was a little bigger.
Formal 🍸 I don't even have to talk about this skin. One of the best in the game. I love all of formal skins tbh (Maestro Sigma, Mafioso Junker Queen etc). He's hot, outstanding, breathtaking, he is the moment.
Talon 🔪 Red, Black, White - are my favorite colors, they are all combined in the skin. Also - "what's with the slutty little top" meme, lmao. And he's got hair in this skin, which is pretty cool ❤️. The protection stuff on his ding dong seems kinda funny tho
Saitama 🥊 I just love One Punch Man and Saitama is one of my favorite anime characters, it's a shame I missed the time I could get it though. Was too invested in HL fandom at that moment.
Kìnìún - ("Lion" - Yoruba) 🦁 Fuck I've just learned about this skin, this is really cool one. Scars on tiddie, hot. Also again. Black/Gold really compliment his skin color. Love it. Animalistic looks really suit him too. This man is a lion fr.
Leopard + Painted 🐆 Really liked them in OW1. Also for ZBRA and GetQuakedOn ❤️
BlackHand ⛓ This one will be staying on 7th place just because I spent my whole life in World of Warcraft. I love BlackHand's character too. But why they couldn't just give him pointy ears like orcs have? Good cosplay, Akande, but, you should pay attention to little details.
Avatar/Spirit 🌅 Very nice ethnic skins, but I have no Idea what they represent, I would love to hear someone explain or give me some links to read about.
General 🔫 He really reminds me of Lincoln Clay in this one. And I love my babygirl Lincoln. I feel like he and Doomfist would've been bros. Akande would try to corrupt him lmao.
Gladiator 🗡 It reminds me of Warlords of Draenor. And I have a lot of memories of this addon. But I don't like that his face is not showing in this one.
Carbon Fiber - I'm just a slut for blackwork tattoos.
Karate - Cool one, but too baggy, I need more skin lmao.
Thunder - This one is super cool, but I wouln't wear it personally. Too little of Doomfist himself in it. Like in Gods AU - maybe, yeah.
Bonebreaker - this skin is awkward and idk why.
Jötunn - no idea why they made this skin specifically for Doomfist. Why no slavic skins on Sombra? Lmao. Feels kinda off.
Swamp Monster - mmmmmm, maybe I should watch Shape of Water and change my mind? haha
Caution/Irin - No way.
Among Human characters, I feel like Doomfist has most skins that change his skin color and I hate it. I don't see any like good reason for this but, oh well, we have what we have. I'm not like trying to hate on Blizzard for this exact reason, but it's kinda weird to me.
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fitzefitcher · 2 years
I kinda want a list lol. I love seeing what kind of pairings people come up with, my favorites right now are Jaina/Rexxar (who doesn't love massive height differences) and Jaina/Dal'rend (I could see it going from trying to get under Thralls skin to "oh no I have real feelings for her")
you asked for it, so fair warning, it's not Exactly NSFW but I wouldn't exactly call it Good and Wholesome either wheezes
in no particular order, here is the full list (or at least what I can remember) of my preferred warcraft ships that are considered crack, either naturally or made so by time and retcons:
thrall/jaina/garrosh: I have nothing to say for myself. I will not defend myself nor will I apologize for anything. anyway jaina and garrosh being super into thrall but being petty rivals for his affection is extremely fucking funny to me. some points explaining the appeal:
playing legend of zelda and shipping link/zelda/ganon shaped my undeveloped child brain into having a predisposition for triads of good boy/bastard man/bastard girl. yes zelda and jaina are bastard girls do not question me on this
all of them have very Stealable Genders, especially when placed next to each other
thrall and jaina are besties, thrall and garrosh are besties, and jaina and garrosh very very slowly go from barely tolerating each other (mostly for thrall's sake) to realizing that they're kind of both in the same boat in terms of "someone has to watch out for this fucking idiot" (read: thrall) and also in terms of Being The Black Sheep Of The Family, getting shit for Doing Things Too Differently, and going largely unlistened to and unappreciated, even if it's within their field of expertise, so then they begin to grudgingly respect each other and catch feelings that way whoopsie doodle
thrall gives them both support, and hope for the world and what it Could be, and they've basically reached a point of "if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself"
thrall, meanwhile, enjoys whatever attention they'll give him, and uh. probably enjoys them fighting over him wayyy more than he should lmao
thrall/neeru fireblade: I don't know how I landed at the belief "thrall kept neeru fireblade in line by pretending to be a fucking idiot so he'd underestimate him and didn't realize how 99% of orgrimmar and tbh the horde as whole are violently attracted to him, neeru included, so now neeru thinks he's a himbo and thrall doesn't realize he's batting his fucking eyelashes at him but he is and neeru Would Very Much Like To Smash" but here we are
this is entirely onesided on neeru's part and entirely lust-and-pride-based and I do not know why I find it so goddamn fascinating but here we are
thrall/rend blackhand: see above. same basic principle of, "thrall doesn't realize he's attractive to the point of making people fucking insane, rend has never known basic kindness bc the blackrock clan is just Like That and thrall being nice to him one (1) time is enough to make him obsess over the man"
to be fair this is set entirely within the realm of my fel orc AU so they're actually kept the same basic age group, and they've actually like, met, and befriended each other lmao
aggra/zaela: at some point brain went from "I think they actually deserve a chance to be individuals," to "yeah, that, but now Together," because like. idk they deserve to be fiercely independent and to have their accomplishments not be overshadowed by their partners and Aggra Should've Been The World Shaman, Not Thrall, and Zaela Wouldn't Have Stayed With Garrosh during the first siege of orgrimmar if she was the same fucking zaela that overthrew her corrupt chieftain back in the twilight highlands BUT WHAT THE FUCK DO I KNOW, I'VE ONLY BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME FOR FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS,
ner'zhul/arthas: you know there's only so many times you can say "arthas is ner'zhul's sugar baby and ner'zhul picked him as his champion bc he's a dumb jock fuckboy horse girl and ner'zhul was very very lonely" before it stops being a joke
sylvanas/lana'thel: at first it was strictly in the context of DK AU but now I'm like "okay but what if Lana'thel DID bring the san'layn into the embrace of the horde though" so that's just where I am now, apparently
sylvanas/calia: "haha what if sylvanas just Married calia for lordaeron's throne, that'd fix the problem so fast" was a joke, too, once
sylvanas/nathanos/cromush: something something "all the queen's men." anyway I just want sylvanas to actually have people that give a shit about her and actually see her for who she is, and Cromush remaining in Lordaeron during the legion invasion event and also being on sylvanas' fucking boat during BFA made me have too many thoughts
sylvanas/zul'jin: this is. also within the context of my fel orc au. they're still enemies and sylvanas grudgingly and furiously throws herself at his mercy in order to save silvermoon from arthas and zul'jin thinks an elf asking him for help is about the funniest fucking thing. no they're not romantic yes they can't stand each other. I am here for them making each other insane and being forced to work together shipping is not inherently romantic do not @ me
azshara/anasterian sunstrider: fel orc au but also she's taller than him and also her naga "true form" is kaiju-sized also despite her being in "disguise" anasterian knows who she is at all times and also she wants to make him her sugar baby no I will not explain this yes kael'thas is extremely distressed yes they have a horrible brood of aquatic eldritch horror children
sylvanas/varian: licherally had more chemistry in the entire 30 seconds they looked at each other in the stupid legion announcement cinematic than any other straight pairing WoW has done on purpose ever
anduin/med'an: listen,
tyrande/vol'jin: I read exactly one (1) ficlet of it and have been fascinated by it ever since. consider this:
wombo-combo military and [non-Light-based] religious leaders with a taste for hunting and stalking
they should have a hunter's rivalry. they should have a hunter's rivalry and it should maybe end with them hunting each other. and by hunting I mean one somehow ending up pinning the other on the forest floor, bruised and breathless,
do not @ me
sylvanas/vol'jin: see above
garrosh/varian: I Shipped This As A Joke Once And Then It Wasn't A Joke And Time Made A Fool Of Me
nazgrim/taylor: see above and also taylor should've been a horseman. give them the thassarian/koltira treatment.
gul'dan/khadgar: Rivalry is a form of Orcish Courtship No I Will Not Budge On This
jaina/literally anyone & everyone in the horde: I find it extremely fucking funny that most of jaina's potential beaus in fandom spaces are horde-aligned and I Agree With The Notion Wholeheartedly, You Are Not Immune To Jaina Proudmoore
jaina also has the power of "makes people insane just by Existing near them and Being Nice" but it's only super effective on horde and actually you know what
thrall/literally anyone & everyone in the horde: See Above
talanji/anduin: can't a bitch have thraina 2 electric boogaloo in peace and can't a bitch also have somebody taller than anduin who will Put His Stupid Holier-Than-Thou Ass In His Place
arguably if varian was alive for this and anduin proposed a "but if I married talanji we could have lasting peace between the horde and alliance" it could turn into an ariel littlemermaid "BUT DADDY I LOVE HER," real fucking quick lmao
illidan/maiev: yes they hate each other yes they want to kill each other yes the lust for violence eventually turns to genuine lust I am here to watch the trainwreck of toxicity and mutually assured destruction no I will not apologize or deny this
this is also the appeal of varrosh tbfh
hilariously the best characterizations I've seen of illidan are typically in illidan/maiev fics bc like. his flaws and failures are actually addressed which is more than what can be said of WoW itself lmao
darion mograine/any (& every) DK: I just want him to be bullied. I just want them to bully him. it's what he wants, and it's what they want. they're fine. it's fine.
dia darkwhisper/gurtogg bloodboil/blademaster jubei'thos: it's the triad. it's the triad again. don't look at me.
dia accidentally cementing herself in my fucking head as a cassandra and/or "truth comes out of her well to shame mankind" type personality did not help this at all
and, lastly, apparently:
thrall/jaina. because time has made me booboo the fucking fool, and I am now old enough to see fandom youngins saying that it's Weird And Creepy To Ship Them Because Thrall is married and it's like. what are you, protestant
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skxrbrand · 2 years
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Character Inspirations: Skarbrand
Skarbrand doesn’t have terribly much to go off of in terms of his characterization, and so when writing him I have to make a lot of my own conclusions based off the very few texts he’s in as a character. But again, not much of that, and so I rely of some outside sources! They are, from top row to bottom row, as follows:
Doomsday (DC Universe)
Blackhand (Warcraft [2016])
Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda)
Scarface (Predator: Concrete Jungle)
Koba (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
Kratos (God of War [Greek Era])
Sandor Clegane (Game of Thrones)
Nosferatu Zodd (Berserk)
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hadesbeast · 2 years
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Artist Wei Wang…The Art of Warcraft Film - BlackHand 😈 ~ßεศş†~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmbM7FP42b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a-midnight-rest · 1 year
After watching a walkthrough of Warcraft, Warcraft 2, and Warcraft 2 The Dark Portal, I have officially decided that Warcraft 3 and beyond is non canon.
Like, sooooo many things are different. The elves are a snow people from the northren regions, humans are a maritime power first wich is how they came to dominated the continent in the first place, the dwarves lives not in caves but on the mountains... It”s difficult to know exactly how the Horde works, beyond that they are led by a Shadow Council which more or less pick the leader of the Horde (they had Blackhand assassinated when he got outplayed by Doomhammer), and they are locked in a permanent fight for more power. We do know half orcs exists, and that they have a place in the Horde. We also know that they are willing to ally rather than conquer, as they did with the trolls, the ogres, and the human nation of Dalarac, so it seems the only thing standing between getting killed or recruited by the Horde is you proving your strength and willingness to follow the Council.
The maps, the politics, the cultures, the magic... Warcraft 3 feels like a fanfic.
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neff-zhul · 4 months
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happy belated valentine's day to the og couple and the romance i completely made up for them
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Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
This is the first game in the Warcraft series. For more games in the series see the Warcraft category.
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (more often referred to as Warcraft) is an ultimate fantasy real-time strategy (RTS) game that was developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment in 1994.
The kingdom of Azeroth was peaceful for many generations. King Wrynn III's reign was prosperous and free from bickering and infighting. It was just forty years ago when the events that led to the conflict between Orcs and Humans began...
559 The child wizard Medivh is the son of the court conjurer and a mysterious woman traveler who disappears shortly after his birth, resulting in him becoming a Ward of the kingdom at the court.
564 Prince Llane is born the first and sole child of King Wrynn Lady Varia.
571 Medivh reaches the Age of Ascension, transitioning from childhood to adulthood. As he prepares to become an Apprentice Conjurer of the Court the power and magiks are unleashed from Medivh that his father, Conjurer is capable of containing them with the help of more than one hundred clerics from Northshire Abbey. But the effort costs the Conjurer his life. Medivh is taken to the Abbey after having fallen asleep.
577 Prince Llane attains his Age of Ascension, and Medivh returns to court to repay it for his care. He offers a magic hourglass, saying that King Wrynn's reign would not fail so long as it didn't empty.
583 Azeroth has been steadily declining as crops fail, children getting sicker, and moods turning darker. As the hourglass's sand spits out the castle of Stormwind Keep is assaulted for the first time by Orcs, creatures whose origin is not yet known to Humans...
584 Llane is known as King of Azeroth and it's evident he must rid the kingdom of these Orcs, as they are indiscriminate killers and those who were captured have not returned. Serverlist101 They are now contained in the swamps but continue to skirmish on the Borderlands after almost 10 years.
593 Medivh's mother is summoned back to the court in the tenth year of King Llane with a warning. Medivh was intended to be a vessel for her own knowledge and power when she left this palace however, he fell prey to other influences. When she tried to find him she found him insane and barely survived her attempts to destroy him, after which she was evicted from his sight. Even even Medivh is now gone, he remains a threat and can only grow in strength...
She also informs the King that Medivh accidentally brought the Orcs to Azeroth through the portal opened to their world during his battle with his father. Orcish Warlocks were able to discover and take control of a small tear within the dimensional fabric. They were looking for another world to conquer in order to stop the Orcish clans from turning against and destroying one another after having completely and totally subjugated themselves.
As the new Orc War chief, Blackhand, emerges to unify the Orcish clans and conquer Azeroth, raids in Borderlands are becoming more organized.
Table of Contents
Controls Human units Human structures Orc units Orc structures Cheats for Custom Game Strategies Regent Grand Hamlet Kyross Dead Mines Forest of Elwynn Northshire Abbey Sunnyglade Medivh Tower Black Morass Temple of the Damned Rockard and Stonard Black Rock Spire Swamps of Sorrow Borderlands Grand Hamlet Dead Mines Red Ridge Mountains Sunnyglade Black Morass Northshire Abbey Northern Elwynn Forest Center of Human Lands Goldshire and Moonbrook Stormwind Keep EditWarcraft series
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness (Beyond the Dark Portal). Warcraft III : Reign of Chaos(The Frozen Throne Reforged). World of Warcraft (The Burning Crusade of the Lich King Cataclysm Mits of Pandaria Warlords of Draenor Battle for the Legation of Azeroth Shadowlands). Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
💪 King Ragnar has just deserved respect of ALL the orcs in #warcraft
And our son picked up on this and there's a problem the guy's voice sounds very familiar and he's trying to sound like Stan but he does not and he's taking over like half of them and it's not a huge problem and they picked up on it and they fought and they stopped them and they pulled them out no they got rid of all of them and they found their people know but they preserve the bodies because they know about the situation
This is coming up pretty soon after Trump gets kicked out let's find out to be a bum
He's going around and he's ruining these groups and his own and he's disgusting does not have the program and is a loser we need to stop him and get him the hell out of here
Thor Freya
He's just a very weak Charlottan what he's doing is absolutely meaningless except he's ruining his entire realm.
My son says I want him in the office first thing in the morning and they're supposedly his offices but no he's sitting there saying he owes the company all the time and we're going to have a discussion with him and at one of the companies it's pretty big and was sick and tired of him saying it and he's slanderous and he's evil mean he's running around the company telling lies trying to get people to do stuff so you'll start to force him to sell the shares again and we're going to force his idiots out and we know what what happens after this we know what to do he's going to disappear fully
Thor Freya
My husband says Trump also needs ESL courses but we don't provide them for idiots who are our enemies and I want my name taken out of his family and I want their lawsuit to go ahead and the way we described he said there's pieces that are started and I want to know what they are when they're going on or want to know here unless it's secretive and I want to know why it's secretive it's probably tell him and it's going to get out but so he's going to try and look at that
We noticed that these two are crying about it all the time and that this guy is a huge a****** and they need some satisfaction and her son has some and Hera has some and it really is nice about both of them and now this wonderful complete moron needs to leave Dave and it is working his life seems to be getting a little better and we will back them off but she needs to know what we're doing and there's a couple pieces that have happened to approach it and that is how it's going on and people can actually see it happening he is being stricken from the records that have her name on it and they're pulling them out and they're rewriting them and putting them in and the records are things that are able to be modified and is things that he was associating with her and had no right to and we're doing it with lawyers and he's getting really mad and it's in Boston and it's about co-owning businesses that she did not own and we're taking her off the records because he doesn't own those businesses anymore and the ones that he owns and she's on there we are taking apart and we are going to take her name off and when the company is in pieces and we have the pieces and we're doing it now he's getting pretty angry about it and she says I went out of the companies and so we're going to ask her and talk to her and he says that's fine we don't need her on there as a fulcrum it's not necessary she gets removed from the company and he thinks they're the company is not protected so we're going to talk to her about it cuz it's a pain but really they're doing tons of stupid crap anyways and he needs some heat and we're going on it now they sent another group out there of 300 million ships and they're gone and the warlock only have around 2 billion left and they're going to have nothing right now they're contemplating going up there to where the pseudo empire is to try and fool them and no they've already done it and they're amassing huge armies all over the place to go up there cuz they think that they're fooled and they're going to get surprised
Lobo and proxima midnight
We are going to assist here right now there's a mess these trumpsters are assholes bja is a****** and they think they can force whatever they want and they're going to lose a huge army and several contingents after and they're going to continue to search North and they're going to try and take these pseudo empire out and hv been harming them for a long time which is true. We're also looking at our son's idea of shipping out Porsche kits and several people want them and their son suggests you know like 20 20,000 ft speed shops that aren't doing anything or something along those lines and people agree that's a great way to do it and it won't attract that much attention and they want to start doing it and what we say is they're sitting around there's a bunch of kids for real and it's the normal five people that want them and there's probably a million kids for the Porsche 944 there's 200 million for the 928 300 million for the 911 and so on and their older kids but they all fit on the '80s version or '90s and '90s version and so on the VW and some of them are for the scirocco which not many people have and so we're going to pack them up and ship them out and we're going to either arrange to sell them cuz we co-owned a company or we have possession of them and then storage and we might need the company toy Warehouse there's a lot of these places that have them stored and really they're old and Dusty they've been around for a while but they still work
Thor Freya
We want to buy the whole lot and we want to talk about it
Meghan Markle
We have offers already yours is very good and it's for different stuff
Thor Freya
Good so send it and if you find more send that he says there's more because you haven't gotten there
Meghan Markle
It's true there's more and we're going to send them
Thor Freya
This idea is approved and he says that the Porsche program of his is a go and Ken is saying yes and they're going to begin it
I'm really excited and I do want the 928 and he agrees it's one of the best and it's a certain year I believe 2007 and people say it'll fit on the newer Volkswagen and there is a Volkswagen that year but you can have a different one but still we're going to try and do this it's an outstanding idea because the Porsche it's not really that famous anymore but it's a very nice car and it's fast and you look like you're doing okay and you can make money with that look and I want to try and do that and see what the problem is here it's impossible for him we can go on day trips and we can go to Miami this place is for the birds they don't want to do anything make any money I can say I know like my auntie and there's plenty of women who want to be an old aunt that can fund some dumb project of ours Aunt Rose for example and she's into cars and for crying out loud that's a good idea in Miami there's a bunch of people and he might bump into Brian Gerard and he knows he knows how to do stuff this is what's nice we can do stuff like that and make it work and gerard can be grown up LOL just like a GF but no contact is needed
What the f*** that's stupid she didn't know me as a grown up person like in Hawaii Five-O I got to get this going that's pretty cool just say that I was stunted or something and he said no you're a late bloomer and people were saying that and sometimes happens when you started by something you didn't know we were stunted by and then I can be late bloomer and it works for the Max and others I'm going to get ready this is so much fun he wants to show us something about it and it's really farther so he doesn't know and mother and he still doesn't know
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
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yilmazyusuf08 · 1 year
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
This is the first game in the Warcraft series. Other games in the series are available in the Warcraft category.
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (more popularly referred to as Warcraft) is an epic fantasy real-time strategy (RTS) game created and published by Blizzard Entertainment in 1994.
The kingdom of Azeroth was peaceful for several generations. King Wrynn III's reign was prosperous and free of conflict and bickering. It was nearly forty years ago that the events that led to the war between Orcs and Humans started...
559 The child wizard Medivh is the child of the court Conjurer and a mysterious woman traveler who vanishes after his birth, resulting in his becoming a Ward of the kingdom at court.
564 Prince Llane is born, the first and only child of King Wrynn, Lady Varia.
571 Medivh enters the Age of Ascension, transitioning from childhood to adulthood. At the point of becoming an Apprentice Conjurer of the Court this power and magiks are unleashed from Medivh that his father, the Conjurer is capable of containing them with the assistance of more than 100 clerics from Northshire Abbey. Even so, the effort cost the Conjurer his life. Medivh is taken to the Abbey after falling asleep.
577 Prince Llane attains his Age of Ascension, and Medivh returns to court to repay it for his care. Medivh offers a magical hourglass and declares that the reign of King Wrynn will not end when it's not remain empty.
583 Azeroth has been steadily declining with the crops failing, children becoming sicker, and moods becoming darker. As the hourglass's sand spits out, the castle of Stormwind Keep is assaulted for the first time by Orcs who are creatures whose history is still unknown to Humans...
584 Llane declares himself King of Azeroth. They are a gang of spies who kill random people. Even those who are captured never return. They are now in the swamps, but they continue to skirmish on the Borderlands after almost 10 years.
593 Medivh's mother returns to the courtroom in King Llane's tenth year with a warning. Medivh was supposed to serve as her vehicle for her knowledge and power after she left this place. However, he was the victim to other influences. When she sought him out, she found him insane and barely survived her attempt to kill him, following which she was exiled from his sight. Even though he's exhausted, Medivh remains a threat who will only increase in power...
She also informs King Medivh that Medivh accidentally brought the Orcs from Azeroth as a portal to their world during the battle against his father. Orcish Warlocks had found and sought control over one tiny hole in the fabric of dimensionality, hoping to find another world to conquer to prevent the Orcish clans from turning against and destroying one another after having completely and totally subjugated their own.
Now, the Borderlands are becoming more organized, and the new Orc War Chief, Blackhand is preparing to unite the Orcish clans to take over Azeroth and eliminate the Humans... Extreme mining
Table of Contents
Controls Human units Human structures Orc units or Orc structures Custom Game Strategies Cheats Regent Grand Hamlet Kyross Dead Mines Forest of Elwynn Northshire Abbey Sunnyglade Medivh Tower Black Morass Temple of the Damned Rockard & Stonard Black Rock Spire Swamps of Sorrow Borderlands Grand Hamlet Dead Mines Red Ridge Mountains Sunnyglade Black Morass Northshire Abbey Northern Elwynn Forest Center of Human Lands Goldshire and Moonbrook Stormwind Keep editWarcraft series
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (Beyond the Dark Portal) Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (The Frozen Throne Reforged)World of Warcraft (The Burning Crusade Wrath of the Lich King Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria Warlords of Draenor Legion Battle for Azeroth Shadowlands) Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
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