marshmarrowsans · 7 years
Okay here's another scenario: (UF MT SF and UT Sans) Male s/o was left alone at home while their bonefriends at work. We the bonefriend cpmes home the found the house clean from top to bottom dinner made (all their and their brothers favorites) and a hot bath waiting for them. When asked what the occasion they say "i was bored and thought it be nice. Do you like it? "
(What a sweet S/O!  I’ll do this one for UT and MT Sans since I’m not too familiar with Underfell or Swapfell ;w; -Mod Kasha)Classic Sans- You…  you were bored?  You busted your ass cleaning the house, making dinner, setting up a bath all for him, because you were bored?  When he gets bored, he vegges out in front of his computer and watches Youtube videos or anime.  You make him feel like kind of a bad boyfriend by pure comparison.- Seriously though, he’s so touched.  You see his whole face light up with a smile.  There’s no quicker way to this man’s heart than compassion…  and food.- He’s indifferent to the cleanliness of the house…  but Papyrus is overwhelmed with joy by the beautiful and rare sight of a house cleaned by someone other than him, so bonus points for pleasing his brother.- Well, one or the other is going to get cold if it’s left sitting, the bath or the food.  So obviously he convinces you to bring your dinner plates into the bathroom, sit together in the bath and eat together.Shortie (MT Sans)- He is absolutely stunned.  Then he turns to you, hugs you tight and tells you that he loves you.  He really needed this today.  Sometimes he’s still in disbelief that someone exists who treats him so kindly.- First thing’s first: he’s hungry.  You, Shortie and Papyrus all sit at the table together, with Shortie in your lap.  The little guy looks so happy to be there.- He jokingly asks if the bath is because he stinks, but before you can reply, Papyrus cuts in with a very assertive ‘YES!’  So he takes a nice long bath for the sake of his stress levels and your guys’ noses.- He gets you to spoon with him that night, and in his head as he’s falling asleep, he’s already planning out ways to repay you for this.
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Okay here's a scenario: S/o had gone out and they didn't say where. Their out longer then they say the would be. When they get back their covered in bloody bruises and scratches. They sigh and walk into the kitchen and open a secret compartment their bonefriend never knew about and took out the vodka hidden there and began to drink . They look up and say "I'm sorry just give me a few minutes I'll tell you everything soon. Just.....Just let me drown right now." (UT MT UF or HT bros)
{ Ah, sorry if I took so long.Something Angst finally. I love Angst! }
🔪 Sansy ;
This last period you acted very weirdly.In your eyes, he saw a strange light. Not a light of love or compassion but something he has never seen on you. It was a dark light. Your eyes were empty.As if you were staring into the void, but he decided to ignored it. Maybe it was just a coincidence.He has never seen Frisk with their eyes open so he would understand that you were possessed. You were walking on the wrong path. No, he could not believe in such awful truth.Even Sans started watching you with different eyes. His glances were glacial and he did not speak so much. He listened to you, trying to understand your mind. Some words that you could pronounce would have unmasked you.Then, it came the day.He found you dressed up with blood and guts. Sans’ mind blacked out and he was unable to think rationally. The doubts he still had for you have vanished the instant you crossed the door in that condition.Sans was still so calm and he gave you the chance to explain yourself even if there was anything to explain. That blood was not yours. It seemed, you had fought before coming here. You said that you did not mean to hurt anybody. Someone took possession of your body, they were unstoppable and you could not do anything to stop them.Sans has seen the same scene a thousand times and he was sick to hear complains. You were hopeless now and this situation could only get worse.Sans could not have mercy for a sinner and it did not matter if this sinner was you. You were doomed. No way you could become the person of before.Such a shame to ruin a beautiful day like this with a bloodshed. Your blood.
🔪 Reddy ;
No, he was not a skeleton full of dreams and hopes.He was the most pessimist (or even realist) person in the world who did not believe in love and all this bullshit. Once again, this awful life gave him confirmation about his great misfortune. Because things were never as they seemed.You were not what he thought you were, because you have changed for the worst.You became the evil child. How Sans could be so blind? Maybe he was deceiving himself pretending not to see the truth, the monster you were becoming. The signals were clear but he did not notice them. How stupid he was.Your attitudes changed, you behaved strangely and you were always out in nights. He had no clue where you went and what you searched for.Actually, you were chasing after monsters to eradicate all of them.In his Underground dying was a routine so nobody thought you were crazy or possessed and the rule was “kill or to be killed”. It was normal.Then, he understood the reality behind your behaviour and he freaked out.No, even this time life has been cruel with him. Life was shitty. A nightmare. Worse than his nightmares.No time to regret or forgiveness and he did not even hear the words you said. He did not care if you needed time because there was anything to explain. Bullshit. Your excuses are bullshit. No evil child deserved to live, and you were lost. Don’t you already feel your sins crawling on your back?
🔪 Mafia! Sans ;
Certainly, he was not a diplomatic man.The word “mercy” was not in his vocabulary and he understood at a first glance you were changed. That malefic child came back to ruin our life. They had to pay for their ungrateful sins. Actually, even Sans should pay for his own sins because he was not a saint. He was a corrupt man.He recognized a sinner when he saw one and you smelled like one of them. You smelled of blood and sweat. You have fought and you have even won this battle.Covered in blood, you tried to explain the situation to him, that you were possessed and you did terrible things without realizing. You were not yourself.Oh, poor you. So bad, he did not give a shit about your words. It was all bla bla bla. He has already heard it thousands of times so anything could change his mind.You had no time to say another word that your blood was already decorating the walls of his house. Your brain exploded in thousand pieces as he pulled the trigger. Only one shot and you were alive no more. Killing someone was so simple and he did it with ease. His heart was cold, it had no room for love or mercy. He forgot how to love a long time ago. Sans was a criminal, a manipulator and a killer for profession so your fate was written with blood and guts.You would have never came back so the problem had to be eradicated from the root.
🔪 Horror Sans ;
His life was still a horror and he got never surprised.Life was painful, awful and dreadful. Every time. Life was horrific.This realm was doomed and there was no hope. Monsters were condemned to extinction! No way you could survive this madness. Nobody could!Sans had anything to offer you, his life was a pain in ass and you were the most unfortunate human of this earth because you ended up here. In this Hell where everyone wanted to eat you and kill you. You were going crazy but this was predictable. No sanity was welcome here!You acted weirdly, your eyes were empty and even your behaviour was cold and silent. Maybe you were got used to this world and you finally understood how to behave here. Good. You had to be cruel to survive here.Sans did not care about the evil child, he would be a hypocrite if he even thought about them as an enemy because Sans was the enemy of himself. In the Underground, everyone was your enemy so it was normal. Death was a routine.Seeing you filled with blood and bruises, he did not care and he just nodded listening to your vent. Did you want to drown? Was it your last wish?Sans felt quite gentle today, so he decided to accomplish your last wish. You would drown in your own blood and he was hungry. Yes, you were going to become his lunch. He starved for so long, so try to understand him. You will be dead before you even realize your terrible fate. He still decided not to eat you alive, you were lucky in your extreme bad luck. How ironic!
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asktheasterfamily · 7 years
Wear some winter clothes! Skin makes things cold! You don't want frost bite do you?
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* c-c-c-c-cold!! w-w-why is h-h-h-human s-s-skin so s-s-s-s-sensible!!!
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What was it?
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* OMERTA TOOK THIS PHOTOGRAPH ACTUALLY AND SAID, UGH, IN HIS WORDS, “man, looks like she needs a purrmedic because it looks like she cat feel her face.”
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antlered-deity · 7 years
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(Continued from @blackstar307 )
“Flattery will get you nowhere you know. Does that line ever work for ya?”
And while he may have brushed off the flattery the other gave, it did not stop the slightest of blue to tint his cheekbones.
“You could have just asked you know.”
The small god shook his head before softly floating up to be at eyelevel with the other. Studying him over, his eye lights taking in the sight of the other before finally letting out another sigh.
“What are you doing out here in the forest anyways? It’s rather cold to be going for a stroll all on your own, you know. Terrible conditions to get lost in”
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thefloatingstone · 7 years
Happy birthday!!🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Thank yooooou :D
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horrorgamergirl · 7 years
Gam- Kason, she still has yet to get used to her own name, so used to hearing others call her ‘Gamer’ even if that wasn’t it, she just accepted the nickname and went with it.  That doesn’t matter either way, she’s just out with her friend Ex, just gotten out of a store with a few new games, the two exiting and heading back to his place to play the new goodies they gotten. She honestly couldn’t wait to play Outlast Two, oh the horrors that awaited the two of them!
But that was sorta short lived due to Kason not really paying much mind, and running straight into another, looking up at them. Boy were they tall. She couldn’t tell how Ex was reacting to this but she simply gave a sheepish smile and took a step back.”Ahah.. I am so sorry.. I was daydreaming about the games we just got..!” She lowered her head in a apologetically manner, even if she was mentally screaming at herself.
@blackstar307 @the-landladys-ex
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fragmented-desire · 7 years
Continued From: [X]
Fine! If he preferred not to accept a free lollipop from a (very rarely) generous digital beast, then it was not her problem. It was now his. Vempyremon was not the type to go becoming a nuisance, but with her intolerance to ignorance, something must be done! She stuck the lollipop in her mouth, and, with wings spreading and displayed, she hopped into the air to float just about head-level next to Irus. Sucking on the lollipop, the Virus was sure to make it apparent that the lollipop was downright delicious. Dragging it across her tongue, she wanted to make sure the point got across. Her eyebrows raised, suggestively. "...I got Cherry. As red as the blood I draw from my victims. Or, perhaps Sour Apple. Just like you!"
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skelimagines · 7 years
Hi how would UT and UF bros react to an s/o who walks and do things in there sleep like the cooked a full meal dead to the world?
That’s a very active subconscious. ~Mod Feral
UT Sans
He kinda laughs a bit whenever he notices. You’d probably get Papyrus on his case on how lazy he is, but he doesn’t care. He’ll also talk to you to mess with you whenever you start, if he’s awake. He doesn’t notice it too often, though. He likes his sleep. He’ll often eat your food as a breakfast each morning.
UT Papyrus
He doesn’t quite get how one can be so active in their sleep, but here you are. He’ll keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself, especially whenever you’re sleep-cooking. He adds your nighttime food to his museum on occasion, as long as it’s monster food and not human food.
UF Sans
He’s very confused. He’s woken from nightmares almost every time he’s seen you working in the kitchen or cleaning. He’s only known about negative things that one can do in your sleep, so this was odd. He’ll mess with you greatly, though, once he finds out you are, in fact, in a deep sleep.
UF Papyrus
He never realizes you’re sleeping when you do this and insists that you lay down and go back to sleep. He’ll even force you back into your room if needed. It’s honestly kinda funny.
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streetrunt · 7 years
@blackstar307​ Irus narrowed his eyes looking closely at the wound. It was obviously not caused by a fall but he let the answer slide after all the kid was a stranger.They didn’t know him and he didn’t know them.
“Is that so? Must of been a nasty fall to cause such a big bruise. Are you injured anywhere else?”
Stranger or not Irus wouldn’t leave the kid on there own. Not if he could help it.
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Boy this guy’s stubborn, most folks would have shrugged and moved on by now. But even if they did admit that they had more injuries, what was he gonna do? Take them to a hospital? To the police? They couldn’t trust most adults around these parts, whether they were human or monster.
Which is why it was a good thing they weren’t walking, otherwise he definitely would have noticed the limp from their leg.
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Okay here's another scenario: (UF  and UT bros) Male s/o was left alone at home while their bonefriends at work. We the bonefriend cpmes home the found the house clean from top to bottom dinner made (all their and their brothers favorites) and a hot bath waiting for them. When asked what the occasion they say "i was bored and thought it be nice. Do you like it? "
{ Oh, hello~I’ve realized, I only have your asks about Undertale, it is pretty weird because usually they are the ones I have the most O.o }
🔷 Sansy 🔷
You know, he is not the one who thinks about to tidy up, his brother has always been the one to do the housework and Sans has never done anything to help him because of his obscene laziness. If you do the cleaning jobs – that are a plague of the existence- he will be very glad so he has not to do everything and he can lose his time like always. He already does not do anything and he sleeps (or pretend to sleep) at his job. Sometimes, he plays with Frisk but it is something very different from actually working.Maybe you should be more severe with him, it is not like he takes advantage of your kindness. You are like Papyrus, a sweet and pure person, and it is very great, but Sans should learn to do these things alone. If he thinks you will do all the job, he will ignore all his duties and he will become lazier than ever.Anyway, he will thank you saying it was not necessary –actually it was because his house would be a discharge without you or Papyrus-. He is not a champion in the art of “expressing his emotions”, so he will say some jokes, smiling like a derp, and anything special. Not that he is ungrateful but he is just a little uncomfortable to show his true feelings.
🔷 Pappy 🔷
You are the perfect partner for him because you are not a lazybones and you are as great as him since you care about him and the house as well.Papyrus is the kind of person who puts all his effort and energy in everything he does, and it seems his battery is never dead. Even if he comes back late from his job, he is ready to help you to clean because Pappy is always here to help his friends and S/O. You cannot deny his help since he is the Great Papyrus and his presence will make the job easier and funnier.Filled of enthusiasm and joy, he will thank you for what you did and the next time he will be the one to do the job for you, since you two are a couple so the duties must be divided or the two of you can do the housework together. It will be more enjoyable and he loves cleaning his house. Maybe the two of you are the only ones in this world who love doing the cleaning job. Well, good for you.
🔷 Reddy 🔷
He is another one who is unable to express his true feelings and he does not understand his emotions very well so he is pretty impressed but, at the same time, confused because he finds kindness… Weird. Kindness is not considered a virtue in the Underground where he lives so he is not used to meet gentle people or to receive gentle gestures. Maybe he won’t say thank you because he basically finds cleaning jobs useless. It is something his brother always does since he is a control freak. If you do the cleaning job, Sans is glad so he can be lazy and you are not going to complain or scream at him like Papyrus and it is even greater. He does nothing like his usual and he is free to be slothfull like there is no tomorrow.Maybe his brother had a point and you have to be harsher with Sans because it is not useful for him being lazy like this.
🔷 The Edge Lord 🔷
Here the situation is more complicated.He considers kindness as a weakness, he is not the kind of person who shows his emotions, and he does not recognize them. Sometimes, he interprets people’s gestures and he imagines things.Another important thing: he is a bastard for nature and he thinks he is the best alive. He is an asshole with delusions of grandeur. This is not good for you.Papyrus would take advantage of it; he will think you want to become his lackey. It does not matter if you are his S/O, he is still the one in control, especially if you are so kind and vulnerable. He is free to be harsh and he loves to be harsh.Actually, Papyrus behaves like a commander and he checks your work, the way you have cleaned his house. If your job is perfect. Yes, it is annoying and maybe you will regret it. He is usually the one who does the cleaning jobs because he wants his house to be clean and brilliant. Since he is a perfectionist, he is very austere and stubborn. He will start to point every stain, if something is not cleaned enough. His complains are unbearable. There are so many steps to do before he can accept you like a “true S/O” and the gentler you are the harder it will be.
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asktheasterfamily · 7 years
Question. What was it that made you want sans in the first? I would of thought you'll end up with Gaster.
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* Well... actually a lot of people... thought the same... for a few . 
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* Yes... but that was from a few centuries ago. When we were on the surface... people thought... Cambria and Gaster had adopted me... since I was... fairly young... when I met them. I had been alive for... 10 or 11 years. I was technically a child and every monster... noticed that. It was... a bit awkward...
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* Sure, why not? 
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I will admit it. Yes,Yes we do.
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( * Capo doesn’t know how to respond to such honest words.)
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underimagines · 7 years
Hi! How are you? Good I hope. Tell me how would the MT,UF,HT and UT bros react to their s/o being immortal? Like if I shot you in the head and your still standing saying ow that hurt immortal.
shortened to just sans for each - m.m.
wow, uh. that sure is something. On the outside he seems perfectly chill with it; it’s actually kind of terrifying. Sure, he asks you a couple of (extremely emotionally betraying) questions, but despite it he’s just grinning, winking, & vaguely sweating. Internally he’s reminding himself to never get on your bad side.
The person who attacked you is pinned & mutilated (not fatally) before you’ve even reacted. It’s only because you managed to speak up so soon that their life was spared at all. Jesus Christ, babe, what are you? He’s equal parts scared for you & scared of you.
He panics, torn between his instinct to fight back & his need to get you somewhere safe. He chooses to put himself in a vulnerable position by choosing Option 2, & he almost gets dusted because of it when he suddenly realizes that blow didn’t take you out. Now you’re the one defending him.
Your assailant’s done for the moment the attack lands, enough said. He’s already halfway disassociating his way through any possible grief when he realizes–wait, you aren’t dead. It’s kind of so much of a shock that he doesn’t know how to handle it until hours later. Not to mention it’s one of the few times in your relationship he willingly cries in front of you.
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New friends
The small child was traveling again, they had a flower crown in hand and a smile on their face, they felt that today was going to be a good day! They stepped into a new timeline and looked around, trying to spot someone new to give their flower crown to, so went the game they played.
"Hello? Is their anyone here?"
The feathers of their wings seemed to be a bit sleek today, as ifs to reflect their shiny mood. Who knows what was in store for them...
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marshmarrowsans · 7 years
UT/MT Sans are my favorite sanses. I love them very much. So they would get the best. Both would get a Punderful Ugly Christmas Sweater. UT a star shaped diamond gold ring. MT a silver diamond star necklace. I would also take him out to the field so we can see the stars with their very own telescopes. For dinner I will make them their favorite meals and at the end of the night we can do what ever they want.
All of these sound like wonderful, sanstastic gift ideas! I'm sure both Sanses would love em. :D
Mod Cerbie
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