#blade dj
sexyvampz · 2 years
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mr thaiboy goon, circa 2015
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yakyaa · 1 year
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Happy pride month to these two and these two specifically
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lovelyllamasblog · 5 months
Saturn 🪐
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Character Description
“Everyone knows that Saturn is famous for her rings,… and her earrings, nose ring, belly button ring---even her cell phone’s ring!! But you may not know that Saturn is famous across the universe for her beats! When you’re looking to let off some steam, head on over to Saturn’s dance club and have a skate around her Roller Rings while getting’ down to this savvy spin doctor’s sweet sounds!”
(taken from Galaxy Girls wikia)
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alberto-balsalm · 10 months
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alex-dontknow · 10 months
time for some gw headcanons since we're fixated again (under the cut)
Phantom only really likes food that's rather bland in taste. he doesn't mind some sweet / spicy things, but he'd rather play safely. (he also has a ridiculous spice tolerance but refuses to eat really spicy things regardless)
X is a metalhead.
Nova, when corrupted, tried to justify his actions by believing he was doing everything for the greater good, and the better for his Faction. Obviously he was wrong, and even after he was freed he spent quite a while trying to break from that mentality.
Everyone who was corrupted has some form of PTSD from it.
Sylph once made a tornado upon accident after sneezing.
X, Clover and Phantom have dubbed themselves the three Mixgeteers (X's idea, required some persuasion for the others)
Phantom once tried to teach Bones how to cook. He needed to buy a new hob after that.
Ellyn has ridiculous impulses. She once adopted a snake and it freaked out the other lunatics. (William Snakespeare reference)
Just a little theory I like to think about: Torch (see Cykopath: Birth) grew up to become Inferno (see Xkour Skylines)
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8bitbutterfly · 2 years
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custom handmade jewelry inspired by music album covers, made by @marksnotnice on IG
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gebbzsteelo · 7 months
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nando161mando · 9 months
Blade Soundtrack [DJ Krush - Dig This Vibe]
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faded-drastically · 2 years
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onmyitouch · 3 months
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DJ let it play
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9e978e · 3 months
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yakyaa · 1 year
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surveillance-0011 · 1 year
Before ω-3 was formed (or was never formed) , what do you think the members were doing, how their life was, etc?
Dropped out of college or high school to pursue music (and bc school had grown to be way too detrimental for his mental health between failing grades and feeling very insecure) . This resulted in a big fight with his mom that ended in him being kicked out. Even if she took it back or never told him she wanted him gone, he took it as a sign to leave.
Cue the couchsurfing. He stayed with friends and strangers, and in hotels as he perfected his craft and performed gigs at clubs. Some of these living situations he ended up in were not the best and a few were probably dangerous or traumatizing.
Fortunately his sister, too, did allow them to stay with her for some time. Maybe it makes for sense for him to just stay with her but idk I haven’t decided and they don’t get along the best so I think he only decided to swallow his pride and ask her for help when everything went to shit.
He also took up a couple of odd jobs, taking whatever he could to get a little more cash.
The whole… everything started like 2-3 years before the band formed.
Eventually he saved up for somewhere to live…maybe. But he found an ad for a position in a band or was approached after a show from a certain cello-playing fish…
He accepted to meet up. It almost didn’t happen, though, because he overslept misremembering the time as pm when it was am… fortunately he woke up in the afternoon and called Blade to meet up then. Their introduction was rushed and messy but they were able to join!
Had he missed it, though… I think his life could have turned out alright still? It’d be a lot rougher and he’d never reach the level of fame he has now but I think he’d manage and get out of the shitty situation he was in.
Honestly, life has been good to him- esp compared to the other two- the past few years. He had grown past some rougher teen years to be a decent person with decent mental health and a decent ability to play drums.
He was just kind of… lost? He felt like something was missing. Some attention, or just the ability to really do what he wanted.
Another issue is that we was kind of homesick. He had left the Trout Jigokudani to pursue his dreams… or just like, a better career in a more modern, urbanized setting.
Was part of an orchestra but left bc it wasn’t really his thing. Then he joined a more traditional salmon music group, performing for festivals and ceremonies. He was relatively successful and satisfied but he just felt like nothing was really what he truly wanted. Like he hadn’t struck gold yet.
The other two (or one of em, probably) came across this music group somehow- probably at an event or nearby where they played. After the show on his way home the two stopped him to ask about the band.
It took some thinking over, but he obliged. Rest is history.
Also, he invited Faith to live with him once he settled into the role.
If the band never happened he’d have stuck with his old gig, or moved back to his hometown. I’d like to think he’d find something to fulfill him but maybe he would not, and become disillusioned with his life.
Like I’ve said before he had struggled with his mental health a lot. In the years or maybe just months preceding the band’s debut he was at a low point. Not the lowest, maybe, but… Just kind of existing.
He, too, was part of some other band. He cycled through a lot of different gigs but never stayed because he often fought and just didn’t mix with a lot of people. Only one lasted for some time and even then they eventually had their falling out.
There was also solo work, composing for others or herself.
She was struggling again with her anxiety and other issues, and at that point it was starting to become too much to bear.
And so came the shot in the dark. When Faith missed the og time she almost fucking lost it, she was torn and pretty much hopeless, so it’s a relief that they ended up meeting up in the end.
Had Faith not done so? Things would not have ended well here.
Maybe the two of them would’ve been able to continue as a duo but I doubt ω-3 would be as iconic or survive as long as it has. I don’t know what Blade would do if it hadn’t worked out.
Actually, I do. And I’ll leave it at that.
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hemorrhage · 9 months
Bladee & Mechatok - You (DJ g2g CUMbia-fied Club edit)[party mix]
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stroebe2 · 1 year
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