#blaine cornell
lindaseccaspina · 1 year
The Cornell House Carleton Place
Arlene Stafford-Wilson   · Hidden rooms?……………Secret passages?……. In Carleton Place? Did you know that there’s a house in Carleton Place with a secret passage to a hidden room? On the landing going upstairs, there is a vertical board which is spring-loaded, and it hides the passage into a secret room. If the bottom of the board is pushed forward, it reveals an opening where a person may enter…
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esperantoauthor · 3 years
Senior year Klaine!!! Applying for colleges! (Or you could just put some headcanons of how that year would go).
Hi Jas! This ask is literally 7 months old but I have every confidence that you still remember sending it because that is kind of your thing. I finally got inspired to pick back up the scene I had written and finish this off. It was a joy to write in this universe again for a little bit; thank you for sending this in when I invited people to send in prompts for scenes from the Express Yourself Verse. Without further ado...
Title: Applying to College [bonus content for the Express Yourself Universe] Author: Esperanto Length: 1,404 words 📚 Read it on Ao3 or below 📚
“You and Kurt talk much about college?” Burt asked conversationally as he handed Blaine a tire iron.
Blaine grasped the handle of the tool. “Some. I, uh, uh, I —don’t want to influ—to effect his de-de-decision so I haven’t shared my list yet.”
Mr. Hummel looked disappointed. This confused Blaine, whose own parents had given him stern lectures about not throwing away his dreams for some high school boyfriend who, statistically, wasn’t going to be his forever partner anyways. Yes, his father had research to back up his point, as always.
“It’s irresponsible to choose a college based on where your boyfriend is going,” his father had lectured him.
“But he’s the love of-of-of my life,” Blaine had countered.
“Then your relationship will be strong enough to survive a little separation.”
His mother, always with the softer touch, had added, “You are just so young, sweetie, that’s all. You don’t want to limit yourself. It’s the responsible choice.”
They had worn him down in the end. He didn’t always agree with his parents but he knew they had his best interests at heart and as much as he was loath to admit it, he was young. There was a lot he didn’t know about life. College was a big deal and he didn’t want to screw it up by making an irresponsible decision.
But now, it seemed that following his parents’ advice meant disappointing Mr. Hummel. Blaine felt like he couldn’t win.
“So, how many colleges are you applying to?”
“I’ve got, uh, five applications —submitted but I’m not d-done yet.”
Blaine hoped his answer was good enough for Mr. Hummel. What if Kurt has applied to way more? Do I seem behind? I haven’t missed any deadlines.
“Is that, uh, a lot to apply to or… what’s the usual number?” Kurt’s usually confident father looked at Blaine with uncertainty in his eyes.
“Oh, I mean it, uh, it depends but I think like —five to eight is good.”
Burt fell into a plastic lawn chair and made a frustrated grunt. “I knew it!”
“Uh, you kn-knew what?”
“That Kurt doesn’t know any more about this than I do. I thought they had guidance—that’s what they’re called, right?— counselors at that school of yours. Aren’t they supposed to tell him this kind of stuff?”
“Um, they-they-they do, b-but no one has to talk to them. I...what do you m-mean he doesn’t know any more than, uh, y-you do?” Blaine asked, feeling deeply confused. Mr. Hummel was an adult, of course he knew more than them.
“Never went.”
“I...I ne-never realized. Not-not-not that it m-matters, of course!” Blaine felt his cheeks start to flush with embarrassment. Way to assume, Blaine!
“Got a job right out of high school, did the certification course at the junior college, and then I got real lucky that my boss decided to retire and wanted to pass on the business to someone he trusted. Can you do me a favor, kiddo?”
“Of course,” Blaine replied earnestly.
“Talk to Kurt about all this college stuff. He needs your help.”
“Um, o-okay.”
Blaine wasn’t sure how to bring up the topic without being heavy-handed but an opportunity presented itself to him just a few days later.
Kurt and Rachel strode into the cafeteria with their arms linked and matching smirks of self-satisfacts plastered across their faces; it was times like these that Blaine thought they could be siblings.
Blaine leaned in to accept the cheek kiss Kurt offered and then raised an expectant eyebrow, knowing that neither Kurt nor Rachel needed much prompting to spill when they were this excited.
Tina was not as patient. “Well?”
Kurt and Rachel turned to face one another before saying in unison, “We found our college!”
“It’s called NYADA,” Kurt added, face glowing with excitement. He pressed a colorful brochure into Blaine’s hands. “Please tell me you’ll apply too, Blaine!”
“Oh, I, uh… l-let me take a… look but, I mean, I p-p-p-probably, sure.” Blaine felt a bit flustered at being asked such a big question on the spot. Kurt’s gaze softened, clearly realizing what was happening and he gave Blaine’s thigh a comforting squeeze under the table.
“The deadline isn’t for another six weeks, so there’s plenty of time. Here, you hang on to this; I have more copies.”
That night, Blaine dutifully read through the brochure and researched the school online. His boyfriend, as always, had impeccable taste; it was clearly a top notch performing arts college. But the more he read, the more worried he became
He needed to talk to Kurt.
“Kurt, can we, um, um, well, can we talk about… about NYADA?”
“Sure! Did you read the flyer? Isn’t it just perfection?” Kurt clapped his hands against his thighs and bit his lip in excitement. Blaine swallowed thickly, thinking about how to do this without completely taking the wind out of Kurt’s sails.
“—Totally. The list of-of-of famous alumni alone was enough to, uh, convince me. Kurt, I would—I would love to go there.”
Kurt threw his arms around Blaine’s neck and kissed his cheek. “We’re going to New York! This is going to be perfect!”
“I, uh, I hhhope so. But Kurt… did you see that-that-that they only, uh, only accept 20 st-st-st-students a year? I… I think it would be a good… a good idea to have a backup, uh, plan.”
“You don’t think I’m good enough?” Kurt sounded hurt.
Blaine quickly leaned forward, gathering Kurt’s hands in his and drawing his gaze.
“No, no, sweetie, no, of-of course I do. But… e-e-everyone gets rejected from a-a-a-at least one or-or t-two colleges, Kurt. My…my father went to Harvard Law but even he didn’t get in everywhere.”
Kurt’s nose wrinkled in concern. “He didn’t?”
“He didn’t,” Blaine confirmed. "He was re-re-re—he didn’t get in to-to Colum-Columbia. And he got a-a-a-a-a perfect score on the SAT. He’s the one who —told me how important it is to-to-to apply to several schools, including a few ssssafety choices.”
Kurt sat back in stunned silence. “I thought the hard part was choosing the school… I had no idea. How many schools have you applied to so far, Blaine?” Panic was starting to creep into Kurt’s voice.
“Um, five so far.”
“So far?” Kurt’s voice cracked on the second word and he ran his fingers through his hard, something he only did when he was highly stressed. Blaine felt a sympathetic pang in his chest. “Well, which ones? Is it too late for me to apply to them too?”
“N-no, I don’t—I don’t th-th-think the deadline has-has-has —passed for any of them yet. I, um, let me think. I… applied to CUNY, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, and-and-and Ohio State.”
“You want to go to Ohio State?” Kurt looked mildly scandalized.
“Then why did you apply?” Kurt asked in befuddlement.
“It’s a-a-a…it’s —called a safety, um, school. It’s just in—just in c-c-c-case I don’t, I don’t get in anywhere, um, else. I’d r-r-rather go there than-than n-nowhere, you know? —Besides, my father said you-you-you-you can al-al-al-al-always transfer after a year.”
“Oh. Well, I guess there’s no harm in that.”
Well, that could have gone a lot worse. Blaine let out a contented sigh. He had managed to talk to Kurt about this delicate topic without embarrassing him.
“I, um, I-I-I can help you with the, uh, uh, um, the, uh, the research if you want.”
“That would be amazing, actually. I’m suddenly feeling very overwhelmed by this whole thing.”
“Happy to help. It is our fu-fu-future, after all. That’s always worth p-p-p-putting in a bit of work for.”
Kurt’s worried expression melted into a fond smile.
“Th-th-th-there’s this one program, actually—“
Suddenly, Blaine was flat on his back, looking up into Kurt’s mischievous eyes.
“Tomorrow, Blaine. We can start tomorrow. Tonight, I have other plans.”
Kurt didn't have to tell him twice.
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skyblue-ringpops · 3 years
Just IMAGINE if Glee did a DPS inspired episode like it would be so good
Okay so Mr. Schue (Mr. Keating) has a lesson called "Seize The Day" and basically everyone is required to do something ambitious throughout the week and represent it through song.
Sue (Nolan) is after the Glee club, as usual.
Blaine's (Neil) dad is trying to make him quit glee club.
Sam (Knox) writes an original song trying to win Mercedes (Chris) back.
And I don't have specific storylines in mind for them but Puck would be Charlie and Kurt would be Todd and ahhh I love this so much
Their big group number would be Seize The Day from Newsies
I can also see Blaine singing Snow by Ricky Montgomery? Idk why
And someone maybe Kurt singing Preaching The End of the World by Chris Cornell
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brooklynblerd · 4 years
So You Want To Be An Ally
Over the last 2 weeks, I have been fielding many white-guilt questions at work and having very interesting conversations and Zoom calls. Overall, they have been well received, but I am not sure if anything will happen once this is no longer a hot topic. I hope we keep up the momentum, but the media and Politicians and other power holders will try to silence us as quickly as possible. All of the companies realizing that #BlackLivesMatter will inevitably fade away as well. WE HAVE TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON. So I made a list of talking points for the company that I work for, I hope they put it to use. I will begin sending this to anyone that reaches out to me to “talk” or “to see if I am ok”. While I appreciate the concern (if it’s genuine), I cannot continue being your only Black friend or the only Black person that you feel comfortable speaking to. 
I saw this on Twitter recently, White privilege doesn't mean that your life hasn't been hard, it just means that the color of your skin isn't one of the things that makes it harder. I think this pretty much sums up what white people need to understand, what those people calling themselves our allies need to understand. Having Black pride & saying Black Lives Matter should not offend anyone. It does not mean that we are anti white people.
Black people are not a monolith. While we have all experienced racism in some form or another, we do not share the exact same experiences with it. To try and get an overall view of the different types of racism, you need to speak to many different Black people. Stop treating us as a collective, we are all individuals.  Racism has permeated every single institution in this country. Education, Housing, Banking, Healthcare, Criminal Justice, Entertainment, etc. Racism is very much systemic, not always overt. There are also many different microaggressions that do not present as overt racism. Also, if we are going to have these discussions, please make sure that we feel safe, that we will be heard without reprimand or cynicism or disbelief. Our silence is the reason why this has gone on for so long. We want to be heard. We are no longer willing to stay invisible. Fear makes many of us stay silent, not willing to upset the status quo.
Revamp your hiring strategy/quota. People and organizations tend to conflate diversity and inclusivity. They are NOT the same. While there are many women, LGBTQIA members, Black and other People of Color, the Executives, Sales Management, and HR do not reflect this.
Conversations about race and other social justice issues are uncomfortable. Having these conversations without any Black and People of color present is pointless. Make sure you have Black people and other People of Color in any discussions you have regarding race relations and any other social justice issues. Empathy and sympathy is great, but it will not replace an actual experience.
Understand that the current state of the world has been a long time coming. George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel's back. The only difference is that everyone has a camera now and the police aren't doing themselves any favors by brutalizing everyone who is protesting police brutality.
Acknowledge your privilege. Acknowledge that the system is built to benefit you more than it does us and that it always has.
Saying "I'm not racist" isn't enough anymore. You have to be anti-racist. You have to stop the jokes, stereotypes, etc amongst your circle of friends and family members. This will be hard. But Black and Brown lives have to matter more than offending anyone that is unwilling to change.
Racism is not up to Black people and other People of Color to solve. This wasn't created or instituted by us and as we remain the "minority" in positions of power, we are unable to change it. We only have the ability to fight it, to rise up and demand change. To show that we will no longer take it. We will no longer be silent. We were all taught to be quiet and hold our feelings in to make sure that white people are comfortable. To make sure that we don’t appear threatening or angry. That is changing. Things will not go back to the way that they were. 
Books to read in your journey of becoming an ally:
How To Be An Antiracist - Ibram X. Kensi
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin Diangelo
So You Want To Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo
Me and white Supremacy - Layla F. Saad
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age of Colorblindness - Michelle Alexander
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America - Ibram X. Kendi
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates 
Notes of A Native Son - James Baldwin 
Born A Crime - Trevor Noah
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower - Brittany Cooper
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth - Dana-Ain Davis
Racism without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States - Edwardo Bonilla-Silva
Towards the Other America: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter - Chris Crass
Two Faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage - Leslie Picca and Joe Feagin
How To Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy and the Racial Divide - Crystal Fleming
The Ethnic Project: Transforming Racial Fiction into Ethnic Factions - Vilna Bashi Treitler
Race and Racisms: A Critical Approach - Tanya Golash Boza
Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations - Joe Feagin
White Rage; the Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide - Carol Anderson
Black Americans - Alphonso Pinkney
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to Present - Harriet Washington
The Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry- Maryann Erigha
Code of the Street - Elijah Anderson
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
The Mis-Education of the Negro - Carter Woodson
UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol.1 - Joseph Zerbo
UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. 2 - G. Mokhtar
Black Wealth/White Wealth - Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice - Paul Kivel
Witnessing Whiteness - Shelly Tochluk
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race - Derald Wing Sue
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching about Race and Racism to People Who Don't Want to Know - Tema Jon Okun
Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race - Frances Kendall
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics - George Lipsitz
Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race - Debby Irving
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood - Jim Grimsley
Everyday White People Confront Racial and Social Injustice: 15 Stories - editors = Eddie Moore, Marguerite W. Penick-Parks & Ali Michael
Understanding and Dismantling Racism: The Twenty-First Century Challenge to White America - Joseph Barndt
Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History - Vron Ware
Charleston Syllabus: Readings on Race, Racism, and Racial Violence - editors = Chad Williams, Kidada E. Williams & Keisha N. Blain
We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America - editors = Elizabeth Betita Martinez, Matt Meyer & Mandy Carter. Forward by Cornel West. Afterword by Alice Walker & Sonia Sanchez
killing rage: Ending Racism - bell hooks
Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America - Devon W. Carbado and Mitu Gulati
Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy - Chris Crass
White Like Me: Reflections on Race form A Privileged Son - Tim Wise
White Trash: Race and Class in America - editors = Annalee Newitz & Matt Wray
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces - Radley Balko
Race Traitor - editors = Noel Ignatiev & John Garvey
Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality, and Education (Cultural Pluralism #2) - Cheryl E. Matias
Disrupting White Supremacy
Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power: Community Organizing in Radical Times - AmySonnie, James Tracy
For White Folks Who Teach in The Hood...and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education (Race, Education, and Democracy) - Christopher Emdin
Benign Bigotry: The Psychology Subtle Prejudice - Kristin J. Anderson
Subversive Southern: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South (Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century) - Catherine Fosl
How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America - Karen Brodkin
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America - Jim Wells
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
Living Into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America - editor = Catherine Meeks
Promise And A Way Of Live: White Antiracist Activism - Becky Thompson
What Does It Mean to Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy (Counterpoints #398) - Robin Diangelo
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gladaseeya · 4 years
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• Hollywood, 2 March 1945, Phil marries Jo-Carroll Dennison. Superior Judge Edward R Brand conducts the ceremony in his chambers. Phil’s brother Harry holds up a telephone so that the proceedings can be relayed to their mother Sarah in Brooklyn. • Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph, 10 March 1946. Jo-Carroll would feature in The Jolson Story later in the year. • In July 1946, Phil and Jo-Carroll were part of a troupe of Fox players that undertook a four city promotional tour for the musical Centennial Summer. As the film dealt with events in Philadelphia in the Centennial Exposition year of 1876, its world premiere was held in that city.
IN PHILADELPHIA • What’s the craic? Three days of activities preceding the premiere included entertaining injured veterans, a civic luncheon and visits to historic sites. At Liberty Hall, Phil and Jeanne Crain pay particularly close attention. (Miss Crain is wearing a summer frock of white crepe, with an oriental print of green, fuchsia and grey; white spectator pumps; a double strand of pearls with her engagement and wedding rings). • Posing for a team photo, having fought their way through an enthusiastic crowd.
IN PITTSBURGH • I don’t know, "Keep Your Hands on the Wheel"?
IN DETROIT • Vivian and Phil’s picture If I’m Lucky would be released in September. • The events in both Detroit and Philadelphia included a motor “Parade of Hollywood Stars”.
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ENLARGE An undated snapshot of Phil, this almost certainly shows him on Fox promotional duties in the mid 40s.
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ENLARGE 9 July newspaper advertisement.
Fox Philadelphia 10 July 1946 Centennial Summer world premiere MC Phil Silvers With Jeanne Crain, Carol Landis, Kurt Kreuger, Margo Woode, Jo-Carroll Dennison, David Street, Otto Preminger
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ENLARGE The Philadelphia Inquirer, 11 July 1946.
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They’re coming, check, they’re here, arriving in Pittsburgh the day before the premiere.
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ENLARGE 12 July newspaper advertisement.
J. P. Harris Theater Pittsburgh 12 July 1946 Centennial Summer Pittsburgh premiere MC Phil Silvers With Kurt Kreuger, Jo-Carroll Dennison, David Street
Film Premiere KQV, Pittsburgh / 12 July 1946 / 30min KVQ will broadcast a half hour program dedicated to the western Pennsylvania premiere of “Centennial Summer” at 8 p.m. tonight. The first fifteen minutes will feature all the Jerome Kern music sung by the cast of the picture including Cornell Wilde, Jeanne Crain and Linda Darnell. At 8:15 the broadcast will switch to the J. P. Harris lobby when the stars who appear on the stage will broadcast. Phil Silvers, Kurt Kreuger, Jo-Carroll Dennison and David Street are the personalities who are in Pittsburgh for the premiere.
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ENLARGE 19 July newspaper advertisement.
Fox Detroit 19 July 1946 Centennial Summer Detroit premiere MC Phil Silvers With Vivian Blaine, Kurt Kreuger, Jo-Carroll Dennison, David Street
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From a 20 July 1946 review of the film in the Detroit Free Press.
The other city was Washington.
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scifigeneration · 5 years
Margaret Morse Nice thought like a song sparrow and changed how scientists understand animal behavior
by Kristoffer Whitney
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Making sense of bird behavior was a lifelong passion for Margaret Morse Nice. AP Photo
The invader, puffed out into the shape of a ball, fluttered one wing straight up in the air. He sang constantly and softly, incomplete songs in rapid succession. The defender, silent, hunched his shoulders in a menacing attitude, closely following every move of his foe.
This close observation, describing the territorial “ceremony” of two song sparrows, was made by a little-remembered scientist in the early 20th century. Margaret Morse Nice was a pioneering ethologist, bird-bander and ornithologist, who researched animal behavior for fifty years from the 1910s to the 1960s. “Territorial behavior” may be a common term today but, at the time, describing animals from the inside out was a radical departure from the “objective” methods of a dissection table or scientific lab.
Seeing the world as animals do is impossible, yet scientists try to do it all the time. I am a researcher who studies the history of science to understand how we know what we know about nature. This paradox has been central to research in field biology, from the behavioral ecology of birds to the evolutionary biology of snakes.
Nice’s work in animal behavior, understanding animals by watching what they did and why, was part of a new branch of science called ethology. Her research was relatively obscure by contrast to her male contemporaries. But recently, Nice’s standing in the field and history of science has gotten greater attention with the publication of a biography about her life, “For the Birds: American Ornithologist Margaret Morse Nice” by Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie.
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A song sparrow in the grasslands of Oregon. John Yunker/Shutterstock.com
An ambitious scientist in a male-dominated field
By any measure, Nice’s career was astoundingly successful. But in the context of her life, her many scholarly achievements were even more remarkable. She was a wife and the mother of five daughters. As her husband’s academic career advanced, their family moved frequently.
Yet, even without a Ph.D. or institutional support, she excelled in a male-dominated field. By the end of her life in 1974, she had produced an impressive body of literature, publishing hundreds of articles and thousands of reviews, and presented her work around the world. Her peers, such as Konrad Lorenz, Ernst Mayr and Aldo Leopold acknowledged her as an innovator in field ornithology and ethology. Lorenz wrote the foreword to Nice’s autobiography, “Research Is a Passion With Me.”
Margaret Morse, born in Amherst, Massachusetts, in 1883, was an avid outdoorsperson all her life. As a student at Mount Holyoke College, she found her zoology classes stultifying, with a focus on dissection and taxonomy that defined natural history at the time. This changed when she enrolled as a graduate student at Clark University in 1907. Faculty encouraged her in experimental and observational studies of animal behavior, and she began to research the feeding habits of the bobwhite.
She never finished her graduate studies, but instead married a fellow graduate student, Leonard Blaine Nice, in 1909 and soon began a family. Though by all accounts Nice had a happy marriage and satisfying family life, she nevertheless bristled at being labeled a housewife. When her children were young, she pursued her passion for research, including linguistic studies of her children’s language development. She later returned to behavioral studies of birds apart from academia.
The voice of a song sparrow.
How to think like a bird
It was her research on the song sparrow near her home in Columbus, Ohio, in the 1920s and 1930s that cemented her reputation as a brilliant observer and analyst of animal behavior. Through observation and incorporating the novel use of colored leg bands to distinguish individual birds, Nice was able to determine the meaning of territorial behavior, to establish who was menacing whom and to what end.
She described her technique as a “phenomenological method” and wrote about it as part of a study published in 1943. Affection and anthropomorphism are plain to see in Nice’s work, particularly in her popularized account of song sparrow research. In this passage from “The Watcher at the Nest,” she wrote, “When I first studied the Song Sparrows…I had looked upon Song Sparrow 4M as a truculent, meddlesome neighbor; but…I discovered him to be a delightful bird, spirited, an accomplished songster and a devoted father.”
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Nice was a brilliant observer whose scientific work shaped how we understand bird behavior today. AP Photo/The News Tribune, Lui Kit Wong
This perspective may seem naïve or overly subjective. But emotion and “sympathetic observation” go hand in hand and have been vital to ethologists, field biologists and ecologists from Nice’s time to the present. Harry Greene, an ecologist at Cornell University, writes in “Tracks and Shadows” that scientists “use human perceptions, intuition, and feelings, our inner worlds, to forge novel, testable hypotheses about those of other species.”
For some scientists and social theorists, the conceit that one could develop affection for an animal or understand what an animal thinks was a dangerous form of projection. Yet Nice’s phenomenological method of studying bird behavior is, even today, an essential piece of how people see the natural world.
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About The Author:
Kristoffer Whitney is an Assistant Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Rochester Institute of Technology
This article is republished from our content partners over at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
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teamnick · 5 years
12, 13? :)
12. What TV apartment/house would you choose to live in if money/location/logic made no difference?
So I’ve been thinking a lot abt this, actually, and I think I’d go with one of the houses from Road to Avonlea, like the Rose Cottage...they all seem so cozy and warm and comfortable, and these are exactly the feelings I wanna have at home! Not to mention the Prince Edward Island itself, it’s just a-ma-zing.
13. Who is your all-time biggest TV crush?
LMAO like you dont know, girl 😂 one of them (because I cannot choose only 1...duh!) is our soft rich dumbass king, Edoardo Incanti of course. I just have a lot of feelings abt him, okay? Like...he serenades his girl, makes her tisanina, brings her cookies, he is her personal uber driver and cleaning man, texts her at 4 am saying he misses her, is annoyingly smart (Cornell...really, Edo???) and he is hot in a way that should be illegal. And I’m pretty sure in some countries it is!! What can I say, the way he touches Ele’s face is so soft you can feel that through a freakin gif, jfc. And the Parigi scene?! RIP all of us in this fandom.
My other crush wont be a surprise to anyone either - Nick Blaine (yes my username refers to him...his power!!). He’s the epitome of selfless, unconditional love...someone who is so soft but so passionate at the same time. I discussed it with a fellow Nick/Edo fan that these 2 have a lot of things in common, so I feel like I have a type, maybe? 😉
Thanks for the ask! 
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emotional-motion · 5 years
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THURSDAY AUGUST 22nd Layne’s actual 52nd Birthday!
Annual International Fountain Gathering, @7p. m. in the Seattle Center. This is a ‘Meet ‘n
Greet’. Fans will have plenty of time to see friends and some of Layne’s family, and to attend the
Thursday night acoustic show.
Nectar Lounge
Layne Staley Tribute, 2019 Acoustic Night
- Jar of Flies (the ultimate AiC experience) w/Special Guests
- Outshined (Chris Cornell Tribute)
- Washed in Black (Tribute to Pearl Jam)
Doors @ 7:30 p.m. Music @ 8 p.m.
$10 ADV - $15 DOS
Hard Rock Cafe
Seattle Music Tribute
- Outshined (Chris Cornell Tribute)
- Washed in Black (Tribute to Pearl Jam)
- Nevermind (Seattle's Nirvana Tribute)
Doors @ 7 p.m. Music @ 8 p.m.
$15 ADV - $20 DOS
Jar of Flies will anchor this acoustic night of the tribute weekend with special guests, who will also
perform at the Crocodile on Saturday.
Saturday, August 24th
Nunn Better Productions Presents
The Crocodile
Saturday, August 24th @The Crocodile
Featuring: JAR OF FLIES (the ultimate AiC experience)
Guest Performers:
- Brandon Maier
- Gary Allen
- Travis Bracht
- Blaine Hammond
All-Ages (Bar with ID)
$25 ADV- $35 DOS
Doors: 7pm - Show: 8pm
Hope to see you!
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crazedlunatic · 5 years
I love this verse. It's amazing. But there is something that I have noticed and maybe I am wrong. Zach!Kid is my favorite, but Zach!college seems a little distant or negligent with his brothers and sister. He doesn't seem to pay much attention to his younger brother and doesn't seem very close to Sophie either, and although he has been an unconditional support for Nick, I feel like they have distanced themselves from each other. Maybe it's just me, bc I've been re-reading your drabbles
Oh no, Zachy!!
I haven’t written (or in some cases posted) a whole lot of Zach post high school because my mind is so wrapped up in Nick and his issues--whoops. I may just be a sucker for angst. 
As far as distancing, the twins do end up getting into a pretty big fight towards the end of high school-- Nick’s the perfect twin with the perfect life, Zach is always compared to him because of the ‘twin thing’ and how completely different they are personality wise--they are total opposites. And that fight runs a lot deeper because Nick is actually super insecure in himself since realizing he’s gay and Zach just needs to get away and find his own people and his own friends. They end up making up but I feel like, for a while (and into the first year of college), it is kind of hanging in the air between them. They love each other, their twins and will always have a bond, but they’re also very different and sometimes it can be a little tough to not have spats. Six months into Nick’s recovery it does get a lot better, though, and goes more back to normal.
Also, Zach is the one that Nick will ‘regularly’ talk to even if he (Nick) still doesn’t give any signs of what’s really going on at UCLA. Zach also tries to visit Nick a LOT when he first gets home both times (from LA and the treatment center) but Nick spends several months barely even speaking to Zach (though he does listen)-- even if Zach is sitting right by him and talking to him, Nick won’t even respond. Zach’s got a family and is excelling in school but Nick flew the nest and literally ended up face down with nothing to show for it except for thousands in hospital bills and without any of his friends because he pushed everyone away.  Also the twins lives are so very different for a handful of years-- Zach literally has a kid on top of everything else and that does take up a lot of time. He’s ‘adulting.’ while Nick’s in recovery, basically always has somebody in a room with him, and can barely even go into the back yard by himself let alone somewhere outside the house to ‘get away.’
As for Soph and Kris, Zach does make it a point to come home and visit his parents and siblings on weekends, though. And honestly I think I just haven’t thought to write too much with him focusing around Kris and Sophie but now you’ve made me want to! I’ve never written it but I’ve always imagined Zach and Sophie texting a lot once he leaves for Cornell--especially when Nick first gets home and everything is so bad/hard just because in high school all three of the siblings were super duper close and, honestly, Sophie probably takes Nick being sick a lot harder than her dads even realize because they’re so focused on Nick. Zach ends up being her biggest support system during that time since Kurt and Blaine are so, so focused on Nick. (Sophie texts both twins a lot when they first leave-- Nick just doesn’t answer very much.)
And with Kris, I feel like Zach isn’t as close with Kris as Nick is because Nick will literally throw him around, pick on him, play with toys, and everything. Nick’s, like, his idol. Zach doesn’t get quite as physical with him but he’ll take Kris to museums, art classes, and stuff-- especially when Nick is just back and doing a lot worse (ie: is a lot angrier and louder.) Zach still loves his him and will also keep Kris some weekends when it’s particularly bad for Nick so that Kris can get away--they do a good job at keeping Kris from knowing what’s going on but obviously he and Kurt leave for six weeks, so he may be little but he knows something big and bad is happening. 
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rocktheholygrail · 5 years
GAGE GOLIGHTLY (“TEEN WOLF”) GUEST STARS — Liv (Rose McIver), Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) and Ravi (Rahul Kohli) investigate the suspicious death of Cornell Piercey (guest star Devin Johnston), the head of Piercey Corp, a successful traffic app company. Melissa Schultz (guest star Stephanie Lemelin), Cornell’s ex-girlfriend, who is now running the company, makes an interesting reveal to Liv and Clive. Meanwhile, Peyton (Aly Michalka) is focusing on maintaining positive zombie PR in the city. Lastly, Blaine (David Anders) is intrigued when he meets Al Bronson (guest star Gage Golightly “Teen Wolf”) of Bluster Magazine, as she is not at all what he was expecting. Robert Buckley and Bryce Hodgson also star.
iZombie 5x04 “Dot Zom” synopsis
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newnewyorkhq · 5 years
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NAME: Charles “Charlie” Hummel-Anderson
GENDER & SEXUAL IDENTITY: male, he/his, heterosexual
BIRTHDAY: June 27th (age 25)
OCCUPATION: currently taking up a master’s in criminology at Cornell
FACECLAIM: Aaron Taylor-Johnson
( strong-willed, charismatic, supportive & ostentatious, oblivious, brash )
Biologically Kurt’s and carried by Rachel, Charlie is the eldest of the Hummel-Andersons. Charlie had a happy childhood, growing up with loving parents and wanting for little, despite his dads’ fluctuating dynamic.
As a child, he has always been interested in criminal documentaries and popular television shows like “CSI,” “Criminal Minds,” and “Law & Order”. Charlie has an unconscious need to be needed, appreciated or valued; you could call it a hero complex. Doing something for others makes Charlie happier and increases his sense of self-worth, and working in the justice system had always been his dream.
While he grew up in a theatre-centric environment, Charlie isn’t musically-inclined. He is athletic and prefers going to sports events and tournaments, rather than musicals and plays. Ironically, Charlie is the quintessential straight dude, an attribute that constantly throws people off every time he introduces himself to people as Kurt and Blaine’s child. He is athletic and dabbled in various sports as a child; anything he knew or attempted to learn, he did on his own accord, always horribly curious and insatiable.
Charlie attended a prestigious private school and graduated with marks high enough to garner himself a spot in Big Red. His university life had gone like a breeze, and he graduated with a degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Wanting to continue to try and work his way over to his dream job of being a Criminal Profiler, he decided to pursue a higher education, and is currently in the middle of earning himself a Master’s degree in Criminology.  
Supported and encouraged by his family, Charlie has never known a shy day in his life. Outspoken and sometimes even brazen, he is not afraid to say what he means and do what he says. He loves to make people laugh, and usually relies on humour and wit to sooth situations. Also a lively individual, Charlie has always thrived being in the spotlight. From being one of the best runners on his high school track-and-field team to being the captain of Cornell University’s football team, he loves making himself useful and important. Charlie has never been one to back down from a fight or challenge.
Charlie’s defining characteristic, however, is his loyalty. He is loyal to a fault to the people that he loves. He has always been boisterous in a crowd. A true lion heart, he’s always been a bit of a daredevil—diving head first into whatever he set his mind to do. Although no one would ever suspect it thanks to his constant cutting-up, Charlie is a very sensitive individual. Perceptive and a little more empathetic than the average person, he experiences the emotions of others with an intensity that he sometimes doesn’t always know how to handle, though it often makes him the perfect person to talk to.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x04 "Dot Zom" Review
Has iZombie just introduced its newest zombie Big Bad? Everyone’s favorite French Inspector is at it again, thawing those rogue Fillmore Graves who committed the shooting at the human bar, Warm Bodies. He brings them to a sketchy van, and introduces them to a shady character, snorting a substance from a vial. When they ask him who is, all he reveals is that zombies are the next stage of human evolution, and he wants to usher the new era of humanity. When one of the rogue FG traitors turns him down, Shady Zombie Man rages out on command and takes him out. I guess we have to add him to the list of deadly foes in New Seattle.
And speaking of new eras, Shady Zombie Man is not the only one with apocalypse on the brain. For the murder-of-the-week, Clive and Liv investigate a genius app designer, who in his late life became obsessed with curating a group of ideal humans to live in a bunker when the moment inevitably comes. Liv takes his brain “on the go,” swirling chunks into a bottle of kombucha. Clive is more disgusted with the fermented tea than the brain bits, which shows how far he’s come over five seasons. While Liv and Clive investigate the surrounding characters involved with Cornell, I was surprised to see how shy Liv was about her zombie-ness. Everyone seems to recognize her as Renegade, but when they interrogate Nora, Cornell’s assistant, Clive and Liv make excuses for her brain visions. Liv turns a 180 when they tap a likely suspect, “The Fixture King,” Sheldon Drake. He spews vitriol about zombies in her direction, and she defiantly snaps back. There was something so refreshing for Liv to confront a suspect by saying “I saw it. In a vision.” While Clive’s comments and half baked cover ups for Liv are part of what make their partnership so fun, I loved watching Liv stand up for herself in this moment, especially to a guy like this. A closer look at Sheldon Drake reveals that he really is up to no good. Dead-Enders have started a doxxing website to out Seattle zombies, but Drake and Cornell had taken it a step further — data mining to find online behavior patterns for zombies. An operation like this could be catastrophic for the identities of zombies in New Seattle. While the killer is revealed to be Melissa, Cornell’s business partner and former girlfriend, she pleads with Renegade that it was meant to be an act of justice. “He wanted to save humanity. I wanted to save zombie kind. You understand, don’t you Renegade?” she says. Things are going to get dicey if Clive and Liv unavoidably find each other on opposite sides of the legal system.
Blaine returns to his schoomzy ways, peacocking and crooning around his restaurant as he announces that he’s getting profiled for a magazine by Al Bronson. He’s even more delighted when it turns out that “Al” is short for “Alice,” a beautiful young woman. His peacocking and crooning get even more insufferable after that. At first it seems like Al might be falling for it (especially after Blaine takes out some Dead-Enders while on a “Brazilian Street Fighter” brain), but then she stumbles upon Blaine’s study. She had previously mentioned she had been profiling Mayor Baracus before he was killed, and it looks like she still might be on the story —  Blaine has proudly displayed the mask he wore in the video where he kills Baracus. Oh Blaine, you pompous fool. Maybe his vanity will finally take him down this time.
Meanwhile, Ravi and Peyton work on Jimmy’s comedy sketch that’s meant to smoothe over zombie and human relations. It’s a bumpy start, and Peyton and Jimmy disagree over artistic vision. “For God’s sake, make it stop,” she groans. Jimmy’s knuckles practically turn zombie white as he insists that it’s supposed to be a comedy, but Peyton points out that all the jokes make zombies the punchline. The young woman playing the zombie, Yasmine, speaks up, and Peyton makes her head writer. Yasmine spins the script to give it more “heart” and convinces Jimmy and the rest of the cast to get on board.
And now for the plot that made my heart ache the most — iZombie giveth and taketh away Mr. Graham Moss. We are introduced to Mr. Moss, Jaelyn and Michael’s favorite teacher, as the principal is firing him for being a zombie. Major tells Liv about it, and in a stroke of genius brain, she suggests hiring him to tutor all the zombie children they have been accumulating. When they bring him in to offer him the position, they stress if he’s going to tutor at Renegade’s headquarters, he needs to have the utmost discretion. This arrangement is rainbows and butterflies for about two seconds, because Mr. Moss almost immediately starts telling his date, in a public place, about his new gig. He gets kidnapped by Rogue FG Traitor and Shady Zombie Man (I am so sorry, I can’t find their names anywhere), and forces Mr. Moss to work for them. And just like that, Mr. Moss pops back into Renegade’s headquarters, but this time, he’s compromised. What could Shady Zombie Man possibly want with Liv and her operation? I can’t believe I immediately fell in love with the idea of a mini zombie resistance school, just to have it taken from me in under 40 minutes. That’s television for you.
Stray Thoughts
Major watching TV with zombie kiddos is my favorite Major. Also, when he tells Mr. Moss that “lives depend on it” and looks lovingly right at Liv? So soft! It was lovely to see these two working together this episode. I’m a sucker for how the show is slowly rebuilding these two back towards each other this season.
Ugh the stereotype of journalists flirting and contemplating sleeping with sources, as well as some violence against a gay character this episode. Both are bad looks, iZombie.
“If I’m anything, I’m a man of my word.” Blaine, you are delusional.
Slams table — Where is Quinta B?!
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
iZombie airs Thursdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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televisionpromos · 5 years
iZombie 5x04 "Dot Zom" Promo - GAGE GOLIGHTLY GUEST STARS — Liv, Clive and Ravi investigate the suspicious death of Cornell Piercey, the head of Piercey Corp, a successful traffic app company. Melissa Schultz, Cornell’s ex-girlfriend, is now running the company, makes an interesting reveal to Liv and Clive. Meanwhile, Peyton is focusing on maintaining positive zombie PR in the city. Lastly, Blaine is intrigued when he meets Al Bronson of Bluster Magazine, as she is not at all what he was expecting. Robert Buckley and Bryce Hodgson also star. Michael Wale directed the episode written by John Enbom. Original airdate 5/23/2018.
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theatredirectors · 5 years
Carsen Joenk
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Where are you now? 
Brooklyn, NY.
What’s your current project?
Judy Doomed Us All! This is a piece created by my company Rat Queen Theatre Co. (for which I am the co-artistic director alongside Molly Bicks). It’s a piece that reimagines one of America’s most pervasive fairy tales: The Reagan Administration. Judy takes place on the fourth of July, when a tornado traps Nancy Reagan and her speechwriter, Anthony Dolan, in a particularly unsavory town, forcing them to reckon with the people they have always condemned at a distance. It’s an Americana musical wrapped in a tumbleweed and served on a tablecloth from Party City.  
Why and how did you get into theatre?
When I was a little kid, I was painfully shy so my parents enrolled me in a theatre program at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago. There, I made my debut as a singing eagle where I sat in a tree for the entirety of the show. From that point on, I decided I wanted to be an actor and went to an arts-centric high school where I was a “theatre major” for four years. When I was getting ready to graduate, I worried I liked books much more than I liked performing. I thought maybe I wanted to become a professor, so I went and got a BA in Liberal Arts. Really, in retrospect, what I was realizing then, was that I was incredibly interested in world-building and narrative -more than embodying a character on stage. So, I spent my collegiate years making theatre in various capacities in various basements with many of the same people I make theatre with now!
What is your directing dream project?
There are so many projects tumbling around in my head, but I don’t know what my dream project is yet. Probably something Russian. It changes regularly.
What kind of theatre excites you?
Theatre that is collaborative and exploratory without being too precious. (Investigations of morality and aestheticism.) Theatre that bends the definition of what is understood to be “good” because it’s challenging something that been made canon by people whose perspectives are possibly too narrow. Musicals! Adaptations and revivals that explode narratives we think we are familiar with. The Square Root of Three Sisters directed by Dmitry Krymov was one of the most exciting things I’ve ever seen. What do you want to change about theatre today?
- I would like theatre to become more interested in and accepting of multi-hyphenate artists. Actor-Designers, Director-Designers, Writer-Actors- the list goes on. There is a real stigma placed around the definition of “success” in theatre. Many incredibly talented interdisciplinary artists I know are often told by other people that what they do should be synthesized to one area of focus in order to achieve said success. - It would also be great to see more development opportunities for directors and designers in American theatre, which is very playwright-centric. - Active examination of who is receiving opportunities in American theatre, whose stories are being told, who is being put in positions of leadership, etc. - Ticket prices.
What is your opinion on getting a directing MFA?
I do not have an MFA, so my scope of the actual attainment of the degree is limited to conversations and observations. I think it depends on what you hope to get out of it, and unfortunately, how it will affect your finances. At the moment, I do not have any plans to get an MFA, but I could understand the benefits. What is most attractive to me is the dedicated time and space to make work that an MFA program affords. And the networking opportunities. As someone who has struggled to overcome the social anxiety of networking, an MFA program is of interest because it is specifically structured to develop your connections. But also…money! So, really, I think whatever works for you is what you should do.
Who are your theatrical heroes? I love a list. Art heroes of various kinds: Tina Landau, Lila Neugebaur, Joseph Cornell, Sean Graney, Claudia Castellucci, Lauren Redniss, Lileanna Blain-Cruz, Dmitry Krymov, Liesel Tommy, John Gardner, Suzan Lori-Parks, Bella Brodzki, Jen Silverman, Charles Johnson, Maira Kalman, all of the Rat Queen folx.
Any advice for directors just starting out?
- Apply to everything that is of interest to you, even if you think you won’t get it. Find a bio and photo of yourself that you like. You are going to have to send it to so many people for so many reasons. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to be something you are ready to attach to 1,000 emails and feel confident about. Be excited for your friends who are making new work, go see their stuff, work with them! If anyone has any advice for ME, my email is [email protected] Plugs!
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sciencespies · 3 years
Warming Atlantic drives right whales towards extinction
Warming Atlantic drives right whales towards extinction
Warming oceans have driven the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale population from its traditional and protected habitat, exposing the animals to more lethal ship strikes, disastrous commercial fishing entanglements and greatly reduced calving rates.
Without improving its management, the right whale populations will decline and potentially become extinct in the coming decades, according to a Cornell- and University of South Carolina-led report in the journal Oceanography.
“Most of the warming in the Gulf of Maine is not coming from the atmosphere or ocean surface, as one may think,” said senior author Charles Greene, professor emeritus in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell. “It is coming from invading slope water many hundreds of feet below the ocean surface, forcing the right whales to abandon their traditional habitat.”
Since 2010, the calving rate has declined and the right whale population has dropped by an estimated 26%, according to the paper. At the beginning of the decade, the North Atlantic right whale population had numbered over 500. Now, the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium estimates the population at just 356 whales.
The species is considered critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.
The warm slope water entering the Gulf of Maine at depth derives its heat from the Gulf Stream. As the tail end of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the Gulf Stream has changed its trajectory dramatically during the past ten years.
“Due to a warming climate, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is slowing down, causing the Gulf Stream to move North, injecting warmer and saltier slope water into the Gulf of Maine,” Greene said.
The warming Gulf of Maine has reduced the abundance of copepods, the tiny crustaceans that serve as the right whales’ favorite snack. This has reduced right whale calving rates and forced the whales to abandon their mid-summer feeding grounds in the Gulf of Maine. Instead, the whales have headed north to the cooler waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Since 2015, scientists have witnessed an increased number of right whales feeding in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where there were no protections in place to prevent ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement. This has led to an Unusual Mortality Event declared by NOAA in 2017, when 17 right whale deaths were confirmed, mostly in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ten right whales were found dead in 2019, while for 2020 and 2021, four deaths have occurred thus far.
“Right whales continue to die each year,” said lead author Erin Meyer-Gutbrod, assistant professor at the University of South Carolina. “Protective policies must be strengthened immediately before this species declines past the point of no-return.”
Ocean scientists are hoping for new policies on rope-free fishing gear, vessel speed limit enforcement and money for monitoring and ecosystem forecasting.
Funding for this research was provided by the Lenfest Ocean Program.
Story Source:
Materials provided by Cornell University. Original written by Blaine Friedlander. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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sylphidine · 3 years
[NDU] ECDYSIS - Cast of Characters
In order of appearance
1] In the future:
Cossimo "Coz" Pitchiner, owner of a high end automotive repair shop as well as an associate instructor of military history for evening students.  Married to Pitch Black, author and screenwriter.
Seraphina Jane Pitchiner, Coz's biological daughter via surrogate, Pitch's stepdaughter.
2] In the present:
Piki Black. Twin brother of Pitch Black. Successful playwright in regional theatre, not yet nationally known. Recovering from a nervous breakdown after the flight and disappearance of his lover Jack Sickle.
Pitch Black, recent recipient of a graduate degree at NDU, starting out on a career path he no longer feels sure of. Temporary caretaker for Piki after Piki's breakdown.
Tallulah Black Deyvill, Piki's godmother. Fashion designer of note. The twins' father is her first cousin.  Her brother is Gilen Black.
Annelle Deauville-Sands. Pitch’s godmother, married to Gilen Black, and thus sister-in-law to Tallulah.  [Despite the similarity in surnames, she is NOT related to Tallulah’s ex Roger Deyvill.] Expert in museum-quality textiles.
Anton Eglantin, Piki's godfather. Book reviewer and literary critic. The twins' mother is his sister.
Phoebe Backman. Previously the twins' nanny, now a professional home and office organizer.
John Longwood Blaine, entomology professor on staff at Cornell University, currently on a teaching fellowship at NYU [New York University]. Looks astoundingly like Pitch's and Piki's cousin Proto.
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