#blas polidori fanfic
idollete · 3 days
– 𝐥𝐬𝐝𝐥𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝟐).   ⋆ ˚。 𖹭
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𝑤arnings: conteúdo exclusivo para +16.
ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ continuação desse post (mas ambos podem ser lidos separadamente); elenco de lsdln x book tropes; menção a sexo e consumo de drogas lícitas.
idollete’s typing… ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. eeeeeee a parte dois veio aí!!! eu me senti vendendo um livro respondendo essa ask KDHSOSNSLSKAKS e eu adorei demais fazer isso aqui, de verdade. espero que vocês gostem também ♡
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✦ ۪ ֗ ꫂ simón hempe as enemies to lovers + best friend's (older) brother: SELO DE QUALIDADE. é óbvio que um relacionamento com o simón começa da maneira mais atribulada possível, com ele te irritando desde que você se entende por gente e desde que virou amiga da irmãzinha dele, te chamando de melequenta, arrancando a cabeça das suas barbies, quebrando os seus lápis de cor. na faculdade isso certamente piora, principalmente porque vocês são obrigados a conviver juntos, as famílias acharam uma ÓTIMA ideia colocar os três pra dividir um apê e agora você tem que lidar diariamente com as cachorragens do simón e as festinhas toda semana. como é que ele estuda desse jeito? você odeia a vida boêmia, a falta de comprometimento, a irresponsabilidade, o jeito tranquilo que ele quer deixar a vida levar ele, sem ligar pro rastro de destruição que fica pra trás. porque, sim, as peguetes do simón ou te odeiam por você morar com ele ou enchem o seu saco para conseguir falar com ele. como que já está ruim ainda pode sempre piorar, o plot twist dessa história é quando a sua amiga, a negociadora que mantinha a paz em casa, resolve fazer um intercâmbio e ir para o outro lado do mundo, surprise bitches great news 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 na sua cabeça, isso era a desculpa que você precisava pra ir arranjar um lugar novo, nem que fosse a menos pocilga desse mundo, qualquer coisa era melhor do que morar com o simón sozinha. obviamente isso não acontece! o comportamento do simón se torna mais insuportável agora que a irmã não está lá pra colocar juízo na cabeça dele e ele vai meter o louco mesmo. eu vou adicionar aqui um fake dating porque a voz do anjo sussurrou no meu ouvido que isso seria uma ótima ideia ☝🏻 hear me out: imaginem que em uma dessas festas apocalípticas do simón ele fica com uma garota fé nas malucas modo hard e que não deixa ele em paz desde então, vai perseguir mesmo, acampa na porta de vocês, fica atrás dele o dia todo. ele fica desesperado, porque, porra mulher vaza, e quando a situação chega no limite (o limite sendo a garota empatando todas as fodas dele) o simón tem a brilhante ideia de pedir a sua ajuda pra fingir ser a namorada dele, porque você é a única garota que não corre o risco de se apaixonar por ele, já que vocês se odeiam. você, que não é boba nem nada, só aceita com a condição do simón de comportar melhor, parar com as festas que saem do controle, a bagunça etc. e como todo bom fake dating, a linha entre a mentira e a realidade se torna muito tênue até que vocês começam a se apaixonar um pelo outro.
✦ ۪ ֗ ꫂ agustín pardella as bodyguard: but there's a catch hihihi não é simplesmente um guarda-costas qualquer, tá? é ele como guarda-costas carrancudo que espanta todo mundo só com um olhar, mas que desenvolve um soft spot GIGANTESCO pela cliente que nada mais é que alguém da realeza/alta sociedade/filha de político qualquer coisa socialmente importante que envolva esses grupos marcados por casamentos arranjados, trocas de favores, interesses acima de relações e convenções sociais. uma pp que foi trancafiada e super protegida pela família a vida inteira e o agustín muito porra louca tatuado nem aí pra nada bem i hate everyone but you das ideias. isso foi totalmente influenciado pelo livro que eu tô lendo agora, mas eu super imagino várias dinâmicas com o pardella envolvendo uma coisa meio opposites attract, uma pp toda delicada enquanto ele é todo brrrrrrrrrrllll das ideias. e teria um forbidden love nesse aqui também, né? sua família enlouqueceria só da ideia de você com alguém como o pardella, mas você tá tão nas nuvens apaixonadinha, se sentindo tão livre e genuinamente feliz pela primeira vez na vida que você não liga pra absolutamente nada. esse romance teria wildest dreams como parte da trilha sonora, com certeza. eu imagino ele te levando pra uma cidadezinha desconhecida na garupa da moto dele, te levando pra lugares que ninguém te conhece, que você pode ser simplesmente você. ele vai realmente te mostrar um mundo diferente. e até ele mesmo vai perdendo um pouco da dureza também, vai ficar mais protetor, ciumentinho quando sua família tenta te arranjar um marido "apropriado" e sempre te fodendo nos locais mais arriscados possíveis porque este homem é um adrenaline junkie.
✦ ۪ ֗ ꫂ blas as childhood friends to lovers + return to hometown: nossa eu imagino DEMAAAAAAAAAAAAIS um blas que era seu melhor amigo de infância, quem te deu seu primeiro beijo, quem andava de mãos dadas contigo na escola, como se fosse um namoradico mas que foi embora quando vocês ainda eram pré-adolescentes, porque os pais se divorciaram e ele foi ficar com o pai, e vocês perderam todo o contato. enquanto a sua vida permaneceu a mesma, mudou da cabeça aos pés, ele não é mais aquele menino tímido, bobo e full nerdy, embora todas essas características ainda estejam dentro dele, agora ele é o típico moleque rebelde, que fuma, faz tatuagens escondido dos pais e tem uma banda de garagem que nem é tão boa assim e que só faz show porque as meninas babam no blas e ele canta bem. é justamente por causa desse comportamento dele que os pais decidem que está na hora de voltar pra cidadezinha pacata em algum interior de fim de mundo e o blas fica insano com essa nova realidade. ele constrói uma reputação terrível na cidade, é o terror das velhas do sofá e dos pais conservadores. e você também continuou a mesma, presa numa realidade bosta, em uma cidade cheia de fanáticos religiosos que julgam a vida de todos e com uma família que te mantém praticamente na coleira. é claro que você sabia que o blas estava de volta na cidade, não tinha como não sabe, mas você passa a se esconder dele de todas as formas, até porque nem seria possível vocês frequentarem os mesmos lugares. só que não! você é pega de surpresa quando chega pro seu turno em uma cafeteria e o blas tá sentando justamente na sua seção de atendimento. ele te reconhece na hora e toda a pose parece sumir naquele exato momento, ele é de novo aquele mesmo menino cacheadinho que dizia que você ia ser a namorada dele quando vocês crescessem e que ele te levaria pra passear no carro do pai. o blas passa a ir todos os dias no seu trabalho, sempre no mesmo horário, faz o mesmo pedido e fica o dia inteiro de observando. um dia ele fica até mais tarde, espera o seu turno acabar, te leva até em casa no carro velho dele que parece prestes a dar pau a qualquer segundo. vocês com certeza se tornam o assunto da cidade, para o terror dos seus pais, porque o blas vai te fazendo viver mais um pouquinho a cada dia, te leva pra fazer aquele piercing que você tanto queria, uma tatuagem escondida no quadril, te ensina a fumar, a beber, a foder. você, por outro lado, vai derretendo cada vez mais o coração de pedra que ele cobriu com o tempo, ensina que a vida não precisa ser só sobre raiva e ressentimento, e que ele ainda é capaz de amar.
✦ ۪ ֗ ꫂ santi as destined to be together/soulmates + summer love: santi vaca narvaja é aquele amor de verão que estava destinado a ser seu desde o primeiro olhar. pronto falei! é uma coisa bem grease mesmo summer loving had me a blast summer loving happened so fast 💭 vocês sabiam que era coisa de verão quando se envolveram, sabiam que quando as férias acabassem cada um voltaria pro seu canto e vocês nunca mais se veriam. aham tá bom! você e o santi continuariam se encontrando em todos os cantos. você viajou pra um congresso da faculdade? ele viajou pro casamento de um amigo. você viajou com as amigas pra uma despedida de solteira? ele viajou pra se apresentar em um teatro. e esses desencontros continuariam acontecendo, vocês se esbarram, tentam marcar algo e nunca dá certo. ou quando dá, é passageiro demais, você tem um compromisso, ele tem um voo pra pegar. thing is...a chama entre vocês dois continuaria acessa também, a cada vez que vocês se vissem, um beijo roubado aqui, um toque discreto ali, fica difícil esquecer dele. e esse cenário aqui só faz sentido em um anos 2000 da vida, quando as pessoas só tinham o email pra se falar e o orkut/facebook ainda não era tão popular. não tinha como vocês entrarem em contato e a correria do dia a dia faria a comunicação ser ainda pior. parece até conspiração do universo. e quando você já havia se convencido a deixar isso pra lá e esquecer de vez o santi, quem é que aparece no mercadinho do seu bairro? ele mesmo. você reconhece a voz e os cachinhos loiros de longe. o problema dessa vez? você estava noiva, embora fosse de um cara que você nem amava tanto assim. e o destino, dessa vez, vai dar um jeito de te mostrar que o santi é quem vai ser o cara te esperando no altar. e, nossa, eu viajei muito aqui pensando em algo bem timeless da taylor swift, pensando em um romance de outras vidas mesmo, onde você e o santi SEMPRE se reencontram de alguma forma em outras vidas, passando por várias décadas diferentes, mas sempre haveria algo que ficaria no caminho de vocês. até que vocês chegam na atualidade e descobrem que existe uma forma de vocês ficarem juntos, sim. como se fosse tipo uma maldiçãozinha que fica no caminho de vocês, sabe? mas aí vocês conhecem, sei lá, uma mãe diná da vida que diz que se vocês fizerem x, y e z vão conseguir quebrar a maldição. seria um romancito com um quê de aventura e eu acho que isso seria super legal com o santi.
✦ ۪ ֗ ꫂ fran as forbidden love + fairytale: VIAJEI DEMAIS PENSANDO EM UM ROMANCE FEÉRICO COM FRANCISO ROMERO E AGORA QUERO ME MATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! porque hear me out pensem comigo.........você e fran como criaturinhas mágicas de reinos diferentes que costumavam brincar um com o outro quando crianças e agora são separados por uma muralha devido a uma guerra entre os reinos 😖🫵🏻 nooooooooo. primeiro que ele ficaria lindo de elfo, segundo que ele todo traquina fugindo pra te encontrar no meio da floresta, te ensinando truques de mágica, enquanto você ensina pra ele feitiços de cura. vocês teriam um lugarzinho próprio, que só vocês saberiam como acessar e seria como um porto-seguro. até que, em um dia, você não apareceu pra encontrar com o fran, porque seu pai descobriu tudo e te prendeu de castigo. aqui é um turning point na história, o fran decide que vai fazer de tudo pra te reencontrar e estar contigo de novo, não dando a mínima pro que a família pensa e embarcando em uma jornada - enquanto uma guerra acontece - pra chegar até você.
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voglatte · 3 months
ughhh brain rotting over bras rn 😣 just imagine working with him on lsdln and you two have been secretly dating without the other cast knowing, and just making out with him in a private area trying not to get caught cuz both of you guys should be getting ready to film a scene instead 🥲🥲
++ your name is sooo pretty!! 🫶🫶
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↷ ˊ- pairing: blas polidori x f!reader.
warnings: fluff, slight smut, sub!blas?, dry humping, hair pulling?.
• dani’s typing… ! i didn’t wrote about blas yet so here you go, excuse my grammar for advanced (it’s pretty short, sorry for that too).
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dusk was falling and everyone was exhausted because of the long work day. all were in separate rooms to get some rest and get rid of the tiredness because they still have to shoot a couple of scenes.
but that wasn’t the situation between blas and you, you were separated from the whole group talking softly about your day and taking hands. both had a private relationship but you were ready to tell everyone.
“do you think they will be happy for us?” you said kissing the back of his hand.
“of course baby, they love you and me. it’s impossible that they don’t support our relationship so be calm” he tucked a strand behind your ear, leaving a gentle friendly tug.
“it’s just that we were hiding it for a very long time and i’m scared that they misunderstand” shrugged giving him a smile.
“they wouldn’t do it, like i said” he puts you closer to his body. “now, come here, i missed your lips so much” he took you by the neck giving you the longest and hottest kiss.
you climbed onto his lap without stopping kissing, both missed each other the whole day. you didn’t have the chance to give a greeting kiss or just a simple hug because you knew you two wouldn't be able to separate.
the tension was floating in the air while the heavy make out was escalating, your hips moving over bla’s hard cock that was cover with pants and tiny moans filled the room.
he was pretty whiny and you had to shut him up or else someone might find out and in a somewhat intimate moment.
“pretty boy, you have to be quiet” both mouths close to each other but without kissing, you looked at his pretty big eyes with some tears for the pleasure and you intensified the movement of your hips.
blas couldn’t even talk just griping your hips tight and moving his hips up to collide with your movements, you whine softly when the friction became more and more intense in your clit.
his hands were under your shirt touching your tits and giving you open mouth kisses.
“b-blas! stop or we’re not going to be able to stop” you caught some of his wild hair with your fingers, making him groan, he liked that.
“again” you looked at him accusingly but repeated the action without stopping the movements that were getting floppy.
the little rest room was filled with moans, groans and curses.
“i’m coming” you whispered into his ear and he didn’t stop.
one and two more thrusts and you came first, slightly shaking on top of him, leaving you gasping for air.
after not long blas did the same squeezing you tight to his body and resting his head between your neck and shoulder.
you rested a little bit before getting up when you located the clock on the wall, cursing.
“fuck, we had to be in the set 20 minutes ago” your hands covered your face, hearing the tall boy cursing too.
“you go out first, i will follow you right behind” nodding you walked to the door but a big hand in your forearm didn’t let you.
“i love you” he gave you the last kiss until you two had a chance to be alone again.
“love you too” you returned the kiss fast to get out the room, smoothing your hair a little with your fingers like no one happened minutes ago.
your heart beating fast again your chest looking everyone in their positions asking for you and blas.
“i’m here! sorry everyone” walked to stand next to juani and felipe.
“why you were late?” juani asked silently when they started recording, you tense at his question but shake it off.
“nothing, the food didn’t set me well so i was in the bathroom” you said like nothing, not caring too much to elaborate your answer.
juani and felipe looked at each other letting go a few laughs. then in that right moment blas was entering the set without no one noticing him, according to you.
“what?” they didn’t say anything but you weren’t satisfied so decided to get out of them why they laugh.
“c’mon, what’s so funny?” you rolled your eyes.
“it’s nothing, so walk it’s our time to shoot” they walked right in front of me leaving me confused.
they were still giggling and shaking their heads before looking at blas and then at you.
guess it wasn’t a secret anymore, well not for them anyways.
by ﹫ VOGLATTE ╱ pretty short I know but i want to know if you guys like my way of writing in english, if you don’t I guess, i will stay with just spanish .ᐟ
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 months
heeeeeeeyyyy!!! i heard blas requests and i’m here haha, can u write blas confessing his feelings to r that’s like her best friend??? plssss
. ݁₊ ⊹ my bestfriend.
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: fem!reader x blas.
˖ ࣪⭑ tw: none, just fluff!
˖ ࣪⭑ a/n: i always write the longest blas’ fics😭enjoy!
in those days blas was very nervous. the day of the red carpet for the presentation of the film was approaching, and it was his first.
the emotion had given way to nervousness when they told him that he had to bring someone with him. all the other cast members had already decided who to bring.
blas still not: the day before the event, which he spent at your house, he wandered around your room thoughtfully, trying to find someone to take.
“why don't you go with your mother?” you asked, but when you realized that your best friend hadn't heard you, you interrupted his thoughts, repeating "blas." he turned in your direction, looking confused. "your mother, why don't you bring her?" you asked, smiling at him. "no, not her. she doesn't like being in front of the cameras." he huffed, desperate, as he approached the bed.
"this seems impossible." he finally said, laying down next to you and closing his eyes to think. "don't worry, blas. you'll find someone to bring, you won't go alone." you reassured him, stroking his hair. "i hope so." he replied sadly, moving closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. you and blas had known each other for a very long time, you had practically grown up together. but as you got older you began to look at him no longer as a friend, your feelings for him grew as the days went by.
so when, suddenly getting up from the position he was in, scaring you, he said "why don't you come with me?" it seemed like a joke to you. his eyes had lit up as they looked at you. "me? have you gone crazy?" you couldn't believe what he was asking you. going to a red carpet, for an oscar-nominated film, with people you didn't know. it seemed like a dream and a nightmare at the same time. "it's perfect!" he cheered, walking across the room, happy as ever. "blas... i don't know."
suddenly blas became serious again, approaching you, with a worried expression. "i mean, i don't know anyone. and i've never been to a red carpet before." his hands took yours, stroking them softly. "i promise you it'll be a great experience, the guys are all kind and very nice. and i've never introduced you to them. this could be the perfect opportunity." he said softly, trying not to force you to make any hasty decisions. "we just have to go there, take some photos and talk to the journalists for a bit. do you think you can do it?" he asked you cautiously, his eyes not leaving yours, not even for a second.
with those simple words, your best friend was able to reassure you, making you feel at ease. perhaps it would have been better to spend the evening there, rather than watching it on tv. after thinking about it for a while, you replied “okay, yes.” blas looked at you hopefully, waiting for the words he was waiting for to come out of your mouth. “i'll come with you.” you told him, smiling at him. blas' hands came up to your face, cupping your cheeks. “you're the best, y/n.” he placed a kiss on your cheek, and when he pulled away his eyes looked at you deeply, full of love and happiness. you were head over heels for him, and hearing that by accepting that proposal you were making him so happy made your heart burst with joy.
his eyes were locked with yours, and when he broke away from that contact, you returned to reality. “perfect, then i'll pick you up tomorrow at 8. is that okay?” he asked you, standing up and heading towards the door, taking his jacket. "yes." you said, still mesmerized by him. "see you tomorrow then." she smiled at you and closed the door behind him. "tomorrow." you said more to yourself than to him, who had already left by then, leaving you alone in your room.
what did you just do?
when the next day came, you spent it all trying to find something to wear for the evening. you didn't lack clothes, you had many that had accompanied you on all the evenings and parties spent with blas and the rest of your friends.
but for the red carpet you had nothing that was suitable. when finally, turning your entire wardrobe upside down, you found the perfect dress. long, with straps, black. perfect.
blas would arrive shortly and, finishing your makeup, you put your shoes on. the anxiety inside you grew as the minutes passed, waiting for your best friend sitting on the couch, destroying your nails. when the doorbell rang, a small sound of surprise came out of your mouth.
you stood up, grabbing your bag and fixing your dress. you opened the door. blas, in front of you, looked at you dazedly for minutes that seemed like hours, unable to take his eyes off you. his gaze wandered from your face, to your body, to your hair. he seemed breathless. "hi." you told him, embarrassed, looking at your shoes. "hi." he replied, still entranced by your beauty.
raising your gaze, you met his full of admiration and love. he smiled kindly at you. "shall we go?" he asked you, holding out his arm to you. “yes.” you answered, smiling. you could feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you took his arm. “is there something wrong?” he asked, noticing that you were a little strange. “just nervous.” you replied, looking away as the two of you exited the building. a cab was waiting for you. “everything will be fine, don’t worry.” he placed a gentle kiss on your temple, before opening the door for you.
when the car finally stopped, the worry inside you was enormous. but when blas turned in your direction, it disappeared. "here we are." he said giving you a smile, and getting out of the car to open the door for you. at the entrance there were lots of people taking photos and screaming with happiness. doing your best to make a good impression on people, you smiled kindly at everyone. blas' arm was quick to grab you by the waist, and walking down the red carpet, you joined the other cast members. everything was so new to you that you thought you were going to die of anxiety but blas smiled at you all the time, calming you down and making you feel at ease.
“blas!” someone called him, and when you turned around, you could see a blondish boy with a big smile on his lips, waving at blas. as he approached you, you could recognize him, he was matias.
blas described him to you as the funniest guy to be around. the two of them were very close, and when blas recognized him he immediately hugged him, holding him close. "how are you?" he asked him. “good good.” matias smiled at you and you smiled back. “and who is she?” he asked blas. “this is y/n, my best friend.” happy to have you by his side, he held you close. "hi." you introduced yourself to matias, shaking his hand. "of course! blas always talks to us about you.” matias said winking at you and laughing. “i hope he only says good things.” you laughed embarrassed at those words. “very good things, believe me. right blas?” matias gave your friend a friendly pat on the shoulder. “why don't you come and meet the others?” blas asked you, embarrassed, trying to laugh off what matias had just said. he took you away, turning to matias, glaring at him.
reaching the others, a sea of questions tormented you. what was matias referring to earlier? blas talked to his friends about you? and what did he say? blas' hand held yours as you almost ran towards the others. they were a group of many guys, with their respective girlfriends. one of them approached you with a girl by his side, noticing blas. "hey, man!" they shook hands, laughing and talking a little. then blas, noticing that you were looking at them embarrassed, not knowing what to say, introduced you to him. “agustin, this is y/n, my best friend.” you shook hands with that curly-haired boy, smiling at him. "what a pleasure!" he said "the famous y/n." he smiled at you friendly, your gaze questioning. famous?
"this is victoria, my girlfriend." happy to introduce her, agustin put his arm around her, while the girl introduced herself first to blas, then to you, smiling at you. "pleasure." you said to her as you smiled at her friendly. “i’ve heard so many good things about you, y/n.” agustin said suddenly, still holding victoria close to him. you looked at him questioningly, wondering what on earth he could have heard. "oh yes?" you looked at blas next to you, who had meanwhile blushed and was looking away. "like what?" you didn't have time to get any kind of response, because by now they were all standing next to each other, ready for the photos. blas carried you on the red carpet, smiling softly at you. his arm rested on your waist keeping you close to him. his scent washed over you as his grip on your hip tightened, carrying you even closer to his body. smiling at the cameras, however, your mind wandered elsewhere: what did what matias and agustin had said about you earlier mean? was there something blas didn't tell you? the flashes were blinding your eyes, and luckily after a few minutes the photos ended, and everyone dispersed again.
for a while you found yourself talking to victoria. she was very nice and kind to you, you told her that it was your first red carpet and that you felt a little anxious, and she immediately reassured you. "my first one was a disaster." she told you laughing, while you had taken a seat at a table. "i tripped over my dress as soon as i got out of the car." you burst out laughing together, and you asked her "and what did you do?" "i simply got up. luckily agustin was with me." she explained with a smile on her lips. "you're lucky to have him, you're very beautiful together." you confessed, smiling at her as she watched her boyfriend talk to other guys in the cast. "thank you." she smiled at you in response and after a few minutes of silence, she asked you "and between you and blas? is there something?" that sudden question left you speechless. "between us? no, no. we are good... friends." laughing, you tried to divert attention from that topic, while your gaze fell on the curly-haired boy a few meters in front of you. seen from behind it was even more beautiful. "oh i see." she said, looking towards blas, not entirely convinced. praying that she wouldn't ask you any more questions about him or your relationship, you remained silent, contemplating blas from behind.
the evening turned out to be pleasant and passed very quickly, as you talked with matias, who was really the funniest, just like blas said. he was telling you about some things that happened on set, while they were recording, when a hand fell on your shoulder. it was blas’. turning to him, he said smiling "y/n, we need to go. there's the car outside." "oh, okay." you replied, then turning towards matias, greeting him quickly.
as you entered the vehicle, silence fell. you were both tired from the evening and it was very late. "do you want to sleep at my place?" he asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts. the question seemed strange, but you had asked it so many times that you couldn't refuse. "are you sure?" you asked him, worried about being too much. "of course yes." he replied, smiling lovingly at you. "okay, then." you returned the smile to him. that request seemed strange, and you had become nervous at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as him. it had never happened to you. you used to go to sleep at his place after parties, but now he was having a different effect on you. rejecting those thoughts, you looked out the window.
entering his room you finally took off your heels that were hurting you so much "finally." you sat on his bed, laying down exhausted. he joined you in his room, smiling at you without saying a word. he began to take off his jacket and shirt, putting on a t-shirt to sleep in. "do you want one?" he asked you, looking through his closet drawers. "thanks. i didn't bring anything to sleep in." you giggled and took the shirt blas was handing you. it smelled like him.
you entered the bathroom to change and when you were ready you got outside, founding blas sitting on the edge of his bed smiling lovingly at you. "c'mere." he patted on the covers of his bed, telling you to got under them.
before you turned off the light, the questions from earlier still echoed in your head. you couldn't leave them unanswered. “blas…” you called him, he immediately turned towards you. "yes?" "i wanted to ask you something." you told him looking for the exact words. "anything." he reassured you, stroking your thigh. "what were matias and agustin referring to earlier?" he immediately stopped with that movement and sat better on the bed, looking into your eyes. "before when?" he asked you, trying to understand better. "when they said you always talk about me... is there something i don't know?" nervousness was eating you alive, but you still wanted answers. “oh…” he said, looking around so as not to meet your gaze. “blas?” you leaned closer to him, noticing that he wasn't responding. "what's happening?" you asked him softly, trying not to disturb his thoughts. "i have to tell you something." he told you, suddenly serious. you nodded. "promise me you won't hate me?" "i could never hate you, blas." you smiled warmly at him. he took a deep breath as he said "i like you, i've always liked you."
those words were the last thing you expected him to say and the ones you most wanted to come out of his mouth. he didn't give you time to fully digest what was happening, as he immediately started talking again. "yes, it's true, i always talk about you to the guys, about how nice, sweet, beautiful, kind you are... it’s just because… it's you, it's always been you." he said in one breath. his eyes were fixed downward. you looked at him silently, trying to realize what he had just told you. your best friend had just declared himself to you.
when your gaze met his it was a matter of seconds before you smashed your lips onto his, making them collide in a sweet and long kiss. you had dreamed of this moment for an eternity and you couldn't believe it was really happening.
as you broke from the kiss, trying to catch your breath, he said "so..." his cheeks were red and his voice deep. "are you still asking me if i like you back, after what i've just done?" you asked him, laughing softly. his arms embraced you in a tight hug as the two of you feel between the covers of his bed. his lips were placing sweet kisses all over your faced as you giggled at his movements.
"you're mine now."
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stuckwthem · 4 months
hola lindas!!! tengo una proposta para ustedes mientras yo escribo sus asks!!! envíame una canción y un chico del elenco de lsdln e intentaré escribir algo basado en la lyrics ;)))
hello beautifuls!!! i have an proposal for yall while i write the asks!!! send me a song and a boy from the cast of lsdln and i will try to write something based on the lyrics ;)))
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olee · 3 months
holaaa podrías hacer un type of boyfriend de Blas porfii🙏🏼
El Introvertido | Blas Polidori
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¿Cómo sería salir con Blas?
Corto y Sencillo
- Blas es un amor tierno y humilde que irradia inocencia. Aunque su timidez a veces es extrema, una vez que le tienes confianza, te colma de cariñitos, tanto verbales como no verbales.
- Recostada junto a Blas, disfruta de sus dulces melodías en la guitarra dedicadas a Adela.
- Blas adora explorar la costa, tomándote de la mano para correr sin parar.
- Juntos, Blas y tú exploran París mientras él se dedica a audiciones para una agencia de modelos. Entre risas, le llamas "sexy-cutie" y él se sonroja, añadiendo un toque divertido y juguetón.
- Blas, apasionado por los coffee shops, encuentra siempre un rincón acogedor en las calles de Madrid.
- Blas, re pillo, siempre te trae regalitos al departamento, tirando: "El regalito de hoy: una galletita de jengibre y un cactus chiquitito".
- Compartiendo la pasión por las películas de Tim Burton, tú sabes en tu interior que Blas es prácticamente un personaje salido de Burton.
- Blas, tierno como un peluche, adora abrazarte y llenarte de besitos por todos lados.
Boyfriend Material
- Blas, aficionado a la comodidad, es como un oso perezoso en casa. Disfruta de largas siestas y de momentos relajados. Su ritual de té de manzanilla con limón y jengibre le suma calidez a esos días tranquilos. Amante de la música, desde tropical hasta flamenco y rock argentino, pero especialmente cautivado por los acordes de Daniel Caesar. Aunque se duerme rápido y en silencio, su amor por abrazarte crea un ambiente acogedor y lleno de afecto.
- En las mañanas, Blas despierta con suavidad y te llena de besitos cálidos. Siempre madrugador, prepara café con cariño, inundando el comienzo del día con gestos dulces.
- Cuando Blas sale del trabajo, su estilo destaca como el de un chico vintage street o hip hop con toques únicos. Con prendas de marcas, regalos de su carrera de modelo como Prada, su presencia irradia un aire de moda y autenticidad, mostrando su personalidad distintiva.
- Blas prefiere la tranquilidad de casa, compartiendo momentos contigo. Desde ver películas hasta leer un libro, cantarle a Adela y tocar la guitarra en el sofá o en el balcón.
- Aunque Blas viaja a París por trabajo, siempre se mantiene conectado contigo a través de FaceTime. Sus regalos son detalles encantadores, desde pulseras con la Torre Eiffel hasta piezas únicas como una sortija hecha con cuchara y artesanías, llevando consigo la esencia de cada lugar y compartiendo esos momentos especiales contigo.
Artistas que pegan con Blas
Pescado Rabioso
Daniel Caesar
Gustavo Cerati
Los Enanitos Verdes
TV Girl
The Marias
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kyuala · 5 days
♡ cast de lsdln como pensamentos intrusivos pt. 2 ♡
digamos que eu não tenha me aguentado e tenha começado a escrever essa parte aqui no máximo uns 10 min depois que finalizei a primeira 💭 "ah mas vc falou que não ia escrever com esses" desfalo. sou geminiana, tenho local de fala para mentir 🎀 enfim, ainda inspirado no hino da maior (vivam as mulheres brasileiras, viva a ebony) e seguindo a mesma linha do primeiro post, espero que gostem! 🤍 avisos: linguagem adulta, menção ao consumo de bebida alcóolica, sexo explícito (cosplay, leve encenação/pet play, masturbação masc., fetiche em ser "pisado" e por salto alto, tapas, penetração anal, cuspe, uso das palavras "papi"/"papito", consentimento duvidoso, "penetração" entre as coxas; não interaja se for menor de idade) e sem proteção (não façam!), comportamento obsessivo, espanhol fajuto, homem gamer 💔 não é necessário conhecer a música para ler <3
blas polidori
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ele ficou nervoso, tá todo travado me olhando andar pelo palco / ele diz que é meu fã, então eu quero ver quando eu pisar nele de salto
"você me ama mesmo?" você pergunta, fazendo uma vozinha inocente para encantar ainda mais o garoto que te encara com os olhinhos marejados.
"amo," ele responde simplesmente e num suspiro, claramente já sem fôlego - não sabe se pelo tempo que está com os braços amarrados à cabeceira da cama ou se pela excitação avassaladora de te ver vestida como a personagem de videogame favorita dele. os cachinhos já se desfizeram há tempos e agora grudam na testa, completamente regados de suor.
"o quanto você me ama?" você indaga novamente de onde está sentada entre as pernas do mais novo. apoia-se sobre o colchão com as mãos, estendidas e espalmadas atrás do teu bumbum, e percorre novamente a extensão do cacete duro - tão duro que chega a doer - com a ponta do salto que escolheu usar para a convenção.
"muito," blas choraminga, parecendo estar à beira das lágrimas - e, conhecendo o perfil de gamers virgens com quem se envolve, você presume que ele está mesmo, "eu amo muito a minha coelhinha."
você sorri com a declaração e pende a cabeça para o lado, a peruca loira acompanhando o movimento, e pressiona a ponta da bota azul, que simula a pata de um coelhinho, contra a pele do garoto, lhe tirando um gemido vergonhoso. se lembra de tê-lo avistado na plateia do desfile de cosplay que participou, observando como só a tua imagem já era o suficiente para deixá-lo de boca aberta e de mente vazia, congelando onde estava sentado. se perguntou o que ele deixaria você fazer com ele, o quanto se entregaria às tuas vontades - e agora tem tua resposta.
"e você é meu fã, não é?"
"eu sou," o rapaz fraqueja, se esforçando ao máximo para não se derreter ali mesmo e melar tua bota tão linda e cara inteirinha de branco, "eu sou seu fã número um."
teu sorriso dobra de tamanho e você libera a pressão no pau de blas, voltando aos movimentos de vai e vem com a bota enquanto observa as marcas vermelhinhas aparecerem na pele por baixo do calçado.
"bom garoto."
fernando contigiani
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eu ando sedenta por leite de hom-
fernando estala um tapa ardido na tua bunda, não parando de meter no teu buraquinho menor nem por um segundo. teus gemidos sofridos preenchem o ambiente e ele utiliza as mãos para afastar as bandas do teu bumbum, expondo ainda mais a entradinha maltratada e esticada ao redor do pau que a fode sem dó, e deixa escorrer um filete de saliva sobre a cena suja debaixo de si.
"que cuzinho guloso, princesa," teu noivo arfa em cima de você, acertando mais dois tapas sincronizados, um em cada lado, antes de voltar a te expor para ele e fazer um carinho na bordinha com a ponta do dedo. "'tá me engolindo inteirinho hoje."
você geme, sofrida, apesar de se manter quietinha na mesma posição pro homem te foder como quer - deitadinha de bruços no sofá de vocês, as pernas juntinhas e o rabinho empinado para ele; os quadris apoiados num conjunto de almofadas enquanto teus dedos brincam com os biquinhos dos seios esquecidos e necessitados de atenção.
"'tô com sede, papi," você faz manha, forçando a cabeça para trás a fim de encarar o homem que te come com força com seus maiores olhinhos de dó. "quero beber teu leite."
"quer que eu te dou leitinho, é?" fernando questiona, aumentando o passo com que soca em você à medida que a conversa suja aumenta o tesão e a vontade de gozar. "pode deixar, meu amor. seu papito vai te dar tudinho pra você beber."
jerónimo bosia
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na mente desse bofinho tenho um triplex
"por favor, minha bonequinha," ouve a voz desesperada atrás de você, sentindo as mãos gigantes te apertarem tanto que com certeza deixarão marcas, seguida por vários outros por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor.
"ai, jerónimo, de novo isso?" você pergunta num tom que claramente já indica o teu saco cheio - a esse ponto não sabe mais se é genuíno ou não, mas sabe que a dinâmica entre os dois, de algum jeito, funciona. "toda vez essa porra."
"é que eu não consigo te esquecer, minha princesa, você me deixa louco" o rapaz continua te apertando onde alcança, te mantendo pressionada e empinada para ele na pia do banheiro contra a qual te encurralou há não muitos minutos atrás, enchendo teu pescoço de beijos molhados demais para o teu gosto e esfregando a virilha dura e volumosa no teu bumbum. "sinto tanto sua falta..."
sempre começa assim. desde que ficaram a primeira vez - uma única vez - durante uma chopada da faculdade, jerónimo simplesmente não te esquece. você mora de graça na mente do rapaz, que tem todos os pensamentos cobertos por você e te segue aonde você vai, atônito aos arredores e fixado só na tua presença. desde então ele tenta "continuar de onde pararam", nas palavras dele, sempre tentando te convencer a dar a ele o que não conseguiu na primeira ficada - quer te comer. e já tentou de todos os jeitos: sendo romântico, sendo safado, sendo respeitoso, fiel, direto, cafajeste, grosseiro. nunca dá certo mas você também nunca demonstrou interesse em dar um basta na perseguição, afinal, qual seria a graça? incorpora totalmente aquela aspa da gloria groove: piso nesse macho, ele é chato mas é gostoso.
"então seja rápido, vai," você finalmente cede, sentindo o teor alcóolico das bebidas que consumiu na festa e o tesão acumulado de semanas sem transar te alcançarem, nublando teu julgamento.
jerónimo imediatamente se descola de você, até atordoado com a permissão que finalmente recebe. "é sério?" ele questiona sem querer, recebendo um olhar de indignação em resposta e logo se apressando para se ajeitar de volta às tuas costas. "vou ser rapidinho, minha vida, prometo," ele afirma, sem questionar novamente, abaixa as próprias roupas de baixo e levanta tua saia em tempo recorde, revelando tua intimidade já sem calcinha. "você nem vai perceber."
"mas não pode meter no meu rabinho," você se empina mais e faz graça, o vendo assentir freneticamente pelo espelho, e continua, na intenção de ver até onde ele vai: "e nem na minha bucetinha."
o rapaz agora te encara desnorteado pelo reflexo, completamente sem entender, e você sorri, tendo plena certeza de que finalmente o deixou desconcertado o suficiente para desistir e te deixar em paz.
"sem problemas," o argentino se recompõe e te assegura, logo em seguida arrancando um gritinho de surpresa da tua boca quando o sente enfiar o pau duro por entre tuas coxas e começar a estocar no espacinho vazio logo abaixo da tua bucetinha. "eu vou meter onde for preciso pra te foder."
masterlist principal | masterlist de lsdln
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comendsees · 2 months
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐜acciatore — blas polidori
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐰ord count — 1,899
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐭w — sangue, violência, vampismo (?)
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐰ritten by @cmendsee on twitter.
Você adentrou a casa a passos lentos, notando, de imediato, o silêncio que assolava o local. Isso não era algo usual, até onde você se lembra. Blas não gosta desse silêncio ensurdecedor, então o fato de você não conseguir ouvir nenhuma melodia ao longe ou até mesmo passos, era um tanto estranho.
De repente, lhe ocorreu o pensamento de que algo ruim poderia ter acontecido com ele. Não, isso é improvável. Você teria escutado a confusão de muito longe, não é todo dia que encontram um vampiro que podem executar em praça pública. Mesmo com a preocupação te perturbando a mente, você subiu as escadas num ritmo tranquilo, temendo que alguém a ouvisse, talvez? Você não faz ideia.
Ao alcançar o topo da escada, finalmente ouviu alguma coisa que não fosse sua própria respiração ou os lances de escada rangendo sob seus pés.
Ouviu, ao longe, um baque alto. Algo deve ter caído no chão, talvez tenha sido derrubado pelo vento, mas essa sugestão se provou incorreta ao ouvir uma risada baixa, seguida de murmúrios os quais você não entendeu o que diziam, mas parecia uma boa conversa. Foi se aproximando lentamente, enxergando a porta entreaberta de um dos quartos inutilizados da casa, você escutava o som da lareira crepitando, a conversa se tornou compreensível. Uma voz mais do que conhecida conversava baixo com uma mulher até então desconhecida para você. Ela ria adoravelmente toda vez que ele lhe dizia algo, por mais banal que fosse.
“Bem, você perdeu o jogo.” Ela pontuou em uma risadinha irritante. “É, perdi. Não sou exatamente bom no xadrez como você, nena.” O uso do apelido, a voz doce, tudo fez o seu sangue ferver. Você fez todo o trajeto até a casa preocupada com ele para chegar aqui e descobrir que ele deixou outra mulher entrar?
Não, isso não pode ficar assim. Antes que pudesse dar um passo à frente, o braço estendido para abrir a porta por completo. Você ouviu a jovem gracejar em um tom baixo novamente, e por fim dar um grito estridente. Você pode ver, pelo vão da porta, o momento exato em que Blas puxou a jovem trêmula pelos cabelos e cravou os dentes em sua traqueia.
Por um breve momento, os olhos mortificados de choque da pobrezinha miraram você. Ela mexeu os lábios, mas não conseguiu formar um pedido de socorro como queria. Ela apenas engasgou e soltou alguns lamentos patéticos. Não era nada para se preocupar, talvez ela merecesse morrer dessa forma, afinal, foi ela que procurou se meter naquela casa e com o que não pertencia a ela.
Você encostou na porta, sem muita força, e ela se abriu por completo. O que se desenrolava à sua frente não era algo novo, mas sem dúvida alguma, era lindo. Tão lindo que poderia ser uma das tragédias pintadas por Ilya Repin.
As cortinas estavam fechadas, permitindo que a lareira fosse a única fonte de luz do local. Os lençois da cama praticamente inutilizada do cômodo estavam bagunçados e manchados de um vermelho profundo, uma única taça de vinho repousando tombada sob eles. A garrafa estava jogada no chão, quebrada ao meio, o líquido se espalhando pelo chão de madeira que ninguém se incomodaria de limpar depois. Havia um tabuleiro de xadrez esquecido no piso, suas peças estavam espalhadas em volta, como se alguém tivesse tentado interromper a partida dando um tapa no tabuleiro. E então, havia o centro da imagem.
Quando você entrou, os olhos de Blas se viraram na sua direção imediatamente e se encheram com um amor tão puro que você só pode pensar que era adorável, não se importando muito com o fato dele ter a mandíbula trancada na garganta de uma jovem que você nunca viu na vida.
A camiseta branca que usava tinha os botões superiores abertos, os cachos cor de ébano estavam emaranhados e fora de ordem. Ele mordeu e puxou, como um animal, um pedaço da carne da menina, arrancando-a com sucesso apenas para cuspir aquela fração de um corpo no chão. Quando olhou para você novamente, ainda parecia lindo. Os lábios haviam sido manchados de um tom profundo de escarlate que ainda escorria pelo queixo do rapaz e manchava suas roupas. Suas pupilas estavam dilatadas e ele sorria como se tivesse acabado de lhe surpreender com algo que você disse que queria a muito tempo.
“O que foi, cariño? Ciúmes?” Blas riu, parecendo desorientado, quase como se estivesse bêbado, olhava para você com uma feição divertida, se fazendo de inocente, dissimulado como gostava de ser.
Seu corpo se moveu por conta própria, ouvindo o barulho de seu próprio sangue correndo pelas veias como um zumbido irritante no ouvido, estendeu os braços a fim de envolver as mãos ao redor do pescoço dele, estrangulando-o, e o beijou.
A princípio, Blas engasgou com a falta de ar e envolveu os dedos ao redor de seus pulsos, tentando lhe obrigar a soltá-lo, sem muito sucesso. As pontas das unhas rasparam as costas das duas mãos, deixando rastros vermelhos na pele que não doiam nada.
O gosto metálico do sangue invadindo sua boca não lhe era estranho. Era bem familiar, para dizer a verdade. Mas não nessas circunstâncias, não desse jeito. Mordeu os lábios macios do rapaz com tanta força que os manchou de um novo tom de carmesim que vinha a mascarar o sangue daquela coisinha miserável da qual ele havia se alimentado. Blas fez um ruído baixo em reclamação, mas você não lhe deu o mínimo espaço para protestar sobre o que estava acontecendo ao reforçar o aperto em seu pescoço. Cometeu o erro de se inclinar para frente, montando os quadris alheios, forçando o argentino a se manter abaixo de você, o que se revelou uma péssima decisão quando ele se arrastou sutilmente para trás, repousando as costas no chão apenas para levantar subitamente, lhe forçando a separar o beijo, e então maneando a cabeça de modo a bater a testa com força contra seu nariz.
A dor latente lhe atingiu com tudo. Isso não era mais uma das brincadeiras brutas que costumavam ter um com o outro, ao seu ver, era um jogo que merecia ser levado a sério. Você soltou um grunhido baixo por conta da dor, levando ambas as mãos até o nariz, visto que havia notado o filete de sangue que escorria pelo seu queixo e pingava em gotas no chão de madeira, e enquanto tentava se recompor do golpe nada esperado, ambos seus pulsos foram agarrados e levantados acima da cabeça, Blas a girou rapidamente, levando suas costas de encontro ao chão, o que a fez soltar um chiado irritado e se debater, o que não adiantou muito, afinal, sendo uns bons centímetros mais alto que você, ele não tinha o menor dos problemas em te restringir dessa forma.
Olhá-lo desse ângulo lhe trazia uma sensação peculiar. A sensação de estar em perigo, de precisar fugir. Esse sentimento destoava do jeito que Blas a olhava, observando atentamente os detalhes de sua face como quem admira uma obra de arte imaculada, ainda segurando seus pulsos acima da cabeça de modo hostil.
O rapaz inesperadamente lhe selou os lábios. “Não é assim que você costuma reagir a presentes.” ele sussurrou num tom divertido que soou irritante aos seus ouvidos.
“Você considera isso um presente?” Você respondeu num resmungo, desviando o olhar dele para encarar o cadáver presente na sala junto a vocês. Blas fez o mesmo, virando a cabeça para olhar a cena, parecendo um tanto desinteressado.
“Ela ficou curiosa sobre a casa e resolveu explorar, disse que achou que estava abandonada.. Eu achei que poderíamos dividir.” Deu de ombros ao terminar sua sentença, baixando a guarda de modo sutil, mas ele não parecia ter a intenção de soltá-la. “O que você estava pensando? Que eu iria abdicar de você por uma garotinha enxerida que apareceu na minha porta?” Blas soltou um riso de escárnio.
“Você é um psicopata, Blas Polidori.” Resmungou, novamente, entredentes. Isso o fez rir novamente, se você não quisesse matá-lo, teria se permitido achar isso adorável.
“Seu psicopata. Para sempre.” Blas sussurrou, encostando a testa na sua como se estivesse lhe contando um segredo importantíssimo e sorriu com um entusiasmo estranho. “Toda eternidad.” murmurou num tom tão doce que lhe deixou enjoada. Ele abaixou as mãos, liberando seus pulsos, e rastejou para longe de você, em direção ao corpo no centro da sala. Você se sentou, esfregando as marcas vermelhas nos punhos. Tentou limpar o sangue que lhe manchava o rosto com as costas da mão, mas sem sucesso. Você observou Blas se ajoelhar ao lado do corpo, que jazia numa pequena poça do próprio sangue da jovem. Ele encarou o cadáver, encarou você, encarou o cadáver novamente. Você respirou fundo.
“Eu não vou beber isso.” Afirmou, franzindo o cenho ao olhar a menina desfalecida no piso.
“Você vai. Você precisa e quer. Eu conheço você, cariño.” Blas cantarolou num tom implicante. “E além do mais, é um presente.”
“Não é um presente, isso é um corpo.” Você se levantou, caminhando preguiçosamente até o cadáver.
“Vamos, nena, por favor.” Ele suplicou, mais sério do que anteriormente.
Embora tentasse manter a calma, internamente, sentia como se fosse explodir a qualquer momento. A dor aguda do nariz muito provavelmente quebrado não havia lhe deixado ainda, as mãos também doíam até as pontas dos dedos pelo esforço, tremendo incontrolavelmente. Seu corpo simplesmente passou a se mover sozinho quando agarrou o punho da pobrezinha e afundou os dentes na pele clara com satisfação.
Você não se atentou ao seu redor, nem a forma como Blas teria reagido, nada. Apenas fechou os olhos, sentindo a dor se esvair de seu corpo aos poucos.
Presa dentro da própria cabeça, você não ouvia nada ao seu redor que não fosse o barulho característico da lenha queimando na lareira. Não ouviu passos, não ouvia a respiração regulada de Blas, apenas o silêncio ensurdecedor que encontrou quando entrou na casa a algum tempo atrás. Porém, dessa vez, o silêncio se tornou mais que reconfortante, visto que você se permitiu baixar a guarda totalmente.
Dois braços serpentearam ao redor da sua cintura e isso lhe arrancou de seus pensamentos e a obrigou a abrir os olhos, mesmo tendo plena consciência de quem era.
“Ainda quer me matar?” Blas murmurou, apoiando o queixo no seu ombro. Virando a cabeça, você pode ver o bico formado nos lábios alheios, te olhando inocentemente, cínico.
“Eu acho melhor você não me tentar.” Você respondeu num tom ríspido, segurando uma risadinha.
“Tudo bem, então.” Ele riu baixo, depositando um selar em seu pescoço antes de abraçar sua cintura, deitando no chão e lhe obrigando a fazer o mesmo.
Resolvendo não protestar, você apenas o seguiu, endireitando a postura para repousar a cabeça no peito alheio. A ação foi retribuída com um beijo dado no topo de sua cabeça.
Havia algo de romântico em estarem deitados assim, juntos, sujos de sangue. Seria uma imagem visceral, horrenda e aterrorizante para qualquer um que a presenciasse, dois assassinos, monstros, descansando ao lado de sua pobre e indefesa vítima, seria um belo livro de romance gótico se não fosse real e estivesse ao alcance das pontas de seus dedos.
Fechando os olhos novamente, deixou que o silêncio, dessa vez confortável e acolhedor, a consumisse. Sumiriam com aquele cadáver mais tarde.
͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ ͏ᅟᅟ͏ ͏ 𝐰riter’s note: opa, primeira vez aqui! escrevi essa fic para algumas amigas, mais eu gostei dela até demais ( e me deu um trabalhão para escrever ) então resolvi postar aqui. A fic também foi postada no wattpad, mesmo user daqui. Aceito sugestões do que escrever também, espero que gostem.
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italianlobster · 1 month
hey baby!!! Can you write a smut with jealous matias please? He might be insecure with his body maybe? I miss your stories so mutchhhh. Ah oh the bondage one? You had me SCREAMINGGG
(Sorry english is not my first language)
Omgg, you made me blush!! Thanks a lot!! I hope you enjoy it! Your English is good! Also, I'm sorry that I made you wait this long. You have every right to be mad at me. If I'm ever this late to write anyone's request again, you all have permission to kick my ass. T_T - Santana xoxo
Please Don't Cry
Matías Recalt x Gender Neutral Reader (with mentions of Blas Polidori)
Summary: You're an actor who is filming a new movie, and Matías is jealous of the male lead, Blas Polidori.
Warning: smut, handjob, eye contact, jealousy, body image issues.
You sighed heavily as you slammed the door behind you shut. Your entire day was filled with rehearsaling, day and night. You just couldn't wait to get to your bed. You kicked off your shoes, which had been killing your feet all day, and then headed to the kitchen. You were too tired to eat, so you just wanted to drink a tall glass of cold water before heading off to bed. You limped and rubbed your tired eyes. When you open them, you are met with Matías. He didn't seem too happy as his arms were crossed and the expression on his face seemed sad. "Oh, hey baby.." You broke the awkward silence between the two of you. Matías didn't respond. "What's wrong?" You said, and he sighed as he finally said, "Tell me what's really going on between you and Blas." Matías crossed his legs, and his arms were still folded. "What do you mean?" You were confused.
Blas Polidori was the male lead of a new movie you were staring in. You were the male lead's girlfriend/boyfriend/other. The new movie had a plot of romance; it included kissing and an erotic scene. There was no real penetration involved, and both of you used fake genitalia. You told Matías hundreds of times that you felt nothing toward Blas and that you and the tall man were only just working together for the movie. Matías would always say that he understood, but you knew deep down that he actually didn't. His pale face would turn red of anger, and he would pout. His arms would fold, and he'd just walk away. It broke your heart to see him this way.
"You're cheating on me with Blas, aren't you?" Matías stood up. He looked like he was about to cry. "What makes you think that?" You went up to Matías to hug him, and he refused to be touched. "I don't know. I.. I'm just paranoid. I'm sorry. When I see you and him together, I think of negative things. He's better than me. I can't bear to watch that movie. I'm sorry again.." Matías was full on crying at this point. Your heart broke into pieces. You grabbed his soft hand. "Matías.. look at me." He looked at you. Your other hand caressed his cheek. "I love you. Please don't cry. You're the only man I need in my life. You're perfect, from top to bottom. I wouldn't want you to change. I want to help you look at yourself the way I do. Come with me." You gave him a soft smile. He returned the same smile. "Okay." He followed you into the bedroom, hand in hand.
Now, there you both were, in front of the mirror. You were behind Matías, who was nude and covering himself while looking away.
"Look at you. So pretty." Your hands rubbed Matías' shoulders. He was shy. His cheeks were red, and he was biting his lip. "Don't you hide from me now." You giggled, and your one hand slowly slid down his torso to move his hands that were covering his penis. You felt his smooth skin and his bush that tickled your hand once you were made it to his pubic area. Your other hand pinched and rubbed his nipple. His chest was heaving. "Oh my god." He uttered. His eyes were closed. "Please look at me with those beautiful eyes." You said. He obeyed. You stared into his beautiful, dark eyes, and you admired his face. Every pimple, mole, scar, and mark. You paid attention to the parts where he was insecure of. His face, legs, stomach, everywhere. He was perfect to you. It was sad how Matías didn't believe that. "Tonight's going to be all about you, baby." You whispered in his ear. Now, you were going to show him how much you really love him.Your hand wrapped around Matías' length. You felt his smooth skin and the veins pulsating. He gasped and sighed once you started to move your hand up and down. You started off slowly, paying close attention to the tip of his cock. He hadn't felt this good in a while with him and you being busy. He was muttering nonsense as his brain turned to mush. His legs quivering as well as his lip. Your other hand sneaked away from his nipple to his balls. You carefully massaged and squeezed them. You could feel his small ass against your crotch area and his back pushing against your chest. His skin was so soft. You paid attention to his blushing face where a smile appeared. Your heart had melted seeing that you had made him happy. You also loved how his tired eyes went small whenever he smiled or laughed. That was your weakness.
The pace of your hand stroking his dick grew faster. Matías' head threw back and rested on your shoulder. You could see his Adam's apple bulging. You held him so he wouldn't fall down, and you were in control. Matías loved it when you were in control. The thought of him just standing there while you did what you wanted to his body made him weak in the knees.
"You're doing so well."
"I love your body."
"You're so handsome."
Your compliments filled the air. It was one of the few sounds that could be heard in the bedroom. You worshipped Matías and his body. You wanted him to know how much you love him and that he would finally recognize his beauty. You noticed how his moans grew louder and high-pitched. He was close.
"I.." Matías stammered. He was trying to tell you something, but he was high from all the pleasure. His mind was foggy. You knew what he was going to say.
"Say it." You giggled and gave kisses on his milk white neck.
"I love you!" Matías shouted. Again, you knew what he was going to say, but you still reacted with joy and glee like always. You blushed, and your eyes widened."I love you too!" You giggled once more.
"Ohhh.." Matías moaned, and he came all over your hand. Some of his fluids fell on the floor. He calmed down once he released.
"Thank you. I believe you now. I will also work harder on my self esstem. Will you help me?" He blushed at the mess he made along with the favor he asked you for."Yes, love." You smiled.
Each day, Matías began to believe that he was handsome. You were eager to help him with his self esstem. His confidence grew, and the two of you were happier than ever.
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florinaranja · 2 months
about me ...  ꕥ
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 ── mía. she. xviii. writer. spanish !
hola! la verdad es que es la primera vez que escribo en tumblr, pero tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo. de momento solo escribiré cosas sobre el CAST de LSDLN! (porque el brainrot me consume).
── los pedidos están abiertos ! ・゚✧ (no acepto nsfw)
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slut4polidori · 29 days
hola todos!
i haven’t written anything on here for months forgive me i have found a new obsession
“ la sociedad de la nieve “
god damn those men.
i will start writing for the cast as soon as possible!!!!
(smut,fluff,onshot,head cannons ANYTHING!)
enzo vogrincic
matías recalt
esteban kuku
fran romero
i will be writing in spanish/english!! i know i have alot of english followers and i don’t want anyone to feel left out because there’s so many good fanfics out there for the lsdln but it’s in portuguese and i don’t speak portuguese im always having to translate it and it just takes away the “spark” from it if that makes sense lol
anyways go ahead and send me some request if you guys want!!! remember i don’t judge so you can always send in anything, any type, any person !
i also write for others like
peso pluma
bad bunny
joão félix
etc etc etc
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
anyways i’m going to try my best to be more active my loves i have a really busy life and i don’t really use tumblr alot :(
i hope you enjoy these upcoming fanfics that’ll be released in the next couple days <3
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 months
can you please write about blas being protective either you at a party and he gets a bit jealous but the reader shows him that he has nothing to worry about?
. ݁₊ ⊹ wishing you were here.
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: blas polidori x fem!reader
˖ ࣪⭑ tw: jealousy(?), a bit suggestive.
˖ ࣪⭑ a/n: i changed it a bit, but i hope you like it!
“hey, y/n! why don’t you come and dance with us?” pipe asked you.
it was your usual saturday night: you used to get together with the boys to decide where to go to spend the evening. this time, after endless proposals, you had chosen to go to a club. it was a very small place, packed with people, and the music was blasting in your ears as you watched your friends dance from the sofa. you didn't lack anything, except for blas.
in fact, that same evening he told you that he couldn't join you, as he had other things to do with his family. you still told him that you would see each other, looking for a moment to be together, without knowing when.
as happy as you were to find yourself there with your friends, you missed your boyfriend. they had been busy days and you hadn't seen each other much. you missed spending time with him, like you did when he would act his parts to you over and over again or play the guitar on his bed with you curled up to his side, singing you to sleep.
“i’m tired pipe, i think i’ll go smoke outside.” you answered with an apologetic voice, shrugging in his direction. “be safe, then.” he didn’t seem to mind that much, as he returned to the others, dancing.
you got up from the couch, adjusted your dress, took your jacket and made your way outside among all those people. as you reached the exit you could see a bunch of people gathered in small groups, smoking and laughing. putting a hand in your pocket, you realized you left your cigarettes at home. that night couldn’t get any worse.
when you looked up, sighing, there were two boys smoking in front of you. “sorry guys, do you have a cigarette by any chance?” you asked getting closer to them, with a friendly smile on your lips. the two of them turned to face you, and one of them answered “yeah, sure. take one.” he offered you packet as you smiled to thank him.
as you lighted your cigarette with a lighter you found in your pocket, he spoke again “what’s your name?” you leaned with your arms on the railing, answering him while looking away "i’m y/n. what about you?" you asked, turning to face them, releasing the smoke from your mouth.
they were two tall guys, with relaxed faces and they seemed nice. maybe distracting yourself a little with them would do you some good. "i'm alvaro." said, putting a hand on his chest, the one who had been silent until then. "i'm pablo." the other introduced himself, he was the one who had offered you the cigarette. they both smiled kindly at you as they smoked. "alvaro and pablo." you repeated, pointing to them with a finger, first one and then the other, thus trying to remember their names.
you let out a laugh "sorry, im a bit tipsy." you excused yourself. "no worries." pablo laughed as he continued "are you here with someone?" he asked you, getting closer to your side. alvaro waited for your answer with his hands in his pockets. "yeah, my friends are inside." you pointed them the club as you took another drag form your cigarette.
"weren't you having fun? you're here all alone." the other asked with a smile on his face. you didn't think they would start talking to you and asking you all these questions, but this is better than spending the night sitting alone somewhere thinking about blas. "of course, they are my best friends." you replied smiling, thinking of the boys. "i just needed to go out for a moment to smoke a cigarette, and wait for someone." you pointed to the cigarette while looking at the street.
“another one from your group?” alvaro asked. "my boyfriend, actually." you replied, lost in your thoughts as the image of blas appeared in your mind. who knows where he was at that moment, what he was doing, with whom. pablo let out a sound of surprise as you spoke. "i hope you didn't misunderstand us, we respect that." you laughed "i didn't think for a single moment that you were hitting on me, don't worry." you smiled at them, even though your heart was aching. you missed blas, and no conversation could heal that.
minutes passed and you got to know them better: they both went to university, but they weren't local. the conversation went on for a while and you were having fun with them, so much fun that when someone, coming from behind, placed his hand on your shoulder you didn't react at first.
when you finally turned towards that person, you found blas in front of you. his big brown eyes stared into yours, you couldn't find the words to react. “blas…” was the only thing that came out of your mouth. "hi, chica." he smiled, moving closer to your lips. his hand that had previously been on your shoulder came down, caressing your hip, where it rested. as you parted he realized that you were talking with two strangers, so he asked "who are they?" looking at them badly, as he inspected them.
his gaze fell on pablo, who was looking back at him, smiling. there wasn't the shadow of a smile on blas' face. "he's pablo." you introduced it to him, while he nodded towards your boyfriend, to introduce himself. "and he is alvaro." blas was now looking straight in his direction. their eyes were locked as you felt his grip on your hip tighten. "pleasure." alvaro said, holding out a hand to shake blas', which remained attached to your body, without moving an inch.
"why don't we go?" he whispered in your ear, looking at alvaro. "the others are still inside." you caressed his cheek softly, smiling at him. "let's wait for them." "they'll be fine without us." he replied, feeling alvaro's gaze on your body. "okay, then." you accepted his offer, eager to be alone with him after a while. after all you hadn't seen each other for almost two weeks. he grabbed your hand as he turned towards his car. you just had time to wave at the two boys you had met, before finding yourself in the passenger seat.
"what's the matter with you? why are you in a hurry?" you asked him. your gaze fell on his face, his eyes fixed on the road. "i didn't like those guys." he said in a hiss. "blas, you're exaggerating. they were nice." you rolled your eyes, you were kind of expecting it after all. "especially alvaro." he said ironically. "blas!" you exclaimed. was he thinking that you were interested in him?
when he parked the car, you quickly got out of the vehicle, walking to your apartment. blas joined you inside the small living room, closing the door behind him. “y/n…” he said, walking closer to you, leaning against the kitchen table. you wanted to resist his touch, but when one of his hands rested on your back, you melted at that contact, but your eyes didn't betray you. they were fixed onto his.
"i was just worried for you, bebè." his big hand run over your back, caressing it slowly. "there was no need to do that, blas." you looked away, trying to resist lean at his touch. "we haven't seen each other for two weeks, and when you come back you act like this?" you pulled away from his touch, but his hand was quick to grab you back, bringing you closer to him. "i'm sorry, mi amor. i got carried away." he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, and there began to place soft kisses.
as much as you would have liked to resist him, you couldn't. you missed him so much, that it just seemed like an excuse to argue, the last thing you wanted to do at that moment. you began to breathe heavily when his hands reached your hips, caressing them slowly. "okay blas, i got it." you whispered as your hands cupped his face. he smiled to you as your lips got closer. you missed the feeling of his lips on yours so bad, that when he kissed you, you tugged him closer to your body, deepening the kiss.
you could feel him smiling on your mouth, as a little laughter escaped him. he was back.
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ hi !
my name is nina, i love to write so if you guys want to send me requests, id be very happy to write for you!
at the moment i'm only taking requests for la sociedad de la nieve cast especially for blas, mati and esteban but the other members are welcome as well.
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you're more than welcome to send me anything, photos of them, requests and questions!
and my dms are always open if you wanna chat.
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ nina.
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 months
hii, i saw that u are taking requests. Could you do bf Blas headcanons please? :))
Thank uu
hi! here they are <3
tw: none!
summary: blas polidori headcanons
he would be just the perfect boyfriend
always so sweet and kind to you
he always tries to show you off to his friends
he’s your biggest supporter
hes literally the sweetest ever, so soft-spoken and so kind towards you
cat lover (green flag)
he loves you more than anything and he’s always showing it to you by taking you on dates and spending quality time with you.
has the purest soul
always has to touch you, not in a sexual way
he’ll always find a way to touch you
touch your hands
your waist
your face
his love language is physical contact
the first time you saw him was on set
as soon as you saw him laughing with the other members of the cast, you fell in love
his curls
his nose
everything about him is so dreamy
you love to touch his hair
and he just lets you
he cant say no to you
he plays guitar for you and improvises little concerts in his room
you would help him memorize his lines
he would help you with school
hes the cutest ugh
hope you like this!
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 months
hi guys! how are yall? im working on some requests, but id really appreciate if you’d send me more blas’ ones…
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this pic is literally all i can think about these days…
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olee · 3 months
Piel Canela | Enzo Vogrincic
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Parte II de “City Boy”
¿Cómo sería salir con Enzo?
- Enzo valora la paz y la tranquilidad como aspectos fundamentales en su vida. Para él, los momentos más significativos se experimentan al llegar a casa y reconocer el hogar con la afirmación interna de "yo vivo acá". Su aprecio por la naturaleza se manifiesta especialmente junto al mar o en la montaña, donde disfruta observar cómo el tiempo avanza. Estos entornos le brindan la serenidad que considera esencial para su bienestar (Folie).
- En estos días, Enzo encuentra un especial aprecio por la privacidad y anhela pasar más tiempo contigo. Cuando tiene momentos libres, te llama y te busca, guiándote hacia lugares apartados donde puedan disfrutar de charlas íntimas y compartir afectuosos momentos de manera discreta. La búsqueda de esos espacios escondidos refleja su deseo de fortalecer la conexión contigo en un ambiente más personal y reservado.
- Por supuesto, Enzo no dejará de compartir contigo sus rasgos característicos en el ámbito teatral. Siempre te sorprenderá con bromas, actuando de manera cómica y excesiva para agregar un toque de diversión a sus interacciones contigo.
- Para Enzo, su cámara vintage ocupa un lugar central en su vida. Ama capturar imágenes únicas, especialmente cuando busca el sentido de la vida a través de su lente. Es decir, aprecia las pequeñas cosas y siempre comparte contigo sus reflexiones sobre las fotos que ha tomado, ya sea en el autobús, en el parque, en la calle o cualquier otro lugar
- Obviamente, la fama no le afectará a Enzo; sin embargo, él se está dando cuenta de lo popular que es ahora y de lo surreal que es tener casi dos millones de seguidores. Tú, en la realidad, estás procesando la situación al ver cosas muy extrañas, sin entender cómo la gente ha obtenido esa información. Pero, a pesar de todo, Enzo, siempre dramático y filosófico, te dirá: “La vida, ¿sabes?, sigue su rumbo como un río que no se detiene, aunque a veces nos parezca más enredada que una milonga triste. Pero en el fondo, siempre avanza, como un mate bien cevado en la ronda de la existencia, con sus momentos amargos y dulces. Y ahí estamos, simplemente tratando de entender el compás de esta candombe llamada vida”, y tú, muerta de la risa!
- El lenguaje de amor principal de Enzo son las palabras de afirmación; es decir, Enzo maneja el vocabulario de manera perfecta. Siempre te habla de una manera encantadora, romántica e inteligente. La humildad de Enzo es tan notable que cada vez que te dice: “Qué guapa estás, te amo”, simplemente te hace derretir a millas.
- Sin embargo, aunque el contacto físico no sea su principal lenguaje de amor, Enzo es súper cariñoso contigo. Afortunadamente, no es muy público en sus demostraciones afectivas; él siempre te besará y te tocará en los momentos más íntimos y privados. Es decir, su enfoque en el tiempo de calidad se posiciona como su segunda prioridad en el lenguaje del amor.
- A Enzo le encanta bailar en la cocina y hacer comedia con Uma y Ada; estos son tus momentos favoritos, especialmente cuando te abraza internamente diciendo, 'Mi chiquitita' o 'Mi gorditaaaa'. Esos momentos seguramente crean un ambiente lleno de alegría y conexión.
Artistas que pegan con Enzo y sus canciones:
Enanitos Verdes - “Mi Primer Día Sin Ti”
Los Abuelos de la Nada - “Mil Horas”
Alfredo Zitarrosa - “Doña Soledad”
Los Olimareños
Mercedes Sosa
Soda Stereo
Calle 13
Silvio Rodríguez
Eydie Gormé - “Piel Canela”
Los Panchos
Peso Pluma, Anita - “BELLAKEO”
Banco Palamera - “Sola Con Mi Voz”
Rita Payés
Rauw Alejandro - “Sexo Virtual”
Simona - “Esfera de Amor”
El Canto del Loco - “Un Millon de Cicatrices”
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olee · 3 months
My Bad | Simón Hempe
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*English with Spanglish dialogues
A Toxic Ex?
You had been in a committed relationship with Simón for over two years. Both of you shared a beautiful bond and cherished each other's company. You had never imagined that things would change so drastically until one day when Simón arrived at your apartment in Buenos Aires, all drunk and disoriented. He seemed in a different state of mind and told you he wanted to end things with you. The words he used were harsh, and his tone was bitter. He said, “Mirá, no quiero saber nada de vos, ¿entendiste? No tengo ganas de bancarme tus quilombos ni tus historias. Chau y que te vaya bien, pero lejos, ¿eh?” which meant he didn't want to have anything to do with you. The sudden change in his behavior left you shocked and devastated. You tried to reason with him, but he seemed determined to end the relationship, leaving you wondering what went wrong.
The events of that night are still fresh in your mind. Simón, your partner, took all his belongings and left you alone in your apartment without any explanation. You were left feeling confused and hurt, wondering what could have gone wrong. The morning had started off perfectly, as Simón had made you coffee, played some bachata music, and danced with you, beaming with joy. He had recently landed a role in the movie "Society of the Snow," and his excitement was palpable. So, when he arrived late at night, drunk, and abruptly announced that he wanted to break up without any discussion, it was a shock. You couldn't help but wonder what had suddenly made him change his mind.
It's been a year and a half since you parted ways with Simón. In that time, you've made some significant changes to your life. You decided to move to Barcelona, a city that has always fascinated you, and you have not regretted it. You've made some great friends, but you've also had some tough times with the guys you dated. Despite the ups and downs of your love life, you have found a sense of belonging in the neighborhood of El Poble-sec. You live with two roommates, Mateo and Laura, who are both passionate about politics and literature, which you find equally interesting.
You're currently working as a librarian while pursuing a graduate degree in literature. Writing has always been your passion, and you've been writing poetry for as long as you can remember. However, you've found it challenging to find inspiration since moving to Barcelona. You miss Simón's encouragement; he always believed you had the potential to be a writer. Nevertheless, you are determined to keep writing, and you hope that one day, you'll find your way back to the page with renewed inspiration and creativity.
It was a Friday night in Barcelona, and after a long day of studying, your roommates invited you to a hidden bar. Despite feeling tired, you couldn't resist the temptation of a night out with your friends. As the clock struck 11:30 pm, you headed to the bar, ready for a night of partying in the vibrant city. Upon arriving at the bar, you found your roommates engaged in a deep conversation in Catalán about independence. It was clear that they had already indulged in some drinks, as discussing politics in Catalonia was a topic that required a certain level of inebriation.
You sat next to them, feeling the excitement of the night ahead. You ordered a refreshing Estrella Galicia beer and listened intently to their conversation, taking in the ambiance of the hidden and chill bar. The dim lighting and eclectic decor added to the overall mood, making for a perfect start to your weekend.
As you had already consumed a few beers, your roommate invited you to a club. Of course, in your inebriated state, you enthusiastically agreed. As the group stumbled in zigzags toward the exit of the hidden bar, they encountered a set of stairs leading out of the building. Due to your intoxicated condition, you nearly tumbled down the stairs, but a sudden, firm grip on your arm prevented a fall. Initially thought it was your roommate, Mateo, but the blurred vision made it difficult to confirm.
Anxiety washed over you until a familiar voice spoke, saying, "Necesitás tomar agua. No estás bien, se te nota. Dejá de joder y andá a agarrar una botella, que te va a hacer bien. ¿Querés que te la alcance o te movés vos sola?" Your response was, "Che, andá a cagar, me la banco sola, ¿entendiste? No necesito tu ayuda, así que haceme el favor y tomá el camino. ¡Chau!"
However, as you attempted to move on, you stumbled, and the person supporting you tightened their grip. He said, “Che, (tu nombre), vení, yo te llevo al mercado por un agua y después te acerco a casa.”
“Boludo! No sé quién eres, obvio que no iré," you retorted. However, he responded in a worried tone, "Soy Simón, obvio que sabes quién soy." You then replied, “Simón... (in your broken English you tell him) Simón is DEAD.”
He continued to ignore your insults, while you persistently hurled a barrage of offensive words at Simón, declaring him an idiot and emphasizing that he was undeniably dead. Despite your verbal assault, Simón looked at you with concern, as if he believed he had done something wrong and genuinely wanted to help you.
As Simón buys you a bottle of water with a painkiller, you're seated outside on a bench waiting for him. He arrives and sits next to you, saying, “Tomá, esto te va a ayudar.” You look at him and say, “Nunca pensé volver a cruzarme con vos. Te re mil odio. Me dejaste plantado y ni una explicación. Cada día me siento peor, pensando que hice algo mal, y sé que estoy hablando con un fantasma, pero—” he interrupts you and says, “No es tu culpa. Yo soy el boludo. Unos amigos, o mejor dicho, unos forros, me dijeron que estabas con alguien más y la verdad es que no sé por qué les di bola. Hasta al día siguiente, me di cuenta de la cagada que me mandé.”
As you inquire about why he didn't reach out the next day, Simón takes a deep breath and begins, "Look, I wanted to talk to you, but I realized I couldn't. I tried messaging you, calling you, but you had blocked me on everything."
You squint at him, a mixture of disbelief and frustration on your face. "Blocked you? Yeah, well, you disappeared without a word!"
Simón nods solemnly, "I know, and I'm sorry. I messed up big time. I was stupid to believe what others said without checking with you first."
You scoff, "Stupid is an understatement, Simón. You ghosted me without any explanation. I felt like I did something wrong."
He looks genuinely remorseful, "And that's on me. I should've trusted you, and I should've communicated. I'm really sorry, (Y/N)."
You roll your eyes, still holding onto your anger, "Sorry doesn't change what happened. Why should I believe you now?"
Simón takes a moment before responding, "You don't have to believe me, but I want you to know I regret it. I've been kicking myself every day since. I was a fool, and I'm sincerely sorry for hurting you."
Part 2? 👀
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