#bleach detective thriller AU
hongjoongscafe · 2 years
Someone out there...
Part: 4 {Serieslist}
Iln the window|
Pairing: bunny!hybrid!jungkookxhuman!readerxbunny!hybrid!wooyoung
Boy groups involved: BTS & ATEEZ
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, neighbour au, hybrid au.
Summary: the two bunny hybrids were terrified of the cruel world. Will they be able to live their life?
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mention of vomit, mention of anxiety, shit talking.
Word count: 3k+
BTS and ATEEZ masterlist
Do not repost, piz
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How would it feel if someday you woke up and found yourself trapped in a room with mould creeping up the walls and water soaking the ceiling? How would it feel if someone told you that for the rest of your life, you are only going to obey and not say no?
It will suck, right? You will be depressed and devastated. This will kill the whole purpose of life if you only obeyed and never lived the way you wanted to. Your life would become the darkest part of your existence. The hell would grow in you slowly and finally when it couldn't grow more, it would eat you hollow and leave your body to burn under the hottest sun.
These were the first thoughts when you woke up on a Monday morning. The gloominess inside your heart kept you in bed for a couple of hours. Your head pounded thinking about the hybrids next door.
Their almost dead-looking bodies sent shivers down your spine. All you wanted to do was to hug them and bring them into your house to protect them from any evil eyes.
But could you do that?
They didn't belong to you. And your mind didn't dare to think about having a hybrid. You were lonely, yes. But that didn't mean that you were mentally prepared for a hybrid or two.
Past haunts you. Whatever happened back then, you didn't want it to repeat. As happy as everything seemed, it wasn't picture perfect. To have that, you would do whatever but can anybody forget their past just like that? No. No one can forget their past just like that.
The bumpy roads of life and, if it exists, fate, were too deep and backbreaking. You could barely walk on it and thinking about the future, you were already giving up on that road. There was no way that you could heal or fix it. You had nothing left with you to even begin filling those bumps.
Sighing, you sat up and looked at the clock. It indicated 7:08 AM. Your office started at 9:15. You got out of bed to at least not get late for once. Your feet, instead of the bathroom, took you to the window that faced the hybrid's house.
There was no one by the window of the attic. Deep down you wished to see at least any of the hybrids, maybe both, just to see if they were fine. But when you saw nothing, you sighed and observed the surroundings.
The house looked so full and happy before you paid them a visit but now when you look at it, it looks like it’s holding many deep and dirty secrets, the secrets that might make you want to wash your whole self with commercial bleach.
You thought about the scenarios that might be true for the people and hybrids living there. There were so many and you wished that you were narrowly judging the cover of the book and that they are actually very happy and stable in their little bubble. Maybe you were being dramatic after watching all of those detectives and thriller shows at night or with Hongjoong and Namjoon.
If that were the case, you would be the happiest.
Oblivious, you didn't realize that Jungkook was observing you through the window in the kitchen while he was doing the dishes.
He felt someone. He felt that someone was carrying a heavy heart and the burden was unbearable, he had the worst-case scenario happening to himself still, but for someone who hasn't been a slave, this pain felt piercing in its own way.
Who is he kidding? Even he knows that pain can be equally killing even if the circumstances are different.
Jungkook felt that after he woke up. The burden. He felt hurt and in need of some comfort. He turned around and hugged the bunny form of Wooyoung. It helped.
Wooyoung was weak. He couldn't feel other people other than Jungkook’s. He always called it the lovers’ thread. But today, he whined. Not because of his illness but because he was feeling someone else's feelings. That someone was definitely not Jungkook, Wooyoung would know if it was.
Jungkook was worried for Wooyoung but soon realized that he himself wasn't the only one who felt the burden of someone. He was surprised though. It was as if he was going through that pain. Just like he felt Wooyoung's feelings. But he soon stopped thinking about this part. Avoiding this fact just so he wasn't busy thinking about it.
Now, he was looking at you looking at the attic. He wondered if you were looking for someone or what was going on in your mind.
Soon you left the balcony and got ready for the day. You heated some leftovers and sat down. Your phone rang next to you showing your mother's name on it. You had no will to talk to anyone this morning. Your usual loud self in the morning was numb.
After the fifth ring, you picked it up. “Hello?”
“Ah, y/n. You sound so withered. Is everything alright?” your mother worried.
“Mom, how could you tell that from just hello?” you mumbled.
“I'm your mother… Even your breath can tell me if you are okay or not. Now tell me what happened?” she knew your every single nerve like the back of her hand.
“Nothing, I woke up feeling a bit off… Everything is alright,” you reassured.
Your mother sighed on the other end before speaking, “listen… I won't force you to tell me anything because I know that will only make you annoyed but simply remember that you can go on and on about some useless shit, I would still listen. Okay?”
You smiled for the first time that morning. Your mother had no shame in using bold words and this wasn't even as bad. “I'll keep that in mind.”
“Good girl. Now don't get late for work. And eat and drink proper meals!” she said.
“I won't get late and will eat and drink properly. Have a good day, mom.”
“You too, young lady,” you chuckled at her and dismissed the call.
She was adorable. The generation gap was there but she always tried to understand your point of view and never said something like “I have been through your age and I know how it is and you are a fool to feel that way” or whatever.
She understood that you had it differently and that they were not the same people. She never missed a chance to understand your generation better and tried her best to be at least a helpful mother. This quality of hers maintained the best relationship between you and her. She acted like a friend and was always ready to learn new things and never once she acted like she knew everything.
You smiled thinking about her. “I think I won a jackpot that I call Mother.”
The day stretched longer than anticipated. The work kept on loading more and more, testing your patience.
Your boss kept on dumping files on files at your desk even after the working hours got over. “You need to know that sometimes you gotta work more than working hours too,” was what he said after seeing your obvious pout.
The things you had to do for making a luxurious living. You sighed.
You turned your car into your street and passed in front of the Kims and stopped in your driveway. You took your purse and some files that you were supposed to work on before going to bed.
No joke but living on your own was the hardest, especially while working side by side. Because now you had to do some chores and extra work that your manager let you bring home. You wished you could bring your mother here but she had her own work to look after and your father.
You sighed for the millionth time and finally got out of the car. You loved your car and were about to go into your home when someone called your name.
“Y/n!” you saw Bina jogging towards you.
You mentally sighed once again, having no energy to face her button still greeted her, “Mrs Kim! How can I help you?”
“Oh no, no. I don't need any help. I just saw you coming back through the window and we were going to have dinner. You made us such delicious sweets so we thought that we should call you for dinner. I'm pretty sure you must be hungry,” she smiled widely.
“A-ah, no need for that Mrs Kim. I'm fine. I'll just make something,” you kindly declined the offer.
Bina tsked, “you are going to make something first and then eat, it takes too much time. The dinner is ready. Don't be shy, we all are going to eat the same food.”
You thought about it for a second, “okay… I'll just get freshen up and be there in five minutes.”
She smiled and patted your shoulder and went back to her house.
Within five minutes, you quickly washed your face and changed into a white loose t-shirt and black boxer shorts.
Now you were sitting with Bina and Dal. The food was being served by the adorable bunny hybrids. It was traditional Korean food, something you haven't had in a long time. You appreciated the efforts. It looked so delicious. You picked your chopsticks and ate the food.
“Wah! That is so good! Wow! Reminds me of home,” you said after stuffing your mouth the most you could.
The couple chuckled and ate their food. Jungkook and Wooyoung kept on serving everyone. After they served, they quietly stood by the wall and waited for you all to finish the food.
They cleared the table later on and brought dessert. Everything tasted way beyond delicious. Even five-star restaurants couldn't even beat the food that they made. “Jungkook, Wooyoung, thank you for serving and making delicious food! I appreciate it,” you said and slightly bowed to them.
They both stood there, frozen. No one has ever done that to them. It felt nice and appreciated.
“Go and eat your dinner,” Dal sternly said.
You saw them with tiny bowls of rice that were smaller than their hands. They were scurrying down the hallway. You frowned deeply and looked at the couple who was unbothered.
“That’s it? They won’t eat anything else?” You asked.
Bina looked up at you and smiled, “what do you mean?” she asked with a scary smirk.
“Them,” you pointed to where the hybrids went. “They just took small bowls of rice.”
“Ah, no worries! That’s their diet. They will be fine. Don’t you agree? They shouldn’t eat too much, right? They will get lazy,” her voice sounded taunting and yet so soft. It sent shivers down your spine.
‘This is your chance to gain their trust around the hybrids, y/n. Don’t let it go!’ Your inner voice screamed.
You chuckled, awkwardly, “we used to have a hybrid when I was younger. You are right, they should eat that much. It’s enough,” you stretched the last word. “We fed that much too! Maybe a tiny bit bigger bowl but yeah, nonetheless, same…”
Jungkook and Wooyoung heard you talking. They thought that maybe you were a bit better when you thanked them for the food but guess they were wrong. You were just like other humans. The hybrids felt bad for the hybrid that you had when you were younger.
Apart from all of this, Jungkook and Wooyoung felt the same pain and heaviness that they felt in the morning. They looked at each other but continued eating their food. Wooyoung felt like crying. This pain was too much for him. They both felt like they were suffocating.
“Why is it happening?” Wooyoung sniffed.
Jungkook rested his arm around Wooyoung and brought him to his chest and patted his back, “it will be okay soon, yeah? Don’t think about it and eat,” he kissed the younger’s forehead.
“Right?!” Bina beamed. “They don’t deserve much. They should just serve us and know their damn place. They can be so fucking ungrateful,” she scoffed.
Every single word that came out of her mouth felt like a dagger piercing through your heart again and again. She was evil and cruel. How could she think like that? Didn’t she have any heart? You wanted to shake her by her shoulder and shout at her and slap the shit out of her.
“These motherfuckers are just a burden on us,” Dal scoffed.
‘Then why do you have them?’ You thought while imagining strangling him.
“True!” You acted. “Don’t let them get to you…” you clenched your fist. “They don’t deserve it. They live here, that should be enough,” you were sure your palm was bleeding because of the tightness of the fist.
“Ah! You are better than we thought! It’s good to have someone who thinks like us,” Bina’a eyes sparkled. You were hating more and more. Her ugly personality made you want to puke in her artificial hair.
“I know,” you squeezed her hand. But you couldn’t bear it anymore. Your heart was aching and was trying to find a way out of your body through tears, “you know what? I have some work to do… I’m gonna leave now. If you need any help in future, I’m just next door,” you walked but turned around. “How many times do they eat in a day?”
Bina looked at you, “two… Morning and night,” she said.
“Perfect for the… toys.”
You busted into your house and ran towards the bathroom. Hunching over the toilet seat, you vomited everything out.
The words that came out of your mouth at the Kims weren't yours. You loathe yourself for saying every single thing. And knowing that the hybrids must have heard you, it broke your heart. Hurting them wasn't what you wanted but you needed to know about them. And you were quite surprised that they talked to you so easily.
Another reflex of acid was forced out of you while thinking about it.
How could they? Why do they make such pretty hybrids suffer? What was their fault?
Was it just being born as a hybrid? Or was it because they were easy to control and hurt?
After cleaning up, you stepped out of the bathroom and your vision fell on a picture that was hanging on the wall. The pretty smiling face next to yours made your guts churn again. Why did you say all of that?
“I'm sorry,” you sobbed. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry,” you whispered while crying and fell to your knees. “What did they do? Why are they living like this? Why are they not being loved?”
The air around you felt suffocating. It felt like your own angel self was choking you to death. You said a few things and felt like dying. But Dal and Bina fucking abused them but were living the best life.
Where they ate full-course meals, the hybrids only chewed on almost two spoons of rice. Where they dressed elegantly, the hybrids wore rags of clothes. Where they slept peacefully, the hybrids survived.
Wooyoung and Jungkook had finished their rice and were getting ready for bed. They were hurt by your words and the fact that you agreed with all the abuse and that they deserved it. But the feeling… Suffocation, it wasn't getting any better. It wrapped around them like plastic wrap.
Wooyoung was in his bunny form and started making noises. He felt it too. Jungkook quickly picked him up and sat him in his lap. His big hands caressed Wooyoung’s bunny body. He tried to comfort him through this. “Wooyoung-ah,” he whispered. “I know, it hurts. Please, baby, don't cry. It hurts me.”
Feeling all this suffocation, he brought the bunny to the window closest to them. It happened to face your house. He stood there with the bunny in his hand, caressing him gently all the while. He saw that behind the closed sheer curtains, you were kneeling on the floor and holding your head.
He stood there and kept on seeing. The pain he felt kept on growing and growing. And then saw you stumbling towards your balcony.
The pressure was too much to take, you barely walked towards the window and opened it. There you saw him again. This time the street light made his face visible. The pain was painting his features. The dark circles under his eyes. He had something in his arms. It was Wooyoung in his bunny form. It looked like the bunny was looking at you along with Jungkook.
Tears filled the brim of your eyes and flowed down your cheeks. You just looked at them as they looked at you. “Sorry, sorry, sorry…” you repeated again and again.
Jungkook saw your swelling face. The smeared tears were shining on your face. He saw how you froze when you saw him. He saw how your eyes fell on the creature in his arms. He saw how fresh tears pooled in your eyes and slipped out. Everything seemed broken about you.
The realization hit him like a train at that moment when he could hear your repeated “sorry”.
The suffocation. The pain. The anxiety. It was all that you were feeling. Wooyoung and he felt what you felt. At that moment, he forgot all the hate he carried for humans and was worried for you.
They could only feel you but they knew that you had it worse.
He forgot his pain and thought about you.
You were not as depressed. You were not abused like the two bunnies in the window. But at that moment it felt like you were going insane. Even Wooyoung settled down and saw your dishevelled look. But still, they both let their hate overpower their emotions.
Wooyoung jumped out of his Hyung's hold and hopped on their bed and turned into human form. “Hyung, I don't trust her…” he stated when Jungkook closed the window and sat next to him and sighed.
“Me neither…”
Sanaa's note:
The behaviour of all the characters is visualized.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes ; @jhmylove @itzsavage07 ; @acciocriativity
*lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist*
*original picture is not mine, I just edited it*
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
I NEED to know where the detective thriller comments on your last reblog put Kaname and Nemu the curiosity is intense 🤣❤ I think Nemu should be in tech/science too because equally mad scientist Nemu is my favorite. And Kaname...Aizen's best friend/partner? Or another detective who turns out to be covering for him? I just don't know! So many possibilities
Waaaaait can he be an investigative journalist with Hisagi????
reblog in question
OMG I really just took that story in the tags and ran with it, didn't I? XD Thank you so much for this ask. I would've continued talking in the tags but I felt like I was getting too carried away. I wanna say I loooooooveee the idea of investigative journalism Hisagi!!! It gives me many ideas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Here's my detective thriller AU cast:
Detective Kyouraku Shunsui: Grizzled police detective, partners with Ukitake. Has seen a lot of shit over the course of his career, which has left him with a dark sense of humor and a drinking problem.
Detective Ukitake Juushirou: Long-suffering police detective, partners with Kyouraku. His career has also left him with some troubles, namely chronic insomnia. His health problems leave him physically frail sometimes, but his mind continues to be as sharp as ever. Despite it all, he still manages to be the "hopeful" one in the duo.
Medical Examiner Kurotsuchi Mayuri: I'm of the belief that the best medical examiners are the ones that are slightly quirky (Woody from Psych is the best!). Mayuri is very very good at his job, but his fascination with death can be off-putting (to say the least). The more gruesome the method of death, the more excited Mayuri is when he delivers his findings.
CSU Forensics Technician Akon: Very competent; the tech person who is somehow always at the police station, so you can drop by to give him the latest set of evidence. A chain-smoker. If you ask him to enhance the image, he will be very happy to do so. He can also do some complex typing on a computer, which will quickly bring up any kind of triangulation analysis or quickly hack a partially destroyed hard drive.
CSU Forensics Field Technician Kurotsuchi Nemu: Nemu is the field tech who goes out to collect evidence and take photos of crime scenes. She is extremely thorough and handy with a camera. Might say "butter" to the dead victims while taking their pictures, as her idea of "humor."
Suspect Aizen Sousuke: The prominent society member who can do no wrong, in the eyes of the public. I don't know what his job is (maybe property investor, politician, lawyer, or hedge fund manager?), but he also somehow has time to run a number of local charities and attends high brow events like the opera and ballet. He is somehow connected to the murder mystery. At first it seems like he might just be coincidentally involved (maybe the murder happened at one of his buildings), but the deeper the investigation goes, an increasingly complex web of connections is revealed.
Editor in Chief Tousen Kaname: A seeker of truth and justice. During his tenure, Tousen has managed to take the Seireitei Bulletin from a small time entertainment rag to a well-regarded publication that prints hard hitting investigative journalism. He is respected not only by his staff (especially Hisagi) but also by the police and prosecutor's office because of his ability to blow a case wide open. It's not revealed until later that he has some sort of connection with Aizen... Tousen may be hampering the investigation in some way, if not doing something more insidious altogether!
Investigative Journalist Hisagi Shuuhei: A journalist at the Seireitei Bulletin, Hisagi takes his job very seriously. He greatly admires Tousen, whom he considers a mentor, and does his best to be half as good as him someday. Hisagi isn't afraid to take risks and will doggedly chase down any leads, no matter how seemingly inconsequential. It's during one of these wild-goose chases that Hisagi uncovers Tousen's connection with Aizen... which he must come to terms with, while also trying to get to the bottom of the mystery.
This ended up being way longer than I thought it was going to be (lol) but I couldn't stop myself (clearly). This was so much fun though!! Thank you for the ask!
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silenceofthecookies · 4 years
300 followers event!
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What? Already? I only hit 200 about a month ago. Thank you all so much! ❤
I’ve had this idea in my head since shortly after the 200 follower event was planned and I’ve been so excited to get this done. Thank you all for getting me here to fast! 
Since you all seemed to like the mystery prompts last time, we’re doing that again! This time, however, we have a theme. Soulmate au! Behind every prompt is a soulmate au. On top of that, you get to pick if you want fluff or angst! So even though it’s still a mystery, you know roughly what to expect! 
Instead of writing full scenario’s for these, I will write short ones which I will try to keep around 500 words.  So what do I need from your request?
One character
One book genre
A gender for the reader (if none is specified, I’ll default to genderneutral) 
If you want fluff or angst
Of course my usual rules still apply! Only one entry per person, every prompt will only be written once! 
This means that there are 15 spots up for grabs! Characters can be from any fandom I write for (one piece, hero academia, magi, utapri, bleach, black clover). Double characters are ok. To give myself a bit of diversity, There can be maximum 10 one piece requests. This means that at least 5 of the requests will have to be from one of the other 5 fandoms. Can we catch them all?
Here are the prompts. Again, these have nothing to do with the kind of soulmate au. 
True crime
Young adult
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s0seo · 4 years
The Heir Chapter 2
~ Pairing: OT7 x Reader                  WC:  6684
Rating: M                                        
Genre: Vampire au mystery thriller with lots of angst and eventual fluff and smut (THIS IS A SLOW BURN)
Summary: After you and your friend are attacked during a night out, you discover a world much bigger and more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
WARNINGS: 18+, mention of blood, swearing, assault, mention of death, angst
A/n: I know I said Friday, but I changed my mind. I tried to make this one just a smidge longer. I hope you all enjoy!
© s0seo please do not copy or edit as protested under this license :)
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You open your eyes and the first thing that you notice is pain. You are in so much pain. You look around trying to figure out where you are and find yourself in a hospital room. As hazy memories come flooding back, you spot two familiar figures sitting in chairs beside your bed.
Tae’s curly dark brown hair and Jimin’s long bleached hair are both covering their sleeping faces. You try to lift your right arm, hoping to call the nurse when you hiss out in pain, startling the boys.
You hear a thump to your left as Jimin falls out of his chair and find Tae on your right holding your hand within seconds.
 “Yoongi” you rasp, feeling an ache in your throat.
Tae and Jimin look at each other for a moment. You can tell from the puffiness around their eyes that they’ve been crying.  
You look at Jimin as he says to no one in particular “I’m gonna go find the nurse” before heading out the door. 
Looking at Tae for answers, you see him reach for a half-filled glass of water from the table beside you and bring it to your lips. You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until you felt the first drop hit your tongue.
After a few painful gulps you weakly push the cup away and ask again, this time your voice a bit stronger, “Where is Yoongi?”
Tae looks down at the floor before looking at you and saying, “he still hasn’t woken up yet.” A wave of relief washes over you and you feel a tear fall down your cheek as you confirm “but he’s alive? He’s alive?”
He looks up at you and softly nods his head as he reaches up to your face and wipes you tear away. You lean into his hand and close your eyes. When you open them again you see him looking at you, trying to read your face. 
You pull away from him and lean your lead on your pillow. As the silence becomes deafening, your mind spits out a new thought.
“Wait. Are you two the only ones?”
He continues inspecting you for a moment before explaining,
“Jin and Namjoon are with Yoongi right now. Jungkook is still out of town with his father, and Hobi was here earlier, but had to head back home to take care of some things before work. Jimin and I are here and planned to stay with you until you woke up.”
 You look around again.
 “How long have I been out?”
 “Two days” he answers smoothly, looking at your face for any hint of distress.
 Your eyes widen. 
“Wow” you mouth as you hear the door open and see Jimin walk in with a young girl carrying a clipboard.
She walks up to your bed and checks your vitals before speaking to you in a soft warm voice. “Hi, Miss L/N my name is nurse Sanchez and I’ve been taking care of you for the past few days. How are you feeling?”
 You look down at your body as you say, “my entire body hurts. How bad was it?”
When she doesn’t respond you look up at her. She purses her lips and says, “let’s wait until the doctor gets here and he’ll walk you through it?”
You frown and look at her face wondering why she can’t just look at your chart and tell you.
‘Something feels off’ you think to yourself.
You look at her eyes and you can see how uncomfortable she is. You narrow your eyes, refusing to back down.
 “Tell me.”
She holds your gaze, and after what you can tell is a small internal conflict says quietly, “you had two broken ribs, and you suffered a minor concussion along with bruised vocal cords.“ Slowly tearing her eyes away from yours she looks down at the floor and continues. “You also had a deep laceration on your side, and a few scratches along your arms.”
You hold your breath as she explains to you just how close you were to dying, multiple times, she emphasizes, and you finally feel yourself release it when she grows quiet, looks up at you, and quickly excuses herself from the room, to go find the doctor.
 You look at both of your friends who are now watching you closely.  You feel like they’re expecting you to cry, or scream, or freak out after everything that’s happened, but you realize that you don’t need to. 
Whatever fear you felt, whatever worries you had in that alleyway were over. In times like these you’re thankful for your level headedness. In fact, you have always been good at compartmentalizing in stressful situations. The only thing that you’re worried about now is Yoongi.
After a few agonizing minutes you feel yourself start to fidget under their silent stares.
 “Guys I’m fine. I know that what happened sucked and was super scary, but I’m gonna be okay.”
 They look at you, sympathy and doubt covering their faces, and Jimin reaches for your hand. “You don’t have to be okay though. We’re here for you. Whatever you need.”
You softly squeeze his hand in response.
“Right now, the only thing I need is for Yoongi to be okay.”
 You eyes focus on Tae and you say “go find Joon. Tell him I’m awake and that I want to see him.”
He nods, standing swiftly and quickly makes his way out the door. You glance at Jimin and find him still staring at you.
“What’s wrong” you ask.
 He continues running his eyes across your face before finally stopping at your eyes and asking, “are you sure you’re okay? I feel like there’s something different about you. I can’t put my finger on it…” 
You tilt your head and your eyes narrow at him as a sharp wave of irritation hits you. You whisper curtly “I said I’m fine. Drop it.” 
He blinks and looks away from you, running his hand through his overgrown bleached hair before leaning back in his chair.
“Okay, you’re right. If you say you’re fine then I trust you, I just worry about you. We all do.” 
You feel a pang of guilt for being so short with him. Honestly, you don’t even know why you did that. You reach your good arm out to him and place your hand on his. He looks up at you and you can see a question lingering in his eyes. 
Before he can manage you hear a knock on the door. Expecting Tae and Namjoon, you are surprised to see two men in faded clothes carrying notepads.  One looks like he’s in his late thirties, while the other one looks around your age.
Apparently when the nurse left to go find the doctor, she called the police as well. The older one makes his way to the foot of your bed while the other hangs back and leans against the wall watching you.
The one at the foot of your bed introduces himself as detective Song, and the one against the wall is introduced as detective Jon. 
You can’t help but feel like something is off about them. Maybe it’s the way detective Jon is looking at you, or maybe it’s their overall demeanor, but your gut is telling you something feels wrong. 
You debate asking to see their badges but decide against it. You’re probably just being paranoid.
You look at them for a moment, then ask them bluntly, “so, detectives, have you found the guy who attacked us yet?”
The detectives share a look and detective Song gives you a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
 “Unfortunately we’re still searching for him, but don’t worry he can’t hide forever”
A look of doubt crosses your face and you tilt your head. “What have you done to try to find him? I don’t see how he could’ve gotten that far.”
You see Detective Jon who has been watching you closely frown at your words before his partner pulls your attention back.
“Before we get into the specifics, can you tell us what you remember from that night? We need to take your statement, and if there’s anything you can tell us about him, then that would help us find him much faster.”
You blink slowly before nodding. You grab a sip of your water, close your eyes, and take a deep breath before opening them and recounting the events.
“I remember Yoongi and I went to the basketball game for his birthday. After that we decided to head to the bar to grab a few drinks before going home.”
You see the detectives scribbling notes on their notepads and preparing their questions.
 Detective Jon asks first.
“What time did you head to the bar?”
“Around midnight.”
“What was the name of the bar?”
“Sunas; Yoongi and I go there all the time with our friends” you say as you gesture to Jimin sitting beside you.
Detective Song chimes in.
“Do you and your friend live together?”
You nod and explain.
“We grew up together and moved into his parent’s old house a few years ago. I was looking for Yoongi when I was attacked...”
You look off into empty space as you continue.
“I went outside because he was supposed to be waiting for me. I called him but I couldn’t find him. I heard his phone ringing, and I saw it lying on the ground in the alley. I picked it up and was gonna go back into the bar when I heard something by the dumpster.”
Your voice becomes a whisper as you remember what you saw.
“When I saw Yoongi…”
You look down at your hands and realize that they’re shaking. Jimin reaches over to you and places your hand in his, reminding you that you’re okay. You try our best to keep your voice steady and keep going.
“The man was on top of him, and Yoongi was covered in blood. I knew I had to help him, so I picked up a bottle off the ground and hit him in the head with it. I knocked him out and bent down to check on Yoongi. I could see that he was bleeding pretty bad. I think the guy stabbed him. I put my hands on the wounds to try to stop him from bleeding out, and that’s when I saw someone walking at the end of the alleyway and told them to call for help. I didn’t notice that the guy had woken up until he threw me against the wall and tried to strangle me.”
You feel your heart pounding in your chest, remembering your fear.
“As he lifted me up, I knew he was going to kill me so I picked up a broken bottle and waited for the right moment. I wasn’t going down without a fight”
You unconsciously reach your hand up and softly graze your fingertips across your neck, wincing at the sensitivity as you remember the man’s grip around your throat.
Detective Jon looks up from his notepad and brings you back to the present.
“Okay, so what happened next?”
“He was saying something about it being my fault. He didn’t say what though.  I really can’t remember. Honestly, I didn’t get a good look at his face because my vision was super blurry.”
Detective Jon interrupts.
“Because you were drinking earlier?”
You narrow your eyes at him and clarify.
“Because I had a concussion from being thrown into a wall.”
Letting out a sigh, you look down at your hands and quickly wrap up your story.
“Anyways, I waited until he lifted me up and I stabbed him in the throat with the broken neck of the bottle. His blood flew all over me. I thought that would finally take him down, but he just pulled the bottle out of his neck and stabbed me with it before running away. I’m guessing it’s because he heard the sirens.  I didn’t realize he stabbed me until I fell on the ground though.”
You look over at Jimin as you finally say, “I could tell that Yoongi was dying so I crawled over to him to try to cover his wounds again, but I passed out before the police could get to us.”
Relieved to finally be finished telling the story, you look down at your hands and let out a breath. 
“Next thing I know I’m here and two days have passed.”
Hearing no response, you look back up at them and find five pairs of eyes looking at you in shock.
You were so caught up in your memories that you didn’t hear Namjoon and Tae come in.
Detective Song asks, “so you stabbed him in the neck with the bottle and then he took it out of his neck and stabbed you…with the same bottle?”
You give him a nod and wonder why out of all the things you said, his focus was on a broken bottle instead of the fact that  your attacker somehow managed to run away after being stabbed in the throat. You add it to your list of suspicions and move on.
You see Jimin blinking back tears, and the detectives share a look with each other before detective Jon closes his notepad and quietly exits the room.
 Detective Song reaches into his jacket pocket and places his card on the bed next to your feet. 
“Thank you for your statement. We’ll put this in the report. If you remember anything else just give us a call.”
You blink at him and frown as you watch him walk towards the door.
You call out to him “how close are you to actually catching this guy?” 
He either doesn’t hear you or doesn’t have an answer and simply continues out the door.
You quietly whisper a soft curse after him before looking at Namjoon and gesturing for him to sit beside you on the bed.
 He looks at you, his puffy eyes filled with worry.  He takes note of your injuries and your face and seeing that you’re okay he takes a seat. You place your hand on top of his and ask, “how is Yoongi?”
 He looks down at the floor before glancing at the others who give him a small nod. Taking a deep breath, he meets your eyes and tells you everything.
As he goes into detail about Yoongi’s injuries you realize that when Tae said that Yoongi was still unconscious, that was putting it lightly.
Not only was he unconscious, but he had technically died multiple times, and according to the nurses is lucky to even still be alive right now. 
“His heart stopped twice in the ambulance, and by the time he reached the hospital he had almost no blood left in his body.”
His eyes scan your face, searching for confirmation to continue.
“His two stab wounds were accompanied by a gash in the back of his head and a dislocated shoulder, and that was just the physical injuries. Once he got to the here everything went crazy. His heart kept stopping and increasing unexplainably, and he had a dangerously high fever for the first full day after they finished his surgeries. Over the past two days ,the nurses said he’s been through enough blood bags to fill up three grown bodies.”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding how that’s possible, and Namjoon explains.
“Every time the doctors finished a transfusion, his body seemed to need another one. Then this morning, his body temperature and vitals suddenly just returned to normal. He’s been in a coma ever since.”
He reassures you though that over the past few days, despite the problems that he was having, Yoongi was healing extremely quickly. You both were. 
You touch your side and Jimin explains “They say that his wounds are almost fully healed and that judging by your current rate of healing yours should be a scab in about a week.”
“That’s good to hear.” You reply looking away deep in thought. You don’t understand how or why you’re healing so fast, and you don’t understand how he’s getting better faster than you are.  You don't know how long it takes a stab wound to heal, but you’re pretty sure it’s a lot longer than a week. 
You think back to Yoongi's body, this time with an objective eye.  From the look of his wounds and the amount of blood that he lost; he shouldn’t even be alive right now let alone almost fully healed. 
You frown and look at Namjoon.
“I want to see him.”
He glances at Jimin, and Tae puts a hand on your shoulder before saying,
“I’m not sure that’s the best-”
“‘Bring me to him” you say, cutting him off.
Thirty minutes and two arguments later, you are sitting in a wheelchair heading towards Yoongi’s room accompanied by your friends.
You were a bit surprised that the nurses let you leave your room, but you didn’t want to question it. They did mention something about wanting to run a few tests once the doctor arrived though which didn’t sound at all promising. 
‘That is a problem for a later point in time’ you think to yourself.
 You arrive at his room and see his motionless figure asleep in his bed. Jimin and Tae find a spot against the wall as you are pushed further in by Namjoon.
You spot Jin in a chair hunched over the left side of Yoongi’s bed with his head resting on his arms. You take in the sight of him and silently gesture to Namjoon to place you beside him.
Namjoon takes a seat across from you on Yoongi’s right, and you place your hand on the back of Jin’s head and give it a comforting rub. You feel him shift beneath you and give him a small smile when he finally glances up at you.
His eyes are red and puffy just like the others, and his lavender hair is messy like he’s been running his hands through it. You reach down and place your hand over his, and see fresh tears beginning to form in his eyes. 
You wrap your arm around his wide shoulders and pull him down into you. He wraps his arms around you, and you hide your wince as your still healing body cries out from the contact, choosing instead to rub his back softly. You know he needs this; they all do.
 You feel three sets of eyes staring at you, but no one says anything. You look back over to Yoongi, and you see his peaceful sleeping face partially covered by his messy black hair. You glance at his neck and see an already healing scab.
 Looking back towards the others you say “His wounds have healed more than mine. How is that possible?”
Jimin moves from his position on the wall and makes his way over to Namjoon before responding.
“We don’t really understand it either. Hell, the doctors are even more confused than we are.”
Namjoon runs his hand through his silver hair.
“It’s crazy, he went from nothing, to almost fully recovered in only three days. If I’m being honest though, I’m happy that he did. I don’t know what’s causing this, but I know I don’t want to question it. Now we just need him to wake up.”
Tae who has been silent ever since returning with Namjoon lets out a sniffle and walks over to you, taking a seat at the foot of Yoongi’s bed.
“I just don’t understand why this happened to you guys. We were so scared that you’d never wake up.”
Jin moves his head from your shoulder and looks up at you.
“I should have gone with you guys. It’s my fault for not being there.”
You reach up and wipe away a tear that has begun to fall down his face.
“I’m glad you weren’t. I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened if he hurt both of you.”
Jin slowly nods his head and leans into your hand.
Suddenly a new thought occurs to you.
“How did you guys even hear about what happened?”
 The others all look at Namjoon who clears his throat.
“Apparently at some point in time you put me down as one of your emergency contacts, along with Yoongi’s parents of course. The hospital tried to reach his parents, but they got no response. I was the only other option, and I’m thankful for that.”
“I’m sorry that you guys got dragged into this” you say knowing that they were all extremely busy and that they had to put their lives on pause to come take care of you.
Jin lifts his head back up from your shoulder and looks at you.
“Don’t say that. We would do anything for both of you. Just like you would do anything for us. We can still work and take care of ourselves while staying by your side.”
Instead of responding, you reach across the bed, take Yoongi’s hand, and softly rub your thumb across the back.  You all sit there in silence waiting, for Yoongi’s eyes to open, for the doctor to come in, for anything to happen, but nothing does.
 A few hours pass, and a nurse comes in and informs you that you are required to return to your room and that the doctor should be with you sometime tomorrow morning. You nod your head in understanding and let the others know that you’ll take Jin with you. When you make it back to your room he helps you into bed and takes a seat in the chair beside you.
 As you close your eyes, you fall asleep to the memory of Yoongi's eyes blinking at you as his blood pools around him.
The next morning you are awoken by a different nurse from the night before. She gives you antibiotics and checks on your wound. You realize that whatever blessing was bestowed upon Yoongi, didn’t fully extend to you.
 Even though Namjoon said your wound would scab in about a week, you can definitely tell you still have a few weeks until you are fully healed. On the bright side, your arms don’t feel as heavy as they did last night, and you can sit up just a little bit easier as well. 
After a slightly embarrassing trip to the bathroom, Jin helps you into a wheelchair and you both head back to Yoongi’s room. When you get there, you see that Jimin and Tae managed to scavenge a few extra chairs from somewhere in the hallway and made themselves comfortable, well as comfortable as they could in a hospital room.
 Namjoon is seated in the same chair as last night and has his head resting on the arm of the chair. You silently gesture to Jin to place you on Yoongi’s left side just like you were last night, and he takes his seat beside you before you take his hand and hold it on your knee.
 You feel Jin shift from underneath you, and put his arm around you, giving you room to rest your head on the inside of it. You watch Yoongi until your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself drifting off to the steady beat of his heart monitor.
 You don’t know how much time has passed, but suddenly you are startled awake by a loud gasp. Yoongi sits straight up in his bead and claws at his throat for a few moments before Namjoon and Jin stand up and force his hands away. You grab the remote from the bed and press the call button for the nurse as he continues to fight your friends. You call out to him, hoping to snap him out of whatever he’s imagining.
“Yoongs, you're safe now. You’re okay.”
You see his eyes searching the room for something until finally landing on you. You lean over towards him and look into his eyes.
“Yoongi” you say softly, trying to reassure him. “You’re okay. We’re in the hospital.  We were hurt pretty bad, but we’re okay now.” Jin and Namjoon begin loosening their grip as Yoongi’s breathing calms down. 
You reach out and place both his hands in yours before looking into his eyes and repeating, “you’re okay.”
He looks around the room, finally noticing the others. Namjoon places a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder who looks down at your hands wrapped around his own. You can see his memories coming back to him as he tries to remember how he got here, and he lets out a sharp breath before pulling his feet to his chest.
 You see his shoulders rise once as he takes in a breath before letting out a raw and unhindered sob. 
It breaks your heart. Truly it does. You feel your chest tighten and you motion to Jin to help you stand and take a seat on the bed right beside him before wrapping him in your arms, not caring about the throbbing pain in your side. You stay there for a while, until you hear a knock on the door.  
You look up and remove your friend from your arms as you see it’s the doctor. He walks in followed by two nurses.
He looks like he’s in his late fifties, and you see from his nametag that his name is Dr. Wood. He notices you studying him and gives you a tight-lipped fake smile that doesn’t reach his black beady eyes.
One of the nurses checks Yoongi’s charts while the doctor updates you both.
“Good morning Mr. Min. How are we feeling today? Ms. L/N? How's your side feeling?”
You look to Yoongi and he glances at you as if waiting for reassurance. You give him a small nod.
“I’m alright”
The doctor gives a small nod and takes a few notes before looking at you next.
“It still hurts pretty bad, but overall, I’m alright”
He gives another nod and makes another note.
“That sounds good.” Not looking away from his notepad, he returns his attention to your friend. Mr. Min, given the severity of your injuries and the speed of your body’s rate of healing, we’d like to run a few tests to make sure everything’s running smoothly with your recovery.”
Your head tilts at the word “tests” and you think back to what Namjoon told you about his recovery speed and how baffled the doctors were. You also remember the nurses mentioning something about the doctor wanting to run some tests earlier on you as well. You feel a knot forming in your stomach, and you glance around at the others.
‘This doesn't feel right. What kind of tests are they suggesting? Why are they being so vague?’ you ask yourself. 
You feel yourself frown, and you look back over to Yoongi. Right now, there’s only one thing you’re certain of; nothing good will come from tests.
Yoongi looks at you once again, and you slowly shake your head. He looks a bit confused but doesn’t question you. He knows that you probably have a good reason.
“Honestly, I’d just really like to go home. How much longer do I have to stay here?”
The doctor looks up from his notepad in surprise at the refusal but gives him a small smile.
“Judging by your progress, and as long as we see no complications, I’d say we could schedule your release sometime within the next forty-eight hours.”
“What about me?” you ask.
“I think if your rate of recovery remains consistent then we should be able to discharge you by Friday at the latest.”
Three days.  That’s how much longer you would be stuck here. Three more days.
 “Okay, fine.”
The doctor nods in agreement, then decides to leave you in the nurse’s care. They separately check both of your vitals and leave you and your friends alone again.
 As soon as the door closes Yoongi looks at you.
“Why can’t they run tests?”
The others look at you in question as well.
“Nothing good can come from any test they give you Yoongs. We’ve only been here two days, and you’re almost fully recovered. Think about that. Your injuries were far worse than mine, and they’re almost fully healed. I really don’t want us to be here any longer than absolutely necessary.” 
You see Namjoon and Jimin nod in agreement, so you continue.
 “Besides, I don’t trust these doctors. Something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it, but ever since I woke up, I feel like there’s something wrong. I think that right now we just need to focus on getting out of here as soon as possible.”
You hear another knock on the door and spot two familiar faces entering the room. Detectives Song and Jon take up the same positions as they did in your room and glance over at you as they introduce themselves once again only this time to your friend.
You look at Yoongi, and you know he won’t be able to handle reliving his memories right now. 
They pull out their notepads, but before they can ask him anything, you stop them.
“I know this is really important, but I’ve already given you a statement, and Yoongi isn’t in any condition to talk about this right now.”
The detectives share a look and after a small silence, detective Song gives you a forced smile and takes out a copy of his card. Placing it on Yoongi’s bed he gives your friend a nod and looks back at his partner before heading out the door. You wait until the door is closed before letting out a huff and saying
“I really don’t trust those guys. There’s something not right about them.”
Jimin looks at you, the apprehension clear across his face.
“You don’t trust the doctors, you don’t trust the detectives, who do you trust?”
“For now, everyone in this room.”
Your friends look at you dubiously.
“I know I sound paranoid, but just trust me. You know my gut is always right. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something not right here, and until I can figure it out, I don’t trust anyone that seems questionable.”
You know that you have always been a skeptical person. Some would call you paranoid, but you’ve always just considered yourself cautious. Whenever you have a bad feeling about someone or something, you are almost always right, and right now, your gut is telling you to get as far away as you can from this hospital and the detectives.
Your mind wanders back to the man who attacked you. He seemed to know who you were. You wonder if him being there was a mere coincidence or if maybe you were the one, he was after all along.  
You also recall Yoongi lying on the ground slumped against the building, the amount of blood that he lost, the size and depth of his wounds, and the lifelessness in his eyes as he watched you fighting the man.
You can’ t help feel that this is all connected; the detectives, who are sketchy as hell and seemed a little too interested in the man stabbing you with the same weapon you used to stab him in the neck, the doctor, who seems a little too eager to run a few tests that he either can’t or won’t go into detail about, and most importantly; the fact that you and your friend miraculously went from death's door to feeling fine in less than three days.
 You can see the dots, you just don't know how to connect them, at least not yet. One thing’s for sure though, you may not know how or why this happened, but you're sure as hell gonna find out.
‘I’ll have to worry about that later’ you say to yourself.
Right now, your focus is getting out of the hospital with Yoongi as quickly as possible.
The next three days pass without any problems, and the doctor brings in your release forms. Yoongi’s recovery continued as did yours, only at a slower pace. They released him yesterday like the doctor promised, but even after he was released, he just moved himself into a chair next to your bed. Between your naps you would catch him watching you while you slept. You know that he’s just worried and doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
Your friends stayed with you for the first two days, but you insisted that they go back home before the third since Yoongi was released. The nurses came in every few hours to check your vitals and the doctor made an appearance once a day to “check” on you and check in with Yoongi to make sure he hadn’t changed his mind about the tests. Every time the doctor would ask him if he’s reconsidered, and every time Yoongi would say no thank you.
You could see him growing increasingly irritated each time the doctor stopped by and were thankful that he wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore. As you get up from your bed you stretch your arms which have now lost all their soreness and touch your side which has already begun to scab. 
You reach into your bag that Namjoon brought from your house and head to the restroom to change. Thankful for your own toothbrush and face wash you go through your routine and change out of your gown and into a pair of black joggers and an oversized t-shirt. 
You look at yourself in the mirror and take in your reflection. Your cheeks look a bit hollow, and your eyes look a bit dark. Not just because of the bags beneath them, but your eyes themselves have an almost black glint to them. 
There’s something else that you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s not your hair, or your body, but something else. Your mind flashes back to Jimin’s words and you wonder if he might’ve been right.
‘It’s probably just the lighting’ you think to yourself as you shake your head and zip up your bag. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and you notice your outfit. You’ve looked worse. You look like you just pulled your third all-nighter during finals week. Your eyes travel to your shirt and you realize that it isn’t one of yours.
 Namjoon must have grabbed one of Yoongi’s by mistake, not that you’re upset about it. You both wear similar clothes anyways. You open the door prepared to show Yoongi that one of his favorite shirts now has a new owner when you see him backed up against the wall with the doctor standing in front of him.
Trying to play it cool, you walk up behind the doctor and take your place by Yoongi’s side. “What’s going on here?” you ask, your voice stern.
The doctor looks at you with an annoyed expression.
“I was just informing your friend of the benefits one of our tests could have on his recovery in the long run.”
You look at Yoongi and see the panic in his eyes.
“I don’t know how many more times he can tell you he’s not interested before you finally get it through your head.”
The doctor plasters on his usual tight-lipped smile and looks back at your friend.
“There’s nothing wrong with checking up on a patient in a hospital and walking him through treatment options.”
You narrow your eyes at him and step in front of your friend blocking the doctor’s vision.
“He isn’t a patient here, and your assessment is neither wanted nor appreciated. Now I suggest you leave him alone before I report you for harassing my friend because you believe he recovered too quickly.”
He looks down at you and gives you a look of disgust before walking away. You wait until you're sure he’s out of earshot before turning back to your friend and making sure he’s okay.
“Are you alright? What did he say to you?”
Your friend doesn’t answer. You reach out and touch his face, turning it to face you.
“Yoongs, what did he say?”
He just shakes his head
 “It doesn’t matter, let’s just go home.”
He moves away from you and grabs your bag from the bed before glancing at your clothes.
You are already walking out of the room when you hear him call from behind you “hey, isn’t that my shirt?”
   ~ ~ 
 Outside the hospital
 The two men quietly sit in their vehicle waiting for the call. Five minutes pass, then ten, then fifteen. Finally, Jon decides to break the silence.
“When they said they’d be putting us in the field, this wasn’t exactly what I pictured. Pretending to be cops and waiting for cryptic phone calls in a smelly beat up car doesn’t really feel all that exciting.”
The older one lets out an unamused huff, but Jon continues.
“I didn’t realize we would be sitting in a car for hours watching some mystery girl sit in a hospital”
“If doing your job is boring to you, feel free to make the call. I’m sure they could find somewhere else to put you.”
“What about the girl. Do you think she suspects anything? She seemed combative when we tried talking to her friend. You saw the way she was looking at us.”
“You worry too much. Let’s just do our jobs and watch her. What I’m worried about is the boy. Something’s not right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you see his wounds? Going by his chart there’s no reason he should be alive right now let alone awake and talking.”
“What about her? She said that she was stabbed with the same bottle. That means his blood is in her. You don’t think- “
“What I think, is that we need to be very careful about what we do next. The girl should be fine. The blood is a minor complication, but it should leave her system within the next few days.”
Jon simply nods his head and looks out the window.
Suddenly the silence is interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.
Song reaches into the glove box and pulls out the outdated flip phone.
“Hello? Yes, she’s still alive. Only minor injuries. Has he been found yet? In a studio? Just the body? Okay.  Well not quite. She wasn’t the only one there. There was a boy with her, and he was attacked as well. Yes sir. I understand sir. What do you want us to do if he becomes a problem? Yes sir. What about the brotherhood? I heard they’re after her too. Yes sir, I understand.”
He hangs up the phone and looks over to his partner.
“Well what did they say? Why didn’t you mention the blood? Did they find the guy?”
He looks out the window, deep in thought. 
“We’re fucked.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, if we can’t stop the brotherhood from taking the girl then we’re fucked, and they’ll kill us. If we try to stop the brotherhood from taking her, then we’ll die trying and we’re still fucked.”
“Did they find the guy?”
Song nods. “The sweepers found his body this morning in some studio. His neck was broken, and they said he’s probably been dead for days. Someone probably got to him after he ran off.''
Jon gazes through the windshield and spots you and Yoongi entering a cab.  
He nudges Song before asking, “so how do you wanna play this? You know Haven isn't going to be happy if we don’t find a way to bring her in.”
“Let’s just watch and see what happens. We’re only grabbing her, if I'm sure we can make it out alive. If we have to run, we run, but I’m not dying for them.”
Jon nods to his partner before starting the car and pulling away.
A/n: I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who read and liked pt.1!  I was honestly surprised at how many people liked it. I wasn't even sure that many people would even read it, let alone love it, so thank you.  I also wanna thank @noonaduck​ for once again giving this  a read for me!
A/n 2: Also, on a completely unrelated note, if any of you are interested in checking out a really pretty song I found while writing this I would definitely check out Silhouette by Aquilo. If you like it I can suggest a few other songs I found as well!
A/n 3: I know I'm just rambling now, but I hope everyone is staying safe! I'm not sure where everyone is from, but these are dangerous times for a lot of us, and I hope everyone can be safe and healthy.
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
How about Michael Jackson's Thriller for Victor and Yuuri?
ohohooo hoohOHOhhohOHO who wants an izombie au? no one? cool, more zombies for me 👈😎👈 warning for some light gore, ofc
Yuuri isn’t exactly sure what he’d expected from his new roommate. Viktor Nikiforov is pale, a bit gaunt, with silver hair cut into a fringe across one of his eyes, both of which are very heavily shadowed as if he either had recently escaped from a dark basement with no food, or he’s just exceedingly into the goth aesthetic. 
He also has a residency at the local morgue, so the goth theory is probably very likely.
Despite the fact that they’re living together in the same apartment, Viktor very rarely seems to be around, and whenever he is, Yuuri rarely ever sees the man eat. He knows Viktor eats – he can hear him rummaging through the fridge at night when he’s cooped up in his own room FaceTiming Phichit to make sure he and Seung-gil are handling his move-in well. He tells Phichit about it, and Phichit laughs, saying that sometimes people don’t like to be looked at when they eat. 
Yuuri doesn’t blame his new roommate too much. Viktor seems to be having a rough time of it, considering how much he had emphasised his nonexistent social life when Yuuri had been interviewing him. Apparently he’d gone to exactly one party in this past year, and given that said party had been the Lake Paulsen Massacre, Yuuri is pretty sure the guy just has a severe case of post-traumatic stress or something.
Still, there’s something that Viktor’s hiding. Yuuri knows he shouldn’t pry, shouldn’t keep tabs on Viktor’s behaviours whenever he’s in the room, but it’s far too much of a curiosity for him to bear. Viktor seems to have a strong fondness for hot sauce, given all the new bottles of it that pop up. He also keeps a separate set of pots and pans, and sometimes the flat smells like heavily-sprayed Febreze when Yuuri returns to it. Under the Febreze there’s a distinct strong odour. Yuuri isn’t sure if he wants to know. Maybe Viktor just has a fondness for pungent food or something.
He’s determined to get to the bottom of this, though, if only for his own peace of mind. So one night, he broaches the suggestion to cook for Viktor.
“I know how to make pork cutlet bowls, if you’d like,” he says.
Viktor blinks at him from where he’s seated in front of the TV. “What’s that?”
“Breaded pork cutlet and rice?” asks Yuuri, frowning slightly. “It’s my favourite comfort food, and you look like you could do with some.”
“Oh.” Viktor nods. “I’m sorry, Yuuri, I have special dietary needs.”
“You’re a vegetarian?” asks Yuuri.
Viktor snorts at that, but then catches himself. “No,” he says. “It’s something else. Don’t worry about it, Yuuri, I can cook for myself.”
“I just wanted…” Yuuri trails off, feeling his cheeks flare. “I’m sorry if I come off as a bother. I just wanted us to get to know each other better.”
“You’re not a bother.” Viktor’s eyes are soft, gentle, slightly regretful. “I’d love to get to know you better, but maybe just not while cooking.”
Yuuri laughs at that, but he drops the subject. 
The thing is, Viktor is strange sometimes, and that’s even factoring in all the strangeness from before with his special diet (apparently replete with hot sauce) and his odd hours of eating. Sometimes he’s friendlier, sometimes he’s surlier. Sometimes he’s more outgoing, sometimes he’s reserved. Yuuri can’t seem to pin him down precisely, especially when Viktor pauses, and stares off into the distance for a moment before returning to earth, as if he’d suddenly had an epiphany of some kind and won’t tell anyone about it. 
Yuuri’s curiosity is rewarded, though, one night when he returns late from his shift at the Cherry Flip, his and Phichit’s small bakery. It’d been unplanned – there’d been a body discovered in the dumpster out back, and the police had closed down shop in order to take everyone in for questioning. Yuuri had stayed to make sure everything was all right and the police had all the answers (namely, that neither he nor Phichit knew how that body happened to end up in their dumpster), and so it’s past his usual dinnertime when he walks into his apartment and into the sight of Viktor Nikiforov biting into a piece of brain at the kitchen island.
“Viktor?” Yuuri asks, and Viktor looks up, face even paler than Yuuri remembers as he shifts to obscure his dinner from view. Slowly, Yuuri steps back out of the apartment, trying to blink away the image of the brain – at least, it looks very undeniably like one, albeit diced and seasoned – speared on Viktor’s fork from his mind’s eye. 
And then he opens the apartment door again and steps inside once more.
The kitchen island is now clean, obviously devoid of anything vaguely brain-like or food-like. Viktor is washing his hands at the sink, and when he smiles at Yuuri, it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
Yuuri focuses on the plate depicting a rooster right above Viktor’s shoulder. “So, uh, did you get that from work?” he asks.
The faucet stops abruptly. “What?” asks Viktor.
“The brain,” says Yuuri. “I saw you eating a brain, right?”
Viktor looks distinctly uncomfortable. “Maybe?” he hedges. 
“Maybe I’m just hallucinating,” says Yuuri, shaking his head as he tries to piece together the new crime scene in his kitchen. Besides the bowl and fork sitting by the sink and the bottle of hot sauce on the counter, nothing in the kitchen seems to indicate that Viktor had been eating anything at all. “But I’m pretty sure I saw you eating a brain.”
“It was… it was a pig brain,” says Viktor, though something about his voice tells Yuuri that he doesn’t believe his own story at all. 
“No wonder you have your own pots and pans,” says Yuuri, hesitantly crossing over to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine. “Do you usually eat at this hour?”
“You’re usually asleep by now,” says Viktor.
“And there’s something about pig brain that requires all this secrecy?” wonders Yuuri. “I’m… I’m not judging, I swear. I want to be a good roommate, even if it means putting up with my roommate’s weird dietary habits.”
Viktor opens his mouth, as if to point out that Yuuri calling his diet ‘weird’ is a judgement in and of itself, but then he clearly thinks better of it and closes his mouth. Yuuri goes to pour himself a glass of wine, offering Viktor a glass as well.
Viktor takes it with a wary expression. Yuuri sits down at the counter, noticing that it vaguely smells of bleach. 
“Are you usually this meticulous about clean-up?” he asks.
“Definitely,” says Viktor quickly. “I’m not going to be a bother, I swear. If you want me to leave –”
“No,” Yuuri says, to his own surprise. “And I know you said you wanted to room with me because I keep to myself and don’t ask questions, but… I think I’d appreciate a bit of forewarning about a zombie flatmate, you know?”
“Who said anything about zombies?” asks Viktor, clearly feigning innocence. Yuuri swallows. Maybe he’d gone a bit too far. Maybe ‘zombie’ isn’t exactly the politically correct term – maybe Viktor preferred ‘undead’ or ‘person of undeath’ or something. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that… you’re one of the victims of the Lake Paulsen Massacre, and my friend Phichit’s mortician boyfriend was the medical examiner that day and he’d noticed that some of the bodies had significant amounts of missing brain tissue, and… well. I don’t know if that’s pig brain or not, but I can make some guesses.”
Viktor worries at his lip, before taking a swig of his wine. “You got me,” he says after a moment, hanging his head so that his sunken eyes are hidden behind his curtain of silver hair. “I’m a zombie.”
Yuuri peers at him curiously, casting his existing knowledge of Viktor Nikiforov in a new light. “I’m… honestly surprised it took me this long to figure it out,” he admits. “You kinda look the part.”
Viktor laughs a little harshly. “Thanks,” he intones drily. “I swear I was a lot hotter when I was alive.”
“I didn’t – I didn’t mean that,” blusters Yuuri, feeling his cheeks heat up. “I just meant you look gothic and you have a job at a morgue. But I probably would’ve guessed vampire before zombie, then.”
“I think I’d rather be a vampire,” laments Viktor, taking a pointed sip of wine as he does so. “Much sexier. The hottest zombies have ever gotten are, like, as backup dancers for Michael Jackson.”
Yuuri laughs at that. “So the… brains thing?”
“I have to,” says Viktor. “Otherwise I get more… well, feral. You don’t want to see that. I don’t want to see that, at least ever again.”
“Ah.” Yuuri nods. “I’ll take your word for it. And the hot sauce?”
“I can’t eat anything without at least six chili peppers next to it on the menu.” Viktor drums his fingers against the counter. “And you’re… you’re fine with all of this, Yuuri? Like I said, I could move out –”
“No!” Yuuri shakes his head. “You can’t find anything in this city on such short notice, and since you already have your own kitchenware, I really don’t mind. Just, you know. Disinfect everything.”
Viktor chuckles. “Yeah, I know,” he says. 
Yuuri hums, before taking a sip of his wine. “Okay… and how did you get turned?” 
“The massacre,” replies Viktor. “I got scratched.”
“Oh,” says Yuuri simply. Viktor nods, and Yuuri heads back to the fridge to grab himself a slice of quiche he’d saved from the bakery.
He turns with the box of quiche, intending to set it on the counter, but suddenly Viktor goes very still, his gaze becoming unfocused. Yuuri recognises it – sometimes Viktor had done that in the past. Slowly, he puts the box down and waves a hand in front of Viktor’s face.
“Hello?” he asks. 
Viktor jerks himself out of his trance, his blue eyes wide and sparkling. “Oh my god,” he says. “I have to tell Yurio about this.”
“Yurio?” asks Yuuri.
“Detective Plisetsky,” says Viktor, already halfway across the living room in his scramble for the hall closet and the brown coat contained inside. “There was a case this morning, something about a Jane Doe found in a bakery dumpster. She was a customer at the Cherry Flip.”
“Oh my god.” Yuuri gasps. “You were eating her brain.”
“Yeah, when I eat one I get the person’s memories and stuff. It’s really weird.” Viktor’s smile is now reaching his eyes as he swings on his coat. “Yurio’s going to love this, I swear.” And then he’s gone, the door to the apartment slamming shut behind him, and Yuuri is left in a dim kitchen with one and a half glasses of wine for company.
He downs his glass, and sighs. Maybe he should get himself another one.
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